The Theory on Spiral Man You Haven't Heard: His Connection to Everything

Tebows Youth Group

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Aug 17, 2012
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Have you heard of an rpg game back during the playstation 1 era called The Legend of Dragoon ? and did you know that Kishi's relative who works in the video game industry was involved in its production? (Yoshiko Kishimoto)

The Divine Tree in LoD was the source of all life in the world, but it will eventually give birth to a Fruit that is to become the God of Destruction: The Virage Embryo that will bring about the world's end, the people in ancient times, to avoid extinction, separated the God of Destruction's body from its soul, and hurled that body into the sky which became the Moon:

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And according to the ingame legends, the imminent return of this God of Destruction is heralded by the Moon turning crimson red.

A monarch of ages past: Emperor Diaz, revived himself in the present time, to initiate his plan to take the soul of the God of Destruction (reincarnated into a young girl named Shana) and reunite it with its body, to use the power of the Virage Embryo to create a Utopian World, ultimately the Emperor failed, and the God of Destruction was reborn to act according to its nature: The Destruction of the World:


Oh wow, it makes me wonder where (if anywhere) the makers of the game got their storyline.

The similarities are uncanny. What makes this all so interesting is orchimaru, well really, orochimaru's reaction to seeing spiral zetsu; without that there is really nothing to talk about. Simply by showing concern Oro has placed a huge amount of significance in spiral zetsu. Now is it as trivial as simply taking over yamatos body or as complex as a major role player in the story? I lean towards the latter.


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Dec 3, 2012
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Oh wow, it makes me wonder where (if anywhere) the makers of the game got their storyline.

The similarities are uncanny. What makes this all so interesting is orchimaru, well really, orochimaru's reaction to seeing spiral zetsu; without that there is really nothing to talk about. Simply by showing concern Oro has placed a huge amount of significance in spiral zetsu. Now is it as trivial as simply taking over yamatos body or as complex as a major role player in the story? I lean towards the latter.
I think the Complete Fruit is about to emerge, it's almost 1000 years if you add Fukasaku's age + 200 years to the current timeline.
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Senju Bean

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Apr 3, 2013
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Wow this a great thread. You don't post much, but whenever you do, it's something interesting.

I like to point out that the spiral is on the right eye, the same eye that Madara has his Rinnegan. Perhaps this means something...

Also, there were two spirals on the original fruit(I'm guessing one for left Rinnegan and one for right Rinnegan), but only one for Spiral Zetsu. Perhaps there's another one out there. Maybe Spiral Man is just half of the empty fruit.

Oh, and maybe just maybe, Spiral Man can enhance occular powers just like the original Fruit can. Is Obito's MS the most hax among MS users by chance only? Or maybe it was boosted by the empty fruit.


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Feb 28, 2013
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I like the thread; also regarding to poo; i would like to add this, in several religions Adam-Eve-Forbidden fruit trio exists; and in one of this religions Adam and Eve started defecation after they eat forbidden fruit, the act was non-existent in heaven, and after they ate fruit they get kicked out from there.


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May 19, 2011
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Interesting concept. Other than the hollow shell comparisons, have you had an opportunity to cross compare his earlier appearance, looking for additional comments from him or Madara that support the theory?


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Apr 7, 2012
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Have you heard of an rpg game back during the playstation 1 era called The Legend of Dragoon ? and did you know that Kishi's relative who works in the video game industry was involved in its production? (Yoshiko Kishimoto)

The Divine Tree in LoD was the source of all life in the world, but it will eventually give birth to a Fruit that is to become the God of Destruction: The Virage Embryo that will bring about the world's end, the people in ancient times, to avoid extinction, separated the God of Destruction's body from its soul, and hurled that body into the sky which became the Moon:

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And according to the ingame legends, the imminent return of this God of Destruction is heralded by the Moon turning crimson red.

A monarch of ages past: Emperor Diaz, revived himself in the present time, to initiate his plan to take the soul of the God of Destruction (reincarnated into a young girl named Shana) and reunite it with its body, to use the power of the Virage Embryo to create a Utopian World, ultimately the Emperor failed, and the God of Destruction was reborn to act according to its nature: The Destruction of the World:

Wow, this is quite interesting.

I'm feeling more confident that the Juubi will be the final villain.


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Oct 17, 2012
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From all the theories I have ever read in this base -and I have read many- this is without any doubt the best and most radical theory i ahve ever read, congratulations.


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Jun 4, 2011
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He's back!​

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And his timing is awfully coincidental (I'll explain why later). Not surprisingly his presence in the latest chapter seems to be the hot-button topic of this week (that and the possible impending deaths of our heroes). With so many theories about who or what this devious spiral man is I can only offer what I feel to be a unique and more in-depth idea. It is something I am sure you haven't heard yet, so I hope you will be open to it.

Baby I wanna be your Mystery Man​

When trying to solve the mystery of Spiral Man, or any mystery for that matter, (I will not call him Spiral Zetsu and you'll see why), a good place to start is at the beginning.​

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This is where we first saw him. And from here we know he formed into a sentient being and went on to help Obito.

But lets take only what we know (or what has been presented) of him.

1. He grew from the Gedo Statue

2. There is only one of him

3. He is empty (unlike the other Zetsu's)

4. He has a fascination with poo (which is more important than you may think)​

So let's take the first two points.

1. He grew from the Gedo Statue

2. There is only one of him

All Zetsu's, we know, were grown from the Gedo Statue.

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The Gedo Statue is the body of the Juubi and of course the Juubi's true form is the God Tree. So as this picture depicts

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We can say that the Zetsu's grew from the empty body of the God Tree, like plants. So imagine if you will, the Gedo Statue is a tree (which it is) giving birth to all the plant Zetsu's, but only grows ONE of the Spirals.

So lets see, lets see...what can we possibly relate this too. A Tree, that only grows one of something...

I assume you've thought of it before opening the link of this picture, but I'll give you a visual anyway..

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That's right, the fruit. Who draws an interesting comparison with our Spiral Man in that the tree they bore from (which essentially is the same tree) only grew one of them.

And yes, I am here to make the argument that Spiral Man is in fact, the fruit.

So, let's move on to the third point about Spiral Man.

3. He is empty​

Spiral Man is empty, unlike his counterparts.

White Zetsu, clearly not hollow

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Spiral Man, clearly empty

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So why the empty shell Spiral? Well what could we compare this emptiness about, the empty shell of the Juubi or the Mazou Statue?

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And where a full tree, with its chakra, produces a full fruit with all of it's powers

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A shell tree, with none of its chakra, produces a shell fruit with none of it's powers

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I am not going to speak on how much control Spiral Man had (if any) on Tobito. But this statement by Tobi, would make a lot more sense if Shell Spiral Man said it..

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This is why I say his timing in this last chapter is awfully coincidental.

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Strange how as soon as the Bijuu are sealed Spiral Man comes out to play? Because if he is the shell of the God Fruit, then showing up right after the Bijuu get absorbed would be the perfect time to become whole again.

Now, one theory that seems to have become pretty popular is that Yamato rests inside the Spiral we see now. They credit this to the fact that Spiral Man is using Wood techniques, therefore he must be controlling Yamato. But, I would argue that with this..

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Spiral Man's ability to use Mokuton is well documented, why would Yamato be necessary?

Another thing to note is this. Orochimaru

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First of all, I think we can all agree that this proves there is something special about Spiral Man, otherwise why would Orochimaru pause for interest. Some would say his reaction is proof that Yamato lay inside the Spiral because it seems that Orochimaru recognizes him. But I would disagree. The first time I read the chapter (before I even thought of this theory) I took Orochimaru's reaction to be that of unease rather than recognition. I think the unease we see in his expression is due to the fact that he knows how big of a threat Spiral Man is, he is in fact, the biggest threat.​

Another point I would make to strengthen my argument and discredit the Yamato argument (just to be clear though, I am not saying mine is better, both are worth discussing) is this picture here.

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We see Spiral Man using every element. In fact, the author even made sure to mention it's importance through another character..

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I believe he specifically had a character mention the use of the elements because he wanted to make sure we caught on to the fact.

When you think about it, who else could accomplish such a feat?

We know Rinnengan user's

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But where do they get that ability from, in fact where does anyone get the ability to harness the elements?

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The fruit. Don't forget that the ability to use chakra to harness the elements was a stolen power via the fruit. So it would make sense that the Fruit itself, if it were a sentient being, would be able to easily harness all the elements.

Final Point: Everybody Poops

The final point I would make about Spiral Man is his fascination with poo (yes I am being serious).​

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Sure, its funny (kind of I guess), but what the author is trying to show us is a distinct difference in personalities that the Spiral Man has with the other Zetsu. He is trying to show us, through his constant curiosity with poo, that Spiral Zetsu sincerely has an interest in humans, where regular Zetsu does not. The reason for this, I believe, is that the fruit has always wanted to be able to influence mankind, I and others have written numerous threads on this idea. I have always seen the fruit as an entirely separate entity to the God Tree. It has entirely different goals.

This theory actually goes along very nicely with some threads I have written in the past about the fruit. Seeing as how I didn't want to keep writing the same things over and over I tried not to mention the ideas expressed in them. If you liked this theory, I encourage you to read through some of the other threads I have written on the fruit, it might give you a clearer picture to what I am trying to present here.

Anyway, thanks for reading!​
nice thread very interesting however i lost my faith to the writers creativity. kishimoto's storyline becomes flat and boring


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Sep 23, 2012
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Sir Derp Obito. I used to like your theories. But you have over done it with repeatedly posting them and it just bores me now. Sorry dude, your theories have passed move on.

OP: I like this theory, it's quite refreshing and it would make a good twist to the whole plot in general!
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Oct 17, 2012
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I have one question though, if what you said is true then does Madara know what is the real nature of Spiral Zetsu? I mean he must have understood that there is something different about him. Is it possible that Madara is actually his pawn?