The Lost Shores (239)


Sage of Snakes
Apr 25, 2011
Trait Points
Sure thing boss.

Korra would once again channel another round chakra into Sado for his jutsu. After this, the clone would disperse.

(Chakra Tensõ no Jutsu) Chakra Transfer Technique
Type: Supplementary
Rank: N/A
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A (same as the amount transferred) 20
Damage: N/A
This is an advanced ability that ninjas with great chakra control can learn to use and that Bijuu possess innately. The user will release his or hers unmolded chakra onto another ninja, effectively transferring it. The technique has many uses, from restoring an allies chakra to releasing him from a Genjutsu or simply to give him more chakra to mold, allowing him to drastically boost the power of a technique. Tsunade could even use this technique, together with her Creation Rebirth technique to, in conjunction with her summon Katsuyu, heal multiple people at the same time during Pain's attack on Konohagakure. If used to power the use of a technique, the recipient of the chakra can boost one technique by adding +20 chakra to it which increases its damage by +40. To do this, the recipient must mold the technique while the user of Chakra Tenso no Jutsu is transferring chakra into him, meaning that both the transfer and the technique must be done at the same time. The transfer can only be done with direct contact between user and target and restores the targets chakra by up to 100 points per turn. The technique can even be used by ninjas with natural energy passively coursing through their chakra flows, as a medical ninja's near perfect chakra control enables them to filter the unwanted and sometimes harmful energy from entering the recipients chakra system.
Note: Only usable by bios with great chakra control (NB Medical Ninjas, Hyuuga bios, Canon Medical Ninjas). Bios seen using it in the manga can also use it.
Note: Cannot be used to power the users own techniques.
Note: Usable 3 times per battle.


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Aug 17, 2010
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The first golem watched on as Sado began the formation of the second. The tan-skinned man pretended he wasn't in intense pain as he formed the needed hand seals once again raising up the ground below him and causing it to collect into another golem. The chakra transfer technique acted like a power source overcharging his chakra circulatory system again as the intense he felt the intense rush of heat and force burst through his tenketsu, each chakra point safely diverting the flow of chakra as Sado molded and directed it out of his body and into the ground.
The earth shook and buckled this time as with each crack, and buckle of stone more of it merged, blending into one bulky behemoth. Sado once again surged the essence of his physical being through the technique forcing physical energy out and into the formation of the golem. As this happened like before he reinforced the creature with fire creating a combination technique that he brought life to.
Korra's clone seemed to disperse as Sado tried to maintain and hold onto the formation of the Earth and Fire technique almost losing it as the stream of excess chakra faded. However, he was able to maintain the focus needed to breathe life into form as just like the first golem the second began to move on its own waiting for input from its creator.

( Doton/Katon: Saruiwa ) - Earth/Fire Release: Monkey Rock
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80 ( +20 Sage Mode ) ( +40 Chakra Transfer ) = 140
Description: This technique creates a giant stone monkey by accumulating surrounding ground and shaping it into the animal, which is then reinforced with fire. Unlike the Great Stone Golem, the user doesnt have to continuously fuel the technique with their chakra. While the height of the monkey can reach up to 30m, it has a capacity for moving quite fast that belies its hulking stature.
Note: Due to being a dual elemental technique, the user can only use one other jutsu that turn.
Note: This technique does not have any basic elemental weakness.
(Yoton: Jigoku ni henkō) - Yang Release: Change into Hell
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra cost: N/A (+50, -10 per turn)
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user is able to use his Yang nature to embue life into an elemental technique, creating a Yang/Element sentient entity that will stay on the field to aid him. The only limit is the size of the technique originally used as an elemental source as the resulting entity will always be half the size. This entity can be interacted with, can act on its own and is made of the element sourced, with all its properties intact. Its strength is based on the original elemental technique used as a source. This doesn't consume time since its actually a skill applied to a technique used at the same time.
Note: Usable 3 times per battle and up to 6 times per event to create one entity with up to 300 chakra points that is able to use jutsu from the source it was created from.
Note: Yang Release masters can apply this technique to advanced fields and CE and advanced elements.

Sado's Chakra
Remaining chakra:
Senjutsu chakra:
752 - 40 ( Monkey Rock ) = 702
702 - 50 ( Change into Hell ) = 652
652 - 10 ( Sage Mose Maintain ) = 642
Remaining Senjutsu chakra:
Sado's senjutsu chakra stored in Sage Release seal: 862

Monkey Rock 1's chakra:
Monkey Rock 2's chakra:
What is our purpose?

The first golem spoke asking what they were created to do.

It was a question Sado never expected a technique he created to ask.

Well, you were created to protect this land and the people that inhabit it. Your purpose is to fight off the Mother Cult from the east and n the case of an incursion fight alongside me to protect the people that can't protect themselves. I didn't know if I could do it alone, and my allies are scattered right now, this was a fallback plan in case they didn't arrive in time. A way to defend against a threat, that hasn't arrived yet.

He didn't expect a reply and didn't get one as the two golem's prepared to defend the border between the east and west.​
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Active member
Aug 17, 2010
Trait Points
Taking a moment to situate his thoughts Sado would continue with the idea of creating multiple defenses. With the golems in place, to attack when the lands are attacked he would perform the required hand seals and raise a curved section of the stone creating a massive defense like the one found in the Battlements, or Shinramoto. He used what he had learned from his time spent exploring the world to hopefully defend against the Mother Cult in the future. This was just an ordinary stone wall, as the earth rose upward roughly one-hundred meters creating an extensive wall that surrounded the entire port city.
Sado took a long while creating smaller reinforcements to the wall crafting more modest ramparts by raising sections of the earth doubling up the defenses in places and creating openings for trade and commerce. It changed the modest port city, into a highly defendable citadel-city. However, Sado didn't know what would happen in the weeks and months to come. He was preparing for the worst expecting an event that outclassed even the Battle of Shinramoto or the Razing of Degarashan in scale, and destruction. He was tempted to evacuate the people found here to the mainland in the west, but that would be a sign of fear, and weakness.
That fear, and willingness to hide far away was what the Witchwood company and the Last Bastion had shown the Mother Cult for years. Sado anted to be better than that. That was why he stood resolute in his position here on the Lost Shores. He was mere moments from the Mother Cult's headquarters and their last remaining landmasses. The goliath would need to rely on his allies from this point forward, and his creations hoping they could hold the lands they took in from the Mother Cult. Defending them would be improbable, there will be loss, there will be death, but as the Kage, his job was to minimize those catastrophes

(Doton: Daichidōkaku) - Earth Release: Great Moving Earth Core
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: This technique grants the user the ability to freely lower or raise the terrain within a specific area surrounding them, in a similar manner to its parent technique, albeit on a much larger scale. The user will slam his hands on the ground which he can then lower or raise the ground up to 100 meters in a large section. The rise will be fast enough to pin enemies to the ground, restricting their movements as they struggle to get up and the drop will be fast enough to leave almost all enemies without a footing (albeit not airborne). Because of the large chakra needed to alter such a large area of the terrain, the user will be able to use it only a limited number of times.
Note: Can only be used twice.
(Kyousei Doton No Jutsu) – Greater Earth Style Technique x4
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary/Attack/Defense
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 30
Damage Points: 60 ( +20 Sage Mode ) = 80
Descripton: Creates strong pillars, tools and shields made out of earth.

Sado's Chakra
Remaining chakra:
Senjutsu chakra:
642 - 40 ( Moving Core ) = 602
602 - 120 ( Greater Earth Technique ) = 482
482 - 20 ( Change into Hell | Maintain ) = 462
462 - 10 ( Sage Mode | Maintain ) = 452
Remaining Senjutsu chakra:
Sado's senjutsu chakra stored in Sage Release seal: 862

Monkey Rock 1's chakra:
Monkey Rock 2's chakra:
Sado took a seat atop the wall he built looking out over the Lost Shores, taking some time to rest.​
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Active member
Apr 14, 2012
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Sado would leave a note, explaining where he went and what he planned to do.

Travel Itinerary 239 > 242 > 245 > 246
Departing 239 @ 3:29 AM (
242 - 4:29 AM - 5:29 AM
245 - 5:29 AM - 6:29 AM
246 - 6:29 AM - 7:29 AM ( 06/14/2019 )
The clone of Korra would come out from the house bored after being lazy for so long. After reading the note from Sado she would take the burner phone given to her by Geets and text Sado.


This post starts a mission

The Excavation Site
Players involved:
Korra, Shady Doctor
Rank: B
Description: Rumors spread through the east of the Mother Cult and their excavation site. You as a shinobi of Tsumigakure are tasked with traveling to Excavation Site ( 244 ) and spying upon the Necromancers, cultists and the undead. Your job is to gather as much usable information as possible in non-combative ways. Things like their objectives, their level of intelligence, their positions and order of command. Stay out of sight, and don't be found. You are permitted to do this as a group or solo.

Dam must have missed the note but we got technology so a text would have worked!

After getting the instructions Korra would text her partner to meet her there while she didnt want to wait.

Lets get it!


Starting at 239 at 11:07 PM EST
243 at 12:07 AM EST till 1:07 AM EST
Arrive at 244 at 1:07 AM EST
This post marks the beginning of a mission:

Boats n' Hoes
Players involved: Vegeta
Rank: S
Description: You are to find one of the remaining warships left behind by Takauji Ashikaga and his Hangurian Black Ones in the Lost Shores ( 239 ). From there you are to sail it to the Port of Innovus ( 212 ) to build sea fairing trade routes between Tobusekai and the mainland. During your sailing adventure, you'll be attacked by a band of pirates and your task becomes protecting the ship, and any supplies you're taking to the Port of Innovus ( 212 ). Be safe, and protect the name of Tsumigakure during your travels.
Note: A bonus allotment of 30% is added to this mission bringing it to a 1950 kumi payout

Vegeta takes note of everything Sado and Korra had to say in their notes/text, and as he reads Korra's he see's a ship that looked like it hadn't been touched in a while. Moving closer Vegeta notes that there are many supplies near the ship yet they seemed untouched for quite some time. Looking the supplies over, him and Boit board the ship and begin loading what seemed like it was still usable of the supplies left. They then board the ship and begin their journey towards the port. They had several stops to make along the way, and Vegeta wasn't very experienced with ships so who knew what would happen as they sailed the treacherous seas..

  • Like
Reactions: Korra. and Howard


Active member
Aug 17, 2010
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This marks the beginning of my mission with the following elements:
  • Deal with a traumatic event from your past ( 3 )
  • Choose between what is right and what is easy ( 3 )
Summary: Choosing between rushing in or calling in reinforcements, and dealing with past events that were traumatic.
Sado had found himself in a standing position, rest didn't come to him like he wanted.

You need to wait for reinforcements. You keep running into these things half-cocked, full of testosterone with death on the mind. Goliath pride this, tarnished honor that I hear you more than you think. "These humans can't protect themselves." We do share a mental connection, after all, I know you, and I can tell what's going through your mind. Fight or flight.

He had almost forgotten the petite salamander by his side had a way of making her thoughts well and fully known. He was frantic and was genuinely seething with frustration, wanting to end this all here and now. If it were up to him, he would gather his men, and take what scraps of land the Mother Cult had left from them, in turn, making the world a better place but-... there was real, tangible apprehension in that thought.
He didn't know what these cultists could truly do. He fought them in Hagoromo's Last Hearth, and his clone fought them again in the Shadow Tower. These fiends tapped into power he didn't understand with religious ferocity, they were zealots calling upon a force, and a "diety." Even his usual rush in headfirst attitude was tempered with that lack of understanding, yeah, he had chased Takauji Ashikaga away, but the Shogun was just a man. Men could be broken, their funds could be drained away, and they could be frightened away with stories like "the Demon, Sado Yasutora."
The undead he interacted with before were different they didn't act in reason or logic. They mindlessly devoured anything in front of them tearing through whatever stood before them. His thoughts waned back to Conqueror's End and the Razing of Degarashan. Sado had directly dealt with the undead scourge, he remembered the smell of acrid poison as he razed Degarashan.
Those memories were seared into his mind, but most of all, he remembered how he lost himself in Degarashan and let his secondary personality take complete control. Under the influence of his secondary personality, he decimated an entire province, how was he any better than the Mother Cult or Takauji Ashikaga? Because he hid behind subterfuge and subtlety?

What should I do then? Sit here and wait for them? You saw what they did to the world during Conquerer's End. Apparently, that was just a fraction of what they can do. One of my clones literally saw them raise a fetid, bloated corpse in the Shadow Tower. I don't know what to do. I've exhausted my limited capabilities, I don't know how I made it this far. Last year, twelve months ago I was a mercenary, now these people, all of them, my villagers, my allies, the humans that populate our lands. they're all looking at me. Like I have some divine answer to get them through this hell. I'm barely dragging myself through it, what do I tell them if the Mother Cult attacks and I can't defend? "Oops, I accidentally started a war I can't finish myself?" I don't want them to have to see what I saw, the undead creatures the cultists control are so much like the claymore from my nightmares. They eat, and kill, and devour and that-... that scares me. Not what they do, but that I know I'm one step away from being that. One angry thought, and I'm a mindless beast.

The goliath was actually pacing as he went over everything he was thinking. It wasn't like he needed to, via their mental connection Salazzle probably already knew it all before he could speak it. However, it all weighed on him heavily, he tried to play the part of the charismatic, strategist, but he definitely didn't feel as smart as others perceived him.
Was it some form of imposter syndrome, or did he not truly deserve what he had helped build? He didn't know but he did know that he was just as much a danger to it all than the Mother Cult. So, what should he do, he thought? Rush in with these two powerful golems, and try to snuff out whatever vile experiments were going on in the Evacuation Site. That was where Korra had retrieved information. Or he could just cause untold destruction for them, but how would that help?
They fed on and propagated destruction, that chaos would just fuel their fervor, they couldn't be outmaneuvered or pinned down, could they? They were nothing like the Shogun and that made this hard and confusing. The small purple salamander gave the goliath time to speak before interrupting him. Her tone was understanding and it tried to comfort him and give him a direction to work toward.

Well, first like I said you should call your allies. Get them all here, and ready. Sit them all down explain what has happened, what will happen, and what you can do about it. Then listen to them. You don't believe you're smart enough, or strategic enough to handle this so bring in your allies that can mitigate what you lack. That Vegeta guy can kill just about anyone. Lena, she aided you in turning the Shogun's people against him. Fu, remains positive even when things are at their bleakest and there are many others. Get them here, and go from there.

Sado took a deep breath realizing that his goliath nature and the natural energy around him were swelling up and trying to overwhelm him. He closed his eyes and pushed through the visions of that day, and every day like it. The Razing of Degarashan, the Battle of Shinramoto and even the day he lost his tribe. He forced each memory away as they tried to wash over his mind threatening to throw him into madness.
He gradually tilted his head upward until he was looking upward toward the sky with his eyes closed. Gently, each traumatic memory and each vicious, cruel and unruly thought fled his mind as he returned himself to a tempered state. He exhaled the breath he had held for a while and with a refreshed mind began to send out messages for his allies to gather up.
He sent a message directly to Vegeta to gather up any allies and teleport them to the Lost Shores if he could. Then he sent a message out to each of his officials trying to bring them together here to prepare for what may come. He brought up the urgency of the situation explaining the cult and what he or his clones, or what Korra had seen here. The situation was rather dire in his opinion and he wouldn't be able to handle it himself. Though he also needed to discuss how to protect both their home and these new lands.
Sado's Chakra
Remaining chakra:
Senjutsu chakra:
452 - 20 ( Change into Hell | Maintain ) = 432
432 - 10 ( Sage Mode | Maintain ) = 422
Remaining Senjutsu chakra:
Sado's senjutsu chakra stored in Sage Release seal: 862

Monkey Rock 1's chakra:
Monkey Rock 2's chakra:


Active member
Aug 17, 2010
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( Sandāu~ēbu ) - Thunderwave
Type: Tool
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A ( - 5 per turn when used )
Damage: N/A
Description: Thunderwave is a basic chest plate outfitted with a surround sound speaker system, and a microphone. It can be used to play music or make noises more audible than normal similar to a karaoke machine. It is able to produce sound louder than most techniques or the clashing of techniques and can be much louder than the user or opponent can scream. In essence it can act like the (Utsusemi no Jutsu) - Empty Cicada Shell Technique passively at all times being louder and stronger than even that basic technique. It comes pre-loaded with all of the wielder's favorite songs. In battle it can be used to play theme music or it can make the user louder as it has a built in microphone system connected to the speaker system.
The primary use of Thunderwave as mentioned above is the ability to play music with the offshoot of this being the ability to cancel sound waves with sound waves while playing music. This is similar to the Scientific Ninja Tool: Shijima and works like a noise-cancellation speaker. The system can emit a sound wave with the same amplitude but with inverted phase also known as antiphase to the original sound. The waves combine to form a new wave, in a process called interference, and effectively cancel each other out. This effect is called destructive interference and is able to nullify sound techniques in equal rank. The sound can encompass a short - long range area around the user being louder the closer to the user the people who can hear it are and due to this it has a dampening system as to not harm the users ears or cause them any undue problems. It can be fine tuned to look different depending on the wielder's appearance or preference.
Note: Sound techniques can only be canceled once per turn three times per battle.
Doombringer rushed into the landmark as he grabbed up the two golems music belting from him.

**** the ships, we're going in dry.

Like a giddy school-kid, he laughed standing atop the massive golem as they walked through the literal ocean.

( Doton/Katon: Saruiwa ) - Earth/Fire Release: Monkey Rock x2
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80 ( +20 Sage Mode ) ( +40 Chakra Transfer ) = 140
Description: This technique creates a giant stone monkey by accumulating surrounding ground and shaping it into the animal, which is then reinforced with fire. Unlike the Great Stone Golem, the user doesnt have to continuously fuel the technique with their chakra. While the height of the monkey can reach up to 30m, it has a capacity for moving quite fast that belies its hulking stature.
Note: Due to being a dual elemental technique, the user can only use one other jutsu that turn.
Note: This technique does not have any basic elemental weakness.



Monkey Rock 1's chakra:
Monkey Rock 2's chakra:
ELM from LM 242 | LLM

Departing 239 @ 1:40AM ( 7/19/2019 )
Kaijuu Ocean - 2:40 AM - 3:40 AM
Kaizoku Sea - 3:40 AM - 4:40 AM
Kasumi Strait- 4:40 AM - 5:40 AM
Hokubo Ocean - 5:40 AM - 6:40 AM
Gaikotsu Bay - 6:40 AM - 7:40 AM
Aisu Bay - 7:40 AM - 8:40 AM
Arriving at LM 106 @ 8:40 AM


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

  • Fight Giants - (Custom, 5)
  • Become Legend - (Custom, 5)
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Having bodged the dead marshes and turned it into a living hellfire, the crimson waves were still seen from the borders of the Lost Shores. A place where there were many raging and seemingly unnatural rivers, stretching out like veins from a defiled heart. However, this heartland wasn't populated much, even though it was rich of freshwater. It felt like it was an ominous spawning ground of something ancient, horrific and evil had taken place here many ages ago and to this date still having had the effects of scaring off people and wildlife. A land that was defied by myths. This rose Draculas curiousity to the max and had him on full alert most of the times. In his primordial state, it was true that he knew no fear but that didn't mean he was stupid and would not forget to apply caution.

As he carved his way through the forsaken lands, Dracula noticed strange patterns as he roamed throughout the wilderness. Remnants and carcasses of bears, boars and elks were starting to get alarmingly common. Next to each skeleton there were also huge footstep prints. Akemi killed the endless silence that was present in the land.


As long as they’re alive i dont care what i am going up against. Greed.. i.. i.. am already addicted to blood. Wrath... nothing can stop me.. never again..

There were some obvious cavern systems along the ragged shores of the sporadic rivers. All of them abandoned, or atleast seemingly abandoned. However the faint night sky revealed one that seemingly was lightened up from the inside. Something, or someone was in there. They approached closer to it while stealth was key factor here their position was betrayed as one of the dragons stepped on a twig. This minimal sound was replied to with a thunderous roar.

For fucks sake..

The legendary monsters were awoken again, two of them exited the cavern and looked straight towards Dracula and his companions. Thinking they would be of no match to Erentil and Drūndail, he sent them to exterminate the threat. His foes were, however, stronger and managed to land consecutive hits on Erentil before it could do anything. His dragon was destroyed in a mere instant, something that made the master of death dreadfully curious. He recalled Drūndail before his second dragon was to share the same fate. Dracula then applied a sheer brute nightmarish face that would terrify anyone looking on him. He felt his blood rushing through his veins, he found something worthy his time, finally.. he could batter out his pure wrath on something.

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The two giants were at this point still quite far away and he wanted to test out their endurance by channeling up his chakra. Since Erentil was no more, Dracula had regained his ability to use the Jinton element once again. Since he was able to channel the powers of Yggdrasil into his attacks it meant that he could use jinton to a more destructive potential than Erentil could've ever done anyway since it had lacked the sword. As the berserk giants closed in, Dracula wanted to try a lesser element first and released a huge wall of flames.

(Katon: Gōka Mekkyaku) - Fire release: Great Fire Majestic Annihilation
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: A technique where the user makes the horse hand seal and then kneads chakra inside his body which is then converted into fire and expelled from the mouth as a massive wall of intense flames, which covers an expansive range in both vertical and horizontal dimensions, making it extremely difficult to avoid. However, due to its massive width and height, the technique is not one of the fastest seen so far.

While Akemi wanted to assist, her master ordered her restraint. The giants walked through the fire like it was nothing. A golden example of what sort of demonic powers there were out in the nature afterall. They had now reached Mid-range, Dracula grew more and more excited for every moment of this battle. Without further due, he gathered up Jinton chakra this time. After having formed three handseals, he expanded a square shaped prison from his hands and hurled it at the giants. Soon as it reached them it expanded up to 15m2 and disintegrated everything that was present inside of the square. Dracula looked with cautious eyes into the square as the dust were about to settle. Had he succeeded in ending the fight? Short answer; no.

(Jinton: Genkai Hakuri no Jutsu) - Detachment of the Primitive World Technique
Type: Offensive
Rank: C-S(S)
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 15-40(40 + 10)
Damage: 30-80(110)
Description: The user first performs a short sequence of handseals: Rat → Boar → Snake, then creates a basic 3D-shaped construct via Dust Release between the palms of their hands. A small sphere is located at its centre. The structure expands rapidly in size when being propelled towards the designated target and traps them inside its confines. The sphere then seems to explode with a tremendous amount of force, while the exterior walls of the structure effectively restrict the size of the blast radius. This results in the destruction of everything and anyone caught within, as they are pulverised into minute particles of dust. The technique isn't limited to just affecting physical matter; it can also affect chakra-based defenses. But the resulting damage that this technique can produce varies considerably, depending on the initial shape of the created structure..

Cuboid Structure: A form manipulating the Dust Release structure into a very generic three-dimensional cube. While the cube's surface area is rank-dependent, its shape also enables localized destruction and entrapment. Unlike the other shape alternatives, this form is always limited to just short-range when used.

Conical Structure: A form manipulating the Dust Release structure into a simplistic three-dimensional cone. While the cone's base diameter is rank-dependent, its base is always located in front of the user's hands with the pointed end poised at the desired target. It has an intermediary reach, extending up to mid-range.

Cylindrical Structure: A form manipulating the Dust Release structure into a basic three-dimensional cylinder. While the cylinder's diameter is rank-dependent, it is unique amongst shapes in extending up to long-range.

Note: The surface area of the cube form is 1m² at C-rank, 3m² at B-rank, 5m² at A-rank, 15m² at S-rank.
Note: The diameter of the cone and the cylinder is 1m at C-rank, 2m at B-rank, 4m at A-rank, 8m at S-rank.
Note: Only useable by Mū and Ōnoki bios. Clones are unable to use it.

These opponents were beyond anything that he had ever fought before. The only thing he could think about trying now was his new skill that he had acquired. Yin release, and while the phantom dragons seemed to have been easily defeated there was a whole other spectrum towards the Yin release; Genjutsu. While these barbaric giants sure felt like they lacked brains, it was the last thing Dracula would attempt to try before his.. last trumph card. For the first time in his life, he would enter the Yin state and basically neglect every single Yang aspect in his chakra body to instead convert it into pure spirit.

(Inton Modo) - Yin State
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 200 (-40 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: Based on Hagoromo's Six Paths Sage Mode, those who have completed Yin can enter this mode to elevate their prowess but only in their spiritual capabilities. The lack of the Juubi’s monstrous chakra and natural energy makes it impossible for proper balance of both Yin and Yang natures simultaneously at such a high level. When entering this mode, users first gather their five basic nature chakras and their Yin nature. They then manipulate the ratio of their Yin to Yang chakra such that one nature almost completely overshadows the other, done almost instantly and effortlessly. The result causes the user to enter Yin State. Yin State is the state entered by users when they emphasize their Yin chakra over their Yang. In this state the user is endowed with a pitch-black chakra cloak with white magatama down the center, along the collar and sleeves. The cloak reaches down to the user’s ankles and covers a jet-black jumpsuit is underneath. The user’s nails, lips, hair, and sclera also become jet black. Along with the 4 Truth-Seeking Orbs the user will also gain a Shakujo consisting of the same energy and abilities of the orbs. The main attributes that users gain in this the technique Kuninotokotachi. Kuninotokotachi is a genjutsu technique that grants the user prowess on par with the Uchiha’s Mangekyou Sharingan. When casting genjutsu, the user’s techniques become strong enough to hypnotizes and almost completely control their opponent’s actions like Kotoamatsukami. The user also gains a nigh impenetrable spiritual defense through the shifting of balance, making him immune to any A rank and below Genjutsu none Doujutsu or Yin Genjutsu and a complete defense of up to S rank for other spiritual/mental based abilities ( not counting ones that deal physical damage ). The drawback to this state is that the disproportional amount of energy makes users incapable of using Yang Release techniques and other physically elevating techniques. Advanced forms of taijutsu movement (anything that requires chakra or is B-rank and above) also become unusable.
Note: This technique only last 6 turns and can be used only once per battle.
Note: One must have completed Yin Release in order to use this technique. The user can only use either Yin or Yang state on any bio.
Note: Once the technique ends the user’s spiritual or physical chakra is drained to the barest minimum for their survival, thus making them incapable of using Yin, Yang, or Yin-Yang Release techniques for 10 turns and incapable of using Genjutsu or spiritual abilities for 5 turns.
Note: Likewise, users are unable to use techniques above A-rank for 4 turns.

Likewise as an affect to entering Yin state, Dracula managed to create the Truth Seeking Balls.
(Inton: Gudodama) Yin Release: Truth Seeking Ball
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 70 (-140 to opponent on contact)
Damage: N/A
Description: This is a version of the Truth Seeker Ball capable only to users within the Yin State. These orbs possess the five nature elements plus the user’s Yin Release chakra. The ratio of Yin chakra that exists within these orbs is greater than that of the parent technique and thus has more spiritual qualities to compensate for the lack of Yang and natural energy. These orbs are around the size of a fist and are dim, translucent, and gray/black. These orbs are malleable like the parent jutsu due to the collection of nature chakra within them, however they interact less with matter because of their spiritual qualities. As a result these orbs have the ability to absorb chakra and energy (minus natural energy). These orbs can absorb chakra from ninjutsu be it energy or physical matter based. As well, if anybody beside the user comes into contact with the orbs, their chakra will be absorbed into the orbs. Only techniques exceeding forbidden rank in strength (100 damage and higher) can overwhelm the orbs enough to destroy them. Like the parent technique the user can still generate various shapes and objects as well as interact with them physically and command them up to mid-range. The user can also expand these orbs to create a mid-range level explosion that absorbs the chakra in the area. With a single hand seal, the user can take the chakra from one of the orbs and uses the chakra to boost theirselves or others which will increase the rank of their techniques by one on jutsu up to S rank while adding +20 damage to Forbiddens. This application can be used twice (only once on themselves), sacrificing up to two spheres which do not regenerate. The application can only be used once every three turns, however. Again, like the parent technique the user can only manipulate the jutsu for 2 turns at a time before they go on standby. After using one of the orbs to boost their chakra, they cannot use the orbs for 3 turns.
Note: The orbs are created when the user enters Yin State and last until destroyed or when Yin State ends.
Note: The user can command the orbs up to mid-range, beyond that they cannot actively manipulate them other than to call them back. If the orbs go beyond 20 meters, they will remain stationary until the user gets close enough to call them back.
Note: The user gains 4 orbs which surround them in a fashion of their choosing upon creation.

But also the technique that would make his genjutsu techniques on par with the mangekyo sharingan, also known as the highest form of genjutsu in existance.

( Kuninotokotachi ) - Kuninotokotachi
Type: Supplementary
Rank: Forbidden
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: This technique is the strongest non-kekkei genkai genjutsu in existence. Kuninotokotachi gives the user’s genjutsu powerful hypnotic and influential abilities and puts them on par with the ocular powers of the Mangekyou Sharingan. The user hides manipulative thoughts and suggestions within their genjutsu such that, when cast on an opponent, they are indistinguishable from their own thoughts. The effects of this technique are strongest the closer one is to the user, allowing the user to influence the actions of others even subliminally. Long enough exposure to the user’s genjutsu while under the affects of Kuninotokotachi will eventually render victims completely unconscious, unable to respond at all. At such a point, the only ways to release the hold of Kuninotokotachi would be for the user to release it themselves, for the user to die or an outside source to transfer at least 150 chakra from Yin techniques or 75 chakra from Yang techniques to balance. Because of the strength of Kuninotokotachi, abilities designed to prevent genjutsu such as mental resistances, barriers, and other seals of the like are ineffective. With this technique the only way to avoid genjutsu would be to prevent them from happening or stay out of range. On the defensive side, Kuninotokotachi allows for the user to reverse genjutsu like Sharingan Genjutsu and even release the affects of techniques like Tsukuyomi.
Note: The hypnosis of this technique allows for the user to mask holes within a genjutsu that would ordinarily cause speculation. For example, if using false surroundings for a sudden drastic environment change, the user could implant a suggestion that would force the opponent not to question how suddenly the environment changed or to ignore certain aspects such as “the water isn’t wet.” However, these suggestions must be spelled out within the user’s move and must pertain to the affects of the genjutsu. A user cannot force opponents to forget how to defend against x-element or make them use y-technique if the genjutsu’s foundation does not establish such foundations.
Note: The effects of this technique are strongest the closer one is to the target. Within short-range users can capture others within their hypnotic spell and completely take over their body within 2 turns. At mid-range the hypnotic spell takes 3 turns, and long range is ineffective. Those with genjutsu specialty can resist for an additional turn while other Yin Release masters can resist for another 2 additional turns are unaffected at mid-range and beyond.
Note: The user can reverse genjutsu with this technique once per turn (one turn cool down for S-rank and above). Should the user fall under the spell of Mangekyou tier genjutsu the user can release the affects at the cost of a move but become incapable of using genjutsu for two turns after the fact.
Note: This technique remains active for as long as the user is within the Yin State of Yin-Yang Mode.

Using this mode to his advantage, he would then perform a sequence of one handseal. He then placed the targets in a spell where feathers started to fall from the sky, but due to the kunoninotachi, the feathers, in their minds, had always been there and thus made it impossible for them to notice any difference and accept panic.

( Nehan Shōja no Jutsu ) - Temple of Nirvana Technique
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user makes one handseal, placing all the targets in the area under an illusion where feathers appear to fall from the sky. This slowly puts the opponents to sleep after one turn.

Dracula watched in full joy as both of the giants fell to the ground, fully sedated by the genjutsu. Except one of them.. It would seem these creatures had such a strong will for destruction that it was overcoming mangekyuo levels of genjutsu. One of them attempted to rise up while the other one was completely under. Since it was obvious that these beings were driven by sheer willpower rather than chakra, the TSBs had little to no use as there was never any chakra to absorb. Instead, Dracula had to rely on his own trick. He walked in a rather sarcastic way towards the giant, who was about to rise up, even to the effects of this high Yin force. As he approached, he reached for its skin and managed to slip out a seal and place it on the giant. However, he took quite the punch as he did and flew backwards to a massive amount of physical force, smashing into the river water nearby and caused a miniature tsunami to form due to the sheer impact of the blast. He lied in the water, his body was smashed to pieces but he lived. He knew he had ended the battle nevertheless.

(Juuinjutsu: Kugutsu no Noroi) Cursed Seal: Puppet Curse
Type: Supplementary
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short (Short-Long on activation)
Chakra: N/A (70 to place the mark, 70 per turn to control)
Damage: N/A
Hiruko uses this technique to take control of people. It can be activated long after the technique is first applied. The appearance, once activated (which requires the confrontation hand seal), is a red eye with another circle in it resembling the pupil, with four lines stemming from the upper line of the eye and two big thick lines stemming from the side of the eye. This power seems to control the minds of others as it appeared on Kakashi's forehead, vanished, then took control over his body. The eyes of the person who get caught by this technique turn red while they are being controlled. The technique works in a manner similar to controlling a puppet; using hand motions to guide the target to its destination. To apply the technique, the user must have physical contact with the opponent in order to place the curse seal. Once placed, it takes 2 turns to be able to activated but once activated it cannot be broken.
Note: Can only be used once per battle and only by Hiruko bios
Note: Cannot control Jinchurikis.

He sunk through the water like a piece of war torn iron and just let death embrace him. Before that, he did the confrontation seal by focusing his calcium(Shikotsumyaku KKG) to repair his arms.

How about now i help you?

Akemi's tentacles reached down into the waters and grabbed her broken master and pulled him out of the water. Due to his kekkei genkai, Dracula was able to heal his broken bones quite fast. He focused his calcium towards his spine and sat himself up, looking with a smug face on the two knocked out giants. One fast asleep but one that really caught his attention, the one with now red puppeteer eyes.

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As he controlled the strongest giant with hand gestures, it still had its mind settled and had just completely lost control over its body. This, Dracula would exploit in the fullest as he made it watch while he carved up its companion. He did this by focusing a layer of dust chakra around Yggdrasil, making it extremely potent and sharp. So sharp it could slice through even these giants skin.

(Jinton: Chūmon suru chikai | Dust Release: Oath to Order)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A/S
Range: N/A
Chakra: 30/40(-10/15 turn)
Damage: 60/80
Description: Oath to orde is a simple technique which combines dust release and advances chakra manipulation. The user touches any object they want to affect or weaves three seals to affect an object up to mid-range away from them this coating will originate from the users body and spread its way towards/around the object the user wants to use this technique on. The technique infuses a chosen object(as long as it has a physical structure, such as a solid or liquid, summonings, clones and the user themselves cannot) and coat it with a 3D barrier, only a mm thick. This barrier will disintigrate anything it touches and deal massive amount of damage following the S/W of dust release. This barrier can only coat one object at a time or if S-rank version is used, two objects can be coated at the same time but each coating will be of A-rank. The user can send additional chakra passively to fuel the technique, making it last longer at the cost of their chakra reserves.

Note: A-rank variation can only be used four times per battle while S-rank version can only be used twice.
Note: Requires a cooldown of two turns after usage for S-rank version but only one turn for A-rank version.
Note: Can only be taught by Skorm.

The puppeteered one shivered as it saw its companions head falling to the ground, separated from its body. This was something that the unholy Dracula loved to see and dug his teeth into the carcass to suck up blood. This time, however, it was different. Not because it was giants blood but the artifact he had collected previously. It wasnt much but the blood restored his chakra a bit. This was something that he just now had discovered, the true potential of the trinket he had found in the trinket he stole on the boarders of the dead marshes.
(Gyaku Jūjika) - Reverse Crucifix
Type: Artifact
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: The Reverse Crucifix was originally found by Alucard as he slaughtered the many thousand army of the dead in the dead marshes on his first visit there and accidentally awoken them. He found the reversed crucifix on the ground sometime later and was therefore granted its powers, however, these powers are granted to any wielder. It is a very particular trinket. The reverse crucifix became an object of infamy as it was used by Alucard tales of its abilities spreading like a legend. The passive trait of the trinket gives the user the potential to consume blood from either a random victim or an opponent they have rendered unconscious or restrained. The amount of blood is then converted into chakra and gives the user an enhanced chakra pool which could be used very strategically in the ninja world. An NPC no matter their strength only gives the user 25 chakra for consuming their blood. An equal ranked defeated or restrained roleplayer can give the user blood equivalent to 100 chakra points for consuming a portion of their blood but deals no damage in doing so. There is also another trait that is bestowed upon the wielder if they consume the blood of an opponent of the same rank or higher and that is their base speed is temporarily increased +1 lasting three turns. This can be done once per arc and recharges at the start of the following arc. All consumption of blood must be non-voluntary and must be taken by force either in combat through restraint or after defeating an opponent.
Note: The regaining chakra via blood-consumption can only be done twice per arc, recharging at the start of the next arc
Note: Increasing base speed can only be done once per arc lasting three turns and recharging at the start of the next arc

This thing gives me a whole new purpose.. Blood will be the source of my energy..

scanned the environment for a village or a road. As he didn't find neither of those things based on their current location he started to wander off towards the east of the country and leaving behind the trove of the giants. He did keep one giant with him. Some scattered farmers and traders along the road that he found could not believe their eyes when they saw it. A tamed giant that accompanied the group. Dracula knew there was a downside with this capture though, he had to channel great portions of chakra into the seal for the giant not to murder him brutally. This was the only technique he knew of that could stop this thing afterall as one of his strongest elemental techniques barely scratched it along with his strongest genjutsu didn't do much as to merely distract it. He was so inspired by the creature. He almost wanted to be it but since that wasn't anything in his powers to do, he let it be and would instead use the captured giant as a show of power.

As the group traveled on they did indeed find a village, hidden in a vale far from where he had captured the giant. As they entered the town, people started to scream in terror. In a sadistic attire and a passion for chaos, Dracula did the unthinkable. He camouflaged himself into the surrounding and told Akemi and Drundail to get cover. He then released the seal and let the beast lose in the town. The only thing that would give out Draculas location was his maniacal laughter. The lives destroyed, the butchered bodies and the wild giant, killing mercilessly in the search for his main enemy who was hiding in the shadows. The giant was manipulated by wrath, Dracula, by chaos.

(Meisaigakure no Jutsu) - Hiding with Camouflage Technique
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30 (-10 per turn active)
Damage Points: N/A
Description: This is a ninja escape technique that allows the user after performing the Tiger hand seal to control how light is reflected around their body with chakra inflections. The technique also erases the user's scent and shadow, and is usable on any terrain, making it ideal not only for covert maneuvers but also offensive strikes. Perceiving the user's position is possible only for ninja who are astute enough to observe minute variations within their surrounding environment, such as distortions of air currents in the immediate vicinity or distinguishing sounds, i.e. footsteps etc. However, the usefulness of this ability can be entirely negated by those with special vision or sensory skills. The Second Tsuchikage, Mū's mastery of this technique helped earn him the moniker "Non-Person" seemingly having neither form nor chakra while the technique was active. Thus, he could not be sensed through traditional means.
Note: Technique lasts a total of 3 turns

As the bodies piled up, he decided to end the rampaging giant once and for all.
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He went with the same powerful sword that he had use to separate the other giants head from its body. But this time, he formed two twin swords made out of liquid metal and coated both of them with the layered dust chakra.

(Jinton: Chūmon suru chikai | Dust Release: Oath to Order)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A/S(A)
Range: N/A
Chakra: 30/40(-10/15 turn)
Damage: 60/80(100)
Description: Oath to orde is a simple technique which combines dust release and advances chakra manipulation. The user touches any object they want to affect or weaves three seals to affect an object up to mid-range away from them this coating will originate from the users body and spread its way towards/around the object the user wants to use this technique on. The technique infuses a chosen object(as long as it has a physical structure, such as a solid or liquid, summonings, clones and the user themselves cannot) and coat it with a 3D barrier, only a mm thick. This barrier will disintigrate anything it touches and deal massive amount of damage following the S/W of dust release. This barrier can only coat one object at a time or if S-rank version is used, two objects can be coated at the same time but each coating will be of A-rank. The user can send additional chakra passively to fuel the technique, making it last longer at the cost of their chakra reserves.

Note: A-rank variation can only be used four times per battle while S-rank version can only be used twice.
Note: Requires a cooldown of two turns after usage for S-rank version but only one turn for A-rank version.
Note: Can only be taught by Skorm.

(Bisumaton: Kamigami no umi | Bismuth release: Sea of gods)
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: D-S(S)
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 10-40
Damage: 20-80(110)
Description: Sea of gods is a multi-ranked technique that serves as the basic, jack-of-all-trades technique of the bismuth release. It can be created from existing sources(earth) or from the user directly. Depending on how much chakra he/she spends it amps the technique further and thus produces more liquid bismuth. The force of the torrent of the liquid metal will also become greater the more chakra is spent into the technique. But even so, small amounts of liquid bismuth may be enough for some occasions too. Through this technique, the user will be able to shape the land infront of them and create small or large torrents of the liquid bismuth, create a huge "sea" of the molten metal right under their targets or manipulate pre-existing liquid bismuth to form into huge hands or small flying liquid bullets. Even though the possibilities are essentially endless, the bismuth will stay on the field until destroyed and does not require chakra to stay on the field. However, since the release is indeed liquid it cannot maintain any lasting functional structures unless chakra is used to sustain the releases state. Sort of like water which can be formed into a dragon but needs chakra to sustain its form in such case. D, C and B ranks can be used indefinitely while B-ranks will require one handseal; Hare. A rank variation can be used up to 4 times, but will start to require two handseals; Hare - Ox. S-rank variation requires three handseals; Hare - Ox - Rabbit - and can be used up to 3 times per battle.

Note: B-ranks require a single handseal, A ranks two handseals and S rank three handseals.
Note: A rank version can be used 4 times per battle, S rank 3.
Note: No Bismuth Above A-rank after using S-rank version.

Using the twin bismuth swords, he would sever the head of his creative puppet and proceed to drink chakra from it as well as the corpses that were scattered across the entire village. For every corpse, his chakra was regenerated and he continued until he was completely full.

I am.. finally complete. I don't lack purpose anymore, i'm the wildfire that cannot be quenched, the wave that continues forever..

After having completed the horrible endavour, Dracula would do his usual thing. Burn the village and the corpses to the ground, leaving no traces of his massacre. As he destroyed the village in a stream of fire, he could hear the sound of horrified survivors running for their lives. Would he pursue? Of course.

(Katon: Gōen no Jutsu) - Fire Release: Great Flame Technique
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user does one handseal and inhales while molding a great amount of chakra into their lungs and expelling a large stream of flames from their mouth. The user has control over the concentration of the technique, being able to produce a narrow jet of flames, highly concentrated or one that will widen along its range. The flames are hot enough to quickly evaporate large quantities of water within a relatively short amount of time.

Survivors.. Ha.ha..haaa..

Doing what any evil soul would do, he chased down every single man and woman who were fleeing for their lives while he let the children go. They were the best carriers of words afterall and if he got what he wanted. There would be a nation to fight him in the end. He would become legendary by his acts as the dark manipulating bringer of death and chaos. Nobody could escape his wrath and greed. Sadly not even himself.

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As the entire village and surroundings were burning in the background, Dracula reflected on what he had just done. This was his true self afterall.

The group decided to move through the land to find more places to pillage and burn. Sadly, this landmark was extremely scarce of population. He did however manage to destroy a few more small settlements to fill his inner demons cry for.. more.
After having desecrated majority of the landmark, Dracula knew his task was done here. There would be tales about his manners and actions. Only bad horrible ones, what a nice day.



Active member
Jan 26, 2017
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From here

Yamamoto arrives in the lands free from the storm in the north, looking for somewhere to rest for a few days. Though there was no one to be scene. He continue to look for any signs of life...


Active member
Jan 26, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from here

King arrived at the shores, he'd continue his journey while searching through the lands, hoping to see his old friend soon.
Yamamoto looked on at the new arrival to the port. It seemed he'd finally have some company aside from the Yonbi, but who would it be. At one glance it was clear, due to the distinct features, The Night King. He was an old acquaintance, maybe even an old friend, yet something never felt right about him. Could of simply been due to their opposing affinities? Who would know. Though it was time to see how far he'd come along.

Mission Objective:

- Fight an individual of comparable strength

Now stood mid range from his old 'friend', Yamamoto drew his sword, making a vertical downward slash in the direction of the new arrival. His opponent would still be on the boat at the port as Yamamoto released a wave of lava towards him, aiming to destroy the ship in the process. Not only this but once it had cooled it would provide a new pathway for him to walk down:

(Yōton: Kasai ha) - Lava Release: Pyroclastic Blade
Rank: B-S B
Type: Attack/supplementary
Range: Short-Long Long
Chakra cost: 20-40 20
Damage points: 40-80 40 + 30 = 70
Description: This is a play on the "Greater Lava Technique" using a blade/sword as a medium. The user will coat their blade in flowing lava to increase it's cutting potential, adding 20 damage to kenjutsu techniques. The user will be able to use the sword as a medium for releasing Lava. This can be done in a focussed manor using chakra control or in a wave in the direction they swing. For B rank this can the size of the user and reach mid range. For A rank this can be three times the size of the user and reach mid range. For S rank this can be up to 15m in diameter. Due to the heat given off by the lava, anyone within short range will feel the fatigue of the heat (apart from the user), as they constantly sweat and try to focus. This will lower their reaction times by 1/3.
Note: B rank can be used 4 times per battle
Note: A rank can be used 3 times per battle, and only once per turn
Note: S rank can be used twice per battle with two turns between uses
Note: No lava jutsu above A rank in the following turn when S rank is used.

Challenge to @NightKiing
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Active member
Mar 12, 2014
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Coming from [x]

This post marks the beginning of my mission with the following storyboard element(s):

Explore the history of something (3)
Fight an enemy stronger than yourself (4)

Summary: Ozymandias and Merlin continue their travel towards Avalon, the Magus of Flowers resuming his recount of the story of Artoria. While the two converse, they encounter a gang of rogue mercenaries who lie in wait to ambush unsuspecting travelers. His powers limited due to the virus in his body, Ozymandias must fend off the attackers with the help of Merlin.​

The pharaoh and the magus continued to walk through the land, a third of their journey complete. Merlin had made a few attempts to learn more of the pharaoh's past, but all were brushed aside by Ozymandias. "Continue your story about Artoria." the pharaoh insisted, his interest in the history of Camelot and its King doubling as a good excuse to get Merlin to stop asking about his own history. "Ah yes! Hmm, where was I?" the incubus wondered to himself, before suddenly remembering, as if he had thought of a wonderful idea. "As King, Artoria's reign brought great prosperity to her land. She waged war where necessary, defending Camelot from invasion by neighbouring factions and and kingdoms. She was a kind-hearted person, but no less capable of utter ruthlessness. On the battlefield, none slew more than her." Ozymandias could see that Merlin held this Artoria in high regard. He was curious as to whether he thought similarly of the other kings he had served, or if she was an outlier, making a note to himself to ask the incubus on the subject later, allowing him to continue his recount of the King's life.

"Her rule was eventually challenged by a man known as Vortigern, who drank the blood of a white dragon and became an avatar of Britain itself. He saw the coming of the Age of Man as sacrilege, and sought to end her rule. He would have made the country a place uninhabitable for humans." Merlin said solemnly, his recollection of the events dampening even his mood slightly. "He was strong, unimaginably so. Even when cornered, he left both Artoria and Gawain on the brink of defeat. It was a miracle that they triumphed over Vortigern that day." the incubus remarked. Ozymandias surmised from Merlin's words that he was not present for the battle against Vortigern, and thus questioned his recollection of the events. "If you were not there, then how can you be sure of what happened?" the pharaoh inquired, to which the Magus of Flowers replied "Well, I have what is known as Clairvoyance. It's a special kind of 'sight' that transcends normal vision, allowing me to perceive things in the present that I cannot see normally. Mine is not the only kind, but it is unique." Ozymandias raised a brow at Merlin's explanation, wondering if that was how he knew exactly where to find him a day ago. Were it not for the next series of events, he would have asked Merlin to continue his story.

Taking a step forward on their path, the ground a few meters ahead of them began to glow. It began to spread towards them, forming a circle of light that stopped a meter from the pharaoh and the incubus. The glow intensified, and the earth itself began to burn. Raising an open palm, Ozymandias projects a circular shield of Dendera Light in front of himself and Merlin. His instinct proved useful as the ground ignited, exploding violently. When the smoke cleared, a small crater was visible, but Ozymandias' shield remained standing, its electrical energy humming gently. "Whew, you saved me there, King of Kings. I surely would've been toast if you hadn't been so quick." Ozymandias ceased fueling the construct, saying nothing to the incubus. He knew that something like that wouldn't be of any trouble to the Magus of Flowers.

(Kōshiton: Anku no Eien) – Dendera Light Release: Key of Eternity
Type: Offensive / Defensive / Supplementary
Rank: D - S (B)
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 10 - 40 (-10 per turn)
Damage: 20 - 80
Description: Key of Eternity is a jutsu which deals with basic applications of Dendera Light, encompassing usage of the element’s more compressed, plasma state. The user is able to create basic shapes and attacks made of compressed, solid-like energy, and form constructs possessing more geometric form, including armors. Energy may be created anywhere on the battlefield, except for within short-range of the opponent, unless the user is also within short-range of them, and the crackling, sizzling sound of the area where energy is manifested is made serves to warn anyone nearby of its manifestation. Due to the energy being highly compressed, it does not flow or stream like flames, but crackles and tears through matter as it moves. It is more akin to Lightning Release in this sense. It easily rends flesh and bone, destroying solid matter it comes into contact with. These constructs possess an aspect of tangibility, meaning that the user is able to create appendages that would assist with mobility. Usages of B-Rank and higher will require seals to be formed (B - 1 , A - 2 , S - 3), and all usages of this jutsu will last for up to four turns at maximum. S-Rank usages can be performed 4 times per battle and cannot be used in consecutive turns.

Rushing forth from the smoke was a cloaked man wielding a poison-coated dagger. Calling his crook to hand through the seal imprinted on it, the pharaoh holds it up to block the swipe taken at his exposed chest. Whilst the pharaoh is occupied, another stranger emerges from the bushes, their greatsword poised to decapitate both him and Merlin. The incubus raises his staff, catching the bladed weapon and halting its momentum. Beneath their hoods, the attackers nodded at each other, each forming the ram seal with their free hand. With this, the ground beneath their very feet began to glow. Unable to protect both himself and Merlin at the same time, Ozymandias' only choice was to have faith in the incubus' ability to defend himself. Creating a familiar around himself, the humanoid's arms reach out to the attackers, grasping their necks firmly with intent to strangle them. To Ozymandias' surprise, they both disappeared in a puff of smoke; shadow clones. Before anything else could be done, the ground shattered beneath them, torn apart by the explosive set within it via Ninjutsu.

(Kōshiton: Shisha no Kuni) – Dendera Light Release: Hand of Anubis
Type: Offensive / Defensive / Supplementary
Rank: D – S (B)
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 10 – 40 (-10 per turn)
Damage: 20 – 80
Description: Hand of Anubis allows the user to create familiars composed of Dendera Light in either it’s flame-like or plasma-like state. These familiars are controlled by the user, acting as minions to serve various purposes on the battlefield. Their shape and size are at the behest of the user, and can be made to fight directly alongside the user as smaller humanoid figures or as larger beings, up to the size of the Great Stone Golem, and can be shaped according to the user’s desire. These familiars are able to utilise Dendera Light techniques up to their own rank (e.g. an A-Rank familiar can only use A-Rank Dendera Light or below). Due to being composed of the element itself, they are capable of utilising techniques of Dendera Light on the level of an Apex Handseal specialist. The familiars themselves are able to passively shape certain parts of themselves into appendages resembling weapons etc, even after they have manifested. Additionally, the user is capable of manifesting these familiars around his person, similarly to that of Susano’o, with the user floating in the chakra anywhere in the body of said familiar. Unless otherwise stated, the user will always be located in its head. Familiars of B-Rank and higher require seals (B - 1 , A - 2 , S - 3) and all usages above B-Rank can last up to four turns at maximum. Once an S-Rank usage of this technique ends, this technique cannot be used again for one turn to create a familiar above A-Rank strength. S-Rank usages can be performed thrice per battle.

The force of the explosion launched Ozymandias into the air, the embrace of his familiar having kept him safe from harm. However, it was damaged by the explosion, cracks visible in the pseudo-solid plasma. Facing the sky, Ozymandias saw a blur appear above him, presumably the real version of the cloaked attackers. His limbs were coated in rapidly circulating gusts of wind, the stranger launching a jab straight at the pharaoh's chest. An assault like this usually wouldn't trouble the pharaoh, but his weakened constitution due to the virus limited his options. That, and the opponent was fast. Too fast for Ozymandias to react. The blow smashed through the familiar shielding Ozymandias' body, connecting with his stomach. Due to the wind coating, physical contact was prevented, and the virus wouldn't be passed onto him. Wincing at the blow, Ozymandias' body careened back towards the ground. Laying on the ground, Ozymandias looked around him to find the Magus of Flowers. To his annoyance, Merlin was out of sight, and he returned his gaze to the airborne attacker, who used the wind coating on his legs to send himself flying towards the prone Surgebinder. With few options available to him, Ozymandias raised an open hand towards his opponent, projecting a circular shield of golden Prana. When his assailant's blow connected, the Prana absorbed the wind coating, sending it to the Throne, leaving the body exposed to the debilitating effects of the energy. The man grunted in pain as the power of the Prana seeped through his body, causing immediate frostbite. He rolled off the shield as quickly as possible, trying to put some distance between himself and Ozymandias, who stood up from the ground, panting from exhaustion and trying to get his breath back.

(Kanki: Kigen no Kamigami) – Surge of Evocation: Era of Gods
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: D-S (B)
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 10-40
Damage Points: N/A
Description: This technique encompasses the basic applications of the Surge of Evocation. The Surge of Evocation is the usage of Prana in its raw and unrefined form; whatever this Prana touches is transformed into ethereal energy and transported to the Throne. Prana will neutralize and be neutralized by techniques that possess the same amount of chakra. Similarly it will be useless against attacks of greater chakra and will not be weakened by techniques of lower chakra. However when used on living targets this ambient energy will feel extremely frigid to the touch and induce cold burns on contact or even freeze a target solid for higher ranked applications. D to B-Rank uses will inflict cold burns as well as all of the effects of frostbite. A-Rank uses will cause necrosis of the afflicted parts of the body, making them appear dark purple and bruised to signify the death of cells. Affected appendages and organs will cease to function, becoming completely immobile in the case of limbs. S rank uses will freeze the struck targets solid. In the case of Surgebinders, who are immune to all of the above effects, they will be transported to the Throne when struck by the prana of another member of their clan. Era of Gods can be split into three separate applications, all based on the same principle: constructs, armors, and familiars made of prana energy.

Pride of Gilgamesh – Gates of Babylon
The Pride of Gilgamesh allows the user to produce Prana either from the user’s body or on the battlefield. The Prana can only be manifested within short-range of the opponent if the user is also within that range, in which it must be created a minimum of one meter away. This restriction does not apply if the user chooses to release the Prana from their body, rather than manifest it away from themselves. The energy can be released from the body via various hand signs depending on the user's rank in the clan. This can be done to generate constructs bound only by the rank of technique used and one’s imagination; alternatively the user can simplify the application by creating streams, waves, and constructs of Prana. Manifested Prana is capable of taking solid form, granting tangibility at the user’s volition. Non-projectile uses of this technique are capable of levitating and can be governed through mental commands and a sustained chakra cost. B-Ranks and below are sustained through 5 chakra per turn, A-Ranks and above require 10 chakra per turn. Created constructs will last three turns per usage unless they are prematurely cancelled. S-Rank applications can only be used once every three turns and no Prana in the user’s next turn.

Thankfully, his opponent wasn't as eager to rush in as before, now that his limbs were injured. Forming the Tiger seal, Ozymandias exhales a sphere of fire that travels directly towards his assailant, who replies by forming a blade of chakra at his fingers and slicing through the flames. This results in the fireball being parted perfectly so that its two halves are diverted away from them. Due to the effects of the frostbite in his legs, he does not start running immediately, needing to muster even greater effort to move his extremities. This moment of vulnerability was one that Ozymandias exploited, channeling chakra into the ground beneath his opponent, causing spikes to shoot upwards into his legs. The man lets out a howl of pain, rooted to the spot by the spikes. Forming the Tiger seal, Ozymandias releases a thin jet of ash that surges along the ground, eventually reaching the unfortunate opponent. The flames engulf him, searing his flesh, and causing him to collapse due to the melting of the spikes in his legs. He crumples to the ground, defeated. The pharaoh sighs, content now that the battle was over. He looks around again for Merlin, who appeared from the treeline. "Aha, you really are strong! Even in your current state you saved our skins!" the incubus exclaimed joyfully, his tone one that could almost be mistaken for sarcasm. "Let's move. There may be more lying in wait." the pharaoh demanded, to which Merlin obliged by skipping and hopping his way to his companion. They resumed their journey, walking past the charred body of the unconscious bandit.

(Katon: Gōenkyū) - Fire Release: Great Blaze Ball
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user after performing two hand seals Horse → Tiger exhales a big-sized sphere of fire that carries the enemy away and causes a massive explosion on impact. The fire ball has a given solidity property to it, being able to punch through solid obstacles without exploding.

(Doton: Ganchūsō) - Earth Release: Stone Spikes
Type: Offensive
Rank: C
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 15
Damage: 30
Description: This technique lets the user create a few rock pillars that will protrude from the ground to skew the target. The rock pillars will even pass through obstacles to reach their target if these are less dense. The pillars/spikes can be done in any earthen surface, including other earth techniques of the user.

(Katon: Karyū Enda ) - Fire Release: Fire Dragon Flame Bullet
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user first performs seven handseals Ram → Horse → Snake → Dragon → Rat → Ox → Tiger and kneads chakra into flames, which are then manipulated and exhaled as a thin yet incredibly fast jet of flames that spread across the ground as it runs towards the enemy. Its temperature is such that it easily melts the ground as it travels and can reduce an enemy to ash.



ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

  • Take responsibility for the actions of your Clan and/or its members
You must be registered for see medias
Alucard had not been out in the bush for a long time now. He was feeling eager to do some field work again and after having left the Veskal's exchange for a brief adventure, he had headed south-west from there and into the Lost Shores. Last time he was here, he had slaughtered innocents and so thinking his arrival back here would be welcoming was out of the question. He had left no traces of his being there but he knew that there would most certainly be survivors that had told the stories. His outbreak and duality form known as Dracula was a thing in the past now, hopefully, and he would see to it that he could try gain influence over the lands he had once desecrated. Upon arriving in the landmark, Alucard would look at the surroundings. It had been almost a year now and the land seemed to have recovered. Question now was, did he have enemies here now that knew about his past encounters here. As he ventured deeper into the landmark, he would stumble across some villages where he would encounter citizens. He would stand a few meters back, stationary, at the road that crossed paths with the village. A grim and stark stare would meet his gaze from the shocked villagers. They recognized him immediately and dropped all their belongings and ran in the opposite direction as fast as they could.

I guess i should've seen that coming huh.

Alucard would continue on the road leading towards the bigger villages next to the shores of the lakes and the sea. His ambition here and now was to try find a way to put his actions in this area behind him so that there would be peace between his clan and the citizens, the few that remained. He wanted to do this because it wasn't unlikely that he would not come back and claim this landmark in the name of the Hellsing Organisation in the future, when his clan would be powerful enough to establish colonies in the Tobusekai. He would eventually get closer to the main village of the landmark. His presence had already been notified by the ones that fled from him moments earlier and there would be guards and marshals surrounding him as he closed in on the perimeter. The captain would step out from the lines of soldiers and approach Alucard.

So, the devil comes crawling back for more genocide. I doubt our ranks stand a chance against you, but we will do all we can to put you down, monster.

Alucard took a moment to reflect within himself. Every word he would utter from this point would have severe impact. Was he going to take on the responsibility on himself, or play the blame game. It was entirely his fault the landmark was put into this state but the actions doing the slaughter was not his. With a calm voice, Alucard would speak.

Last time i was here i was at war. Not just with giants, but within myself as well. While my actions are unforgiven, the man that was here, letting one of the Giants destroy a village is no longer existing. He sacrificed the lives of the villagers in order to gain power. But also an identity. The actions of Dracula is all in the past. Nothing now can be done to erase those actions from having happened but i have erased those actions to be repeated. It's not too far to compare me to a Jinchuuriki where a beast inside me laid dormant, waiting to create a massacre while i am surpressing it within me. I know what brings him out of me as well. Near death experiences.

One of the guardsmen approached Alucard from behind with a pike, aiming to ram it into his back.

..So i would not recommend that, my dear friend. Unless you intend to bring him back again that is.

Is that a threat?

No, it's the truth. I doubt you could hurt me even if you tried though. I've accomplished something great that has awoken divine powers. That's why i am stating to you now, that Dracula is no more. Because, i am not able to be killed.

You're full of shit. GUARDS!!

The squad would start to attack Alucard, who would isolate himself into a sphere of gravitational and repelling forces, that he would keep up using his hands gesturing upwards with two open palms. The bubble was impenetrable, and despite the guards best efforts they could not pierce it through and after some time they regrouped. The captain was furious.

( Tensei Suiryoku ) - Reincarnation Thrust
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary/Defense/Attack
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 40 - 160
Description: The user will repulse and push away anything around him up to a given range, in all directions, producing an omni-repulsion effect. The force and repulsive effect is absolute, affecting both energy and matter alike. The technique itself can be used with different ranges/sizes, depending on how much chakra the user spends for the technique and can even, in its smaller form, be sustained, forming a static defensive field instead of a wave-like effect.
Shōkibo - Small Scale: the user will push away anything around him up to short range. The offensive power in this size is not that high as it hits opponents but can still do severe damage. It isn't, however, fatal, boasting a physical 40 damage. If the user focuses this ability with the help of his hands he can sustain a defensive absolute repulsive field around him. He can't, however, do any technique while he is sustaining it and he can only sustain it for 2 turns. Once used, takes one turn cool down to use gravitational related techniques again.
Chūkibo - Medium Scale: the user will push away anything around him up to mid range. The offensive power in this size is severe, sending opponents flying backwards with enough force to, if not defended properly, leave near fatal physical damage. Although not directly fatal, the technique boasts a physical damage of 80. If the user focuses this ability through one or both hands, he can push away a specific target or technique alone, instead of producing the normal omni-repulsive wave. Once used, takes 2 turns cool down to use gravitational related techniques again.
Ōkibo - Large Scale: the user will push away anything around him up to long range. The offensive power of the technique is devastating and anything in its path that doesn't manage to defend properly is left obliterated. Its fatal if unguarded, boasting a physical damage of 160. Using this techniques poses a great deal of danger to the user as he damages his chakra pathway itself to be able to mold sufficient chakra to perform it. Once used, the user loses the use any gravitational related techniques for the remainder of the fight and is unable to mold chakra for techniques above A-Rank for 5 turns.
Note: The technique is immune to normal Elemental Weaknesses and Strengths and as such can't be blocked or stopped. However, the enemies can still use techniques that prevent or reduce physical damage to their bodies to survive its effects or escape its range through a fast enough technique. This means that in the large scale, while the technique can't be stopped or directly countered, enemies can still manage to survive if they logically counter.
Note: Can only be used by Tenseigan Bios.

Alucard would let his bubble disintegrate to follow up their conversation. Soon as the sphere was down, however, the captain would rush towards Alucard a drive a sword through his belly. Alucard choked and coughed up some blood but would look down on the captains eyes with a calm that was not matching his situation whatsoever. He smiled back towards the captains confused expression. The captain retreated after leaving his sword hanging out from Alucard's abdomen. Everyone stared at the sword. With a sigh, Alucard would drag out the sword from his abdomen and his healing factor would start to kick in immediately, sealing the wound while healing his intestines as soon as the sword was pulled out completely. Alucard held the blood soaked sword in his left hand for a while and then tossed it to the ground. He would meet the captains gaze with his Tenseigan, hidden behind his yellow-tinted glasses. He would speak.

..Are you done?

What sort of bargain do you have with the dark powers of the world, demon?

None. These powers has been taken from enemies of the world by my own hands. Warriors trophy, as you could put it.

Captain.. He did remove a threat from our land that easily could've wiped all of us out. Maybe we should stop dwell entirely in the past and look what this person can give the free world?

I refuse. Until i hear from the rest of the world that his actions have done nothing but saving people, he is an enemy to me. And even by then, i will put him to the test.

Sounds reasonable. I do not wish for you to forgive me for my actions, i cannot do that myself. However, i want to re-assure you that the person who commited this crime is no longer with us. You will hear from the world about the deeds of my new organisation.

I doubt anything will change. I demand that you will leave now. You will know from me when i accept your revisit and while appreciate that you've taken your responsibility, you're just too much of a threat to us now. Until further notice you're banished.

I accept this. Glad we had the talk.

Alucard felt accomplished as he left the town. He travelled north yet again, with a heavy weight lifted from his heart. His organisation would be given a fresh push from their meeting, even though he was banished, the people had given him a chance of redemption. It was all he could ever ask for.



ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from[x]
Storyboard Mission Element(s)
  • Stop a brewing or exploding revolt
You must be registered for see medias

Alucard had left Veskal's Exchange empty-handed and wasted a fortune. He wouldn't let that damper his spirit though and was keen on proving to the world that no matter how much shit it takes on him, he would rise. He arrived shortly in the all too familiar Lost Shores. It was a while since he was there and he had arranged a settling with his account to the people that lived there, well the ones remaining atleast. It would seem like his visit from last time had sparked an outrage in the community, several people was leaving the shores by the looks of it and Alucards present in the land was left untreated by any of them. Something had clearly happened after their deal had struck. He looked out towards the port and saw that ships were leaving, stuffed with goods. He would converse with a local about the situation.

Report to meeeee, what's going on?

The local was showing a full expression drowned in fear as he would stagger away from Alucard and turn into the other direction. It would seem this one knew him a bit too well. With a stuttering voice he would speak as his pace accelerated away from Alucard.

This town has gone to hell.

Alucard wasn't sure what he meant fully until he witnessed some of the locals on the ships manners, pointing guns towards their own people and demanding their treasures. It would seem like a portion of the townsfolk had decided to leave the crippling shores due to the current stance of the continent and deciding to take away as much of value as they could before they were off. It was a pure act of treason and even piracy. Alucard was not sure if he should act, but he felt like he owe it to the town after all they had been through. Besides, the rest of the continent, well the remaining people living there, were depending on their goods and the infrastructure of the shores. He simply could not risk it being lost or it would be a major loss for all the remaining civilization of Tobusekai. He marched down to the docks and people scattered in his presence like the devil was walking on their streets in open daylight. The revolting deserters caught an eye on Alucard. Their response to his presence was that of a discord and lead them all to arm themselves with whatever tools they had at their disposal. Alucard raised his hands as a response and talked with a calm voice, for his standards.

I think you'll all know what happens if you decide to attack.. me. How about you calmly surrender your treachery an..


Alucard looked down and noticed his chest had been pierced by several arrows. He felt no pain but started to feel his life force fading as the arrows had broken through his bones and organs and continued their journey through his entire abdomen and ribcage to the other side of his body. He sighed as he fell to his knees as the blood gushed out of his chest. He had seen it so many times before, almost shocked to see that he still even had blood in his body at this point. He would pluck out one of the arrows from his chest as the hole would seem to regenerate. He held the arrow in his hand for a second and looked at it. His blood, the dark red substance.. He licked the arrow clean from his blood while looking sharply towards the panicking deserters who now attempted to flee instead. Alucard would toss the arrow back with such force that it pierced one of the boat's hull. He then removed the remaining arrows before he dived into the sea himself, chasing the prey. He hadn't felt the icy waters soaking through his attire for a long time and the coldness of the water would temporarily engulf his rage with a bitterness that would overwhelm his senses. I focused entirely on his prey as he swam out towards the ships with the panicking men and women who had decided to riot against humanity. He would continue the chase out to sea, having created a large platform he would float upon from debris of the sunken ship and stones from the town. He would pursuit the prey like an angry god.

( Kinbō Tensei Jōzai ) - Localized Reincarnation Tablet
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 30 (+15 per turn active)
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user creates a floating sphere from nearby debris beneath them, using the gravitational control to levitate the sphere of debris and use it as a floating platform. Keeping it active, however, requires the user to expend chakra.
Note: Can only be used by Tenseigan Bios.



ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Continuing mission from [x]

The captured band of deserters were still on a high dose of Genjutsu as Alucard closed in to the shores once again on his flying platform. The scattered villagers mobilized to make an attempt to take in the criminals who was their family and friends while Alucard would set down his platform and land on the docks. Their bodies would be placed on the docks along with the goods they had stolen from their friends and family. His business here was not concluded though, and before the captives would wake up again he would remove all of their weapons and treasures and put their sleeping bodies into a pit that he would carve out using his chakra, about ten meters deep and 90 degrees steep, making it impossible to climb out of.

(Doton: Tsuchi Kairō) - Earth Release: Earth Corridor
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: The user will first perform the snake hand seal and then cause the earth in the surrounding area to rise up and over a target and create a cavern, imprisoning the target. The user can leave an opening to allow attacks to go in to strike down the trapped adversaries, or close it up completely to prevent escape.

Their anger started to steam out of the earthern corridor as there was a crowd gathering around their imprisonment in the pit. Alucard's thoughts was with the people of the rest of the Tobusekai when he shouted out loud infront of everyone.

This is the result of abandon duty and running from fear. You will face it in another shape down the line regardless of where you go. I am living proof of this to you.

He looked around for a while on the crowd around him as he put on his glasses from his pocket. His hands were steady and appearing motionless during the gesture.

It is time that you get your shit together and stay true to humanity. Any other rioters or deserters that i catch wind of will become an example for the rest of you and it won't just be a temporary sleep.

He chocked on his words slightly. He had just threatened them, this wasn't the way he was going to go with this originally but it was just how he was as a character and all his life had been revolved around threats for the most part. Did he not know any better than this?

..Well actually, it shouldn't be i that pass on your judgment next time you go for a riot. It will be your souls that will come back to haunt you. Look at your family and friends you've hurt. Is this really what you need right now? You need to stay true to the ones you..

This was so out of line for Alucard. Saying these words would prove to be impossible to him. He could not continue his speech but he didn't need to. He had said enough, as he was greeted by a bystander who placed their hand on his shoulder.

We got it from here, thank you for all your help..

Alucard left the scene and continued up the streets of the small town. His mind was angered yet again but atleast he had resolved the conflict as he looked back once more to the town and saw the people assisting the ones he had captured out of the pit and rejoin eachother in their arms. He didn't look back after that, his mission was done here.
