The Legendary Sage of Konoha: Sasuke Chronicles 2


Dec 3, 2009
Trait Points
The Fate of A Man Who Fought For The Pride of His Clan

~ Narrator: In a dark cell somewhere in the
Naruto world, a man sat alone by himself.

?: Where… am… I?

Narrator: The man woke up and looked around.

?: What is this?.... Oh I see.

Narrator: The man tried to move but his arms and legs were tied up with one chain around each hand and foot which then again was linked with longer chains that came out of the wall restricting his movement.

?: Elemental chakra chains huh? Let’s see if they work.

Narrator: He tried to both use just his chakra and with lightning release, but to no vain.

?: Looks like I won’t be going anywhere at the moment. I might as well rest my powers.

??: Are you trying to get loose?... Sasuke?

Narrator: A man was standing guard outside the prison cell. Two weapons holstered and a headband with the marks of Iwagakure around his shoulder.

Sasuke: So there is somebody guarding me I see? So where am I anyway?

Guard: You have been taken to Iwagakure and imprisoned until further notice.
The Raikage and Onoki Sama are discussing what to do at the moment.

Sasuke: I see…

Narrator: Sasuke said as he turned his head away from the guard and closed his eyes for a brief moment.

Onoki: Calm down you shouldn’t be so eager to rush things.

Raikage: What do you mean? Even If he said he would go after Madara It might all have been a setup to make us think that Sasuke killed him.

Shikamaru: I suppose that could be a possibility, but after what happened in Naruto and Sasuke’s fight I don’t think that it’s likely.

Raikage: You believe so?

Sai: I think Shikamaru is trying to say that when Naruto and Sasuke fought they were both serious and about to make a major impact when Itachi, Sasuke’s brother appeared. And it was because of him that Sasuke changed his mind on fighting Naruto.

Shikamaru: Indeed.

Onoki: Either way, we should call in the other kages to decide what to do.

Raikage: Agreed. My brother is in Konoha so he can accompany Tsunade. Also I think Naruto and Kakashi should come along too to enlighten the situation.

Onoki: Then it is settled. We will send out birds to call in the rest of the kages.

Naruto: So you will be heading back to Kumo now?

Killerbee: Yeah I will head back there and meet up with my brother to inform him of the battle with Sasuke… Or should I say your battle with him.

Naruto: Hehe you don’t need to give me all the credit.

Killerbee: Wonder if your newborn son will become as strong as you bro.

Naruto: Haha well let’s hope he gets stronger.

Killerbee: I still can't believe that you've become a dad at such a young age. It's obvious that you didn't stay in your cage.

Naruto: Yeah.. Maybe it seems that way:p So when are you and your girl planning kids?

Killerbee: Oh we're not planing anything yet, you know we just met?

Naruto: No need to rush things I suppose.

Killerbee: So anyway are you really going to become the next Hokage? Are you sure you're ready for the job, your name is not bob.

Naruto: Say wha...?xd Well yeah i suppose so, but it's not until next month anyway.

Kakashi: I'm sure you will do fine when the time comes. It's not like you will become the youngest Kage in history.

Killerbee: Gaara huh...

Narrator: Naruto and Kakashi were seeing Killerbee farewell as he was just about to leave Konoha when Tsunade and Sakura escorted by a couple of anbus came walking towards them.

Tsunade: Killerbee. It looks like you don’t need to head home right yet.

Naruto: What do you mean?

Sakura: We just got a bird from Iwa. Onoki and Killerbee’s brother are there.

Killerbee: My brother? So did he accompany Onoki to the Stone village?

Tsunade: Not exactly. It’s because Sasuke was brought there.

Naruto: What are you talking about?

Tsunade: Shikamaru and Sai followed Sasuke as planned. He went to a cave where Madara, Kabuto and Zetsu were meeting right after Onoki and Bee’s brother found them and a fight broke out.

Sakura: Sasuke fouled Madara and took him down while Zetsu and Kabuto escaped.

Naruto: So he did take down Madara already?! So why is he at Iwagakure?

Tsunade: The Raikage expected it to be a trap so he tried to kill Sasuke as he passed out, but Shikamaru stopped him in the last minute and explained the situation. So they decided to take him to Iwa and prison him until we can decide what his fate will be.

Naruto: His fate?! He took out Madara as he said he would. He shouldn’t been taken there as a prisoner! He should been taken there as a hero!

Narrator: : Naruto said angrily.

Sakura: Calm down Naruto they won’t decide anything yet. They have called in a meeting to discuss it further.

Kakashi: So all the Kages will meet there to make a decision?

Tsunade: Yes and we will head there at once.

Killerbee: So where do I come in?

Tsunade: The Raikage requested you to come as well.

Killerbee: I see.

Kakashi: So who will accompany you?

Sakura: Tsunade will be going along side myself, Killerbee, you… and don’t worry Naruto, the Raikage wanted you too to come. It said in the letter that he wanted to hear your and Kakashi’s explanation as well.

Tsunade: And not only that. You are becoming the next Hokage after all. You could learn a thing or two.

Naruto: I see.

Killerbee: Haha for some reason I just can’t wait to see my brother’s face when he finds out.

Narrator: Back in the jail, Sasuke where thinking through things when a mysterious person appeared beside him. Sasuke slowly lifted his head as he opened his eyes and turned them to the right corner of his eye-socket.

Sasuke: Who are you? Are you here to kill me?

Narrator: The mysterious person where hiding in the dark with a kunai pointing towards Sasuke.

Sasuke: Are you a person whom I’ve harmed in the past or any of your friends or family?
If you are here for revenge you might as well get it. I don’t care anymore.

?: So the once so powerful Uchiha Sasuke has given up life and wants to die?!

Narrator: He said laughing as he took of his mask and holstered his kunai.

Sasuke: ?! It’s you! I didn’t know you were still alive… Suigetsu?

Suigetsu: Haha you disappoint me Sasuke. How did you end up like this?

Narrator: As Suigetsu were talking, Sasuke turned his head and looked for the place where the guard once stood.

Suigetsu: Oh and no need to worry about the guard, he should sleep for some hours.

Sasuke: It’s none of your business. Would you please get away from here before you start making troubles?

Suigetsu: Huh! What are you talking about? No one will come for at least an hour.


Suigetsu: Come on man, don’t you want to know why I’ve come?

Sasuke: It doesn’t matter, I won’t go anyway even if you freed me.

Suigetsu: Ohh? Is there a reason for that? I heard some rumours though.

Sasuke: What rumours?

Suigetsu: Well the villagers are talking about how you passed out while killing or should I say seemingly killing Madara and that you were saved in a last ditch minute by a man named Shikamaru.

Sasuke: What do you mean by seemingly? And saved?

Narrator: Suigetsu caught Sasuke’s attention as he looked at him with a spark of interest.

Suigetsu: Well I’ve heard around the village that you were brought here, but the thing that I came to ask you was something me and Jugo found out.

Sasuke: Jugo? So he’s alive as well?

Suigetsu: Did you really think that we died back at the Kage summit four years ago?

Sasuke: No, but Madara tol…

Suigetsu: Haven’t you realized how that man really is?

Sasuke: Ehm… Yeah…

Suigetsu: That is probably why you tried to kill him isn’t it?

Sasuke: Wait a minute, what do you mean by tried?

Suigetsu: Me and Jugo have our sources, and they’re implying that the Madara you know wasn’t the real one.

Sasuke: What do you mean?

Suigetsu: Well it’s too long of a story to discuss here. I’ll break you free and we can meet up with Jugo and discuss it further, what do you say?

Sasuke: If Madara is still alive I will do everything I can to take him down.

Suigetsu: Good, then let….

Sasuke: However, I will only do so if the alliance let me.

Suigetsu: Uh…. What do you mean?

Sasuke: If I break out now and escape, I will only be back where I was. They will believe that it was a scheme by me and Madara to foul them. I will have to hear their judgment before I take up any actions.

Suigetsu: But….

Sasuke: Thanks for trying to help me, even after all I did to you guys in the past.
But I will have to meet my fate. Only that way may I redeem myself.

Suigetsu: … Alright suit yourself. Me and Jugo will hang around until you’ve made up your mind.
And don’t worry about me and Jugo. You didn’t have any other choice back then.
However, If you ever do what you did to Karin back then, we will abandon you.

Sasuke: I know. I wish I never had killed her.

Suigetsu: Wha… Hahaha!

Sasuke: What’s so funny? Why are you laughing?

Suigetsu: You mean you don’t know?

Sasuke: Don’t know what?

Suigetsu: She survived back then and was brought back to Konoha. She is now a part of them.

Sasuke: What?!

Suigetsu: But Jugo and I haven’t spoken to her since the summit. But forget about that now, I think the guard will wake up soon. I better get going. See you later then…

Sasuke: We’ll see.

Narrator: As Suigetsu left the guard woke up.

Sasuke: So you’re finally awake huh? You shouldn’t sleep while on guard you know.

Guard: Shut up, I’m not the one who’s stuck in a bad situation here.

Narrator: Back at the Tsuchikage office, Gaara, Mei and Tsunade arrived alongside Killerbee, Naruto and other bodyguards and high ranking shinobies.

Onoki: So you have arrived.

Raikage: You know what this is about right?

Narrator: Shikamaru and Sai went over to Tsunade, Naruto, Kakashi and Sakura, while Killerbee headed over to where his brother was seated. It was a wide round table pretty much like the one at the summit 4 years ago.

Mei: Yes, it’s about Sasuke isn’t it as we’ve already discussed Akatsuki’s defeat while in the Grass country?

Onoki: Yes that’s right.

Gaara: So what has happened anyway? Do you have Sasuke imprisoned?

Raikage: Yes… He’s down at the prison blocks.

Tsunade: Gaara, Mei… Have you heard what happened at the Valley of the end and afterwards?

Gaara: No not really.

Mei: Not much else than what the letter from the birds we received.

Onoki: Why don’t you guys inform the rest of us what exactly have happened?

Narrator: He said while pointing out that he was talking to Naruto, Killerbee, Kakashi, Shikamaru and Sai.

(*Continued*) As they all explained what happened, the Raikage started question the reliability of Sasuke’s action.

Raikage: So how can we be sure that Sasuke really means what he said?

Naruto: It doesn’t matter how many times I try to convince you. Don’t you get that there wouldn’t make any sense at all for it to be a scheme?!

Narrator: Naruto was getting angry over the Raikage’s unconvinced belief that Sasuke still was with Madara and that he wasn’t dead yet.
A little argument broke out as Killerbee stepped forward.

Killerbee: Bro you should calm down a little and don’t dig too deep into things. I was there myself and Sasuke is no elf. He seemed convinced by his brother’s words.

Shikamaru: Why don’t we take a break to lose up our minds?

Onoki: Good idea. Let’s meet back here in one hour. You are my guests and you may take a look around the village if you feel like it.

Narrator: As the meeting halted, Naruto stepped forward to ask the Tsuchikage something.

Onoki: What is it boy?

Naruto: Is it possible to see him?

Onoki: You want to have a meeting with Sasuke? Very well, that shouldn’t be a problem.

Narrator: Onoki waved for an Iwa shinobi and told him to show Naruto where Sasuke were. Kakashi and Sakura followed as well.

Narrator: Back at the prison block, Sasuke were talking with the guard.

Guard: I don’t know! Now please stop asking me, I’m not supposed to talk to you!

Sasuke: But you are supposed to sleep at guard? If I really wanted to escape you would have been in trouble like never before.

Guard: Humph! Now shut up somebody is coming.

Narrator: : You could see a door opening down the hall as the shinobi followed by Naruto, Kakashi, and Sakura came down the hall.

Guard: Who are they?

Shinobi Onoki sama allowed them to see the prisoner.

Guard: I see.

Shinobi You will get until the meeting starts again, but don’t try anything funny, we’ll be watching you.

Narrator: The guard and the shinobi walked down the hall and positioned themselves by the exit.
Kakashi and Naruto went up to the iron bars and looked up at Sasuke. Sakura stayed beside them and didn’t show herself right away.

Kakashi: We know.

Narrator: Sasuke opened his eyes and looked out of the bars as he heard a familiar voice.

Naruto: Sasuke…

Sasuke: So you have come as well? I see… You’re probably discussing what to do with me I suppose…

Kakashi: Sa…

Sasuke: And no need to try and tell me that you’re sorry or anything. If there is anyone who should be sorry, it should be me. If only I’ve seen my errors before…

Narrator: Sasuke tried to stay cool as always, but this time even he couldn’t keep up the tough act. Kakashi and Naruto saw that he had a sad expression on his face.

Naruto: If I only had been able to convince you seven years ago.

Sasuke: It’s too late for that anyway… So what are they deciding? Are they going to keep me jailed or are they planning on…
Narrator: : He halted for a sec.

Sasuke: On either releasing me or.. or…

Kakashi: You don’t have to say it.

Narrator: : He tried to calm him down.

Sasuke: Why do you act like everything is back to normal anyway?! I’ve gone beyond redemption. I tried to kill you both. I killed Danzo… I almost killed Karin, and would have killed Sakura if you hadn’t stopped me Naruto. I even killed my own brother who wanted nothing more than the best for me!

Narrator: He shouted as tears started falling down his cheek. Neither Naruto nor Kakashi could come up with anything to say.

Sasuke: I suppose it’s the right thing to do anyway. After all I’ve done, they should just agree on killing me to get back on me for what I’ve done… I don’t care anymore. I’ll accept whatever they decide. I won’t try to escape or run anymore. It’s time I took responsibility for my actions…

Naruto: Why do you say such things?! Even if you’ve done some bad things, you were corrupted by Madara and overtaken by revenge. It’s not your fault, why don’t you realize that?!
I don’t care if you tried to kill me. I forgive you because you are my friend… You always were.

Narrator: He said smiling trying to lighten up Sasuke.

Sasuke: You’re just saying that to make me feel less guilty, but I can never erase what I’ve done. Even if you do forgive me, the others won’t do the same that easily. Like Sakura… I pushed her away and tried to kill her. There is no chance she ever will forgive me again. I couldn’t even face her if she was here… She wouldn’t believe me she….

Narrator: As he was speaking, Sakura stepped forth too with tears coming from her eyes as she shouted:

Sakura: Would you stop thinking it’s too late!... What you did was wrong, but there is never too late to redeem yourself!

Narrator: Sasuke was shocked as he saw Sakura was there too.

Sasuke: Sak… I’m…

Narrator: Sasuke couldn’t manage to get out what he was trying to say as he was too shocked seeing that she was there too.

Sasuke: I didn’t notice your present… I’m sorry… You will probably see me dead after what I’ve done.

Sakura: No I….

Sasuke: It doesn’t matter anyway now.

Naruto: Sasuke, just listen..

Sasuke: No, it’s you guys who should listen. I’m overjoyed to see how easily you are to forgive… I would never have dreamed of such friends… But I think you should go now. There is nothing you can do by staying here… I’m sorry I failed you as a member of team 7…

Narrator: As he said that they all got silent for a moment.

Kakashi: I think we should head back up as the meeting starts again soon. Sasuke is right. There isn’t much we can do for him at the moment.

Naruto: Then as the next Hokage, I will convince them!

Narrator: Naruto started heading right for the exit and where the Iwa guard and shinobi were.

Kakashi: Hey where are you going?!

Sasuke: Na.. Nar… Naruto don’t do anything stupid! I’m not worth risking anything.
I’ve already accepted my fate!

Narrator: Kakashi and Sakura followed Naruto as he headed for the exit.

Naruto: Out of my way! He said as he pushed aside the guard who was seated in front of the exit to get out through the door.

Guard: Hey what was that for?! You could have just said you wanted to go!

Narrator: Kakashi and Sakura rushed after Naruto as Sakura apologized to the guard.

Sakura: I’m sorry, you must excuse him as he’s not in usually like that.

Narrator: The kages and the rest gathered once again to finish the discussions.

Onoki: Now that we’re gathered again we should…

Narrator: But before he was able to finish his sentence, Naruto interrupted him.

Naruto: Call him in!

Tsunade: Hey you shouldn’t interrupt like that!

Naruto: Call Sasuke in and let him explain himself.

Onoki: Ehm… Well what do the rest think?

Raikage: Have you heard such nonsense? He might influence us in a bad way! Even cast a genjutsu!

Killerbee: I think it should be fine. Give him a chance to explain himself. Maybe we get a better view on what to decide.

Raikage: Brother…

Onoki: Anyone else who agrees?

Gaara: I don’t see why not.

Mei: Yes we might as well.

Tsunade: We will have more than enough shinobies to have him under control if he tries anything.

Raikage: Humph! Alright then, bring him here.

Narrator: Onoki called for some guards as they went to get Sasuke.

Guard: Sasuke you are coming with us.

Sasuke: What for? Have they made up their mind?

Guard: Just come along and you’ll find out!

Narrator: Four guards went inside the cell and opened the chains that were linked to his elemental chakra bracelets.

Guard: We don’t trust you yet so you will have to keep them around your feet and arms until further notice.

Sasuke: If I wanted to escape I would already have done so.

Narrator: Sasuke was brought to the meeting room by the guards. One of them opened the door as they arrived. A man disguised with a bandana was standing in the background behind the kages following the event, pretending to be a shinobi from Iwa.

Raikage: Sasuke. The reason we called you in is for one thing only. Naruto requested that you should get a chance to explain yourself… So what do you have to say for yourself? Choose your words carefully.

Narrator: The air was tense as they all looked upon him with either hope or hate.

Sasuke: … Naruto…

Narrator: He opened as Naruto met eye contact with him.

Sasuke: I appreciate what you are trying to do…

Narrator: He said as he paused for a sec.

Sasuke: But I don’t think you should use any more time on trying to convince the others of my actions. Instead you should do whatever you can to stop Madara once and for all. I believe you are the only one who can.

Narrator: The five kages looked surprised at Sasuke as Naruto replied.

Naruto: What do you mean? Didn’t you take him out?

Raikage: I knew he lied and here is your proof!

Tsunade: Ehh…

Gaara: So you are saying that you didn’t kill him… Sasuke?

Sasuke: I… I thought I did.

Mei: What do you mean?

Sasuke: An old friend of mine visited me just a few hours ago and told me he had proof that it wasn’t the real Madara.

Onoki: Visited you?! You’ve been jailed all this time under constant guard how can anyone have visited you?

Sasuke: If that guard is the best Iwa has then I must say that I’m disappointed…

Raikage: What are you implying here?

Narrator: The guard that had been guarding Sasuke stepped forward and bowed in shame.

Guard: Tsuchikage sama I’ve failed you!

Narrator: He said crying.

Onoki: What are you talking ab…

Guard: I fell asleep during my watch. Please punish me as I’ve failed my duty

Raikage: Is this the best guard you could find?!

Killerbee: Hey bro calm down there is no reason to…

Raikage: No reason to what?! We’ve finally captured Sasuke and one of this village’s so called best guard gives him a chance to escape?!

Narrator: The Raikage was so mad that he almost broke the chair he sat on with his fist as he stood up.

Onoki: Hey no need to start making a fuss over this! What’s done is done and no harm happened. Sasuke is still here isn’t he.

Raikage: But what if he did manage to escape! He…

Narrator: But before he could finish, Mei Gaara and Tsunade interrupted him.

Tsunade: You should calm down. We can’t decide with you all worked up.

Gaara: She’s right.

Mei: Sasuke… Why didn’t you escape?

Narrator: The Raikage got quiet as she spoke.

Sasuke: Because I have no reason to. I have no desire to run away anymore. If I did, then how would I ever get a chance to prove myself that I meant what I said to Naruto, Kakashi and Killerbee.

Kakashi: So if you’re telling the truth. Who was the man that visited you?

Narrator: As Kakashi asked this question, the stranger with the bandana standing in the background got uncomfortable.

Shikamaru: That’s a good question…

Onoki: Well? If you expect us to believe in you at all...

Narrator: As Onoki spoke, Sasuke looked up and met eye contact with the stranger and slowly lifted his arm and started pointing at him as he said.

Sasuke: Well he’s right there, why don’t you ask him yourself?

Narrator: Everyone was shocked at Sasuke’s statement as they all turned around and looked at him. The stranger panicked and broke through the window and tried to escape, but before he had managed to get 20 meters he suddenly stopped.

Naruto: If I were you I wouldn’t take one more step.

Narrator: Naruto had moved in the speed of light and appeared right beside the stranger with his kunai raised to his throat.


Narrator: He was quickly surrounded by the rest.

Killerbee: Damn you’ve become fast.

Stranger: Looks like I don’t stand a chance here so I might as well come clean huh?

Narrator: He removed his bandana.

Suigetsu: Why did you blow my cover?!

Narrator: The guards had brought Sasuke out to the rest.

Sasuke: Why would you keep running away if you’re not with Madara anymore? You and Jugo should come clean as well.

Narrator: After some talking, Suigetsu agreed to come along as they entered the meeting room again.

Raikage: Let say we let you guys go. What will you do Sasuke?

Sasuke: I would do whatever you would want me to do. If you want me to disappear I will. If you want me to help out dealing with Madara I will.
I will do whatever I can to make up for what I've done even if it cost me my life.
But If you decide otherwise you might do whatever you want. Either kill me off now or use my powers to your advantages!

Narrator: He shouted as the kages looked surprised at him.

Raikage: If that's how you feel about it...

Naruto: Are you sure about this?

Sasuke: Yes I am. Maybe I’ll return to Konoha someday, but for the moment being me, Suigetsu and Jugo will stay here. If you see Karin, tell her I’m sorry and that I know she never can forgive me.

Naruto: I will. Take care for now then I guess.

Sasuke: Yeah… Thanks for everything. Without you, I would have been lost in darkness forever. Kakashi, Sakura. I hope I will find a way to repay you someday too.

Narrator: He still had a sad expression on his face.

Kakashi: Yeah take care now.

Narrator: Sakura went up to him and hugged him farewell as she was crying.

Tsunade: Let’s leave then.

Narrator: Tsunade, Sakura, Kakashi, Shikamaru, Sai and Naruto were just about to leave Iwagakure as Onoki, Sasuke, Suigetsu, Jugo and some other Iwa shinobies saw them off....
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Dec 3, 2009
Trait Points
Naruto: So you will be fine with this?

Onoki: As long as he doesn’t do anything wrong he might stay here as long as he like.

Raikage: We should take our leave as well. But remember Sasuke, I will hunt you down personally if you ever betray us again.

Sasuke: I understand.

Narrator: The Raikage and Killerbee took their leave as well as Gaara, Mei and their convoys.
Naruto and the rest of the Konoha shinobies took their last goodbyes as they too left.


I would like to thank everyone that voted for me this month and also those who has been patiently waiting my next release. This chapter became so big that it didn't fit in one post. That is why it's finished here in the second one:p

I will try to put up another chapter tomorrow, Thursday or Saturday (the day before I travell to Paris and London for a week), so that you won't have to wait another 2 weeks for the next one;), - Michael

Previous Chapters:

The Legendary Sage of Konoha: Sasuke Chronicle;

The Legendary Sage of Konoha;

Next Chapter:

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Nikkou Arashi

Active member
Mar 11, 2010
Trait Points
Hey! what are you doing in my place? :nexus:xd:D hehehe...peace! :D:)


I see you've made Killerbee speak in rhymes, too. :D
As always, the chapter is neatly done. The storyline does seem like its a spoiler coming from Kishi. xd:D

So, who was the Madara that Sasuke killed back in the cave?!:eek:
Hmn, if I were to put in my opinion of Madara in the current manga and your work, they're quite the same. I'm thinking that Madara/Tobi is not really his true self but rather he's just using some kind of jutsu that allows him to appear before everyone else. He's like someone that exists but does not. That should make the Madara that Sasuke killed not him. Or should I say, it was really him but not his true form. Its like, the target was there but he was just unable to hit the bull's eye. U_U

Sasuke sounded convincing enough. Now, I've always envision that Naruto and Sasuke will definitely make a strong team. We've seen them a number of times team up when they were kids despite their constant arguments and they always succeed. Hehehehe, I'm looking forward as to how you will work on that - that is IF you have that in the storyline, too. :D:)
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Dec 3, 2009
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Jun 10, 2010
Trait Points
What an awesome chapter, i am really enjoying your FF. Great plot and like the rest it feels like this could be what Kishi is planning all along. I am looking forward to your next chapter.
  • Like
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Dec 11, 2009
Trait Points
Great chapter, I am definitely looking forward to the next one you're going to release :)
Btw, loved Killer Bee's rhymes xD

Sorry for double posting, it wasn't on purpose
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Dec 3, 2009
Trait Points
I see you've made Killerbee speak in rhymes, too. :D
As always, the chapter is neatly done. The storyline does seem like its a spoiler coming from Kishi. xd:D

So, who was the Madara that Sasuke killed back in the cave?!:eek:
Hmn, if I were to put in my opinion of Madara in the current manga and your work, they're quite the same. I'm thinking that Madara/Tobi is not really his true self but rather he's just using some kind of jutsu that allows him to appear before everyone else. He's like someone that exists but does not. That should make the Madara that Sasuke killed not him. Or should I say, it was really him but not his true form. Its like, the target was there but he was just unable to hit the bull's eye. U_U

Sasuke sounded convincing enough. Now, I've always envision that Naruto and Sasuke will definitely make a strong team. We've seen them a number of times team up when they were kids despite their constant arguments and they always succeed. Hehehehe, I'm looking forward as to how you will work on that - that is IF you have that in the storyline, too. :D:)
Well I thought I had to try to make him say some, but they were lame if you ask mexd

You don't have to over-express yourself you know, I'm not that good:pxd;)

Regarding Madara I have some big plans as the latest chapter in the manga gave me a lot of ideas:p
So I will work on it in one of the upcoming chapters;)

I can reveal that I'm planing something very, very big at the end of my FF, but I can't reveal more than that... Not even to you:p:p

So did you notice any diffrence from the preview?:p

And also what did you think about what happened when Naruto, Kakashi and Sakura visited Sasuke in the jail?:p
I found that bit as hard as writing Itachi's apperance:p

But I must admit that I didn't really like the rest of the chapter from when Sasuke was called in. That was a bit fail from me I thinkxd:p

I love this one. I can't believe those three are still alive. Sasuke what will you do to show you are not lying.
Yeah I thought I would have to include as many as possible from the Naruto universe:p
Who knows:rolleyes:;)

very nice chapter...

do your promise hehehe i cant wait for two weeks
Yeah about that:p I won't make it today as I got some things to do, and tomorrow I'm going to work.
But I'll work on it all Wedensday and release at Thursday;)

YAY its still so good micheal

He chats a lot with Kishi, that's why! xd:D
xd Haha yeah that's the deal I talk a lot Japanese with Kishimoto:p

So awsome!!! >o< so epic!!! really cool!!:D!!
Thanks for still reading:)

What an awesome chapter, i am really enjoying your FF. Great plot and like the rest it feels like this could be what Kishi is planning all along. I am looking forward to your next chapter.
Oh hey there:) Didn't know you read my FF:p
Hehe well I don't know about that, but who knows I guessxd Glad to hear;)

awesome dude :D:D:D:D

As always nice job man ! Can't wait for the next chapters ... ! You never disapoint :D
Thanks mate, so did you notice the diffrents from the finished chapter and the preview i gave you (other than the fact that it's longerxd)?:p

nice chapter.KEEP IT UP!
Will do;) Thanks for reading:)

Great chapter, I am definitely looking forward to the next one you're going to release :)
Btw, loved Killer Bee's rhymes xD

Great chapter, I am definitely looking forward to the next one you're going to release :)
Btw, loved Killer Bee's rhymes xD

Sorry for double posting, it wasn't on purpose
Haha no prob:p But you know you could just press edit post and then delete it right?;)

Loved them?xd They were lame as h*ll, I hated them to be honestxd But I just had to come up with something crazy i guess:p