Sandstone Oasis (072)


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Oct 1, 2010
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Sandstone Oasis

One of the few oases in the tremendous desert, the Sandstone Oasis is slightly elevated off the ground due to the vegetation growing around it. Its immediate surroundings sport a number of palm trees, some light vegetation and even a small ecosystem of fauna. For nomads or travelers wandering the otherwise barren area the oasis can truly be a life-saving stop. Some locals believe this oasis to be shrouded in an illusion that prevents unworthy people from seeing it as they pass, though this is likely just superstition.
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Nov 24, 2017
Trait Points
Arriving from this post

This post marks the start of my mission using this story board element:
-do some meditation

Story: having arrived in a new land, Aang takes a break to meditate upon where his next adventure lies, to find a direction he should take.

It was an unfamiliar land that Aang had landed in, after getting off the caravan which stopped at a province called "Sandstone Oasis" in the Great Wind Desert. Apparently this was the borderline to the continent and where there was trouble brewing in the lands. Posters were stapled all over the small huts that crowded the Oasis about some Bounty Hunting games. Aang shivered at the thought of these cruel men who took delight in killing someone for money or treasure. Were all people of the lands like this? Aang pondered to himself, the men on the caravan were nice enough to give him a lift. Surely they aren't all bad. Aang decided that he needed a moment alone to his thoughts to figure out if this land were where he needed to be. The laughter and yelling at the Oasis from the merchants were too loud and distracting so Aang moved over to the other side of the watering hole to be alone.

Sitting in a meditative position, Aang reflected upon his early life that lead him to this land. There was lots of pain as his memory was filled with fire as his villages burned, the bandits that plundered his home, the innocent townsfolk slain just for their meagre possessions. Aang was lucky, his parents fucking him away under their clothes as they ran from the village, leaving their home behind with the flames licking his bed turning it from a warmth place of safety to a charred burning memory.

Aang winced at the pain the memory brought on, but was shortly soothed after by the teaching of his parents. They were peaceful monks that preached peace over violence. They bartered passage on the caravan to arrive in this new land, however due to a shortage of food, they had to remain at the town that the caravan started at to pay for passage. They agreed that the safety of Aang was far greater than their own, and left him in the charge of a friendly merchant they had met and gained the trust of. Aang new destiny was in this land, and he promised his parents that he would continue their teachings providing peace to this new land. Though he struggled internally how he would go about this, first impressions were already bad when all he saw around were the bounty hunting posters of these head hunter games.

Aang shook his head again. No. He would continue his parents teachings. Peace was the ultimate goal, and that he would spread it through these lands, and prove that there was greater good in mankind than there was greed or evil.

Aang let out a deep breath as he opened his eyes. The merchants were now setting up a campfire for the night, looking their resources and heartily talking to each other.
Yes, Aang was sure that there were good men here and that he would find friends to help him on his quest.
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ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from [x]
  • Deal with bandits looting[Arc 13 element - (C-ranked)]
Having destroyed the entire landmark of a thousand needles, Alucard was on his way of recovering from the huge burst of chakra that he had unleashed. Aiming to get to the coast of this dredged continent so that he could start to travel the sea again. With his dojutsu still active from when it was originally activated, Alucard could see chakra signatures in the distance. A good sign compared to what he had just witnessed. Not sure what sort of people they were, Alucard decided to approach in a stealthy manner that would not give away his presence whatsoever. He would form a pair of bone wings, upon which he layered himself and them with chakra that would camoflauge his appearance to the extent that he would be nigh invisible even during day time in a sunlit desert.

( Hone Tsubasa ) - Bone Wings
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user grows large bone wings from their back which can be used to fly or to defend. The user can also flap these wings and release bone spikes once per turn. The wings last for 3 turns.

(Meisaigakure no Jutsu) - Hiding with Camouflage Technique
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30 (-10 per turn active)
Damage Points: N/A
Description: This is a ninja escape technique that allows the user after performing the Tiger hand seal to control how light is reflected around their body with chakra inflections. The technique also erases the user's scent and shadow, and is usable on any terrain, making it ideal not only for covert maneuvers but also offensive strikes. Perceiving the user's position is possible only for ninja who are astute enough to observe minute variations within their surrounding environment, such as distortions of air currents in the immediate vicinity or distinguishing sounds, i.e. footsteps etc. However, the usefulness of this ability can be entirely negated by those with special vision or sensory skills. The Second Tsuchikage, Mū's mastery of this technique helped earn him the moniker "Non-Person" seemingly having neither form nor chakra while the technique was active. Thus, he could not be sensed through traditional means.
Note: Technique lasts a total of 3 turns

He would then start flying and left his two summonings behind. At this point he was basically a military drone with eyes on target he would see who was down there and what they were up to. He would fly just above their position, some 10 meters above and notice that it was a gang of vultures that were confiscating a group of refugees's goods. Clearly it was a band of bandits.

Huh, not even at these times they show some humanity. Guess i have to kill them though..

He would land on the ground, in between two of the bandits and their victim. Unbeknownst to either of them that he was actually there since he was still invisible, Alucard would take out his own spine to form two swords in his hands.

( Tsubaki no Mai ) - Dance of the Camellia
Type: Offensive
Rank: C
Range: Short
Chakra: 15
Damage: 30
Description: Dance of the Camellia is the second of the five Kaguya dance forms. Using the ability to manipulate bone structure, the user removes a long bone in the form of a sword from their shoulder. Because of the bloodline, the density of the bone can be increased many times so that it is as hard as steel. The user can pull up to two swords out, both with full strength.

With the swords he would start to decapitate the bandits and move like the currents of the wind whilst still fueling chakra to keep his invisibility in place. The only thing anybody could see at the time was people's heads being cut off by virtually nothing. Alucard made sure their blood wasn't spilled in vain and drained their essence with his Reversed Crucifix, replenishing his chakra reserves ever so slightly.

[Consuming 10 bandits, effectively restoring 250 chakra points]
(Gyaku Jūjika) - Reverse Crucifix
Type: Artifact
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: The Reverse Crucifix was originally found by Alucard as he slaughtered the many thousand army of the dead in the dead marshes on his first visit there and accidentally awoken them. He found the reversed crucifix on the ground sometime later and was therefore granted its powers, however, these powers are granted to any wielder. It is a very particular trinket. The reverse crucifix became an object of infamy as it was used by Alucard tales of its abilities spreading like a legend. The passive trait of the trinket gives the user the potential to consume blood from either a random victim or an opponent they have rendered unconscious or restrained. The amount of blood is then converted into chakra and gives the user an enhanced chakra pool which could be used very strategically in the ninja world. An NPC no matter their strength only gives the user 25 chakra for consuming their blood. An equal ranked defeated or restrained roleplayer can give the user blood equivalent to 100 chakra points for consuming a portion of their blood but deals no damage in doing so. There is also another trait that is bestowed upon the wielder if they consume the blood of an opponent of the same rank or higher and that is their base speed is temporarily increased +1 lasting three turns. This can be done once per arc and recharges at the start of the following arc. All consumption of blood must be non-voluntary and must be taken by force either in combat through restraint or after defeating an opponent.
Note: The regaining chakra via blood-consumption can only be done twice per arc, recharging at the start of the next arc
Note: Increasing base speed can only be done once per arc lasting three turns and recharging at the start of the next arc

A big thud was then heard, echoing through the panic and the screams that was heard from the poor refugees. A large man approached with two gigantic weapons in his hands and a grim look on his face.


A leader? Most interesting..

Alucard decided to de-cloak and de-wing himself in honor of a challenge. Soon as he did, the bandit leader would charge straight towards Alucard, who was dribbling his two bone swords with much skill and boredom. He would look at the leader, dead in the eyes as he ran towards Alucard in full might and speed. Alucard on the other hand seemed totally relaxed and tossed his two bone swords at the target, aiming at his head. It was, however, appropriate enough to say this wasn't your ordinary bandit as the large man managed to dodge both of the swords with relative ease as he cried out in confidence mixed with anger.

..Most interesting..

Alucard said to himself as he was basically run over by the human train that had charged at him from hundred meters. While this blow would have killed a lesser man, Alucard didn't even feel it due to his bones that were stronger than steel(or atleast as strong). With a tired and bored face, Alucard was carried by Thomas the Steam engine-wannabe several meters before he finally stopped. The huge bandit leader looked down on Alucards face with an angry face which changed into a shocked one as he noticed that his opponent was completely unscathed by his brutal attack. Their eyes met.

..Finally someone.. touched me.


The large man would toss Alucard up in the air and proceeded on standing on the same spot, ready to kick Alucard once he would fall.

..Twas all i could ever ask for..

Alucard, while flying upwards in the air, would make himself x100 heavier and thus changing his flightpath from up to down relatively quick.

(Doton: Chō Kajūgan no Jutsu) - Earth Release: Super Added Weight Rock Technique
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A (+40 if used to add damage)
Description: A more advanced version of the Earth Release: Added Weight Rock Technique, in which the user drastically increases the weight of any object in direct physical contact, but to a much greater extent than that of the original ability. This technique can increase the weight of a target up to 100 times. Under certain circumstances, the technique can be used to increase the force behind attacks.
Note: The weight change lasts 2 turns or until countered.



The lack of body parts wasn't the first thing that Alucard thought of when he had landed on his opponent, weighing 6 tonnes instead of 60kg. He had honestly made a rather big mess out of everything. He would look up from the ground and stare at the refugees who were staring their eyeballs out of their head with a slightly comedic look with open jaws, quickly running like the wind away from him as fast and far as possible. Alucard would dust off his clothes and get up from his butt wich was severely implanted in the, previously quite composed bandit leader.

..I see..

His two summonings would then join him, not even bothering to ask questions and they continued heading south.



Active member
Jun 18, 2009
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Coming from [x]

Isabella traversed through the blowing dunes of the desert to reach the Sandstone Oasis. She had picked up on numerous nomads that left scurrying back through their routes our going the extra mile to go around this point of the desert, fearful of what lay there. The Yin half of the Nibi slep atop a giant adobe hut near the shores of the oasis lake, across a large pit of a sandstone excavation site. Isabella approached atop the black macaw, thinking on what to do about the giant fiery cat.

Mission End


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

Isabella traversed through the blowing dunes of the desert to reach the Sandstone Oasis. She had picked up on numerous nomads that left scurrying back through their routes our going the extra mile to go around this point of the desert, fearful of what lay there. The Yin half of the Nibi slep atop a giant adobe hut near the shores of the oasis lake, across a large pit of a sandstone excavation site. Isabella approached atop the black macaw, thinking on what to do about the giant fiery cat.

Mission End
Granted permission by @Drackos to play the Nibi NPC

It’s been, only a few days since Matatabi arrived to this location; the beast freely roaming the world at its leisure. It being such a primordial force of nature – many whom had heard stories and legends of these divine chakra beasts would be wary of ever encountering one. Matatabi was no different, the beast of flames rested idly upon the rooftop of the hut, unbothered by human travelers. It made a promise to those passing by ‘simply leave it alone and it will leave them alone’. Many heeded to this general warning, but some brave yet foolish souls decided to try the patience of the beast, only for their corpses to be burned to ash, only their bones left in the wake of the sands that remain to rot for eternity. However, it seems another brave human didn’t seem to get the memo. At first the behemoth cat wouldn’t acknowledge her existence – but as she approached closer, the wings of the giant parrot flapping would cause Matatabi to open its eyes. “You’re threading a line many have attempted to cross, human. Leave while I’m still merciful…” the beast would warn the approaching duo, its body raising slightly from the hut to gain a better view of them. A woman and a parrot? That’s something you don’t see everyday but she supposed them seeing a giant cat made of flames isn’t within the norms either.
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Active member
Jun 18, 2009
Trait Points
Granted permission by @Drackos to play the Nibi NPC

It’s been, only a few days since Matatabi arrived to this location; the beast freely roaming the world at its leisure. It being such a primordial force of nature – many whom had heard stories and legends of these divine chakra beasts would be wary of ever encountering one. Matatabi was no different, the beast of flames rested idly upon the rooftop of the hut, unbothered by human travelers. It made a promise to those passing by ‘simply leave it alone and it will leave them alone’. Many heeded to this general warning, but some brave yet foolish souls decided to try the patience of the beast, only for their corpses to be burned to ash, only their bones left in the wake of the sands that remain to rot for eternity. However, it seems another brave human didn’t seem to get the memo. At first the behemoth cat wouldn’t acknowledge her existence – but as she approached closer, the wings of the giant parrot flapping would cause Matatabi to open its eyes. “You’re threading a line many have attempted to cross, human. Leave while I’m still merciful…” the beast would warn the approaching duo, its body raising slightly from the hut to gain a better view of them. A woman and a parrot? That’s something you don’t see everyday but she supposed them seeing a giant cat made of flames isn’t within the norms either.
Mission Start

Bring the Yin Half of the Nibi back to Mirabelle and Solomon

Isabella halted the black macaw, it's wings flapping about as he holstered itself upright. The macaw stared down at the giang chakra chat with a hostile glare through his scarred face. Isabella, on the other hand, served as the perfect opposite, beautiful and regal, a warm expression as she faced Matatabi.

I am not like many, beast.

She voiced, then spread her arms, showing the Bijuu the palms of her hands.

My name is Isabella Uchiha, and I don't think you're like many either, am I right, Nibi?


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Mission Start

Bring the Yin Half of the Nibi back to Mirabelle and Solomon

Isabella halted the black macaw, it's wings flapping about as he holstered itself upright. The macaw stared down at the giang chakra chat with a hostile glare through his scarred face. Isabella, on the other hand, served as the perfect opposite, beautiful and regal, a warm expression as she faced Matatabi.

I am not like many, beast.

She voiced, then spread her arms, showing the Bijuu the palms of her hands.

My name is Isabella Uchiha, and I don't think you're like many either, am I right, Nibi?
The eyes of Matatabi narrowed, curious yet somewhat wary of the human before her. At first, she commented that she wasn’t like any other, but also commented that Matatabi also wasn’t like many either. The beast couldn’t help but chuckle a bit though, an Uchiha was before her. “I suppose you’re right, but a human is a human in my eyes” Matatabi said bluntly – as she finally become fully upright, her weight somehow being supported by the building, though not for every long. The beast would sigh, realizing its sleep time was being interrupted for this nonsense thus she intended to wrap things up quickly. “What is it that you want from me, human. It’s clear you came here seeking my attention, and for that little joke of yours Ill permit you a moment of my time before my patience runs out. Now, speak” the beast said in a rather rude tone, it didn’t care how the human felt in its articulation, it just wanted this interaction to be over and done with.


Active member
Jun 18, 2009
Trait Points
The eyes of Matatabi narrowed, curious yet somewhat wary of the human before her. At first, she commented that she wasn’t like any other, but also commented that Matatabi also wasn’t like many either. The beast couldn’t help but chuckle a bit though, an Uchiha was before her. “I suppose you’re right, but a human is a human in my eyes” Matatabi said bluntly – as she finally become fully upright, her weight somehow being supported by the building, though not for every long. The beast would sigh, realizing its sleep time was being interrupted for this nonsense thus she intended to wrap things up quickly. “What is it that you want from me, human. It’s clear you came here seeking my attention, and for that little joke of yours Ill permit you a moment of my time before my patience runs out. Now, speak” the beast said in a rather rude tone, it didn’t care how the human felt in its articulation, it just wanted this interaction to be over and done with.
Really, beast? I would have thought you'd at least distinguish from those humans you kill and those that incarcerate you. The lot of you seem eager to kill their Jinchuuriki, yet when you're free all I see is a lazy cat balancing itself atop a building far too weak and small for it's own body.

She quipped, not losing her beat even once, despited facing the heinous Bijuu.

Is this your purpose in life, scare away weaklings to retain some sense of purpose? Would have thought the embodiment of the flames of passion would have some sense of pride.


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Really, beast? I would have thought you'd at least distinguish from those humans you kill and those that incarcerate you. The lot of you seem eager to kill their Jinchuuriki, yet when you're free all I see is a lazy cat balancing itself atop a building far too weak and small for it's own body.

She quipped, not losing her beat even once, despited facing the heinous Bijuu.

Is this your purpose in life, scare away weaklings to retain some sense of purpose? Would have thought the embodiment of the flames of passion would have some sense of pride.
The woman once again began to spit back at Matatabi, the beast was perplexed. She was unsure if this human was trying to get a raise out of her or simply testing her fate. Either one would be her downfall, as the giant flaming cat simply stepped on the build, completely crushing it underneath its wake. “A Jinchuriki huh, sorry to tell you but I’ve never once been sealed in a human, so what would I know about being sealed away, you're all the same to me. Ever since my birth at the hands of the old man, I’ve been able to do as I pleased…until somehow I was…” the beast paused for a moment; almost about to reveal that there was two of her currently in the world. “Hmph, such rubbish coming out of your mouth, Uchiha. I was mused by your previous comment, yet now you simply bore me with your assumptions of what I am. Who am I? I’m the Monster Cat, the Two Tails or whatever humans call me now a days. My flames will burn any and everything in it’s path, weakling or not” she said now, as she moved the flames of the underworld themselves started to surge across the terrain. “This you’re final warning, human…else you’ll end up like these poor souls…” she said as from the ground, utilizing her spiritual flames – she would reincarnate the corpses of five unfortunate souls who didn’t seem to heed the beasts’ warnings. “Don’t you wish to continue breathing the beautiful fresh air you oh so admire so much? I’m sure they did too, but ignorance and arrogance lead to their own demise, and surely you’re on the way there too, why risk your life for such trivial things?

( Tamashī Jigoku ) - Netherworld's Hellfire
Type: Skill
Rank: S
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: When the foul Chakra Beast that is Matatabi is summoned it's natural power creates a massive inferno of spritual Blue Flames to erupt with it that cannot be reacted to or prevented, only countered after it has first set in, spreading outwards in a magnificent burst of flames. This initial burst simple marks targets, allowing the target These flames are also created when Matatabi moves and deal 15 damage to anything in short range of it per turn and cannot be extinguished, only sealed. Once burned, this 15 damage will continue until healed via Yang.
Note: This is always active when in the presence of the Two-Tails and cannot be deactivated.

Charred Resurrection
Using the highly spiritual nature of their flames, the user is capable of targeting the dead and reanimating them with spiritual flames. This creates up to 5 soldiers with a physical body composed of flickering blue fire and a spiritual mask resembling Matatabi. They are immune to 80 damage and lower and move at the same speed of a Sage ranked Ninja. These soldiers are capable of shaping Blue Fire for generic fire attacks and as Spiritual Flames.


Active member
Jun 18, 2009
Trait Points
The woman once again began to spit back at Matatabi, the beast was perplexed. She was unsure if this human was trying to get a raise out of her or simply testing her fate. Either one would be her downfall, as the giant flaming cat simply stepped on the build, completely crushing it underneath its wake. “A Jinchuriki huh, sorry to tell you but I’ve never once been sealed in a human, so what would I know about being sealed away, you're all the same to me. Ever since my birth at the hands of the old man, I’ve been able to do as I pleased…until somehow I was…” the beast paused for a moment; almost about to reveal that there was two of her currently in the world. “Hmph, such rubbish coming out of your mouth, Uchiha. I was mused by your previous comment, yet now you simply bore me with your assumptions of what I am. Who am I? I’m the Monster Cat, the Two Tails or whatever humans call me now a days. My flames will burn any and everything in it’s path, weakling or not” she said now, as she moved the flames of the underworld themselves started to surge across the terrain. “This you’re final warning, human…else you’ll end up like these poor souls…” she said as from the ground, utilizing her spiritual flames – she would reincarnate the corpses of five unfortunate souls who didn’t seem to heed the beasts’ warnings. “Don’t you wish to continue breathing the beautiful fresh air you oh so admire so much? I’m sure they did too, but ignorance and arrogance lead to their own demise, and surely you’re on the way there too, why risk your life for such trivial things?

( Tamashī Jigoku ) - Netherworld's Hellfire
Type: Skill
Rank: S
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: When the foul Chakra Beast that is Matatabi is summoned it's natural power creates a massive inferno of spritual Blue Flames to erupt with it that cannot be reacted to or prevented, only countered after it has first set in, spreading outwards in a magnificent burst of flames. This initial burst simple marks targets, allowing the target These flames are also created when Matatabi moves and deal 15 damage to anything in short range of it per turn and cannot be extinguished, only sealed. Once burned, this 15 damage will continue until healed via Yang.
Note: This is always active when in the presence of the Two-Tails and cannot be deactivated.

Charred Resurrection
Using the highly spiritual nature of their flames, the user is capable of targeting the dead and reanimating them with spiritual flames. This creates up to 5 soldiers with a physical body composed of flickering blue fire and a spiritual mask resembling Matatabi. They are immune to 80 damage and lower and move at the same speed of a Sage ranked Ninja. These soldiers are capable of shaping Blue Fire for generic fire attacks and as Spiritual Flames.
The black macaw screeched as the blue flames rose the dead from the sands of the oasis, serving once again to showcase the dissonant difference between the poised red-haired Uchiha and the hideously scarred and frenetic bird. Looking upwards, Isabella continued.

You have never been sealed? Oh that is right, I was thinking of your other half. That was silly of me, I do beg your pardon, cat.

Isabella chuckled, before lowering her gaze back towards the Bijuu. She studied the chakra emitted by the cat, increadibly interested in the mechanism behind this Yin-based spiritual flames. Looking from the corner of her eyes, she hid her interest behind an expression of taunt

What I don't understand, though, is why you're reducing yourself to the names that those ignorants call you?

Isabella spat on the corpses, an ugly behaviour to punctuate her disdain for the lesser humans.

The weak are always quick to label what they fear as monsters. I find it fascinating, right down to their dying pleas.

She said, snapping her fingers. Almost as if to rival the blue fire, the skeletons burst into black and golden flames of Decay, as a kingly aura rose from Isabella, like a monstrous demon spitting thousands of heinous vypers from it's open mouth and nostrils. It's gigantic pressure permeated the air, several meters above the Two Tails, giving even the scarred black macaw the dark and golden glow of an Harbinger of Decay and Death.

±Ibiton: Sono Kenryoku no Belial | Decay Release: The Power of Belial±
Type: Defensive
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
By taking use of the advanced release of Decay, the user snaps his fingers and releases his decay chakra into any enemy technique in the field, decaying it and dispersing it completely in a virtually instant manner. Following the elemental weaknesses and strengths of Decay Release, the user is able to defend himself from a multitude of techniques, by decaying them into the natural processes they would decay into to. Although the user can't target enemies directly, he can target clone techniques, effectively dispersing them or even dispel chakra shrouds or other similar techniques such as the Jinchuriki's chakra cloaks.
Note: Can only be used 4 times per battle
Note: Can't use other Decay techniques S-Rank and above in the same turn.
Ninpō: Ritomasu Fōmu) Ninja Art: Litmus Form ( The Decay Aura of Belial the Devourer )
Type: Supplementary
Rank: N/A
Range: Self - Short
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: A simple technique, with varying applications, Litmus Form takes principles from both of it's related techniques, namely the simplicity of Litmus Finger, and the full body applications of Litmus Fist, and combines them both, to create a full-body application, which is achieved through a very simple method. This technique utilizes the Chakra that naturally leaks from the body [SUP][X][/SUP], and is what allows Chakra Sensor-types to detect other lifeforms, such as enemy Shinobi, to create an unranked, full body cosmetic. It has been shown that this naturally exuded can be directly manipulated, such as with the "Chakra Suppression Technique", allowing the user to prevent this Chakra from escaping the body, making them virtually invisible to Chakra Sensors. This technique follows a similar principle, allowing the user to passively manipulate this ambient Chakra, moulding it much like they would for a Jutsu, applying both changes to the Shape and Element, giving it a basic "form" as it leaves the body. This however, unlike the aforementioned technique, doesn't make the user invisible to Chakra Sensors, as the Chakra is still "leaving" the users body, simply in another "state". This allows the user to re-purpose this Chakra, for example, allowing them to wreathe themselves in flames, or cloak themselves in an aura of electrical energy, vortex of wind, etc, and other purely cosmetic applications, without any actual Chakra cost, or effort on part of the user, leaving them open to perform other actions without interference. These cosmetics carry no damage, or tangible properties, not from a lack of control or influence from the user, but simply due to them being composed of the "dregs" of one's Chakra Flow, Chakra that would otherwise go unused, making any impact on both the user, other beings, and the world around them, almost entirely negligible.

Note: Can only be taught by Iᴍᴘᴇяғᴇᴄᴛ, and only to those who have learned "(Ninpō: Ritomasu Fingā) Ninja Art: Litmus Finger" and "(Nintaijutsu: Ritomasu Fisuto) Ninja Body Technique: Litmus Fist".


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
The black macaw screeched as the blue flames rose the dead from the sands of the oasis, serving once again to showcase the dissonant difference between the poised red-haired Uchiha and the hideously scarred and frenetic bird. Looking upwards, Isabella continued.

You have never been sealed? Oh that is right, I was thinking of your other half. That was silly of me, I do beg your pardon, cat.

Isabella chuckled, before lowering her gaze back towards the Bijuu. She studied the chakra emitted by the cat, increadibly interested in the mechanism behind this Yin-based spiritual flames. Looking from the corner of her eyes, she hid her interest behind an expression of taunt

What I don't understand, though, is why you're reducing yourself to the names that those ignorants call you?

Isabella spat on the corpses, an ugly behaviour to punctuate her disdain for the lesser humans.

The weak are always quick to label what they fear as monsters. I find it fascinating, right down to their dying pleas.

She said, snapping her fingers. Almost as if to rival the blue fire, the skeletons burst into black and golden flames of Decay, as a kingly aura rose from Isabella, like a monstrous demon spitting thousands of heinous vypers from it's open mouth and nostrils. It's gigantic pressure permeated the air, several meters above the Two Tails, giving even the scarred black macaw the dark and golden glow of an Harbinger of Decay and Death.

±Ibiton: Sono Kenryoku no Belial | Decay Release: The Power of Belial±
Type: Defensive
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
By taking use of the advanced release of Decay, the user snaps his fingers and releases his decay chakra into any enemy technique in the field, decaying it and dispersing it completely in a virtually instant manner. Following the elemental weaknesses and strengths of Decay Release, the user is able to defend himself from a multitude of techniques, by decaying them into the natural processes they would decay into to. Although the user can't target enemies directly, he can target clone techniques, effectively dispersing them or even dispel chakra shrouds or other similar techniques such as the Jinchuriki's chakra cloaks.
Note: Can only be used 4 times per battle
Note: Can't use other Decay techniques S-Rank and above in the same turn.
Ninpō: Ritomasu Fōmu) Ninja Art: Litmus Form ( The Decay Aura of Belial the Devourer )
Type: Supplementary
Rank: N/A
Range: Self - Short
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: A simple technique, with varying applications, Litmus Form takes principles from both of it's related techniques, namely the simplicity of Litmus Finger, and the full body applications of Litmus Fist, and combines them both, to create a full-body application, which is achieved through a very simple method. This technique utilizes the Chakra that naturally leaks from the body [SUP][X][/SUP], and is what allows Chakra Sensor-types to detect other lifeforms, such as enemy Shinobi, to create an unranked, full body cosmetic. It has been shown that this naturally exuded can be directly manipulated, such as with the "Chakra Suppression Technique", allowing the user to prevent this Chakra from escaping the body, making them virtually invisible to Chakra Sensors. This technique follows a similar principle, allowing the user to passively manipulate this ambient Chakra, moulding it much like they would for a Jutsu, applying both changes to the Shape and Element, giving it a basic "form" as it leaves the body. This however, unlike the aforementioned technique, doesn't make the user invisible to Chakra Sensors, as the Chakra is still "leaving" the users body, simply in another "state". This allows the user to re-purpose this Chakra, for example, allowing them to wreathe themselves in flames, or cloak themselves in an aura of electrical energy, vortex of wind, etc, and other purely cosmetic applications, without any actual Chakra cost, or effort on part of the user, leaving them open to perform other actions without interference. These cosmetics carry no damage, or tangible properties, not from a lack of control or influence from the user, but simply due to them being composed of the "dregs" of one's Chakra Flow, Chakra that would otherwise go unused, making any impact on both the user, other beings, and the world around them, almost entirely negligible.

Note: Can only be taught by Iᴍᴘᴇяғᴇᴄᴛ, and only to those who have learned "(Ninpō: Ritomasu Fingā) Ninja Art: Litmus Finger" and "(Nintaijutsu: Ritomasu Fisuto) Ninja Body Technique: Litmus Fist".
My what…was sealed?! Lies, that’s all you humans are ever good for…causing pure lies” Matatabi snared at the woman. Matatabi continued to hear the woman run her mouth, which quite honestly, she’s heard enough. However before she can even command her warriors of the undead, it seems that they would immediately disperse into nonexistence by some other flame. Matatabi simply smirked – the beast came more than prepared. “If you truly believe those are the only one…” she said as from the ground, another set of five warriors of undead rose up from their graves. “then you’re sadly" mistaken. Immediately their formed, it seems yet another technique is being used by this time the Matatabi wasn’t having it. “PERISH!” which as the warriors of undead gathered beneath her to remain safe; an omnidirectional burst of chakra was released that would immediately shake the landscape up. The sand would violently kick up into the air, causing a sort of sand avalanche to raise from the ground – easily crushing Isabella under the weight of the sand but also the raw power of the chakra burst. It would also serve to blind the opponent from seeing her but of course the beast didn’t care. Once it did this; it would channel chakra into it’s mouth; which would immediately be aimed into the direction of the opponent, causing the entirety in front of the Nibi to be completely blasted into nothingness. “What a waste of my time…and such misplaced bravado…” she said as her five fiery soldiers came from underneath her, two of them charing at the enemies potential location.

( Nibi Chon Henji no Justu ) - Two Tailed Full Transformation Technique (Reference)
Type: Skill
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 100
Damage points: N/A ( +40 to Fire, Blue Fire and Taijutsu Techniques )
Description: The user begins to borrow chakra from Matatabi and releases a large amount of dark blue chakra pours out of her body as the Two-Tailed Beast is released into the world. Matatabi is a gigantic two-tailed cat and is completely engulfed in flames that are cobalt blue and black. It also has heterochromatic eyes, the right being yellow and the left being green. While active, Matatabi is capable of using Fire Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, and Tailed Beast Techniques. Much like all other Tailed Beast, Matatabi has 80 damage reduction as well as a damage increase to its techniques by +40. Despite it's large size, Matatabi is deceptively quick - much quicker than most of it's fellow Tailed Beasts. Matatabi has 550 Health, moves at x4 times her speed and is able to track up to 4 times her speed. When the Two-Tailed Complete Transformation is used, the user gains a separate pool of chakra to draw from. Matatabi's Chakra pool is 1500 Chakra and when roaming free/unsealed, this pool is doubled though this means a Ninja World Mod is controlling it.
Note: Each use lasts up to 10 turns. After ending, he cannot make use of any Jinchuriki or Tailed Beast skills above the basic Chakra Shroud state for 5 turns. Can only be activated twice per arc.
Note: The user is capable of summoning the Tailed Beast at any stage of mastery; during initial stages, this causes him to release it in an enraged state, temporarily boosting his powerful higher than normally but relinquishing all control over him which causes a Ninja World Moderator to then control his actions, gaining a damage boost to a +60 instead of 40. The user is also rendered KO for the remainder of the event. When done through this manner, the NW Mod in question can decide which Path the Bijuu uses and is capable of using the skills as if mastered. This, however, does not mean he will lose the Bijuu and will retain it the next arc.
( Bijutsu: Biju Shōgekiha ) - Tailed Beast Skill: Tailed Beast Shockwave
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: B - S Rank
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 20 - 40
Damage: 40 - 80 (80 + 40 = 120)
Description: A basic skill available to all Tailed Beasts and their Jinchuriki, the chakra shockwave is as dramatic as it is useful. A Tailed Beast uses its massive chakra reserve to turn anything from a roar or a simple wave of a limb into a powerful force of pressure and destruction. The ability varies in power, depending on the chakra mode the user is in and the chakra he puts into it but can only be used from time to time and never in focused or precise ways. In their Chakra Shroud state, the technique gains a +20 damage increase. In their Incomplete Mode, the technique gains a +30 damage increase. In Complete Transformation, the technique gains +40 damage increase.
Note: Can be used by Pseudo Jinchuriki's in their Final Pseudo Mode
Note: Jinchuriki's can use this skill in their Initial and Complete Transformations
Note: Can only be used once every 2 turns
( Bijutsu: Bijudama ) - Tailed Beast Skill: Tailed Beast Ball
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 60
Damage: 120
Description: The Tailed Beast Ball is the ultimate technique of a tailed beast, which can also be used by a jinchūriki while transformed. Tailed Beast Balls are made from an 8:2 ratio of positive black chakra (+の黒チャクラ, purasu no kuro chakura) and negative white chakra (−の白チャクラ, mainasu no shiro chakura). Users must gather and balance this chakra in their mouths, shape it into a sphere (or a conical shape in the case of the Ten-Tails in its second form), and then fire it at their target. Tailed Beast Balls are very destructive, creating explosions that are visible from far away and that vaporise almost everything in the blast area. The Ten-Tails has further range than other users, capable of firing it in a conical shape that causes a mid range explosion around it when used.
Note: Can only be used 3 times per battle, requiring at least a 2 turn break in between uses. This wait is doubled for the Ten-Tails Jinchuriki.
Note: If 2 or more Jinchuriki collaborate in the creation of a Bijudama, the power of it multiplies by the number of Jinchuriki.

Nibi NPC has Challenged Isabella Uchiha.


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Hmm…human traditions are always been a strange thing to me…” Matatabi said, watching the blood drop onto her claw. She would lick the blood, but at the same time she would prick her tongue with her claw to draw her own blood. “Here, now let’s not waste anymore time…” she said presenting it into Isabella’s hands. The beast would be prepared to following her towards the destination.

@Lili-Chwan is granted permission to move the Matatabi NPC for travel purposes.



Active member
Jun 18, 2009
Trait Points
Hmm…human traditions are always been a strange thing to me…” Matatabi said, watching the blood drop onto her claw. She would lick the blood, but at the same time she would prick her tongue with her claw to draw her own blood. “Here, now let’s not waste anymore time…” she said presenting it into Isabella’s hands. The beast would be prepared to following her towards the destination.

@Lili-Chwan is granted permission to move the Matatabi NPC for travel purposes.
Yeah, I never understood it either. But it is a vow or comradery and trust. And I know this annoys you, so allow me to make it disappear.

She said, swiftly catching the blood og the Yin Half of Matatabi with a few drops of materialized water, which immediately got sealed inside a medical scroll, and the whole Matatabi Geechee Nzumbe got sealed inside another, in such a dexterous motion that it seems both were the same motion.

(Ninpō: Ritomasu Fingā) Ninja Art: Litmus Finger

Type: Offensive/ Supplementary
Rank: E-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 5
Damage: 10
Description: This Jutsu was developed using the special paper Sensei possess to assess a Shinobi's Elemental Affinity as a basis. The user focuses Chakra in their finger/ hand and, by performing a small gesture that best represents the Element they wish to replicate, they produce a small, raw form of the desired Element. While this technique lacks any significant "punch", the technique itself can be used to attack the opponent in a variety of ways, making this Jutsu's true strength lie in it's users imagination. The following is a list of basic examples from the 5 Elemental Natures. Note that these are simply basic examples, and not the sole usages of the technique.

Fire: The user can snap their fingers, using the heat caused by the friction to make a "lighter" from their finger/ thumb. Other uses include low heat Fire's, such as Ash.

Wind: The user can twirl their finger around, using the rotation to create a mini-vortex on their fingertip. Other uses include basic variations of Wind, like small gusts or blades.

Lightning: The user can rub their fingers together, using the vibration to mimic a small electrical charge. Other uses include basic variations of Lightning.

Earth: The user can ball their hand into a fist, compressing their Chakra and make a small rock or pebble. Other uses include softer or lighter variations of Earth, such as mud, dirt or dust.

Water: The user can, using free-flowing movements with their finger, mimic the flow of Water Chakra and create a "stream" of Water in the air. Other uses include basic variants on the Water Element, such as syrup or oil.

Iryo Fuuinjutsu: Yūki Bunshi Soshiki Fūji Gijutsu ) Medical Sealing Arts: Organic Molecular Tissue Sealing Technique
Type: Supplementary
Rank: D-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 10
Damage: N/A
A simple sealing technique used by medical ninjas to seal organic tissue without it deteorating. The user will first need a medium, compatible with organic tissue (preferably water or a similar liquid medium) which he will put inside a container. He will then put the sample tissue inside it, into the medium. He will do the Ox handseal and press his index finger on the container. A sealing mark will spread and surround the container, sealing it. Whatever is sealed inside will not die or decay, even if fragile. Alternatively, if the purpose is to seal Organic Molecules rather than Living Tissue, the user doesn't need a specific medium and can even seal the Organic Molecules in a scroll. The technique can be used to store living organs for donors, tissue samples, blood, toxins, medication, drugs, etc in a viable and perfect manner.

( Ho/Mizu/Kaze/Tsuchi/Rai Houin ) - Fire/Water/Wind/Earth/Lightning Sealing Method
Rank: B-Rank
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user takes out a scroll, and writes the name of the element they wish to seal in it. They then make four handseals, and a vapour comes out of the scroll, envelops the technique they wish to seal and seals it back into the scroll.
Note: This technique can only seal one technique up to S-rank per usage
Note: This technique may be used only thrice.



Jul 4, 2012
Trait Points
Coming from
Continuing my Mission

Hades journey continued, He was beginning to feel a little drained and tired, every obstacle seemed more and more taxing to him, yet, as he approached the large Oasis, his hopes felt a little higher. Everything here was alive and brimming. The water was deep and clear, and the plants had life and fruit piling up. Around the out skirts of the oasis, several caravans, had parked, likely stopping for multiple days. The area seemed safe as well, with his Rinnegan, Hades was unable to discern any noticeable threats to the area, besides a few common sand snakes, and other small animals, the oasis seemed perfectly peaceful, and yet, Hades hopes where swiftly dashed. As he approached, two men wielding large spears stopped him. Confused, Hades glanced around, before the men spoke.

In these trying times, use of the oasis requires a Toll. 25 Ryo per person, per minute. One fruit limit, and as much water as you can carry.

Hades was puzzled, as he looked around, this time more closely, the peoples faces said it all. None starved, none dying of thirst, but all held stress and anger in them, that much was clear. Of coarse, Hades had no business with this, but he also had no money, and was thirsty. Turning back to the men, he spoke.

Based on whose orders? Whats to stop me from simply snapping you both in half and drinking non the less?

Both men went dead straight, likely having not been so casually threatened, even in times of undying, being bent into two pieces was still agonizingly painful, as was starving and dehydrating to the brink of death. However, a voice from behind answered in their stead.

On my orders. I own the oasis, purchased it from the Lord of the Land. I pay Taxes on it, and people pay me, its simple.

Hades was no fool, as the lies flowed from his mouth. In times like these, even if what he said was true, holding people at ransom just to drink from something that occurred naturally in nature was a sin. Hades may not have cared, if this was a man made oasis, and blood and sweat had gone into cultivating it, but these thugs had simply come across an easy business idea, and opted to take advantage. Hades turned, fully now, to the man, and spoke.

You didn't answer my question. Whats to stop me from snapping you in two as well, and continuing on my business?

The man seemed unphased. Which was odd, did he think he had some kind of trump card, some powerful ninja protecting them. Maybe a trap Hades had walked into? None of it really mattered to Hades, there was nothing on this continent that could contain him, he was certain of that. Yet, as the man spoke, Hades anger bubbled.

Physically there is nothing i can do. But you would use force, for only yourself, to selfishly take from those who have waited, and paid, and risked their lives to get here, and you look at me as if im the problem here, tsk tsk

The arrogance of his words annoyed Hades. Even more so, he tried to spin the exploitation of others around to make Hades appear as if he was the bad guy in this situation. However, as he mentioned, he had no real way to stop Hades, outside of some pathetic guilt trip, which completely un phased Hades. Smiling, Hades spoke.

You're right. Doing so would make me so selfish. Which is why, as of right now, i own this Oasis. With my ownership, you'll vacate, and people will be allowed to drink and eat for free, anyone who tries to stop them will be broken in two, understood?

The man chuckled, thinking Hades was joking it seemed, as he retorted, smugly.

Oh you think so huh? Im sure a bounty on your head will fix your arrogance, this is my oasis, to do with what i please.

Smiling, Hades almost laughed, a little snippet escaping his lips. Weaving Handseals as he spoke, Hades responded.

Then put a bounty on his head too, because i own this now.

Finishing the handseals, a massive puff of smoke erupted around them, and towering above everything, the King of Jaguars stood, glaring down towards the man as Hades stood between his front legs. As the man stared in shock, Hades spoke again

This is my friend, Tezcatlipoca, He will now be the guardian of this Oasis. If you try to tariff the people, he will crush you into paste. If you try hire ninja to attack and harm him, i will crush you into paste. As for everyone else, you're free to drink as you please, but i do ask that people be considerate.

Spinning on his heel, Hades walked under Tez, through his hindlegs, and up to the water spring. The two guards had fallen to their knee's in fear, as Hades walked past, kneeling down to the crystal clear water, and drinking deep. From his pouch, Hades produced a small canister made from Wood, and filled it up with water. With that done, Hades turned to Tez.

Take care of things here for me Tez, i have other things to do. You've full authority here, good luck.

The large Jaguar simply yawned, walking away from the oasis, and laying down, placing his massive head in his paws, and staring down the oasis. A new guardian, for the people, to live their lives as best they could. Tez would stay as long as need be, before dispersing himself, but Hades made a mental note to return here, just in case.

Summoning Jutsu: Tezcatlipoca, God of Jaguars
(Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Tezcatlipoca)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: n/a
Chakra Cost: 45
Damage: n/a
Description: Tezcatlipoca is one of the key Gods of the Aztec people. When he takes his animal form he becomes a Jaguar. He is the boss summon for Jaguars and is around the same size as Gamabunta. Jaguars have the strongest jaws of all the big cats as evidenced by their preference to deliver killing blows by biting the skull of their prey rather than the throat, they also eat turtles by crushing their shells. Using this bite Tezcatlipoca can bite through incredibly strong defensive techniques (A-rank and below). Jaguars are also masters of stealth and ambush made possible by their ability to mask their chakra from normal ninja, though not sensors. Tezcatlipoca is adorned in Aztec tribal gear such as feathers, piercings, armor and a green cloth ties around his waist. His chakra natures are water and wind he can use up to A-ranked water techniques and A-ranked wind techniques.
~Must have signed a contract with Jaguars.
~Can only be summoned once per battle.
~Lasts four turns once summoned.
~Can withstand up to 160 damage (2 S-ranked attacks)

Continuing mission into next LM


Jan 8, 2009
Trait Points
Coming from here

This post marks the beginning of my mission with the following storyboard element(s):
-Explore and Gather Sand for Marzan Part 2(Canon B Rank)
Summary: Kisuke journey has come to an end.
Kisuke makes it to Sandstone Oasis. The land is a lot different than the one he just left. This land had a lot of vegetation. There very a lot less cactuses. The size of them are the normal sizes that Kisuke was use. He walks over to some red looking vegetation. He leans down on the ground looking at the vegetation.

Such pretty color on this one. This is something I haven't seen before. I should take this with me. I wonder what kind of property does this give.

He puts the vegetable in his bag. He gets up and looks around scanning the area. The land had sand but most it was poison with the palm trees and vegetation. Far out there is a large sandstone. There is where the landmark got its name from. Kisuke rushes over to the stone. The site hasn't changed in size at all. Normally the size would get larger and be more in focus. Kisuke stops moving and looks around. Where he was previously is far out but the Sandstone is the same distance. Kisuke felt something was off. The distance of the location he was at previous is far so he is moving. Something like this is weird and seems like something only Genjutsu could do but he knows of anyway he can be put into a genjutsu because he doesn't have a chakra network. He takes his tanto out with his right hand and stabs his left palm. He starts to bleed and the distance of the place disappears. The Genjutsu would be dispelled by the pain he received. The wound passively heals with steaming coming of it.

So it was a genjutsu of some kind or something else. My head is still a little fuzzy.

The Merchant continues feeling a little fuzzy. The land it's self had poison his system. The plant he had picked up earlier was a dangerous one. It causes the person who touches it to hallucinate. Kisuke sits there thinking while trying to shake the effects but can't really snap back to reality to good. He is thinking since he started his journey in this landmark what he miss. He scans his memories in hopes to figure it out and remembered the red vegetable. It finally clicks in his head. It could be that since it's the only thing he touched in this area. He takes his bag and takes it out and throws it to his left. He looks left and there standing as tall as a hill or even could be counted as mountain was the Sandstone.

So we finally meet? I hope this isn't another hallucination. I guess the rumors are a little true. Such great things could come from that vegetation. I'll be back for it.

He walks over to the Sandstone. It's distance wasn't that far at all. The sun was starting to get to him and so out of his Shihakushō he pulls out his infamous fan. He uses it to cool himself down a little bit. He meets at the bottom of the Sandstone. He looks up at it. He puts away the fan and starts heading up on the stone. The most part is the ground does have a sand feeling and this could be used but Kisuke wanted to get away from the bottom where the vegetation is located at. He didn't want the sand to be polluted from it. Even if the ground have a sand feel as he moves over it. It still has a solid feel under the loose sand. That right there is what he is looking for. He takes his bag over his front and takes out two tools and one of them is a hammer and the other is Chisel(just realized my previous mission I had put a "S" at the end of this word lol.)

He puts the two tools in one hand and brushes the sand away exposing the solid foundation. With the Chisel he puts it against the against the ground. He smashes through the Sandstone. It cracks a little bit. He puts the Chisel into the crack a little bit it could and the hammer hits it again. The crack gets longer and wider. It splits more of the ground which he brush more sand out of his way to see the cracks. He looks around and knows he has to carry this solid piece of stone. He has to get a good enough piece to carry but not to big. It still has to be e0nough that can still be wasted if its to much but not to little. He looks at the cracks and notices a shape that is being created. He gets back down and uses the Chisel and Hammer drilling into the stone. He takes pieces off the ground and puts it aside. The ground's inter layer is exposed which he uses continues going down and gets to a good length. He starts hammering into the side of the ground that's inside of the hole.

He gets up after hammering into the side of the ground which causes the sides to be loose a little bit. From the top of the surface and follows the cracks and hammers into it which at this point he has to drill into the ground again from the other three sides. A large chuck of sandstone just sits up and only thing holding it up is the ground its attached to by the bottom. He puts away the tools in his bag. He leans down and shakes the chuck cracking the bottom layer that's still attached. The more he shakes it the more cracks and it finally breaks. Kisuke falls back on his bottom with the chuck of sandstone in his hands. He holds it up in victory.

I finally got it. Now it is time to get back to Marzan.

Kisuke gets up and leaves and heads to Marzan.

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