Sanctuary (286)


Jan 24, 2013
Trait Points
Lilith was given alot to think of. She had already pictured the Bismuth metal, as it was in her release form always liquid, as something that could be morphed into different shapes. The fact that how the metal would ultimately take on a solid form as part of it’s cooling she hadn’t thought of before, yet it made sense. Even if something is of the same element, some forms will still give that element different properties depending on the chemical/physical entanglement of the elements atoms. Which, come to think of it, made her realize just how powerful her old man’s Particle Style was. She listened carefully, but noticed this started to feel more alchemical than what she thought the work of a blacksmith entailed. Knowing that her element would probably mix well with other metals yet work rather bad as base on it’s own no matter how good she would temper it, she would look around as the smith started to talk with the person who gave her her cigarette, which she was still enjoying until it’s dying light. She was looking for ingots, specifically iron or even better yet, steel yet her realization of the fact that the smith acquiesced nothing of the sort here, she sighed. She had to go look for materials on her own, but before strutting out of the blacksmith’s workshop she proclaimed a bit of an extension of her power display. Using her Yang release coupled with her Liquid Krypton release, she formed a wolf-looking creation made out of a mixture between the two natures as Yang breathed life into her technique.

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(Kuriputon: Feruinta | Liquid Krypton Release: Felwinter)
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: D-S (S)
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 10-40(-10 per turn when sustained)
Damage: 20-80
Description: Felwinter is a multi-ranked technique that serves as the basic, jack-of-all-trades technique of the Krypton release. It can be created from existing sources(air) or from the user directly. Depending on how much chakra he/she spends it amps the technique further and thus produces more liquid Krypton. The force of the torrent of the ultra cold liquid will also become greater the more chakra is spent into the technique. But even so, small amounts of liquid Krypton may be enough for some occasions too. Through this technique, the user will be able to create small or large torrents of the liquid Krypton, create a huge "sea" of the ultra cold liquid or manipulate pre-existing liquid Krypton to form into huge hands or small flying liquid bullets. Even though the possibilities are essentially endless, since the release is indeed liquid it cannot maintain any lasting functional structures unless chakra is used to sustain the releases state. Sort of like water which can be formed into a dragon but needs chakra to sustain its form in such case. D, C and B ranks can be used indefinitely while B-ranks will require one handseal; Hare. A rank variation can be used up to 4 times, but will start to require two handseals; Hare - Ox. S-rank variation requires three handseals; Hare - Ox - Rabbit - and can be used up to 3 times per battle.

Note: B-ranks require a single handseal, A ranks two handseals and S rank three handseals.
Note: A rank version can be used 4 times per battle, S rank 3.
Note: No Krypton Above A-rank after using S-rank version in the same turn and next.

(Yoton: Jigoku ni henkō) - Yang Release: Change into Hell
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra cost: N/A (+50, -10 per turn)
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user is able to use their Yang nature too imbue life into an elemental technique, creating a Yang/Element sentient entity that remains on the field to aid them. The only limit is the size of the technique originally used as an elemental source, as the resulting entity will always be half the size. The entity can be interacted with, can act on its own, and is made of the element sourced with all its properties intact. Its strength is based on the original elemental technique used as a source. This doesn’t consume time since it is actually a skill applied to a technique used within the same timeframe. The infused chakra increases the technique by an additional ten chakra, of the fifty it costs in total. Note that the resulting entity created by this technique is bound by logical limitations of its shape and nature; a meteor cannot move on its own, a pillar cannot walk away, and a statue without arms cannot pick things up. Likewise, while it is able to use techniques from the source it is created from it cannot extend into different fields. For instance, if Susano’o is brought to life by this technique it cannot use Blaze Release unless the Susano’o itself is constructed, or partially formed, from Blaze itself (e.g. Sasuke’s Susano’o). It is bound by the literal source it is formed from, rather than the fields it is bound to.
Note: Usable 3 times per battle and up to 6 times per event to create one entity with up to 300 chakra points that is able to use jutsu from the source it was created from. Its chakra reserves can be replenished through external means, and because it has a chakra network can fall under the influence of Genjutsu or other Spiritual-based techniques.
Note: Yang Release Specialists and Yin-Yang users can apply this technique to advanced fields and CE and advanced elements.

Yokai.. I will go find some metal for myself and come back to you.. In the meantime, i will leave Freja with you, in case you need anything quenched, she’s your friend.

She spoke to the smith politely and bowed in appreciacion. The fact that the sword she was going to forge would become so much better with the smith’s help made her feel happy. She strolled out from the shop, leaving her creation behind and went looking for clues where she could find some ore or ingots of iron or steel. Or perhaps something even stronger. Judging by the fact that the smith had no material, she realized that perhaps staying in Sanctuary wasn’t the best idea. Instead she would head towards the nearest trade route or marketplace. She left for the great woods.


Durmaz watched bemused as Lilith created more harmful liquids for someone to injure themselves upon within his smithy, and better still gave this one sentience. Staring coldly at the chilling canine, he remarked as she departed.

"I'm sure she's well trained, but this isn't a kennel."

The gesture to give yet more fast-quenching liquids to the smith was appreciated but unnecessary. Lilith clearly had all the tools she needed to set up her own mass production scale forge, spawning molten metal and liquids that chilled the very air itself with just a gesture, but Durmaz couldn't, and would never be able to work with these materials and substances. His was an archaic, but necessary process that utilized something Lilith never could; the Human Principal. Ancient but not outdated, and more relevant than ever given the outlandish nature of the forces at play throughout the world.

He watched as the girl before him made a wolf out of some kind of element, its "skin" releasing waves of cold steam. It was something he had never seen before, an element he had never encountered in any kind of literature or encounters with others. Maybe it was just because he had lived in the confines of the arid deserts for the majority of his life, which meant the exposure to such foreign abilities was null. He was surprised, awed even, at the creation he bore witness to. It then seemed as if the girl would leave to the blacksmith in her place as she left on her own quest for some reason.

"She's very... enigmatic." Masaki mused to the smith, as if he was struggling to find the correct word to describe her. A moment later, he shook his head to bring himself back to the reality he was facing.

"Weapons, tools..." he replied as his gaze lingered around the room, eyeing the assortment of weapons as his disposal, ranging from swords and knives, to shields and chains. "I'm not versed in the arts of smithing or anything," the man paused as he grabbed his lighter for the cigarette that gently caressed his mouth (assuming it was okay since Lilith was smoking beforehand), "but even I can see your craftsmanship is impressive. The finished touch on these blades look as if they could cut a cactus without effort." He puffed a breath of smoke before pausing briefly.
"But, with all due respect, I don't see why so many people would come out to this place, er, Sanctuary, was it? For something like a sword?" Masaki would continue to explain to the man these rumors he had heard about how people were coming to this continent in droves looking for a weapon specifically from this man. Something didn't quite add up, without saying anything, an astute mind would want to know the secret behind the blacksmith's weapons here.

Durmaz raised a brow to the new figure's statement and he couldn't agree more.

"Can't deny she's got talent but I'm not exactly a great role model, so the fact she's clinging to me is..."

Leaving the familiar outside Durmaz let his words trail off and let the man speak, musing why people would bother coming out this far for something as simple as a sword, or other kind of weapon or tool.

"You know about my smithy, but haven't heard why? Can't say I blame you. There was a recent... development. You might be more familiar with the Legendary Marzan, and the God-Slaying Tools." The honorific may as well have been forced from the smith's lips at gun point. Respect was there, but also envy dripping from his words like they'd been dipped in the emotion. "This is an Atavistic Forge. I can make weapons and tools with Anti-Divine properties, utilizing the Human Principal. These tools bond with the soul, and grow with the experiences of the wielder in response to their desires. Or at least that's the theory. I've yet to actually put it into practice. As I said, this is a recent development."

Durmaz let the information sink in. It wasn't the easiest thing to take in all at once. Gods, Divinity, Tools that can harm them and the ones who can forge them. He gave this newest patron time to take in these developments.


Active member
Feb 27, 2011
Trait Points
Durmaz raised a brow to the new figure's statement and he couldn't agree more.
"Can't deny she's got talent but I'm not exactly a great role model, so the fact she's clinging to me is..."

Leaving the familiar outside Durmaz let his words trail off and let the man speak, musing why people would bother coming out this far for something as simple as a sword, or other kind of weapon or tool.
"You know about my smithy, but haven't heard why? Can't say I blame you. There was a recent... development. You might be more familiar with the Legendary Marzan, and the God-Slaying Tools." The honorific may as well have been forced from the smith's lips at gun point. Respect was there, but also envy dripping from his words like they'd been dipped in the emotion. "This is an Atavistic Forge. I can make weapons and tools with Anti-Divine properties, utilizing the Human Principal. These tools bond with the soul, and grow with the experiences of the wielder in response to their desires. Or at least that's the theory. I've yet to actually put it into practice. As I said, this is a recent development."

Durmaz let the information sink in. It wasn't the easiest thing to take in all at once. Gods, Divinity, Tools that can harm them and the ones who can forge them. He gave this newest patron time to take in these developments.
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Masaki listened to the musings of the smith with keen ears. A lot of information came from the artisan, the name "Marzan" with the slightest hint of admiration and the creation of these god-slaying tools; the Atavistic forge and divinity; Human Principle and developing a bond with the weapon itself. Perhaps it was because he was an artisan himself, albeit puppetry, that he took a keen interest in this forge, but either way, the information given felt as if it carried great weight.

Masaki scratched the side of his head. "This Marzan-san you speak of, I take it he invented the forging style you use. And these god-slaying tools, divinity..." He paused for a moment. "I apologise, this is a lot to take in. I suppose inside my head I feel a bit lost." He chuckled slightly.
Masaki would continue his line of thinking, attempting to summarise what the smith had said. "So basically, you forge weapons that are unique to the person, and that weapon develops an attachment to them? I can see why people come to you so often." Needless to say, he sounded impressed. In fact, it sounded like a lot of work for one mere soul to handle.

This was not something Masaki had initially thought of on his way here. At most, this was an excursion to the western continent as a learning experience for personal benefit, but this blacksmith was offering to make him a weapon of sorts. But this was no ordinary weapon, apparently having something called the Human Principle built into it, and that it would bond with him. Certainly, it sounded as if it were a promising journey, and was something along the lines of what he was looking for when he set out. Furthermore, the smith had mentioned making a myriad of weapons, withholding complexity; it spoke measures of his skill at the forge.

Indeed, Masaki was already quite knowledgeable in the basics of weaponry that shinobi used. The difference between a kunai and a shuriken, or a naginata and a bisento were like apples and oranges to him. But if these weapons were as profound as the smithy made them out to be, the tool he desired should equate to being something special.
Something special... Masaki looked downward towards his right arm, still in a makeshift cast from that one time. "If you're still offering, a gauntlet..." he mused, tracing his left hand along his right arm, drawing a line around the midpoint of his humerus. It would fit the criteria of what he believed to be a Tool of Human Principle: something that was special and could aid in his battle. "I-if its not too complicated, of course!" He stuttered.

"Oh, one more thing," he asked with an immediate thirst for knowledge, "where might one learn more about this Human Principle?"


Jan 24, 2013
Trait Points
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Masaki listened to the musings of the smith with keen ears. A lot of information came from the artisan, the name "Marzan" with the slightest hint of admiration and the creation of these god-slaying tools; the Atavistic forge and divinity; Human Principle and developing a bond with the weapon itself. Perhaps it was because he was an artisan himself, albeit puppetry, that he took a keen interest in this forge, but either way, the information given felt as if it carried great weight.

Masaki scratched the side of his head. "This Marzan-san you speak of, I take it he invented the forging style you use. And these god-slaying tools, divinity..." He paused for a moment. "I apologise, this is a lot to take in. I suppose inside my head I feel a bit lost." He chuckled slightly.
Masaki would continue his line of thinking, attempting to summarise what the smith had said. "So basically, you forge weapons that are unique to the person, and that weapon develops an attachment to them? I can see why people come to you so often." Needless to say, he sounded impressed. In fact, it sounded like a lot of work for one mere soul to handle.

This was not something Masaki had initially thought of on his way here. At most, this was an excursion to the western continent as a learning experience for personal benefit, but this blacksmith was offering to make him a weapon of sorts. But this was no ordinary weapon, apparently having something called the Human Principle built into it, and that it would bond with him. Certainly, it sounded as if it were a promising journey, and was something along the lines of what he was looking for when he set out. Furthermore, the smith had mentioned making a myriad of weapons, withholding complexity; it spoke measures of his skill at the forge.

Indeed, Masaki was already quite knowledgeable in the basics of weaponry that shinobi used. The difference between a kunai and a shuriken, or a naginata and a bisento were like apples and oranges to him. But if these weapons were as profound as the smithy made them out to be, the tool he desired should equate to being something special.
Something special... Masaki looked downward towards his right arm, still in a makeshift cast from that one time. "If you're still offering, a gauntlet..." he mused, tracing his left hand along his right arm, drawing a line around the midpoint of his humerus. It would fit the criteria of what he believed to be a Tool of Human Principle: something that was special and could aid in his battle. "I-if its not too complicated, of course!" He stuttered.

"Oh, one more thing," he asked with an immediate thirst for knowledge, "where might one learn more about this Human Principle?"

Durmaz was neither the kind, nurturing type, nor the kind to give properly structured history lessons, but he gave the man a little more context surrounding the God Slaying Tools.

"Invented and damn near took it with him to the grave is what he did. It's a lot of a mortal to be asked to process, but those weapons and tools of his were what allowed Humanity and the Gods to emerge victorious against the Primordial Divinity Tiamat ten thousand years ago. Got himself locked up in Irkalla because he posed a threat to the Gods themselves when they were having their own civil war. Only got saved two years ago when a bunch of idiots decided to raid hell itself. You'd be visiting his forge right now if not for the scarlet swamp in the east burying it."

Durmaz let Masaki continue, summing up the nature and essence of the tools while commenting on the smith's popularity

"More or less, but you're mistaken on one count. No one came to me for anything before this. As I said. Recent development. I wasn't even the one who made it, I just watched then the one who did fᴜcked off to who knows where. Even now I can't claim to have contributed anything to the achievement but pick up the slack. You and the last few outsiders are the first serious patrons I've had that weren't asking for hinges and nails..."

The last comment were the words of a man who had grown accustomed to his mundane works, forging the essential parts and pieces that kept the village around him standing, and while it was fulfilling to see his people thrive, it was void of ambition or enjoyment. This new path path to forging God Slaying Tools? Durmaz didn't care one iota about defying the Gods, or fate. Those tools existed, and were considered the pinnacle of smithing to him, so he simply wanted to forge them to show that he could. That he was as creative and competent a smith as the Legendary Marzan. That was it. Finally the young man stated what form he wanted his tool to take. A gauntlet.

"It's not complicated at all. You're just bending plates of metal and fastening them together with a rivet, or some other form of hinge for flexibility.

As for learning about the Human Principal, you are standing in the birthplace of it's discovery. Almost all of the humans within Sanctuary are versed in it to some degree, as we immortals, blessed by the Gods during the Great War with Tiamat, migrated here only a century or two after Humanity's victory against the Great Mother and her spawn. Save for a few souls who have awoken the power on their own, there is no better place to learn about Atavistic Flame than here."

Alternative, complete three B-Rank missions in the Badlands of Earth or Iron Peninsula to gather the raw materials for your gauntlet, then return.


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

For about a day's traveling with the heavy cargo, Lilith had finally reached the Sanctuary that was located in the midst of the islands center. Without much ado, she went directly to the smithy's workshop where she had left her Kryptonian creation. She noticed the other gentleman was still there too as she placed about 50 kilos worth of steel on the floor next to the forge. All being ingots of high-grade crafting materials that could be used for pretty much all purposes. With the burden unloaded, she wiped some sweat from her forehead but stared right into the smith's eyes and applied a broad smile.

I got a gift for you master! I hope you can make use of this while i try and forge a blade like you instructed me.
The steel was of high grade but it would serve absolutely no purpose in the forging of a potential GST, which, she could not use anyway while Alucard was. Her expression radically changed out of nowhere though going from tired but relieved to an almost shocked one. She then sensed her fathers emergence from the Rift back in the ruins of chungsuu through their mental link and she spoke to him instantly (a conversation that could not be heard by anyone else but herself and Alucard, thousands of miles away). Her gaze shifted focus as she spoke with him.

*Otosan, are you okay?! Seems like you're alive this time though. I will have a gift for you when we see eachother again.*
She then turned back to the smith awaiting some sort of reaction from both of them. Since the other man was also there still, she addressed him too, awkwardly.

Oh hi again, did the smithy help you yet?
She tended her previously created krypton wolf and scratched it beneath it's jaw.

@Imperfect @Alternative


Active member
Feb 27, 2011
Trait Points
Durmaz was neither the kind, nurturing type, nor the kind to give properly structured history lessons, but he gave the man a little more context surrounding the God Slaying Tools.
"Invented and damn near took it with him to the grave is what he did. It's a lot of a mortal to be asked to process, but those weapons and tools of his were what allowed Humanity and the Gods to emerge victorious against the Primordial Divinity Tiamat ten thousand years ago. Got himself locked up in Irkalla because he posed a threat to the Gods themselves when they were having their own civil war. Only got saved two years ago when a bunch of idiots decided to raid hell itself. You'd be visiting his forge right now if not for the scarlet swamp in the east burying it."

Durmaz let Masaki continue, summing up the nature and essence of the tools while commenting on the smith's popularity
"More or less, but you're mistaken on one count. No one came to me for anything before this. As I said. Recent development. I wasn't even the one who made it, I just watched then the one who did fᴜcked off to who knows where. Even now I can't claim to have contributed anything to the achievement but pick up the slack. You and the last few outsiders are the first serious patrons I've had that weren't asking for hinges and nails..."

The last comment were the words of a man who had grown accustomed to his mundane works, forging the essential parts and pieces that kept the village around him standing, and while it was fulfilling to see his people thrive, it was void of ambition or enjoyment. This new path path to forging God Slaying Tools? Durmaz didn't care one iota about defying the Gods, or fate. Those tools existed, and were considered the pinnacle of smithing to him, so he simply wanted to forge them to show that he could. That he was as creative and competent a smith as the Legendary Marzan. That was it. Finally the young man stated what form he wanted his tool to take. A gauntlet.
"It's not complicated at all. You're just bending plates of metal and fastening them together with a rivet, or some other form of hinge for flexibility.
As for learning about the Human Principal, you are standing in the birthplace of it's discovery. Almost all of the humans within Sanctuary are versed in it to some degree, as we immortals, blessed by the Gods during the Great War with Tiamat, migrated here only a century or two after Humanity's victory against the Great Mother and her spawn. Save for a few souls who have awoken the power on their own, there is no better place to learn about Atavistic Flame than here."

Alternative, complete three B-Rank missions in the Badlands of Earth or Iron Peninsula to gather the raw materials for your gauntlet, then return.
Coming from [x]

For about a day's traveling with the heavy cargo, Lilith had finally reached the Sanctuary that was located in the midst of the islands center. Without much ado, she went directly to the smithy's workshop where she had left her Kryptonian creation. She noticed the other gentleman was still there too as she placed about 50 kilos worth of steel on the floor next to the forge. All being ingots of high-grade crafting materials that could be used for pretty much all purposes. With the burden unloaded, she wiped some sweat from her forehead but stared right into the smith's eyes and applied a broad smile.

I got a gift for you master! I hope you can make use of this while i try and forge a blade like you instructed me.
The steel was of high grade but it would serve absolutely no purpose in the forging of a potential GST, which, she could not use anyway while Alucard was. Her expression radically changed out of nowhere though going from tired but relieved to an almost shocked one. She then sensed her fathers emergence from the Rift back in the ruins of chungsuu through their mental link and she spoke to him instantly (a conversation that could not be heard by anyone else but herself and Alucard, thousands of miles away). Her gaze shifted focus as she spoke with him.

*Otosan, are you okay?! Seems like you're alive this time though. I will have a gift for you when we see eachother again.*
She then turned back to the smith awaiting some sort of reaction from both of them. Since the other man was also there still, she addressed him too, awkwardly.

Oh hi again, did the smithy help you yet?
She tended her previously created krypton wolf and scratched it beneath it's jaw.

This post marks the start of a mission using the following elements:
  • Learn more of the Human Principle/Atavistic Flame (2)
Synopsis: After a discussion with the blacksmith Durmaz, Masaki learns of the Human Principle that is used to develop the God-slaying Tools. With an inquisitive mind, he seeks to ask the locals of Sanctuary about Atavistic Flame.

Masaki mentally noted down the instructions to the best of his ability as the smith mentioned the ores required for this gauntlet he requested. Badlands of Earth, that was north of his home in Fenchuch. Evidently, it was not a place he had known too much about, but the close proximity to home would serve to quell any fears of going back to the mainland.

Perhaps to Durmaz's behest, Masaki bowed in respect for wanting to complete his request, acting as a simple "thank you" in response and left the man to his work. He would attempt to leave, only to be stopped briefly by the girl from before.
"Yeah," he nodded in response, "I'm about to head out. Thank you for your assistance." Following, he waved goodbye, before heading for the Badlands.

But first, the man would scour the village for anyone who would help him understand what it was the smith was talking about.

Masaki motioned his way through to the center of Sanctuary, meeting the gaze of many different monks circling the area, whether it be for rebuilding property, dealing with trade or cooking up a meal for their family. Some met with disinterest, others with a complete sneer for his composure. Perhaps it was because Masaki was an outsider to their village that he was met with such looks of disdain, or maybe they could smell the scent of tobacco on his clothes as he made his way through their village. Disrespect? Or something else.

One monk in particular, a younger looking man, beckoned to him. "Hey mister, over here!" He called out. Masaki looked in the direction, making sure this guy meant they wanted to talk to him before making his way over to his general direction. This area wasn't too secluded from the rest of Sanctuary, but well enough so that he wouldn't continue to draw attention based on his attire.

"You met with Master Durmaz just now, didn't you?" The monk inquired.

"Master... Durmaz?" Masaki questioned.

"The guy running the blacksmith." He replied. "I saw you walking out of his place!" So Durmaz was his name, and given the honorific, he seemed to garner a bit of respect amongst the locals.

"And what of it?" Masaki retorted as if to resist an interrogation.

"It's nothing mister, just seems like a lotta foreigners have been coming to see him lately. Some are even weird, like that cat lady that flew away moments ago." The monk must have been talking about Lilith. "His Atavistic forge is sure in demand lately." He quipped.

Atavistic forge... Durmaz did mention something along those lines. If Masaki could recall correctly, Durmaz fuels what he called an Atavistic forge, that uses something called the Human Principle to forge weapons that could bond to the soul of an individual. Supposedly, these weapons had anti-divine properties that could quell the forces of gods and those alike, not that the man knew much about what this all meant. He scratched his head in response to what the monk mentioned.

"Hey, what can you tell me about this Human Principle that Durmaz-san spoke of?" Masaki inquired to the monk.

"Human Principle..." The monk pondered on the thought for a moment. "Well, I guess it's something we've always had!" He jested.

"You've always had it?"

"We do have to learn how to use it, but it is something we've always known to have. My teacher mentioned something about everyone having the Human Principle naturally."

"Everyone can have it..." Masaki scratched his head.

"More or less. Like, the animals in the forest can't use it. Because--"

"Because it's Human Principle." Masaki cut the monk off his trail of thought. "Ah, sorry, please continue."

"Anyway, our technique is called the Atavistic Flame. It's a special flame that uses the spirit as fuel, so to speak."

Something clicked within Masaki's inquisitive mind when the monk spoke of fuel. "So that's why Durmaz-san mentioned the weapons he creates bind to the soul." It made sense; this Atavistic Flame utilised the spirit as opposed to chakra to create flames which is why the weapons, also made with Atavistic Flame, would bind to the souls of those desired so easily.
He continued to question to monk. "That must be pretty draining, why not use chakra like the rest of us?"

"The monks of Sanctuary don't have chakra."

Needless to say, Masaki was stunned at the notion, reverberating in his head. Sure, he had heard of people in the past who perhaps weren't quite so adept at using chakra and made up for it using taijutsu, but for people to just not have chakra pathways was something strange. Masaki was always lead to believe that chakra was simply another pathway that provided life in everyone, very similar to the blood vessels that provided the body with everything it needed. But for a civilisation to be deprived of it was unheard of to him.
"Surprised?" The monk asked. "Honestly, I was as well after hearing no one on the eastern continent had the flames like us."

"It's interesting at least."

"I can show you." The monk replied as he held his right hand in front of him. He focused for a moment, until the time his hand lit ablaze with a flame of yellowish hue. For the most part, he could sustain the flame for no more than a few seconds before it burned out. Masaki was in awe at the technique producing the flame, and to say, without the use of chakra. He noted that it looked different from the fire he was used to, that of chakra, where the flames were darker and had a reddish hue to them. Maybe this meant something about the levels of heat that were produced by Atavistic Flames.

Suddenly, a voice called out to the monk. "Oi bastard! Didn't we tell you not to use the sacred flame technique for fun!?" Another monk, seemingly pissed at his actions.

"Ah, s-sorry, senpai, won't happen again!" He stuttered, quick to apologize. "Sorry mister, I gotta run!" Like a devious thief, the monk quickly left the scene to somewhere safe, leaving Masaki alone. He was met with a sinister glare from the older monk, wherein Masaki broke into a bit of a nervous sweat. Needless to say, he shook off his nerves and bowed to this monk in apology, before leaving to the east, back where he came from.

Masaki had a mission: collect ore for Durmaz to forge a gauntlet. Hopefully the ship he came by was still docked in the same place.

Ending mission.
Leaving landmark.
Commencing auto-travel.

Itinerary: #286 Sanctuary -> #285 -> #282 -> #281 -> #280 Outer Cedar Forest.
Arriving at #280 Outer Cedar Forest @ 1.15pm EST.
  • Haha
Reactions: Skorm

Detective L

Active member
Jan 10, 2013
Trait Points

Another soul wandered into the forge, this time a mop of hair colored like a streak of lightning. He was chatting with another who had yet to step into the forge, but Durmaz focused less on the shy one outside, and more on the words of the one within.
"If rumors and hearsay were all that mattered, you'd be wading through the scarlet muck over in the ruins of the old Empire looking for the Smith of Legend, not paying my decrepit ass a visit, but don't think I don't appreciate the sentiment."

Unlike with Mikazuki, Durmaz could take one look at Zenitsu and his sword and know, or at least had an idea of what the young man wanted. An existing weapon for the smith to make a mental note and provide an Anti-Divine replacement for.
"I take it you want one like that, or similar, aye?"

Detective L, complete three B-Rank missions in the Badlands of Earth or Iron Peninsula to gather the raw materials needed, then return.

A quick clance and smile - I would take my leave.

"Similar indeed. Thank you~"

Wihtout wasting a single moment, I'd activate my Rinnegan and immediately shift my presence to the Badlands in search of the needed materials.

( Doujutsu: Rinnegan ) - Eye Technique: Samsara Eye

Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 50 ( -15 per turn )
Damage: N/A
Description: One of the 3 great Doujutsu, the Rinnegan has, like the other, the ability to see chakra and the chakra flow of individuals. It also allows the user a great clarity of perception and tracking abilities, although its levels vary from user to user. It also grants a family of abilities collectively known as the Six Paths Technique. The user is also able to summon and control the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path. After receiving half of Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki's chakra, Sasuke awakened a Rinnegan in his left eye, with three tomoe on each of its two innermost circles. If overused and weakened enough, it will temporarily lose the tomoe and it's full strength until fully recharged. During this time, Sasuke will also lose the ability to even form his Mangekyo Sharingan within his right Sharingan and access its powers until his Rinnegan has recharged. As a result, using the Rinnegan repeatedly requires Sasuke to close his eye to recharge initially.
Note: Requires the user to activate EMS at least one turn earlier.
Note: Requires activation and lasts for 6 turns before reverting to the normal Rinnegan pattern, requiring a cooldown period of at least 2 turns in which his EMS is also deactivated. While in its inactive/recharging form, the user cannot make use of any of it's abilities.
Note: While in use, the user's right eye retains its EMS state, having access to Kagutsuchi, Susano'o and their related abilities as well as the basic abilities of the Sharingan. His Rinnegan, likewise, retains access to it's EMS abilities. Sasuke can have up to 2 Paths active at any given time.
Note: Can only be used by Sasuke Uchiha bios.
( Amenotejikara ) - Heavenly Hand Power

Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 60 - 140
Damage: N/A
Description: With his left eye, Sasuke instantly shifts the location of himself, others, objects, and ninjutsu within a certain range. Due to its speed, this technique has proven to be especially useful for launching surprise attacks against enemies. In addition, it has the psychological effect of throwing opponents off guard by confusing them when the user runs their technique into an empty space. This technique not only switches the position, but the momentum and direction of the switched targets as well.
Short Range - The user is able to shift the location of himself anywhere within short range, instantly appearing in the new location. He can also use this ability to instantly switch positions with anything within short range of himself.
Mid Range - After spending 40 more chakra, the user is able to change his position and reappear anywhere within mid range of his original location. By targeting specific objects, the user can switch places with it instantly. The user can use this to shift his location up to 2 landmarks away if he is not in battle.
Long Range - Spending an incredulous 140 chakra, the user is able to shift his location and appear anywhere within long range, be it three landmarks away or entire countries away should he not be in battle. He is also able to switch positions with any object within long range in battle.
Note: Can be used up to 5 times, once every 3 turns.
Note: After long range use, the user must wait one additional turn between usages.
Note: Can only be used by Sasuke Uchiha bios.
Note: Requires Rinnegan to be active.
Note: User cannot switch places with items on the opponent's body or in hand.

Leaving Landmark


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
It would take her several attempts by combining steel and bismuth into a pearlite structure. The heating of the two metals had to be rapid and it didn’t help that bismuth and steel had two very different boiling/melting points. However, with a more sturdy mix into the base of the blade, it would make it much harder than using bismuth all on it’s own. She would keep the ratio of the two different metals slightly on edge, having a distribution of 70% steel and 30% bismuth. She would have to operate in the field of around the lower end of steels boiling point, approximately 2,700 degrees which surpassed that of the boiling point of bismuth by quite a high degree. Overlapping the microstructured bubbles into eachother was proving to be very very difficult, but atleast her Krypton wolf was able to rapidly cool down the created alloy which in turn was placed into a mold. A mold that would be formed into the great weapon she intended to gift her father. Her endeavours and show of patience paid off in the end, and she managed to mold a large dull bone of a weapon that she had to sharpen and shape manually. But atleast the metal in it’s most basic form was finally completed. With the bismuths much lower boiling point, it had to be mixed with the liquid steel which then turned the former to boil and mix easily while forming the necessary bubbles for the pearlite structure. Using her dragon, she rapidly cooled down the structure once it was set into the mold in order for the bubbles to get into the desired shape and size. Of course, these bubbles were microscopic, unable to be seen by the naked eye. The only way to test if the bubbles had formed and making the two metals overlap eachother was through strength/endurance tests using a control weapon only forged with steel. The color of the final result were stunning, in certain lights it had a crimson red glow and in some lights it had an oceanic blue hue. A balance of colors, hardness and sharpness all in one blade. However, the work was not done yet. She had to now manually pound the molded metallic rod into the shape of a large blade as well as creating a grip, hilt and sheathe for it. But before she did, she inspected her creation so far while wiping sweat from her forehead.

Yokai.. I am finally getting somewhere with Tenken..

She had already named the sword she was making, for good or worse, before it was really formed. Tenken, was somewhat what she reflected into the calling of the weapon. Divine punishment, for her father was nothing like regular humans, he was something.. else. She kept going, using her eagerness and patience to pound the molded shape into that of a greatsword, a blade that would be around 80% of her own length and reach up to longer distances when swung in larger arcs. The alloy had to be heatened up again in order to be workable, and she used the forge’s crucible in order to attain the heat needed as her own Bismuth element wasn’t enough to do so. With her wolf at her side, constantly watching and cooling her down in the inferno of hard work, it was ready to cool down her creation at convenience. When the blade itself formed, the pounding of the bone was no longer needed and instead, sharpening it required another tool. A tool that didn’t require the sword to be heated. Using a sandstone wheel that was attached to a tool with two pedals that were meant to be triggered through a cycling motion with the legs, she used the wetstone to sharpen the edges of the weapon to maximum sharpness. She tested the results througoughly, slicing different materials such as paper, fruits, and even trees before trying to slice a modern take of an armor. Due to the pearlite structure and the microscopic overlapping of the metals, not too unlike that of damascus steel, the end result was able to cut through everything like butter while also retaining the capability of holding its structure much better than if the sword was made solely from Bismuth. She then took to leather and ornate crystals in order to shape the grip and hilt of the blade. There was no sophisticated design for the hilt or grip, but the latter had a typical oriental diamond pattern with leather and wool woven in an overlapping pattern. The color of the grip was red, the same red as her fathers hat and cloak, a crimson blood hue. The hilt was made from the same material, pearlite, in order to attain strength to it but it was also covered in an ornate plating of silver, making it look more royal. But to match it up real good with the grip, she also decorated the hilt with flawless rubies. The final product was now in production, the sheathe. Knowing well that a sheathe could also be used as a blunt weapon, should it be hard enough, she used bones from void creatures she had killed in Irkalla. As a final touch, she used the blade to carve out ornate patterns and insignas on the sheathe of Tenken before sheathing it and presenting the final product towards the smith, who had overseen her work passively.
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ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
With Tenken finalized, Lilith would set out into the world once again, leaving behind the Sanctuary as the smith seemed too busy with other things. It wasn't her intent to stall the creation of more God Slayer Tools, infact, she and her father welcomed the mass-production.



Oct 22, 2009
Trait Points
[Coming from here]

It had been a long journey from start to finish. The war in Irkalla had taken its toll, though it had left him with a new appreciation for the things he held dear. Now arriving at the Sanctuary of the monks, Horus took the items out of his pouch and began to walk around asking any he could find if their was a smith or someone who would be able to enlighten him about such things​

Item Collection:
[Crystal collection]
[Crystal Tested]

Kurama Rift:
1x Ancient Petrified Wood
1x Crystallized Apotheotic Energy

Hiruko Rift:
1 x Ancient Unstable Sapphire.

[Crystal collection]
[Crystal Tested]

Charging Crystal:
[A rank] - 8
[B rank] - 5
[S rank] - 10
[B rank] - 5
[A rank] - 8
[A rank] - 8
[S rank] - 10
[S rank] - 8
[B rank] - 5
[A rank] - 8
[A rank] - 8
[A rank] - 8
[S rank] - 10

Total = 101 energy


Oct 22, 2009
Trait Points
It was unlike him, though Horus felt on edge. His patience was completely gone as a fire burned within that he struggled to contain. Shaking his head, he rubbed his eyes trying to regain his composure. What was going on with him lately? Why couldn't he control his sense of self. There was nothing wrong with his chakra or spiritual prowess. He just wasn't himself. Each day it felt harder to contain. Remaining here made him feel restless. He decided to depart though he would leave a clone here to gain information so it wasn't a wasted trip.
(Kage Bunshin no Jutsu) - Shadow Clone Technique
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 20 (total chakra is divided by the final number of clones plus the user)
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The Kage Bunshin distributes the ninja's chakra evenly among the clones and himself and creates a real copy with form and substance. The clones, a max number of 4, are capable of performing techniques on their own and can even bleed, but will usually disperse after hit by a strong enough force, returning 10% of its individual chakra to the user. Shadow clones can't be distinguished from the original with Sharingan, Byakugan, Rinnegan or normal Chakra Sensing. The clone itself can also utilize any jutsu the original ninja knows. When the clone finally disperses, any new knowledge it has gained is passed back to the original ninja and any additional clones.

With that, he set off to figure out what was wrong with his mind. He needed time away from the chaos in reality to smooth his mind.

Automated Travel:

286 - 282 - 19:00 - 20:00
282 - 281 - 20:00 - 21:00
281 - 265 - 21:00 - 22:00
265 - 264 - 22:00 - 23:00
Arrive at 264 at 23:00 (06/03/2024)