Raitoninguroddobarē (176)


Active member
Aug 25, 2010
Trait Points

Hei continues his path south, opening a portal and entering though.

( Yomotsu Hirasaka ) - Underworld Slope Hill
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: The user is able to open rifts within the fabric of space which allows them to instantaneously transport themselves anywhere. When used, the user's eyes glow red. The openings can also be used to connect two different spatial locations within the same dimension or create a pathway that links two dimensions together. Similar to Kamui, Yomotsu Hirasaka allows the user to utilize these spacial tears to retreat, perform ambush attacks, and many other possible tactics. Unlike Kaguya's version, the user can only travel fully through these portals, unable to partially emerge through them. The user can also utilise this method to drag their opponents to another location with them.
Note: This can only be used 5 times an event, once every 4 turns. The user can only travel to locations he has already traveled to, unable to use this to go to places he has never been.
Note: Can only be used by Urashiki Otsutsuki bios.

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Active member
Apr 15, 2011
Trait Points
Previous Landmark: Sea

Mission Rank: D-Class
Story Elements:
-Defuse local issues

Landing to the shore as his half-boat, half-cart would row into view of the locals who would quickly understand he was no ordinary monk, but a shinobi for a fact. Having now arrive on land, i was feeling quite tried due to me pulling in the cart myself. I wondered if I should take a rest only to be reminded that the creature inside sort to escape and try to head back to the island. The locals would hear the rattling inside the boat, for it appeared as though i had brought misfortune upon the local. "ah, urm its not what you'll think...I am merely passing through. I promise you whatever is here won't do harm as I am here to make sure that...never happens!"

Watching as the locals would merely nod and leave me alone, I would ease a sigh as the beast would growl inside only for me knock on the wood to quiet the creature which people staring at me would quickly depart the area. Leaving to letting out a sigh as the beast kept its silence now. It hated the sea for some reason as it kept making noses and scramming around inside as to rustle the impossible release. "I, know. You want to destroy stuff. -Sigh- Trust me, once i free you of whatever is making you do this or learn who's in control. I'll be able ease the stress from your life and mine. For now, bid time for both of us, I haven't learned anything just yet but I know some shinobi at are close by. They perhaps could show me some answers in turn I do some bidding or trade of sorts. Either way, i need answers."

"...Sir?" (Local boy)

"Woah!" despite me being a highly skilled individual, a little kid had sneaked up on me out of nowhere. Maybe my unconscious self had already deemed the boy not a threat as i relaxed lowering myself to their level. I hadn't fully dropped my guard as even for moment I was surprised. He would bow to me as i would in-turn, "Could you help us?"

Of course I would reply as i moved towards the boy to help them. It had been a while but i had the tendency to always seek to fulfill my position as monk. Into the woods, I would park my half-ship, half-cart on the hillside as i continued with the little boy. Now that I was on the small side of a little temple, I would notice it had monks too. They had been praying for a woman who seemed to be on the dying edge. Seeing the boy bring me to help, I knew i couldn't use my shinobi abilities here. For that would dull the importance of other monks.

"Can you help her, she's my big sister." (the boy)

"I'll pray-" (Trico)

"NO! Do...do something with chakra..." (the boy)

"I won't lie to you, i cannot...no I shalt bring ninjutsu into this matter." having said, the boy would take a step back as to see the realization of my words. He had known I was a shinobi but didn't think i'd refuse as a monk. Along the way, his stories to build up a character for who his elder sister was, all didn't matter now as i had seen the case. Something dark had been grown within him for my words had not gave him the peace he so much quenched for.

"No...one, ever helps. It's the same as always." (the boy) Watching the kid take out a knife to cut me,...no himself! I hadn't seen that outcome, this kid had already chosen that path, reach out to attempt stop them i would merely watch on instead as i had grown to not interject another's path in the universe. This was one of the contradictory scriptures, for outsiders had their own paths. I wasn't to stop them, now as the kid fell to ground besides me. I would merely move away to avoid having the blood on my clothing.

Heading down the hill, the locals had understood my position as someone unable to intervene in the matter. Nodding as i moved my half-boat, half-cart around to get myself out of the area towards my goal. I wasn't a savior, but rather a monk in all the issues. Silent monks never moved beyond their intended missions as they always attempted to stay neutral.



ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

Lilith arrived from the icy waters and landed on the border of the Lightning mountains, the neighbor to Dainashi. She took a huge smoke and braced for the cold.

Bloody hell i can't get used to this weather.. Can't wait to rest my body in the bellows of the mountain..

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