North-West Kinai Island (144)


Active member
Mar 2, 2012
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Strix had organized a transport to the fabled misty island where supposedly the moster was going to be protecting or even making its home, but before then, Strix needed to prepare herself for the fight. Making her way down the coast, she looked for a quiet forest to center and calm herself, finding the city to be too distracting and too busy to meditate. As she walked into the forest and traveled deeper to find a glade it was there she saw tracks, more than what any normal forest should have. These tracks included many footprints, wheel trails and even looking like some scorch marks along the side of the trail. This did not bode well for Strix and her meditation, the last thing she wanted was to have to find another area and travel further inland to find a place to meditate. Hoping up to the treetops, Strix silent jumped from one tree to the next following the trail of travel deep into the forest, to which she found a huge clearing, the size of some sporting grounds, covered in tents with people moving between them. Smoke rose from the campfires and huts that had been set up, some temporary staging ground though looking at the tents as well as the people around them, they did not look like those from the town. Moving closer but keeping her approach hidden, Strix investigated what this camp was and it didnt take her long to figure out who this group was.

A mercenary group of pirates, sell swords and bandits had gathered together different groups staying within the same camping ground but not fighting. There were some scuffles here and there but it looked like mostly they were getting along fine, or rather as fine as different hostile rogues could be. Sighing to herself, Strix knew that they wouldnt be moving from this plot, but it was curious to wonder what they were doing here. Looking for the biggest tents, Strix could see that there was a huge marquee that had been set up in the middle of the camp. No real exact stealthy path to get there, but it was most likely where the leaders of each faction would meet and discuss their plans, kept their treasure and anything else important to take place. Slipping down to the edge of the camp grounds, it looked like there was 3 major entrances and exits that people used, the north, south and east, with Strix currently just South West of the grounds at the moment. Creeping around to the edge, Strix plotted her way to the main commanders tent, looking for quick and easy access to the objective.

Stealth check = 19

Slipping back and forth between the tents, Strix is careful to watch the patrol routes and the comings and goings, sticking to the shadows of the tents, the tall trees provides plenty to stay in, the dark cloak she wears allowing her to blend in. Navigating her way forwards she continues till she reaches the large tent, seeing it 30 feet away heavily armoured guards standing at the entrance to the tent. From what it looked like these guards were nothing she recognized, warriors perhaps from somewhere in Tobusekai, armour fashioned from unique stone and metal pieces that weren't recognizable patterns. Figuring out a plan of attack, Strix paused before deciding what to do.
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Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points
This post marks the start of a mission:
-Assassinate the enemy commander(s)

Popping to the top of the tent she was standing behind while eying her quarry, Strix looked for some kind of back entrance or somewhere she could sneak in. There was too much heat for her to walk directly in, and she would probably be swarmed in seconds should the rest of the camp realize what's going on. This would need to be handled swiftly and efficiently, cutting of the head of the snake should cause the body to disperse, the rest of the soldiers to simply leave. When the coast was clear, Strix would move around to the backside of the commanders tent and timing it when there were no patrols around, Strix would roughly but quietly lift a flap and roll under. Undignified but this would have to be the way for now for her to take action. There was no doubt in her head she could clear the camp of the forces but less energy expended before the fight with the monster she was about to face the better. She found herself in a dimly lit circular tent with 3 men sitting around a hearth talking to each other, and upon closer inspection she could tell they looked like the higher up ranking Pirate, Sell Sword and Mercenary leaders that had gathered their bands to this campsite. Wearing a somewhat similar but fancier armour than the guards outside, they looked ready to fight and to move out, meaning that Strix would have to be careful about how she did this. A direct fight would mean they could block or survive, it would have to be a quick attack at their exposed weaknesses, assassinating the 3 at the same time.

Making the Bird Seal, Strix began to manipulate the wind as she then pushed her hands outwards, then drew them into her chest, causing a massive gust of wind to pick up outside the tent and come crashing in, picking up dust and making it incredibly hard to see inside the tent, once the wind blew out the campfire. The 3 generals began coughing after shouting in surprise, the unnatural phenomenal startling them. Light on her feet, Strix quickly hopped over the crates she was hiding behind, and dashed light on her feet, closing her eyes to listen in closely to the generals panicked cries. Rushing forward ten meters, there was a general right in front of her, his voice commanding to call the guards. Reaching from behind she positioned herself as her arms slipped around his waist and under his arms to claw out his throat, nothing but a gurgling coming from his mouth now as blood spilled onto her hands. The next general called out, a little wiser than the last knowing that something was afoot. He was roughly maybe 5 meters to the left of where Strix was standing, his voice gruff but piercing through the dust that kept Strix under cover. Covering her appendages in fire, she rushed over to the next target, striking quickly and efficiently as sparks flew off her elbows and knees. A singular strike to the gut caused him to bend over, lightning up his face, and consequently hers. He had barely enough time to register who had struck him before her elbow caught him in the temple knocking him unconscious severely giving him internal bleeding in the head. This however also set off sparks from her elbow igniting some of the fur rugs they were all sitting on around the fire. The last general could see some lights in the mist of the dust, and it was starting to clear. Calling for guards, Strix could tell he was roughly 10 meters to the back right of where she was standing. She had kind of given the attack away, but there was still time to strike and cover her tracks. With another swift movement she turned on one heel and ran over to the last target, charging the chakra in her fist. The plan was to cause damage to drop the tent, crushing the land beneath so that in the confusion she could slip out. As she reached the last general, the dust was mostly cleared around the campfire, though there was some smoke starting to gather from the sparks that had ignited the rugs. Footsteps were approaching, and guards were coming. this was going to be tough if they were alerted, not to fight out but to get away cleanly without a fight. The last general caught her eyes, a rough shabby man with a thick black beard with two scimitars at the belt. His eyes were bloodshot and wide as he saw here, as he realized it was going to be the last thing he ever saw. Raising her fist up, she drew it back a small amount and punched forward catching the last general square in the nose. Pushing forward and over the top with her body, she drove down feeling the bones within his face break and crack as she hit the ground falling on top of the general. Warm blood soaked her fist as it made contact with the ground and a shockwave erupted, crushing the ground around them, and disturbing the foundations of the tent. A second seemed to last for an eternity but Strix whipped her head around she the supports that were keeping the tent up fell down, collapsing the sheets that were keeping the tent up. The flapping of the sheet now was mixed in with the flame licking the rug, spreading to the sheets and wooden crates stored around the tent. Withdrawing her hand from the body, it was now deep red mixing blood and dirt, as she looked around. Likely moving back to where she entered would be the best way for her to escape, no doubt a majority of the soldiers would move to the front. Running to the back of the tent, Strix slid sideways as she reached to boundary and rolled underneath the lip of the tent, starting to cough from the dirt and smoke trapped beneath the tent sheets. Soldiers, bandits and pirates were beginning to gather around the front of the tent as the noise more than likely would have reverberated around the camp not to mention the smoke now coming out from the tent and the upturned earth too. Shaking her head to get the dust off her hair, she quickly lifted her head, spotting a quick path to the campsite edge, thankfully clear from almost all of the enemies around. It would take some tricky manoeuvring but sticking to the shadows of the tents should allow her to escape unseen.

(Fลซton: Fลซjin no Jutsu) - Wind Release Dust Cloud Technique
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: After performing the Bird hand seal the user creates a stream of high velocity wind combined with scouring dust. The completed technique is directed through overlapping hands.

( Za Danshingu Shiro Tora ) - The Dancing White Tiger
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra cost: N/A
Damage points: 80
Description: The user assumes a low stance and positions their hands to mimic claws. By pouncing on a target the user is able to deliver tiger claw strikes that can dig into and then tear out a targetโ€™s flesh. Though the attacks are extremely deadly against lightly armored targets they cannot pierce through heavy armor.

( Go Ryuu Assai Fungeki ) - Five Dragon Crushing Fury
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 40
Damage points: 80
Description: By charging their elbows and knees with fire chakra this technique enables the user to deliver a wide range of blazing knee and elbow strikes. The attacks themselves are able to break bones and when enhanced with fire chakra they become truly powerful.

( ลŒkashล ) - Cherry Blossom Impact
Type: Offensive
Rank: A - Forbidden
Range: Short
Chakra: 30 - 50
Damage: 60 - 90
Description: While some may see it as "superhuman strength", this technique is actually an application of medical ninjutsu that demands the ability to concentrate and minute chakra control. An immense amount of chakra is kneaded inside the body, and a moment later, all of it it is gathered into the fist or leg. That chakra is then released into the target, which does a great amount of damage. With the damage done dependent on the amount of chakra used, it is also possible for a skilled shinobi to amass it in their fingertip. When the ground is hit it is pulverized into minute pieces by the excess shock in an area short range all around, which are then scattered like flower petals, giving rise to the name "Cherry Blossom Impact".


Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points
Returning back to the town after the long night, Strix prepared herself for the travel ahead for confronting the supposed monster that had been hiding and sitting on the island off the coast. There was going to be a test for Strix and not only did she want to prove herself, but no doubt this would also confirm to Madara that he had made the roght choice asking her to join the organization. So far she had kept to the shadows and hid in plain sight to gather information on this target, it was now time to act.


Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points
This post marks the start of a mission using the following elements:
-Fight and capture the Three Tails

The morning had come and Strix has slept through the night, dreams of capturing and sealing the Bijuu, going over different olans and stratergies that could be adopted and what she might come up against. She had read through that each beast seemed to have a natural affinity to certain elements and some others even had unqiue skills and access to abilities. It was daunting to be taking on a beast of her own, but this was her duty, her goal to take down the creature all leading to further steps on her fate and path. Packing her bags and taking a deep breath, Strix left the tavern and head down towards the ship that had promised travel on the docks. They must have been expecting her because no one looked her in the eye, avoiding her gaze actively and moving out of her way as she boarded. Standing on deck, Strix looked around wondering if they really expected her to board downstairs when the voice of the captain broke the heavy tension.

Calling her over he gave her his first mates private room, explaining that he would need his own for the charts and planning. Strix didnt bother to comment knowing full well that this was to save face among his crew and the less fuss made now the better. She had shifted into her serious phase, focusing only on the task ahead and not being distracted by petty humane problems, there was a beast to capture.

Setting off shortly from the docks Strix stay to her room while they sailed away.



Active member
Jun 18, 2009
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Coming from [x]

Mission Start with the following Storyline elements:

Save a large community from danger
Deal with the aftermath of the nearby battle of Strix vs Isobu, the Three Tailed Beast

The morning dew reflected the waking rays of light that the dawn lazily shot out. Kinai lived almost perpetually within a mythical mist, and, in the mornings, the mist became ablaze with orange light, caressing all with it's warmth. Isabella remember the mornings the most.

The uberous Maternal Mist, their greatest refuge. Isabella trekked through the familiar paths that took her to the city and port of North-West Kinai, even as the city was just about waking from it's slumber. The mist was particularily thin this morning, as she round around a large crevice in the mountain, and she knew she'd find one of the most breathtaking vantage spots of the island in it's full glory.

High up in the mountains of Kinai, she was able to see the Great Port City and the sprawling marshes from which it rose, and, further out, the great ocean, permeating through the perpetual mist. But something was wrong. Isabella, with her Shinkaigan activated, pierced through the mist further than most, her visual accuity allowing her to pick up details that were impossible for the naked eye.

The marshes were dry. One might expect that the passing of time could have terraforming effects, but the secret were in the details. The wooden foundations of most piers and docks were freshly wet, but no water around to be seen. Fishing boats and other navigation vessels were cut to a third of what was expected, and there was no ocean for severa miles, the sea floor littered with unfortunate sharks and mythical water beasts, exposed by the disappearance of the Ocean. But, most off all, the lifecycles of all seemed to be reaching an end.

A tidal wave, like no other Isabella has ever seen before, approached in the horizon. It soon approached and punctured through the marshes and the city with all the brutality of a raging leviathan. The city filled up with water, as destruction and chaos ensued. It was clear the whole north side of Kinai was in danger, but there was a natural wall formation in North-East Kinai, a steep rock cliff that would protect most of the island from the tsunami, but here, the area was flat and the destruction would prove fatal. She watched as the city she loved was razed to ground by the same ocean it drew it's life from.

But the most horrifying thing was the way the ocean pulled away from the shores once more. Isabella spread her sight far away from Kinai, as far as she could possibly see. Now... there was no ocean in sight, only a low rumbling sounds, like a god pulling it's punch before completely decimating All. Another Tsunami would come, far greater than the first. And Isabella had to stop it, or else whole Landmark would be no more.

Isabella slapped both hands together, pulling from the accursed chakra she had created. Her Envy towards her childhood friend elemental KG had caused her to corrupt the mixture of Earth and Water. Instead of acquiring her friend's Senju Wood Release, she gained the dark corruption known as Mushroom Release. She reminesced about the time she left this country, years ago. Isabella Uchiha's betrayal of the Water Country happened in a morning just like this one, when she faced the Mizukage Alucard and unleashed the Monstrous Murk-Dweller Mandrake. She first enhanced it once with her Void energy, and then a second time with her Yin energy. The fungal demon king grew from the side of the mountain, it's tendrils taking on a denser and drier form. Instead of normal fungus, the Mandrake acquired the texture of a black morel, a huge sponge-like formation whose sole purposed seemed to be absorbing impact and water. The behemoth monster towered over the whole city, and Isabella, jumping onto it's head, seemed but a tiny speck of dust.

(Masshuru-muton: Mahou Momsuta-mokuren ) Mushroom Manner: Monstrous Murk-Dweller Mandrake
Rank: S

Type: Supplementary

Range: Short-Long

Chakra Cost: 40 (50)

Damage Points: 80 (100)

Description: 6 marks materialize a monstrous and massive mountainous mindless moorish and malodorous militant mandrake-like mesh of mold, mirroring the measures of monarchical monsters. It's muddy materials are malign, menacing, malevolent and not merciful, melancholy melting mischievous miscreants, the miserable menaces to it's maternal master. It's moaning moldy mouth of mire is master of Mushrooms, up to it's mark. The mesh of mold may materialize a myriad no more than 6 miniature monsters from it's might, mischievous militant mini murk-dwellers. The murderous musky mandrake mockingly manages a myriad of no more than 4 move-sets before it's muted. Moribund it is made milky and messy, melting mile-wide and measly.

*Mushrooms managed by the Monstrous Murk-Dweller Mandrake are 1 mark more mighty than mundane Mushrooms*

*1 monotonous use*

Note in current english: Creates a madrake-like structure of fungus of the size of a boss summoning. It's body has the same yet enhanced effects of normal main-release Mushroom. It can use mushroom techniques up to its ranked, whose effects get enhanced 1 rank. Is able to spit out mini copies of itself, up to 6. Lasts 4 turns if unblocked, can only be used once and requires 6 handseals. When the jutsu ends, the fungus just falls on the ground like it lost the force that was keeping it together.
(Mukล: Mukล no Tsuyosa) โ€“ Void: Strength of the Void
Type: Void Infused Artifact
Rank: B
Range: Short โ€“ Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Activated passively at the cost of one Void Infusion; Strength of the Void increases the potency of the userโ€™s next four offensive techniques by 20 damage.

Spending 1 Void Infusion: 1/2
(Inton: Ten ni Henkล) โ€“ Yin Release: Change into Heaven
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A (+50 chakra cost to applied technique)
Description: The user manipulates a technique of the basic 5 elements with Yin natured energy, allowing the user to change its properties. Fire can become solid, lightning can become tangible. The possibilities are as endless as the userโ€™s own imagination. The end result is a technique neutral to all basic elemental natures. This technique is applied within the same timeframe as the technique it is applied to. The infused chakra increases the technique by an additional ten chakra, of the fifty it costs in total.
Note: Yin Release specialists can apply this technique to advanced fields, CE, and advanced elements.
Note: Using Change into Heaven to transform the inherent nature of an element does not modify its base speed.
Note: Usable 3 times per battle and 6 times per arc.

Roll Especialized Infusion: 89 - Void Infusion 2/2

Charging her chakra through the flesh of the Mandrake, she started to unleash black spores that turned into clones of herself, even as the Mandrake spat out his own clones. Humanoid aggregations of black spores and mini mandrakes spread out across town. Their purpose were to help the victims of the tidal wave. The citizens of the port town, especially the fishermen and beggers, took the brunt of the wave. Isabella and the Mandrake's clones started rescuing people from collapsed buildings, tending to survivors all across town. They salvaged all they could, using Isabella's clones Shinkaigan to discover lost people within rubble, as the Mandrake's clones lifted entired buildings off of tragic victims, as Isabella's healed through her avatars with Medical Chakra.

(Mashuru-muton: Kora no Shukun Hae ) Mushroom Release: Children of Beelzebub
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user releases a mist of black spores, which, upon contact or when desired, will grow into dark fungus, with the exact same characteristics as the Main Release fungus, but differing in color. As soon as it is released, the mist will aggregate into clones, the size of the mist being proportional to the amount of clones created. The clones, although tangible and similar to the user in shape, are simply an aggregation of spores, and as such may not use any techniques apart from Mushroom Jutsus. But they are light and fast, and can desegregate, assuming an hybrid mist/clone form. The mist will shift is such way that it will seem like a swarm of flies, despite not being able to spread much more that 1 meter from the originating clone.

*Can use every Mushroom Technique but they loose 1 rank in strength, likewise, the weakened Fields of Wonderland only count as 1 jutsu.
*Like any clone technique, this jutsu creates up to 4 clones*
*Clone restrictions apply to this jutsu*
"Is able to spit out mini copies of itself, up to 6."
( Iryล Ninjutsu: Shลsen Jutsu ) - Medical Technique: Mystic Palm Technique
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A (2x the amount of damage healed, 200 max)
Damage: N/A
Description: This medical ninjutsu allows the user to speed up the body's natural healing process by focusing chakra onto their hands, forming an aura of greenish chakra which he then sends into a wound or afflicted body part. This allows the user to heal a patient without the need for medical equipment or surgery, making it very useful on the battlefield. It can be used to treat both external and internal injuries. It is vital to match the amount of chakra used to the severity of the affliction or injury. This requires a great amount of chakra control. Because of this, only a few highly skilled medical-nin are able to use this technique. The limitation of the technique is that it cannot regrow missing body parts or remove with poisons or toxins, though it can heal damage by them. Additionally, perhaps its more severe drawback is the chakra cost, which is much higher than any other medical technique. For each damage point the user of the technique wishes to heal, he needs to spend twice as much chakra. Basically, for x amount of damage the user needs to spend 2x amount of chakra to repair/heal. The user can also use this technique on himself and it can be used with one hand or two and even in two targets at a time or while using another technique with the other hand. The speed of the healing is fast but not instant.
Note: Can be used on up to 2 targets.
Note: Can only be used by Medical Ninja.

But still, just dealing with the effects of the first wave would be nothing in the long run. The battle was raging on far away from Kinai. The presence in the air felt just like the Two Tailed Beast Isabella had faced. Given their location, Isabella might be able to deduce that the Three Tail has been hunted down by Madara Uchiha. Hatred filled her chest, thinking about the person that took everything away from her, and still proved to be the same untrustworthy backstabber as ever. Fueled by her rage, Isabella spread her chakra through her champion, signalling him the next part of their joint defense.

The Mandrake spread out his own yin infused flesh, and, reaching the dried ocean bed, started his preparation. Far away, the horizon started swelling up, signalling the arrival of the apocaliptic tidal wave, so small at that distance that it could be just a mirage. With a gutural howl, the Mandrake blasted his own chakra outwards, and a massive wall of fungal sponges grew kms away from the marshes. It grew twice empowered, spread outwards a massive tidal block, that would both withstand the tidal wave's momentum and strength, and drain it outwards, allowing just a trickle to come through, enough to infuse the marshes with blessed water, instead of a razing wave. Isabella both infused her own chakra and modulated the creation of the yin/mushroom wall, in order to make it permeable to water and life. The sponge holes would serve as a natural refuge to marine life, like a massive and colorful coral reef, allowing animals to pas through and water to be filtered. But for the incoming danger, it would break all of the fury of the tidal wave.

(Masshuru-Muton: Mori no Jusshi ) Mushroom Style: Fingers of Pan (Mandrake)

Rank: D-S ( Forbidden )
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 10-40 ( 70 )
Damage Points: 20-80 ( 160 )
Description: This serves as the main release of the Mushroom element, materializing the generic fungal net-type described in Primary Release.The user is able to release a large net of fungus, from her hands or from the ground which can withstand the impact of huge boulders of rock and cease their movement. The user can decide to preform this jutsu to trap the opponent. The net will form any structure the user wants, being it a hand, a shield, pillars, etc.
Depending on the rank used, the user is capable of controlling small fungal constructs or a lake's worth of fungus. Through mushroom's chakra parasitic ability, this technique is capable of interacting with other jutsu by shaving off some power when colliding with an enemy chakra-costing technique. Up to B rank, it shaves 10 damage, or 5 chakra. Higher than B rank, it shaves 20 damage or 10 chakra, similar to Water Style: Mist Rain.

Note: A rank can only be used once every 2 turns up to 4 times per battle. S rank can only be used once every three turns, 3 times per battle.
(Chakra Tensรต no Jutsu) Chakra Transfer Technique
Type: Supplementary
Rank: N/A
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A (same as the amount transferred)
Damage: N/A
This is an advanced ability that ninjas with great chakra control can learn to use and that Bijuu possess innately. The user will release his or hers unmolded chakra onto another ninja, effectively transferring it. The technique has many uses, from restoring an allies chakra to releasing him from a Genjutsu or simply to give him more chakra to mold, allowing him to drastically boost the power of a technique. Tsunade could even use this technique, together with her Creation Rebirth technique to, in conjunction with her summon Katsuyu, heal multiple people at the same time during Pain's attack on Konohagakure. If used to power the use of a technique, the recipient of the chakra can boost one technique by adding +20 chakra to it which increases its damage by +40. To do this, the recipient must mold the technique while the user of Chakra Tenso no Jutsu is transferring chakra into him, meaning that both the transfer and the technique must be done at the same time. The transfer can only be done with direct contact between user and target and restores the targets chakra by up to 100 points per turn. The technique can even be used by ninjas with natural energy passively coursing through their chakra flows, as a medical ninja's near perfect chakra control enables them to filter the unwanted and sometimes harmful energy from entering the recipients chakra system.
Note: Only usable by bios with great chakra control (NB Medical Ninjas, Hyuuga bios, Canon Medical Ninjas). Bios seen using it in the manga can also use it.
Note: Cannot be used to power the users own techniques.
Note: Usable 3 times per battle.

As the wave arrived, it crashed onto the birth of the new fungal coral reef, and Isabella's blood drained from her face and body. Nearly spent out of chakra, she felt her connection with the Mandrake dimmer down and die. In a last ditch effort of saving her, the Mandrake liquified itself slowly, dropping the weakened Isabella onto a taller pier than most, before throwing it's nutritious body onto the now filled marshes. Isabella watched as her mushroom creation infused the last bits of its chakra in order to replenish the natural life around the shore, and conducted the trickled tidal wave into naturally bathing the city port.

She painfully watched as the new barrier took the brunt of the attack, and even as the tide receded, it wasn't as extreme as before. Marine life would, in time, grow accustumed to the new reef, purposedly created to become a nutritious hub of fauna and flora, and a natural defense against any other tidal natural disaster. It was beautifully intricate, filled with holes and crevices that would allow humans to pass through with their ships above water, and animals to pass through underwater.

Looking back, Isabella felt the lifecycles of the survivers. Everytime a clone of hers healed, their lifecycle would flourish. Most of the town was now awake, and followed Isabella's cue, helping out one another. The leaders of the port town approached her to congratulate her, giving her presents and artifacts that she insisted she would pay for. But she was terribly weak now, and vulnerable. She needed rest and she needed to heal. She grabbed on the artifacts she needed, and then spread her chakra onto the now tranquil sea floor. A massive box jellyfish appeared in the waters, its floater soft and inviting, yet its vicious tentacles warding off any visitors. Isabella laid on it's floater, leaving the port town, its citizens wondering if their savior was actually good or bad.

(Kuchiyose no Jutsu) Summoning Technique
Rank: B
Type: Defense/Attack/Suplementary
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage points: N/A
Description: To summon the creature the ninja will wipe blood on his hand, perform the Boar โ†’ Dog โ†’ Bird โ†’ Monkey โ†’ Ram handseals and then touch the ground or another object, where a sealing formula will appear. Though it appears that as long as significant pressure is placed against the blood in some form, the summon will be complete, most summoning uses use a solid surface, though in some cases it can even be done mid air. There can be variations to the summoning steps, some ninja like Temari will wipe blood on her fan, then by swinging the fan the animal is summoned. Other ninja like Orochimaru wipe the blood across a snake tattoo on their arm first, then touch the ground. Others will clap their hands directly like Nagato through the use of his Animal Path. The user must have signed the contract with the creature he wants to summon but the technique can be used to summon a generic creature of that contract (B-Rank) which will have no special traits or abilities beyond those normal to the rest of the animals in the contract. The animal is always summoned on the mark that appears upon slamming the users hand or, if not the case, always in short range of the user.


Mission End
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Feb 28, 2021
Trait Points
Spawning with Sukuna
Starting mission with story board mission:
Fight an enemy much stronger than yourself (S rank)
Survive a near-death situation (S rank)
Sukuna looks around at the bustling port full of life. He walks around the marketplace excited at every little thing he sees. He stumbles across a food cart following the appetizing smell. The cart owners offer him a sample, a juicy nugget packed with flavor.

'WHOA this is delicious!' He yells.

The shopkeeper grins and laughs. 'It's a secret Family recipe'

'You're just hungry boy, that's two-day old chicken' An old lady interjects from behind.

'Stop messing with my business woman' The man retorts

'How many times do i have to warn you not to set up your shady shop around here? Your food has given many people food poisoning' The old lady yells back

Sukuna's stomach roars interrupting their debate.

'..... lend me a hand boy' She points towards the groceries

Sukuna decides to help. He walks with the woman.

'You don't have money to eat at a proper place boy?' She says

'I've been on a journey to fight the strongest opponents. Unfortunately, that doesn't leave a lot of room for jobs and now I'm kinda broke'

'You seem capable though. Why not take a break, help out this modest town' She responds back

'Hehe, this is anything but a modest town lady'

They arrive at her shop, where he granddaughter serves sukuna with some ramen.

'We use local ingredients around these parts. There is little arable land here so the sea is all have and we make good use of it. Things like chicken take days to arrive' She explains

'Oh is that why!'

'No boy! we dont import dead birds! That man is just treacherous, selling customers bad food to save a money' She scolds him


'But you can earn money and fight strong opponents. Check bounty boards and combat missions. The current bounty might be too much for you but you could even fight an important personality and come back to tell the tale! Some people would pay good money for an interesting tale!' She explains

'Ahh! if i fail though?'

'If you fail you fail, your objective is still to fight strong opponents

Sukuna wasn't feeling weak anymore, having eaten nutritious food. His spirit also rejuvenated. He later steals a random person's boat and sets off.
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Oct 22, 2009
Trait Points
[Coming from here]

What a weird sensation to go from one side of the world to the other. Natsu shook like he felt cold. He looked around feeling settled though, being back in the lands he knew best. He went to the local bar he'd missed kicking the door open announcing his return. He didn't get the response he expected, everyone looked at him in shock, not that he was back, but that they didn't expect him at all. He walked in looking around when the bar tender asked what Natsu was doing there. He was so confused why wouldn't he be there.

Bartender: "Natsu, you've been gone for 2 years. Your people are missing, your lands are in chaos as Tartarus returned to attack them..."

Natsu didn't stop, he bolted out the door heading to his homeland without another word. He'd make anyone pay trying to take his clan's land.


Mar 10, 2014
Trait Points
Coming from here.

Horus, his creations and Dabi arrive at the market place. They find a place to rest waiting for someone in particular.
Dabi would finally awaken from his sleep, after what seemed to be an earthquake shook the island. He'd immediately make his way back to the base, pissed off after getting disturbed.
Leaving Landmark.​
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Nov 29, 2011
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