[Predictions] Naruto 592 Prediction :)


Mar 5, 2011
Trait Points
Madara: Release!
The strongest immortal body with unlimited chakra, how will the alliance fair now?

Onoki: This is bad....he's even stronger now

Mei: We don't even compare...

Tsunade: Even back to normal....I still don't think we can do this now.

A: .....alright.

Gaara/Mei/Tsunade/Onoki: !?

A walks in front of them

A: As the commanding general of the 5 nations, it was only necessity that I
held back some power.

Gaara: What are you talking about?


A: I've been fighting at my minimum. I think it's time I got serious.

Onoki: wait...don't tell me...

A: yeah, the first raikages technique. I know it.

Madara: !??

Madara turns his head

Madara: *what's this...I can sense someone else near Kabuto...someone
with chakras like mine?*

Madara: 5 Kages, as much as I would like to play around, something
interests me more.

A: What? are you running away?

Madara: For now, but I'll be back soon to kill you all.

Madara uses perfect susano and runs off.

Onoki: Follow him! Now!

Scene switches to Kabuto and Sasuke

Sasuke: !?

Sasuke: What's this? An earthquake? Something big's coming...

Madara destroys the base and lands near Sasuke.

Sasuke: !? You're....

Madara: Ahh....now I see...so you have the eternal as well.

Sasuke: This must be one of Kabutos summons, did he send it here before

Itachi trapped him? No....Itachi ended the jutsu...so why...

Madara: !....so that's Kabuto....what happened to him.

Sasuke: He's under Izanami.

Madara: Izanami!...So...someone used that jutsus on him to end the edo
tensei I see.

Madara: I see.

Madara stabs Kabuto with Susano.

Sasuke: Why? Didn't you come here for me.

Madara: I did, and he's not in control of me anymore. He's jus-

Kabuto suddenly comes out from the ground and tries to impale Madara head
with the command kunai.

Susano knocks him away.

Sasuke: What the hell? Kabuto? When ..how?

Kabuto: I'll explain later Sasuke-kun. Right now we have bigger issues.

Madara: You tried to re take control of me. Pitiful.

Kabuto: Before you released your jutsu, you said something about the caster didn't you.

Madara: Ah yea, you must have heard that part. You're a fool.

Kabuto has an angry look on his face.

Sasuke: All this time....everything...all because of your actions....you're the reason the Uchiha clan is gone!

Madara: *Gone....what happened when I was dead*

Sasuke: I will kill you where you stand. Uchiha Madara.

Kabuto stands up near Sasuke.

Kabuto: As much as I would like to see that, you'll need my help to get
there besides.....

Kabuto: A master must put down his dogs when he see's fit.

Madara: Two stand before me, hopefully you put up a better fight than the 5 kages.

Chapter end.


Active member
Jan 1, 2012
Trait Points
lol gud theory but A is not holding back trust me, he is maxed out, also sasuke aint teaming up with kabuto, kabuto is gud as dead, and madara cant sense chakra, also i dont think madara wants to stay as an edo, he is gonna find some way to bring himself back to real life