[Applications] Kisei Applications


Active member
Apr 14, 2012
Trait Points
Name: -Vegeta
Rank the five elements in order from least to most favorite: Wind=Water=Raiton<Earth<Fire
What Bio would you be making?: aka The Man in Black
How do they behave/act? What is their personality?: Chaotic Evil but portrays himself as less menacing, willing to lie, cheat, and scheme to achieve his goals. Deceptively charming and quick witted, Marten is a man with dark intentions in his heart and the future always in his sights.
Which is more important: the past or present?: Neither, both are equally important in shaping the future
You enter a forest in the Ninja World and see several items in a clearing. Which do you approach first: A bubbling lake in the depths of which something luminous is swirling
Why do you wish to enroll at Hogwarts?: I'm up to no good
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Active member
Mar 7, 2009
Trait Points
Name: Jokey
Rank the five elements in order from least to most favorite: Water - Wind - Earth - Lightning - Fire
What Bio would you be making?: Yamraiha
How do they behave/act? What is their personality?: Generally, Yamraiha is a sweet and caring person, but she also has a violent side and a sharp tongue. She can be nice to people she is interested in, and respects her masters a great deal. She's confident in her skills and occasionally when confronting enemies she'll go all out to devour them, especially during times of need and war. Those that belittle her masters will surely feel her wrath, turning off a certain kind of switch that'll change her into this emotionless and ruthless monster.
Which is more important: the past or present? Present
You enter a forest in the Ninja World and see several items in a clearing. Which do you approach first: A bubbling lake in the depths of which something luminous is swirling
Why do you wish to enroll at Hogwarts?: I solemnly swear I'm up to no good.

What I wrote in my previous app in case you're interested.
Been a Harry potter fan since I was seven years old. Now that someone finally came by and succeeded combining both Naruto and Harry potter in the right way is too much for my excitement to bare. My knowledge for the Harry potter series is humongous, so it'll be easy for me to fit right in. I have joined a few clans now in my eight years of being a member here, but as you can see, once I get a liking to a clan, I'll remain a loyal and honest member like I did with the Kiyoshi, which I now am a part of for over five years. I have been checking out the technique's and such and would love to be a part of something this good. Besides, I have read every book for over three times and re-watch the complete series twice a year just for the sake of it. I'm practically a Harry potter nerd, and would love to share ideas.


Active member
Jan 21, 2013
Trait Points
Name: Panthalassa
Rank the five elements in order from least to most favorite: Water, Earth, Wind, Fire, Lightning
What Bio would you be making?: Probably a variation of my Panthalassa bio.
How do they behave/act? What is their personality?: It would be a Kisei not afraid to experiment. Either the more quirky and creative spells, or the darker most bizarre curses. Not exactly a thirst for knowledge but a genuinely hunger to dable into magic, practice rather than theory, for his own interests or just because it is fun.
Which is more important: the past or present? The present, the past is only something to learn from, the present, the now, is where you are, make the most of it.
You enter a forest in the Ninja World and see several items in a clearing. Which do you approach first:The fat toads that appear to be talking to one another
Why do you wish to enroll at Hogwarts?: To dable into all sorts of magic, with now fear, just the most eager creativity and curiosity.

Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
Name: Jokey
Rank the five elements in order from least to most favorite: Water - Wind - Earth - Lightning - Fire
What Bio would you be making?: Yamraiha
How do they behave/act? What is their personality?: Generally, Yamraiha is a sweet and caring person, but she also has a violent side and a sharp tongue. She can be nice to people she is interested in, and respects her masters a great deal. She's confident in her skills and occasionally when confronting enemies she'll go all out to devour them, especially during times of need and war. Those that belittle her masters will surely feel her wrath, turning off a certain kind of switch that'll change her into this emotionless and ruthless monster.
Which is more important: the past or present? Present
You enter a forest in the Ninja World and see several items in a clearing. Which do you approach first: A bubbling lake in the depths of which something luminous is swirling
Why do you wish to enroll at Hogwarts?: I solemnly swear I'm up to no good.

What I wrote in my previous app in case you're interested.
Been a Harry potter fan since I was seven years old. Now that someone finally came by and succeeded combining both Naruto and Harry potter in the right way is too much for my excitement to bare. My knowledge for the Harry potter series is humongous, so it'll be easy for me to fit right in. I have joined a few clans now in my eight years of being a member here, but as you can see, once I get a liking to a clan, I'll remain a loyal and honest member like I did with the Kiyoshi, which I now am a part of for over five years. I have been checking out the technique's and such and would love to be a part of something this good. Besides, I have read every book for over three times and re-watch the complete series twice a year just for the sake of it. I'm practically a Harry potter nerd, and would love to share ideas.
You were accepted into Ravenclaw. Message me about your wand type prior to making the bio.

Name: Panthalassa
Rank the five elements in order from least to most favorite: Water, Earth, Wind, Fire, Lightning
What Bio would you be making?: Probably a variation of my Panthalassa bio.
How do they behave/act? What is their personality?: It would be a Kisei not afraid to experiment. Either the more quirky and creative spells, or the darker most bizarre curses. Not exactly a thirst for knowledge but a genuinely hunger to dable into magic, practice rather than theory, for his own interests or just because it is fun.
Which is more important: the past or present? The present, the past is only something to learn from, the present, the now, is where you are, make the most of it.
You enter a forest in the Ninja World and see several items in a clearing. Which do you approach first:The fat toads that appear to be talking to one another
Why do you wish to enroll at Hogwarts?: To dable into all sorts of magic, with now fear, just the most eager creativity and curiosity.
You were accepted into Hufflepuff. Message me about your wand type prior to making the bio.


Active member
Jul 27, 2011
Trait Points
Name: Alpha
What Bio would you be making?: Voldermort
How do they behave/act? What is their personality?: Hes like a hero villian.. He dont allow people to call him his real name so he go by "He who must not be named"
There are four items in front of you. A tablet, a computer, a phone, and a TV. Which do you choose? (Reasoning isn't needed, don't give it): None.. I would go outside and play with my bike
Why do you wish to enroll at Hogwarts?: Cause I want to chant spells that sounds weird.. and I want to play with grimlins (i hope this is the right movie m8 .-.)


Active member
Nov 15, 2012
Trait Points
Name: Lytes
What Bio would you be making?:
How do they behave/act? What is their personality?: Kusuo is a powerful, emotionless guy who constrains himself from having any friends, preferring to do whatever it takes to not to be associated with others so he doesn't expose his powers.
There are four items in front of you. A tablet, a computer, a phone, and a TV. Which do you choose? (Reasoning isn't needed, don't give it): A computer
Why do you wish to enroll at Hogwarts?: I'm a fan of harry potter, and it would be nice to be able to freely live in both the harry potter verse and the narutoverse

Aomine Daiki

Active member
Feb 14, 2011
Trait Points
Name: Aomine Daiki
Rank the five elements in order from least to most favorite: Wind < Earth = Fire < Lightning < Water
What Bio would you be making?: I would probably ask for your permission to make a George Weasley bio, but if declined, i'd go for Tohsaka Tokiomi.
How do they behave/act? What is their personality?: Arrogant, prideful, coldhearted and calculative, with an eager to explore the darker parts of magic.
Which is more important: the past or present?
You can't change the past so you should always focus on the present. However the choices you've made in the past are the choices that have lead you to the present so... Yeah. Nah but, unless i have a time turner, id say the present.
You enter a forest in the Ninja World and see several items in a clearing. Which do you approach first: A bubbling lake in the depths of which something luminous is swirling.
Why do you wish to enroll at Hogwarts?: [Insert big HP fan since childhood speech] I recently became active again after a few months of dealing with rl stuff. Before i went inactive, this clan was just approved but you weren't accepting members back then. This has been interesting me ever since submitted, as the HP universe is something that I'm obsessed with. Being able to finally be a part of that along with others and RP as a wizard-ninja would be epic. So until this app is checked and I'm accepted/ declined: Mischief Managed.
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Punk Hazard

Active member
Apr 21, 2011
Trait Points
Name: Riker

Rank the five elements in order from least to most favorite:

1. Fire
2. Wind
3. Lightning
4. Earth
5. Water

What Bio would you be making?:
Trafalgar Law

How do they behave/act? What is their personality?:
Extremely laid-back. Very sarcastic and callous. While often smiling when he gets what he wants, he is also very grim and reserved. Very strategic and prefers tactical methods than powerhousing. Seen as cold and cruel by others, but has humanity/morals.

Which is more important: the past or present?
The present

You enter a forest in the Ninja World and see several items in a clearing. Which do you approach first:
The golden tree bearing silver apples

Why do you wish to enroll at Hogwarts?: You guys are cool
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Awkward Linguist

Active member
Jun 13, 2012
Trait Points
Name: Awkward Linguist
Rank the five elements in order from least to most favorite: Wind, Earth, Water, Lightning & Fire.
What Bio would you be making?: Klaus Mikaelson, Originals
How do they behave/act? What is their personality?: Klaus is extremely deranged, and the line between his evil and his madness is very blurry. He is generally smart but even smarter with his choice of words - a wordsmith in his own right. As such he's extremely manipulative, having virtually used everyone he has encountered to his own benefit; anyone that stood for a lesser purpose didn't stay around long enough. When he isn't threatening to kill someone and wipe out their genealogy he is rather chipper. Though he isn't the strongest, yet, in his eyes reality is a game of chess, and from West to East is what he aims to encompass.
There are four items in front of you. A tablet, a computer, a phone, and a TV. Which do you choose? (Reasoning isn't needed, don't give it): Phone.
Which is more important: the past or present? Present.
You enter a forest in the Ninja World and see several items in a clearing. Which do you approach first: The smallest item.
Why do you wish to enroll at Hogwarts?: I didn't read 7 HP books for no'in.


Active member
Jan 9, 2012
Trait Points
Name: Houdinii
Rank the five elements in order from least to most favorite:
What Bio would you be making?:
Updating my
How do they behave/act? What is their personality?:
Usually playful, curious and easily distracted. But when angered she can be cold, calculating and distant.
Which is more important: the past or present?
The present, you learn from the past but its not more important.
You enter a forest in the Ninja World and see several items in a clearing. Which do you approach first:
The fat toads, I can ask them which of these objects will likely kill me
Why do you wish to enroll at Hogwarts?:
I like how the clan has been adapted into the RP, it has a lot of the core elements of the story while still being unique. I feel that interacting with the other clan members in the NW will be quite entertaining and keep the NW fresh with interesting storylines. Finally Im curious what a Voldemort run Hogwarts is like.
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Active member
Jun 25, 2013
Trait Points
Name: Joker
What Bio would you be making?: John Constantine
How do they behave/act? What is their personality?: Who is John? John is someone who's smart, quick-witted, and knows how to get what he wants in life through any means necessary. His silver tongue allows him to transverse through all types of situations, whether it's outsmarting literal intergalactic demons or manipulating someone close to him, the magic wielding chainsmoking detective is no stranger to treachery in order to further his own agenda.
There are four items in front of you. A tablet, a computer, a phone, and a TV. Which do you choose? (Reasoning isn't needed, don't give it): A phone
Why do you wish to enroll at Hogwarts?: I like the idea of magic through all of it's media portrayals, it's versatility (which you've brought to NB through the techniques), and just general usage was always appealing to me. The clan was done nicely, and it's not just about strength, but about using magic in a tactical way to gain the advantage. Not only that, but Constantine incorporates tactical magic rather than full fledged attacks that can topple buildings. He's mindful with what he uses.
Reapplying z.z


Active member
Jan 22, 2013
Trait Points
Name: Inashi

Rank the five elements in order from least to most favorite: Raiton, Katon, Fūton, Suiton, Doton

What Bio would you be making?:

How do they behave/act? What is their personality?:

Chūya is hot-headed and quick to act on his temper, but can analyze situations well enough if he is calm and has enough time. He is inclined to taunt other people into a fight with him, probably due to his confidence in his martial arts skill and his Ability. He can be quite gullible as well, falling for stupid tricks a majority of the time. He also bears great loyalty for the his friends and deeply respects them, following almost all orders given to him but his superiors. Despite being in the mercenary, Chūya seems to care a lot for his subordinates.

Which is more important: the past or present? The Present

You enter a forest in the Ninja World and see several items in a clearing. Which do you approach first:
  • The golden tree bearing silver apples
  • The fat toads that appear to be talking to one another
  • A bubbling lake in the depths of which something luminous is swirling
  • The statue of an old Kage with a strangely twinkling and glowing eye
The Kage statue

Why do you wish to enroll at Hogwarts?: Because i wanna do Magical stuff with my fweinds and smoke wit cigawettes


Active member
Aug 17, 2010
Trait Points
Name: Howard
Rank the five elements in order from least to most favorite:
What Bio would you be making?: Quentin Coldwater
How do they behave/act? What is their personality?:
Intelligent, driven, and melancholic. Quentin is an introverted person but fiercely driven to grasp the power that’s been handed to him. He has low self esteem, often suffering from episodes of depression and isolation anxiety. Sometimes a reluctant leader who takes hold of a situation not to be a leader but because no one else will. Quentin is a friendly but shy and awkward individual; he is happy to talk but often has trouble speaking stumbling over words when in stressful or detrimental scenarios. He constantly feels like he is not good enough or will never find someone to understand him. He has a strong feeling of not belonging anywhere to an overwhelming degree stating that he is "the most useless person to ever live." The kind of person who even when in a group finds a way to feel all alone. He can be cocky and has at times convinced himself that he is the hero of his own story. He at times has shown to be an adventure-seeker and constantly needs excitement causing him to act impulsively, not analyzing consequences.
Which is more important: the past or present? The present.
You enter a forest in the Ninja World and see several items in a clearing. Which do you approach first:
The fat toads that appear to be talking to one another

Why do you wish to enroll at Hogwarts?: I like the aspect of magic and want to play a different type of character. My Sado bio is erratic and violent, my SnK bio is childlike and naive so I'd like something different to rp with so I'm not stuck in a box. I also want to try a new ability and now that I have a third bio slot I figured this might be a fun route to go.
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Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
I kept forgetting to post here lmao. Some of you were already accepted via PM or Discord but I forgot to accept some others.

Name: Howard
Rank the five elements in order from least to most favorite:
What Bio would you be making?: Quentin Coldwater
How do they behave/act? What is their personality?:
Intelligent, driven, and melancholic. Quentin is an introverted person but fiercely driven to grasp the power that’s been handed to him. He has low self esteem, often suffering from episodes of depression and isolation anxiety. Sometimes a reluctant leader who takes hold of a situation not to be a leader but because no one else will. Quentin is a friendly but shy and awkward individual; he is happy to talk but often has trouble speaking stumbling over words when in stressful or detrimental scenarios. He constantly feels like he is not good enough or will never find someone to understand him. He has a strong feeling of not belonging anywhere to an overwhelming degree stating that he is "the most useless person to ever live." The kind of person who even when in a group finds a way to feel all alone. He can be cocky and has at times convinced himself that he is the hero of his own story. He at times has shown to be an adventure-seeker and constantly needs excitement causing him to act impulsively, not analyzing consequences.
Which is more important: the past or present? The present.
You enter a forest in the Ninja World and see several items in a clearing. Which do you approach first:
The fat toads that appear to be talking to one another

Why do you wish to enroll at Hogwarts?: I like the aspect of magic and want to play a different type of character. My Sado bio is erratic and violent, my SnK bio is childlike and naive so I'd like something different to rp with so I'm not stuck in a box. I also want to try a new ability and now that I have a third bio slot I figured this might be a fun route to go.
Congratulations, You were accepted into Hufflepuff. Message me about your wand type prior to making the bio.

Name: Inashi

Rank the five elements in order from least to most favorite: Raiton, Katon, Fūton, Suiton, Doton

What Bio would you be making?:

How do they behave/act? What is their personality?:

Chūya is hot-headed and quick to act on his temper, but can analyze situations well enough if he is calm and has enough time. He is inclined to taunt other people into a fight with him, probably due to his confidence in his martial arts skill and his Ability. He can be quite gullible as well, falling for stupid tricks a majority of the time. He also bears great loyalty for the his friends and deeply respects them, following almost all orders given to him but his superiors. Despite being in the mercenary, Chūya seems to care a lot for his subordinates.

Which is more important: the past or present? The Present

You enter a forest in the Ninja World and see several items in a clearing. Which do you approach first:
  • The golden tree bearing silver apples
  • The fat toads that appear to be talking to one another
  • A bubbling lake in the depths of which something luminous is swirling
  • The statue of an old Kage with a strangely twinkling and glowing eye
The Kage statue

Why do you wish to enroll at Hogwarts?: Because i wanna do Magical stuff with my fweinds and smoke wit cigawettes
Congratulations, you were accepted into Gryffindor. Message me about your wand type prior to making the bio.

Reapplying z.z
Remake the bio in Ravenclaw.


Sage of Snakes
Apr 25, 2011
Trait Points
Name: Korra.
What Bio would you be making?: Magik (X-Men)
How do they behave/act? What is their personality?: Takes no bs and strong, can be evil and good, has beaten Strange, had the Phoenix
There are four items in front of you. A tablet, a computer, a phone, and a TV. Which do you choose? (Reasoning isn't needed, don't give it): the phone
Why do you wish to enroll at Hogwarts?: The cool discord chats


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Name: Hokusai
Rank the five elements in order from least to most favorite: Earth>Lightning>Wind>Fire>Water
What Bio would you be making?:
How do they behave/act? What is their personality?: Rin is a perceptive, serious, resourceful and very competitive person. Though she is widely admired at school as a prim and proper honor student, it is a front she puts up in order to prevent others from prying into her life. In private, she is notably loud, shrewd, stingy and bossy, but usually means well for those she cares about. She is known as a model student and idol of her school. Her manner of speech is often hostile and dismissive of other people, but deep down she has a caring, big-sisterly disposition. Her tendency of making trivial mistakes at the worst possible moment is a hereditary curse. Though she really is a lot nicer than she seems, she claims to always make her decisions based on cold, rational logic in the end. In her own words, it's "not a very cute personality". In fact, her choice in personal clothes is probably an overreaction to that.[5] Despite claiming that she would do anything in order to win the Holy Grail War, no matter how underhanded, she has a deeply rooted sense of honor, seen refusing to dispose of Shirou despite numerous easy chances of doing so, simply because she owes him and deem disposing of him without clearing her debts to be cheap.
There are four items in front of you. A tablet, a computer, a phone, and a TV. Which do you choose? (Reasoning isn't needed, don't give it): Phone.
Why do you wish to enroll at Hogwarts?: Cuz Magic is cool
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Sep 26, 2016
Trait Points
Name: Isis
What Bio would you be making?: Nine, the Phantom from BlazBlue, most likely.

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How do they behave/act? What is their personality?: "Belligerent, openly hostile to anyone except those closest to her. Nine is an openly rebellious woman who defies authority while expecting others to recognize hers. Her temper is always on the verge of exploding, and she is ready to let anyone know her feelings, unable to hide her explosive rage and sharp tongue. Nine has a habit of letting others know her superiority, and she openly demonstrates her power without thinking of the consequences." This is straight from the wiki. I can also confirm this from playing the game. She is very evil and unpredictable.
There are four items in front of you. A tablet, a computer, a phone, and a TV. Which do you choose? (Reasoning isn't needed, don't give it): Phone.
Why do you wish to enroll at Hogwarts?: Wanted to try out a CC and not only does this clan look fun, I wanted to make Nine and it aesthetically fits her. In her dimension she is a witch and one of the strongest sorcerers of all time. So she doesn't just look the part, she plays it. Sorry for the bold. Could not change it no matter how hard I tried.
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