How important is HS education?


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Dec 9, 2015
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It's important.

Besides knowledge you also get working habits and discipline, all things that contribute to your growth.

Why don't you talk him into continuing his education one way or another? He won't get far like that and it would be a shame for you to break up if you really love each other.


Oct 27, 2015
Trait Points
I can only speak for US high schools but they are garbage. A high school education has no impact on intelligence, neither does college but the way our society is constructed, its makes it very difficult to earn a decent living without them.
I wouldn't judge someone by their level of education. Just see what the person is doing in life. If they have a good job and can complete sentences, i'd say don't sweat it. :)


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Dec 6, 2012
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I think the reason he dropped out makes a difference. But it's been 10 years for him, so there's something off about him not even thinking about a GED.

Being rebellious should be a phase, after which you realize that "playing the game by the rules" is part of living in a society.

Ripple Hole

Jul 24, 2015
Trait Points
Very important, unless someone specializes in something and noticeably excels in it compared to
others who had the formal training, or has contacts somewhere higher up. Also, if the guy isn't
making an effort for something related to him getting into a higher position, other than maintaining
his current job, then he's not gonna get very far.

I have a pretty large family and that comes with a ton of variety, most of my family that didn't finish
HS either went into minimum wage, were too lazy to support themselves so hung like leeches, or took
up dangerous work for a solid amount of money.

Pumpkin Ninja

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Oct 31, 2012
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My uncle dropped out and he's rich af. But he had a slightly valid reason I guess. He beat up some kid but turned out the kid was in a big gang. He even switched schools but the gang followed him. They were too poor to move. Plus he wasn't big on school anyway.

Your boyfriend sounds like a scrub, tbh.

You can't really get any good job without a hs diploma unless you take your chances with a business.

There's a difference between having a hs diploma and being an idiot though.


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May 8, 2014
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only reason i clicked this thread is because i don't remember jack from HS... so it can't be that big a deal. That said, unless you hustle your a$$ off, making a decent income will be a lot harder than for someone that has a diploma. I know for a fact that i don't belong at most of the jobs i end up getting lol. But because my resume is 9 pages long i get interviews swiftly.

So as far as the value of the education itself goes... not really relevant. It's the actual milestone of completion that makes it important. I'm sure there are plenty of gifted athletes, musicians, actors and (youtubeStars?) that may not have completed HS but still make a decent living. But again, it didn't come easy....
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Active member
Dec 9, 2010
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Keep in mind integrity and character are what's important in a relationship. Maybe he never had a drive to prove himself a productive paycheck slave and now that he has your support he might suddenly find his drive. My ex-girlfriend was doing bad in school due to being bedridden for six months after her eleventh major surgery. So she picked up her school late and on top of that has cerebral palsy. I met her at that time and she suddenly found her drive to finish her school year which she did with honors. All it took was genuine love and support.

But maybe your man is just looking for *****, who knows. Be sure you read your man well.

Oh, and HS is utterly useless. Noone I know actually remembers anything they learned in HS or has to apply anything from HS into their jobs. It's just a pre-programming our youth go through to bring down originality and dissent.
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Active member
Apr 16, 2015
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Hey guys, you know who it is

Anyways, I've been talking to come ppl recently and we all have different opinions over this: How important is a HIGH SCHOOL education? Can you really judge someone who never finished high school? Lots of ppl have opinions about college but since high school is EXPECTED no one really talks about if someone never finished

Do you know any high school "drop outs"? How are they doing
Do you think high school is 100% NECESSARY?

The real reason I ask this..........
I'm dating someone new and when we discussed high school he nonchalantly said he dropped out in 9th grade and it isnt a big deal. He's 24 now and still no diploma or GED

Serious discussion
You can ask Steve Jobs how important it is, or Richard Branson or Bill Gates or Jay-Z. Also ask me because I dropped out of university too. It's not for everyone and it depends on your life goals, sometimes school and higher education can't give you what you need.


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Feb 9, 2012
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Yes Highschool is incredibly important. Even though the educational system is quite pathetic in the U.S. it is at least something. Highschool helps one stimulate their brain and seek out more knowledge as you grow older. Without something to push you out of the door, you'll just waste away. Yes, Highschool can be unpleasant, but school in general is a necessity for one to develop as an individual.

Many people like to throw the excuse that they don't remember anything from Highschool and can't apply anything they learned. That's a straw man argument. Can you imagine how different you'd be if you didn't go to school? School helps us subconsciously, teaching us how to think critically, to absorb knowledge and how to apply it. It also teaches us how to find that knowledge and become independently capable of obtaining it. Finding knowledge that will help us in our everyday lives is a task for ourselves. People remember school subconsciously because it's embedded to our person just like reading and writing.

Not only that, but not having a diploma is essentially ruining any chance of a happy future in the career world and a gateway to poverty. People who don't have a diploma are usually the first to get laid off from work and in this economy, it's pretty often. Finding another job without qualifications in near impossible. Hell, it took me months even with a Diploma.

Unless you're a born prodigy or win the lottery, then stay in school.
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Active member
Feb 9, 2012
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that's the thing I'm unsure about. he doesnt seem like he has a plan for the future. he's just taking each day as it comes. I'm about to graduate college soon so I don't want to date "below" myself like many ppl keep saying I'm doing
People who don't plan for the future are the ones that aren't motivated. If they ever end up in a dire situation they will not know what to do and just hope for the best.

You said he lied about him having a Diploma, but if he by chance gets promoted, they will most likely check to make sure he has one.

Imagine if he has a child, just how do you think he'd be able to support a family with a minimum wage job? If he ever decides to get a house, how will he pay for it and live a comfortable life? Does he have a good credit history? Because it's unlikely.

The fact that he hasn't done anything meaningful with him dropping out, means he is not aspiring to do better nor had a fallback plan when the going got rough. He's content with his life because that's what he's used to. He doesn't realize how much better if could probably have been.

Also, this might just be a coincidence or not, but I know someone who was in my college who's into anime and that was dating someone who dropped out of highschool in the same exact grade. You didn't by chance major in animation did you?


Active member
Apr 15, 2012
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that's the thing I'm unsure about. he doesnt seem like he has a plan for the future. he's just taking each day as it comes. I'm about to graduate college soon so I don't want to date "below" myself like many ppl keep saying I'm doing
Come on now, don't be shallow. I guess I gotta drop knowledge.

If you're dating this man there's obviously something you see in him that attracts you to him. If it's just his looks then just dump dude and move on to the next one. If you genuinely like him as a person and like his personality it's not cool to just dump him because dude doesn't have a GED or High School Education(Unless he's a certified bum). Help this man step up in the world. Motivate your man to climb the ladder of success. As others have said having no high school education is not the end of the world. Help him get his GED at least and convince him to enroll in community college or learn a trade that he enjoys. Invest in your man and he will thank you for a life time. Even if you do end up breaking up, at least you helped someone as a human being.

Just my 2 cents though.

Scooby Doo

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May 10, 2012
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Hmmm...depends on a lot of things. For example, your family background. But I assume that most NBers -including myself - are not born millionaires.

Anyway I'm not from the US so let me add quickly that here highschool is 4 yrs, preceeded by 8 yrs of elementary school, and -if you are admitted- followed by university, which is usually divided into BA/BSc and MA/MSc (but my faculty, law, f.e is undivided, which I used to think is a good thing but lots of shit happened and having run out of the time limit for state scholarship, I'm still without any paper, after 6 yrs, and whatever I earn, goes for tution fee so I've concluded that this system was/is a trap -probably designed to make students resort to take student loans, economically enslaving you for half of your life-, and now I wish I had been wiser and chosen a BA/BSc education first after which, having some kind of a certificate in my hands, I could have decided whether I want to go for masters, or an undivided major like law [in the meantime, as so many years have passed, I could have started and most probably finished a secondary major in the BA/BSc system like many others do, but alas that would cost even more tution fee so, as my parents are not that generous and I can't earn that much with student jobs, well, this option was/is not really feasible]. )

So, in a situation like mine, I have no choice but to keep going and one day get my diploma into which I invested so many regretful and hardworking years... And again, the funny thing is, my prospective law degree with the title 'dr' is worth the same as a BA/BSc degree, at least in state/public/government-related jobs, so yeah, I must say that if you are not exactly sure about what you are interested in- as I wasn't either when I was 18-, and if your financial/family background is not solid enough, then be careful.

Now everything I said above matters only if you wanna pursue higher education after highschool. Of course if you want to go to uni, you need a highschool degree. In that sense, yes it's important.

At this point I have to specify that basically we have two types of highschool: secondary grammar school (where you can major in typical subjects like history, languages, maths, physics...etc, and usually people choose to go to uni with a secondary grammar school degree), and then there is technical highschool that basically gives you a trade (like, a cook or a welder or a mason...etc). And there is also an option that after highschool you can enroll in courses (that take 1-2 yrs) that give you a trade (f.e assistant, secretary, or even street-policeman XD )

I don't look down upon physical work, actually I kinda envy those handymen that can fix anything around the's just I was more like the brainy type so I thought I'm rather fit for a white collar career...But honestly, I think that's overrated. I know many people having graduated from the faculty of arts with a history or a literature degree working at McDonalds or migrated to some rich Western-European country working for Tesco...etc. The only degrees nowadays that the market needs are medic, engineering, IT, science related ones. But well, I can't help it, I'm stupid when it comes to IT so it was never really an option for me >.>

But again, you are in the US, so I guess you can make a fine living with a single trade, without a higschool least, if you're not too picky...But I don't know what is the current situation exactly like.

Now, I know someone who is younger than me, has a highschool degree but it's not like he needed it, yet the guy started his enterprise (some online webshop selling designer clothes), and he's pretty rich now. But I guess you need a talent for that too, I doubt I could ever start a company of my own and make it profitable in the long run...

Now I also know people who are self-employed musicians but they barely get invitations so I guess not all sectors of entrepreneurship are paying off... the end I must mention the most important uni I literally had to use less than 10% of the stuff I learned at highschool (keep in mind that we're talking about law here, so maths, other science-related subjects, are all irrelevant here, and sadly they don't put any emphasis on foreign languages [but beware, employers will, later].)

Anyway, if my memory serves, you are a nurse, which is a really good profession (I dunno how in the US you can get that education, here it's a trade that doesn't require uni degree, but a higschool [the technical one] degree ).

I dunno if the above helped, altogether it's always useful to have some kind of a degree (whether a certificate that you've mastered a trade, or a uni diploma), but if someone is witty and hardworking enough, the person can make his own fortune by starting an enterprise. Or else he will be an economic slave working 3/4 shifts in a factory for minimum wage (which is still much better in the US than here). But really, it all depends on what your/his/someone's goal(s) are/is. If someone just wants to make an average living and doesn't mind taking the most shitty jobs, I guess then there is no need for any form of higschool degree, but I don't see why someone would choose that unless he has simply no talents, or simply his family background was so shattered that he had to leave highschool. Apart from these, I don't mean to stereotype others, but dropouts are either lazy or crazy (either case, be careful, but of course you know the guy you mentioned, so maybe he is decent and intelligent nonetheless).

Just my 2 cents.


Active member
Apr 15, 2012
Trait Points
Hmmm...depends on a lot of things. For example, your family background. But I assume that most NBers -including myself - are not born millionaires.

Anyway I'm not from the US so let me add quickly that here highschool is 4 yrs, preceeded by 8 yrs of elementary school, and -if you are admitted- followed by university, which is usually divided into BA/BSc and MA/MSc (but my faculty, law, f.e is undivided, which I used to think is a good thing but lots of shit happened and having run out of the time limit for state scholarship, I'm still without any paper, after 6 yrs, and whatever I earn, goes for tution fee so I've concluded that this system was/is a trap -probably designed to make students resort to take student loans, economically enslaving you for half of your life-, and now I wish I had been wiser and chosen a BA/BSc education first after which, having some kind of a certificate in my hands, I could have decided whether I want to go for masters, or an undivided major like law [in the meantime, as so many years have passed, I could have started and most probably finished a secondary major in the BA/BSc system like many others do, but alas that would cost even more tution fee so, as my parents are not that generous and I can't earn that much with student jobs, well, this option was/is not really feasible]. )

So, in a situation like mine, I have no choice but to keep going and one day get my diploma into which I invested so many regretful and hardworking years... And again, the funny thing is, my prospective law degree with the title 'dr' is worth the same as a BA/BSc degree, at least in state/public/government-related jobs, so yeah, I must say that if you are not exactly sure about what you are interested in- as I wasn't either when I was 18-, and if your financial/family background is not solid enough, then be careful.

Now everything I said above matters only if you wanna pursue higher education after highschool. Of course if you want to go to uni, you need a highschool degree. In that sense, yes it's important.

At this point I have to specify that basically we have two types of highschool: secondary grammar school (where you can major in typical subjects like history, languages, maths, physics...etc, and usually people choose to go to uni with a secondary grammar school degree), and then there is technical highschool that basically gives you a trade (like, a cook or a welder or a mason...etc). And there is also an option that after highschool you can enroll in courses (that take 1-2 yrs) that give you a trade (f.e assistant, secretary, or even street-policeman XD )

I don't look down upon physical work, actually I kinda envy those handymen that can fix anything around the's just I was more like the brainy type so I thought I'm rather fit for a white collar career...But honestly, I think that's overrated. I know many people having graduated from the faculty of arts with a history or a literature degree working at McDonalds or migrated to some rich Western-European country working for Tesco...etc. The only degrees nowadays that the market needs are medic, engineering, IT, science related ones. But well, I can't help it, I'm stupid when it comes to IT so it was never really an option for me >.>

But again, you are in the US, so I guess you can make a fine living with a single trade, without a higschool least, if you're not too picky...But I don't know what is the current situation exactly like.

Now, I know someone who is younger than me, has a highschool degree but it's not like he needed it, yet the guy started his enterprise (some online webshop selling designer clothes), and he's pretty rich now. But I guess you need a talent for that too, I doubt I could ever start a company of my own and make it profitable in the long run...

Now I also know people who are self-employed musicians but they barely get invitations so I guess not all sectors of entrepreneurship are paying off... the end I must mention the most important uni I literally had to use less than 10% of the stuff I learned at highschool (keep in mind that we're talking about law here, so maths, other science-related subjects, are all irrelevant here, and sadly they don't put any emphasis on foreign languages [but beware, employers will, later].)

Anyway, if my memory serves, you are a nurse, which is a really good profession (I dunno how in the US you can get that education, here it's a trade that doesn't require uni degree, but a higschool [the technical one] degree ).

I dunno if the above helped, altogether it's always useful to have some kind of a degree (whether a certificate that you've mastered a trade, or a uni diploma), but if someone is witty and hardworking enough, the person can make his own fortune by starting an enterprise. Or else he will be an economic slave working 3/4 shifts in a factory for minimum wage (which is still much better in the US than here). But really, it all depends on what your/his/someone's goal(s) are/is. If someone just wants to make an average living and doesn't mind taking the most shitty jobs, I guess then there is no need for any form of higschool degree, but I don't see why someone would choose that unless he has simply no talents, or simply his family background was so shattered that he had to leave highschool. Apart from these, I don't mean to stereotype others, but dropouts are either lazy or crazy (either case, be careful, but of course you know the guy you mentioned, so maybe he is decent and intelligent nonetheless).

Just my 2 cents.
But that wall though :sweat: