Hokurikudō Island (133)


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Oct 1, 2010
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Hokurikudō Island

Located not far from the main island of Kinai, Hokurikudō is a ruined husk of an island. It's once deep coffers plundered by scavengers after the great upheaval caused by the Cataclysm. A shard of the moon destroyed the surface of Hokurikudō, sending the vast treasures buried within the numerous pockets and cellars scattered throughout the island and into the oceans. All that remains are the shattered fragments, and what few trinkets survived.
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Active member
Sep 10, 2008
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Coming from .

There was a calmness to the ocean as Gwen sat on the edge of the ship. The fisherman who had taken the job of getting her to Hokurikudo Island was also playing the part of tour guide as he casually recounted to Gwen the many years he had spent traveling to and from these waters of Kaizoku Sea. The sun shining high above them illuminated the clear blue water, revealing the many schools of fish that were traveling alongside the ship.

"Have you ever heard the legend of the Ushi-Oni that rages around these parts?" the fisherman asked. "I've seen him one time in this life, and let me tell ya, he ain't the best singer."

Gwen was puzzled by the man's words, she had never heard of such a creature.

"It sings?"

"Oh yeah, big time. Wait, I think he called it something else... Rapping? Sounded a lot more like bad nursery rhymes if you ask me. The thing even gave me an autograph!"

Gwen wasn't buying it. The story was way too far-fetched, and her annoyance levels were rising. How come she could never get the quiet old guys? The fisherman could tell Gwen wasn't showing any real interest in his story and from inside a pocket in his jacket, he pulled out a small black notebook. He had already bookmarked the page as he quickly flipped it open. Gwen could barely make out the smeared ink that looks like someone had used their finger to inscribe a single letter. B.

Gwen couldn't believe she wasted time looking at the book. She scoffed and turned away waiting for the island to come in view.

A few hours had passed, and Gwen had fallen asleep due to the steady waves. The fisherman woke her as he yelled out to her.

"Wake up missy! We've arrived, I hope you plan on keeping your end of the bargain. This place ain't the place women like yourself come
to often. This area was once apart of a famous pirate's named Negative Knight's domain. If you find any treasure, bring me back a few things would ya? Oh and if you didn't know this is the Water Country, just Southeast of this here island is North-West Kinai Island, a big trading hub. If you haven't been, I suggest you check it out. The marketplace usually keeps a healthy stock of items if they haven't all been bought up and a bank to hold your belongings. I'll be here for when you get back."

Gwen acknowledged this and as she looked around she saw nothing but the mist that filled the area. Using her Byakugan could see that they had, in fact, made it to the area. As the ship made it to the small dock, that the fishers used to go inland Gwen did her part, ensuring the fisher was able to dock safely without being harassed. Gwen couldn't help but notice the area was largely abandoned. She traveled inland, taking a look at the numerous cellars she could find along the way hoping to come across something she could use.

After searching the area Gwen came up empty handed, she knew she was still missing something. However, if she didn't make it to her destination soon, someone else may already have claimed the area the Shogun wanted. Gwen rose into the air using her flight ability heading southeast to see exactly what was so amazing about North-West Kinai Island.

( Furaito no Jutsu ) - Flight Technique
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 30 ( -10 per turn )
Damage: N/A
Description: Through the use of their chakra, the user gains the ability of unsupported flight and levitation. The user moves and maneuvers at his running speed. This can be used upon activation as a means of dodging attacks but after this, cannot be utilized like such unless specifically noted.
Note: This can be used by Otsutsuki clan bios and canon Otsutsuki noted to have flight, Juubi Jinchuriki bios.

LLM -> 144


The Black Steel Rose
Aug 16, 2008
Trait Points
Coming from here: https://animebase.me/threads/sanindō-island-136.756150/page-3#post-21888247

With how much Kurama had been traveling by sea, one would become sick of seeing the ocean, but she knew she would soon be on the mainland once more...back on what she considered home. The wild landscapes of Terra Firma; it was annoying to have to travel by sea, but it would be well worth the wait...

Not much longer now....then I'll be with you in the wild once more....Tigrerra... She bore a fanged grin.

Leaving Landmark
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Active member
Nov 15, 2012
Trait Points
Coming from here.
Prepare one of the landmarks you own for immediate or future attacks (3)
Summary: Kurapika arrives at the shores of Hokurikudō Island. Kurapika would then claim the land for the clan and prepare defences for future attacks from enemies.

Kurapika would arrive at the sandy shores of the island on a boat. He'd say his greetings to the local fishermen going about their business. With the number of treasure rumors surrounding the Island, Kurapika was surprised it was still standing in one piece. He would make his way to the nearest settlement along the sandy coast making his expression and body language as open and friendly as possible - there was no point in scaring the locals. On entering the misty settlement, Kurapika would walk to a nearby merchant who seems to be tinkering with a metallic safe.

Hello there, might I ask who's in charge of this island?.

The startled merchant to would instantly look up in suspicion sizing up the blonde man in front of him.

And you are?

Kurapika Bartholomew

Kurapika would lean in before continuing in a cold and stern voice

Now answer my question

The merchant - Kurapika would later learn his name to be Kachi - would lead Kurapika to a larger settlement and point him to the building that housed Alicia the unofficially-elected leader of the island before turning and heading back to his stall.

Kurapika would walk into the building coming face to face with the woman in charge of the Island, a pretty brown-haired lady. Preferring to go straight to the point, Kurapika would state his business.

I am Kurapika Bartholomew, a member of the New Dawn clan and as you might have noticed we have been claiming the landmarks around here and putting them under our protection. I'm offering the same protection to your island.

How do I know you're not like the other manner-less pirates that have been coming around here?

Kurapika would smile before continuing.

I walked in through the door, if I had evil intentions I could have remotely destroyed your settlements from the next island.

Very well then Kurapika, as long as you keep your intentions pure, the Island is under your control.

Something is coming, I can feel it in my bones. I'll be solidifying the defenses of this island. Let the citizens of the island know the island is under Kurapika Bartholomew's control and by extension the New Dawn Clan's control and come join me at the shore.

Kurapika would make his way shore walking the length back and forth to see entry spots he'd use if he were the one attacking . After Alicia joins him, Kurapika would slam his hand on the ground and channel a large amount of chakra into the ground, the chakra would be used to raise a 1 meter wide section of the ground up to an height of 10 meters creating a wall that spans the shore of the island, the wall would only have one opening (5 meters wide opening) essentially creating a barrier between the settlements and the beach.

(Doton: Daichidōkaku) - Earth Release: Great Moving Earth Core
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: This technique grants the user the ability to freely lower or raise the terrain within a specific area surrounding them, in a similar manner to its parent technique, albeit on a much larger scale. The user will slam his hands on the ground which he can then lower or raise the ground up to 100 meters in a large section. The rise will be fast enough to pin enemies to the ground, restricting their movements as they struggle to get up and the drop will be fast enough to leave almost all enemies without a footing (albeit not airborne). Because of the large chakra needed to alter such a large area of the terrain, the user will be able to use it only a limited number of times.
Note: Can only be used twice.

Kurapika would proceed my walking along the wall with Alicia trailing him, Kurapika would tell her to take note of the position of the traps he was setting lest the islanders mistakenly trigger them. He'd hide explosive tags all over the outer surface of the large wall essentially turning it into a mine for any one stupid enough to trigger them.
He'd also continue by setting up wire traps rigged to explosive tags at the base of the wall on the inside. The thought behind it was deceptively simple, most enemies would expect all the traps to be on the outside of wall, most wouldn't bother checking the inside. Kurapika would further disguise the wire traps by sprinkling sand and soil on it.

(Fuda Kakusu no Jutsu) Tag Hidding Technique
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 5 (per tag)
Damage: N/A
The user will use his chakra to hide a paper tag inside an inanimate object, like the ground or a wall. The tag can be a sealing tag or an explosive tag. The technique can be used to hide more than one tag peruse if the user spends more chakra. Hidden tags can be detected by doujutsu or expert sensory ninjas.

After doing, he'd walk to the opening in the wall and channel his chakra into the rocks and sands in the area accumulating it into the shape of a 30meter tall monkey which he'd reinforce with fire to remove any basic elemental weakness, its orders are simple - stay at the gate and stop/hurt any outsider that causes trouble.

( Doton/Katon: Saruiwa ) - Earth/Fire Release: Monkey Rock
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: This technique creates a giant stone monkey by accumulating surrounding ground and shaping it into the animal, which is then reinforced with fire. Unlike the Great Stone Golem, the user doesnt have to continuously fuel the technique with their chakra. While the height of the monkey can reach up to 30m, it has a capacity for moving quite fast that belies its hulking stature.
Note: Due to being a dual elemental technique, the user can only use one other jutsu that turn.
Note: This technique does not have any basic elemental weakness

You're welcome

I didn't say Thank you


The whole procedure would take hours due to the length of the wall after which Kurapika and Alicia would walk back to Alicia's building where he'll enter an empty room to take a well deserved nap.

End of Mission


Active member
Nov 15, 2012
Trait Points
Chakra: 1600 - 85 + ( 5*7)= 1550
Hear rumors about the virus origins.
Summary: Kurapika hears rumors about the virus from the leader of the island under his command

Kurapika woke up from his long nap as he heard Alicia's (Leader of the Island) voice approaching the room he was sleeping in and with all the befitting speed of a ninja, he'd sit up eyes trained on the door. As expected the brown-headed lady would walk in - not even bothering to knock. Before Kurapika could berate her for it, she'd start talking.

Since you helped take care of the security problem I was hoping you could take care of something else

What problem?

The virus problem

What virus problem?

Kurapika would easily read the disbelief on her face, she must have assumed knowledge of the virus was common knowledge. The blank look on Kurapika's face would prompt her to answer his question.

There have been rumors that ever since ninjas went to fight a powerful monster near the Hokubu Ocean, an illness had started spreading from the region - carried by the ninjas that fought in the war. It is said that the virus kills average citizens like fowls and that even powerful ninjas succumb to its effect. I fear it's only a matter of time before the illness gets here, that's if it's not here already.

Sadly, I'm not a medical ninja. I would however advice you check incoming parties before allowing them onto the island. Let me know if you need anything else

Kurapika would say before lying back down on the bed he was seated on. He'd digest the information knowing fully well that rumors are almost always based on truth and would plan the precautions to take before he's once again spirited away by sleep. Alicia would let herself out the room slightly angry at the uselessness of the ninja that was supposed to protect the island.



Active member
Nov 15, 2012
Trait Points
Defeat a small group of undead
Summary: Kurapika is informed that undead creatures were sighted in one of the abandoned settlements. He defeats them.

After a day's worth of sleep, Kurapika would wake up feeling refreshed. He'd walk out of his room curious to see what Alicia (NPC leader of the Island) was up to in the middle of the night. As he enters her office he'd notice her talking to a young boy - 10 years old by Kurapika's estimate. Deciding not to interfere, Kurapika would stand by the door and listen to the conversation/argument.

Within minutes, he'd be up to speed on what was going on. It seems the boy strongly believes he had seen inhuman creatures in one of the many abandoned settlements on hokurikudō island while Alicia is ruling it off as a prank - something the kids on the island were apparently fond of. Within a couple more minutes, the back and forth would get tiring and Kurapika would decide to step in and settle it.

I'll take a look. Point me towards the settlement.

Happy that someone was finally taking him seriously the kid would offer to take Kurapika there himself, an offer Kurapika would politely decline. After learning of the settlement's location, Kurapika would head off in the direction walking calmly so as not to scare the locals that were still out on the street at late hours.

After an uneventful walk, Kurapika would spot the buildings the kid had described and he'd instantly switch his carefree gait to the stealthy one befitting of a ninja his rank. He'd stealthily move from building to building thankful for the light provided by the full moon. He'd move from shadow to shadow blending in thanks to his black cloak.

Within a couple of moments, he'd spot movement in one of the buildings he hadn't checked and would instantly decide to investigate. He'd notice a group of human like creatures except their bodies were rotting as if they were dead. Kurapika would watch them for a better half of an hour before coming to the conclusion that they were indeed dead corpses walking around. With that conclusion came the decision to put them back to rest.

Just to be sure he was getting all of them, Kurapika would move to the center of the settlement -a 30 meters wide circular clearing- and scream at the top of his lungs, his loud voice cutting through the silence of the night. The undead would react to the noise and come charging at him from their various hiding spots.

Infusing his Katon chakra into his Karambits, 20 knives would fly out of Kurapika's pocket to form a 5 meter wide dome of dense fire around him. The undead would charge into the fiery formation unable to get through due to the denseness and solid-like property of the flames. The whole process would be over in minutes after Kurapika stops hearing movement outside the dome.

Willing his Karambits to break formation, Kurapika would look around for any sign of life and send the Karambits to explode on whichever undead is still moving. Happy with himself, Kurapika would retrieve his remaining Karambits, scout the remainder of the buildings for anything he missed and head back to Alicia's building.

The kid was right he'd say to Alicia before going back to his room to take another well deserved nap

Mugen Yontōryū Kontororu - Infinite Quad wielding Control
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary/Offense/Defense
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
Description : This is the core jutsu of the flying knives aspect of the Infinite Quad wielding style created by Kurapika himself, knowing he could only wield four knives at a time with his hands, he decided to use his chakra to control the blades and this allowed him to control more blades similar to telekinesis which can be used in various ways, attacking from an opponent's blind spot, going around opponent's defenses to strike them, changing targets or even gathering into a formation to form a defensive wall around the user, the blades can be controlled fluidly to move in all directions. This weapons however can be infused with elemental chakra to deal more damage when hitting a target or to be capable of defending better from an attack, each element has its own effect when being used either offensively or defensively. The user can use his chakra to mark a target as the starting point of his blades and the blades would go after the target as long as the target is within sight/smelling/hearing/sensing etc range of the user, this jutsu costs B rank chakra and deals B rank damage, however if the blade possesses damage on it's own i.e already infused with damage, this will increase its rank by 1, doesn't boost F rank jutsus.

Offense - The knives upon hitting any target would send spikes of compressed water in all direction up to short range except the user's direction but the user can activate this prematurely.
Defense - When been used defensively starchy syrup leaks out from all the blades as they spin while connecting to the nearest wieldings creating a network of impenetrable wielding-water combo , this is most effective against other water jutsus as the syrup seals the cracks between the formation making it water proof.

Offense - Knives infused with fire chakra grow red as the blades get extremely hot leaving a red trail as it moves, upon hitting a target, not only would the wielding deal third degree burns to the affected area, they would also explode violently in a 1 meter radius sending hot shards of metal into the area, the user can will it to explode before making contact.
Defense - The wieldings after attaining the formation mentally ordered by the user would connect via flames to form a dense wall of flame so hot that if an human (even the user) comes 1 meter within the range of the wall, he/she would get terrible third degree burns, this is effective against CQC users and also wind jutsus as the flame ignites them causing them to explode safely from the user.

Offense - Wieldings possess more cutting power and the air 1 meter in diameter around them spins with them making the knives look like fuma shurikens
Defense - Wieldings constantly release a terrifying breeze which blows away everything in a direction, this is capable of even blowing a grown man out of short range.

Offense - The air 3 meters around the wieldings are electrically charged numbing the target however the wieldings would electrocute the target on contact.
Defense - Wieldings after attaining a formation get connected by ropes of lightning while been charged with Lightning, this isn't water proof like the Suiton counter part however it is effective against earth and solid elements.

Offense - The wieldings' weight can be increased or reduced to either deal more damage or move faster
Defense - The wieldings gain an increase in weight and durability, this is especially effectively against heavy earth jutsus.

¬When infused with chakra, the weapons play on equal footing with elemental techniques although the size of elemental technique must be put within reason
¬Quad wielders can passively launch the knives at a target telepathically although the direction can't be altered, this has no special damage boost, it's simply an alternative to throwing normal knives with the user's hands.
¬The knives under the effect of this jutsu are always spinning, spinning fast making it impossible for non practitioners of this style to catch it however the user can catch his knife.
¬Each elemental infusion can be 4 times per battle with 2 turns cool down.
¬When infused with chakra (elemental or not), the user is capable of manipulating the wieldings telepathically.
Chakra = 1550 - 30 = 1520


Active member
Nov 15, 2012
Trait Points
Story ties into previous missions
Deal with bandits looting
Kurapika defeats and stops bandits from looting.
Waking up in the morning. Kurapika would leave his building and head out into the settlement hoping to actually explore the settlement in the light of day. He'd decide to get breakfast at a ramen stand manned by an old man. While eating he'd notice a bunch of men carrying out crates from a warehouse through a backdoor conveniently located in a dimly lit alley. That didn't look right. He'd ask the old man without taking his eyes off the shady men.

Have there been reports of thieves or bandits around here?

Which town doesn't have the lowly scums? Of course there are bandits here.

Kurapika would drop his hot bowl of ramen and ask the old man to look after it before walking down the alley towards the 3 men packing the crates. Rather than ask a question and be lied to, he'd make a bold statement and watch their reaction.

You're not supposed to be doing that.

Walk away young man, pretend like you didn't see anything and we won't end your life.

The threat from one of the men would prove his suspicions and provide the green light Kurapika needed. He'd charge down the crammed alley moving faster than the untrained men could react. He'd slam the first man's head into the wall with a slap from his right hand knocking him out. The second man would receive a lefthanded chop to his throat leaving him gasping for air. Kurapika would duck under the last man's weak attempt of a punch and deliver a palm thrust into the man's stomach hard enough to knock the air out of him but not hard enough to cause permanently damage or render him unconscious.

After breaking a few of the bandit's fingers, the bandit would reveal the location of their den. Kurapika would head to the den after tying up all 3 men and leaving them in the middle of the road with a note detailing their crimes.

On getting to the den - an old rundown 2 storey building on the outskirts of the settlement, Kurapika would kick down the door and a quick visual scan would reveal 2 men seated around a table playing cards. He'd close the short distance before they could react thanks to both his speed and the element of surprise. He'd deliver strong chops to the base of their heads simultaneously with his hands knocking them unconscious.

Without hesitation, he'd charge up the stairs into what he assumes is the leader's office. As Kurapika enters the office, he'd feel an arrow harmlessly bounce off his cloak and his eyes would follow its trajectory back to the crossbow held by the bandit's leader. A well tossed Kunai would knock the weapon out of his hands before he could reload and another would have him staggering and howling in pain from the new wound on his right foot.

Kurapika would drag the bleeding man downstairs and tie him up with the 2 unconscious men before dragging all 3 men back to the settlement. He'd drop them in the middle of the road with another note detailing their crime, he'd slap another note with the words "LEADER OF BANDITS" on the leader's forehead before going back to the ramen shop to get a new bowl seeing as the previous one was now cold and soggy.

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Active member
Nov 15, 2012
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Explore an infected location.
Kurapika explores an infected settlement

After finishing his bowl of ramen and walking around aimlessly for a few minutes, Kurapika would decide to explore the other settlements on the island seeing as the last settlement he visited was overrun with the vile undead creatures. His stroll would take him to a near-abandoned settlement on the other side of the island.

On entering, the first thing he'd notice wass the smell... It smelt like death, or rather it smelt like the whole settlement was on the verge of death. The second thing Kurapika would notice was the little to no activity - people weren't moving about as much, it was like they were all waiting idly for their end. Moving with caution so as not to draw attention or catch whatever sickness they had, Kurapika would observe the people still healthy enough to move about the settlement. He'd observe them from a safe distance, taking note of their pale skin, their sickly bodies, their yellow eyes. Some even staggered in their steps like their bodies were forgetting how to properly walk.

Kurapika would also covertly peak through the windows of buildings to observe the ones that were too sick to move. They reminded him of the group of undead he had fought the night before - deathly pale and surrounded by flies, the only difference was that their chests were still rising and falling from their ragged breaths.

Kurapika would exit the settlement as fast as his legs could carry him knowing fully well that he'd be back soon to end their torment. It was only a matter of time...



Oct 22, 2009
Trait Points
Coming from here

Mission objective:

- Establish control over a hostile area

Info: An injured civilian had arrived at the clan, speaking of an uprising in the land, being on the brink of death, seeking help from New Dawn. In response, Horus sent his creation, Jaeger, to settle the matter.

Jaeger arrived at the island on a small boat, seeking to go unnoticed. It was a small row boat allowing him to pass by the island without drawing too much attention to himself. He wore a black cloak to hide his appearance, something that would stand out in a crowd. He rowed down the east coast taking in the island for what it was before entering. Smoke rose to the sky in several locations, this would coincide with Samael's story of an attack in the night. As he continued to row he noticed certain guards along the coast, clearly on watch. With that along the places one could dock were make shift defences, it would seem as though they were preparing for an attack. It was a wise move, the stupid one was their initial actions. With his scouting done he sailed away, using the mist that sometimes covered these lands to go unnoticed.

It would of been easy enough to go in guns blazing and nuke the whole island, crush the rebellion and return it to how it was, though with his link to his master, he knew he couldn't simply do this. Horus clearly didn't want to wipe out any who may have survived the rebellion, that and he wanted the people to have homes to return to. Instead it would be a case of striking at the heart. To do this, Jaeger would need to find who was in charge, the easiest way to do that was quite simple...

He approached the shore and began throwing kunai with explosive tags on, destroying the defences as he advanced up the coast. He was met with resistance, drawing a blade he engaged in battle, he deliberately only injured a couple of guards before allowing himself to be overpowered. The injuries would seem worse than they were so they would take him as a serious threat. Just as he thought, they bound him and dragged him inward towards the centre of the island. He acted the wounded animal so they wouldn't try to kill him off the bat, or he'd have to end them and try again. So for now playing the part he marched along.

Now Jaeger found himself bound to a pole outside, sat in the sun, two guarding him, while another had went into the building within. This seemed like a town hall of some sorts. Maybe a base of operations now. After a while a group came out. One man at the head with a guard from earlier and some other men, some older, some younger. The one that stood out was the one in front with the eyes full of ambition. A larger man than the others, mid 40s, a sword at his hip. He walked over pulling Jaeger's hood back to reveal his true look. Many gasped in horror at Jaeger's true appearance though not him, he looked at him with more of a loathing or disdain.

"And what brings you here cretin?"

Behind his back Jaeger's fist clenched. He would of loved to of ripped the man's head off in an instant but he needed to be sure he had the right man. Jaeger decided not to speak instead spat at the man's foot. As he did a guard punched Jaeger in is right cheek, knocking his head around. He turned back looking at the large man before him.

"A remnant of my former self.... before the flames consumed what i used to be... "

He now spat to the side, clearly to show a form of resentment to the man. This would be the moment he found out if Samael's story was in fact true. Now the larger man spoke with a grunt.

"I knew we didn't get the lot of you, there were too many footprints leading to the coast and too many ships missing. Vermin just wont die. It's no wonder he wanted to do it in the night. Now look what it brought back to us.... this..."

That's all's Jaeger needed to hear. So they were looking to kill them all, Samael was telling the truth, and he spoke of someone wanting to do it in the night. This meant the one he spoke to right now hadn't organised all of this. He was merely an instrument of destruction that needed to be put down. First he needed answers, such as where to find the one in charge. This would be simple. Now jaeger gathered carbon into his hands behind his back forming it into a dagger. He'd cut through the rope binding him, move forwards, cut the leg of the large man spinning around as the man fell to his knees in pain and held the blade to his throat.

"I'll make it quite clear for you. Move, he dies. After which, you will die for testing me. Now that I know this oath isn't the one calling the shots, it would greatly appreciated if you would point me in the right direction. So, who is loyal to this 'cretin'? Who wants to speak up"

It didn't take long before the guards dropped their weapons and some spoke up about the main base in the center of the island where a man named Edward had been the one to organise it. Speaking of controlling the lands, expelling those who didn't agree and eventually he spoke of killing them in the night. Many seemed to be opposed aside from the oath before him. It would seem he'd been more than willing. Without even looking down, Jaeger slit his throat, leaned down to wipe the blood off the carbon blade before placing it in his belt.

"Let this serve as a warning to the rest of you. Don't follow stupidity, it doesn't bode well for you. You have a mind of your own and you know what to be right.... now if you'll excuse me... i need to cut the head of the snake of treachery that plagues these lands as my lord commands...."

With that Jaeger made his way inland in the direction of this man named Edward.


Oct 22, 2009
Trait Points
Jaeger could see exactly where he needed to go, one of the more fortified locations he'd seen in the area. He hadn't rushed here so there was a small chance that the word of his arrival had made it here, though it mattered now now. There were several watch towers with archers, their arrows pointing down at Jaeger as he approached, yet the did not fire. He walked forwards through the open gates to be surrounded by men at arms. Clearly outnumbered, surrounded, this would seem the right location for the one who would be leading the revolt. He could almost feel the hostility in the air. This group really had prepared for the taking over of this land which should belong to New Dawn. They had sent a shinobi to come claim these lands but he'd never returned after that, so maybe this is why they thought they could claim these lands for their own. Well here he was to deal with this now.

He stood in a courtyard surrounded, looking around trying to get an idea of how many, or even the resolve of those here. How many were here for their family's safety, or even their own? From the large building one man emerged, young, fully armoured, though those eyes of ambition still there. Jaeger looked up at the man, meeting his gaze, he could easily take him out before he knew it but then another came out behind him. An older man, walking forwards dragging something, no someone, a child, with a blade to the throat. The child struggled but to no avail. Jaeger felt the gravity of the situation.

"So you're the one that killed my officer.... stay where you are or the child dies... now... from what i heard, you are no ordinary being. You killed one of my best warriors with little effort. Clearly you're not one the islanders that fled, so why the hell are you interfering with our affairs?"

So this one was smarter than the last. Jaeger being surrounded wasn't enough, he had the insurance policy of a child hostage. This could be a little tricky.

"I come on the whim of my master. To deal with the demons who strike with flames in the night and return these lands to order. Now if you would kindly remove the blade from the child's throat and place it in your own. It would save me a lot of trouble."

A twang sounded through the air, Jaeger moved to his right as a single arrow passed his left shoulder, grazing it causing it to bleed. He held his right hand over the wound pushing the bandages down to stop the bleeding. He could heal it but it wouldn't be wise to show that power here and now before he had his plan. The other man in the armour now spoke.

"It would seem as though you don't understand the gravity of the situation. Your insolence will not be tolerated. Who is this master of which you speak? Tell me so I cut the coward down for now coming himself."

Jaeger smiled at the thought of such a man trying to even get close to that.

"How rude of me. Here was me thinking you were a pathetic piece of trash with a bark too loud for it's bite. Why don't you come and take the words from my mouth. Surely one who thinks he can best a master would have no trouble with a mere servant."

Jaeger now began to gather his chakra, what happened next would be vital. As expected the man he'd spoken to lunged forwards with his blade drawn. Jaeger took control of the light in the area around him, making it move slower so that he could move before they could react. With this he moved forwards, which they wouldn't see due to the delay in the moving of light, draw the carbon dagger he'd formed from before and throw it at the man's throat who held the child. It would hit him before he realised what had happened, causing him to fall back clutching his own throat, dropping the blade he held to the child.

Jaeger passed the man approaching him, pulling a dagger from the man's belt in doing so, stabbing the man in the back, where his heart was causing him to fall forwards before he could comprehend what had happened as Jaeger reached the child. Now stood in front as a shield. In a delay a rain of arrows hit Jaeger's former location and the two main people's bodies hit the floor a the same time. Everyone looked on in silence as Jaeger released his control over the light.

Jaeger now stood tall as they all looked on at him, mostly in fear as they couldn't comprehend what was going on. Jaeger broke the silence.

"I'm tired of killing men who don't know when they are beat. This hostile take over is no more. I don't care your reasons for fighting or following scum like these but if you try these actions once more, even my master's wishes will not stop me from ripping you all limb from limb. I refuse to let the greed of men like these harm the lives of the future. And you followed them without question? For what?.... This land is part of the New Dawn Empire. If you have any issue, take it up with the emperor. The people you pushed out will return to their homes... you will help rebuild them and a suitable representative shall be put in charge here... You know the outcome if you try this nonsense again...."

With that he began to walk forwards, those around took a step back dropping their weapons. The message was clear. Fight and they die. With that Jaeger left and would return home, using the mental connection to inform his master.


Rank: D-S
Type: Attack/Defence
Range: short - long
Chakra Cost: 10-40
Damage Points: 20-80
Description: This is the basic application of carbon release where the user will gather carbon in the air, the ground or create it from their own chakra (spitting it out ect) to form structures of carbon. This can be anything from weapons, to walls, to spikes, domes, anything inanimate which they can use as projectiles as well. For example the user could create a kunai of carbon and launch it at their opponent. The larger the object, the higher the rank. For objects larger, than the user they will need to be A rank. To use the A rank version and higher, the user will need to perform 1 handseal. This can also be used to reshape current carbon the user controls which they can use to attack with again, in a similar way to earth release but on a unique level. Due to the control required, the user is not able to form microscopic carbon, the carbon they gather will be around the same size of a small pebble and so always visible to normal ninja. B rank and below carbon structures can be made with arm movements or a single handseal. A rank can only be used once per turn. S rank can be used 3 times per battle, with two turns in between uses and no carbon above B rank in following turn.

[光遁光周期] - Guāng Zhōuqí | Light Release: Light Cycle
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 30 [15 Due to Yin-Yang Mastery]
Damage: 0
Description: Through the use of light chakra, the user will be capable of distorting the transmission, perception, reflection or refraction and emission of light from an object or targeted area. As a purely supplementary technique, this jutsu makes full use of the inherent properties of light and as such is extremely quick to activate; and once activated, it takes effect at the speed of light making it virtually instant. Various effects can be achieved through the use of this technique by altering the way that light interacts with the world (specifically on the battlefield). One effect is that the user can reduce the amount/speed of movement/emission/reflection of light. This can result in a 4-Point deduction in one’s base ability to track because the sense known as sight solely depends on visible light. If the user slows down light’s speed or means of travel, the opponent receives visible information later than normal; which creates an effect of slower time.

The user can also enhance or nullify present light, allowing for the production of flashes of light of various intensities (too high and light ceases to be visible causing once visible things to appear as transparency), colors, and patterns. Even dark spots can be created, which is the result of areas completely devoid of light. With this perk, the user is capable of manipulating light to form optical illusions or even bending light around an object or area to make it; creating a form of invisibility. The importance of light and the user’s ability to govern it freely with this technique makes the possibilities of this jutsu endless; as such when used effectively this jutsu will likely force an opponent to relinquish their reliance on slight, and instead focus on interpreting the world through their other senses.

~ Note ~ Once activated this technique stays active for the next four turns, during which time the user can freely govern the way that things look by manipulating light.

~ Note ~ In the case of objects that do not produce their own light - aka solids, liquids and most gasses, or the manipulation of natural light (whose source is the sun) blinding effects will be limited to that, and the next turn only. When used on techniques that emit energy in the form of light however, such as fire or lightning, opponents who look upon it will be immediately blinded for that, and the next turn as well. Due to being chakra infused, the blinding effect will even affect Doujutsu.

~ Note ~ Once this technique is over, the user cannot re-use it again for three turns, and also while it is active they are limited in that they cannot activate Light techniques above B rank.

~ Note ~ This Jutsu Can Only Be Taught By Trooper3Stacks


Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points

As the ship sailed closer to the island there was a rap at the door, Strix distrupted from her meditation as the captain announced they were close to the island. As she walked on deck, a thick mist was developing, limiting visibility for all on board and holding true to the myths about the beast that protected the island. So far there had been no disturbances, woth worried looks from the crew headed towarda the captain and few looking nervously ay Strix. After a few more minutes of sailing, the ship lurched forwards as everyone on deck shuffled balancing on their feet.
The captain explained that this was as far as they go, they wont risk moving closer to the island, no matter to the threat that Strix may throw. They feared this beast and island more than the strange woman, as she sucked her teeth.

Moving to the edge of the ship, Strix jumped off the ship, sending chakra to her feet to balance on the waves licking towards the boat. Looking away, she could barely make out the shape of the island, the mist so dense that ot was hard to see where the shore actually started and the island began. She was still for a moment, composing herself while she thought about what was to come, the battle and test of her will. With a deep breath she headed towards the island. It didnt take her long, maybe 5 or 10minutes of walking before the mist parted, a golden sand shore stretching before Strix oh the island, trees a hundred feet back covering a jungle behind with hills rolling in the background. A veritable paradise, had it not been for the massive mist that surrounded the island hiding it on the ocean, a danger to any approaching vessel. Despite the stories and rumours of the island being abandoned, it clearly had signs of living creatures very recently. Looking up and down the beach, Strix could see old run down and broken huts, these had been abandoned long ago with moss and signs of wear, however closer infront of her and towards the jungle entrance, there had been a finely made hut, no moss or signs of aging on the wood. Clearly a manmade structure, there seemed to be some life living here.

Venturing forth, Strix explored the jungle following a roughly made path which was more just a well worn path if anything. Strangely, there was patches of what looked like rough stone among the jungle but upon closer inspection it actually looked more like coral. A strange occurrence indeed. After some more exploring Strix eventually came to the abandoned village, small houses and huts that were long ago left nothing more than birds and animals now living there. At least thats what she thought.

Bold of you to come here. Ive been watching you since you jumped off the ship. Though from the looks of you, you dont look like a pirate or merchant.

A voice came from one of the abandoned huts, shrouded in shade from the canopy of the trees, making it difficult for Strix to make out who was speaking. Walking out of the doorway, a youngman with brown hair and purple eyes, holding a metallic staff was looking towards her. He looked quite young though he spoke with the attitude and conviction of an adult. He stood about 12 meters away from her, partially shaded now giving her a better look.

Well you probably know, but there are stories that float about, of a monster that swims the sea's and makes this island its home. Although I think there there is more to the beast than what the stories say...

The young man winced at her words, specifically when she mentioned monster and beast. Perhaps he tried to hide it but Strix could pick up that this person had known something, and she had a feeling she was going to bring it out of him.

Oh really? Well this mist provides a great natural defensive advantage to outsiders. As you can see there is no creature here. I think it best you leave now.

He finished speaking and pointing back to where she came but Strix decided to keep poking.

Thats true, but its noy a natural mist is it? Even the other islands have a mist but nothing this thick. I think its a byproduct of the monster living here. But you already knew that... Didnt you?

You need to leave now... Or else...

His voice was a threat, his mouth opening showing gritted teeth as Strix coated her words with poison as she sounded disgusted. It was time to confirm if this was the target she was looking for.

I think that you pretend not to know, but you are the beast. The Three Tails Monster...

The words had caused his rage to boil over and cause for attack.


Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points

Strix was left exhausted, blood dripping from her mouth with her body aching and fatigue kicking in as it started to sink in she had dealt the final blow. There was a moment where she almost didnt believe it, half expecting the beast to roll over but as its transformation receeded showing Yagura once more her eyes went wide. Panting and dropping all active abilities she had, Strix fell backwards looking up at the sky, mist dispersing revealing a pale blue cloudless sky. Their fight had left massive craters over the island turning it now into nothing but a barren island scatter with debris and trees, the shore lapping quietly behind her.

I.... I think Im just gonna... Have... A....

She didnt even get to finish her though as she passed out, the exhaustion, mental focus as well as unlocking her spiritual side for the first time taking its toll. Strix had many questions about what happened, but as she lay there she had no thoughts but being on a desert island with the warm sun kissing her skin.

Eventually waking up, Strix had no idea how much time had passed, a hazy head and headahce coming on. Shaking her head and gathering her thoughts, she tried to focus on what she was doing and the next course of action.

Mmm lets see, in the Water Islands, was sent here by Madara, fought beast, beat beast... Ok next up...
Checking her communication scroll she read back over the message. So she was to deliver the beast to a place on an island in the middle of the Hokubu Ocean. Well at least she was.... Close..ish.

Writing down a brief message, she would let Madara know she had captured the beast and would arrive there in the next few days. It was time to pack up her supplies and grab the body to take with her.
