Hokubu Ocean (257)

Nov 10, 2018
Trait Points
Isabella laughed again, amused that her overwhelming damage strategy did not work. She stretched out her hand to touch the tree once more, but then she had a new idea. Focusing her chakra, she started amassing a great amount of fungal chakra onto her hands, before spreading them out in order to spill forth a massive net of necrotic fungus, highly cultivated with her Yin chakra.

(Masshuru-Muton: Mori no Jusshi ) Mushroom Style: Fingers of Pan
Rank: D-S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 10-40 (40)
Damage Points: 20-80 (100)
Description: This serves as the main release of the Mushroom element, materializing the generic fungal net-type described in Primary Release.The user is able to release a large net of fungus, from her hands or from the ground which can withstand the impact of huge boulders of rock and cease their movement. The user can decide to preform this jutsu to trap the opponent. The net will form any structure the user wants, being it a hand, a shield, pillars, etc.
Depending on the rank used, the user is capable of controlling small fungal constructs or a lake's worth of fungus. Through mushroom's chakra parasitic ability, this technique is capable of interacting with other jutsu by shaving off some power when colliding with an enemy chakra-costing technique. Up to B rank, it shaves 10 damage, or 5 chakra. Higher than B rank, it shaves 20 damage or 10 chakra, similar to Water Style: Mist Rain.

Note: A rank can only be used once every 2 turns up to 4 times per battle. S rank can only be used once every three turns, 3 times per battle.
(Inton: Ten ni Henkō) – Yin Release: Change into Heaven
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A (+50 chakra cost to applied technique)
Description: The user manipulates a technique of the basic 5 elements with Yin natured energy, allowing the user to change its physical properties. Fire can become solid, lightning can become tangible, water can become invisible. Possibilities are limited to changes in physical properties; more specifically, this means that one cannot transform a flame into a spiritual flame, or make a rock intangible. The user must be able to clearly define what the new technique is within realistic limitations. If, for example, the user makes Swamp of the Underworld into something solid then it might neutralize the entire point of the technique. The resulting technique must be described logically; if this condition is not met then the technique might outright fail. The end result is a technique neutral to all basic elemental natures. This technique is applied within the same timeframe as the technique it is applied to. The infused chakra increases the technique by an additional ten, but costs fifty in total.
Note: Yin Release specialists can apply this technique to advanced fields, CE, and advanced elements.
Note: Using Change into Heaven to transform the inherent nature of an element does not modify its base speed.
Note: Usable 3 times per battle and 6 times per arc.

Her Yin started to enhance the fungal growth into a highly parasitic version of wood-bark mushrooms, attached itself onto the bark and roots of the massive tree in order to feed from it. The Yin infuses the organic and near-sentient fungus with a much more aggressive version of it's damage-shaving ability, it's parasitic powers enhanced to the extreme as it spreads out across the whole tree and roots in sight, feeding from it until the bark is nothing but fungus itself, rotted and putrid, spreading it's fungal disease across the whole system.

Isabella wanted her disease ridden fungal technique, near-sentient and organic in nature, to retrieve some sort of reaction from the tree, or have it die completely and utterly, as her technique absorbs the mysterious powers of the Void Tree into itself. But she was able to intimately monitor the chakra fluctuations within her mushroom technique, and if it wasn't doing anything ( Like her previous attacks ) Isabella was prepared to change course and go through with touching an exposed part of the tree bark with her own palm.
Before Isabella could perform her combination small roots of the Void Tree ruptured the sand beneath her, the tranquil waters of the Hokubu suddenly disrupted as they lurched toward her with unavoidable speed. Two tendrils pierced her feet, and clear through and through as pain would shoot from her extremities to her spine. Had the Tree been angered by her impudence? Another tendril of dark calcified root punctured where her spine was, piercing her body again and emerging just underneath her breasts where her ribcage fused. It was a violent and gruesome sight as repeatedly her body was impaled, struck, and pulled down toward the sand by the incredibly fast yet powerful roots. Isabella would pass out from the pain, but it wasn't only the pain that served as a catalyst for such a physical reaction. The roots injected some kind of toxin into her body that encouraged an unconscious state as her lifeless form was pulled down into the depths, falling deeper into the sea before being pulled under the sand entirely.

Minutes...no. Hours. Yes, hours passed before anything occurred. Isabella would suddenly awaken, this time in another world. Her body appeared untouched, unviolated, by the It was not the Voidspace that she had become familiar with twice now. It was something different. A grassy field bathed in tranquil sunlight. In the distance a single chair with a pile of books next to it. A woman sat there...no a teenage girl. From behind Isabella could see her burgundy hair, held together by a hair curler - a signature of hers. It was none other than Akiza Uchiha, a book in hand as she piled them up next to her when she finished reading. It was clear she had been here for some time now, with many of the books at the side of her chair had bent spines. She did not take notice of Isabella, who was standing far in the distance behind her, and simply kept reading in this ever-distant utopian field.
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Jun 18, 2009
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Before Isabella could perform her combination small roots of the Void Tree ruptured the sand beneath her, the tranquil waters of the Hokubu suddenly disrupted as they lurched toward her with unavoidable speed. Two tendrils pierced her feet, and clear through and through as pain would shoot from her extremities to her spine. Had the Tree been angered by her impudence? Another tendril of dark calcified root punctured where her spine was, piercing her body again and emerging just underneath her breasts where her ribcage fused. It was a violent and gruesome sight as repeatedly her body was impaled, struck, and pulled down toward the sand by the incredibly fast yet powerful roots. Isabella would pass out from the pain, but it wasn't only the pain that served as a catalyst for such a physical reaction. The roots injected some kind of toxin into her body that encouraged an unconscious state as her lifeless form was pulled down into the depths, falling deeper into the sea before being pulled under the sand entirely.

Minutes...no. Hours. Yes, hours passed before anything occurred. Isabella would suddenly awaken, this time in another world. Her body appeared untouched, unviolated, by the It was not the Voidspace that she had become familiar with twice now. It was something different. A grassy field bathed in tranquil sunlight. In the distance a single chair with a pile of books next to it. A woman sat there...no a teenage girl. From behind Isabella could see her burgundy hair, held together by a hair curler - a signature of hers. It was none other than Akiza Uchiha, a book in hand as she piled them up next to her when she finished reading. It was clear she had been here for some time now, with many of the books at the side of her chair had bent spines. She did not take notice of Isabella, who was standing far in the distance behind her, and simply kept reading in this ever-distant utopian field.
It happened so fast that no amount of tracking would be able to perceive this attack. Before Isabella was able to use her medicine knowledge, she had already been crucified by the roots of the forsaken tree. How many times has Isabella been killed in these past few months? Death was meaningless now, even as she felt the tell-tale of sanity draining out of her head, and the transition to the void obscuring her consciousness.

Hours passed, or maybe minutes, before Isabella was woken up by a bright and warm lid that illuminated her eyelids. Her lashes blinked twice before she felt the caress of the morning sun, grass hudled around her like a soft bed. She stood there for a while, her mind trying to catch up to her body. She didn't feel sick nor injured, it was as if she had never been hurt... or not have been hurt yet.

Already, this trip to the Voidspace was different, warmer, familiar. Her eyes had opened to a beautifully tranquil day within a meadow, and the dew wet her clothes tenderly like droplets of fresheness that were quickly tempered by the sun. She rose slowly into a upright sitting position, looking around herself, yet the cozyness of her surroundings dulled her survival instincts. And that is when she saw her.

She couldn't believe it at first, her burgundy hair turning pink with every reflex of the sun. She was reading amidst the grass. It couldn't be morning anymore, for the woman had been there for a long time, based on the spines of the many books at spread out around her chair... could it be noon, afternoon? No it couldn't have been any part of the day... this woman did not... exist anymore.

The only woman in the world Isabella could ever truly call her mother... the Rose of the Uchiha... Akiza...

She was woken from her desbelief by an odd and forgotten sensation in her cheek. Touching her face with her left hand, she felt the tips of her fingers wet. A single tear had streaked unannounced, which Isabella promptly wiped away. This distant memory of her past could be nothing more than a trick. She looked at her hands and body, trying to figure out if she had aged in reverse to match the vision, but she was the same old Isabella. Bringing her hand to her heart, she started walking forward, hesitantly. But her resolve was clear in her mind.... If this was another vision of the Void, she needed to engage...


Isabella tried to sound confident, but her voice cracked a bit. She would need to do better next time.
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Nov 10, 2018
Trait Points
It happened so fast that no amount of tracking would be able to perceive this attack. Before Isabella was able to use her medicine knowledge, she had already been crucified by the roots of the forsaken tree. How many times has Isabella been killed in these past few months? Death was meaningless now, even as she felt the tell-tale of sanity draining out of her head, and the transition to the void obscuring her consciousness.

Hours passed, or maybe minutes, before Isabella was woken up by a bright and warm lid that illuminated her eyelids. Her lashes blinked twice before she felt the caress of the morning sun, grass hudled around her like a soft bed. She stood there for a while, her mind trying to catch up to her body. She didn't feel sick nor injured, it was as if she had never been hurt... or not have been hurt yet.

Already, this trip to the Voidspace was different, warmer, familiar. Her eyes had opened to a beautifully tranquil day within a meadow, and the dew wet her clothes tenderly like droplets of fresheness that were quickly tempered by the sun. She rose slowly into a upright sitting position, looking around herself, yet the cozyness of her surroundings dulled her survival instincts. And that is when she saw her.

She couldn't believe it at first, her burgundy hair turning pink with every reflex of the sun. She was reading amidst the grass. It couldn't be morning anymore, for the woman had been there for a long time, based on the spines of the many books at spread out around her chair... could it be noon, afternoon? No it couldn't have been any part of the day... this woman did not... exist anymore.

The only woman in the world Isabella could ever truly call her mother... the Rose of the Uchiha... Akiza...

She was woken from her desbelief by an odd and forgotten sensation in her cheek. Touching her face with her left hand, she felt the tips of her fingers wet. A single tear had streaked unannounced, which Isabella promptly wiped away. This distant memory of her past could be nothing more than a trick. She looked at her hands and body, trying to figure out if she had aged in reverse to match the vision, but she was the same old Isabella. Bringing her hand to her heart, she started walking forward, hesitantly. But her resolve was clear in her mind.... If this was another vision of the Void, she needed to engage...


Isabella tried to sound confident, but her voice cracked a bit. She would need to do better next time.
Akiza folded the top right page down to save its place, closing the book in her lap before placing it on the armrest of her seat. A gentle breeze passed through the lush field. It was peaceful here; a place without war, strife, or hungering. Akiza remained silent, slowly rising from the wooden seat and turning to bring her gaze to Isabella's as they now stood opposite of each other. A warm smile spread across the Uchiha's fair skin, recognizing her former pupil from so very long ago. She could tell just from looking at Isabella that her synapses were firing off, trying to discern if this was some kind of trick, memory, or fragment of her soul. But it was none of those things. This was flesh and blood. Real.

"Isabella, you're finally here," her voice was calming, gentle, with the same familiar sweetness that she had developed in her later years. But was it truly real? "Your eyes. They're a little different." She spoke again, this time with a smile as she took note of Isabella's changed anatomy, sensing the Shinkaigan even if it was not activated. She was, after all, the Rose of the Uchiha - and more infamously regarded as the Black Rose for her Mangekyo Sharingan. She walked toward Isabella, still offering a welcoming smile in return.
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Jun 18, 2009
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Akiza folded the top right page down to save its place, closing the book in her lap before placing it on the armrest of her seat. A gentle breeze passed through the lush field. It was peaceful here; a place without war, strife, or hungering. Akiza remained silent, slowly rising from the wooden seat and turning to bring her gaze to Isabella's as they now stood opposite of each other. A warm smile spread across the Uchiha's fair skin, recognizing her former pupil from so very long ago. She could tell just from looking at Isabella that her synapses were firing off, trying to discern if this was some kind of trick, memory, or fragment of her soul. But it was none of those things. This was flesh and blood. Real.

"Isabella, you're finally here," her voice was calming, gentle, with the same familiar sweetness that she had developed in her later years. But was it truly real? "Your eyes. They're a little different." She spoke again, this time with a smile as she took note of Isabella's changed anatomy, sensing the Shinkaigan even if it was not activated. She was, after all, the Rose of the Uchiha - and more infamously regarded as the Black Rose for her Mangekyo Sharingan. She walked toward Isabella, still offering a welcoming smile in return.
Isabella had tried many times to peel back the years from Akiza's aged face when she was young. She knew her mentor was a very beautiful woman, even as she gracefully matured into her pink-greyish hair and smile lines, but Isabella was always curious how beautiful she must have been when Akiza was younger. And she wasn't wrong. There was a hardness to her features of a strong conviction and resolution, yet her overbearing tenderness was still present. Isabella knew that kindness would evolve into a sort of obessively zealous feeling of over-protection, especially as Isabella showed more and more promise in the Arts of the Sharingan.

But now that Isabella had matured herself, her judgement was no longer clouded by her infancy dependance of a surrogate mother. She could now see a sense of hidden envy, coveting Isabella's power and potential.

Nothing can escape your eyes... mother.

She said, and blinked her eyes, to unveil the Shinkaigan in their full glory. Her vision sharpened and her mind started racing, linking the previous events to this new scene. Despite delving into her own memories, something that Isabella had tried to supress several times, she knew that this was caused by the Roots of the Void Tree. She had been dealing with these phenomenon for quite some time, enough to know that, even if this was her reality, it was still a reality. She had no way of knowing in what way this Akiza was the same as the one from Isabella's past, nor how she differed, but she knew there would be something to gain here.

(Dōjutsu: Shinkaigan) – Eye Technique: Abyssal Eyes
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A (-10 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: The Shinkaigan (深海), or the Abyssal Eyes and the Eyes of the Abyss, is the Dōjutsu Kekkei Genkai that appears in the Voidseers. Two conditions must be met to awaken the Shinkaigan. The first is that one must become Void-touched; this is achieved when one becomes Void-touched. The second is by gaining sufficient knowledge of the Shinkaigan and the Voidseer’s innate abilities. This is a key characteristic of the Shinkaigan, noted by Solomon to be “eyes of knowledge” rather than “eyes of trauma,” making it distinct from the Sharingan. The Shinkaigan possesses a unique connection to the Void itself. Its abilities exist in both space and time separately. This comes to be because the Void exists both as a separate dimension and a state in time. Rewinding the clocks far enough would cause everything in the universe to eventually converge onto the Void. The Shinkaigan is the only way one can view the Void directly, peering into it to gain intimate knowledge of the inner workings of the universe as it is today. Without the Shinkaigan exposure to the Void and Shinkaigan Dōjutsu causes one to lose Sanity; though, like a double-edged sword, the Shinkaigan user also suffers a loss of Sanity. But because their eye allows them to perceive and cognize the Void differently from other humans, they lose Sanity at a slower rate. In the left eye the Shinkaigan allows the user to visually perceive lifeforce and lifecycles of anything, including inanimate objects. It derives this ocular power through the nature of the Void itself. The right eye allows the Shinkaigan wielder to view the Void as a physical space, perceiving it not as a point in time but a location. The wielder gains enhanced visual acuity, able to track targets at four times their speed. Though unlike other Dōjutsu it lacks the ability to perceive chakra. Activation of the Shinkaigan grants the user access to their Voidseer Dōjutsu, affording them the ability to use powerful temporal and spatial abilities.
Note: The user is able to passively activate the Shinkaigan after holding the Dōjutsu for one month.
Note: Gazing directly into the Shinkaigan causes a loss of 5 Sanity per turn unless the user also wields the Shinkaigan. Those who have completed Taijutsu training can avoid these effects by breaking eye contact with their opponent.

But it seems you were expecting me. I am finally here, though, where is here exactly?

Isabella said, looking down on her mentor with a lofty and arrogant attitude. Her heart was conflicted but, as she inspected her Mentor's military-battle clothing, Isabella knew this would not be an easy battle to win. As she passively activated her Shinkaigan, Isabella sneakily performed a single handseal. At first nothing seemingly happened, but at the appearance of her dark blue shifting eyes, Akiza's own vision started to faulter. It would be very discrete, because the only thing it caused was an inability of making true eye contact, at least the pin-point requirement for eye-contact based Genjutsu. But the more Akiza would try to focus on Isabella's chaotically shifting blue eyes, the more she would be unable to focus on them. Hopefully, Isabella thought, the effects would be coincidental enough for Akiza to keep on talking and sharing information, without revealing Isabella's blatant attack. Would Akiza be ignorant enough of Isabella's new KG to believe this would be a side effect of looking at it, or would she know more than she's supposed to? Either way, 5 sanity points would drop out of the Black Rose Uchiha from contact with the Shikaigan.

( Magen: Noroi Doujutsu ) - Demonic Illusion: Accursed Eye Technique
Type: Supplementary

Rank: A

Range: Short-Mid

Chakra: 30

Damage: N/A

Description: The user forms three handseals and casts a genjutsu that distorts the victim's sense of perception and his ability to focus on the environment and surroundings, creating a lapse in his ability to properly react to things. Creating the effect of essentially rapid deterioration of the sight, this technique initially starts as a slight bluriness of objects in motion, creating what appears to be a difficulty to focus. As the fight progresses, this bluriness worsens to the complete inability to focus on any object, creating a visual distortion in objects. As the effect happens over a series of turns, it makes the effects of it seem more realistic, making it difficult to initially determine it is a genjutsu. Due to this perceived visual deterioration, the target's of this have a dulled sense of perception and tracking and reacting time, essentially decreasing 25% for 3 consecutive turns, the last turn making the opponent blind to movements above his own base speed.

Note: Can only be used 2 times.

Note: Lasts 3 Turns

Note: Requires a break of at least 2 turns in between usages.

Note: Is not a Sharingan genjutsu nor requires Sharingan to be performed.

Taught by Manders

Battle challenge issued ;)

Sanity: 100
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ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
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Coming from [x]

Alucard, Zev and Lilith - the latter of whom was using her wings for the first time and flying short of a meter above the waves headed across the Hokubu Ocean.

Olala, water is so pretty. Hey is that.. me?

Lilith watched her own reflection for the first time in the water. She smiled back at it, knowing she was crafted by the man who was struggling to keep his edo tensei awake in their small boat right behind her. With high spirits, they headed towards Tobusekai.



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Jun 18, 2009
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Isabella woke up at the bottom of the ocean, in the midst of the now abandoned city of Eridu. She had a new purpose in life, with the re-awakening of her blood ability. Enthusiastically, she reactivated her Amphibian Intervention technique to traverse the Sea of Life, following the branching tree to the opposite direction that she came on, upon her faithful cubozoan steed.

It was time for her to Witness the original continent.

(End Mission)

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