[Discussion] Hinata Hyuga: Not so One-Dimensional as Many Believe?!


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Mar 11, 2010
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Through the reading, I have become a Hinata expert thanks to you. I share all of the line of thinking shared, and actually would care if anybody would try aiming at the same spot, but, for Sakura.

It´s just that is not fair. Tsunade, such a gorgeous sight and inviting chakra, "is" the retarded mold from which Sakura is spawned, a beautiful gorilla girl = "tomboy", not too inviting besides the looks.

Plus, Hinata is much as a vivid dreamer, if by that I understand "an expressively humane character"

KGB Kakuzu

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Jul 20, 2012
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I read most of what I can.. I agree and for putting so much effort into the thread I give you my thanks :)
Thanks for reading what you did... I usually end up making long threads when I post them.

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Don't worry... the tears of understanding will fade, but the memories will last... until next week.

I give this thread my thanks. I'm glad someone finally put my thoughts on paper.
Figured it was about time... with the series ending why not?!

amazing as usual my friend :)
Thanks as usual ^.^

Good thread , even though i didn't read it all XD
I can't blame you. Thanks for reading what you did though.

hinata day?
Just Hinata Hyuga day :rolleyes:

I'm joking... I haven't seen any Hinata threads today... then again I've been in classes and dinner since 9a.m. XD! Just felt like giving one of my favorites some justice.

Through the reading, I have become a Hinata expert thanks to you. I share all of the line of thinking shared, and actually would care if anybody would try aiming at the same spot, but, for Sakura.

It´s just that is not fair. Tsunade, such a gorgeous sight and inviting chakra, "is" the retarded mold from which Sakura is spawned, a beautiful gorilla girl = "tomboy", not too inviting besides the looks.

Plus, Hinata is much as a vivid dreamer, if by that I understand "an expressively humane character"

Lol I appreciate you reading through it.

And for Sakura's character... I completely agree. It was completely unfair of how Kishi's written her. She should not have needed saving after her super moment (Yin Seal). On that note... Kishi should have put more effort into foreshadowing and raising up the idea of her training.

Also... Genjutsu where you at!!!! I really would have liked Sakura to specialize in Genjutsu, Sasuke in Ninjutsu (Amaterasu/Susanoo), and Naruto to deal with the Taijutsu stuff (SM, close up Rasengan). It gives balance. Now their abilities are slightly distorted and all over the scales.

But maybe a thread about Sakura's mistreatment will be saved for another day.

Wow aa long read but its worth it. However you seem to imply that Hinata will not be paired with Naruto in the end. Your implication is not approved but everything else is
I apologize for any implications... I'm only providing reasons to claim that she is not a One Dimensional character ^.^

I happen to like the idea of Naruto and Hinata... but this has absolutely nothing to do with this thread, and so I will leave it at that.

I still find her potential as a character limited by Kishimoto.
She wants to change the Hyuuga, right?
The one that loves her little sister and is doing it for her. Because she doesn't want Hanabi to be branded the seal.

Why the author only shows her love for Naruto, though? She has amazing potential for the story.
I don't like it because a character with such potential shouldn't be neglected like that.

Just like I hate the fact that Kishimoto made Naruto stronger because of Sasuke.
"Sasuke is stronger than I am? Well, then I'll train!"
Isn't the fact that Akatsuki is chasing him enough? Or the fact that Akatsuki is consequently putting all of his friends in danger? Or his dream of being Hokage?
When Naruto got the key of his seal, he commented that he'd need it to fight Sasuke.

I like the world the author made, it's brilliant. The shinobi world, the general history, the hate, wars...
But the fact that some characters are driven solely on another is annoying.

So many characters have tremendous, unexplored potential. It's understandable, though. The manga is quite big already.
The fanfictions that are based on character progression are enjoyable, but long.

Just like he did with the rest of the Side K11 (notably Rock Lee considering his part I roll), he made the K11 become irrelevant. Hinata is only one of the many characters who had wonderful potential, but Kishi only placed a small portion of their character just for the sake of his goal plot development wise.

So in short... it is because she's a side character.


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Dec 29, 2012
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Couldnt bring myself to read it all, although I did read a bit, once I got more than halfway through I realized I wasnt convinced and wasnt going to be.

Here is the thing, she is one dimensional.. but why does that have to be a bad thing? She is loyal, kind, nice, strong, and stable. She;s doesnt have any issues and isnt extravagant. Hell she's the only normal one in the whole situation. Dont take a well developed character like that and twist it because you feel she deserves to be something else, simply appreciate her for who she, where the hell am i going with this. this has gone on long enough, you get my point.
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Apr 12, 2013
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Good read. I gave my thanks and a plus rep. Hinata is one of my favorite characters. Kishi really did make quite a few amazing characters and it's too bad that there isn't enough time for him to delve deeper into more of them. It's nice to be learning more about Tobirama recently and I would also like to know more of the Hyuga clans history since the Uchiha and Hyuga clans abilities are possibly related. I hope we learn more about Minato's clan and Sakura's clan too.

KGB Kakuzu

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Jul 20, 2012
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Good read. I gave my thanks and a plus rep. Hinata is one of my favorite characters. Kishi really did make quite a few amazing characters and it's too bad that there isn't enough time for him to delve deeper into more of them. It's nice to be learning more about Tobirama recently and I would also like to know more of the Hyuga clans history since the Uchiha and Hyuga clans abilities are possibly related. I hope we learn more about Minato's clan and Sakura's clan too.
With the recent flashback of Madara... it almost feels like Kishi is starting to go 180 on his original plans for the Hyuga... they were mentioned to be Konoha's oldest clan... yet they don't appear during the peace talks and such... which I find odd.

I'd say as we get to the closing stages... most likely we will see some Hyuga and Uzumaki development.

Most likely Minato's clan will remain dark. The Senju dispersed into the crowd of Konoha... which leads me to believe Sakura probably has some distant Senju relation.

Hyuga Prodigy

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Jul 4, 2009
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Brilliant Thread! I`ve always thought that she was One Dimensional Character not till Pain Arc which totally caught my attention cause this ever since led me to believe that Hinata will have much bigger role that impact with Naruto from the get go.

I find it really interesting and intrigue with Hinata personality, with her relationshipp with Naruto, Neji and her former Team 8. I liked her as a whole, I mean I can't find any reason why people tend to hate her other than being "Creepy Stalker"

BTW! Hinata is one of the best kunoichi ninja bar none!!

I was wondering why this thread was really superb with all the times and efforts in providing details and evidences but of course its no one other than you KGB Kakuza *_*

P.S. I was so confound with your avatar which I hadn't realized it was you. -_-
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Mr Hiru

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May 23, 2013
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Actually... I like this thread, it is well elaborated and it has support behind each statement. The only thing left to clearify is what do you mean with "One-dimensional".

The thread bring us explicitely to the "Love" topic, and under that circumstances, if you meant "one-sided" (telling one-dimensional) then I have to disagree for one sole reason... I can't help but agree with you when you say that Hinata feels a genuine love for Naruto. All the proof you have choosen in there brings us to that conclusion. But the problem is that you lack proof to prove the counter-part... you can't prove Naruto feels a genuine romantic love for her, so even if she does, it's one-sided, ALBEIT... I won't discard the possibility of Hinata ending up with Naruto, since after all is happening, it perfectly could be a couple.

Now, if with One-dimensional you didn't want to say one-sided, but with many facets then... You're just right. Hinata has a lot of spicy factors that makes of her an interesting character, even if her Persona tends to be Shy-dominant. This persona brings out all its power when Naruto is in danger, that only implies that Hinata's Persona is the Moe-type when in its passive status, and Hero-type when in its active status.
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