Heaven's Ocean (168)


Active member
Oct 1, 2010
Trait Points
Heaven's Ocean

The various tunnels and saves that once held brilliant crystals have completely collapsed, taking the hopes and dreams of those who relied upon their glamorous appearance to make a living.
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Active member
Jan 7, 2012
Trait Points

Ultimate Ambition

Storyboard Elements

  • Explore a landmark
  • Do a bad deed
  • Finish a chore using Ninjutsu
Our story begins in the dark void of space. A place so dark, so cold, and so empty that if would make someone wonder why a race that thrive and survive from groups and understanding other would be so interested in a place to directly opposes their nature. In space there would find the main character of this Legend in a pod traveling across multiple galaxies before crashing down into land of a planet resembling a blue sphere jewel hanging upon nothing.

The hatch to the pod opens from releasing pressure from inside allowing our protagonist to rise from the pod before rising from the crater created from the landing and touching the ground on the cliff of a major mountain. For the first time, The Ninja World was able to behold the glory that was named Raditz.

As Raditz looked out into the land surrounding himself he was able to notice the nature crystal formations that seemed to span as far as the eye could see from where he was. They were definitely very reflective, radiant, and refracted multiple colors of the rainbow when hit with the sun's rays. Raditz walked up to a cluster of these crystals and reached for one before unexpectedly easily breaking of one off the crystals from the cluster. Raditz then brought it closer to his face to examine it a little closer. Disappointed, Raditz tightly clenched his hand on the crystal before it was shattered to pieces. Raditz concluded that the crystals were definitely less valuable then they seemed and wouldn't be able to make a fortune off of them.

Raditz continued to travel across the landmark casually, occasionally turning his head from side to side allowing him to scanning the rocky mountain terrain that surrounded him. As far as he new there were not much life in this area unless he ran into a cactus that appeared sparingly as he traveled by foot. Other than the cacti there were nothing but rocky plateaus, caves, and mountains that spanned thousands of meters in each direction.

After traveling for a few hours, Raditz was able to overlook a clearing surrounded by a circle of mountains. In the clearing there seemed to be a large group of people that were using techniques familiar to Raditz. To confirm his suspicions, He activated his sensing abilities to carefully examine their flow of chakra as they were farming crops. As he examined the what seemed to be citizens of a village, he was able to see them gathering their chakra and changing the nature of their chakra to water as they focused to their hands before manipulating the chakra to form water that is released thru the villages hands to water the crops.

These people resemble Saiyans and for some reason they are also able to manipulate their chakra just as the Saiyan Race. Still their power levels are still significantly lower than that of a saiyan newborn.

He decided that he was going to make them his subjects and on that thought, he made a leap off the edge of the cliff and slid down the side of it before securely landing on the ground of the clearing at the edge of the village. As he was sliding down the side of the cliff, some of the villagers stopped their work as they pointed and noticed Raditz from a distance. Raditz slowly walked into the village all while having a expression of confidence in his face as he sees the utter confusion on the face of every single villager that was within his line of sight. Raditz was simply amused from the fact that the villagers had no idea the amount of trouble that just walked into their village.

After walking for quite some distance as the villagers encircled him with their gardening tools such as, sickles, knifes and pitch forks, Raditz took a deep breath before yelling at the top of his lungs, assuming that everyone around him knew the language he spoke. The yell was so loud every villager around them that had a weapon in hand dropped them to cover their ears in response to the yell as Raditz bounced off the side of every mountain that surrounded the village he was in.

I wanna see your leader!! Bring them to me at once! I won't take no for answer!

The moment he finished making his declaration out to the villagers around him, Raditz molded his chakra and changed the nature to earth before slamming his hand on the ground to manipulate the earth within his immediate vicinity to form a shelter made entirely out of rock with openings that resembled both a doorway and window. On the ground off to his right there were some leaves from the crops growing nearby that Raditz reached to tear from the ground and place in the center of a indention in the ground before molding more chakra and focusing it to his hand as he change the nature to katon before manipulating it to expel small flames from his hand to light the grass into a steady flame. Once done he sat in front of the doorway of his shelter before the flames and waited for the leader of the village was to approach him.

(Doton: Iwa no Hogo) - Earth Release: Earth Shelter Technique
Type: Defensive
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: The user surrounds themselves with earth, taken from the immediate vicinity, in order to fabricate a formation of rock that is capable of protecting both the user and others in close proximity, if desired. Doing so, seemingly leaves the surrounding terrain unaltered, even when the quantity of earth used is enough to form a complete dome around multiple individuals as seen when Ittan used this technique. The user can also manipulate the resulting shelter to have openings in it so as to be able to observe outside, as demonstrated when used by Kitsuchi.

(Katon no Jutsu) - Fire Release Technique
Type: Offensive
Rank: D
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 10
Damage: 20
Description: The user will release a small but powerful flame of fire at their opponent from either their limbs (through movement) or exhaling it. It can produce fire balls or fire streams or simply aid in taijutsu.

As hours passed, the villagers continued to closely watch Raditz as he remained still in the same position he was when he first sat down and waited. There was much chatter within the villagers as they remain encircled around Raditz and his makeshift shelter made of earth. Soon the chatter within the villagers ceased and the villagers cleared a path for a woman that was clothed in warm colored luxury linen that was distinct from the common wear of the villagers around her. She also was pinned up in a big hairstyle embezzled with the same crystal that was found outside of the mountains as she walked in the path that opened up for her towards Raditz. As she closed her distance between them, Raditz rose to his feet towering over her as she looks at with the most poised unbothered expression on her face. Raditz wasted no time when it came to addressing the lady.

You must be the leader of this village.

I am Tomoko. I am the leader of this village. To what business do you have with me?

Without another word from his mouth or hers, Raditz quickly draws his knife and thrusted his blade in the abdomen of the lady as blood quickly squirted from her body staining both her clothing and the ground before her. The shock from the pain showed in her facial expression preventing her from uttering a word from her lips. Raditz brought himself closer to her and whispered in her ear before she would collapsed to the ground.

Im taking over this village as leader and you are gonna die by my hand.

With the previous leader dead by his hand, Raditz proudly claims his rulership to the villages as they mourn the death of their previous leader. He pointed at a guy that was nearest to him and directed him to take him to the leader's quarters. As the person left the area to go to the quarters the shelter crumbles and the fire dies out. The man directed Raditz to the leaders home. As he walked thru the door way of the home he was able to silky cloth that hung from the walls, stretched across the ceiling and was laid on the floor with the same crystals from outside of the surrounding mountains embezzled on all the furniture in the house. Raditz like what he was able to enjoy what he was able to see touch and hear as the sun from an opening in the roof allowing the sun to come in the house to shine on the crystal to reflect off of it.

For the moment Raditz Stayed a lived the good life while he made the village his subjects ruling them thru with an Iron fist.

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Active member
Jan 7, 2012
Trait Points

The Takeover Begins

After had been ruling his new territory for some time without any opposition, the passing days were beginning to become boring. It was time to ruffle some feathers, destroy some structures, kill those who opposed him, and lead those who recognized his power. Raditz wanted to rule the ninja world with the strength of his own power.

Raditz currently was laying in bed with a Harem of men in with him all laying on top of each other. Raditz opened his eyes and rubbed them with his right fist before using his hands to lift himself up before slouching forward over the edge of his bed. He then rose from his bed before walking towards where the bath was located as his tail wrapped around his waist. With the pull of the lever, multiple streams of water would fall on himself as he was able to rub a bar of soap that was in hand all over his own body to clean himself.

The streams of water cease and Raditz reaches for a large clothe towel to dry off with. He wraps the towel around his waist before stepping out of the bathroom. Marching to the foot of the bed, he opens a chest and inside was his Saiyan armor which he puts on one piece at a time. From there, he makes his way to the front opening of his mansion out into the bright rays of the sun and everything else that was outside.

As Raditz walked thru the center of the land where he ruled, the citizen slowly stopped tending to their gardens and their animals to Look at Raditz to see what he was doing to do next. More and more people accumulated as they followed Raditz walking a total of 100 meters to the outskirts of his village. There waiting for him was a black stallion adorned with a white mane and tail. Raditz would then mount the horse before addressing his people assembled before him.

Your King will gather subject and conquer the ninja world. The only way to achieve true piece is by everything being ruled under one Conqueror. Soon all will know the name Raditz and they will dawn the title of Conqueror and they will boast about the Empire that unified the world and will never be overthrown.

Following that statement, Raditz pulled backed the reigns causing the horse to stand on it's hind legs as it lets out a loud cry that echoed in the air. After making a quick turn, Raditz rides the horse at full speed toward the south boarder of the landmark to begin his expedition.

leaving landmark.


Active member
Apr 29, 2009
Trait Points
Coming From

Tears of the Innocent

They had begun their journey in the Sin, and from there they headed to the edge of the northern world to a frozen tundra. Braving the elements they ventured into the hidden tombs below to find an heirloom long forgotten, a black gem of lost power. Originally it was the promise of riches that lured Isako on his journey, but with the gem in hand he felt the pull of mystery. The next clue brought him as far west as west goes, to the Land of Mountains, ironically, to delve into the depths of the earth were fire and brimstone ruled fierce. He cast the black gem into the heart of Hell and power poured into the crystal breathing life into a creature that tested Isako's worth. Alone, he may have failed. But he was not alone. Within him rested Shukaku, and with their power combined they shattered the guardian and carried the gem onward.

And so they arrived in Heaven's Ocean to complete the next task hinted at by the Mysterious Stranger. The blood of the guilty was found in Hell, it was only fitting that the tears of the innocent would be found in Heaven. Isako had been around enough to know that innocence is rare, perhaps even a myth, at least in regards to humans. The village he belonged to embraced this belief, owning the sins of their past and uniting behind a shared understanding. So perhaps the tears of an innocent were not belonging to a person, but a thing. Isako breathed in the world around him and looked over the serenity of the mountains. They stood tall, strong, and quiet from the day they rose, and would remain thus until the day they sank back into the earth. There was no malice or desire in the natural process of things, no sin to be committed. The land was pure, an innocent that stood in contrast to the men who walked it.

At the base of a mountain stood a stone gate that was used to enter the tunnels below by the farmers who lived nearby. Having no desire to confront them, Isako decided to wait until nightfall to look for his destination. Under the mountain the time of day made little difference, sunlight was a stranger below. However, it wasn't dark in the tunnels. Minerals and crystals were embedded in its walls and from them shone a pale blue light. "This beats Hell for sure, don't it big guy?"

"We'll figure that out at the end, who knows what kind of test we'll meet here." It seemed a more peaceful land than Hell's Depths, but Shukaku was rightly focused on the task at hand. The duo had been tested violently when powering the gem, surely a second test would arise here at the place of tempering.

The deeper Isako delved into the tunnels the more humid and warm the air became. It was a welcome atmosphere after all the cold he had traveled through. But these tunnels were well traveled and worn by the feet of farmers, he knew there was little hope of finding what he sought where anyone could go. He stopped to think for a moment and notice a light breeze flowing deep into the tunnels. "Eh? Now where do ya think you're going..."

Isako uncorked his sand and slowly let a few grains out at a time letting them get swept up in the breeze to guide him onward. The wind carried him further down into the tunnels until he came to a slit in the wall where he sand was pulled through. He looked in but it turned quickly sealing off site of anything further. He couldn't let this go unexplored, and so Isako formed a small ball of sand into the shape of an eye and guided it into the dark. He closed his left eye and its vision was replaced by the sand's. He guided the floating eye through the stone weaving and turning and rising and falling. It was some dozen or so meters before the eye glimpsed an overwhelming light. The crack came to an abrupt end and the eye arrived in a massive cavern, not all that dissimilar from the cavern in Hell's Depths, yet this one was filled with the pale blue light of bio-luminescent crystals rather than red lava.

"Kyahaha! We got it Tankami!" With a path to his destination before him, Isako broke his body down into particles of sand and guided himself through the crack along the same path as the eye had taken. Once through he reformed and was awestruck by the beauty he had stumbled upon. The cavern rose up twenty meters high with a ceiling lined with short blue crystals. From the center of the ceiling a chandelier-like formation of crystal reached back down to the floor with a benevolent glow. A lone crystal rose up below it, brighter than all the rest. Its peak sat just several feet below the hanging crystals above. Isako let out an impressed whistle, "Ever seen anything like this?"

Shukaku was silent for a moment, it was a rare sight indeed. The life of a tailed beast was violent and filled with war. Even over his long life there were few memories as peaceful as what he now saw. "No, not quite."

Isako slowly stepped towards the center of the cavern while looking around and taking it in. He stood before the crystal at the center and noticed a water-filled depression at its head. He looked up to see a droplet of water gathering at the tip of the chandelier before dropping down into the crystal cup below with a gentle splash. "Its crying...dont'cha think big guy?"

"Hmm...the tears of the innocent. Simple enough...but be careful, we know it won't be that easy." It was a wise warning, and Isako heeded it. But there was only one direction to move, forward.

Lifting his hand, Isako guided the black gem from his gourd with his sand. The smoldering red center could still be seen shining through the black, and its heat radiated outward no cooler than it had been back in Hell's Depths. Gently he placed the gem in the crystal and stepped back, preparing for whatever would come next.

Another drop of water gather above and fell down onto the black gem below. A faint glow appeared within the gem for a moment before fading away.

A second drop gathered and fell, and again the gem glowed for a moment, though this time it was lighter. Isako slid a kunai into his hand and prepared himself. "Somethings coming..."

The wait for the third drop seemed longer, but at last it formed and fell. The moment it struck the black stone a bright light shot out in all directions and filled the room with blinding white. Isako shielded his eyes and looked away.

The light faded and Isako's vision returned, but when it did his surroundings were completely different. He was no longer in the crystal cavern, or the land of mountains, he was back in the Eight-Falls Oasis, the hidden paradise where he was raised by the Tanuki. His family bustled around him carrying on with their normal daily routines. "The hell is going on here? What happened Tankami?"

His question was met with silence. Isako closed his eyes to enter Shukaku's sanctum, but all that he saw was the darkness of his own mind. "What the ****! Where are ya Tankami?!" The was no voice to guide him, for the first time since he could remember, he was alone. His heart began to race and his breathing quickened as panic set in. Isako fell back to the ground and crawled backwards until he bumped into a Tanuki, yet it was one he didn't know.

"Ah! What is this? I was just..." He was confused. This was no genjutsu, yet he knew what he was seeing couldn't be real. The Tanuki helped him to his feet and beckoned him to follow as it guided him through the Oasis. She seemed old and frail, yet at peace and content with a slow pace. "I'm sorry...but I can't remember you. Who are you?"

The tanuki stopped and sat on a bench near a pool of water with frolicking children splashing about. She patted the spot next to her signaling for Isako to sit, which he did. "Quiet, is it not?" Isako looked to the splashing children who were being anything but quiet, the old tanuki smiled. "No, child, not here. In your mind. It's quiet without him, yes?"

Isako jumped up and stepped away from her. "The **** do you know about this! I knew it was weird that I didn't recognize you...who are you!?"

"I'm what you seek, am I not?" She beckoned him back to the bench. "Sit, no harm will come to you here."

He wearily did as instructed and sat. "What have you done with Shukaku?"

She chuckled, "Is that your first thought? Interesting..." She sighed and looked ahead. "I've set you both free. Free from the bond forced upon each other by cruel men seeking power." Here eyes shifted slyly to Isako. "Is that not what you desire?"

Annoyed, Isako lashed out. "Why the **** would I want that!"

The tanuki slowly swept her hand out in front of her motioning the the Eight-Falls that emptied into the crystal clear waters. "Do you not miss it? Your home, your family? Is he not why you left?"

Isako felt an unease in his stomach. He had told himself that adventure was his reason for leaving, a chance to find himself and his place in the world. But the truth wasn't so simple. He had been content and happy at the Eight-Falls with his family, yet he couldn't stay. His clenched his fists, "Of course I miss these furry fucks...but...:"

"Don't worry dear, I know. You were afraid. Afraid that vile men would find you, find Shukaku, and they would pay the price for it." She placed a gentle hand on his back. "Its not too late..."

He turned back to her, "What do you mean?"

"It is within my power to give you this, to unchain you from Shukaku, and him from you." The tanuki took her hand from Isako's back and folded it into her other in her lap. "I can give you the lost innocence you so sorely missed."

Isako sat in stunned silence. The prospect of parting from Shukaku hand never crossed his mind before, yet here he was with the choice placed in his hands. His heart twisted as he looked around his home at the smiles and laughter, the hot springs and saki, his friends and family. It had been some time since he left them, and he missed them dearly. He pictured himself joining them in the festivities, returning to a normal life. But he saw himself incomplete, a hole missing in his center. Who was he without Shukaku? They were one, how could he exist without him? He was torn between two images of himself being pulled in opposing directions.

But then he realized who was pulling. It wasn't his friends, his family, himself, or Shukaku. It was the men he pictured assaulting the Falls, the ones that hunted for the beasts, the ones that wanted to take Shukaku from him. They were the ones pulling him in two. He rose to his feet and looked out on the Oasis. "The hell if I let those fuckers win..." His gazed turned back to the old tanuki. "Those pricks ain't keeping the things I love from me, I'll forge my own path forward! And I ain't me if I ain't got the big guy along for the ride, ya got that old hag?!"

The tanuki woman just smiled and pushed herself to her feet with a cane in her right hand. "Hmm...an interesting answer. Very well, Isako of the Ichibi, very well."

She reached up with her cane and just before it touched his forehead his eyes turned back to the Falls. The cane tapped him and his eyes closed, when they opened again he was back in the cavern. A voice called out to him, "Grah...where the hell? What just happened?!" Shukaku could sense a melancholy in his host. "Grr...you okay kid?"

Isako wiped a tear from his eye and gathered himself. "Kyaha! Ya, course I am big guy! Just got that damn light in my eyes is all." Shukaku knew there was more to it, for he had undergone a similar experience. Beast and host understood each other beneath the words even if their pride kept them from saying things out load. They listened to each other's hears and knew that their decisions were made correctly.

He approached the center crystal and as he neared the black gem he saw that the red glow had been replaced by a deep purple. The heat had completely been quelled and he lifted the stone in his hand. It seemed far heavier than he had remembered, and the power coursed through the stone. He placed it back within his gourd and turned to leave the cavern. At the crack through which they entered he turned once more to see the glowing crystals once more. "Really is somethin', ain't it?" Shukaku nodded in agreement, "That it is..."

Isako turned back to the crack and once again broke is body down into sand, slipping through the way he came and leaving the heart of the mountain behind, with his bond to Shukaku and his very soul stronger than when they had entered.


Techniques used:

(Daisan No Me) - Third Eye
Type: Supplementary
Rank: D
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 10
Damge Points: N/A
Description: The user creates a eye out of sand.This eye is then connected by an invisible link to the optic nerve thus allowing he user to see with that eye (connect eye must be closed) The eye must remain close to the user but has a seeing range of 20/20 vision.
Note: Only Sand users can use this jutsu

( Suna Tainai no Jutsu ) - Sand Body Technique x2
Type: Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 20 ( - 10 per turn )
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user turns his own body into sand, or simply parts of it. While in sand form, he can cross long distances by soaring as a sandstorm. In this form, he is also invulnerable to attacks based on strengths and weaknesses of Sand. However, he is unable to attack during this form.

Chakra: 1450 - 10 - 20 - 20 = 1400


May 28, 2014
Trait Points
Coming From

Tears of the Innocent

They had begun their journey in the Sin, and from there they headed to the edge of the northern world to a frozen tundra. Braving the elements they ventured into the hidden tombs below to find an heirloom long forgotten, a black gem of lost power. Originally it was the promise of riches that lured Isako on his journey, but with the gem in hand he felt the pull of mystery. The next clue brought him as far west as west goes, to the Land of Mountains, ironically, to delve into the depths of the earth were fire and brimstone ruled fierce. He cast the black gem into the heart of Hell and power poured into the crystal breathing life into a creature that tested Isako's worth. Alone, he may have failed. But he was not alone. Within him rested Shukaku, and with their power combined they shattered the guardian and carried the gem onward.

And so they arrived in Heaven's Ocean to complete the next task hinted at by the Mysterious Stranger. The blood of the guilty was found in Hell, it was only fitting that the tears of the innocent would be found in Heaven. Isako had been around enough to know that innocence is rare, perhaps even a myth, at least in regards to humans. The village he belonged to embraced this belief, owning the sins of their past and uniting behind a shared understanding. So perhaps the tears of an innocent were not belonging to a person, but a thing. Isako breathed in the world around him and looked over the serenity of the mountains. They stood tall, strong, and quiet from the day they rose, and would remain thus until the day they sank back into the earth. There was no malice or desire in the natural process of things, no sin to be committed. The land was pure, an innocent that stood in contrast to the men who walked it.

At the base of a mountain stood a stone gate that was used to enter the tunnels below by the farmers who lived nearby. Having no desire to confront them, Isako decided to wait until nightfall to look for his destination. Under the mountain the time of day made little difference, sunlight was a stranger below. However, it wasn't dark in the tunnels. Minerals and crystals were embedded in its walls and from them shone a pale blue light. "This beats Hell for sure, don't it big guy?"

"We'll figure that out at the end, who knows what kind of test we'll meet here." It seemed a more peaceful land than Hell's Depths, but Shukaku was rightly focused on the task at hand. The duo had been tested violently when powering the gem, surely a second test would arise here at the place of tempering.

The deeper Isako delved into the tunnels the more humid and warm the air became. It was a welcome atmosphere after all the cold he had traveled through. But these tunnels were well traveled and worn by the feet of farmers, he knew there was little hope of finding what he sought where anyone could go. He stopped to think for a moment and notice a light breeze flowing deep into the tunnels. "Eh? Now where do ya think you're going..."

Isako uncorked his sand and slowly let a few grains out at a time letting them get swept up in the breeze to guide him onward. The wind carried him further down into the tunnels until he came to a slit in the wall where he sand was pulled through. He looked in but it turned quickly sealing off site of anything further. He couldn't let this go unexplored, and so Isako formed a small ball of sand into the shape of an eye and guided it into the dark. He closed his left eye and its vision was replaced by the sand's. He guided the floating eye through the stone weaving and turning and rising and falling. It was some dozen or so meters before the eye glimpsed an overwhelming light. The crack came to an abrupt end and the eye arrived in a massive cavern, not all that dissimilar from the cavern in Hell's Depths, yet this one was filled with the pale blue light of bio-luminescent crystals rather than red lava.

"Kyahaha! We got it Tankami!" With a path to his destination before him, Isako broke his body down into particles of sand and guided himself through the crack along the same path as the eye had taken. Once through he reformed and was awestruck by the beauty he had stumbled upon. The cavern rose up twenty meters high with a ceiling lined with short blue crystals. From the center of the ceiling a chandelier-like formation of crystal reached back down to the floor with a benevolent glow. A lone crystal rose up below it, brighter than all the rest. Its peak sat just several feet below the hanging crystals above. Isako let out an impressed whistle, "Ever seen anything like this?"

Shukaku was silent for a moment, it was a rare sight indeed. The life of a tailed beast was violent and filled with war. Even over his long life there were few memories as peaceful as what he now saw. "No, not quite."

Isako slowly stepped towards the center of the cavern while looking around and taking it in. He stood before the crystal at the center and noticed a water-filled depression at its head. He looked up to see a droplet of water gathering at the tip of the chandelier before dropping down into the crystal cup below with a gentle splash. "Its crying...dont'cha think big guy?"

"Hmm...the tears of the innocent. Simple enough...but be careful, we know it won't be that easy." It was a wise warning, and Isako heeded it. But there was only one direction to move, forward.

Lifting his hand, Isako guided the black gem from his gourd with his sand. The smoldering red center could still be seen shining through the black, and its heat radiated outward no cooler than it had been back in Hell's Depths. Gently he placed the gem in the crystal and stepped back, preparing for whatever would come next.

Another drop of water gather above and fell down onto the black gem below. A faint glow appeared within the gem for a moment before fading away.

A second drop gathered and fell, and again the gem glowed for a moment, though this time it was lighter. Isako slid a kunai into his hand and prepared himself. "Somethings coming..."

The wait for the third drop seemed longer, but at last it formed and fell. The moment it struck the black stone a bright light shot out in all directions and filled the room with blinding white. Isako shielded his eyes and looked away.

The light faded and Isako's vision returned, but when it did his surroundings were completely different. He was no longer in the crystal cavern, or the land of mountains, he was back in the Eight-Falls Oasis, the hidden paradise where he was raised by the Tanuki. His family bustled around him carrying on with their normal daily routines. "The hell is going on here? What happened Tankami?"

His question was met with silence. Isako closed his eyes to enter Shukaku's sanctum, but all that he saw was the darkness of his own mind. "What the ****! Where are ya Tankami?!" The was no voice to guide him, for the first time since he could remember, he was alone. His heart began to race and his breathing quickened as panic set in. Isako fell back to the ground and crawled backwards until he bumped into a Tanuki, yet it was one he didn't know.

"Ah! What is this? I was just..." He was confused. This was no genjutsu, yet he knew what he was seeing couldn't be real. The Tanuki helped him to his feet and beckoned him to follow as it guided him through the Oasis. She seemed old and frail, yet at peace and content with a slow pace. "I'm sorry...but I can't remember you. Who are you?"

The tanuki stopped and sat on a bench near a pool of water with frolicking children splashing about. She patted the spot next to her signaling for Isako to sit, which he did. "Quiet, is it not?" Isako looked to the splashing children who were being anything but quiet, the old tanuki smiled. "No, child, not here. In your mind. It's quiet without him, yes?"

Isako jumped up and stepped away from her. "The **** do you know about this! I knew it was weird that I didn't recognize you...who are you!?"

"I'm what you seek, am I not?" She beckoned him back to the bench. "Sit, no harm will come to you here."

He wearily did as instructed and sat. "What have you done with Shukaku?"

She chuckled, "Is that your first thought? Interesting..." She sighed and looked ahead. "I've set you both free. Free from the bond forced upon each other by cruel men seeking power." Here eyes shifted slyly to Isako. "Is that not what you desire?"

Annoyed, Isako lashed out. "Why the **** would I want that!"

The tanuki slowly swept her hand out in front of her motioning the the Eight-Falls that emptied into the crystal clear waters. "Do you not miss it? Your home, your family? Is he not why you left?"

Isako felt an unease in his stomach. He had told himself that adventure was his reason for leaving, a chance to find himself and his place in the world. But the truth wasn't so simple. He had been content and happy at the Eight-Falls with his family, yet he couldn't stay. His clenched his fists, "Of course I miss these furry fucks...but...:"

"Don't worry dear, I know. You were afraid. Afraid that vile men would find you, find Shukaku, and they would pay the price for it." She placed a gentle hand on his back. "Its not too late..."

He turned back to her, "What do you mean?"

"It is within my power to give you this, to unchain you from Shukaku, and him from you." The tanuki took her hand from Isako's back and folded it into her other in her lap. "I can give you the lost innocence you so sorely missed."

Isako sat in stunned silence. The prospect of parting from Shukaku hand never crossed his mind before, yet here he was with the choice placed in his hands. His heart twisted as he looked around his home at the smiles and laughter, the hot springs and saki, his friends and family. It had been some time since he left them, and he missed them dearly. He pictured himself joining them in the festivities, returning to a normal life. But he saw himself incomplete, a hole missing in his center. Who was he without Shukaku? They were one, how could he exist without him? He was torn between two images of himself being pulled in opposing directions.

But then he realized who was pulling. It wasn't his friends, his family, himself, or Shukaku. It was the men he pictured assaulting the Falls, the ones that hunted for the beasts, the ones that wanted to take Shukaku from him. They were the ones pulling him in two. He rose to his feet and looked out on the Oasis. "The hell if I let those fuckers win..." His gazed turned back to the old tanuki. "Those pricks ain't keeping the things I love from me, I'll forge my own path forward! And I ain't me if I ain't got the big guy along for the ride, ya got that old hag?!"

The tanuki woman just smiled and pushed herself to her feet with a cane in her right hand. "Hmm...an interesting answer. Very well, Isako of the Ichibi, very well."

She reached up with her cane and just before it touched his forehead his eyes turned back to the Falls. The cane tapped him and his eyes closed, when they opened again he was back in the cavern. A voice called out to him, "Grah...where the hell? What just happened?!" Shukaku could sense a melancholy in his host. "Grr...you okay kid?"

Isako wiped a tear from his eye and gathered himself. "Kyaha! Ya, course I am big guy! Just got that damn light in my eyes is all." Shukaku knew there was more to it, for he had undergone a similar experience. Beast and host understood each other beneath the words even if their pride kept them from saying things out load. They listened to each other's hears and knew that their decisions were made correctly.

He approached the center crystal and as he neared the black gem he saw that the red glow had been replaced by a deep purple. The heat had completely been quelled and he lifted the stone in his hand. It seemed far heavier than he had remembered, and the power coursed through the stone. He placed it back within his gourd and turned to leave the cavern. At the crack through which they entered he turned once more to see the glowing crystals once more. "Really is somethin', ain't it?" Shukaku nodded in agreement, "That it is..."

Isako turned back to the crack and once again broke is body down into sand, slipping through the way he came and leaving the heart of the mountain behind, with his bond to Shukaku and his very soul stronger than when they had entered.


Techniques used:

(Daisan No Me) - Third Eye
Type: Supplementary
Rank: D
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 10
Damge Points: N/A
Description: The user creates a eye out of sand.This eye is then connected by an invisible link to the optic nerve thus allowing he user to see with that eye (connect eye must be closed) The eye must remain close to the user but has a seeing range of 20/20 vision.
Note: Only Sand users can use this jutsu

( Suna Tainai no Jutsu ) - Sand Body Technique x2
Type: Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 20 ( - 10 per turn )
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user turns his own body into sand, or simply parts of it. While in sand form, he can cross long distances by soaring as a sandstorm. In this form, he is also invulnerable to attacks based on strengths and weaknesses of Sand. However, he is unable to attack during this form.

Chakra: 1450 - 10 - 20 - 20 = 1400
The hollow crystalline gemstone that constituted the mysterious Weapon Core remained lifeless after Isako's attempt to power it. Clearly his interpretation of the man's riddle was off, even if this was a creative attempt in answering it. The core, lifeless, remained in his hands; its power would, until Isako's next attempt, remain dormant.

This is a failure, although I liked your attempt. Try it again.


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

Storyboard Mission Element(s):
  • Establish control over a hostile area
You must be registered for see medias

Through the tunnels he arrived more north but there was something quite sinister about the underground in this landmark that he yet had not been to. Alucard had to take a break from all the digging and get some fresh air and did so by channeling his chakra through his body and created a massive tear through the earth with lightning release which formed into a large pillar.

(Raiton: Denpō Sekka) - Lightning Release: Telegram Flash
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: After doing the Rabbit → Rat → Horse → Ram handseals, the user will slam his hand on the ground and release into it a massive amounts of lightning chakra which will then pool beneath his opponent before releasing itself into a gigantic column of lightning which shocks anything caught above it. The technique can affect a bigger or smaller area depending on the users will.

He looked up through the gaping hole and jumped out of there landing on the ground again and being on the outside. He stank and looked quite ragged and dirty. It was the least of his concern for about 10 secounds later he realized where exactly he was. The crystalline random patterns had the same colors as that of the liquid that hosted the minotaur frames he had fought a few days back. Its natural luminosity would also be a sign, was the entire landmark corrupted? He looked around and noticed some regular chakra signs in a home-made hut near a cave and went there. Before he opened the door, he tidied up his appearance from the dirt that had accumulated for the days he had spent buried underground. He then breached it, caring nothing for formality(except his appearance..)


An elder man and woman was sitting next to their dinner table, the man raised a chakra-based hand-cannon with quite extraordinary aesthetics. He shot a bullet towards Alucard, who gunslinged as well and shot his shot, collapsing the two with his Skorm's Bow hand-cannon.

Skorm’s Bow
Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Skorm’s Bow is a heavy-duty modernized high caliber chakra gun with blood/black thorn patterns and a red glowing holster. The gun has two types of rounds it can fire but both of them are purely composed out of lightning chakra. The gun has two different types of rounds that are all loaded in the magazine at all times but cannot be fired more than once per round. The first round is called explosive rounds, dealing 80 damage in total but is split into 40-40 whereas 40 damage is inflicted on contact where the bullet actually lands and the other 40 damage is spread up to mid-range in an omni-directional burst where the bullet ended up. This type of bullet is made up by fire chakra.
The second type of bullet is the armor piercing bullet, consisting of typhoon (or wind if the user cannot use typhoon) chakra it is extremely sharp but also very small. This bullet causes 80 damage and can penetrate up to S rank targets which are neutral to typhoon/wind. Up to forbidden if weak towards wind or typhoon. This bullet will continue through a target unless they carry armor(up to A rank) and hit whatever is behind it as well(directly behind that is and in the bullets trajectory).
Note: Can only be taught by Skorm. Each Bullet can only be utilized 3 times each.

Both guns carried explosive payload and seemed to neutralize eachother, creating a cracking sound with smooth rounding to it. The hut itself exploded from the pressure of the two barrels that met in the violence, knocking back the couple a few meters without leaving any life-threatening injuries but some burns. Alucard himself got his face burned off partly, appearing as a zombie before being repaired by his automatic healing powers through one of his four kekkei genkais. He didn't approach the couple in this state as it would probably scare them to death and instead waited for his face to heal back fully. As the dust and debris hand calmed down, Alucards face had now returned to normal and he approached the elder couple, preparing his chakra for eventual healing. However as he got into their presence again it was revealed that they had not sustained any damage at all, or also possessed some sort of healing factor. The old man raised his gun once again towards Alucard with an even more suspicious face than before but with a touch of impress.

..Who taught you how to shoot old man?

Before answering to Alucard, he would look to his wife and nod slightly as if giving an indication of letting his guard down. He then returned his hand-cannon to its holster after noticing Alucard had already done it before.

You ain't part of their cult i imagine.. Does The Vex ring any bells to you?

Alucard thought for a few seconds, he was sure he hadn't but he also was sure he probably had. In a different, timeline? Woah, he thought to himself.

I don't believe i have. I came across this on my merry way here though.

Alucard reached for his cylinder filled with the weird liquid he had salvaged from the opponents under the ground a few days back. He placed the cylinder on the ground for the two old geezers to inspect. He was pretty sure he was wasting his time..

You actually.. Collected radiolorian fluid from the Vex.

The old man then pointed towards the white crystalline formations that seemed to not really have been formed naturally but still seemed to have found its way in every nook in the landmark.

It's the fluid that we named our landmark after, Heaven's Ocean. We don't know much about the Vex other that they.. don't come from here, or anywhere close on our maps.

The old woman jumped in.

We believe they're from the stars..

Hush! As, i was saying. The Vex are not the frames that they host, no, they are living inside of this fluid that you have collected from their frames. They have abilities that are beyond our comprehension. There were settlers here before their.. Arrival but none have been hostile except to people who visit from neighbouring countries. Acting like goddamn watchdogs or some shite. They don't live above ground, no, they have a network of thousands of frames and god knows what else. We are peaceful and wish not to intrude on their.. Society? I guess you could say. We don't complain though, the presence of the Radiolorian fluid is giving us an easier time harnessing chakra and makes the soil very fertile.

..Sooo, nobody knows anything about them? You just know you dont want to have anything to do with them and leave them be? No purpose or anything? It's clearly an alien race that have invaded you.

They did? I mean what? Who are you?

Alucard withdrew, he noticed something forming around the temples of the old couple - a pulse of lightning in the form of white and bordered squares. They seemed to be manipulating the minds of the people living here and soon Alucard would realize he had the same energy forming around his temples too. He started to get dizzy, the past and the presence fell into a loop of an endless cycle and he started to lose control over his consciousness. However, his mastery of Yin and Yang allowed him to shield himself somewhat from the assault and before his light went out completely, Alucard performed the Chidori Nagashi technique. This would work as a small-scale E.M.P and disable any sort of drone or tech used in the viscinity. However, the hope was gone for the older couple. Their memory had been erased, or rather the way they behaved it seemed like their existence had been slightly erased as it looked like part of their chakras had been absorbed and sent into another dimension.

(Raiton: Chidori Nagashi) - Lightning Release: One Thousand Birds Current
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: A
Range: Short (Mid if channeled through a medium)
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A (+10 if used to boost weapon damage)
Description: This jutsu allows the user to generate non-focused electricity from their body. It can be used as an omnidirectional attack or be channeled through weapons, the ground or other conductive mediums. Because the electricity isn't focused, it doesn't kill on contact, instead it has great numbing and paralyzing effects. To channel Nagashi through a medium, the user needs to focus the technique into one of his hands which will then be put in contact with the medium and can only choose to either do a widespread attack throughout his whole body or to channel it into something; he cannot achieve both usages at the same time. Despite not having much destructive or damaging properties, Nagashi can be used to destroy low rank earthen and wooden structures and even negate chakra on the ground to stop high ranked earth and wood techniques. It has also been noted that Lightning Specialists that have mastered Lightning to the highest degree can resist total paralyzation, although they still feel the pain and numbing effects.
Note: Paralyzation lasts 1 turn if sucessful but is ineffective against bios who have a primary Lightning Specialty

..What the **** is going on here?

The old woman was knocked out cold from the elimination of her life force and while the old man was still conscious to some degree, he only mumbled three words: Take, The, Fatebringer. With an inch of his life left, he tossed his hand-cannon to Alucard who picked it up from the ground and left the area immediately and returned to the tunnel from which he had emerged and hid there, sealing the roof with his earth release and set up a camp. He couldn't continue, he couldn't go back. He had to figure out what to do next.

(Doton: Iwarin Heiban) - Earth Release: Rock Scale Slab
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user will knead their earth chakra into their stomach and then release from their mouth earthly material that then forms into a large slab of rock, that can travel with incredible force. On impact with the ground the slab forces the earth to splinter and jab anyone caught in the vicinity.


After several hours in complete isolation, Alucards mind and heartrate began to increase in activity. He was a prisoner to his own imagination. Was it the Vex's intention to instill this fear or was it simply a coincidence? He had to pull himself together and fight back against impossible odds and an alien technology that was so advanced it could erase consciousness without a person even noticing. In his right hand he held the metallic copper colored Fatebringer that the old man had given him. Somehow, even though his mind was erased, he still remembered the name of his cannon. Was it an artifact from the enemies homeworld that wasn't allowed to be erased? Perhaps, all he knew was that he needed it with him in his upcoming battle against the enemy. Speaking of, he needed to gain power in order to fight back. He started to concentrate hard and meditated for a brief amount in order to restore his chakra levels to the max. He clapped his hands together, closed his eyes and crossed his legs and put his back straight.

(In'yōton, Onmyōton: Chakra no Sōzō) Yin-Yang Release: Chakra Creation
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A (+300 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: A unique ability available only to Yin-Yang masters, Chakra Creation pertains to the ability to focus on ones physical and spiritual energies and draw more from one's essence. This allows the user of the technique to replenish and regenerate a limited amount of chakra. This is done by clapping one's hands and focusing, meditating for a moment.
Note: Must meditate for 1 full turn before ones chakra starts to regenerate

It would take a while, but he was alone on his current spot and undetected. It was the silence before the storm, and as his chakra levels was fully restored, he would smash open the cave-in that he had created to hide and went back up on the surface once again. His mind had been cleared from fear and doubt and instead he filled it with dedication to get to the bottom what it was that plagued the landmark and several others in the vicinity. It was most likely not his final battle against this foe but it would be the first of this scale. Using what intel he had gathered from previous experience, he imagined himself as being ready. Using his Tenseigan, he scanned the premise and located a massive chamber where large amounts of white crystals had been formed outside on the hillside. This chamber seemed to be empty though it was most likely filled with non-chakra based Vex frames. There were other empty spaces such as these scattered across the land but he would start with the most close-by. The formation of the crystals that decorated the hill were too symmetrically perfect to look natural and formed a large "V" shape with a circle between the lines in the middle of the formation. It glowed slightly red, and Alucard decided that was the doorbell and punched right through it by channeling dust release chakra into his right fist.

(Jinton: Ibento no Chiheisen | Dust Release: Event Horizon)
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: C-S
Range: Short
Chakra: 20-40(20) + 10
Damage: 40-80 (40) + 20
Description: Event Horizon is a supplementary technique that lets the user convert their physical structure either fully or partially to consist out of dust release. This has many different applications as it can be used to either disintegrate an incoming sword by turning the targeted area into dust chakra or enhancing a punch by converting ones fist into dust chakra to add disintegrating properties to the punch. The user choses how big a scale they want to convert their body and focuses different amounts of chakra depending on the scale of the technique. For easier description this technique is divided into levels. Each level has its own restrictions and the higher the level, the bigger restriction. It also goes without saying that failing to overcome/neutralise each levels impact of dust release chakra will disintegrate anything that flows through the converted area. This technique also counts as a chakra surge and can therefore be used to release the user from genjutsu up to the same chakra levels that are spent into the technique.

Antumbra - (C-rank)
This level can cover to to a full fist in size of a an affected area and applies the least amount of chakra. It is enough to disintegrate any technique/sword/taijutsu technique up to B-rank due to dust release’s strength to earth and its general properties, but it can be countered by elements of the same rank if they are neutral. If it is used to deal more damage in a taijutsu combination where the user uses their fists, that technique gains a damage boost equivalent of C ranked dust release in terms of S/W of the release. This levels adds restrictions towards the user in the sense that they can only use elements that consist of fire/wind/earth in the same turn this form has been taken. This form also lasts a maximum of one full turn. This can be used a maximum of four times per battle.

Penumbra - (B-rank)
This level covers up to arms and legs sized areas on the user which means the user can convert both arms/both legs/one arm one leg or anywhere else on the body. This scale is enough to disintegrate techniques of A rank in the same aspect as the lesser level. It deals B rank damage following s/w of dust release if combined with taijutsu. This scale needs a handseal upon activation - (Dragon). It also limits the users elemental capabilities as long as it is active and for a full turn after it is inactive to that of only being able to use either fire/wind/earth(or elements consisting of those) even if this application ends either naturally(after maximum of two turns) or intentionally. Since it can be used a bit longer it saps extra chakra from the user during the second turn(-5). This can be used a maximum of three times per battle.

Umbra - (A-rank)
This level lets the user convert half of their area, upper/lower/horizontal half etc. It also means the chakra output is greater and this lets the user disintegrate techniques up to S rank that are weak to dust release. The damage ouput if combined with physical techniques are increased by A-ranked dust release output.
This level can only be used two times per battle and requires a cooldown of one turn while also limiting the user from using dust release above A rank the same turn this level is used. This level can be kept going for three turns maximum. This level is quite advanced and requires two handseals - (Dragon & Snake). It limits the user from using elemental techniques above S rank during it is active and one full turn after it had been deactivated(either intentionally or naturally). Same elemental restrictions before as the lower levels of this technique is applied.

Celestial - (S-rank)
The user enables a full body surge and converts their entire body to dust release. This enables the user to disintegrate anything that touches them up to forbidden ranked interactions that are weak to dust release. It lets the user combine martial arts with an additional damage respecting S-rank levels of dust release. This level can be used once per battle while hinders the user to use any other dust release techniques in the same and next turn this technique is activated. It can last up to four turns. This is the highest level of the technique and requires three handseals - (Dragon & Snake & Boar). This technique limits the user from using elemental techniques above A rank while also limits the user from using any other techniques/skills above S rank for one full turn after the technique ends either intentionally or naturally. After one turn of it being deactive, the user gains the ability to use S rank elemental and below as well as using ither ninja skills to full extent. Same elemental restrictions are applied as the lower levels but for two turns after the cancelation/during this technique.

None of the levels are passive and counts as a move towards the users move count. A and S rank version drains -10 or -15 chakra per turn they are active. The surface passively disintegrates particles that touches it.

The chakra infused fist would penetrate the red circle within the crystalline formation and the entire facade would collapse inwards, slightly damaging Alucard due to the falling debris. Nothing he cared about though, and pulled through to enter the chamber. Upon entering, he was greeting by three frames who had stood idle there for what seemed to be centuries. Their metallic bodies was covered in rust and moss, however as they were awakened by the white fluid that was pumping through a cistern in the chamber floor, they started to pop their limbs from the rust. Three red eyes pointed towards Alucard, who was already being assaulted by whatever it was that manipulated memory. A white whirlwind started to fathom his vision as his memories and consciousness began to fade, Alucard would use his killing intent to try and regain focus.

(Sakki) - Killing Intent
Rank: D - S
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: N/A
Damage points: N/A
Description: Killing Intent pertains to the ability of the user giving off their pure killing intention and having it affect their opponent and others around them up to the point of paralyzing them. When the Killing Intent is particularly strong, it can even give the victim visions of their own gruesome death, nausea, pain, etc. This can cause the Killing Intent to be confused with a genjutsu, despite not being a genjutsu at all; simply a showcase of intention and power. The target will feel as if facing an overwhelming enemy and, even if not a sensor, will suddenly feel the pressure of the users chakra and its magnitude, making the effect that much more dramatic. To effectively be used, the user needs to focus on his target and concentrate on the killing intent towards it, meaning that one must see the target and be focused on it. The strength of the Killing Intent is dependent on many factors and go through several levels. If a difference in rank smaller than 2 ranks exist, the enemy will feel only the pressure and the ominous presence of their dark intentions. Its enough to lose your grasp on a weapon or stay clinched to it (depending on the situation) or even to hesitate in an attack, stumble or mess up a handseal, all depending on the situation and proximity. The effect is small and normally not that significant but can be effectively used to pressure enemies into making a mistake. If a difference of 2 ranks or more exist, the enemy will be frozen, almost unable to move as the overwhelming killing intent dominates their own conscious and riddles them with nightmarish versions of death. The paralyzation gradually weakens as time passes and can only be maintained while the user is focused on the target. The further away the target, the weaker it is and it can only fully paralyze a target within short range. Similarly, the more targets one focuses on, the weaker the effect is in each one (divinding the effects equally between the number of targets). Lastly, the stronger the user is in relation to the target, the stronger the effect will be. The target can counter Killing Intent directed at it through pain, "mind cleansing" techniques or their own Killing Intent.
Note: Intensity of technique depends on the rank of the user, distance to target and number of targets one is focusing on
Note: Can only be used once
Note: Lasts only while the user is focusing on it and while focusing on it the user can't mold chakra

While its purpose was functioning to some degree he had now completely forgotten how he had ended up inside the chamber. The frames appeared infront of him from nowhere in his mind and he recoiled instantly as of pure instinct. However, his last memory was bound to the artifact, the Fatebringer that was in his possession. It served as a sort of anchor which would not allow his memory to be erased to any point beyond of which he gained possession of the hand cannon. He had forgotten what he was doing inside the chamber, but he had not forgotten how to fight the Vex. Maybe that's why nobody could fight them off before, everyone had forgotten how to do it or that they even existed at all. A purely spooky and chaotic trait of the enemy, but it had backfired on Alucard who had gained the Fatebringer to fight the Vex. Although he could not use it in the means of a hand-cannon it only responded to certain users, he would be fine with his own majestically large arsenal of ninjutsu. The frames infront of him seemed to have calculated the threat and targeted Alucard all the same, two of them would move towards him while one stayed behind and fired up its plasma cannon.

On the other hand, Alucard knew how to take on their overshields either through dark or lightning release but he wanted to know more of his enemy before he would have up to his knees with these frames. He knew he would have to battle them several times in the future and maybe their technology would even change depending on the type of frame. Alucard decided to stay with his Dust release and weaved a few seals and created a large bubble around himself.

(Jinton: Rasutaraizu | Dust Release: Rasterize)
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: B-S (A)
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20-40 (30) + 10
Damage: 40-80 (60) + 20
Description: The user will expand a 3D field using their own body as a base for the expansion of the technique. This means the 3D shape expands around the user in all directions. Depending on the rank of the technique it will reach short(B rank, up to 5 meters around the user), mid(A rank, up to 8 meters around the user) and long(S rank, up to 15 meters around the user). Everything that is captured in the field(that has a cubic formation at the edge) will be disintegrated which will essentially rasterized the user away from their surroundings and leave them intact while everything around them is disintegrated. B rank can be used at all times, requiring a single seal. A rank can be used three times, once every second turn and requires two seals. S rank can be used twice, requiring a cooldown of three turns and requires three handseals.

Note: Can only be taught by Skorm.

The expansion was rapid, trapping all the frames an a large portion of the cistern which the radiolorian fluid was streaming through. As their fists was about to penetrate through Alucards ribcage, a flash would light up the entire chamber and everything had been erased from existence... Or so he thought, the overshields had protected the minotaurs from the dust release technique and Alucard was painfully reminded about how close he had let his opponents come to him in his act of superior confidence. He was struck so hard by the two frames that it caved in his chest and rocketed him outside the chamber the same way he had come. He flew several meters before crashing onto the grass outside. Had he been hit in the head, he'd been unconscious by now or worse.

The two minotaurs that had punched him jumped out of the chamber and marched towards Alucard, the third one had completely disappeared. Alucard was on a bad spot and had trouble moving, thus resorting in an old trick which was to merge with the surroundings to escape his imminent fate. He fused with the grass and disappeared from sight although he was pretty sure that the technology of the Vex was capable of still tracking him.

(Hiru Banshō: Bōka no Jutsu) - Leech All Creation: Attack Prevention Technique
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 20 (-5 per turn)
Damage points: N/A
Description: Using this jutsu, the user can merge with another passive object and take on its properties to avoid any damage. While merged, the user is virtually undetected unless the enemy has a doujutsu. Even chakra sensors won't be able to pinpoint the users position. The limitation of the technique is that to use a technique and mold chakra, the user must fully unmerge although doing so doesn't produce any sound and the user can only be sensed once fully unmerged. The user is still aware of the world outside the object and can travel inside it at his normal running speed. The technique was used so far by 3 ninjas (Yamato, Orochimaru and Uchiha Madara) but as an advanced ninjutsu, it can be used by any skilled enough ninja.
Note: the user must be Sannin Rank and above
Note: Orochimaru and Yamato can use it 5 times per battle, Uchiha Madara can use it 3 times, other ninjas can use it twice.
Note: Cannot merge into mediums which aren't tangible

As he would distancing himself from the opponents, Alucard noticed that they simply returned to their previous position and not even seemed to be bothered following him. Their central red dot, or eye, as he had referred it to was still looking at him even though he was merged with the ground which indicated that they knew exactly what he was up to but was no threat to whatever was inside the chamber. He was being humiliated at this point. He cancelled his jutsu and appeared from the earth again, planting his hand inside his broken ribcage and used his Yang energy to heal himself from the injuries.

(Yoton: Taiyōnomegumi) - Yang Release: Touch of the Sun
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra cost:70 per use
Damage points: N/A
Description: Through the infusion of Yang natured chakra into others, users can heal others to their original best physical form. It can be used to regrow missing body parts, heal wounds, purge poisons, etc. The target needs to be alive and the bigger the injury, the longer it takes to heal. The limits of the heal, however, are almost none as it can heal 150 damage per turn and can even heal the chakra system or other injuries that are otherwise not possible to be healed. The technique requires time and physical contact and as such isn't very suited to use in a battle when compared to regular Iryo Ninjutsu.
Note: Yang Release masters are able to use on themselves.

Having achieved peak physical condition after having been hit, Alucard was not having the attitude of his opponents going so nonchalantly over him. Noticing the crystalline formation starting to reappear on the hillside from which he had entered just a few moments ago, Alucard would rush towards it and use his Reincarnation Thrust once he had leaped inside with the two minotaurs.

You fuckers thought i was no threat anymore huh, think again.

As Alucard entered the hillside, it closed in on his back, having repaired itself from the damages it took when Alucard had smashed it to pieces. The two frames were still there with their overshields but as soon as Alucard was about to blow them to kingdom-come they teleported away. Or atleast the milk that was inhabiting the now pilotless frames. Maybe they had abandoned fighting him further for they saw that he was their only threat due to be in the possession of the Fatebringer? Or maybe it was for some other reason. Alucard performed the gravity push all the same since he was locked into the cave anyway. The gravity waves would push away the ceiling, the walls and the exit up to mid range away from him.

( Tensei Suiryoku ) - Reincarnation Thrust
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary/Defense/Attack
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 40 - 160 (80)
Description: The user will repulse and push away anything around him up to a given range, in all directions, producing an omni-repulsion effect. The force and repulsive effect is absolute, affecting both energy and matter alike. The technique itself can be used with different ranges/sizes, depending on how much chakra the user spends for the technique and can even, in its smaller form, be sustained, forming a static defensive field instead of a wave-like effect.
Shōkibo - Small Scale: the user will push away anything around him up to short range. The offensive power in this size is not that high as it hits opponents but can still do severe damage. It isn't, however, fatal, boasting a physical 40 damage. If the user focuses this ability with the help of his hands he can sustain a defensive absolute repulsive field around him. He can't, however, do any technique while he is sustaining it and he can only sustain it for 2 turns. Once used, takes one turn cool down to use gravitational related techniques again.
Chūkibo - Medium Scale: the user will push away anything around him up to mid range. The offensive power in this size is severe, sending opponents flying backwards with enough force to, if not defended properly, leave near fatal physical damage. Although not directly fatal, the technique boasts a physical damage of 80. If the user focuses this ability through one or both hands, he can push away a specific target or technique alone, instead of producing the normal omni-repulsive wave. Once used, takes 2 turns cool down to use gravitational related techniques again.
Ōkibo - Large Scale: the user will push away anything around him up to long range. The offensive power of the technique is devastating and anything in its path that doesn't manage to defend properly is left obliterated. Its fatal if unguarded, boasting a physical damage of 160. Using this techniques poses a great deal of danger to the user as he damages his chakra pathway itself to be able to mold sufficient chakra to perform it. Once used, the user loses the use any gravitational related techniques for the remainder of the fight and is unable to mold chakra for techniques above A-Rank for 5 turns.
Note: The technique is immune to normal Elemental Weaknesses and Strengths and as such can't be blocked or stopped. However, the enemies can still use techniques that prevent or reduce physical damage to their bodies to survive its effects or escape its range through a fast enough technique. This means that in the large scale, while the technique can't be stopped or directly countered, enemies can still manage to survive if they logically counter.
Note: Can only be used by Tenseigan Bios.

He was free now, and walked out from the hillside. All the nearby crystals in the entire land had been emptied, remaining as husks of silicone shards. The Vex had teleported away somewhere else and was no longer present here, that was Alucards conclusion. Either by his ability to fight them as he had demonstrated earlier or by the fact he had come over the possession over the FateBringer which wouldn't let them erase his memory of how to defeat them or what they were. Or the combination of the two. For now, Alucard had taken a serious beating and was staggered by his opponents capabilities. He knew he had to report to Integra in Dainashi as soon as possible for the threat of the Vex was far from over. It had only just begun. For now atleast, the landmarks were safe.

Alucard abandoned his plan to continue to dig tunnels and proceeded on foot, above ground, towards Dainashi.

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El Alucard

Active member
Mar 13, 2014
Trait Points
Coming from: [X]

Finally arriving at the place where Alucard said he had last seen them, Faye would set up camp in a nearby crystalline cave.

“I know you probably don’t need to, but I’m going to rest for a while.” She said to the dragon.

Faye then entered the luminescent cave where she used earth-release jutsu to make herself a bed. Mara remained at the entrance as if guarding it. Soon enough darkness came and everything fell silent as all-day critters turned for some much-needed rest in, including Faye.
The day eventually came once more and Faye met it with a smile and her daily meditation ritual.

“It’s always the days that start calmly.” She said, sighing heavily. “Let’s get moving Mara.” She said as she waddled towards the entrance where the dragon was still standing.

And so, the search continued, Mara took to the sky whilst Faye moved on the ground asking strangers if they knew anything about “The Vex”. Not to her surprise, most people didn’t say anything and those who did gave made-up stories or vague details. It was close to midday now and still, they had no leads, not that she knew what exactly she was looking for aside from maybe a robotic-looking suit that could want to exterminate her.
Just then it seems as though their luck changed as Faye a random Stranger. Tall and slender with blue curly hair that awkwardly hung down a rather handsome lived-in face. He had clear sapphire eyes set within their sockets and a small tattoo of a ghost star orb just above the side of his right eye, probably an insignia of sorts.
Faye instinctively reached for her kunai but the man quickly spoke while raising his hands in the air as a sign that he meant no harm.

“Whoa, whoa! I mean you no harm. I couldn’t help but notice you asking around about THE VEX, well I think I can help with that.”

“Are you one of them?” Faye said, discreetly reaching for her ninja tool once more.

“Oh, heavens no! I can only ever dream to be. I’m but a humble servant tasked to spread the gospel of divinity. You would like to join, that is why you were looking for them, no?”

And with those words, Faye had already theorized that he was probably part of some cult or something, one that worshiped the Vex as gods. This was as good a chance as any to get close to the source.

“Ah, yes. It’s so hard to find other disciples.”

“Oh, you’ve joined? Where’s your star?” sounding doubtful.

“Not officially, I've just seen the works of the great ones and thought I could get closer,” she replied, thoroughly bullshitting.

To her surprise, it worked.

“I knew you were a sensible soul, come with me to the Nessus cave. I will introduce you to the other disciples and we can help you step closer to divinity.” He said excitedly at the thought of converting another person.

“Excuse my manners, my name is Alre Danthron. What is yours?”

“Oh, I’m Lisa Ramos,” Faye said, not wanting to give her actual name.

“Okay, let us get going then, Lisa.” He gestured for Faye to follow him.

The two hiked for quite a distance outside the small village where they met until they came to a large cave entrance. Just then Mara would land at the entrance too, it seems she followed them but stayed airborne till now.
Faye swiveled to the man who now looked extremely terrified at the massive creature that just landed. She couldn’t help but chuckle as he fell to his knees and started praying frantically.

“Don’t worry Alre, that’s just my emotional support animal.” she quipped in an attempt to steady the man.

The man, still trembling from terror and confusion, instantly crawled towards the cave, as far away from the creature as he could without abandoning me outside, and with a shaky out-of-breath voice began to speak.

“W-we are h-here. Inside uh… inside l-let’s go.” He gestured for Faye to follow him inside.

Faye could sense about 15 other life forces within the rather intimate cave, all human. She didn’t want to start an uproar seeing how Alre responded to seeing Mara so she tells the dragon to stay outside and steps into the cave with the man. Inside the cave, a group of men and women stood talking amongst each other, the indistinct chitchat was cut by Alre as he spoke aloud.

“The World’s Grave.” He started

“Not Ours.” They all said in unison

“Brothers and Sisters today, we bring a new soul closer to the Vex.”

“Mmmmm.” they all hum, once again in unison.

“Today another life will be brought under the grace of the high ones.”


“Hear us oh great Acanthos, a new sou…”

“This shit is happening!” Faye thinks to herself tickled by the fact that these cultists were actually for real about this entire thing. Having not seen them or what they could do, Faye thought the whole situation was quite absurd because all she could picture was some dude in a robot suit shocking villagers who have never seen technology before and making them think he’s a deity. Anyways she played along.

“Lisa, Lisa, Lisa,” Alre said, pulling Faye from her little mind outing. “Are you prepared?”

It seemed that the sermon was over and the indistinct chitchat from the people once more filled the cave.

“I have some concerns. First, have any of you seen your deity, or do you just falsely pursue a possible fable told by a bored individual?”

Just then one of the cult members would begin to glow with an odd crown around their head.

“Oh child we are real, we know who you are, we foresaw you arriving, we’ve observed all possibilities, you and your group will fail, the entire world will fail. That is your destiny.” the cult member announced in a split-toned voice.

“You should only be able to control mech suits from what I've learned,” Faye replied whilst mentally readying herself for an unavoidable battle

“We are a higher entity, you couldn't even dream to begin to comprehend our abilities. Join or perish.”

“I’m sorry, pretty sure my boss would probably reduce my salary if I did that, come to think of it …”

“Joke all you want, mortal. Your demise is imminent.”

“Oh yeah? Tell that to me and Mara’s face.”

The glowing cult member started to chuckle, his flesh gradually starting to melt away revealing bone which quickly after would begin to crumble apart.

“New Londor Ruins.”, those were its final words as a bright light flashed within the lair blinding everybody.

(Shojun no Hel) Δ Hel's Alignment
Rank: C-S
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost:15-40
Damage Points: 30-80
Description: Shojun no Hel is perhaps the most essential technique throughout the House's epitome of techniques. The jutsu is based on the use of the generic Genki which whom traverse between the Pure and Impure Realms, a.k.a into our 'dimension' per say. Through the conviction of the user, and a sacrificial portion of chakra, depending on the strength of the Genki, and the Rank within the House of the user, they will forcefully be able to persuade the Genki to do their bidding. Now this can be used in a various amount of ways, essentially by bending the savage spirit in it's else deformed mass of ethereal spiritual energy, the user is capable of forming 'constructs' of ethereal energy throughout the field through hand motions or else body movements. These constructs carries a certain color of Kūki no Yōna depending on the user, upon materializing in the desired area of the user's choice. On top of that, the constructs are either flame-like or solid in the appearance, thus adding for versatility. Once the sacrifice have been made the user can freely without further payment manipulate the Genki, with the only cost being spending a move. Being hit by a Genki will either do nothing (if the spirit decides to not take a tangible form), or produce kinetic, physical damage (if he takes physical form). In this case, the Genki still has the ability to select which matter he will interact with, though that is not true for energies, as per the clan description.
Note: This technique can only manipulate one genki at a time.
Note: S-Rank can only be used three times per battle and not in consecutive turns.

Shortly after, everyone would regain their vision. A big translucent pink bubble coated the area where the possessed cult member stood, Fayes doing of course. As it chuckled she noticed the cult member’s soul started to become volatile, never a promising sign so, she put up a genki barrier around him, should anything occur, it would be contained. All that was left within the barrier was ashes.

“Flashy and can occupy humans temporarily, noted.” She said walking towards the cave exit.

The cult members in the background were going ballistic thinking that one of them had just been selected to evolve into a higher entity. “Pick me next oh great one!” Some shouted while others cried in joyous celebration.

“Lisa! Where are you going, join us! Surely this is proof! We have to tell the village!” Alre exclaimed.

“Sure, I’ll be right back. Just stay inside” She said, walking out and stopping just outside the cave. Turning back as she sighed. Her facial expression looking less like her typical self and more lifeless.

Within the cave, people celebrated and rejoiced, praying, laughing, and crying. Short-lived happiness as the pink bubble self detonates, releasing an enormous amount of kinetic force that would push the cave inhabitants into sharp crystals and jagged cave edges. The explosion would also cause the cave to crumble inwards crushing all of them as it came down.

(Kamikaze Genki) Divine Wind Spirit
Type: Offensive
Rank: B – S Rank
Range: Short – Long, Short (Explosion)
Chakra: 20 – 40
Damage: 40 - 80
Description: Through a hand gesture, the user releases a sacrificial amount of chakra. This causes them to summon a genki from the Pure Land or one that is already present nearby to consume it and fall under the control of the Katsuryoku member. By employing them, the genki moves towards the location of the user’s desires and once within range utilizes the ethereal energy within them to self-implode. The genki self detonates, releasing a vast amount of kinetic force enough to shatter physical based ninjutsu or dispel energy near them as it also releases vast amount of ethereal energy as well in a five meter diameter. Normally it would be impossible for outsiders or those who lack the ability to sense spiritual energy to sense the approaching spirit however the Genki must physically manifest into the Impure Land in order to interact with the object in question prior to its implosion. The user is also able to implode genki who are currently possessing an object in question, I,e a rock with will release the aforementioned results but also broken rock into the surroundings. The B rank version can only be used four times per battle, A rank thrice and S Rank Twice. A rank application has a cool down of two turns with the user being unable to use above S rank clan techniques in the same and next turn. S rank requires a three turn cool down and leaves the user unable to use clan techniques above A rank for the same and next turn. The genki after it implodes also reforms itself easily after each use.

“What? The Vex are our enemies, they are part of The Vex and besides, they probably would've started slaughtering any who wouldn't enlist sooner rather than later. “Save the many” and all that jazz,” she said to Mara who just stared at her silently.

“So, let’s get moving.”


Onii Chan

Active member
Apr 6, 2015
Trait Points

Coming from: Shalewood (171) | Anime Forum (animebase.me)

Mission: |Custom| Illumination of the Previous Era

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| Chapter ii : The Book of Obligations, The Old Relic |
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Diluc and his dog companion would eventually reach upon the epitome of a mysterious region named after the heaven's themselves; relinquishing themselves from the prior grasp of the giant and thus henceforth after a brief goodbye they had then parted ways. This area seemed dull at first glance, however the glow of the many caverns seemingly beckoned their call towards the two that left them with questions soon to be answered, walking then forwards to the nearest opening of a mine. This cave was busy, due to it being during the day now, the miners hacked away at the blue illuminations of the walls comprise that resided blue like crystalized structures violently protruding from its earthen bases. The miners here looked tired, weak, yet they carried onward in such haste to perhaps insinuate a deeper meaning to it all, one of which cried out ''The void be damned, we can't get through this gods forsaken mine any faster like this!'' This made Diluc uncomfortably worry of this groups intentions; pondering amongst his own mind that their goal had to be focused towards a specific area of the cavern itself. ''What seems to be the problem here?'' Diluc questioned this specific miner that which he would turn around and give a very unpleasant look in response, ''What do ye mean? Problem? Can't ye see this damn tunnel can't be made any faster with these axes that the old man gave us ... he has become ignorant in his old age i tell ye!'' Diluc responded with a host of his breath exerting from his nose before crossing his arms like he would traditionally, ''The walls are structured naturally around the crystals to be hardened, this causes the crystals to remain stasis like they're ... stand back.'' Diluc commanded of the miner that which he'd hesitantly stepped back with a raised brow. With a few moments of concentration Diluc would weave about several hand seals then slam his hands upon the ground in front of the already half carved tunnel; raising its floor board and thus splitting it into all in one go. ''There.''

(Doton: Doryūkatsu) - Earth Release: Earth Flow Divide
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C-A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 15-30
Damage: N/A
Description: The user will first perform the required hand seals Rabbit → Boar → Rat → Horse → Tiger → Snake and slamming the hands on the ground, the user can, by flowing concentrated chakra into the Dragon Veins flowing underground, tear the earth apart, creating large chasms by raising the earth in two oposite sides in the desired location and then splitting that piece of earth through the center. The length, width, direction, and curve of the chasm are all up to the user. Manipulating the Dragon Veins requires fine chakra control, but if one has such skill, they can use this technique to divide the space between the enemy and their own team in two, destroy enemy camps or defences, and even to attack.
Note: This does not split the earth appart directly to cause opponents to fall in the fissure.

Raising up from his bent over stance and then relocating his arms once again criss-cross style the miner and others came in a rush, in amazement they all looked onwards down the dark tunnel that seemingly had a blue small light source at the end. ''What in the void! ye must be one of them shinobis i've been reading about!'', the one that was having dialogue with the red-haired knight prior spoke as the others continued to speak amongst themselves in a chaotic loud manner yet all at once. ''Sid, Mali, watch the mine for a moment!'' The miner commanded of the others that he seemingly known well, he then looked over at Diluc to pronounce that he was to be of company whilst he too was curious of the unknown beyond the tunnel. ''Very well, let us get goin'' Diluc mentioned as he began to walk himself down the tunnel without wait for the miner to follow, ''Ah! wait for me!'' The miner yelled before clumsily walking faster to get equal position of the red-haired man. ''Say ye, what ye name is anyways mister?'' The miner questioned as they both continued to walk forwards nearing the light source that illuminated the tunnel slightly, ''Diluc'' he mentions in response as the miner then exchanged his name as well, ''Ah! nice to meet ye! my name's Alfrid! see i was charged to get a group to mine this here cavern by the old man and ...'' Before another word would be muttered by the miner Diluc had interrupted him, ''Quiet .. were here.''

The tunnel had reached its end and thus emerged a glorious display of ancient geography that seemingly didn't show itself for ages till now. It was a massive room, covered by its crystalized walling with a singular white bark tree standing immortality from its centered stage betwixt standing in stature two copies of knightly statues equipped with halberds and shields. The floor was made of white brittle tile that was seemingly broken in different areas and toned by its aging, two lightposts stood like torch handles firmly structured and positioned upon each side of the room with no glow of its emitting flame yet. ''Wha ... wow ... what in the name of ... i better be paid damn well for this ...'' Alfrid mentioned in a murmur to himself as he glorified the area with his eyes back and forth with his movement spinning slightly around and around again to get a good enough view of the room. Suddenly Diluc had come across through his searching of the room a anvil that laid dormant in front of the white barked tree, not yet glowing yet with crevasses that insinuated that perhaps it needed a power supply. Alfrid walked over as Diluc stood in front of this anvil, the two looked down at it as the miner himself looked over the shoulder of Diluc, ''That there looks kinda suspicious .. wonder what it does, ye got any ideas?'' He questioned as he turned his gaze over to the red-haired individual. For a moment of pondering, and with it a glance towards the tree and then back to the anvil, Diluc had come to a assumption and with it a gentle placement of his palm onto the anvil's cold surface. ''Wha! what ye doin!'' Alfrid proclaimed in terror as he stepped back a bit in case of some sort of explosion to happen, yet it did not. ''The leaves of the tree is composed of chakra ... perhaps if i injected my own onto this structures it would reveal its secrets upon us'' Diluc mentions as he then proceeded to enhance his chakra supply, converting it towards his hand that which powered the anvil and thus in swift motion the torches lit up with a eruption of blue flame, the crevasses of the anvil glowed with might and henceforth the eyes of the statures followed with its light as well. Within the same turn a hammer had been conjured forth, equipping itself passively betwixt the hand of Diluc; the very hand that which he had placed upon the anvil itself.

''Ye must be some kinda genius me friend ... '' Alfrid the miner had spoken with a slight quieter tone to his voice than usual, ''Silence'' Diluc responded without haste as he lifted the hammer above eye level to analyze it. ''One way to find out ...'' Diluc almost silently mumbled as his hand was brought back behind his head and then with quick motion he then slammed the hammer downwards upon the anvil. A loud clang noise echoed upon the halls of the room, ideally the tunnel and then the miner room that which they had previously resided. Upon immediate contact with the hammer and anvil the room shook, quaked with its prowess before chakra veins had emerged in the shape of branches on the floorboard. These veins had then moved slowly towards the center of the room, conjoining into a formulated pool of chakra that which emerged a being. ''Wait ... a child?'' The miner uttered with a raised brow before the ascension fully took its course.

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''YEEEEEEE YEAAAAAAAHHHHHH !'' The child arose in a bent knee manner then sprouted up in joy yelling ontop of her own lungs like a mad psychopathic that would only give the impression to Diluc that she wanted everyone to die in a cave collapse. ''Have you completely lost all your marbles young lady!'' Diluc yelled back, although in a slightly more calming voice than she had. ''Klee don't understand where my marbles went, i could maybe find em eventually if you helped!'' Diluc at this point had given up any reasonable suspicion of threat from this lady and honestly gave him a headache already... although annoyed he had then gave notice of her hair and eyes that resonated perfectly to his own mother, perhaps the connection of the anvil and chakra supply of himself had connected deeply within its comprise thus creating a companion. ''Can we go now its cold like wow, geez!'' Diluc thought perhaps he had no other choice now but to have yet another companion on his side and with his reluctant desire to even accept this offer that was almost forced upon him he'd nevertheless accept it as it was and the two carried themselves out from the cavern; leaving Alfrid by himself to simply stand there ... ''What in the world did i just see ...''

Mission End

Inserting middleman into NW

The miners of the area began to whisper the name of Diluc for ages, eternally remembering him and with it a banner had been struck for the clan of Hellsing

Claimed Landmark for: Hellsing Organization
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Active member
Aug 25, 2010
Trait Points
Coming From: Ōkuninushi’s Peak

Hei's strength begins to slowly grow, as if his life was returning to him. Centuries of slumber suspended in time had it's side effects. But surely he will return to full power soon enough. Going off Heishiki's history of events. Hei needed to head to this Armory, and acquire a weapon that can strike down divinity. Hei's golden rippled pattern eyes scanning the terrain, brings back memories. Bending down he removes his Leg Weights to free up his movement, and activates his chakra sensory ability. It was clearly different from his time, yet not much has changed. Hei clams his hands together, summoning forth a casket in front of him. It's lid slowly sways open before gravity takes hold, casing the lid to slam into the ground in front of it. Inside was a man, reanimated beyond his prime in life. Cloaked in Anbu robes and hidden behind a mask the man steps out the casket and bows to Hei.

Kumo: "How may I be of service?"

Hei: "You're to escort me and be my right hand."

Kumo: "It will be my honor, Lord Uzumaki"

Kumo places his hand upon Hei's back, and marks him with a unique marking, as well as marking several of Hei's and his own Kunai with the same unique marking. The duo then proceed toward the ocean.

( Doujutsu: Rinnegan ) Eye Technique: Samsara Eye (Passive)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: N/A ( -5 per turn )
Damage: N/A
Description: One of the 3 great Doujutsu, the Rinnegan has, like the other, the ability to see chakra and the chakra flow of individuals. It also allows the user a great clarity of perception and tracking abilities, although its levels vary from user to user. It also grants a family of abilities collectively known as the Six Paths Technique. The user is also able to summon and control the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path. Certain Rinnegan abilities have only been demonstrated by single users: Madara can create corporeal shadows in the invisible world of Limbo; Momoshiki is able to absorb any ninjutsu with his right Rinnegan and release it with his Left Rinnegan; Urashiki is capable of moving through time and space when different eyes are activated. While Nagato was never able to deactivate his eyes, Madara and other wielders could switch at will between their other eyes and Rinnegan eyes, although Uchiha aren't able to go from 3 Tomoe to Rinnegan directly. Due to implanting Madara's Rinnegan into his eye, Obito loses the ability to deactivate this eye, much like Nagato.
Note: Can only be used by Rinnegan users excluding Sasuke.
Note: Requires activation ( spending move ) for other Rinnegan bios but remains active indefinitely afterwards if the user chooses to. After having for 1 month, user becomes able to switch between both doujutsu without spending a move. In the case of Madara, user needs to have activated EMS before and had it active for 1 full turn before activating.
(Chakra Henkanshi no Jutsu) - Chakra Sensing Technique (Passive)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 15 (- 5 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: This is a very advanced of advancing the ability to feel and sense chakra. The technique allows the user to concentrate and detect someone's chakra. Users can use this to determine the nature of a jutsu used as well as sense masses of chakra. The use of this can be compared to Sharingan's brutish level of sensory, able to sense collection of chakra but not the level of clarity and precision Byakugan has.
Note: Can only be used by bios with Sensory ability.
Note: After having on a bio for 1 month, users gain the ability to activate Sensory passively.
(Katai Omori) Leg Weights
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A (+35 to Kicks, 4x Running Speed)
Description: An advanced version of the normal Leg Weights created for those dedicated to their craft, the Advanced Leg Weights increase the stress and weight applied to the user in order to achieve an even higher payoff. When inactive and worn, the user experiences a -3 Speed level drop due to the intense weight slowing him down. However, when released, the user gains a drastic boost to his base running speed (x4) and +35 to all his kick-related moves. Much like the weaker versions, this boost in strength and speed is completely nullified when releasing the EIG or when using any kind of movement speed enhancement technique or weight manipulation technique; they don't add up on each other. Only one of the user's bio can have these weights at any time.
(Kuchiyose Kinjutsu: Edo Tensei) – Forbidden Summoning Technique: Impure World Reincarnation
Rank: Forbidden
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra: 60 (-20 per resurrection per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: A technique developed by Tobirama Senju used to revive the dead. To perform this technique the user must first acquire DNA of the person they intend to revive, be it hair, blood samples, or limbs. The soul of the revived target must also reside within Irkalla or the Pure World, not those who have been consumed by the Death God or previously sealed by means that would otherwise make it impossible to be resurrected, like their soul being destroyed. Next, a living sacrifice is required for the soul of the resurrected to use as a vessel. Once all prerequisites for the technique have been met, the acquired DNA of the person is smeared on a special scroll and activated. This forms a special seal with the living sacrifice n the center. Then dust and ash encase the sacrifice’s body, giving them the same appearance that the revived target had at the time of their death. The person is then revived and the end product is usually stored in a casket until summoned by the user performing the Tiger → Snake → Dog → Dragon → Clap hand seal combination. When the user summons the revived soul, a casket first appears before revealing the revived target. The Edo Tensei Summoning can be countered by sealing away the targets soul or by having the summoner cancel the technique. As they are unlikely to do this voluntarily, using a genjutsu to trick them into cancelling the technique is ideal. The sequence of hand seals for cancelling the technique is Rat → Ox → Monkey → Tiger → Dragon → Boar and saying Kai. If the summoner dies before the technique is deactivated, then this method is impossible. The summoned soul is able to resist control through a Breakout Chance, see Edo Tensei rules for specifics regarding this per turn event. In the event of Breakout a summoner can seal their Edo Tensei, unless Breakout occurs through the use of the Snake → Ram → Boar → Dog → Tiger seals. The summoned soul is then left as an immortal revived soul, autonomous and without any link to the summoner. Edo Tensei are typically summoned with a Talisman installed in their head, applying special sealing script to modify and adjust their Breakout Chance and abilities. By default, meaning without a Talisman, an Edo Tensei can only access techniques two ranks lower than the maximum its biography allows, its base speed is reduced by four levels, all its damage is reduced by 20 points, and Chakra present in techniques it uses is reduced by 10. These do not count as debuffs; they are modifiers present on the biography from the moment it is summoned.
Note: A biography can have up to a total of three souls for revival, abiding by all Edo Tensei rules.
Note: Users of this technique can have up to three souls prepared for revival, but only 1 present on the battlefield at any time. Orochimaru, Kabuto, and Tobirama biographies or Necromancer specialists can have up to two on the battlefield.
Note: Biographies are able to use the user’s customs. Captured biographies can only use customs for advanced fields, not basic customs.
Note: Captured biographies for vessels and DNA material must be done through official battle, approved by a Moderator.
Note: Edo Tensei can be used twice per battle.
( Hiraishin no Jutsu ) - Flying Thunder God Technique
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 40 ( +40 for every additional person teleported )
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The Flying Thunder God Technique is a space–time ninjutsu created by Tobirama Senju and used by Minato Namizake. Before the Flying Thunder God Technique can be performed, users must first mark a target with their technique formula. The formula is applied after the merest touch and cannot be removed; it will remain in place even after the user has died. By entering a dimensional void, users can instantly teleport to a formula's location whenever they please, regardless of distance. Anything or anyone that the user is holding, contacting, or that is linked with their chakra will teleport with them, but this requires additional chakra to do; particularly large objects can require so much chakra that a separate technique is required, placing a limit on how far away the user is able to teleport. Users can choose to teleport to a different location than the objects, or they can teleport objects without teleporting themselves. Minato's use of the Flying Thunder God Technique creates a yellow flash, in reference to his moniker.
Note: Can only used by Minato, Tobirama, and custom bios with access to it.
Note: FTG Marks last one entire arc.
