Frostfangs (098)


Active member
Oct 1, 2010
Trait Points

The cold in the Frostfangs is bone-chilling and constant. Ice and snow used to cover every visible surface of land that was once here, though chunks of the moon had battered the wild rivers and caused them to flood the entire landmark with icey cold waters. The southern half of the area is full of tightly-clustered mountain ranges; inhospitable to most creatures, while the northern part is 90% covered in icey waters while the other miniscule amount is simply massive frozen moon rock glaciers.
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Active member
Aug 17, 2010
Trait Points
This post marks the beginning of my mission using these storyboard elements:
Custom: Perform an extreme workout routine ( 3 )
Custom: Begin training someone ( 2 )

Summary: Sado is going to begin training the NPC, Tetsuo to use their Sage Transformation abilities and to learn how to use taijutsu. I'm going to open up with training the body as Sage Transformation revolves heavily around the use of the body and altering it. Doing so will allow the NPC to learn better about their bodily structure and what their body can do when it's put into a state of absolute stress. This will include building up the muscles needed to lift and move heavy things for things like (Senninka: Funsha Atooshi) - Sage Transformation: Jet Booster Boost as well as taijutsu usage which is synonymous with Sage Transformation both synergizing together. Think All Might/Deku's first training sessions at the beach before he obtained One For All if you watch MHA. I'm going to have my bio do everything it has the NPC do both for better instructional usage and to keep my character active so that it's not just watching an NPC doing things while he tells him what to do. This is a two fold-mission relying on my bio training his own body by working out while in unison helping the NPC begin to understand what will be needed of him to master Sage Transformation. The Sage Transformation training will take place in a seperate mission/post from this and will go through everything probably. This mission is going to be much more than a moderate workout routine, and it's not a group so I felt I could use customs elements instead of the basic canon ones. Note: I don't expect to use this NPC for battle or anything like that. I merely thought training him could be a cool plot thread to follow for my character.​

After walking for what felt like hours after departing from the Haunted Forest the pair came to the foothills of a massive mountain covered in snow and ice. Tetsuo seemed to become less anxious about society the further he got from people. Sado assumed he had some form of anthropophobia. He didn't seem afraid of being outside, but instead of the people who were outside. That made sense since he was abducted by a strange person who experimented on him. As he made it into the natural world, far from people and the city he softened up a lot, losing a lot of the fear in his eyes and it was instead replaced by a curiosity.
This was where everything would begin and Sado knew that. Sado stood next to Tetsuo looking up at the mountain as he placed his right hand on Tetsuo's shoulder. Up until this point Tetsuo had been carrying his own bag, Sado reached over and offered to carry it for him. As Tetsuo passed it over to him he seemed glad to be rid of the weight. Thank you. That was heavy.
Sado smiled at that slightly as he stomped his foot upon the ground raising three giant rocks up from the base of the mountain. He controlled them so that they merely rose up, and stopped they didn't move at all they did break from the ground though allowing them to be picked up. Sado connected the small bag of things to his pouch as he looked at the three rocks. One was one third the size of Tetsuo and the other two were the size of Sado himself. Tetsuo stood for a moment in awe of the sheer size of the rocks before him and the mountain behind them as he was somewhat confused by this action waiting for what Sado had to say about it.
Sado took two steps forward toward his own rocks as he shed his armor and shirt stuffing anything that fit into his ninja pouch into it. He went on to lift up the left rock with his right arm and adjusted it so it was on his back resting along the right side of his back putting all of the weight upon his legs.
When he lifted the rock he did so with his legs as to cause no harm to his lower back.. It was held up with his right arm including his upper bicep, and forearm using his leg muscles to keep it aloft. Once that rock was situated upon his back and he shifted his weight slightly forward lowering his posture he extended his left arm reaching for the right rock lifting it and positioning it in the same way. but on the other side of his back. Sado stood waiting now with the two rocks both roughly his height and half of his width placed upon the sprawl of his back.

(Doton: Shōnyūseki) - Earth Release: Stalactite
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user manipulates their chakra creating three huge rocks infront of them. The user will then unleash the three huge rocks coming from three different angles from infront of the enemy to smash into each other causing segements to start protruding from the collision and damaging the opponent.
This is where we start. We train the body first, then the mind, then you can begin to learn how to change the structure of your body. Lift with your legs we have a long way to go and I don't want you hurting yourself. Don't worry though if you do mess up and hurt yourself I can heal you but take your time we'll move at your pace for now. However, over the next few days, we'll begin to move more and more at my pace. I made your rock one third your own size, thus it should be heavy enough to be hard to carry but light enough that it will allow you to actually pick it up and make it to a plateau where we can begin our second set. I know this isn't what you're used to but it's where we all have to begin. I'm starting you off easy on your first night so that you can get accustomed to it. Don't expect that to last long.

As Sado instructed Tetsuo what to do he began to. He fumbled with the rock for about thirty seconds picking it up and dropping it accidentally as he tried to get a grasp of it until finally, he lifted it with his right arm while using his left to stabilize it. He shifted it around his waist and got it to sit in the middle of his back using his legs to stabilize it. Sado nodded the moment he completed that actions and began to walk up the mountain. The base of the mountain was a gradual slope, besides a few patches of ice this was rather easy for him as he walked slowly holding his pace back so that Tetsuo could keep up.
The weight wasn't as heavy as what he was used to but it was still a bit much for his current size. He pumped his legs so that he got the most out of lifting the rocks and walking with them on his back. Usually, he would be running and jumping with these if he were training as a Goliath but he had to hold back his natural instincts so that Tetsuo didn't fall behind. The cold chill of the air was a refreshing thing for him. It reminded him of home. The mountains he trained on alongside his kin. But that was a long, long time ago. Sado kept his head high and proud as he walked forward with so much weight upon his back.
Tetsuo trailed behind Sado a few paces behind but still pushing himself harder than he ever had before. The weight was heavy but after situating it and adjusting his body he found that he could put the entire weight on his legs. He studied Sado's form closely and saw that was how he was doing it already. He kept his head low not in a fearful manner but in an unsure one. It was the middle of the night and he was climbing a mountain? What kind of training was this?

As they continued up the mountain Sado began to pick up his pace. The slow walk Sado was performing became a very very light jog as he began to pump his legs using his thighs and hamstrings to push himself forward up the mountain. This action was slow enough that Tetsuo could remain behind him a few paces but made the kid pick up his pace slightly so that he didn't fall behind too far.
Sado was breathing lightly taking the frigid-cold air in through his nose pulling the air deep into his lungs and exhaling it through his mouth in one swift breath. He repeating this every two seconds or so so that he wouldn't tire out. Tetsuo, on the other hand, was gasping for air in and out, shallow breaths that weren't helping him. Sado began to speak to him in an authoritative tone as the kid continued to breathe in a haphazard and uncontrollable way.

The first thing you have to control in combat is your breathing. Find your own rhythm and use it. In through the nose, and out through the mouth. In and out always. Never let your breathing take hold of you, you take hold of it. You control your breath always until it becomes something you no longer have to focus on to do. Every martial art revolves around this.

As he finished speaking Sado tried to show Tetsuo what he meant. He made his breathing louder but kept it in the same rhythm that he had been using. One deep breath in, and one deep breath out in time with each step he took right now. Tetsuo listened and began to force control over his own breathing. He sucked air in through his nose like Sado, holding it in his lungs for a moment then exhaling it letting it out. When he did that he found that he felt more relaxed. he was no longer struggling against the air, it was rushing into his lungs and pushing back out as if willed to do so.
Once again Sado picked up his pace, the very very light jog becoming just a regular jog. The slope of the mountain began to pick up. What had been a gentle incline a mere ten or fifteen-degree incline increased to a thirty-degree incline. For Sado himself, it still felt easy but he saw that Tetsuo was beginning to have a little bit of trouble as his legs began to shake. Sado was always watching Tetsuo making sure he was in proper form and breathing so that he wasn't unnecessarily straining himself. As the incline increased Tetsuo was forced to pick up his pace to keep up with Sado and this began to frustrate him as his brows began to furrow. His body was drenched in sweat, compared to Sado who had just now begun to give off a few drops on the brow. Sado looked to Tetsuo and with a hard tone, one that denoted little sympathy he said aloud for Tetsuo to keep up. He noticed Tetsuo's frustration and anger as it began to show slightly. This was alright when he finally started to get pissed Sado could instruct him to channel that anger. It would be a nice start to showing him how to control his emotions.

Tetsuo, keep up or be left behind.

Sado remained at the same jog-like pace not slowing for Tetsuo. Up until now, everything else had been a warm-up in his opinion now was where the work began. When Tetsuo finally began to push himself he was able to slowly catch up to Sado being only one or two paces behind him. He finally spoke out toward Sado in an angry grunting tone breathing in a rhythm as he continued. Don't. Leave. Me.
The moment Sado felt satisfied with Tetsuo's progress he increased his pace. The jog now became a light run. Not a fast run by any means nor a sprint. It was just a light run between a jog and a moderate run at about half pace. Sado kept moving forward as again the slope of the mountain began to increase from thirty degrees to about a forty degree slope. His body was starting to feel the workout as his muscles began to feel like they were just starting to be worked. He assumed Tetsuo's muscles were on fire by this point.
They were about halfway through the initial climb Sado thought. Tetsuo was becoming angrier and Sado realized that as Tetsuo's face began to become red from the strain. He was pushing himself but he was getting mad about it to the point of grunting when he breathed. Every few steps Tetsuo would grunt in anger and Sado would shake his head at him. Finally, Sado had had enough and began to speak again directing Tetsuo on what to do.

We've all been angry before Tetsuo, including me. Some people let it go, but we don't, we can't because we're Goliath. There's nothing wrong with being angry though. It's all in how you deal with it. Anger can be a motivational tool. However, rage can hold us back. The trick is to not let your anger fester and that's hard. You have to turn it into something positive an inner light. Otherwise, you'll never learn from your mistakes and you'll just be angry forever. So direct all of that anger inward as motivation. Think about it why are you angry Tetsuo? Because the rock is heavy? Or because you're too weak to carry it? Don't answer. It's the latter, I know because I've been there. So what you have to do is realize that you're angry at yourself, not the rock. Use that anger to push yourself forward. Better yourself so that you can carry the rock as a strong and proud man. Lift your head up and be proud Tetsuo. Believe in yourself and create your own destiny. Don't fear failure.

Tetsuo listened again as he spoke out internalizing what he was told. Okay.

He adjusted the rock again and continued moving forward following Sado as he began to think about why he was angry. All the people who had hurt him. The bad man who took his arms. The people who hurt his mother. His absent father. Sado, however, was moving faster now than when he had started giving Tetsuo little time to actually think. Sado was beginning to sweat a bit now as the incline increased a little further to about forty-five or fifty degrees. They would be coming up on a plateau soon and Sado knew that so he began to run now. Not a full-on sprint but still a moderate run enough to cause his legs to begin to tingle under the weight. He threw his body forward with each step the weight above him feeling good on his legs. He looked back for Tetsuo who too began to run forward, however, to keep up Tetsuo had to sprint forward. It was hard on him, he had never done anything like this and he thought Sado might really leave him behind so with tears forming in the corners of his eyes he pushed with everything he had forward. Sado was moving abruptly not a full on shinobi run but enough to feel it.
He kept an eye on Tetsuo to make sure he didn't fall or get hurt on the ice. About one hundred meters ahead was the first plateau. They had easily been traveling for two or three miles. It wasn't a directly upward three miles but it was still a fairly decent way to start the workout Sado thought. We're almost there!
Sado spoke in a reassuring tone as he could see the plateau now. With that burst of reassurance, Tetsuo picked up his pace and resigned himself to push through it. He forced his body forward as Sado continued running. He kicked his legs outward pumping his legs and watching his breathing as he was instructed as his whole body was burning intensely muscles spasming and quaking. As Sado made it to the plateau he stopped and turned to wait for Tetsuo. He held his weight until the very moment Tetsuo made it up and onto the plateau.
The child let out a long exhale as he dropped the weight creating a small thud. Sado dropped his weight as well as the two rocks fell crashing to the ground with a much louder thud. However, they didn't break and neither did Tetsuo's. Sado grabbed the bag and passed it to Tetsuo and began to speak with a tone that denoted pride in the kid for making it this far.

Eat something, and rehydrate. We still have a thousand push-ups with our rocks, sit-ups, and squats with our rocks. That run was just our warmup. I don't think you'll be able to make it completely, so for the next week or so it'll just be reps til failure. I hope you like your rock though. Because you'll be spending a lot of time with him tonight and over the next week until you get a bigger one.

Tetsuo was quaking his body had never felt like this before. His muscles were spasming and twitching as his muscles burned and flexed. He even had trouble opening the small bag and pulling out the food his mother had set aside for him. He pulled a large bottle out of the bag and began to drink from it his grasp shaking due to the sheer strain of the initial warm up.
Sado however was still moving he didn't want to rest as he moved his body and stretched. He extended his right arm and leaned over touching his toes and did the same with his right. He never stopped moving while Tetsuo was eating and drinking. Sado wanted to give him a chance to rest because what came next would probably be harder.

ELM from LM
To be continued.
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Active member
Aug 17, 2010
Trait Points

After about twenty minutes of rest, Sado walked over to Tetsuo who had barely finished eating his food and drinking his water. He had cleared an area of snow, leaving a large area where they could work. Sado pointed toward the rock Tetsuo had dropped with his right hand and he began to walk over toward his own two rocks. He did the same thing he had done earlier as he lifted the right rock with his left hand placing it on his back and situating the weight before doing the same with the left one. With them both situated on his back he found it a bit hard to balance them. It had been a while since he had trained using this method but eventually, he got it.
He waited for Tetsuo to do the same and then Sado moved his body forward laying upon the ground with the rocks on his back placing his hands upon the ground. With all of his power and an explosive force, he pushed forward against the ground using his chest, arms, and forearms to push upward with everything he had slowly lifting the rock and setting up his position and stance. After a moment Tetsuo began to do the same. He placed the rock on his back the same way he had before the run and held it in place before laying upon the ground.
The ground was cold on his skin and body as he positioned his arms the way Sado showed him to and pushed upward with all his might. It was hard. So hard that he could barely do it but then he was in position. Sado showed him the proper posture and how to distribute his weight evenly as he lowered his upper body for the first time his body coming all the way down to almost touching the ground.

Since this is your first time, try to get as close to the ground as you can without falling or failing. Then repeat your actions until you can no longer lift your body. That's "reps to failure" and will be how you do this until you can get to a set number that is high enough to consider good. I expect at least one hundred from you at the bare minimum. I'm going to one thousand.

Sado performed each push-up in a slow methodical manner to show Tetsuo proper form but slowly, more and more his pace began to pick up. In the time he took to initially perform one push-up he would now do two, and then three, and then four and then finally five until he reached his natural pace. He was performing roughly five push-ups for every one Tetsuo was able to perform. Sado's arms felt good, it had been a while since he had performed a good, honest Goliath workout. He had been relying heavily on Sage Mode and cutting out the basics. Sado was actually having fun training alongside this kid. It allowed him to take his mind off of Takauji and everything else. It was nice. His upper body flexed with each push-up as he threw all his strength into doing them as fast as he could with the best form possible.
Tetsuo was struggling, however. He performed ten push-ups before his arms began to falter slightly. He was still doing them but they had slowed to one every twenty seconds where as Sado was doing one push-up every two seconds. Sado had made it to his first hundred when Tetsuo was making it to fifteen.
That didn't mean he wasn't trying, Tetsuo was putting everything he had into each motion and that's all Sado could ask of him. Sado continued onward through trying to increase his pace. As he neared two hundred, Tetsuo had made it to twenty. Three hundred push-ups from Sado, thirty from Tetsuo. It might not have seemed like much to Tetsuo but Sado knew he was doing everything he could.

You're doing fine. Keep up that pace as long as you can. Don't try to best me yet, just try to best yourself. As Goliath, our first goal is to always be better than we were yesterday. Yesterday you did no push-ups. Today you've done thirty. That's already an exponential increase. Soon this will be as easy to you as it is to me and by then you'll probably have mastered Sage Transformation. Remember, always be breathing. Never let it control you, and use your anger. Don't let it use and abuse you.

Sado was breathing loudly again to show Tetsuo how to keep a rhythm. In through the nose and out through the mouth with each push-up. While up he inhaled, while moving down he exhaled, while down he inhaled while moving up he exhaled. It gave Tetsuo a rhythm of his own to work with. Tetsuo noticed that and began to control his breathing. This made his movements easier and more relaxed as he began to move and act nearly on instinct as breathing and using his anger as motivation were becoming second nature.
Four hundred push-ups by Sado, forty from Tetsuo. Each was pushing themselves as best as they could, and that motivated the other. Seeing the strength Sado had made Tetsuo push himself because he wanted to be that strong. He wanted to be able to protect his mother, and himself. He wanted to be able to control his fear, his anger, and his emotions. Seeing the drive that Tetsuo had pushed Sado to want to better himself. It had been years since he had worked alongside another Goliath someone to tally up his deeds and someone to be better than. It was in Goliath nature to want to outdo someone, either themselves or another person.
Five hundred push-ups from Sado as his arms began to tingle and flex under the weight of the boulders. Fifty from Tetsuo who was using everything he had to merely move. His arms were burning again just like his legs were when he was running. Mother. Grenth. Jack. The people of the Haunted Forest. Tetsuo thought about everyone he wanted to make proud. Sado did the same focusing on Vegeta, Trunks, Grenth, Korra, Fuu, Kilik. His People. These thoughts pushed the both of them to be better and to work themselves until it hurt.
Six hundred push-ups from Sado as the motions become autonomous he was moving without thinking about it. He was thinking about the people he needed to protect the people he needed to save. His-... family. Tetsuo was doing the same but he was in a lot of pain pushing himself to the extreme. Sado was pushing himself as well but he was used to this. Everything he did was second nature. He wanted to keep going through and show Tetsuo everything. He wanted him to grow up to be a strong Goliath, and surpass Sado himself. He wanted him to be better than him to be stronger, and more stable. Together they kept pushing, breathing almost in sync as the push-ups continued at a decent rate. With every fifteen seconds or so Tetsuo was able to perform another push-up. It was down from the twenty seconds he started with. Sado was cranking out about one per second by now no longer being able to breathe in the same rhythm he had to change it up. He had to breathe in while lowering his body and exhale while lifting it.
Seven hundred push-ups from Sado and somehow Tetsuo made it to seventy. Sado was now beginning to feel the weight as his arms felt like they were starting to burn. His hands felt cold against the ground. Tetsuo's felt almost frozen to the cold stone. This was normal for a Goliath the cold was their natural environment. It had been a while since Sado had remembered that.
Eight hundred push-ups from Sado and eighty from Tetsuo. Tetsuo's body felt like it was on fire again his arms were shaking now and his upper body was flexing and quaking under the strain. Sado noticed that and decided to keep going. If the kid hurt himself he could heal him but the experience gained from this workout would be what he needed as the stepping stones to mastering his abilities. Sado was actually happy. For once in a long time, he was genuinely happy. Not faking it, not just being charismatic he was smiling in the most honest fashion he had in a long time.
Nine hundred push-ups from Sado and ninety from Tetsuo. We're close. Sado said with reassurance. He tried to finish his next set of one-hundred as fast as he could. Tetsuo was, however, having trouble his pace had fallen back down to one every twenty seconds then one every thirty seconds. He was close to failure and Sado saw that but if the kid could push himself to one hundred it would give him a solid foundation to begin building pride from.
Sado made it to the rep before one thousand at the apex of his final rep before he made it completely he stopped holding his arms and upper-body at the middle of the rep. This would strain his muscles because they weren't fully extended or fully relaxed in a state of in-between where they weren't finished with their complete range of motion. Sado waited for Tetsuo. Three-... two-... one-... With Tetsuo's final rep Sado finished his so that the two finished at the same time as he turned his upper body pushing one arm high into the air and sliding the rocks off of his back as they tumbled to the ground. Tetsuo saw what Sado did and mimicked it stretching his body and causing the lone rock to tumble off his back before finally collapsing in a pool of sweat and twitching muscles. Sado sat up and spoke.

Good job. You're getting the hang of this. You made it to one hundred. You didn't stop even when you thought you were going to fail you pushed through to reach your number. I'm proud of you Tetsuo and your mother is going to be proud when you return home able to control your entire body. You'll be able to protect her, and your home. Maybe you could even see about working for Grenth. I can put in a good word if you ever want to become a shinobi under his tutelage. He can probably teach you some cool things. Stuff even I don't know.

Tetsuo laid on the ground in a state of near exhaustion for at least ten minutes. While he was resting Sado was performing push-ups without weight so that he could keep his muscles active as they were just now beginning to burn and tense up. He wanted to keep that going for as long as he could and push it into doing sit-ups if he could as it would give him the biggest boost to the workout. As Tetsuo finally began to move he tried to speak with a raspy, shaky voice.

Am I supposed to feel lightheaded and achy?

Sado laughed at him as he continued. This kid had never worked out before in his life maybe Sado was pushing him a bit too hard? Eh, the kid was a Goliath, he could take it. Sado thought to himself. Sado stood up walked over to the bottle the kid brought with him and handed it over to Tetsuo to drink up and rehydrate. While he did that Sado performed the diagnosis skill upon the child just to be sure he was alright. His muscles were full of microscopic tears, and his blood pressure was slightly elevated but that was to be expected.

Tetsuo work on your breathing. You seem lightheaded due to lack of oxygen. Keep breathing always. I saw you forcing yourself on a few of your final reps. Prioritize breathing over the next rep. If you're not breathing you're not getting oxygen into your body.

The kid replied with one word. It was as if he couldn't say any more than that.


The intense workout had him in a state of nearly pure instinct.

The sit-ups were more for rest than anything else. They were done without the weights so Sado merely laid down upon the ground and showed Tetsuo what to do. He curled up his body moving upward using his abdominal muscles to lift his upper body then lowered it. He did the motion slow for about ten reps until Tetsuo got an idea of what he needed to do. Then Sado began to move in full at his regular pace however he slowed himself slightly so that Tetsuo could do ten sit-ups for every one hundred Sado performed. This was to keep Tetuso's determination up. If Sado could keep him at a specific pace so that he didn't realize how far he was from when he began then that would be best.
When Sado finished one-hundred, Tetsuo was able to perform ten perfect sit-ups. This continued for the next sets. Two hundred, twenty. Thee hundred, thirty. Etc. It kept Tetsuo up and active but also gave him a small reprieve from the rock. By this point, Tetsuo was all but perfect on his breathing. He had a rhythm now and he stuck to it. Sado had one as well and he kept his pace. Before they knew it Sado was about to finish his last rep holding it waiting for Tetsuo to catch up and together they finished their sit-ups. They were much easier on the body than the push-ups due to the fact that there was no extra weight to deal with. Sado assumed eventually they would need to use the added weight rock technique if they wanted to get the most out of the basic sit-ups. Sado let Tetsuo rest for twenty minutes this time. He drank water and finally seemed to be getting the hang of everything. His body was flooded with pure adrenaline to push him onward.

Sado went back to the two rocks he had been using and situated them on his back using his arms to hold them in place behind him. Then he stood waiting for Tetsuo who finally stood up. His entire body was slow and lethargic. His movements were strained and painful but he kept pushing himself always thinking of one thing. That evil bastard that took his arms from him. It was the most motivating thought he had as he never wanted to feel powerless again.
Sado slowly showed Tetsuo the proper form for squats and showed him to use his legs, and never his back. He told him to never use his back to lift or move things and explained about the small delicate vertebra in the spine. They performed their set in relative silence. By this time Tetsuo didn't really need to be told when to breath or to remember his form. The push-ups, sit-ups, and run had taught him that. However, his body was slowly waining. He only made it to fifty squats before dropping the rock and passing out unconscious. Sado checked on him by using the diagnosis skill and finished off his set. He used the Mystic Palm technique to heal any moderate wounds and left him to sleep the rest of the night and into the afternoon. Tetsuo slept until about three o'clock in the afternoon after their work out. It was to be expected.

( Iryō Ninjutsu: Shōsen Jutsu ) - Medical Technique: Mystic Palm Technique
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: This medical ninjutsu allows the user to speed up the body's natural healing process by focusing chakra onto their hands, forming an aura of greenish chakra which he then sends into a wound or afflicted body part. This allows the user to heal a patient without the need for medical equipment or surgery, making it very useful on the battlefield. It can be used to treat both external and internal injuries. It is vital to match the amount of chakra used to the severity of the affliction or injury. This requires a great amount of chakra control. Because of this, only a few highly skilled medical-nin are able to use this technique. The limitation of the technique is that it cannot regrow missing body parts or remove with poisons or toxins, though it can heal damage by them. Additionally, perhaps its more severe drawback is the chakra cost, which is much higher than any other medical technique. For each damage point the user of the technique wishes to heal, he needs to spend twice as much chakra. Basically, for x amount of damage the user needs to spend 2x amount of chakra to repair/heal. The user can also use this technique on himself and it can be used with one hand or two and even in two targets at a time or while using another technique with the other hand. The speed of the healing is fast but not instant.
Note: Can be used on up to 2 targets.
The next day they climbed down the mountain and from the base of the mountain repeated everything. They did this every day until Tetsuo found everything to be second nature. Sado never left Tetsuo to do it on his own. He was always there beside him working alongside him reminding him to breathe, to focus his anger and to remember why and what he was training for. There were a few times when Tetsuo's anger overwhelmed him and he lost himself to his Sage Transformation undergoing partial transformations but Sado never let it escalate past that. Even when they started training his abilities in Sage Transformation they performed this same routine to maintain their work. The Sage Transformation training would supplement the body training, not replace it.
Each day the pair pushed themselves further than the last and Tetsuo's body began to change. Every night Sado healed the microscopic tears in the muscles of both of them and what this did was increase the bodies natural processes. It allowed Tetsuo to build muscle extremely quickly and it allowed Sado to do the same he hadn't built muscle in a long time merely maintained what he had built in the past. They hunted for food like Goliath and ran into a few hunter groups​
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Active member
Aug 17, 2010
Trait Points
This post marks the beginning of my mission using these storyboard elements:
Do some moderate meditation to improve focus ( 1 )
Custom: Teach someone else how to meditate to improve their own focus ( 2 )

Summary: Sado has been training Tetsuo so that he can control himself and access his innate Sage Transformation abilities on more than just a superficial subconscious level. The first step was training the body so that it could handle the numerous bodily changes that Sage Transformation causes. The next step will be to teach the growing student how to meditate to direct their emotions and to control them so that they aren't just a chaotic beast at the whim of their emotional responses to the inward flowing natural energy. This will be where he begins to explain the footholds of Sage Transformation, the enzyme that controls the transformations and the natural energy that promotes instability. It may end up being similar to Sage Mode training to a lesser degree.​

The changes to Tetsuo's body were obvious at this point and even he was noticing them himself, the same could be said about Sado but to a lesser degree. The soft and fleshy child-like physique was slowly being replaced by hard muscle and defined cuts in the muscles and bodily structure showing him his progress from what he was to what he could become.
Through the intense and strenuous exercise, the young man was growing more confident and less conflicted inside realizing that he could be the one in control of his own body. He no longer had to fear men taking his arms from him again. Each day he grew stronger and each day he pushed himself harder growing more confident to a point where it was becoming cocky and showy. Sado soon had to correct this.
Every few days the rock he carried was exchanged with a bigger one until finally, the rock he was carrying was almost the size of his own body. The rocks Sado carried were growing in size as well so that Tetsuo never felt like he was the only one growing and changing. Sado wanted him to feel like he always had someone next to him struggling alongside him and growing with him so that he had someone in Sado to pit himself against. Sado liked having someone to work alongside and compete against as well. Their walk, light jog, run and then sprint warm-up was now a sprint from start to finish and the pair jumped over patches of ice and breaks in the cliff-faces. At times they jumped from tree-top to tree-top. Sado was slowly teaching Tetsuo that fear was an obstacle to overcome and anger for a Goliath was a tool to do that.
Finally, at the end of their morning routine one morning while the sun was arching high in the sky, a noon-day sun Sado cleared a spot of snow high on the plateau that they had been working on. Sado directed Tetsuo to help him with this and together they moved the snow using the task as a secondary workout as lifting the heavy wet snow and breaking the hard solid ice with just their hands and bodies showed their progress and was a labor in and of itself. The cold snow on the body made the skin of their bodies sting and ache with a prickling sensation that alongside the breaking away of the ice with well-placed punches and palm-strikes caused the hands to become calloused and hardened.
The kid who arrived at the base of this mountain a shaking mound of anxiety and weakness was becoming a strong and proud young adult. The sunken eyes and dejected posture had been replaced by a relaxed and upright stance. Finally, with a large area, roughly twenty meters in diameter of the ground clear of snow and ice Sado took a deep breath inward and began to speak to Tetsuo explaining what came next.

We've trained your body to near peak condition. From this day forward it becomes your responsibility to continue and maintain your progress. Use what I've taught you to change and alter your routine so that you're always pushing yourself. At the end of our training, I will try and teach you a technique to augment your weight so that you never have to feel like the weight isn't enough. Though now, we work on the mind. Remember back to our first day of training oh so long ago. I said "This is where we start. We train the body first, then the mind, then you can begin to learn how to change the structure of your body." Well, we've trained the body so now we continue on the mind. The mind is a hard thing to mold and use. It takes silent reflection, contemplation, and meditation to do. Come and sit.

Sado took on a cross-legged stance sitting on the cold ground. He moved his hands forward placing his wrists on his knees as he took on the lotus position. He didn't close his eyes merely sitting and waiting to make sure Tetsuo understood what he was being told to do. Tetsuo finally sat down and began to mimic Sado's stance. The ground was freezing cold, and it made sitting annoying and cumbersome for both of them.
Tetsuo mimicked the lotus position as he watched Sado closely for the subtle changes in stance and posture that he needed to use. He had begun to think a lot while they were exercising as Sado instructed him to focus on the people and the things that made him angry and the reasons behind his training. Sado continued to speak as Tetsuo finally entered the proper stance. Sado relaxed his posture slightly being calm and deliberate both in his wording and his stance.

This is called the lotus position and it's the basis of most meditation. Remember to keep your posture good, a straight back and a lifted head. It helps the flow of air into the lungs and makes sure you do not become sluggish and tired due to strain or poor posture. I find it the easiest to begin by bringing every thought into my mind that has been bothering me. And then slowly working through each. You sort through your problems, by weighing them against the weight of what you have to do to solve that problem. With time, usually about twenty to thirty minutes I run out of problems to deal with. That's when the meditation actually begins. With an empty mind, you focus inward. Remember your breathing it should be second nature by now. In through the nose, and out through the mouth. Closing your eyes and being introspective can help.

Sado did exactly what he told Tetsuo was best to begin as he closed his eyes growing silent. He began to think of every problem he had either dealt with recently or that he'd have to deal with when he returned to civilized society. He ordered them in his mind and weighed them against the weight of what needed to be done to solve them. First the here and now. The problem that sat in front of him trying to take in his words and learn from him.
The problem "Tetsuo, and his unstable abilities." and the solution "Help him to train his body, mind, and soul until he understands the shifting soul of a Goliath that runs through his body. The soul that pulls on the world around it both influencing it, and being influenced by it." Next the biggest problem that had been plaguing him for the last few months "Takauji Ashigaka and his Black Ones." Then the solution "Continue to gather up his allies, and using clones to the best of his abilities. He needed to remain strong and unified in the name of the Golden Sabbath. He needed his people to believe in him, and the Golden Sabbath and he needed people like Lena to trust in him." With his thoughts ordered he left Tetsuo the time needed to order his thoughts.

Tetsuo's mind was a place that used to be full of anxiety and fear. Flashes of the past. That man, the way he smelled, the sweat dripping down Tetsuo's face. The tears pooling in his eyes. The fear of the mob all those people who could hurt him. He couldn't trust them, they could be just another "bad man" waiting to jab him with a needle and force a substance into his body that took all his power from him and made him useless. But now, his mind was stronger, though the training and Grenth and Sado's kind actions he realized not everyone was like that bastard.
Slowly he began to bring his problems out from deep inside. The problem "Mother. She needs protection because of what I am." the solution "Follow Jack's teachings and learn how to control my body. Become strong, so that I can be the one to step forward and defend her. I need to work on the body, the mind and my emotions like Jack told me." The next problem "The man who took my arms and the people who want to hurt me." and the solution "Become strong enough to fight when I need to so that no one can ever hurt me again." Soon his problems faded away as he found the solutions to them as his mind became empty and open. He listened to the howling wind and the animals around him. It was almost a sense of derealization the feeling of being out of his own body. He wasn't here. He wasn't real. Nothing was but this moment of silence and peace.
Sado was using the diagnosis skill to gather information about the child as he meditated. It let him understand his emotions. It let him know he was ready for Sado to begin explaining everything else. First would have to be natural energy and the flow of nature. He needed to explain what it was and what it did but he didn't want to break Tetsuo's focus. Then he had to explain their bodies and the enzyme that granted their shapeshifting abilities. It was something that they needed so much focus and care to control.

Good. I see you've attained a moment of clarity. Humble yourself Tetsuo, because a lot of the building blocks of what we are comes now. You see Goliath like us are shifting creatures both in body and form as well as mind and soul. This is a two-fold process. First, we excrete an enzyme that allows for the innate transformations and stops us from turning to stone and second, our body absorbs an energy from the world. We're always changing because of the world around us. You've slowly learned this fact over our numerous workouts and now through meditation. You've learned the "what" now we learn the "why." There's an unseen force called natural energy in everything around us. We can find it in the atmosphere, the very air we breathe into our lungs, as well as the terrain, the soil below our feet, the water we swim through, the snow that falls around us. It's everywhere around us in everything you can touch and feel, produced by the earth itself. For normal humans, this substance is one they never know about. An invisible force that they are removed from. They need not worry about it because it does nothing for them unless they train extensively to learn Sage Mode.

Sado paused letting everything sink into Tetsuo's mind. Sado was correct, for Tetsuo this was the first true moment of clarity he had in his life. He spoke slowly, softly and directly. His tone was calm and explanatory as if trying to explain things as they were. It was a very practical look at the world. One that took the world into perspective and showed why things were the way they were. It explained the force around them. The very force that influenced them, but Sado had to teach Tetsuo that he could also influence it. It didn't have to be just the force tugging on him and making him a chaotic creature of base desires. Tetsuo could pull back and make that energy submit to him. He could make it his strength and power.
After a few moments of silence, Sado continued to speak. Still, his mind was empty and open. The thoughts that entered his mind were merely those absolutely needed to explain these principles. Tetsuo remained focused on Sado's words using them to remain calm. He was tempering his emotions, the cockiness he had built up slowly began to fade as he realized how small he was in this massive world. Sado exhaled and continued breathing increasing the audibility of it to remind Tetsuo to focus on his breathing. Tetsuo noticed it and did as well breathing in and out. He pulled the air into his lungs just like Sado through the nose and then exhaled it pushing it out from the mouth. Sado began to speak again wanting to continue explaining.

However, for us. Our body is constantly taking in this force. Always pulling it into us and that can anger us, and even at times drive us to pure and utter madness. I mentioned Sage Mode a few moments ago. When a normal human learns Sage Mode they learn to balance the natural energy they pull into their body alongside their own chakra. Chakra is the spiritual and physical energies of the body. You produce it every day, everytime you sleep, everytime you wake up every moment of every day you are producing these energies. Spiritual energy is the energy of the mind. It's what we're learning to use and deepen right now. It's the ability to order our thoughts, to learn and to grow our minds. It revolves around what we feel and what we can do with those feelings. Physical energy is what we've built and used up until now. It's your strength and stamina. From the moment you picked up your rock and began to carry it up the mountain, you were increasing your physical energy. I know you thought it was just exercise, but it was so much more than that Tetsuo. Chakra and natural energy are the two forces in our body at all times. As I said, normal humans, the ones like your mother, or the people in your village never have to worry about natural energy. But for us, it's there always just like their chakra. Thus we must learn how to use it, and how to stop it from using us.

Sado inhaled deeply and exhaled hard it was a mouthful. He gave Tetsuo a while to order everything he had said. It was a lot. Sado gave him at least five minutes of silence to order that information in his mind. He himself continued breathing and clearing his mind. He used this time to let the small thoughts of how to continue explaining things enter his mind as he constructed what he needed to say. Tetsuo took his time everything was new information to him. He had heard about chakra, the shinobi used it and it was what kept people alive.
However now he knew so much more about it. His body could produce it with training he could increase his chakra supply and become strong enough to use ninjutsu as a shinobi could. In the past, he believed that shinobi were just born with it, and to a degree, it sounded like they were but even he was able to use it and learn. It made him happy. It meant he could become even stronger than he assumed he could. After enough time Sado began to speak again. His tone began to pick up as he was now becoming more interested in explaining these things to Tetsuo. It was a good feeling to be able to teach someone like him.

The first thing you have to do is realize that your body is a set of gates blocking chakra from flooding out and in. By knowing this we are able to imagine a floodgate for the natural energy. We are able to feel the energy enter our bodies and try to force its way in and we can tell it no. We can slow it to a crawl and force it to wait. Do you feel it? The energy trying to take your body from you? Remember back to the day you lost control when your hands became pointed and weaponized.

Tetsuo did as he was instructed. He thought back to the night when a mob came for him. The fear and regret the guilt and shame that welled up inside of him that night. Then the moment that set him off. It played in his mind over and over that rock connecting with his mothers face. She did nothing wrong. SHE DIDN'T DESERVE THAT! His breathing began to pick up. In and out. Hard and fast. THOSE PEOPLE! THEY HURT HER! Then it happened even faster his breathing picked up as those thoughts polluted his mind. Why!? Why would they hurt a small defenseless woman? A mother trying to protect her child? Sado cleared his throat as the noise pushed into Tetsuo's ears overwhelming the thoughts that were beginning to rush into his mind. Sado was still using the diagnosis skill and noticed the spike of emotion and the inward flowing natural energy. Tetsuo's body began to twist slightly as his left eye, face, and left cheek began to grow a dark gray as the transformation began to extend outward forcefully trying to force him into a complete transformation.

(Senninka) - Sage Transformation
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: C-A
Range: Short
Chakra: 15-30
Damage: 30-60
Description: Sage Transformation is an ability wielded by Jūgo's clan, which increases their physical abilities and allows their bodies to perform various shape-shifting feats due to their innate ability to passively absorb natural energy. It is a multifaceted ability that permits them to achieve feats ranging from creating various weapon-like appendages to altering their body structure, as well as a general increase in their physical capabilities. In the experiments created by Orochimaru, this ability is referred to as "Cursed Seal Transformation" (Juinka). The transformation can be used countless times in battle and sustained while the user has enough chakra to do so. The damage the technique can produce is proportionate to the body part altered and the way it was altered. This technique enables the user to produce melee attacks or defenses through the alteration of his body. When utilized by Mitsuki, he gains a cyan chakra shroud that forms into ethereal snakes around his body to aid in his attack range, and he grows out a single horn from his forehead.
Note: Only useable by Sage Transformation bios.​

Fear Tetsuo. They were afraid of you and what you could do to them. Humans grow to hate what they fear and that causes them to lash out. They want to destroy what scares them. Your mother was collateral damage but it wasn't your fault or her fault. Humans are fickle and greedy. They always want more, and they want it all for themselves. Focus on your problems and weigh the solutions Tetsuo. Return to your meditation. You stopped.

He was hyperventilating as the emotions were overwhelming his mind, body, and soul. He listened to Sado. It was just him and Tetsuo here. If he lost control he knew Sado would stop him anyway. He exhaled his breath in a stuttering slow exhale as if he was about to burst into tears form the thoughts. Then he focused on his breathing again. In through the nose, down deep into the lungs where he let the air sit and then up and out of the mouth. Again. His mind returned to stability the snowballing rage and anger faded away as he realized it wouldn't help him right now. Sado was right. Humans were greedy, Tetsuo thought to that human who stole his arms from him. Humans? When did Tetsuo begin referring to others as humans? It was an odd thought. Was he truly just a Goliath? It didn't matter he returned to his breathing and his mind as it became a gentle pond again no swaying or splashing just a gentle pond serene and calm.

Good. You're starting to learn. Realize what happened just now. By controlling your emotions you told that energy no. You pushed it out of your mind and body and by doing so you made sure that you remained in control. That's what you have to do every moment of every day. It's hard. The hardest thing in our life, but it's needed or we will become unstable and thrash out against the world. Did you feel the energy pushing its way into your body? Tell me what it was.

Sado spoke with a somewhat proud tone. He was actually proud of Tetsuo for what he had just done. More so he was proud of himself for being able to draw out such a response from the boy. It meant he could probably teach him the rest rather easily. He was surprised with how easily Tetsuo picked up everything. Tetsuo seemed to internalize all of the information and was smart enough to put it to work. Sado waited for a few moments allowing Tetsuo to reflect upon that feeling. He himself kept his meditation going, he made sure to focus on his own breathing and continued to focus heavily on the best ways to teach young Tetsuo. If he could teach him how to passively control the flow of natural energy with these meditation sessions he could soon teach him about actually altering his body. Sado remembered back to his own training and how he used Sage Transformation.
Tetsuo did as he was told. He took a moment to reflect on that feeling. It was a hot sensation, a growing fury that started as a few trickles of emotion. He kept asking himself why things were the way they were. Why his mother got hurt, why those people hated him so. That was the trigger and during those thoughts, he did feel something seeping into his body. He thought it was just the hot emotions flashing through his mind but could it have been natural energy?
The force Sado explained to him? That feeling was what he told no when he started his breathing. As he did the warm growing anger faded and he regained the ability to think and control himself. Tetsuo assumed that the feeling was natural energy overwhelming him. Tetsuo began to speak for the first time he returned to that anxious tone he had long before this training. Sado noticed it but let the boy continue.

It was hot and-... bad. Like the bad man who took my arms. It wanted me to do bad things and hurt the humans and I think I liked it. I agreed with it and what it wanted. I wanted those people to hurt. I wanted them to see what they had done to my mother. I wanted them to feel the pain they caused her and I wanted to let the feeling grow and overtake me. But then you stopped me and I realized my mother wouldn't like it if I was bad. She loves me, but that doesn't mean she'd love the bad things I could do. I realized that doing those things would be wrong. Hurting people just because I want to isn't right and it would hurt my mother to know I was hurting people. If I hurt others, they'll hurt more people, and those people will hurt people and they'll probably hurt me again. It would just be a lot of pain for everyone.

Sado for the first time in all of this training was in awe at the situation before him. Tetsuo spoke such a profound and enlightened thought that Sado could only pause and think about it. Every word Tetsuo said was correct. It was something even Sado fought with, Sado liked hurting others sometimes. It was why his mind splintered. But he also liked being kind to others. It showed him that this young man was thoughtful and introspective. He might not realize it but he had the mindset and the skill set to control himself and his abilities. We'll end here for today, but this is something we'll do every day after our exercise. Even when we begin to learn to alter your body we'll continue doing this. I want you to focus on that feeling and remember it. Learn to pick it out when it starts and focus on it. Temper it so that you control it. You're correct it is the natural energy flowing into your body. When you're able to control that process you'll be ready to begin altering your body. I want you to always remember, everything we do-... as Goliath needs emotional content. We need to know what we feel and why we feel it. It's a process of continual growth we have to feel it intuitively, not think about it intellectually.
Sado and Tetsuo added meditation into their daily routine. Every morning they would train their bodies and every afternoon they would train their minds. It became a daily occurrence. It gave them something to do and allowed them to remain active.
Sado had numerous problems and he knew that. Bipolar disorder, disassociative identity disorder as well as anger and rage issues but just like him Tetsuo had his own problems. Anthropophobia, some minor PTSD from being abducted, as well as anxiety and anger issues. Sado wanted to help Tetsuo overcome these flaws and be strong.​
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Active member
Aug 17, 2010
Trait Points
This post marks the beginning of my mission using these storyboard elements:
Custom: Teach someone how to use an ability to completion ( 4 )

Summary: This mission will be Sado continuing the training of Tetsuo. Sado knows the basics are there, Tetsuo now has the body to deal with the training. His mind has been tempered through meditation and contemplation and he has learned how to control his emotions. This all will allow Sado to show him how to begin altering his body and using Sage Transformation. Obviously, this training session will be very hands-on, like the others that way it's actually worth a passing mission and not just an NPC doing something. Sado isn't just going to tell Tetsuo what to do. He's going to show him by elaborating on each transformation and showing Tetsuo that Sado too can do them. This means that Sado is going to undergo the transformation while explaining it to Tetsuo. He's going to go into his thoughts, feelings, and emotions and explain what each transformation can be used for. After this mission I may continue training the NPC if I have fun, I'm wanting to maybe teach them how to use Taijutsu and Earth Release but obviously, the main thing that sparked all of this was me wanting to teach Sage Transformation. I hope these missions don't fall flat and all fail lol that would suck. I'm trying to always keep my own bio active so that it's always doing something making it a "push and pull" between the bio's actions and the NPCs actions that way it's more passable. I hope that shows through enough. One storyboard element, yeah bit I'm going to be focusing on it through the entire mission as it's a very specific one that takes a lot of time.​


A decent amount of time had passed where they were doing everything up to this point. They were exercising in the morning, performing their run together, their push-ups, their sit-ups, and their squats together. Then at about noon, they would meditate for a few hours and Sado would instruct Tetsuo on how to hone his emotions. He would explain how to control the inward flowing natural energy until that action like breathing became easier and easier.
Sado found himself using this time just as much as Tetsuo. It calmed his mind, and it gave him a reprieve from everything that had been happening. It allowed him to return to his roots and to be who he wanted to be instead of what the world was making him be. He wasn't Sado the Dead of the Golden Sabbath or the Demon slain by a bounty hunter sent by Takauji Ashikaga here. He was just Jack, a humble teacher who was helping another person like him to overcome themselves and always be better than they were. It was nice and the training actually helped him as it kept his mind and body active.
Eventually, the day came when Tetsuo had absorbed everything all the mind, body and emotional training Sado had for him. Now was where he had to begin training young Tetsuo in Sage Transformation. It was a weird thought. He hadn't used the tools that were used against him yet Tetsuo was growing so strong and so quickly. Sado remembered back to his training. The people in his tribe that trained him beat him constantly to toughen him up. They forced him to do the worst jobs and shunned him when he failed but Tetsuo was learning through Sado showing him not telling him. He would have to think about how to teach Tetsuo Sage Transformation. Just explaining it wouldn't be enough.

After they meditated in the afternoon Tetsuo got ready to rest. Sado stood up and dusted his shoulders off and extended his right hand in front of Tetsuo stopping him from leaving the meditation area. Tetsuo was able to control the influx of natural energy now.
Sado had the building blocks to begin his teaching laid out before him. He exhaled one long breath as he thought for a moment stopping Tetsuo from leaving. Tetsuo was curious why Jack had stopped him. Had he done something wrong?

What's wrong, did I mess up on my breathing again?

Tetsuo said with a timid almost awkward tone. Sado shook his head back and forth signaling a "no." As he finally began to speak. His tone was heavy and full of emotion. He knew that there was no turning back. Not from the first moment he saw Tetsuo alter his body when he began healing him. For Tetsuo, this was his life now and that bothered Sado.
Tetsuo would never be a normal human, he was a Goliath like Sado was. Sado explained what he could about the basic abilities of Sage Transformation. It was a strange subject, he had never had to explain it to someone else. For him it just always was, it was a part of his life since he was a child. He directed Tetsuo to go stand opposite of him in a position roughly five meters away from him as he spoke toward him trying to explain things as best he could.

Tetsuo, I think you're ready to begin altering your body. You already understand the basics, and when you let go of yourself and become angry you're already using them. A while ago when your face began to warp and twist that was you using your abilities. Back in front of that mob when your fingertips became sharp and pointed like blades. You were using Sage Transformation. That's the first technique I have to teach you. It's not hard compared to some of the more involved and forceful abilities. What you need to do anytime you use it, is call forth an emotion. For me, it's usually anger, the will to protect someone-... or bloodlust.

Sado had paused before saying bloodlust. This was the first time he admitted to Tetsuo that it wasn't always just anger or protective instinct that drove Sado. Sado had a darker side one that reveled in instilling fear and pain on others. He, however, didn't want to force that onto Tetsuo. Tetsuo was different than him. Even though he mentioned liking the feeling of absorbing natural energy Sado knew he didn't want to hurt others. That was mainly Tetsuo's perception of that feeling being construed into something else. Sado looked down at his hand as he began to focus on his emotions. He thought of bloodlust.
That day back in Shinramoto when his clone Smith had lost himself. When he went into a complete transformation and tore through numerous Hangurian Black Ones and shinobi. The iron hinted smell of blood, the fumes of the flammable poison wafting through the air. The screams of his enemies fighting against the poison only to die in agony and fear. He smiled slightly at those thoughts as he directed the flow of natural energy into his body as it slowly began to suck into him. Sado didn't want Tetsuo to see that side of him, nor did he want him to know those emotions drove him at times.

Focus on your emotion and tell the energy that you're okay with it coming in. Let it swell and fill your body but remember to stay in control of it. Let it allow you to imagine something. Claws, fangs, horns, plated portions on your body. Whatever you imagine you can make as long as your body is able to somehow produce it. For example, blades. I want you to try it, try to make three distinct alterations. Then we'll go into the more in-depth and eccentric transformations. Understood?

As Sado said the phrase "for example, blades" he closed his right fist as the skin around his hand and forearm became a light purple. It was like flesh that had atrophied but from it, a large bladed growth began to force it's way forward. It was made of hardened flesh and overgrown and solid bone. Sado held his right arm aloft for Tetsuo to see. It was weird showing someone this ability.
Though he knew that Tetsuo had to see it before he could know what to do. Sado paused for a while letting the information sink in. Sado wanted to show Tetsuo that he could control it and he didn't have to rely on his subconscious or emotions to do it by directly holding and controlling the emotions he could force his body to do what he wanted it to.

(Senninka) - Sage Transformation
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: C-A
Range: Short
Chakra: 15-30
Damage: 30-60
Description: Sage Transformation is an ability wielded by Jūgo's clan, which increases their physical abilities and allows their bodies to perform various shape-shifting feats due to their innate ability to passively absorb natural energy. It is a multifaceted ability that permits them to achieve feats ranging from creating various weapon-like appendages to altering their body structure, as well as a general increase in their physical capabilities. In the experiments created by Orochimaru, this ability is referred to as "Cursed Seal Transformation" (Juinka). The transformation can be used countless times in battle and sustained while the user has enough chakra to do so. The damage the technique can produce is proportionate to the body part altered and the way it was altered. This technique enables the user to produce melee attacks or defenses through the alteration of his body. When utilized by Mitsuki, he gains a cyan chakra shroud that forms into ethereal snakes around his body to aid in his attack range, and he grows out a single horn from his forehead.
Note: Only useable by Sage Transformation bios.
Tetsuo rose his right arm up to about head height holding his hand aloft out in front of his face. He focused on his palm and fingertips. Jack had made it look so easy. It was as if it were second nature to him. Tetsuo reflected on Sado's words. He picked out the specific method Sado had told him to use "call forth an emotion."
"Mother. I have to protect her." Tetsuo thought to himself as he remembered back to that night with the mob. His breathing became quaky as he began to hyperventilate. Sado began to breathe loudly, in and out. Sucking air in through his nose and exhaling it through his mouth. He cut in over Tetsuo's hyperventilation and Tetsuo realized what Jack was telling him by doing that. Tetsuo focused on his breathing. He followed Jack's rhythm. In through the nose and out through the mouth as the emotions began to subside a bit but he held onto that one the protection aspect of the emotion as he let the anger slowly fade. His right arm began to turn gray and then black as the nails on his hand began to grow outward extending out as sharp dagger-like blades. His hand became more solid reinforced and strengthened as the flesh toughened up.

Like this Jack?

Sado replied by nodding his head yes and speaking in an authoritative tone.

Yes, now try something else. Remember you can alter your whole body Tetsuo.

Tetsuo drew the small blades back into his fingertips as his nails shrunk back to their natural size. What else could he do? Sado mentioned plates? Those could be defensive, they could protect him and his mother if anyone attacked them. Tetsuo lifted his left arm and imagined a shield in his mind as he focused on his will to protect others. Specifically his mother. He let the natural energy push into him but he made sure the anger didn't come with it. Sado watched him closely during this part and took a step forward as he began to use the diagnosis skill. He couldn't let Tetsuo go too far. Sado knew the sensation could be intoxicating the fog of anger and hatred could consume a Goliath whole in seconds. He watched Tetsuo closely and waited.
Tetsuo focused on that image in his mind of a protective shield as his bones and flesh began to twist and break making a disgusting noise. It sounded like his bones were tearing apart and shattering but that's not what it felt like. To him, it felt natural and Sado listened close to Tetsuo to make sure his breathing was following a rhythm. Tetsuo formed the shield and it was large enough to cover his upper body as the skin of his forearm and elbow moved outward creating a pointed construct. Sado nodded at him as he began to speak to him.

Alright, one more. Really think this time. I like the shield it was a good idea. It could be used in close quarters combat to push your enemies away. You can shove them to the ground and crush them under your strength and weight or you could deflect their blows but remember it's still your body. That means if the person is stronger than you, you can push yourself into a position where you hurt yourself. Try to always mitigate your damage, and don't take any unnecessarily.

Sado was explaining how to use the weapons. He wanted Tetsuo to realize that it wasn't always going to be enough to just undergo a transformation and rush in. Sado was explaining that he had to watch himself and understand the situation. He had to react and intercept and not rush in and become cocky or showy. Fighting as a Goliath was full of emotion and sometimes it could overwhelm them. Tetsuo took the words and internalized them remembering them for later.
Finally, with a moment of thought, Tetsuo covered his left arm in spikes and pointed needle-like growths. They were darkened and blacked his flesh turned nearly obsidian. This was different than Sado who's turned a light purple and different than the common gray that untrained Sage Transformation users sported. It showed he was gaining an understanding of his body and Sado noticed that. He was ready to move on so Sado began to speak to him.

(Senninka) - Sage Transformation
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: C-A
Range: Short
Chakra: 15-30
Damage: 30-60
Description: Sage Transformation is an ability wielded by Jūgo's clan, which increases their physical abilities and allows their bodies to perform various shape-shifting feats due to their innate ability to passively absorb natural energy. It is a multifaceted ability that permits them to achieve feats ranging from creating various weapon-like appendages to altering their body structure, as well as a general increase in their physical capabilities. In the experiments created by Orochimaru, this ability is referred to as "Cursed Seal Transformation" (Juinka). The transformation can be used countless times in battle and sustained while the user has enough chakra to do so. The damage the technique can produce is proportionate to the body part altered and the way it was altered. This technique enables the user to produce melee attacks or defenses through the alteration of his body. When utilized by Mitsuki, he gains a cyan chakra shroud that forms into ethereal snakes around his body to aid in his attack range, and he grows out a single horn from his forehead.
Note: Only useable by Sage Transformation bios.​

That last one was a bit plain Tetsuo, but I'll let it pass because you're trying. This next one is more intuitive than our basic ability. It shows some very basic principles that will be built upon further soon and revolves around understanding mechanics more directly a construct called a piston. As simply as I can put it a piston is a disk or short cylinder fitting closely within a tube. This cylinder moves up and down against a liquid or gas, in our case, we can use our chakra. This type of construct is used in an internal combustion engine to create motion, or in a pump to impart motion upon something else. A lot of Ninja Technology revolve around constructs like these, but some are more intuitive and just use batteries and such. However how this all fits into our abilities is we can create a piston with our bodies with the proper understanding of both our bodies and the construct. This requires that you release chakra through the tube to pump the piston which I feel like you should be able to understand. This one should be as easy as merely manipulating your body through the technique you just learned.

Sado extended his left arm and he focused on the flow of natural energy into his body. He left a decent amount rush into him as the enzyme began to flow allowing him to modify his body. Through this shape-shifting, he controlled the flesh on his arm to move outward and around a cylindrical portion of bone that he forced up and out of his arm. The forearm up to the elbow became engorged and larger as the fleshy-portions began to move and twist.
When the construct was completely finished forming Sado kneeled down and placed his left palm on the ground. He then controlled his chakra to pump the piston moving it upward out past his elbow before it rocketed downward and toward the ground. This created a burst of force that cracked the ground slightly under the weight of the force of motion. It was a quick action but Sado hoped Tetsuo got the picture and understood what was happening. He didn't' need to understand a piston completely to perform this motion he just needed to mimic what Sado had done but Sado wanted him to know the mechanics behind it more than just a simple technique to be used.

(Kassokuken) - Living Wall Fist
Type: Offensive
Rank: C
Range: Short
Chakra: 15
Damage: 30
Description: While using his Sage Transformation ability, the user can alter his arm into a piston like appendage that he uses to increase the power of his punches.
Tetsuo spoke in a timid voice unsure of himself.

I-... I'll try.

Sado cut him off in a stern voice.

No. You will do it. Goliaths do, we don't try. Even if you fail you'll repeat it until you get it correct. If you need me to show you more in depth that's fine and that would be my fault for either poor teaching or directional skills. Failure can teach us more than success can.

Tetsuo seemed to take Sado's words and use them as motivation. He imagined what Sado described in his mind and looked closely at the construct Sado had formed. With a good picture of it in his mind, Tetsuo brought up his right arm. He held it forward toward Sado looking at the back of his palm. He flexed his arm muscle and imagined the rock flying through the air before hitting his mother. If only he could have caught that rock and crushed it in his hand. As he flexed his muscle then he told his body to form a piston using the image created by his mind as the blueprint.
It was slow and clumsy as his flesh rushed upward away from his arm creating a tube-like form. Then he bent his elbow slightly and tried to imagine the bone in his arm creating a plate as it pushed outward through the tube filling it with the chakra he had been working on building up through meditation and exercise. With one final thought he activated the construct and with a "Boom" it released a force from near the front of the construct. Sado shook his head in approval as he spoke again. See I told you Tetsuo. For Goliath, there is only what we do.

(Kassokuken) - Living Wall Fist
Type: Offensive
Rank: C
Range: Short
Chakra: 15
Damage: 30
Description: While using his Sage Transformation ability, the user can alter his arm into a piston like appendage that he uses to increase the power of his punches.​

This next one is a bit juvenile, it was something I myself thought of when I was much younger about your age. You've already done something similar so it shows how basic of a concept it is, but you'll be able to use this variation longer and allow it to be used alongside and to augment your strong fist usage. Anyway like you've done before you just cover your limb in spikes. As many as you can, as sharp as they can be, and then you hit something with them. I'll show you.

Sado concentrated on altering his right fist as he clutched his fist in a hard, firm fist. He covered his right hand, knuckles, and fingers in spikes. With this motion completed Sado slammed his left foot hard against the ground to show how it could be used alongside Strong Fist. The downward stomp created a small crack in a ground that began to arch across the field toward Tetsuo as Sado followed through that stomp by slamming his right hand down to the ground. He used kinematic chaining to begin the punch at around his shoulders using a downward strike to plow down and hit the ground with as much force as he could.
This was done by throwing all of his weight into a downward strike lowering his upper-body and lower-body to create the most downward force possible. This would buckle the earth slightly as the damage reverberated through the ground the spikes digging into the solid stone creating several decent size puncture marks in the ground causing the earth to splinter and crack further.

(Gosunkugi) - Living Spikes
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short
Chakra: 15 (+10 for an additional turn)
Damage: N/A (+10 to a Taijutsu movement)
Description: Via their Sage Transformation ability, the user can alter their body part covering a limb or appendage in dozens of three inch spike like bumps. The spikes themselves are very hard, and stiff enough to pierce regular unaltered human flesh. These spikes can therefor pierce flesh and cause additional lacerations and rather deep wounds nothing life threatening but enough to cause a decent amount of excess pain along with a taijutsu movement. These spikes can not exceed three inches and there can be no more then thirty small spike like growths.

Note: Can be used thrice.
Note: The spikes can last two turns but deplete chakra to be sustained.
Note: Courtesy of Howard
( Heru Tenma Zetsumei Nigiri ) - Hell Demon Death Grip
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra cost: N/A
Damage points: 60 +10 = 70
Description: The user begins by feigning a kick and then redirecting the momentum of the kick into a powerful stomp that pins the target by the ankle. Then, putting more weight on the leg that is pinning the target, the user jerks forwards before delivering a bone-shattering punch aimed to slam them into the ground.
Tetsuo saw what Jack had done. It impressed him, it was strong and stoic. It made Tetsuo want to try his hardest to deal as much damage against the ground as he could just as Jack had done. Tetsuo began by reinforcing his arm with a shield like construct remembering back to what Sado told him. "It could be used to crush your opponent under your weight and strength." With the shield formed on his right arm just like he had done before Tetsuo thought back to when he covered his arm in spikes earlier. He imagined little bones and flesh growths popping up and out of the shield that was on his forearm and after focusing on the feeling of protection that happened. The small nubs popped up and out as Tetsuo decided he'd perform an elbow drop. With a cocky tone, Tetsuo threw his right leg up kicking the air as he threw all of his weight into the next action.
Tetsuo threw his body downward with all of his might he was going to risk flopping on the ground to try and perform a cool move. He extended his elbow holding it at his side with a shield pointed down toward the ground as he slammed with all of his weight and force down upon the ground. For the first time in the entire training he actually seemed to have fun for a few moments as the shield and spikes slammed into the ground under all of his weight hitting the ground with a terrible the ground cracked lightly under the weight as the spikes pierced into the ground. After realizing how much damage he did and the fact that his arm hurt like hell he was satisfied as he let out a loud noise. His timid and awkward facade cracked if only for a moment. WOOOO!

(Senninka) - Sage Transformation
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: C-A
Range: Short
Chakra: 15-30
Damage: 30-60 +10 = 70
Description: Sage Transformation is an ability wielded by Jūgo's clan, which increases their physical abilities and allows their bodies to perform various shape-shifting feats due to their innate ability to passively absorb natural energy. It is a multifaceted ability that permits them to achieve feats ranging from creating various weapon-like appendages to altering their body structure, as well as a general increase in their physical capabilities. In the experiments created by Orochimaru, this ability is referred to as "Cursed Seal Transformation" (Juinka). The transformation can be used countless times in battle and sustained while the user has enough chakra to do so. The damage the technique can produce is proportionate to the body part altered and the way it was altered. This technique enables the user to produce melee attacks or defenses through the alteration of his body. When utilized by Mitsuki, he gains a cyan chakra shroud that forms into ethereal snakes around his body to aid in his attack range, and he grows out a single horn from his forehead.
Note: Only useable by Sage Transformation bios.​
(Gosunkugi) - Living Spikes
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short
Chakra: 15 (+10 for an additional turn)
Damage: N/A (+10 to a Taijutsu movement)
Description: Via their Sage Transformation ability, the user can alter their body part covering a limb or appendage in dozens of three inch spike like bumps. The spikes themselves are very hard, and stiff enough to pierce regular unaltered human flesh. These spikes can therefor pierce flesh and cause additional lacerations and rather deep wounds nothing life threatening but enough to cause a decent amount of excess pain along with a taijutsu movement. These spikes can not exceed three inches and there can be no more then thirty small spike like growths.

Note: Can be used thrice.
Note: The spikes can last two turns but deplete chakra to be sustained.
Note: Courtesy of Howard​
Sado couldn't help but laugh a bit at that it was the only time he had saw Tetsuo act happy or playful. Maybe the training was working as he planned. Sado hoped that when they returned back to civilized society Tetsuo would be better for their training. Maybe he could serve under Grenth and in doing so raise the status of his family. Sado assumed all of those thoughts were already running through young Tetsuo's mind. Sado paused for a moment allowing Tetsuo his moment of fun as he then cleared his throat signifying that the training was going to continue if Tetsuo was ready or not. Sado stood back up as he began to explain the next technique. This one was similar to the piston fist technique he had shown him earlier. Explaining it would be harder as it revolved more around the release of chakra than that technique and Tetsuo hadn't learned about chakra in depth beyond its creation and using it for these techniques.

Alright, this one might be hard on you but alongside the technique, you learned earlier this forms the basis for a lot of other techniques. Similar to how you created a tube for the piston fist you need to create a vent-like protuberance on your body. From this vent, you should be able to innately concentrate and release the chakra in a forceful burst which will allow you to jump large distances, throw objects far distances, as well as to a slight degree glide should you be in the air. Don't worry too much about the gliding, eventually, you'll be able to fly. However, that's something for later.

Tetsuo's eyes lit up slightly as Sado mentioned being able to fly. He stood up and dusted himself off waiting for Sado's instructions. Sado began by focusing on altering his body. He created vent-like creations on his legs and hips as he turned his body three-hundred and sixty degrees. Doing this let Tetsuo get a good look at the constructs as Sado began to slowly release chakra from them.
He bent his legs slightly and then jumped upward into the air while in unison releasing a large burst of chakra. This increased his momentum allowing him to jump high into the air. Tetsuo found it fascinating how high Sado had reached it was easily fifteen to twenty meters high. Sado engaged the boosters again using them to glide back down to the ground with a burst of force controlling his decent. It wasn't flight per say, but it was more like gliding until he was safe. Once back on the ground he looked toward Testsuo as he yawned lightly. The constant training was getting to him but he wanted to continue. I'm going to give you about thirty minutes to take a break and reflect on your teachings. Then we'll return to this.

(Senninka: Funsha no Tobikomi) - Sage Transformation: Jet Booster Jump
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: The user reates many jet-like appendages on his back to create a powerful blast which he can use to dash forward at great speed. If used mid air, the user can sustain some control over his "flight". The technique however is only good for a burst of speed and cannot be sustained for flight for example.
Will continue it in another post. Got longer then I thought.
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Active member
Aug 17, 2010
Trait Points

Sado walked a few meters away from Tetsuo to gather his thoughts. For a large portion of this training, he was focusing directly on the best way to train young Tetsuo and how best to keep himself active and pointed forward toward the future. However, now that he was delving into teaching Sage Transformation specifically it was bringing up old memories. Memories of his numerous beatings left bloodied and broken on the side of a cliff-face to crawl home. The path in life he was forced to take was his own choosing but Tetsuo could be anything he wanted, he didn't have to be a Goliath. As much as Sado was forcing that perception onto the teenager, it wasn't true. He wasn't born in Goliath society, he was born in a civilized society to a caring loving mother who wanted him to be a kind and caring man.
Was Sado doing the wrong thing by training this young man? If he didn't train him he would spend the rest of his life as a shambling mess of emotion. Even Sado who was trained to control himself was a monster. Stories were circulating around the world about him as far as Shinramoto. They called him a , a and some of those people even believed he was so weak that he fell at the hands of an errand woman sent by Takauji Ashikaga. Of course, most of these perceptions were built by himself to foster confusion around the world but thinking about it. Were those perceptions correct? He was silent staring up at the moon.
They had trained long into the night after their morning exercise and their afternoon meditation. Sado looked over down from the moon to Tetsuo. He was already changed forever from the training. He was muscle incarnate with a strength that was leagues ahead of other teenagers his age. There wasn't time to wonder about half-measures Sado had to finish the boy's training so he could return to the Haunted Forest whole once more. As he looked down from the sky to Tetsuo he noticed that the entire time that he was on break the teen was testing his limitations and trying to use the techniques he was taught. He was changing his body, reflecting upon how and when he could use the teachings. Sado took several steps back in Tetsuo's direction and began to speak with a new tone one of sureness and force.

Well, I gave you time to reflect on your training so that you can focus on learning how to release your chakra. I see you were practicing the piston fist to get an understanding of building up chakra in your body and forcing it through an opening. That was smart so now you try what I showed you before. Remember just use it as a dash of speed to move from here to the edge of the snow ten meters that way. I don't want you trying to jump high into the air and hurting yourself. Understood?

Tetsuo looked up from the ground. He was using the piston fist technique to break away at the hardened stone to get a feel for releasing chakra. There were several large holes roughly the size of a human torso spread throughout the ground for about a ten-meter area. Tetsuo shook his head in understanding. I understand Jack.
Tetsuo took a lowered stance lowering his upper body bending his knees and lowering his upper-body at a slight angle. This stance mimicked a marathoners stance. He remembered back to how Jack created the vents. Tetsuo formed them upon his hips and the back of his legs as he took a step forward activating them.
With a loud whooshing noise, Tetsuo released from the vents a mass of chakra that rushed out of his body and carried him forward ten meters in a burst of speed past Sado and to the edge of the snow. However, he couldn't stop the momentum was too much as his feet touched the wet snow and ice his feet and legs went out from under him as he slid across the snow and ice for another five meters.

(Senninka: Funsha no Tobikomi) - Sage Transformation: Jet Booster Jump
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: The user creates many jet-like appendages on his back to create a powerful blast which he can use to dash forward at great speed. If used mid-air, the user can sustain some control over his "flight". The technique, however, is only good for a burst of speed and cannot be sustained for a flight for example.​
Sado stood watching and waiting, he wasn't going to coddle the teen any further. This was the hard part of his training as Sado told him to get up and return to the training area. Tetsuo did as he was told a few scrapes and bruises but all in all he was fine. Sado performed the diagnosis skill upon him as Tetsuo walked into short range but didn't move from his position to do so. He saw that there were no problems with Tetsuo that weren't superficial and with that he began to speak explaining the next technique. In unison, to his explanation, Sado hoisted up his right arm again giving Tetsuo a chance to see the transformation. His right arm all the way up to the shoulder became light purple as the skin and bones warped and pushed against his body. Numerous vents began to push up and around his forearm, elbow, and shoulder as he looked toward Tetsuo continuing to speak in a tone that was growing slightly dull. Sado was losing the manic, immature energy he had up until this point. It was slowly being replaced by a tone of apathy and gloom.

Yo, so. This one is similar to the one I just taught you and another I showed a while back. It's a mixture of the Boost Technique and the Piston Fist technique. It can be used to increase the momentum of a strike and allow you to hit something with more than just your muscle strength. It can be used to strengthen your taijutsu to a point that a normal defense will be unable to defend from it it will require something of equal strength to soften the impact. It can be dangerous to use against individuals that are much much stronger or faster than you because if they can overpower you and the motion, or if they can speed around it has the potential to leave you open. I personally love this technique because with it I can do things like this.

As Sado said, "I can do things like this" he lowered his upper body kneeling to the ground resting on his right knee and leg. He began to close his left fist in a showy manner cracking all of his knuckles as he formed a hard firm first extending his first knuckle. He punched the ground with a hard strike unaided by the force of the vents able to create a small buckling crack in the ground but then as he lifted his hand an inch or so off of the ground he began to release a wave of chakra from the vents. Watch closely. I expect you to be able to do at least half of this damage if not more.
As he began to release the chakra his strengthed arm, forearm and fist bolted forward striking the ground with so much force that the crack created by the first strike spidered outward. It ran out along the ground ten meters in all directions as with a "popping" noise the stone and rocks shook and crashed. After a second the force caused the spider-like cracks to burst with force as a large crater was formed under Sado at least about a meter deep and ten meters in diameter. The force also picked up a large portion of the snow on the edge of the training area creating a newly open spot.
Sado laughed slightly as the transformation faded and he directed Tetsuo to head to the new area cleared by the strike. This ten-meter area would be unusable for the rest of the training. Sado hadn't tried to cause that much damage but did get into the strike a little more than he should have. Sado stood up dusting his chest and stomach off. Rock particles had found their way onto his upper-body from the force of the blow. The pair walked over toward the new area and Sado looked toward Tetsuo. I'm waiting.

(Senninka: Funsha Atooshi) - Sage Transformation: Jet Booster Boost
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A ( +40 to a physical move )
Description: The user will manifest jet-like appendages from his body to boost the damage of a punch, kick or other taijutsu related move by triggering them in the right point and adding more power to his attack. It can also be used supplementary to, for example, increase his strength to throw an ally or a projectile or to help defend from a technique by putting more strength behind a defensive move. Beyond a damage boost, the speed of whichever move is used in conjunction with it is greatly increased.
( Hitonare Za Tora ) - Taming the Tiger
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra cost: N/A
Damage points: 80 +40 = 120
Description: A technique that focuses on overwhelming power and precision. Through careful breathing this technique allows the user to deliver several one knuckle punches in quick succession, each and every one striking the exact same spot on the target with devastating effect. This attack is capable of breaking through most conventional defenses.
Tetsuo was petrified? Was this the strength he could obtain? What could he ever need that much power for? It was-... exhilarating to see such damage be dealt toward a literal FUCKING MOUNTAIN, but how could he ever hope to do anything that damaging? "No!" He thought. "Jack said there isn't any trying for Goliath like us. We do."
Even those small words of assurance didn't settle himself as he extended his right arm looking at his forearm and hand. He made his hand and arm larger than usual and caused claw-like growths to sprout out from his fingertips as he looked down toward the ground. Tetsuo lifted his right hand higher than his head far into the air as high as he could naturally reach and then formed a jet on the back of his right hand, and then another set of three or four on his forearm as with all his might he threw his open strike downward aiming to slash upon the ground.
As his strike rocketed downward he remembered that Jack tended to put his entire body into the strikes so he used his legs to push his upper-body down and lowered his chest and upper body with the strike creating an arching strike like a pendulum. He activated the jets and with a powerful release of chakra increased the strength and speed of his strike as he used the claws he created to dig deep down through the ground and with the force they slashed perpendicular to the ground.
The swinging motion allowed him to follow through thus tearing up the solid stone tearing away five large chunks of stone tossing them about. The damage created after the initial tearing motion was fairly decent and Tetsuo was able to literally use his fingers, hands, and forearm like a shovel or spade. This meant he dug into the rock and stone and flipped up a piece of stone roughly one meter deep and two meters in diameter. Tetsuo was surprised that he could deal that much damage but was disappointed that he couldn't perform the feats that Jack could.

(Senninka: Funsha Atooshi) - Sage Transformation: Jet Booster Boost
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A ( +40 to a physical move )
Description: The user will manifest jet-like appendages from his body to boost the damage of a punch, kick or other taijutsu related move by triggering them in the right point and adding more power to his attack. It can also be used supplementary to, for example, increase his strength to throw an ally or a projectile or to help defend from a technique by putting more strength behind a defensive move. Beyond a damage boost, the speed of whichever move is used in conjunction with it is greatly increased.​
(Senninka) - Sage Transformation
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: C-A
Range: Short
Chakra: 15-30
Damage: 30-60 +40 = 70
Description: Sage Transformation is an ability wielded by Jūgo's clan, which increases their physical abilities and allows their bodies to perform various shape-shifting feats due to their innate ability to passively absorb natural energy. It is a multifaceted ability that permits them to achieve feats ranging from creating various weapon-like appendages to altering their body structure, as well as a general increase in their physical capabilities. In the experiments created by Orochimaru, this ability is referred to as "Cursed Seal Transformation" (Juinka). The transformation can be used countless times in battle and sustained while the user has enough chakra to do so. The damage the technique can produce is proportionate to the body part altered and the way it was altered. This technique enables the user to produce melee attacks or defenses through the alteration of his body. When utilized by Mitsuki, he gains a cyan chakra shroud that forms into ethereal snakes around his body to aid in his attack range, and he grows out a single horn from his forehead.
Note: Only useable by Sage Transformation bios.​

I'm sorry. I should have done better.

Tetsuo spoke with a disappointed and dejected tone.

Sado laughed a bit at his tone, not at him but, at his thought that it wasn't good enough. That thought was enough to pick Sado up from his depressive state that was sinking like a stone in a pond. He started speaking with a somewhat joking tone at first but then it picked up and became much more serious. He explained to the teen that he had already made an immeasurable amount of progress. Not many average people had the drive and determination he did. Not many had the strength and power he did.
He was growing, and he wasn't finished learning. He had much more experience to gain and more strength to amass. If he truly believed this was his limit, Sado thought he was creating an excuse. Or he was living in the past. This man needed to be brought into the present and he needed to live there. Gone were the days of the weak child who couldn't defend himself. The abused person he was before his training was now growing into a strong man cut from iron that had a life of limitless potential stretched out before him. He had a lot of things to work through and he would never be completely stable, but he was much better than the kid he was when he stepped up to this mountain anxious and weak.

Tetsuo, that was your first time using that ability. Look at what you've done to the ground and imagine if that was a person or their earth release technique. You could have killed someone with that level of strength or torn through a defensive wall. You're not the weak boy you used to be, so stop weighing yourself against what you used to be. Take a look at your body. You're a man of iron sculpted from this mountain. You were formed by it, shaped by it and you're not even finished training yet. If you always put a limit on everything you do, physical or anything else. That mentality will spread into your work and into your life. For Goliaths, there is no limit. There are only plateaus, and we must not stay there. We can bask in the comfort for a few moments but you must always go beyond them-... plus ultra.

Sado looked to Tetsuo who's dejected and disappointed tone seemed to pick up from that short speech. Sado gave the boy time to realize that he had grown and in that time Tetsuo looked to the ground. He saw the damage he had created and instead of comparing it to the damage Jack had created. He compared it to what he could do before. He thought back to the first day he stood before the base of this mountain. He couldn't even lift a boulder. Now he could do so much.
"Jack was right" he thought. He was growing but so was Jack. Tetsuo noticed that every time Jack told him to do something he was there beside him doing it. He never left Tetsuo to struggle on his own. Jack struggled with him, when Tetsuo was carrying a boulder, Sado was carrying two. When Tetsuo was performing one hundred push-ups, Sado was performed one thousand. Tetsuo took the moment granted to him by Jack to think of that. Tetsuo spoke with a more confident tone.

Thank you. Not just for the words of encouragement but for being here. Standing alongside me and struggling with me.I've taken it for granted but you've never left me on my own. Your methods might be extreme, but I feel like I can understand them now at least to some degree. Without your help, I'd still be that cowering child hiding behind his mother.

Sado lifted his hand telling Tetsuo to stop.

We're not done. We still have work to do, so let's go. The next one is similar to the last one in the sense that it can be used to augment your strength and power. However, it's different in its application. Instead of using chakra from our body to power our movements we use our body to power them. I know that's a strange way to explain it, but there's a reason for us to use our body instead of our chakra. It allows us to reach further and attack things a fair distance away. It can allow us to send our limbs outward far away from our body to attack, or evade or even to move. We can use them to fling our own body high into the air or grab someone and bring them to us. Hmm, like all the rest I think showing you would be the best way to explain it. You need to realize that unlike strengthening our body like we've been doing up until now this revolves around elongating and increasing the elasticity of our body. Think of the tendons of your body, They're soft and flexible and allow you to twist and move. By increasing the elasticity of our entire body like the tendons of our bodies we can extend our arms and legs outward. See? This one wasn't something I was taught, it's something I myself found out I could do and began applying to my combat. I assume you should be able to use it for defense and evasion but I usually use it for offense and to attack as it extends our range of motion and allows for an increase in power equivalent to that of the Boost Technique I taught you moments ago.

(Senninka: Nigiru Kyojin) - Sage Transformation: Grasping Giant
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A (+40 when used with Taijutsu)
Description: A pretty basic technique a Jūgo clan member simply changes the elasticity of their arms or legs while attacking allowing them to extend a blow much farther then it could ever hope to naturally go. This could be used to augment taijutsu increasing the range of a technique while also increasing or augmenting the damage it deals. To do this the Jūgo clan member must put excess muscle and force into the attack using snapping and stretching motions to gain the extra momentum to extend their reach and power. Due to them extending their limbs over long distances they put them-self in an awkward position the farther they do so the more danger they put them-self in. It may take only a few moments to extend and retract a limb but those few moments are moments in which they are left in an awkward position where their limbs are stretched far away from their body. These could be adjusted in whipping motions to continue attacking to offset this slight disadvantage.
This can also be used to create and control momentum when in mid air by controlling the way their arms or legs retract. It can also be used to grab onto things such as allies opponents or objects to pull them to them or have them pull them-self to the other person by controlling the way their limbs retract.
Note: Can be used four times per battle
Note: Courtesy of Howard
As Sado said "Hmm, like all the rest I think showing you would be the best way to explain it." he would concentrate natural energy all through his arms. He used this to undergo a transformation where he increased the elasticity of his arms to a point that he could stretch them upwards of ten meters in any direction. With his arms more elastic in nature, he pulled back his right arm and threw it forward toward a nearby tree as he continued speaking a bit louder so Tetsuo could still hear him.
His right arm and hand flew through the air extending far away from his body as his hand gripped the tree branch that was roughly ten meters away. Once the hand gripped the branch Sado continued the arm to retract pulling his heavy body forward along the ground for a few moments before his feet left the ground. After skidding across the ground for a few seconds his body was vaulted into the air traveling past the tree and then into the air.
Once up high in the air about ten meters high, Sado extended his left arm throwing it downward back toward Tetsuo as it extended back toward the ground. He again began to retract his arm this time the left one throwing all of his forward momentum toward the ground allowing him to stop moving and begin moving in a separate direction. He landed back upon the ground after these motions to a surprised Tetsuo. He seemed like he was growing confused by everything his body could do. Sado, however, felt all of this was just second nature and he didn't feel like they were strange in the slightest just his body doing what it could.

Try using it against the tree to attack it, and then to move in some way.

Tetsuo kept being fascinated by the abilities Jack was showing him but he didn't have time to stand in awe.

He began by creating claws on his hands calling forth the emotion to protect someone. He then thought about how his fingers could move so quickly and dexterously. It was due to the tendons in the hands and the elastic nature that he could do that. He tried to imbue that property all along his arm imagining his left arm was made of a rubber-like material.
As his body reacted he felt his arm become less solid as if it were flexible and fluid. He pulled his arm back behind his body extending far back like Jack had shown him and threw it forward toward the tree in an arching motion. He planned to claw at the tree and by whipping his palm forward he was able to cut into and through the bark and body of the tree creating five deep cuts in it that if he had hit any harder might have torn through and toppled the tree. Before his hand whipped back to him Tetsuo controlled it to fling upward gripping the branch.
With every ounce of strength, he had Tetsuo pushed retracting the arm as two things happened. First his body was thrown forward with a fair amount of momentum and second, the strength and force were enough to pull the tree forward breaking the base of the tree where it had been cut. As Tetsuo moved upward toward the tree it moved downward toward him pulling him toward it.

(Senninka: Nigiru Kyojin) - Sage Transformation: Grasping Giant
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A (+40 when used with Taijutsu)
Description: A pretty basic technique a Jūgo clan member simply changes the elasticity of their arms or legs while attacking allowing them to extend a blow much farther then it could ever hope to naturally go. This could be used to augment taijutsu by increasing the range of a technique while also increasing or augmenting the damage it deals. To do this the Jūgo clan member must put excess muscle and force into the attack using snapping and stretching motions to gain the extra momentum to extend their reach and power. Due to them extending their limbs over long distances they put them-self in an awkward position the farther they do so the more danger they put them-self in. It may take only a few moments to extend and retract a limb but those few moments are moments in which they are left in an awkward position where their limbs are stretched far away from their body. These could be adjusted in whipping motions to continue attacking to offset this slight disadvantage.
This can also be used to create and control momentum when in mid air by controlling the way their arms or legs retract. It can also be used to grab onto things such as allies opponents or objects to pull them to them or have them pull them-self to the other person by controlling the way their limbs retract.
Note: Can be used four times per battle
Note: Courtesy of Howard​
(Senninka) - Sage Transformation
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: C-A
Range: Short
Chakra: 15-30
Damage: 30-60 +40 = 70
Description: Sage Transformation is an ability wielded by Jūgo's clan, which increases their physical abilities and allows their bodies to perform various shape-shifting feats due to their innate ability to passively absorb natural energy. It is a multifaceted ability that permits them to achieve feats ranging from creating various weapon-like appendages to altering their body structure, as well as a general increase in their physical capabilities. In the experiments created by Orochimaru, this ability is referred to as "Cursed Seal Transformation" (Juinka). The transformation can be used countless times in battle and sustained while the user has enough chakra to do so. The damage the technique can produce is proportionate to the body part altered and the way it was altered. This technique enables the user to produce melee attacks or defenses through the alteration of his body. When utilized by Mitsuki, he gains a cyan chakra shroud that forms into ethereal snakes around his body to aid in his attack range, and he grows out a single horn from his forehead.​
"****! ****! ****! ****!" Sado was thinking in his mind as he threw both of his arms forward they both rushed in behind Tetsuo as he grabbed the boy by his back and waist. Sado quickly pulled Tetsuo back toward him as he began to bolt away from the tree. With this motion, Sado was able to pull the teen with him moving both Tetsuo and himself out of the way of the tree cutting off Tetsuo's forward momentum.
All of the force caused their arms to nearly "gum-band" back to their bodies. Sado's quick thinking and fast movements allowed him to evade the tree and pull Tetsuo with him as the tree crashed against the ground shaking the plateau they were on a bit as nocturnal birds and sleeping reindeer bolted in all directions.

(Senninka: Nigiru Kyojin) - Sage Transformation: Grasping Giant
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A (+40 when used with Taijutsu)
Description: A pretty basic technique a Jūgo clan member simply changes the elasticity of their arms or legs while attacking allowing them to extend a blow much farther then it could ever hope to naturally go. This could be used to augment taijutsu by increasing the range of a technique while also increasing or augmenting the damage it deals. To do this the Jūgo clan member must put excess muscle and force into the attack using snapping and stretching motions to gain the extra momentum to extend their reach and power. Due to them extending their limbs over long distances they put them-self in an awkward position the farther they do so the more danger they put them-self in. It may take only a few moments to extend and retract a limb but those few moments are moments in which they are left in an awkward position where their limbs are stretched far away from their body. These could be adjusted in whipping motions to continue attacking to offset this slight disadvantage.
This can also be used to create and control momentum when in mid air by controlling the way their arms or legs retract. It can also be used to grab onto things such as allies opponents or objects to pull them to them or have them pull them-self to the other person by controlling the way their limbs retract.
Note: Can be used four times per battle
Note: Courtesy of Howard
SORRY! Tetsuo yelled out both toward nature and Jack himself.

It somehow replied as an owl flew out from the tree he had knocked down.

That was my home ya fuckin' mook.

Another smaller shrill voice called out as the owl flew away and Tetsuo noticed a small white field mouse in its grasp.

Save me!

Tetsuo didn't realize what had happened until it was finished.

Waaaaaait? Did he understand that owl or was that just him imagining something? The pair landed back upon the ground a fair distance away from the tree. Tetsuo was afraid to ask about what he thought he heard. Maybe he was just crazy. Finally, after the two were resituated and he was standing before Jack again he looked over to him and spoke in a somewhat anxious tone.
He didn't want to sound stupid but he had heard something and he thought it may have been that owl. But how? Animals couldn't speak, at least from what he knew. Was it something to do with his body or mind? Was he going mad? What if he was losing grasp on reality due to his abilities. He was awkward and anxious as this thoughts flew into his mind.

D-... did you hear something when the tree fell?

Sado replied in a joking tone.

Yeah, I heard a crashing tree. If we weren't here and it fell in a forest do you think it would have made a sound?

Tetsuo took him seriously and thought about the question not realizing it was a joke.

He believed it to be a zen or Taoist question.

Y-... yeah I think it would have made a noise.

Just because we're not here to perceive it doesn't mean it wouldn't happen.

Sado was howling by now. He couldn't stop laughing. God damn this kid sometimes.

He was smart as hell for his age and upbringing, but he could say the dumbest shit at times.

Yeah Tetsuo, I heard the bird. It's an extension of our abilities. We can commune with animals and understand them. Now let's move on before you wreck another home. This one is kind of nasty, but it's needed for when people like us, Sage Transformation users, are extremely wounded or on death's door. We can take other's and basically steal their cells. It allows us to heal our own bodies by consuming another. It's a very morally ambiguous technique. If I were to use it I feel I'd only use it on my enemies, people who I hate with every fiber of my being. Anyway, you just need to create a needle-like growth and inject it into your opponent. I know how terrible that is especially from what you've been through but it's an ability we have. You don't have to use it, just know you have it. Then you suck away their cells and chakra and repurpose them for yourself.

Sado created a needle-like growth from his arm and showed Tetsuo what he meant. He also showed him how it could be used but didn't actually use the technique on him or anything like that. This one was weird to show without using it on something. It was something he wanted to get through quickly and move on as it was kind of gross, but honestly. Sado was more okay with it then he put on. He'd use it if he needed to.
He didn't care about most other humans, he lied and said he'd only ever really use it on his worst enemies but if he had to? He could see himself using it on someone just to save his own life. Sado was a hypocrite for this thought and he knew that but he didn't want to force that thought out upon Tetsuo. After the needle was formed and Tetsuo saw it Sado retracted it into his body. They didn't have to use this technique to learn how to perform it.

(Saibō Kyūin) - Cellular Regeneration Absorption
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: B-S
Range: Short
Chakra: 20-40
Damage: N/A (can heal 40-80 damage)
Description: While in a transformed state, the user extends a needle-like protuberance from their body, then injects it into a target so as to begin siphoning chakra off the individual on the receiving end. And beyond chakra, the needle-like structure enables the acquisition of selected organs or flesh; thereafter, healing their own body. This allows the user to recover from substantial bodily damage and when paired alongside a more potent sage transformation move (e.g., Complete Sage Transformation) it can allow them to survive injuries that would ordinarily be fatal. That being said, this method of healing isn't on par with fields like medical ninjutsu and merely repurposes the organs, flesh, bones, muscles, etc., all of which are derived from the target's body. Ergo, the user is obliged to intake the same things that they intend to heal with regards to their own body. Also, the use of this move is able to reverse the resulting side effect from its counterpart, Cellular Regeneration Ejection.
Note: Only useable thrice per battle, with S-rank useable once.
Tetsuo didn't have a lot to say about this technique. Unlike the rest that he was amazed and fascinated with this one disgusted him. Due to what that man did to him injecting him with a strange yellow substance he assured himself that he would under no circumstances ever use this technique beyond this demonstration. He couldn't. He believed it would make him sick, evil and twisted if he used such an ability just like the "bad man" who stole his arms.
He wouldn't sink to that level ever. He lifted his arm and focused on his abilities. He didn't want to perform this technique but he knew Jack expected him to. He created a needle-like growth and with a slightly upset tone, he spoke as he retracted the object back into his palm. His tone was seething with disgust and revulsion at the ability that his body could use. It sickened him to the stomach and made him slightly uneasy and queasy.


(Saibō Kyūin) - Cellular Regeneration Absorption
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: B-S
Range: Short
Chakra: 20-40
Damage: N/A (can heal 40-80 damage)
Description: While in a transformed state, the user extends a needle-like protuberance from their body, then injects it into a target so as to begin siphoning chakra off the individual on the receiving end. And beyond chakra, the needle-like structure enables the acquisition of selected organs or flesh; thereafter, healing their own body. This allows the user to recover from substantial bodily damage and when paired alongside a more potent sage transformation move (e.g., Complete Sage Transformation) it can allow them to survive injuries that would ordinarily be fatal. That being said, this method of healing isn't on par with fields like medical ninjutsu and merely repurposes the organs, flesh, bones, muscles, etc., all of which are derived from the target's body. Ergo, the user is obliged to intake the same things that they intend to heal with regards to their own body. Also, the use of this move is able to reverse the resulting side effect from its counterpart, Cellular Regeneration Ejection.
Note: Only useable thrice per battle, with S-rank useable once.​

Sado noticed Tetsuo's utter disgust at the technique and decided he would move onto the next one without much more explanation. For the next one he decided to move away from the more technical and cell based techniques. He still had to teach him the counterpart to this techique but he thought Tetsuo needed a break from such things. It was easy to see how he saw this technique. Sado didn't want to keep pushing it so he began to explain the next one. He knew Tetsuo might find himself using the Absorption technique but that didn't mean Sado had to force it upon him.
Sado thought for a moment about the next technique to work on. He remembered back to how Tetsuo liked using the Booster technique and the Piston Fist technique. He remembered that they showed him how strong he could be and the boy seemed to like that aspect of the training. There was a combination of them that Sado decided that he could show him.

Remeber the Boost Technique? And the Piston Fist technique? This is a hybrid of the two. By compounding them together we can make a strong strike that can topple defenses and cause a fair amount of damage. What you should do is increase the size of your fist like we've discussed before and then create numerous jets pointing backward upon your arm. From them you can release chakra and vault your arm forward in a strong chakra empowered strike. This will allow you to strike something with a large amount of force without using another technique to augment the destructive potential like we've been doing before. It's good to use against strong fist users as it removes the need for muscle power in a strike. Here. I'll show you.

As Sado said "Here. I'll show you." He began to augment his right arm causing his fist, forearm and upper arm to grow larger until it was about half the size of his entire body. He then formed the boosters upon the areas needed and punched downward toward the ground.
While the arm traveled downward at a good point of activation he activated the jets and blasted downward with a lot of force crushing the ground below him and creating another crater. He held back considerably and didn't augment this strike any further than the weakest it could be. With this strike it cause the ground to buckle and crack breaking away as it burst upward slight creating another crater. Sado didn't dwell too much on the mechanics of the technique because he had already explained the basics a while back.

(Kassokuken: Isshiki) - Living Wall Fist: Style One
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user uses his transformation abilities on one of his fists to produce bigger arm and fist. He will then grow jet booster-like appendages directed backward which can then be trigger and used to increase his attacking and throwing power. Basically, this is a more powerful version of Piston Fist, with the combination of the Jet Booster Jump.
Tetsuo easily grasped the concepts. He didn't really need this one to be explained to him as it was building upon what he had already learned. He stood before Jack as he had gotten over his revulsion and disgust from the last technique. He thought upon the will to protect his village and to make his mother and Grenth proud. He wanted to be stronger as stong as he could be. He focused on that feeling as the warmth rushed through his body.
He increased the size of his left arm like he was instructed and made it so that it was about half the size of his body mass just as Jack had. Then with all his might he punched downward creating boosters and activating them. He didn't have time to worry about how disgusting that last technique was he had to grow strong he thought. He plowed his fist down into the ground and with every ounce of strength he had in him increased by the will to compete with what Jack did he hit the ground. A crater was formed roughly the same size of Jacks give or take a few inches and Tetsuo seemed proud.

(Kassokuken: Isshiki) - Living Wall Fist: Style One
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user uses his transformation abilities on one of his fists to produce bigger arm and fist. He will then grow jet booster-like appendages directed backwards which can then be trigger and used to increase his attacking and throwing power. Basically, this is a more powerful version of Piston Fist, with the combination of the Jet Booster Jump.​

Again I'm going to cut it here and continue it in another post.
I seriously apologize, I didn't realize it would snowball this much.
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Active member
Aug 17, 2010
Trait Points

Sado started to talk again his tone picking back up into a more manic state. They were getting closer and closer to the really big stuff. Next came actually molding and using the natural energy as a tangible force. This one would really be the deciding factor on whether Tetsuo could understand the bigger properties of natural energy and its abilities. While speaking Sado hoisted up his right arm holding it aloft for Tetsuo to watch. His arm began to morph and twist again as Sado directed Tetsuo to watch closely at everything that happened.

Good job. You're really getting the hang of this. Let's move onto something more difficult. Until this point, we've dealt with etherial chakra to boost our speed and strength. This is different. This is molded chakra alongside natural energy lacing it with the substance to empower it to create an energy laced with another energy. Basically, we like this natural energy so much that we put that bitch inside our chakra. You see by doing this we can increase the strength of our chakra to be on par with elemental techniques. Oh, shit, that's right I forgot to explain elemental nature transformation. **** that shit we'll get to it when I try to train you in Earth Release, for now, all you need to know is that you begin by creating a singular booster on your forearm away from your hand and wrist back near your elbow. Then you concentrate your chakra to that area but unlike just releasing it you want to imagine a sphere of emotion that you're twisting and turning to attack your opponent. Force the natural energy that you usually tell yes or no to act and move. You tell it that it's yours, and you tell it what to do. Use your chakra to pull on that energy and condense both into a form that you can release outward. This should allow you to create and send out a ball of energy that will collide with a person or a technique and explode. When it explodes or connects with something the energy will scrape against it trying to push through it. This can cause burns and bruising as well as deal with techniques used against you. Here. Let me show you.

Sado formed the small booster on his arm as it popped upward out from his flesh and bone. From that, he began to concentrate the energy as it made a shrill noise. It sounded like a laser-charing as the natural energy and chakra began to swirl or move in front of the vent-like jet. With his arm extended he released it as the sphere rushed outward toward a nearby tree. It rushed forward at a decent pace before rupturing into the tree breaking away the bark and tearing into the tree.
It then exploded with another echoing noise as the bark was sent flying away breaking and tearing a portion of the tree away. As it moved and twisted the orb created an intense amount of friction against the tree giving off the smell of smoke as due to the amount of friction the tree began to burn and smoke slightly. Sado looked toward Tetsuo with a grin.

Now it's your turn for this one I'll give you twenty to thirty minutes to figure out how to mold and form the chakra because it forms the basis of a lot of the stuff to come. Go. I'm timing you. One. Two. Three. Four.

(Senninka: Funsha no Bakuhatsu) - Sage Transformation: Jet Booster Blast
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: A Jūgo clan member uses their Sage Transformation abilities on one of their arms to produce a single jet booster like appendage that extends out from their forearm. This booster is relatively small compared to the ones used for moving or boosting their speed. From this booster they release a compressed mass of Natural Energy infused chakra in the form of a sphere that is shot out towards the opponent with enough force to cause bodily harm. The sphere has a four inch radius and has enough force upon impact to fracture bones and cause internal damage such as bleeding and bruising of organs upon impact the sphere explodes. The explosion is enough to cause severe burns. The sphere itself moves about as fast as a thrown kunai and only takes a moment to charge. This still allows use of the hand as it's extended from the forearm and not the hand itself.

Note: Can only be used twice
Note: No other Sage Transformation jutsu can be used the turn this is used
Note: Courtesy of Howard
Tetsuo found Jacks swift change different and weird. Jack until this point had been stoic and direct. Now he was seeming more playful, cheerful and more joking. Tetsuo sat down on the ground and brought his legs inward assuming the lotus position. He thought about how Jack told him that it was like creating a booster but that he had to focus on the chakra. He had to charge his chakra at that point and use his emotions to mold it. Tetsuo slowly formed a small booster on his forearm high up near his elbow where Jack had created his and he began to try and charge chakra from it.
Pointing it away from his body he kept only getting etherial chakra to rush out of it. It kept creating a bursting nature similar to before. Sado watched him closely and realized he needed to explain further so he spoke again this time more direct. Maybe it was a fault on his end. He might not have given Tetsuo enough information.

Nice try but your thinking process is a little stiff and there's discord within your mind. You understand the fundamentals but your protective nature and loyalty are shackles on your mind. Try a different emotion. Remember the hot and bad feeling you felt when we began learning how to absorb natural energy. You're not just using chakra with this technique, you're pulling on the natural energy in your body. That's all I'm giving you, the rest is up to you. Another hint, this was something I created it wasn't something taught to me. Eight hundred and twenty-three. Eight hundred and twenty-four.

Was it that easy? Could he focus on another emotion? This is an offensive technique, the defensive emotions were just allowing him to be evasive and defensive. He thought back to that bad man. Back to that mob. "I wanted to hurt them. I wanted to hurt him." Tetsuo thought. Maybe Jack was right. As he began to think about those painful emotions his body began to heat up. He felt angry and hot, mad and violent. Jack made this technique and Jack told Tetsuo a while back he preferred offense over defense.
As he continued to feel that emotion he imagined a swelling ball of pain as he concentrated it through the vent and began to release chakra. With the chakra poured forth natural energy as the sphere began to form. He released it outward toward the sky and after traveling forward for a while it exploded in a flurry of natural energy laced chakra.

(Senninka: Funsha no Bakuhatsu) - Sage Transformation: Jet Booster Blast
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: A Jūgo clan member uses their Sage Transformation abilities on one of their arms to produce a single jet booster like appendage that extends out from their forearm. This booster is relatively small compared to the ones used for moving or boosting their speed. From this booster they release a compressed mass of Natural Energy infused chakra in the form of a sphere that is shot out towards the opponent with enough force to cause bodily harm. The sphere has a four inch radius and has enough force upon impact to fracture bones and cause internal damage such as bleeding and bruising of organs upon impact the sphere explodes. The explosion is enough to cause severe burns. The sphere itself moves about as fast as a thrown kunai and only takes a moment to charge. This still allows use of the hand as it's extended from the forearm and not the hand itself.

Note: Can only be used twice
Note: No other Sage Transformation jutsu can be used the turn this is used
Note: Courtesy of Howard​

That was good. You finally got it. Now we can move on to the stuff I find the most fun. I think you'll like this one. It revolves heavily around protection and defense. I see you using this a lot more then I find myself using it. Through physical contact, you can imbue another creature with your natural energy surrounding them in a protective cushion of force. It's a shield of sorts, both invisible and undetectable to those who haven't trained with natural energy as we have. I'm sure by now you can at least feel the stuff around us as you use it. You surround another creature with it and it allows a protection against damage. You can also use it on yourself. Again this is something I made and it wasn't taught to me. Here I'll show you. Go get your boulder and throw it at me as hard as you can.

Sado began to concentrate on the natural energy as he surrounded himself in it creating an invisible shroud around his body. He waited in silence for Tetsuo to do what he was instructed to as he continued to maintain and focus on the shroud of etherial natural energy. He built the cushion up and continued to concentrate it until it was a hard shroud that would defend him but not cause any problems with his range of motion.
Tetsuo finally returned carrying the boulder on his back like Sado had taught him to. He placed it down upon the ground and looked toward Sado with slight hesitation. He spoke with an awkward and timid tone unsure if Sado really wanted him to do this. He assumed that even with what Sado told him the rock could still hurt him in some way. Sado nodded and told Tetsuo to throw the boulder with all his might and he did so. The rock traveled through the air and crashed against nothing. At least that's what Tetsuo saw. The boulder literally crashed against a wall of nothing it just stopped against Sado's body and fell to the ground all of the momentum removed from the object as the damage and force was skillfully and quickly nullified due to the barrier-like cloak of natural energy. Sado looked back toward Tetsuo and dusted off his shoulder even though there was no dust there.

(Forgotton-ō no shukufuku) - Blesssing of Forgotton Kings
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A (+20 to another entity's technique)
Description: This technique is in essence a defensive technique but can be used to increase the power of others techniques as well. It is based heavily around the Sage Transformation ability to imbue upon another being Natural Energy albeit a small, safe fraction of the user's total power. This Natural Energy does not combine with the allies' chakra flow, and only surrounds their body momentarily being taken out either by an incoming attack that makes contact with the Natural Energy or the release of a technique moving from around the allies body and onto the technique imbuing it with a layer of Natural Energy.

To activate this technique a Jugo clan member must make physical contact with another creature while under the affects of a partial transformation (if not already under the effects of a transformation this technique can instigate one) and through that contact infuse them with an unseen aura of Natural Energy encasing them in a protective cushion that will not in any way impede their movement. During this process the user needs to make contact with the ally and sustain contact during the molding of chakra, or until the aura is negated. It can also be used on summoning creatures to increase their durability and can be done in the same timeframe as a summoning technique as long as the user is making contact with the creatures. This process is very similar to the one Jugo performed to remove the Zetsu spores from Sasuke's body and also when he imbued upon Sasuke's Susanoo the power of Natural Energy.

Note: Can only be used thrice per battle.
Note: The defensive ability can be used on the user, but not the boosting ability.
Note: Aura lasts until released by use of a technique or the user and cannot be controlled by the ally.
Note: The aura can defend from A-rank elemental techniques of any nature, Natural Energy or Senjutsu.
Note: The aura can defend from S-rank raw chakra techniques or similar including weapon based ninjutsu and most forms of taijutsu including S-rank.
Note: Courtesy of Howard
Now you do it. I won't throw a boulder at you, just a few pebbles to see if you're doing it correctly. I'll give you ten minutes to focus on the natural energy and after then I'll throw the first stone. Remember that this technique revolves around defense and protection so you can rely on your usual emotional response to pulling upon the energy. It should listen to you as long as you're firm and forceful with it and you make it do it. Go.

Tetsuo sat down upon the ground as he focused on the will to protect himself and others as Jack told him to. He began to focus on his breath as Jack always told him to. He thought about how much he wanted to protect his mother and how much he never wanted to be hurt again and as he did he felt a warmth begin to surround him. It felt warm, not hot like before it was tempered and calm. It was like a warm breeze in these frigid cold mountaintops.
It was calm and comforting serene and spacious like a warm hug. It reminded him of his mother. He wanted to show her this he wanted to show her he was strong enough to protect her now. He could stop others from hurting her merely with a touch he thought. Then "tink" the first rock hit against the shroud. He hadn't even realized it had been that long.

Sado tossed another harder this time as it shattered against the aura of natural energy stopped in its tracks by the force. Sado assumed the young man would pick this technique up quickly, but maybe not that quickly. It was a nice change of pace. Sado saw that Tetsuo didn't need to work on it, it just happened. That contented him as it meant the training was working. At least that's what he believed. Sado clapped his hands slowly as he told Tetsuo to stand up and that they'd move onto the next technique.

(Forgotton-ō no shukufuku) - Blesssing of Forgotton Kings
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A (+20 to another entity's technique)
Description: This technique is in essence a defensive technique but can be used to increase the power of others techniques as well. It is based heavily around the Sage Transformation ability to imbue upon another being Natural Energy albeit a small, safe fraction of the user's total power. This Natural Energy does not combine with the allies' chakra flow, and only surrounds their body momentarily being taken out either by an incoming attack that makes contact with the Natural Energy or the release of a technique moving from around the allies body and onto the technique imbuing it with a layer of Natural Energy.

To activate this technique a Jugo clan member must make physical contact with another creature while under the affects of a partial transformation (if not already under the effects of a transformation this technique can instigate one) and through that contact infuse them with an unseen aura of Natural Energy encasing them in a protective cushion that will not in any way impede their movement. During this process the user needs to make contact with the ally and sustain contact during the molding of chakra, or until the aura is negated. It can also be used on summoning creatures to increase their durability and can be done in the same timeframe as a summoning technique as long as the user is making contact with the creatures. This process is very similar to the one Jugo performed to remove the Zetsu spores from Sasuke's body and also when he imbued upon Sasuke's Susanoo the power of Natural Energy.

Note: Can only be used thrice per battle.
Note: The defensive ability can be used on the user, but not the boosting ability.
Note: Aura lasts until released by use of a technique or the user and cannot be controlled by the ally.
Note: The aura can defend from A-rank elemental techniques of any nature, Natural Energy or Senjutsu.
Note: The aura can defend from S-rank raw chakra techniques or similar including weapon based ninjutsu and most forms of taijutsu including S-rank.
Note: Courtesy of Howard​

As Sado began to talk about the next technique there was an exorbitant sense of pride in his mannerisms and speech.

When I taught you the Booster Technique and I said you could use it to glide but not fly, I mentioned that soon you'd be able to fly. The way your eyes lit up at that sentence kind of made me glad that I decided to train you with our abilities. This is where you'll learn how to fly. I'm warning you now Tetsuo, this technique is flashy, showy and it creates a nearly demonic appearance when you use it. You see you're going to be literally creating wings, they are fleshy and bat-like in nature and for normal people who don't know what we are that kind of transformation can be terrifying and frightening. Though that doesn't matter. With these wings, you'll be able to fly and glide and move through the air like a bird of prey or a bat. Additionally, by augmenting the form by adding boosters, you are able to evade and move around techniques and attacks. You can also create growths with the wings. Blades on the tips of them like small daggers that you'll be able to move and slash with creating piercing and slashing damage at will. It's one of my very favorite abilities and it's one I created myself after being exiled from my tribe. They didn't teach this to me. I made it myself and it's been one of my dearest creations. I know all this is a spiel and I'm not trying to bore you with it, I'm just expressing how much this ability means to me no matter how simple or dumb it may seem to be to others. Anyway, let's see if I can show you how to do it.

Sado began to focus on creating the wings. He imagined a pair of demonic wings sprouting from his back and he controlled his body to follow those instructions to create two fleshy bat-like wings. They pushed out of his back at about the middle of his back as Sado turned to face away from Tetsuo so that he could see the formation of the wings. Unlike the normal formation of the wings that was quick and nearly instant, he took this slow and deliberate. He wanted Tetsuo to see how to do it and how best to form the wings.
The wings made a sloppy, cracking noise as they punched their way out of his back extending outward and growing in size. It took a while but eventually, two completely formed wings were shown to Tetsuo. Sado flapped them once, twice, three times and he turned to face Tetsuo again. He lowered the left wing to show the bladed portions that Tetsuo could create and then formed boosters on his back. Sado activated the boosters and flew upward in a rush of speed and whipping wind leaving Tetsuo alone on the ground.

(Senninka: Tsuyoi Uyoku of Illidan) - Sage Transformation: The Mighty Wings of Illidan
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid (when used to attack)
Chakra: 30 (+10 to sustain per turn)
Damage: 60 (when used to attack)
Description: A member of Jugo's clan uses their Sage Transformation ability to form two fleshy bat-like wings on his back. These wings can sustain flight and can be sustained for an entire battle as long as he remains conscious. The wings can be used to attack the opponent directly using sharp hook like growths from their tips, these hooks are claw-like in nature. Like most of the Jugo clan's jutsu these can be sustained as long as he has enough chakra to do so. The user can create boosters on their back once per battle that last for three turns. The boosters can be used to avoid incoming techniques by quickly changing the user's trajectory and moving them out of the way just like the Jet Booster Jump technique. This can only be done thrice per battle and counts as a move each time but can be done in the same timeframe as another technique. The user flies at their current running speed.

Note: Can only be used thrice.
Note: The boosters can only be maintained for three turns and created once, the wings can be sustained indefinitely.
Note: Courtesy of Howard
Tetsuo not wanting to be left behind and wanting to actually be able to fly took in all of Jacks words. He imagined wings on his back and the feelings of wanting to escape himself and the shackles of his old life. He wanted to leave it all behind, the anxiety, the fear, the timidness and the thoughts of others hurting him. He wanted to be free to be himself to fly through this world a beacon of protection for those around him. Honorable, strong, just, and fair just like he saw Jack. He was tired of seeing himself as the small child who could be stolen away in the night and abused by a sick and demented bastard who reveled in taking a child's power from them. A man who injected a child with a poison that stole their arms and left them weak and afraid.
He was hyperventilating by this point as with a forceful noise his body began to alter and twist. His entire form warped to what he wanted it to be. He no longer had to be what he was he could be so much more as the wings finally formed completely and with two pushing flaps he was in the air high above the ground. His mind and body were free now thanks to Jack and what he had done for him. The fear and timidness faded as the teenager yelled out to the world around him chasing in behind Jack and catching up to him.




(Senninka: Tsuyoi Uyoku of Illidan) - Sage Transformation: The Mighty Wings of Illidan
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid (when used to attack)
Chakra: 30 (+10 to sustain per turn)
Damage: 60 (when used to attack)
Description: A member of Jugo's clan uses their Sage Transformation ability to form two fleshy bat-like wings on his back. These wings can sustain flight and can be sustained for an entire battle as long as he remains conscious. The wings can be used to attack the opponent directly using sharp hook like growths from their tips, these hooks are claw-like in nature. Like most of the Jugo clan's jutsu these can be sustained as long as he has enough chakra to do so. The user can create boosters on their back once per battle that last for three turns. The boosters can be used to avoid incoming techniques by quickly changing the user's trajectory and moving them out of the way just like the Jet Booster Jump technique. This can only be done thrice per battle and counts as a move each time but can be done in the same timeframe as another technique. The user flies at their current running speed.

Note: Can only be used thrice.
Note: The boosters can only be maintained for three turns and created once, the wings can be sustained indefinitely.
Note: Courtesy of Howard​

Sado let the young man fly around for at least thirty minutes as Sado slowed himself. He let the rebellious teenager be free for once in his short life. He didn't have to worry about the world right now. Sado let what happened to him fade away as he hovered high in the air above the young boy watching him fly around in circles performing barrel-rolls tumbling and flopping around through the air.
Sado knew the kid needed this moment of freedom. Sado had been pushing him with everything he had up until this point. The teen was always working, always listening and always doing. He hardly had time to rest. When he was resting Sado was using the Mystic Palm technique to heal him so that he wasn't fatigued for the next day. For the first time in the entire training, the man was happy and he was carefree. Sado promised the boy's mother he would help the boy overcome himself and leave his fear behind. Sado believed he had done just that. Eventually, Sado whistled loudly after the teen had flown around for a long time. He began to move back down toward the ground and Sado landed waiting for Tetsuo to meet him.

I can't believe it. I've never felt like this.

My heart won't slow down. I'm-...

Sado became serious again as he gained a stern look on his face.

We're moving on. I'm glad you liked that technique but we still have more to learn. Do you remember back to how I healed you with that medicine and your body reacted by producing new arms? This is similar to that but instead of creating them from yourself-... you take them and give them to someone else I know that sounds vile, but it's a part of what we are. We can heal others like us, and even if we need to consume others to heal ourselves like I showed you earlier. It's an ability I rarely use because I created things to do it more humanely and less invasively like that medicine and a few other techniques I have that I don't know if you're ready for. However, it can be vital to healing other natural energy users or allies if they're about to die by giving them some of our body to sustain themselves. NEVER! I repeat and listen when I say this Tetsuo. NEVER use this on someone you want to save who doesn't use natural energy. This won't help them, it will kill them. Their bodies won't be compatible with ours, and our cells will infect them like a virus spreading throughout their body infusing it with natural energy. That natural energy will turn them to stone, it will petrify them and you will regret trying to help in this manner. Though, if you want to use it on your opponents or enemies to **** with em? Go for it, but for example if your mother loses her arms as you did, and you want to heal her do not use this ability on her. Understood?

Tetsuo weighed everything Jack told him heavily before replying with a more serious tone.

Understood, thank you for warning me. I-.. if I had to I would have used it to save my mother.

But knowing it won't work and will only hurt her, that changes everything, Jack. I appreciate it.

Sado let Tetsuo speak but then remembered a few points he had forgotten.

Oh, also using this will alter your body. You'll appear younger for a while and you'll be weaker until you either take in new cells or produce them yourself. Thus you'll be slower, more lethargic and your muscle mass will dwindle severely. Keep all of that in mind but now I'll try and show you how to use it.

As Sado finished speaking he looked out over Tetsuo's body. He noticed several cuts, scrapes, and bruises. He extended his right hand out toward the teen as his body began to glow an intangible green. The energy completely surrounded him as with a hot and tingly feeling he began to mold the cells of his body to move out and away from him as he rejected his body mass and began to mold it to move to his open palm.
As he continued the flesh would pool at his hand as it began to push outward like an orb of gelatinous material moving toward Tetsuo as Sado extended the arm pushing the substance into Tetsuo's shoulder. The cells would merge with Tetsuo's body as they sought out the numerous wounds, the scrapes, cuts, and bruises began to heal almost instantly as the cells were shuttled to the portions of the body that needed them. Tetsuo would feel invigorated as the natural energy and cells washed inward toward his body healing the minor wounds.
Sado in unison to this shrunk to a much younger age appearing a little younger than Tetsuo. He spoke in a different voice, it was immature and child-like in nature high-pitched and squeaky like a kid who hadn't gotten sufficient testosterone yet. Sado only said a single sentence before fixing the problem.

(Saibō Haishutsu) - Cellular Regeneration Ejection
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A (80 healed to someone else)
Description: The user is able to give their flesh to those individuals that are proven compatible with natural energy, thus healing any injuries they may have received. But because the user is transferring their cells to another person, their own body regresses in age and ergo, becomes younger in appearance. And additionally, should the user try to provide their unique cells to someone who isn't intune with natural energy it has the potential to begin turning them to stone. As such, the user must be informed when using this move and must know who it can be safely performed on (e.g., curse seal recipients, Sage Mode users, and those clans that make use of natural energy). With regards to the the user's side effects of regressed age it ought to be duly noted that it is merely a temporary change that will last four turns, though can be immediately reverted upon use of the counterpart move, Cellular Regeneration Absorption, if the situation allows for it. That being said, during the time that the side effect is presented, the user's body is child-like in nature and thus hampers their taijutsu, kenjutsu, and other similar fields by twenty damage along with their speed being decreased by one rank. This is due to the sudden, drastic change in their body.
Note: Only useable twice per battle.
Note: The side effect last four turns or until Cellular Regeneration Absorption is used.
(Senninka: Schwifty o Nyūshu) - Sage Transformation: Get Schwifty
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C - A
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 15 - 30
Damage: ( heals 30 to 60 damage depending on wounds healed )
Description: Get Schwifty is an ability that allows a Sage Transformation clansmen to replace limbs, or appendages lost in battle and recover from similar severe damage such as crater-like wounds to the upper or lower body barring complete organ degeneration. The Sage Transformation clansman is able to produce muscle, flesh, nerves, bones and tendons but is unable to produce organs, however it can produce small amounts of organ tissue these cells only replace what was lost and cannot create different appendages ie; if an arm was lost and is being regenerated the user cannot produce a wing instead it has to be an arm with the same exact proportions and usability. They can also produce endothelial cells though to replace blood vessels that were severed or lost due to damage but are unable to replace the entire heart muscle itself if it is excessively damaged but can heal organs if they were merely bruised or harmed mildly they just cannot replace entire organs. This is based heavily on the ability that Juugo was shown to use that allowed him to enlarge his child sized body during his fight with A the Fourth Raikage. He was shown to be able to produce muscle, flesh, bone, tendons and nerves by entering a Complete Sage Transformation replacing the cells he had given to Sasuke to heal his wounds. The Sage Transformation clansmen can also reattach limbs by placing them against a wound and using this technique instead of growing an entirely new limb. This process is a lot like how a lizard can regrow a tail, or the African Spiny Mouse can regrow it's skin. The process is rather painful even though it is replacing what was lost and is able to break any genjutsu that can be broken through pain. This technique can be performed alongside most other Sage Transformation techniques happening in the same timeframe. By rejecting the new cells and providing them to a Curse Seal recipient or another Sage Transformation user the user is able to heal them in a similar fashion to healing their-self. This is because any Curse Seal user or Sage Transformation user is compatible with the Sage Transformation enzyme which grants the shape-shifting abilities.
Note: Can only be used twice per battle
Note: Cannot be used while in Complete Sage Transformation
AnD ThAt'S hOw YoU hEaL OtHeRs WiTh OuR AbIlItiES.

Sado then began to increase cell production in his own body flooding his body with new cells replacing everything that was given away. This allowed him to quickly and abruptly return to normal. His body swelled and moved as this happened the green energy pushing outward changing his shape and stature. He returned to the body he had transformed into as it was a permanent change until he reused the other technique to physically change himself.
He looked the same as before but all of the small wounds from training and the fatigue he had built up faded away as he used the technique to heal. It was weird showing all of these abilities to Tetsuo but he assumed one day he would need them. He was a Goliath he had as much right to be able to do these things as Sado did. Sado stood as he waited in front of Tetsuo before speaking one more time.

So, instead of healing me just try to mold your cells. You have to reject them and try to eject them from your body. It's a weird feeling but when you find it you'll know what I mean. Once you can reject them we'll move on. Don't give them away as I don't want you to revert to a younger age. I don't know if you'll turn into an infant or something. Just remember to only use this when you need to and you're in a safe place as it weakens you considerably.

Tetsuo did as he was instructed. He thought about rejecting his cells. It reminded him of that substance he was injected with. It made him feel like he was deteriorating and falling apart. Like he was becoming nothing. He thought about that feeling and concentrated it into his chest and body and his cells began to act. They clumped together and moved at his will as he extended his right hand and the mass moved toward his hand.
He saw the cells begin to leave him and like Sado told him he pulled them back inside of him and held them deep within. Jack told him he didn't have to use the technique as long as he could do this much the rest would work on its own. Tetsuo waited for the rest of Jack's instructions.

(Saibō Haishutsu) - Cellular Regeneration Ejection
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A (80 healed to someone else)
Description: The user is able to give their flesh to those individuals that are proven compatible with natural energy, thus healing any injuries they may have received. But because the user is transferring their cells to another person, their own body regresses in age and ergo, becomes younger in appearance. And additionally, should the user try to provide their unique cells to someone who isn't intune with natural energy it has the potential to begin turning them to stone. As such, the user must be informed when using this move and must know who it can be safely performed on (e.g., curse seal recipients, Sage Mode users, and those clans that make use of natural energy). With regards to the the user's side effects of regressed age it ought to be duly noted that it is merely a temporary change that will last four turns, though can be immediately reverted upon use of the counterpart move, Cellular Regeneration Absorption, if the situation allows for it. That being said, during the time that the side effect is presented, the user's body is child-like in nature and thus hampers their taijutsu, kenjutsu, and other similar fields by twenty damage along with their speed being decreased by one rank. This is due to the sudden, drastic change in their body.
Note: Only useable twice per battle.
Note: The side effect last four turns or until Cellular Regeneration Absorption is used.​

Jack paused for a long time before beginning to speak with a forceful tone.

The rest are things I can't teach you specifically there's a cool combo move you can use by using jets and stuff but that's stuff you already know. They're not stable techniques that can be replicated safely to learn. They're our nature personified. They're us, bare, open and broken before the world it's what happens when we lose complete control. It's what the natural energy pushes you to do plain and simple. It's chaos by definition complete disorder and confusion. It's what we end up if we consent to our emotions and allow them to take us whole and swallow us up. We become crazed beasts of desire and instinct. Our mind becomes twisted and psychotic. We'll want one thing and one thing only. Blood. Ours, our loved ones, our enemies. It doesn't matter who we just want people to bleed for us. They're dangerous and only to be used as a last resort. Never use this around people you love. Never ever, ever think you're strong willed enough to control what happens when we let go. When we let go we're wild animals. At best we can direct our fury toward those who deserve it. At worst. We'll target the ones that mean the most to us and kill them. You'll come to consciousness standing above your whole world in a pool of blood. A pool of your own making that stretches as far as the eye can see. The form will burn everything you've ever wanted to the ground and leave you to pick up the pieces of a ruined and vacant world. Go pack your things. We're going back.

(Kansei Senninka) - Complete Sage Transformation
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40 (-15 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: Sage Transformation (Senninka) is an ability wielded by Jūgo's clan, which increases their physical abilities and allows their bodies to perform various shape-shifting feats due to their innate ability to passively absorb natural energy. It is a multifaceted ability that permits them to achieve feats ranging from creating various weapon-like appendages to altering their body structure, as well as a general increase in their physical capabilities. The user can fully infuse his body with the gathered natural energy and transform it completely. When he fully transforms, the user gains a massive power boost but loses his mind to his murderous side, signified by a change in his voice. When transforming, the user's body changes color and his sclera turns black. Each member's full transformation appears differently, ranging from different types of horns to stripes across the face. In this full form, the user is incredibly resilient, being able to take Taijutsu attacks up to B-Rank with little damage and being able to function even when severely injured. He can further manipulate his body into suitable weapons and manifest chakra cannons from it to attack with powerful chakra blasts. He can manifest chakra boosters from his extremeties to power his taijutsu moves or to "dash" in speed or even to soften a fall. His physical strength becomes greatly increased, adding +25 to his Taijutsu techniques and his chakra becomes stronger, adding +10 to his elemental chakra. He becomes faster and can regenerate minor wounds easily. His resilience is such that he can take C-Rank Ninjutsu and not suffer hindering damage. Because of his rage and his anger, he becomes unable to use techniques that would otherwise require precise chakra control such as Genjutsu, Fuuinjutsu or similar complex fields/techniques. After its deactivated or deactivates as it times out, the user is left drained of his stamina and unable to use Taijutsu techniques for 2 turns.
Note: Lasts 6 turns and can only be used twice.
(Senninka: Chakra Bakuhastu) - Sage Transformation: Chakra Blast
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: While in his Complete Sage Transformation, the user grows more of his jet booster like appendages, extends them, and then uses them to gather chakra which then forms a huge powerful chakra blast.
(Senninka: Sukaigōremu) - Sage Transformation: Sky Golem
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: A Jūgo clan member begins by creating boosters on either their forearms or their legs striking the opponent with a massive first strike knocking them up and into the air at an angle with enough force to snap the sternum and cause a rippling effect through the Solar Plexus causing the opponent to feel winded and out of breathe almost stunned by the strike. The opponent won't be able to recover from this until the user is already at them continuing the combo. The user then continues on by creating two more large boosters upon their back one along their spine facing downward and the other aimed to the left or right. They use the first booster the one aimed down toward the ground releasing a massive amount of chakra creating enough upward thrust to move to the opponent's location catching him then using the second booster they create a very fast rotational force spinning the opponent and himself as he climbs upward. At this point the user can cover their arms and chest in hundreds of rough patchy spikes that cause lacerating damage along with deep cuts and gouges along the opponent.

As they reach the apex of the motion the user uses the first booster created upon his back to create a quick spinning motion in the air circling around a central axis several times before rocketing downward towards the ground. At the last second the user pulls off one final circling motion before throwing the opponent down into the ground with enough force to cause a fair sized crater this also has enough force to cause varying degrees of damage such as breaking of multiple bones and bruising of the body and internal organs. Immediately after the opponent hits the ground the user will slam down upon them with a downward thrusting kick aimed for the abdomen.

Note: Cannot use other Sage Transformation jutsu in the same turn
Note: Deactivates any active Sage Transformation excluding the Complete Sage Transformation jutsu
Note: Does not grant the user flight, they're only controlling the momentum given by the use of the boosters
Note: Courtesy of Howard
Sado left Tetsuo in silence as he walked away from him. That was everything he wanted to teach him. Everything he could teach him for now. He may teach him earth release later on but that could be done inside the Haunted Forest. They had been gone for a long time. Sado was ready to go back to civilized society and so was Tetsuo.
They needed only to return. Tetsuo packed his things in silence he saw that Jack didn't want to talk right now. He knew that this was the end of his Sage Transformation training. He could go home and see his mother. He could protect her now and no one could stop him from doing that.
Sado and he met at the common area they had been using for excercising and meditation and together they looked out over all of the destruction they had caused. Numerous holes in the ground crater-like and destructive. A few knocked down trees and shattered stone and rocks. It was a sight to behold as together they left. They walked back down the mountain better for their experiences here. Sado wanted to annex these lands when Grenth was finished with everything. They meant a lot to him. If someone tried to take them before he could-... that might instigate an altercation because these mountains now felt as much like home as the mountaintops he trained on.
As Tetsuo and Sado made it to the bottom of the moutain they headed toward the Haunted Forest in silence and serenity. For the first time since what happened to him-... Tetsuo wanted to survive and thrive. He wasn't focused on the anymore. That person meant nothing to him, he was no longer afraid of what he could do to him or his family or his village. He just was who he wanted to be and Tetsuo believed that was because Jack saw he needed help and instead of looking past him went out of his way to help. Over the horizon the sun was rising on a new day.

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Mar 15, 2014
Trait Points
[FONT=&quot]Holding Jumo in his arms as he dashed through heading back home. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Coming from: [[/FONT] [FONT=&quot]][/FONT]



Oct 22, 2009
Trait Points
Coming from here

Players Involved: The pervy Sage
Rank: B
Storyboard Elements chosen:

- Infiltrate an enemy's base (3)
- Use the information from infiltration to destroy the base (3) - custom

Summary: Due to the toll it takes on Natsu to constantly create his zombie hoard, he decide to pursue his conquest in a different manor, using tactics of infiltration through a clever ruse to deal with his enemies.

The zombie hoard moved slowly across the lands of earth, none of the land seemed to be flat nor did it help to have so much terrain and such a mass moving together. But it mattered not, it gave Natsu plenty of time to think on his next plan of action based on the information he had gathered so far. Through the use of his sharingan he had managed to gather information on this next landmark, how it was a cold one and it's terrain layout. He also knew about the few hunting villages that lay around, with several large wooden walls that were manned to protect them from threats of wild animals that lived around them in the wooded area. Being trained hunters this would prove to be quite the interesting little skirmish. But to Natsu that just made it all the more interesting to go with. Natsu didn't need the mist here to mask his hoard, instead the snow and blizzard like continued to mask their arrival into the lands which worked just fine for Natsu. Pondering on the long journey, he came up with a plan that would work perfectly. He walked up to one of the zombies from the city he had slaughtered, taking the blood soaked torn coat and placing it over himself, looking like he'd been ravaged. Leaving his cloak on that zombie. Now with his sharingan deactivated, he found a small pond, rubbed some mud across his trousers, tore them a little and washed over his hair. A bad look indeed, but all part of his master plan. Now with his costume ready it was time to get into character...

Approaching one of the hunters villages through the trees he looked out, making sure he hadn't been noticed, before taking his character to the next level. He suddenly began sprinting through the trees, through the snow towards the village. A panicked look on his face, he ran. It wasn't long before someone on the wall was pointing down at him shouting to someone below. Natsu kept looking back over his shoulder as he ran. As he got out of the tree line he was about 30m away from the gate, tripping over in the snow, sliding to a halt. He turned around crawling backwards pushing himself up, and kept running towards the gate, screams of help and begging came from him, muffled by the snow. As he got closer, it seemed it was working. The gate opened as two men came out with bows and arrows, looking around walking towards Natsu. One made a hand gesture for him to come, while another man waited at the slightly open gate. Full force Natsu ran in, swiftly behind him was the man with the gate and the two hunters with bows. Natsu fell to the floor, gasping for breath, breathing heavy, shaking in what seemed like fear. Someone walked over to him out of a hut asking the other guards what had gone on. They explained how he came running out the forest, gesturing towards the blood on his cloak. The man asking the questions now knelt beside him and placed a hand on his shoulder which Natsu flinched away from...

"Can you tell me what happened? Is that your blood? What were your running from?"

He asked in a gentle voice, but Natsu just looked up and around in a look of confusion, fear, hesitation. They whispered among themselves. One man came over bringing him a blanket and a hot drink which he held in his hands looking around. It would seem as though he was in a state of shock, but really he was just looking what was within the walls, the guards, the weapons they had, every little detail being taken in so he could have his fun later. The spoke among themselves before taking him over to a building that seemed to be a guest house. Telling him to rest, and saying they would come back later to talk to him, leaving him with a old lady who gave him some food. She said how he looked awful and a bath would do him good and she would go get the water ready. Natsu wasn't really listening to her, he was listening to the hunters reactions to his arrival, questioning where he'd come from and what he'd been running from. They came to the conclusion it must of been a bear scare and said they'd ask him the next day after he'd had a chance to calm down.

Within an hour he had had a bath and was dressed in some fresh clothes, his stomach full and showed to a room in the guest house for him to stay in. The older lady said if he needed anything to give her a shout, but he still hadn't spoken a word. As she left he sat up in the bed and looked outside, looking towards where the moon was. Judging by it's position last night, the speed at which his horde was moving and the distance they would have to cover, it would be around two hours before they arrived at this camp. Plenty of time to have a bit of fun. The first thing to do would be to bring down the defenses and warnings. He looked out the window and it seemed just as before, there were six people sat on the wall looking out, probably half asleep. But they all had bows, and based off this being a hunting village, they would probably be well trained with them. It would seem all his weapons had been taken, and he didn't really want to use much chakra yet, so how to deal with 6 at one time? Any way he thought about it, it would seem move effort than it was worth. So instead he'd try a different approach. He'd create an illusion outside that the land hadn't changed at all that the wall was the same, the snow the same, inducing all the guards in this illusion. From here, he would then gather his chakra, focusing it into the earth, and cause it to lower under the fence. In a spot that was 5m wide like a ramp. The earth lowered silently as his illusion covered it. And now he climbed out the window and sat on the ledge waiting for the events to unfold....

[2 hours later]

The guards were getting tired, the snow storm was beginning to set in for the night, it would all seem quiet, but Natsu knew better, it was time. He stood up, on the roof now, looking out. No one seemed to notice him, which was good, he didn't want to get his hands dirty. Moments later one of the guards stood up, looking out.

"Is that someone out there in the snow?.... they look hurt... wait, there's a few of them..."

They called out to them asking them where they were from, but they wouldn't answers, how could the dead answer. They moved quicker now, seeing the walls with the torches lit on top, then broke into a run, it was time for their meal. They sprinted towards the gates, inhuman in their movements, more like that of a beast. The guards shouting warnings to stop but they went unheard, to the first archer drew his bow with precision and shot the person closest to the gates in the leg, causing them to fall sliding through the snow. He wasn't aiming to kill, but to warn, but it would be in vain. The zombie, looked up, it's leg impaled, it had twisted the other way in the fall, but to the bowman's horror it pushed itself up on it's hands dragging itself forwards. The hordes of hell were upon them. They were stunned with fear, not knowing what to do, they raised the alarm calling for all archers to join them, rushing to the wall, unleashing a barrage of arrows on the horde as they reached the gate but only one seemed to go down, one shot in the head. Though something seemed odd, as they scratched and struck against the gate, they couldn't get in, but some of them veered off and ran around the side. Probably trying to find another way in. Natsu smiled.

The guards looked around following the hordes movements seeing Natsu on the roof, who smiled at them, then out of thin air it would seem as though the zombies materialized sprinting through the village, catching everyone by surprise as the mob of the undead swarmed the village. It was savage, they would try to cut down one, but be attacked by three more as hands and teeth tore at their flesh as they were eaten alive. It was a massarce, they didn't stand a chance. The archers turned to shoot on the horde but now it would be Natsu's turn to take action. He appeared in front of the first archer grabbing the arrow out of his hand, stabbing him in the throat, as the grasped at natsu with a look of fear and desperation as he choked on his own blood. Natsu spun the man around, using his body as a human shield as the other arrows aimed for Natsu hit their ally. Letting the body fall as they tried to reload their bows, Natsu grabbed the arrows out of his quiver running along the wall stabbing them into each man's chest in a blitz of speed, slaughtering them all one by one, kicking them off the wall to feed to his horde below. Houses on fire fire, the place lit up in a blaze, the screams fading. Meal time was coming to an end. Hopping down of the wooden wall, Natsu Pushed the gates open and left the burning village.... ready to head to the next to repeat this, one by one infiltrating each small village before serving the people up to his zombie horde. Following that he would lead them east.....

[leaving landmark, end of mission]

Pyro NB

Apr 22, 2015
Trait Points
Arriving in Frostfang Desmond would vanish in a poof of smoke. Balthazar, Melandru, and Dwayna would begin to worry and wonder what happened to their leader as the twins Ilya and Lyss powered down and collapsed to the ground.
Chakra: 2030-5-5=2020
~Coming from:

Post automatically merged:

the puppets vanish in smoke
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Active member
Apr 14, 2012
Trait Points


Jan 8, 2009
Trait Points
Coming From Here

Kisuke starts his journey going through different landmarks setting his feet through them. He was making his way to a specific area but didn't know where it was exactly. He has to go through different areas to get there. He has his bag on his back and his supplies also.

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