Degarashan (019)


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
The vault of Ryo, an ancient currency of which the herald of Hellsing had stored in the banks of Dainashi was now depleted for the price of two potent VIA's that would come in handy for future events. With the negotiations fulfilled, Alucard set his eyes on his homeland and left in a rush. Lilith continued to monitor her old man's plans with caution.


El Alucard

Active member
Mar 13, 2014
Trait Points
Coming from [X]

This post marks the start of the Main Quest:
Examine the Depleted Crystalline Apotheotic Shard (C-Rank Mission).

Returning to Degarashan with Seraphina as her ethereal companion, Faye found herself once again surrounded by the sprawling marketplace that had once been a militarized fortress. Faye couldn't escape the feeling of the crystalline shard's weight, even while it resided in the pure realm. It pulsed with a subtle energy, an enigma she yearned to unravel.

With a deft flick of her wrist, she summoned the transparent genki bubble that had concealed the crystal in the pure realm. It floated before her, ethereal and mysterious.
Twirling her finger, Faye rotated the bubble, allowing her to scrutinize the crystal from every angle. She examined it closely, her gaze unwavering. It was as if she hoped that a different perspective might reveal its secrets.

Seraphina observed with keen interest. "Wouldn’t it be funny if it was just a weird rock with no purpose at all?" she mused. "No, that couldn’t possibly be. This energy, it’s definitely something."

Frustration welled up within Faye as she nodded in agreement. "I can't make heads or tails of it," she admitted.

The sun dipped lower in the sky, casting a warm, golden hue over the bustling market. Faye persisted in her examination of the shard, turning it, studying its facets, and even attempting to infuse it with chakra, elemental chakra, genki, she even pricked her finger and let a few drops of blood on it, but it remained unyielding in its mystery.

"It's as if the crystal itself doesn't want to reveal its secrets," Seraphina observed, her ethereal form gently glowing.

Faye sighed, placing the shard back into her pouch. "You're right," she conceded.

Seraphina offered a comforting presence, her form shimmering softly. "Perhaps it will reveal itself in time, or the answers will come to you when you least expect them."

With determination in her eyes, Faye flicked her wrist once more, causing the shard to vanish back into the pure realm. She then approached a local merchant, a middle-aged man with a friendly demeanor.

"Excuse me," she began, "I've heard talk of a threshold, a way to get to Irkalla. Do you know where it is?"

The merchant nodded in response. "Ah, you're looking for the threshold, eh? It's east of Pingshu, quite a journey you'll be undertaking. Would you like to buy some goods for your travels?"

Faye chuckled. "Ahaha, no, I think I'll be fine, thank you," she replied.

With a sense of gratitude, Faye turned away from the merchant and, with Seraphina by her side, initiated the opening of a rift to Pingshu using the Marketplace network system. Stepping through the rift, she continued her quest, determined to unlock the mysteries surrounding the crystalline shard.

Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 20
Damage points: N/A
Description: Reminiscence of Loki is a supplementary technique which is activated through a mental command, which consumes no time whatsoever which allows it to be used within the same timeframe as another technique. Upon activation the user releases an amount of chakra into the nearby vicinity attracting a peculiar form of Genki, which instantly consumes the given energy and gains a duration of 3 turns on the field. These Genki share a mental link with the user, and is commanded to act through that link of communication, essentially the user is unhindered should he perform actions while the Genki act on his behalf, as they're are ordered by will and conviction alone, as the sacrificial portion of chakra was already given. Next is what makes these Genki special, is their ability to don themselves around an object or technique, preferably a technique of the user, which allows the Genki to share it's spiritual properties with the technique temporarily transferring the technique to the Pure World. While in the Pure World, the presence of the technique is masked by the untrained eye. Similar to how Jorth's Personification can manipulate it's influenced objects, so can Roki no Omoide, which allows a technique to be directed in different paths while in the Pure World, and finally be transferred back becoming tangible once more , however it requires a one turn wait before it can return from the Pure World, and costs +10 chakra every turn it remains in the Pure World. The technique lasts 3 turns when used, and can be used maximum of four times per battle.

End of Mission.
LLM via Marketplace Network Rift to Pingshu.
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Mar 5, 2020
Trait Points
Officially spawning in the Degarashan Marketplace as Zhongli.

This message marks the beginning of my storyboard mission that contains the follow elements:
  • Explore a Landmark
  • Learn of the Existence of Regents
  • Discover the Change to the World
  • Secure Travel Across the Ocean
Rank: D
Description: It had been several years since The Listener had last walked the material plain. Once more, the Surgebinder returns from the Throne, but much has indeed changed since then, and leaves him wondering what happened while he rested.

The air surrounding the market district of Degarashan was as one might expect it to be: An ordinary afternoon, one with a calming, steady breeze that carried with it a refreshing essence that pressed against the bustling rumble of the market's affairs. The naturally invigorating environment was only truly enhanced by the kindness of the populace that relished in the peace and prosperity that appeared to be afforded to those there. A true difference from what was once the ruins of a great nation not long ago, leaving much to be desired for any who knew of it's historical past..

Suddenly, a disruption was felt upon the air, just off to the outskirts of the market and along the waterline, where peers were lined in extension into the Kanashii Ocean. A slight chill overtook a small space in its full radius, only for the air itself to begin carrying with it a sense of static that played across the skin of any who would come near it. Suddenly, faint wisps of golden vibrancy began to fall into circular rotations around the space, as though drawn to it from just beyond the reach of one's vision to tell where they might have been appearing from. Slowly yet surely, all of these wisps began to form into an immense torrent, their numbers formulating into a mass that began to rotate in an immensely rapid fashion, their glow brightening with each passing moment before in one final dense flash of light, they had dispersed. In their place now lingered a faint fog of what appeared to be smoke, yet the air kept a sharp chill to it that belied the natural warmer atmosphere of the day. Standing amidst the smoke was that of a tall figure, cloaked in a white hooded garment that stretched lengthily across his entire posture like that of a robe that held snug against his outline.
Type: Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: B-S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 20-40
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Considered the father technique of Era of Gods and Dynasty of Kings, Epoch of Titans uses the Surge of Evocation's ability to teleport objects and Surgebinders to the Throne, and return them to the field.

The Wandering Sea - Bending Space

The user, instead of applying this technique to their own body, can manifest Prana around any object or feature of the terrain to teleport it to the Throne and return it immediately or with a delayed timer. The teleported object can either reappear in a new location instantly, in the same manner as the user's own teleportation, or the user can set a delay of up to four turns and it will return on the first turn after the said number of turn elapses (e.g. a delay of 4 turns, the casting of this jutsu counting as the 1st, means it will reappear at the beginning of the user's 5th turn). The user can also create a technique or familiar with an aura of prana, which can only take affect in the same turn it is created, that allows the technique to teleport itself to a new location. This applies to virtually all type of jutsu except those which are streamed, as the user would find themselves unable to progress to this technique before the other reaches its end. This application occurs in the same timeframe as the jutsu cast and offensive jutsu teleported in this manner must reappear a minimum of five-meters away from any opponents unless the user is also within short-range of that opponent, in which it must reappear at least one meter away. The user cannot teleport any object or jutsu to or from a 1-meter distance from any opponents. However this entire variant cannot be applied to the opponent's jutsus which exceed B-Rank in chakra and it cannot be used on Noble Phantasms or Custom Weapons.

The Everlasting Heaven - Warping Time

This variant involves surging a large amount of Prana throughout the user’s body in order to enter the Throne. Their body, and everything on their person, will disappear instantly in a flash of light reflecting the color of their Prana. The user will then reappear amidst another flash of light at a location of their choosing. If the user reappears within less than a meter of the opponent, the opponent can react with any instant, passive or freeform or chakraless technique. Reappearing is accompanied by a crackling sound, creating both an audible and visual queue. The instant use of this technique, which doesn't take a slot in the timefreame, is enabled by the fact that the ethereal energy already exists within their chakra systems. Thrice per battle the user can utilize a stronger version of this ability (S-Rank) to prolong their stay in the Throne. This allows them to exist within the alternate dimension as Prana, which effectively places their body in a stasis. This halts blood loss, the propagation of poisons, the duration of active techniques/abilities, and any other aliments or conditions. This will happen for as long as the user is within the Throne. The user can only remain there for a maximum of four turns per usage. The first application, considered A-Rank, can only be used once every three turns. It can also only be used four times per battle. The second application, considered S-Rank, can only be used three per battle and operates on the same cooldown as the A-Rank version. S-Rank applications render the user unable to use S-Rank or higher Prana for the next turn, if the user remains in the Throne for longer than a turn.

With a steadying inhale, the man slowly lifted his eyes; a radiant, piercing amber glow to them that began to look around with careful
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attention. He was careful to study his surroundings, taking in the glow and presence of the now brimming port-state in which he was seemingly.. unfamiliar with? The sprawling granite streets, the refined, clean architecture that flowed from one building to another throughout the entire market and further beyond into neighboring districts. Yet the most fascinating thing of them all that he could make out was that of the shimmering star-like glow that bellowed upon the horizon to the North, hovering atop the peak of a pearly white tower. After awhile, a look of uncertainty, though calm, began to steadily draw along his visage.
"How strange.. Since last I was here, Degarashan was mere rubble.. Quite curious." The man's voice at last broke through the air. He had spoken to himself in this instance, yet as his gaze fell from his inquisitive glances back to more nearer proximity, he noted he was most certainly not alone. Many of the locals that were visiting the docks were witness to his peculiar entrance. Each of them either made a swift effort to evacuate the area for fear of what he might bring with him as an unknown, while others opted to stare on in gawking curiosity. While his appearance was certainly bizarre, he had no weapon to speak of, nor did his posture resemble one of hostile intent. Taking advantage of those that stayed nearby after his emergence, the man offered a gentle bow of his head toward one before continuing to speak. "Good day. Pardon my disruptiveness, but might I ask.. where are we?" No one seemed extensively eager to break free from their awe long enough to formulate an immediate answer for him; others were merely puzzled by the question, curious of how he couldn't possibly know where he was.

Finally, one younger woman, nary older than one barely capable of handling her own dry-cleaning broke the lingering silence and offered him an answer. "You're near the heart for the nation of Solanaceae, sire. This is Degarashan, the crowned Marketplace. I'm surprised you didn't know that.." That settled it.. He was in fact where he believed himself to be, yet the girl's account of the location carried with it parts he was not at all familiar, which required further investigation. "Sol.. -anaceae, was it? If you wouldn't mind but humoring me a moment.. Would you explain Solanaceae to me?" His questions only continued to draw bewildered looks his way as most of the remaining onlooks continued to question where this man had come from, and if he truly was meant to be there at all. However, the woman whom chose to speak with him was beyond it by this point, now merely treating him as an unsorted fellow, lost in his travels. "Solanaceae is the Nation of Stars. It is ruled by the Maiden of Stars herself, Aureliana. She is the reigning divine regent that watches over these lands and is the reason we are all able to live in peace. Unlike that of the burning fields to the North from Asterion.." After the girl had finished her explanation, the man had steadily brought his arms together in a crossed state, one bent at the elbow to bring his hand up, cupping lightly at his chin as he pondered the revelations being brought to his attention. Aureliana, a "divine regent"? No doubt this was no mere embellishment.. With the state of the world in the shape it was during his prior visit to the material plain, with the manifestation of the new divinity Enkidu and the ever growing presence of more divinity in the mortal realm thereafter, it came as only a momentary surprise to hear that they were now establishing Empires of their own upon the land. It was a curiosity he needed to sate for how everything had come to be as it was now, but before that, he would have to establish his bearings and find out what the latest matters of interest were. Perhaps if he started there, he might find further answers to the past few years.

Turning his attention toward the girl more attentively, instead of facing her in a sideward posture, he offered her a gentle, reassuring smile. "Thank you for that. You have been a great help. Might you then tell me what the news is floating around?" The woman by this point had settled on being this man's guide, if nothing else, but to curb the boredom of her daily chores she was likely doing mere moments prior to his appearance. Tilting her head back she mimicked the posture He himself had taken moments ago, planting her arms together and tapping her fingers against her chin in contemplation of his question before it finally dawned on her. "Oh! Right. Well, you see my Father runs a ship here at the docks. Most of the time he is commissioned to sail goods to and from the mainlands, but lately he has been getting a lot of asks to sail to the far side of the Kanashii Ocean to a place called the Moon Isle. Apparently some strange new mineral has popped up there, people are saying they're like crystals that have practically sprouted all over the place like weeds. If you'd like, I can ask my Father to take you there so you can see for yourself." The man listened on with careful attentiveness, each word carefully compartmentalizing themselves within his memory as she finally lulled to the conclusion of offering him passage. While it was true that he might have preferred to wander the mainland and discover as much as he could about the state of the world from here, but in truth, if most places were as abnormally different as Degarashan is to him, then chances were good that he would only find himself at a loss without proper understanding and a lay of the land to guide him. With that in mind, he gave one final glance at the shimmering star in the distance before returning his attention to the woman. "How polite of you. If you would not mind then, please take me to your Father."

True to her word, the woman guided him through the lengthy docks before finally arriving at a nearby ship she had previously spoke of. While it was hardly a vessel of incredible fancy, it was at least a well built one that could no doubt haul a solid sum of bodies with minimal effort. Walking across the boarding plank, the woman lead him further onto the ship where she sought out her father as promised, waving him down with familiarity before proceeding to explain the situation to him. Upon finishing, the girl's father shifted his gaze upon the Listener, giving him a once over before settling on a decision. "Ay, I can take you to the Isle. You're certainly the lesser of the shady bunch I've been dealing with as of late, anyway. But before we get underway, what's your name, stranger?" With only a brief look of surprise, he had realized at last his name had not been uttered once since he arrived. A thought dawned on him as he wondered if any who did know his name before would still be around, yet the thought was only momentary as it served no purpose in his current endeavors, for now. Lifting his gaze to the girl's father once more, he spoke. "Pardon my rudeness up to now. My name is Zhongli. I look forward to traveling with you."

With that, the woman exited the ship after having assisted her father in preparing it to set sail. She was to wait in the city, tending to their shops while her father and Zhongli set sail Eastward, crossing the Kanashii Ocean with due haste.

This message marks the end of this mission.



Mar 5, 2020
Trait Points
Arriving from Here.

In another rather fantastical flurry of a display and a flash of light, Zhongli once again returns to the market of Degarashan, where he steadily takes pace Northward, following the fixed pathing of the streets that carried throughout the region now, heading toward the billowing star in the distance as his guiding light for his desired destination. In truth, during his travel to the Moon Isle, the Captain of the vessel whom transported him was kind enough to humor many of Zhongli's questions about the modern day; several of which brought to light the existence of "Rifts," and the immense gathering of powers from all around the world that were working in tandem to face such mysteries down. One such Rift, he was told, was in the heart of Solanaceae, or what was once the Ruins of Chungsu. All too familiar with the region from his past, he hid well his anxious desire to see the region for what it is now after having known it from before its fall, and even afterward.

With his newfound goal in mind, Zhongli proceeded along the path with a diligent pace.


Travel Itinerary: (019) Degarashan < (017) Huijin < (015) Toksong < (013) Iwabiro < (011) Noodlau < (001) Ruins of Chungsu
: GMT -8

Departing Degarashan: @7:55pm 10/04/2023
(017) Huijin < (015) Toksong: 8:55pm - 9:55pm
(015) Toksong < (013) Iwabiro: 9:55pm - 10:55pm
(013) Iwabiro < (011) Noodlau: 10:55pm - 11:55pm
Arriving at (001) Ruins of Chungsu: @12:55am 10/05/2023
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Active member
Aug 29, 2014
Trait Points
Coming from here

Ryuu stepped off the ship and stretched his muscles, eager to get moving again. As he made his way towards the gulf, he listened to the talk around the marketplace, gathering more information as to the specific whereabouts of Irkalla. With a firm destination in mind now, he was able to more confidently continue on in his journey.
