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  • Before I came to Earth - Kyrielle

    No Earthling knows of my true birth
    From before I arrived on Earth
    In a place so distant and far
    I lived on a faraway star

    With no concept of day and night
    Forever present, dazzling light
    With not on me a single char
    I lived on a faraway star

    Spending my days amongst creatures
    Just like me, with blue flamed features
    Never were we known to start war
    I lived on a faraway star

    My youth, a million years and more
    Spent learning the alien lore
    And studying the Earth from afar
    I lived on a faraway star

    Prepared for the time my star dies
    To all my kin, I said goodbyes
    We would start a new life; bizarre
    I lived on a faraway star

    ~By Ryóma
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