Custom Fighting Style Submission

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Jan 24, 2013
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~Custom Fighting Styles~

Every now and then it comes a time when you feel like creating your own special doctrine of combat, your own special fighting style. They are aditional fighting styles that may be Taijutsu Styles, Kenjutsu Styles or any other weapon styles. They can be vary variable and basically include any type of additional fighting style that fits either within the Hand to Hand Combat or the Weapons Combat.

~How to Submit a Custom Fighting Style~

Many members seem to have difficulty with creating an understandable, approvable, and original custom fighting style, so here is a short but in depth analysis on what your fighting style should consist of.

Step One: Choose a name with a Japanese translation

Use this Online Translator to help you. Be sure to name the style correctly. Don't use Japanese in Kanji form; use standard Romanji instead.

Step Two: Choose the type of your custom style:

This section, while many people blow past it, needs to be accurate because if you want to include a certain ability in your custom fighting style, the type of your style needs to be consistent with whatever that ability may be. For example, if you create a GenTaijutsu style, then your CFS cannot include elemental manipulation unless you include Ninjutsu in the type of style. Stay consistent.

Step Three: Background

This is where you create a short background of your fighting style. Not only do you need to explain the reason that the style was created, but you also need to include anything essential to showing that this style is possible. Do not write a short story here, however. Explain the essentials: who created the style and how, when, and why did they create it. This isn't your biography’s history; we don’t need to hear every detail of the epic battle in which the style was made.

Step Four: Description and Inner Workings of the Style

Obviously, this is the most important and focused part of any good submission. First, allow me to say this, if you do not mention an ability in this section then it does not exist in your style. Second, if you mention an ability in your background but don’t mention it in here, your style will be declined for inconsistencies between the description and history. Speaking of history, this is not where you include additional history of your style. There’s a section for history, and a section for abilities; this is the latter. Everything about how your style works and the abilities included in it should be included right here.

Step Five: Example Techniques

Most of you know by now that this is now a mandatory part of submissions. How many techniques you give as an example is up to you, but a minimum of one is necessary and the checker of your submission reserves the right to ask you to make more examples if he or she does not find your current example(s) adequate.

Step Six: Additional Effects and Restrictions

What you put here is all relative to what is included in the custom fighting style. Meaning that the additional effects that you have need to make sense with the fighting style. If you were submitting a style involving slow and powerful strikes, it hardly makes sense for one of your additional effects to involve increased speed. In addition this is also not where you jam pack a bunch of speed or strength boosting abilities to make your character more powerful. As a general rule, two passive effects are a good amount. That said, you cannot make these effects too great. A custom fighting style is not the place to give your character Lee’s speed or the Raikage’s strength. Finally, if you want to have extensive additional effects, then you’d better have extensive additional restrictions as well.

Step Seven: Wait for Approval

Key word: wait. Unless you have a clear question in which you simply did not understand something that you checker said or you are explicitly asked to contact a moderator, do not message a moderator about an unapproved, unchecked, or pending technique. You are not allowed to message a moderator requesting them to discuss with you how to get your custom approved.

*Things that do not qualify a Custom Fighting Style*

Below are some very common submissions that we have seen that we have constantly told people do not qualify as Custom Fighting Styles. Read this section closely, because if your fighting style violates any of the three categories, you will be referenced back to one of these rules:

  • Anything that can be done free-form is not a Custom Fighting Style. In other words, most real life styles of fighting are already encompassed by normal taijutsu. Aikido, Jiu-Jitsu, boxing; these can all be done with normal taijutsu because they only involve certain movements.
  • Contrary to popular belief, simply focusing elemental or basic chakra into a weapon does not qualify as a CFS. This can already be done by normal ninja both in the manga/anime and using simple custom techniques, so a CFS is unnecessary here.
  • Modes are not CFSes. A Custom Fighting Style is meant to change how you fight, not allow you to enter a mode or state that temporarily increases your taijutsu/ninjutsu prowess or allows you to temporarily move at blinding speeds. There’s a clear difference in something that changes your fighting style and something that enhances your fighting style. A CFS is meant primarily to do the first of the two.

~Template for Custom Styles~

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
Example Techniques:
Additional effects and Restrictions:[/B]

~Formatting Restrictions~

-No submission that uses font or formatting alterations such as underline, bold, allignement, color, size, spoilers, etc will be checked. The only exception is that you are allowed to Bold or underline the title of your style when you submitt and you can use spoilers for videos or images you need to post for references.

-An exception to the above rule is the requirement to bold the alterations on re-submissions. Its required that every altered or add part is bolded. If you simply take out something, write beneath the jutsu stating "I took out the part where...".

-When submitting multiple CFS, please do so in separate posts.


-When resubmitting a custom style that was previously declined, you need to quote the original submission and bold the parts you changed in your new submission.

-When a custom style is declined you'll need to wait 15 days to resubmit.

~Declined, Do Not Resubmit~

-When your style was declined with a "Do Not Resubmit" note, you can't resubmit that style without the permission of the Staff member who checked that style.

~Limit on Submissions, Teachings and Specialties~

-You need to be at least S-Class Ninja Rank and a member of the forum for 6 months to submit your Custom Fighting Styles.

-You can only submit 2 Custom Fighting Styles of your own.

-Each style can be taught to 6 people (according to the custom rules that each custom can be taught to 6 people each).

-To teach someone the S-Rank moves of your custom fighting style you need to have a valid Sensei status (as stated in the customs rules).

-Although a bio may use more than one Custom Fighting Style, each bio can only specialize in one fighting style. In other words, the minor boosts that a Fighting Style gives to your bio only apply if its specialized in it, which means only from one Custom Fighting Style.

~Custom Fighting Styles Techniques/Moves~

-These are to be submitted in the Thread and should follow the normal templates for a custom technique and all the rules of that thread.

-Each Custom Fighting Style can have 10 techniques, which can be submitted by anyone who learned the style if they have permission from the original owner of the style. Despite being submitted by different people, these techniques need to be taught to all that learned the style if approved and will still count towards the global 10 limit for the overall CFS. Only the owner of the style can give such permission and its not something that can be changed once given.

~Custom Jutsu Users~

-The posting of your approved Custom Fighting Style on your Custom Jutsu Thread is mandatory, along side with link to the post of approval.

-Custom Fighting Styles don't count towards your 35 own Custom Techniques limit and each style can only be taught to 6 people (exception made for all the styles pre approved before this thread)


-"Markers", or empty posts (with no actual custom style being submitted) created for the sole purpose of being edited later on, are strictly forbidden and shall be considered as nothing more than spam.

-Any post that does not contain a custom style submission is considered spam and thereby falls under the violation of the global rules of Narutobase.

~Ripping and Copying~

-You cannot copy or bluntly base your submissions in another members submission without his or hers permission. This is strictly forbidden and is a grave offense.

-If you find a submission that you feel is too much like yours or that is clearly and bluntly a copy of any of yours, please contact one of the RP mods with the link to your style and the one that supposedly copies yours.


-No one is allowed to edit his/her post after a moderator has already edited it. Resubmit if you feel that your style needs to be altered in some way.

~The Red Rule~

-The red rule exists and you should check it if you don't know what it is. Bugging any RP mod regarding styles that were declined and to which you weren't required to contact the given mod, is a breaking of said rule. The techniques are declined for a reason which is most of the times explained even if we are not required to do so. This is never respected but I urge you to start taking this seriously.


-NB's moderators have every right to deny any style we wish without true explanation, because some styles submitted do not reach a certain criteria that we feel are needed for the submission to be accepted. Please do not complain, please do not argue, just take it as it is and please move on by creating something else. Most styles however will state a reason why it was not accepted.

-This thread follows the same basic rules of the Thread.

Special thanks to Mina for the header!


Active member
Apr 7, 2010
Trait Points
Resubmitting from

Rewrote majority of the lot per your suggestion so did not bold. Would elaborate on the effect on the waves in techniques.

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Psychic Fist



The ability to ease a possessed victim of pain and struggle. Exorcism has been seen to take time but before relieving a victim, a trick was devised in calming the possessed. Using this premise, Priest developed a fighting style, replicating the basic concept of the pre-exorcism using fuinjutsu seals and close quarter combats.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:

Psychic Fist requires one to have the full knowledge of inner workings of the body. Through the use of fists/kicks and swords, one is able to mark the victim with a special seal. This special seals can also be applied through ranged chakra projectiles, particularly thrown by jabbing the fist forward or swinging/thrusting one's sword. All in all, contact with the target's body must be made, either through direct physical contact or through chakra projected from the user or weapon of this style. The projected chakra can be seen as a subtle translucent shockwave in the shape of a fist, kick or a crescent blade. The seal is instantly and automatically applied once contact is made with the parameters of this style and immediately, the effect of the seal is experienced. The seal would release chakra, similar to Tsunade's "Chaotic
Mental Collision" technique. The chakra is perhaps not harmful but immediately communicates through the nerves and changes the brainwaves to either of the types of brainwave, albeit a bit of modifications. The types of brainwaves are Gamma, Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta.

There are three forms of this style through which changing the brainwaves is efficiently focused into affecting the body, mind and chakra:

Lust of the Flesh

This form is the brunt of the fighting style and it affects the physical body of a target directly when hit. Due to the taijutsu and kenjutsu aspect of the style, the person being hit would equally suffer bodily damage in conjunction with the application of the seal.

Endowment of the Spirit

This form is the second stage of this style. After the application the seal applied changes the brainwaves and causes several effects on the mind which some would also lead to loss of chakra control. The full effects of each brainwave frequencies would be elaborated in individual techniques.

Temptation of Sin

The final but special form of the fighting style. It's special because it branches out after the first form or even stands alone. The form allows one to instead of changing brainwaves through the application of seal, the user of this style could induce same effect through barriers. When this form does not involve the first form, damage done would solely depend on the effect to the mind. The advantage though is that this is good in affecting multiple opponents at a time, but the limitation is, compared to a direct seal application, the effects' duration are naturally short lived.

As previously mentioned, the effects, apart from "Temptation of Sin" which is temporary, can be avoided, broken from, or defended from, using technique of equivalent rank before they touch the body. The style has less strong fist aspect thus is focused on its supplementary effect than its offensive, though the contact made from cqc either through chakra enhanced weapons and fists/kicks are still able to do damage.

Example Techniques:
Name: Primary Form: Gamma
The user coats his hands, feet or sword with chakra and either perform a punch, kick or a slash. The sole purpose of this form is to make direct contact with the target. Once contact is made, the user marks the targets with a seal via the medium of contact. The seal marked is Gamma(insert color) and once the seal is placed, it activates, pouring chakra into the nerves and via the nerves, restructure the target's brainwaves to that of Gamma. A bright (color) seal signifies high gamma waves while a dim (color) seal signifies low gamma waves.
Effects last for 3 turns and the brainwaves return to normal. However, it can be countered early through physical pain or healing.
Name: Secondary Form: Gamma
The user coats his hands, feet or sword with chakra and by performing a punch, kick or a slash, he'll release a wave of translucent chakra fist, punch or blade towards a target. The sole purpose of this form is for the projectile to make contact with the target. Once contact is made, the user marks the targets with a seal via the chakra wave. The seal marked is Gamma(insert color) and once the seal is placed, it activates, pouring chakra into the nerves and via the nerves, restructure the target's brainwaves to that of Gamma. A bright (color) seal signifies high gamma waves while a dim (color) seal signifies low gamma waves.
Effects last for 3 turns and the brainwaves return to normal. However, it can be countered early through physical pain or healing.
Additional effects and Restrictions:
Chakra used for this style plays on the same level as elemental chakra, thus is neutral to it.
Those who specializes in this style are mentally resilient to damage thus suffer less mental damage of any kind (-20).
Requires Fuinjutsu, Iryo Ninjutsu, Kenjutsu and Taijutsu Mastery.

⚔ Pending: Leaving for Vex, or Riker, as he previously checked it. ⚔

? Declined. This is awkward, but after consulting with other mods, we concluded that we're not gonna allow a CFS that rewires the opponent's neural network at any capacity. DNR.?
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Active member
Jul 17, 2012
Trait Points
Can't Touch This (Hammer Time)

Type: Medical/SM+Taijutsu

Background: Studying the art of human movement, medical specialist of the past have noted the human body's weaknesses in a tome. Having being passed through many ages, and wars, only a chapter of the tome remains, entitled: Joints. Finding this Tome, Taijutsu specialist with a flair for medical Ninjutsu research read and internalized this style, making it his own with every individual training session.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: During the 4th Great Shinobi War of Naruto Shippuden, Naruto Uzumaki fought and defeated the 3rd Raikage, only after hitting his massive forearm with a Rasengan to deliver the Raikage's most powerful blow onto himself, allowing him to be captured by the sealing corps. This reactionary concept applied to several martial arts has led to this style of fighting, or that uses an opponents own body against them.

Using this style of taijutsu, using one's opponents joints against them, users will find a certain offense to their inherent defense. This will come in applying force, through Taijutsu, toward a specific muscle using Medical Ninjutsu knowledge or SM Sensing. Applying taijutsu experience to this would result in the opponents move ultimately failing, but sometimes causing Ill affects to their person as well.

To master this style, users would have to submit to massive amounts of taijutsu training to master their reactions, providing a staggering x4 to their reactions by the end. This is not simply a frivilous feature, as the extreme precision needed to pull off these techniques would require such reaction.

Example Techniques: Stop Hitting Yourself
Type: Defensive/Offensive
Rank: C
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A (equal to the move countered)
Description: Facing a frontward punch, the user will duck while spinning toward the outside of the punch. Using precise accuracy, the user will deliver a punch toward the targets forearm, causing it to cave inward, directing all momentum and energy toward the target themselves, while also leaving them open for a continued assault.

Additional effects and Restrictions: Can only be used by Medical Ninja or those with Sage Mode, as long as they also have a taijutsu specialty.

⚔ Declined: Okay, there's a lot wrong with this CFS in my opinion, so I'll try and be as constructive, and concise as possible. ⚔

The first issue is the biggest, literally. That x4 passive increase to your reaction speed just won't be allowed. As per the guidelines outlined within this post, High Movement, Tracking and Reaction Speed increases at x2 are difficult to approve or justify without some form of associated drawback, or restriction. Any kind of multiplicative bonus above x3 is always a no, so your proposed x4, simply from mastering the style, is an immediate no. That kind of bonus should be mentioned within the "Additional Effects" portion of your CFS, and you will only receive this benefit if you specialize within the CFS, and does not come from simply mastering the style, aka, learning all the techniques the style has to offer. Additionally, I don't believe the passives one can achieve from a CFS can be multiplicative anymore, as movement speed increase have been limited to a max number of base levels now, with, I believe, +4 bonus to their base speed being the highest now.
Next issue is one of your proposed bases for the CFS itself. Sage Mode already comes with it's own active increase to your senses, with x2 and x3 for Imperfect and Perfect Sage Mode respectively. Trying to attain an additional, passive bonus, when you already gain an increase within the Mode probably won't be allowed, and if it is, it's doubtful the two boosts would stack, meaning you'd always have a x4 increase, whether you were in Sage Mode or not, subverting the need for the Mode entirely, at least where reactions are concerned.
Lastly is the addition of Med. Logically speaking, why would knowledge of the human body, and by your words, an emphasis on joints, increase one's reactionary capabilities? In the scenario you mentioned, Naruto was in Sage Mode, and thus benefiting from it's heightened state, which makes sense that he'd be able to react to an incoming attack, and counter with exact timing to defeat his opponent, but how would a Medical Ninja emulate this feat on their own? As a Med Nin you know about the inner workings of the body, but that doesn't translate into being able to increase your reaction speed. Knowing how the body works doesn't automatically give you reactionary capabilities equivalent to, and from the number listed in your CFS at present, exceeding Sage Mode, so you will have to come up with a more logical reason for why it would be equivalent to a Sage Mode user to let this CFS require Med on it's own.
Those are the major issues with this CFS at the moment, the first of which was an automatic decline from me. My advice would be to rethink this fighting style. Why do you want it to be either Medical Based, or Senjutsu based? From the way you've worded it, the two are mutually exclusive, and one apparently doesn't require the other, making it somewhat conflicting, especially in regards to a Med Nin without Sage Mode's reactionary capabilties. Sage Mode can achieve a state of heightened reactions, and thus allow you to perform this precise, targeted style of combat, but it's because it can already achieve those reaction speeds that it doesn't fit with what you're trying to achieve, or in other words, it's rendered useless as far as this style's passive reaction speed increase is concerned. Severely reduce that x4 to something less than either Imperfect of Perfect Sage Mode's active increases while they're active, and this becomes a non-issue, as when you enter those Modes, their boost takes precedence, thus making you more effective when actually utilizing the basis for your style. A static increase in your base reaction speed levels feel like the safest to me, but you might be able to get this to a x1.5 increase if you word, and balance/ restrict it enough, thus would probably work as a passive beenfit from specializing in this style. As for Med, it may grant you knowledge of how the body works, which you can take advantage of in close quarters combat, but on it's own it doesn't provide you the reaction speeds you want to achieve with this style. Maybe think about making this a Medical-Senjutsu based Fighting Style, taking advantage of Sage Mode's reactionary capabilities, and a Medical Ninja's innate knowledge of the body. Yes, it becomes more restrictive in regards to who can learn it, but it removes the potential conflict of making it a "one-or-the-other" style. Finally, while it does have two names, I believe it's a requirement to give all Jutsu a Japanese name. Just Saiyan.
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Apr 15, 2011
Trait Points
Whirlpool Fist

Type: NinTaijutsu

Developed by a wandering monk who, after a brief encounter with Konohgakure Shinobi, had borne witness to the Hyuuga style and the Rasengan. As a result, the Monk wished to create a style that could utilise rotational force to inflict both external and internal damage.

Description of the Abilities and Inner Workings of this Style:

The basis of the style is that when the user strikes they will release bursts of swirling chakra that will surge through the object in question. These bursts of chakra will exert a powerful, twisting, rotational force, and thereby distort the affected object by making it spiral in (or outwards) on itself. For example, if the user of Whirlpool Fist were to strike a boulder, the chakra would phase into the boulder and the rock would visibly begin to twist in on itself. Under such compressive and twisting force, the internal structure of the boulder would logically be compromised and it may, as a result, 'implode' inwards - or, in the case of an outward spiral, burst apart. The possible effects of Spiral Fist on the human body, then, cannot be understated, as it can make bones twist in on organs or organs twist outwards on bones - crushing or rupturing the internal structure of the human body.

Much like an actual Whirlpool, the attacks of Whirlpool Fist will have a greater area of affect the further they travel from the initial point of contact, but force of the twisting distortions will be most potent at the centre, and at the initial point of creation. However, depending on the medium and technique in question, there are exceptions and amendments to this general rule.

Whirlpool Fist however is not limited to being used on only tangible structures. In fact, some techniques involve 'striking' the air, for instance, to release whirlwind like shockwaves towards opponents. These shockwaves are often a mixture between fully external attacks, ranged internal attacks that will phase into and distort all in their path, and, on occasion, attacks that deal with both the internal and external simultaneously. The actual chakra of a ranged internal Whirlpool fist strike is invisible to the normal eye, however the attack can be seen or heard by how it distorts the medium by which it travels through. (for instance, the air will twist and ripple in its wake). Those with an external component will have a hue similar to that of the Rasengan.

In regards to the Taijutsu aspect of the style - the forms and stances are similarly split in two. Those used in conjunction with internal aspects of the style often bear resemblance to the forms and strikes of Tai Chi - while that which deals with the external aspect is not so dissimilar in terms of fundamental movements, but bears all the forceful aggression and quick tempo of a far more militant martial art. There exists a twist for both however, and that is that each movement will have a signature 'twisting' motion applied, to facilitate for the release of twisting bursts of chakra.

As a result, an assortment of punches and kicks are common for the style - but in addition, users also employ locks and holds. Unlike other styles that rely solely on physically grabbing a limb however, those who utilise Whirlpool Fist will 'draw circles' around an opponents limb. A simple manoeuvre that simply involves the user circling their limb(s) in front or around an opponents incoming limb (Example in spoilers: )

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By 'drawing circles' the user will invoke powerful chakra whirlwinds of rotational force that can lock a limb in place, draw a limb towards a desired - either diverting it or bringing the opponent in closer to the user, or even amputate the limb entirely. As aforementioned the spirals of this style grow larger the further they are from the initial point of release - thus attempting to simply pull a limp backwards away from a spiral may result in more harm than good.

Example Techniques:

Charybidis Strike:
Description: The user will strike an object, and, when struck, release a burst of chakra. The burst of chakra will disperse into the object with powerful rotational force that will forcefully twist the structure of the object, resulting in it either spiralling in on itself, or spiralling out into a wild eruption.

Qi Strike:
Description: The user will spiral their hands in front of them, from their hands a whirlwind of chakra will emerge, expanding outwards and pulling anyone caught within it towards the opponent. Once pulled in, the user can deliver a devastating strike to an opponent that will send them spiralling away, consumed within a burst of rotating chakra that will crush their limbs into each other

Locked Gate Soul Cutter
Description: A restraining art based on overwhelming and twisting the opponents attack. In other words, it creates the ultimate amputation technique. It seems to create a rotating like effect forming a whirlwin from Chakra which can easily cut off a limb if it happens to be in that "whirlwind"
Spiral Fist
Description: The user will punch and, while punching, twist their arm and release a burst of chakra. The twist of their arm will facilitate the release and creation of spirals of chakra around the users arm that will add to the force of the users strike.

Additional Effects and Restrictions:

Much like the Hyuuga, Specialist users of Whirlpool Fist display and increase in dexterity and handspeed - allowing their hands to move at 2x speeds.
Due to the extreme shape manipulation applied, Whirlpool Fist techniques are equal to the elements.

⚔ Declined: Okay, so, I had a tough time checking this one, mostly due to the fact that I've read The Breaker and New Waves 3 times each, and loved them more each time, but there are a couple of issues with this style that need to be addressed in my opinion. ⚔

First, while it's true that a whirlpool's area of effect increases the further you get from it's center, I don't think this would be allowed on a Fighting Style that both utilized close and long range combat without some form of limitation in scale to the whirlpools you're generating. In either case, without a specified limitation to how big either can get, you can simply say they get bigger, or extend beyond the initial target, and render most ways to counter invalid. For example, in cqc, as an opponent's outstretches their arm to punch you, you could say you draw one of those "circles" around the arm, and in response they attempt to dodge it, or somehow enhance their arm in an attempt to tank it. You could then say it's range extends beyond just their arm, tearing their torso and other various parts of the body, without explicitly stating it beforehand, rendering their move invalid, and most likely giving you the win, and if not, giving you a major advantage, simply due to ambiguous wording. The same applies for the ranged application, especially when avoiding is attempted, as you could potentially just state that the whirlpool's effective range is larger than the distance the opponent covered to dodge it, so, you'll need to give an upper limit to the "increased area of effect" the whirlpools have. For close range applications, give them a reasonable radius, like the example image given in your spoiler, and for the ranged applications make it smaller than the cqc application, making the CFS stronger in cqc than it is at range, cause, remember, this is primarily a Fighting Style, and your ranged application sounds more like Boruto's Stealth Rasengan than Taijutsu, lol.

Additionally, if there are going to be "exceptions and amendments" to this rule that whirlpools have an increased area of effect the further away one gets from the center, you should explain them within the CFS itself. I would like to refer you to Step 4 of the first post in this thread; "If you do not mention an ability in this section then it does not exist in your style." If these exceptions and amendments aren't properly explained, as they are a potential extension of an ability you have listed, they won't be allowed in CFSJ, especially if they deviate in some unique way, so you'll probably want to fix that.

Next potential issue is your usage of the word "phase" in regards to your ranged applications. You'll need to edit this to specify that attacks can't just directly "phase through" solids, as otherwise this could render any defensive technique an opponent would throw up between them and the technique useless. I doubt this is what you intended, but again, the ambiguous nature doesn't help. Logically, if your attack is stronger than any given defense, it would distort the defense as it passed through anyway, but if a given defense is strong enough, your attack won't even "phase into" it, but rather it'd be dispersed on contact, so please clarify that to prevent confusion in future.

Finally, no x2 Hand Movement Speed. Because "hand movement" isn't exactly a quantified value in our RP, there's only general movement speed, this is a meaningless boost. Additionally, like I noted in Xicer's check above, multiplications aren't really allowed as a specialization these days. Boosts were outright banned for a while due to this kind of numerical abuse, so these days, if you're allowed anything, it would be a static increase to your base movement speed, the max I believe is capped at 4.
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Active member
Apr 14, 2012
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Old sub:
Permission to submit similar style:

Halidom (Haridomu)
Background: Many Decades ago, a reclusive group of monks began to study ninjutsu, taijutsu, and genjutsu as well as the advanced forms of each style. Fuuinjutsu is what caught their interest and its applications. They studied, not only how to empower it ,but to subdue the style in its entirety. Combining applications of Fuuinjutsu and Taijutsu, they developed Halidom.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:

Halidom takes the concept of (Kekkai Kireme no Jutsu) - Barrier Shatter Technique and combines it with Fuuinjutsu's innate ability produce and shape barriers as well as close quarter combat inspired by taijutsu. Practitioners of this style are capable of generating barriers from their body in conjunction with taijutsu movements to enhance their powers. These barriers are capable of being manipulated into shapes such as drills, spikes, etc. But are limited to weaponry/armors/shields etc and can't be shaped into animals or beast. These barriers carry the properties of the Barrier Shatter Technique, allowing them to inject chakra into other barriers of equivalent rank to shatter them.

These barriers generated from the user's body are tangible and as per nature of Fuuinjutsu play on equal terms to elements, basic or advanced.

The ability to shape and produce barriers from the user's body works in tandem with their taijutsu usage, being able to erect a spear or drill from their arm similar to the Kaguya Clan's (Tessenka no Mai Hana) - Dance of the Clematis Flower to impale the opponent with as the user goes in for a palm strike. A majority of the close combat in Authority and Order are inspired by the Hyuga's way of fighting, not by targetting chakra points, but more directly pinpoint strikes to the body in general or open palmed hit. As well as, striking the opponent in quick succession multiple times with one technique. These hits cover more surface area on the opponent's body more than a fist would allowing the strike to hit more of the opponent's body at once.

The unique aspect of Halidom plays into when these hits actually make contact with the opponent. The barriers that strike the opponent will constantly inject their chakra onto the opponent/target, disrupting Fuuinjutsu that the opponent may use or already have active ending them. This will logically follow the same rule as interacting with barriers, only "shattering" or ending Fuuinjutsu with equivalent rank or lower. Once in constant contact with the opponent, the barrier contact with the opponent, prevents them from using Fuuinjutsu from that rank or lower as the constant injection of chakra would end the fuuinjutsu immediately once it's activated.

Despite there being no "ranged" variant of this style, the user can still produce Halidom barriers large enough that can reach the opponent (for example, making producing a large spear from the center of your palm to accompany a palm strike to hit an opponent thats out of reach). Thus the barriers can only originate from the user's body.

Example Techniques:

(Haridomu: Farankusu - Pezhetairoi Syntagma ) - Halidom: Phalanx - Pezhetairoi Syntagma
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 20 (-5 per turn)
Damage points: 40
Description: The user delivers multiple palm strikes to the opponent's body, aiming for their sternum and arms mostly. As the user strikes, they produce Halidom barriers from their palms in the shape of spears, these spears will impale the opponent's body skewering them. Once impaled with these spears, the opponent cannot use B rank or below fuuinjutsu. The user is able to maintain these spears in the opponent's body for a maximum of three turns at the cost of 5 chakra per turn.

(Haridomu: Seihai ) - Halidom: Holy Grail
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30 (-10 per turn)
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user releases a barrier around his body in the shape of Samurai armor to protect the user from incoming attacks of equivalent rank. This barrier is capable of shattering barrier fuuinjutsu of A rank and below on contact by constantly injecting the technique with chakra. If the user, while wearing this armor is in contact with the opponent. The opponent is unable to use any fuuinjutsu of A rank or below until they break contact. Holy Grail can be activated and used within a turn or chosen to be sustained by the user at the cost of 10 chakra per turn.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
Must have completed Fuuinjutsu and Regular NB Taijutsu

Declined: Sorry but, even with permission, I’m not approving aspects of a CFS which are wholly identical to an already existing and approved CFS.

⚔ Pending: Leaving for Vex. ⚔
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May 28, 2014
Trait Points
New Cycle: 11/10/2018 - 11/17/2018

Submit your Customs only once they've been finalized. The staff will routinely check submissions throughout the cycle.
2. Submissions must be one post per cycle, thus however many Customs you want checked need to be included promptly.
3. Submissions mustn't be edited after being checked by a mod - they'll become invalid and thus declined.
4. Submissions may be declined, at moderator discretion, if a technique is overly lengthy for no reason.
5. Submissions from prior cycles that haven't been checked will be checked soon, please have patience.
6. In regards to your new rankings, be mindful of what you can and can't submit.

The new cycle commences with this post, and concludes precisely one week from the given time-stamp. Sorry for the delay. Anyone that that resubmits a declined custom without making any changes will receive a ban from this thread.

Extra Note: Be Mindful of the updates in this Post. Be aware of how many submissions you can and can't submit in one cycle now. Do not update techniques to add several lines of dialogue to where the original technique and the new one are two different techniques.


Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points
Mishima Hachijo


Chakra enhanced Taijutsu


A taijutsu master always studies every art they can, learning every style they can, ever evolving their style and trying to become better with self discipline. One base line that has always been shown in every style is to full the full force of your body into an attack, pushing with your entire body instead of using weak strikes of just one limb. This allows the user to put a lot more strength into an attack, dealing more damage. In addition to learning this method, a young taijutsu master then applied it with nintaijutsu and as such was about to deal out more damage with each attack than normal.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:

Mishima Hachijo is a modified form of chakra enhanced strength that allows the user to instead of gathering chakra simply inside ones fist or foot, the user will gather their entire body full of chakra, coating their entire selves. Upon contact with an opponent with an attack, the chakra is then discharged dealing enormous damage which is double that of a normal attack. The reason being that when making an attack, most taijutsu moves involve a full body movement, not just the movement of a single arm or hand.
When throwing a punch you need to be mindful of transferring as much of your body mass into the shot as possible. The more mass you can channel into the punch, the more force it will carry.

Weight classes exist in boxing for exactly this reason. The sanctioned system keeps fighters safe; a heavyweight can generate far more force than a lightweight of equal athletic ability based purely on the equation above.
The punch starts from the floor, so you need to have a strong stance to act as the base. When you put a punch into motion, energy is transferred from the floor, through the legs, into the glutes, and up into the core and back muscles. It then travels through the shoulders and triceps before finally being delivered into the fist and knuckles via a rotational and pushing movement pattern.
Technique is crucial here: there's point in having the strongest arms in the world if you can't effectively transfer energy from the floor to your fingertips.

While regular Chakra enhanced strength gathers chakra just in the fist, by gathering chakra into every single muscle and discharging it, it will increase the strength of every single muscle instead of just the hand thats contacting the opponent. Each muscle that is involved with the attack will be full and surrounded with chakra increase its strength, and then upon contact, the user maximises their elite chakra control to funnel all this chakra into the attack, discharging it all.
Through this method, of gathering chakra through out the whole body instead of just the fist, a user can double their damage on a single punch.

Example Techniques:
Mishima Hachijo: Hachi |Mishima Hachijo: Bee

Rank: S
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 40 (-15 per turn)
Damage points: N/A
A standard practice for Hachijo fighting styles, the user will charge their entire body for chakra, sustaining it for 3 turns, as a source for future nintaijutsu attacks the require chakra. This will negate normal chakra costs for attacks, instead siphoning chakra from this full body surge each turn.
-3 turn cooldown inbetween

Additional effects and Restrictions:
Users of this style require extreme chakra control, increasing each taijutsu attack by 20 chakra.
Practicing this style as a master allows the user to use nintaijutsu moves as chakra surges as they will charge their entire body full of chakra, dispelling foreign chakra up to S rank (excluding MS)

⚔ Declined: Oh. Em. Gee. So much to dissect, but, where to start...? I guess I should start at the obvious problem; this is a CFS that is, at least upon a first glance, primarily, if not solely created to give yourself a x2 boost in your Taijutsu, and whatever other advantageous boosts and effects you wish to achieve. This is compounded by the fact that you say this CFS is primarily to achieve this x2 boost through Chakra Enhanced Strength, and yet the example technique you give doesn't even mention this, instead opting for a technique that will give you the ability to avoid spending any Chakra for NinTaijutsu techniques for three turns, beyond the initial 40 Chakra Cost, and then the 15 Chakra per turn to keep it active for the two turns. Despite the fact that this is absolutely broken, which is proven when you do the math; 40 Chakra, plus 30 Chakra for the two additional turns is a total of 70 Chakra. With 3 Jutsu per turn, minus one for the activation for this Jutsu, you have 8 Jutsu slots where you potentially don't have to use Chakra. And each Jutsu being, logically at most, 40 Chakra, because you won't be pumping out Forbidden Rank Jutsu like crazy, cause you'd just kill yourself, that evens out to about 320 Chakra you can potentially save, though taking away the rather generous 70 Chakra for the example technique, which comes to a total of 250 Chakra saved, if not more if you do decide to use F-Ranks, all through a single S-Ranked Jutsu, with no restrictions but a superfluous 3 turn cooldown period between usages? This ain't Walmart where you can buy your Jutsu in bulk, and tally up the cost before you get to the till, then whip out a thousand coupons, and reduce your bill to the point that we owe you money Chakra. This is AB, and a Lannister NBer always pays their debts. This effect isn't even mentioned within your CFS itself, and thus, wouldn't be allowed, even if the CFS was approved. Example techniques are supposed to show a general idea of what you wish to achieve through your CFS, but unfortunately you've shown a very poor hand to go with your poker face, while I'm over here playing battleship. Knight to B4 btw, and I believe that's Yahtzee.

Next is the issue that there isn't an actual, physical style here. You mention a concept in martial arts where you apply the entire body to one attack, conceptualizing the body like a series of chain links, moving force from one part to the next, to the next, and so on until you make impact with the opponent, putting your whole body behind a single strike. Okay, that's fine, I'm familiar with the concept, and know it's something that's been done in a few styles, and it could certainly be applied to CES, but not in the way you're trying here, as the you only have this base concept as your physical style. In the one example I know of by heart, Renewal Taekwondo, it uses a similar concept of channeling energy from one part of the body to the other, but that's in tandem with the Taekwondo martial art, giving it actual substance, instead of just the concept of channeling energy through the body, which has been done ad nauseam if recent heartbreaking checks are to be believed. What you have here is just Chakra Enhanced Strength, a skill without any real substance, and can be broken down to "Me strong. Me hit hard. Me win.", being applied to the whole body, rather than a single point, while also using the whole body to try and reinforce an attack using a single part of the body. Do you see how that conflicts? You want to apply CES to the whole body, so you can use your whole body to enhance an attack from one part of your body. It's just not logical. Oh, and now that I'm looking at it, that passive Full Body Surge thing probably won't be allowed. At best, that can be an effect an individual CFSJ can achieve, given it surges Chakra throughout the entire body, but I'm doubtful you'd be able to get that as a passive for any and every NinTaijutsu you use when specializing in this CFS. Sorry, but there just isn't enough here that's substantial to qualify as a Custom Fighting Style. I'm really tempted to slap this with a DNR, but I want to see how you internalize what I've said here, and see if you can work past the problems I've listed. If not, there's always next time. ;)⚔
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Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
New Cycle: 11/22/2018 - 11/29/2018

Submit your Customs only once they've been finalized. The staff will routinely check submissions throughout the cycle.
2. Submissions must be one post per cycle, thus however many Customs you want checked need to be included promptly.
3. Submissions mustn't be edited after being checked by a mod - they'll become invalid and thus declined.
4. Submissions may be declined, at moderator discretion, if a technique is overly lengthy for no reason.
5. Submissions from prior cycles that haven't been checked will be checked soon, please have patience.
6. In regards to your new rankings, be mindful of what you can and can't submit.

The new cycle commences with this post, and concludes precisely one week from the given time-stamp. Sorry for the delay. Anyone that that resubmits a declined custom without making any changes will receive a ban from this thread.

Extra Note: Be Mindful of the updates in this Post. Be aware of how many submissions you can and can't submit in one cycle now. Do not update techniques to add several lines of dialogue to where the original technique and the new one are two different techniques.


Jul 12, 2009
Trait Points
Esoteric Yoga (Nankaina yoga)
Background: This style was developed by Yoga Master and Guru, Dhalsim as a way for his monks to defend themselves on long voyages from wild animals, bandits etc.
Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:

Esoteric Yoga is a fighting style based off of the Soften Body Modification technique. The Soften Body Modification Technique allows the user to contort, stretch and manipulate their body as they see fit. Esoteric Yoga (EY) is a fighting style that weaponizes this malleability. EY 's basic attacks involve stretching limbs to strike the opponent from different angles, capable of hitting them from a range (Mid Range maximum). The style becomes more complex as the user begins to involve their entire body in their attacks. One of the most effective ways to use EY, is to restrain or grapple an opponent. This is normally done by stretching the body to wrap around the desired location of the opponents body. From there, the user can decide whether to maintain the hold to restrain movement, or continue the attack by slamming the opponent into the ground, a wall etc.

Although EY is mainly an offensive fighting style and doesn't have many defensive options, practitioners of this style can offset this disadvantage by using their malleability to their advantage. EY allows the user to stretch, bend, and contort their bodies in a way that helps them evade attacks such as bending out of the way of a kunai or contorting themselves to make a fireball miss it's mark. In conjunction with the offensive capabilities of this fighting style, practitioners of EY are able to attack and evade simultaneously within reason (if the technique allows for such movement that would fit the scenario.)

Example of Esoteric Yoga(obviously minus the fire, floating, teleporting etc):
You must be registered for see medias

Example Techniques:

() -Esoteric Yoga: Salute the Sun
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 40
Description: The user extends their arms and grabs the opponent's shoulders, while they contort the rest of their body into a corkscrew. The user, while still holding on to the opponent, retracts their arms to yank the opponent forward, ramming the opponent into their contorted body.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
Must have Completed Taijutsu
Must have Soften Body Modification

Approved Orochimaru bio (comes with Soften Body Mod):

⚔ Declined: There isn't really much to this. Yeah, you've got Soften Body modification, but from the description, what you're doing with it can be done freeform, except obviously freeform dodging, or doing that at the same time as attacking, but that's not substantial enough for a full CFS on it's own. Can probably be done as a CJ if that's all you intend to do with it. It's the same issue with Zat's CFS above. Not substantial enough to fill out 10 CFSJ slots, at least in my opinion. ⚔
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Active member
Nov 29, 2011
Trait Points
- Tomahōku no Michi | The Way of the Tomahawk -
Tomahōku no Michi | The Way of the Tomahawk
Type: Tomahōku Gijutsu | Ninjutsu
Background: In the Land of Snow, there lies a cavern deep within the savage lands of the Snow. Deep within this cavern, deep within the darkness, lays a vast and enormous lake, created from the snow and cold weather. The cavern itself is held by several enormous pillars of rock, as if someone built this place, and it could easily be assumed. The reason for this, is because, right in front of this large lake lies a single scroll surrounding by numerous Tomahawks. These weapons and the scroll were discovered by a single person not so long ago. This person came to understand the interpretations and drawings on the scroll that came to represent the style which he had just discovered. The discoverer of this scroll and tomahawks would later become master of The Way of the Tomahawk.
Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: The Way of the Tomahawk is a unique and new fighting style, only having just been revealed to the Ninja World. While some practitioners of Kenjutsu and knife fighting styles will mistake it for being less graceful and complex, they would soon realize that there is plenty to learn before one can consider oneself proficient with a tomahawk. To even begin to learn and understand the complex nature of the Tomahawk, one must acquire a minimum of two tomahawks to begin with, yet as the training progresses, one must understand that a total of five tomahawks may be used in combat. These Tomahawks are unique form of small axes that are easy and quick to handle, and they are generally quite small with a triangular head, and some have a hole in the center, big enough to fit swords etc. through it. Beginning ones practice, one will first undergo basic stances and trainings. These include different strikes with a tomahawk such as overhand and side strikes. During this training one will come to learn to utilize two to five tomahawks at once with incredible precision and skill, being capable of tracking one’s own tomahawks with ease while also delivering strong and powerful, and even deep wounds and cuts to the target. Besides the close ranged usage of the Tomahawk style, which is the most essential part, there also exists the ranged aspect of the Tomahawk combat. In this aspect a practitioner will learn to throw all their tomahawks with their hands with impressive precision and speed, considering the wind and that the tomahawk is not aerodynamic. When having trained in the ranged field, one can throw all the tomahawks with such precision and skill that they will be capable of hitting a moving target of up to 30 feet away, while also hitting it with whatever part of the tomahawk they seek. Of course due to both needing tomahawks for close combat and ranged combat, the practitioner is required to be in possession of at least 20 tomahawks while in combat. Returning to the aspect of close combat, one will be trained in dual-wielding tomahawks. Starting with two and building the skill up to becoming capable of wielding five at once. Even though the essential tomahawk fighting style revolves around, being in constant offensive position, one is not only trained to deliver various and deadly strikes, one is also trained in “capturing” or “hooking” their opponents weapons such as swords, staffs etc. using their tomahawks to redirect their weapons down, to the side and out of the way. The tomahawk fighting style is specifically made to combat opponents that utilize staffs, swords, hand to hand combat etc. Having said this, redirecting the opponents weapons is an essential part of the tomahawk fighting style, utilized to open up the target and deliver deadly and deep wounds to the targets ribs, lungs etc. If a tomahawk warrior should face another of his kind, he is trained to aim for the shaft of the opponent’s tomahawk in order to quickly disarm him. The techniques and usage of the tomahawks are only limited by the practitioner’s imagination.
After having mastered the usage of the tomahawk, one may think that they have become proficient in the usage of the tomahawk, where in fact, they are still missing an important aspect of the style. One must implement chakra to become a full fletched tomahawk warrior. When utilizing the tomahawk in close combat, one must be capable of transferring their chakra into the tomahawk or tomahawks they are using, making the tomahawks sharper and stronger. Yet the chakra is also needed for more than just making them sharper and stronger, it is also utilized in techniques where the practitioner will use the chakra surrounding the tomahawks to redirect kunai, shuriken, swords and knives etc. The tomahawks that have holes in the center of the heads can be used to interlock the swords in between them, and utilizing the chakra that is transferred into them, it may lock the swords inside them being in capable of pulling them out again. This last note is usually used to simple redirect or push the sword away while then making a quick and deadly offense. Besides having the ability of sharpening the axes and using the chakra and the tomahawks to redirect weapons, it is also used to enhance the size of the tomahawks. This is done in the essence, that the chakra may be used in combat to make the tomahawks have a thick coating of chakra that is compressed to the point where it is capable of physically interact with the surroundings. As such a tomahawk that may be thrown or is aimed to cut someone, the chakra can be used to make a large coating of chakra around the head of the axe which not only enhances the size of the tomahawks head but also increases its blunt and cutting power, while it does not increase the weight of the weapon.
Example Techniques:
The Way of the Tomahawk: Undertow
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: Quite the simple tomahawk technique, where the practitioner will throw a single or multiple tomahawks at their desired target, with great precision. The tomahawk(s) thrown will all have the practitioner’s chakra within them. This chakra will when the tomahawks are thrown, immediately cause the tomahawk(s) to gain a large chakra coating that increases its cutting and blunt force. The result of the impact of one or more tomahawks will push the target back while delivering deep cuts and blunt force to the body of the target.
The Way of the Tomahawk: Reckless Swing
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The practitioner will gather a considerable amount of his chakra into two of his tomahawks which he will be wielding, one in each hand. Afterwards the practitioner will rain down on the target with multiple downward slashes which are all enhanced by chakra both cutting and blunt force, while gaining a chakra coating that causes the blunt force and cutting edge to be so severe and strong that it may blast down onto the target with enough force to force them into a kneeling position, or even if not prepared, blast them into the ground leaving a small crater with their body in it.
Additional Effects and Restrictions:
- In order to utilize this style one must be in possession of 20 tomahawks
- One must have mastery over Ninjutsu to be capable of utilizing this style
- Must be of Kage rank to learn this style
- Practitioners of this style have much faster reflexes and higher perception than the average Taijutsu Master

P a t e n t C e r t i f i c a t e

Gutsy Jiraiya, our loyal member, gave on the date the 11th of July 2014 a request for a Patent on Custom Fighting Style (The Way of the Tomahawk). I, Madāra Uchiha of the Custom Fighting Style Bureau, by the power invested in me by Caliburn, after reading the submission, have decided that the submitted style satisfies all requirements, and am therefore giving him rightfully earned patent on this style by the following;​

Tomahōku Gijutsu

Powered by Caliburn

Copyright 2014, Madāra Uchiha,

You must be registered for see images
Tomahōku no Michi: Doramu o uchikudaku | The Way of the Tomahawk: Shattering Drums
Type: Offense
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: A simple but devastating technique. When the opponent is in close range of the target, the wielder will channel his chakra through two of his tomahawks, holding one in each hand and will then swing them with tremendous force into the respective sides of the target's head. The tomahawks have been reinforced with the chakra previously channeled into them causing a layer of chakra to have been formed around the blunt side of the weapon which dramatically increases the weight and strength of it. The simultaneous strike to each of the opponents side of their head, more specifically aimed onto each ear. The force of the blow and weight of tomahawks completely disrupt the eardrum, inner ear and side of the skull. Should the target survive the blow, the destruction and damage to his inner ear would render him unable to balance himself, thus removing his ability to walk upright for more than a few seconds. It also greatly disorientates the target, practically nullifying the ability to hear and blurring their vision, along with the great pain they must endure, due to their shattered ear drum and possible broken skull as well as a massive headache.
- The technique may be performed trice per battle
- Each of the Tomahawks blunt sides has the equavalant power of a B-rank technique
- The Tomahawks in hand can be used to counter A-rank Taijutsu and Kenjutsu techniques within reason
Tomahōku no Michi: Jötunn Burēkā | The Way of the Tomahawk: Jötunn Breaker
Type: Attack/Defense
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: 80
Description: This technique makes use of the intricate style of using 4 tomahawk at once to perform a brutal yet elegant counter attack. The user first takes on his battle stance, similarly to the stance bee took to do his 8 swords style. The user has a tomahawk in both hands, in between the crease of his bent and risen left knee with the blade to the outside (how bee held a sword), and a single tomahawk in his mouth with the blade on the right side of his face. With this stance, the user uses raw chakra around the blades to suddenly expand into larger versions of the blades, dramatically expanding the length of the blades (about 2m blades now), that hold more cutting and slicing power. Using the now enlarged holes in the tomahawk blades the user can use the tomahawks in his hands to intercept taijutsu or weapons attacks within the holes to redirect their Trajectory to a different direction. As the tomahawks in the hands are being used to defend or redirect an incoming close range attack, the user swiftly rotates his hips to perform a brutal slash to the lower body of the opponent whilst also using the tomahawk in his mouth to perform a slash to the upper body. This essentially creates an attack and defense all in a single motion of intercepting an opponent. Essentially this technique can be used to create vicious and unpredictable slashes and cuts towards the opponent as well as redirect and counter incoming attacks swiftly, by moving and spinning in an unpredictable manner.
-Each Chakra tomahawk blade is B-rank in power.
-The Tomahawks in the hand can be used together to stop A-rank elemental matter based jutsu within reason
-Only usable 3 times
Taught to: Joker, Riker Slade, Shady Doctor, Strawberry, Naruto & Zapkhiel

Tomahōku no Michi | The Way of the Tomahawk
Tomahōku Gijutsu | Ninjutsu
Background: In the Land of Snow, there lies a cavern deep within the savage lands of the Snow. Deep within this cavern, deep within the darkness, lays a vast and enormous lake, created from the snow and cold weather. The cavern itself is held by several enormous pillars of rock, as if someone built this place, and it could easily be assumed. The reason for this, is because, right in front of this large lake lies a single scroll surrounding by numerous Tomahawks. These weapons and the scroll were discovered by a single person not so long ago. This person came to understand the interpretations and drawings on the scroll that came to represent the style which he had just discovered. The discoverer of this scroll and tomahawks would later become master of The Way of the Tomahawk.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: The Way of the Tomahawk is a unique and new fighting style, only having just been revealed to the Ninja World. While some practitioners of Kenjutsu and knife fighting styles will mistake it for being less graceful and complex, they would soon realize that there is plenty to learn before one can consider oneself proficient with a tomahawk. To even begin to learn and understand the complex nature of the Tomahawk, one must acquire a minimum of two tomahawks to begin with, yet as the training progresses, one must understand that a total of five tomahawks may be used in combat. These Tomahawks are unique form of small axes that are easy and quick to handle, and they are generally quite small with a triangular head, and some have a hole in the center, big enough to fit swords etc. through it. Beginning ones practice, one will first undergo basic stances and trainings. These include different strikes with a tomahawk such as overhand and side strikes. During this training one will come to learn to utilize two to five tomahawks at once with incredible precision and skill, being capable of tracking one’s own tomahawks with ease while also delivering strong and powerful, and even deep wounds and cuts to the target. Besides the close ranged usage of the Tomahawk style, which is the most essential part, there also exists the ranged aspect of the Tomahawk combat. In this aspect a practitioner will learn to throw all their tomahawks with their hands with impressive precision and speed, considering the wind and that the tomahawk is not aerodynamic. When having trained in the ranged field, one can throw all the tomahawks with such precision and skill that they will be capable of hitting a moving target of up to 30 feet away, while also hitting it with whatever part of the tomahawk they seek. Of course due to both needing tomahawks for close combat and ranged combat, the practitioner is required to be in possession of at least 20 tomahawks while in combat. Returning to the aspect of close combat, one will be trained in dual-wielding tomahawks. Starting with two and building the skill up to becoming capable of wielding five at once. Even though the essential tomahawk fighting style revolves around, being in constant offensive position, one is not only trained to deliver various and deadly strikes, one is also trained in “capturing” or “hooking” their opponents weapons such as swords, staffs etc. using their tomahawks to redirect their weapons down, to the side and out of the way. The tomahawk fighting style is specifically made to combat opponents that utilize staffs, swords, hand to hand combat etc. Having said this, redirecting the opponents weapons is an essential part of the tomahawk fighting style, utilized to open up the target and deliver deadly and deep wounds to the targets ribs, lungs etc. If a tomahawk warrior should face another of his kind, he is trained to aim for the shaft of the opponent’s tomahawk in order to quickly disarm him. The techniques and usage of the tomahawks are only limited by the practitioner’s imagination.

After having mastered the usage of the tomahawk, one may think that they have become proficient in the usage of the tomahawk, where in fact, they are still missing an important aspect of the style. One must implement chakra to become a full fletched tomahawk warrior. When utilizing the tomahawk in close combat, one must be capable of transferring their chakra into the tomahawk or tomahawks they are using, making the tomahawks sharper and stronger. Yet the chakra is also needed for more than just making them sharper and stronger, it is also utilized in techniques where the practitioner will use the chakra surrounding the tomahawks to redirect kunai, shuriken, swords and knives etc. The tomahawks that have holes in the center of the heads can be used to interlock the swords in between them, and utilizing the chakra that is transferred into them, it may lock the swords inside them being in capable of pulling them out again. This last note is usually used to simple redirect or push the sword away while then making a quick and deadly offense. Besides having the ability of sharpening the axes and using the chakra and the tomahawks to redirect weapons, it is also used to enhance the size of the tomahawks. This is done in the essence, that the chakra may be used in combat to make the tomahawks have a thick coating of chakra that is compressed to the point where it is capable of physically interact with the surroundings. As such a tomahawk that may be thrown or is aimed to cut someone, the chakra can be used to make a large coating of chakra around the head of the axe which not only enhances the size of the tomahawks head but also increases its blunt and cutting power, while it does not increase the weight of the weapon.

Taking this style one step further, the user is capable of not only using basic chakra to coat the tomahawks to increase the diversity of their style, but also use elemental chakra as well. Using the applications of the basic 5 elements the user can increase the versatility of the style. For example, adding lightning release for numbing effects on contact wind release to increase the cutting potential, or even earth release to increase the weight of the tomahawk on impact to cause a more devastating strike.

Example Techniques:
The Way of the Tomahawk: Undertow

Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: Quite the simple tomahawk technique, where the practitioner will throw a single or multiple tomahawks at their desired target, with great precision. The tomahawk(s) thrown will all have the practitioner’s chakra within them. This chakra will when the tomahawks are thrown, immediately cause the tomahawk(s) to gain a large chakra coating that increases its cutting and blunt force. The result of the impact of one or more tomahawks will push the target back while delivering deep cuts and blunt force to the body of the target.
The Way of the Tomahawk: Reckless Swing
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The practitioner will gather a considerable amount of his chakra into two of his tomahawks which he will be wielding, one in each hand. Afterwards the practitioner will rain down on the target with multiple downward slashes which are all enhanced by chakra both cutting and blunt force, while gaining a chakra coating that causes the blunt force and cutting edge to be so severe and strong that it may blast down onto the target with enough force to force them into a kneeling position, or even if not prepared, blast them into the ground leaving a small crater with their body in it.
Additional Effects and Restrictions:
- In order to utilize this style one must be in possession of 20 tomahawks
- One must have mastery over Ninjutsu to be capable of utilizing this style
- Must be of Kage rank to learn this style
- Practitioners of this style have much faster reflexes and higher perception than the average Taijutsu Master

P a t e n t C e r t i f i c a t e

Gutsy Jiraiya, our loyal member, gave on the 26th of November 2018, a request for a Patent on the Custom Fighting Style, The Way of the Tomahawk. I, Imperfect of the Custom Fighting Style Bureau, by the power invested in me, after reading the submission, have decided that the submitted style satisfies all requirements, and am therefore giving him rightfully earned patent on this style by the following;

Tomahōku no Michi | The Way of the Tomahawk
Powered by Lord of Kaos
Copyright 2018, Gutsy Jiraiya,

You must be registered for see images
Last edited by a moderator:

Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
New Cycle: 12/11/2018 - 12/18/2018

Submit your Customs only once they've been finalized. The staff will routinely check submissions throughout the cycle.
2. Submissions must be one post per cycle, thus however many Customs you want checked need to be included promptly.
3. Submissions mustn't be edited after being checked by a mod - they'll become invalid and thus declined.
4. Submissions may be declined, at moderator discretion, if a technique is overly lengthy for no reason.
5. Submissions from prior cycles that haven't been checked will be checked soon, please have patience.
6. In regards to your new rankings, be mindful of what you can and can't submit.

The new cycle commences with this post, and concludes precisely one week from the given time-stamp. Sorry for the delay. Anyone that that resubmits a declined custom without making any changes will receive a ban from this thread.

Extra Note: Be Mindful of the updates in this Post. Be aware of how many submissions you can and can't submit in one cycle now. Do not update techniques to add several lines of dialogue to where the original technique and the new one are two different techniques.


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Sep 10, 2008
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Dangan Geijutsu - (Bullet Arts)

Background: As Ninja Technology has developed so has the need for shinobi to be able to quickly implement these new weapons into their fighting styles in order to survive on the battlefield. As time has passed more and more shinobi have come to know the power these weapons can have alongside their combat. The Bullet Arts is a unique combination of these two worlds, combining the usage of Scarborough Fair and melee combat. Using the chakra that's stored in Scarborough Fair, the user blends the line between short and long distance combat.

Sukābarafea | Scarborough Fair
Rank: S
Type: Tool
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 10-40
Damage: 20-80
Description: The Scarborough Fair is a set of four large caliber handguns that act as the user conduits for chakra. These handguns are based upon the Derringer a gun capable of rapid fire, simple, and rugged. These four guns have been crowned with the names Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme. Pushing the user's hand to hand ability to its limits, when combined with the user's chakra, the guns' rate of fire and stopping power are incredible. The user will makes use of these four weapons by holding two in their hands and two connected to the back of the user's feet which are fired through the use of chakra. To stay loaded at all times, the guns passively drain up to 40 chakra (10 each) per turn. Each weapon holds up to 40 chakra magazine at which points the weapon will stop draining/accepting additional chakra. During development, Ninja Scientists recognized that some situations may require more immediate offensive output, so chakra can be actively loaded by the user by sacrificing one of their moves to fuel one or more of the handguns with chakra. This chakra can be spread among the weapons to load multiple at a time, but can only distribute up to 40 chakra between the weapons and can be done within the time frame of another technique. This allows the user to quickly stockpile the bullets damage resulting in a more powerful bullets as the need arises. Naturally, as long as the weapons are loaded with chakra they can fire chakra bullets up to S-rank depending on the amount of chakra used. It should be noted, that the user may also not expend more than 40 chakra from Scarborough Fair per turn which may be spread among the handguns as needed. These chakra bullets may be elemental or raw chakra, but this must be stated prior to the release as only a single element may be used in a turn. In the turn the user fires bullets from one of the weapons, they expend one of their moves per turn but may fire multiple simultaneously. This means the user will not be able to fire more than three of the weapons per turn. The main focus however behind these weapons lies in the fact they are held and mounted in such a way, they can be used to aid the user's melee combat. Users can supplement some taijutsu by firing the weapons in a way they act as propulsion for their movements. The propulsion increases the speed of the technique, which in turn increases the damage by half the amount of normally ranked jutsu at the expense of chakra within the weapon and thus a move allowing for more powerful strikes. For example, if the using an A-rank taijutsu, the user can supplement it by firing 10 chakra from the chosen handgun. This translates to +10 extra damage to the technique alongside additional flurries of chakra bullets which may cause collateral damage for those in close-range of the propulsion blast. This happens within the same time frame of the taijutsu when used this way, and one or more weapons may be fired if the technique permits it, each weapon fired counting as a move. There is a maximum to this however, as the user may not exceed a +40 damage threshold (S-rank) added to the taijutsu.
  • Bullets respect the elemental strengths and weaknesses but as mentioned the user may not expend more than 40 chakra from this weapon per turn. This can be done in single fire or semi automatic fashion. When fired semi auto, the resulting damage will be spread among the number of bullets fired as mentioned by the user during their turn.
  • S-rank applications cause Scarborough Fair to go into a cool down sequence, preventing usage for two turns.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:

Bullet Arts is a fighting style that relies on the user's possession of the Scarborough Fair. The four handguns are used to aid the user's taijutsu combat and help the user blend the line between close and long range combat. The fighting style is noteworthy in which that the user uses both hands and feet, the foot-mounted weapons being fired through use of the user's chakra. Able to combine hand-to-hand combat with gunfire weaponry, such a fighting style is effective enough to challenge powerful entities depending on the user's proficiency.

Many of the techniques revolve around fluid, dance-like movements that incorporate the use of the handguns in order to combat opponents both near and far through the use of Scarborough Fair's abilities. Bullet Arts is a combo-heavy fighting style which uses many multiple-hit and chainable moves. The style is about getting the opponent airborne to allow the user to assault the opponent with aerial combinations while they are disoriented. These attacks are usually initiated through the use of Scarborough Fair, the user often using the propulsion provided by the weapons to get into position and gain the upper hand.

Example Techniques:

Afterburner Kick
Type: Attack/Supplementary/Defensive
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 10-40 via Scarborough Fair
Damage: 20-80
Description: An attack that can be used on the ground or in mid-air, the user converts the chakra within Scarborough Fair into the fire element to unleash a fiery kick towards the opponent. On the ground, the user charges which sends foes skywards and allows the user to follow-up with additional aerial attacks. In the air, Afterburner Kick is aimed downwards pushing launched enemies back down to the ground stunning them.

Type: Attack/Defensive/Supplementary
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30 via Scarborough Fair
Damage: 60
Description: Stilleto is a technique used for not only closing the distance, but also simultaneously attacking the opponent. It is an offensive way to dart around the battlefield while ensuring enemies are always within reach. The user fires the handguns attached to their feet as a means of propulsion while releasing chakra a single hand mounted handgun. This propels the user towards a target at double their base speed, and slashes them with incredible quickness. This attack is limited due to its linear trajectory. This technique can be performed in mid-air.

Additional effects and Restrictions:

  • Practitioners of this style must have Scarborough Fair in their possession otherwise this style becomes completely useless.
  • Practioner must have also completed basic NB Taijutsu due to the nature of elemental taijutsu involved within the style.
  • Specializing in this fighting style, the user is capable of conserving chakra when using Scarborough Fair. This means being able to complete the techniques effectively with the use of only half the required chakra while still maintaining the same damage output.

P a t e n t C e r t i f i c a t e

LGeezy, our loyal member, gave on the 11th of December 2018, a request for a Patent on the Custom Fighting Style, Bullet Arts. I, Imperfect of the Custom Fighting Style Bureau, by the power invested in me, after reading the submission, have decided that the submitted style satisfies all requirements, and am therefore giving him rightfully earned patent on this style by the following;

(Dangan Geijutsu) - Bullet Arts
Powered by Lord of Kaos
Copyright 2018, LGeezy,

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Mar 2, 2012
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Puroresu | Pro Wrestling




While most taijutsu fighting style focus on single blows, one style differed from them all, the Pro Wrestling style. A taijutsu style born by "King" Pro Wrestle focused on keeping the distance between opponents as close as possible, using grapples to deal damage while holding the opponent close.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:

Pro Wrestling style works on the core concept of "Chain Grabs" which can be likened to "combos" where one attack leads onto another not allowing an opponent to interrupt or giving them a chance to counter. We have already seen that ninja in the naruto universe have different styles, and we specifically saw the Raikage use a 'powerbomb' , the Liger Bomb.

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Now consider that if the Raikage followed up his Liger Bomb with another powerful throw attack instead of punching away Sasuke, he could have done even more damage. Just like there are combos to be used with punch and kicks, there are "Chain Throws" that can be used when grappling an opponent.

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As you can see from the image above, not once does he let go from the opponent allowing him to seamlessly flow from one grab into the next.
This is the core style, transitioning from one grab into the next not allowing the opponent a chance to recover or escape and break free. Of course this still follows NRP rules, in that if they can avoid the first hit then they avoid the rest of the combo.
One of the key Aspects to this style however is that each move must follow a specific order, it cannot jump randomly between grabs. For example one cannot be holding an arm and then jump straight into a leg lock grab.
An additional rule (for balance) is that each CFSJ must logically follow either one rank up or down. IE one cannot go from a Brank to an S rank, if using a B rank, then one must use an A or C rank next.

Example Techniques:

Piruduriba | Piledriver
Type: Attack
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 60
An Arm and Chest Grab.
Lifting an opponent up and flipping them upside down, the user holds the opponent by the arms around their chest, and jumping up and rotating, slams them head first into the ground. This can be chained into an Arm or Chest grab.

Harakurana | Huracarana
Type: Attack
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 40
A head Grab
Flipping forward with the users legs, they lock around the opponents neck and pulling backwards, flip the opponent into the ground leaving the user sitting on the chest of the opponent. This opens up into a Head or Chest Grab.

Additional effects and Restrictions:

Declined, Upon Request of the user.
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Oct 22, 2009
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Pillars of Atlas
Type: Rinnegan/suplementary

Over the years there have been various shinobi that have advanced their doujutsu to the level of the rinnegan and with it gained the ability to create the black chakra rods as seen through all the paths of pain, but there was one who found a new potential in the art, Zeref (Nagato skin bio). Through his travels he would immobilize his targets through impaling them with these rods forcing his own chakra and will onto them, but that just wasn't enough for him, some were stubborn until their minds broke or their bodies, so he had to find a new way to use these to his advantage. Finding various people to test them on he would create different uses through these rods. Through the use of his Preta path in the rod, he would be able to absorb chakra out of someone or something, instead of forcing his chakra into them. Through his Asura path, he could enhance the rods, adding a mechanical feature to create jets or spikes from the rods, much like he could create a spiked tail from his body, using these rods as an extension of his will. Though no matter how hard he tried he couldn't use the outer or deva path through these rods.

With time, he would even be able to reshape the rods to make them more useful, though only ever being able to create them from his own body, and from there bending their shape to increase their use.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
The entire style is based around using the black chakra rods in different shapes/sizes to act as extention of the rinnegan abilities. As we have seen in the series, these rods act as a reciever to the uses chakra as they transmit it, be it to a corpse, edo or even when pein used them to pin down Naruto stopping using his chakra, due to it being unstable. What this style does is enhance this basic skill of the rinnegan to take them a step further.

This style can be proven possible through one simple fact. Pein's path's were created by Nagato transmitting chakra of each path into these black rods to then flow into the bodies. These rods are able to receive a specific chakra from a path. Rather then then flow this into a body to enhance the body, this will be used on a smaller scale through the rod itself. What this will mean is each path will have it's own specific limits to what it can do through these rods:

[ Chikushōdō]- Animal Path
Though it may seem like their isn't a lot this could do, there are a couple of unique uses. As the user releases the rod from their body to a location, they could wipe their blood on it in the process. What this will do is use the rod as a medium for the summoning jutsu, while the user would still need to the rest of the hand seal process for this. The other application would be to impale as summon of an enemy and disrupting a chakra flow.

[Shuradō]- Asura Path
A path based on mechanical reconstruction is ones body to mimic the god itself, this would be able to mechanically enhance a rod. Normally a users body can create extra faces from nothing, a tail, extra arms etc, jets, all we have seen to date. What this does is the user can mechanically reconstruct the rods in minor ways. Creating a jet from the back to increase its speed, adding a rocket to the front to make it more deadly, a laser to shoot out, create a single eye to make use of the linked vision. Various applications on a smaller scale.

[Ningendō]- Human Path
A path based on reading ones mind, which can be used through the rod. In this sense, on contact with a target, the rod would be able to read their mind for that one instant to show the user the targets next action running through their mind, allowing the user to begin their counter before the action has even been made, doubling the users reaction time. This wouldn't Allow the users to break the rules of the timeframe, just act quicker. The other side of this would be to disrupt the targets thought process for a single moment, reducing the speed of their actions by half as they struggle to think straight.

[Jigokudō] - Naraka Path
Naraka path is that of interrogation, pain showed this when he sought out Naruto in konoha. To use this on a target, they would have to impale them with a rod, and through it, stun them, as the king of hell appeared to lay judgement upon the victim. The impaling replaces the user needing to grab their target. Through this it is a case of only the truth will set you free as the target would be stunned the moment the rod impaled them beginning the process.

[Gakidō]- Preta Path
One of the most useful paths, the power to break down anything and absorb it regardless of the power, though when used at a distance and through a rod it doesn't have the same extreme effect, more like a shadow of the original ability. It has two uses, one would be the user infusing the rod, throwing it and releasing a small barrier around the rod to draw a jutsu in, absorbing it into the focal point, which is the rod itself, breaking a jutsu down into raw chakra hitting the rock and imploding in on that point. The second use would require the rod to stab a target, in doing so, connecting to their chakra system and drawing out their chakra. In a similar way to nagato transmitted chakra to his paths, this would draw out the chakra from a target and send it to the rinnegan user.

The style is made unique through the rods being the medium for the path's abilities, rather than through a corpse, though in doing so the effects are not as strong.

Example Techniques:


[Shuradō Tethys ] - Asura Path
Rank: B
Type: Offensive
Range: short - long
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: 40
Description: Through the user of asura path, the user can release their chakra through one of their chakra rods to open up a compartment on the end to form a single missile, while at the other end, the jet like propulsion system would form. What this would do is from a simple chakra rod into a missile the user can control and direct at will, similar to the cannon variant using the rod as a medium and on a smaller scale with a single missile.

Note: Can only be used by Rinnegan bios.
Note: Requires the user to have the (Shuradō) - Asura Path active.

[Shuradō ] - Asura Path
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: short - long
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
Description: Instead of opening up their body such as their head, the user will release their chakra into one of their chakra rods, opening up a compartment on the end of it to release a single focused laser beam that plays on part with elements. This is only as wide as the rod itself though. This open compartment shoots a very dense and concentrated beam of chakra that travels at blazing speeds. The dense concentration of the beam makes it strong enough to play in equal terms to elemental techniques of the same rank.

Note: Can only be used by Rinnegan bios.
Note: Requires the user to have the (Shuradō) - Asura Path active.

[ Chikushōdō]- Animal Path
[ Chikushōdō: ]- Animal Path:
Rank: B
Type: Offensive
Range: short - long
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points:
Description: This is a jutsu that creates a variant to the summoning jutsu. The user will release a chakra rod from their body and in doing so, apply some of their blood to it. What this do is allow the rod to become a medium for the summoning jutsu. The user will then perform the summoning jutsu as normal but the summon itself will appear where the rod is if it's not been destroyed. The user will merely need to post the summon used for reference as this is used as an extention of the summoning itself not taking up an additional jutsu slot. As seen my pein, it is possible to summon his bird through someone, like he did on Ibiki. For the user to do that the rod would have to make contact with the person and would do damage equal to the summons rank.

Note: must have animal path active
Note: Can only be used four times.

[Ningendō]- Human Path
Rank: B
Type: Offensive
Range: short - long
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points:
Description: The user will release their chakra into one of their chakra rods and on contact with a target, the rod would be able to read their mind for that one instant to show the user the targets next action running through their mind, allowing the user to begin their counter before the action has even been made, doubling the users reaction time. This wouldn't Allow the users to break the rules of the timeframe, just act quicker. The other side of this would be to disrupt the targets thought process for a single moment, reducing the speed of their actions by half as they struggle to think straight.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
- Must have rinnegan to use this style.
- Must have the relevant path active to use the abilities

Approved Rinnegan Bio

⚔ Pending: Leaving for someone else. I don't believe I am qualified to check Rinnegan Customs. ⚔

Declined, DNR: Idk where to start with this one tbh, chief. But, in general, the idea of using dojutsu exclusive abilities from another source besides the body isn't approvable, especially in the case of chakra rods. In addition to that, there are various errors about how the paths work placed throughout the submission like seasoning. Unfortunately, while it sounds cool on paper, the concept isn't plausible or approvable.
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Feb 27, 2009
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( Taka no Kata ) - Way of The Hawk
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Type: Ninjutsu/summoning


Zenryoku first formed the summoning contract with the Giant hawks many years ago, forming a bond and even developing the great hawk lord style. Over time he would visit where they resided to learn more each time from the majestic beasts. As he did, he noted skills of theirs in which they would release their own feathers from their bodies and control and enhance them through the use of chakra for great attack and defensive purposes. Through this Zenryoku would then develop his own unique fighting style utilizing the feathers of the hawks of which he signed a contract with and eventually he would pass on to others that had signed the contract.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:

As seen with many animal summoning contracts, the users of the style can adapt and use skills that are the same as summons, for example, the ninja that have use of the toad contract can use toad oil without the summon present. In the case of the Way of the Hawk, the user can create and control feather of the giant hawks, controlling and enhancing them for their own unique style. Similar to how Itachi showed with his genjutsu, the use of crow feathers, this style will use the feathers in actuality to enhance the users style, using a few unique traits. The user will be able to summon the feathers creating them from their body with chakra or with a type of summoning jutsu to have them at their disposal, or even use them through their hawk summons. They are also capable of enhancing the feathers through infusing them with chakra to make them harder, sharper, more dangerous in general but this also due to the nature of applying pure chakra, can help provide them with the ability to combat elemental ninjutsu of equal rank and below. The user will be able to apply seals and such to the feathers to create a binding method and such within the distraction of a swarm of feathers. Other such methods are that due to how the feathers can be distracting and draw attention in their erratic motions, they can be used in a way to induce genjutsu. Another unique part of the style is that through summoning application, the user could also create wings, mixed with chakra for strength and durability, that will enable them to physically fly and mimic their summoning partners somewhat in battle. The use of wings may also be used as a means to avoid techniques when in flight which will result in the usage of a move slot. This style enables the users of the style to fight in numerous different ways, effectively enhancing their range of ability during combat. A unique trait of the style is that the user can choose their own feather colourations, which mimics the multitude of different coloured feathers that Giant hawks have, for example the user can choose to use black, grey, white, brown feathers.

Example Techniques:

(Feather blade furry)
Rank: A
Type: Attack/Defense
Range: short - long
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
Description: Through the user of a single handseal, from his body the user will creete several hawk feathers that float around the user. From here the user will infuse their chakra into them, hardening them and increasing their cutting and destructive power, being able to release them in any directio and control them through hand gestures.

(Hawk lord binding)
Rank: A
Type: Attack/Defence
Range: short - long
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
Description: Through the user of a single handseal, from his body the user will creete several hawk feathers that float around the user. From here the user will infuse their chakra into them, taking control, and releasing them to wrap around the target. On these feathers will be a sealing formula that will bind the target, restricting their movements and stop them from using jutsu above A rank. The user can also use this by creating feathers in the sky to fall down as though a hawk had just flown over, similar in appearence to the temple of nirvana genjutsu.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
In order for a member to be capable of performing the Way of the Hawk, they must first have signed the Giant hawk summoning contract. They will also be required to have learnt Fuuinjutsu in order to perform the various techniques that incorporate the use of seals and have mastered the use of ninjutsu.

⚔ Declined: Okay, this is a great start to be frank, but there's a couple of problems with it. ⚔

For starters, you mention Fuinjutsu in the style's Description, and the Additional Effects & Restrictions portion of the submission, but it isn't in the Fighting Style's Type. It's only Ninjutsu and Summoning (which itself is Ninjutsu, lol). You did the same thing earlier in the Style as well, stating you can use the feathers as a way to induce Genjutsu, but, again, the Style lacks Genjutsu in the type. Refer to step two of the first post in this thread, as it clearly states that you need to be consistent with this section specifically. Basically, if an ability or field isn't stated here, it isn't in your Fighting Style, so you'll need to more clearly define what can and can't be done via this Fighting Style before you fix the underlying issues. Speaking of which, the next issue is that there's nothing that makes this a "Fighting Style", which generally need to have some kind of CQC aspect to them. Both of your example Jutsu, the Type, and even the description itself don't really describe any kind of Taijutsu/ Kenjutsu aspect to this Style. What you currently have is just a feather-based projectile Custom, with Raw Chakra and Fuinjutsu thrown in so that it's not boring, which doesn't need to be a CFS. Try and give a thought to where you could incorporate feathers and wings into CQC. I personally recommend or .

Next, the way you reference users utilizing Toad Oil makes it sound like this is a Fighting Style based on the "Naturalist" biography specialization, as that's the only real way Summoners can produce the same materials as their Summons, but you don't really mention that specialization itself. You allude to it like it's proof, or the basis for the Style itself, but then kind of forget about it entirely. Does this CFS need that specialization to create the feathers or not? Are they physical feathers that you generate from your body? Are they pure Chakra? Are you summoning feathers themselves with the Summoning Jutsu? The way you word the infusion portion makes me believe it's the first one, but you're kind of all over the place to be frank. At least when it comes to using them via Summons it makes some sense, as they already have the feathers, so you have a finite, but reliable source, so there's no issue there, but you really need to just pick one of the other 3 and stick to it. If you're using Chakra to create/ generate these feathers/ wings from your body itself, physically, then that will no doubt require any biography that utilizes this Style to have the "Naturalist" specialization. If you're summoning them, then that's probably going to be a CFSJ in and of itself. Honestly, I recommend you make it so that the CFS requires the Naturalist specialty, but in return, you can maintain wings from the style at all times as a permanent addition to your biography, that way you gain a permanent addition from the style, and always have the wings/ feathers ready to be utilized by the Style. This would also tie-in to the issue mentioned in the first portion, specifically the lack of CQC aspect. If you always have the Wings active, you can make part of the CFS based around utilizing them in CQC, while also making them usable in freeform. From there, you just need to clarify and fix the smaller things I mentioned earlier, and you'll be way closer to approval in my opinion, but, like I said, this was a great start.
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Apr 15, 2011
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Void Sword (Soranoken)

Type: Ken/Fuuin/Nin
Background: Created by a wandering swordsman. This style was created to transcend the material, and all other Kenjutsu styles. It’s creation ushered in a blade that could not be denied, a blade that could cut through anything.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: Void Sword is a style that makes usage of the ‘Sealing’ aspect of Fuuinjutsu alongside fluid, dance like applications of Kenjutsu for devastating effects. Void Sword can effectively be broken down into two seperate, but complementary principles; sealing what was cut, and sealing what is cutting.

The first application is what gave Void Sword it’s notoriety and it’s name. This application involves spreading Fuuinjutsu formulae’s along the users weapon for a variety of effects. The most basic is that instead of the users slashes, cuts and stabs producing physical lacerations on the entity struck, a user of Void Fist will instead ‘seal’ away what their weapon touches. A ‘cut’ will still be made, but it’s very nature will be different, created not by physical force but rather by a surgical like application of Fuuinjutsu where whatever the blade presses against is sealed within. More advanced applications might have the Fuuinjutsu formulae spread to seal struck objects in their entirety, or produce shockwaves of ‘sealing mist’ from the blade, with effects not at all dissimilar to the canon Fire/Water/Wind/Earth/Lightning Sealing Method, which serves a mirror purpose to physical shockwave Kenjutsu techniques such as the ‘Slicing Crimson Wave’, thus allowing ranged bladework assaults. When something is bisected by the sealing of Void Sword it may cease to function correctly if what was removed was required for its function. So, for instance, if a human were to have their head separated from their shoulders by void sword, it would render them incapable of further combat unless what was removed is unsealed. Eerily, when void sword cuts a living being, lacerations will not bleed as the attack will not rupture blood vessels, and instead ‘cleanly’ sever and seal what is cut.

The second application is sealing the weapon itself. Through this usage various elements of the blade can be sealed, or unsealed. The most two fundamental applications are sealing weight, allowing the user to slash faster by wielding a lighter blade, or sealing it’s size, allowing for a smaller blade, as well as partially or fully opening the seal to the vice versa. More advanced usages involve more abstract uses of sealing, for instance the user could seal the sword’s tangibility - allowing for an immaterial sword that can pass through the physical, or even it’s ability to shift in space - producing an incredible ‘block’. The second application, in combination with a swift, flowing usage of Blade-play allows for absolutely devastating Kenjutsu attacks, such as making a blade smaller so that it can bypass the opponents defense only to undo the seal and strike with the enlarged weapon, or lowering the weapons weight to produce a faster than normal strike and returning it to it’s normal weight as it lands, or sealing the swords physicality so it can bypass physical structures and unsealing it once the blade is piercing into the opponent, and so on.

The physical aspects of this style are mainly facilitated by Fuuinjutsu, because of this emphasis is placed on agility, speed and dexterity over strength or technical power. Flowing, dance like movements are used to strike with the sword, but can similarly apply to other bladed weapons such as spears, daggers, axes and the like. Swift movements are the focus so that the Fuuinjutsu formulae can be quickly and effectively utilised.

Example Techniques:


Description: The user will slash forwards towards a target with great speed and dexterity, while extending a Fuuinjutsu formulae along their blade. When the blade contacts the target, it will effortlessly slice through by sealing the portions touched.


Description: The user will spread a Fuuinjutsu formulae across their blade as they slash. The kanji will read ‘tangible’. When the user slashes forwards their blade will lose it’s physical aspects - it will still be there visually, but it will now be immaterial like the canon ‘E-rank clones’, allowing the user to pass through enemy defenses. Then, once defenses have been bypassed, the user can undo the seal to deal a physical cut.

Vorpal Strike

Description: The user will slash their blade. As they do so a Fuuinjutsu formulae will spread along it, and release a blade-like burst of mist forwards as a shockwave. This mist will have sealing properties, capable of sealing whatever it ‘cuts’ through not at all unlike Ghostblade.
Additional effects and Restrictions:

Specialists of this style display increased agility and dexterity, experiencing a +4 increase to their base speed.

Specialists of this style can have two additional Fuuinjutsu seals in their bio. These will specifically be Fuuinjutsu seals from the ‘Void Sword’ style, pre-applied to the users choice of weapons. (Applicable Void Sword techniques will have a note stating that they can be placed in the users bio should they so wish)

Requires the user to have learned Fuuinjutsu

The user must have Advanced Fuuinjutsu to apply seals to their bio weapons.

Declined: Wew boy, lmao. Okay, we going through this from top to bottom. I'm not going to allow you to seal size or tangibility with this style. If you wanted to do the size thing, you could simply do it with ninjutsu -- a field that's been shown capable of altering size and mass. I'm not really a fan of people just throwing in seals to accomplish something that basic ninjutsu or other fields can already accomplish for the sake of it. Moreover, you fail to elaborate on what you mean by "sealing whatever's cut". Do you mean that you literally seal the body part into the blade? If so, then that likely won't be allowed in its current form due to the health rules. I.E instead of simply dealing damage to the head or arm, they'd effectively be 'gone'? Feel free to correct me if I'm misunderstanding this in the resubmission. Finally, the second specialty for this style isn't going to be allowed. Even if it's on a weapon, the number of seals your bio is pre-prepared with before a battle won't be increasing because of a simple CFS specialty. As it is now, this is just kenjutsu with a smaller blade that can release shockwaves of undefined sealing mist. And, to be honest with you, I don't really see this as having enough 'substance' for a CFS with just that, since you could simply submit it as a FuuinKen.



Just in case, I’m gonna get a second opinion here...
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Punk Hazard

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Apr 21, 2011
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New Cycle: 1/5/2019 - 1/12/2019

1. Submit your Customs only once they've been finalized. The staff will routinely check submissions throughout the cycle.
2. Submissions must be one post per cycle, thus however many Customs you want checked need to be included promptly.
3. Submissions mustn't be edited after being checked by a mod - they'll become invalid and thus declined.
4. Submissions may be declined, at moderator discretion, if a technique is overly lengthy for no reason.
5. Submissions from prior cycles that haven't been checked will be checked soon, please have patience.
6. In regards to your new rankings, be mindful of what you can and can't submit.

The new cycle commences with this post, and concludes precisely one week from the given time-stamp. Sorry for the delay. Anyone that that resubmits a declined custom without making any changes will receive a ban from this thread.

Extra Note: Be Mindful of the updates in this Post. Be aware of how many submissions you can and can't submit in one cycle now. Do not update techniques to add several lines of dialogue to where the original technique and the new one are two different techniques.


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Jan 27, 2012
Trait Points
Crackdown (Torishimari)
Medjutsu/Fuinjutsu/Taijutsu/NB Taijutsu/Ninjutsu (Barrier)/Advanced Fuinjutsu

Background: This style was created by Jason Todd when he wished to utilize the technological concept of chakra guns alongside Close Quarters Combat. This style uses acrobatic and precise body movement to get himself into oppurtune positions to fire as well as powerful and crushing strikes granted by a mastery of Taijutsu in order to maximize his damage potential, giving a ranged aspect to his close combat ability. This style also utilizes a number of additional skills available to ninja such as Medjutsu,Fuinjutsu,NB Taijutsu, Barrier Ninjutsu and Advanced Fuinjutsu in order to supplement the projectiles he releases as well as himself to bolster the effectiveness of his style in order to complete on even power with elemental techniques. In order to maximize the speed and ability of this style, he choose to create weapons out of shaped barrier ninjutsu so that he may form different firearms. The barriers look exactly as real guns do.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:

The aspects as to which the makeup this fighting style are explained below

Advanced Fuuinjutsu/Fuuinjutsu: Sealing serves the purposes of delivering supplementary effects to the user and the bullets that he fires from the gun barriers he creates. The bullets are actually small barrier seals containing chakra and different effects that the user seals into the barrier gun passively.

Medical Ninjutsu: The use of Med Ninjutsu and its knowledge of the body help not only with the user's precision and decision making in making a well placed shot in close quarters, but also increase the array of effects the user's strikes and projectiles are able to create on the opponent. Not only this, but this allows the user to use this style for supplementary medical usages of teammates and himself as well through his ammunition,

Barrier Ninjutsu: The users of this style are able to create barriers shaped as the different types of firearms they'll need for this style. These firearms are of course made of chakra and are able to be infused with different chakra forms through its "bullets" described above. The barriers are made with a powerful chakra, thus all projectile techniques of this style move at the speed of Wind Style: Wind Blade by default

NB Tai/Taijutsu: The user utilizes the expert body control, focus, and power that years of Taijutsu study brings to bring the real power to this style. The user utilizes flips, rolls, body positioning, and pure speed in order to close the distance or evade enemy techniques because of this while still being able to fire. The aspect of Taijutsu is also prevalent in the crushing and powerful strikes that this style is known for, that is used in tandem with the effects of the projectiles User's of this style are able to tie all of these aspects together for an extremely fluid style of fighting

Example Techniques:

Rank: S
Offensive Defensive
Range: Short (bullet travels to mid)
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: As an opponent moves towards the user to strike, the user will release a translucent clone similar to "( Fuuinjutsu: Bunshin Torappu ) - Sealing Arts: Clone Trap" that will take the hit instead, however this clone is made is made up of the same chakra "( Iryo Ninjutsu: Ranshinshou ) - Medical Technique: Chaotic Mental Collision" is made, and causes the opponent to stumble, stunned and unable to move their body as contact is made with it and it explodes into said energy. As the user makes the clone they quickly appear behind the opponent with speed similar to "( Ryuu Handou ) - Dragon Kick" and fire a bullet from a pistol barrier construct into the opponent's body, sending them flying while stunned and setting them up for further techniques. Alternatively, the user may also run into the opponent and perform the technique.

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Sleep Dart
Rank: A
Offensive Defensive
Range: Mid-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60 (+5 with Kick)
Description: Typically used on airbourne targets, The user will form a small pistol that fires a bullet filled with a chakra that is similar to but much more potent than the Anesthesia Technique. When the bullet makes contact with the target that will immediately become extremely groggy and the force of the bullet will cause them to fall backwards and down. As they fall, the user may dash forward and delivers a strong kick to the head of the opponent, waking them back up
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Rank: S
Offensive Defensive
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80

The user run towards his opponent, dodging any obstacles in his way and launch into a powerful drop kick. While doing so he shoots a bullet bearing a seal similar to the sealing trap explosion technique just past the target. As he does so, his feet will connect, being able to send any physical object up to S rank backwards towards the explosive seal, which will explode upon the target going backwards, sending the tagert and everything in a 2.5 meter radius flying from the explosion.
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Additional effects and Restrictions:
User must have knowledge in all relevant fields

Declined: The fuuin sealing of materials into bullets like this would come into conflict with the pending CFS ReXii currently has submitted. Outside of that, creating actual guns out of chakra (and especially with barrier ninjutsu) is a hard no. If you want this to work, you'd need to create weapons that you'd use for this style. Imbuing medical properties into your bullets is a lit ass idea though, wish I'd thought of that. Just realize that this wouldn't work with certain medical techniques. For example the Chaotic Mental Collision referenced in your example technique would require you to be hit in the same location specified in the original technique for those same effects to happen, since the paralyzation is a result of the part of that body being effected.
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ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Naraku no Soko - Path of the Abyss
A while back, Alucard and Zora created the contract for the great animals known as vampire squids and learned how to summon two of them. Let alone the mightiest of them all, Nahla. As sole lords of the vampire squids, Zora and Alucard went further with the summonings and tried to utilize their abilities in combat without actually having to summon them. Their extra limbs, tentacles, their sharp claws on their grips and their bioluminescent mucus would all be combined into a fighting style, directly tied to the contract. This fighting style would also focus on the sealing arts in terms on how the squids tentacles worked. Genjutsu because of how their mucus could be used in terms of disorientation.
Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
The fighting style lets the users have permanent access to 4 tentacles that they can project through the means of chakra passively at any time. These tentacles will allow the user to get a large upper hand in close combat as they get essentially two more pairs of arms. These tentacles can punch equally hard as their fists and lift as much as well. Each tentacle comes equipped with two sets of unique abilities as well. Upon summon, the suction cups on the tentacles have powerful miniature seals spread all across of them. Every time they get in contact with an opposing limb they can use these seals to directly drain chakra through the suction cups as well as having the limb stuck by the force of the suction cups. The seals can render the opponent unable to utilise chakra up to a certain level or in some cases be used more brutally and forcibly suck the entire opponent into one of the suction cups if all seals are working together. Bioluminescent mucus is used naturally by the vampire squids instead of ink to scare off prey. In the RP, the mucus have high illusional purposes that in this case is regarded as genjutsu as it disorientates opponents in certain ways. These bioluminescent lights comes in a variation of colors upon the users personality and are completely unique to each user of the style. The tentacles are sensitive to pressure and lets the user detect anomalies such as small wind currents(up to short-range) and if they stick the tentacles in the ground they can sense pressure up to mid-range away. But if they stick the tentacles underwater they can sense up to long-range away. The tentacles can be used in a large array of different applications such as climbing slippery surfaces due to their suction cups. In order to use the fighting style, the user needs to have a valid blood contract with the vampire squids and thus owning the scroll or have the tattoo. In case the user has a tattoo, upon learning the fighting style the tattoo will change slightly by glowing in a faint color whatever the bioluminescent color they have for the tentacles. As mentioned earlier, the tentacles also have great cutting ability as they have claws on them. This means that they can be used to create great scratch wounds and through the bioluminescent dots on the tentacles the user can release the mucus which has a paralysing property. The tentacles may not have handheld weapons but the user can still have a sword in their hands and combine it with the style if they want.

Example Techniques:

(Naraku no Soko : Shinoiro) - Path of the Abyss: Colors of Death
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: 40(-10/turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: The passive summoning of the tentacles. The user will summon four chakra tentacles which contain the properties of the vampire squids unique features as well as chakra seals spread across them. Each tentacle has the same capability and strength as one of the users arms and they can stretch up to two meters long, each. The seals scattered across the tentacles are working in conjunction with the suction cups and lets the user drain 20 chakra points per turn and per seal while maintaining contact with an opponent. The bioluminescent spots and mucus have the ability of creating genjutsu such as luring prey away or right into a trap set for a specific moment. The mucus itself can be used twice per tentacle and has a paralysing ability that stuns an opponent for two turns on the limb it touches. In other words it not a total paralysation but a local one. The claws on the tentacles can cut through solid rock up to A rank.

Note: Must have learned the path of the abyss.
Note: Each tentacle can only be created once per battle.

(Naraku no Soko: Kyūketsuki no Shiren) - Path of the Abyss: Vampire Ordeal
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user will use their bioluminescent spots to disorent their opponent and create a diversion making the user seem to be more further away than they actually are. They will then catch their opponent completely by surprise and grab their arms and legs with the tentacles. They will then use the tentacles to drain chakra and ultimately toss the caught opponent into the ground with devastating amount of force.
Note: Must have learned the path of the abyss.

(Naraku no Soko: Rinburesu) - Path of the Abyss: Limbless
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short
Chakra: 50
Damage: 90
Description: The user will use the combined effort of their seals to suck each caught limb into a seal with enough force to rip each caught limb off and sealed into the seals. This will leave the opponent in great pain and the inability to move as both their arms and legs have been ripped off from their body.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
The user needs to have signed the vampire squid contract and needs to be a summoning specialist which will grant them the ability to use the same abilities as the vampire squids. If the user choses to specialise in the fighting style their tentacles will become 2x stronger.

Declined: This is incredibly similar to Priet's Vector Cobra CFS. Even down to using Fuuinjutsu in conjunction with the CFS. The difference here is that instead of using tattoos, you're using tentacles. Outside of that, "2x stronger" is a cosmetic benefit. It's not a quantifiable boost in terms of battles, this wouldn't grant 2x damage because the strength is increased.
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