Custom Elements Bureau - III

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Apr 6, 2009
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☣ C.E.B. ☣
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Custom Element Rules:

➺ To submit your 1st CE, you have to be of Kage rank and have been on the forum for at least 10 months.

➺ To submit your 2nd CE, you need to have been on the forums for at least 18 months.

➺ You are allowed to submit a total of max 2 CE, be the student of max 2 CE and be the co-creator of max 3 CE. At any given time however your name can only appear on 5 different CE and only 4 of those can be used, meaning there is one CE that can not be used and this counts for all your bios. To unlock the 5th you have to pass a Sage Mission.

➺ You can only teach your CE if you have a valid sensei status.

➺ Each CE can only be taught to two students and can only have one co-creator. All of these need to be of kage rank to be able to use the CE.

➺ Once a student is added, he remains permanently in that slot. Co-creators can not be added after the CE is already approved.

➺ Each CE has to have a weakness against at least two of the five basic canon elements.

➺ Each CE has to follow the correct template listed below.​

Custom Element Template:

➺ CE Template (blank):
Custom element Japanese name:

Custom element English name:

The element is based on:

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

How it works:

Jutsu Usage Examples:

Conditions to be able to use it:

Is weak to:

Is strong against:


Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?
➺ CE Template (explained):

Custom element Japanese name:

Here you state the name of your CE in Japanese.

Custom element English name:

Here you state the name of your CE in English

The element is based on:

Here you state from which existing canon elements or abilities your CE originates from.

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

Here you need to provide proof for the existence of your element in the series.

How it works:

Here you need to explain of how you are able to create this element and its characteristics.

Jutsu Usage Examples:

Here you list some custom jutsu examples to show how you are planning to use the CE, these however do not get approved when the CE gets approved.

Conditions to be able to use it:

Here you list the requirements one must fulfill to be able to learn the CE.

Is weak to:

Here you list the elemental weaknesses of the CE

Is strong against:

Here you list the elemental strengths of the CE


Here you list, if there is one, the person who helped you creating the CE.

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?

Here you list the two students that learned the element.
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May 26, 2012
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

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Custom element Japanese name:
Custom element English name:
The element is based on:
Wind + Earth + Fire + Advanced Chakra Control
Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):
Polystyrene is one of the most commonly used plastics, mainly for usage of isolating buildings and used in the construction areas. Not only that, but the elements that build up polystyrene is hydrogen and carbon and both of these elements are found in the narutoverse in either other custom elements or seen in the manga context. I think there's even a very large possibility that the element is even shown in the manga as its also used in the fast-food industry as it is a great insulator of heat. You can see Naruto having cups of noodles with what i believe is indeed polystyrene >_>.
[ ]

This means that the mixture actually is present in the narutoverse.
How it works:
Polystyrene is, like i previously mentioned, made by hydrogen and carbon. In order to get the latter the user must be able to collect carbon from the ground. The hydrogen can easily be collected through the air as its basically full of it. Mixing these two components together, however, requires precision chakra control and temperature control. This is where the fire element takes part of its making. The use of the earth element provides the natural carbon, but carbon can sometimes be harvested from the air as well. However, as minerals has been seen before being harvested mostly through the use of earth release its safe to say, this release depends on it. The wind release is also mandatory to create Polystyrene as it is 98% made out of air. The wind release also plays a big role as when it comes down to pressurize the semi-fluid and make it hardened.

As a semifluid, polystyrene is a very tolerant material, able to take a lot of abuse and be very good at isolating electricity as well as heat/cold through other materials the semiliquid is in contact with. This is because of its huge possession of air inside the material, as we all know that air is tolerant to lightning and carbon is tolerant towards heat/cold. The semifluid can be either completely transparent, have a hue of blue or completely white with no odor whatsoever. Because the semi liquid is very light it can be compressed and achieve a huge density that makes the material completely solid and be on par with solid aluminum in terms of hardness. This makes the semiliquid compete-able to lesser metals and most earth-based techniques even if its very light the pressure will make the size of the polystyrene smaller and thus the user is able to put more mass into it. As predicted, the material has a very bouncy feeling on touch in its semifluid form, but if/when pressurized it becomes very very dense, solid and resistant to harder materials that otherwise can cut through the semifluid form. When pressurized, the user can both focus their porisuchiton chakra to create constructs and weaponry as well as small pellets of polystyrene, controllable through wind currents also aligned with the release. The semifluid will be the natural form of the release and unless the user spends a vast amount of porisuchiton chakra it will stay semifluid. Like most materials, such as dragonglass, the polystyrene will stay on the field until destroyed. No matter if hardened or semifluid. The size of the pellets could vary between a centimeter to about 5 centimeters. Because the semifluid is very bouncy it will be able to repel most simple taijutsu strikes if used as an armor for example. Unlike rubber, it the semifluid will not have the same flexibility and is easier to actually tear apart and unlike most plastics, the polystyrene has a lesser thermal conductivity(ability to conduct heat). Pressurized, its also harder than most common plastics. Unlike other plastics again, however, is the fact that in contact with fire the polystyrene combusts instead of melting-boiling-vaporizing. Instead it creates a black fog due to its high containing amount of hydrogen. As a semifluid, the polystyrene will have a high impact absorption, enabling it to take a lot of abuse even without being fully solid.

Natural form [ ]
Solid form [ ]
Pellet form [ ]

In terms of jutsu application, the element is divided into two uses, depending on the use from an existing earth source or from the users body:

Existing Source Usage: The user will focus the wind, earth and fire chakra to produce polystyrene from existing sources of carbon and hydrogen. Using the wind and earth elements will gather the elements to produce the polystyrene while the fire element will be able to mix the two together along with the users chakra. The polystyrene will be formed in mid air or underground as the carbon and hydrogen is mixed together. This means the user can chose to "erupt" polystyrene from underground or form it into different shapes in mid-air. These constructions are most likely based on larger constructs such as pillars, plateaus, hills or other structures.

Self Source Creation Usage: The user will focus wind, earth and fire chakra into themselves in order to produce polystyrene through exhaling sources or extrude them from their body. It could be used to be able to take on greater blunt damage and "harden " the users body as well as creating hand-held items such as shields or weapons.

Physics of Polystyrene:

-Ageless: It takes hundreds of years for polystyrene to break down biologically and is not affected by decaying acting as a very resilient and durable being inorganic as it.

-Sound Interaction: Polystyrene is made by 98% wind and is a natural isolator of sound, easily blocking out soundwaves at high decibels. Frequencies will bounce off its surface and spread out into the space of the area of the source. When being in a pressurized state, the sound will "massage" it back to semifluid state, which will in turn bounce away the soundwaves back into the air.

-Temperature Interaction: The plastic has a melting point of 240 degrees and turns into a glassy state at about 100 degrees, still maintaining its solidness. It is very tolerant to low temperatures though and will produce a very effective isolator towards icy temperatures.

-Liquid Interaction: In contact with water or steam the semifluid acts as a repellent and is able to absorb off the heatwaves of boil release. However, because the polystyrene is so lightweight it can be pushed away by strong currents of water.

Jutsu Usage Examples:

(Porisuchiton: Peretto o koeru arashi | Polystyrene release: storm over the pellet)
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user will gather up their Porisuchiton chakra through their body or through the ground and release a huge torrent of pressurized polystyrene pellets with the density of solid aluminum. The pellets will form into a swarm around the user and then be scattered around in an omni-directional blast able to pierce through rock.

(Porisuchiton: Toranporini | Polystyrene release: Trampoline)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: The user will gather up their Porisuchiton chakra through the ground and form the semiliquid form of polystyrene into a blue trampoline under themselves to be able to bounce away from an incoming attack. The user will land on the trampoline again, being able to bounce off its surface three times maximum before the trampoline collapses.

(Porisuchiton: Nakkuruāmā | Polystyrene release: Knucklehead Armor)
Type: Defensive
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30(-10/turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: The user will gather up their Porisuchiton chakra through their body and release an armor of the semiliquid to act as a bouncy armor that they can harden at will. The bouncy surface will protect the user from punches as they will be repelled backwards dealing kinetic damage to the attacker.

Conditions to be able to use it:

Completed Wind, Earth and Fire elements.

Is weak to:
Water & Variations
The sheer force of water and the fact that Polystyrene is so light makes water able to easily push away the material. It can also, if pressurized enough, shatter it.

Fire & Variations
Polystyrene is flammable and will burn away relatively quickly, giving the fire release the upper hand.

Is strong against:
Polystyrene has such a great pressure resistance that it can push away earth let alone be as hard as aluminum if pressed together enough.

Lightning & Variations
Polystyrene is a very tolerant isolator.

Polystyrene takes hundreds of years to decay.

Polystyrene will easily absorb soundwaves.

Same reason as with boil, polystyrene has a very low thermal conductivity and will not lead cold temperatures easily.

Polystyrene is still very solid even though it is light, making it strong towards dark release.

Polystyrene will absorb steam and due to its minimal heat conduction spread the heat across the material at the same time it cools down.

Gajeel Redfox

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?

Perm to use Carbon [ ]


✗ Declined: The way you create this is wrong. You create an element through combining different elemental chakras, not “collecting carbon from the ground, oxygen in the air and combining them”. You’re also trying to give an element properties it doesn’t have. You can’t just say “I pressurize it” and expect polystyrene to become stronger than earth and equal to metals. You then go on to contradict yourself by stating it’s light so it’s weak to water. You can’t have it both ways. Also, pick a single variant for your element. Either semi-fluid as you put it or just solid. I won’t allow variable strengths and weaknesses. After that you talk about controlling polystyrene pellets with wind currents, that isn’t inherent or even relevant to your element. You state so much irrelevant information like the bolded that needs to be removed. The strength to lightning is also wrong. Whether or not it’s an insulator, Lightning would still tear it apart. Wood is an insulator but is weak to lightning. Your element is NOT 98% wind. I don’t know where you got that fact from but even if it was true, this would no longer be polystyrene. So remove the strength to Sound.

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Punk Hazard

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Apr 21, 2011
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element Japanese name: Ekishōton

Custom element English name: Liquid Crystal Release

The element is based on: Earth+Water

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): Liquid Crystals are a state of matter considered in-between the states of a solid and a liquid. Like a solid, the molecules that consist a liquid crystal are in a fixed arrangement, but like a liquid, the molecules that consist an LC are capable of freely moving,flowing in a manner akin to water and other liquids.

Liquid Crystals are naturally found in the human body. Many organic molecules, such as proteins and the membranes of cells, are considered different kinds of liquid crystals. Certain solutions of soap and a virus that exists in tobacco are also considered liquid crystals. The existence of cells within the Narutoverse, and the more than likely existence of soap, and the existence of tobacco(which implies the virus may exist in the NV) are all indicators that liquid crystals do exist within the Narutoverse.

This element will follow a more or less fictionalized version of a liquid crystal. Rather than creating an organic molecule, or virus, or a solution of soap, the user will take the concept of what constitutes liquid crystals and apply it to a fictional form, the same way that the rubberized and acidic mud variants of Lava Release displayed by Dodai and Mei Terumi respectively are fictionalized substances based on what constitutes them.

How it works: Liquid Crystal Release is created through the combination of Earth Release and Water Release. Earth Release gives the “solid” component of the element, providing the basis for the fixed arrangement of molecules. The application of Water Release provides the “liquid” component of the element, allowing the molecules to flow like water while retaining their fixed arrangements. This will create a material that looks like steel or metal, but has a degree of malleability. By using chakra control, specifically shape manipulation, the user can manipulate the flow of the element, bending, twisting, or otherwise shaping the Liquid Crystal freely, similar to the way they can water. Unlike water or other liquids, however, the molecular bonds of Liquid Crystal Release aren’t freely broken apart due to being in fixed arrangements, rendering objects incapable of “swimming” through it or dispersing it like they could a liquid. In simpler terms, the user creates an object that interacts with the same force, hardness, and feel of a solid, but with the malleability and free movement of a liquid. Because the malleability comes from the user’s control, external objects striking Liquid Crystal would not cause it to deform or distort, but would rather interact the same way they would while hitting a solid wall of steel.

Jutsu Usage Examples:
(Ekishōton: Ekishō no Sakusei)Liquid Crystal Release: Liquid Crystal Creation
Description:The user will create formations of Liquid Crystal Release from either their body or their environment, such as the ground, on walls, etc. The formations can be molded into whatever shape the user sees fit, limited only by imagination and charka put into the technique, and can be used to defend, attack, or perform supplementary actions to fit the user’s needs.

(Ekishōton: Ebā Howaito) Liquid Crystal Release: Ever White
Description: The user will perform the Bird-Tiger handseals and create from the ground around him a giant wave of Liquid Crystal. The wave, like all variants of Liquid Crystal, can move as though made of a wave of water towards a desired target under the user’s control, but retain the toughness and feel of a solid material, crashing into the target to deal tremendous blunt force.

:(Ekishōton:Bureiku Howaito) Liquid Crystal Release: Break White
Description: After performing the Bird-Dragon handseals, the user will slam their hand onto the ground, causing two wave-like formations of Liquid Crystal to burst from the ground and wrap around the target, constricting onto them in an attempt to crush them.
Frame of reference for the appearance:
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Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery of Water and Earth

Is weak to:
Lightning: Because lightning contains an immense amount of heat and energy, it can excite the molecules of Liquid Crystal, rendering them into a true liquid and unusable state.

Wind: Wind can slice and pierce through Liquid Crystal.

Is strong against:
Water/Liquid based CEs: Liquid Crystal can act the same way as a solid wall of Earth, blocking the flow of water and other liquids from progressing forward.

Gaseous Elements: The user can trap gaseous elements within sealed constructs of Liquid Crystal through utilizing their nigh-malleability to wrap around the gas, acting as a container.

Neutral to Fire: Much like Lightning, fire has the ability to excite Liquid Crystal Release and reducing it into a purely liquid, unusable state. However, unlike the case with lightning, this would cause the liquid state to douse the flames, neutralizing both techniques.

Co-creator: Joker

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?


✗ Declined

Custom element Japanese name: Ekishōton

Custom element English name: Liquid Crystal Release

The element is based on: Earth+Water

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): Liquid Crystals are a state of matter considered in-between the states of a solid and a liquid. Like a solid, the molecules that consist a liquid crystal are in a fixed arrangement, but like a liquid, the molecules that consist an LC are capable of freely moving,flowing in a manner akin to water and other liquids.

Liquid Crystals are naturally found in the human body. Many organic molecules, such as proteins and the membranes of cells, are considered different kinds of liquid crystals. Certain solutions of soap and a virus that exists in tobacco are also considered liquid crystals. The existence of cells within the Narutoverse, and the more than likely existence of soap, and the existence of tobacco(which implies the virus may exist in the NV) are all indicators that liquid crystals do exist within the Narutoverse.

This element will follow a more or less fictionalized version of a liquid crystal. Rather than creating an organic molecule, or virus, or a solution of soap, the user will take the concept of what constitutes liquid crystals and apply it to a fictional form, the same way that the rubberized and acidic mud variants of Lava Release displayed by Dodai and Mei Terumi respectively are fictionalized substances based on what constitutes them.

How it works: Liquid Crystal Release is created through the combination of Earth Release and Water Release. Earth Release gives the “solid” component of the element, providing the basis for the fixed arrangement of molecules. The application of Water Release provides the “liquid” component of the element, allowing the molecules to flow like water while retaining their fixed arrangements. This will create a material that looks like steel or metal, but has a degree of malleability. By using chakra control, specifically shape manipulation, the user can manipulate the flow of the element, bending, twisting, or otherwise shaping the Liquid Crystal freely, similar to the way they can water. Unlike water or other liquids, however, the molecular bonds of Liquid Crystal Release aren’t freely broken apart due to being in fixed arrangements, rendering objects incapable of “swimming” through it or dispersing it like they could a liquid. In simpler terms, the user creates an object that interacts with the same force, hardness, and feel of a solid, but with the malleability and free movement of a liquid. Because the malleability comes from the user’s control, external objects striking Liquid Crystal would not cause it to deform or distort, but would rather interact the same way they would while hitting a solid wall of steel.

Jutsu Usage Examples:
(Ekishōton: Ekishō no Sakusei)Liquid Crystal Release: Liquid Crystal Creation
Description:The user will create formations of Liquid Crystal Release from either their body or their environment, such as the ground, on walls, etc. The formations can be molded into whatever shape the user sees fit, limited only by imagination and charka put into the technique, and can be used to defend, attack, or perform supplementary actions to fit the user’s needs.

(Ekishōton: Ebā Howaito) Liquid Crystal Release: Ever White
Description: The user will perform the Bird-Tiger handseals and create from the ground around him a giant wave of Liquid Crystal. The wave, like all variants of Liquid Crystal, can move as though made of a wave of water towards a desired target under the user’s control, but retain the toughness and feel of a solid material, crashing into the target to deal tremendous blunt force.

:(Ekishōton:Bureiku Howaito) Liquid Crystal Release: Break White
Description: After performing the Bird-Dragon handseals, the user will slam their hand onto the ground, causing two wave-like formations of Liquid Crystal to burst from the ground and wrap around the target, constricting onto them in an attempt to crush them.
Frame of reference for the appearance:
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Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery of Water and Earth

Is weak to:
Lightning: Due to Liquid Crystal's Earth foundation, it reacts similarly in contact to Lightning as Earth Release would, with Lightning tearing apart and destroying Liquid Crystal.

Wind: Wind can slice and pierce through Liquid Crystal.

Is strong against:
Water/Liquid based CEs: Liquid Crystal can act the same way as a solid wall of Earth, blocking the flow of water and other liquids from progressing forward.

Gaseous Elements: The user can trap gaseous elements within sealed constructs of Liquid Crystal through utilizing their nigh-malleability to wrap around the gas, acting as a container.

Neutral to Fire: Due to its structure and foundation being heavily based on Earth, Liquid Crystal reacts similarly in contact with Fire as Earth Release would. Flames would reduce Liquid Crystal to a molten form, similar to magma/lava, which would in turn assimilate and smother the flames, canceling the two out when even in power.

Co-creator: Joker

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?


✗ Declined: I find the abilities of this entirely too shallow. The only special attribute of your CE is the state in which it exists. Even then it's not that unique since Oobleck is very similar in usage, in fact there's almost no difference at all when I think about it. Also, submitting Liquid Crystal is the same as making "Gas Release". It's a state of matter, not a single substance or element.

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Mar 18, 2013
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element Name: Seraphic Water | Seraphic Water Release
Japanese Name: Serafumizuton (???)
Element is based on: Earth + Water + Chakra control
Proof of existence:
The proposed element is actually more pragmatic than whimsical, despite its chosen name. Brine, a highly concentrated solution formed between the mixture of water and a salt, is natural occurrence in some parts of the world. Brine is defined as when the concentration of salt to water passes five percent per cubic foot of water.

Fresh Water: <0.05% | Brackish Water: 0.05-3% | Saline Water: 3-5% | Brine: >5%

Whenever the salt to water concentration passes that of living conditions the water becomes dense, and salty to the point where it can damage internal organs if ingested. Such examples of extra salty water can be seen in the real world Dead Sea. In terms of the Naruto Verse there is a confirmed sea stretching along the south and south eastern areas of the continent, hugging the ''Uzushiogakure'' islands and various other smalls archipelagos. Sea water is a very minor form of brine, consisting mostly of the basic salt (Sodium Chloride, NaCL). However, there exist different forms of brine as by technical terms the word refers to water heavily impregnated with a salt compound. Seraphic Water employs a completely different salt all together, Magnesium Sulphate.

Magnesium Sulphate is an inorganic salt containing sulphur, oxygen, and magnesium (MgSO4), called Epsom salt. It gets such name from a place known as Epsom Spring where these salts are deposited from the rich soil. This is not that much of an extraordinary occurrence either as natural phenomenon such as springs have been seen in the Naruto Verse (even an Hidden Village which takes pride in them). Each components of MgSO4 are to be present in the Naruto Verse considering these are very essentially elements, namely oxygen. Because of this proof that the salt can be found in nature, as is, without having to be formed in a lab or under ultra specific conditions, it should be accessible to the user by employing his Doton chakra.

With the use of the Doton chakra to evoke the mineral salt the user will then combine it with his Suiton chakra to form a concentrate of Epsom salt and water: a brine solution. This in itself should be a rapid process as MgSO4 is highly soluble in water.

How it Works:
Seraphic Water, as the name suggests, is a water based element, consisting of a highly concentrated Epsom salt solution formed when the user combines his Doton and Suiton chakra. Doton for the Magnesium Sulphate salts and Suiton for the water component. The proposed CE will have an unbearable concentration of Epsom salt of over 50% per cubic foot of solution. This means, Seraphic Water is not only extremely dense--with the crushing force of hard rock--but very dangerous. Despite this, the proposed CE is very much capable of moving and shaping like Suiton. Normally, a magnesium sulphate solution is clear with no noticeable impediments to be seen in the mixture, but only for the sake of aesthetics will Seraphic Water adopt a shiny yellow look, appearing like liquid gold.

Seraphic Water, being an Epsom salt brine is just as effective on the outside as it is in the inside. Magnesium sulphate in itself packs a variety of effects on living and non-living things. If ingested in copious amounts, Epsom salt can induce nausea, vomiting and diarrhea with near instant effects and if caught in the eyes Seraphic Water can dehydrate moist areas of the body with its MgSO4 salt compound. It can also be used to sooth sore muscles as well as hyperactive ones, like a seizure, by decreasing certain nerve impulses to muscles. In the same way, an acceptable concentration of Epsom salt solution (usually about 0.5%) is used to draw out toxins in the body, including the presence of heavy metals like lead. This concentration level is also suitable for; regulating blood pressure, managing the metabolic rate, keeping the heart's rhythm constant, and even being a reliable stress relief. However, Seraphic Water, with a much higher concentration than the acceptable amount, can reverse these positive effects for devastating damage in all of the aforementioned fields with the most drastic outcomes leading to comatose.

In addition to this, as a brine solution foremost, Seraphic Water is also incapable of being frozen completely. Most brine solutions, including magnesium sulphate ones, have a nigh non-existent freezing point. In fact, the late Daniel G Fahrenheit achieved his zero point in the Fahrenheit temperature scale of 0 degrees (-17.78 C) by attempting to freeze brine. The lowest freezing point obtainable for NaCl brine was -21.1 degrees Celcius, for MgSO4 brine this number is more or less the same, meaning, Seraphic Water takes a titanic effort to freeze. The solution is also used as a de-icing agent on roads to prevent ice from forming.

Magnesium Sulphate solutions are also used in flotation therapy, where high concentrations raise the bath water's specific gravity, effectively making the body more buoyant. This can make travelling through Seraphic Water difficult as its too dense to waddle about in, for humans or aquatic creatures. For the user this is no big deal as he can simply will the concentration of his own element to increase or decrease; promoting or preventing movement within it. Seraphic Water can also be made from existing water by having the user inject his chakra into said source.

Example Techniques:
(??)Seraphic Water Release: Sea of Voices
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 30
Damage: 60
Description: By extending an arm (or arms) the user will release a wave of golden water in any direction he so chooses. This wave is heavy enough to stay on the ground or any surface he stands on and will plow through most obstacles. As it travels the salt can almost be heard churning over and over within it, sounding like whispers, this makes the wave very noticeable (like sea water rolling in on a shore, if the gold didn't catch your eye) and as such can be acknowledged from a distance. However, these voices can also drown out smaller sounds that may be occurring in the vicinity. Once it reaches its destination it simple settles as a small lake of Seraphic Water.

(??)Seraphic Water Release: Ominous Requiem
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra cost: 30
Damage: 60
Description: With a single hand seal the user will cause to burst from the ground, or any existing water sources, and wrap around him like huge bands of golden ribbon. These waves of brine will swim around him in a circular formation, encompassing his entire 5 meter position and affecting any of its 'strong to' elements found within this radius. Even as the user moves about the brine will stay with him for a maximum of three turns. During this time it can be used as source for other Holy Water techniques or just defense and offense.

(??)Seraphic Water Release: Purgatorial Mist
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 30
Damage: 60
Description: Similar to Suiton release, brine may also adopt a misty form with a beautifully golden hue. This travels along the terrain like any other mist would. However, should an opponent inhale any of this mist he will suffer near immediate destruction with some of Seraphic Water's characteristics mentioned above. Prolonged exposure to the mist will leave them extremely relaxed, (a weird but confirmed side effect of Epsom salt baths) making escape seem too tedious and they die a painful and slow death. The mist also obscures view and chakra perception as it is composed entirely of the user's chakra.

Conditions to be able to use it:
Master over Doton and Water, as well as Kage level chakra control

Is weak to:
Lightning and based elements: Even though it doesn't conduct electricity, lightning and similar elements have the ability to electrolise brine, splitting the hydrogen from oxygen molecules and reverting them to gaseous form. This leaves Magnesium residue behind as a harmless dust of particles looking like sand. Needless to say the element is useless after this. However, the electrolysis process is a slow one and the element takes longer to fall to lightning, even though it is naturally weak to it.

Earth: Unlike other forms of brine solutions, Seraphic Water aka MgSO4 brine, lacks the corrosive effect to grind earth to dust. As such Doton is able to stand up to it.

Is strong to:
Fire and high temp based elements: Brine is still a water based compound, and a much more heavier contender than regular Suiton. In addition to this brine's boiling point is significantly higher due to its impurities with a staggering melting point of 1,124 degrees Celsius (magnesium sulphate salt compounds) and as such can not only tackle flames, but completely oust them with crushing force. It is also a very good refrigerating fluid, able to transport thermal energy from place to place.

Ice and low temp based elements: Brine is also used in the real world to coat roads in certain northern countries, where snow can make driving near impossible. The brine is an antifreeze which prevents ice from forming on said roads, and the higher the concentration, the harder the element is to be frozen.

Organic elements: Brine dehydrates living things--from both the inside and the outside--with its dehydrating factor highlighted in the 'How it works' tab. This includes, but isn't limited to, vines, trees, plants, animals, people, insects, etc.

Poison & toxins: Epsom salt baths are notorious for their detoxifying effects, drawing certain harmful toxins away from the body and depositing it in the surrounding solution.

Sound: Quite surprisingly, magnesium sulphate solutions have been the confirmed primary components that cause the absorption of sound in sea water (acoustic energy is converted to thermal energy). Absorption is strongly dependent on frequency: lower frequencies are less absorbed by the solution, making sound travel much farther in the ocean.

Co-creator: N/A

Students I pass this on to: ?? & ??

from to have Sulphur as a mere component of Magnesium Sulphate.


✗ Declined: Pretty decent element, only issues now are that I'm not going to accept that this is a golden liquid just for aesthetic purposes. If there's no valid reason for this to be gold, it's not going to be gold as otherwise everyone can change the looks of his CE randomly. More importantly all the medic, poison and toxin related stuff. Unless that happens instantly, which I doubt, it's really not something you can pull off during a battle unless you would be a med ninja as otherwise you really don't have the subtle and precise skills to start going through another person's body to clean him from a potential poison or something. In any other case only very rudimentary and basic stuff can be preformed.

Custom element Name: Seraphic Water | Seraphic Water Release
Japanese Name: Serafumizuton (???)
Element is based on: Earth + Water + Chakra control
Proof of existence:
The proposed element is actually more pragmatic than whimsical, despite its chosen name. Brine, a highly concentrated solution formed between the mixture of water and a salt, is natural occurrence in some parts of the world. Brine is defined as when the concentration of salt to water passes five percent per cubic foot of water.

Fresh Water: <0.05% | Brackish Water: 0.05-3% | Saline Water: 3-5% | Brine: >5%

Whenever the salt to water concentration passes that of living conditions the water becomes dense, and salty to the point where it can damage internal organs if ingested. Such examples of extra salty water can be seen in the real world Dead Sea. In terms of the Naruto Verse there is a confirmed sea stretching along the south and south eastern areas of the continent, hugging the ''Uzushiogakure'' islands and various other smalls archipelagos. Sea water is a very minor form of brine, consisting mostly of the basic salt (Sodium Chloride, NaCL). However, there exist different forms of brine as by technical terms the word refers to water heavily impregnated with a salt compound. Seraphic Water employs a completely different salt all together, Magnesium Sulphate.

Magnesium Sulphate is an inorganic salt containing sulphur, oxygen, and magnesium (MgSO4), called Epsom salt. It gets such name from a place known as Epsom Spring where these salts are deposited from the rich soil. This is not that much of an extraordinary occurrence either as natural phenomenon such as springs have been seen in the Naruto Verse (even an Hidden Village which takes pride in them). Each components of MgSO4 are to be present in the Naruto Verse considering these are very essentially elements, namely oxygen. Because of this proof that the salt can be found in nature, as is, without having to be formed in a lab or under ultra specific conditions, it should be accessible to the user by employing his Doton chakra.

With the use of the Doton chakra to evoke the mineral salt the user will then combine it with his Suiton chakra to form a concentrate of Epsom salt and water: a brine solution. This in itself should be a rapid process as MgSO4 is highly soluble in water.

How it Works:
Seraphic Water, as the name suggests, is a water based element, consisting of a highly concentrated Epsom salt solution formed when the user combines his Doton and Suiton chakra. Doton for the Magnesium Sulphate salts and Suiton for the water component. The proposed CE will have an unbearable concentration of Epsom salt of over 50% per cubic foot of solution. This means, Seraphic Water is not only extremely dense--with the crushing force of hard rock--but very dangerous. Despite this, the proposed CE is very much capable of moving and shaping like Suiton. As per norm for magnesium sulphate solutions, Seraphic Water is clear with no noticeable impediments to be seen in the mixture, appearing very deceptively as regular water.

Seraphic Water, being an Epsom salt brine is just as effective on the outside as it is in the inside. Magnesium sulphate in itself packs a variety of effects on living and non-living things. If ingested in copious amounts, Epsom salt can induce nausea, vomiting and diarrhea with near instant effects and if caught in the eyes Seraphic Water can dehydrate moist areas of the body with its MgSO4 salt compound. It can also be used to sooth sore muscles as well as hyperactive ones, like a seizure, by decreasing certain nerve impulses to muscles. In the same way, an acceptable concentration of Epsom salt solution (usually about 0.5%) is used to draw out toxins in the body, including the presence of heavy metals like lead. This concentration level is also suitable for; regulating blood pressure, managing the metabolic rate, keeping the heart's rhythm constant, and even being a reliable stress relief. However, Seraphic Water, with a much higher concentration than the acceptable amount, can reverse these positive effects for devastating damage in all of the aforementioned fields with the most drastic outcomes leading to comatose. However, without the finesse of Medical Ninjutsu, Seraphic Water is only able to cause vomiting and dehydration at the most when inside opponents/organisms. The same applies to the user as well: only basic applications of Seraphic Water's medical advantages can be used such as soothing the muscles and general, non-specific detoxification. Even then, the process is very lengthy and requires too much concentration to be effective during conflicts.

In addition to this, as a brine solution foremost, Seraphic Water is also incapable of being frozen completely. Most brine solutions, including magnesium sulphate ones, have a nigh non-existent freezing point. In fact, the late Daniel G Fahrenheit achieved his zero point in the Fahrenheit temperature scale of 0 degrees (-17.78 C) by attempting to freeze brine. The lowest freezing point obtainable for NaCl brine was -21.1 degrees Celcius, for MgSO4 brine this number is more or less the same, meaning, Seraphic Water takes a titanic effort to freeze. The solution is also used as a de-icing agent on roads to prevent ice from forming.

Magnesium Sulphate solutions are also used in flotation therapy, where high concentrations raise the bath water's specific gravity, effectively making the body more buoyant. This can make travelling through Seraphic Water difficult as its too dense to waddle about in, for humans or aquatic creatures. For the user this is no big deal as he can simply will the concentration of his own element to increase or decrease; promoting or preventing movement within it. Seraphic Water can also be made from existing water by having the user inject his chakra into said source.

Example Techniques:
(??)Seraphic Water Release: Sea of Voices
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 30
Damage: 60
Description: By extending an arm (or arms) the user will release a wave of golden water in any direction he so chooses. This wave is heavy enough to stay on the ground or any surface he stands on and will plow through most obstacles. As it travels the salt can almost be heard churning over and over within it, sounding like whispers, this makes the wave very noticeable (like sea water rolling in on a shore, if the gold didn't catch your eye) and as such can be acknowledged from a distance. However, these voices can also drown out smaller sounds that may be occurring in the vicinity. Once it reaches its destination it simple settles as a small lake of Seraphic Water.

(??)Seraphic Water Release: Ominous Requiem
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra cost: 30
Damage: 60
Description: With a single hand seal the user will cause to burst from the ground, or any existing water sources, and wrap around him like huge bands of golden ribbon. These waves of brine will swim around him in a circular formation, encompassing his entire 5 meter position and affecting any of its 'strong to' elements found within this radius. Even as the user moves about the brine will stay with him for a maximum of three turns. During this time it can be used as source for other Holy Water techniques or just defense and offense.

(??)Seraphic Water Release: Purgatorial Mist
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 30
Damage: 60
Description: Similar to Suiton release, brine may also adopt a misty form with a beautifully golden hue. This travels along the terrain like any other mist would. However, should an opponent inhale any of this mist he will suffer near immediate destruction with some of Seraphic Water's characteristics mentioned above. Prolonged exposure to the mist will leave them extremely relaxed, (a weird but confirmed side effect of Epsom salt baths) making escape seem too tedious and they die a painful and slow death. The mist also obscures view and chakra perception as it is composed entirely of the user's chakra.

Conditions to be able to use it:
Master over Doton and Water, as well as Kage level chakra control

Is weak to:
Lightning and based elements: Even though it doesn't conduct electricity, lightning and similar elements have the ability to electrolise brine, splitting the hydrogen from oxygen molecules and reverting them to gaseous form. This leaves Magnesium residue behind as a harmless dust of particles looking like sand. Needless to say the element is useless after this. However, the electrolysis process is a slow one and the element takes longer to fall to lightning, even though it is naturally weak to it.

Earth: Unlike other forms of brine solutions, Seraphic Water aka MgSO4 brine, lacks the corrosive effect to grind earth to dust. As such Doton is able to stand up to it.

Is strong to:
Fire and high temp based elements: Brine is still a water based compound, and a much more heavier contender than regular Suiton. In addition to this brine's boiling point is significantly higher due to its impurities with a staggering melting point of 1,124 degrees Celsius (magnesium sulphate salt compounds) and as such can not only tackle flames, but completely oust them with crushing force. It is also a very good refrigerating fluid, able to transport thermal energy from place to place.

Ice and low temp based elements: Brine is also used in the real world to coat roads in certain northern countries, where snow can make driving near impossible. The brine is an antifreeze which prevents ice from forming on said roads, and the higher the concentration, the harder the element is to be frozen.

Organic elements: Brine dehydrates living things--from both the inside and the outside--with its dehydrating factor highlighted in the 'How it works' tab. This includes, but isn't limited to, vines, trees, plants, animals, people, insects, etc.

Poison & toxins: Epsom salt baths are notorious for their detoxifying effects, drawing certain harmful toxins away from the body and depositing it in the surrounding solution.

Sound: Quite surprisingly, magnesium sulphate solutions have been the confirmed primary components that cause the absorption of sound in sea water (acoustic energy is converted to thermal energy). Absorption is strongly dependent on frequency: lower frequencies are less absorbed by the solution, making sound travel much farther in the ocean.

Co-creator: Nakiri

Students I pass this on to: Moofy & Red-Robin

from to have Sulphur as a mere component of Magnesium Sulphate.

P a t e n t C e r t i f i c a t e

I, Negative Knight, head of the Custom Elements Bureau, declare for all men to hear that I give you the following:

Zaphkiel, our loyal member, gave on the date September 30th 2016 a request for a Patent on his custom element (Seraphic Water); after reading the submission, I decided that the submitted element satisfies all requirements, and am therefore giving him his rightfully earned Patent on this element by the following;


Powered by Lord of Kaos

Copyright © 2016, Zaphkiel,

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Active member
Jun 25, 2013
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

A lot was changed.

Custom element Japanese name: Kaskōriton

Custom element English name: Burning Ice Release

The element is based on: Water, Wind, and Fire

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): This element is based off of . A crystalline structure that has methane trapped inside. This interesting structure has been found under sediments on the ocean floors of the earth, where it is extremely cold, and strong pressure is present. The gas entering the water tend to occur when movement under ground releases this methane gas while the ice then forms around the gas trapping it.

To insure probability of this element being possible in the manga context all these must be present. The ice structure is documented well in the manga. Methane gas is no more but a natural gas that is released from the earth. The manga has also shown many instances of flammable material to be created (such as flammable gas). As long as there is cold water and cold environments present as well as the probability of a flammable substance such as methane being able to be released naturally from the earth due to sudden shift of the earth to allow the flammable gas to exit - then with the two interacting together through natural means - there would be no reason for this natural phenom not to happen in the manga context.

How it works: The user will gather their water, wind, and fire chakra to develop all the needed components to create the element. The water and wind used to create the cold crystalline substance, similar to how regular ice is created. The fire portion will be used to create the flammable substance inside of the crystalline structure as it is created simultaneously so it will be trapped inside the structure. This technique is created out of the ground or out of the users body to allow for the gas to be manipulate properly at the same time of the water and wind.

This element is rather hard due to the crystalline substance, as well as cold on its own. The structure however will be able to set ablaze when contacting heat elements and burn slow until the gas is all warn out and the structure deteriorates. When set in flames the structure is no longer cold, but warm. The structure when cracked or shattered will leak the gaseous substance all at once, lingering in the air which can potentially be set into flames [ ].

User won't be able to set on fire inherently from the element, for that one would need to use a separate jutsu or material (such as a match, friction, or a hot element). The user won't have any control over the flames when it's burning.

Jutsu Usage Examples:
(Kaskōriton: Hanran no Chēn)- Burning Ice Release: Chains of the Rebellion
Type: Offense
Rank: B
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: 40
Description: The user will release various balls of cold burning ice towards the opponent attempting to crush and hurt their body and break their bones. However, they are not compacted much, the moment they contact with the opponents body they might break and leak some gas to be used and set ablaze.

(Kaskōriton: Rushifā no Kēji)- Burning Ice Release: Lucifer's Cage
Type: Supplementary/Offense
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user will surround many sheets of crystalline structure around the opponent. The structures is compacted closely onto the opponent restricting them while crushing them in place, not much pain is presented, but due to the closeness of the sheets, a likelihood presents itself that if the opponent attempts to break the material they might leak the gas and expose themselves, while also if they use anything of heat, they will be burned by their own doing, leaving them in a tough spot.

Conditions to be able to use it:

Mastery of Fire | Water | Wind​

Is weak to:
Lightning- Able to pierce and set the flammable substance to blaze with ease.
Fire and any fire based element- Sets the structure in flames burning the gas up and dismantling the body. Earth, Minerals, and Metals- Anything solid with a dense structure is able to shatter the body of the structure while leaking the gas out.

Is strong against:
Wind- Can actually decrease the temperature of the structure.
Water- Unable to break the structure.

Co-creator: Noni

Students I passed this custom element on too:
? & ?


✗ Declined: The bolded part; this is a CE, I see people continuously make statements like these, however you should be able to create most CE solely from using your chakra. So in regards to the creation I think you should add earth and elaborate a bit more on how you use your chakra as currently I find it too shallow and simple. Normally I also would say that you would need to give more info about the characteristics of this element to make it differ from ice as all the methane stuff is rather limited, however considering tho moderate strengths I might let that slide.

Custom element Japanese name: Kaskōriton

Custom element English name: Burning Ice Release

The element is based on: Water, Wind, Fire and Earth

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):
This element is based off of Methane Clathrate. A crystalline structure that has methane trapped inside. This interesting structure has been found under sediments on the ocean floors of the earth, where it is extremely cold, and strong pressure is present. The gas entering the water tend to occur when movement under ground releases this methane gas while the ice then forms around the gas trapping it.

To insure probability of this element being possible in the manga context all these must be present. The ice structure is documented well in the manga. Methane gas is no more but a natural gas that is released from the earth. The manga has also shown many instances of flammable material to be created (such as flammable gas). As long as there is cold water and cold environments present as well as the probability of a flammable substance such as methane being able to be released naturally from the earth due to sudden shift of the earth to allow the flammable gas to exit - then with the two interacting together through natural means - there would be no reason for this natural phenom not to happen in the manga context.

How it works: The process of creating methane clathrate is to replicate the conditions of it’s creation on the ocean floor. Methane is produced in environments with little or no oxygen by bacteria that feast on decomposing organic matter, such as grasses and wood. Using earth for the carbon base of the element and fire to burn it in air to form methane. Water is then used to dissolve the methane and so the interior of the element is formed. Wind is then used to cool the element down to below freezing temperatures, solidifying the water to form Burning Ice.

This element is rather hard due to the crystalline substance, as well as cold on its own. The structure however will be able to set ablaze when contacting heat elements and burn slow until the gas is all warn out and the structure deteriorates. When set in flames the structure is no longer cold, but warm. The structure when cracked or shattered will leak the gaseous substance all at once, lingering in the air which can potentially be set into flames [ ].

User won't be able to set on fire inherently from the element, for that one would need to use a separate jutsu or material (such as a match, friction, or a hot element). The user won't have any control over the flames when it's burning.


Jutsu Usage Examples:
(Kaskōriton: Hanran no Chēn)- Burning Ice Release: Chains of the Rebellion
Type: Offense
Rank: B
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: 40
Description: The user will release various balls of cold burning ice towards the opponent attempting to crush and hurt their body and break their bones. However, they are not compacted much, the moment they contact with the opponents body they might break and leak some gas to be used and set ablaze.

(Kaskōriton: Rushifā no Kēji)- Burning Ice Release: Lucifer's Cage
Type: Supplementary/Offense
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user will surround many sheets of crystalline structure around the opponent. The structures is compacted closely onto the opponent restricting them while crushing them in place, not much pain is presented, but due to the closeness of the sheets, a likelihood presents itself that if the opponent attempts to break the material they might leak the gas and expose themselves, while also if they use anything of heat, they will be burned by their own doing, leaving them in a tough spot.

Conditions to be able to use it:

Mastery of Fire | Water | Wind | Earth

Is weak to:
Lightning- Able to pierce and set the flammable substance to blaze with ease.
Fire and any fire based element- Sets the structure in flames burning the gas up and dismantling the body. Earth, Minerals, and Metals- Anything solid with a dense structure is able to shatter the body of the structure while leaking the gas out.

Is strong against:
Wind- Can actually decrease the temperature of the structure.
Water- Unable to break the structure.

Co-creator: Noni

Students I passed this custom element on too:
? & ?

P a t e n t C e r t i f i c a t e

I, Caliburn, head of the Custom Elements Bureau, declare for all men to hear that I give you the following:

Joker, our loyal member, gave on the date June 18th 2016 a request for a Patent on his custom element (Burning Ice); after reading the submission, I decided that the submitted element satisfies all requirements, and am therefore giving him his rightfully earned Patent on this element by the following;

Powered by Caliburn
Copyright © 2016, Joker,​

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Active member
Apr 19, 2014
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element Japanese name:Jishinton

Custom element English name:Vibrating Earth

The element is based on:Lightning+Earth

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): Applying the vibration aspect of lightning to solid objects has been shown before in the manga with the characters Killer Bee, Sasuke and Darui, who used the vibration aspect of Lightning to increase the cutting power of their blades. Elements opposite to each other have also been shown to be combined before in Boil Release and Wood Release, taking the traits of one element and applying it to another to create something new. With that in mind, there’s no reason to assume one would be unable to combine Earth and Lightning to give the Earth the vibrating quality of Lightning. Wood Release has also shown that one can combine elemental characteristics, such as water being the basis for life and earth being the environment a plant can grow in, rather than combining the form. This CE will follow this principle. We know vibrations can travel through and in earth as this is the basis for earthquakes, which have been witnessed before in the Naruto manga, such as with the World Shaking Jutsu.

How it works:The user will harness Lightning and Earth to create a new type of rock. Vibrating Earth takes the form of a silver-colored stone that is completely smooth due to the lightning chakra infused into it. The lightning basis of the rock’s make-up causes it to steadily and constantly vibrate at all times, causing it to “whir” softly. The higher ranked the Vibrating Earth created, the more intense the strength of its vibration. These intense vibrations causes Vibrating Earth to be immensely strong and resistant to blunt damage, such as crushing, smashing, and other shockwaves due to the vibration absorbing and dispersing most of the kinetic energy. A major strength of Vibrating Earth is that, due to the intense vibrations emitted from the stones, vibrations will simply be assimilated into the stones, so long as they are in close proximity to them.

Sharp constructs made of Vibrating Earth, such as spikes and blades, are capable of piercing and slicing through materials much easier than other blades and spikes due to the vibrations that are constantly exhibited by the earth to weaken the bonds of things it touches, allowing it to split the material much more easily. The highest ranking Vibrating Earth techniques(A-rank and above) will carry such intense vibrations that it can liquefy some objects when it makes contact, such as metals and stone, but will not have such an effect on flesh or bone.

Jutsu Usage Examples:
(Jishinton: Jishin no Jutsu)Vibrating Earth: Earthquake Technique
Description: This technique allows the user to generate Vibrating Earth from his own body or the ground below for various purposes, such as creating spikes, shields, spears, etc. The shape and usage of the Vibrating Earth made depends on the user’s imagination and the amount of chakra placed into the technique. The stronger the technique, the greater the vibration the Earth emits.

(Jinshinton:Kyaputen no tate)Vibrating Earth Release: The Captain’s Shield
Description: The user will cover their bodies with an armor of Vibrating Earth. While active, the user becomes resistant to damage caused by crushing, smashing or other shockwave based means due to the vibrations emitted absorbing and dispersing the kinetic energy. This protects the user from S-rank and below Earth and metal techniques meant for crushing. It can also protect against other techniques of equal or lesser rank(unless weak to that element) by acting as a powerful armor.

(Jinshinton: Chikyū pūru)Vibrating Earth Release: Earth Pool
Range:Short-Mid(area of effect)
Description: A technique meant to counter earth-based techniques and alter earth-based terrain. The user will create a rod of Vibrating Earth from their palm with a very sharp tip. He will lodge the rod into an earth-based construct, causing the vibrations emitted by the rod to disrupt the structural integrity of the construct. Solid Earth-based techniques will break apart when used by B and A-rank variants, crumbling apart and falling to the ground in a useless state. S-rank and above variants will liquefy the earth, causing it to turn to mud. The user can lodge the rod into the ground to accomplish the same effect on the ground up to Mid-range.

Conditions to be able to use it:Mastery of Lightning and Earth

Is weak to:
Lightning: While lightning is used to provide the vibration aspect to Vibrating Earth, the structural basis and integrity of the earth is still supplied by Earth Release. As the vibrations would simply make the lightning stronger due to lightning already having its own vibrations, Lightning would destroy the Earth base of the element.

Wind: Vibrating wind would simply make it stronger. Wind is also capable of slicing through the rock.

Acid/Decay/Lava: Vibrating Earth is susceptible to corrosion and decay, and are therefore weak to these elements. Being completely submerged in corrosive materials or forcibly decayed will destroy it.

Is strong against:
Metal and Earth: Metal, Earth and most solid based elements are susceptible to being broken apart and liquefied by the vibrations, as well as being unable to smash through the Vibrating Earth.

Energy-based elements: Energy-based elements will end up dissipating due to the vibrations released by the Vibrating Earth destabilizing their structural integrity,unless at least one rank stronger than the Vibrating Earth it makes contact with.

Sound: Due to assimilating nearby vibrations, Vibrating Earth would be strong to sound waves it clashes with, rendering them ineffective.


Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?


✗ Declined: There are a lot of reasons to assume why this would not work. This is all based on the idea that because there are elements of opposite natures, that you can do it too. That's not how it works, there still very well needs to be a logic and proof behind it, which is completely lacking here, as the relationships between the elements are different. It would extremely simple to think that because lightning vibrates I will be able to make vibrating earth by just adding lightning to it. Not to mention you are trespassing on the sound, quake and vibration elements. This is also seems to be an attempt to bypass the Vibranium submission that got declined.

Custom element Japanese name:Jishinton

Custom element English name:Vibrating Earth

The element is based on: Sound+Earth

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): Applying the vibration to solid objects has been shown before in the manga with the characters Killer Bee, Sasuke and Darui, who used the vibration aspect of Lightning to increase the cutting power of their blades. This CE takes that principle and applies to Earth Release and Sound Release. We know vibrations can travel through and in earth as this is the basis for earthquakes, which have been witnessed before in the Naruto manga, such as with the World Shaking Jutsu, and we know that Sound Release is capable of traveling through mediums. This can be seen when Dosu channeled Sound Release through Dosu's body, and by having a metallic device that could release Sound Waves. This device proves it is possible for Sound to travel through solid material without losing power. Earthquakes in the Naruto world supplies proof that it is possible for the vibrations that constitute Sound Waves to travel through Earth, as the Earthquakes and movement of Earth produces copious amounts of noise, which are merely waves of sound traveling through the air from the Earth.

How it works:The user will harness Sound and Earth to create a new type of rock. Vibrating Earth takes the form of a silver-colored stone that is completely smooth. The Sound component of the material causes it to steadily and constantly vibrate at all times, causing it to “whir” softly, due to Sound waves being vibrations; i.e., the Sound embued with the Earth causes the Earth to take on the vibrations that make Sound possible by infusing Sound chakra into Earth chakra. The higher ranked the Vibrating Earth created, the more intense the strength of its vibration. These intense vibrations causes Vibrating Earth to be immensely strong and resistant to blunt damage, such as crushing, smashing, and other shockwaves due to the vibration absorbing and dispersing most of the kinetic energy. A major strength of Vibrating Earth is that, due to the intense vibrations emitted from the stones, vibrations will simply be assimilated into the stones, so long as they are in close proximity to them.

Sharp constructs made of Vibrating Earth, such as spikes and blades, are capable of piercing and slicing through materials much easier than other blades and spikes due to the vibrations that are constantly exhibited by the earth to weaken the bonds of things it touches, allowing it to split the material much more easily. The highest ranking Vibrating Earth techniques(A-rank and above) will carry such intense vibrations that it can liquefy some objects when it makes contact, such as metals and stone, but will not have such an effect on flesh or bone.

Jutsu Usage Examples:
(Jishinton: Jishin no Jutsu)Vibrating Earth: Earthquake Technique
Description: This technique allows the user to generate Vibrating Earth from his own body or the ground below for various purposes, such as creating spikes, shields, spears, etc. The shape and usage of the Vibrating Earth made depends on the user’s imagination and the amount of chakra placed into the technique. The stronger the technique, the greater the vibration the Earth emits.

(Jinshinton:Kyaputen no tate)Vibrating Earth Release: The Captain’s Shield
Description: The user will cover their bodies with an armor of Vibrating Earth. While active, the user becomes resistant to damage caused by crushing, smashing or other shockwave based means due to the vibrations emitted absorbing and dispersing the kinetic energy. This protects the user from S-rank and below Earth and metal techniques meant for crushing. It can also protect against other techniques of equal or lesser rank(unless weak to that element) by acting as a powerful armor.

(Jinshinton: Chikyū pūru)Vibrating Earth Release: Earth Pool
Range:Short-Mid(area of effect)
Description: A technique meant to counter earth-based techniques and alter earth-based terrain. The user will create a rod of Vibrating Earth from their palm with a very sharp tip. He will lodge the rod into an earth-based construct, causing the vibrations emitted by the rod to disrupt the structural integrity of the construct. Solid Earth-based techniques will break apart when used by B and A-rank variants, crumbling apart and falling to the ground in a useless state. S-rank and above variants will liquefy the earth, causing it to turn to mud. The user can lodge the rod into the ground to accomplish the same effect on the ground up to Mid-range.

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery of Sound and Earth

Is weak to:
Lightning: Due to the structural basis and integrity of the earth being supplied by Earth Release, Lightning would destroy the Earth base of the element, causing it to fall apart and crumble as normal Earth would.

Wind: Vibrating wind would simply make it stronger. Wind is also capable of slicing through the rock.

Acid/Decay/Lava: Vibrating Earth is susceptible to corrosion and decay, and are therefore weak to these elements. Being completely submerged in corrosive materials or forcibly decayed will destroy it.

Is strong against:
Metal and Earth: Metal, Earth and most solid based elements are susceptible to being broken apart and liquefied by the vibrations, as well as being unable to smash through the Vibrating Earth.

Energy-based elements: Energy-based elements will end up dissipating due to the vibrations released by the Vibrating Earth destabilizing their structural integrity,unless at least one rank stronger than the Vibrating Earth it makes contact with.

Sound: Being a component of the element, Sound waves that strike Vibrating Earth would simply be assimilated, rendering opposing Sound waves ineffective.

Co-creator: Riker

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?


✗ Declined: This isn't an element. A CE combines two or more elements inexplicably. Something like water conducting lightning is not an element. The same principle applies for Sound being used to vibrate earth.

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Active member
May 31, 2014
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element Japanese name: Sukoria

Custom element English name: Scoria

The element is based on: Fire + Earth + Wind

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): In the Manga there have been multiple ways that Lava style has been implemented into a Ninja’s jutsu. This specific type of molten rock is tied greatly to Roshi and his Jinchuuriki’s ability to use the jutsu “Lava Release: Scorching Stream Rock Technique” which produces boulders of molten rock. The molten rock from that Lava technique is greatly tied to volcanoes which shows that the user would be capable of manipulating substances that derive from volcanoes as well as some volcanic rock. With the information that it is possible to heat molten rock this element focuses on the ability to cool magma on rocks which turns it into a different substance. This not only shows that it is possible to manipulate molten rock, but possible for the user to manipulate it into a different substance to create a black,or dark gray to deep reddish brown rock known as Scoria. To better help understand this element, Scoria is quite similar to when one slowly opens a soda bottle. As they open that soda bottle small, round bubbles form along the inside surface of the bottle. Then when the bottle is fully opened it releases larger bubbles, and a hiss of gas escapes from the bottle followed by a rush of a foam like material. The depressurization and escape of gases is the same process by which magma is depressurized as it exits a volcanic vent. The foam is equivalent to what the end result of Scoria is when it solidifies.

How it works: Scoria is formed by applying tremendous pressure towards the earth. While the earth is enclosed the user then begins to heat the earth to a state of molten-like earth. Once the rock has reached the designated heat levels the user then begins to surround earth with their wind chakra which causes for the rock to be cool tremendously. At the moment the user begins to cool the rock the pressure placed among the molten rock is then reduced greatly, as the rock is also being cooled gases start to escape in the form of bubbles. Now comes the precision part of creating the element, if the wind being applied to the molten rock solidifies the rock before the gases can fully escape the bubbles become small rounded cavities along the surfaces of the rock which is exactly what is wanted to create Scoria. Due to the fact that the earth solidified before the gases could all escape some of the gases and air are trapped inside in the form of bubbles,and the wind and gases are extremely hot. Normally, in real life cases the molten rocks are cooled because they are propelled into the air from erupting volcanoes, but in this case the user can achieve the same effect by applying the Wind Element to it to cool it. Also, as the user places Wind around the earth with the heat and pressure added to it, it releases gases out of it. The bubbles found along the surface of Scoria rocks are commonly known as vesicles containing trapped gases and air. The thick walls of Scoria also make it a heavy element weighing about 100 pounds per cubic foot making it heavier than earth, and light weight elements. When dealing with Real life situations Scoria has been known to be able to be crushed into different shapes and objects. Also, because it is heavier than earth it can be used to supplement the steel used in buildings making it play on equal terms with elements such as steel with a higher density than earth. Another property of Scoria is its ability to provide a good insulator for heat so it serves as a good way to keep heat inside, but also increase the Scoria rock itself. Something to note is that Scoria is mainly formed from rising magma is introduced to lower pressures, and has gases released which were trapped inside from the quick solidification of it. Overall, Scoria is a type of cooled molten rcok which contains hot gases and air inside of it making it quite hollow.

Jutsu Usage Examples:
(Sukoriarirīsu: Gurētosukoriarirīsu) Scoria Rease: Greater Scoria Release
Type: Offensive/Defensive Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra cost: 30
Damage: 60
Description: This jutsu enables the user the ability to crush pieces of Scoria to create shapes and objects only limited by the user’s imagination

(Sukoriarirīsu:Suishin gasu) Scoria Release: Propelling Gas
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user will first create a large boulder of Scoria with many vesicles along the surface of it. Now with the scoria construct the user then opens one of the valves on the back of the structure to release a blast of trapped gas and air from the back of it. With the blast coming from the Scoria it will then propel the rock in a certain direction depending on where the valve was released sending a large boulder of Scoria at a target which will hit an object with tremendous blunt force.

(Sukoriarirīsu: Ko 胞 Haretsu) Scoria Release: Vesicle Rupture
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Mid-Long
Chakra cost: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user will first construct a large piece of Scoria out of the surrounding ground. Now with the Scoria structure formed the user will then open up three vesicles on the contruct: One on the left, the right, and top. As the vesicles open a stream of wind is emitted from them in a linear pattern. The user then begins to spin the Scoria, and send it at a target. With the incoming Scoria it has wind being emitted from four different directions which can reach up to Mid-range. The Scoria construct itself will hit an object with extreme force, but also hit anything that gets in the way of the wind coming from it which can burn an object with heated air.
Conditions to be able to use it: Up to appropriate training in Fire, earth, and wind meaning if the user only has training up to B-rank in those elements they can only use up to B-rank Scoria.

Is weak to:

Water- Water also will act as wind does to Scoria, and serve as a way to cool it down. When water comes in contact with Scoria will cool down it’s hot outside surface, but as well as decrease the temperature inside of the rock itself.
Wind- Since Scoria is similar to molten rock, wind will cool down the gases and air trapped inside as well as the outside of it will be cooled down weakening it.
Lava- Lava is strong against Scoria due to Scoria's composition of Earth and Fire which the Lava element is strong against.
Storm- Same as with Lava, Storm is strong against both Earth and Fire which are the main components of Scoria.

Neutral To:
Steel- Scoria has been known to be able to replace Steel in constructions or buildings making it the logical choice to be able to play on equal terms with Steel.
Dark- Scoria is neutral to Dark release because Dark release can absorb the wind inside of the Scoria rock, but could not absorb the entire rock itself
Crystal- Is the same as Steel, and Scoria is a denser and stronger substance than ordinary earth putting it in the same league as Scoria.
Ice- Ice is known to be weak to earth which Scoria is made out of, but at the same time Ice is strong to wind which is inside of Scoria making it play on equal terms with Scoria.

Is strong against:
Earth- Scoria has been shown to have higher densities than ordinary earth structures.
Fire- Scoria is mainly a substance crafted from heated rock making it fire resistance, but at the same time it is because of Scoria that it is so dense and structured so fire will only increase the properties of the rock.
Lightning- Inside of the Scoria rock is air and gas that makes it hard for lightning to pass through it due to its weakness to wind.
Sound- It is mainly because Scoria has air trapped inside of it which would weaken the sound waves itself when it came in contact with Scoria as it tried to pass through it.

Co-creator: Skorm

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?


✗ Declined: "The How it Works" section was a bit of a laborious read but overall it was somewhat decent. However, your element as with the other one (Hydrophillic sand) falls flat when it comes to unique properties. Yes, your CE is probably feasible but ultimately it won't be approved if it isn't any different from existing elements. I suggest you expand on the gases trapped inside the rock and potentially opt for something explosive rather than flammable, since there are too many of the latter already.

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Active member
Apr 24, 2013
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Received permission to submit this
Removed double strength
Removed all radiation bit
Removed immunity to ozone

Custom element Japanese name: Ozuzon

Custom element English name: Ozone Release

The element is based on: Lightning and Wind Release

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): Ozone is an allotrope of oxygen and is found naturally in the atmosphere. Ozone is formed in atmosphere from the action of ultraviolet light and also atmospheric electrical discharges on di-oxygen, and is present in low concentrations throughout the Earth's atmosphere. This could be the same case in Naruto world. Ozone is something found naturally and as such it is something which is applicable. Every time there is a lightning storm, Ozone is said to be formed due to the massive electrical discharges. As we already know, lightning storms are there in the ninja world, so its safe to assume that ozone will be formed this way. Jutus's like Kirin is formed thanks to the lightning storm that one creates by heating the atmosphere, this proves that lightning storms can be created artificially so its possible for ozone to exist and to be created artificially. As ozone can be formed in two ways, the only possible way for a ninja is to make use of both his Lightning nature and Wind nature.

How it works: The ozone release works by combining the Lightning nature, with the Wind nature, using exceptional chakra control to do this. The lightning chakra causes the oxygen in the wind to react, forming Ozone. Ozone is a flammable pale blue gas, slightly soluble in water and its odor is sharp, reminiscent of chlorine, and detectable by people with heightened sense of smell(like that of inuzuka's) at concentrations of as little as 10 parts per billion in air. Exposure to low concentration of ozone causes headaches, burning eyes and irritation to the respiratory passages. Even low concentrations of ozone are very destructive to organic materials such as latex, plastics, animal lung tissue and stunts overall growth of plants as such it is very effective against wood release. A higher concentration of ozone has also the potency to harm lung function and irritate the respiratory system and cause cardiopulmonary problems which may lead to heart failure if not dealt with. Even very low concentrations of ozone can be harmful to the upper respiratory tract and the lungs. The severity of injury depends on both by the concentration of ozone and the duration of exposure. Severe and permanent lung injury or death could result from even a very short-term exposure to relatively low concentrations. Although the user can create and manipulate ozone, the user not immune to its effects, and cannot inhale it without repercussions. Ozone has a great oxidizing power, second to fluorine. These effects will be greater than that of its natural state as the user will be producing/manipulating a far more concentrated version of ozone that would probably never be seen in the natural world. Much like wind, Ozone is very flammable as has oxygen within it, which fuels the heat and flames of fire-based elements, making it weak to Fire Release.

A startlingly unique property possessed by Ozone is its naturally capability to absorb various forms of electromagnetic radiation. Although ozone in the ozone layer is the component that absorbs/filters the dangerous radiation, it does not make up the entire ozone layer. Even though that is true, the ozone layer still absorbs 97-99% of UV medium wavelengths. The longer wavelengths are the ones that sometimes manage to get through the ozone layer, and these wavelengths are not immediately harmful unless there is abnormal exposure to the suns rays. (sometimes they are even beneficial to the Vitamin D production in humans.) Since the previous is true, it is feasible to expect greater absorption since it is only pure ozone being manipulated. (Imagine an ozone layer entirely comprised of ozone.)The ozone in Ozuzon will be extremely concentrated compared to its natural counterpart by sheer numbers alone, thus its effects will be stronger/more potent. (Even without accounting for chakra manipulation). Ozone absorbs solar UV radiation, and heat, causing atmospheric temperature to climb to about 30°F (0°C) at the top of the layer, and preventing much of this radiation from reaching earth's surface, where it would injure many living things.

To further prove Ozuzon's strength to radiation, it is worthy to note that Gamma, X ray radiation from space does not reach the ground, and it would take a gamma burst to destroy the ozone layer. (A gamma burst has more energy in 10 seconds than our sun's 10 billion year lifetime, and our fairly rare.)

Releases: As a gas it is handled much like fuuton. Jutsu of Ozuzon will maintain the effects, and the pale blue color.

The resulting effect of this means:
♦Ozone can be used to act as a very powerful radiation shield
♦Ozone can be used to block light, including light from the sun
♦That it can be used to make conditions in a certain area more habitual by creating an expansive dome of Ozone, decreasing the overall temperature of the confined space by letting in less harmful UV Light.
♦Despite being weak to Fire-based elements, elements which solely utilize heat but have no inherent substance are weak to Ozuzon, as its absorption abilities encompass infrared radiation (heat energy).

Usage Examples:
(Ozuzon: Ozon sougou)|Ozone Release: Ozone Synthesis
Description:The user does a single seal manifesting a great amount of ozone gas in a desired area of the user's choice.The inhaling of this ozone gas can cause respiratory and cardio disorders.As the gas starts to materialize around the opponent,it causes burning eyes and irritation to the respiratory passages. After a turn of exposure,the opponent would start to breathe heavily and blood flow to the heart would be reduced. After 2 turns of exposure,the opponent will begin to feel feint and their vision will become clouded. After the third turn of exposure, the opponent will die due to heart failure. This ozone gas created this way can also be used for further ozone related jutsu's. A significant drawback of the jutsu is that the opponent can smell the ozone forming around due to its odor,even if he doesn't have heightened sense of smell. Furthermore, the due to Ozone's visible nature, the opponent sees the mist forming around them, allowing them to react accordingly.

♦Lasts 3 turns
♦If made Short Range of the user, he too would have the same symptoms and would die at the end of the 3 turns
♦Usable once per battle

(Ozuzon: Ozon sougou)|Ozone Release: Twilight Greenhouse
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: The user will channel their Ozuzon chakra into their around them to cause a massive dome to surface around themselves and their opponent. The dome itself is a very dark blue and composed entirely of dense ozone. This dome serves the purpose of blocking out all sunlight and harmful rays trying to penetrate the structure, making the inside of the dome pitch-black. Anyone inside of the dome will be robbed of their sense of sight, causing them to rely upon their other senses.

Is weak to:
♦Fire and Lava Release (and all of their KG/CE variants) - Similar to Wind, Ozuzon is extremely flammable and will only seek to fuel the flames of these types of elements.
♦Earth Release and Sand Release- Earth shields the gas, making it impossible of passing through.
♦All Crystal Elements - Same as Earth

Is strong against:

♦Lightning Release (and all of its KG/CE variants)- The element is a natural insulator much like wind and its high electrical resistivity contributes to this.
♦Radiation-Ozuzon aborbs/filters most UV radiation waves
♦ Light Release - Ozuzon can absorb the heating properties of light release
♦Heat based elements: Elements or jutsu that only manipulate the heat of an object, without a form of its own (lava, fire etc.) will hardly effect Ozone due to its heat absorbent properties.
♦Sound Release - Similar to Wind Release, Ozuzon is capable of repelling sound waves as it acts as the medium in which it moves through.
♦Wood Release, plant-based/organic elements - Ozone is capable of severely hindering growth by interfering with photosynthesis and various other biological process. This strength includes: Mushroom, Root and Plant Release.
♦ Metals-can become extremely weak due to the oxidizing/corrosive effects of Ozuzon. (excludes Gold)

Conditions to be able to use it:
Mastery of Wind| Mastery of Lightning | Great Chakra Control​

Co-creator: Igneel

Students I passed this custom element on too:? & ?


✗ Declined: You're contradicting yourself. You say twice that it's strong against heat and use fire and lava as examples and then you list fire and lava as weaknesses. This is quite important as I find the STR and WEAK quite unbalanced. Also ozone makes metals oxidize, however that's a two-way street. The metals and the ozone both undergo a transformation. And what do you mean with that Ozon will maintain the effects? It's not because it's wind based it suddenly can have the properties of wind if that's what you mean.

Custom element Japanese name:

Custom element English name: Ozone Release

The element is based on: Lightning and Wind Release

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): Ozone is an allotrope of oxygen and is found naturally in the atmosphere. Ozone is formed in atmosphere from the action of ultraviolet light and also atmospheric electrical discharges on di-oxygen, and is present in low concentrations throughout the Earth's atmosphere. This could be the same case in Naruto world. Ozone is something found naturally and as such it is something which is applicable. Every time there is a lightning storm, Ozone is said to be formed due to the massive electrical discharges. As we already know, lightning storms are there in the ninja world, so its safe to assume that ozone will be formed this way. Jutus's like Kirin is formed thanks to the lightning storm that one creates by heating the atmosphere, this proves that lightning storms can be created artificially so its possible for ozone to exist and to be created artificially. As ozone can be formed in two ways, the only possible way for a ninja is to make use of both his Lightning nature and Wind nature.

How it works: The ozone release works by combining the Lightning nature, with the Wind nature, using exceptional chakra control to do this. The lightning chakra causes the oxygen in the wind to react, forming Ozone. Ozone is a flammable pale blue gas, slightly soluble in water and its odor is sharp, reminiscent of chlorine. Exposure to low concentration of ozone causes headaches, burning eyes and irritation to the respiratory passages. Even low concentrations of ozone are very destructive to organic materials such as latex, plastics, animal lung tissue and stunts overall growth of plants as such it is very effective against wood release. A higher concentration of ozone has also the potency to harm lung function and irritate the respiratory system and cause cardiopulmonary problems which may lead to heart failure if not dealt with. Even very low concentrations of ozone can be harmful to the upper respiratory tract and the lungs. The severity of injury depends on both by the concentration of ozone and the duration of exposure. Severe and permanent lung injury or death could result from even a very short-term exposure to relatively low concentrations. Although the user can create and manipulate ozone, the user not immune to its effects, and cannot inhale it without repercussions. Ozone has a great oxidizing power, second to fluorine. These effects will be greater than that of its natural state as the user will be producing/manipulating a far more concentrated version of ozone that would probably never be seen in the natural world. It is worthy to note that though it oxidizes metals, Ozone is also used up in such a reaction.This essentially amounts to the two elements canceling out each other which gives Ozone neutrality to most metals. (Excluding Gold.) Much like wind, Ozone is very flammable as has oxygen within it, which fuels the heat and flames of fire-based elements, making it weak to Fire Release.

A startlingly unique property possessed by Ozone is its naturally capability to absorb various forms of electromagnetic radiation. Although ozone in the ozone layer is the component that absorbs/filters the dangerous radiation, it does not make up the entire ozone layer. Even though that is true, the ozone layer still absorbs 97-99% of UV medium wavelengths. The longer wavelengths are the ones that sometimes manage to get through the ozone layer, and these wavelengths are not immediately harmful unless there is abnormal exposure to the suns rays. (sometimes they are even beneficial to the Vitamin D production in humans.) Since the previous is true, it is feasible to expect greater absorption since it is only pure ozone being manipulated. (Imagine an ozone layer entirely comprised of ozone.)The ozone in Ozuzon will be extremely concentrated compared to its natural counterpart by sheer numbers alone, thus its effects will be stronger/more potent. (Even without accounting for chakra manipulation). Ozone absorbs solar UV radiation, and heat, causing atmospheric temperature to climb to about 30°F (0°C) at the top of the layer, and preventing much of this radiation from reaching earth's surface, where it would injure many living things.

To further prove Ozuzon's strength to radiation, it is worthy to note that Gamma, X ray radiation from space does not reach the ground, and it would take a gamma burst to destroy the ozone layer. (A gamma burst has more energy in 10 seconds than our sun's 10 billion year lifetime, and are fairly rare.)

The resulting effect of this means:
♦Ozone can be used to act as a very powerful radiation shield
♦Ozone can be used to block light, including light from the sun
♦Despite being weak to Fire-based elements, elements which solely utilize heat but have no inherent substance are weak to Ozuzon, as its absorption abilities encompass infrared radiation (heat energy).

Usage Examples:
(Ozuzon: Ozon sougou)|Ozone Release: Ozone Synthesis
Description:The user does a single seal manifesting a great amount of ozone gas in a desired area of the user's choice.The inhaling of this ozone gas can cause respiratory and cardio disorders.As the gas starts to materialize around the opponent,it causes burning eyes and irritation to the respiratory passages. After a turn of exposure,the opponent would start to breathe heavily and blood flow to the heart would be reduced. After 2 turns of exposure,the opponent will begin to feel feint and their vision will become clouded. After the third turn of exposure, the opponent will die due to heart failure. This ozone gas created this way can also be used for further ozone related jutsu's. A significant drawback of the jutsu is that the opponent can smell the ozone forming around due to its odor,even if he doesn't have heightened sense of smell. Furthermore, the due to Ozone's visible nature, the opponent sees the mist forming around them, allowing them to react accordingly.

♦Lasts 3 turns
♦If made Short Range of the user, he too would have the same symptoms and would die at the end of the 3 turns
♦Usable once per battle

(Ozuzon: Ozon sougou)|Ozone Release: Twilight Greenhouse
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: The user will channel their Ozuzon chakra into their around them to cause a massive dome to surface around themselves and their opponent. The dome itself is a very dark blue and composed entirely of dense ozone. This dome serves the purpose of blocking out all sunlight and harmful rays trying to penetrate the structure, making the inside of the dome pitch-black. Anyone inside of the dome will be robbed of their sense of sight, causing them to rely upon their other senses.

Is weak to:
♦Fire and Lava Release (and all of their KG/CE variants) - Similar to Wind, Ozuzon is extremely flammable and will only seek to fuel the flames of these types of elements.
♦(most non metal solids including but not limited to) Earth/Sand release and variants. Glass and variants- Solids shields the gas, making it impossible of passing through.
♦All Crystal based Elements-Same reason as Earth
♦Ice/Cold based elements

Is strong against:

♦Lightning Release (and all of its KG/CE variants)- The element is a natural insulator much like wind and its high electrical resistivity contributes to this.
♦Radiation-Ozuzon aborbs/filters most UV radiation waves
♦ Light Release - Ozuzon can absorb the heating properties of light release
♦Heat based elements: Elements or jutsu that only manipulate the heat of an object, without a form of its own will hardly effect Ozone due to its heat absorbent properties. An example is Temperature Release.
♦Wood Release, plant-based/organic elements - Ozone is capable of severely hindering growth by interfering with photosynthesis and various other biological process. This strength includes: Mushroom, Root and Plant Release.

Conditions to be able to use it:
Mastery of Wind| Mastery of Lightning | Great Chakra Control​

Co-creator: Igneel

Students I passed this custom element on too:? & ?

P a t e n t C e r t i f i c a t e

I, Negative Knight, head of the Custom Elements Bureau, declare for all men to hear that I give you the following:

Omega, our loyal member, gave on the date September 25th 2016 a request for a Patent on his custom element (Ozone); after reading the submission, I decided that the submitted element satisfies all requirements, and am therefore giving him his rightfully earned Patent on this element by the following;

Powered by Lord of Kaos
Copyright © 2016, Omega,​
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Active member
Nov 29, 2011
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom Element Japanese Name: Kokushoku kayaku

Custom Element English Name: Black Powder

The Element is based on: Earth, Fire & Chakra Control

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): Black Powder is not a naturally occurring element; it is a chemical process that needs to be done to create the Black Powder. But to create the Black Powder you need specific minerals and molecules that exist inside the earth. Several of these minerals and molecules needed to produce the Black Powder is actually essential components for life and it is found near hot springs and the minerals are also natural products of volcanic eruptions. Furthermore you will find the minerals inside mountains and deep within the ground.

It has been shown in Naruto that hot springs exist, not only in Konohagakure but all around the ninja world. Furthermore the existence of Lava Release, which has been displayed by Son Goku and Mei Terumi, and the massive mountains that exist around the ninja world are also strong factors that may prove the minerals exist to create this Black Powder. These two factors also prove that volcanoes may exist in the ninja world. Furthermore there exists another vital component for the creation of Black Powder and that is wood. Now this is a natural product, that you will see all over the ninja world in the form of large forests and even the First Hokage whom displayed the ability to use Wood Release.

How it works: The element itself is in truth, Black sand or powder like state material. Black Powder is created through simultaneously fusing earth and fire chakra, and is released from the user’s body. The Black Powder may also be created from the ground surrounding the user. When created it is in a fine state between sand and powder, and is completely black. It is rather heavy in large amounts and it is highly explosive and ignitable. The ability that this black powder holds, the explosive and ignitable feature combined with the smoke and gaseous state that it will create when ignited, it is created through the simultaneous usage of both Fire and Earth element. The black powder when ignited will reach a scorching heat of between 300 to 350 degrees. It needs an equal amount of heat to even be ignited, yet that is of course what the user is doing when he fuses the fire and earth element together creating the element. This immense heat that is created when the black powder is ignited by a fire or the users fire chakra gives the black powder its scorching red color just before it “explodes” creating a powerful blast and a small shockwave that is created around it, dependent on the size of the explosion. The smoke and gas created from the explosion that happens to the black powder is toxic to a certain degree. The smoke and gas will make a person’s eyes drowsy while the lunges, throat and mouth will feel soar, dry and it will irritate a person severely. Furthermore that gas if inhaled for an extended time will give one a heavy headache and may make one faint. The black powder is coated in a unique mineral which gives the black powder a reduced ability to build-up electrostatic charge which makes it less possible to ignite the black powder through electrical means. The black powder can be used in many different situations, creating shields, weapons, coat parts of objects, make underground blasts, create flares in the sky, can create burst charges of any kind and make fast moving projectile like explosions similar to that of something like rockets, arrows, kunai and shuriken, dependent on the explosive force, it may reach extreme speeds. Another and final property of Black Powder, is that it is made out of three different kinds of mineral and particles, while also being made of a unique process. As such in reality, Black Powder is incapable of decaying.

Usage Examples:

Kokushoku kayaku: Dangan Parusu | Black Powder: Bullet Pulse
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: This technique allows the practitioner of this element to, when raising his hand and pointing his index finger at his opponent, to gather both fire and earth element to this finger. This will essentially create a mixture that results in the creation of a small nail sized amount of black powder to be created on the edge of his finger. At this point, the user will with this tiny nail sized black powder; compress it into a dense state, whereas he will shoot it towards the opponent with the pulsing force of explosive black powder that is constantly created behind the dense nail sized bullet of black powder. The black powder created behind it immediately “explodes” creating the forward push to the very technique, causing the “bullet” to move at very high speeds towards the opponent, and on impact it will explode with enough force to tear off an arm or leg, or rip through skin, flesh and even bones.

Kokushoku kayaku: Jirai Hara | Black Powder: Mine Field
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: This is a very simple technique, where the user will plant his palm upon the ground releasing a mixture of both fire and earth chakra into the ground, resulting in the creation of black powder, while simultaneously manipulating the ground to the point where it will also create black powder beneath the ground. This black powder will be gathered in 5 different spots on the field, which have a very high density and it is very close to the surface. These spots on the ground could be called mines, as whenever a person may step upon one of these spots, the black powder will go into a state of ignition, causing an explosion to be created. This explosion is an upwards explosion that happens at high speed and with great force, rupturing the ground and exploding with great force onto the target above.

Kokushoku kayaku: Bakuhatsu Burakku Funmatsu Kabe | Black Powder: Wall of Explosive Black Powder
Type: Offensive - Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: This is one of the more advanced techniques that one may perform. The user will exhale a vast amount of black powder from his mouth. This large amount of black powder is spewed out at high speed creating a large wall of “darkness” which forms a sort of wall in front of the user. This wall is only temporary, yet if anything touches it, it will with its high density and weight stop incoming projectiles like kunai, shuriken etc. Yet the true ability behind this wall is that just when created, if it is in contact with fire or any heat type of element, or if the user performs the tiger hand seal, it will cause this enormous wall of black powder to explode or ignite. This creates a large explosion of force that may rupture the ground or anything near it. After the explosion a cloud of gas and smoke will flood the entire field around it, meaning that a high level of danger to be exposed to the gas and smoke is present.

Kokushoku kayaku: Kuro Kunai | Black Powder: Black Kunai
Type: Offensive
Rank: C
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 15
Damage: 30
Description: The user will pull out one or up to five kunai, these kunai will then be coated in black powder created by the user and then coated onto the kunai through the usage of his chakra. This will cause the kunai(s) to gain a completely black blade. These kunai have now gained an explosive power. These kunai may be thrown, causing them to explode on impact, or the user may use one kunai in close combat by when thrust into the chest of a person as an example, it will explode causing the chest of the opponent to explode.

Conditions to be able to use it:
- Mastery over Earth
- Mastery over Fire
- Excellent Chakra Control

Is weak to:

Water & Rain Release – Water will neutralize the explosive fire nature of the element

All Metal – Metal is strong enough to withstand the blunt and explosive force

All Crystals – Crystals are capable of withstanding massive amount of heat and force

Ice, Snow & Frost Release – These elements may withstand the heat yet explosive force can push through

Lava & Scorch (Other extreme heat elements) – These elements overcome the heat and force of the Black Powder

Lightning & Variations – Lightning with enough force will literally obliterate the Black Powder

Is strong against:

Wind Release – The Black Powder is heavy and dense enough to overpower the wind

Fire Release - Black Powder is a component used together with fire to create powerful explosions

Earth – The Black Powder is heavier than earth and with explosive force it will smash through the earth

Magnetism Release – The magnetic force would only gather the Black Powder making it denser and giving it blunter and explosive force, furthermore the amount would end up being massive weight

Wood & Organic elements – Black Powder will with its explosive and burning force destroy the organic material

Decay – It is said everything decays, yet in truth Black Powder does not decay

Co-creator: N/A

Students I passed this custom element on to: ? & ?


✗ Declined: Because you seem to want to avoid at all costs explicitly telling what this now exactly is. Black powder is just a name, but you never mention what that powder now is. To me it reminds me of gunpowder, which on its turn is nothing but a name for a specific combination of elements, including sulphur, which is an already existing CE. You talk about you need to find minerals there and how it has a special mineral that allows that. You're beating around the bush. Unless you clearly explain what this now is, I can't verify it. Also if something is ignitable, there will not be much of a 'flame' state, it will almost instantly explode and as a result there will not be much of a gas as that's mainly the result when something gets consumed by fire, which is not the same as exploding. Finally fire can never be a strength of something that's ignitable as it means it will be completely destroyed when touched by it.

Resubmission: completely revamped the how it works and the proof section.

NK permission to submit Gunpowder since he has sulphur:

Custom Element Japanese Name: Kayaku Rirīsu

Custom Element English Name: Gunpowder Release

The Element is based on: Earth Release + Fire Release

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

Gunpowder, also known as black powder, is made up of 3 separate components. The first two are decent forms of fuel, while the final component acts as an oxidizer. The end result is a black sand-like substance which is easily combusted, creating a powerful explosion. This is typically used for the purpose of mining, by blasting the rock with the highly explosive material/ substance.

The first is Sulphur. Sulphur can be found in many types of environments, the most common being volcanoes or hot springs. As there have been numerous hot springs showcased throughout the series, it confirms that Sulphur can be found naturally within the Narutoverse. Sulphur can also be found at volcanoes, and while there weren’t any showcased within the Manga, the presence of Lava Release, specifically the variant performed by the Jinchūriki of the Tailed Beast, Son Gokū
, shows that Lava is also present within the Narutoverse, hinting that there may also be volcanoes, and thus, another potential environment where Sulphur can be naturally found.

The second component is Charcoal. As Charcoal is most easily created by heating and drying out wood, thus removing all moisture/ water and volatile components from it, logically one would only need to prove the existence of Wood to assume that Charcoal exists within the Narutoverse. We see many forms of vegetation in the Narutoverse, especially trees, as there are many occasions when Shinobi use tree branches as a platform to facilitate faster movement to their destination, while also providing cover from potential enemy attacks. There are also certain Shinobi who can control, manipulate and even create trees from nothing, using their Chakra. As Charcoal is a byproduct of heating/ burning Wood, we can safely assume that it also exists in the Narutoverse.

The final component is Saltpetre (Potassium Nitrate). Saltpetre can be extracted from natural sources, such as bat guano, a.k.a cave bat droppings. As there have been numerous sightings of bats within the Narutoverse, it can be logically assumed that Saltpetre also exists within the Narutoverse. Other methods, which include the boiling of natural minerals and the decomposition of natural resources, using urine, exist, however are not as convenient as the former case when it comes to using Saltpetre as a resource for this Custom Element.

Proving the potential existence of these 3 elements proves that gunpowder may also exist within the Narutoverse, and as something composed of natural elements, minerals and materials, is something that Shinobi can create and manipulate through their Chakra.

How it works:

The user starts by combining Earth and Fire Release Chakra, taking the base minerals, materials and components that are controlled via Earth Release Chakra, and infusing them with the inherent combustible properties of select Fire Release Jutsu (Like with “(Katon: Haisekishō) Fire Release: Ash Pile Burning” which uses Chakra infused gunpowder and ash to create a smokescreen-like cloud that doesn’t inflict severe burns on contact, until lit with an external spark). By combining these two Elemental Chakra Natures, the user creates a new type of Chakra, Gunpowder Chakra, which they channel into the earth beneath their feet, manipulating it, and turning it into Gunpowder. As the key components of non-Chakra infused Gunpowder are usually quite scarce, and rarely found together, the user may also choose, if they so desire, to carry a store of Gunpowder on their person, which they can use if they decide to fight on a terrain where the surface isn’t plain earth and dirt.

Gunpowder itself is a black sand-like material, and works in a similar way to existing sand-like Elements, allowing it’s user to freely manipulate to shape of the Element to any object, tool, weapon, etc that they desire. All of these shapes will be capable of physical contact via their shape, so a blade made of compacted Gunpowder will still be able to cut the user’s intended target, and a shield of Gunpowder will still be capable of defending the user. The major difference between this Element and existing sand-like Elements is that when Gunpowder comes into contact with a flame, or spark of some description, Gunpowder will almost instantly explode in a violent manner, giving the offensive applications of this Element a greater range, thanks to the wide area of effect this explosion, as well as the resulting shockwave, allows. However, this also makes the defensive applications of this Element a double-edged sword, as defending with something as combustible and violent as Gunpowder is a flawed tactic, and could easily lead to the user’s Jutsu backfiring on themselves, should their opponent know the qualities of Gunpowder. Another key trait of Gunpowder is the smoke it gives off once combusted. Due to Gunpowders naturally combustible nature, it acts as a natural irritant, causing discomfort to anyone it comes into contact. This includes irritation of the eyes and respiratory system, causing extreme discomfort to the throat and lungs of any who breathe the smoke from Gunpowder in. The user cannot control these side-effects, as they are simply that, side-effects from the inhalation created by the combustion of Gunpowder, and thus beyond the scope of the Element.

Usage Examples:

Kayaku: Dangan Parusu | Gunpowder: Bullet Pulse
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: This technique allows the practitioner of this element to, when raising his hand and pointing his index finger at his opponent, to gather both fire and earth element to this finger. This will essentially create a mixture that results in the creation of a small nail sized amount of black powder to be created on the edge of his finger. At this point, the user will with this tiny nail sized black powder; compress it into a dense state, whereas he will shoot it towards the opponent with the pulsing force of explosive black powder that is constantly created behind the dense nail sized bullet of black powder. The black powder created behind it immediately “explodes” creating the forward push to the very technique, causing the “bullet” to move at very intense speeds towards the opponent, and on impact it will explode with enough force to tear off an arm or leg, or rip through skin, flesh and even bones.

Kayaku: Jirai Hara | Gunpowder: Mine Field
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: This is a very simple technique, where the user will plant his palm upon the ground releasing a mixture of both fire and earth chakra into the ground, resulting in the creation of black powder, while simultaneously manipulating the ground to the point where it will also create black powder beneath the ground. This black powder will be gathered in 5 different spots on the field, which have a very high density and it is very close to the surface. These spots on the ground could be called mines, as whenever a person may step upon one of these spots, the black powder will go into a state of ignition, causing an explosion to be created. This explosion is an upwards explosion that happens at high speed and with great force, rupturing the ground and exploding with great force onto the target above.

Kayaku: Bakuhatsu Burakku Funmatsu Kabe | Gunpowder: Wall of Explosive Black Powder
Type: Offensive - Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: This is one of the more advanced techniques that one may perform. The user will exhale a vast amount of black powder from his mouth. This large amount of black powder is spewed out at high speed creating a large wall of “darkness” which forms a sort of wall in front of the user. This wall is only temporary, yet if anything touches it, it will with its high density and weight stop incoming projectiles like kunai, shuriken etc. Yet the true ability behind this wall is that just when created, if it is in contact with fire or any heat type of element, or if the user performs the tiger hand seal, it will cause this enormous wall of black powder to explode or ignite. This creates a large explosion of force that may rupture the ground or anything near it. After the explosion a cloud of gas and smoke will flood the entire field around it, meaning that a high level of danger to be exposed to the gas and smoke is present.

Kayaku: Kuro Kunai | gunpowder: Black Kunai
Type: Offensive
Rank: C
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 15
Damage: 30
Description: The user will pull out one or up to five kunai, these kunai will then be coated in black powder created by the user and then coated onto the kunai through the usage of his chakra. This will cause the kunai(s) to gain a completely black blade. These kunai have now gained an explosive power. These kunai may be thrown, causing them to explode on impact, or the user may use one kunai in close combat by when thrust into the chest of a person as an example, it will explode causing the chest of the opponent to explode.

Conditions to be able to use it:

- Mastery over Earth
- Mastery over Fire
- Excellent Chakra Control

Is weak to:

Water & Rain Release – Water will neutralize the explosive fire nature of the element

All Metal – Metal is strong enough to withstand the blunt and explosive force

All Crystals – Crystals are capable of withstanding massive amount of heat and force

Ice, Snow & Frost Release – These elements may withstand the heat yet explosive force can push through

Lava & Scorch (Other extreme heat elements) – These elements overcome the heat and force of the Black Powder

Lightning & Variations – Lightning with enough force will literally obliterate the Black Powder

Fire Release - Black Powder is a component used together with fire, however if touched by fire it will ignite it and cause it to explode and disappear

Is strong against:

Wind Release – The Black Powder is heavy and dense enough to overpower the wind

Earth – The Black Powder is heavier than earth and with explosive force it will smash through the earth

Magnetism Release – The magnetic force would only gather the Black Powder making it denser and giving it blunter and explosive force, furthermore the amount would end up being massive weight

Wood & Organic elements – Black Powder will with its explosive and burning force destroy the organic material

Decay – It is said everything decays, yet in truth Black Powder does not decay

Co-creator: N/A

Students I passed this custom element on to: ? & ?


✗ Declined: Decent base but the Strengths and Weaknesses section is completely wrong. Your element is Gunpowder, not the explosion which occurs after it's been ignited. Your strengths should have absolutely nothing to do with Gunpowder once it's ignited. Ignition, whether it was you or the opponent that initiated it, is the effective destruction of your element. All of your elemental S/W should reflect the properties of Gunpowder. So what if Water makes Gunpowder impossible to ignite? If your element isn't weakened in any other way, it would be strong to Water.

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Jan 24, 2013
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

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Custom element Japanese name: Dējiton.

Custom element English name: Digital Release.

The element is based on: Lightning + Advanced Chakra Control.

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

We have seen various forms of technology in the Narutoverse, from security camera's to TV's and VCR's with basic features like recording, rewinding, pausing and playing pre-recorded visual and audial information [SUP] [/SUP], and in one instance, live broadcasting via Satellite [SUP] [/SUP]. This was to establish a meeting between the 5 Daimyo, without the risk of having them to leave their respective Nations and fear attack from the Akatsuki. We have seen a cash register that would most likely be able to display numeric values and can perform simple mathematical equations [SUP] [/SUP], batteries that were used to power the communications systems during the 4th Great Shinobi War [SUP] [/SUP] and even wireless headsets that allow long range communication via transmitting information through electromagnetic waves [SUP] [/SUP] [SUP] [/SUP]. We have even seen several forms of Personal Computers in the Narutoverse, first when Choji was receiving his surgery after his fight with Jirobo, Laptops were used to monitor his vital signs [SUP] [/SUP], then a Desktop Computer in Konoha's Cryptology Team's Office when they were deciphering Jiraiya's message about Pain [SUP] [/SUP], and probably most noticeably, at the end of the series, on the 7th Hokage's desk [SUP] [/SUP] [SUP] [/SUP]. The 7th Hokage's laptop looks very similar to a modern day laptop, which means it most likely comes with similar features, as it obviously has a screen for displaying information, it may also include a microphone, speakers, camera and other various forms of technology that modern computers have. At the very least it can be assumed the Laptop has a Central Processing Unit (CPU) and some form of dedicated internal memory storage, most likely in the form of a hard drive, which is used to store information on the Laptop for various purposes. By looking at the various forms of technology available in the Narutoverse, one can determine that some of these forms of technology, the computers in particular, use forms of digital information or data, such as Binary or ASCII code, to function and achieve their intended purposes.

This Custom Element is based on the concept of recreating the various forms of technology we have seen in the Narutoverse. This is achieved through combining Lightning Release and Advanced Chakra control, the former as the "power source" and general basis of the Element, and the latter as a means of controlling and enhancing Lightning Release's nature, creating a new Custom Element. Digital Release.​

How it works:

Digital Release is a very versatile Element, having a good balance between Offensive, Defensive and Supplementary uses. Digital Release can be used in one of three forms, which are explained in detail below. At it's very core, Digital Release is composed of tiny shapes of Lightning Release, "Pixels", that are created by applying Shape Manipulation to the Lightning Element. On their own, they are imperceptible without Doujutsu or another appropriate method of detection, and while not at all impressive on their own, they can gather together with other Pixels to create almost any shape or form, which, like most Elements, is only limited by the user's imagination. In this regard, Digital Release is akin to sand-based Elements, allowing for a massive level of control over the general form, and applications thereof, of the Element. The main difference between Digital Release and other sand-like Elements being Digital Release's emphasis on variety in usage and general scope, taking full advantage and control over various forms of information or data.

Digital Release can access information the user, or others, have by establishing a direct link to the brain. This is possible through "hacking into" the electrochemical processes used by neurons for signalling one another. When they are active, brain tissue generates electric fields, and when large numbers of neurons show synchronized activity, the electric fields that they generate can be large enough to detect outside the skull. Because these electrochemically generated fields are detectable outside the skull, Digital Release can use this as a point of access, allowing Digital Release direct access to the user's brain, and to a slightly lesser extent, the brains of others through the same non-harmful, but invasive, method. Finally, Digital Release is able to display information because, by it's very nature, the human brain is very much like a "organic computer". 100 billion neurons per human, of which only 15% are active. The human body possesses a gigantic network of information to which they have no access, without external influence. Using Digital Release, this vast, unused space becomes usable, through Digital Release's most basic form, Data Form. Any information the user has can be codified, interpreted, and indexed all through Chakra Control. This opens up a massive number of possibilities, the most basic set of examples including but not limited to the recording, storage, sharing, stealing, transference and deletion of information through Digital Release.

As mentioned in the first section, this Element is based on basic principles found in Lightning Release and Ninjutsu, specifically the basics of Chakra Control and Shape Manipulation. This yields 3 distinctive forms, based on the core forms any Element may take (Basic, Advanced and Specific) each with their own advantages and disadvantages which are all still bound to the same Elemental Strengths and Weaknesses of the Element in general. These forms are as follows;

Data Form - Data Form is Digital Release's Supplementary form, as it has no Offensive or Defensive capabilities. It's represented as non-physical Pixel's of Digital Release Chakra, and is mainly displayed via some form of holographic interface, combining Pixels to create an intangible object. (We have seen this before, Lightning created in a completely supplementary manner, causing no actual physical damage, beyond the impairment of vision. This is performed by Cee of Kumogakure during the Kage Summit Arc [SUP] [/SUP], who released his Lightning Style Chakra in a completely intangible, supplementary manner, creating Lightning Style that had no physical properties, but caused visual impairment as a means of stealthily applying a Genjutsu.) Through Data Form, the user can show many forms of information, as explained in the previous section. Data Form can also be used to create visual holograms of almost anything. This gives the user a wide variety in distraction options, or as a means of generally confusing their target. Because of it's intangible and entirely non-harmful manner, Data Form constructs are also unaffected by all forms of physical attacks, only being dispelled when the Chakra is overpowered by it's Elemental Weaknesses.

Program Form - Program Form is the main Defensive application of Digital Release, but does have Offensive capabilities, harnessing and controlling Lightning's unstable nature while still retaining it's sharpness. This allows the user to gather and combine Pixels to create physical constructs that are not directly harmful upon contact, meaning they can be touched or held without the wielder being harmed, but can be used to cut or slice anything they can come into contact with, if they have an appropriate bladed edge. (Lightning Release has also been shown to achieve a certain level of tangibility, as was displayed when Sasuke used Chidori Spear to cut Killer Bee's tentacle. When he did this, the Spear bent slightly and showed clear signs of resistance, displaying that it was in fact interacting with Bee's tentacle and not simply just cutting through it [SUP] [/SUP] [SUP] [/SUP].) These constructs' shapes and sizes are completely down to the user, accounting for the usual battle-orientated variety found in most Elements, allowing the user to create things like tools, weaponry and other basic shapes with ease. Because these constructs are not composed of the same materials as their realistic counterparts, Program Form constructs are essentially weightless, being composed entirely out of energy and thus will also appear as such, like energy gathered in a specific shape, or form. Program Form constructs can be used with Data Form to create physical constructs with a holographic overlay, making them appear realistic, while not affecting any other aspect of the construct, allowing the user the element of surprise in a wide variety of scenario's.

Virus Form - Virus Form is responsible for the main bulk of Digital Release's Offensive Applications, and was, essentially, a mistake. Upon it's creation, Digital Release encountered a "glitch" which accidentally resulted in the Element becoming extremely unstable as the creator's control over it was lost. The resulting form was described as a "Virus", and it's spread throughout the Element was halted to particular applications, such as projectiles, streams and other forms of ranged combat. Upon contact with physical matter, Virus Form will do what Lightning Release usually does in this same scenario, but at a much quicker pace, essentially "eating" solid matter, breaking it down to nothing. However, this also makes Virus Form highly unstable and uncontrollable, potentially causing problems for the user, which is why it's usage is limited to projectile and long range based combat, as it's unstable nature makes contact with it highly discouraged to both the user and others alike.​

Usage Examples:

(Dējiton: Ākaibu) Digital Release: Archive
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 40 (10 Chakra per turn while active)
Damage: N/A
Description: Through the application of Data Form Digital Release, the user creates a holographic interface that is capable of displaying information such as video or audio. It can transmit this information a considerable distance, capable of relaying orders over great distances, or allowing communication with others, using Archive as the go-between.

(Dējiton: Raizēshon) Digital Release: Materialization
Type: Defensive/ Offensive
Rank: D-Rank - B-Rank
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 10 - 20
Damage: 20 - 40
Description: The user, through the application of Program Form Digital Release, creates tangible constructs. These constructs can be used to block or deflect incomming attacks, used as weapons or tools, and as general multi-purpose tools.

(Dējiton: Dekaizōdo) Digital Release: Deressolution
Type: Offensive
Rank: C-Rank
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 15
Damage: 30
Description:By gathering Virus Form Digital Release Chakra, the user is able to create projectile-type attacks, or release streams of mallicious Digital Release Chakra, that will, upon contact with the target, rapidly break it down through Digital Release's more unstable and destructive nature.

Conditions to be able to use it:

User must have Raiton & Ninjutsu completed.
User must be Kage Rank or higher.​

Is weak to:

Wind: Digital Release, like Lightning Release, can be overpowered by the cutting power and general force exerted by Wind Release.

Other similar cases include Paper Ninjutsu, as it is a good insulator and Wind CE variants, such as Atmospheric Pressure, Divine Wind and almost all other Wind based Elements have these same destructive properties.​

Water: If wet, or otherwise affected by the Water Element, Digital Release will short-circuit, causing Digital Release to malfunction and general be rendered inert, or even explode.

Other similar cases include the Boil and Steam Elements, as they both contain Water Chakra and have a water basis, while CE variants, such as Alcohol, Oobleck, Pure Water, Volcanic Water will produce the same general effect, causing Digital Release to malfunction and otherwise become useless.​

Dark: Being composed entirely out of energy, Dark Release can completely absorb Digital Release.

Other similar cases include Elements and Abilities that can absorb or are stronger than energy based Elements, such as the Preta Path's Chakra Absorption Ability, or CE examples that are especially effective against energy based Elements, like Decay Release.​

Is strong against:

Lightning: Digital Release is powered by Lightning Release. Any Jutsu composed of, or has a similar form to, Lightning Release will be essentially absorbed by Digital Release.

Other similar cases include Storm Release & CE variants, such as Raging Thunder Release.​

Earth: Digital Release still retains the basic nature of Lightning, but is harnessed and controlled in a more stable manner, with the exception of Virus Form, which is the exact opposite, unstable and maliciously breaks down physical matter it comes into contact with. With these natures, Digital Release is able to cut through or break down Earth Release with ease.

Other similar cases include Wood Release, Ice Release, Crystal & Glass-like Elements, Steel Release & Metal Based Elements (Digital Release can cut right through them), Sand, Blast (Able to defuse the detonation process), Lava, Shikotsumyaku, Scorch Release (Can't be dehydrated and is otherwise unaffected by heat) & Magnetism (Interfere's with the magnetic forces).​

Co-creator: .

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?

Credits to Six Pāths for the CE Icon.


✗ Declined: This is not a CE. This became obvious when you said that the core of the CE is that you use shape manipulation. You do that on the level of a jutsu, not on the level of a CE. Then I'm not even going to mention that some these abilities are far beyond the scope of a human even in the Narutoverse. Some things could also be considered to be transgressing on the field of medical ninjutsu. In the end this is something you can try for a CC, but not a CE.

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Custom Element Japanese name: Dējiton.

Custom Element English name: Digital Release.

The Element is based on: Lightning Release + Wind Release.

Facts that prove the Element to be possible (In the Manga context):

This Custom Element is based on the concept of recreating various forms of technology that have been observed in the Narutoverse, mainly those of a visual nature, however other forms, such as direct communication, are also included. Because the Narutoverse is a mixture of modern and traditional Japan, we have seen a wide variety of forms of technology within it, from security camera's and TV's with VCR's, which possess with basic features like recording, rewinding, pausing and playing pre-recorded visual and audial information. In one instance, live broadcasting via Satellite was used to establish a meeting between the 5 Daimyo, without them having to leave their respective Nations, and risk attack from the Akatsuki. We have seen a cash register that would most likely be able to display numeric values and can perform simple mathematical equations, while rudimentary batteries were used to power the communications systems of the Shinobi Alliance during the 4th Great Shinobi War. There have also been wireless headsets that allow ranged communication via transmitting information through electromagnetic waves, albeit with limited range of a few kilometers. We have even seen two different types of Personal Computers in the Narutoverse, the first of which was observed when Choji was receiving his surgery after his fight with Jirobo during the Sasuke Retrieval Arc, Laptops were used to monitor his vital signs. The second case where a computer was observed within the Narutoverse was a Desktop Computer in Konoha's Cryptology Team's Office when they were trying to decipher Jiraiya's message about Pain. Although they appear to be outdated, at least by modern standards, it can be assumed that both of these personal computers have similar capabilities to a computer in real life, as do the other forms of technology stated here. Proof of the existence of all the forms of technology listed above can be found here: [SUP] [/SUP].​

How it works:

Digital Release is a very versatile Element, having a good balance between Offensive, Defensive and Supplementary uses, which are divided into three seperate forms, which are explained in detail below. At it's very core, Digital Release is composed of tiny shapes, or "Pixels", that are created by combining the Lightning and Wind Elements. The simplest way of achieving this is through the standard Shinobi method of visualization. By gathering Lightning Release throughout the body and visualizing it as one mass of energy, the user then combines their Wind Release Chakra into this mass. As they do, they visualize the tiny blades that make up the nature of Wind Release Chakra slicing through the solid mass of Lightning Release Chakra into tiny fragments of Lightning, while simultaneously coating each and every one of the fragments with the Wind blades. The end result is a new kind of Chakra for this Element, which has an insulated exterior, formed from the blades of Wind Release, and an energetic core, containing the Lightning Release Chakra, creating the signature Pixels of Digital Release. On their own, they can be almost imperceptible without Doujutsu or another appropriate method of detection, simply due to how small they are. And while they are not at all impressive on their own, once they are gathered together with other Pixels, they are able to create almost any shape or form, which, like most Elements, is only limited by the user's imagination. In this regard, Digital Release is akin to many "Sand-like" Elements, allowing for a massive level of control over the general form, and applications thereof, of the Element. However, the main difference between Digital Release and other "Sand-like" Elements is Digital's emphasis on variety in usage and general scope, which is, as mentioned before, broken down into three seperate forms of the Element, but are all still bound to the same Elemental Strengths and Weaknesses of the Element in general. These forms are as follows;

Codification - Codification, a.k.a Data Form, is Digital Release's Supplementary form, as it has no Offensive or Defensive capabilities whatsoever. This achieved by altering the insulatory walls of the Pixels and weakening the energy at the core of the Pixels, creating a form of Digital Release that lacks any physical substance, and thus cannot be directly interacted with. Through Data Form the user can show many forms, shapes, etc, while using their Chakra to manipulate various aesthetic qualities. This gives the user a wide variety of options, mainly consisting of distractions and visual effects through "hologram-like" constructs, however it could also be used as a means of conveying information. Finally, because of it's intangible and entirely non-harmful manner, Data Form constructs are unaffected by all forms of physical attacks, only being affected and/ or destroyed when the Jutsu is overpowered by the Chakra of the Elements Weakness(es).

Digitization - Digitization, a.k.a Program Form, is the main Defensive application of Digital Release, but does include some basic Offensive capabilities. This is achieved by gathering and combining the Pixels of Digital Release to create various kinds of solid constructs, like basic shapes, tools, weapons, etc. As they gather and mold the Pixels together, the user maintains the insulatory walls of the Wind Chakra around the Lightning Release Chakra, allowing these constructs to be safely held by the user and others, without causing direct physical harm. Although if a construct possesses an appropriately sharp edge, it would function like a regular blade infused with Wind or Lightning Release, possessing exemplary cutting properties. These constructs' shapes and sizes are completely down to the user, accounting for the usual battle-orientated variety found in most Elements, allowing the user to create things like tools, weaponry and other basic shapes with ease. Because these constructs are not composed of the same materials as their realistic counterparts, Program Form constructs are essentially weightless, being composed entirely out of energy and thus will also appear as such, like energy gathered in a specific shape, or form. To offset this, and give these constructs a more "natural" appearance, the user can combine Program Form constructs with the Data Form to create physical constructs with a "holographic overlay", making them appear realistic, while not affecting any other aspect of the construct, allowing the user the element of surprise in a wide variety of scenarios.

Cryptovirology - Cryptovirology, a.k.a Virus Form, is responsible for the main bulk of Digital Release's Offensive Applications, and was, essentially, a mistake. Upon it's creation, Digital Release encountered a "glitch" which accidentally resulted in parts of the Element becoming extremely unstable, as the creator's control over the Lightning aspect of the Element was lost. This caused the insulatory walls of the Pixels to rapidly break down, while the energy at the core grew more and more unstable, creating "Unstable Pixels", which would directly harm or attack anything else that came into direct physical contact with them, even the Element's user. The resulting form was described as a "Virus", and it's spread throughout the Element was locked to particular applications, such as projectiles, streams and other forms of ranged combat, where direct contact with the Element wouldn't be required. Upon contact with physical matter, Virus Form will do what Lightning Release usually does in this same scenario, but at a much quicker pace, essentially "eating" solid matter, breaking it down to the smallest possible sizes.​

Usage Examples:

(Dējiton: Ākaibu) Digital Release: Archive
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 40 (-10 Chakra per turn while active)
Damage: N/A
Description: Through the application of Data Form Digital Release, the user creates a holographic interface that takes the general appearance of a computer, or some kind of communication device, which is capable of displaying or relaying information, depending on the nature of the "Archive" created. An Archive with a screen of some description is capable of showing video, while an Archive that resembles a communication device is capable of transmitting audio back and forth between the user and the target Archive. Through the Archive, the user can transmit information over great distances, creating a conference-call like scenario between multiple individuals, or simply projecting information for varying purposes.

(Dējiton: Sanjigen no Purintā) Digital Release: Printer of the Third Dimension
Type: Defensive/ Offensive
Rank: D-Rank - B-Rank
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 10 - 20
Damage: 20 - 40
Description: Through the application of Program Form Digital Release, the user creates tangible constructs that are not directly harmful upon contact. These constructs can be used to block or deflect incoming attacks, used as weapons or tools, and as general multi-purpose surfaces, such as a platform for the user to levitate themselves on. Due to being made entirely of energy, and thus being weightless, the user can control and manipulate aspects such as the constructs positions, angle, etc, even allowing them to manipulate them to the extent where they can levitate, or be launched at the opponent without physical contact, allowing the user a wide variety in their approach to combat. However, only constructs within Mid Range of the user may be manipulated in such a way. While outside of this range, roughly 15m, they are out of the effective range where they can be manipulated by the user, and are thus simply stationary constructs.

(Dējiton: Dekaizōdo) Digital Release: Deresolution
Type: Offensive
Rank: D-Rank - B-Rank
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 10 - 20
Damage: 20 - 40
Description:By gathering Digital Release Chakra and channelling it outside of their body, then changing it into Virus Form Digital Release, the user is able to create projectile-type attacks, or release streams of malicious Digital Release Chakra, that will, upon contact with the target, rapidly attack and them break down through Digital Release's more unstable and destructive nature.

Conditions to be able to use it:

User must have completed training in both Lightning Release & Wind Release.
User must be at least Kage Rank.​

Is weak to:

Wind: Digital Release, like Lightning Release, can be overpowered by the cutting power and general force exerted by Wind Release.

Other similar cases include Wind CE variants, such as Atmospheric Pressure, Divine Wind and almost all other Wind based Elements that have these same destructive properties.​

Water: If wet, or otherwise affected by the Water Element, Digital Release has a tendancy to "short-circuit", causing Digital Release to malfunction, generally be rendered inert, or even explode, depending on the nature of the Digital Release technique used.

Other similar cases include the Boil & Steam Elements, as they both contain Water Chakra and/ or have a Water basis, while CE variants, such as Alcohol, Oobleck, Pure Water, Volcanic Water, etc, will produce the same general effect, causing Digital Release to malfunction and otherwise become useless.​

Dark: Being composed entirely out of energy, with no physical aspect to the Element, Digital Release can be completely absorbed by Dark Release.

Other similar cases include Abilities and Elements that can absorb or are stronger than energy based Elements, such as the Preta Path's Chakra Absorption Ability, or CE that are especially effective against energy based Elements, like Decay Release.​

Is strong against:

Lightning: Digital Release draws its power from Lightning Release, while being contained and controlled using Wind Release. The insulating walls of each and every pixel allow all Digital Release Jutsu a great resistance to the Lightning Element.

Other similar cases include electrical-based energy-type Elements, like Storm Release, and CE with a similar nature, such as Plasma or Raging Thunder Release.​

Earth: Digital Release combines the sharp natures of the Lightning and Wind Elements, but is harnessed and controlled in a more stable manner, with the exception of Virus Form, which is the exact opposite, unstable and maliciously breaks down physical matter it comes into contact with. With these natures, Digital Release is able to cut through or break down Earth Release, and similar Elements, with extreme ease.

Other similar cases include solid Elements that can be easily cut through, such as Wood, Ice, Crystal & Glass-like Elements, Steel Release & Metal Based Elements, as Digital Release can cut right through them. Other Elements that Lightning Release is effective against also apply, such as Sand, Blast, Shikotsumyaku, etc.​

Co-creator: .

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?

Credits to Six Pāths for the CE Icon.


✗ Declined: Discussed this with LoK and we decided this is not an element.

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Jan 24, 2013
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

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Custom Element Japanese name: Ritsuton
Custom Element English name: Rhythm Release
The Element is based on: Sound Release + Fire Release
Facts that prove the Element to be possible (in the manga context):

In simplistic terms, Sound and Sound Waves are vibrations that travel through a medium, most commonly the air, and in the case of Humans and most other mammals, pass through the ear, and cause the bones found in the ear to vibrate in the same way that the vibrations were caused, which are then interpreted by the brain as "Sound". We know Sound exists in the Narutoverse as the characters are able to hear and communicate with one another, hear sounds and noises from their surroundings, etc. In fact, many Shinobi are well-known for their highly tuned and trained sense of hearing and ability to pick up on the slightest sounds, like the Inuzuka and their Ninken. A more solid example of Sounds existance, and more importantly its usage, in the Narutoverse are the members of Team Dosu, all of whom are Shinobi of Otogakure, and use Sound as a weapon. Kin Tsuchi was able to create illusions using the Sound from her bells to induce Genjutsu through her target's sense of hearing, Dosu Kinuta utilized Sound through a special gauntlet-type weapon, using sounds created by the weapon to physically harm, debilitate and render his targets incapacitated, and finally, Zaku Abumi used Sound in an offensive manner, using hollow tubes implanted within his arms to propel air pressure and destructive Sound Waves, using his Chakra to alter and maintain specific frequencies. All of these Shinobi and their manipulation of Sound via their Chakra prove that Sound, both as a fundamental concept in Physics, and as a form of Ninjutsu that can be controlled via Chakra, exist within the Narutoverse. The existence of Sound in the Narutoverse also means that the concept of "Second Sound" is equally possible within the Narutoverse, and can also be created and controlled via the user's Chakra, as it is, simply put, heat that is transfered via wave-like motions and not diffusion, similar to the propagation of sound in the air.​

How it works:

Rhythm Release, directly based on the concept of "Second Sound", is an Element which is composed of sound wave-like fluctuations in the density of particle-like thermal excitations, or in simplistic terms, waves that give off extreme heat in place of extreme pressure. This is done by the user gathering Sound Release Chakra and combining it with Fire Release Chakra, creating "Thermoacoustic Waves", which are tempreture/ compression waves that conduct heat and pressure at the speed of sound. To create these Thermoacoustic Waves, the user must gather Wind and Lightning Chakra together, in order to create Sound Release Chakra, then gather and add Fire Release Chakra to te mix. The Sound Release Chakra allows the user to create and manipulate vibrations and sound waves, while the Fire Release Chakra allows the user to to control and alter the temperature within the sound waves, creating Thermoacoustic Waves.

Due to Rhythm Release being similar in nature to Sound Release, with the biggest difference being the addition of thermal energy, Rhythm Release is invisible to the naked eye, but becomes more and more visible with higher levels of vibrations and thermal energy that is released from a Rhythm Release Jutsu, creating visible distortions in the air. As mentioned before, Rhythm Release and it's Thermoacoustic Waves are able to conduct pressure and heat at the speed of Sound, making contact with Rhythm Release incredibly deadly, as it can burn and scorch matter at incredible speeds. Additionally, Rhythm Release is also a "Superconductor of Heat", meaning no temperature is lost while conducting. These two factors, the power to conduct heat at the speed of sound and the fact that no thermal energy is lost while doing so, make Rhythm Release an incredibly efficient and deadly Element, able to melt and charbroil people effortlessly. By simply initiating contact with a surface, object, person, etc, then infusing their Rhythm Release Chakra into it, they can cause a form or resonance to occur. By having their Rhythm Release Chakra vibrate at a particular frequency, it synchronizes with the resonant frequency of the target, engaging in sympathetic vibrations, which gain more intense with duration of exposure. This is similar to how an Opera Singer is able to break a wine glass, by achieving a specific note, causing the glass to vibrate intensely until it shatters. The same principle applies to Rhythm, engaging in sympathetic vibrations, causing their target to simultaneously break apart and burn, due to the intensity of the vibrations, and thermal energy resonating within the target. Of course, this only works on solids, as they have a rigid form that can be broken, meaning liquids and gasses are virtually immune to these effects.​

Usage Examples:

(Ritsuton: Gedan no Jutsu) Rhythm Release: Lesser Technique
Type: Offensive/ Defensive/ Supplementary
Rank: D-Rank - B-Rank
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 10 - 20
Damage: 20 - 40
Description: By gathering Rhythm Release Chakra throughout their body, then manipulating it's shape and general purpose in whatever manner the user desires, they can perform a generic range of attacks, such as firing shockwaves at their target for ranged combat, or cloaking their limbs/ body with Rhythm Chakra to engage in close quarters combat.

(Ritsuton: Yaketsuku Yōna Tatchi) Rhythm Release: Searing Touch
Type: Offensive
Rank: A-rank
Range: Short (- Long when channeled through a medium)
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: By initiating direct contact with an object or medium, then by infusing their Rhythm Chakra into it, the user can channel a burning pulse of Rhythm Chakra through the desired target, scorching the target from the inside out, while the vibrations resonate with the target. The target is simultaneously broken down and cooked and scorched from within. This can be used to ignite flammable materials, or severely injure another person, simply through engaging in prolonged physical contact, and the injection of the user's Chakra.

Note: Can only be used 3 times per battle.

(Ritsuton Genjutsu: Kachō Nesshō) Rhythm Release Illusionary Art: Audible Burn
Type: Offensive
Rank: S-rank
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user gathers a large amount of Rhythm Release Chakra before releasing the thermoacoustic waves as a sound, like the sound of burning wood. Upon hearing the sound, the opponent will become trapped in an Illusion, where they are completely enveloped in a sea of flames. To the target, their entire body is rapidly burned, scorched, melted, etc, making it incredibly difficult to do anything, even move, without inviting further suffering. While this is happening their body is slowly roasted by the Rhythm Release Chakra cooking them from the inside, starting from the targets auditory systems, then slowly working it's way through the rest of their body. This persists for a total of 2 turns, with each turn inflicting 40 damage, for a total of 80. In addition to the physical damage, the target also succumbs to a severe case of heatstroke and dehydration, from their body reaching unbelievable levels of heat, and if untreated, could potentially lead to their sudden death.

Note: Can only be used once per battle/ event.

Conditions to be able to use it:

User must have completed training in Wind, Lightning, Sound & Fire Release.
User must be Kage Rank or higher.​

Is weak to:

Wind: Because Rhythm is similar in nature to Sound Release, bar the production of thermal energy, this Element has the same weakness to Wind and Wind Based Elements as Sound does.

Lighting: Due to their intensity, both in form and in temperature, Rhythm has no affect on Lighting and Lightning Based Elements. Because of this, it is able to overpower and disperse Rhythm.

Gases: Rhythm Release is entirely useless against Gases and Gaseous Elements, including Poison Release. This is because neither the pressure, nor thermal energy exuded by Rhythm Release have any affect on the miasmic form of gasses.​

Is strong against:

Earth: - Due to Rhythm possessing a similar level of pressure exerted by Sound, it can utilize these vibrations to easily shatter solid Elements. This includes other Elements like Wood, Ice, Crystal, even the Kaguya's Shikotsumyaku are susceptible to this.

Fire: Thanks to the high levels of thermal energy and pressure from the Thermoacoustic waves, Rhythm Release is easily able to overpower Fire Release, and similar Elements.

Steel: By utilizing the extreme heat that Rhythm is able to produce, along with it's ability to conduct heat at the speed of Sound, Rhythm can easily melt Steel Release, and similar Metal Elements.​

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?

Credits to Six Pāths for the CE Icon.


✗ Declined: So it's superheated waves...that can't be seen...that travel at the speed of sound...

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Jul 12, 2009
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau


✗ Declined: The explanation and such is all fine, but I still have some issues with the STR and WEAK which I currently find unbalanced in comparison to the element. I mean Dust is an element barely used and then you find it necessary to limit water to pressured blasts. At this point to me you have like 1.2 weaknesses. On the other hand you're going with wind, water and fire variations for strengths. That's out of proportion. Also you really shouldn't be focusing so much on the "temperature" aspect to decide whether something should be a STR or WEAK as for instance ice and wind are barely related to temperature. And I'm just dropping this out, but considering you couldn't find the Japanese name, Uvite is a type of tourmaline and that's already something so specific I'm not going to start differentiating between different types. So this CE might as well be considered tourmaline.

Custom element Japanese name: Touramarin
Custom element English name: Hellstone

The element is based on: Earth + Fire + Lightning
Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

Forms of crystal have been shown in the manga itself when it comes to Guren. Guren was able to use the general crystal release. Her crystal release that has no unique properties such as Pyroelectric Crystals more specifically Tourmaline Crystals. Guren being able to recreate natural crystals with crystal release alludes to that fact that crystals let alone pyroelectric crystals are possible in nature. Guren was able to create a more general form of crystal as she was not able to go in depth and create crystals such as quartz or tourmaline.

How it works:

Tourmaline is a crystal that houses pyroelectric properties. Pyroelectricity is the property of certain crystals to carry an electric charge when heated. This is only possible because of the structure of the crystal. Tourmaline contains both positive and negative charges within it allowing it to properly produce and maintain an electrical current. By applying heat to the crystals produce charges of electricity. Tourmaline has a hardness of 7.5 on the Mohs hardness scale. Tourmaline has an crimson/black like color to it

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By using earth chakra, the user is able to refine earth and mold it to form a crystal while applying fire and lightning chakra to the crystal. The heat from the fire chakra and the lightning change the structure of the crystal immensely.When a temperature change is applied to the crystal it can produce high voltage The positive and negative points of the crystal allow electricity to run through it.

Tourmaline is capable of producing an electrical current through the crystal by experiencing a change in temperature of any type. This electrical current however is only felt through direct contact with the crystal making it ideal for close range aspects. That being said elements that cause a change in temperature such as Wind(cooling) or fire (heating) would be ineffective against. However, the electrical current is lost over time at a steady rate before the temperature of the crystal has to be changed again

The properties these Tourmaline crystals share with all earthen techniques would be that they are sturdy and can be used in multipurpose situations.

These crystals can be used to create spikes, weapons etc(basically anything normal doton can). Tourmaline has a vitreous luster meaning that in some applications it is faintly or entirely transparent while maintaining its crimson color. Tourmaline smoothness or fracture also varies within its applications. In some cases, Tourmaline can have an uneven or rough surface and in others it can be Conchoidal or smooth to the touch.

Usage Examples:

( ) - ₪ Tourmaline: Horns of the Baphomet ₪
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short to Mid
Chakra cost: 40
Damage points: N/A(80 if temperature changes)
Description: The user focuses Tournamline chakra into the ground before him and erects, at an angle, two uncharged pillars of pyroelectric crystals. These crystals curve and are pointed on the ends to imitate demon horns. These horns can be used to stop an incoming attack like doton attack with wide range or a large summoning holding them backward. In the case that the horns are used to intercept a technique that would change the temperature of the tourmaline, the horns will gain an elecrtical current as they protrude outward.

( ) - ₪ Tourmaline: Body of the Behemoth ₪
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short(With long range reach)
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: 60
Description: The user focuses Tourmaline chakra into his mouth. He then spews out a large 4 legged pyroelectric crystal beast. The Behemoth is a slow-moving creature that boasts physical B rank damage and strong defense.

() - ₪ Tourmaline: ***** of Babylon ₪
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 20
Damage points: N/A(40 if they undergo a temperature change)
Description: ***** of Babylon is a generic clone technique using Tourmaline Release. However, these clones are completely made of Tourmaline.. When these clones temperature changes, they boast physical damage equivalent to B rank ninjutsu. Much like Mokuton or normal earth release, the clones can be generated from the users' body, from the ground, or preexisting sources of Tourmaline. These clones are capable of using Earth, Fire and Lightning release up to B rank. The user can make 4 clones maximum and can make these clones 3 times per battle. When over powered or destroyed, the clones crack then shatter.
Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery over Fire, Lightning and Earth

Is weak to:

Lightning Release and its variants: lightning can then go on to destroy the crystal itself through cutting it or completely destroying it

Wind Release: Wind release has the ability to slice and destroy the crystal formation. The crystal is also relatively lightweight so it can be easily picked up by gusts of wind.

Sound (combination of Lightning and Wind): Vibrations are capable of shattering the crystal and weakening its structural integrity.

Is strong against:

Fire and Lava Release: Tourmaline is capable of withstanding the temperature of these elements. It's also harder than earth and will destroy the solid base of Lava

Earth release and some: Stronger than normal earth release

Water: Like most solid elements, Tourmaline can block off the flow of water.

Co-creator: N/A
Students I passed this custom element on too: King Geets & Inch

P a t e n t C e r t i f i c a t e

I, Negative Knight, head of the Custom Elements Bureau, declare for all men to hear that I give you the following:

Daemon, our loyal member, gave on the date September 25th 2016 a request for a Patent on his custom element (Hellstone); after reading the submission, I decided that the submitted element satisfies all requirements, and am therefore giving him his rightfully earned Patent on this element by the following;


Powered by Lord of Kaos

Copyright © 2016, Gaemon,

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Active member
Aug 25, 2011
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

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Custom element Japanese name:


Custom element English name:

Rust Release

The element is based on:

Water + Wind + Steel

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

Most metals are subjected to oxidation and humidity which will result in forming a layer of rust (which is hydrated iron oxides) by time and it's a fact that Narutoverse has many metallic objects in it, from weapons to towers and cities (like Amegakure for example) and rust can be seen on swords, pipes, sewers, kunais, and building and such things.

How it works:

Steel release users are being able to create steel from their bodies or from the ground and from some solid objects. To create rust the user will have to use their own Steel chakra or they can use non-chakra steel source like ninja tools or ores in the ground for example; however, adjusted with water/humidity and oxygen from air. The user is able to create rust as whole solid entity like Doton no jutsu or Koton no jutsu or create it in form of powder.

Jutsu Usage Examples:

(Sabiton: ) - Rust Release: Layer
Type: supplementary
Rank: B-rank
Range: N/A
Chakra: 20 Chakra
Damage: 40 Damage
Description: the user creates a protective layer of rust on his next steel jutsus to provide protection from lightning and magnetism

Conditions to be able to use it:

Mastery of steel
Training in Water and Wind

Is weak to:

Earth: Earth is much denser than rust and it doesn't contain enough supply of iron to help in rusting
Fire and heat based elements: heat removes water content from it and turns it into steel.

Is Neutral to:

Lightning: Rust is an electric insulator which can insulate lightning charges and stop them

Is strong against:

Water: humidity helps in rusting process
Wind: provides oxygen to help in oxidizing the parent metal
Steel and metal-based elements: they can easily be turned to rust
magnetism: The iron oxide forming rust is weakly magnetized compared to steel and other iron oxides

Co-creator: Matt

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?

✗ Declined: Two Steel users making Rust Release? I feel betrayed. Anyway, this has been tried numerous times and will likely never work. It's already a property of Iron Release, not every metal will rust, most of the elemental strengths and weaknesses make no sense, et cetera. I wouldn't re-attempt this.

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May 26, 2012
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

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Custom element Japanese name:
(Ekitai) - Bisumaton
Custom element English name:
Liquid Bismuth
The element is based on:
Earth + Fire + Advanced Chakra Control
Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):
Bismuth is a metal that is found naturally underground and as many other earth-based metals and other elements is proven to exist in the narutoverse just because the fact that the narutoverse is very similar to that of the real world when it comes to both metals and crystalline structures. We have also seen multiple uses in the manga that it is indeed possible to mixture earth chakra to create other metals such as steel and iron sand. Even the cannon crystal release is a proof of that, albeit unknown its origin of elemental. The fact that steel and other metals are already present in the narutoverse should be indicating proofs of the existence of other metals in the earth's surface.
How it works:
Bismuth has a very low melting point for being a metal and is one of the few metals, who's density actually increases through the melting process which makes molten bismuth actually more dense that it would be in its solid form. The metal melts at 271.5 °C. That process is made through the use of the fire release as normal fire can extend to a much higher temperature than that. However, just because bismuth melts at 271.5 °C doesn't mean that the release form is going to be that temperature but can actually extend up to 1564 °C, which is bismuth's boiling point. However to achieve that sort of temperature requires a lot of chakra through the use of the fire element. Now, bismuth has three properties that makes it special compared to other metals. First of all, it has one of the lowest the thermal conductivity of all metals. This means that bismuth doesn't conduct temperature nearly as much as other metals, making it very resistant to cold and hot temperatures. A significant parallel to regular steel or iron, which both conducts heat easily. Bismuth is proven to be the most naturally diamagnetic metal there is. If you don't know what that is, diamagnetism is a property of an element that can create its own magnetic fields, meaning it can't easily be affected by other magnetic fields as it has its own one. This also provides an excellent resistance towards magnetic users who can easily manipulate other metals such as iron or gold. Lastly, what sets it unique compared to other metals aside from the low melting point, the low thermal conductivity and ability create its own magnetic fields, bismuth is a very poor electric conductor. This means that electricity won't easily be spread through the metal at all compared to other metals, who are easily cut to pieces through strong currents. Sure, massive amounts of electricity will destroy the metal but it has a certain resistance towards it. As mentioned earlier, the density of bismuth increases through liquid state, which is why it is chosen to be used in that state. Which again, also is quite a unique feature as far as metals go in terms of usage in the ninjaworld of the RP. However, having these features are really incredible as an element but. Bismuth oxides in a solid state in contact with oxygen. This can be done through the use of wind and water releases as both of which contains significantly large amounts of oxygen. This can be seen as a weakness. So can the ice release and other frost-based elements that contain oxygen do. However, ice's and their variations main purpose isn't to oxide metals, but rather freezing targets. The ice release will simply evaporate in contact with the molten bismuth, but will then provide a large cloud of freed oxygens, who will oxide the metal. It's pretty much a double-edged sword in terms of facing the ice release. Upon creations, structures of the release will cool-down to become self-sustained constructions that last until destroyed in a solid state.

In terms of jutsu application, the element is divided into two uses, depending on the use from an existing earth source or from the users body:

Existing Source Usage: The user will focus the earth and fire chakra to produce bismuth from existing sources of earth. Using the earth element will gather the elements to produce the bismuth while the fire element will be able to turn the metal into a liquid. The bismuth will be formed in underground. Based on the users precision and creativity, pools, seas, waves can be formed by the user through their use of bismuth in its liquid form.

Self Source Creation Usage: The user will focus earth and fire chakra into themselves in order to produce liquid bismuth through exhaling or extrude them from their body. This release is mostly to used in close combat and in aggressive forms of bismuth.
Physics of Bismuth:

-Ageless: Like many metals, bismuth is ageless. However it has a heavy impact on oxidation unlike some heavier metals.

-Sound Interaction: Since this release formation is based on a liquid metal, bismuth is easily shaped through physical waves that sound produce. However the density of liquid bismuth makes it play on par with sound release and is thus able to fight back through its terms of heat and density.

-Temperature Interaction: As previously stated, bismuth is very resistant on taking on heat as well as cold. It has a very low thermal conductivity and will not spread heat to any other elements or material it touches. This includes the self-regenerated heat it gains from being liquid.

-Impact Interaction: Bismuth in its release state is liquid. This means that bismuth will spread large amount of impact through the whole source and won't crack like solid metals, however, it will deform easier. Because the metal is in such a high temperature when used in battle, the heat factor plays a part in taking blunt damage and will burn away most solid elements. Facing matter denser liquid bismuth will consider a weakness towards the release unless the structure of the material has a very unstable formation in temperatures below 1564 °C.
Jutsu Usage Examples:

(Bisumaton: Kamigami no umi | Bismuth release: Sea of gods)
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user will gather up their Bisumaton chakra through their body or through the ground and release a huge torrent of liquid bismuth. The metal will be able to evaporate earth and tear it apart while creating a large sea of the metal in a molten formation.

(Bisumaton: Funka | Bismuth release: Eruption)
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user will gather up their Bisumaton chakra through the ground and form an earthen-like volcano of liquid bismuth under the target that will erupt and set the scenery aflame.

(Bisumaton: Oboreta no ījisu | Bismuth release: Aegis of the Drowned)
Type: Defensive
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30(-10/turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: The user will gather up their Bisumaton chakra through their body and form it into half of a sphere that could be positioned infront, above, under and behind the user to protect them against incoming projectiles or other jutsus/weapons. The shield will also cover the user from underground, formed as a perfect sphere.

Conditions to be able to use it:

Completed Earth and Fire elements.

Is weak to:
Wind & Variations.
Wind contains oxygen, which will oxidase bismuth. Cold usages of wind will not impact bismuth as it won't react much through its low thermal conductivity.

Water & Variations
Water contains a lot of oxygen and will vaporize on contact with bismuth to create a mist of oxygen that will react the same as the wind element and oxidase the bismuth.

Is strong against:
Liquid bismuth is both denser and hotter than regular earth and will easily defeat it.

Bismuth is a very poor conductor of lightning and will absorb the lightning element, nullifying its effect as it spreads it through the liquid without much harm.

Liquid bismuth already contains fire as hot as it can be. Adding more fire to the element will make it more loose in consistency and add more density to the metal, making the metal stronger the hotter it becomes.

Unlike almost all common metals, bismuth creates their own magnetic fields who will cancel out other intercepting magnetic fields. The mass and density of the material will then be used to overcome other uses of magnetism.

Bismuth is a metal and contains a mass even if its liquid, it won't easily be absorbed through dark release.

Organic Matter
Organic matter will simply melt and evaporate on touch with liquid bismuth. This includes plants, mushrooms, wood, paper and others.

You wish

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?


✗ Declined: Your proof for the existence of this element is very lacking. If you could just say “The NV is basically the same as the real world”, this section wouldn’t exist in the template for CEs. Other than that, this is pretty decent. The properties make this a unique CE and since it's twice as abundant as Gold, it's viable in the sense it can be created from the ground. It's worth mentioning this element is nearly as dense as lead, so it would be strong to Radiation. Remove the entire section from “Ageless” to “Impact Interaction”. Just seems like filler content that you put in every one of your CEs. Look at the bolded, your CE is not solid so why are your weaknesses concerned with a property of solid Bismuth? This wouldn't be weak to Water, the two would be neutral as they cancel each other out. The water cooling down the Bismuth and being evaporated in the process (much like Lava Release). Lightning would also not be a weakness. Conductivity is not the main property of focused lightning techniques. Your element may have a high electrical resistance, that makes it difficult/impossible to conduct currents along it but that has no bearing on Raiton techniques like Gian being capable of blasting through it.

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Punk Hazard

Active member
Apr 21, 2011
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element Japanese name: Miruraton

Custom element English name: Myrrh Release

The element is based on: Earth + Water + Chakra Control

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): Myrrh is a naturally occurring resin found in trees. Myrrh is commonly used in the creation of perfumes, medicines, and incense. As trees have obviously been shown existing in the manga, along with both medicine and perfume, it can be adequately assumed that myrrh, a major component of the latter two materials, also exist. The manga has also shown that Earth and Water when combined can create components of plants, such as flowers and bark, with this element focusing on a specific resin.

How it works: Myrrh is created through the combination of Earth and Water. Earth acts as the basis for the Gum’s solidity and immense structural integrity/tensile strength, with Water release acting as the basis for its stickiness and elasticity. It is a waxy substance that is capable of coagulating quickly. Its waxy form grants it extremely sticky and malleable qualities, similar to that of tree sap and glue, being a form of tree gum. This grants Myrrh the ability to cling and stick to practically any object and surface, allowing it to be used to restrain and grapple the opponent, with its powerful tensile strength allowing it to pull on heavy targets. In its waxy form, Myrrh can be stretched and contracted to fit the user’s needs, making it a potentially deadly weapon. Shortly after being released, Myrrh is capable of undergoing coagulation, becoming a glossy solid. This solid form is capable of dealing severe blunt damage through the reinforcement granted through the Earth component, allowing it to trap targets inside a solid prison. The highly viscous and thick nature of Myrrh allows large quantities of it to suffocate targets it covers completely. Through chakra control, the user can regulate the coagulation, delaying or hastening the process at will.

Jutsu Usage Examples:

(Miruraton:Dansei Ai) Myrrh Release: Elastic Love
Description:This technique serves as the basic creation technique of the Myrrh element, allowing the user to create masses of the element from their body or surfaces in their surroundings. The shape and size of the Myrrh masses can range from simple threads that can be used to grapple and entangle objects to large globules to smother and crush the enemy. Created in a waxy, malleable and sticky form,the user can manually harden it into its glossy solid form or sustain its soft form to fit their needs and purposes.

(Miruraton:Ribaundogamu) Myrrh Release: Rebound Gum
Description:The user will create a large wall of Myrrh in the path of an incoming technique. The malleable and waxy form of the wall allows its shape to distort and bend to accommodate the technique before snapping back into place. Should the technique fall under the proper restraints of strengths and weaknesses, the Myrrh snapping back into place will cause the technique to be rebounded back along its trajectory, shielding the user.

(Miruraton:Tekusuchasapuraizu) Myrrh Release:Texture Surprise
Description:The user weave two handseals, allowing them to create several tendrils of Myrrh that emerge from below the opponent, wrapping around the body of the opponent’s body in several places, restraining the user from moving and holding them in place. Once successfully restrained, the user can solidify the Myrrh and then contract, crushing the parts of the opponent’s body that were caught and dealing severe damage.

Conditions to be able to use it:

Is weak to:

Myrrh is weak to Wind Release techniques, which are capable of slicing and tearing through its stretchy form.

Lightning: The high, superior energy of Lightning allows it to rip straight through Myrrh, especially due to its earth basis.

Is strong against:

Fire: As myrrh has a high boiling point, it is capable of withstanding high amounts of heat. While unable to withstand that of lightning, Myrrh would be able to withstand the heat of the flames enough to overpower them.

Water: Due to the highly viscous and thick nature of Myrrh, it would be able to counteract the force of Water Release, dispelling it to continue on towards the enemy.

Co-creator: Joker

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?


✗ Declined: Clashes with both Bubblegum and Amber Release.

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Aug 21, 2010
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

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Custom element Japanese name: Azūruton
Custom element English name: Azure Release (Chalcanthite - hydrated copper sulfate)
The element is based on: Earth + Water + Chakra Control

I chose to name it Azure because it's original name is hard to pronounce and its color is very well described by the term Azure. Although the name may be misleading and confusing, this element is basically a hydrated copper sulfate mineral ore named Chalcanthite. Azure, is a richly-colored blue/green water-soluble mineral ore. It is commonly found in the late-stage oxidation zones of mineral deposits. Due to its ready solubility, Azure is more common in arid regions. Azure is one of only a few water soluble minerals.

Narutowise, the element is based on molding the earth and water natures together in order to produce the new, Azure chakra. Using the earth chakra as the basis of the element, the user applies careful chakra control to the portion of water chakra that he infuses into the mix. The earth, in this case, represents and provides the minerals necessary for the element while the water is used to hydrate the gathered minerals, essentially molding the Azure chakra together.

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

From what we've seen so far, the Naturo world is based on our planet Earth, with various environmental characteristics being the same. With this assumption it is safe to say that the Naruto world was also built on mineral deposits that formed through years and years of deposition. This means that the earth has several layers of crust which contain various mineral ore and one of them is the Azure. Although being a rare occurrence in nature, the user has the ability to create the crystalline mineral from his own chakra.

Azure generally forms in arid regions and dry caves which are protected from moisture. It commonly forms stalactitic and botryoidal growths on the walls and ceilings of mine tunnels from the oxidation of minerals. Frankly, we have seen many caverns in the Naruto world and it's only logical to assume that such, rich with minerals, caverns exist as well, somewhere in the depths of Iwagakure most likely.

One of the main facts that prove the existence of the Azure mineral ore is the Crystal element. In the anime, it was shown that Guren can use the crystal element to produce various crystalline shapes and objects with her chakra, and Azure would work similarly to it due to it's crystalline, mineral form.

How it works:

To create Azure, the user would have to mold his earth and water natures with precise chakra control and in a careful ratio in order to produce the chakra and be able to shape manipulate the mineral ore. When molding his chakra, the user would think of the earth as the basis that contains all the necessary materials and using chakra control he would put them all together. Afterwards he adds the final touch by adding the water chakra into the mix in order to properly mix it and hydrate all the materials, effectively creating the Azure chakra.

Regarding the usage of the Azure element, there are two ways to use it; through manipulation and materialization. Manipulation means creating Azure from the existing earth mostly for large scale techniques while materialization means creating it from the users body to create various battle-oriented objects, such as weapons and shields and for more specific techniques.

The applications of Azure are fairly simple and usual for most elements of this nature, however, what distinguishes Azure from other mineral based elements is the fact that it dissolves easily in water. Although it is the main disadvantage of the element, in terms of physical strength, it is also one of the main advantages because it allows for different creative uses. In essence, this element can be looked at, as an augmentative element with the intention to overcome the weakness to water and to be used with water release techniques in order to effectively transport the poisonous Azure minerals, in the form of dissolved Azure solutions, to the opponent. Certain Azure techniques would revolve around and benefit from being dissolved however, the element still has its uses in its mineral form and some techniques would be specifically designed to be much more effective in its mineral form. Other than for its physical strength and brute force, there is another use to utilize the Azure minerals. Since the minerals are poisonous and either manipulated or materialized, they contain the users chakra. This allows the Azure minerals to induce genjutsu along with the poison, on contact. This means that the genjutsu are essentially side effects from Azure poisoning. The illusions wouldn't be too powerful and they would be specific for each mineral Azure technique, meaning that there would be a very limited amount of them and they would be very oriented towards the Azure techniques themselves and how they are perceived by the opponent.

General characteristics:

Water solubility - Azure is very soluble in water. A fact that is a detriment to most specimens as they may absorb water from the air and deteriorate over time. Although this kind of deterioration takes a formidable amount of time, Azure can be dissolved easier by submerging the mineral into water.

Toxicity - Due to its solubility in water, Azure creates toxic solutions that can be assimilated in great quantities by any plant, animal or even human, rapidly weakening it and then killing it by shutting down body processes. It is usually used as a root killer in sewer pipes and its solutions or crystals are used to clear ponds and waterways of plant growth. It has slightly less potency against humans while it works extremely well against plant life and it affects animals just as well.

One of the side effects from Azure poisoning is genjutsu induction. In order to differentiate it from other mineral elements, aside from it's very few unique physical traits, I believe that Azure should benefit from it's toxicity. Upon completing medical school and knowing at least the basics, the user would be capable to modulate his Azure chakra so that it reacts as a side effect of the poisoning and induces weak genjutsu. A simple description of the possible genjutsu would be blurriness, dizziness and similar weak illusions.

Luster - Its luster is vitreous and depending on the usage and technique, it is achievable to make it transparent to a certain degree. This transparency can come in handy when using various tools and the need to blend them with the environment as much as possible.

Hardness - With a 2.5 on Mohs scale, Azure is obviously not nearly close to the hardest elements and its crystal structure can easily be overpowered and broken by harder elements. The 2.5 on Mohs scale warrants the hardness to be on par with elements like magnesium, gold, silver, aluminium and zinc while elements like copper, arsenic, thorium, iron, nickel, platinum and steel would easily overpower it. Same goes for any other elements that are harder than the mentioned ones.

Tenacity - A material is brittle if, when subjected to stress, it breaks without significant deformation. Brittle materials absorb relatively little energy prior to fracture, even those of high strength. This applies to its crystals while if used in the form of thinner objects they become slightly flexible.

Fracture - Due to its brittle nature it is prone to fracture. Its fracture is conchoidal to splintery which basically means that it doesn't follow any natural planes of separation. In this aspect it is similar to obsidian because its fractures often result in a curved breakage surface that resembles the rippling, gradual curves of a mussel shell.

Hydrated - Since it is a hydrated mineral it gives off water when heated which in turn dampens the fire that is heating it thus rendering it useless.

Spiritualism and medicine - Azure is believed to be an excellent throat chakra stone. It is often said to help further desires through communication abilities. It is also said to help one stay in the now and enjoy life, as well as get rid of feelings of abandonment. Azure is reputed to eliminate delays of things in progress. It is also used metaphysically for insight, clairvoyance, and psychic attunement. It is said to enhance one's ability to "read" people and situation. Azure is said in crystal healing and folklore to be helpful for arthritis, anti-oxidant, arteries, water retention, reproductive system, foot and nail fungal infections. Note that healing crystal meanings are spiritual supports to healing and are not actual prescriptions or healthcare information.

Naruto wise, the medical applications would only be limited to small amounts of self empowering, increased focus and perception. These effects could only be achieved by using a specific technique and these effects wouldn't be achievable with other techniques of the Azure element.

Usage Examples:

Azūruton: Ishi-ryoku | Azure Release: Willpower
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: B-Rank
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: One of the basic techniques of every elemental nature. This technique allows the user to materialize from his body or manipulate existing Azure techniques. If the user decides to materialize the Azure minerals from his body then he can shape manipulate them into various weapons and shields to aid him in battle. However, for larger scale techniques, the user can manipulate the existing Azure and even the earth to create various larger objects made of Azure, such as walls.

Azūruton: Crystalitas | Azure Release: Crystalitas
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: A-Rank
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: To use this technique, the user will slam his hand on the ground and release his chakra in order to manipulate the present earth and to create an otherwordly monster made out of the Azure mineral. Upon its manipulation, it emerges out of the ground in the form of multiple slightly transparent blue minerals. The minerals are loosely connected together, mimicking human joints in order to allow movement. The Crystalitas isn't a sentient being and can't act on its own, thus requires the user to keep his hand in touch with the ground in order to control it. Crystalitas is about 3 meters in height and it is very mobile, capable of executing swift movements. It holds a shield and sword made out of the very same material and it is a master of close combat. Crystalitas is usually called forth to battle tough fights for the user.

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Azūruton: Iryō Gijutsu Kado~ukeusu | Azure Release: Medical Technique Caduceus
Type: Supplementary
Rank: F-Rank
Range: Self
Chakra: 50
Damage: N/A
Description: Caduceus is a legendary staff that was worn by many powerful personalities throughout the history of the world. It was said to have magical powers and there were many witnesses to its abilities, yet only a few were able to control them. Caduceus was passed down through generations and sometimes even wars broke out because of it. It was the object of desire, the ultimate tool. Thefts have been reported numerous times and for a long period of time it was considered to be lost forever. Until this day, it's structure and composition remained unknown but in the last years, Caduceus has been proven to be made of the rare mineral called Azure. Upon using the technique, the user materializes Azure in his hand and shape manipulates it into a sturdy and rigid staff with wings on top of it. From there, two snakes swirl around its long body in perfect unison. The staff is completely made of Azure and it is pale blue in color, with a slightly transparent hue. When in contact with Caduceus, the snakes around the staff also swirl around the users hand, empowering their bond. Doing this, they cast their protective spell on the user and allow him the usage of the staff's abilities. While holding the staff, the user becomes able to use its abilities without suffering any drawbacks from being in contact with Azure, but as soon as the staff is destroyed and the contact with it severed, the drawbacks start kicking in. Regarding its abilities, Caduceus gives the user increased perception and clarity of the battlefield. Call it, the perfect state of mind. He becomes able to read the battles and moves properly and it allows him to read the opponent's facial expressions with great ease. This allows him for tracking the opponents feelings which in turn reflect onto the battle and influence its pace. Tracking the opponents expressions, alerts the user about sudden changes in the flow of the battle and allows him to react properly to certain situations, even before the danger appears. Upon severing the connection with the staff, the drawbacks start overwhelming the users body. He begins to feel metallic taste in the mouth, burning pain in the chest, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and a headache over the course of the next two turns. The effects start as barely existent and increase until they become unbearable. During those two turns the user has to purify his body from the poison, otherwise he would faint.
Note: The staff lasts for 6 turns upon which it would disintegrate on its own.

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Conditions to be able to use it: Kage rank with finished Earth and Water training and have at least one of them as primary affinity. Must finish Medical School.

Is weak to:

Lightning - Lightning cuts through and shatters its crystalline structure when two techniques of the same rank and size collide with each other head-on from opposite directions.

Water - Since Azure dissolves in water, it is weak against it when two techniques of the same rank and size collide with each other head-on from opposite directions.

Is strong against:

Earth - Since Azure has a 2,5 on Mohs hardness scale, it is harder than earth techniques, being able to overpower them when two techniques of the same rank and size collide with each other head-on from opposite directions.

Fire - Due to it being hydrated it gives off water when heated which dampens the fire technique when two techniques of the same rank and size collide with each other head-on from opposite directions.

Roots, Plants, Wood, Mushroom - Since it's a strong toxin used against plant life, it is very effective at killing these on contact when two techniques of the same rank and size collide with each other head-on from opposite directions.

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?


✗ Declined: The moment you write stuff like 'it induces genjutsu', you have a 100% guarantee your CE will be declined. Genjutsu is yin release and has squat to do with any kind of element, it's a separate skill. Also no the only way you can use this is with manifestation. The only time you can speak of manipulation is when the substance itself is present, like if you would be fighting in a cave. What you are saying is pretty much the same as saying you are manipulating a tree into a water jutsu. And no it should not necessarily benefit from it toxicity. All of that is based on when it's combined with water, with other words that would be the same principle as combining a fire with a wind jutsu - combo - and thus can not be used as a reason to define STR and WKN. That whole toxicity thing is not really much relevant as it will not do much in its normal form. It's also barely transparent unless you would make it extra thin and using that it starts to lose water when in contact with fire is not a real reason either to assume it's a STR. The water released would highly likely be instantly vaporized as I doubt it has such vast volumes of water in it that it can start putting out fires. On top of that, as your element became something else, you likewise lose control over it.

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Custom element Japanese name: Azūruton
Custom element English name: Azure Release (Chalcanthite - hydrated copper sulfate)
The element is based on: Earth + Water + Chakra Control

I chose to name it Azure because it's original name is hard to pronounce and its color is very well described by the term Azure. Although the name may be misleading and confusing, this element is basically a hydrated copper sulfate mineral ore named Chalcanthite. Azure, is a richly-colored blue/green water-soluble mineral ore. It is commonly found in the late-stage oxidation zones of mineral deposits. Due to its ready solubility, Azure is more common in arid regions. Azure is one of only a few water soluble minerals.

Narutowise, the element is based on molding the earth and water natures together in order to produce the new, Azure chakra. Using the earth chakra as the basis of the element, the user applies careful chakra control to the portion of water chakra that he infuses into the mix. The earth, in this case, represents and provides the minerals necessary for the element while the water is used to hydrate the gathered minerals, essentially molding the Azure chakra together.

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

From what we've seen so far, the Naturo world is based on our planet Earth, with various environmental characteristics being the same. With this assumption it is safe to say that the Naruto world was also built on mineral deposits that formed through years and years of deposition. This means that the earth has several layers of crust which contain various mineral ore and one of them is the Azure. Although being a rare occurrence in nature, the user has the ability to create the crystalline mineral from his own chakra.

Azure generally forms in arid regions and dry caves which are protected from moisture. It commonly forms stalactitic and botryoidal growths on the walls and ceilings of mine tunnels from the oxidation of minerals. Frankly, we have seen many caverns in the Naruto world and it's only logical to assume that such, rich with minerals, caverns exist as well, somewhere in the depths of Iwagakure most likely.

One of the main facts that prove the existence of the Azure mineral ore is the Crystal element. In the anime, it was shown that Guren can use the crystal element to produce various crystalline shapes and objects with her chakra, and Azure would work similarly to it due to it's crystalline, mineral form.

How it works:

To create Azure, the user would have to mold his earth and water natures with precise chakra control and in a careful ratio in order to produce the Azure chakra and be able to shape manipulate the crystalline mineral ore. When molding his chakra, the user would think of the earth as the basis that contains all the necessary materials and using chakra control he would put them all together. Afterwards he adds the final touch by adding the water chakra into the mix in order to properly mix it and hydrate all the materials, effectively creating the Azure chakra.

Regarding the usage of the Azure element, it can be used through materialization which means forming it from the users body to create various battle-oriented objects, such as weapons and shields and for more specific techniques or by shape manipulating the Azure chakra in order to materialize the Azure onto the battlefield itself, in its crystalline form.

The applications of Azure are fairly simple and usual for most elements of this nature, however, what distinguishes Azure from other crystalline based elements is the fact that it dissolves easily in water. Although it is the main disadvantage of the element, in terms of physical strength, it is also one of the main advantages because it allows for different creative uses. In essence, this element can be looked at, as an augmentative element with the intention to overcome the weakness to water and to be used with water release techniques in order to effectively transport the poisonous Azure crystals, in the form of dissolved Azure solutions, to the opponent. Certain Azure techniques would revolve around and benefit from being dissolved however, the element still has its main use in its crystalline form and most techniques would be specifically designed to be much more effective in its crystalline form.

General characteristics:

Water solubility - Azure is very soluble in water. A fact that is a detriment to most specimens as they may absorb water from the air and deteriorate over time. Although this kind of deterioration takes a formidable amount of time and wouldn't be applicable over the course of a single battle because of its short time frame, Azure can be dissolved easier by submerging the mineral into water. Dissolving Azure in water would turn the water blue which would make it easily distinguishable from regular water thus allowing the opponent to realize that something more is going on in order to prepare his defense. It is worthwhile to note that water can also rinse away the Azure that came into contact with exposed skin in order to prevent further damage.

Toxicity - Due to its solubility in water, Azure creates toxic solutions that can be assimilated in great quantities by any plant, animal or even human, rapidly weakening it and then killing it by shutting down body processes. It is usually used as a herbicide, fungicide and pesticide as well as a root killer in sewer pipes and its solutions or crystals are used to clear ponds and waterways of plant growth and fungus. It has slightly less potency against humans while it works extremely well against plant life and it affects animals just as well. Nevertheless, Azure is toxic and dangerous even if not dissolved in water, but it is generally harder to apply it in certain situations and areas due to its crystalline form.

The side effects from Azure poisoning on humans would depend on the way the opponent gets in contact with it and the longevity of the exposure. After short exposure (immediate turn) to Azure on skin contact (both crystalline or dissolved Azure) the opponent would feel an itching sensation and develop dermatitis. Eye contact with Azure can cause conjunctivitis, inflammation of the eyelid lining, ulceration, and clouding of the cornea. In other words, it would impair the opponents vision severely. Longer skin exposure (2 turns) and even digestion would cause serious trouble. Because of its irritating effect on the gastrointestinal tract, vomiting is automatically triggered in case of the ingestion of Azure. Other symptoms of Azure poisoning are metallic taste in the mouth, burning pain in the chest, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and headache while severe exposure (3 turns) can cause injury to the brain, stomach, liver, or kidneys.

Luster - Its luster is vitreous and depending on the usage and technique, it is achievable to make it transparent to a certain degree. This transparency is achievable with thin and sharp objects and can come in handy when using various tools and the need to blend them with the environment as much as possible. Regularly, Azure crystals would appear to be blue in its color.

Hardness - With a 2.5 on Mohs scale, Azure is obviously not nearly close to the hardest elements and its crystal structure can easily be overpowered and broken by harder elements. The 2.5 on Mohs scale warrants the hardness to be on par with elements like magnesium, gold, silver, aluminium and zinc while elements like copper, arsenic, thorium, iron, nickel, platinum and steel would easily overpower it. Same goes for any other elements that are harder than the mentioned ones.

Tenacity - A material is brittle if, when subjected to stress, it breaks without significant deformation. Brittle materials absorb relatively little energy prior to fracture, even those of high strength. This applies to its crystals while if used in the form of thinner objects they become slightly flexible.

Fracture - Due to its brittle nature it is prone to fracture. Its fracture is conchoidal to splintery which basically means that it doesn't follow any natural planes of separation. In this aspect it is similar to obsidian because its fractures often result in a curved breakage surface that resembles the rippling, gradual curves of a mussel shell. This also allows Azure to create sharp edges that can cut through various elements of lesser density and hardness.

Spiritualism and medicine - Azure is believed to be an excellent throat chakra stone. It is often said to help further desires through communication abilities. It is also said to help one stay in the now and enjoy life, as well as get rid of feelings of abandonment. Azure is reputed to eliminate delays of things in progress. It is also used metaphysically for insight, clairvoyance, and psychic attunement. It is said to enhance one's ability to "read" people and situation. Azure is said in crystal healing and folklore to be helpful for arthritis, anti-oxidant, arteries, water retention, reproductive system, foot and nail fungal infections. Note that healing crystal meanings are spiritual supports to healing and are not actual prescriptions or healthcare information. Since ancient times, it was used as an emetic thus why it is still listed as an antidote by certain health organisations.

Naruto wise, the medical applications would only be limited to small amounts of self empowering, increased focus and perception. Basically, the user would shape manipulate and materialize controlled amounts of Azure in his body, be it in order to irritate his digestive tract and get rid of the poison before it spreads or to empower himself.[/b] These effects could only be achieved by using specific Medical Azure techniques and these effects wouldn't be achievable with other techniques of the Azure element. Furthermore, these techniques would have their own restrictions and drawbacks and an antidote would still need to be administered in order to deal with the active portions of the Azure and in order to prevent further damage.

Usage Examples:

Azūruton: Ishi-ryoku | Azure Release: Willpower
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: B-Rank
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: One of the basic techniques of every elemental nature. This technique allows the user to materialize Azure from his body. Using this technique, the user can shape manipulate them into various weapons and shields to aid him in battle. However, for larger scale techniques, the user can manipulate the existing Azure in order to create various larger objects made of Azure, such as walls, domes, etc.

Azūruton: Crystalitas | Azure Release: Crystalitas
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: A-Rank
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: To use this technique, the user will slam his hand on the ground and release his chakra in order to materialize Azure in the earth and to create an otherworldly monster made out of the Azure mineral. Upon its materialization and shape manipulation, it emerges out of the ground in the form of multiple slightly transparent blue minerals. The minerals are loosely connected together, mimicking human joints in order to allow movement. The Crystalitas isn't a sentient being and can't act on its own, thus requires the user to keep his hand in touch with the ground in order to control it. Crystalitas is about 3 meters in height and it is very mobile, capable of executing swift movements. It holds a shield and sword made out of the very same material and it is a master of close combat. Crystalitas is usually called forth to battle tough fights for the user.

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Azūruton Iryō Gijutsu: Kado~ukeusu | Azure Medical Technique: Caduceus
Type: Supplementary
Rank: F-Rank
Range: Self
Chakra: 50
Damage: N/A
Description: Caduceus is a legendary staff that was worn by many powerful personalities throughout the history of the world. It was said to have magical powers and there were many witnesses to its abilities, yet only a few were able to control them. Caduceus was passed down through generations and sometimes even wars broke out because of it. It was the object of desire, the ultimate tool. Thefts have been reported numerous times and for a long period of time it was considered to be lost forever. Until this day, it's structure and composition remained unknown but in the last years, Caduceus has been proven to be made of the rare mineral called Azure. Upon using the technique, the user materializes Azure in his hand and shape manipulates it into a sturdy and rigid staff with wings on top of it. From there, two snakes swirl around its long body in perfect unison. The staff is completely made of Azure and it is pale blue in color, with a slightly transparent hue. When in contact with Caduceus, the snakes around the staff also swirl around the users hand, empowering their bond. Doing this, they cast their protective spell on the user and allow him the usage of the staff's abilities. While holding the staff, the user becomes able to use its abilities without suffering any drawbacks from being in contact with Azure, but as soon as the staff is destroyed and the contact with it severed, the drawbacks start kicking in. Regarding its abilities, Caduceus gives the user increased perception and clarity of the battlefield. Call it, the perfect state of mind. He becomes able to read the battles and moves properly and it allows him to read the opponent's facial expressions with great ease. This allows him for tracking the opponents feelings which in turn reflect onto the battle and influence its pace. Tracking the opponents expressions, alerts the user about sudden changes in the flow of the battle and allows him to react properly to certain situations, even before the danger appears. Upon severing the connection with the staff, the drawbacks start overwhelming the users body. He begins to feel metallic taste in the mouth, burning pain in the chest, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and a headache over the course of the next two turns. The effects start as barely existent and increase until they become unbearable. During those two turns the user has to purify his body from the poison, otherwise he would faint.
Note: The staff lasts for 6 turns upon which it would disintegrate on its own.

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Conditions to be able to use it: Kage rank with finished Earth and Water training and have at least one of them as primary affinity. Must finish Medical School.

Is weak to:

Lightning - Lightning cuts through and shatters its crystalline structure when two techniques of the same rank and size collide with each other head-on from opposite directions. Various lightning based elements such as sound and other custom lightning variations would fall under its weakness due to its crystalline structure.

Water - Since Azure dissolves in water, it is weak against it when two techniques of the same rank and size collide with each other head-on from opposite directions. Likewise, water variations and liquid elements based on water would dissolve Azure in a head to head scenario.

Hard earthen variations and certain metals - Since they're harder than regular earth, they would be able to overpower Azure in a head-on collision of two techniques of the same rank but in opposite directions.

Sound - Thanks to its devastating power and the vibrating nature of sound release, it would easily shatter Azure's crystalline structure in a head to head scenario of techniques of same rank in opposite directions.

Is strong against:

Earth - Since Azure has a 2,5 on Mohs hardness scale, it is harder than earth techniques, being able to overpower them when two techniques of the same rank and size collide with each other head-on from opposite directions.

Roots, Plants, Wood, Mushroom - Since it's a strong toxin used against plant life, it is very effective at killing these on contact when two techniques of the same rank and size collide with each other head-on from opposite directions. This works extremely well for dissolved Azure because it's easier to spread and apply on a wider area of the battlefield.

Decay - As a solid crystalline mineral it is resistant to deterioration, having a lower rate of decay. The bonds between its components are much stronger and harder to break in a head to head scenario between techniques of the same rank, thus why it endures decay much better.

Arid - Due to the fact that Arid release removes moisture from the surroundings it would prevent Azure from deteriorating and allow it to be used at its fullest potential.

Hot Ice - Due to its greater hardness and crystalline structure, Azure would overpower Hot Ice in a head to head scenario of techniques of same rank in opposite directions, being able to cut through it.

Sulphur and similar gasesous variations - Since Azure is a solid it has the ability to stop gaseous elements from reaching the user thus having the ability to easily overpower them. In the case of Sulphur, Azure can withstand its heat and it can easily dissipate it.

Cork - Thanks to the crystalline structure of Azure and its ability to form sharp edges, it can easily cut through cork in a head to head scenario of techniques of same rank in opposite directions.

Capsaicin - Since Capsaicin is a waxy substance, the Azure can easily cut through it in a head to head scenario of techniques of the same rank but in opposite directions.

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?


✗ Declined: First of all, this being 2.5 on the Mohs Scale of Hardness makes it as hard as a fingernail. How would that beat Earth Release when the latter is a 5-6 on the same scale? The only "unique" thing about this CE is it's use to empower/enhance Water but that isn't inherent to your element. Your CE is destroyed once it's dissolved in water and there's precious little you could do with a property like this. You go on to mention things like Tenacity, Fracture and Luster as if they're properties that make a CE unique in it's usage or in any way approvable. Finally the whole spiritualism/pseudo-medicine thing isn't going to fly, whether you're a medical student or not. Ultimately this CE is devoid of anything unique or even remotely useful and so this will likely never be approved.

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Active member
Feb 15, 2013
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

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Custom element Japanese name: Hezuton
Custom element English name: Haze Release
The element is based on: Earth (substance) | Fire (catalyst) | Lightning (affect)
Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): In the naruto series it has been seen on multiple occasions that Earth release can be used as a form of dust. This method has been used to create plums as a smokescreen. Fire has been shown to use similar methods in the form of ash styled attacks. Lastly lightning is known to be highly conductive and has been shown to be used through "mediums" to channel the lightning. This element will take the 3 styled methods and combined them into a new form known as Haze.
How it works: Haze Release is a dark, smoke/dust like substanced that is used in a simular fashon to "Smoke Release". It's highly conductive and has the paralysing properties of the Lightning Element. This is achived by first creating substanced from within the user (or the earth) by focusing and molding chakra, then by mixing the chakra's nature the user will convert it into a lighter smokelike ash. This is achived with both the Earth Nature being used as the bulk of the substanced, and the Fire Nature lightening and warming the substanced as a catylist into a new nature. This will not only change the overall characteristics of the dust but also cause it to become conductive. This is where the last step of the formation of Haze is achived. By taking the conductive mixture and applying Lighting Element, the mixture reaches it's final state and becomes eletricfying. This doesn't increase it's ability to peirce in any way but allows it to contain numbing affects when hit by it. It's important to note that Haze is in no way hot, and is not able to burn. Nor is it explosive in nature.
Jutsu Usage Examples:
(Hezuton: ) Haze Release: Bullet
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage points: 40
Description: The user will inhale and make the fallowing handseals, (Monkey, Snake, Ox) while focusing their chakra. They will then exhale, releasing a dark bullet of Haze upon the desired location. This bullet can not only deal blunt force damage but will also smother the target causing them to go numb as electrical outputs surge through them.
-Can only be used 3 times per battle

(Hezuton: ) Haze Release: Vortex
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage points: 40
Description: The user will make the fallowing handseals, (Monkey, Snake, Ox, Snake) while focusing their chakra into the ground around the desired location. Causing a plume of Haze to erupt form the ground. They will then clasp their hands together, using chakra manipulation to manipulate this Haze into a vortex around the target, numbing them.
-Can only be used 3 times per battle

(Hezuton: ) Haze Release: Smokescreen
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage points: 40
Description: The user will focus his chakra and release a plum of Haze from their mouth. This is used to detract and numb the target while hindering their sight. Allowing for the user to escape or counterattack.
-Can only be used 3 times per battle
Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery over Earth, Fire and Lightning Elements

Is weak to: Haze doesn't have a strong physical structure to it; this allows strong physical elements to with stand it. Haze is also naturally conductive, this makes water ideal to counteract it's effects.

Earth/Metals/Crystal and their CE variants | Water/Rain and their CE variants | Elements strong to energy

Is strong against: It's nature smothers fire by reducing the required oxygen in the air. It's conductive properties allows it to counteract lightning. Haze being an element that not only smothers, but also electrifies makes Organics such as wood weak to Haze.

Fire and it's CE variants | Lightning and it's CE variants | Organics | Elements weak to energy

Co-creator: Serpent
Students I passed this custom element on too: N/A & N/A

✗ Declined: I just don't see this as feasible. It's also very similar to the cloud variation of Storm Release.

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Active member
May 31, 2014
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

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Custom Element Japanese Name

Shinsui-sei howaitosando

Custom Element English Name
Hydrophilic White Sand

The Element is Based On
Fire + Earth + Water + Wind

Facts that Prove the Element to be Possible (In the Manga Context):

It has been shown that it is possible to create Crystallized structures from preexisting Earth Structures in the manga. In the real world it is also possible for structures to have residue of Crystals inside of it. In the Naruto Verse we have seen the ninja Guren use a unique style of crystal which is pink, but there are a large variety of crystals in the world, and not much is known on how the one shown in the anime was created. It basically shows that crystal like structures can exist This crystal is however formed from water pressure along with when heat is applied. The manipulation of volcanic material is also known to be possible with the evidence that Mei Terumi was capable of manipulating molten rock as well as Roshi and his jinchuuriki who could control hot molten rocks in either solid or liquid form. Additionally, to further prove the possibility of this element and how it is possible for structures to have crystal reisdue is from the Steel Kekkei Genkai. While it is not shown directly in the manga, in real life steel is known to be created from cooling magma which creates it, but also has crystallized partciles which can be found inside of it., all that would be needed afterwards would be a way of cooling it by some manner. Hydrophillic White Sand is essentially a new type of crystal broken down into a new subtance which can be seen as sand or the color white to the naked eye. In the same way one would break down earth to a dust like substance the same is basically done to this crystal.

How it Works:

The user starts off by surrounding the earth with a large quantity of water, with immense pressure surrounding it. Now with the earth surrounded with water the user then applies Heat to the water and earth in the form of the Fire element heating up both components. Due to the heat being applied to the water and earth it causes for a reaction between the water and fire known as evaporation causing the water to irregularly dissipate. The user has such a copious amount of water present, and just the right amount of heat the water does not instantly evaporate. By constantly performing the previous cycle of adding water and heat the user has created a soft mineral known as Gypsum an evaportite mineral. An evaporite mineral is simply any mineral remaining after the evaportation of water.This Gypsum crystal is a sort of crystal that is transparent. Also, it is because the user is creating more Gypsum from the process of heating the water with the earth that water could not fully dissolve it due the amount of it being created. So that is why despite being soluble in water Gypsum survived in the body of water, and is still around even after the water has been evaporated. There is however two more steps involved in creating the substance known as White Sand. To get Gypsum into the wanted state of White Sand the user will then use their wind chakra to wear down the surface of the Gypsum crystal breaking down the Gypsum into smaller pieces. When Gypsum is broken into smaller pieces it is known as Selenite. The substance known as Selenite is also clear like Gypsum, but due to the wind constantly scratching at its surface it has scratches on its surface. By following with applying the wind element to Selenite the user further breaks it down into a white powder like substance known as White Sand or Gypsum sand. It is mainly because the user has applied their wnd element to the substance that it appears white to the human eye. This white sand catches the prefix "Hydrophilic" because of its tendency to be dissolved when water is present around it.

Example Techniques:
Name: (Howaitosandorirīsu: Yuki no joō no teshita) White Sand Release: Snow Queen's Minions
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: NA
Description: The user starts off converting the surround vicinity around the field into a platform of white sand. With the now existant white sand the user manipulates it in order to form White Sand clones all around the field surrounding the enemy from multiple angles. There are at least fifty clones produced by this technique. Something to note about these clones is how they are easily destroyed by enemy techniques of free form or higher. The main purpose of these clones is to wear down the enemy and overpower them with numbers. Each clone created will attack the enemy with physical attacks and are simply equivalent to free-form blows.

Name: (Howaitosandorirīsu: Supirichuaruu~ēbu)White Sand Release: Spiritual Wave
Type: Offensve
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
Description: The user starts off by forming White sand from the ground in their nearby vicinity. After the White sand has been formed the user then uses shape manipulation to change the sand into a wave thirty foot wave of soft White sand they will send at the enemy in hopes in to smother them in sand.

Name: (Howaitosandorirīsu: Howaito otome no suranbā) White Sand Release: Slumber of The White Maiden
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 15
Damage Points: NA
Description: The user starts by slamming their hands on the ground and focusing their chakra directly beneath a target. The ground below the target is then instantly turned into White Sand. Due to White Sand's soft density the target will instantly fall into a pit of white sand. The sand poses no direct thread, but is a good way to get a target out of the way. Can be adjusted to sink larger or people if needed.

Conditions to be Able to Use it
Fire + Water + Earth + Wind
up to Appropriate Training meaning if the user only has training up to B-rank in those fields they can only use B-rank jutsu.
Kage Ranked Chakra Control

Is Weak Against
Earth Based Elements
Hydrophllic White Sand is actually a rather soft, and less dense material than earth causing for earth to easily overpower it physically.

Water Based Elements
The most notable characteristic of Hydrophillic White Sand is how Gypsum is easily dissolved by Water

Is Strong Against

Lightnng Based Elements
It is because White Sand has water partciles and is mainly crystal that when lightning came in contact with it the water partciles would diffuse before it could move any further.

Fire Based Elements
Gypsum or White Sand has water molecules inside of it which would only douse flames when they came in contact with it.​


None Available & None Available

✗ Declined: Sorry but this is a very badly made CE. The majority of the description is filler, the method of creation is too convoluted and it has no unique properties. I read entire an paragraph to find out it's only property is it's soluble in water. The elemental weaknesses don't make sense either. Just don't bother resubmitting this.

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Active member
Feb 15, 2013
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element Japanese name: Naitofaia

Custom element English name: Night Fire

The element is based on: Water Release | Lightning Release | Advanced Chakra Control

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): Night Fire release is simply the combination of advanced water release and lightning release. Everything needed to produce this element as well as the advanced release methods of those fields have been shown numerous times in the manga. Combining the two fields to form a new element has also been shown in the manga (lightning + Water = storm release), so there is no reason why this element cannot logically be in Naruto.

How it works: Night Fire release is simply the combination of advanced water release and electricity, much akin to storm release. However, unlike storm release, Night Fire release differs in the fact that instead of raiton being combined with regular water, it's combined with a black oily water (found in the Water Style: Black Clouds technique) that is ignited by the raiton. Due to this, instead of the user producing simple energy beams crackling in electricity like the kind found in the Storm Release Kekkei Genkai, the user would instead be shooting out the lightning and flammable water mixture, with the lightning igniting the water that it's mixed with, creating a very deadly element with massive offensive potential.

Jutsu Usage Examples:
Naitofaia: Dākesuto naito - Night Fire Release: Darkest Night
Type: Offensive
Rank: D-S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 10-40
Damage: 20-80
Description: The user molds his lightning and water chakra, releasing it from their body. Once released, the lightning covered in flammable water ignites, taking the form of pillars, shields, waves, or weaponry. This jutsu is only limited to the user's imagination in terms of versatility.

Note: Can only use the S-rank variation three times with a two turn cool down
Note: Can only be taught by Penguin

Naitofaia: Kanzen'na yūgure - Night Fire Release: Complete Dusk
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A (60 if caught)
Description: When standing on a water source, the user would inject his cakra into that very source of water by slamming their hands on it, turning a portion under the opponent into a flammable black water. Within a moment, it would conduct, creating a violent maelstrom of fire that would erupt into a pillar, burning most to a crisp.

Note: Can only be used twice
Note: No Night Fire techniques above A-rank for a turn afterwards

Conditions to be able to use it: Must have specialized in Water Release and mastered lightning.

Is weak to: Wind as it would insulate the lightning conducting the Night Fire Element.
Water as it would simply conduct the lightning and douse the flames.

Is strong against: Earth, Wood, Mushroom, etc. due to Night Fire cutting through, penetrating, and burning through sturdy and earthen based elements.

Fire, as it would only add fuel to the black oily water found in Night Fire Release.

Co-creator: N/A

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?

✗ Declined: This is not an element.

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Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

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Custom element Japanese name: Pankiji

Custom element English name: Dough Release

The element is based on: Earth + Fire + Water

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): Dough, as a substance, has been shown to exist in the Narutoverse, either through multiple cuisines using dough as a base, or through dough itself being explicitly shown. In episode, dough is eplicitly shown.

How it works: Dough is an element achieved through the mixture of the fire, earth, and water elemental natures. It is of a yellowish white colour. Alternatively, a user can manipulate existing dough to their liking. The element is viscoelastic, with a high strain tolerance, meaning that the element can stretch upon physical contact, wrapping the object and stopping its movement. Due to the dough being chakra empowered this ability is fully expanded upon, giving the element the characteristic of being able to almost immediately stop any physical/solid contact it goes up against. This translates to a strength against solid based and solid-like objects. In this state the element is in the typical form of dough, being 'mushy' and sponge-like. This also results in a strength against liquid based substances, as dough would prevent their progress and suck them up. This also expands to encompass mist like substances and gasses due to the very nature of dough. The element is also capable of rapidly expanding its size while still maintaining its characteristics.

Despite it being mostly defensive, the dough element does have an offensive based aspect. The user can change the elements normal state to a more solid like quality. In this state dough would be somehwhat brittle and stiff. However, through minute chakra control, layer upon layer is stacked upon eachother, making the element tough and durable. Giving it more 'brute strength' capabilities.

The element would normally combine the two aspects of the element into a single technique for maximum versatility and power.

Jutsu Usage Examples:
Luigi The Green
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: B
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: -
Description: The user would release a Size 5 soccer ball shaped piece of dough into a nearby water source. Upon contact the dough would suck up the water and expand in size in accordance to the water abosrbed. This can be used to stop enemy techniques.

Wario the Yellow
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: After two hand seals the user would raise a pillar of dough from beneath the target, the pillar would engulf the target, trapping them in an air tight prison of dough. The user can then choose to cause solid dough spikes to emerge from all over the dough prison, the spikes would pierce into the trapped target.

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery over Fire, Earth, and Water.

Is weak to: Lightning and Wind.

Lightning's sharpness can easily go through the dough, and wind's potent abilty to cut through objects can also overcome the dough.

Is strong against: Earth, solid, and solid-like/based elements. Water, liquids, and mist/gas based elements. Depsite Lightning and Wind being weaknesees the element is strong against Sound.

Since dough can be a very thick substance and due to how it works, it stops solid-like based elements like Earth and such. It is also effective against liquids, as it has a natural ability to absorb water and its other various forms and variations such as mist/gas and the like. Due to the thickness and absolute defense dough can provide, it also is strong against Sound based attacks.

Co-creator: Klad

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?


✗ Declined: Do not resubmit.

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