Custom Clan Jutsu Submission

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Oct 24, 2011
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Final 2 ccj

( Gyojin Anatomy ) - Fishman Anatomy
: Supplementary
Rank: N/A
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A

Gyojin are naturally stronger and faster than the average shinobi and even shinobi of similar/equivalent ability due to the natural bodily advancements that comes with being a fish/human hybrid. Their invigorated Physical stature causes a Gyojin to have a stronger life force and higher stamina than what is common to Shinobi. Gyojin are all physically powerful, making them ideal for close combat and to be warriors.

This move serves as a passive trait that a Gyojin possess to show their superiority in strength over other shinobi, and grants a single passive perk. This trait represents the "strength" a Gyojin weilds physically. All Gyojin with this trait will gain a boasting +30 damage to all Gyojin Karate, Taijutsu and Nintaijutsu attacks, as well as being capable of jumping a incredible heights free form [up to 20m]. The jumping abilities doesn't allow the user to free form dodge, unless an appropriate jutsu or ability is coupled with it.

Note: MUST be placed in the bio, or the beginning of a battle and will remain passive.

¤ Declined, bro I can't approve this; this is basically as what is posted inna CC submission when it mentions passive abilities. This can't be tacked on. ¤

(Gyojin Karate: Funsei To) - Fishman Karate: Advanced Combat
£ Supplementary/Defense/Offensive
Rank: C-S-Rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 15-40
Damage: 30-80
Description: The Gyojin Clan's basic revolves around the ability to manipulate water and water molecules within the air to effect targets around them without so much of a hint of their location, well this technique works as the basic and advanced tactics that can be achieved with said technique. The advanced applications of water molecule manipulation will provide the user the ability to move objects, not just in an offensive manner through shockwaves, but as supplementary usage or even defensive. It can also be used offensively: the (shock)waves can harm a human heavily, having effects that harm them internally, being directly sent at a target or surrounding the target and causing several attacks at once.

By skillfully manipulating the water molecules, the user can create and manifest harmless shockwaves that can be used to move objects at rapid speed and/or push them around to diferent directions depending on where the shockwave is manifested; Doing so in an explosive manner by conjuring the molecules into a single spot and then bursting into each other all at the same time. If used to change location/move objects it does so at the user's current speed, however the application is instant and once the user stops moving, it ends. This can also be used to block elemental or attacks by causing an explosion infront of a technique of equal rank (equal to the rank this is used in, from C to S, 1 rank higher if water element) to forcefully disrupt the jutsu. By manipulating the water molecules in the surroundings, the user can create a "path" in which the object will move; this is done by creating more smaller "explosions" with the water molecules, thus it will appear as if the user is controlling the object's path through their mind, when in reality, small bursts of water keep pushing the object torwards a guided direction by the user. In order to achieve these actionts the user must logically be manipulating the molecules with their body movements depending on the drastic applications. Ie, a simply burst to push something up to Mid range would be done so with a poke or punch, changing it's trajectory as it moves would require a swipe of the hand to do so etc.

Note: A-Rank variant can only be used 5x max with a turn cool down. While S-ranks can only be used 3x with a two turn cool down.

¤ Approved ¤
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Active member
Mar 2, 2012
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CC Approval:

Duraibu Katachi | Drive Form
Rank: N/A
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A (40, -10)
Damage: 40
The Tenshi clan have the power of the cosmos emanating from them, from the seed that is planted within their bloodline. This unique power transmutes their energies at 5% of their maximum chakra pool per turn. This mutation of their chakra allows them to flood their body, creating a whole brand new network in their body, where their chakra is replaced by this new source of energy. Since chakra is only made when spiritual and physical energy are mixed together, the users entire chakra network can be replaced, with this new form, called "Drive Form" where in by the body converts 5% of their spiritual and physical energy into Comic Chakra instead. This form is what the Tenshi are made by, how they are recognized and called "Angels", where in the Comic Chakra begins to flow through and out of their body, (uniquely coloured by the individual). This first Drive Form happens suddenly and instantly, creating a small omnidirectional sphere of their Cosmic Chakra to explode outwards in a shockwave fashion dealing damage (40).

Master Form
The initial Transformation form that the Tenshi are known for is called the Drive Form: Mastery. This basic form allows the user to have their Cosmic Chakra flow through their body, to unleash it from the shard that is embedded within them and begin to harness its strength.
While coursing through their body, the Tenshi gain an increase in their strength, speed and reactionary capabilities. The Cosmic Chakra creates a secondary skin that covers the user in an aura, providing a strength in toughness that must be overcome to physically strike the user. This toughness (passively) shaves -30 physical damage. While the Cosmic Chakra flow, the users muscles and body begin to be flooded with this new universal power, increasing their strength. Their speed, at which they are able to move their body increases giving them a three time boost. While begining to flow, the users body begins to adapt and settle with the rapid new changes. Cosmic Chakra that begins leaking out of the body can be felt, by the user, attuned to their senses at which they can sense everything that happens within their chakra this leaking spreads at one range per turn. Starting at short range when the user transforms.
While in this form, the user is capable of interacting with their Cosmic Chakra on a basic scale, manipulating it to push, pull, grab, touch, sense, feel the environment around them. This Cosmic Chakra that is leaking out can be controlled, and shaped as the user desires, and as such can be used like wings, extra arms, legs etc much like extra chakra appendages from the user. Using these appendages to attack will deal 80 damage and count towards the users attacks per turn.

Final Form
The Drive Form known as Final is a more powerful form that strengthens the power that is granted by its predecessor, Mastery. To have the user enter Final, they must have already been in Mastery for at least 2 turns prior, while their body accumulates to the enormous power that flows through them with their Cosmic Chakra. Final form doubles the bonuses given in Mastery, while adding some new strengths to the user. Beginning to feel the spirit and power of the universe, their chakra network is constantly being sapped and boosted by the shard, taking original chakra and converting it into new chakra, spiking similar to the users heartbeat. While in this form, the users chakra begins to be converted at an increased rate while the user becomes in sync and in harmony with their seed, converting 10% of their chakra per turn to Cosmic chakra.
Capable now of creating more advanced constructs, mastering the use of their cosmic chakra, techniques using cosmic chakra now gain +25 damage, or are able to defend against an additional 25.
Lastly, while Tenshi Chakra cannot be sealed or interacted with by regular fuuinjutsu methods, only those that incorporate yin/yang. Raw universal power is not so easily contained, nor can it be interacted with.

-Initial cost of 40 Cosmic Ckara, with an ongoing -10 each turn
-Using appendages to attack, manipulate etc costs an attack per turn.
-Must have Mastery activated for at least 2 turns prior
-Final Form lasts 10 turns and the user reverts to Mastery form
-No Form cannot be activated for 3 turns after

¤ Declined, the first underlined parts needs to go. This isn't how your different chakra is achieved; creating a new network of chakra isn't what's in your CC itself. You just convert a portion of your chakra into Cosmic Chakra. The Cosmic Chakra is still chakra of your normal network. Master form has too much as well, based on what the CC itself says. The energy released when entering Master Drive can only be used to sense things. If you want to manipulate it, you'll need to be in Final form. To get a 30 damage reduction and a speed boost, not to mention the latter abilities of this, you will definitely need some form of trade-off noted. Cosmic Chakra can't be used for elemental purposes but this doesn't prevent you from still using elements when in use or other techniques or even suffering some form of negative.

Final Form will have too much going on when coupled with this stuff: 1, -30 damage shaved, x3 speed (now a -60 and x6 boost due to second underline); 2, Cosmic Chakra Construct creation; 3, +25 damage boost, cannot be sealed by Fuuin (This also has no justification that makes sense, just "this is too powerful to be easily contained"); 4, lasts 10 turns; 5, only restriction is 10 chakra and cant use for 3 turns after ending; and 6, can cause a 40 damage explosion upon use. There is no way these can be approved on there own, let alone combined, without restrictions on the same scale. You have to depower this as well as properly restrict this. There is just too much going on for what should be a simple boosting/empowering mode. ¤

Gentei: Erementaru | Limit: Elemental
Rank: B-S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20-40 (-15 per turn)
Damage: 40-80
One basic application of Cosmic Chakra is able to manipulate it into several different properties. Depending on the Drive form the user is in, depends on what application can be used. Should the user be in no drive form, but call upon their cosmic chakra, they can only produce such things as blasts or waves from their body. Simple and unrefined bursts called forth from the accompanying movement, where it follows the body. These blasts and surges only last for the the moment of the attack, not going beyond the turn used. When in the basic first Drive Form, the user is capable of create more complex constructs, creating walls, golems, creatures etc. These constructs while they can be launched from the body, cannot move on their own unless given the appropriate movement from the user. They last for 2 turns on the field, capable of being more advanced than the base form. When the user has mastered their Final Form, the user can create more advanced constructs. These techniques are created and made from cosmic chakra but additionally given the unique proporties having the flexibility to change form/shape should the user desire. This is not limited to the users Cosmic chakra, but can create constructs that can move about on their own, for 3 turns. This is not to be confused with sentience but instead given "direct orders" eg, "attack here" or "defend me" etc.

- Constructs can only be used in the turn they were created in. The use of Master Drive extends this by 1 turn while entering Final Form extends this another turn.
- After use of S rank version, no other Cosmic Chakra technique above A rank can be used next turn
- S rank can be used 3 times max while A rank can be used up to 5 times.

¤ Approved, removed things. Your Cosmic Chakra doesn't have properties that allow it to freely mimic elemental properties or even apply different properties to it. Extending the duration beyond it's normal use is also a no. ¤
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Active member
Jul 27, 2011
Trait Points
Batafurai kōka ✽ Butterfly Effect
Rank: A-S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 30-40
Damage: 60-80
Description: Butterfly Effect is a technique, utilizing the shape of the Rukh, butterflies. The user will create hundreds of butterflies from their bodies that rush out to swarm around the opponents. Due to the affects of Rukh, the butterflies have a sort of poison venomous affect upon physical contact. Upon contact it will "corrupt" the opponents fleshing, causing their skin to turn purple that was touched. This will cause the opponent incredible pain like they were stung by a wasp amplified 10x. Doing this, the pain will continue to linger unless the body is cured of the venomous affect via some poison medical technique of equal rank or higher. Those who are Kings Canidate or higher can activate the S rank version of this. This is done by adding "corrupt" rukh, turning the butterflies from a light color to a dark color. This increases the pain from A rank to S rank.

Note: Can use each usage 3 turns with a one turn cool down
Note: Once contact has been established, the Venomous affect will constantly deal -10 Damage a turn unless healed
Note: The user can sustain this technique by fueling +10 Chakra per turn, replenishing the butterflies from the body, allowing the user to utilize this technique alongside other techniques.

¤ Declined, Rukh's ability to negatively affect opponents stems from it being absorbed, not merely touched; if they aren't absorbing it, it should be good. This can't be accomplished bazed on what's approved. ¤
Batafurai kōka ✽ Butterfly Effect
Rank: A-S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 30-40
Damage: 60-80
Description: Butterfly Effect is a technique, utilizing the shape of the Rukh, butterflies. The user will create hundreds of butterflies from their bodies that rush out to swarm around the opponents. Due to the effects of Rukh, the butterflies have a sort of poison venomous affect upon physical contact. Upon contact it will Force a sealing to take place upons the opponent's body, causing it to "corrupt" the opponents flesh, causing their skin to turn purple that was touched. This will cause the opponent incredible pain like they were stung by a wasp amplified 10x. Doing this, the pain will continue to linger unless the body is cured of the venomous effect via some poison medical technique of equal rank or higher. Those who are Kings Candidate or higher can activate the S rank version of this. This is done by adding "corrupt" rukh, turning the butterflies from a light color to a dark color. This increases the pain from A rank to S rank.

Note: Can use each usage 3 turns with a one turn cool down
Note: Once contact has been established, the Venomous affect will constantly deal -10 Damage a turn unless healed
Note: The user can sustain this technique by fueling +10 Chakra per turn, replenishing the butterflies from the body, allowing the user to utilize this technique alongside other techniques.

¤ Declined on request ¤

Kyohi no rūku ✽ Rukh Of Rejection
Offensive | Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: This technique is an advance version of the "Borg" technique, but alot more stronger and has an offensive application to it which can be activated similar to that of the borg technique. When this technique is activated, the borg barrier will form around the user. Doing this anything or person that comes in contact with it will be forcefully pushed back with incredible force, being able to deflect or even shatter the bones inside said human being that was pushed back due to the force alone. The force alone is able to deflect S rank physical materials or halt the progression of it and completely destroy that below S rank while dispersing techniques of other elements and nature.

Note: Can use a max of two turns per battle.
Note: This technique can be made to lay dormant. This is achieved by spending the initial chakra cost and triggering it mid battle. This must be mentioned in the users bio to be valid.
Note: Cant use any Djinn Techniques of S rank and above in the same turn.
Note: No Djinn techniques of S rank and above in the following turn

¤ Approved, made edits ¤

Soromon no ō ✽ King Of Solomon
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Self
Chakra: 50
Damage: N/a (-20 initial turn and increase by +10 per turn)
Description: King solomon is the most important technique of the clan, utilizing the rukh around the surrounding areas to empower themselves. The user will stab themselves in any known place, causing an open wound. Once done the user will do five handseals, causing the rukh in the area to spike, while drawing onto the user themselves. The Rukh will then be absorbed into the users body via the wound, causing a massive influx in the users overall ability. Due to everything possessing some form of rukh, once the user is in this mode, the user is able to sense anything with rukh within up to five landmark, giving them extensive sensing. Once the user enters this mode, it grants the user to freely use rukh, granting even flight (This is not to be used to defend from techniques). The increase in rukh causes it to not only surge around the user but form as a sort of a barrier, reducing incoming damage up to A rank be it empowered or not, completely nullifying techniques while shaving 75% of the incoming damage of S rank. In this mode the user speed and tracking increased by x4, while their strength (Taijutsu related techniques) is increased by +30. The unique thing about this technique is them being one with rukh, allowing the user to use rukh related techniques in one of the three ways. They are able to use rukh passive not taking up a time slot, or they can use rukh techniques in the same time frame as another technique, or they are able to use a rukh related technique not expelling any chakra up to S rank. This is due to using the rukh in the surrounding area as the form of an attack. Though this attack is very powerful it doesnt come without great risk. The users body takes pain each turn that pass causing incredible damage.

Note: The mode can only be used once per battle
Note: The mode last for a max of four turns
Note: User cant use any jutsu other than Djinn clan techniques
Note: Due to the pain and strain on the user body once the technique ends, the user is only limited to A rank and below techniques for four turns
Note: User cant use Djinn techniques for two turns once technique ends S rank and above

¤ Declined, tracking over 5 landmarks is too much for this. Reducing A rank damage is already pushing it but to put empowered A ranks as well mean any A rank regardless of strength and that's easily a Declined and the addition of shaving 75% of an S rank is a definite no as well (we only subtract based on defined numbers, not percentages so this had no chance ). You then gain x3 speed and tracking with +30 to Tai and use Rukh passively OR without chakra up to S rank? This cannot be approved at all, DNR for trying us. ¤
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Active member
Mar 2, 2012
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CC Approval:

Gōsuto Doraivu | Ghost Drive
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: +10 Per Technique
Damage: +20/+30 Per Technique
There are few styles of combat that allows the Tenshi clan to provide a unique way to fight their opponents. One such way that was mastered by the user Aqua, was the Ghost drive. Eventually mastered and taught among other users, this became a signature technique that allowed the users to overwhelm targets by producing numerous clones of the user while moving about and performing techniques.
By shrouding the user with Tenshi chakra they produce an image of themselves that remains stationary but copying the actions and techniques of the user. The after images posses no physical matter, simply made of the users Tenshi Chakra. They can be used to act as a distraction, to escape, to produce greater attacks and overwhelm opponents or produce a greater defence. Depending on what Form the user is in, produces different effects from the Ghost Drive

No Drive Form:
While in a base form, the user can produce a singular Tenshi Image of themselves, which will remain stationary and copy the users techniques from where they are. This will attack, defend or even speak as the user does.

Master Drive Form:
While in Mastery Form, the user is capable of producing up to 2 images while moving, giving their techniques a +20 boost to their offensive and defensive capabilities. These clones as with No Drive Form, can attack, defend of copy the user in any way while remaining stationary.

Final Drive Form:
Mastering the users Tenshi Chakra, the creation of Ghost Drives now can be made up to 4 per turn, copying the users techniques, producing defensive or offensive creations, even being able to strike from multiple angles. This gives the Tenshi techniques created a +30 boost, due to the sheer size and number of the user that has been created on the battlefield.

Technique can be performed up to 3 times per battle with a 2 turn cool down between uses.

¤ Declined, I don't get this technique; you create Cosmic Chakra versions of the Clone Technique and this grants a damage boost of up to +30? If they possess no physical matter, how are they boosting damage? What is the purpose of this outside of the cloning technique, which can be done with the basic B rank technique? If this creates clone, it would also split the Cosmic Chakra gathered by then. And as a side note, this would definitely not be allowed a +30 boost. ¤
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Active member
Nov 29, 2011
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Personal Clan Techniques:

[Narya – Mìmi Huo Zhi Jie] Narya – Ring of the Secret Fire
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A [-5 chakra per turn]
Damage: N/A
Description: Narya, the Ring of the Secret Fire, was forged by Celebrimbor, the great artificer and master of creations among the elves. It has been said to have the power to inspire others to resist tyranny, domination and despair, as well as being capable of hiding the wielder from remote observation. When the ring was forged, Celebrimbor imbued it with his life force, and through the manipulation and utilization of his vitality and his mastery of Yang Release, he could give the ring its own sentient mind and will. Additionally, the red gem that is placed within the ring acts as an eye for this sentient ring, allowing it to see and detect everything around it, and relay the information to the wielder in a constant two-way stream of telepathic information.

As the ring was given sentience, it was also imbued with the silmarillis of the Noldor, something that Celebrimbor gave from his body and lifeforce, causing the ring in its sentience to constantly radiate a cleansing energy coming from the silmarillis with in. This radiating cleanse, flows from the ring to the wielder, causing a constant cleansing of their body. This in turn causes the user to gain +1 rank in resistance to paralyzing fear, and similar mentally stressing things that may induce tyranny, terror, domination and despair etc. [Passive].

While the ring has been imbued with the silmarillis, it has not only been granted sentient life, but it can release a powerful pulse of energy, surging through the wielder, cleansing their blood, body and mind. It is an ability which purifies the wielders body, removing any ill intended chakra, or anything of the sort that attempts to harm the wielder [S-rank].

The Flame of Arnor, also known as the Secret Fire, is a unique ability attributed to the Ring, which the ring can activate if necessary. The ring will glow brightly, and a brief moment after, a protective orb of purifying fire will engulf the wielder, protecting them from any incoming projectiles from any direction, while then expanding from the wielders person and up to mid-range, purifying and incinerating anything in its path. [S-Rank]
  • The Purifying Pulse also known as The Light of Telperion & Laurelin, can be used by the ring two times per battle.
  • The Light of Telperion & Laurelin is a passive pulse that is released by the Ring at its own discretion.
  • The Flame of Arnor is both a protective and offensive fire, which the ring can release upon its own desire and can be used two times per battle.
  • Must be specified in the Noldor bio that he/she is wearing it
[Valinor Shû] The Trees of Valinor
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 15
Damage: 30
Description: The technique is derived from the fabled Trees of Valinor, two mountainous trees that shined a bright silver and gold, to illuminate the world in myth. The technique is a unique kind, which adds a different aspect to other abilities stemming from the Silmarils. It essentially infuses additional silmarils into the techniques of holy fire, causing the light and brightness to be amplified, and while it entirely blinds its target, whenever someone witnesses the light of a Silmaril technique, they will be induced into a powerful illusion. The illusion using the brightness, and the radiated light and heat to lower their reaction time as the blinding affects them, while they are induced, into the illusion taking effect as the target catches a glimpse of the light, just momentarily before being blinded. As such, when they are caught, they will witness two mountainous trees erupting from the ground, two trees made of pure silmarils, that will grow large and entangle the target within its roots, as the crowns will cover the sky above. This will both blind and bind the opponent in place, making them incapable of moving, as the tree roots would begin to scorch, burn and purify them, affecting their mind as it inflicts great mental and physical pain throughout their body.
  • The technique is applied to the technique and happens in the same timeframe, however it costs a move
  • Can only be utilized three times per battle
¤ Both Approved ¤

[Narya – Mìmi Huo Zhi Jie] Narya – Ring of the Secret Fire
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40 [-15 chakra per turn]
Damage: N/A
Description: Narya, the Ring of the Secret Fire, was forged by Celebrimbor, the great artificer and master of creations among the elves. It has been said to have the power to inspire others to resist tyranny, domination and despair, as well as being capable of hiding the wielder from remote observation. When the ring was forged, Celebrimbor imbued it with his life force, and through the manipulation and utilization of his vitality and his mastery of Yang Release, he could give the ring its own sentient mind and will. Additionally, the red gem, which is an amber from the tree of life known as the silmarili, that is placed within the ring acts as an eye for this sentient ring, allowing it to see and detect everything around it, and relay the information to the wielder in a constant two-way stream of telepathic information. Additionally, due to its creation being of silmarilis it continously releases its energy into the wielders silmarili creations, increasing the power of a technique by +20 to silmarili techniques passively.

As the ring was given sentience, it was also imbued with the silmarillis of the Noldor, something that Celebrimbor gave from his body and lifeforce, causing the ring in its sentience to constantly radiate a cleansing energy coming from the silmarillis with in. This radiating cleanse, flows from the ring to the wielder, causing a constant cleansing of their body. This in turn causes the user to gain +1 rank in resistance to paralyzing fear such as Killing Intent [Passive].

While the ring has been imbued with the silmarillis, it has not only been granted sentient life, but it can release a powerful pulse of energy, surging through the wielder, cleansing their blood, body and mind. It is an ability which purifies the wielders body, removing any ill intended chakra, or anything of the sort that attempts to harm the wielder [S-rank].

The Flame of Arnor, also known as the Secret Fire, is a unique ability attributed to the Ring, which the ring can activate if necessary. The ring will glow brightly, and a brief moment after, a protective orb of purifying fire will engulf the wielder, protecting them from any incoming projectiles from any direction, while then expanding from the wielders person and up to mid-range, purifying and incinerating anything in its path. [S-Rank]
  • The Purifying Pulse also known as The Light of Telperion & Laurelin, can be used by the ring two times per battle and requires 40 chakra, purging the same amount from the body.
  • The Light of Telperion & Laurelin is a passive pulse that is released by the Ring at its own discretion.
  • The Flame of Arnor is both a protective and offensive fire, which the ring can release upon its own desire and can be used two times per battle.
  • Must be specified in the Noldor bio that he/she is wearing it
¤ Update Approved, removed am ambiguous part about tyranny, terror, etc. If you want that added back, it'll need to be clarified and clearer in RP terms to keep in. Due to it utilizing Yang as well, the active chakra cost per turn increased. ¤

[Valinor Shû] The Trees of Valinor
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The technique is derived from the fabled Trees of Valinor, two mountainous trees that shined a bright silver and gold, to illuminate the world in myth. The technique is a unique kind, which adds a different aspect to other abilities stemming from the Silmarils. It essentially infuses additional silmarils into the techniques of holy fire, causing the light and brightness to be amplified, and while it entirely blinds its target, whenever someone witnesses the light of a Silmaril technique, they will be induced into a powerful illusion [Can be applied to several targets without splitting the rank]. The illusion using the brightness, and the radiated light and heat to lower their reaction time and tracking speed, by half, as the blinding affects them, while they are induced, into the illusion taking effect as the target catches a glimpse of the light, just momentarily before being blinded. As such, when they are caught, they will witness two mountainous trees erupting from the ground, two trees made of pure silmarils, that will grow large and entangle the target within its roots, as the crowns will cover the sky above. This will both blind and bind the opponent in place, making them incapable of moving, as the tree roots would begin to scorch, burn and purify them, affecting their mind as it inflicts great mental and physical pain throughout their body. The effects that the Trees of Valinor cause upon a target(s), last for a total of 3 turns before wearing off.
  • The technique is applied to the technique and happens in the same timeframe, however it costs a move
  • Can only be utilized three times per battle
¤ Update Declined, tracking speed won't be reduced by half for this Genjutsu if it's not gonna split the rank. Also the original's rank has been edited to Mid rank due to being a Genjutsu. ¤
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Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
New Cycle: 05/02/2020 - 05/08/2020

Submit your Customs only once they've been finalized. The staff will routinely check submissions throughout the cycle.
2. Submissions must be one post per cycle, thus however many Customs you want checked need to be included promptly.
3. Submissions must not be edited after being checked by a mod - they'll become invalid and thus declined.
4. Submissions may be declined, at moderator discretion, if a technique is overly lengthy for no reason.
5. Submissions from prior cycles that haven't been checked will be checked soon, please have patience. If more than one additional cycle goes by without it being checked, contact a moderator via PM.
6. In regards to your new rankings, be mindful of what you can and can't submit. Be sure to refer to
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The new cycle commences with this post, and concludes precisely one week from the given time-stamp. Sorry for the delay. Anyone that that resubmits a declined custom without making any changes will receive a ban from this thread.

Six Paths

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Oct 27, 2012
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From the Archived Thread as I couldn't quote the post there.
From the Archived Thread said:
Back as .

Erumesu no tori: Seigen no Reberu ♎ The Bird of Hermes: Levels of Restriction
Type: Offensive/Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: B-Forbidden
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20-50 (+10/20)
Damage: 40-90 (+10/20)
Description: The one truth to the fabled destruction of the Village Hidden in Waterfalls was that of the Claymores and their immense power. The wide scale carnage was a result of the performance of a Forbidden technique only a few even heard about much less knew how to execute. Normally, the technique, which is actually a culmination of four different acts coming together, is sealed within stone and hidden deep underground, but its secrets could easily be revealed by true Claymores who sought it. And the last true Claymore that unveiled the technique was a power hungry Vanguard, who in doing so, had broken the seal and released the horrid thing for all Claymores after him to use. The four acts quickly became known as the "Levels of Restrictions" and consisted of Kurochi, the Claymores' dark and foul chakra, and its many uses that weren't thought conventionally possible before. The "levels" are thought to be shackles that govern the imprisonment of a great demon called Bileyg that lives within every Claymore, who's terrible form can be seen within each and every Awakening and Abyssal State, and who's Hunger and intent lies within Kurochi itself. With every level being surpassed, a Claymore is able to bring themselves closer to the Demon, losing their individuality in the sea that is its endless madness and wicked intent (essentially going mad) and upon breaching the final level, the Claymore loses themselves and becomes one with the Demon with no promise of reversion. The final level is one heavily guarded rite, and as such requires direct consent from the Enlightened One.

Level 3: The first step to becoming the Demon, despite being labeled third. This initial bound allows for Kurochi to adopt peculiar properties while under the intent of a Claymore. Foremost, the Hunger within the Claymore will become "visible" within the Kurochi. That is, a blood red hue will hover over the blackness signifying this, similar to how Bijuu chakra is colored red with hate. All subsequent Kurochi techniques while in this level will cost +10 extra chakra while draining the Claymore of their vitality by -10 to perform, but receives a +20 to damage due to this unique trade. The dark energy will also become much more flexible in its destruction, too wherein the user can, once per turn, coat one of his techniques with a B ranked amount of Kurochi to bolster it. To be noted however, is that the Kurochi is in no way boosting the technique's damage but rather its kill potential. When coated, the Kurochi will act as a buffer and receive/deal damage before the technique does while also masking said technique's appearance as well as chakra nature to sensors. For example, a Katon technique could be masked with Kurochi which can be made to flow like water, forcing the fire to conform to its shell's shape and also flow. The Kurochi will also be thick enough so that traditional sensory (Doujutsu, Chakra Sensors, etc) would be unable to discern the true nature of the technique inside. This application is passive in nature and can be applied while the technique is being molded. This level is B ranked.

Level 2: The breaching of the second frame will see Kurochi evolving even further. In addition to the third frame's perks and disadvantage, level 2 is tasked with taking advantage of Claymores' deep connection with Kurochi. This level allows for the performance of any and all elemental techniques the Claymore knows to be performed through Kurochi constructs so long as the constructs in question is within range (short-mid), such as a Kurochi wall emitting Chidori Nagashi or a Kurochi shield spewing a fireball. This is only possible due to Kurochi's ability to fester within the Claymore's body on a molecular level unlike any other chakra. It can creep onto their tenketsu or burrow between the sinews in their muscles and as such becomes extensions of their own bodies, like a limb. Technique bolstering can now be passively applied to up to two techniques per turn. They will also begin to emit an aura of Kurochi passively from their bodies that is B ranked in power but can only extend up to 5m of their position. This level is A ranked and costs -10 chakra per turn and damages -10 also.

Level 1: Reaching even closer to Bileyg, this level's breach sees the Kurochi corrupting the Claymore itself. In addition to level's 2 perks, they will lose their physical form and become one with the foul chakra, leaving only a silhouette of what they used to look like and two emissive spots where their eyes should be. By merging themselves with Kurochi, the Claymores become able to act through it, such as speaking or moving. Their vitality also merges with the energy, allowing it to become almost sentient. Like Gaara's sand, the Kurochi will have a prime directive of protecting the Claymore foremost, and then destroying any adversaries after. Any creations of Kurochi performed in this state will also adopt this half-sentience and can act independent of the user's volition, with a maximum of 3 being allowed at any given time (-10 extra per any subsequent construct(s) after the first). The aura also grows in power to A ranked, with a maximum radius of mid ranged. This level is S ranked, costing -15 chakra per turn and -15 of the user's vitality.
You must be registered for see images

Level 0: This is the ultimate and final frame. The Claymore becomes one with not only the Kurochi inside and around them, but the inner demon that is Bileyg. They lose what's left of the shape they had managed to keep from level 1, and become amorphous just like Kurochi, which, along with its related techniques, now gains a passive +30 in damage, takes +20 extra chakra to perform, and leeches vitality by -30 per turn. The feeding effects of Kurochi is also doubled, where it can sap all the chakra from a technique it overpowers and return it to the user. Ever so often the user can assume one form only, the Demon's, which stands as tall as a Perfect Susano'o. The passive Kurochi aura is at its peak now, growing to S ranked in power and long ranged reach. This level is Forbidden ranked.
You must be registered for see images

Note: Can only be used 3x up to level 2, 2x to level 1, and once for level 0.
Note: Levels 3 to 1 all last 5 turns each, but Level 0 lasts 4.
Note: Can only be used by Heartless Rank and above.
Note: Whether timed out or canceled, after using Level 0 the Claymore is left completely drained of energy, having their speed cut in half, and the inability to mold chakra for any technique above B ranked for 2 turns afterward.

~Declined upon request~
✦ Pending, Shady contact me regarding these ✦
Clan Approval [X]

Erumesu no tori: Seigen no Reberu ♎ The Bird of Hermes: Levels of Restriction
Rank: B-Forbidden
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20-50 (+10/20)
Damage: N/A (-5 up to -20)
The one truth to the fabled destruction of the Village Hidden in Waterfalls was that of the Claymores and their immense power. The wide scale carnage was a result of the performance of a Forbidden technique only a few even heard about much less knew how to execute. Normally, the technique, which is actually a culmination of four different acts coming together, is sealed within stone and hidden deep underground, but its secrets could easily be revealed by true Claymores who sought it. And the last true Claymore that unveiled the technique was a power hungry Vanguard, who in doing so, had broken the seal and released the horrid thing for all Claymores after him to use. The four acts quickly became known as the "Levels of Restrictions" and consisted of Kurochi, the Claymores' dark and foul chakra, and its many uses that weren't thought conventionally possible before. The "levels" are thought to be shackles that govern the imprisonment of a great demon called Bileyg that lives within every Claymore, who's terrible form can be seen within each and every Awakening and Abyssal State, and who's Hunger and intent lies within Kurochi itself. With every level being surpassed, a Claymore is able to bring themselves closer to the Demon, losing their individuality in the sea that is its endless madness and wicked intent (essentially going mad) and upon breaching the final level, the Claymore loses themselves and becomes one with the Demon with no promise of reversion. The final level is one heavily guarded rite, and as such requires direct consent from the Enlightened One.

Level 3: The first step to becoming the Demon, despite being labeled third. This initial bound allows for Kurochi to adopt peculiar properties while under the intent of a Claymore. Foremost, the Hunger within the Claymore will become "visible" within the Kurochi. That is, a blood red hue will hover over the blackness signifying this, similar to how Bijuu chakra is colored red with hate. All subsequent Kurochi techniques while in this level will cost +10 extra chakra while draining the Claymore of their vitality by -5 to perform, but receives a +20 to damage due to this unique trade. The dark energy will also become much more flexible in its destruction, too wherein the user can, once per turn, coat one of his techniques with a B ranked amount of Kurochi to bolster it. To be noted however, is that the Kurochi is in no way boosting the technique's damage but rather its kill potential. When coated, the Kurochi will act as a buffer and receive/deal damage before the technique does while also masking said technique's appearance as well as chakra nature to sensors. For example, a Katon technique could be masked with Kurochi which can be made to flow like water, forcing the fire to conform to its shell's shape and also flow. The Kurochi will also be thick enough so that traditional sensory (Doujutsu, Chakra Sensors, etc) would be unable to discern the true nature of the technique inside. This application is passive in nature and can be applied while the technique is being molded. This level is B ranked.

Level 2: The breaching of the second frame will see Kurochi evolving even further. In addition to the third frame's perks and disadvantage, level 2 is tasked with taking advantage of Claymores' deep connection with Kurochi. This level allows for the performance of any and all elemental techniques the Claymore knows to be performed through Kurochi constructs so long as the constructs in question is within range (short-mid), such as a Kurochi wall emitting Chidori Nagashi or a Kurochi shield spewing a fireball. This is only possible due to Kurochi's ability to fester within the Claymore's body on a molecular level unlike any other chakra. It can creep onto their tenketsu or burrow between the sinews in their muscles and as such becomes extensions of their own bodies, like a limb. Technique bolstering can now be passively applied to up to two techniques per turn. They will also begin to emit an aura of Kurochi passively from their bodies that is B ranked in power but can only extend up to 5m of their position. This level is A ranked and costs -10 chakra per turn and damages -5 also. In addition to that, it boosters the powers of the Claymore up to +30 for every technique up to Forbidden. This level is A Rank.

Level 1:
Reaching even closer to Bileyg, this level's breach sees the Kurochi corrupting the Claymore itself. In addition to level's 2 perks, they will lose their physical form and become one with the foul chakra, leaving only a silhouette of what they used to look like and two emissive spots where their eyes should be. By merging themselves with Kurochi, the Claymores become able to act through it, such as speaking or moving. Their vitality also merges with the energy, allowing it to become almost sentient. Like Gaara's sand, the Kurochi will have a prime directive of protecting the Claymore foremost, and then destroying any adversaries after. Any creations of Kurochi performed in this state will also adopt this half-sentience and can act independent of the user's volition, with a maximum of 3 being allowed at any given time (-10 extra per any subsequent construct(s) after the first). The aura also grows in power to A ranked, with a maximum radius of mid ranged. This level is S ranked, costing -15 chakra per turn and -15 of the user's vitality. In addition to that, it boosters the powers of the Claymore up to +40 for every technique up to Forbidden. This level is S-Rank

Level 0:
This is the ultimate and final frame. The Claymore becomes one with not only the Kurochi inside and around them, but the inner demon that is Bileyg. They lose what's left of the shape they had managed to keep from level 1, and become amorphous just like Kurochi. The feeding effects of Kurochi is also doubled, where it can sap all the chakra from a technique it overpowers and return it to the user. Ever so often the user can assume one form only, the Demon's, which stands as tall as a Perfect Susano'o. The passive Kurochi aura is at its peak now, growing to S ranked in power and long ranged reach. This level is Forbidden ranked. In addition to that, it boosters the powers of the Claymore up to +60 for every technique up to S-Rank, while doing constant damage of -20 health for every turn in this state. This level is Forbidden Rank.

Can only be used 3x up to level 2, 2x to level 1, and once for level 0.
Note: Levels 3 to 1 all last 5 turns each, but Level 0 lasts 4.
Note: The clan leader is allowed to use level 0 one more time during the battle/event.
Can only be used by Heartless Rank and above.
Note: Whether timed out or canceled, after using Level 0 the Claymore is left completely drained of energy, having their speed cut in half, and the inability to mold chakra for any technique above B ranked for 2 turns afterward.

Declined. Thematically this is really cool. But some of the perks here are really out of whack, so we'll start with that. A lot of this exceeds what a normal Tier 5 ability can even do. So let's start. Issues will be highlighted in blue for quick reference. The first application is far too strong for what it gives you; you can't fool Doujutsu and Sensors like this. That is especially true for advanced forms of awareness, like Yin-Yang's sensing.

So the second Level is where this stuff starts getting really out of whack. It is an A-Rank boost (yes, A-Rank), and you're getting a boost for five turns equivalent to the Six Paths Senjutsu for the same cost as the Level 1 boost, with virtually no drawbacks. The health you lose is largely a meaningless gesture. This trend continues for basically the rest of the levels. The boosts are too high, the drawbacks are too small, and the duration are too long. There's no way I'll approve a +40 that lasts for 5 turns. So scale this back. And once you scale it back, you might want to scale it back again.

I'm not commenting on the +60 because, well, I shouldn't have to after writing what I have so far.

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May 31, 2014
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New Cycle: 05/26/2020 - 06/02/2020

Submit your Customs only once they've been finalized. The staff will routinely check submissions throughout the cycle.
2. Submissions must be one post per cycle, thus however many Customs you want checked need to be included promptly.
3. Submissions must not be edited after being checked by a mod - they'll become invalid and thus declined.
4. Submissions may be declined, at moderator discretion, if a technique is overly lengthy for no reason.
5. Submissions from prior cycles that haven't been checked will be checked soon, please have patience. If more than one additional cycle goes by without it being checked, contact a moderator via PM.
6. In regards to your new rankings, be mindful of what you can and can't submit. Be sure to refer to
this thread on how much you are to submit per cycle.

The new cycle commences with this post, and concludes precisely one week from the given time-stamp. Sorry for the delay. Anyone that that resubmits a declined custom without making any changes will receive a ban from this thread.


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Mar 2, 2012
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CC Approval:

Duraibu Katachi | Drive Form
Rank: N/A
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A (40, -10)
Damage: 40
The Tenshi clan have the power of the cosmos emanating from them, from the seed that is planted within their bloodline. This unique power transmutes their energies at 5% of their maximum chakra pool per turn. This mutation of their chakra allows them to flood their body, creating a whole brand new network in their body, where their chakra is replaced by this new source of energy. Since chakra is only made when spiritual and physical energy are mixed together, the users entire chakra network can be replaced, with this new form, called "Drive Form" where in by the body converts 5% of their spiritual and physical energy into Comic Chakra instead. This form is what the Tenshi are made by, how they are recognized and called "Angels", where in the Comic Chakra begins to flow through and out of their body, (uniquely coloured by the individual). This first Drive Form happens suddenly and instantly, creating a small omnidirectional sphere of their Cosmic Chakra to explode outwards in a shockwave fashion dealing damage (40).

Master Form
The initial Transformation form that the Tenshi are known for is called the Drive Form: Mastery. This basic form allows the user to have their Cosmic Chakra flow through their body, to unleash it from the shard that is embedded within them and begin to harness its strength.
While coursing through their body, the Tenshi gain an increase in their strength, speed and reactionary capabilities. The Cosmic Chakra creates a secondary skin that covers the user in an aura, providing a strength in toughness that must be overcome to physically strike the user. This toughness (passively) shaves -30 physical damage. While the Cosmic Chakra flow, the users muscles and body begin to be flooded with this new universal power, increasing their strength. Their speed, at which they are able to move their body increases giving them a three time boost. While begining to flow, the users body begins to adapt and settle with the rapid new changes. Cosmic Chakra that begins leaking out of the body can be felt, by the user, attuned to their senses at which they can sense everything that happens within their chakra this leaking spreads at one range per turn. Starting at short range when the user transforms.
While in this form, the user is capable of interacting with their Cosmic Chakra on a basic scale, manipulating it to push, pull, grab, touch, sense, feel the environment around them. This Cosmic Chakra that is leaking out can be controlled, and shaped as the user desires, and as such can be used like wings, extra arms, legs etc much like extra chakra appendages from the user. Using these appendages to attack will deal 80 damage and count towards the users attacks per turn.

Final Form
The Drive Form known as Final is a more powerful form that strengthens the power that is granted by its predecessor, Mastery. To have the user enter Final, they must have already been in Mastery for at least 2 turns prior, while their body accumulates to the enormous power that flows through them with their Cosmic Chakra. Final form doubles the bonuses given in Mastery, while adding some new strengths to the user. Beginning to feel the spirit and power of the universe, their chakra network is constantly being sapped and boosted by the shard, taking original chakra and converting it into new chakra, spiking similar to the users heartbeat. While in this form, the users chakra begins to be converted at an increased rate while the user becomes in sync and in harmony with their seed, converting 10% of their chakra per turn to Cosmic chakra.
Capable now of creating more advanced constructs, mastering the use of their cosmic chakra, techniques using cosmic chakra now gain +25 damage, or are able to defend against an additional 25.
Lastly, while Tenshi Chakra cannot be sealed or interacted with by regular fuuinjutsu methods, only those that incorporate yin/yang. Raw universal power is not so easily contained, nor can it be interacted with.

-Initial cost of 40 Cosmic Ckara, with an ongoing -10 each turn
-Using appendages to attack, manipulate etc costs an attack per turn.
-Must have Mastery activated for at least 2 turns prior
-Final Form lasts 10 turns and the user reverts to Mastery form
-No Form cannot be activated for 3 turns after

¤ Declined, the first underlined parts needs to go. This isn't how your different chakra is achieved; creating a new network of chakra isn't what's in your CC itself. You just convert a portion of your chakra into Cosmic Chakra. The Cosmic Chakra is still chakra of your normal network. Master form has too much as well, based on what the CC itself says. The energy released when entering Master Drive can only be used to sense things. If you want to manipulate it, you'll need to be in Final form. To get a 30 damage reduction and a speed boost, not to mention the latter abilities of this, you will definitely need some form of trade-off noted. Cosmic Chakra can't be used for elemental purposes but this doesn't prevent you from still using elements when in use or other techniques or even suffering some form of negative.

Final Form will have too much going on when coupled with this stuff: 1, -30 damage shaved, x3 speed (now a -60 and x6 boost due to second underline); 2, Cosmic Chakra Construct creation; 3, +25 damage boost, cannot be sealed by Fuuin (This also has no justification that makes sense, just "this is too powerful to be easily contained"); 4, lasts 10 turns; 5, only restriction is 10 chakra and cant use for 3 turns after ending; and 6, can cause a 40 damage explosion upon use. There is no way these can be approved on there own, let alone combined, without restrictions on the same scale. You have to depower this as well as properly restrict this. There is just too much going on for what should be a simple boosting/empowering mode. ¤
Duraibu Katachi | Drive Form
Rank: N/A
Range: Self (up to mid range for burst upon entering form)
N/A (40, -10)
Damage: 40
The Tenshi clan have the power of the cosmos emanating from them, from the seed that is planted within their bloodline. This unique power transmutes their energies at 5% of their maximum chakra pool per turn. This mutation of their chakra allows them to flood their body, creating a whole brand new type of chakra. Creating this chakra triggers the first form, called "Drive Form" where in by the body converts 5% of their spiritual and physical energy into Comic Chakra instead of regular chakra. This form is what the Tenshi are made by, how they are recognized and called "Angels", where in the Comic Chakra begins to flow through and out of their body, (uniquely coloured by the individual). This first Drive Form happens suddenly and instantly, creating a small omnidirectional sphere of their Cosmic Chakra to explode outwards in a shockwave fashion dealing damage (40).

Master Form
The initial Transformation form that the Tenshi are known for is called the Drive Form: Mastery. This basic form allows the user to have their Cosmic Chakra flow through their body, to unleash it from the shard that is embedded within them and begin to harness its strength.
While coursing through their body, the Tenshi gain an increase in their strength, speed and reactionary capabilities. The Cosmic Chakra creates a secondary skin that covers the user in an aura, providing a strength in toughness that must be overcome to physically strike the user. This toughness increases damage shaving capabilities by 20 extra damage, or if the user has none it gives a -20 damage shaving bonus. While the Cosmic Chakra flow, the users muscles and body begin to be flooded with this new universal power, increasing their strength. Their speed, at which they are able to move their body increases giving them a three time boost. While begining to flow, the users body begins to adapt and settle with the rapid new changes. The burst from this explosive cosmic chakra sends back a sonar like echo of all forms of chakra to the user that it passes through and touches. While in this form, the users Cosmic chakra begins leaking out into the surrounding area at one range per turn starting a short.

Final Form

The Drive Form known as Final is a more powerful form that strengthens the power that is granted by its predecessor, Mastery. To have the user enter Final, they must have already been in Mastery for at least 2 turns prior, while their body accumulates to the enormous power that flows through them with their Cosmic Chakra. As the users Cosmic Chakra begins to properly settle into the perfect form, an increase in their abilities begin to shine through, They have a choice to focus their Cosmic Chakra into their physical strength or their spiritual strength. By choosing their physical, they gain an increase the damage shaving to -30 while gaining an increase of +20 to their Taijutsu, Kenjutsu and Bukijutsu techniques. Choosing the Spiritual side, they gain the ability to detect Genjutsu up to A rank, while being able to passively break genjutsu up to B rank. In this form the leaking Cosmic chakra causes the user to be able to sense forms of chakra that comes into contact with their own, giving a double increase to the users tracking.
Entering Final form however comes at a cost where the user is forced to choose between splitting their physical and spiritual prowess. Should the user focus on their physical attributes, they lose their ability to cast genjutsu above B rank. Should they focus on the Spiritual aspect of their techniques, they lack the ability to produce elemental techniques above B rank. It is possible to change the speciality of the Final Form, however this requires the user to spend no Cosmic Chakra for the turn while the entire body shifts to align to the new side of the user. If swapping from physical to spiritual, the user cannot cast elemental techniques no attack with any taijutsu or kenjutsu techniques above A rank for that turn. To swap from spiritual to physical, the user cannot cast any genjutsu above A rank that turn or use Kai.


-Initial cost of 40 Cosmic Ckara, with an ongoing -10 each turn
-Must have Mastery activated for at least 2 turns prior
-Final Form lasts 8 turns and the user reverts to Mastery form
-No Form cannot be activated for 4 turns after

Declined. There's nothing about your clan that indicates you can augment your Spiritual strength (which essentially translates to spiritual energy). The Drive states pretty clearly outline you're able to either enhance your physical traits and chakra, but nothing spiritual. That isn't to say you can't do something that strengthens you spiritually, but you'd have to word it differently. Because as it stands now, the way this custom is worded it doesn't allow you to achieve that within the limits of your clan. That said, I think you should take it in a completely different direction.

Gōsuto Doraivu | Ghost Drive
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: B/A/S
Range: Short
Chakra: +10 Per Technique
There are few styles of combat that allows the Tenshi clan to provide a unique way to fight their opponents. One such way that was mastered by the user Aqua, was the Ghost drive. Eventually mastered and taught among other users, this became a signature technique that caused the user to augment their Cosmic Chakra to produce different effects. By taking advantage of the Cosmic Chakras ability to "not interact or be maniplated by elements" despite how much damage a technique contains, the user applies a Cosmic chakra barrier specifically designed to strengthen their Cosmic Chakra techniques via an increase of the amount of Cosmic Chakra infused into a technique. The Ghost Drive has 2 uses, which is either "Reflect" or "Magnet", each with their own unique properties as outlined.
Reflect causes the Cosmic Chakra techniques involved to effectively "tank" the techniques, to reflect them away from the target and bounce away. The elemental technique in question will no lose power or cause a 'clash' but simply instead be redirected as if a form of solid space was in its way.
Magnet takes a technique and 'captures' it, causing a shell to appear between the incoming technique and the Cosmic Chakra creation as it then begins to either be held in place or simply keep rotating or moving in a circle bouncing off the walls of the cosmic chakra.

No Drive Form:
While in a base form, the user can only apply this to B rank techniques. They are broken by the equal surge of chakra.

Master Drive Form:
While in Mastery Form, the user is capable of applying this to A rank techniques, and creating them specifically within range.

Final Drive Form:
Capable of being applied to up to S rank techniques, this allows the user to apply it to the user themselves.

-Master Drive Form can only be applied 6 times.
-Final Form Can only be applied 4 times
-Requires a single turn in between each use.

Declined. I'm not really sure I understand how the Magnet form works. The way it's worded almost seems like gravity, or something like that. Word on clarifying the mechanics of the customs so that someone not familiar with your clan can grasp them easily. Also, do some spell checking. There are some errors here that could be ironed out.
Last edited by a moderator:


Mar 18, 2013
Trait Points
Link [X]
From the Archived Thread as I couldn't quote the post there.

Clan Approval [X]

Erumesu no tori: Seigen no Reberu ♎ The Bird of Hermes: Levels of Restriction
Rank: B-Forbidden
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20-50 (+10/20)
Damage: N/A (-5 up to -20)
The one truth to the fabled destruction of the Village Hidden in Waterfalls was that of the Claymores and their immense power. The wide scale carnage was a result of the performance of a Forbidden technique only a few even heard about much less knew how to execute. Normally, the technique, which is actually a culmination of four different acts coming together, is sealed within stone and hidden deep underground, but its secrets could easily be revealed by true Claymores who sought it. And the last true Claymore that unveiled the technique was a power hungry Vanguard, who in doing so, had broken the seal and released the horrid thing for all Claymores after him to use. The four acts quickly became known as the "Levels of Restrictions" and consisted of Kurochi, the Claymores' dark and foul chakra, and its many uses that weren't thought conventionally possible before. The "levels" are thought to be shackles that govern the imprisonment of a great demon called Bileyg that lives within every Claymore, who's terrible form can be seen within each and every Awakening and Abyssal State, and who's Hunger and intent lies within Kurochi itself. With every level being surpassed, a Claymore is able to bring themselves closer to the Demon, losing their individuality in the sea that is its endless madness and wicked intent (essentially going mad) and upon breaching the final level, the Claymore loses themselves and becomes one with the Demon with no promise of reversion. The final level is one heavily guarded rite, and as such requires direct consent from the Enlightened One.

Level 3: The first step to becoming the Demon, despite being labeled third. This initial bound allows for Kurochi to adopt peculiar properties while under the intent of a Claymore. Foremost, the Hunger within the Claymore will become "visible" within the Kurochi. That is, a blood red hue will hover over the blackness signifying this, similar to how Bijuu chakra is colored red with hate. All subsequent Kurochi techniques while in this level will cost +10 extra chakra while draining the Claymore of their vitality by -5 to perform, but receives a +20 to damage due to this unique trade. The dark energy will also become much more flexible in its destruction, too wherein the user can, once per turn, coat one of his techniques with a B ranked amount of Kurochi to bolster it. To be noted however, is that the Kurochi is in no way boosting the technique's damage but rather its kill potential. When coated, the Kurochi will act as a buffer and receive/deal damage before the technique does while also masking said technique's appearance as well as chakra nature to sensors. For example, a Katon technique could be masked with Kurochi which can be made to flow like water, forcing the fire to conform to its shell's shape and also flow. The Kurochi will also be thick enough so that traditional sensory (Doujutsu, Chakra Sensors, etc) would be unable to discern the true nature of the technique inside. This application is passive in nature and can be applied while the technique is being molded. This level is B ranked.

Level 2: The breaching of the second frame will see Kurochi evolving even further. In addition to the third frame's perks and disadvantage, level 2 is tasked with taking advantage of Claymores' deep connection with Kurochi. This level allows for the performance of any and all elemental techniques the Claymore knows to be performed through Kurochi constructs so long as the constructs in question is within range (short-mid), such as a Kurochi wall emitting Chidori Nagashi or a Kurochi shield spewing a fireball. This is only possible due to Kurochi's ability to fester within the Claymore's body on a molecular level unlike any other chakra. It can creep onto their tenketsu or burrow between the sinews in their muscles and as such becomes extensions of their own bodies, like a limb. Technique bolstering can now be passively applied to up to two techniques per turn. They will also begin to emit an aura of Kurochi passively from their bodies that is B ranked in power but can only extend up to 5m of their position. This level is A ranked and costs -10 chakra per turn and damages -5 also. In addition to that, it boosters the powers of the Claymore up to +30 for every technique up to Forbidden. This level is A Rank.

Level 1:
Reaching even closer to Bileyg, this level's breach sees the Kurochi corrupting the Claymore itself. In addition to level's 2 perks, they will lose their physical form and become one with the foul chakra, leaving only a silhouette of what they used to look like and two emissive spots where their eyes should be. By merging themselves with Kurochi, the Claymores become able to act through it, such as speaking or moving. Their vitality also merges with the energy, allowing it to become almost sentient. Like Gaara's sand, the Kurochi will have a prime directive of protecting the Claymore foremost, and then destroying any adversaries after. Any creations of Kurochi performed in this state will also adopt this half-sentience and can act independent of the user's volition, with a maximum of 3 being allowed at any given time (-10 extra per any subsequent construct(s) after the first). The aura also grows in power to A ranked, with a maximum radius of mid ranged. This level is S ranked, costing -15 chakra per turn and -15 of the user's vitality. In addition to that, it boosters the powers of the Claymore up to +40 for every technique up to Forbidden. This level is S-Rank

Level 0:
This is the ultimate and final frame. The Claymore becomes one with not only the Kurochi inside and around them, but the inner demon that is Bileyg. They lose what's left of the shape they had managed to keep from level 1, and become amorphous just like Kurochi. The feeding effects of Kurochi is also doubled, where it can sap all the chakra from a technique it overpowers and return it to the user. Ever so often the user can assume one form only, the Demon's, which stands as tall as a Perfect Susano'o. The passive Kurochi aura is at its peak now, growing to S ranked in power and long ranged reach. This level is Forbidden ranked. In addition to that, it boosters the powers of the Claymore up to +60 for every technique up to S-Rank, while doing constant damage of -20 health for every turn in this state. This level is Forbidden Rank.

Can only be used 3x up to level 2, 2x to level 1, and once for level 0.
Note: Levels 3 to 1 all last 5 turns each, but Level 0 lasts 4.
Note: The clan leader is allowed to use level 0 one more time during the battle/event.
Can only be used by Heartless Rank and above.
Note: Whether timed out or canceled, after using Level 0 the Claymore is left completely drained of energy, having their speed cut in half, and the inability to mold chakra for any technique above B ranked for 2 turns afterward.

Declined. Thematically this is really cool. But some of the perks here are really out of whack, so we'll start with that. A lot of this exceeds what a normal Tier 5 ability can even do. So let's start. Issues will be highlighted in blue for quick reference. The first application is far too strong for what it gives you; you can't fool Doujutsu and Sensors like this. That is especially true for advanced forms of awareness, like Yin-Yang's sensing.

So the second Level is where this stuff starts getting really out of whack. It is an A-Rank boost (yes, A-Rank), and you're getting a boost for five turns equivalent to the Six Paths Senjutsu for the same cost as the Level 1 boost, with virtually no drawbacks. The health you lose is largely a meaningless gesture. This trend continues for basically the rest of the levels. The boosts are too high, the drawbacks are too small, and the duration are too long. There's no way I'll approve a +40 that lasts for 5 turns. So scale this back. And once you scale it back, you might want to scale it back again.

I'm not commenting on the +60 because, well, I shouldn't have to after writing what I have so far.

Resubmitting with heavy changes. Permission here. Clan approved here.

Erumesu no Tori: Seigen no Reberu ♎ The Bird of Hermes: Levels of Restriction
Rank: B - Forbidden
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 20-50 (-20/-30 per turn)
N/A (-10/-20/-30/-40 per turn)
The one truth to the fabled destruction of the Village Hidden in Waterfalls was that of the Claymores and their immense power. The wide scale carnage was a result of the performance of a Forbidden technique only a few even heard about much less knew how to execute. Normally, the technique, which is actually a culmination of four different acts coming together, is sealed within stone and hidden deep underground, but its secrets could easily be revealed by true Claymores who sought it. The four acts quickly became known as the "Levels of Restrictions" and consisted of Kurochi, the Claymores' dark and foul chakra, and its many uses that weren't thought conventionally possible before. The "levels" are thought to be shackles that govern the imprisonment of a great demon called Bileyg that lives within every Claymore, who's terrible form can be seen within each and every Awakening and Abyssal State, and who's Hunger and intent lies within Kurochi itself. With every level being surpassed, a Claymore is able to bring themselves closer to the Demon, losing their individuality in the sea that is its endless madness and wicked intent (essentially going mad) and upon breaching the final level, the Claymore loses themselves and becomes one with Bileyg itself. Only one level can be activated at a time. Levels of Restriction can only be activated four times over all, regardless of Level, with a three turn cool down.

Level 3:
The first step to becoming the Demon. This initial bound allows for Kurochi to adopt peculiar properties while under the intent of a Claymore. Foremost, the Hunger within the Claymore will become "visible" within the Kurochi. That is, a blood red hue will hover over the blackness signifying this, similar to how Bijuu chakra is colored red with hate. All subsequent Kurochi related techniques performed while in this level will cost +10 extra chakra while damaging the Claymore -20 to perform, but receives a +20 to damage. The dark energy will also become much more flexible in its destruction, too wherein the user can, once per turn, coat one of his techniques with an adequately sized amount of Kurochi (relative to the technique it is affecting) to cover it. The coating won't boost the technique's damage but rather its kill potential. When coated, the Kurochi will mask the technique's appearance. For example, a Katon technique could be masked with Kurochi which can be made to flow like water, forcing the fire to conform to its shell's shape and also flow. The Kurochi will also be thick enough so that normal sight would be unable to discern the true nature of the technique inside. This application is passive in nature, being applied while the technique is being molded, though this can only be done to one technique per turn. Level 3 is B-ranked, lasts three turns.

Level 2:
The breaching of the second frame will see Kurochi evolving even further. Level 2 is tasked with taking advantage of Claymores' deep connection with Kurochi. As such, Kurochi related techniques up to A-rank in this level gain +30 damage and the Claymore is able to, once per turn, perform elemental techniques up to A-rank through Kurochi constructs so long as the construct in question is within range (Short-Mid), such as a Kurochi wall emitting Chidori Nagashi or a Kurochi shield spewing a fireball. This ability can be applied passively but only once and the Claymore would still need to perform hand seals/accompanying movements if any. This level is A ranked, costs -20 chakra and damages -20 per turn. Level 2 lasts three turns. After deactivation the Claymore will be unable to perform techniques above S-ranked for two turns.

Level 1:
Reaching even closer to Bileyg, this level's breach sees the Kurochi corrupting the Claymore itself. They will lose their physical form and become one with the foul chakra, leaving only a silhouette of what they used to look like and two emissive spots where their eyes should be. By merging themselves with Kurochi, Kurochi related techniques up to S-rank will gain a +30 damage boost while giving the Claymore an ability to 'feel' anything the foul chakra touches such as objects, people, and techniques. This level is S-ranked, costs -30 chakra and damages -30 per turn, lasting two turns. After use the Claymore will be unable to mold techniques above A-ranked for two turns.

Level 0:
This level is the ultimate and final frame. The Claymore becomes one with not only the Kurochi inside and around them, but the inner demon that is Bileyg. They lose what's left of the shape they had managed to keep from level 1, and grow into the seven foot tall demon [ ]. They will also begin to emit an aura of Kurochi passively from their bodies that is S ranked in power but can only extend up to 5m of their position. While this level is active, the Claymore is able to have the aura act defensively or offensively without the cost of a move but only once and the maximum range stays at 5 meters, in any direction. Kurochi related techniques up to Forbidden rank are boosted by +40 in this level but the Claymore suffers a -40 damage penalty upon activation and -40 in the next turn. Level 0 is Forbidden ranked and lasts 2 turns. After deactivation the Claymore will be unable to perform techniques above B-ranked for three turns.

Note: Must be at least Ghoul rank to perform. Ghouls are only capable of Level 3.
Note: Heartless rank is able to perform all Levels excepting 0.
Note: Phantasmal rank and up may perform all Levels.


(Kagune) Shining Child
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A (-10 each turn active)
Damage: N/A (-40 to user upon Activation and on each shape change, -10 per turn)
Description: Kagune is a very unique custom weapon, as instead of being composed out of minerals or materials, it is a parasitic organism, similar to Kisame Hoshigaki’s Samehada’s. Samehada is a sentient weapon that feeds on chakra. Kagune is a similar case, however, as it lack any proper physical form on it’s own, and as it lacks any way to make judgements and actions on it's own, it needs the control of a sentient/intelligent being. It is surgically implanted into it’s hosts spine, near the Central Nervous System via Medical Ninjutsu, and through this, responds to the users commands. The shape of it outside the users body is not defined as it is almost fluid, as it is red blackish in color, and very slime like parasite. Kagune needs to be implanted into the users spinal cord close to the central nervous system and using extensions it can connect itself to the spine at will. Kagune will connect to the users spinal fluid via extensions allowing the nerves of the user to control the organism from within. This process causes minor or medium levels of internal damage, depending on the location Kagune is implanted. Kagune, like any other parasitic organism can feed on it’s Host’s Chakra, which it uses to expand and harden it’s form, giving it the nickname “liquid muscle”. When Kagune expands and hardens it releases itself from the back of it’s Host, between the bones, tearing through the skin. From this point on, Kagune is activated, constantly requiring Chakra from the Host, as well as causing damage to their body, so long as Kagune remains active. Kagune’s connection, and general requirements for it’s activation, mean that it is technically an additional organ/ limb that the user can control at will. This limb has the durability of an A-Rank and can play on par with elemental techniques. It seamlessly and passively regenerates from attacks A-Rank and below within moments of the clash ending. This regeneration also extends to attacks above A-Rank but is more limited in use. Attacks stronger than A-Rank will shatter the Kagune but it can regenerate from them a limited number of times, namely twice from S-Ranks and only once from a Forbidden rank. Any further damage from techniques above A-Rank will result in the weapon becoming unusable for the remainder of the battle.

As previously stated, Kagune has 4 distinctive forms, each one corresponding to the location it is projecting out of in the Host’s body, with their own unique usages, advantages and disadvantages. The location where the kagune will project itself out of will be necessary to give it the shape needed. Depending where it projects itself out of, it will show 4 different, distinctive forms which all have different strength and weaknesses, while when the shape is changed, the user needs to release the weapon, so that the organism will travel back in, and wait one turn for the parasite to move across the spinal cord and find the new location, where it will reconnect to the spine and project itself out once again, needing to state what form it took.

(Ukaku || 羽赫) Shining Feather
The first type of the kagune which will be implemented in the cervical vertebrae. This location allows the user to, upon its activation, project wing, similar to a butterfly like form which does not give the user any flying abilities but the weapon itself is highly flexible, able to bend in various ways and move according to the users will like another secondary limb, but along with that insane resistance and resilience. This limb can only reach up to short-range in length. Another thing which the user gains would be an improved projectile offensive mechanism, where the organism hard in different parts of their body, releasing shards of the strengthened material which only reach till Mid range. These shards are C-Rank in power and inflict 30 damage. Releasing them counts towards the user's jutsu per turn limit.
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(Kōkaku || 甲赫) Shining Shell
The second type is activated upon having the parasitic creature implemented in the thoracic vertebrae. This shape will mostly be used along with the arm where another secondary layer will be directed over it, allowing you to have a protected limb, but including that of an extension beyond the arm,giving you a sword like weapon which is mostly in it’s very solid shape, giving an idea of a very tough material. Being very fast at yielding and swinging, it can be a lot more advantageous than a sword. It can only reach up to short-range in length.
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(Rinkaku || 鱗赫) Shining Scales
The third type is created with the implementation of the parasitic creature in the Lumbar vertebrae which gives the user the ability to call forth tentacles from the spine. Up to 4 in number and fairly thick, they can be still remain insanely flexible along with the fact that they are very resilient, as they can’t be cut or broken by normal means. The main advantage is the ability to pierce through even the toughest materials, while having an insane physical power itself, able to lift body’s which the user wouldn't be able to do normally. It can reach up to mid-range in length.
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(Bikaku || 尾赫) Shining Tail
The last kind, which is created from having the organism implanted in your sacrum, it will project itself out from the skin in form of a tail. Being the most resilient of all, the maximum number is only one, but halfway there it could be split apart once (similar to a Whale's tail). This form comes with the disadvantage of being shorter, and less flexible and so it can only reach up to short-range in length.
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► Can only be used by Six Pāths
► Shape can only be changed four times per battle
► Each shape change counts as a move
► Initial release counts as a move
Updating Clan CW. Approved originally here.

Kagune ♎ Shining Child
Rank: A - S
Range: Short - Mid
Damage: 60 - 80 (-40 per activation, -10 per turn)
Description: Not only did the Kureimoa develop a unique and foul chakra nature as a result of feeding on people for years, but they also garnered a curse, called Kagunes. The word Kagune in itself means "Shining Child" and is not as lovely as the name suggests. After years of dominating minor clans the Kureimoa turned to their eternal rivals; Jugo's Clan, and began ingesting their flesh, unknowingly metabolizing the chakra, which lead to their bodies ultimately turning this strange chakra and flesh into a small, cancerous growth which was later known as the "Kagune Sac". This strange piece of flesh positioned itself along the Kureimoa's spine and rested there, connecting itself to his/her nervous and chakra system like a parasite. By connecting to such a vital area on the body the Kureimoa are able to control and "flex" this Kagune sac like they would with any normal muscle. However, flexing this muscle is where this get interesting. With mental commands and a supply of chakra, the Kureimoa is able to draw the Kagune from their body and have it take form around him kind of like a liquid muscle. Kagunes are red-blackish in color coming from the color of the blood within it as well as the Kurochi surrounding it. The Kagune, when manifested, acts like another limb to the user and can be used as such with the durability of an A ranked technique which can play on par with Elemental Ninjutsu of the same rank. And just like their hosts, the Kureimoa, the Kagune is able to regenerate--albeit at a slower and more inferior rate considering it isn't exactly their own flesh. Each time the Kagune is called upon it tears through the skin quite forcefully which often times sends blood and pieces of flesh scattering from the Kureimoa's body. But, with their aforementioned healing factor this becomes negligable as the damage is healed almost as quickly as it was made. Being an organ, the Kagune can be commanded as easily as any other limb. Kurochi also covers and infuses the Kagune in various ways depending on the form taken. The Kagune and Kurochi each have A-ranked power, allowing the weapon in its entirety S-ranked durability. It seamlessly and passively regenerates from attacks A-Rank and below. This regeneration also extends to attacks above A-Rank but is more limited in use. Attacks stronger than S-Rank will shatter the Kagune but it can regenerate once from a Forbidden ranked attack and twice from an S ranked attack.

As previously stated, Kagune has 4 main forms, each one corresponding to the location it is projecting out of the Claymore's body, with their own unique usages, advantages and disadvantages. The location where the Kagune will project itself out of will be necessary to give it the shape needed. Its form can be changed but doing so forces the organ back inside the body, where it will relocate after one turn, and re-emerge (doing so cannot bypass any existing cool downs and counts as a re-activation). The color of each Kagune may vary per Claymore as well as unique variations (to be submitted as PCCJ). The Kagune can be activated passively once per fight/conflict, four times overall, with a four turn cool down each time it is deactivated. Lasts as long as the Claymore keeps paying health.

(Ukaku || 羽赫) Shining Feather

The first type of the Kagune which grows in the cervical vertebrae. When activated, the organ bursts from the Claymore's back as a pair of wings. Each wing has a bony support structure running its edges while Kurochi forms a thin membrane in between. This allows the Claymore a limited form of flight and gliding, which can be used to travel up to Mid-range at their base speed. The Claymore also gains he user gains a projectile offensive mechanism, where the Kagune is able to release kunai sized shards of Kurochi to 10 meters (Mid-range). These shards are A-Rank in power and cannot be done while in flight. This ability has a two turn cool down.
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(Kōkaku || 甲赫) Shining Shell
The second type is activated upon having the organ grow or move to the thoracic vertebrae. In this form the Kagune forms an outer shell over the Claymore's arm that behaves like a sword or cleaver. Kurochi flares around the Kagune in this form and can allow it pierce or slice through techniques up to S-rank. The Kōkaku form can only reach up to 3 meters of the Claymore but can be operated in close range at the speed of the average Samurai due to its small form and lightweight material. The Kurochi enhancement can only be done once every two turns.
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(Rinkaku || 鱗赫) Shining Scales
The third type is created with the growing or moving of the organ in the Lumbar vertebrae which gives the user the ability to call forth tentacles from the spine, up to 4 in number or just one (four B-ranks or one A-rank). Kurochi infuses the Kagune in this form, allowing it to devour anything it touches. For techniques lower in power than the Rinkaku, can be devoured whilst attacking to supply the Claymore (through Primeval Gluttony CCJ). The ability to devour and return chakra can only be activated once every two turns after which the Rinkaku will still function as an offensive weapon. The Rinkaku is also the second Kagune form that can reach up to 10 meters when attacking (Mid ranged).
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(Bikaku || 尾赫) Shining Tail
The last kind, which is created from having the organ move to the sacrum, will project itself out from the skin in form of a flexible tail. Being made of almost entirely muscle, the Bikaku swings with enough strength to break bones and send tremors through the ground. With the added Kurochi outer layer, it is an S-ranked weapon, capable of dealing serious damage. It can also be used to cover the Claymore's leg instead, for added Taijutsu damage (+20 to leg based Tai). Once activated the ability lasts two turns, with a two turn cool down. The Bikaku can only reach up to four meters of the Claymore's body.
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Note: Must be at least Ghoul rank to possess.
Note: Choosing to have a Kagune prevents the Claymore from utilizing any other CW's and must be mentioned in the biography.

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Active member
May 23, 2008
Trait Points
Resubmitting this from here It was basically rewritting almost entirely so I won't bold it all

No Kyōsei | The Way of the Force
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: E-Rank to Forbidden Rank
Range: Short (Short-Long for Saber Throw)
Chakra: 5 to 70
Damage: 10 to 90
The Way of the Force is a combat style that makes use of all the core abilities of a Binkan and merges them together into a Saber Combat Style using Chakra Sabers. Force Sense, Force Alter and Force Control are all used and employed in the combat style and estabilishes itself as one of the core 8 techniques each Binkan has access. Without mass, and increadibly lethal to use, Chakra Sabers require a great deal of concentration and focus to use when compared with a normal physical weapon. The chakra blade itself will cut through most solid matter as if it was hot, yet it doesn’t possess any heat manifestation; it will collide with objects as if it was solid, yet is weightless. These unique characteristics are the reason why a new way of fighting needed to be created in order to use the weapons effectively. The combat style divides itself into 9 forms, each of them consisting of a different focus on speed, acrobatics, strength, range, defense, attack, surpression, etc. The forms are built on a 2 axis foundation: Movements & Combat Rings. Then, with different approaches to each of the axis, the forms take shape.

Movements encompass Attacks, Parries, Acrobatics and Stances. Attacks and Parries in chakra saber combat are described by the body zones they target (Zone 1 - Head&Neck, Zone 2 - Right Arm&Side, Zone 3 - Left Arm&Side, Zone 4 - Back, Zone 5 - Right Leg, Zone 6 - Left Leg), which also determines the height of the move itself and its lethality. In idealized sparring drills, most attacks are executed with horizontal swipes, while parries are carried out with vertical blocks meant to push the point of the enemy's blade away. However, each form encompasses different movement combinations and while one form may focus on horizontal swipes, another might focus on vertical or diagonal movements or a combination of both. There are staple movements that are more or less universal in all forms, normally named and described based on the resulting damage to the target:
⦁ Sun djem - The sun djem is the act of disarming the opponent, the objective usually being not to physically harm him/her.
⦁ Shiim - The shiim is a more minute wound to an opponent by the edge of a swords blade. The shiim could be applied anywhere on the body, and was not specific to any zone. The Shiim is the art of doing superficial minor wounds with the edge of the sword through precise blows.
⦁ Cho mai - The cho mai is the amputation an opponent's weapon-hand.
⦁ Cho sun - The cho sun is the amputation an opponent's weapon-arm.
⦁ Cho mok - The cho mok is the amputation an opponent's limb, such as an arm or leg.
⦁ Shiak - The shiak is the act of stabbing an opponent instead of slashing him.
⦁ Sai cha - The sai cha is the decapitation of the opponent. Being a sideswipe at an opponents side and neck, the sai cha correspond with Zone 2 and 3 attacks.
⦁ Sai tok - The sai tok is the act of cutting an opponent in half, usually separating his or her legs from the torso at the waist, but vertical bisections corresponding with Zone 1 attacks are also possible.
⦁ Mou kei - The mou kei is an attack that dismembered an opponent through a circular motion of the sword, aimed at the major limbs. The mou kei, being aimed at all major limbs, lashed out at multiple body zones.
⦁ Jung - The Jung is an 180 degree turn, while slashing at arms lenght, with the blade either waist level or lower.
⦁ Jung ma - The Jung ma is a 360º turn as a way to give more momentum and impact to a following compatible movement
⦁ Sai - The Sai is a force fueled upwards jump, designed to avoid an attack from below that can be easily followed with a downwards slash at the opponent.
⦁ Tuok (Falling Leaf) - An ancient move, universal to many sword styles, the falling leaf is a simple full arm, one handed slash at the users back. When faced with an opponent behind the user, he will rotated and directly slash at his back, only to end up facing where he originally was facing.
⦁ Haa'k (Saber Throw) – A simple move in which the user will grab his chakra saber with the force and, while rotating it around its own axis, throw it against a target. This transforms the saber into a projectile weapon though at the cost of leaving the user temporarily unarmed. The saber is then willed to return to the users hand.
⦁ Di'shik (Saber Barrier) – Unique to Niman and Jar’kai users, this made use of the force to hover both chakra sabers around the user, rotating around their own axis and then around the user in various patterns and with immense speed. A primarily defensive technique, it could then be used offensively by employing a follow saber throw.

Stances define the inicial position of the body and blade that will most efectively allow the user to move and perform the Attacks and Parries of his form, with each form having a stance unique to it. Acrobatics are all the movements done by the users body that put him in a position to effectively perform the Attack and Parries he needs.

Combat Rings
When using Way of the Force, the space used and controlled for figthing is defined by 3 virtual circular rings that, together, encompass the full short range around the user in all directions. When using Way of the Force, its within this area that the user with focus and hone his awareness as well as his movement and perception. The closer to the user the rings are, the less time and movement the user has to perform a defense and the more limited it is.
  • Outer Ring - relies on grand sweeping blows to attack or defend at max arm length range; the wide attacks take longer to deliver, but are very powerful, based on four guard positions, all with the blade held diagonally: the upper right, upper left, lower right and lower left. It spans from 3m to 5m around the user.
  • Middle Ring - designed to deliver quicker blows or pick up quicker blows and block them, though it is also effective for ranged weapon deflection (shurikens, kunais, etc); the guard positions all feature the blade being held at right angles, with the upper and lower guards being horizontal, while the left and right positions being vertical. It spans from 1m to 3m around the user.
  • Inner Ring - last line of attack or defense, dangerous to be attacking or defending from; it is near impregnable against lunging attacks, and relies on parries instead of blocks, it has only a single guard position, with the hilt covering the navel; attacks are deflected by angling the blades tip and shunting them aside with the lower third of the blade, facilitating a swift counter towards the opponents chest or abdomen. Covers the area up to 1m around the user.
In terms of defense, within the Outer Ring area, the Binkan can deflect single but heavy projectiles, elemental or not, (he can cut through them or deflect them with his saber) and cut through non projectile techniques, according to the strength he applies to the move while still following narutoverse logic, specially in terms of size. Middle Ring is more adept at general defense against other Kenjutsu attacks as well as multiple small faster projectile attacks (like barrages of Senbon, Shuriken, etc), jutsu or not. Inner Ring is near impregnable to Kenjutsu and Taijutsu and allows the user to intercept with his chakra saber, attacks faster than himself (x1.5 times); its designed to be used when one can't stop the attack before he reaches that close distance.

The power of each move, both offensive and defensive, varies according to how much the user needs for that particular instant. With the force guiding him, the user is able to guide his chakra instantly into the correct strength displacement he needs, varying the power of his attacks and defenses from E-Rank to Forbidden Rank. This means he can do the same attack, parry, etc with variable strength according to his own need. As the strength scales up, so does the power and resistance of the chakra blade of the chakra saber, all in proportion. When he scales up his power, he consumes more chakra, employs more focus, makes his moves faster and behind them carries more strength.

Forms in The Way of The Force determine the phylosophy and focus behind each movement done with the Chakra Saber. More than different ways to fight, they determine different ways to approach combat all together. Each form has a given stance which potentiates a given posture towards the fight itself. While the movements themselves are more or less the same (in terms of attacks and parries), the way the move is done as well as certain unique traits are defined by the form. Freeform usage of The Way of The Force will still obey the type of movements and perks related to the form the user has mastered. Each form will then have benefits or penalties on attack (which is basically how much more or less damage each attacking move within the form will do in relation to how much chakra is spent in the attacking move), defense (which is basically how much more or less damage can be defended from within each form in relation to how much chakra is spent in a defensive move) and speed (how many more movements can be done in one single time frame, how fast or slow each form in relation to others and regular kenjutsu, how fast the user can move when using acrobatics bound to the form and finally how many simultaneous attacks/enemies can the user defend from or face when using said form). This is defined in steps of +20 or -20. For example, +20 to defense to a B-rank defensive movement allows that movement to defend the equivalent of A-rank damage.

  • Form I (Shii-Cho) - This combat form was the one that bridged the usage of regular, metal blades and Chakra Sabers. Shii-Cho was intended to cater to these new weapons, establishing the basic motions and target zones utilized with a chakra saber. Because chakra sabers don't possess weight or carry the same momentum, while being lethal to the touch, it meant that unlike physical swords, one doesn't need as much power behind his moves but requires much more control and focus. This style introduces this basic control. In combat, Form I chakra saber combat is wild and raw, relying on deliberate tactics and being primarily aimed towards disarming rather than injuring foes, in keeping with Jedi philosophy. Its the most neutral form, with zero penalties but also zero benefits, thus playing in equal ground with regular Kenjutsu/Taijutsu done by a Kenjutsu/Taijutsu master, obeying the basic aspects defined in both attacks&zones and the defensive rings. It uses a double handed grip with single bladed sabers.
  • Form II (Makashi) - Makashi is the most dueling-centric of the seven forms and its primary purpose was to serve as a counter to the first form; Shii-Cho. Makashi relies on precision swordplay to counter the sweeping movements demonstrated by Shii-Cho, and a heavy focus on protecting one's weapon to avoid being disarmed, the primary goal of Form I. Form II emphasizes fluid motion and anticipation of a weapon being swung at its target, and so requires very fluid movements of both the blade and the body. Timing, accuracy, and skill, rather than strength, are relied-upon to defeat one's opponent. Due to Form II's emphasis on blade manipulation, and its many fluid one-handed moves, Makashi practitioners were often more static, relying on lighter, short burst movements. As such, Makashi is a form with great focus on the inner and middle defense rings and little focus on attack with slightly higher speed than Form I. Attacks don’t receive any damage output bonus but defensive movements gain +40 defensive power against Taijutsu, Kenjutsu and Way of The Force attacks. However, this form is not suited to combat ranged weapons and multiple projectiles, receiving a -20 penalty to outer and inner defensive projectile defense capabilities. The final trait is the ability to be able to defend from 2 Kenjutsu or Taijutsu users at the same time or against 2 individual Kenjutsu or Taijutsu attacks done in the same timeframe. The unique movement of this form is called Khiron. It’s a flurry of various expansive “from inside to outside” slashes, designed to direct the enemies weapon movements outwards and exposing his core (chest, abdomen and arms), allowing an offensive counter attack.
  • Form III (Soresu) - The original purpose of the Soresu form was to counter shuriken wielding opponents, as the previous combat styles focused on chakra saber dueling. Becoming the most defensive of the seven forms, Soresu utilized tight moves, subtle dodges and short sweeps designed to provide maximum defensive coverage, leaving the duelist less exposed to ranged fire. Soresu utilized motions that occurred very close to the body, in an attempt to achieve near-total protection and expend as little energy as possible while executing moves. Form III stressed quick reflexes and fast positional transition, in order to overcome the speed with which a shuriken (and other projectile weapons like senbons) could be fired. This technique minimized the body's exposure, making a well-trained practitioner nearly invincible to ranged weapons. However, Form III merely facilitated survival rather than victory. Form III initiates were more than capable of defending themselves from attack, but they needed a large amount of experience to learn how to effectively counter-attack and entrap opponents. Masters had to maintain an incredibly strong focus on the center of the combat circle, since the defensive tactics of the form included guards and parries engaged very close to the body. Soresu is based around a variation of grips, allowing open and simpler stances to be one handed, allowing Taijutsu and Ninjutsu synergy and also being able to transition to a two handed grip for more power and resistance in the tighter circles and harder movements. As a result, Soresu is highly focused on all defensive rings, with the outer and middle ring gaining +20 in bonus to their defensive capabilities, a significant defensive speed boost and is the only one bladed form of combat capable of achieving near complete defense against Kenjutsu and Taijutsu attacks, applied in a +40 defensive bonus when facing Taijutsu, Kenjutsu and Way of the Force moves. But, all this defensive focus reduces the damage potencial and all offensive moves receive a -20 penalty in damage output as well as resulting in a style focused heavily in employing large defensive power to a single moment. This makes this style is very bad to deal with multiple enemies. Its unique movement is a solely defensive movement called Shirot. It’s a simple empowered downwards, upwards, horizontal or diagnonal slash, capable of fending off frontal incoming techniques by essentially cutting them in half and using the force to direct the debris outwards and around the user. Due to the Force’s influence, this unique expression of a defensive movement can cut even otherwise “uncuttable” attacks, defying logic.
  • Form IV (Ataru) - Ataru is an aggressive combat form relying on a combination of power, strength, and speed. Practitioners of Ataru are always on the offensive, attacking with wide, fast, and powerful swings, constantly calling upon the Force to aid in their movements and attacks. By allowing the Force to flow throughout their body, they can overcome their physical limitations (including old age) and perform amazing feats of acrobatics, such as somersaults and backflips, not only for attack, but also to evade the attacks and strikes of their opponents. The standard components of Form IV focused on application of and smooth transition between the three axes of rotation in a three-dimensional space; the su ma. Specifically, the jung su ma (spinning), ton su ma (somersaults), and en su ma (cartwheels). Those that use Form IV can move at high speeds and can rain strong blows, jumping and attacking through the air at the same time. Powerful and quick spinning attacks can be utilized from all angles, either from ground or air. Its used with a double handed grip, not making it prone to combine well with taijutsu or ninjutsu. The weakness of the form is that its speed allows evasion but not direct defense. This is a disadvantage when facing hybrid Ninkenjutsu/Nintaijutsu styles, where Kenjutsu/Taijutsu attacks are merged with elemental or non elemental ninjutsu to produce AOE attacks or effects that are much harder to evade from and would otherwise need to be blocked or defended from. As such, Ataru becomes more of a niche style designed to combat by overwhelming defenses and confuse opponents with speed and acrobatics; it’s a style designed to combat Makashi’s stillness and counter-attack prowess and Soresu’s heavy, standing defense. Attack movements from Ataru receive +20 offensive output, and are much faster, allowing the user to produce extremely complex and lenghtly movements in a single timeframe. This speed is also manifested in the acrobatics one can perform in tandem with the various offensive and evasive movements of the form and in how fast one can perform them and move from movement to movement, using even sequences that defy physics. Within the outer ring area (so roughly up to the edges of short range, 5m or so around the user) he is capable of moving his body up to 3 times his base speed in an endless succession and combination of acrobatics, offensive and evasive movements. But this comes at a cost. This style receives a generalized -20 direct defensive penalty and a -40 penalty when facing ninjutsu projectiles. Its unique movement is called Zetsa. This unique movement is a freeform set of flips, rolls, jumps, dashes, steps and short runs, designed to set up offensive movements but also to evade attacks, using the circular movement typical of the form to surround a target and deliver various blows from various angles.
  • Form V (Shien / Djem So) - Form V was created by Form III masters who desired a more offensive style, since the defensive nature of Form III often prolonged the fights, draining too much stamina and chakra. It evolved into an accepted style by combining the defensive maneuvers of Form III with the more aggressive philosophy and tactics of Form II. Form V also required a higher level of physical strength than the other chakra saber forms, due to its focus on complete domination of opponents. Form V had two distinct variations: Shien and Djem So. Classic Form V, Shien was known as the "Perseverance Form" and was designed to protect against enemy ranged weapons and ninjutsu without compromising one's ability to launch powerful counterattacks. With its focus against ranged attacks, Shien kept in mind that Binkan were often outnumbered by their opponents and needed to defend themselves while retaining offensive capability. However, it lacked effectiveness against single opponents. Shien practitioners were known to favor, or at least regularly utilize, reversed grips and was the first form to allow this usage. Whereas Shien specialized in ranged weapon deflection, the more advanced Djem So focused on sword/chakra saber dueling. Utilizing a combination of blocks and parries, a Djem So user maintained a proper foundation in terms of defense against both ranged and melee attacks, but rather than counter only when necessary as per Soresu training regimens, Djem So actively pressed the offense. Djem So placed a heavy focus on brute strength, utilizing wide, powerful strikes and parries. Power attacks from a Djem So user could even knock an opponent back just through sheer kinetic force, throwing them off balance and leaving them vulnerable to further brute force strikes and power blows that sought not just to penetrate an opponent's defense, but drive them back and leave them unable to counter. Common to both variations of the form is their low speed which made both variations lose to styles such as Ataru, as because each movement has much more power and momentum behind it, its also longer and slower. Movements are simpler and easier to predict and follow. Hard to use against multiple Taijutsu/Kenjutsu attackers, Form V’s biggest issue is against faster styles and faster enemies, where its powerful and wide slashes become less viable. However, both styles allow reversed one handed grips and great synergy with Taijutsu and Ninjutsu, following the logic of counterattacking. Offensively, this style is characterised by a +20 damage boost output, but, more importantly, it possesses kinetic power; momentum. This means that it’s a style that will always win against “blocks” of the same power and is more prone to being directed/evaded, with or without a blade, than to be stopped directly. In a contest of strength, a Form V attack never loses. Defensively, both subforms differ. Shien is characterised by a very strong outer and middle defensive rings, with a +20 defense bonus to both, and penalty of -20 to the inner ring, while Shien is focused more on the inner ring, with +20 defensive power to it, with a neutral middle ring and a weak outer ring at -20. Shien’s unique movement is called Tyu. It’s a simple movement that uses one’s chakra saber to deflect small ranged attacks (the projectile (s) cannot be bigger than 1/3 the users size) back at the target with the same power and momentum; attacking by defending. Its done by a rapid, almost blinding flurry of saber movements in front and around the user, creating a circle of sorts within his middle ring, a near perfect defense. Djem So’s unique movement is called Enry. A powerful simple two handed (one handed if reverse griped) slash that carries a concussive effect upon impact and, more importantly, a shockwave like effect, designed to break enemy stands, shatter defenses or weapons and overwhelm grips.
  • Form VI (Niman) – The first form to be designed to use with 2 chakra blades, Niman was based on dual sword kenjutsu. Form VI attempted to balance all elements of chakra saber combat, combining the techniques from Forms that came before into a less intensely demanding combat style. In practice, Form VI was a combination of older forms (Forms I, III, IV, and V), and all of them in moderation but applied through the use of 2 chakra blades. In the blending, much of the individuality was lost, but the strengths were spread evenly, and there was little weakness in it. Due to its "jack-of-all-trades" nature, the success of this form was largely dependent on the practitioner's intuition, improvisation, and creativity in combat rather than the roote responses derived from other forms. It cannot be used with reverse grips. Normally, with Form VI, each saber has a purpose, either attacking or defending, with linear forward focus. Because its based on single saber forms, there is no focus on double saber movements but rather into combinining a defensive movement with 1 saber and an offensive movement with another. This dividing nature produced a style that was well suited for saber-to-saber combat, sword-to-saber combat and taijutsu-to-saber combat. Additionally, because the basis of the form was one handed forms, the user could still fight with near equal prowess when using only one saber if needed. As such, Niman had no real focus on either attacking, defending or speed. It was its ability to divide power between attack and defense in the same movement that made its more impressive impact. Using the same amount of chakra, the user of Niman can choose to perform a defensive movement and and offensive movement, dividing the total power equally between each. For example, employing S-Rank power, the user of Niman can produce with one saber an A-rank defense and an A-rank attack with the other saber in the same movement. It also means that, as a disadvantage, max power output both offensive and defensively can only come at the cost of this trait. The benefict of Niman is only really felt up to A-rank, at which point, the dividing nature of the style between both sabers becomes detrimental, inefficient and the practicioner needs to start focusing solely on one of the sabers to be able to employ max power, becoming then a simple style, similar to Form I. The unique movement of this form is the Chai’che. A movement in which the user, upon receiving an attack from a meleed weapon, will defend with one saber, diverting the weapon outwards before performing a Sai Cha with the other saber at the same time.
  • Form VII (Juyo/Vaapad) - Juyo was described as the most vicious form of saber combat, and was said to be filled with both fury and "malignant grace." The form came to be known as the most difficult and demanding in all of saber combat forms. The form was said to necessitate greater energy than Form V, due to a broader wielding of a user's focus and a deeper emotional link. Vaapad was described as more than a fighting style; it was a state of mind that led through the penumbra of the dark side, requiring the user to enjoy the fight, and relish the satisfaction of winning but not fall or let himself be controlled by that desire. Vaapad required a constant and sizable stream of Force focus from the user, becoming very taxing to sustain for long periods. The form's attacks appeared to be unconnected, its motions seemingly unpolished to an untrained observer. While Juyo has a two handed grip, Vapaad has a single handed grip that can change to two handed when needed. Essentially, this style combined some of the acrobatics aspects of Ataru with some of the aggressive aspects of Shien and Djem So. This comes at the cost of Force Sense awareness by reducing ones focus to the opponent; nothing else matters but the enemy. Both subforms of this form are fast, but not as fast as Ataru and not as acrobatic. The user will focus heavily on closing dashes of speed, simple linear jumps and bursts rather than elaborate acrobatics. Within the outer ring (roughly the limits of short-range, 5 m around the user), the user is capable of dashes/jumps at 2x his normal speed. But here is where both styles differ. Juyo focuses on sheer power and impact, neglecting defense; Vapaad focuses on counter attack and speed. Juyo gains a bonus of +20 offensive damage but receives a -40 defensive output across the board. Vapaad receives a +20 offensive bonus, but receives no penalty to its defensive ability in the inner or middle rings, though it is incapable of defending from ninjutsu projectile attacks through the outer ring. Neither styles are adept at facing more than one enemy or multiple projeticle weapons. The unique movement to both subforms is called Partai. The user will dash forwards into the opponent to deliver a piercing hit into his or her abdomen, slashing outwards afterwards and thus slashing the opponents abdomen open, essentially, eviscerating him or her.
  • Form VIII (Jar'Kai) - The Jar'Kai form is the second form of dual saber wielding combat of the Binkan clan. It, like Niman, was born from the usage of 2 sabers in combat but differs in its purpose and power output and consumption. Jar’kai fighters, were able to maintain a strong offense, as the combination of the two blades allowed them to overwhelm most opponents. A typical Niman maneuver was to continually attack with one blade while relying on the other for defensive coverage, ensuring that the duelist could keep up his guard even as he attacked. However, Jar’kai used both blades for the same purpose, keeping up a continuous wave-front assault or defense. This allowed a more overwhelming power to be produced for both attack and defense but it came at a big cost in terms of chakra and focus on the Force. A Jar’kai user will do double damage or have its defensive power doubled but will also consume chakra of the same magnitude. For example, when using an S-Rank offensive movement, both swords will do the movement and attack each with S-rank power but will also consume each S-rank chakra. This consumption of chakra leaves the user at a disadvantage in longer fights as the constant output of focus and chakra will deplete his stamina much quicker than with Niman. Also, the form itself isn’t unbreakable. Relying on rotation around one’s central axis and mild acrobatic movements within ones core and consecutive or unison movements of both blades, the style becomes more taxing and harder to perform. Reverse grip can be used. The main trait of Jar’kai is that it can combine the movements and unique movements of each of the other forms with a dual bladed performance, though without either the beneficts or dowsides of each style. For example, a Jar’kai user can make use of Atarus acrobatic movements and movement style but will not receive his unique speed boost as he will essentially not be able to move as fast while using 2 blades. The unique movement of Jar’kai is the Then’ro. The user rotates, slashing with both sabers in a flurry that produces essentially a perfect attack and defense that, due to the speed of rotation and saber flurrys, seems to create a cylindrical barrier (same color as the sabers) around the user, in the limits of the middle ring.
  • Form IX (Kas'im) - The primary purpose of the double-bladed chakra saber (also known as a chakra saber staff) was to allow for a faster rate of attack, unleashing a rapid assault with only a minimum of movement, "more slaughter per swing" as some put it. Saberstaffs were also excellent defensive weapons, as the doubled length of the weapon provided more surface area for deflecting and parrying, though were less adept at redirecting. In addition to the practical benefits of the weapon, it also possessed a great psychological impact. The dual-blades increased the visual impact of the weapon, and in combat, opponents would intuitively try to track the blades separately rather than as a single weapon, overwhelming them. However, despite all of the advantages offered by the weapon, its weaknesses were equally obvious. Special training was required to wield the weapon effectively, with those attempting to use it without such discipline likely to bisect or impale themselves. The techniques employable with a double-bladed chakra saber were extremely limited, as the second blade rendered many positions and movements impossible to execute, or required the wielder to twist himself awkwardly around the weapon to do so. Many techniques required the user to perform elaborate flourishes in order to move the staff around their body, leaving them open, and any sort of fighting method that focused on power or penetration was difficult to apply. Also, the enlarged hilt common to most double-bladed chakra sabers presented a large target, difficult to defend from enemy attack. Opponents would often attempt to employ the sun djem contact mark, with even experienced saberstaff wielders being vulnerable to this tactic which resulted in losing their weapon. This said, the usage of dual-blade chakra sabers can be beneficial in some situations, the main one being when surrounded by enemies. Usage of the weapon rapidly evolved into a rotation based style, where the user will focus on the force to rotate the weapon on his hands and around his body, while he himself rotates in a mixture of cartwheels and summersaults. This style focused a lot on Force Sense awareness to keep the user safe which didn’t allow much focus on speed and even less on brute power. The rotation style allowed a very strong defense against Taijutsu users and an adequate one against Kenjutsu users but not very against elemental techniques. The grip of the weapon would normally be one handed with most moves initiated by a rotation of the weapon on one of the palms and above the user’s head. This allowed and enforced great synergy with Ninjutsu and Taijutsu to reduce the openings generated by the style, allowing the usage of one handed ninjutsu that don’t require handseals at the same time with the form’s defensive and offensive movements. While it had some degree of usability against projectile weapons, it wasn’t very effective in this scenario. There is no bonus to either attack or defense, having a penalty of -40 in the outer ring of defense, being incapable of using energy defense but the rotation style allowed the user to engage multiple enemies at the same time. The unique technique of this form is called Roth’ir. It revolves around using the Force to rotate the weapon with such speed around one’s palm that it almost creates a circular shield or a chakra circular saw that can be used offensively or defensively.
-S-Rank strength can only be employed a max of 3 times per battle; Forbidden Rank Strength can only be used once per battle and stresses the body to the point that using The Way of the Force or any other Taijutsu or Kenjutsu style, becomes impossible unless the user is healed. The injuries are mostly focused on the muscles, with mild rabdomiolisis but severe bone and articular stress.
-Each user can only learn one of the 9 forms; each bio is restricted to having only one of the forms (if subforms exist, the user must pick one to use), the exception being the clan leader who is knowledgable and can use all forms, though only one per battle
-Needs to be posted only once per fight when the user activates his chakra sabers, afterwards he can use the style as long as he describes the strength of the movements, accounting for the necessary chakra costs and move costs
-Saber Throw doesn't receive any damage bonus, regardless of the form used
-The forms that describe to be synergetic with Ninjutsu or Taijutsu can be combined with Taijutsu moves that are logically possible as well as Ninjutsu techniques, allowing one to perform, for example, a defensive block with one hand and attacking the target with a Rasengan on the other hand, while still obeying time frame rules

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Declined. Quite frankly, this is way too long. I understand what you're going for in terms of immersion, but there really isn't a place for this kind of thing in Custom Jutsu. Everything described before the actual "Forms" section really just boils down to you writing out what freeform things can be done with this, and it's unneeded for a CCJ submission. This kind of thing is for the training/RPing. Trim it down; I'd say keep it the description to the actual Forms.
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Personal CCJ

Kyōsei Maiagarimasu | Force Soar
Type: Supplementary
Rank: D (to S-Rank)
Range: N/A
Chakra: 10 (10-40) (-5 per turn)
Damage: N/A (20-80)
Description: A unique application of Force Grip - Flight, Force Soar was developed by the original Grand Master himself based on his mastery over Force Alter. After decades of using the basic application of Force Grip-Flight, the Grand Master became so adept at using it that he eventually developed his own perfected application of it. Force Soar allows the user to essentially fly and fight (physically and with techniques) while airborne through the use of the force. By using the force, the user is capable of negating both the effects of normal gravity (but not gravity based techniques) and of external kinetic forces on himself (like the momentum of an impact from an attack) to the point of achieving both flight as well as exerting tremendous physical strength while flying. Essentially, the user becomes able to fly, regardless of his weight or what he is holding, able to fight while airborne, employing taijutsu and other physical attacks with the same momentum and impact and overall physics as he would if he was on the ground. The user is capable of utilizing techniques while maintaining flight. Using the technique in a focused and deliberate way, the user can also generate enormous physical strength, even while airborne. With focus (and thus spending the necessary chakra), the user is able to lift, throw, stop, etc objects of very high mass (he can generate as much force as Tsunade/Sakura when it comes to lifting, throwing, etc objects but not the same as when they fight using chakra enhanced strength). While power is ensured, when it comes to speed, he is able to fly at slightly higher speeds than his fully running speed. The basic usage of the technique (where the user simply takes flight), once employed, remains active until deactivated and doesn't interfere with his ability to use other techniques. The focused usage, namely as a taijutsu move, will spend chakra (depending on the strength desired) and a move each time its employed.
Note: While it consumes chakra and a move to activate, the technique doesn't consume time and can be done alongside other techniques, requiring only a residual chakra cost after that to sustain flight.
Note: To use the technique to evade an attack, the user will consume a move, from his 3 allowed per turn, per every attack evaded
Note: S-Rank application of freeform combat can only be employed 3 times.

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Declined. I was close to approving this, but there's some kinks that need to be worked out. I'd say remove the reference to Tsunade/Sakura entirely, as it's too vague. Both of these characters have a passive boost in terms of their Taijutsu; the way this is worded implies the force you'd be using will be on par with that, which wouldn't be allowed. Number two is that I don't think it makes sense that a jutsu that allows you to fly also enhances your catching and throwing strength. Striking harder because flying into the blow is adding momentum makes sense, but it's still just flight. I don't see why that'd make you any better at catching or throwing things. If you want this to actually increase your speed, you need to define it, otherwise the "slightly faster than running speed" thing will be cosmetic. Utilizing any ranked version of this to strike will, of course, count as a jutsu slot and not be freeform.
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Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
New Cycle: 06/14/2020 - 06/22/2020

Submit your Customs only once they've been finalized. The staff can and will routinely check submissions throughout the cycle.
2. Submissions must be one post per cycle, thus however many Customs you want checked need to be included promptly.
3. Submissions must not be edited after being checked by a mod - they'll become invalid and thus declined.
4. Submissions may be declined, at moderator discretion, if a technique is overly lengthy for no reason.
5. Submissions from prior cycles that haven't been checked will be checked soon, please have patience. If more than one additional cycle goes by without it being checked, contact a moderator via PM.
6. In regards to your new rankings, be mindful of what you can and can't submit. Be sure to refer to
this post for information on restrictions and banned concepts. This list is ever evolving due to new Metas and may be changed weekly.

The new cycle commences with this post, and concludes precisely one week from the given time-stamp. Sorry for the delay. Anyone that that resubmits a declined custom without making any changes will receive a ban from this thread.

Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
Originally approved here, here, and here being updated for the current era of the RP.

1. ( Jagan ) - Evil Eye
Rank: S
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: One of the Nekura Clan's most secretive and fabled techniques, the Evil Eye, or Jagan, is the signature technique of the Nekura elite. To perform this technique, the Nekura member must know the method of transferring Keigoku through eye contact alone, which comes from special training with the clan head. Once the opponent locks eyes with the Nekura, Keigoku instantly transfers onto his face and eyes, causing him severe searing mental pain that causes him instant incapacitation and could cause madness on prolonged contact. The technique may be used thrice per battle - however, per battle it can only be used once on a particular enemy. So, in a one-on-one battle, it can only be used once; in a one-on-many battle, it can be used thrice on three different opponents.
The Keigoku transfer is instant, however, the stronger the mind of the opponent, the shorter the recovery time. For Mangekyō, Eternal Mangekyō wielders, and Genjutsu Specialists, the time of incapacitation is one turn; for Jounin and Sage ranked ninja without Genjutsu Specialties, it lasts 2 turns, and increases by 1 turn per Ninja rank lower than Jounin.
Note: The Nekura cannot use any more Keigoku techniques for two turns after.
Note: No techniques above S-rank can be used in the same turn

Approved. Slight edit made.

2. ( Noroidzi Hari no Nami ) - Cursed Blood Needle Wave
Type: Supplemenary
Rank: C
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 15
Damage: Dependent on Jutsu used on
Description: A simple but effective technique, the Nekura transforms any existing Keigoku on the battlefield that he wishes ( such as that from any techniques the opponent dodges ) into a wave of sharp needles that then shoot at the opponent. Whatever the rank of the Keigoku technique this is used on, the needles will be of that same rank. If struck by the needles, the opponent suffers from drawbacks of the Keigoku attack originally used.
Note: Cannot be used on Keigoku attacks of Forbidden rank.


3. ( Nekura Ichizoku Hijutsu: Zokugie ) - Nekura Clan Secret Technique: Unholy Conversion
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30 ( +10 per turn )
Damage: N/A
Description: Once the Nekura casts this technique through the use of several handseals, it generates a small portal in front of him. From then onwards, whenever he shoots out a technique from him or from in front of him, a little Keigoku goes from the portal into the technique ( i.e., if he uses a fireball, a sphere of Keigoku, tennis-ball sized hides inside the fireball, and attacks the opponent as well when the fire hits him, or even if the fire is blocked, it needs to be blocked as well ). However, it does not work when techniques are being cast that come from other directions ( such as spikes from under the opponent, or wind from the sky ) as the portal is not near them. Since the amount of Keigoku used is small per technique, it gives the opponent no damage dealt and makes him lose concentration for the next timeframe slot, or the next Jutsu he uses for simplicity, if it hits, however the effects stack- i.e, if the first time he loses conentration for two Jutsu slots, the next time his already weak mind loses focus for a full turn, then two, and so on.
Note: Lost of concentration means inability to use techniques requiring more than 2 hand seals or above A rank, requiring chakra and a greater focus to utilize.
Note: Should the opponent have a specialty that removes the necessity for multiple hand seals, or an Extra Specialty for an advanced field, he will remain capable of using said field.
No Forbidden-rank Nekura techniques may be used while this is active.

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Active member
May 23, 2008
Trait Points
Resubmitting this from here It was basically rewritting almost entirely so I won't bold it all

No Kyōsei | The Way of the Force
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: E-Rank to Forbidden Rank
Range: Short (Short-Long for Saber Throw)
Chakra: 5 to 70
Damage: 10 to 90
The Way of the Force is a combat style that makes use of all the core abilities of a Binkan and merges them together into a Saber Combat Style using Chakra Sabers. Force Sense, Force Alter and Force Control are all used and employed in the combat style and estabilishes itself as one of the core 8 techniques each Binkan has access. Without mass, and increadibly lethal to use, Chakra Sabers require a great deal of concentration and focus to use when compared with a normal physical weapon. The chakra blade itself will cut through most solid matter as if it was hot, yet it doesn’t possess any heat manifestation; it will collide with objects as if it was solid, yet is weightless. These unique characteristics are the reason why a new way of fighting needed to be created in order to use the weapons effectively. The combat style divides itself into 9 forms, each of them consisting of a different focus on speed, acrobatics, strength, range, defense, attack, surpression, etc. The forms are built on a 2 axis foundation: Movements & Combat Rings. Then, with different approaches to each of the axis, the forms take shape.

Movements encompass Attacks, Parries, Acrobatics and Stances. Attacks and Parries in chakra saber combat are described by the body zones they target (Zone 1 - Head&Neck, Zone 2 - Right Arm&Side, Zone 3 - Left Arm&Side, Zone 4 - Back, Zone 5 - Right Leg, Zone 6 - Left Leg), which also determines the height of the move itself and its lethality. In idealized sparring drills, most attacks are executed with horizontal swipes, while parries are carried out with vertical blocks meant to push the point of the enemy's blade away. However, each form encompasses different movement combinations and while one form may focus on horizontal swipes, another might focus on vertical or diagonal movements or a combination of both. There are staple movements that are more or less universal in all forms, normally named and described based on the resulting damage to the target:
⦁ Sun djem - The sun djem is the act of disarming the opponent, the objective usually being not to physically harm him/her.
⦁ Shiim - The shiim is a more minute wound to an opponent by the edge of a swords blade. The shiim could be applied anywhere on the body, and was not specific to any zone. The Shiim is the art of doing superficial minor wounds with the edge of the sword through precise blows.
⦁ Cho mai - The cho mai is the amputation an opponent's weapon-hand.
⦁ Cho sun - The cho sun is the amputation an opponent's weapon-arm.
⦁ Cho mok - The cho mok is the amputation an opponent's limb, such as an arm or leg.
⦁ Shiak - The shiak is the act of stabbing an opponent instead of slashing him.
⦁ Sai cha - The sai cha is the decapitation of the opponent. Being a sideswipe at an opponents side and neck, the sai cha correspond with Zone 2 and 3 attacks.
⦁ Sai tok - The sai tok is the act of cutting an opponent in half, usually separating his or her legs from the torso at the waist, but vertical bisections corresponding with Zone 1 attacks are also possible.
⦁ Mou kei - The mou kei is an attack that dismembered an opponent through a circular motion of the sword, aimed at the major limbs. The mou kei, being aimed at all major limbs, lashed out at multiple body zones.
⦁ Jung - The Jung is an 180 degree turn, while slashing at arms lenght, with the blade either waist level or lower.
⦁ Jung ma - The Jung ma is a 360º turn as a way to give more momentum and impact to a following compatible movement
⦁ Sai - The Sai is a force fueled upwards jump, designed to avoid an attack from below that can be easily followed with a downwards slash at the opponent.
⦁ Tuok (Falling Leaf) - An ancient move, universal to many sword styles, the falling leaf is a simple full arm, one handed slash at the users back. When faced with an opponent behind the user, he will rotated and directly slash at his back, only to end up facing where he originally was facing.
⦁ Haa'k (Saber Throw) – A simple move in which the user will grab his chakra saber with the force and, while rotating it around its own axis, throw it against a target. This transforms the saber into a projectile weapon though at the cost of leaving the user temporarily unarmed. The saber is then willed to return to the users hand.
⦁ Di'shik (Saber Barrier) – Unique to Niman and Jar’kai users, this made use of the force to hover both chakra sabers around the user, rotating around their own axis and then around the user in various patterns and with immense speed. A primarily defensive technique, it could then be used offensively by employing a follow saber throw.

Stances define the inicial position of the body and blade that will most efectively allow the user to move and perform the Attacks and Parries of his form, with each form having a stance unique to it. Acrobatics are all the movements done by the users body that put him in a position to effectively perform the Attack and Parries he needs.

Combat Rings
When using Way of the Force, the space used and controlled for figthing is defined by 3 virtual circular rings that, together, encompass the full short range around the user in all directions. When using Way of the Force, its within this area that the user with focus and hone his awareness as well as his movement and perception. The closer to the user the rings are, the less time and movement the user has to perform a defense and the more limited it is.
  • Outer Ring - relies on grand sweeping blows to attack or defend at max arm length range; the wide attacks take longer to deliver, but are very powerful, based on four guard positions, all with the blade held diagonally: the upper right, upper left, lower right and lower left. It spans from 3m to 5m around the user.
  • Middle Ring - designed to deliver quicker blows or pick up quicker blows and block them, though it is also effective for ranged weapon deflection (shurikens, kunais, etc); the guard positions all feature the blade being held at right angles, with the upper and lower guards being horizontal, while the left and right positions being vertical. It spans from 1m to 3m around the user.
  • Inner Ring - last line of attack or defense, dangerous to be attacking or defending from; it is near impregnable against lunging attacks, and relies on parries instead of blocks, it has only a single guard position, with the hilt covering the navel; attacks are deflected by angling the blades tip and shunting them aside with the lower third of the blade, facilitating a swift counter towards the opponents chest or abdomen. Covers the area up to 1m around the user.
In terms of defense, within the Outer Ring area, the Binkan can deflect single but heavy projectiles, elemental or not, (he can cut through them or deflect them with his saber) and cut through non projectile techniques, according to the strength he applies to the move while still following narutoverse logic, specially in terms of size. Middle Ring is more adept at general defense against other Kenjutsu attacks as well as multiple small faster projectile attacks (like barrages of Senbon, Shuriken, etc), jutsu or not. Inner Ring is near impregnable to Kenjutsu and Taijutsu and allows the user to intercept with his chakra saber, attacks faster than himself (x1.5 times); its designed to be used when one can't stop the attack before he reaches that close distance.

The power of each move, both offensive and defensive, varies according to how much the user needs for that particular instant. With the force guiding him, the user is able to guide his chakra instantly into the correct strength displacement he needs, varying the power of his attacks and defenses from E-Rank to Forbidden Rank. This means he can do the same attack, parry, etc with variable strength according to his own need. As the strength scales up, so does the power and resistance of the chakra blade of the chakra saber, all in proportion. When he scales up his power, he consumes more chakra, employs more focus, makes his moves faster and behind them carries more strength.

Forms in The Way of The Force determine the phylosophy and focus behind each movement done with the Chakra Saber. More than different ways to fight, they determine different ways to approach combat all together. Each form has a given stance which potentiates a given posture towards the fight itself. While the movements themselves are more or less the same (in terms of attacks and parries), the way the move is done as well as certain unique traits are defined by the form. Freeform usage of The Way of The Force will still obey the type of movements and perks related to the form the user has mastered. Each form will then have benefits or penalties on attack (which is basically how much more or less damage each attacking move within the form will do in relation to how much chakra is spent in the attacking move), defense (which is basically how much more or less damage can be defended from within each form in relation to how much chakra is spent in a defensive move) and speed (how many more movements can be done in one single time frame, how fast or slow each form in relation to others and regular kenjutsu, how fast the user can move when using acrobatics bound to the form and finally how many simultaneous attacks/enemies can the user defend from or face when using said form). This is defined in steps of +20 or -20. For example, +20 to defense to a B-rank defensive movement allows that movement to defend the equivalent of A-rank damage.

  • Form I (Shii-Cho) - This combat form was the one that bridged the usage of regular, metal blades and Chakra Sabers. Shii-Cho was intended to cater to these new weapons, establishing the basic motions and target zones utilized with a chakra saber. Because chakra sabers don't possess weight or carry the same momentum, while being lethal to the touch, it meant that unlike physical swords, one doesn't need as much power behind his moves but requires much more control and focus. This style introduces this basic control. In combat, Form I chakra saber combat is wild and raw, relying on deliberate tactics and being primarily aimed towards disarming rather than injuring foes, in keeping with Jedi philosophy. Its the most neutral form, with zero penalties but also zero benefits, thus playing in equal ground with regular Kenjutsu/Taijutsu done by a Kenjutsu/Taijutsu master, obeying the basic aspects defined in both attacks&zones and the defensive rings. It uses a double handed grip with single bladed sabers.
  • Form II (Makashi) - Makashi is the most dueling-centric of the seven forms and its primary purpose was to serve as a counter to the first form; Shii-Cho. Makashi relies on precision swordplay to counter the sweeping movements demonstrated by Shii-Cho, and a heavy focus on protecting one's weapon to avoid being disarmed, the primary goal of Form I. Form II emphasizes fluid motion and anticipation of a weapon being swung at its target, and so requires very fluid movements of both the blade and the body. Timing, accuracy, and skill, rather than strength, are relied-upon to defeat one's opponent. Due to Form II's emphasis on blade manipulation, and its many fluid one-handed moves, Makashi practitioners were often more static, relying on lighter, short burst movements. As such, Makashi is a form with great focus on the inner and middle defense rings and little focus on attack with slightly higher speed than Form I. Attacks don’t receive any damage output bonus but defensive movements gain +40 defensive power against Taijutsu, Kenjutsu and Way of The Force attacks. However, this form is not suited to combat ranged weapons and multiple projectiles, receiving a -20 penalty to outer and inner defensive projectile defense capabilities. The final trait is the ability to be able to defend from 2 Kenjutsu or Taijutsu users at the same time or against 2 individual Kenjutsu or Taijutsu attacks done in the same timeframe. The unique movement of this form is called Khiron. It’s a flurry of various expansive “from inside to outside” slashes, designed to direct the enemies weapon movements outwards and exposing his core (chest, abdomen and arms), allowing an offensive counter attack.
  • Form III (Soresu) - The original purpose of the Soresu form was to counter shuriken wielding opponents, as the previous combat styles focused on chakra saber dueling. Becoming the most defensive of the seven forms, Soresu utilized tight moves, subtle dodges and short sweeps designed to provide maximum defensive coverage, leaving the duelist less exposed to ranged fire. Soresu utilized motions that occurred very close to the body, in an attempt to achieve near-total protection and expend as little energy as possible while executing moves. Form III stressed quick reflexes and fast positional transition, in order to overcome the speed with which a shuriken (and other projectile weapons like senbons) could be fired. This technique minimized the body's exposure, making a well-trained practitioner nearly invincible to ranged weapons. However, Form III merely facilitated survival rather than victory. Form III initiates were more than capable of defending themselves from attack, but they needed a large amount of experience to learn how to effectively counter-attack and entrap opponents. Masters had to maintain an incredibly strong focus on the center of the combat circle, since the defensive tactics of the form included guards and parries engaged very close to the body. Soresu is based around a variation of grips, allowing open and simpler stances to be one handed, allowing Taijutsu and Ninjutsu synergy and also being able to transition to a two handed grip for more power and resistance in the tighter circles and harder movements. As a result, Soresu is highly focused on all defensive rings, with the outer and middle ring gaining +20 in bonus to their defensive capabilities, a significant defensive speed boost and is the only one bladed form of combat capable of achieving near complete defense against Kenjutsu and Taijutsu attacks, applied in a +40 defensive bonus when facing Taijutsu, Kenjutsu and Way of the Force moves. But, all this defensive focus reduces the damage potencial and all offensive moves receive a -20 penalty in damage output as well as resulting in a style focused heavily in employing large defensive power to a single moment. This makes this style is very bad to deal with multiple enemies. Its unique movement is a solely defensive movement called Shirot. It’s a simple empowered downwards, upwards, horizontal or diagnonal slash, capable of fending off frontal incoming techniques by essentially cutting them in half and using the force to direct the debris outwards and around the user. Due to the Force’s influence, this unique expression of a defensive movement can cut even otherwise “uncuttable” attacks, defying logic.
  • Form IV (Ataru) - Ataru is an aggressive combat form relying on a combination of power, strength, and speed. Practitioners of Ataru are always on the offensive, attacking with wide, fast, and powerful swings, constantly calling upon the Force to aid in their movements and attacks. By allowing the Force to flow throughout their body, they can overcome their physical limitations (including old age) and perform amazing feats of acrobatics, such as somersaults and backflips, not only for attack, but also to evade the attacks and strikes of their opponents. The standard components of Form IV focused on application of and smooth transition between the three axes of rotation in a three-dimensional space; the su ma. Specifically, the jung su ma (spinning), ton su ma (somersaults), and en su ma (cartwheels). Those that use Form IV can move at high speeds and can rain strong blows, jumping and attacking through the air at the same time. Powerful and quick spinning attacks can be utilized from all angles, either from ground or air. Its used with a double handed grip, not making it prone to combine well with taijutsu or ninjutsu. The weakness of the form is that its speed allows evasion but not direct defense. This is a disadvantage when facing hybrid Ninkenjutsu/Nintaijutsu styles, where Kenjutsu/Taijutsu attacks are merged with elemental or non elemental ninjutsu to produce AOE attacks or effects that are much harder to evade from and would otherwise need to be blocked or defended from. As such, Ataru becomes more of a niche style designed to combat by overwhelming defenses and confuse opponents with speed and acrobatics; it’s a style designed to combat Makashi’s stillness and counter-attack prowess and Soresu’s heavy, standing defense. Attack movements from Ataru receive +20 offensive output, and are much faster, allowing the user to produce extremely complex and lenghtly movements in a single timeframe. This speed is also manifested in the acrobatics one can perform in tandem with the various offensive and evasive movements of the form and in how fast one can perform them and move from movement to movement, using even sequences that defy physics. Within the outer ring area (so roughly up to the edges of short range, 5m or so around the user) he is capable of moving his body up to 3 times his base speed in an endless succession and combination of acrobatics, offensive and evasive movements. But this comes at a cost. This style receives a generalized -20 direct defensive penalty and a -40 penalty when facing ninjutsu projectiles. Its unique movement is called Zetsa. This unique movement is a freeform set of flips, rolls, jumps, dashes, steps and short runs, designed to set up offensive movements but also to evade attacks, using the circular movement typical of the form to surround a target and deliver various blows from various angles.
  • Form V (Shien / Djem So) - Form V was created by Form III masters who desired a more offensive style, since the defensive nature of Form III often prolonged the fights, draining too much stamina and chakra. It evolved into an accepted style by combining the defensive maneuvers of Form III with the more aggressive philosophy and tactics of Form II. Form V also required a higher level of physical strength than the other chakra saber forms, due to its focus on complete domination of opponents. Form V had two distinct variations: Shien and Djem So. Classic Form V, Shien was known as the "Perseverance Form" and was designed to protect against enemy ranged weapons and ninjutsu without compromising one's ability to launch powerful counterattacks. With its focus against ranged attacks, Shien kept in mind that Binkan were often outnumbered by their opponents and needed to defend themselves while retaining offensive capability. However, it lacked effectiveness against single opponents. Shien practitioners were known to favor, or at least regularly utilize, reversed grips and was the first form to allow this usage. Whereas Shien specialized in ranged weapon deflection, the more advanced Djem So focused on sword/chakra saber dueling. Utilizing a combination of blocks and parries, a Djem So user maintained a proper foundation in terms of defense against both ranged and melee attacks, but rather than counter only when necessary as per Soresu training regimens, Djem So actively pressed the offense. Djem So placed a heavy focus on brute strength, utilizing wide, powerful strikes and parries. Power attacks from a Djem So user could even knock an opponent back just through sheer kinetic force, throwing them off balance and leaving them vulnerable to further brute force strikes and power blows that sought not just to penetrate an opponent's defense, but drive them back and leave them unable to counter. Common to both variations of the form is their low speed which made both variations lose to styles such as Ataru, as because each movement has much more power and momentum behind it, its also longer and slower. Movements are simpler and easier to predict and follow. Hard to use against multiple Taijutsu/Kenjutsu attackers, Form V’s biggest issue is against faster styles and faster enemies, where its powerful and wide slashes become less viable. However, both styles allow reversed one handed grips and great synergy with Taijutsu and Ninjutsu, following the logic of counterattacking. Offensively, this style is characterised by a +20 damage boost output, but, more importantly, it possesses kinetic power; momentum. This means that it’s a style that will always win against “blocks” of the same power and is more prone to being directed/evaded, with or without a blade, than to be stopped directly. In a contest of strength, a Form V attack never loses. Defensively, both subforms differ. Shien is characterised by a very strong outer and middle defensive rings, with a +20 defense bonus to both, and penalty of -20 to the inner ring, while Shien is focused more on the inner ring, with +20 defensive power to it, with a neutral middle ring and a weak outer ring at -20. Shien’s unique movement is called Tyu. It’s a simple movement that uses one’s chakra saber to deflect small ranged attacks (the projectile (s) cannot be bigger than 1/3 the users size) back at the target with the same power and momentum; attacking by defending. Its done by a rapid, almost blinding flurry of saber movements in front and around the user, creating a circle of sorts within his middle ring, a near perfect defense. Djem So’s unique movement is called Enry. A powerful simple two handed (one handed if reverse griped) slash that carries a concussive effect upon impact and, more importantly, a shockwave like effect, designed to break enemy stands, shatter defenses or weapons and overwhelm grips.
  • Form VI (Niman) – The first form to be designed to use with 2 chakra blades, Niman was based on dual sword kenjutsu. Form VI attempted to balance all elements of chakra saber combat, combining the techniques from Forms that came before into a less intensely demanding combat style. In practice, Form VI was a combination of older forms (Forms I, III, IV, and V), and all of them in moderation but applied through the use of 2 chakra blades. In the blending, much of the individuality was lost, but the strengths were spread evenly, and there was little weakness in it. Due to its "jack-of-all-trades" nature, the success of this form was largely dependent on the practitioner's intuition, improvisation, and creativity in combat rather than the roote responses derived from other forms. It cannot be used with reverse grips. Normally, with Form VI, each saber has a purpose, either attacking or defending, with linear forward focus. Because its based on single saber forms, there is no focus on double saber movements but rather into combinining a defensive movement with 1 saber and an offensive movement with another. This dividing nature produced a style that was well suited for saber-to-saber combat, sword-to-saber combat and taijutsu-to-saber combat. Additionally, because the basis of the form was one handed forms, the user could still fight with near equal prowess when using only one saber if needed. As such, Niman had no real focus on either attacking, defending or speed. It was its ability to divide power between attack and defense in the same movement that made its more impressive impact. Using the same amount of chakra, the user of Niman can choose to perform a defensive movement and and offensive movement, dividing the total power equally between each. For example, employing S-Rank power, the user of Niman can produce with one saber an A-rank defense and an A-rank attack with the other saber in the same movement. It also means that, as a disadvantage, max power output both offensive and defensively can only come at the cost of this trait. The benefict of Niman is only really felt up to A-rank, at which point, the dividing nature of the style between both sabers becomes detrimental, inefficient and the practicioner needs to start focusing solely on one of the sabers to be able to employ max power, becoming then a simple style, similar to Form I. The unique movement of this form is the Chai’che. A movement in which the user, upon receiving an attack from a meleed weapon, will defend with one saber, diverting the weapon outwards before performing a Sai Cha with the other saber at the same time.
  • Form VII (Juyo/Vaapad) - Juyo was described as the most vicious form of saber combat, and was said to be filled with both fury and "malignant grace." The form came to be known as the most difficult and demanding in all of saber combat forms. The form was said to necessitate greater energy than Form V, due to a broader wielding of a user's focus and a deeper emotional link. Vaapad was described as more than a fighting style; it was a state of mind that led through the penumbra of the dark side, requiring the user to enjoy the fight, and relish the satisfaction of winning but not fall or let himself be controlled by that desire. Vaapad required a constant and sizable stream of Force focus from the user, becoming very taxing to sustain for long periods. The form's attacks appeared to be unconnected, its motions seemingly unpolished to an untrained observer. While Juyo has a two handed grip, Vapaad has a single handed grip that can change to two handed when needed. Essentially, this style combined some of the acrobatics aspects of Ataru with some of the aggressive aspects of Shien and Djem So. This comes at the cost of Force Sense awareness by reducing ones focus to the opponent; nothing else matters but the enemy. Both subforms of this form are fast, but not as fast as Ataru and not as acrobatic. The user will focus heavily on closing dashes of speed, simple linear jumps and bursts rather than elaborate acrobatics. Within the outer ring (roughly the limits of short-range, 5 m around the user), the user is capable of dashes/jumps at 2x his normal speed. But here is where both styles differ. Juyo focuses on sheer power and impact, neglecting defense; Vapaad focuses on counter attack and speed. Juyo gains a bonus of +20 offensive damage but receives a -40 defensive output across the board. Vapaad receives a +20 offensive bonus, but receives no penalty to its defensive ability in the inner or middle rings, though it is incapable of defending from ninjutsu projectile attacks through the outer ring. Neither styles are adept at facing more than one enemy or multiple projeticle weapons. The unique movement to both subforms is called Partai. The user will dash forwards into the opponent to deliver a piercing hit into his or her abdomen, slashing outwards afterwards and thus slashing the opponents abdomen open, essentially, eviscerating him or her.
  • Form VIII (Jar'Kai) - The Jar'Kai form is the second form of dual saber wielding combat of the Binkan clan. It, like Niman, was born from the usage of 2 sabers in combat but differs in its purpose and power output and consumption. Jar’kai fighters, were able to maintain a strong offense, as the combination of the two blades allowed them to overwhelm most opponents. A typical Niman maneuver was to continually attack with one blade while relying on the other for defensive coverage, ensuring that the duelist could keep up his guard even as he attacked. However, Jar’kai used both blades for the same purpose, keeping up a continuous wave-front assault or defense. This allowed a more overwhelming power to be produced for both attack and defense but it came at a big cost in terms of chakra and focus on the Force. A Jar’kai user will do double damage or have its defensive power doubled but will also consume chakra of the same magnitude. For example, when using an S-Rank offensive movement, both swords will do the movement and attack each with S-rank power but will also consume each S-rank chakra. This consumption of chakra leaves the user at a disadvantage in longer fights as the constant output of focus and chakra will deplete his stamina much quicker than with Niman. Also, the form itself isn’t unbreakable. Relying on rotation around one’s central axis and mild acrobatic movements within ones core and consecutive or unison movements of both blades, the style becomes more taxing and harder to perform. Reverse grip can be used. The main trait of Jar’kai is that it can combine the movements and unique movements of each of the other forms with a dual bladed performance, though without either the beneficts or dowsides of each style. For example, a Jar’kai user can make use of Atarus acrobatic movements and movement style but will not receive his unique speed boost as he will essentially not be able to move as fast while using 2 blades. The unique movement of Jar’kai is the Then’ro. The user rotates, slashing with both sabers in a flurry that produces essentially a perfect attack and defense that, due to the speed of rotation and saber flurrys, seems to create a cylindrical barrier (same color as the sabers) around the user, in the limits of the middle ring.
  • Form IX (Kas'im) - The primary purpose of the double-bladed chakra saber (also known as a chakra saber staff) was to allow for a faster rate of attack, unleashing a rapid assault with only a minimum of movement, "more slaughter per swing" as some put it. Saberstaffs were also excellent defensive weapons, as the doubled length of the weapon provided more surface area for deflecting and parrying, though were less adept at redirecting. In addition to the practical benefits of the weapon, it also possessed a great psychological impact. The dual-blades increased the visual impact of the weapon, and in combat, opponents would intuitively try to track the blades separately rather than as a single weapon, overwhelming them. However, despite all of the advantages offered by the weapon, its weaknesses were equally obvious. Special training was required to wield the weapon effectively, with those attempting to use it without such discipline likely to bisect or impale themselves. The techniques employable with a double-bladed chakra saber were extremely limited, as the second blade rendered many positions and movements impossible to execute, or required the wielder to twist himself awkwardly around the weapon to do so. Many techniques required the user to perform elaborate flourishes in order to move the staff around their body, leaving them open, and any sort of fighting method that focused on power or penetration was difficult to apply. Also, the enlarged hilt common to most double-bladed chakra sabers presented a large target, difficult to defend from enemy attack. Opponents would often attempt to employ the sun djem contact mark, with even experienced saberstaff wielders being vulnerable to this tactic which resulted in losing their weapon. This said, the usage of dual-blade chakra sabers can be beneficial in some situations, the main one being when surrounded by enemies. Usage of the weapon rapidly evolved into a rotation based style, where the user will focus on the force to rotate the weapon on his hands and around his body, while he himself rotates in a mixture of cartwheels and summersaults. This style focused a lot on Force Sense awareness to keep the user safe which didn’t allow much focus on speed and even less on brute power. The rotation style allowed a very strong defense against Taijutsu users and an adequate one against Kenjutsu users but not very against elemental techniques. The grip of the weapon would normally be one handed with most moves initiated by a rotation of the weapon on one of the palms and above the user’s head. This allowed and enforced great synergy with Ninjutsu and Taijutsu to reduce the openings generated by the style, allowing the usage of one handed ninjutsu that don’t require handseals at the same time with the form’s defensive and offensive movements. While it had some degree of usability against projectile weapons, it wasn’t very effective in this scenario. There is no bonus to either attack or defense, having a penalty of -40 in the outer ring of defense, being incapable of using energy defense but the rotation style allowed the user to engage multiple enemies at the same time. The unique technique of this form is called Roth’ir. It revolves around using the Force to rotate the weapon with such speed around one’s palm that it almost creates a circular shield or a chakra circular saw that can be used offensively or defensively.
-S-Rank strength can only be employed a max of 3 times per battle; Forbidden Rank Strength can only be used once per battle and stresses the body to the point that using The Way of the Force or any other Taijutsu or Kenjutsu style, becomes impossible unless the user is healed. The injuries are mostly focused on the muscles, with mild rabdomiolisis but severe bone and articular stress.
-Each user can only learn one of the 9 forms; each bio is restricted to having only one of the forms (if subforms exist, the user must pick one to use), the exception being the clan leader who is knowledgable and can use all forms, though only one per battle
-Needs to be posted only once per fight when the user activates his chakra sabers, afterwards he can use the style as long as he describes the strength of the movements, accounting for the necessary chakra costs and move costs
-Saber Throw doesn't receive any damage bonus, regardless of the form used
-The forms that describe to be synergetic with Ninjutsu or Taijutsu can be combined with Taijutsu moves that are logically possible as well as Ninjutsu techniques, allowing one to perform, for example, a defensive block with one hand and attacking the target with a Rasengan on the other hand, while still obeying time frame rules

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Declined. Quite frankly, this is way too long. I understand what you're going for in terms of immersion, but there really isn't a place for this kind of thing in Custom Jutsu. Everything described before the actual "Forms" section really just boils down to you writing out what freeform things can be done with this, and it's unneeded for a CCJ submission. This kind of thing is for the training/RPing. Trim it down; I'd say keep it the description to the actual Forms.
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Personal CCJ

Kyōsei Maiagarimasu | Force Soar
Type: Supplementary
Rank: D (to S-Rank)
Range: N/A
Chakra: 10 (10-40) (-5 per turn)
Damage: N/A (20-80)
Description: A unique application of Force Grip - Flight, Force Soar was developed by the original Grand Master himself based on his mastery over Force Alter. After decades of using the basic application of Force Grip-Flight, the Grand Master became so adept at using it that he eventually developed his own perfected application of it. Force Soar allows the user to essentially fly and fight (physically and with techniques) while airborne through the use of the force. By using the force, the user is capable of negating both the effects of normal gravity (but not gravity based techniques) and of external kinetic forces on himself (like the momentum of an impact from an attack) to the point of achieving both flight as well as exerting tremendous physical strength while flying. Essentially, the user becomes able to fly, regardless of his weight or what he is holding, able to fight while airborne, employing taijutsu and other physical attacks with the same momentum and impact and overall physics as he would if he was on the ground. The user is capable of utilizing techniques while maintaining flight. Using the technique in a focused and deliberate way, the user can also generate enormous physical strength, even while airborne. With focus (and thus spending the necessary chakra), the user is able to lift, throw, stop, etc objects of very high mass (he can generate as much force as Tsunade/Sakura when it comes to lifting, throwing, etc objects but not the same as when they fight using chakra enhanced strength). While power is ensured, when it comes to speed, he is able to fly at slightly higher speeds than his fully running speed. The basic usage of the technique (where the user simply takes flight), once employed, remains active until deactivated and doesn't interfere with his ability to use other techniques. The focused usage, namely as a taijutsu move, will spend chakra (depending on the strength desired) and a move each time its employed.
Note: While it consumes chakra and a move to activate, the technique doesn't consume time and can be done alongside other techniques, requiring only a residual chakra cost after that to sustain flight.
Note: To use the technique to evade an attack, the user will consume a move, from his 3 allowed per turn, per every attack evaded
Note: S-Rank application of freeform combat can only be employed 3 times.

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Declined. I was close to approving this, but there's some kinks that need to be worked out. I'd say remove the reference to Tsunade/Sakura entirely, as it's too vague. Both of these characters have a passive boost in terms of their Taijutsu; the way this is worded implies the force you'd be using will be on par with that, which wouldn't be allowed. Number two is that I don't think it makes sense that a jutsu that allows you to fly also enhances your catching and throwing strength. Striking harder because flying into the blow is adding momentum makes sense, but it's still just flight. I don't see why that'd make you any better at catching or throwing things. If you want this to actually increase your speed, you need to define it, otherwise the "slightly faster than running speed" thing will be cosmetic. Utilizing any ranked version of this to strike will, of course, count as a jutsu slot and not be freeform.
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No Kyōsei | The Way of the Force
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: E-Rank to Forbidden Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 5 to 70
Damage: 10 to 90 (-30)
The Way of the Force is a combat style that makes use of all the core abilities of a Binkan and merges them together into a Saber Combat Style using Chakra Sabers. Force Sense, Force Alter and Force Control are all used and employed in the combat style and estabilishes itself as one of the core 8 techniques each Binkan has access. Without mass, and increadibly lethal to use, Chakra Sabers require a great deal of concentration and focus to use when compared with a normal physical weapon. The chakra blade itself will cut through most solid matter as if it was hot, yet it doesn’t possess any heat manifestation; it will collide with objects as if it was solid, yet is weightless. These unique characteristics are the reason why a new way of fighting needed to be created in order to use the weapons effectively. The combat style divides itself into 9 forms, each of them consisting of a different focus on speed, acrobatics, strength, range, defense, attack, surpression, etc. The power of each move, both offensive and defensive, varies according to how much the user needs for that particular instant. With the force guiding him, the user is able to guide his chakra instantly into the correct strength displacement he needs, varying the power of his attacks and defenses from E-Rank to Forbidden Rank. This means he can do the same attack, parry, etc with variable strength according to his own need. As the strength scales up, so does the power and resistance of the chakra blade of the chakra saber, all in proportion. When he scales up his power, he consumes more chakra, employs more focus, makes his moves faster and behind them carries more strength. Using the Way of the Force, users can also defend themselves, with their chakra sabers, from incoming elemental techniques or others, as long as its feasible within narutoverse to do so (basically, as long as its a technique that would allow on to "cut" through it, deflect it or reflect it with a chakra saber).

Forms in The Way of The Force determine the phylosophy and focus behind each movement done with the Chakra Saber. More than different ways to fight, they determine different ways to approach combat all together. Each form has a given stance which potentiates a given posture towards the fight itself. While the movements themselves are more or less the same (in terms of attacks and parries), the way the move is done as well as certain unique traits are defined by the form. Freeform usage of The Way of The Force will still obey the type of movements and perks related to the form the user has mastered. Each form will then have benefits or penalties on attack (which is basically how much more or less damage each attacking move within the form will do in relation to how much chakra is spent in the attacking move), defense (which is basically how much more or less damage can be defended from within each form in relation to how much chakra is spent in a defensive move) and speed (how many more movements can be done in one single time frame, how fast or slow each form in relation to others and regular kenjutsu, how fast the user can move when using acrobatics bound to the form and finally how many simultaneous attacks/enemies can the user defend from or face when using said form). This is defined in steps of +20 or -20. For example, +20 to defense to a B-rank defensive movement allows that movement to defend the equivalent of A-rank damage.

  • Form I (Shii-Cho) - This combat form was the one that bridged the usage of regular, metal blades and Chakra Sabers. Shii-Cho was intended to cater to these new weapons, establishing the basic motions and target zones utilized with a chakra saber. Because chakra sabers don't possess weight or carry the same momentum, while being lethal to the touch, it meant that unlike physical swords, one doesn't need as much power behind his moves but requires much more control and focus. This style introduces this basic control. In combat, Form I chakra saber combat is wild and raw, relying on deliberate tactics and being primarily aimed towards disarming rather than injuring foes, in keeping with Jedi philosophy. Its the most neutral form, with zero penalties but also zero benefits. It uses a double handed grip with single bladed sabers.
  • Form II (Makashi) - Makashi is the most dueling-centric of the seven forms and its primary purpose was to serve as a counter to the first form; Shii-Cho. Makashi relies on precision swordplay to counter the sweeping movements demonstrated by Shii-Cho, and a heavy focus on protecting one's weapon to avoid being disarmed, the primary goal of Form I. Form II emphasizes fluid motion and anticipation of a weapon being swung at its target, and so requires very fluid movements of both the blade and the body. Timing, accuracy, and skill, rather than strength, are relied-upon to defeat one's opponent. Due to Form II's emphasis on blade manipulation, and its many fluid one-handed moves, Makashi practitioners were often more static, relying on lighter, short burst movements. While the offensive abilities of Makashi don't experience any sort of additional damage, the form allows a stronger defense against Kenjutsu, Taijutsu and other hand wielded single weapons (like Spears, Hammers, etc), manifested in a +40 defensive ability against those. The form is, however, unable to defend against multiple projectile type weapons (shurikens, arrows, senbons, etc) and will suffer a -40 penalty against Ninjutsu. The final trait is the ability to be able to defend from 2 Kenjutsu or Taijutsu users at the same time or against 2 individual Kenjutsu or Taijutsu attacks done in the same timeframe. The unique movement of this form is called Khiron. It’s a flurry of various expansive “from inside to outside” slashes, designed to direct the enemies weapon movements outwards and exposing his core (chest, abdomen and arms), allowing an offensive counter attack.
  • Form III (Soresu) - The original purpose of the Soresu form was to counter shuriken wielding opponents, as the previous combat styles focused on chakra saber dueling. Becoming the most defensive of the seven forms, Soresu utilized tight moves, subtle dodges and short sweeps designed to provide maximum defensive coverage, leaving the duelist less exposed to ranged fire. Soresu utilized motions that occurred very close to the body, in an attempt to achieve near-total protection and expend as little energy as possible while executing moves. Form III stressed quick reflexes and fast positional transition, in order to overcome the speed with which a shuriken (and other projectile weapons like senbons) could be fired. However, Form III merely facilitated survival rather than victory. Form III initiates were more than capable of defending themselves from attack, but they needed a large amount of experience to learn how to effectively counter-attack and entrap opponents. Soresu is based around a variation of grips, allowing open and simpler stances to be one handed, allowing Taijutsu and Ninjutsu synergy and also being able to transition to a two handed grip for more offensive power. As a result, Soresu is highly focused on defense, gaining +20 in bonus defense to all attacks. But, all this defensive focus reduces the damage potencial and all offensive moves receive a -20 penalty in damage output as well as resulting in a style focused heavily in employing large defensive power to a single moment. This makes this style is very bad to deal with multiple enemies. Its unique movement is a solely defensive movement called Shirot. It’s a simple empowered downwards, upwards, horizontal or diagnonal slash, capable of fending off frontal incoming techniques by essentially cutting them in half and using the force to direct the debris outwards and around the user. Due to the Force’s influence, this unique expression of a defensive movement can cut even otherwise “uncuttable” attacks, defying logic.
  • Form IV (Ataru) - Ataru is an aggressive combat form relying on a combination of power, strength, and speed. Practitioners of Ataru are always on the offensive, attacking with wide, fast, and powerful swings, constantly calling upon the Force to aid in their movements and attacks. By allowing the Force to flow throughout their body, they can overcome their physical limitations (including old age) and perform amazing feats of acrobatics, such as somersaults and backflips, not only for attack, but also to evade the attacks and strikes of their opponents. The standard components of Form IV focused on application of and smooth transition between the three axes of rotation in a three-dimensional space; the su ma. Specifically, the jung su ma (spinning), ton su ma (somersaults), and en su ma (cartwheels). Those that use Form IV can move at high speeds and can rain strong blows, jumping and attacking through the air at the same time. Powerful and quick spinning attacks can be utilized from all angles, either from ground or air. Its used with a double handed grip, not making it prone to combine well with taijutsu or ninjutsu. The weakness of the form is that its speed allows evasion but not direct defense. Attack movements from Ataru are much faster, allowing the user to produce extremely complex and lenghtly movements in a single timeframe, but lack brute force and momentum, thus not receiving any offensive boost. This speed is also manifested in the acrobatics one can perform in tandem with the various offensive and evasive movements of the form and in how fast one can perform them and move from movement to movement, using even sequences that defy physics. Within the short range area around his center, the user is capable of moving his body up to 3 times his base speed in an endless succession and combination of acrobatics, offensive and evasive movements. But this comes at a cost. This style receives a generalized -20 direct defensive penalty. Its unique movement is called Zetsa. This unique movement is a freeform set of flips, rolls, jumps, dashes, steps and short runs, designed to set up offensive movements but also to evade attacks, using the circular movement typical of the form to surround a target and deliver various blows from various angles.
  • Form V (Shien / Djem So) - Form V was created by Form III masters who desired a more offensive style, since the defensive nature of Form III often prolonged the fights, draining too much stamina and chakra. It evolved into an accepted style by combining the defensive maneuvers of Form III with the more aggressive philosophy and tactics of Form II. Form V also required a higher level of physical strength than the other chakra saber forms, due to its focus on complete domination of opponents. Form V had two distinct variations: Shien and Djem So. Classic Form V, Shien was known as the "Perseverance Form" and was designed to protect against enemy ranged weapons and ninjutsu without compromising one's ability to launch powerful counterattacks. With its focus against ranged attacks, Shien kept in mind that Binkan were often outnumbered by their opponents and needed to defend themselves while retaining offensive capability. However, it lacked effectiveness against single opponents. Shien practitioners were known to favor, or at least regularly utilize, reversed grips and was the first form to allow this usage. Whereas Shien specialized in ranged weapon deflection, the more advanced Djem So focused on sword/chakra saber dueling. Utilizing a combination of blocks and parries, a Djem So user maintained a proper foundation in terms of defense against both ranged and melee attacks, but rather than counter only when necessary as per Soresu training regimens, Djem So actively pressed the offense. Djem So placed a heavy focus on brute strength, utilizing wide, powerful strikes and parries. Power attacks from a Djem So user could even knock an opponent back just through sheer kinetic force, throwing them off balance and leaving them vulnerable to further brute force strikes and power blows that sought not just to penetrate an opponent's defense, but drive them back and leave them unable to counter. Common to both variations of the form is their low speed which made both variations lose to styles such as Ataru, as because each movement has much more power and momentum behind it, its also longer and slower. Movements are simpler and easier to predict and follow. Both styles allow reversed one handed grips and great synergy with Taijutsu and Ninjutsu, following the logic of counterattacking. Offensively, this style is characterised by a +20 damage boost output, but, more importantly, it possesses kinetic power; momentum. This means that it’s a style that will always win against “blocks” of the same power and is more prone to being directed/evaded, with or without a blade, than to be stopped directly. In a contest of strength, a Form V attack never loses. Defensively, both subforms differ. Shien is characterised by a very strong +20 defense bonus against ranged weapons, ninjutsu, etc but penalty of -20 against Taijutsu, Kenjutsu and Way of the Force. Djem So on the other hand has a -20 penalty against ranged attacks but a +20 defensive bonus against Taijutsu, Kenjutsu and Way of the Force. Both styles are slightly slower than average Kenjutsu or other forms, trying to make up for that with raw power. Shien’s unique movement is called Tyu. It’s a simple movement that uses one’s chakra saber to deflect small ranged attacks (the projectile (s) cannot be bigger than 1/3 the users size) back at the target with the same power and momentum; attacking by defending. Its done by a rapid, almost blinding flurry of saber movements in front and around the user, creating a circle of sorts within his middle ring, a near perfect defense. Djem So’s unique movement is called Enry. A powerful simple two handed (one handed if reverse griped) slash that carries a concussive effect upon impact and, more importantly, a shockwave like effect, designed to break enemy stands, shatter defenses or weapons and overwhelm grips.
  • Form VI (Niman) – The first form to be designed to use with 2 chakra blades, Niman was based on dual sword kenjutsu. Form VI attempted to balance all elements of chakra saber combat, combining the techniques from Forms that came before into a less intensely demanding combat style. In practice, Form VI was a combination of older forms (Forms I, III, IV, and V), and all of them in moderation but applied through the use of 2 chakra blades. In the blending, much of the individuality was lost, but the strengths were spread evenly, and there was little weakness in it. Due to its "jack-of-all-trades" nature, the success of this form was largely dependent on the practitioner's intuition, improvisation, and creativity in combat rather than the roote responses derived from other forms. It cannot be used with reverse grips. Normally, with Form VI, each saber has a purpose, either attacking or defending, with linear forward focus. Because its based on single saber forms, there is no focus on double saber movements but rather into combinining a defensive movement with 1 saber and an offensive movement with another. This dividing nature produced a style that was well suited for saber-to-saber combat, sword-to-saber combat and taijutsu-to-saber combat. Additionally, because the basis of the form was one handed forms, the user could still fight with near equal prowess when using only one saber if needed. As such, Niman had no real focus on either attacking, defending or speed. It was its ability to divide power between attack and defense in the same movement that made its more impressive impact. Using the same amount of chakra, the user of Niman can choose to perform a defensive movement and and offensive movement, dividing the total power equally between each. For example, employing S-Rank power, the user of Niman can produce with one saber an A-rank defense and an A-rank attack with the other saber in the same movement. It also means that, as a disadvantage, max power output both offensive and defensively can only come at the cost of this trait. The benefict of Niman is only really felt up to A-rank, at which point, the dividing nature of the style between both sabers becomes detrimental, inefficient and the practicioner needs to start focusing solely on one of the sabers to be able to employ max power, becoming then a simple style, similar to Form I. The unique movement of this form is the Chai’che. A movement in which the user, upon receiving an attack from a meleed weapon, will defend with one saber, diverting the weapon outwards before performing a slash with the other saber at the same time.
  • Form VII (Juyo/Vaapad) - Juyo was described as the most vicious form of saber combat, and was said to be filled with both fury and "malignant grace." The form came to be known as the most difficult and demanding in all of saber combat forms. The form was said to necessitate greater energy than Form V, due to a broader wielding of a user's focus and a deeper emotional link. Vaapad was described as more than a fighting style; it was a state of mind that led through the penumbra of the dark side, requiring the user to enjoy the fight, and relish the satisfaction of winning but not fall or let himself be controlled by that desire. Vaapad required a constant and sizable stream of Force focus from the user, becoming very taxing to sustain for long periods. The form's attacks appeared to be unconnected, its motions seemingly unpolished to an untrained observer. While Juyo has a two handed grip, Vapaad has a single handed grip that can change to two handed when needed. Essentially, this style combined some of the acrobatics aspects of Ataru with some of the aggressive aspects of Shien and Djem So. This comes at the cost of Force Sense awareness by reducing ones focus to the opponent; nothing else matters but the enemy. Both subforms of this form are fast, but not as fast as Ataru and not as acrobatic. The user will focus heavily on closing dashes of speed, simple linear jumps and bursts rather than elaborate acrobatics. Within roughly the limits of short-range, 5 m around the user, the user is capable of dashes/jumps at 2x his normal speed. But here is where both styles differ. Juyo focuses on sheer power and impact, neglecting defense; Vapaad focuses on counter attack and speed. Juyo gains a bonus of +20 offensive damage but receives a -40 defensive output across the board. Vapaad receives a +20 offensive bonus, but receives no penalty to its defensive ability against Kenjutsu, Taijutsu, Way of the Force or other Weapons, ranged or not, being unable to defend against elemental ninjutsu. The unique movement to both subforms is called Partai. The user will dash forwards into the opponent to deliver a piercing hit into his or her abdomen, slashing outwards afterwards and thus slashing the opponents abdomen open, essentially, eviscerating him or her.
  • Form VIII (Jar'Kai) - The Jar'Kai form is the second form of dual saber wielding combat of the Binkan clan. It, like Niman, was born from the usage of 2 sabers in combat but differs in its purpose and power output and consumption. Jar’kai fighters, were able to maintain a strong offense, as the combination of the two blades allowed them to overwhelm most opponents. A typical Niman maneuver was to continually attack with one blade while relying on the other for defensive coverage, ensuring that the duelist could keep up his guard even as he attacked. However, Jar’kai used both blades for the same purpose, keeping up a continuous wave-front assault or defense. This allowed a more overwhelming power to be produced for both attack and defense but it came at a big cost in terms of chakra and focus on the Force. A Jar’kai user will do double damage or have its defensive power doubled but will also consume chakra of the same magnitude. For example, when using an S-Rank offensive movement, both swords will do the movement and attack each with S-rank power but will also consume each S-rank chakra. This consumption of chakra leaves the user at a disadvantage in longer fights as the constant output of focus and chakra will deplete his stamina much quicker than with Niman. Also, the form itself isn’t unbreakable. Relying on rotation around one’s central axis and mild acrobatic movements within ones core and consecutive or unison movements of both blades, the style becomes more taxing and harder to perform. Reverse grip can be used. The main trait of Jar’kai is that it can combine the movements and unique movements of each of the other forms with a dual bladed performance, though without either the beneficts or dowsides of each style. For example, a Jar’kai user can make use of Atarus acrobatic movements and movement style but will not receive his unique speed boost as he will essentially not be able to move as fast while using 2 blades. The unique movement of Jar’kai is the Then’ro. The user rotates, slashing with both sabers in a flurry that produces essentially a perfect attack and defense that, due to the speed of rotation and saber flurrys, seems to create a cylindrical barrier (same color as the sabers) around the user, in the limits of short range.
  • Form IX (Kas'im) - The primary purpose of the double-bladed chakra saber (also known as a chakra saber staff) was to allow for a faster rate of attack, unleashing a rapid assault with only a minimum of movement, "more slaughter per swing" as some put it. Saberstaffs were also excellent defensive weapons, as the doubled length of the weapon provided more surface area for deflecting and parrying, though were less adept at redirecting. In addition to the practical benefits of the weapon, it also possessed a great psychological impact. The dual-blades increased the visual impact of the weapon, and in combat, opponents would intuitively try to track the blades separately rather than as a single weapon, overwhelming them. However, despite all of the advantages offered by the weapon, its weaknesses were equally obvious. Special training was required to wield the weapon effectively, with those attempting to use it without such discipline likely to bisect or impale themselves. The techniques employable with a double-bladed chakra saber were extremely limited, as the second blade rendered many positions and movements impossible to execute, or required the wielder to twist himself awkwardly around the weapon to do so. Many techniques required the user to perform elaborate flourishes in order to move the staff around their body, leaving them open, and any sort of fighting method that focused on power or penetration was difficult to apply. Also, the enlarged hilt common to most double-bladed chakra sabers presented a large target, difficult to defend from enemy attack. Opponents would often attempt to employ the sun djem contact mark, with even experienced saberstaff wielders being vulnerable to this tactic which resulted in losing their weapon. This said, the usage of dual-blade chakra sabers can be beneficial in some situations, the main one being when surrounded by enemies. Usage of the weapon rapidly evolved into a rotation based style, where the user will focus on the force to rotate the weapon on his hands and around his body, while he himself rotates in a mixture of cartwheels and summersaults. This style focused a lot on Force Sense awareness to keep the user safe which didn’t allow much focus on speed and even less on brute power. The rotation style allowed a very strong defense against Taijutsu users and an adequate one against Kenjutsu users but not very against elemental techniques. The grip of the weapon would normally be one handed with most moves initiated by a rotation of the weapon on one of the palms and above the user’s head. This allowed and enforced great synergy with Ninjutsu and Taijutsu to reduce the openings generated by the style, allowing the usage of one handed ninjutsu that don’t require handseals at the same time with the form’s defensive and offensive movements. While it had some degree of usability against projectile weapons, it wasn’t very effective in this scenario. There is no bonus to attack, with a noticeable penalty to defense, being unable to defend against Elemental Ninjutsu and receiving a penalty of -40 against ranged weapons. The rotation style allowed the user to engage multiple enemies at the same time. The unique technique of this form is called Roth’ir. It revolves around using the Force to rotate the weapon with such speed around one’s palm that it almost creates a circular shield or a chakra circular saw that can be used offensively or defensively.
-S-Rank strength can only be employed once every two turns; Forbidden Rank Strength can only be used once per battle, heavily stressing the body to the point that using The Way of the Force (or any other Taijutsu or Kenjutsu style) becomes impossible unless the user is healed (-30 damage to himself if Forbidden rank is used). The injuries are mostly focused on the muscles, with mild rabdomiolisis but severe bone and articular stress.
-Each user can only learn one of the 9 forms; each bio is restricted to having only one of the forms (if subforms exist, the user must pick one to use), the exception being the clan leader who is knowledgable and can use all forms, though only one per battle
-Needs to be posted only once per fight when the user activates his chakra sabers, afterwards he can use the style as long as he describes the strength of the movements, accounting for the necessary chakra costs and move costs
-The forms that describe to be synergetic with Ninjutsu or Taijutsu can be combined with Taijutsu moves that are logically possible as well as Ninjutsu techniques, allowing one to perform, for example, a defensive block with one hand and attacking the target with a Rasengan on the other hand
-In case the user loses grip of his sabers, he can, using the force, pull his Chakra Sabers to his hands by paying 5 chakra

Declined. Form 2: +40 damage, even with a -40 penalty against Ninjutsu, is too high. At most, I’d allow a +30 boost with a -30 penalty, but this would need higher usage restrictions than if you did +20/-20.

Form 3: A few things with this one. For the final portion, I’d like you to define more precisely what you mean by “uncuttable” techniques. I’m assuming you mean things like fire or even some liquid where attempting to physically cut it wouldn’t do much good, but I can see this being extrapolated to mean even immaterial techniques, so this’ll need a more concrete description/definition. Secondly, the boost applied will be an active boost not a passive one, for clarity’s sake/

Form 4: 3x speed is too high.

Form 5: This one is fine. Note, however, that any usages of the Forms once approved that attempt to attack and defend in the same maneuver will result in its offensive/defensive boosts being nullified for that maneuver.

Form 8: Double damage is a no.

Form 9: This goes for the Forms at large; utilizing the Force at the same time as other chakra-using Ninjutsu won’t be allowed.

Personal CCJ:

Kyōsei Maiagarimasu | Force Soar
Type: Supplementary
Rank: D
Range: N/A
Chakra: 10 (-5 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: A stronger application of Force Grip - Flight, Force Soar was developed by the original Grand Master himself based on his mastery over Force Alter. After decades of using the basic application of Force Grip-Flight, the Grand Master became so adept at using it that he eventually developed his own perfected application of it. Force Soar allows the user to essentially fly and fight (physically and with techniques) while airborne through the use of the force. By using the force, the user is capable of negating both the effects of normal gravity (but not gravity based techniques) and of external kinetic forces on himself (like the momentum of an impact from an attack) to the point of achieving both flight as well as being able to exert physical strength while flying as he would if he was on the ground. Essentially, the user becomes able to fly, regardless of his weight or what he is holding, able to fight while airborne, employing taijutsu and other physical attacks with the same momentum and impact and overall physics as he would if he was on the ground. In terms of speed, while the technique is active, the user is able to fly at slightly higher speeds than his fully running speed. However, once the technique is active, the user is able to, by spending 10 chakra and a move, generate a higher speed momentarily (1.5x his base speed) in a single direction, to, for example, dodge an incoming attack.
Note: While it consumes chakra and a move to activate, the technique doesn't consume time and can be done alongside other techniques, requiring only a residual chakra cost after that to sustain flight.

Declined, as the final CCJ was declined as well.
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Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points
Duraibu Katachi | Drive Form
Rank: N/A
Range: Self (up to mid range for burst upon entering form)
N/A (40, -10)
Damage: 40
The Tenshi clan have the power of the cosmos emanating from them, from the seed that is planted within their bloodline. This unique power transmutes their energies at 5% of their maximum chakra pool per turn. This mutation of their chakra allows them to flood their body, creating a whole brand new type of chakra. Creating this chakra triggers the first form, called "Drive Form" where in by the body converts 5% of their spiritual and physical energy into Comic Chakra instead of regular chakra. This form is what the Tenshi are made by, how they are recognized and called "Angels", where in the Comic Chakra begins to flow through and out of their body, (uniquely coloured by the individual). This first Drive Form happens suddenly and instantly, creating a small omnidirectional sphere of their Cosmic Chakra to explode outwards in a shockwave fashion dealing damage (40).

Master Form
The initial Transformation form that the Tenshi are known for is called the Drive Form: Mastery. This basic form allows the user to have their Cosmic Chakra flow through their body, to unleash it from the shard that is embedded within them and begin to harness its strength.
While coursing through their body, the Tenshi gain an increase in their strength, speed and reactionary capabilities. The Cosmic Chakra creates a secondary skin that covers the user in an aura, providing a strength in toughness that must be overcome to physically strike the user. This toughness increases damage shaving capabilities by 20 extra damage, or if the user has none it gives a -20 damage shaving bonus. While the Cosmic Chakra flow, the users muscles and body begin to be flooded with this new universal power, increasing their strength. Their speed, at which they are able to move their body increases giving them a three time boost. While begining to flow, the users body begins to adapt and settle with the rapid new changes. The burst from this explosive cosmic chakra sends back a sonar like echo of all forms of chakra to the user that it passes through and touches. While in this form, the users Cosmic chakra begins leaking out into the surrounding area at one range per turn starting a short.

Final Form

The Drive Form known as Final is a more powerful form that strengthens the power that is granted by its predecessor, Mastery. To have the user enter Final, they must have already been in Mastery for at least 2 turns prior, while their body accumulates to the enormous power that flows through them with their Cosmic Chakra. As the users Cosmic Chakra begins to properly settle into the perfect form, an increase in their abilities begin to shine through, They have a choice to focus their Cosmic Chakra into their physical strength or their spiritual strength. By choosing their physical, they gain an increase the damage shaving to -30 while gaining an increase of +20 to their Taijutsu, Kenjutsu and Bukijutsu techniques. Choosing the Spiritual side, they gain the ability to detect Genjutsu up to A rank, while being able to passively break genjutsu up to B rank. In this form the leaking Cosmic chakra causes the user to be able to sense forms of chakra that comes into contact with their own, giving a double increase to the users tracking.
Entering Final form however comes at a cost where the user is forced to choose between splitting their physical and spiritual prowess. Should the user focus on their physical attributes, they lose their ability to cast genjutsu above B rank. Should they focus on the Spiritual aspect of their techniques, they lack the ability to produce elemental techniques above B rank. It is possible to change the speciality of the Final Form, however this requires the user to spend no Cosmic Chakra for the turn while the entire body shifts to align to the new side of the user. If swapping from physical to spiritual, the user cannot cast elemental techniques no attack with any taijutsu or kenjutsu techniques above A rank for that turn. To swap from spiritual to physical, the user cannot cast any genjutsu above A rank that turn or use Kai.


-Initial cost of 40 Cosmic Ckara, with an ongoing -10 each turn
-Must have Mastery activated for at least 2 turns prior
-Final Form lasts 8 turns and the user reverts to Mastery form
-No Form cannot be activated for 4 turns after

Declined. There's nothing about your clan that indicates you can augment your Spiritual strength (which essentially translates to spiritual energy). The Drive states pretty clearly outline you're able to either enhance your physical traits and chakra, but nothing spiritual. That isn't to say you can't do something that strengthens you spiritually, but you'd have to word it differently. Because as it stands now, the way this custom is worded it doesn't allow you to achieve that within the limits of your clan. That said, I think you should take it in a completely different direction.

Gōsuto Doraivu | Ghost Drive

Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: B/A/S
Range: Short
Chakra: +10 Per Technique
There are few styles of combat that allows the Tenshi clan to provide a unique way to fight their opponents. One such way that was mastered by the user Aqua, was the Ghost drive. Eventually mastered and taught among other users, this became a signature technique that caused the user to augment their Cosmic Chakra to produce different effects. By taking advantage of the Cosmic Chakras ability to "not interact or be maniplated by elements" despite how much damage a technique contains, the user applies a Cosmic chakra barrier specifically designed to strengthen their Cosmic Chakra techniques via an increase of the amount of Cosmic Chakra infused into a technique. The Ghost Drive has 2 uses, which is either "Reflect" or "Magnet", each with their own unique properties as outlined.
Reflect causes the Cosmic Chakra techniques involved to effectively "tank" the techniques, to reflect them away from the target and bounce away. The elemental technique in question will no lose power or cause a 'clash' but simply instead be redirected as if a form of solid space was in its way.
Magnet takes a technique and 'captures' it, causing a shell to appear between the incoming technique and the Cosmic Chakra creation as it then begins to either be held in place or simply keep rotating or moving in a circle bouncing off the walls of the cosmic chakra.

No Drive Form:
While in a base form, the user can only apply this to B rank techniques. They are broken by the equal surge of chakra.

Master Drive Form:
While in Mastery Form, the user is capable of applying this to A rank techniques, and creating them specifically within range.

Final Drive Form:
Capable of being applied to up to S rank techniques, this allows the user to apply it to the user themselves.

-Master Drive Form can only be applied 6 times.
-Final Form Can only be applied 4 times
-Requires a single turn in between each use.

Declined. I'm not really sure I understand how the Magnet form works. The way it's worded almost seems like gravity, or something like that. Word on clarifying the mechanics of the customs so that someone not familiar with your clan can grasp them easily. Also, do some spell checking. There are some errors here that could be ironed out.
Drive Form - Changing to focus on physical and CCJ improvement, to remove spiritual side.
Ghost Drive - Reworking completely

Duraibu Katachi | Drive Form
Rank: N/A
Range: Self (up to mid range for burst upon entering form)
Chakra: N/A (40, -10)
Damage: 40
The Tenshi clan have the power of the cosmos emanating from them, from the seed that is planted within their bloodline. This unique power transmutes their energies at 5% of their maximum chakra pool per turn. This mutation of their chakra allows them to flood their body, creating a whole brand new type of chakra. Creating this chakra triggers the first form, called "Drive Form" where in by the body converts 5% of their spiritual and physical energy into Comic Chakra instead of regular chakra. This form is what the Tenshi are made by, how they are recognized and called "Angels", where in the Comic Chakra begins to flow through and out of their body, (uniquely coloured by the individual). Cosmic Chakra itself cannot be interacted with by elemental chakra, where when coming into contact with elemental chakra, becoming a clash of chakra cost, where the higher chakra cost will win, while the same chakra costs will cancel each other out. This first Drive Form happens suddenly and instantly, creating a small omnidirectional sphere of their Cosmic Chakra to explode outwards in a shockwave fashion dealing damage (40).

Master Form
The initial Transformation form that the Tenshi are known for is called the Drive Form: Mastery. This basic form allows the user to have their Cosmic Chakra flow through their body, to unleash it from the shard that is embedded within them and begin to harness its strength.
While coursing through their body, the Tenshi gain an increase in their strength, speed and reactionary capabilities. The Cosmic Chakra creates a secondary skin that covers the user in an aura, providing a strength in toughness that must be overcome to physically strike the user. This toughness increases damage shaving capabilities by 20 extra damage, or if the user has none it gives a -20 damage shaving bonus. While the Cosmic Chakra flow, the users muscles and body begin to be flooded with this new universal power, increasing their strength. Their speed, at which they are able to move their body increases giving them a three time boost. While begining to flow, the users body begins to adapt and settle with the rapid new changes. The burst from this explosive cosmic chakra sends back a sonar like echo of all forms of chakra to the user that it passes through and touches. While in this form, the users Cosmic chakra begins leaking out into the surrounding area at one range per turn starting a short.

Final Form
The Drive Form known as Final is a more powerful form that strengthens the power that is granted by its predecessor, Mastery. To have the user enter Final, they must have already been in Mastery for at least 2 turns prior, while their body accumulates to the enormous power that flows through them with their Cosmic Chakra. As the users Cosmic Chakra begins to properly settle into the perfect form, an increase in their abilities begin to shine through. With their cosmic chakra now having settled and changed into its perfect form, the user has an increase to their skill sets, namely their physical strength and Cosmic Chakra techniques. Due to the increase in their physical form and mastery over their Cosmic Chakra, they gain an increase the damage shaving to -30 while gaining an increase of +20 to their Taijutsu, Kenjutsu and Bukijutsu techniques. In addition to this, CCJ, Cosmic chakra techniques have a power up in this form, increasing their potency by an extra +20 damage, or should it be used defensively, capable of defending against 20 extra damage. In this form the leaking Cosmic chakra causes the user to be able to sense forms of chakra that comes into contact with their own, giving a double increase to the users tracking.

-Initial cost of 40 Cosmic Ckara, with an ongoing -10 each turn
-Must have Mastery activated for at least 2 turns prior
-Final Form lasts 8 turns and the user reverts to Mastery form
-No Form cannot be activated for 4 turns after

Declined. 3x speed boost for Mastery Form is too high. Going that high is gonna need some steeper penalties. The Mastery Form also has a contradiction. You say Cosmic Chakra cannot be interacted with by Elemental Techniques, which is why it goes off a chakra vs chakra rubric, but then mention that the aura of Cosmic Chakra that acts as a second skin grants damage shaving. You say it "toughens" the user's body, but the current wording indicates that it's this second skin itself that's shaving the damage. Thirdly, you need real restrictions for both the Mastery and Final Forms. Limitations in what you can use, and better turn limits. Reverting to the Mastery Form after 8 turns of usage of the Final Form isn't a real restriction, and you don't have a turn limit on it either.

Gōsuto Doraivu | Ghost Drive
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: N/A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: -5/10/15 Per Turn
Tenshi Clan members have a unique chakra that is consistently leaking out from their body. This chakra, their Cosmic Chakra has a unique interaction with Elemental Chakra, in that it cannot interact with it. When a Cosmic Chakra Technique and Elemental Technique come into contact, they will warp and fight to occupy the same space, with the greater volume of chakra winning. In a sense, this is a Chakra vs Chakra battle, where the greater source of chakra wins. A side effect of the Tenshi Clans Chakra system is that it leaks out of their system, covering Short range while they have no Drive Form, and then when entering their forms begins extending outwards at a rate of one range per turn. Additionally as the user enters stronger forms, the potency and strength of the Cosmic Chakra also improves. As a result elemental chakra has a harder time reaching a Tenshi user as they release more and more Cosmic chakra creating the field around them.

No Drive Form:
While in a base form, the damage receives -10 chakra from incoming Elemental Chakra. -5 cosmic chakra per turn

Master Drive Form:
While in Mastery Form, the damage receives -20 from incoming Elemental chakra. -10 cosmic chakra per turn

Final Drive Form:
Having the most potent Cosmic Chakra, the damage receives -30 from incoming Elemental chakra. -15 cosmic chakra per turn

As an additional action once per turn, the user can disperse themselves into pure Cosmic Chakra, capable of moving and interacting with it as if it was completely their essence. When the user chooses to they can reform their body anywhere within their Cosmic Chakra aura. During this time they cannot take any physical actions that require a body to do so.

-Incoming resistances count as a debuff in regards to 'buff/debuff' rules
-The user is able to manipulate their cosmic chakra so that they are able to create openings, gaps etc, when they use elemental techniques to avoid having their own techniques affected.
-This technique must be either stated in the users biography or at the start of a battle
-Dispersion can be used 4 times with a 1 turn cool down inbetween.

Declined. This one is a bit...problematic. Your CC doesn't make any mention that Cosmic Chakra interacts with jutsu on a chakra vs chakra level. While it's fine to make individual and specific jutsu that do so, it only works for those individual and specific jutsu. The way this is written now, it comes off as something you should be putting in the CC submission itself. You're not gonna be allowed to make that something that defines the energy as a whole with the jutsu. Similar to the previous technique, it makes no sense that it follows a chakra vs chakra rubric and also shaves damage.

--New Technique--

Tenshi no Yotsuru | Embrace of the Siren
Rank: B-S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20-40 (+10 for form 2, additional +10 per turn to maintain)
Damage: 40-80
With the users Cosmic chakra, they are capable of manipulating it into additional parts of their body, providing extra strength and Reach that they could not usually achieve. Embrace of the Siren is the application of this chakra to form extra chakra arms that surround the user, capable of performing the same tasks as what the user is capable of doing. By forming 5 handseals, the user grows the chakra from their back, looking like (what ever their chakra colour is) hands and arms, up to the shoulder that then extend out. Depending on the Form the user is in, depends on how many arms that can be created.

No Drive Form:
The user is capable of only forming 2 arms

Mastery Form:
The user is capable of making 4 arms

Final Form:
The user is capable of forming 6 arms

You must be registered for see images

The second application of this technique should the user wish to pay an additional 10 regular chakra for the cost, and an additional 2 seals, is to incorporate fuuinjutsu into the technique. This allows the user to have the kanji symbol for what ever element, or what ever the users 'Extra' specialisation is in onto the palm of the hand. These seals are made out of regular chakra, instead of the users Cosmic chakra. These seals act like a corridoor between the users Cosmic Chakra and regular elemental chakra. This gives the user two options. At the cost of a move slot within a turn, the user can either activate this technique to seal either an incoming jutsu of the correct Kanji (eg seal a fire technique on the hand that has the symbol for fire), or to seal their own technique within the arm itself (either an elemental or Cosmic Chakra technique). Giving the properties of the seal, the arm then is capable of unleashing the said technique in addition to an attack from the arm itself. Each seal can have only one technique sealed within it at any given time, however the user can mix and match what ever seals they like, eg 2 fire one water one lightning, or one of each element etc. While Cosmic Chakra cannot interact with Elemental Chakra, the actual Fuuinjutsu seals themselves hold the Elemental Chakra in their Time/Space dimension. Similarly to how a Kote doesnt need chakra to hold the technique itself, the arms are capable of holding seals, that use chakra to seal.

-Lasts for 4 turns and has a 2 turn cooldown
-Yin, Yang and YinYang Specialties due to their higher chakra cost incorporate an additonal extra +10 chakra in accordance to the new rules.
-Each arm can hold only a single seal, and technique at any given time.

Declined, as the Mastery and Final Forms were also declined.
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Active member
Jul 27, 2011
Trait Points
Danjon Djinn ✽ Dungeon Of Djinns
Rank: S
Range: Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: n/a
Description: This technique is one of the core "techniques" of the clan, giving other people access to the homes of the "Djinn Beings". The user will simply reverse summon them and/or their opponents into a dungeon that is the home of the users Djinn. The inside of the dungeons take the look of a labyrinth, looking like a small city, with doors, rivers, etc. Once inside the dungeon, you dont have access to the outside world (unless you are a Djinn clansmen, or a s/t user that is able to teleport). Even though this is the home of the Djinn beings, they dont have any special advantage as far as terrain, but due to them being in their home, they are able to manifest outside of the "metal vessel" of the user. This allows the Djinn beings to fight as a partner, sharing the chakra and health system as their user, only being able to use their perspective element and Rukh. This means if the user takes 80 damage, the Djinn also takes this and vice versa.

Note: Can only use once per battle
Note: Djinn beings share the strength, speed, chakra nature, and health points of the user

¤ Both Approved, made edits ¤
Updating The Above

Danjon Djinn ✽ Dungeon Of Djinns
Rank: S
Range: Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: n/a
Description: This technique is one of the core "techniques" of the clan, giving other people access to the homes of the "Djinn Beings". The user will simply reverse summon them and/or their opponents into a dungeon that is the home of the users Djinn. The inside of the dungeons take the look of a labyrinth, looking like a small city, with doors, rivers, etc. Once inside the dungeon, you dont have access to the outside world (unless you are a Djinn clansmen, or a s/t user that is able to teleport). Due to this being the home of the Djinn Beings and being made purely of Rukh, It not only allows the Djinn beings to manifest in a physical form (This is excluded if a Djinn Equip technique is in play) , but they are able to manipulate the terrain, from something as creating walls,houses or even cracking the earth below them, all the way to manipulating the earth causing it to bend like rubber, being used for both offensive, defensive and supplementary. The Djinn cannot manipulate areas of the terrain within five meters of the opponent/opposing living beings.

When this technique is used, by reversing the user it allows the djinn beings to be able to fully manifest without needing a vessel. Doing this, they are able to fight alongside their masters. When they fight, they are linked by sharing the chakra and health system as the user, only being able to use their perspective element and Rukh. This means if the user takes 80 damage, the Djinn also takes this and vice versa. Depending on how powerful the Djinn Clansmen depends on how many they are able to fight with

Note: Can only use once per battle
Note: Djinn beings share the strength, speed, chakra nature, and health points of the user
Note: Magi Rank can fight with three Djinn (Must Specify Which Djinn (Djinn Equip Technique Must be made for the Djinn)). Kings Candidate can fight with two, every other can fight with one, and can switch out the Djinn once every three turns at the cost of a move
Note: Each Djinn Being have access to their exclusive technique (Specified Djinn Equip Technique) and follow the same guidelines as such.

Approved. Edits made.

Jin sōbi V2 ✽ Djinn Equip V2
Rank: S
Range: Self
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/a
Description: Djinn are lifeforms created from the Rukh. Their power and even themselves can reside inside vessels that the users wear be it, bracelets, earrings, swords, armor etc, but through the vessels is the dungeon, making it essentially a median for them to get their powers to the user without direct access to the dungeons. The Djinn beings serve their masters, but most of them look to Djinn being as partners. After countless training and fighting alongside each other, they are able to go beyond using their powers through the median, but able to essentially "fuse" with their Djinn beings through their median (metal vessel), creating what is called Djinn Equip. This is when the user gains characteristics and aesthetics of that particular djinn, while also gaining the abilities they harbor as well. There are some special Djinn beings that only certain people can harbor. Unlike the brother technique, this technique is not elemental but follow the unique patterns and abilities of them from a basic standpoint such as kenjutsu, taijutsu etc.

✽Leraje : Leraje is the Kenjutsu Djinn Being. Leraje's hair seems to be made of some type of crystal, and some parts of her body are also covered by crystals. She has pointed ears and wears make-up that always seems to be melting .In this form, Kouha's hair grows longer and turns a lighter shade. He has spikes coming out of his back that take the shape of wings. He gains a sideways third eye in the middle of his forehead. His arms and legs are both become clad in spikes. The user sword gains the ability to extend and grow up to long range being able to cut. During this form, the user gains immunity to all Kenjutsu techniques up to S rank and can tank one F rank Kenjutsu per battle. The user also gains +1 Rank to all Kenjutsu and/or +25 to S ranks. Once per battle the user can use a Djinn Exclusive kenjutsu technique called where the user takes to the sky creating a large symbol that reaches long range while converting the sword into a large pink scythe. They will then swing the scythe downards creating a powerful sharp air pressure that even slams down on the opponent, enough to cause craters 10 meters deep with enough sharpness to cut through harden materials of S rank and below(Reaches long range).

✽Zurmudd : Zurmudd is the Taijutsu Djinn Being. Zurmudd has the appearance abnormally muscular human with black scales all on its body. Like all Djinns a third eye. In this equip the user gains black latex cloth around his body with white patterns with two huge arms (Four times the size of regular arms reaching five meters out) protruding out their shoulders which is able to be used for taijutsu in the same rank as other techniques passively. During this equip the user gains complete immunity to Taijutsu techniques of S rank and lower and can tank one F rank Taijutsu technique per battle. The user also gains +1 rank to all Taijutsu techniques and/or +25 to S rank and above (The arms on the users shoulders deal D rank damage freeform). Once per turn they can use a Djinn exclusive taijutsu technique called where the user slams the hands from their shoulder into the ground. Doing this will create multiple large arms that reach up to long range to spawn across the battle field. They will attempt to capture the opponent in their hand with an attempt to simply crush their body. (Reaches long range)

✽Belial : Belial is the Genjutsu djinn Being. Unlike most Djinn, Belial has five eyes: one pair in the usual place, another pair above them, and a single one on his forehead. He also wears elaborate jewelry and has many bones, which appear to be from that of a dragon, that covers his upper arms and some of his hair. . During this equip the user the user hair changes including the color and length. Unlike most djinn equips he has not one but two eyes on the forehead that he is able to use as a median for genjutsu, allowing that if its in reach of the users eye sight then it can be casted. Also he gets black wings with a skeleton armor that covers his backside with a dormant dragon made from rukh around his neck like a scarf . During this equip the user gains complete immunity to Genjutsu techniques of S rank and lower and can dispel one unique style of genjutsu (Sound, Sharingan etc) technique per battle. The user also gains +1 rank to all genjutsu techniques and/or +25 to S rank and above. Once per turn the user can use a Djinn Exclusive Genjutsu technique called Belior Zakera where the dragon that is around the user neck becomes active. It will then grow in size in the sky (Manda size) And release a very powerful roar. This roar will induce a genjutsu where a massive black dome long range that would form around those caught in it, while inside the dome the targets would lose all their senses (Sight, Chakra sensory, Sound, Scent etc) except their sense of touch.

✽Zepar: Zepar is the ninjutsu Djinn being. Zepar has the appearance of an imp, with a potbelly, horns sprouting out of his head and bat wings on his back. . While in this Equip the user has the appearance of a small imp with dragon wings (Which grants flight), hooves, two pairs of horns, a furry tail, and a third eye Due to his small nature they are a master of mastering rukh and chakra, allowing them to use -20 less chakra for all of their techniques. His voice also becomes childlike . During this equip the user gains complete immunity to Ninjutsu techniques of S rank and lower and can tank one F rank Ninjutsu technique per battle. The user also gains +1 rank to all Ninjutsu techniques and/or +25 to S rank and above. Once per battle the user can use a djinn exclusive Ninjutsu technique called which the user creates a shape resembling a kaleidoscope from dark rukh (Black in color) on the ground. This will send a disturbance to everybody caught in it, reducing damage by -10 while also decreasing the rank of each technique by one. (Reaches long range outwards)

✽Dantalion : Dantalion is the Fuinjutsu djinn being. Dantalion resembles a large woman with horns coming out of her head and sharp teeth. Koumei has curly horns on each side of his head, and his hair is loose. He wears some kind of armor and has the eight pointed star symbol on the back of each hand in which he is able to force chakra sealing upon physical contact passivley. During this equip the user gains complete immunity to Fuinjutsu techniques of S rank and lower by being able to disrupt it and dispelling it due to the rukh. While being able to dispel one F rank Fuinjutsu technique per battle. The user also gains +1 rank to all Fuinjutsu techniques and/or +25 to S rank and above. Once per turn the user can use a djinn exclusive Fuinjutsu technique called : Where the user instantly erects a barrier from around them 2 meters out. Anything that comes in contact with this barrier (Excluding the user) Will be completely incinerated making this a very dangerous barrier(living targets take 80 damage). (Technique last for 2 turns)

Note: Can use each equip twice per battle with a 2 turn cool down. After use, the user cannot use S rank or higher Magi techniques for 2 Turns.
Note: User cannot use techniques from other variants of this jutsu that Is not the Djinn in use.
Note: Each form last a max of three turns
Note: Each Special attack/technique is classified as S rank
Note: Each Equip gains a +3 to speed (Excluding Taijutsu which gives x2 and kenjutsu that gets x1.5)

Approved. Edits made.

Soromon saigo no negai ✽ The Last Wish Of Solomon
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Self
Chakra: 50 (To Activate) (+10 to all techniques, +20 To Rukh techniques)
Damage: n/a (-15 per turn)
Description: This technique is the last technique to ever be used by the Djinn clansmen, needing to either be uncious via health, or chakra exhausting, in which the technique automatically activates. This technique is essentially a forced activation of Djinn equip, but more unique in its usage. By doing this, they forced their bodies inside the user and take it over due to them always having a mental link. This is similar to that of Kurama when he took over naruto body to speak. While in this state the Djinn is able to speak to the unconscious mind mentally. Unlike the brother/sister techniques they dont take on any physical traits of the Djinn being. The area around the pupil turns black while the eyes become oval in shape and deep red. Several Scar markings on their face and body. The personality depends on the Djinn being used to take over (The Djinn must be approved via the Djinn Equip techniques in which they will mimick the tone and personality that way). Due to the Djinn essentially having their own body as a vessel their rukh becomes alot more powerful, causing them to glow constantly and even move via levitation. Though this does not come without great cost to the humans body. As this technique is active, the users body constantly takes damage. Once damage reaches it limit again or chakra consumption the Djinn is kicked out of the body, losing the battle indefinite. If the user became unconcious due to Chakra the djinn will take over with 1000 chakra and whatever the amount of health they normally had. If its due to health, they will spawn in with 150 Healty and however else chakra they left off with.

Note: Can only use once
Note: Technique ends once health depletes or chakra depletes
Note: Cant use any form of Djinn Equip in this form as Djinns cant merge together
Note: Each turn the user takes Damage, while every attack dealt to the user deals an additional +10 Damage.
Note: While possessing the user, the Djinn can only utilize Rukh/Djinn CCJ, three of the user's basic five elements(and any CE/AE they make up, and three advanced fields such as Fuuinjutsu, Yin-Yang, etc)

Approved. Edit made.
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Negative Knight

Active member
Jun 8, 2012
Trait Points
(Kanki: Jidai no Pendoragon) – Surge of Evocation: Epoch of the Pendragons
Type: Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: A-S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 30-40
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Considered the sibling of the Era of Gods and Dynasty of Kings, the Majesty of the Pendragon involves surging a large amount of Prana throughout the user’s body in order to enter the Throne. Their body, and everything on their person, will disappear instantly in a flash of light reflecting the color of their Prana. The user will then reappear amidst another flash of light at a location of their choosing; despite its nature, this process takes a few moments. Reappearing is accompanied by a crackling sound, creating both an audible and visual queue. This is enabled by the fact that the ethereal energy constantly exists within their chakra systems. Twice per battle the user can utilize a stronger version of this ability to prolong their stay in the Throne. This allows them to exist within the alternate dimension as Prana, which effectively places their body in a stasis. This halts blood loss, the propagation of poisons, the duration of active techniques/abilities, and any other aliments or conditions. This will happen for as long as the user is within the Throne. The user can only remain there for a maximum of four turns per usage. As long as the user re-appears on the battlefield on in the same landmark, then using this technique will not count toward escaping battle. If the user opts to re-appear in a different landmark then they will effectively forfeit the battle and the event. This only applies if the user utilizes Majesty while engaged in battle and not travel purposes. The first application, considered A-Rank, can only be used once every four turns. It can also only be used four times per battle. The second application, considered S-Rank, can only be used twice per battle and operates on the same cooldown as the A-Rank version. S-Rank applications render the user unable to use S-Rank or higher Prana for the next turn, if the user remains in the Throne for longer than a turn.

✦ Both Approved ✦
Updating Epoch

(Kanki: Kyojin no Jidai) – Surge of Evocation: Epoch of Titans
Type: Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: B-S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 20-40
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Considered the father technique of Era of Gods and Dynasty of Kings, Epoch of Titans uses the Surge of Evocation's ability to teleport objects and Surgebinders to the Throne, and return them to the field.

The Wandering Sea - Bending Space
The user, instead of applying this technique to their own body, can manifest Prana around any object or feature of the terrain to teleport it to the Throne and return it immediately or with a delayed timer. The teleported object can either reappear in a new location instantly, in the same manner as the user's own teleportation, or the user can set a delay of up to four turns and it will return on the first turn after the said number of turn elapses (e.g. a delay of 4 turns, the casting of this jutsu counting as the 1st, means it will reappear at the beginning of the user's 5th turn). The user can also create a technique or familiar with an aura of prana, which can only take affect in the same turn it is created, that allows the technique to teleport itself to a new location. This applies to virtually all type of jutsu except those which are streamed, as the user would find themselves unable to progress to this technique before the other reaches its end. This application occurs in the same timeframe as the jutsu cast and offensive jutsu teleported in this manner must reappear a minimum of five-meters away from any opponents unless the user is also within short-range of that opponent, in which it must reappear at least one meter away.

The user cannot teleport any object or jutsu to or from a 1-meter distance from any opponents, unless this teleportation is used non-offensively (e.g. delivering a weapon, pick-pocketing an item, essentially anything which does not deal damage). However this entire variant cannot be applied to the opponent's jutsus which exceed B-Rank in chakra and it cannot be used on Noble Phantasms or Custom Weapons.

The Everlasting Heaven - Warping Time
This variant involves surging a large amount of Prana throughout the user’s body in order to enter the Throne. Their body, and everything on their person, will disappear instantly in a flash of light reflecting the color of their Prana. The user will then reappear amidst another flash of light at a location of their choosing. If the user reappears within less than a meter of the opponent, the opponent can react with any instant, passive or freeform or chakraless technique. Reappearing is accompanied by a crackling sound, creating both an audible and visual queue. The instant use of this technique, which doesn't take a slot in the timefreame, is enabled by the fact that the ethereal energy already exists within their chakra systems. Thrice per battle the user can utilize a stronger version of this ability (S-Rank) to prolong their stay in the Throne. This allows them to exist within the alternate dimension as Prana, which effectively places their body in a stasis. This halts blood loss, the propagation of poisons, the duration of active techniques/abilities, and any other aliments or conditions. This will happen for as long as the user is within the Throne. The user can only remain there for a maximum of four turns per usage. As long as the user re-appears on the battlefield on in the same landmark, then using this technique will not count toward escaping battle. If the user opts to re-appear in a different landmark then they will effectively forfeit the battle and the event. This only applies if the user uses Epoch while engaged in battle and not for travel purposes. The first application, considered A-Rank, can only be used once every three turns. It can also only be used four times per battle. The second application, considered S-Rank, can only be used three per battle and operates on the same cooldown as the A-Rank version. S-Rank applications render the user unable to use S-Rank or higher Prana for the next turn, if the user remains in the Throne for longer than a turn.

Declined. See colored portions. This is too broad, and I can already see it being used and treated to yoink items like how the old Akatsuki rings could be taken. Second colored portion can be removed entirely as the Ninja World Rules cover this issue (see thread for details).

(Busou: Kenshoushi no Seiki) – Surge of Armament: Century of Champions
Type: Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A
Description: This technique is the most fundamental Armament technique in the Surgebinder arsenal and covers each major class of warrior. The user can summon the Noble Phantasm anywhere on the field, but it must be at least short-range away from the opponent unless the user is also inside that range. Servant rank Surgebinders can sustain the summoned Phantasm indefinitely but they will be prevented from calling forth any further Noble Phantasms until they return this one to the Throne. Heroic Spirits and above can sustain two Noble Phantasms indefinitely but will also be prevented from calling forth any further weapons until at least one is returned.

Blades of the Saber
The user will summon a sword from the Throne with a glowing metal blade that vibrates at the frequency of lightning. It is coated in and charged with a never-ending current of electricity that cannot be short circuited or insulated. The blade can be stabbed into a conductive surface such as earth, water, metal, mist, etc to release currents of electricity in every direction, that quickly form into dozens, hundreds or thousands of replicas of the metal blade jutting upwards, downwards or in any direction. This counts as a move, deals 60 damage per attack (regardless of the number of blades used) and the user is free to perform other techniques. If the user drops the blade, it can be recalled to their hand with a mental command or manipulated remotely through hand gestures in a similar manner to Lightning Blade Levitation. Upon summoning, the blade leaks prana into the user's body which renders them immune to electric shocks and paralysis. Alternatively, the glowing blade is coated in wreath of prana-infused flames which cannot be extinguished. Both the fire and the aforementioned electricity, can be used as a source for Fire, Lightning and advanced or custom elements which are energetic (e.g. Dark, Rhythm or Storm). This fiery blade renders the user immune to burns, dehydration and the effects of scorching temperatures. The blades themselves deal 80 damage on direct contact with the opponent’s body or techniques. Using it to counter a technique counts as one of the user’s moves per turn.

Spears of the Lancer
The user will summon an indestructible, two-meter long spear, staff or lance from the Throne into either of their hands. These weapons will be slightly elastic to the point they can be used for pole vaulting and will be capable of extending their length. The speed of extension will be twice the user's base speed but retracting it to restore it's original size will occur instantly. Since the weapon is not subject to the effects of gravity, the user will not be weighed down regardless of how much it increases in size. This will also enable it to fly through the air and the user can control it's movements through mental commands. The weapon will also have the have the malleability of a liquid, allowing it to change shape at will. Noble Phantasms in this class will possess the ability to enter and exit the Throne passively and instantly, taking no slot in the timeframe. Each time it disappears, an exact replica of the weapon will remain it's place, completely camouflaging it's teleportation to the naked eye. These replicas will possess all of the abilities of the original but they will only have the durability of a basic kunai. Their creation process is exactly the same as the Shadow Shuriken technique but there is no puff of smoke. It can teleport any number of times in a given turn but all the created duplicates will collectively count as one move.

Bows of the Archer
The user will summon any kind of bow as well as a quiver full of arrows onto their back. The quiver will appear with a strap that will be fastened onto the user's body. Upon contact with the bow, the user's body will be flooded with an incredible amount of prana. This will enhance their sense of sight without making them more sensitive to bright lights or intense stimuli. This increased visual acuity will allow them to see everything in the landmark they're in as well as see through clouds of dust, mist and heavy rain. This means they will be completely unaffected by such conditions present in certain landmarks. Their eyes will also become capable of following the speed of quicker targets, which translates to a tracking increase of x3. The arrows will not be subject to the effects of gravity or air resistance and so they will continue perpetually nor will they ever slow down since no energy is lost. They will also cleanly slice through basic weapons and ninja tools them without being deflected off their trajectory in the slightest. They will seek out and be drawn to targets with chakra foreign to the user's own once they are fired. When multiple sources of foreign chakra exist, they will always be directed towards the ones with the greatest concentration of chakra. Once per turn, by pulling back the bowstring and releasing it, long stream(s) of wind-infused prana will be emitted from the front of the bow. The infusion of wind chakra will give the prana distinct slicing properties, enabling them to cut straight through solid targets. This is an A-Ranked ability, will cost a move and has a long-range reach. Both the normal arrows and the streams of prana will travel at twice the user's speed.

Chariot of the Rider
The user will summon a chariot, golem, fortress or anything else that can be ridden. All of the Noble Phantasms in this class are capable of flight and can be a maximum size of twenty meters in radius. They will also be durable enough to tank one S-Rank technique per turn, whereby they will then passively regenerate from the damage sustained by the end of the turn. The golems can come in any shape or form, whether it's animalistic, humanoid, a hybrid or monstrous. Large-scale phantasms will displace the user's body in the same way as summons do if they're manifested beneath them. Earth-based phantasms will be constructed of rock and stone while Water-based ones will be made of ice. More accurately, most of the exterior will be made of ice that can't be melted and the interior will contain a large quantity of water. The water will be encased by the ice from all sides barring the top, allowing it to be accessed. The user will be capable of manipulating the earth/water for the use of techniques. The phantasm can be made of any solid or liquid material and be used as a source for Custom Element or Advanced Element techniques. This will be supplemented by their ability to regenerate, meaning the source will replenish itself upon and even during use and therefore can even be used to perform techniques larger than itself. Since it is infused with copious of amounts of Prana, it can't be manipulated by the opponent and techniques created from that source will have their strengths and weaknesses erased.

Armour of the Berserker
The user will summon an armour slightly larger than their body, made of any material, over their current attire, which will envelop them fully or partially. In the case of full body armours, by default they will not conceal the user's eyes or mouth unless specified otherwise. All armours in this class can be reshaped passively to extend weapons, limbs, spikes, tendrils, prehensile tails, hands which can perform handseals and wings capable of flight. These suit of armour will be both weightless and flexible at the joints, meaning they will not hinder the user's ability to move in the slightest. The composition of the armours makes them incredibly durable, rendering them immune to damage from A-Rank and below techniques. It can completely block/negate the damage of one S-Rank technique but this will neutralize the Noble Phantasm and return it to the Throne. The armour insulates both electrical currents and extreme heats and will also absorb the force of massive impacts or techniques. They user will sustain no fall damage, from any height, and the armour will absorb and reflect the impact of any physical strike onto the attacker. Since they are fully infused with prana, the armour cannot be manipulated by foreign chakra or energy. Only the user can use the armour as a source for techniques.

Grimoire of the Caster
The user will summon a 'spellbook' onto their person that can't be made wet, burnt or corroded. It will also insulate any electrical currents and despite it's composition, possess enough durability to sustain S-Rank and below offensive techniques without taking damage. Upon contact with the user's body or attire, the book will leak prana into them to enhance their body and ability to mold chakra. The prana infusion will render the user's body virtually weightless and lighter than air, allowing them to fly through the air while they're in contact with the book. The main effect of the infusion is that the user gains +20 damage to the element or ability of their choice (defensive and supplementary jutsu can defend against or affect jutsu one rank higher than normal). The user can perform all techniques by gesturing a single hand, as long as they're holding the grimoire in the other. These effects only apply if the user is holding it, and the effects will have to be recast if the user reacquires the grimoire after dropping it or being disarmed (although it does not cost a move or take a slot in the timeframe to do this). Once per turn, the grimoire can release a large amount of Prana that will form into shields or geometric shapes around the user. The shields can be linear walls or they can expand into 3D shapes that encapsulate the user partially or completely. The user can extend spikes, tendrils and other harmful constructions from these shields up to a short-range distance but these extensions will always remain connected to the central structure. This is an S-Ranked ability and will count as a move when used.

Masks of the Assassin
The user will summon a mask and cloak filled with daggers, which will manifest over their current attire. Both the cloak and mask are waterproof, fireproof, and will defend against freeform damage of all kinds. Every cloak and mask will possess a unique colour and design and will fit the user perfectly as each is tailor-made for the individual. Within the interior of the cloak, held in place by numerous pockets, are countless throwing daggers known as 'Black Keys'. These daggers are invisible, unaffected by air resistance, produce no sound whatsoever and are impossible to sense. Whenever they clash with or come into contact with anything, no sound is produced by the collision/contact. These daggers can be used in exactly the same manner as basic ninja tools.

Approved. Made edits.

(Busou: Kunrin no Akuma) – Surge of Armament: Reign of Demons
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: The user will summon a cloak from the Throne onto their body, with this coat manifesting over their current attire. Through the infusion of prana, the cloak has been bestowed with several properties that render it an ideal defence for battle. The cloak can neither be burnt nor made to be wet. It insulates both high heats as well as electrical currents, allowing it to insulate unfocused lightning techniques before they can affect the user. It is also non-reactive and immune to corrosion, rendering the cloak immune to chemical elements which target it. The cloak is bulletproof and will defend against freeform damage of all kinds, from bladed weapons to explosions spawned from paper tags. The weapon itself can’t be destroyed, but it can be forcibly returned to the Throne when struck by a jutsu that exceeds 80 damage. It’s defensive abilities are not reduced by techniques that are equal to or below this damage threshold, however this defence only applies to the Noble Phantasm itself. It does not render the user immune to jutsu of this level, but rather reduces the damage they take from attacks by 40. This damage reduction applies in a logical manner, if the user is only wearing a cloak, their face, hands and other uncovered parts of their body won’t receive any protection. In the case of being struck by a jutsu which exceeds 80 damage, the Noble Phantasm will reduce the damage and power of the jutsu by 40, before the user is harmed and the weapon returns to the Throne. Servant rank Surgebinders can sustain the summoned Phantasm indefinitely but they will be prevented from calling forth any further Noble Phantasms until they return this one to the Throne. Heroic Spirits and above can sustain two Noble Phantasms indefinitely but will also be prevented from calling forth any further weapons until at least one is returned.

Demons of Mephistopheles - Seven Princes of Hell
What truly makes this cloak a Noble Phantasm, is that it contains a familiar composed entirely of prana energy. This familiar is also known as a Rashomon and is composed entirely of white Prana. It exists within the cloak, with the Noble Phantasm acting as the vessel of it's containment. The physical form it takes varies from user to user but it is always some kind of animal, creature or hybrid. Upon being summoned onto the body of a Surgebinder, the Rashomon will sap some of their chakra (equal to this jutsu's chakra cost) and essentially adopt the colour of their Prana. This will change it from it's 'dormant' state to it's 'active' state whereby it's capable of acting autonomously and independently of the user. This will neither cost a move nor occupy a slot in the timeframe, it occurs instantaneously upon the phantasm being summoned. The cloak will develop a glowing aura of light in the colour of the user's Prana to signify the Rashomon's activation. This Rashomon can be controlled through mental commands. It can seamlessly emerge from and reintegrate with the cloak at will. It can be released in any shape or form such as tendrils, spikes, limbs, weapons, animals or any other configuration. As it's body is composed of raw Prana energy, it will exhibit the absorption traits of Evocation. This translates to the ability to absorb objects, parts of the terrain and techniques that possess lower chakra than the Rashomon, however upon clashing with a technique of equal chakra, both it and the opposing technique will cancel eachother out. Upon absorbing a technique possessed of lower chakra, the Rashomon will passively leech the amount of chakra it took to neutralize the jutsu from the user's body to restore itself to full strength. Absorbing techniques will count as a move each time it's used (on the turn of summoning, any absorptions count as part of the single move slot used to summon the weapon) but the user is free to perform other techniques while it occurs. Even while released, the Rashomon possess the ability to constantly reshape and reform itself but it's total size can never exceed mid-range in dimensions. All of these manoeuvres, including its initial release and returning to its vessel are passive manoeuvres. However, it should be noted that when the Rashomon is used to attack an opponent, it will cost a move to do so but again, the user will be free to perform other techniques while this occurs.

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Knightmares of Hijikata - Shinsengumi's Vengeance
Knightmares of Hijikata is a very similar variant to the Seven Princes but instead of a cloak, it creates an oversized suit of armour which surrounds the user entirely. The summoner or wielder of the NP is nestled at its core, and the Knightmare can be thought of as a suit of armour suited to a three or four-meter tall giant. It possesses all of the aforementioned abilities except in this variant of the technique, is that the Rashomon, is infused with one of the user's basic, advanced or custom elements. The prana then, does not absorb but rather burns, crushes, cuts or electrocutes upon contact and follows the S/W of the chosen element exactly. If the chosen element is solid, the Knightmare itself can also be made of that material but this is optional. It possess the same regenerative abilities as the first variant, allowing it to regenerate fully from A-Ranks it is weak to, S-Ranks it is neutral to and Forbidden Ranks it is strong to. A Knightmare's Rashomon can be destroyed quite easily if struck with any jutsu that exceeds those stated ranks in damage (an A-Rank of 70 damage of an element it's weak to will destroy the Rashomon and return the Noble Phantasm to the throne). Since the prana is infused with chakra, it no longer absorbs and therefore the Rashomon can freely interact with the terrain. It can grab a hold of trees and other features of the terrain to travel by rappelling the Knightmare towards that location, it can throw or catch objects and can interact with anything solid as well as energy-based. As with the cloak in Demons of Mephistopheles, any jutsu the user released or created from the user's body or skin, will manifest outside of the Knightmare. Any jutsu which teleport the jutsu or anything similar, will also teleport the Noble Phantasm as it is considered a physical extension of their body. Once a turn, the user can shoot beams, blasts or create geometrical shields that detach from the Rashomon or other projectiles, which are A-Rank in power and count as a move slot but leave the user free to perform other techniques. The Rashomon immediately regenerates its defensive power upon performing this ability, but as with earlier, it will absorb chakra from the wearer to do so. This Noble Phantasm can be worn by summons, as it can take on any humanoid or animal shape, for example a Griffin summon could have dragon-shaped armour.
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Declined. See colored portions. The first part is problematic. This won't be able to defend from things that would be considered 'boosted freedom.' For instance, it can't defend against Eight Inner Gates if the Gates use the specialty that allow the EIG damage boost to increase FF damage. So that won't work. The second part is very problematic; I'm really not sure how to interpret this. Does it reduce damage by 40? Is it debuffing damage by 40? What's the point of it being immune to 80 damage or lower if it also shaves the damage? It's really weird wording and needs to be cut down and clarified a lot.

(Zokyo: Nendai no Shunketsu) - Surge of Augmentation: Age of Heroes
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: B-Forbidden
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 20-50
Damage Points: N/A
Description: This technique deals primarily in augmenting the user's physical body and attributes through the infusion of prana. Activating this technique is instant and will take no slot in the timeframe but it will still cost a move. Upon activating one of the below augmentations, the user's body will develop a glowing aura of prana energy to signify the change. Each Augmentation will have four tiers, level 1 being the lowest and level 4 being the highest. Only Servant ranked and above Surgebinders will be capable of using Level 3 Augmentations and Heroic Spirits and above can use up to Level 4. Each individual Augmentation can last up to four turns and can be used twice per battle, however this technique can only be used four times in all. The user can combine several augmentations, as long as their collective Level doesn't exceed four (e.g. 1 + 3, 2 + 2, etc).

Strength of Heracles - The Twelve Labours
Through this augmentation, the user will increase the physical strength of their whole body. They will become capable of resisting the effects of and breaking out of techniques which restrain, bind or prevent movement of one rank above through physical exertion alone. The user will also become capable of shattering physical and solid techniques equal to the damage of their Taijutsu attacks without incurring recoil damage. In terms of lifting strength, levels one and two will enable the user to lift Dropping Lid, level three would let the user carry the Great Stone Golem and level four would bestow the strength to lift boss summons such as Gamabunta. Thus the user will be capable of grabbing and stopping solid techniques without incurring damage, and throwing them back towards the opponent. All of the aforementioned abilities, when used to counter techniques, will cost a move except on the turn Heracles is activated (they will occupy the same move slot as this technique's activation). Level 1 will increase their Taijutsu damage by +25, Level 2 will increase it by +30, Level 3 will boost it by +35 and Level 4 will boost it by +40. To quantify this beyond measure digits, level one will give the user's freeform strikes bone-breaking force, level two will enable them to punch through steel, levels three and four will enable the destruction of whole buildings with a single strike. Striking the floor with level two will create craters that are short-range in radius, level three will create mid-range craters and level four will create long-range craters. The user will also be capable of leaping with explosive power. This will translate to an ability to cover large distances or reach great heights in a single leap (ten meters for level one and increases by intervals of ten for every additional level). Once this ends, the user's physical strength and taijutsu damage will fall by the same value it was boosted by and they will become incapable of jumping or even lifting their arms, for the same duration that it was used.

See colored portions. A +40 boost is only approvable with very significant drawbacks; in this case, the drawbacks here aren't really enough for it. And we're talking drawbacks like death, or something very significant. Losing the same value in damage to your techniques, and being unable to jump, won't really cut it. I suggest just re-scaling the damage, bringing the tier 4 boost to being +30 (15/20/25/30), or something along these lines.

Speed of Atalanta - Huntress of the Wild
Through this augmentation, the user will increase the speed of their whole body. This boost will extend past the user's running speed and even encompass things like the speed of their strikes and how quickly they can perform handseals. Level one will double the user’s speed, level two would multiply it by x2.5, Level three will triple it and Level four will multiply it by x4. While this infusion is active, the user can use their increased speed to avoid techniques but it will count as a move when used like this, though the user will be capable of performing other jutsu in the same timeframe. Avoiding attacks like this will depend on two things: their size and how quickly they're moving. Essentially if the attack is moving at normal speed while the user is moving at x2 speed, the distance it is away needs to be at least half of it's dimensions (a third for level three, a quarter for level four, etc). For example if the user is moving at x4 speed, to evade an attack moving at the user's base speed that is 20 meters in radius, it needs to be at least 5 meters away for it to be evaded successfully. Evading a technique will cost one of the user's moves per turn (except on initial activation of this augment). When the infusion ends, the user’s speed will fall by the same degree, for the same duration it was used, except for the Level 1 usage. For example, using Level 3 speed for four turns will divide the user’s speed by three so it will fall to one-third of the original for the same number of turns that it was used. Surgebinders which possess Leg Weights possess a greater level of endurance in this augmentation alone and so they will only suffer half of the recoil effects (after Level 4 expires, their speed will fall to ½ of the original rather than ¼).

]This is generally fine. Just remove the colored portion, as having leg weights doesn't really compensate for losing the increased speed. Eight Inner Gates Masters don't have a benefit like that, so someone using an artificial enhancement done through an energy-based ability really shouldn't either.

Invincibility of Achilles - Immortal Vessel
Through this augmentation, the user will increase the durability of their body. This will extend far past a physical toughness that enables the body to sustain massive impact forces without sustaining damage. The user's very being will become stronger than most metals and minerals, their skin will become numb to pain and they will become immune to all kinds of burning, freezing, electrocution or corrosion. Level 1 will make the user immune to B-Rank and below techniques, Level 2 will grant immunity to A-Ranks, Level 3 will make the user immune to S-Ranks, Level 4 will confer immunity to Forbidden Ranks. This immunity applies to techniques which have had their damage boosted. When this augmentation ends, the user's body will become extremely fragile in proportion to the level used (excluding level one). Level two will make it so the user sustains 60 more damage from freeform attacks and offensive techniques, level three will make them deal 80 more damage and level four will do so for 90 damage for the same duration that the Augmentation was used. In addition to that, level three and above will make it so freeform strikes and attacks will deal bone-breaking force upon connecting. This state of vulnerability will persist for as long as Invincibility of Achilles Augmentation was used.

The RP now doesn't really talk about having 'immunity' to certain ranks of physical damage. Rather, we call this 'damage shaving.' So in the case of Immortal Vessel, it would be worded more like "The user reduces damage from all clashes by 40 damage" (effectively B-Rank damage). So this would, in this case, scale like this: 40/60/80/100. Though bear in mind, I'm not sure I'll approve something that reduces physical damage by 100 points; that's on the scale of Yang Release's Yang State, and the drawbacks are FAR more significant than what is currently in Immortal Vessel.

Agility of Perseus - Blessing of Hermes
Unlike speed, agility focuses on moving and changing direction quickly and effectively. It is a combination of nimbleness and explosive movements to accelerate to the user's maximum speed in the shortest time possible. The user will use prana to augment both their reaction time and movement speed, though unlike Atlanta, it will not be a continuous speed boost but rather a 'reactive' one that will only manifest in momentary bursts. Level 1 will increase the user's tracking by x1.5, Level 2 multiples it by two, Level 3 triples it and Level 4 quadruples it. This will be signified by streaks of light in the colour of the user's prana appearing to emanate from the eyes as the pupils dart from left to right. Essentially, it will increase the user's tracking ability and bestow them with the ability to move as fast as they can track but only for a single instant at a time. For example, if an opponent moving at x4 speed launches a kick at their body, the user could sidestep the attack in a sudden burst of speed. In effect, the speed boost will only apply for the time it takes to perform one motion, before fading again. Thus it cannot be used in prolonged ways such as running in order to blitz an opponent at a distance but rather in short bursts. When used to avoid techniques, it will count as a move (except on initial activation) but the user will be capable of performing other jutsu in the same timeframe. When the infusion ends, the user’s tracking will fall by the same degree, for the same duration it was used. They will also become incapable of intense physical exertion or fast movements, preventing them from running or using Taijutsu, for the same number of turns.[/i]

Declined. See notes in each individual application. Overall, fine. You should probably add a limitation to when Level 4 is activated for the entire technique; for example, while each can be used twice, if you use Level 4 you might be only able to use it once.
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Jul 12, 2009
Trait Points
New Cycle: 07/03/2020 - 07/10/2020

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4. Submissions may be declined, at moderator discretion, if a technique is overly lengthy for no reason.
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Nov 29, 2011
Trait Points
Shirumariru no Hikari | Light of the Silmarils
Rank: S
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 70
Damage: 140 [Offensive application]
Description: The Noldor will tap into their heritage and their power, through the use of the Silmarils and the prowess of Yang, the Noldor will use the light from the sun to mask the very light that comes from the technique, followed by him calling forth a beam of blinding light that will either be intended to engulf the enemy or the user.

Wrathful Smite & Divine Smite: This is the offensive aspect of the so-called beam of light that the Noldor is capable of calling forth. Here they will call down a powerful beam of blinding light from above, that will strike down upon their target while having a reach of Mid-range from its epicentre. The pure strength and power that comes with this beam of light and holy fire, seems to have intense weight behind it, forcing their targets into the ground with such force that it cracks the ground and burns everything to cinders, while forced into the ground they are incapable of moving. The pure power and intensity of the holy fire, will purify and destroy the aspects of evil within its reach. While the yang aspect of the technique grants this Wrathful Smite with a unique property. The technique can be used both for defence or offense, through the user, rather than releasing it upon their target(s), they cause it to strike down and engulf themselves in what seems like blinding light. This will incinerate any and all techniques that have evil intentions or intentions to harm the user. This also includes opponents and animals. It also purifies the user. If anyone is caught within the Divine Smite, they will take the full force of the technique [140 damage], however the technique is specifically intended to protect the wielder from incoming harm. In this case, it acts as a defensive barrier capable of defending from anything coming at it from the sides, above or below, as it lets the flow of the holy fire into the ground purifying it as well.

The yang aspect which is infused into technique draws its similarities from the White Tiger technique, where instead of requiring physical strikes, if a target is struck or touches the beam of light, they will experience similar effects. Where a massive amount of yang chakra will enter their body, causing an imbalance, forcing targets to spend twice the normal amount of chakra to perform a technique, while it also burns away at the targets Yin Release chakra to make room until the ratio back to normal. This effectively reduces the victim’s chakra pool by 20 percent, while being in tremendous physical pain, as their muscles begin to tear and burn from the holy fire. Their movement is also reduced as a result by 1/5th.
  • Can be used three times per fight
  • Cannot use above A-rank Silmarili techniques the following turn
Declined. Wow, this one really went off the rails from the wording. How is Yang and Holy Fire letting you call beams of light from the sun? I mean, on a literal sense, you'd have to wait around 8 minutes before your technique would even work properly, because that's how far the sun is away from the planet. But hey, we're a Naruto RP. Let's pretend for a moment that this would be instant. Even if this is real, you're manipulating light. Right there you've already crossed into Light Release and Radiation Release. So right there you've shot your own foot off with the submission. But let's keep going. Why does Yang Release permit you to manipulate light in the first place? Yang might symbolize the sun, light, and all things white and imperialistic, but you're not LITERALLY controlling them. Who was your Yang teacher so I can slap them upside the head?

Alright, first colored portion. Once again, this is light. Photons. That you've called...from the sun? Above you? Where? Are you manifesting Holy Fire? Is this from the sun? The custom literally doesn't specify. Secondly, you've said that the light has weight. Photons don't have weight. That's why they're photons and travel at the speed of light. So no, there won't be a physical impact from the way you've constructed this. Second off, how is this acting as a defensive barrier assuming that the weight bit worked? Dude, you've just created a crater mid-range around the beam of light. You're gonna eat that physical damage and be cool? And even if all that was fine - Holy Fire literally states that it has minimal kinetic energy. Like how are you forming a crater with something that can barely push my grandma's walker?

Honestly, it just seems like you shoved Yang in there to get the higher damage. You gotta make massive adjustments to this technique to make it logically work and viable. I'm cool with Yang being part of it...but at least make it thematically make sense. And no, you can't manipulate light from the sun (or light at all, if I hadn't made that abundantly clear before).
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