Clefts of Targinar (241)


May 28, 2014
Trait Points
Clefts of Targinar

The Clefts of Targinar are a mountainous region of Tobusekai which borders the Hokubu Ocean. The cliffside is nearly 30 meters above sea level and represent a perilious drop for any who may be unfortunate enough to fall into the sea, littered by jagged rocks and spikes. Many bodies can be seen from above the cliffside impaled on those very rocks, seemingly tossed off the side by the Great Mother Cult.

Shady Doctor

Mar 21, 2012
Trait Points
Coming from:

Irene continued to travel to her destination, this time passing through some sort of mountain range. Looked like a lot of people died on this route, from the looks of all the bodies and skeletons littering the jagged cliff sides. Either way, Irene safely made her way through and exitted the lands.



Active member
Apr 14, 2012
Trait Points
Coming from here [X]

This post marks the beginning of my mission using this storyboard elements:
  • Alter the terrain of a landmark to claim it for your village ( 3 )​
  • Explore an abandoned site ( 2 )​
Summary: Traveling abroad once more, Geets and Boit find another area that seemed to be uninhabited for quite some time. With the mountainous terrain proving tough for Boitata to maneuver quickly, Vegeta leaves him behind and he explores the land on his own to determine if it could suit the villages needs, and change it if needed to ensure Summons and people alike can use the area safely. Perhaps a regulation guard rail to start... Claiming LM for Tsumigakure.
Boit's forked tongue shot out sensing the environment around them. They had traveled north and it seemed they were getting closer to water. The salty air and scavenger birds all around said as much. Vegeta was scanning in all directions, looking not only thru out this land but the ones around it as well. He was particularly watching the chakra fueled raging hurricane that hadn't lost any strength located in the land to their left, and amazingly it didn't seem to extend to this land whatsoever. There was no question in Geets mind that the creator of that storm used some powerful technique. Vegeta smirks at the prospect of battle against someone that strong.
It wasn't long before Vegeta took notice of the shape of the inlet where this land ended and the ocean began. The lands to their left and right ahead extended further out towards the water, it would be interesting to see it up close but for now there was a much more daunting task at hand, navigating the steep hills and low valleys of the treacherous land. It became apparent Boit was too large to properly move about and was moving slower and slower. Geets thinks it over for a bit as they make it to a leveled out place halfway up a steep hill.
Boit take a well deserved break old friend. I'll go check the place out from here. No worries, I've scanned ahead and it seems the path is clear of any other shinobi for now. I'll be able to get this mission finished faster on my own from here..
As Vegeta prepares to jump down from on top of Boit, he molds chakra to his hand and places a seal on one of his horns. Best they play it safe in these unknown locations especially when separating. This would just ensure he could get back to his serpent quickly if necessary. With that done, he cues up Thunderwave in the chest plate of his armor. Glorious music would fill the entire huge terrain, bouncing off mountainsides echoing thru out the lands as he drops down from Boit's head towards the ground...
You must be registered for see medias
As he plummets, Vegeta molds doton chakra to his hands and legs, constantly coating them in glossy molten mud while he releasing a stream of mud from his hands which he extends a little bit forward so that a long mud slide is formed, and rides it as it extends forwards keeping him mid range in the air as he navigates the terrain towards the ocean. While he felt like Iceman, he couldn't help but think Mudman was more appropriate given the circumstances, hence the song still bellowing from his breastplate and passively being echoed loudly to even the farthest reaches high and low from his location as if they were standing right next to him. This was already his land, whoever was possibly hiding was on notice..
Vegeta navigated the area perfectly of course. It was hard not to with his Byakugan active. He saw high, low, thru the mountains and beneath them. Nothing escaped his eyes peerless gaze. He was actually having a little bit of fun, he hadn't use this Earthen slide since he was taught the technique by a mysterious Priest eons ago. Sliding along blasting mud from his hands and zipping up and down the mountains till he finally came to the edge. Without a moment wasted, he glides right over the edge looking down below at the jagged spires lining the coast. There he saw what looked like a dumping ground for the dead. Many bodies were strewn along the coast line. By bodies I mean, bones of unfortunate souls who reached the clearing at the end of the path..
What the hell happened here?
Geets thinks out loud, the skeletal remains of all sizes telling a terrible tale that Geets could only imagine. Unfortunately for him, his vision allotted him the ability to view minute details.. and some of the skeletons he saw were far too small to be adult. The thought that these bodies belonged to murder victims, and some of them being children. Vegeta was livid, beside himself and momentarily almost lost control of the mud slide he was creating to sustain himself in the air. Out of respect, he killed the music from Thunderwave and shook his head, then he glanced left and right, viewing not only what was below but also the coast lines of the two neighboring landmarks.
Vegeta took a few moments to think about what to do here. In an instant the idea hit hit. He molded more doton chakra and sent it to the ground where the jagged spires were below, and bones and all he manipulated the jagged rocks to rise high, 20 meters higher than the edge of the high cliff they once were below. The spires rumble as they come seemingly to life before raising upwards with the remains still strewn about them from being impaled. Some pieces would fall off to the ocean below but the majority would stay in tact.
Vegeta moves himself back onto land, ending his earthen slide and watching the bodies rise up high above on the rocks. The spires now blocked out the view of the ocean from the cliffs, forming a barrier between the ocean and the land. The skeltal remains would serve to ward off anyone coming from the sea attempting to enter unnoticed, and the skeletons would serve notice to any and all who laid eyes on their pierced remains. Geets would them raise a flag of Tsumigakure in from of the new 20 meter tall spire wall, before rushing back to Boitata. Once at his trusty steed he climbs up him and *swinks* away with and FTG seal taking him and Boit back to the Lost Shores..
( Fūin Hirashin no Jutsu ) - Seal of The Flying Thunder God technique
Rank: A-Rank
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: N/A
Description: This is the technique through which Senju Tobirama and Namikaze Minato apply the sealing formula, that will allow the use of their trademark space time techniques, to any desired object through physical contact and allowing him to teleport to that desired location through the Flying thunder God Technique and the use of its variations. While Minato carries with him multiple kunais marked with the seal (making the core aspect of his fighting style which revolves around the use of FTG Kunais), Tobirama doesn't. To use the Flying Thunder God technique on kunais, Tobirama has to apply the seal to them though through one use of the technique he can mark up to 5 kunais (this is valid only for kunais and other basic weapons, not enemies or other targets of the seal).
Note: Can only be used by Senju Tobirama and Namikaze Minato bios.
( Sandāu~ēbu ) - Thunderwave
Type: Tool
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A ( - 5 per turn when used )
Damage: N/A
Description: Thunderwave is a basic chest plate outfitted with a surround sound speaker system, and a microphone. It can be used to play music or make noises more audible than normal similar to a karaoke machine. It is able to produce sound louder than most techniques or the clashing of techniques and can be much louder than the user or opponent can scream. In essence it can act like the (Utsusemi no Jutsu) - Empty Cicada Shell Technique passively at all times being louder and stronger than even that basic technique. It comes pre-loaded with all of the wielder's favorite songs. In battle it can be used to play theme music or it can make the user louder as it has a built in microphone system connected to the speaker system.
The primary use of Thunderwave as mentioned above is the ability to play music with the offshoot of this being the ability to cancel sound waves with sound waves while playing music. This is similar to the Scientific Ninja Tool: Shijima and works like a noise-cancellation speaker. The system can emit a sound wave with the same amplitude but with inverted phase also known as antiphase to the original sound. The waves combine to form a new wave, in a process called interference, and effectively cancel each other out. This effect is called destructive interference and is able to nullify sound techniques in equal rank. The sound can encompass a short - long range area around the user being louder the closer to the user the people who can hear it are and due to this it has a dampening system as to not harm the users ears or cause them any undue problems. It can be fine tuned to look different depending on the wielder's appearance or preference.
Note: Sound techniques can only be canceled once per turn three times per battle.
Doton: Tenkyo Tsuchi waku - Earth Style: Moving Earth Slide
Rank: C
Type: Sup
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 15(+10 for each turn active)
Damage Point: N/A
Description: This is somewhat similar to Marvel Ice-Man's Ice Slide. The user focuses his/her doton chakra to the hands and legs and while constantly coating his legs in glossy molten mud, he also continuously releases a stream of mud from one or both his/her hand which he/she extends a little bit forward so that a long Mud slide is formed conveying the user along as it extends. The mud he releases partially solidifies as soon as it is released in such a way that the upper half which will be in
contact with the user's legs is inform of a glossy mud while the lower half is solid. The user then while his legs is coated with molten mud creates a small rideable mud wave from the top molten half of the mudslide. It appears that the user is riding a very narrow mud wave on an equally narrow solid earth sky-way. The user can ride this from his/her initial position(ground/Mid air) to any direction and can go high into mid air (not very high) and also has quick maneuverability. The user is prone to lightning when using this.
-Can't use any jutsu apart from earth while using this although the user can't make handseals to sustain this
-Dormant earth slide crumbles one turn, after user passes it (this is due to the user chakra timely depletion from the slide and also prevents unnecessary narrow bridges formed from the conveyance)
-Can carry only one person who holds on to the user while he rides the mud
(Doton: Kujo Joushou Iwa Chuuseki) - Earth Release: Destructive Rising Rock Pillars
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Mid-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: This jutsu causes gigantic pillars of rock to forcefully emerge from the ground. This is a even greater scaled Earth Release: Rising Spikes and is large enough to impale a summoning technique.

LLM and ending Mission


Active member
Aug 17, 2010
Trait Points
Sado and Salazzle made their way through here.

They notice that their ally Vegeta had been through here and claimed it already so they continue onward.

ELM from LM ( 246 ) | LLM


Active member
Mar 12, 2014
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

This post marks the beginning of my mission with the following storyboard element(s):

Investigate the mysterious illness (3)

Summary: Ozymandias and Lucifer are brought to the Clefts of Targinar by information related to the cult of Tiamat and their activities. Hoping to determine the nature of a potential connection between the cult, the Sea of Life, and the resurgence of the Red Fever, the two inspect the corpses thrown from the cliffs to the rocks below.​

Ozymandias arrives at the cliffs after a brief walk from the Battlements, standing at the edge of the precipice which overlooked the great expanse of the now corrupted Hokubu Ocean. Peering over the edge, he could see the rocks which rose from underneath the water, littered with the decayed bodies of their failed experiments. Were the tide any higher, or the oceans disturbed in some way, he would be hesitant to chance getting closer, lest he be exposed to the mud itself and face enslavement via the Amino-Geis. Given the current conditions, unless something went horribly wrong, he was in little danger. "Come. We should take a closer look." the pharaoh beckoned, a moderately sized sphinx materialising out of thin air, its gleaming form comprised of his Dendera Light.

(Kōshiton: Shisha no Kuni) – Dendera Light Release: Hand of Anubis
Type: Offensive / Defensive / Supplementary
Rank: D – S (C)
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 10 – 40 (15) (-10 per turn)
Damage: 20 – 80 (30)
Description: Hand of Anubis allows the user to create familiars composed of Dendera Light in either it’s flame-like or plasma-like state. These familiars are controlled by the user, acting as minions to serve various purposes on the battlefield. Their shape and size are at the behest of the user, and can be made to fight directly alongside the user as smaller humanoid figures or as larger beings, up to the size of the Great Stone Golem, and can be shaped according to the user’s desire. These familiars are able to utilise Dendera Light techniques up to their own rank (e.g. an A-Rank familiar can only use A-Rank Dendera Light or below). Due to being composed of the element itself, they are capable of utilising techniques of Dendera Light on the level of an Apex Handseal specialist. The familiars themselves are able to passively shape certain parts of themselves into appendages resembling weapons etc, even after they have manifested. Additionally, the user is capable of manifesting these familiars around his person, similarly to that of Susano’o, with the user floating in the chakra anywhere in the body of said familiar. Unless otherwise stated, the user will always be located in its head. Familiars of B-Rank and higher require seals (B - 1 , A - 2 , S - 3) and all usages above B-Rank can last up to four turns at maximum. Once an S-Rank usage of this technique ends, this technique cannot be used again for one turn to create a familiar above A-Rank strength. S-Rank usages can be performed thrice per battle.

Standing atop its back as its wings unfurl, the sphinx takes flight and descends towards the Sea of Life. Slowing down as it neared the outcrop at the surface of the corrupted ocean, Ozymandias once again inspected the bodies that were strewn about the rocks at the cliff's base. They had partially decayed over time, but few of the parts which were still intact were distinctly inhuman. Most of the skin had darkened greatly, similarly to the undead warriors Ozymandias faced earlier at the Battlements alongside Lucifer, with small patches of the skin having hardened to the point of resembling chitin. Hearing guttural groans coming from below, his eyes dart between the bodies, attempting to identify the source of the noise. One of the bodies still moves, attempting to claw its way up the rocks, partially submerged in the Sea of Life. As it rises from the ocean, its body is revealed to be mangled from the waist down, its legs barely resembling human ones, due to what seemed to be from both grievous injury and the body's attempt at regeneration as a result of its exposure to the Amino-Geis. Though the clothing was also partially damaged, Ozymandias recognised it... he was from the same village as the others that he encountered by the Sun Sanctuary. It was only one specimen, but it seemed to be some confirmation of the link between the Sea of Life and the Red Fever.


May 7, 2020
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

This post marks the beginning of my mission with the following storyboard element(s):

Investigate the mysterious illness (3)

Summary: Ozymandias and Lucifer are brought to the Clefts of Targinar by information related to the cult of Tiamat and their activities. Hoping to determine the nature of a potential connection between the cult, the Sea of Life, and the resurgence of the Red Fever, the two inspect the corpses thrown from the cliffs to the rocks below.​

Ozymandias arrives at the cliffs after a brief walk from the Battlements, standing at the edge of the precipice which overlooked the great expanse of the now corrupted Hokubu Ocean. Peering over the edge, he could see the rocks which rose from underneath the water, littered with the decayed bodies of their failed experiments. Were the tide any higher, or the oceans disturbed in some way, he would be hesitant to chance getting closer, lest he be exposed to the mud itself and face enslavement via the Amino-Geis. Given the current conditions, unless something went horribly wrong, he was in little danger. "Come. We should take a closer look." the pharaoh beckoned, a moderately sized sphinx materialising out of thin air, its gleaming form comprised of his Dendera Light.

(Kōshiton: Shisha no Kuni) – Dendera Light Release: Hand of Anubis
Type: Offensive / Defensive / Supplementary
Rank: D – S (C)
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 10 – 40 (15) (-10 per turn)
Damage: 20 – 80 (30)
Description: Hand of Anubis allows the user to create familiars composed of Dendera Light in either it’s flame-like or plasma-like state. These familiars are controlled by the user, acting as minions to serve various purposes on the battlefield. Their shape and size are at the behest of the user, and can be made to fight directly alongside the user as smaller humanoid figures or as larger beings, up to the size of the Great Stone Golem, and can be shaped according to the user’s desire. These familiars are able to utilise Dendera Light techniques up to their own rank (e.g. an A-Rank familiar can only use A-Rank Dendera Light or below). Due to being composed of the element itself, they are capable of utilising techniques of Dendera Light on the level of an Apex Handseal specialist. The familiars themselves are able to passively shape certain parts of themselves into appendages resembling weapons etc, even after they have manifested. Additionally, the user is capable of manifesting these familiars around his person, similarly to that of Susano’o, with the user floating in the chakra anywhere in the body of said familiar. Unless otherwise stated, the user will always be located in its head. Familiars of B-Rank and higher require seals (B - 1 , A - 2 , S - 3) and all usages above B-Rank can last up to four turns at maximum. Once an S-Rank usage of this technique ends, this technique cannot be used again for one turn to create a familiar above A-Rank strength. S-Rank usages can be performed thrice per battle.

Standing atop its back as its wings unfurl, the sphinx takes flight and descends towards the Sea of Life. Slowing down as it neared the outcrop at the surface of the corrupted ocean, Ozymandias once again inspected the bodies that were strewn about the rocks at the cliff's base. They had partially decayed over time, but few of the parts which were still intact were distinctly inhuman. Most of the skin had darkened greatly, similarly to the undead warriors Ozymandias faced earlier at the Battlements alongside Lucifer, with small patches of the skin having hardened to the point of resembling chitin. Hearing guttural groans coming from below, his eyes dart between the bodies, attempting to identify the source of the noise. One of the bodies still moves, attempting to claw its way up the rocks, partially submerged in the Sea of Life. As it rises from the ocean, its body is revealed to be mangled from the waist down, its legs barely resembling human ones, due to what seemed to be from both grievous injury and the body's attempt at regeneration as a result of its exposure to the Amino-Geis. Though the clothing was also partially damaged, Ozymandias recognised it... he was from the same village as the others that he encountered by the Sun Sanctuary. It was only one specimen, but it seemed to be some confirmation of the link between the Sea of Life and the Red Fever.
What a fascinating power, Lucifer though to himself, after seeing Ozymandias create a creature of what looked like solid light, it was a saddening sight though too, he could see how something with such power could be intoxicating to these humans. Allowing them to do things they were never meant for, to fly through the skies and walk on water, this taste of breaking from their purpose had been poison to them as a species. He didn't really have time for thoughts like this though, it was a distraction from the very important task he was here for, discovering what had befallen these humans, and if it was truly tied to this cult.

His wings unfurled from his back as he stepped off the cliff, hovering in the air for a moment becide Ozymandias and his chakra creation, before they both descended, looking down at the corpses below, so many of them. They were torn apart and spattered across the cliffs, the smell was disgusting even at this distance. Lucifer could sense something down there was alive, amongst the corpses, even before he heard it moving. Through the corpses it clawed it's way, a twisted malformed creation of the sea of life, nothing like the the mother would have wanted.

"So, the experiments were taking advantage of her gifts after all, the people responsible for this abomination, they will explain this foul desecration, they will answer." Lucifer said, a hint of anger in his voice was obvious, though in reality he was burning with anger, he was simply holding it back. How dare these humans abuse the mothers gift of life, they would dare dishonour her while claiming to worship her, erecting idols and temples in her name for nothing more than this foul subversion of life.

Lucifer raised his hand forwards and spilling from it came an immeasurable torrent of the sea of life, it collapsed upon the cliffs bottom like a tsunami, smothering the corpses and forcing them below the waves thanks to it's weight and density, the corpses were forced in to the ocean depths including the moaning half destroyed corpse. The black mud was Tiamat's gift, her true gift, not this corruption spread by the fever, and certainly not whatever blasphemous power this cult wielded. Sending these creatures to the depths to rest in the mothers embrace was the kindest thing Lucifer would offer.

Though even with this done, the question remained, what now. The connection had been made, but Lucifer still needed to find this cult, perhaps Ozymandias knew something of their whereabouts. Lucifer turned to question this.
So we know it was them, the question is where are they now, all we've found are dusty tomes and blasphemous undead, I must find these people no matter what. Do you know anything about them, where they might be, anything that could help me?"


Active member
Mar 12, 2014
Trait Points
The pharaoh was unsure of whether to pity the man as he was swept beneath the surface of the Sea of Life. Hopefully he would be granted death's release, but given the nature of the substance he was to embrace, Ozymandias doubted that would be case. The ill-concealed anger of Lucifer was not lost on him either. He clearly possessed some kind of relationship with Tiamat, but he seemed to be at odds with the cult who worshipped her. A perplexing situation, but perhaps this could be attributed to a lack of familiarity with the group itself. Ozymandias was unsure of whether it would be prudent to give him the information he sought, meager as it was. In the off-chance that he encountered either of the Necromancers, and was swayed or coerced into championing their cause, it was another enemy working against him. Though, giving him their names, which was all that he knew, would make no difference in such a situation. He would come to learn of their names and find them one way or another, such was merely a matter of time. "Demetrias and Phetra. Those are the names of two key figures within their cult. I encountered them some time ago at the eve of Tiamat's revival. Find them, and you will almost certainly find the cult. But they are strong, stronger than you may be ready for."


May 7, 2020
Trait Points
The pharaoh was unsure of whether to pity the man as he was swept beneath the surface of the Sea of Life. Hopefully he would be granted death's release, but given the nature of the substance he was to embrace, Ozymandias doubted that would be case. The ill-concealed anger of Lucifer was not lost on him either. He clearly possessed some kind of relationship with Tiamat, but he seemed to be at odds with the cult who worshipped her. A perplexing situation, but perhaps this could be attributed to a lack of familiarity with the group itself. Ozymandias was unsure of whether it would be prudent to give him the information he sought, meager as it was. In the off-chance that he encountered either of the Necromancers, and was swayed or coerced into championing their cause, it was another enemy working against him. Though, giving him their names, which was all that he knew, would make no difference in such a situation. He would come to learn of their names and find them one way or another, such was merely a matter of time. "Demetrias and Phetra. Those are the names of two key figures within their cult. I encountered them some time ago at the eve of Tiamat's revival. Find them, and you will almost certainly find the cult. But they are strong, stronger than you may be ready for."
"Demetrias, Phetra, that will be very helpful in locating these people." Lucifer said whistfully, he was grateful to Ozymandias for his help, even if that was all he could provide, but his gratitude was barely covering feelings of anger still, it was despicable that the cultists would do these things.

Still it wasn't like he could do anything about it right this moment, no instead now was the time to decide on what he would be doing in the immediate future, it seemed only fair to include his companion in the discussion, but right as he was about to speak he heard groaning in the water below. Glancing down he saw the corpse floating on the waters surface, it must've rolled out from under the sea of life somehow and floated back up.

"Ozymandias, what are your goals here, you have met these cultists and you follow their movements, are you seeking to destroy them? I seek an explanation from them at the very least, I wish to find them, but given your condition it may be unwise to travel with me, nevertheless the offer is there." Lucifer spoke in soft tones, not seeking to upset his companion by mentioning his sickness, at the same time he pointed his fingers down at the undead, using the vile haze skill in a localised way he caused all the sea of life contained around and inside him to vaporize in an incredibly toxic heat causing the water to bubble as it bleached the bones of the corpse, bringing death to it.


Active member
Mar 12, 2014
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Lucifer's new questions posed a greater dilemma to Ozymandias than the ones prior. Though the two were similarly opposed to the activities of the cult, at least for the time being, their goals were not aligned in the greater scheme of things. The pharaoh sought to preserve the world of man, whereas Lucifer would see Tiamat return to reassert her dominion. The Age of Gods had long passed, and it was not the place of the divine to keep mankind on a leash anymore. This difference could spell immediate conflict, and he did not want to take his chances in such a place, not right now. Watching as Lucifer eviscerated the lasting remains of the undead fisherman, Ozymandias issued a mental command to his sphinx, flying upward and back to the top of the cliff. Stood on solid ground again, he spoke to Lucifer plainly. "Allowing them to accomplish their goals would see the end of the Age of Man. They wish to unleash Tiamat upon the world again." Turning to face Lucifer, he would allow those words to speak for his relationship with the cult. "Find the Necromancers. Ask what you wish to ask. But know that next time we meet, we may be enemies because of it."


May 7, 2020
Trait Points
Lucifer's new questions posed a greater dilemma to Ozymandias than the ones prior. Though the two were similarly opposed to the activities of the cult, at least for the time being, their goals were not aligned in the greater scheme of things. The pharaoh sought to preserve the world of man, whereas Lucifer would see Tiamat return to reassert her dominion. The Age of Gods had long passed, and it was not the place of the divine to keep mankind on a leash anymore. This difference could spell immediate conflict, and he did not want to take his chances in such a place, not right now. Watching as Lucifer eviscerated the lasting remains of the undead fisherman, Ozymandias issued a mental command to his sphinx, flying upward and back to the top of the cliff. Stood on solid ground again, he spoke to Lucifer plainly. "Allowing them to accomplish their goals would see the end of the Age of Man. They wish to unleash Tiamat upon the world again." Turning to face Lucifer, he would allow those words to speak for his relationship with the cult. "Find the Necromancers. Ask what you wish to ask. But know that next time we meet, we may be enemies because of it."
"Perhaps you are right, but my faith in the mother is eternal, I believe she seeks to correct the course of her children, not wipe it away, that she seeks to remove the curse of chakra alien to her design. These necromancers, I will find them, I will hear their reason." Lucifer said, flying level with Ozymandias, his wings keeping him aloft in the shifting breeze.

"When I have my answer, I will seek you out, I hope it sees us as allies and that one day, I can show you the truth about Tiamat, not whatever mad beast was drawn in to this world against her will."

Lucifer nodded to his companion, as he turned and flew away across the ocean, he felt rather melancholy about the whole situation. At least he had a clear goal now, and names to search for. Next he simply needed to find a hub of humans, a large amount of them.



Active member
Mar 12, 2014
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Lucifer's words were of little comfort to Ozymandias. They reeked of naivete. Whether he liked it or not, he would have to make a decision on which side he would take. Neither would be easy. Such was the way of the world. Turning away from the cliffs, Ozymandias headed further inland, back to where he came from.

LLM, travelling to Excavation Site

Travel Itinerary: #241 -> #245 -> #244

Departing #241 Clefts of Targinar at 5:10PM
#245: 6:10 PM - 7:10PM
#244: 8:10PM


Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points
Arriving from

This post marks the start of my mission using the following elements:
-Discover your clans origins (4)
-In the darkest hour, overcome (5)
-Assassinate the enemy commander (5)

Strix had reached the next landmark, and as she touched down she passed out. The past day had been extremely taxing and she simply didnt have the energy to go on. As she slumbered, a vision of a past life from her clan appeared within her dreams. it looked like it was the story of what she had done in a past life to discover her powers. The story was of the first Moon Aspect, Diana, the story of how she got her powers and formed the clan. As Strix slept a voice spoke, a female voice, which presumably was Diana, the story of her life.

I did not belong on within Tobuseki. A group of Ninja hunters discovered me swaddled between frost-claimed parents—strangers to this land, who had traveled a long way. The hunters brought me to their temple, dedicated me, and raised me as a member of the Tribes of the Last Sun, known to many as the Rakkor.

Like all of the Rakkor faith, she underwent rigorous physical and religious training. However, unlike others, Diana was determined to understand why the Rakkor act the way they do, and the reasoning behind their beliefs. She spent her evenings digging through the libraries, devouring texts with only pale moonlight to read by. Paradoxically, this pursuit provided more questions than answers, and her teachers’ aphoristic replies did little to sate her inquisitive mind. When Diana began to notice tomes had whole chapters torn from them, and all references to the moon seemed missing, the teachers assigned harsh punishments, intending to exhaust her into devotion. Likewise, her fellow acolytes distanced themselves from her and her questioning.

There was one shining beacon in these years of confused, frustrated isolation: Leona. The most devout of my peers, we often found ourselves in impassioned debate. Though we never swayed the other in our long and frequent conversations, we developed a close friendship.

Then, one glorious night, Diana discovered a hidden alcove deep within the mountain. Moonlight spilled against its walls, revealing imagery of the sun, of soldiers armoured in gold alongside silver-clad warriors, and matching imagery of the moon, atop Tobuseki’s greatest peek. Delighted, Diana raced to share this clear message with Leona—the sun and moon were not enemies after all! Leona did not react with joy. She urged Diana to put this heresy from her mind entirely, warning of the punishments that may befall her if she were to voice such thoughts to others. Diana had never seen her serious friend quite so grave.

Frustration gnawed at her. She had reached the end of the Rakkor’s knowledge, yet not even Leona would take this new discovery into account. What were the Rakkor hiding? Increasingly, Diana felt certain there was only one place she could go for answers: the top of Mount Targon. The climb tested her in every way imaginable, and time seemed to stand still as she scaled the peak. To survive, she focused her thoughts on her lone companion, and the answers that would make the Rakkor better, more whole.

The summit greeted her with the brightest, fullest moon she’d ever seen. After a rapturous moment, a pillar of moonlight slammed into her and she felt a presence taking hold of her, sharing glimpses of the past, and of another Rakkor faith called the Lunari. Diana realized this presence could only be one of the legendary Aspects… and she had been chosen as its host. When the light dissipated, her mind was again her own. Diana found herself clad in armor, holding a crescent blade, and her once dark hair now gleaming silver. She turned to find she was not alone—Leona stood at her side, similarly bedecked in shining, golden battleplate, a sunbreak-bright shield and sword in her hands.

Diana was overjoyed to share in this revelatory moment with her friend, but Leona thought only of returning to the Rakkor. Diana begged her not to, desperate that they face this new future together. But Leona refused, and their disagreement quickly turned into a titanic battle, erupting with moonlight and sunfire.

Fearful of losing herself to the Aspect’s power, Diana ultimately fled down the mountain. But, vindicated in her search, she felt more certain than ever that she had been right to question the Rakkors teachings. It was time to confront them, and show the error of their ways. Pushing past their Ra’Horak guardians, Diana burst into the chambers of the high priests. They listened with mounting horror as she told of what she had learned of the Lunari… and then they denounced her as a heretic, a blasphemer, and a peddler of false gods. Rage filled Diana, amplified by the Aspect within, and she embraced it in a terrible burst of moonlight.

You are not fit to enter this templed, stained daughter of the Moon. Leave at once, and never come back to this place. In the name of the Rakkor, I exile you!

Diana couldn't believe it, how could they deny the truth she had brough them. In a rage fueled fury, her body moved on its own as if something else was controlling it. Perhaps it was the Moon Godess herself moving Diana but in a swift swing of her blade, Diana had decapitated the lead High Priest, and in a circular motion severed the heads of the other 3. Their heads hit the floor before Diana realised what she had done. The place that had taken her in and raised her, now desecrated

Startled, she fled the temple, leaving a trail of death in her wake.

I was confused, wondering if what I did was right. I had no intention of betraying the people that took me in as family, but in the end, I had to do what I felt was right. I have no regret for my actions and I would do it again given the situation. I am the Aspect of the Moon and I will not waiver from my path.

Strix woke in a cold sweat, having witnessed the first Moon Aspect, her ancestor and why she had such an affinity for the moon, even within her own clan. It made sense. Now, driven by half-remembered visions and glimpses of ancient knowledge, Strix clings to the only truths she knows for certain—that the Lunari and the Rakkor need not be foes, and Strix knew that she needed to reawaken the Moon Goddess and become the Aspect of the Moon once again.
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Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points
This post marks the start of my mission using the following elements:
-Fight an enemy much stronger than yourself

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CRASH! A thunderous sonic boom rippled through the windows of the temple that was dedicated to the worship to the Sun Goddess, Ecclesiarchy. Adepta Soraritas as they named themselves, the Sun Sisters were one of the few temples that were dedicated to the Solari left. Strix stood on the hill that overlooked the temple and where her destiny awaited, the next step in her journey to become the Aspect of the Moon. Within the temple stood the journal of Diana, the first Moon Aspect, she could feel it, the flashes of previous life gave her the direction she needed to go. These temple warriors are strong, were strong, but Strix would overcome the odds and reach the depths of the archive to reach her treasure.

Praying to the Moon Goddess, Strix prayed for the strength to accomplish her task, and as if hearing the prayer, the lightning had ceased, leaving a heavy rain and a pitch black sky, the only light coming from within the temple itself as the windows had an orange glow. Summoning up her inner power, Strix dashed down, her sword training in hand as she thrust her arm forward, a force of dark energy taking out the two heavily armoured guards standing outside, unable to foresee her attack. with a clunk they both crashed into the walls behind them as Strix reached the door. At this range she could feel the warmth and heat from within the Temple, its dedication to the Sun Goddess apparent.

Gentei: Erementaru | Limit: Elemental
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: B-S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20-40 (-15 per turn)
Damage: 40-80
One basic application of Cosmic Chakra is able to manipulate it into several different properties. Depending on the Drive form the user is in, depends on what application can be used. Should the user be in no drive form, but call upon their cosmic chakra, they can only produce such things as blasts or waves from their body. Simple and unrefined bursts called forth from the accompanying movement, where it follows the body. These blasts and surges only last for the the moment of the attack, not going beyond the turn used. When in the basic first Drive Form, the user is capable of create more complex constructs, creating walls, golems, creatures etc. These constructs while they can be launched from the body, cannot move on their own unless given the appropriate movement from the user. They last for 2 turns on the field, capable of being more advanced than the base form. When the user has mastered their Final Form, the user can create more advanced constructs. These techniques are created and made from cosmic chakra but additionally given the unique proporties having the flexibility to change form/shape should the user desire. This is not limited to the users Cosmic chakra, but can create constructs that can move about on their own, for 3 turns. This is not to be confused with sentience but instead given "direct orders" eg, "attack here" or "defend me" etc.

- Constructs can only be used in the turn they were created in. The use of Master Drive extends this by 1 turn while entering Final Form extends this another turn.
- After use of S rank version, no other Cosmic Chakra technique above A rank can be used next turn
- S rank can be used 3 times max while A rank can be used up to 5 times.

Raising her sword, she struck through the door, shattering it off its hinges with the strength of her earthen technique, blowing out a few torches near the entrance leaving nothing but a shadow that covered her face.

(Doton: Domu) – Earth Release: Earth Spear Technique
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A (+40 to physical attacks)
Description: After performing the Snake hand seal the user will channel their chakra throughout their entire body, which then hardens their skin to a steel-like quality. This increases their defensive power to the utmost limits. The user’s skin also becomes much darker, an almost black colour. The destructive power of physical attacks is increased, making this a great, all purpose technique. But this technique when activated leaves the user vulnerable to lightning based techniques.
Note: Kakuzu bios can use this technique without the need for handseals

Several guards and priests were stood still in shock to this sudden attack. it wasnt until Strix dropped her sword into the ground again to turn it all to mud did they begin to panic realizing what was happening. The ones closest to Strix immediately were covered up to their shoulders in mud, leaving them craning their necks to avoid suffocating. The ones at the back were quick enough to jump back, drawing swords and spears, each emblazoned with the Solari icon of the sun. They illuminated Strix, her features showing sunken eyes, a gaunt jawline and worn clothing, frayed and dusty. The Solari warriors recoiled back, however their captain stood firm calling out.

Stand your ground, we will dispatch this intruder, she will feel the might of the Solari!

The captain charged forward, jumping from one pillar to the next rebounding with each jump aiming to swing the sword at Strix. He was quick, closer than she anticipated with his strike, but leaning backward, she let the strike go over her head, swinging her sword upwards to catch him under his chest.

( Yōjinbō ) – Dance Blade Risk
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 60
Description: The user performs a quick dash towards his opponent quickly draw and slashing their opponent and quickly passing them. Though it uses concepts from Iaido, it does not allow them to move at speeds based on the technique.

(Kumo-Ryū Mikazuki Kiri) - Cloud-Style Crescent Moon Beheading
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short
Chakra cost: N/A
Damage points: 60
Description: The user utilizes a large extent of their physical capabilities to swing their sword in a single large arc, which occurs with such ferocious velocity that the technique can be employed in situations where only a very limited time to react is available. The swing can be used to counter attacks from multiple opponents simultaneously. The technique receives its name due to the entire movement being reminiscent of a crescent moon.

The two blades crashed with sparks, the flames from the Solari captains blade showering Strix with embers, soon hissing as they made contact with the ground.

Give... me.... the.... diary.....

Strix hissed at the captain. His eyes squinted for a moment before going wide. How could she know about it? It was barely spoken about within the walls, let alone outside of the Temple. Not even the regular soldiers knew about the rarest artefacts within the reliquary.

How do you know about that....

With a roar of strength, Strix threw the captain out through the window, the crash allowing the rain to start coming in with more of a thunderous roar adding to the temple now. The guards themselves were waivering, they saw their captain be dispatched, the woman before them turn their entire temple floor into a mudpit, she was truely a fear before them. Gripping her earthen sword tightly, a mist of earth began to surround her, whipping around the Temple hallway as the candles were doused and knocked aside, throwing the remaining soldiers into the dark. Strix moved to their flank, Taking out the last 3 with swift strikes to the back of their necks, as they collapsed to the floor with a thump.

Iryō ken: Toraken - Fistweaving: Tiger palm
Type: Attack/Defense/Supplementary
Rank: B-S
Range: Short
Chakra: 20-40 (+20)
Damage: 40-80 (+1 rank)
The user practicing Fistweaving, envelops their hands in aggressive medical chakra, striking blows against the opponent. Depending on the rank of the technique user, the user is able to inflict small to major damage to the user. With the users hands covered in the aggresive medical chakra, when they strike, the chakra is discharged injected into the opponent which then proceeds to internally destroy the users muscles. Additionally, by specifically destroying the area(s) struck, so are the tenketsu within the area. This then causes the user to lose chakra due to user not only losing physical energy (used in the creation of chakra) but also the tenktesu unable to be used in the area. Not to be mistaken that the chakra is sealed, but specifically lost, unless medically healed. With B rank, the user loses 1% of their chakra, A rank loses 2.5% of their chakra, while S rank loses 5% of their chakra.
Additionally, this technique can be applied or other taijutsu the user performs, in the same time frame, which increases it by 1 Rank at the cost of 20 chakra. When used in this fashion the default drawback to the opponent on contact will be equivalent to the B rank usage of this technique(1% chakra loss).
- Can only be used every alternate turn
- S rank can only be used 2 times, A rank can be used three times per battle.

Strix turned around, the entrance now taken care of, and walked down the hallway leading to the rear of the Temple, faced with the option of stairs that lead upwards, to the apex and tower, while the other lead down into the basement and to the undercroft. It didnt make sense to keep the secrets in the reliquary where they would hold all the meetings, better off to keep them out of sight where no one else was bound to snoop around. Who would want to stay around the dead or around their coffins anyway? Unless you already knew where the reliquary was. Walking down, Strix felt a strange presence over her shoulder, something warm that should not have been within those stairs. Twisting around with her hand on her earthen sword, Strix saw nothing, only the flickering of the torches that illuminated her path down. Turning back to the goal she reached the lower undercroft where all the tombs were, nothing rows and rows of crypts and coffins and sarcophagus of past Solari warriors. Strix closed her eyes as she focused on the call from Diana and her Moon Goddess, to find the information she needed.

THERE! right at the back, second sarcophagus from the end, an unassuming plain concrete container, nothing inscribed, despite all others describing their lives and how they shall live forever at the side of the Sun Goddess. Cracking it open, she saw it, the gleaming black armour and silver scythe that Diana once held, though no body, Where the head would be resting was what she had come for, a small black book, leather bound with the insignia of the Lunari on the front.

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I had hoped that I would have stopped you before you got this far, and found the right tomb, thought I guess that someone else must be guiding you.

The voice called out from behind Strix, as a warmth washed over the chamber, all the torches suddenly growing in brightness, as Strix turned to see a woman, completely clad in golden armour, her red hair glowing but floating as if it was underwater. Strix could tell immediately that this woman was more powerful than the other fighters Strix had run into above, she seemed to be an embodiment of the Sun Goddess herself, was she perhaps a Chosen? Or even greater, an Aspect? Strix gripped her sword and plunged it into the earth turning the floor into a bubbling mud pit once more. The woman raised a single hand, the one not holding the shield and a wave of light washed through Strix' mud, instantly hardening it back into earth.

(Taiyo no Inori: Yoku no moeru yōna hikari) - Prayer of the Sun: Bath of flaming light
Rank: S
Type: Offensive
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 100
Damage points: N/A
The user channels the power of the Sun Goddess to purify any altered land by burning away any foreign chakra source.

You will find me more than a match for you dark witch. I have heard of the stories of you, and I will stop you from taking that relic.

It was true that Strix could feel this womans power, but she wouldnt let up, and gathering up chakra she pushed her palm forward, a huge blast once again pushing forwards, destroying the coffins and shattering colours holding the roof as it ripped forwards.

Gentei: Erementaru | Limit: Elemental
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: B-S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20-40 (-15 per turn)
Damage: 40-80
One basic application of Cosmic Chakra is able to manipulate it into several different properties. Depending on the Drive form the user is in, depends on what application can be used. Should the user be in no drive form, but call upon their cosmic chakra, they can only produce such things as blasts or waves from their body. Simple and unrefined bursts called forth from the accompanying movement, where it follows the body. These blasts and surges only last for the the moment of the attack, not going beyond the turn used. When in the basic first Drive Form, the user is capable of create more complex constructs, creating walls, golems, creatures etc. These constructs while they can be launched from the body, cannot move on their own unless given the appropriate movement from the user. They last for 2 turns on the field, capable of being more advanced than the base form. When the user has mastered their Final Form, the user can create more advanced constructs. These techniques are created and made from cosmic chakra but additionally given the unique proporties having the flexibility to change form/shape should the user desire. This is not limited to the users Cosmic chakra, but can create constructs that can move about on their own, for 3 turns. This is not to be confused with sentience but instead given "direct orders" eg, "attack here" or "defend me" etc.

- Constructs can only be used in the turn they were created in. The use of Master Drive extends this by 1 turn while entering Final Form extends this another turn.
- After use of S rank version, no other Cosmic Chakra technique above A rank can be used next turn
- S rank can be used 3 times max while A rank can be used up to 5 times.

I will leave here, I will read the truth....

If you know what is in that book, then I am afraid I have to stop you.

She raised her shield, as it seemed to project a wall of fire on either side of its wings, as the chakra clashed with the fire, seemingly shaking the woman but not causing her to lose any determination.

They clashed again, the woman in armour walking forward slowly into the chamber with her sword raised, as she cast a bolt of lightning out of it. A line of fire that illuminated the chamber headed straight for Strix as she twisted, rotating lower to duck under the fire while throwing a single large shuriken she had summoned at the woman. As it travelled it summoned many more, creating a storm of steel and lightning.

Taiyo no Inori: Yari no Nikko | Prayer of the Sun: Spear of Sunlight
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Sharpening their Sunlight chakra into the tip of a finger, hand or weapon, the user compresses the fire untill it become a thin line, similar to the tip of a spear. Then erupting from the point, a beam of Sunlight Chakra which ignites any objects it comes into contact with.

Raiu | Thunderstorm
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
A bukijutsu technique where the user will take a large shuriken that has a summoning seal on it charging it with raiton chakra. Then throwing it above the opponents head, the user will activate the seal, summoning forth another large shuriken, which has another summoning seal on it, which will activate summoning forth another shuriken with a summoning seal etc raining down hundreds of large shuriken covering the area of the target up to mid range in large shurikens. The user will make a single seal discharging the electrical chakra in the original shuriken, which will jump to all nearby shuriken and create a large thunder storm of electrical currents jumping around from shuriken to shuriken multiplying each time it jumps to the next nearest one.
-No other A rank lightning jutsu this or next turn
-Can only be used 3 times per battle
-One turn cool down between each turn

Im sorry, but you already know too much if you've come here for that object. I cannot allow you to leave alive. It is my duty as a Chosen.

The woman almost sounded sad in her voice, or perhaps it was condescending, Strix couldn't tell, the room was becoming increasingly hot, and Strix was having trouble concentrating. As the barrage of shuriken and lightning was going towards the woman, she raised her shield and pushed forwards running at Strix.

Taiyo no Inori: Tate no Reona | Prayer of the Sun: Shield of Leona
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 80
Damage: 100
After making a prayer to the Sun Goddess, the user will raise their shield, (or arm if they do not have a shield) which will be imbued with the strength of Leona the first Sun Aspect. Protecting the user, when coming in contact with a foreign chakra source, it will rupture and explode forward in a blaze of purifying fire, damaging the source of chakra it came from.

In an intense burst of flame, the entire chamber was filled with flames almost within an instant, only enough time for Strix to produce a defence. Twisting her Earthen sword, she raised a serpentine dragon around her, covering her from the flames. However the fire itself was still baking the chamber and the dragon, causing Strix to begin to heat up and almost bake alive.

(Doton: Dosenkiryū) - Earth Release: Earth and Stone Dragon Technique
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long (made within Short, but reaches up to Long)
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80+15
Description: The user after performing the required hand seals Horse → Dog → Bird → Ox → Snake will create a large dragon of earth erupt from the ground and direct it towards the enemy with devastating force. This technique much resembles the Water Release: Water Dragon technique.

Hating the fact that this wasn't a fight she could win, Strix was going to have to abandon the fight, to live another day, however the small comfort was the leather book in her free hand. Digging her sword into the ground as the earthen dragon began to crumble from the heat, she was engulfed in dirt as she move away, a slightly bitter yet victorious witch. She had lost the fight but she wasn't there to win a fight. Her prize was the knowledge within her torphy.

(Doton: Moguragakure no Jutsu) – Earth Release: Hiding Like A Mole Technique
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Long
Chakra: 15
Damage: N/A
Description: The user changes earth into fine sand by channeling chakra into it, allowing the user to dig through it like a mole. While underground one can sense what is happening on the surface and use the information to launch a surprise attack on the enemy. Once can also hide deep in the ground, escaping to a depth where the enemy cant reach. It also appears that after digging, the ground can be returned to its original state, leaving no trace of where the user entered the earth. While inside the earth, the user cannot make handseals and can only use Earth techniques below C-Rank. If he tries to do a higher ranked technique, he'll disrupt the Hiding like a mole technique and be left crushed.
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