BotM: MHA Heroes

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Dec 23, 2012
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Welcome to the Bio of the Month (BotM)! This is a forum contest made for the purpose of showcasing how well a member can produce a unique character biography (bio). Generally speaking, these are akin to character info pages found on various wikias or even AnimeBase's own RP bios. These should include basic character info as outlined below, in addition to a custom-made character backstory that details their life. With regards to the criteria used to judge these bios, there are four things to consider:
  • Entries are not be plagiarized. Character selections cannot be canon and will be on a first-come-first-serve basis
  • Entries are free to be edited until the deadline
  • Entries are also to abide by the global rules
  • Participants are expected to maintain ample sportsmanship

This month's storyboard elements:
  • Participation in a
  • Participation in a
  • Participation in a
  • Participation in a
NOTE: One or more of the above elements must be used; however, other content is welcome too.

Criteria for judging:

01. Does the bio match the theme? ......................... (0 to 5)

02. How is the quality of the written portion? ........ (0 to 5)

03. How is the quality of the images used? ............ (1 to 3)

04. How is the overall format (BBCode)? .............. (0 to 1)​
1st Place Prizes
2nd Place Prizes
3rd Place Prizes

BotM medal:

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1,000 kin
3,000 kumi

Winner Usergroup

BotM medal:

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750 kin
1,500 kumi

BotM medal:

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500 kin
1,000 kumi

Basic Template:

[B][U]Bio Information[/U][/B]



[B][U]Bio History[/U][/B]
All entries are to be posted in this thread.​
Entries are due by May 5th, 2019 and none will be checked until the deadline passes. Contact @Pekoms for any questions.​
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Reactions: RuckenTM and Rei
Feb 4, 2019
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Bio Information
Name: Corvus Ermenrich
Nickname: Bones
Gender: Male (Probably)
Age: ???

Currently favoring the fleshless skeleton of a mid-19th century gentleman and some (albeit refurbished) attire to match, Corvus' only constant feature is the bright blue rings of fire that take the place of eyes in any skull his energy takes control of.

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Height: 5’7” (6' 1" counting his antlers)
Weight: 22 lbs (currently)

Given his lack of need for traditional sustenance and waste expulsion, Corvus has an unconventional view of the world when it comes to role fulfillment and need for personal belongings. With no need to eat or sleep, money for food and rent has no real value to him. What he wants, he can usually find or trade for through the use of his quirk, and there are many things one can do when they put their mind to it and needn't worry about silly things like oxygen, fatigue, muscle wear from carrying things, and any number of other common situations.

Necromancer - Devoid of a physical body itself, the Quirk user's consciousness is present in a colored energy that takes control of various lifeless items, though there is an especially strong affinity for the manipulation of bones, sinew, etc. in relation to once-living organisms.


Corvus jolted out of his reverie as a hand clasped his shoulder, "Sir," the mariner spoke up, clearing his throat again as he came face-to-face with a living skeleton for the second time in three weeks, "We've arrived at the coordinates you gave us... Captain sent me to ask for orders."

The blue fire in his sockets flared up a bit as Corvus processed this, his gaze glancing down to the young man's name-tag-less breast pocket, "Ah, good news... Joe," the dapperly-suited skeleton replied, his strange, monotonous voice emanating from his very bones rather than spoken from his mouth, "Tell the Captain I'll be ready shortly," and with that, he disappeared down into the quarters, leaving a confused-looking man to play messenger once more. Several minutes later, his creaking form revealed itself on deck shortly after the Captain arrived. The crew, bewildered at his appearance initially, were gobsmacked as they bore witness to an antlered man, devoid of any clothing save for a blue-grey towel wrapped about his thin, bony waist.

After a moment or two of one-sided discussion in which the Captain failed to convince his client to allow him to send anyone along to help, he sighed in exasperation as Corvus stepped to the side of the boat. One leg rose up to the railing as he stepped up and balanced on it before removing his towel and revealing a second, light yellow one beneath, along with what looked like a heavy weight, and then promptly diving into the dark waters below. The waters, generally free of life after the noise from the ship's engines spooked them off, were a silent blanket that enveloped him, growing ever-denser as he delved deeper and deeper into the ocean depths.

Slowly, signs of life began to show themselves to him. The odd shark, school of fish, squid, or other strange sea-dwelling creature becoming more and more common as the time between moments became less and less noticeable in the deepening darkness. Still, though, Corvus felt no unease. His senses were entirely different from a normal human's, and the lack of light did nothing to diminish his perceptions even as he neared the ocean floor.

With a soft whft, Corvus impacted with the silt, creating a cloud of billowing particulates that slowly expanded before settling once more. His movements, while given a slight resistance, were virtually unimpeded by the weight of the water surrounding him as Corvus began to search the area. Strange, alien-looking creatures dotted the area, some of which froze as he neared, others bolted away. Few came close to inspect him, and none let him get close enough to touch. This was fine by him, though, as Corvus had other things in mind.

After some time of searching, he came upon it - the wreck of the Santa Maria - the prize he'd spent the past decade searching for. The frigate, captained by a man named Francesco Cordia, had fallen victim to an ambush by the British Royal Navy some two hundred years prior, and the then loot-heavy ship had sunk beneath the waves before any of the pirates' loot could be recovered. Here it lay untouched by man since, ready for Corvus' discovery.

Smiling inwardly, Corvus stepped forward, sliding down the rise in the ocean floor and sending billowing clouds out from the line he carved through the silt. The ship, with tattered remnants of the sails still clinging desperately to the masts, looked surprisingly decent, considering the gaping hole in its exposed underbelly and the countless barnacles clustered across nearly the entirety of the ship's exposed surfaces. The large area between him and the open belly, though, was enough to give even Corvus pause. Nothing moved, and while down here that wasn't new, it wasn't particularly good either.

Taking a moment to take in his surroundings, though, Corvus sensed nothing, and continued forward. As he stepped up to the gaping cannon wound in the Maria's hull though, sudden movement caused him to try to leap back, though he was nowhere near fast enough in the water compared to whatever lunged at him. Long tendrils wrapped around him, and powerful jaws clacked against his raised arm, snapping it in half with ease. The massive squid readily overpowered his body, the tentacles wrapping about him and ripping his arms and legs from their sockets with ease. The squid, probably expecting more resistance, seemed momentarily dumbfounded before Corvus activated his quirk, forcing the bones to reconnect and pulling the squid's limbs back tight around his body.

Other pieces of bone and even whole skeletons came rushing from nearby, the sharp ends plunging into the squid's flesh while the rest encapsulated them and held them in place. The squid, expecting easy prey and no such rebuttal, could only squirm and thrash helplessly in his grasp, managing only to shred its body against the bone shards held in place. As the water surrounding clouded with blood, Corvus only sighed in mild irritation at the delay once the creature finally stopped fighting. He released the hold, letting the still-dying body fall away as the mass of bones trailed behind him in a small, deadly wake.

Otherwise free of inhabitants, the wreck proved to be full of cargo, though its quality had yet to be determined. Plucking the heavy weight from the cradle he'd created from the bone mass and placing it inside the wreck, Corvus pressed a button and activated the beacon, allowing it to broadcast the location to the ship. He had only to wait for their arrival, now. He only hoped the blood wouldn't attract anything too troublesome in the meantime.


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Aug 17, 2010
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Bio Information

Name: Yuan-ti Shohash
Nickname: Danger Noodle
Gender: Female
Age: 17


"If a person makes a mistake, are they a villain? Or is it what happens after, that defines them?"

"Or is it what happened before? Or, is it the now?"
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Yuan-ti is a self-reliant, and introverted person finding it hard to confide in others due to the events that shaped her past and her current predicament as a vigilante requiring her to avoid allowing her secret to slip. At times she can come off as an inherently clumsy, and awkward individual this fact is made more prominent by her appearance brought on by her heteromorphic quirk giving her a flexible, elongated and wobbly frame. She has shown an inability to properly channel her anger into productive outlets. In her youth, this caused her to quit, and give up on things she was unable to accomplish. She wasn't as adept as the other children.

She also has an internal feeling that she was born from villainy due to who her mother is. In the end, she made up her mind that she wanted to be a hero or vigilante whichever she could become first, not exactly to save others but her ultimate goal became to be the one to subdue and imprison her mother. To a degree, she feels that it is her duty to seek out and capture her mother. At times she questions if she can really be a hero, with her having such selfish goals in mind. She has distanced herself from others due to the fact that she has watched someone close to her die, directly blaming herself for a death that was out of her control.

Bio History

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Yuan-ti Shohash was born to a civilian father with a useless quirk, the minor ability to hinge, and unhinge his jaw like a snake and a villainess mother. Her mother's quirk was a hypnosis-based quirk that revolved around, seduction and the ability to trick others into doing her bidding without them remembering that she had ever given them an order. This meant that Yuan-ti was raised by her single father for most of her life and never got to know her mother on a parental level knowing nothing more than that she was a wanted criminal. This was because her mother was usually evading heroes, committing crimes, which included but weren't limited to smuggling, burglary, trafficking, robbery, and eventually murder or trying to con others into providing her an extravagant lifestyle.

Most of her childhood was spent in relative, self-isolation avoiding contact with others trying to not create bonds as she had abandonment issues. She went to school, and she socialized like any other child but she was usually perceived as cold, distant and aloof never truly trying to learn about others or teach others about herself. She avoided after-school activities, and went straight home, after class. That was until she met a boy about her age in middle school. This boy, wanted more than anything to be a hero, and that showed in his valorous deeds. She knew from his boisterous and loud demeanor in class that he was constantly placing himself in danger jumping off of high places, trying to apprehend criminals only to be scolded by licensed heroes, and reprimanded for using his quirk in fights at school. One day on her way home she saw him chasing a purse snatcher, in her direction. This was the first time she was in this sort of situation, she tended to avoid confrontation never putting herself in scenarios that would put her in harm's way. She rarely used her quirk for aggression as well so she wasn't used to her abilities more than merely being a human-snake hybrid of sorts.

As the purse snatcher approached the boy called out to Yuan-ti asking her to trip the large scruffy-man so he could perform a citizens arrest. Being the gangly, clumsy snake-like humanoid that she was Yuan-ti crouched partially extending her long leg outward to intercept the man. As the snatcher fell forward crashing to the ground the boy jumped upon him holding him in place while several heroes rushed in late to the scene. They reprimanded the boy, for his reckless actions, and for the first time, Yuan-ti had found herself in trouble for her actions. But, at that moment, she felt exhilarated. She felt like she understood the boy to a degree and his drive to become a hero. For a moment she wondered if she could ever be strong enough, to subdue her villainous mother.

She quickly pushed that thought away as the heroes escorted them away from the scene. The boy complimented Yuan-ti on her quick reflexes and introduced himself as Rune. He quickly explained that was his hero name though, with a grin as he told her she could call him Warrick, no Rune was better. It wasn't long before Yuan-ti and Rune became friends, she learned his quirk was the ability to form energy based runes and sigils that he could stand on, or use as weapons crushing, moving or throwing objects around using them as platforms. Rune was the first friend she ever had. Rune was a goofy boy, he sought out risk and began to drag Yuan-ti along. However, those days would give way to the pressure of school, and the future. Rune wanted to become a hero more than anything and he wanted Yuan-ti to be a hero too. She never had any desire to be a hero, but she did feel a closeness to Rune and wanted to support him, and so together they applied for multiple hero secondary schools.

After some training alongside Rune, the day came, that they could attend and participate in an Entrance Exam. She had trained half-heartedly learning how to use more of her abilities, they were snake-based in origin. She could sense heat-signals by opening her mouth and sticking out her tongue, good for reconnaissance and detection. She could take a considerable amount of damage, because like a snake she had extremely flexible bones which allowed her to be remarkably dexterous and the scales of her body allowed for an intuitive defense against weapons, bullets, and blunt trauma. She also had abilities relating to camouflage and mimicry allowing her to be rather stealthy. Rune had even pressured her into creating her own hero name which felt more like a joke than a name. He began to call her it more than he called her by her real name. Danger Noodle. The Entrance Exam they partook in together wasn't anything extremely difficult but it was a day Yuan-ti would grow to eventually regret.

Their objective seemed simple and it even allowed them to work as a team. They were to destroy numerous robotic constructs and gain points in doing so. Due to her less battle-oriented abilities, she and Rune decided to team up and try to gather points by working as a collective. The first few constructs went down with relative ease. Rune's abilities were rather good at this as he could create sigils of energy to crush the constructs, as well as lifting himself and Yuan-ti into the air to attack from above. During her exam, she had those same feelings of exhilaration that she had that day when she helped Rune capture that purse snatcher. With time they had destroyed a few of the constructs when a massive one pushed forward. It was too big for them, and she knew that but Rune wanted to attack it and destroy it explaining that it must be worth "all the points." She agreed and Rune threw them forward creating a sigil below their feet and throwing them toward the construct. It was almost instant, they were struck by one of the large mangled hands of the giant mecha. It threw them to the ground together before a strength-based quirk using hero landed a final blow upon the construct.

It was in that moment that Yuan-ti's life would change for the worse, from that point onward her life would be a compounding series of poor decisions and loss. The construct was torn to pieces by the strength-based quirk user, a large piece of sharp, angular rubble rocketed downward and pinned Rune underneath it. Yuan-ti was too slow, as she tried to push him out from underneath the falling debris.
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At that moment, in that singular moment in time, she lost the first and only friend she had. Rune died, crushed under the weight of the debris. Yuan-ti wanted to curl up and die with him. She blamed the quirk user, she blamed the school, but most of all right now, and for the rest of her life-... she blamed herself.

For a while, her life was a blur, she had failed the entrance exam. She did not make it into the hero school, nor any school for that matter as she gave up on that dream when Rune died. She knew without Rune, she couldn't be a hero. She spent a long time, in her room, secluding herself from society. Even from her father, the only family she had. She sunk into a deep depression, one that she had trouble rousing herself from. The thing that did finally help her overcome her guilt and her grief was a news story about a string of murders. She learned that the victims would usually commit a crime before being found dead. Something tugged on her mind telling her it was her mother masterminding the events.

She thought back to that day, the first time she and Rune worked together as a team, back to that feeling of warmth and exhilaration and the only goal she ever had. That one selfish goal. The imprisonment and subduing of her own mother. She knew Rune wouldn't want her to slink into a philosophical hole, and die. He would want her to strive to be the hero he knew she was. However, there was no way she could be a hero now, not after failing an Entrance Exam and witnessing her closest friend die. She still blamed the system for Rune's death, she believed that she had only one option. Become a vigilante, an "illegal" hero. So that's what she did. She did what Rune had done ever since he was a child. She fought the petty criminals that the "legal" heroes ignored, and she did it for Rune, her father and for herself with the goal to become strong enough to hunt down and deal with her mother.​
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Mar 2, 2012
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Kazumi Mishima

N A M E : 三島 一美 Mishima Kazumi

N I C K N A M E : Hachijo, Hand of God

G E N D E R : Female

A G E : 27

P E R S O N A L I T Y :

Being a serious and very determined woman who is ready to fight her opponents along with her pet summons but she is also mysterious, cunning and seductive as seen in her scrolls when she fights her ex-husband, Heihachi, especially when she summons her pet slug to attack her opponents. Another of her scrolls is shown that she was very sad and disappointed implying that she becomes very upset towards her ex-husband for his actions. In one of her stories however, she becomes calm and a worrywart and can sense other presences known to her probably her own son, Kazuya who thinks she was dead and she can't accept her fate because of her heritage. Although when she faces her son in a fight, she convinces him to use his powers which is enough to wake up the city despite the latter wanting to gain more power as his own. Another one of her scrolls is shown that she formally bows to her opponent and kindly wants to accept her kindest regard. But in one of her win portraits where she calmly wonders while walking away to her defeated opponent and becomes impressed with her opponent's moves.

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H I S T O R Y:

Entry log 028:
Debriefing with Kazumi Mishima
Leon Kennedy, Owner of Hero for Justice Intership.

This is the story of Kazumi's first trial with an internship as a trial hero. It was messy, despite it being a simple patrol mission concerned with curbing gang activity. Recently, rumors had been spread around by someone that Kazumi had beaten to death one of the gang members, a effort to discredit her and halt her progress as a hero.

It was a Friday afternoon as Kazumi is confronted by several members of the Heiwajima gang over the deaths of their colleagues but, instead of fighting them, she runs away by climbing up the side of a building, displaying excellent skill that she had been training at while with her time at the UA academy. After Kazumi loses the Heiwajima gang, she receives several texts from the her leader at the Intership Company. She skims through them while thinking about how to clear her name when she sees several flyers on a message board near by about her friends obe and Chiaki fighting near UA Academy. Kazumi reads through with more attention and notices a post by "Kageyama" suggesting they kidnap Chiaki's girlfriend to make him stop. Kazumi decides that she should try to rescue the girls who were being targeted and goes to UA to intercept the kidnappers. When she arrives at UA, she sees a motorbike parked up front and picks it up, intending to use it on the rogue gangs members.

Not bad, fighting more than one or two at a time can get messy, running away was a smart move. Thankfully there were no public around. Maybe next time call for help instead of trying to solve it on your own.

Kazumi then moves on to deal with the kidnappers. By this time, the fight has escalated into a battle between the rogue gang members against Kobe and his gang (plus Chiaki). When Kazumi arrives, Ahri, and Volona fighting each other who have also gotten caught in the crossfire. Kazumi asks whose motorbike she's riding and Volona answers that it's hers. Kazumi parks the bike now that he knows who the owner is and proceeds to beat up the remaining kidnappers who haven't been incapacitated yet, sending each of them flying.

Trying to de-escalate fighting should always be a heros first option. If there is a choice between not fighting and fighting, always take not fighting.

Kazumi uses the distraction of the fight to climb on top of a fence which she uses to leap on the the side of a nearby apartment building. Kazumi runs along the side of the building until she catches up with Volona and Xion and jumps, bashing through the roof of the truck and landing between Ahri and Volona. Volona, with regret, attempts to shoot Kazumi in the head but is stopped by Xion. A sudden jerk by Xion causes a crate full of combat knives to fall and Kazumi shields Akane with her body.

The right action, protect anyone at all costs from harm. Sometimes even if its a villain. A hero doesnt let anyone come to harm if they can help it.

Once she made sure she was unhurt, Kazumi slams her fist into the floor of the truck, effectively breaking the cargo compartment in half. Kazumi takes Ahri and leaps off the still moving truck while Xions shadow moves to cushion their fall. Xion and Ahri retreat for the time being. Ahri asks why Kazumi saved her despite the fact that she's trying to kill her. Kazumi simply replies

"Thats what hero's do"

Perhaps a little overzealuos, but a good one liner I have to admit. Ill be going to the hospital later to visit her to give her the results of the day, and hopefully cheer her up a bit.
Overall ranking, Id say A. Could have prevented some actions, perhaps even called in for back up, but I know how much these new heroes want to impress.
End of report.
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ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
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Name: Zora Akiyama
Nick: Ghostmother
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Quirk: Yamanaka | Black Wind

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Basic Info:
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Zora is a tall and strongly built woman. She has dark grey hair and red/orange eyes with a powerful gaze. She has a kind face, but in battle she really knows how to put on a war-face. Since she comes from Sunagakure she originally had those type of common desert clothes. However, when she went rouge she started wearing an intimidating armor made out of common metal, however that is not the case anymore and even if she would wear it at some occasions it is entirely cosmetic. When Zora finally found the Sanguine Earrings, she has had them on her person ever since. Due to the affects of the earrings, however, she has locked away half of her consciousness inside one of the earrings which has taken some toll over her personality. Outside battle, Zora wearing casual clothing and she's quite the bohemic and just wears what she thinks is very comfortable rather than going for the most stylish attires. She carries a sword on her back that she has given the name "Igudorashiru | イグドラシル" and she uses it in battle when she wants to use kenjutsu. She carries one tattoo on her body. A vampire squid contract tattoo on her right shoulder which gives her the ability to either summon the massive sea creatures or lend their abilities on herself in battle.

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Zora might look intimidating, but she has a heart for justice. In the battle she's a fierce and strong woman, sometimes letting her heart act before her mind. Despite that, she's an excellent tactician and uses her unique abilities extremely well. Her preferred way of execution is to crush her enemies minds into dust or just simply crush the entire opponent to dust through her typhoon release or her hidden Yamanaka abilities. She likes to experiment in battles and sometimes uses completely different approaches depending on her mood and the situation of the battle. She does this to hone her skills, and gain information that could be very helpful to develop new ninjutsu in the future. Outside battle she's kind of shy but not towards the people she knows and loves. She doesn't have a lot of friends, but she chooses quality over quantity in that regard. She can easily get offended, but like most girls, it's easy to put out the blaze of her fire in the heat of the moment. She enjoy walks and she loves to be outside and to experience the beautiful world, something that is shared with her clan-mate Alucard. Her main passion is to fight for the right of others and to do anything to make it right.

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Background Info:
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It starts with a dream
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Zora lived and grew up in the chaotic period of Sunagakure when the city was in desperation and war with the other countries, mostly because of their possession of the bijuu. Zora's family ties are relatively unknown except for the fact that she has a slight tint of green in her eyes and her father was a Yamanaka clan member from Konohagakure. Her mother was pretty much a nobody, but possessed formidable talent when it came to the wind style. Not much is known about the dark winds of legends except they originate from Sunagakure. Her father, belonging to the Yamanaka clan was a natural sensor and possessed the typical abilities of the clan with a strong mental capacity. He and her mother fought bravely in the wars but were both killed in battle, leaving Zora on her own when she was 13 years old. Throughout the rest of the war, Zora had to handle herself with the powers she had been given from her parents. She would be recognized as "Dawn" or first light of her generation. The name Akiyama came from both her parents combined family names.
The particular child came to be a prodigy of the Sunagakure history books as the one who tamed the god of wind. Although she lacked the fathers ability of sensing presences, the combination of her parents abilities would still outweigh the ability.

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Entry Exam
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As she grew up in warfare, Zora was set to enter the hero academia exams to get entry to the facilities and training to survive in the war and the wars to come. At the age of 13, she acquired a "master" - that would guide her towards the academy and its necessities to be permitted to enter it. This master would later turn out to be one of the teachers in the school. His name was Alucard. Despite being old as hell, he did have a very young appearance. He was wise and willing to team up with Zora after seeing her devastating flank abilities in the war with her black winds. Their encounter wasn't friendly but it inspired Zora to become a better warrior. She had thought she was invincible, but after having her black winds completely absorbed by Alucards dark powers she wanted to become his disciple. With only a brief introduction to what nature elements where - aka quirks, Zora had only grasped the nail over the entity known as chakra. She knew her black winds where far superior than most other quirks, but she didn't know why. She also didn't know why she had this mental quirk that was similar to Eraser heads quirk but even more powerful. Alucard told her that she was born with the abilities for some sort of military advancement. He said to her that everything is for a purpose. While he explained the natures of quirks and the beginning of them, he ordered Zora to drag him across the battlefields with a large brick of concrete under him. This would make her stronger and wiser at the same time. Alucard prompted with the fact that she could not stop moving until he told her to. This was pure discipline, something that heroes needs to have. More than anything. After a couple of months, Zoras flesh around her hands had almost gone off and her bones ached so bad that she could hardly stand anymore. It was at this moment Alucard told her to stop. He spoke with a very big grin on his face. You're ready now. After a week in hospital, Zora and Alucard left for the academy exams where her strength, endurance and might would be tested as well as her knowledge. As they approached the fabled academy, the doors opened and Alucard pat her back before leaving her. She wiped the tears from her eyes as her knees where shaking like a powerdrill. She would find something called "friends" in their. Would they be like her parents? Her thoughts made her dizzy and she waltzed through the entrance of the school only to end up at the reception with a blue tint on her face. She explained that she wanted to take tomorrows tests and that she had been travelling with Alucard, who assured her that the school would have somewhere for her to stay that night. Confirmed by the receptionist, Zora wandered off towards her bunk. Frightened to death. She bumped into some kids in her age along the way but she could not face their gaze. With a big sleep and a sunny weather, Zora woke up to the sound of a ringing bell and a voice that announced the starting time for the tests. Eagerly she got dressed and rushed towards the outdoor area where she was supposed to meet her group. It was no secret the kids she met up with where just as scarred from the war as she, but they spoke of their parents as if they where alive. This caused doubt in Zoras mind as if they actually where and she was the only one who hadn't gotten hers left. Her thoughts where quickly abrupted by the sound of the starting gun. She had afterall stood next to the sprint test. With a second delay, Zora ran for parents. Her memories of them. A tear fell as she crossed the line and while she was out of breathe she looked up to find Alucard greeting her with a hug. You made it, he said. First place, not too shabby. C'mon now, lets test that relentless strength of yours huh? The next test was deadlift. Being a woman of a rather slender body type, Zora used her black wind quirk to counter gravity of the weight. This made it seem like she lifted a ton while in reality she used a transparent sheet of black winds that carried it with minimal effort. The only one she thought knew was going on was Alucard as he stood next to her with a slight grin on his face. He patted her back and then they headed towards the last drill. Endurance - it was called. While they headed there, some kids in Zoras age who was there for the tests all surrounded her and Alucard and started to act like fans around him. They wanted his autograph and posing for a selfie. Using his ninjutsu quirk, Alucard could fade into nothingness while he held Zoras hand. Her classmates wondered where he went but Zora put up a slight smile as the invisible Alucard guided her towards the finals. She had at this point gotten in touch of the other students that also had aced their previous tests. Although she was awkward, her classmates didn't give up on the quest of befriending her. One boy named Lucas and one girl named Zoë - both with amazing quirks of fire and ice as well as gravity and darkness. They where jealous of Zoras relationship with Alucard and wanted to know more about him. However at the time there was no time to do so as the bell rang for the final round of the tests. The three lined up for the drill while other kids lined up alongside them. This was it, the first one across all three obstacles won. The first obstacle was to balance on an oil-soaked log that was about 20 centimeters in diameter over a steep that was hundreds of meters deep. If you fell there you would die. Zora immediately utilised her wind quirk to negate gravity and propeller her towards the other end with jet speeds. She boosted herself across the like a divine bird. However, so did Lucas and Zoë with the help of a large ice-sheet which Lucas had created - and an anti gravity force-field that Zoë had surrounded herself with. All three where across in no time. The next obstacle was a field of drones, ranging from different sizes and where given certain points if destroyed. Zora would unleash her Yamanaka quirk and had all the drones obliterate eachother with a snap of her fingers while she flew above the battlefield like it was.. beneath her, figuratively and literally. At this point her confidence was so high she lost track of Lucas and Zoë. She faced the final round. The goal here was to sneak around detection drones with extremely advanced precision equipments. These drones where the size of a band aid and swirled around the area like large flies. Zora went invisible and refracted the light that hit her with her black wind quirk. She knew this wasn't enough and so she put on her family gift - the Sanguine Earrings, which boosted her Yamanaka quirks as well as her manipulative genjutsu quirks. With a silent snap, Zora spread her chakra across the field and injected each small drone with a genjutsu that made them pick up nothing through their equipment. Zora then just turned into the black wind element herself and became one with the air - waltzing across the field undetected. She was through. She expected to see Lucas and Zoë at the finish line with her but she didn't see them. Instead, Alucard was there to notify her that she had passed all three tests with flying colours. It was now time for the U.A Sports Festival. Her next step for internship.

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U.A Sports Festival
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Zora's expertise with the black wind quick only grew stronger and stronger for ever day since she learned how to fully control it. After a week of rest and preparations for the festival, Zora had been experimenting with her quirks. Lucas and Zoë shared the bunks next to her and the trio went on meetings and classes together. Zora could finally realize the meaning of friends again. Not that they just let her forget about them during the last test a week ago, but still. The time of the festival was upon them. The grand finale of their training and the internship of other heroes was upon them. They felt the excitement within their bodies boiling. Zora woke up to the crowd outside the academy the following morning. It was no joke, a huge crowd "stormed" the academy grounds with reporters and fans scattered all over the place. Zora prepped herself as best as she could and met up with Alucard who would take her to the festival. Numerous heroes where present in the large stadium that surrounded the battle grounds. A 1v1 tournament faced Zora. A streak of 5 was the best outcome, and the only one she accounted for to do. Her first opponent stood infrot of her doing nothing but shake. It was clearly wrong for him to be there, so Zora went full savage and used her Yamanaka quirk to intrude into his mind and take control over his body, forcing it to leave the field. By doing so he was out of bounds and this dictated that Zora was the winner of that round. Half an hour later, when the other contesters had finished their battles it was Zoras turn again. She did the same thing three times in a row until she got bored for the final round. It was no pushover this man that stood infront of her. His name was Alucard, her master. Knowing the strength of his dark marks on his hands, Zora used her other elemental quirks. In secret, Zora had created three elemental quirks that where unknown towards the rest of the world and all three of them where unaffected by his darkness. Using a molten variation of a bismuth metal, Zora manipulated it into waves that closed in on Alucards directions. This forced him to retreat upwards, however, Zora had predicted this move as she could tap into Alucards brain and read his next moves due to her Yamanaka mind reader quirk. Zora would create a sponge of razor sharp and tough palladium foam that swallowed Alucards body and squished him to pulp. It was at this moment, he knew. He fucked up.


Moments later, Alucard was defeated and yielded. Her defeat over Alucard became a world sensation and heroes wanted her along side them as a "side-kick". But all of that had to wait as the other side of a coin. Heroes's nemesis, villians's had appeared.

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Hideout Raid
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Alucard had warned Zora about the villians league, an organisation that was in the goal of pure world domination and that their leader possessed the quirk known as "all for one" - a quirk that let him absorb any type of quirk he wanted. His name was Hiruko(see what i did there?). It was no coincidence that the villians chose to appear in this number at the festival. Their goal was to take over the world while heroes's goals where to defend it. It was ripe for the taking. With a broken Alucard at her side, Zora would face the league of villians by herself. She had no patience for this, all she wanted was to become a hero already. Maybe this act would actually boost her setting. She told Alucard to calm his tits and go see a doctor. Zora then stormed the forces of the villians as they had taken a hostage - Zoë. With Hirukos abnormal stolen quirk he could teleport objects through tangible gates that surrounded people or other objects. This was known as a space time quirk. While Zora had no intention of letting that stop her, she faced numbers of villians which she treated just the same way as the battle drones two chapters back. With her Sanguine earrings equipped her force over them increased exponentially. While his grunts kept battle eachother, Hiruko was in a hostage keeping position. Zora could not ignore that, which is why she created a black wind clone of herself. This clone could refract light and walk through objects like air could. Meanwhile she appeared visible, Hiruko failed to notice the ruse that was about to doom him. A heart beat after a creepy laughter from Zora's bellows, Hiruko was stabbed by Zora's black wind clone who also could use the palladium foam release. The sponge spread through Hirukos wound and completely embodied him. His "body" then fell to the floor. The sound it made could not be described as anything other than a pure chill.
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Zora returned after having Han Solo'd the entire league of villians by herself. It had gone so fast that the crowd was still around the festival grounds, eager to know what had happened. Alucard's mentor - Galen Marek was present at the festival. He noticed her presence even though she was cloaked as a challenge towards the rest of the heroes. If none of them could detect her, she thought that none of them where worthy of her time. Her internship had begun and the Star Wars fanclub shop next to the academy. Galen explained to her that he was a secret hero who used the force quirk. With it, he could sense anything, control everything and use something called a chakra sabre. He was amazingly impressed by Zoras performance during the festival and the league of legends. After spending a few months together, Zora and Galen decided to part ways. This was the step Zora had wanted to fulfill for such a long time. She was now no student, no intern, no captive. She was the hero the world deserves. ..
..and needs..
Ghostmother was at the worlds disposal.

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Jul 25, 2017
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Bio Information

Name: Shoyo Hinata
Nickname: Shrimp. Air-head. Dumb-ass
Gender: Male
Age: 16

Personality: Hinata has no talents, and is a failure in all walks of life. However, that doesn't define his character. In the right company, he is super energetic and cheerful. The speak-before-you-think type (which gets him into trouble ofttimes). He has an amazing passion for volleyball and chess. Caring, sweet, thoughtful, Hinata basically has all the qualities women say they want in a guy before they run of with the typical bad-boy and get burned.

Bio History

Whoever you are. Whoever you think you are. Believe that you are also blessed with an amazing gift. A quirk like no other. One such that regardless of what precarious situation you stumble upon, courtesy of your improvidence, some way, somehow, you always come out on top. You’ve been held at gunpoint and the gun jammed. You’ve been robbed but you forgot your important items in your school locker, making the whole thing redundant as you had nothing of value on your person. You’ve fallen off a cliff, and here, your hoodie snared onto a jagged rock, breaking your fall. Your house caught fire, and fiery blaze burned a hole in the wall, allowing you to jump through. Luck – that is your unique quirk. Bystanders who’ve witnessed your incredulous vicissitudes and fortuitous escapes think you have an incredible finesse for turning things around. The naked truth is, you sleep with the lights on, deathly afraid of the dark, and you wet your pants during nightmares.

So, how did you -- a complete and utter nincompoop -- find yourself enlisted on the entrance exam of the infamous U.A High School? Because you passed the prerequisite written test. Not because you knew the answers, no, no but because your quirk guided your instincts. Whereas for the others who’ve failed, I guess you could say that their instinks (ha!). Still, you shouldn’t have made it this far. Reproachful glares you get from jealous peers remind you of that. All you’ve ever wanted was to make friends. To have fun. Instead, all you got was a class full of kids as cold and arrogant as they are talented. Your bright, unruly, orange hair stands out from the crowd. They don’t like that. Your funny but untimely jokes lighten up the mood. They didn’t like that either. You’re the sole reason your group wins during group activities. Your contribution goes overlooked. There is no winning with them.

Fuck them. To hell with those fallible clowns. Today you stand in the grand hall of U.A, one among a hundred other successful applicants. As the rules of the entrance exam are explained, you put on a tough facial expression. Eyebrows furrowed, lips pursed, and a fiery look in your eyes that goes unnoticed because nobody cares enough about you to look in your direction. All this is but a brave front. Inside, your heart gyrates beyond normalcy. The proverbial ‘cry me a river’ aptly turns to ‘sweat me a river’. You feel a spectrum of emotions you can’t describe. Never have you been in a room full of this many intimidating people. Some look like literal aliens, with all sorts of unnatural physiques. Others, a dark, sinister atmosphere surrounds them. Nobody seems approachable. In the front, you hear the greatest hero of all time, All Might, in his customary loud voice, booming: “whether you win or lose… you can always come out ahead by learning from the experience!”. But you derive from it no comfort. If anything, it makes you even more anxious.

What feels like a second later, you find yourself in the middle of a battleground, facing against a freak with an affinity for lightning. He, she, whatever it is, had already shot bolts of lightning at you, and while you’ve dodged them all, you know you can’t keep up for long. A long-term plan is needed, but there isn’t sufficient time because within a second, they blaze towards you at incredible speeds, fist outstretched as their whole body is encased in a surely lethal body of lightning. In that fraction of a second, before you’re hit, the words of All Might interject your panicky thoughts. He says: if you feel yourself up against your limit, remember what caused you to clench your fists… remember why you started down this path, and let that carry you beyond your limit. You can’t help but laugh. Easy for him to say as muscle riddled giant with an extremely powerful quirk handed down from generation to generation. When you’re a total wimp as you are with no physical prowess, things are not so easy. To pass the entrance exam, the only requirement is to defeat your opponent, take their tag, and hold onto it until the time limit passes. And if you didn’t feel like getting your ass whooped, you could always surrender it. But of course, doing so will only see you get bullied even more at school, and the embarrassment will stain whatever career you might have in the hero world.

Your time runs out, and as you feel electricity shock you, you let out a scream, which you soon stop when you realize your opponent is screaming even louder than you. You feel extreme pain, no doubt, but on the flipside, the other person passes out before you. How is that even possible? In what world does the physical embodiment of Zeus’ lightning bolt crumble before a mere human? Did someone else attack them from behind? Did you suddenly manifest amazing superpowers? No such thing. It takes you minutes to figure it out, but when you do, you literally can’t believe your luck. As it turns out, you unabashedly wet yourself as they blitzed towards you. So much so that a small pool of liquid formed in your radius, of which they failed to take notice of, and as soon as their body of lightning touched it… well, the rest is science.

See? I wasn’t joking when I said you’re the world’s luckiest kid. Completely and utterly lost for words, ashamed at having won in such a fashion, relieved and overcome with joy, you snatch the tag and go into hiding. And when the exam time runs out, you hand it in, securing your place in U.A High School.

(The history is narrated in such a way that the reader becomes the character of this biography).
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