Bio Information
Name: Corvus Ermenrich
Nickname: Bones
Gender: Male (Probably)
Age: ???
Currently favoring the fleshless skeleton of a mid-19th century gentleman and some (albeit refurbished) attire to match, Corvus' only constant feature is the bright blue rings of fire that take the place of eyes in any skull his energy takes control of.
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Height: 5’7” (6' 1" counting his antlers)
Weight: 22 lbs (currently)
Given his lack of need for traditional sustenance and waste expulsion, Corvus has an unconventional view of the world when it comes to role fulfillment and need for personal belongings. With no need to eat or sleep, money for food and rent has no real value to him. What he wants, he can usually find or trade for through the use of his quirk, and there are many things one can do when they put their mind to it and needn't worry about silly things like oxygen, fatigue, muscle wear from carrying things, and any number of other common situations.
Necromancer - Devoid of a physical body itself, the Quirk user's consciousness is present in a colored energy that takes control of various lifeless items, though there is an especially strong affinity for the manipulation of bones, sinew, etc. in relation to once-living organisms.
Corvus jolted out of his reverie as a hand clasped his shoulder, "Sir," the mariner spoke up, clearing his throat again as he came face-to-face with a living skeleton for the second time in three weeks, "We've arrived at the coordinates you gave us... Captain sent me to ask for orders."
The blue fire in his sockets flared up a bit as Corvus processed this, his gaze glancing down to the young man's name-tag-less breast pocket, "Ah, good news... Joe," the dapperly-suited skeleton replied, his strange, monotonous voice emanating from his very bones rather than spoken from his mouth, "Tell the Captain I'll be ready shortly," and with that, he disappeared down into the quarters, leaving a confused-looking man to play messenger once more. Several minutes later, his creaking form revealed itself on deck shortly after the Captain arrived. The crew, bewildered at his appearance initially, were gobsmacked as they bore witness to an antlered man, devoid of any clothing save for a blue-grey towel wrapped about his thin, bony waist.
After a moment or two of one-sided discussion in which the Captain failed to convince his client to allow him to send anyone along to help, he sighed in exasperation as Corvus stepped to the side of the boat. One leg rose up to the railing as he stepped up and balanced on it before removing his towel and revealing a second, light yellow one beneath, along with what looked like a heavy weight, and then promptly diving into the dark waters below. The waters, generally free of life after the noise from the ship's engines spooked them off, were a silent blanket that enveloped him, growing ever-denser as he delved deeper and deeper into the ocean depths.
Slowly, signs of life began to show themselves to him. The odd shark, school of fish, squid, or other strange sea-dwelling creature becoming more and more common as the time between moments became less and less noticeable in the deepening darkness. Still, though, Corvus felt no unease. His senses were entirely different from a normal human's, and the lack of light did nothing to diminish his perceptions even as he neared the ocean floor.
With a soft
whft, Corvus impacted with the silt, creating a cloud of billowing particulates that slowly expanded before settling once more. His movements, while given a slight resistance, were virtually unimpeded by the weight of the water surrounding him as Corvus began to search the area. Strange, alien-looking creatures dotted the area, some of which froze as he neared, others bolted away. Few came close to inspect him, and none let him get close enough to touch. This was fine by him, though, as Corvus had other things in mind.
After some time of searching, he came upon it - the wreck of the
Santa Maria - the prize he'd spent the past decade searching for. The frigate, captained by a man named Francesco Cordia, had fallen victim to an ambush by the British Royal Navy some two hundred years prior, and the then loot-heavy ship had sunk beneath the waves before any of the pirates' loot could be recovered. Here it lay untouched by man since, ready for Corvus' discovery.
Smiling inwardly, Corvus stepped forward, sliding down the rise in the ocean floor and sending billowing clouds out from the line he carved through the silt. The ship, with tattered remnants of the sails still clinging desperately to the masts, looked surprisingly decent, considering the gaping hole in its exposed underbelly and the countless barnacles clustered across nearly the entirety of the ship's exposed surfaces. The large area between him and the open belly, though, was enough to give even Corvus pause. Nothing moved, and while down here that wasn't new, it wasn't particularly good either.
Taking a moment to take in his surroundings, though, Corvus sensed nothing, and continued forward. As he stepped up to the gaping cannon wound in the
Maria's hull though, sudden movement caused him to try to leap back, though he was nowhere near fast enough in the water compared to whatever lunged at him. Long tendrils wrapped around him, and powerful jaws clacked against his raised arm, snapping it in half with ease. The massive squid readily overpowered his body, the tentacles wrapping about him and ripping his arms and legs from their sockets with ease. The squid, probably expecting more resistance, seemed momentarily dumbfounded before Corvus activated his quirk, forcing the bones to reconnect and pulling the squid's limbs back tight around his body.
Other pieces of bone and even whole skeletons came rushing from nearby, the sharp ends plunging into the squid's flesh while the rest encapsulated them and held them in place. The squid, expecting easy prey and no such rebuttal, could only squirm and thrash helplessly in his grasp, managing only to shred its body against the bone shards held in place. As the water surrounding clouded with blood, Corvus only sighed in mild irritation at the delay once the creature finally stopped fighting. He released the hold, letting the still-dying body fall away as the mass of bones trailed behind him in a small, deadly wake.
Otherwise free of inhabitants, the wreck proved to be full of cargo, though its quality had yet to be determined. Plucking the heavy weight from the cradle he'd created from the bone mass and placing it inside the wreck, Corvus pressed a button and activated the beacon, allowing it to broadcast the location to the ship. He had only to wait for their arrival, now. He only hoped the blood wouldn't attract anything too troublesome in the meantime.