Atheists wouldn't believe if God smacked theme in the face with a unicorn..


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Mar 12, 2013
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I pretty much agree with you word for word on everything you said, so i found there to be no reason to quote up you text with you i agree and nods or make minor points that still parrots your point anyway, but i just want you to clarifie on this:

Btw I'm neither theist nor atheist
Because, most if not every single person on the planet fall in either of those categories, so i just wanted you to clarifie on it :)

A Theist is a person that have a belief in atleast 1 god.

An Atheist is a person that is not a theist (so a person without such a belief) that is all there is to atheism, it was made as a label so one could reconize people with an god belief from people without it.

So with this in mind, would you still call yourself neither or those 2?

Wow, how can you fail so much? No you can't prove it, or you would have been famous now. Ask all your famous atheists like Dawkins, Neil deGrasse and so one. They know a lot more then you. You say you can disprove it, I haven't seen one good argument for it yet. You can't tell yes there is and don't show me anything???
The Bible King James Version page 1. God created the earth before the sun existed (according to the bible) we know that this is not true.

Another claim from the bible is that God created the planet and all its life and humans in a span of 6 days. We also know that this is not correct, because we have found fossils of creatures that are older than 3 billion years where the oldest human fossil we have found is less than 200.000 years old.

Every single time the Bible makes claims that can be tested by science we find that they either only got parts of stuff right or everything wrong, however i'll grant you that the lack of truth in the bible does not prove that it wrong, it does however indicate that it is, sins it makes so many claims, which are simply false.

Also i never said i could prove the bible wrong because i can't prove that god don't exist (i said that already) however i can point to claims in the bible and debunk them.

Did you even read what i wrote? it's either that or you don't understand english...

Wrong again! Do you know what an atheist is? If you don't care thats fine, atheists do have something to prove. We christians are satisfied, because we know. Look up Frank Turek, he would absolutely destroy your claims
We are very well aware of what an atheist is.

An atheist is a person that does not have a belief in a God.

A Theist is a person that have a belief in atleast 1 god (that is you, you have that) where the rest of us don't believe the claims you theists make when you claim that your gods exist.

All we need to do to be an atheist is not believe you when you say god exist, or to never have heard of the concept of gods (people are born atheists)
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Sakura Michiko

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Mar 11, 2014
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They can't disprove the Bible or Gods existence..AND PLEASE DONT SAY YOU CAN.. THATS BS. Its just theories and theoretical claims. Please understand the difference between actual evidence and good theories. I get so annoyed when I see people on the base claim stuff with no solid proof, just shady websites and famous atheist theories.

Let me make myself clear! Its not up to christians to prove that the Bible and God is real, I really dont care if people go to hell. What I do care about is stupid people with no solid proof trying to attack my religion with theories that they present like actual proof or evidence for no God.

"The English theoretical physicist and cosmologist, Stephen Hawking, surprised the scientific community last week when he announced during a speech at the University of Cambridge that he believed that “some form of intelligence” was actually behind the creation of the Universe"

This is just one of many atheists who had to admit that there has to be a creator behind a so perfect universe. There is proof, but like I said atheists wouldn't belive if God himself smacked theme in the face. Nothing can't create something

Neil Degrasse Tyson is the worst of the so called experts, making documentaries and presenting "knowledge" without sources as evidence and just facts, when if you had asked him. He would tell you himself that he got no proof, and its only theories. He even throws BS facts out on talkshows and interviews. I got a friend who have a phd in religion, so I'm up to date with my facts.

Dont care to answer comments! I won't change my mind, I know whats right. No offense:):) Feel free to discuss:p sry for my English, Norwegian her :cool:
If you get techincal about it you can't really prove or disprove the existence of any deities. Your arguement is flaws because you missed that critical part. Even if a so called "Unicorn smacked atheist in the face" who's to say that's even reality? Like what if something pyscological is happening with that individual and what they saw wasn't even real. In all honest you, me, and no one well ever know if dieties exist.You say you are up-to-date with your facts but you didn't cite anything or drop any facts. Honestly you seem close-minded since you don't care to answer comments.
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Shunsin no Shisui

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Jan 17, 2012
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This vid should help you find answers, hopefully. This whole series is pretty deep. :hmm:


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Active member
Jun 8, 2016
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They can't disprove the Bible or Gods existence..AND PLEASE DONT SAY YOU CAN.. THATS BS. Its just theories and theoretical claims. Please understand the difference between actual evidence and good theories. I get so annoyed when I see people on the base claim stuff with no solid proof, just shady websites and famous atheist theories.

Let me make myself clear! Its not up to christians to prove that the Bible and God is real, I really dont care if people go to hell. What I do care about is stupid people with no solid proof trying to attack my religion with theories that they present like actual proof or evidence for no God.

"The English theoretical physicist and cosmologist, Stephen Hawking, surprised the scientific community last week when he announced during a speech at the University of Cambridge that he believed that “some form of intelligence” was actually behind the creation of the Universe"

This is just one of many atheists who had to admit that there has to be a creator behind a so perfect universe. There is proof, but like I said atheists wouldn't belive if God himself smacked theme in the face. Nothing can't create something

Neil Degrasse Tyson is the worst of the so called experts, making documentaries and presenting "knowledge" without sources as evidence and just facts, when if you had asked him. He would tell you himself that he got no proof, and its only theories. He even throws BS facts out on talkshows and interviews. I got a friend who have a phd in religion, so I'm up to date with my facts.

Dont care to answer comments! I won't change my mind, I know whats right. No offense:):) Feel free to discuss:p sry for my English, Norwegian her :cool:
Doesn't it make more sense to explain yourself if you are religious...actually nvm you beat me.

Bad Touch Yakushi

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Jul 26, 2011
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I just love it when 12 year olds jump online to the anime forum to share the fact that they've cracked religion!

Please, ignore theme haters, tell me more, enlightened one.


Apr 6, 2009
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[video=youtube;1tVO0-zYAvE][/video] watch and shut up. He argues against Dawkins and other famous atheists. He crushed them
I gave a lengthy explanation full of rational arguments. Your reply? Telling me to shut up and a YT vid, which kinda proves everything I have said: you have zero arguments, parrot and misinterpret things you don't understand from other (dubious) people and than jump on other people because they are not as gullible as you are and you can't handle that.

If I would be an omnipotent God and one of my firm believers would be trying to prove my existence, I really would question the nature of their beliefs if the best thing they could come up with was a freaking YT vid. I rather have them shutting up than doing that as that's simply another way of saying you can't think for yourself, but somehow have the arrogance to demand reason from other people. Really not the type of person I would want to be representing me.

When you are having an argument there are several universal things you should never do, regardless of the topic of the argument, as if you do your credibility is flushed down the toilet. I'm pretty sure you just did almost all of those things.

I pretty much agree with you word for word on everything you said, so i found there to be no reason to quote up you text with you i agree and nods or make minor points that still parrots your point anyway, but i just want you to clarifie on this:

Because, most if not every single person on the planet fall in either of those categories, so i just wanted you to clarifie on it :)

A Theist is a person that have a belief in atleast 1 god.

An Atheist is a person that is not a theist (so a person without such a belief) that is all there is to atheism, it was made as a label so one could reconize people with an god belief from people without it.

So with this in mind, would you still call yourself neither or those 2?
A theist believes in a god or gods. An atheist doesn't believe in gods. I neither believe nor disbelieve, so what am I?

People with my train of thought belong in the realm of agnosticism. It's kind of an obscure term with different interpretations, but in an overall perspective it pretty much fits they way I think. If theism and atheism are represented by two dots, agnosticism is the thin line that connects them. So depending on how you approach it, you could say you are both theist/atheist or neither.
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Bad Touch Yakushi

Active member
Jul 26, 2011
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I gave a lengthy explanation full of rational arguments. Your reply? Telling me to shut up and a YT vid, which kinda proves everything I have said: you have zero arguments, parrot and misinterpret things you don't understand from other (dubious) people and than jump on other people because they are not as gullible as you are and you can't handle that.

If I would be an omnipotent God and one of my firm believers would be trying to prove my existence, I really would question the nature of their beliefs if the best thing they could come up with was a freaking YT vid. I rather have them shutting up than doing that as that's simply another way of saying you can't think for yourself, but somehow have the arrogance to demand reason from other people. Really not the type of person I would want to be representing me.

When you are having an argument there are several universal things you should never do, regardless of the topic of the argument, as if you do your credibility is flushed down the toilet. I'm pretty sure you pretty much did almost all of those things.

A theist believes in a god or gods. An atheist doesn't believe in gods. I neither believe nor disbelieve, so what am I?

People with my train of thought belong in the realm of agnosticism. It's kind of an obscure term with different interpretations, but in an overall perspective it pretty much fits they way I think. If theism and atheism are represented by two dots, agnosticism is the thin line that connects them. So depending on how you approach it, you could say you are both theist/atheist or neither.


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Sep 15, 2010
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In the video you posted, Hawking is quoted as saying the existence of gravity implies the universe can create itself or be created out of nothing. This contradicts your original claim that he believed a 'form of intelligence' created the universe.

Instead, perhaps his belief is simply this: That the current state of the universe, meaning the fact its so receptive to new life and whatnot, was influenced by higher intelligences. Its pretty impossible to say God created the universe because how could he exist if the Universe was not present? Its more possible to say the universe was created randomly but beings within the early universe gained the ability to manipulate it later.

Nowadays, there is a rise in a philosophy outside of both religion and Atheism. If I believe some higher intelligence terraformed Earth and manipulated the current state of humans, do I believe in God? Perhaps not. Perhaps I believe some ancient, super intelligent beings had a strong influence in our current world. In this case, I am neither a believer in God nor an Atheist by the purest definition. What I'm saying is there are creationist signs in our universe but they were likely not the work of God, but of high intelligence beings mistaken for God(s).
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The Work

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Feb 6, 2012
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Atheists just forget that Christianity is a belief of faith.

Faith is believing in the unseen therefore there's no point in trying to prove God's existence.