Aridakumo (062)


Active member
Oct 1, 2010
Trait Points

Aridakumo is known for Kyūtai-Toshi, the City of Sand, a city with circular walls surrounded by and made entirely of sand. Here, together, monks, Ninja and craftsmen have mastered the art of building with sand that somehow maintains its shape and is nearly as hard as stone. Their architecture is winding and bold and their goods equally so. The city is surrounded by sand sculptures of nameless models, all staring inwards towards the circular walls. The area is otherwise uninhabitable, though trades often travel through it on their way to Kyūtai-Toshi. Like the Air Nation of the Thousand Needles to the West, Aridakumo was able to repel several shards of the moon, only sustaining minor damage, and zero casualties.
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Active member
Aug 18, 2012
Trait Points

This post marks the beginning of my mission using these storyboard elements

  • Invade and raid the Golden Sabbath's landmarks, looting their valuables and wreaking havoc throughout (Rank S)
Summary: After having traveled from far Roo finally enters the Golden Sabbath's territory and thus sat out to seek if there were any nearby loot at hand, but little did he know Urin's natural defenses were 'rund about through its lush tropical forested areas. Breaking through the various challenges and obstacles he came to face while exploring, Roo powers on until he finds one of the several ancient structures belonging to this territory, and with more exploration he finds "gold"!

[RP ends here]
Looking banged up with cuts and tears throughout his clothing after having walked through countless miles of pure desert, Roo's tourcherous journey finally ends as he makes it to the closest known trading market in the area, Aridakumo. Using his hands to block the swirling grains as the Akimichi walks through the midst of a light sand storm he began to ponder to himself.. This place seems kinds cool. or so he thought as he made his way pass the sculptures of sand shaped after various peoples unknown to the pirate. He admired the depth of details within the characteristics of each one as they stood seemingly realistic. Roo then entered the large circular sand walls of the city and made his way towards the marketplace.

Entering the marketplace Roo saw that it was quite lively and bussling with numerous traders and lightning fast deals happening every second prompting the pirate to smile at the opportunities for fast money. Looking for the same unique clan insignia that was notarized on each bounty, after having intensely searched for several minutes Roo finds a person with the same insignia printed on his shirt and walks up to them in a very cautious manner. The person was tall and drapped in all black while keeping his entire face covered bar his eyes which seemed dead and cold. Reaching close the two lock eyes and Roo nods as he reaches underneath his battle tunic and pulls out the mysterious gold trimmed scroll he found back in Urin, signaling to the Black One's representative that he had mean business. Giving the man the item with no resistance Roo listens as the man then said...

I'll turn this in and see how much it is truly worth. Stay close and in time we'll get back to you on pay. the representative says in a deep, strong voice.

Nodding once more in agreement Roo then shakes the man's hand before finding a place to settle down for the night now that his mission was officially over. Being that it was so easy, the Akmichi contemplates if he should attempt the act once again in time to come.


Active member
Apr 14, 2012
Trait Points

Looking banged up with cuts and tears throughout his clothing after having walked through countless miles of pure desert, Roo's tourcherous journey finally ends as he makes it to the closest known trading market in the area, Aridakumo. Using his hands to block the swirling grains as the Akimichi walks through the midst of a light sand storm he began to ponder to himself.. This place seems kinds cool. or so he thought as he made his way pass the sculptures of sand shaped after various peoples unknown to the pirate. He admired the depth of details within the characteristics of each one as they stood seemingly realistic. Roo then entered the large circular sand walls of the city and made his way towards the marketplace.

Entering the marketplace Roo saw that it was quite lively and bussling with numerous traders and lightning fast deals happening every second prompting the pirate to smile at the opportunities for fast money. Looking for the same unique clan insignia that was notarized on each bounty, after having intensely searched for several minutes Roo finds a person with the same insignia printed on his shirt and walks up to them in a very cautious manner. The person was tall and drapped in all black while keeping his entire face covered bar his eyes which seemed dead and cold. Reaching close the two lock eyes and Roo nods as he reaches underneath his battle tunic and pulls out the mysterious gold trimmed scroll he found back in Urin, signaling to the Black One's representative that he had mean business. Giving the man the item with no resistance Roo listens as the man then said...

I'll turn this in and see how much it is truly worth. Stay close and in time we'll get back to you on pay. the representative says in a deep, strong voice.

Nodding once more in agreement Roo then shakes the man's hand before finding a place to settle down for the night now that his mission was officially over. Being that it was so easy, the Akmichi contemplates if he should attempt the act once again in time to come.

Geets and Snizzle travel thru the marketplace, and using his Byakugan he see's the man there hand the merchant a familiar looking scroll. Geets give him the man an angry stink eye memorizing his chakra network and face, almost ominously of things possibly soon to come..

LLM... :salt:


Active member
Aug 18, 2012
Trait Points

Geets and Snizzle travel thru the marketplace, and using his Byakugan he see's the man there hand the merchant a familiar looking scroll. Geets give him the man an angry stink eye memorizing his chakra network and face, almost ominously of things possibly soon to come..

LLM... :salt:
This post marks the beginning of my (our) mission using these storyboard elements:
-Choose between what is right and what is easy (3)
-Do some moderate meditation to improve focus (1)

Summary: Walking up Roo makes his way towards Aridakumo's market center where he overhears talks of a head to be claimed, Vegeta's, by a small group of local venders. Sounding like music within his ears Roo decides to eavesdrop on the group only to learn that indeed the Golden Sabbath member was recently in these lands, but to his annoyance, had already left seemingly unopposed. With foreign thoughts of "right" and "wrong" injected into his mind Roo then leaves the merchant's area confused and clouded where the Akimichi then decides to take some time to meditate before making his decision of pursuing or not.

[RP begins here]
Walking up the next day having healed from his previous journey, after having prepared himself for the day ahead Roo walks into the marketplace where he then begins to hear some rumors from a group of several merchants having a discussion. Moving closer to their circle the Akimichi then stands by, seemingly performing other minor tasks, without giving notice to his eavesdropping.

Mahn on my momma I swear if the ball joint in my leg wasn't ceased up I'd of walked up to him and slap the taste out his mouth myself!!
one brutish looking individual says while unnecessarily screaming above his fellow members of the conversation.

Oh hush up you big goof! You couldn't even hurt yourself if you wanted to.....well unless people hear you talk that is, hahaha, it's only then that they might mistake him for a bigger fool that he looks! a tough looking woman who shared the physical traits of a man and a single mom all in one says to the brute as a rebuttal, even causing Roo, yet no one notices.

Ahhh hush up you ol' witch! Hahaha, I can't believe it! King Geets himself passed through this waste of a land and even walked through this merchant's rendezvous point like it was nothing. Tsch, do ya'll know the the type of Ryo was put on this man's head!? With that type of payment I can take the rest of the year off to relax and not worry about bills, you know what I mean!?

Roo grunts, grinds his teeth, and slams his fist into one another at the remark of Vegeta passing through this territory unscathed. I mean, the Akimichi couldn't believe it. Were there any brave enough to take this guy's head!? Nah, it couldn't be true at all, or so he figured. There was no way Vegeta could've passed here and I not notice...they must be mistake him. Roo whispers to himself causing certain members of the crowd beside him to notice and then begin to whisper to their group counterparts.

I don't blame them to be honest. Beside from his horrendous hairline the guy was quite handsome, I mean strong looking if you ask me. I don't think its very fair to want to hunt this guy and his friends down like that, I mean com'mon. What type of monster would march into their territory causing havoc to them and their people just for some ryo!?

Pffft! Shiiiieeet, I would no doubht…. Roo says a little louder than usual causing the group to give notice to his shameful ways of eavesdropping.

Heehhh!? Do you mind Tubby? This is an A and B conversation, so how about you just C your way outta here with your distasteful ways. the woman who seemed to have an unbalance of estrogen says causing Roo to skin up his face in a mean fashion.

You ain't scaring nobody fat a-

GLORIA!! Calm down for gods-sake woman! There is no need to be as equally rude as this eavesdropper. Aye boi, what would you do in this situation!? Would you raid their lands and hunt them down one by one for that ryo? Or would you rather just let that ragtag group be? Gloria does have a point though, these men have done nothing wrong to my knowledge. Infact, last time I was trading up there in their mountains their peoples had nothing but good words for them. So is it really right to pursue them just for some ryo? the man says towards Roo in his naturally loud voice he seem to can't control. With the groups attention now on him he took several minutes to sit back and ponder on what he should really do, and after some time the Akimichi unfolded his arms and began to speak.

Good, bad, right, wrong, it all depends on the eyes of the beholder. Looks can be deceiving and for all we know this group who seems so innocent to us could be terrorists within another land. Although, I've never been the type to assume things. All I know, is my know, and what I mean by that is simple. I know that I need ryo right now in my life. I know that this situation may seem as an opportunity to me, but a crisis of some sorts towards the members of the Golden Sabbath. I also know and hold true to becoming the greatest Pirate these lands have ever seen or die trying!! Is plundering bad? Why yes it is. How about attacking the innocent which granny over here claims the Golden Sabbath to be?? That's pretty low if you ask me, but since we are on that subject you should also ask me this...…… Are these distasteful things not the acts of a Pirate!? Roo ends in a passionate tone, hoping to hear a round of applause after and a possible encore, but to his surprise a majority of the crowd had already left mid.speech leaving the Akimichi to talk to himself as only Gloria remained.

Look kid....I know life can get rough, but taking the happiness of others is never the answer. I'm not the one to teach you what's right in this world, but be mindful boi, because if you don't learn soon enough then life will teach you through experience. Stay plump kid... the woman said in a soft voice before patting Roo on the shoulder and leaving the scene.

Tsch, what do she know!? Roo murmurs to himself after the woman had left him alone in that section of the busy marketplace. Annoyed by the previous conversations that had took place Roo then left the circular confines of the market place and headed into the bare desert just outside.

Walking through the barren desert with the goal of reaching the borders, Roo's thoughts become clouded as the words of the elderly woman ran through his mind. Not right to take others happiness eh!? Tsch, what about my happiness..... Roo says as he verbally combats his thoughts. Was he a self-centered person and selfish to the core to think the way that he did? Of course not!! They've never struggled like I did!? Or maybe perhaps the Akimichi's goal of putting his happiness before others made him a monster like the elder Gloria described. Nah, nah, nah I'm righteous to the core!! I look out for those who look out for me! Nothing more, nothing less.... However, the Akimichi seemed out of character so to speak, even leading himself to halt his progression in order to meditate on the subject for awhile, and so he did after taking on the usual seated position.

Good, bad, or ugly, it all depends on the point of view. Is a hungry man wrong for stealing? Is a frightened woman evil for killing someone who cornered her? Who decides all of this!? Roo thought as he grunted in the midst of his confusion. Time had passed and before he knew it the sun had set in the blazing desert turning it into an ice cold land. Once his thoughts had simmered and he had made up his mind, Roo sat perfectly still for the longest with a look of peace painted on his face, an orange hue painted on his eyelids, and warts appearing all over his body along with some others frog like creatures as the Akimichi enters Imperfect Sage Mode with his new resolve in mind.

I'm going to become the greatest pirate these times have ever seen......even if it does mean breaking other's happiness. the Akimichi says while feeling the natural world around him, even noticing the various bodies of chakra energies mixed with senjutsu themselves around the area, but that didn't mean anything. Roo would have to move back up North and see if Geets was there himself...….

( Fukanzen Gama Sennin Modo) - Imperfect Toad Sage Mode
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: N/a
Chakra cost: N/A ( -10 turn to sustain )
Damage Points: Active + 20 damage to all ninjutsu and taijutsu up to S rank
Description: An empowered state of body achieved by blending natural energy with one’s physical and spiritual energy. The mode heightens performance on all levels by adding a new dimension of power to the user’s chakra. The state is a direct result of Senjutsu chakra circulating through the body. To enter this form, a minimum of 10% of the user’s maximum chakra reserve must be moulded into Senjutsu chakra, all subsequent technique employ Senjutsu chakra until the minimum cost (-10/turn) cannot be paid to sustain the mode. The user is resistant to damage, reducing 20 damage from all techniques for the duration of this technique. The user is able to passively sense chakra and his/her perception and reflexes are enhanced by x2. Their ninjutsu and strength increases, empowering taijutsu and other close range physical combat techniques by +20. Additionally, Genjutsu cast by the user are empowered requiring the opponent to use Genjutsu release, of one rank higher than what is normally required (Effective on Genjutsu up to B rank). Lastly, the user gains access to toad anatomy and other physical feats granted by Sage mode.
Note: Usable twice per battle . Must wait 2 turns before using this technique again. Perfect Sages can use either perfect or imperfect form thrice with a delay of 1 turn between modes.
Note: Imperfect Sages can convert a maximum of 30% of their total chakra reserve. Perfect Sages can convert a maximum of 40% of their total chakra reserve.

1,300 x 0.3 = 390 Senjutsu Chakra

1,300 - 390 = 910 Chakra


{Mini-Story Ends Here}


May 28, 2014
Trait Points
In a flash of lightning in the middle of the marketplace, a Corporeal Cassander appears. Laughing as he formed amidst the confusion, he began to whip kunai and fire techniques left and right. Countless innocence fell to his arbitrary rampage.


Active member
Apr 7, 2010
Trait Points
Coming from

Medusa and Riku reaches Aridakumo on the bird very high in the sky. They both could easily sense the abomination. Riku would command the bird to scout from the Sky to watch what happens before attacking.

2250 -20

Sage Chakra
1132 -10
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Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Came from:
Upon arriving into the settlement, Noelle sensed a vast malicious spirit in the area. Evident by the screaming of others, she would run towards the area of the soul but noticed there were several ones above in the air. With many of the civilians running away, she would bite her thumb while sacrificing some chakra in order to summon a wolf spirit from the pure lands. It would immediately fully possess her body as she crept down onto all fours. Hey you in the sky! You plan on helping me or seek others?! Gonna need to know now before I rip the head…skull… off this demon. she said towards the airborn maiden (Medusa). She also passively activated her aura sensing while also her Inner Sonar Technique. She stood long ranged away.

(Seishin Tenrei) Δ Spiritual Liturgy
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: This technique is purposed to summon specialized spirits which are unique in their ethereal characteristics compared to other spirits hailing from the Pure World. The Pure World is a separate dimension from our own and the Genki are capable of traveling freely between the dimensions and can use their ethereal energy to manipulate our world. Generally Genki are generic and uniformed. However, certain more powerful Genki carry specialized traits. These Genki are not personal spirits of members of House Katsuryoku. Each of these spirits, in addition to their own abilities, also have the standard abilities of infusion and possession to aid the user as well as basic manipulations of Ethereal Energy to create constructs, streams, etc. The Genki are listed below in their characteristics and appearance. Through a sacrifice of chakra the Katsuryoku member calls upon the greater spirit of their choosing from the Pure World to appear on the battlefield. Initially the spirit’s presence will be known only to the user. Because the spirit will have already been summoned to the field the chakra requirements of 'Testament of Buri' and 'Jorth’s Personification' are halfed. Same with 'Hel’s Alignment’s'. Even if half, the user will still spend the chakra upon each use plus the normal chakra per turn to sustain the infusions. This consumes no time, allowing a spirit to be instantly summoned to the field in dire situations.

Aspect of the Tortoise; Kame no Sokumen (カメの側面)
The first of the four specialized spirits which specializes primarily in defensive qualities. Tortoise spirits vary in size. Typically, a tortoise can at maximum size reach up to short-range, however depending on the spirit summoned it can also be smaller. As mentioned the tortoise offers many defensive qualities, which the user can utilize in battle through either object infusion, partial infusion, or full body infusion.
Object Infusion: Infusing the spirit of the tortoise into an inanimate object will coat it in its ethereal essence, granting it defensive qualities. For example; infusing the tortoise into a simple rock will coat it in its essence, allowing the object to move of its own accord and gain the qualities of the tortoise. It also allows the user a degree of shape manipulation should the user desire. The effects of the infusion of the tortoise causes the rock to harden to a high degree and grants it defensive qualities that are within the strength of the ethereal energy (outlined in the clan submission). The object infused with the tortoise spirit will gain temporary resistance to S-Rank sources of damage.
Partial Infusion: A partial infusion with the spirit of a tortoise will allow the tortoise to lend its powers temporarily to the user. In addition to being able to grant a sixth sense, second vision, and precognition (outlined in Testament of Buri) the user themselves will also gain highly defensive qualities for the duration of the infusion, becoming able to resist A-Rank sources of damage.
Fullbody Infusion: The ultimate union where the spirit and host will share one mind. This also allows the tortoise to take control of the body of the host should the host be incapacitated or injured in any form. Whilst in this state the ethereal essence of a tortoise will form around the user, taking the size and shape of the tortoise spirit itself. The tortoise’s body offers an A-Rank defense while in its tangible state and will interact with elements as per outlined in the clan submission. The ethereal tortoise body formed around the user itself will possess no weight, allowing it to move as fast as the user’s body is capable of without hindering them. Additionally, all other attributes added which are outlined in the Fullbody Infusion apply.

Aspect of the Polar Bear; Shirokuma no Sokumen (シロクマの側面)
The second of the four specialized spirits which specializes primarily in offense and strength qualities. The polar bear spirits can vary in size, but will typically be large enough to fit in short-range, however depending on the spirit summoned it can also be smaller. As mentioned the polar bear prides itself on its strength. The user can access these attributes through object infusions, partial infusion, or fullbody infusion.
Object Infusion: Infusing the spirit of the polar bear into an inanimate object will coat it in its ethereal essence, granting it offensive qualities. For example; should the user infuse the polar bear into a lump of rocks it will allow it to move of its own accord and gain the qualities of the polar bear. It also allows the user a degree of shape manipulation should the user desire. The effects of the infusion of the polar bear cause the object in question to gain incredible offensive abilities. Strikes made with the infused object will result in A-Rank physical damage. For example, should the user infuse the spirit of the polar bear into a sword it will cause the sword to naturally inflict A-Rank physical damage upon contact with targets.
Partial Infusion: A partial infusion with the spirit of a polar bear will allow the polar bear to lend its powers temporarily to the user. In addition to being able to grant a sixth sense, second vision, and precognition (outlined in Testament of Buri) the user themselves will also gain highly offensive abilities for the duration of the infusion. The user’s Taijutsu, Kenjutsu, and Bukijutsu will gain +20 in damage for the duration.
Fullbody Infusion: The ultimate union where the spirit and host will share one mind. This also allows the polar bear to take control of the body of the host should the host be incapacitated or injured in any form. Whilst in this state the ethereal essence of the polar bear will form around the user taking the size and shape of the polar bear itself. While not specialized in defense the polar bear’s ethereal body in its tangible state does offer some defensive capabilities, resisting damage from C-Rank and lower sources and interacting with elements and other sources of damage as per outlined in the clan submission. The ethereal polar bear body formed around the user itself will possess no weight allowing it to move as fast as the user’s body is capable of without hindering them. The offensive abilities the polar bear grant while in this state allow strikes with its ethereal body to inflict A-Rank physical damage while in its tangible state. These strikes have a short-range reach. Additionally the user’s body becomes much stronger as well, allowing the user’s Taijutsu, Kenjutsu, and Bukijutsu to inflict +20 damage. Furthermore, all other attributes added which are outlined in the Fullbody Infusion apply.

Aspect of the Wolf; Ōkami no Sokumen (オオカミの側面)
The third of the four specialized spirits which specializes in speed. The wolf spirit can vary in size, but will typically be large enough to fit in short-range, however depending on the spirit summoned it can also be smaller. As mentioned the wolf prides itself on speed. The user can access these attributes through object infusion, partial infusion, or fullbody infusion. The spirit of the wolf itself can move quite quickly on the battlefield, being about twice as fast as a Kage-ranked ninja.
Object Infusion: Infusing the spirit of the wolf into an inanimate object will coat it in its ethereal essence, granting it agile qualities. For example; should the user infuse the wolf spirit into a lump of rocks it will allow the rocks to move on their own accord and gain the qualities of the wolf, allowing the speed of those rocks to move at twice the speed of a Kage-ranked ninja. It also allows a degree of shape manipulation should the user desire.
Partial Infusion: A partial infusion with the spirit of a wolf will allow the wolf to lend its powers temporarily to the user. In addition to being able to grant a sixth sense, second vision, and precognition (outlined in Testament of Buri) the user himself will also gain incredible speed and agility for the duration of the infusion. The user’s speed will increase to be equivalent to that of twice their normal speed. Subsequently, with the increase in speed their Taijutsu damage will be increased by +10.
Fullbody Infusion: The ultimate union where the spirit and host will share one mind. This also allows the wolf to take control of the body of the host should the host be incapacitated or injured in any form. Whilst in this state the ethereal essence of the wolf will form around the user, taking the size and shape of the wolf itself. While not specialized in defense the wolf’s ethereal body in its tangible state does offer some defensive capabilities, resisting damage from C-Rank and lower sources and interacting with elements and other sources of damage as per outlined in the clan submission. The ethereal wolf body formed around the user itself will possess no weight allowing it to move without hindering the user. Additionally the user’s body and the wolf will become able to move at three times the user’s base speed. Strikes made by the user and the wolf have a short-range reach and allows the user’s Taijutsu to gain +10 in damage. Furthermore, all other attributes added which are outlined in the Fullbody Infusion apply.
''Seishin Tenrai'' is not an exception of restrictions, and as such the user is capable of only summoning two Genkis per battle. Different Genkis can't be summoned at the sametime. If the user attempts 2 Fullbody Infusions in battle (ofc with different spirits), he'll die at the end of the second infusion. Should a Genki while under the influence of Object Infusion sustain damage, it is capable of receding from the object in time, and remain on the field for further use. A particular Genki can at maximum stay on the field for 6 turns. Object infusions reduce the time on field in 1 turn per use. Partial infusions reduce the time on field in 2 turns per use. Full body infusion can only be sustained for 4 turns max(However, should there only be three turns left of the time duration or less, being Fullbody infused allows it to remain on the field till the four turns are over.) but prevents the use of other infusions and, when terminated, willingly or for timing out, releases the Genki back into the Pure Realm. The techniques becomes available upon receiving the rank of Katsuryoku Initiate.
(Ototon: Naiteki Ne no Jutsu) - Sound Release: Inner Sonar Skill
Rank: D
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 10 (-1 per turn)
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user will enhance their hearing by infusing his ears with sound chakra. Then, by utilizing chakra and enfacing his lungs, the user will be able to control the frequency and intensity of the sound emitted from his simple breathing. This low frequency, inaudible sound is passively emitted and has no effect other than emerging from him and bouncing off of objects. Using the enhanced hearing, the user is able to know where everything is around them, effectively creating a sonar effect through the rebound and reflection of sound waves. The hearing and the sonar effect is precise enough so that one can effectively use it to substitute one's vision in battle if needed. Despite being very effective, specially if the user has any of his other senses hindered, it also leaves the user vulnerable to sound genjutsu or sound attacks which will be much more drastic in its effects.
Note: Lasts 6 turns

(Búri no Yuigon) Δ Testament of Búri (Reference)
Rank: B-A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 20-30(-5/-10 per turn)
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Búri no Yugion is technique which is based on the feat of Possession, be it partial or fullbody infusions. The overall infusion process involves the Genki inhabiting the same vessel as the user, wethever or it be fullbody nor only partial. Upon entering the body of a living shell, the Genki would cause a constant chakra spikes throughout the user's system for a turn. This is to create complete unity within the two parties, clearing the user of any foreign chakra-based influx in their system, despite rank and power. Normally this would cause the inability to mold chakra after the emergence and for the rest of the turn. However upon reaching a certain height of mastery within the art(Katsuryoku Pledged and above) one completely nullify said side-effect. This goes for both infusions.
Partial B-ranked| Partial infusion is not the spirit taking over the body of the user but lending their powers to him/her to be used in battle which is mainly a supplementary use. Supplementary uses include a variety of things however, for a partial infusion only one can be used at a time, while with a fullbody infusion all will be available. These abilities are more accurately defined below and both runs passively upon infusion.
Precognition, which literally means acquiring knowledge. Now this is done by other means, than studying a book or listening to a presentation. While by normal means an organisim can only extract information from past to present, precognition does the same, however from the time, that has yet to come. While under the effects given by the Genki, the vessel is enabled to see into the future. In other words, the vessel is giving himself the capability to view all possibly outcomes, and the ability to change the to-be happenings, with another act than the one told in the vision. Lasts one turn, and can only be used 3 times during partial infusions. Can be used 5 times during fullbody infusions.
Aura Sensing, is the ability to view a person (Be it within range of the user's vision or not), however not only their exterior but their interior as well. People oft carry a demeanor around their entity, which becomes visible upon use of this supplementary ability. This interior exudes from the owner which is clad around their entity as a transparent shroud. Depending on the colour, size and aggressiveness in the shroud, the user is able to determine their emotions, such as love, anxiety, excitement, hate, stress, dizzyness, etc. and thereby oft their actions as well. Lasts untill deactivated.
Fullbody A-ranked| This infusion, is where the spirit and host shares one mind. A perfect unity. However, spirits are, if their host is unconscious, able to maintain themselves in control of the shell(The user) and fight in their stead by forcefully manipulating it’s movements accordingly to it’s will, even if its gravely wounded. When completely fused, the user and spirit share their complete memory and knowledge with each other. While fused, genjutsu(besides doujutsu genjutsu) are ineffective against the user.
While under the influence of Testament of Búri, the user gains abilities (Much as Jorth's Personification) that corresponds to their spirit. Both infusions are both with a certain risk. Extended usages may cause the user to become exhausted, and or run low on chakra, as the spirits will be sheltering within the host’s body, and feed on the energies, be it foreign or not.
Both infusion of course carry limitations in their uses, however depends and varies from rank to rank within the art of the House. An outline, and usage for the generic spirits roaming the fields;
Partial uses per battle: Katsuryoku Apprentice (1) Katsuryoku Initiate (2), Katsuryoku Pledged (3), Katsuryoku Elder (4), Katsuryoku Voice (5).
Fullbody per battle duration: Katsuryoku Initiate (1), Katsuryoku Pledged (2), Katsuryoku Elder (4), Katsuryoku Voice (5). Can only be used twice per battle.
These of course also counts for submitted techniques, unless it specifically is bounded by other restrictions given in submission in question.
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Active member
Apr 7, 2010
Trait Points
In a flash of lightning in the middle of the marketplace, a Corporeal Cassander appears. Laughing as he formed amidst the confusion, he began to whip kunai and fire techniques left and right. Countless innocence fell to his arbitrary rampage.
Came from:
Upon arriving into the settlement, Noelle sensed a vast malicious spirit in the area. Evident by the screaming of others, she would run towards the area of the soul but noticed there were several ones above in the air. With many of the civilians running away, she would bite her thumb while sacrificing some chakra in order to summon a wolf spirit from the pure lands. It would immediately fully possess her body as she crept down onto all fours. Hey you in the sky! You plan on helping me or seek others?! Gonna need to know now before I rip the head…skull… off this demon. she said towards the airborn maiden (Medusa). She also passively activated her aura sensing while also her Inner Sonar Technique. She stood long ranged away.

(Seishin Tenrei) Δ Spiritual Liturgy
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: This technique is purposed to summon specialized spirits which are unique in their ethereal characteristics compared to other spirits hailing from the Pure World. The Pure World is a separate dimension from our own and the Genki are capable of traveling freely between the dimensions and can use their ethereal energy to manipulate our world. Generally Genki are generic and uniformed. However, certain more powerful Genki carry specialized traits. These Genki are not personal spirits of members of House Katsuryoku. Each of these spirits, in addition to their own abilities, also have the standard abilities of infusion and possession to aid the user as well as basic manipulations of Ethereal Energy to create constructs, streams, etc. The Genki are listed below in their characteristics and appearance. Through a sacrifice of chakra the Katsuryoku member calls upon the greater spirit of their choosing from the Pure World to appear on the battlefield. Initially the spirit’s presence will be known only to the user. Because the spirit will have already been summoned to the field the chakra requirements of 'Testament of Buri' and 'Jorth’s Personification' are halfed. Same with 'Hel’s Alignment’s'. Even if half, the user will still spend the chakra upon each use plus the normal chakra per turn to sustain the infusions. This consumes no time, allowing a spirit to be instantly summoned to the field in dire situations.

Aspect of the Tortoise; Kame no Sokumen (カメの側面)
The first of the four specialized spirits which specializes primarily in defensive qualities. Tortoise spirits vary in size. Typically, a tortoise can at maximum size reach up to short-range, however depending on the spirit summoned it can also be smaller. As mentioned the tortoise offers many defensive qualities, which the user can utilize in battle through either object infusion, partial infusion, or full body infusion.
Object Infusion: Infusing the spirit of the tortoise into an inanimate object will coat it in its ethereal essence, granting it defensive qualities. For example; infusing the tortoise into a simple rock will coat it in its essence, allowing the object to move of its own accord and gain the qualities of the tortoise. It also allows the user a degree of shape manipulation should the user desire. The effects of the infusion of the tortoise causes the rock to harden to a high degree and grants it defensive qualities that are within the strength of the ethereal energy (outlined in the clan submission). The object infused with the tortoise spirit will gain temporary resistance to S-Rank sources of damage.
Partial Infusion: A partial infusion with the spirit of a tortoise will allow the tortoise to lend its powers temporarily to the user. In addition to being able to grant a sixth sense, second vision, and precognition (outlined in Testament of Buri) the user themselves will also gain highly defensive qualities for the duration of the infusion, becoming able to resist A-Rank sources of damage.
Fullbody Infusion: The ultimate union where the spirit and host will share one mind. This also allows the tortoise to take control of the body of the host should the host be incapacitated or injured in any form. Whilst in this state the ethereal essence of a tortoise will form around the user, taking the size and shape of the tortoise spirit itself. The tortoise’s body offers an A-Rank defense while in its tangible state and will interact with elements as per outlined in the clan submission. The ethereal tortoise body formed around the user itself will possess no weight, allowing it to move as fast as the user’s body is capable of without hindering them. Additionally, all other attributes added which are outlined in the Fullbody Infusion apply.

Aspect of the Polar Bear; Shirokuma no Sokumen (シロクマの側面)
The second of the four specialized spirits which specializes primarily in offense and strength qualities. The polar bear spirits can vary in size, but will typically be large enough to fit in short-range, however depending on the spirit summoned it can also be smaller. As mentioned the polar bear prides itself on its strength. The user can access these attributes through object infusions, partial infusion, or fullbody infusion.
Object Infusion: Infusing the spirit of the polar bear into an inanimate object will coat it in its ethereal essence, granting it offensive qualities. For example; should the user infuse the polar bear into a lump of rocks it will allow it to move of its own accord and gain the qualities of the polar bear. It also allows the user a degree of shape manipulation should the user desire. The effects of the infusion of the polar bear cause the object in question to gain incredible offensive abilities. Strikes made with the infused object will result in A-Rank physical damage. For example, should the user infuse the spirit of the polar bear into a sword it will cause the sword to naturally inflict A-Rank physical damage upon contact with targets.
Partial Infusion: A partial infusion with the spirit of a polar bear will allow the polar bear to lend its powers temporarily to the user. In addition to being able to grant a sixth sense, second vision, and precognition (outlined in Testament of Buri) the user themselves will also gain highly offensive abilities for the duration of the infusion. The user’s Taijutsu, Kenjutsu, and Bukijutsu will gain +20 in damage for the duration.
Fullbody Infusion: The ultimate union where the spirit and host will share one mind. This also allows the polar bear to take control of the body of the host should the host be incapacitated or injured in any form. Whilst in this state the ethereal essence of the polar bear will form around the user taking the size and shape of the polar bear itself. While not specialized in defense the polar bear’s ethereal body in its tangible state does offer some defensive capabilities, resisting damage from C-Rank and lower sources and interacting with elements and other sources of damage as per outlined in the clan submission. The ethereal polar bear body formed around the user itself will possess no weight allowing it to move as fast as the user’s body is capable of without hindering them. The offensive abilities the polar bear grant while in this state allow strikes with its ethereal body to inflict A-Rank physical damage while in its tangible state. These strikes have a short-range reach. Additionally the user’s body becomes much stronger as well, allowing the user’s Taijutsu, Kenjutsu, and Bukijutsu to inflict +20 damage. Furthermore, all other attributes added which are outlined in the Fullbody Infusion apply.

Aspect of the Wolf; Ōkami no Sokumen (オオカミの側面)
The third of the four specialized spirits which specializes in speed. The wolf spirit can vary in size, but will typically be large enough to fit in short-range, however depending on the spirit summoned it can also be smaller. As mentioned the wolf prides itself on speed. The user can access these attributes through object infusion, partial infusion, or fullbody infusion. The spirit of the wolf itself can move quite quickly on the battlefield, being about twice as fast as a Kage-ranked ninja.
Object Infusion: Infusing the spirit of the wolf into an inanimate object will coat it in its ethereal essence, granting it agile qualities. For example; should the user infuse the wolf spirit into a lump of rocks it will allow the rocks to move on their own accord and gain the qualities of the wolf, allowing the speed of those rocks to move at twice the speed of a Kage-ranked ninja. It also allows a degree of shape manipulation should the user desire.
Partial Infusion: A partial infusion with the spirit of a wolf will allow the wolf to lend its powers temporarily to the user. In addition to being able to grant a sixth sense, second vision, and precognition (outlined in Testament of Buri) the user himself will also gain incredible speed and agility for the duration of the infusion. The user’s speed will increase to be equivalent to that of twice their normal speed. Subsequently, with the increase in speed their Taijutsu damage will be increased by +10.
Fullbody Infusion: The ultimate union where the spirit and host will share one mind. This also allows the wolf to take control of the body of the host should the host be incapacitated or injured in any form. Whilst in this state the ethereal essence of the wolf will form around the user, taking the size and shape of the wolf itself. While not specialized in defense the wolf’s ethereal body in its tangible state does offer some defensive capabilities, resisting damage from C-Rank and lower sources and interacting with elements and other sources of damage as per outlined in the clan submission. The ethereal wolf body formed around the user itself will possess no weight allowing it to move without hindering the user. Additionally the user’s body and the wolf will become able to move at three times the user’s base speed. Strikes made by the user and the wolf have a short-range reach and allows the user’s Taijutsu to gain +10 in damage. Furthermore, all other attributes added which are outlined in the Fullbody Infusion apply.
''Seishin Tenrai'' is not an exception of restrictions, and as such the user is capable of only summoning two Genkis per battle. Different Genkis can't be summoned at the sametime. If the user attempts 2 Fullbody Infusions in battle (ofc with different spirits), he'll die at the end of the second infusion. Should a Genki while under the influence of Object Infusion sustain damage, it is capable of receding from the object in time, and remain on the field for further use. A particular Genki can at maximum stay on the field for 6 turns. Object infusions reduce the time on field in 1 turn per use. Partial infusions reduce the time on field in 2 turns per use. Full body infusion can only be sustained for 4 turns max(However, should there only be three turns left of the time duration or less, being Fullbody infused allows it to remain on the field till the four turns are over.) but prevents the use of other infusions and, when terminated, willingly or for timing out, releases the Genki back into the Pure Realm. The techniques becomes available upon receiving the rank of Katsuryoku Initiate.
(Ototon: Naiteki Ne no Jutsu) - Sound Release: Inner Sonar Skill
Rank: D
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 10 (-1 per turn)
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user will enhance their hearing by infusing his ears with sound chakra. Then, by utilizing chakra and enfacing his lungs, the user will be able to control the frequency and intensity of the sound emitted from his simple breathing. This low frequency, inaudible sound is passively emitted and has no effect other than emerging from him and bouncing off of objects. Using the enhanced hearing, the user is able to know where everything is around them, effectively creating a sonar effect through the rebound and reflection of sound waves. The hearing and the sonar effect is precise enough so that one can effectively use it to substitute one's vision in battle if needed. Despite being very effective, specially if the user has any of his other senses hindered, it also leaves the user vulnerable to sound genjutsu or sound attacks which will be much more drastic in its effects.
Note: Lasts 6 turns

(Búri no Yuigon) Δ Testament of Búri (Reference)
Rank: B-A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 20-30(-5/-10 per turn)
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Búri no Yugion is technique which is based on the feat of Possession, be it partial or fullbody infusions. The overall infusion process involves the Genki inhabiting the same vessel as the user, wethever or it be fullbody nor only partial. Upon entering the body of a living shell, the Genki would cause a constant chakra spikes throughout the user's system for a turn. This is to create complete unity within the two parties, clearing the user of any foreign chakra-based influx in their system, despite rank and power. Normally this would cause the inability to mold chakra after the emergence and for the rest of the turn. However upon reaching a certain height of mastery within the art(Katsuryoku Pledged and above) one completely nullify said side-effect. This goes for both infusions.
Partial B-ranked| Partial infusion is not the spirit taking over the body of the user but lending their powers to him/her to be used in battle which is mainly a supplementary use. Supplementary uses include a variety of things however, for a partial infusion only one can be used at a time, while with a fullbody infusion all will be available. These abilities are more accurately defined below and both runs passively upon infusion.
Precognition, which literally means acquiring knowledge. Now this is done by other means, than studying a book or listening to a presentation. While by normal means an organisim can only extract information from past to present, precognition does the same, however from the time, that has yet to come. While under the effects given by the Genki, the vessel is enabled to see into the future. In other words, the vessel is giving himself the capability to view all possibly outcomes, and the ability to change the to-be happenings, with another act than the one told in the vision. Lasts one turn, and can only be used 3 times during partial infusions. Can be used 5 times during fullbody infusions.
Aura Sensing, is the ability to view a person (Be it within range of the user's vision or not), however not only their exterior but their interior as well. People oft carry a demeanor around their entity, which becomes visible upon use of this supplementary ability. This interior exudes from the owner which is clad around their entity as a transparent shroud. Depending on the colour, size and aggressiveness in the shroud, the user is able to determine their emotions, such as love, anxiety, excitement, hate, stress, dizzyness, etc. and thereby oft their actions as well. Lasts untill deactivated.
Fullbody A-ranked| This infusion, is where the spirit and host shares one mind. A perfect unity. However, spirits are, if their host is unconscious, able to maintain themselves in control of the shell(The user) and fight in their stead by forcefully manipulating it’s movements accordingly to it’s will, even if its gravely wounded. When completely fused, the user and spirit share their complete memory and knowledge with each other. While fused, genjutsu(besides doujutsu genjutsu) are ineffective against the user.
While under the influence of Testament of Búri, the user gains abilities (Much as Jorth's Personification) that corresponds to their spirit. Both infusions are both with a certain risk. Extended usages may cause the user to become exhausted, and or run low on chakra, as the spirits will be sheltering within the host’s body, and feed on the energies, be it foreign or not.
Both infusion of course carry limitations in their uses, however depends and varies from rank to rank within the art of the House. An outline, and usage for the generic spirits roaming the fields;
Partial uses per battle: Katsuryoku Apprentice (1) Katsuryoku Initiate (2), Katsuryoku Pledged (3), Katsuryoku Elder (4), Katsuryoku Voice (5).
Fullbody per battle duration: Katsuryoku Initiate (1), Katsuryoku Pledged (2), Katsuryoku Elder (4), Katsuryoku Voice (5). Can only be used twice per battle.
These of course also counts for submitted techniques, unless it specifically is bounded by other restrictions given in submission in question.
Once they draw close although still high above the sky they could see people running, panicking as fire blazing all around the sandy terrain. Medusa grins with excitement. The time has finally come. She finally meets her contact and would in a bit get to have it as a test subject if not try to control it. Something still feels weird though and she is about to find out. However, she sees another, molding chakra as if she's preparing for a fight. She must be aiming for the sinful creature too but who know. Medusa was correct as the Lady spoke to her. She looks down and answers.

Kay, I'll let you tag in but don't come near for a minute.

To start, Riku would drop from the bird and dive towards Cassander while passively relinquishing animal path and activating Deva path. He would continue to drop until he gets to a 10m distance before pushing everything away from him including Cassander. The bird would convey Medusa and fly towards the ground 20m behind Cassander. Riku would use the repulsion force to reduce his momentum and land safely on the ground while Cassander is pushed against the ground and slightly towards his left with multiple bones broken into pieces and serious internal injuries. A large crater would form from the push.

( Tendō ) - Deva Path
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user activates the Deva Path which grants him the ability to manipulate attractive and repulsive forces allowing it to repel or attract objects or people, mimicking at some extent gravity. The path allows him access to the various gravitational abilities such as Shinra Tensei, Bansho Tennin and Chibaku Tensei.
Note: Can only be used by Rinnegan biographies for the activation of the path and will remain continously activated.
( Shinra Tensei ) - Divine Punishment
Type: Supplementary/Defensive/Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40 ( +20 per extra range )
Damage: N/A
Description: Using the Deva Paths abilities to manipulate gravitational forces, the user will repulse and push away anything around him up to a given range, in all directions, producing an omni-repulsion effect. The force and repulsive effect is absolute, affecting both energy and matter alike. The technique itself can be used with different ranges/sizes, depending on how much chakra the user spends for the technique and can even, in its smaller form, be sustained, forming a static defensive field instead of a wave-like effect.
Shōkibo - Small Scale: the user will push away anything around him up to short range. The offensive power in this size is not that high as it hits opponents but can still do severe damage. It isn't, however, fatal, boasting a physical 40 damage. If the user focuses this ability with the help of his hands he can sustain a defensive absolute repulsive field around him. He can't, however, do any technique while he is sustaining it and he can only sustain it for 2 turns. Once used, takes one turn cool down to use gravitational related techniques again.
Chūkibo - Medium Scale: the user will push away anything around him up to mid range. The offensive power in this size is severe, sending opponents flying backwards with enough force to, if not defended properly, leave near fatal physical damage. Although not directly fatal, the technique boasts a physical damage of 80. If the user focuses this ability through one or both hands, he can push away a specific target or technique alone, instead of producing the normal omni-repulsive wave. Once used, takes 2 turns cool down to use gravitational related techniques again.
Ōkibo - Large Scale: the user will push away anything around him up to long range. The offensive power of the technique is devastating and anything in its path that doesn't manage to defend properly is left obliterated. Its fatal if unguarded, boasting a physical damage of 160. Using this techniques poses a great deal of danger to the user as he damages his chakra pathway itself to be able to mold sufficient chakra to perform it. Once used, the user loses the use any gravitational related techniques for the remainder of the fight and is unable to mold chakra for techniques above A-Rank for 5 turns.
Note: The technique is immune to normal Elemental Weaknesses and Strengths and as such can't be blocked or stopped. However, the enemies can still use techniques that prevent or reduce physical damage to their bodies to survive its effects or escape its range through a fast enough technique. This means that in the large scale, while the technique can't be stopped or directly countered, enemies can still manage to survive if the logically counter.
Note: can only be used by Rinnegan bios with the ( Tendō ) - Deva Path active

-Power of Resistance
- Perfect Sage Snake Mode
- Iryo Hijutsu: Herena no ibutsu - Hidden Medical Art: Relics of Helena † Arc of Abstinence
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: N/A
Chakra: 20(X2 if used to augment the relics) 40
Damage: N/A
To use the Relics of Helena, the user must have a unique sealing mark while each has its own duty. The sealing script is in the form of a small crucifix tattoo on the user's back. The relic's aim is to further advance passive medical jutsu, either by using them alternatively or by taking them to another level. However, some of this improved medical practices would now require some chakra to be spent if they don't require chakra before. Rudimentary medical practices which are passive in nature are the "Power of Resistance", "Diagnosis", "Extraction", "Blood Coagulation" and "Cleanse". however this particular relic only works for Power of Resistance.

Arc of Abstinence is a sealing script that is in the form of a small crucifix seal. It is represented by kanji for "resist" and thus it augments one's power of resistance. Basic power of resistance requires no chakra input but with the addition of chakra sealed within the seal of abstinence, power of resistance is taken to another level. The newly advanced power of resistance not only maintains its primary duties, it goes further to augmenting the user's anatomy from more factors that's affects him. It also goes beyond the anatomy and add power of resistance to the user's mind and body seals. The default "power of resistance" must be in use before the seal can be activated and like the default, the seal is passively activated albeit one would spend chakra this time but only to activate the seal.
In addition to getting a boost to one's natural resistance to disease, poison, toxins, acids, alkaline substances, etc and because this is done by an invisible warm barrier(shield) around one's body, the seal flushes sealed medical chakra into the user's chakra network, which is used solely to increase the density and power of the resistance aura around the user's anatomy. The user uses this premise and create a tougher and advanced form of non-physical shield, though now would not only shield the user's body as a whole but would shield every cells on his body. This makes it able to withstand higher level bio hazards more potent than those originally mentioned, even to some extent, stop the decay(natural) of tissues and cells(cosmetic). This would also make the cells resistance to radioactive decay. Elaborately, this means, one's resistance to the effects now are enhanced and would even shield the user if it were enemy techniques, though the only thing that won't affect the user is the effects(venom, disease, bioharzards, etc) within the technique, the user is still susceptible to anything else like heat, shock, force, sharpness, impact etc., that might come with the technique.
The arc of abstinence not only works for the anatomy which is the physical, but also works for the spiritual thus at the same time, it also creates a shield around ones mind. This also increases one's mind resistance to foreign intrusion. The mind would resist any form of mind reading, control, false emotion implant and emotional effect arising from infusion of foreign chakra. This however does not resist genjutsu but would resist residual effect from genjutsu which affects the mind, like pain, fear, perception of time, etc. This means it can resist residual effect from S-rank and below genjutsu only and cannot resist effects from MS level genjutsu in any form. The user's chakra also is influenced by the power of resistance, however, it only resist external phenomenon from siphoning away or sealing off the user's chakra, unless the user has something to do with it or with the user's consent. By spending "double" the chakra when activating arc of abstinence, the power of resistance would extend to the Relics of Helena. Spending double the chakra would make the relics be able to resist any form of seal corrupting technique(so far the techniques don't harm the medium on which the seals are placed), thus the reason why double chakra is spent, as half of the total chakra is focused on fortifying the relics.​

Though the seal is merely supplementary and cause no harm in any way, they have their drawbacks due to the user's advanced exertion of medical fuinjutsu, using normal fuinjutsu while the relics are in use costs +10 more chakra if they are A-rank and above.
The Witch's Legacy ⇝ Majo no Isan
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A (-5 per turn)
Damage: N/A
The Witch's Legacy was forged by the first witches coven, stolen by Medusa, one of the Gorgon's sisters and modified while she was in Ryuichi cave. Medusa studied it for years before making her own modification to it. The Witch's Legacy is a pair of silver colored bracelets which can be worn on both arms. It is composed of an hybrid of organic and inorganic material that are extremely rich in Jugo's genes and nature energy. Also, it is particularly very durable and impervious to foreign chakra infusion or control. Majo no Isan can not be directly used offensively. Each pair of "The Witch's Legacy" has its own unique name and abilities. Ar and Em are the physical and spiritual aspect of "The Witch's Legacy". While Em is the bracelet on the right arm, Ar is the bracelet on the left arm.

The Witch's Legacy is rich in nature energy and due to its composition of Jugo's dna, it continually absorbs nature energy from the surrounding and feeds it to the user. Ar takes the physical aspect of the natural energy while amplifying and refining it for specifics effects that only affects anything physical within the user. Ar would affect the user's strength and vigor, using natural energy to increase muscle tone and flexibility. It would also increase the user's bone density and physical balance. This would in turn, increase agility, speed, strength and endurance. The user's body speed and reaction would increase 2 folds, though the speed would not stack with other speed multipliers. An active ability of Ar however, is the ability to add "sage kata" to one's taijutsu by releasing a 1m aura of absorbed natural energy to surround the attacking limb, adding +20 to the Taijutsu attack. This would take a move slot though used in the timeframe of the taijutsu attack in question. Would leech 20 chakra from the user and can only be used once every 2 turns twice per battle. Having used Sake Kata, one would be unable to perform above A-rank taijutsu the next turn.

Em takes the spiritual aspect of the natural energy while amplifying and refining it for specific within the user. Em would take some of the saturation of natural energy (10 per turn), gotten from the passive absorption of natural energy via Jugo’s DNA and convert them to refined sage chakra, storing it within itself and may be added when the user enters sage mode. Once the user initiates sage mode however, sage chakra conversion could not be used to add sage chakra to the user again. Conversion leeches 5 chakra per turn from the user's native chakra. Actively, Em can be used to break genjutsu up-to S-rank once every two turns twice per battle. Instead of channeling the chakra to boost a ninjutsu, the chakra can be actively channeled into the chakra system, acting as a surge to free one from genjutsu. This would take a move slot though can be used in the same timeframe as another jutsu since the user is not directly using his chakra for the surge.

Sage Kata and Surge are active abilities of The Witch's Legacy and they follow their respective restrictions as mentioned.
Should anyone apart from Priest tries to wear the bracelets, it would petrify them.
(Kagura Shingan) Mind's Eye of Divine Entertainment
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-rank
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
This ability, unique to Uzumaki Karin, is a much more advanced sensing ability than the normal Chakra Sensing technique. This ability allows Karin to find, sense, and track individuals through their chakra over vast range that exceeds 10 kms and allows her to see up to 6 landmarks away, including over oceans. This is done by focusing and opening the mind's eye, which Karin has active at all times. The ability extends to telling when a person is lying from the fluctuations in a person's chakra made from dishonest emotions or detecting if someone, including herself, is under a genjutsu, or even if someone is molding chakra for a technique. It can also detect diseases and other harmful effects the user or those within range might be under the effect off. Also by focusing on a particular chakra, Karin can perceive its location and movement with great detail. Even normal chakra suppression techniques are ineffective to hide from this ability.
Note: Its an exclusive ability of Uzumaki Karin bios and is active at all times.
Hebi Kuchyosei: Kurona - Snake Summoning: Crona
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
The user would smear blood on his snake tatoo or make the sunmoning rites, clap or press their hands against a surface to summon Crona. Crona is a black with red eyes snake that is said to be the reincarnation of Medusa's only daughter, who died long ago. She's quite timid to the summoner but crazy to anyone else who's not an ally to her summoner.
She could grow to as long as 20 meters and as big as giant snakes. Unlike most orochimaru's snake that can wield the Kusanagi. Crona is also unable to use any traditional elemental ninjutsu, but to make up for this, she is constantly saturated with natural energy , a sage and able to use snake sage techniques, however, she can choose whether to let her innate nature chakra to interact with her summoner or not. While merged, she can not talk but only communicate telepathically with her summoner and she's able to give a very small portion of her nature energy to her summoner (20 per turn). This would not normally add any augmentation to the user nor would it increase the user's domestic or sage chakra but if the user is in sage mode or has a DNA make up to accept nature energy, the chakra would be used to boost the user's ninjutsu damage up to Crona's rank , boosting it by +20 (but only +10 for S-rank moves) . However, this can only be done on one technique per turn. This boost is regarded as a passive boost. The downside to this natural boost is that the user is unable use fuinjutsu and genjutsu while Crona is boosting his technique, except fuinjutsu seals that are mentioned in his bio. He can only resume using the aforementioned techniques if Crona stops boosting his technique. Crona's nature energy gives her natural durability to C-rank and below ninjutsu. Her venom is quite lethal. The snake venom contains "cardiotoxins" which are components that are specifically toxic to the heart. They bind to particular sites on the surface of muscle cells and cause depolarisation. The toxin prevents muscle contraction. These in turn, would cause the heart to beat irregularly and stop beating, causing death after 4 turns if not cured. Apart from that, it causes body muscles to become stiff and thus gradual paralysis. No B-rank and above taijutsu two turns after the venom is administered and speed is halved. No taijutsu or movement can be performed due to total body paralysis in the third turn after the venom is injected. Death in the 4th turn after the venom is injected.
Using snake ninjutsu and snake senjutsu count as moves.
Boosting the user's senjutsu two turns or more in a row will have the second and each subsequent instance count as a move.
Last 4 turns.
Can only be summoned 1x per event.
- De Avaritia is currently suppressed.(in bio)
- Rinnegan
- Deva Path
- Pretta Path
- Chakra Sensory

2230 -20

Sage Chakra
1122 -10

Official challenge to Cassander. 2v1 Priest and Hokusai vs Cassander.
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Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points
This post marks the start of our mission involving the following storyboard elements:

-Help someone survive a near death situation (5)

While surveying the area and exploring around the lands, Rhaenys spots two people in dire circumstances. As someone who will always help those in need, she lands and heals them up.

As Rhaenys enters the next landmark destination, she could see in the distance a huge devastated battlefield. There looked to be two peoplpe still fighting, one of them a somewhat solid version of the ethereal Cassander Rhaenys had confronted earlier. There was also someone lying unconscious on the ground a little distance from them, seemingly thrown away from the battle. It was a young lady that was on the side of the non Cassander participant. Rhanys landed safely on the edge of the field, unphased by the battle going on, as her first priority was the dying woman who clearly needed extreme help. She had terrible burns, most of her skin burnt away by something with extremely high temperatures was obvious from Rhaenys' primary examination. Placing a hand on her neck she tried finding a pulse. There was an extremely faint beat, that felt like it was leaving fast, and Rhaenys quickly rolled up her sleeves getting ready to perform healing.

There was no time to move her to a safer location as she could be lost at any moment, and so after a quickly chakra being run over Rhaeny's hands, she cleaned all the bacteria off herself, and then placed her hands over Noelle, with an aggressive chakra that cleaned all the bacteria off her. With one deep breath, Rhaenys gathered chakra over her hands and concentrating on Noelles extreme burns, the chakra covering Rhaenys' hands turned green as she ran them firstly over her patients arms, concentrating on rejuvenating the skin cells, knitting flesh back together, pushing all the burnt skin off like ash as the new skin took its place. Moving her hands over the chest of the Woman, she repeated the chakra technique creating new skin over the burnt area's and thankfully stabilising the woman. Colour was starting to return to her cheeks, her breathing was stabilised and regular.

She was extremely lucky that the fire hadn't done serious damage to her chakra pathways or anything that could have done lasting damage to her. She was going to have some burn marks but again, these would be better than losing her ability to mold chakra.

Rhaenys sat with the woman, getting some water ready till she came to, keeping an eye on the battlefield ready to protect her incase any stray technique came this way.

( Iryō Ninjutsu: Shōsen Jutsu ) - Medical Technique: Mystic Palm Technique (40 damage healed)

Type: Supplementary
Rank: D - S
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A (2X the amount of damage healed) (80)
Damage: N/A
Description: This medical ninjutsu allows the user to speed up the body's natural healing process by focusing mainly Yang chakra onto their hands, forming an aura of greenish healing chakra which he then sends into a wound or afflicted body part. This allows the user to heal a patient without the need for medical equipment or surgery, making it very useful on the battlefield. It can be used to treat both external and internal injuries. It is vital to match the amount of chakra used to the severity of the affliction or injury. This requires a great amount of chakra control. Because of this, only a few highly skilled medical-nin are able to use this technique. The limitation of the technique is that it cannot regrow missing body parts or deal with poisons or toxins, though it can heal its damage. Additionally, perhaps its more severe drawback is the chakra cost, which, as the technique stands as a jack of all trades in terms of medical ninjutsu, is much higher than any other medical technique. For each damage point the user of the technique wishes to heal he needs to spend twice as much chakra. Basically, for X amount of damage the user needs to spend 2X amount of chakra to repair/heal. The user can also use this technique on himself and it can be used with one hand or two and even in two targets at a time or while using another technique with the other hand. The speed of the healing is fast but not instant, specially in internal injuries.
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Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
This post marks the beginning of a mission using the following elements:
Summary: After losing in the battle vs Cassandar, Noelle was unconscious for a while. After being healed by a stranger, she gets back into immediate action in defending the marketplace.

Defend a marketplace from a horde of zombies (3)

With a gasp for the air, the conscious of Noelle came rushing back to life. All that remembered was being struck down by pitch black flames. Her eyes opened, as she looks around – seeing a weeping Es, causing her to smile faintly but within a moment’s notice, this smile was reduced to a small patch of rage as she sensed the spiritual energy emitting from the demon nearby. She rose up, as she eyed the woman and nodded towards. "Your deed will be remembered…thank you for saving me." she said. However before she can take off back to fight Cassandar she heard other screaming in the distance – as no matter what, the zombies managed to spread this far. She gritted her teeth – wondering what to do before placing her hand onto her own body to heal it back to tip top shape. "Master…what are we going to do now?" the spirit asked but Noelle simply turned to face the direction of the zombies. "We fight." she told the spirit before dashing off towards the direction grabbing the glass of water as she passed the kind stranger.

Drawing her sword, she would toss it at one of the zombies striking it into the head – while kicking it further as she pins it to the ground, but finding herself surrounded – she played onto this a she stomps her feet onto the surface of the ground unleashing a omnidirectional shock wave. This crashed into various amounts of herds of zombies but this wasn’t the end of them. "Es!" she called out to her spirit – who in response would object infuse into the corpse of the zombie and started to control it as Es combated the demons alongside Noelle. This ended with the duo finally meeting back at the starting point as the managed to deal with several hordes, with Es releasing her control over the corpse as she simply squeezed it to death. "Damn…I know there is more coming but…we don’t have time for this." she said, looking at the woman. "Please, do tell me your name before I depart. You have my sincere gratitude and hope to one day pay you back for your kindness and bravery." she asked.

( Iryō Ninjutsu: Shōsen Jutsu ) - Medical Technique: Mystic Palm Technique
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A (2x the amount of damage healed) (170)
Damage: N/A (85 HP Healed)
Description: This medical ninjutsu allows the user to speed up the body's natural healing process by focusing chakra onto their hands, forming an aura of greenish chakra which he then sends into a wound or afflicted body part. This allows the user to heal a patient without the need for medical equipment or surgery, making it very useful on the battlefield. It can be used to treat both external and internal injuries. It is vital to match the amount of chakra used to the severity of the affliction or injury. This requires a great amount of chakra control. Because of this, only a few highly skilled medical-nin are able to use this technique. The limitation of the technique is that it cannot regrow missing body parts or remove with poisons or toxins, though it can heal damage by them. Additionally, perhaps its more severe drawback is the chakra cost, which is much higher than any other medical technique. For each damage point the user of the technique wishes to heal, he needs to spend twice as much chakra. Basically, for x amount of damage the user needs to spend 2x amount of chakra to repair/heal. The user can also use this technique on himself and it can be used with one hand or two and even in two targets at a time or while using another technique with the other hand. The speed of the healing is fast but not instant.
Note: Can be used on up to 2 targets.
Note: Can only be used by Medical Ninja.
(Keshin no Jorth) Δ Jorths Personification
Rank: C-S (B)
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 15-40 (-10 per turn to sustain)
Damage points: 30-80
Description: Keshin no Jorth, is a technique developed in the House of Katsuryoku, and only accessable by Katsuryoku Apprentice (C-rank) and higher ranked Katsuryoku Pledged (S -rank). The technique takes exit in the usage of 'Object Infusion'. Oft through the use of a hand gesture which is purely cosmetic, the user is capable of drawing forth any Genki(s) within the area, be it 'special summoned' or not, and forcefully infuse them into an object(s). An object could be anything ranging from a lump of earth turning into a deformed monstrosity, to a snowman. The most common however have proved to be the shapes of animal-like creatures of the patch of inaminate objects infused. This however is not only limited to solids, per say, aslong as it carries a substance such as water. Once infused, the object in question would gain reasonable enhancements from said Genki, while the most generic will simply be shrouded in an essence of ethereal energy, a coat if you will. The Genki's most fundamental traits carry and is still viable during infusion of objects, such as to not be affected by some of the fundamental forces namely gravity and kinetic forces (as per the clan's submission). This, however, is valid for the ethereal coat surrounding and binding the object, not the object itself. The resistance and strength of the object will be bound by the strength of the Genki called (and thus the chakra spent) in direct proportion. An object infused with a B-Rank Genki will have a B-rank strength. The Genki while partially affected by Chakra itself, is capable of being infused into objects containing chakra of one rank below, such as B-ranked Earth if the A-ranked version of this technique is used.
Note: Infusion lasts while sustained.
Note: S-Rank can be used three times per battle and not in consecutive turns, preventing usage of Clan techniques for 1 turn.
(Ototon: Ten Ribenji) - Sound Release: Heavenly Revenge
Rank: S
Type: Offensive
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user stomps his foot on the ground and releases a massive amount of sound chakra, amplifying the "stomp" sound which is released as a wave of low frequency sound through the ground and also through the air, all around. This omni directional sound "explosion" causes the ground to crack open in an omnidirectional area around the user up to mid range and pushes the air all around through massive sound vibrations. These are able to stop any incoming attack (following logic and elemental interactions) but also disable and stop any attack or thing moving or traveling through the ground.

End of Mission.

HP: 160
Chakra: 1600 - 170 - 40 - 20 = 1370
Came from:
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Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points
Rhaenys held the water above her head as the woman in her care awoke, immediately sitting upwards. She would have a splitting headache, still healing and adjusting to her new skin, although coming back from the brink of death surely would be a cause to jump upwards. Rhaenys was preparing to ask the woman if she needed more treatment when she leap up to heal herself. She seemed to be in a bit of a panic, especially with the zombies closing in on them. Rhaenys curiously watched the younger woman as she drew her sword and dispatched the zombies. Brushing off the dirt from her tunic while kneeling down she waited for the woman to come back.

I am Rhaenys Targaryen, the Leader of Shimogakure, the Village on the Frost from the Land of Snow, of House Targaryen. I came to explore these lands to learn more about its people when I saw this battle raging on. I have confronted this strange apparition before, but it seems like it may have been just an astral image of himself. Seeing your life in danger, I have desire to heal and help those in need.

Where will you go now?

Rhaenys was glad that the woman survived her encounter. She wasn't sure if she got there in time, or if she was a few minutes late the woman standing before her might not have made it. Rhaenys didn't even know if this woman could be trusted, but considering she was caught in the line of battle against the evil spirit Cassander, Rhaenys made the judgement that she was worth saving.

End mission.


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Rhaenys held the water above her head as the woman in her care awoke, immediately sitting upwards. She would have a splitting headache, still healing and adjusting to her new skin, although coming back from the brink of death surely would be a cause to jump upwards. Rhaenys was preparing to ask the woman if she needed more treatment when she leap up to heal herself. She seemed to be in a bit of a panic, especially with the zombies closing in on them. Rhaenys curiously watched the younger woman as she drew her sword and dispatched the zombies. Brushing off the dirt from her tunic while kneeling down she waited for the woman to come back.

I am Rhaenys Targaryen, the Leader of Shimogakure, the Village on the Frost from the Land of Snow, of House Targaryen. I came to explore these lands to learn more about its people when I saw this battle raging on. I have confronted this strange apparition before, but it seems like it may have been just an astral image of himself. Seeing your life in danger, I have desire to heal and help those in need.

Where will you go now?

Rhaenys was glad that the woman survived her encounter. She wasn't sure if she got there in time, or if she was a few minutes late the woman standing before her might not have made it. Rhaenys didn't even know if this woman could be trusted, but considering she was caught in the line of battle against the evil spirit Cassander, Rhaenys made the judgement that she was worth saving.

End mission.
I need to get back home to Kinai island, there might be more of these demons there…wait… she said as she noticed the zombies nearby dropping down like flies. Cassandar was no more as well, having seemingly teleported away. She could not sense his spirit anywhere nearby. It seems the demon has fled…but Im not sure if he’s truly gone. As for me, I am Noelle Asakura, it’s a pleasure to have met you Rha-chan but I’m afraid this is the end of this. If the spirits will us meeting again, then so it shall happen. Farwell! she said as she swapped into new clean clothing and headed north east towards the Western Mire.

Leaving landmark to


Active member
Apr 7, 2010
Trait Points
Coming from

Having lasted long against the abomination Cassander, Medusa would witness Cassander leave then fight. She would smile a bit. She was just getting started. With her chakra and Health back to a hundred percent, she would proceed towards whence she can, The five point island. She would deactivate the body fluid jutsu and proceed with Riku on her way.

2300 -20

Sage Chakra



Active member
Apr 23, 2010
Trait Points

Star-3 moved inconspicuously into the marketplace, her brown cloak providing decent camouflage against the backdrop of sandy tones. There wasn't much else to expect from a place known as the City of Sand yet she found herself staring in awe at the architecture, appreciating the effort that must have gone into crafting their structures so intricately. She continued to wander, looking for someone who knew about the gem she had. She had no money on her to purchase any of the exotic goods that enticed her at every turn, but it was nevertheless a great opportunity to research the local crafts and fashions.


May 28, 2014
Trait Points

Star-3 moved inconspicuously into the marketplace, her brown cloak providing decent camouflage against the backdrop of sandy tones. There wasn't much else to expect from a place known as the City of Sand yet she found herself staring in awe at the architecture, appreciating the effort that must have gone into crafting their structures so intricately. She continued to wander, looking for someone who knew about the gem she had. She had no money on her to purchase any of the exotic goods that enticed her at every turn, but it was nevertheless a great opportunity to research the local crafts and fashions.
Her search ended almost as quickly as it had begun. From behind Star-3, a shroud of black smoke manifested a man towering 10 feet in height, standing behind her. It was as if time itself had been stopped as the shoppers and city goers had been frozen in stasis, leaving Star-3 and the mysterious man isolated. "What you hold is Our gift to you, now Champion of the Sunlit Forge. You are now Our Candidate. But there is so much you lack, and of such importance. What you hold is the heart of an ancient weapon, a weapon core. But it is powerless now, a lifeless husk that has been emptied of all potency. Should you seek greater purpose, power the core." And with that the cloaked man vanished before Star-3 could even respond.


Active member
Aug 29, 2014
Trait Points
Coming from Nothern Namhae

Ryuu's short expedition came to an end as he set foot into the marketplace. It was impressive, and there were so many people around that it was easy to blend in and become lost in the sea of people. His invisibility effect now gone, the boy wandered through the markets, searching faces. Maybe he was supposed to get the attention of someone here, although he did not know who...

Chakra: 1510 - 5 = 1505

~Leaving landmark


May 28, 2014
Trait Points
Coming from Nothern Namhae

Ryuu's short expedition came to an end as he set foot into the marketplace. It was impressive, and there were so many people around that it was easy to blend in and become lost in the sea of people. His invisibility effect now gone, the boy wandered through the markets, searching faces. Maybe he was supposed to get the attention of someone here, although he did not know who...

Chakra: 1510 - 5 = 1505

~Leaving landmark
The busy activity in the marketplace would continue unabated, even as the sky momentarily darkened. But no figure would appear. Rather, Ryuu would begin to hear whispers in his own head - certainly a strange occurrence for him. "The youngest Champion of the Sunlit Forge in over 1,200 years. What you hold is Our gift to you; it is a core, the core of a weapon. But it is powerless now. Its beauty emptied, quite literally. If you seek a higher purpose, something much greater than yourself or others, then power the weapon core." The voice dissipated and the sky returned to its normal color. It was as if nothing had happened.


Active member
Apr 23, 2010
Trait Points
Her search ended almost as quickly as it had begun. From behind Star-3, a shroud of black smoke manifested a man towering 10 feet in height, standing behind her. It was as if time itself had been stopped as the shoppers and city goers had been frozen in stasis, leaving Star-3 and the mysterious man isolated. "What you hold is Our gift to you, now Champion of the Sunlit Forge. You are now Our Candidate. But there is so much you lack, and of such importance. What you hold is the heart of an ancient weapon, a weapon core. But it is powerless now, a lifeless husk that has been emptied of all potency. Should you seek greater purpose, power the core." And with that the cloaked man vanished before Star-3 could even respond.
When the world resumed its normal pace, Star-3 conversely froze, processing what she'd just seen. Things were more serious than she first thought. It wasn't any old cult, but an ancient cult with an ego. She took another look at the lackluster jewel. It must have belonged to a former "Champion" who wielded one of the weapons. Now she knew why that mysterious giant would leave the core of a weapon laying around for random people to find. It's totally useless until returned to full power, which is apparently a trial all on its own. Who would make a better champion candidate than someone who could wield the same weapons as the former champions? She shoved the diamond back into her pocket. Something about forging a weapon (sunlit forge?) for a group she knew nothing about felt utterly wrong, like a mistake waiting to happen. But she knew she would do it anyway.

Realizing she's been standing still for a while, Star-3 left the marketplace in a hurry, feeling eyes on her back.

~Leaving LM