[ARCHIVE] Custom Fighting Styles Submission

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Vasto Lordé

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Aug 5, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

Burazāin'āmuzu - Brothers in Arms
Type: Nin-Taijutsu
Background:There was once a woman who attempted to use the Shadow Clone jutsu, yet every time she tried she ended up failing. Instead she'd often end up making clones of only her limbs that would hang from her body. Sometimes she'd end up making an arm on her torso, or a leg on her arm. Eventually she gave up on the idea of using the Shadow Clone technique, and instead decided to develop her control over her creation of Limbs. She one day passed the art down onto two disciples, she believed that the art was complete, however the two disciples ended up taking the style a step further.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: The core principle of the style is to create extra limbs through a process similar to that of the Shadow Clone Technique. However rather than creating full clones who are capable of acting individually, the user simply creates extra limbs which in most cases stem from their own body. The extra Limbs allow for enhanced combat, and are all controlled by the user. The limbs can be used to allow the user to block and attack at the same time, or can even enhance the user's close range destructive prowess as the user can create cloned limbs that are out of proportion, ranging from being gigantic or immensely small. The techniques therefore often revolve around multiple simultaneous strikes through use of the extra limbs, or increasing the destructive potential of the user by creating giant appendages that allow for equally gigantic offensive prowess. The style often involves utilizing the capabilities of having multiple limbs, through use of simultaneous strikes from all of the grown limbs. Allowing the user to inflict large amounts of damage in short amounts of time while also producing an attack that the opponent wouldn't have the means to block as they wouldn't have enough hands nor feet to do so. This however led the style to become more focused on quantity rather than quality when it was first created. However this was soon amended by the two pupils who inherited this style. Since the limbs were simply clones of the users own, the physical conditioning of the users body also played an important role in the strength of this style. Therefore the two students trained vigorously until they strength and speed were just above that of an adept strong fist masters, meaning that the created limbs would be capable of punching through rocks and easily out speeding other Strong Fist users.

The next step of the style often involves enhancement through chakra, or elemental chakra, it was in this stage that the two students truly understood that this styles strength was also its weakness. The limbs much like the Shadow Clone technique are capable of dishing out damage, or even taking the recoil of their own physical attacks, however they are incapable of taking large amounts of damage inflicted from an external force, and poof away when they do. However the damage would need to at least penetrate to the bone to do so, in other words bone crushing force would be required to disperse these arms. Much like actual clones, the limbs are self sustaining, however they're also attached to the users body in such a way that the user is capable of channeling chakra into them, or moving them as if they were his own arms or legs. This gave birth to this styles weakness, the user would feel the damage inflicted onto the created limbs before they did in fact poof away. Although the damage wouldn't actually directly hinder their body physically, the mental effects caused by the pain took a toll on the users endurance and if great enough could indeed cause unconsciousness. This effectively meant that making too much limbs could be dangerous, as if the opponent were to severely damage several limbs in quick succession the pain induced could indeed become unbearable. In a way this was a kind of trade off, instead of sacrificing chakra to evenly split it among clones, the user would put their own vitality at risk by creating extra limbs which were linked with the users own body and thus didn't require their own chakra source. However, the offensive capabilities of this style often outweighed the risks, especially those pertaining to the elemental enhancements. Much like the elemental variation clone techniques, the user is capable of creating limbs that disperse into the element that they consist of, however these are also limited in the fact that they can only be enhanced with chakra pertaining to the element that they were created with and were often easier to disperse than the generic cloned limbs. The user could also stick with the much more enduring generic cloned limbs and coat them with various different types of chakra to achieve different effects and create various techniques. Not only that but the chakra aspect also made the two students realise that this style was indeed heavily supplemental, as this could be used to increase the capabilities of other fighting techniques or to aid in normal mundane tasks such as handseals. After all two hands were always going to be better than one, especially when it came to close combat.

Example Techniques:
(Burazāin'āmuzu: Kihon-tekina seichō gijutsu ) - Brothers in Arms: Basic Growth Technique
Rank: B
Type: Offensive/Supplementary/Defensive
Range: Self
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: N/A
Description: Basic growth technique is the core technique of the style. The user grows extra limbs, generally the amount of limbs created is limited by the users physical endurance. The limbs allows the user to attack or defend, and overall act as a supplement to the users Taijutsu prowess. The user can either grow limbs from their body, or from other growing limbs. The user can also create elemental variants which have unique effects consisting of, but not limited to;

Fire: These limbs look just like normal ones, however on impact they scorch and burn the opposing object. The limbs are also capable of reverting to pure fire, or dispersing on impact so as to consume the target within flames.

Lightning: These limbs look just like normal ones, however on impact they electrocute and numb the opposing object. The limbs are also capable of reverting to pure lightning, or dispersing on impact so as to consume the target within an electrical discharge or current.

Wind: These limbs look just like normal ones, however on impact they are capable of blasting or slicing the opposing object. The limbs are capable of reverting to pure spinning tornado like wind currents, or dispersing on impact so as to consume the target within slicing winds or blasting winds.

Water: These limbs look just like normal ones, however on impact they are capable of drenching the opposing object. The limbs are capable of reverting to pure water, or dispersing on impact so as to consume the target within a torrent of raging water, or a prison of water.

Earth: These limbs look just like normal ones, however their destructive force is generally much greater being capable of shattering the opposing object. The limbs are capable of reverting to pure rock, or dispersing on impact so as to consume the target within a barrage or rocks, or a prison of condensed mud.

( Burazāin'āmuzu: Hando u~ebu ) - Brothers in Arms: Hand Web
Rank: B
Type: Offensive/Supplementary/Defensive
Range: N/A
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: N/A
Description: A technique where the user grows multiple hands that intertwine to form multiple constructs. The user can create nets, shields or even wings comprised solely of hands.
Additional effects and Restrictions:

Additional Effects:
- Users of this style have above strong fist average speed and strength.
- Users of this style have rather incredible physical endurance not unlike that of Naruto's yet on a lesser scale.

- The user is capable of only creating one clone through the duration of the battle if they choose to utilize this style at any point in time. If the user creates more than one clone before hand, they will be incapable of performing this style. This refers to any kind of clone.
- There is a limit to how many arms a person can create and sustain at any one time, mainly due to weight and coordination issues, the amount the user can utilize increases as they traverse up the ranks. However the users speed halves once they create over half as many arms as their limit allows them to. For instance a student is capable of creating and utilizing six arms at any one time, if they create anymore than three arms, their speed will half due to the added weight and decrease in coordination.

Student: A student is capable of using some of the techniques of this style, they have a vague understanding of the style and are capable of growing up to six extra limbs. They gain a few of the inherent bonuses

Practitioner: A practitioner is capable of using quite a few techniques of this style, they have a decent understanding of the style and are capable of growing and sustaining up to twelve extra limbs or one giant limb at any one time. They gain some of the inherent bonuses

Expert: A expert is capable of using a lot of the techniques of this style, they have a commendable understanding of the style and are capable of growing and sustaining up to twenty extra limbs or two giant limb at any one time. They gains many of the inherent bonuses

Legend: A legend is capable of using many of the techniques of this style, they have a deep understanding of the style and are capable of growing and sustaining up to twenty five extra limbs or three giant limbs at any one time. They gain almost all of the inherent bonuses. Can create two clones during the duration of the battle instead of one.

Creator: The creator is capable of using all of the techniques of this style, he has a deep understanding of the style and is capable of growing and sustaining up to thirty extra limbs, or four giant limbs at any one time. He gains all of the inherent bonuses. Can create two clones during the duration of the battle instead of one.

‡ Declined ‡
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Vasto Lordé

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Aug 5, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

Genei Ryodan - Phantom Troupe
Type: Nin-Taijutsu
Background: The Phantom Troupe is the name for a gang of rogue ninjas. Most of the members hail from Amegakure and specialize in a secret underground fighting style that depends on the raw chakra of the user, called "Nen". The group consisted of a total of thirteen members, each with a numbered tattoo of a spider on their body. Those wishing to join the group can do so by killing a member, thereby replacing them. If a vacancy opens due to a member dying of other causes, the leader of the group is responsible for finding a replacement member. Although they mainly steal and kill, they occasionally do philanthropic work. The numbers on the spider tatoos of the members of the Troupe follow no visible pattern corresponding to the Troupe's internal rankings or join dates. All of this changed when a revenge seeking Shinobi came along, this shinobi was a knowledge seeker, a fighter, but most importantly one of the most selfish Shinobi ever to live. The shinobi sought vengeance on the Troupe's members for killing his family and friends, successfully and using trickery he managed to trap and eliminate 5 of the troupe's members. This incident raised awareness on the rest of the gang as they swore on avenging their falling comrades. It seemed none of the sides was gonna stop at any cost until avenging for their loved ones. Eight total members of the troupe were left alive, one of them, a tall red haired shinobi seemed to not care for his fallen comrades, and only want power. Using that fact, the vengeful shinobi approached him, and asked to make a deal with the red haired rogue where they each trade one thing for another, the shinobi told the red haired rogue that he can be the head of the troupe, take control of everything and be the leader, all he had to do was teach the vengeful shinobi how to use "Nen" as he needed that style the most to take on multiple gang members without having to use traps and tricks. The red haired rogue agreed and on each weekend they secretly met where they trained and shared info. It took a whole two years for the vengeful shinobi to Master his use of "Nen", being ready for battle the red haired shinobi laughed in excitement as he never imagined this day would actually come where he's this close of taking the leadership of his gang leader.

On a Saturday night, all hell broke loose in the village when explosions were heard, flashes in the skies were seen, every villager left his home in search for safety, it was like a war between demons, 3 parties were involved, One side wished to avenge his family, one side wished to avenge their fallen comrades, and one side lusted for power and leadership. It was simply astonishing, the amount of buildings destroyed, the village's ground was full of holes, full of flames, everything was red, it was a bloody massacre were even the innocent villagers who were trying to escape got killed and dragged in this "War". Fighting for a straight two days, only 4 members of the troupe were left alive, with one of them ( the Red Haired Rogue ) having lost one of his arms still standing strong with a lustful look as he's getting closer to what he wanted. The vengeful shinobi on the other hand has grown tired, his body weakened and it seemed as there was nothing he could do. The odds were against the red haired and the Vengeful Shinobi, where the leader of the troupe was fighting against the Red haired rogue, and two members of the troupe were fighting against the vengeful shinobi. The end seemed near for the two, having realized that he will not succeed, the Red haired rogue looks at the Vengeful shinobi with a sad look as if saying goodbye, with all the life that's left in him, he charges towards the two members of the troupe and by making one handseal the Red haired Rogue releases all the chakra left in him creating a dome like chakra field that traps him and the two troupe members inside it, having taken a last look at the vengeful shinobi, he slams his foot on the ground causing every part of the inside layer of that dome to turn into Long Sharp Spikes/spears that impales everything reaching even below the ground itself, which takes the lives of the three men who were inside that dome, the dome disappears with nothing but blood and bodies full of holes left on the ground.

Unable to understand the Red Haired Rogue's actions, the vengeful man rages with confusion, not being able to focus on the matter at hand, he loses control over his "Nen" chakra in which he releases a powerful gust of pure chakra that devastates even the ground around him reaching the Phantom Troupe's leader, though immediately the Phantom Troupe's leader Dashes backwards into far range from the spherical blast. Shocked and intimidated, The Phantom Troupe's leader charges towards the Vengeful shinobi in hopes of delivering a lethal hit that finishes him off ending all this madness. As He charges towards the Vengeful shinobi, he gathers his "Nen" chakra to his open hand enhancing it's cutting and piercing ability, he then goes to attack the heart of the vengeful shinobi, surprisingly the Shinobi doesn't move a limb as the Troupe's leader's hand pierces right through his heart, he grabbed and held tight on the leader's hand not allowing him to get it out of his heart, the Shinobi then channels his "Nen" chakra to his right fist, and with all his might delivers one last blow to the leader's head causing it to go right through his face and skull creating a hole in the leader's face thus killing him. As both men fall on the ground, and with the final breath the shinobi had left in him, he talks to the sky as if addressing a soul; "Do not follow the vengeance path, for it's nothing but a faster death to a man's heart", saying these words, his eyes finally close looking so peaceful and rested as if his mission was completed successfully.

Three weeks later, screams and shouts could be heard from some tavern in the neighboring village, it was a small kid saving an old woman from some rogues and thieves, his hands were covered with "Nen" Chakra, saving the woman, the kid looks up to the sky as a flash back hits him where he's seen being trained by some shinobi. It seems that during the time the Shinobi and the Red Haired Rogue were not training, the Vengeful Shinobi was going to the neighboring village for some rest, and on his way there he found a lonely child with no family, no mother and no father, he realized it was caused by the phantom troupe or perhaps the war. Without a second thought the Vengeful Shinobi "adopts" the child making him his unborn son, teaching him everything about life and in addition the infamous style of the Phantom Troupe. The kid is later seen as a mid 20's educated man in the village of Iwagakure with a yet to be known future.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: The concept of this style is rather simple, and I think the last part of the Background explains it all. It's basically the use of an enhanced form of the User's raw chakra, called "Nen" where the user spends years and years of training to get full control and mastery of his raw chakra making it more stable and more versatile to be used in many things rather than "living" and being the "source of life" to a ninja/human being. This style allows you to make a layer of your raw chakra on top of your skin, a VERY thin layer that cannot be seen by the normal eye. This layer will increase the physical abilities of the user, allowing him to strengthen his punches and his body parts for protection, it can also be aimed to cover for example the knee joint allowing the user to gain extra force and momentum which gives a slight momentary boost to speed and the power of the dash/jumps that the user performs.

Example Techniques:

( Genei Ryodan Kamae: Haipā ) - Phantom Troupe Style: Hyper
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Self
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: The user channels his Nen chakra towards the joints of his knees or his elbows. The user then pushes himself off the ground forward or to any side giving him instantaneous yet temporary boost in speed thus allowing him to dash in a great speed towards the direction he chooses.
†Note: Channeling chakra to both his Knees joints and his elbows in the same turn counts as two moves.
†Note: Can only be taught by Vasto Lordé

( Genei Ryodan Kamae: Hātopiasa ) - Phantom Troupe Style: Heart Piercer
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Self/Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user channels his Nen chakra towards his hand and the tips of his fingers causing his nails to appear to be extending. The user then charges towards his enemy aiming at his vital organs such as the heart, lungs, neck or kidneys.
†Note: Can only be used Three times per battle.
†Note: Can only be taught by Vasto Lordé

( Genei Ryodan Kamae: Rokku heddo ) - Phantom Troupe Style: Rock Head
Type: Offensive/Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: B
Range: Self/Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user channels his Nen chakra towards his forhead. This strengthen the user's forhead to a degree where it allows him to smash through rocks and protects him from projectiles aimed at his head, the user can also use it to attack his opponent delivering a Rock hard headbutt that is capable of knocking out his opponent.
†Note: Can only be used Three times per battle.
†Note: Can only be taught by Vasto Lordé

Additional effects and Restrictions:
• Since this style uses enhanced Raw chakra, it is equal to Elemental Chakra, where to disperse the Nen Chakra you need at least a one rank higher Elemental chakra to do that.
• The user cannot use any other custom fighting style in the same turn he uses Phantom Troupe.
• The user must have reached at least 50% completion status in both his Ninjutsu and Taijutsu training.
• The user cannot use any enhancement Taijutsu technique in the same turn he uses Phantom troupe.
• Cannot be used to perform faster handseals, or enhance Ninjutsu/Elemental techniques. It is strictly used on Limbs and joints only.

‡ Declined ‡
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Kansas Bred

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May 20, 2010
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Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

Kinetexikku Aato | Kinetic Arts
Type: Ninjutsu/Taijutsu

This style was created off of the ideals and morals of those who wish not to fight, have no tolerance to violence, but still needed a way to defend themselves. Typically those people would just die in honor to their beliefs and way of life. So this style was created to save those who did not want their souls to be tainted with hate, and anger or the chain of revenge in which comes from fighting. One day a wise man engineered the way of physics and spirituality, into a style of combat, he believed that there was a way to channel all of someones anger, revenge and raw power through yourself and back at them once engaged. Thus leaving behind this style for his family to learn, perfect, teach and practice.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:

Kinetic Arts is used both offensively and defensively, although mapped out to just be a defensive style, the technique was further developed throughout time and is now in a more finalized manner.

Offensive Way:

Kinetic Energy Linkage is the result of all the energy generated through each body part from the initial point of motion through to the target. Developing your ability to both initiate and follow through by gaining the maximum velocity and mass behind each technique with proper use of each muscle contraction and joint take a lot of practice and patience. Keep in mind that every muscle group is strongest at or just beyond 50% contraction. In other words, a fully extended muscle is at its weakest point. So, basically, your goal would be to generate the maximum velocity just before impact; making impact when the muscle group(s) involved are beyond 50% contracted with contraction still remaining for maximum penetration; and, have your weight following through as well but not off balance.

Defensive Way:

The defensive nature to this style is much more deadly, if used correctly and not abused. Much like the offense the defense is based around balance and timing - even down to the contractions of muscle groups. The defense to it is through the channeling of Kinetic energy, which can only be done by a master of this style. In example: An attacker rushes a target and then throws a punch, as this punch is reaching the target it is building up Kinetic energy through motion not even including the raw power the said attacker is exerting, now once the blow has landed the kinetic energy is instantaneously transferred from Attacker to Target, through various physical obstacles and meditation the user of this art begins to get a balance/control over the entirety of all movements, thus giving them the ability to absorb the transferred kinetic energy and redirect it to a different part of their body either then taking on the pain in a different area or directing it toward the attacker in a different part of the users body than in which it was received.

Ground up techniques are those whose force initiates from the ground and is driven up from the feet through the calves, thighs, hips, abdominals, chest, shoulders, arms, hands and into the target. A perfect example of this type of technique is a palm heel strike initiated from a standing posture, up and into the philtrum of the attacker.

Air to ground techniques must utilize the body’s ability to lower itself toward the ground in order for the power to be maximized downward through the target. A good example of this type of Kinetic Energy Linkage technique is a cutting elbow coming down and through the attacker’s mastoid area.

Example Techniques:

Taijutsu | Kinetic Arts: Calmatic Stand Point
Rank: D
Type: Supplemetary/Defense
Range: N/a
Chakra: 10
Description: This is the users initial stance to begin performing Kinetic Arts, it grants the user a great peace of mind, and the ability to think & see clearly with out any obstructions, it also allows the user to be very agile and limber. Giving the user two times the agility/dexterity/speed and reaction time of a normal taijutsu master. This is also a stance in which is used for training/meditation purposes.

- Requires KA Training

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Taijutsu | Kinetic Arts: Palm Heel Thrust
Rank: A
Type: Attack
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user will take a standing posture and await an attack whilst also channeling chakra to his/her palms, as it is coming, the user will then squat down avoiding the attack and then thrust up and into the nose of the attacker, breaking it if it lands.

- Requires KA Training
- Requires Basic Taijutsu Mastery
- Can only be use Once per battle

Taijutsu | Kinetic Arts: Kinetic Energy Linkage
Rank: S
Type: Defense/Attack
Range: Short
Chakra: N/a
Damage: Double the opponents attack
Description: While staying calm and focusing chakra all throughout the body, the user will absorb an opponents attack, redirect it to a limb or different limb in the case that a limb was struck, double the output by using their own chakra and follow through with a strike, using momentum and the users mass in a balanced manner.

- Requires KA training
- Requires mastery of all NB Taijutsu (Kaito's & Cannon)
- Can Only be used x3 per Battle

Additional effects and Restrictions:
-Must be of at least Sannin Rank
-Must have Mastery of NB Taijutsu
-Must practice Meditation
-Must be taught by Kansas Bred
-Increased Speed, Reflexes and Agility as compared to basic Taijutsu Users. But nothing like that of EIG or Swift release.

‡ Declined ‡
manipulation of kinetic energy is an approved ce do not resubmit
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Professor Sarutobi

Active member
Dec 12, 2010
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Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

Reiko Resshūken- Spirit Light Fissure Kick Fist
Type: Nintaijutsu
Background:An elegant fighting style that is only available to fighters that have mastered all other forms of the Ninja Arts. This style is considered to be one of the strongest, most elegant, school of martial arts in existence and relies on fast footwork in order to focus on fending off enemy attacks with the arms and using the legs to counterattack with powerful kicks. The creator of this style describes the style as "energy and style as one". Reiko Resshuken which often involves the user controlling large amounts of pure chakra which is either used to form orbs of chakra then kicked or punched toward the opponent, enhancing their offensive force or compressed into their limbs and delivering the blows to the enemy's bodies physically but with immense energy held in their body it fuels their muscles and coats their limbs in dense chakra auras.
Controlling this style requires an extreme devotion and clarity of mind as such large amounts of chakra being compressed and used in quick succession can be extremely dangerous for even very powerful shinobi.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: The user first goes through intense physical training and meditation training sessions to give them advanced footwork control and a generally strong body. Arms have to be strong enough to block an enemy's attack while leaving freedom for the legs to deal the counterstrike while legs have to strong enough to break the enemy's defenses with brutal power and swiftness. The meditation is required to let the users learn to have total clarity in their minds when controlling massive amounts of chakra and using this very reflex based fighting style.

Example Techniques:
(Reiko Resshuken: Resshū Kō Kyū Ha) Spirit Light Fissure Kick Fist: Fissure Kick Crimson Ball Wave
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: 60
Description: The user generates a ball the size of a soccer ball made of compressed chakra, one of these is enough to demolish a one story building upon impact. This ball is made in one hand then kicked, sending it at their target at high speeds.
-Must be trained in Reiko Resshuken to use.
-Can't use elemental ninjutsu the same turn as this.
-travels at the speed of a wind chakra coated ninja tool
-Only taught by Professor Sarutobi.

(Reiko Resshuken: Resshū Shiendan) Spirit Light Fissure Kick Fist: Fissure Kick Violet Blaze Shots
Rank: S
Type: Offensive
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 40
Damage points: 80
Description: The user generates a ball of compressed chakra in front of their palms resulting in a powerful single energy sphere that he then kicks to his opponent. The kick causes the ball to scatter into mid range wide and long range long scatter shot effect of smaller chakra blasts. this technique effectively ensures that the opponent gets hit by at least a couple of the blasts.
-Must be trained in Reiko Resshuken to use.
-Can't use elemental ninjutsu the same turn as this.
-Can't use other jutsu above A rank the same turn as this.
-Only taught by Professor Sarutobi.

GIF of use
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(Reiko Resshuken: Hitoshirezu Konki Kagai) Spirit Light Fissure Kick Fist: Inward Energy Assault
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 20 (+5 per turn)
Damage points: +10 to Reiko Resshuken and Taijutsu
Description: The user generates a large amount of chakra and compresses it into their limbs creating a slight aura around their hands and feet enhancing their Resshuken and Taijutsu techniques by fueling their muscles and coating their bodies in a dense chakra aura.
-Must be trained in Reiko Resshuken to use.
-Can't use elemental ninjutsu the same turn as this.
-Can't use other jutsu except Reiko Resshuken and Taijutsu while this is active.
-Only taught by Professor Sarutobi.
Additional effects and Restrictions:
-The user must be Sannin Rank or above and have mastered Elemental Ninjutsu, non-elemental Ninjutsu, Taijutsu and Genjutsu to begin learning.
-Masters of this style have very quick footwork, better chakra control for pure chakra only, slightly increased reflexes past that of normal Taijutsu Masters and are slightly stronger then normal Strong Fist masters.

Black Angel: Utmost master of Reiko Resshuken, knows all of the techniques within the style and have mastered them to perfection. This person has a tiny oval jewel that symbolizes their perfection of the style implanted in the middle of their forehead which was said to be a trait of the original founder of the fighting style. Their Chakra control, footwork, physical strength and reflexes are increased even more then other ranks (three ranks above normal ninja).

Demon: Has mastered their training to the point of being able to use up to S rank techniques. Their chakra control, footwork, physical strength and reflexes are all increased two ranks above normal ninja

Black Monk: Has advanced in their training to the point of being able to use A rank techniques. Chakra control, footwork, physical strength and reflexes are increased (one rank above normal ninja)

Child of Darkness: Has completed the basic training and can use up to C rank techniques. chakra control slightly increased.

Tainted Soul: This is the rank where one begins meditating and training to allow their body to learn the style of Reiko Resshuken. Can't use any techniques yet and no enhancements.

 Declined 
I don't see how this differs from normal Taijutsu
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Active member
Aug 6, 2011
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

Houto Kamisori Shappo - Way of the Razor Hat
Type: NinTaijutsu
Background: There was once a man who went by the name of Kung Lao. He studied many different martial arts and had saved the world many times with his companions. He once lost to a man named Shao Kahn who killed his family and destroyed his country. He retreated and lived in solitude, where he developed a new fighting style. Way of the Razor Hat. He took his regular hat that wore and added a razor sharp metal to the rim of it. After developing the fighting style, he defeated Shao Kahn. In fear of another threat after his life is over, he taught his style to Mayuri Kurotsuchi who now is the sole successor of the Way of the Razor Hat.
Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: When using the way of the razor hat, one also uses the wind element making it NinTaijutsu. They use wind jutsu on the hat to increase the cutting power of the hat as well as controlling its destination through currents. They can throw the hat and control it through wind currents and also coat the hat in wind.
Example Techniques:
(Houto Kamisori Shappo)Way of the Razor Hat: Hat Throw
Rank: B
Type: Offensive
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra cost: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user will take the razor hat of their head, coat it in wind, and throw it in a frisbee manner at the enemy. They can control the hat to circle around them, or to head towards the enemy. The hat moves at semi-fast speeds. Just enough for the naked eye to see. It is usually aimed at the neck for decapitation. Can kill. The hat returns to the user when finished.
~Only controllable in short range
~Only usable once per match
~Only taught by Alphaqindyas

(Houto Kamisori Shappo)Way of the Razor Hat: Buzzsaw
Rank: B
Type: Offensive
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user will do the same thing as hat throw except throw the hat while its vertical like a buzzsaw. They either throw it in the air, suspended by wind, or into the ground, where it's like an actual buzzsaw. The hat returns to the user when finished. Can kill.
~Only usable once per match
~Only taught by Alphaqindyas

(Houto Kamisori Shappo)Way of the Razor Hat: Razor Spin
Rank: A
Type: Offensive/Deffensive
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user coats their body with wind chakra and spins rapidly. They lift off the ground about a foot as the wind chakra spins with them, cutting anything attacking. Used primarily in close-combat fighting, it is similar to the Hyūga heavenly rotation except it is elemental. This "armor" can block against lightning attacks but is weak against fire attacks.
~Lightning B rank or below is nullified
~Fire B rank or above will burn the target
~Fire C or below will coat the wind in fire, increasing damage
~Only usable twice per battle
~Only taught by Alphaqindyas
Additional effects and Restrictions:
~Must be S-Class
~Must have general knowledge and training in wind
~Must have general knowledge and training in taijutsu
~Increased agility and speed (not much speed though)
~Can perform wind techniques about 50% faster
~Better chakra control due to using it in conjunction with taijutsu
~Must be taught by Alphaqindyas

‡ Declined ‡
poor explanation and effects are not approvable
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Mar 15, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

Resubmitting; I deleted the whole bolded part, and i think that it isn't too similar to Demosthenes' technique now..

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Hāyaisōchi 速い 手順 - Quick Step

Type: Nin-Taijutsu - Hāyaisōchi

Background: The Quick Step is a Nin-Taijutsu style developed in the early ages, the age of the samurai before ninja even existed thought that was the prototype style, which made use of enormous concentration on ones mevements and a clear vision, the samurai used it in combat to accelerate their body movements thus combining it with the katana, this technique was a enhanced form of that style using the mighty wind element thus evolving into something greater than a regular martial arts style. A style designed to grant the user a great advantage over the opponents, mostly used in close range combat but also at medium, thought one could say it's more suited for close combat. This was developed by a ninja in sunagakure who possessed the swift release also known as Haiyaton, it made use of the lightning and wind element to enhance ones speed giving their body enormous acceleration, Quick Step made use of circular motion is an example of a body experiencing acceleration resulting in velocity of a constant magnitude but change of direction. In this case, because the direction of the object's or person's motion is constantly changing, being tangential to the circle, the object's velocity also changes, but its speed does not. This acceleration is directed toward the centre of the circle and takes the value which is truly astonishing. Thought the man who developed this technique only used the wind element to enhance it. Thought this jutsu could also be used by regular ninja who didn't possess the swift release as it made use of taijutsu and the wind element, the sunagakure ninja developed five different types of quick step levels and each one gained a unique name. To use this style; One must have mastered the Wind element, one must have it as his/her specialty, thus stating this in their biography and also one must have mastered regular Taijutsu to make use of Quick Step.
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Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: This special and unique type of Nin-Taijutsu also refered to as the Hayaisochi relies on the regular movements, swift motion of the user thus making use of these things to hit specific places on the opponents body. Quick step is a very unique fighting style, it makes use of wind currents to change directions in quick movements, for example change the direction of the users body. This can be done in close combat; For example to avoid a fist strike by a few milliimetre's, while to move even closer to your opponent as point blank and attack in that same motion. To put it really simple, the user who makes the small body movements to create very small air currents, So the user basically glides through the wind. This requires extreme wind control, and thus a few can master it, the user also gains the ability to control the wind using hand movements. To make the edges of each finger as sharp as a sharp blade, since the wind element revolves around that, and being one of its main abilities and all. The user has to observe their opponents movements to use this style it's like dancing thought, making use of your opponents body to guide your own while doing that the user can attack freely wherever he want's.

Example: (skip to 1:40 in the video)

Additional effects and Restrictions:

-The user must have mastered the wind element.
-The user must have mastered NB cannon taijutsu and must have started training in K' Taijutsu.
-The user must state in their biography that he or she has wind as one of the users' specialty and Taijutsu.
-The user mostly gains enhanced reflexes, almost non human.
-The user gains the ability to sharpen their "body parts", such as the finger tips.
-The user gains a fair amount of speed when used in close combat, thus seemily they glide through the air making the enemy see a blur.

±± Declined ±±
I need you to provide me with usage examples. Other than that its shaping up really good. The last bolded addition is weird. What will be the implications of that sharpening? Non human reflexes because wind is flowing around you? more agility would be possible...but more reflexes?
Resubmitting: I've literally re-worded the whole thing, since it was so poorly worded, I also renamed the style. So it'be pointless to bold everything lol, I hope you understand. Also I took out, the part about non-human reflexes, and added Agility/Accuracy in its place, not to mention I explained the body sharpening part.

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Tenjin no Mai「天神の舞」Sky God's Dance

Type: Nin-Taijutsu - Tenjin no Mai

Background: The sky god's arts is a martial arts style developed in the early ages. This style was discovered in the age of samurai before shinobi even existed thought that was the prototype style because it had not been completed yet. Sky god's arts made use of enormous concentration on ones body movements and vision. A mysterious group of rounin used it in combat to accelerate their body movements combining it with the sword, making it quite deadly even againsy modern day shinobi/samurai. Over the centuries as time progressed shinobi came into existence. Thus a shinobi finally learned this style during the waring periods, by observing all of the samurai's movements, only a few years later this man had brought it close to perfection by using it against his opponents. This person enhanced the previous form of that style which already accelerated the users movements, by combining it with the mighty wind element, evolving it into something greater than a regular martial arts style. A style designed to grant the user a great advantage over the opponents attacks and body movements, this style is mostly used in close range combat but also at medium range, thought one could say it's really more suited for close combat. The Sky God's Dance was later passed down, to a nameless orphan in Amegakure during the Third Shinobi World War, which was then completed, making it what it is now. Tenjin no Mai

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: The Sky God's arts makes use of a circular motion. A example of a body experiencing acceleration resulting in velocity of a constant magnitude but change of direction. In this case, because the direction of the person's motion is constantly changing, being tangential to the circle, the object's velocity also changes, but its speed does not. This acceleration is directed toward the center of the users body. So basically this special and unique type of Nin-Taijutsu also refered to as the Sky God's Dance relies on the regular movements, swift motion of the users body guided by small wind current produced by the user, giving the ability to glide through the air, not increasing the users speed thought giving more agility. And also the ability to sharpen elbows, punches, fingers etc. for the use of dealing more damage to the target, and also increasing the accuracy by using the wind element to make this possible.

Tenjin no Mai is a very unique style, it uses the wind currents to change directions in quick movements, for example change the direction of any body part (arms, legs etc.) in the mids of battle at point blank range, preventing the user from taking damage from his opponents attacks, such as a round house kick or a elbow smash directed torwards the users skull. For example to avoid a punch, aimed at the users stomach, by utilizing the wind currents to the fullest, producing small air currents to glide backwards, just enough to avoid the opponent's attack by the slightest margin. This is done by producing very small air currents at once by the user to glide through the air as a feather, not granting any kind of speed but a type of unique agility, that makes it seem like the user is actually quite fast, but actually its just because of the wind. So the user of this technique basically glides through the air, and by using acrobatics involving the user rotating rapidly to accumulate both attacking and defensive power, combined with accuracy makes this style so unique, and distinguishes it from the others. This requires extreme chakra control, and thus a few can master it. The user has to observe their opponents every movements to use this style, making use of your opponents own body/power to guide your own, while doing that the user can attack freely wherever he want's, thus dealing massive damage as the target is wide open. Once more, this style is to accumulate both attacking and defensive power, combined as one.

Technique Examples:

(Tenjin no Mai: Niruvāna) - Sky God's Dance: Nirvāna
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: 60
Description: This is one of the advanced technique's of Tenjin no Mai. The user performs a pirouette on one foot, with both arms aloft and hands positioned outwards by the sides. By using the rotationary force to gather as much as air around the user's arms/legs as possible, inorder to glide through the air, thought also concentrating wind chakra on the back of both fists inorder to sharpen them for the use of dealing extra damage. All of this is done in one motion at medium range, after the user is finished he will rotate the opposite direction and glide through the air at an amazing speed torwards the target(s) and slam the back of the fists against the jaw almost simultainiously, causing the traget to rotate as well, thus the user continues attacking repeatedly, causing even more damage. Dislocationg the jaw and causing the target to faint due to the increased damage done by the enhanced fist. The leg positioned outwards is to enhance the force of the blows done by the fists, thus increasing the amount of rotations.

♦ Note: This technique can only be taught by Lucifer.
♦ Note: This technique can only be used once per battle.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
  • Must have mastered basic taijutsu & the wind element, to learn this style.
  • All masters of Tenjin no Mai gain increased Agility, Pinpoint accuracy & the ability to sharpen their body parts.
  • All masters of this style also have above-average chakra control. This is a result of being able to quickly channel Wind chakra throughout different body parts at an increased rate, and using it constantly in close combat.
‡ Declined ‡
poorly explained, and making a style around spinning is detrimental to you
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Aug 18, 2012
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Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

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(Magirawashī kenbu) - Misleading Sword Dance
Type: NinGenKenjutsu
Background: Magirawashī kenbu started out as a dual sword ninkenjutsu style made by a Master Swordsman named Vitaly. Vitaly's fighting style was known for it's twirling elliptical duel sword slashing techniques called Kidō, meaning "Orbit". He was also a remarkable blacksmith, who's best creation was the special duel scimitars he wield, called the Yubiwa meaning "Rings". He taught his students his styles philosophy which was, to move in battle like a planet, and treat your swords as the rings that surround it. Meaning, in battle your body should keep its main course of action no matter the situation, while your swords protect and strike from all around your body.
The students of this style mainly wield their basic duel scimitars at a downward angle with its back facing the users forearm, while positioning one sword diagonally over the front, and the other diagonally over the back. That is the proper form to use Kidō.
Only a few people of this style can utilize its second abilities, and those few are the ones chosen by the Vitaly. Once he sees a that a student has mastered his ninkenjutsu style, he forges them their own version of the Yubiwa based on their personality, and then teaches them unique abilities the Yubiwa brings to his style. All Yubiwa are odd in shape with a few holes throughout their blades. The added abilities comes from the three unique sounds they make, only when they are clash against each other, which allows the user to cast a genjutsu using the sound as a medium. Vitaly was able to create three genjutsu that aid his style, evolving it, making Magirawashī Kenbu complete.
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Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style
The free form abilities of this style allows the user to near instantly rotate their sword in either hand in order to strike their opponent at different angles making their movements seem unpredictable. (If their sword was pointing down, they can rotate it upwards, left, or right.) The goal in battle is for the user to constantly move forwards while attacking the opponent with rapidly strikes with both swords, alternating between strikes, leaving the opponent with limited time to react while. These constant strikes are accompanied by irregular foot work that wouldn't be utilized by regular kenjutsu users. Kenjutsu users usually take on a solid stance, while Magirawashī kenbu users constantly change their body stances to support their erratic strikes. They change from wide stances, to lowered positions, to swaying, to short jumps in the air, and most of all, high speed twirls. This is what makes the fighting style resemble a wild form of dance.

Kidō, meaning orbit, is the main chakra techniques users of this style will utilize. It is performed by the user harnessing their chakra on the edge of the blade, so when they twirl at high speeds the chakra on the two blades drag along and behind the sword eventually connecting with each other, allowing the user to deliver a deep elliptical slashes to the opponent's body. The user can also twirl both swords in front of him while applying the same concept in order to create two elliptical sword rings that he can use like chakrams. Aside from the basic free form this style brings, Kidō is the main ability of this style. Once someone of this style proves himself to the master then they will be able to utilize the others.

In order to utilize the genjutsu part of this style the user must be in short range of the opponent. The user will then hit his swords together letting out a distinct sound that is used as a medium to cast a genjutsu. There are three types of genjutsu the user can cast upon their opponents. Gyaku, Zanzō, and Jōzan. Each have different effects and are used to either trick the opponent into misreading an attack or to close the distance in between the caster and their opponent.

Example Techniques
By the user harnessing their chakra on the edge of the blade, so when they twirl the chakra on the two blades drag along and behind the sword eventually connecting with each other, allowing the user to deliver a deep elliptical slashes to the opponent's body. The user can also twirl both swords in front of him while applying the same concept in order to create two elliptical sword rings that he can use like chakrams. In order to change the angle of the slash the user must stop and then twirl again. (If the move was done horizontal and the user wants it to be done diagonal then they must stop and twirl again.)

(Magirawashī kenbu: Kanpekina kidō) Misleading Sword Dance: Perfect Orbit
Type: Offense
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The users positions their swords at a downward angle with its back facing the users forearm, while positioning one sword diagonally over the front, and the other diagonally over the back. The user then harnesses their chakra on the edge of their blade and then begins to twirl. Due to the constant spinning the chakra on the two blades drags along and behind the sword eventually connecting with each other creating an thin elliptical circle around the user. With the constant momentum the elliptical chakra blade will cut straight through the opponent's body.
This Genjutsu is launched by the whistling sound of both swords being spun in the users hands. This Genjutsu works by using the users chakra to affect the visual cortex of the brain, tampering with the opponents process of visual detail, making them see all leg movements of the caster in reverse. If the caster moves forwards the opponent sees it as a backwards movement or if the opponent moves left, they see it as a rightward movement. Even though the opponent doesn't see the user correctly, the user still has to stay in the opponents eyesight or else the visual image will waver, giving the opponent hints of foul play.

(Magirawashī kenbu: Gyaku Saikuron) Misleading Sword Dance: Reverse Cyclone
Type: Offense
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user spins both swords in his hands, creating a whistling sound that is used as a medium to trigger a genjutsu, making the opponent perceive the caster's leg movements in reverse. The user then charges at the opponent while holding his swords in a position where the back of his swords are against his forearms and his arms at a 90 degree angle with one blade held to the front, and the other blade held to the back. Once in range the user will bend his knees, launch a diagonal hip to shoulder strike with one sword, while rising in a twirling fashion, then finally hitting the opponent with a second strike in the same spot with the second sword as the user finishes their twirl. The opponent will perceive it as the user running backwards and then attempting to strike the air.
This Genjutsu is launched by the high pitch slight resonating sound of both swords being hit against each other, sword side to sword side, twice. This Genjutsu works by using the users chakra to affect the photo receptor cells of the eye, momentarily cutting their uses off, making the last image the opponent sees and processes of the caster stick in their brain. This causes the opponent to see a 2 second afterimage of the user.

(Magirawashī kenbu: Zanzō Mōkō) Misleading Sword Dance: Afterimage Onslaught
Type: Offense
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: While striking a pose, the user hits the side of both swords together making a high pitch resonating sound which is used a medium to releases a genjutsu, that freezes the last image of the user the opponent sees for 2 seconds. The users uses those 2 seconds close the distance between themselves and the opponent, and once in range the user will deliver 12 erratic continuous strikes.
This Genjutsu is launched by the bell sound of both swords being hit against each other sword back to sword back. This Genjutsu works by using the users chakra to affect the optic nerve, tampering with the signals transmitted to the brain, making the opponent see multiple copies of the user. The user can use this to hide his strikes amongst a barrage of illusionary slashes.

(Magirawashī kenbu: Jōzan Mōkō) Misleading Sword Dance: Multiplying Cyclone
Type: Offense
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user hit the back of both of his swords, making a bell sound that is used as a medium to cast a genjutsu, making the opponent see multiple copies of the user around himself in a circle. The user and his copies then begin to around the opponent, moving in closer and closer, until they reach close enough. They then begin to spin on one leg while spinning around the opponent, with both swords extended in opposite directions, cutting the opponent horizontally multiple times. In reality it is just the user spinning on one leg with both swords extended while spinning around the opponent.
(Magirawashī kenbu: Apprentice) Those who have started learning the style and the basic forms of Kidō
(Magirawashī kenbu: Novice) Those who are learning the advance forms of Kidō
(Magirawashī kenbu: Expert) One who has killed an opponent in battle using Kidō, and will begin learning Gyaku, Zanzō, and Jōzan with their custom version of the Yubiwa
(Magirawashī kenbu: Master) Those how wield thier version of the Yubiwa, and have learned Gyaku, Zanzō, and Jōzan

Additional effects and Restrictions
-The user must be Sannin Rank or above with Kenjutsu mastered in order to learn this style and the ability of Kidō
-Genjutsu training must at least be in progress in order for a Sannin level ninja to begin learning Gyaku, Zanzō, and Jōzan and they can learn up to the techniques up to their Genjutsu rank
-Kage level ninjas can learn all techniques of Gyaku, Zanzō, and Jōzan as long as they have started Gen.
-Specialists of this style have very quick footwork, great balance, and the ability to instantly twirl at high speeds without the effects of vertigo

‡ Declined ‡
close to approvable, kindly explain how you overcome vertigo, and tweak the explanation of the base style and you should be good to go
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Jun 26, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

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(Sabaku no Yūbokumin no Dansu)- Dance of the Desert Nomad

Type: Ninjutsu (Incorporates other styles as well)

Background: Traveling the vast emptiness of a desert, Selendrile one day watched a desert spider catch its prey. The speed at which the spider whipped its legs out and in to capture prey sparked an idea in Selendrile's head. From that image, a fighting style was born.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: This style incorporates the use of stackable/foldable lengths of scythe blades attached at the user’s midsection. The scythe blades are segmented, sharp, and incredibly quick. The base speed at which the blades appear is so great that they appear as a blur to any opponent unaided by a doujutsu.

The lengths of blades are controlled passively by the user, and whip out immediately upon command through the use of chakra to move them. Due to the fact that they are segmented, they are able to bend and curl around in the air to complete complex aerial maneuvers. This allows the user to individually move each segment, rather than the length of blades as a whole. In addition, if an opponent tries to channel their chakra into the blades to harm the user, it is negated by the present chakra that is used to control each individual scythe blade. The user can use a single length of scythe blades, or multiple depending on the situation.

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Example Techniques:

(Sabaku no Yūbokumin no Dansu: Suranbā hitotsu no shutsugen)- Dance of the Desert Nomad: Emergence of the Slumbering One
Rank: A
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: 60
Description: The user quickly unfolds and extends the necessary amount of scythe blades from his midsection via chakra, in the desired directions around him. This forms a dangerous dome shaped area where the blades consistently whip out and strike against the air, or anything within their reach for several seconds. The blades can be infused with elemental chakra for an added effect. The speed of the blades is so great that they appear as just white streaks to those unaided by a doujutsu.
Note: Usable three times per battle

(Sabaku no Yūbokumin no Dansu: Dokuhebi Amai Sasa)- Dance of the Desert Nomad: The Viper's Sweet Sting
Rank: B
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 20
Damage points: 40
Description: The user quickly unfolds and extends two lengths of scythe blades infused with chakra from his midsection, crossing them together to form an X in front of him. This is used to block B-rank and lower taijutsu or kenjutsu. The moment the technique is blocked, a third length of scythe blades streak out from the user's midsection, ripping into the opponent as they are caught off guard.
Note: Usable four times per battle

Additional effects and Restrictions:

- A user of this style gains incredible multitasking and intelligence capabilities, able to focus on multiple situations at once and respond accordingly.
- A user of this style gains enhanced tracking speeds
- The user is able to individually control each length of blades.
- Requires ninjutsu mastery

‡ Declined ‡
needs a lot of work, as at the moment this isnt approvable in the slightest
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May 18, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

Dance Of A Thousand Cherry Blossoms (Dansu no Senbonzakura)


Background: The Dance Of A Thousand Cherry Blossoms is a style created by ~Orochimaru~ while attempting to come up with an "Ultimate Offense". The style focuses on pouring an immense amount of chakra into ones sword causing it to dissipate into thousands of tiny blades that normally shouldn't be seen but the light reflecting off them causes them to glow a purplish color. The blades can be used as an attack or defense depending on the users wish so long as he has the chakra to maintain the blades while they are split.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: This style is meant to incorporate the use of Kenjutsu and Ninjutsu combined into an "Ultimate Attack". The user pours his chakra into his blade and cause it to dissipate into thousands of tiny blades that resemble cherry blossoms due to the light reflecting off the blades. Essentially this style is created for ways of completely shredding the opponent by constant rushing the opponent with thousands of tiny shards.

Example Techniques:
Initial Release, Thousand Cherry Blossoms (Shikai Senbonzakura)
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user says the word "Scatter" and their sword separates into thousands of tiny blades circling them. While the blades are supposedly too small to be seen normally, they reflect light in such a way as to resemble cherry blossom petals. By swinging the swords hilt, the user can control the blade fragments, allowing him to shred opponents at a distance and break through almost any defense. The blades can be used for defensive purposes, as they can protect the user from incoming attacks up to B Rank Elemental and A rank regular ninjutsu so long as the user can see the incoming attack
-Technique lasts for 5 turns
-Must be taught by ~Orochimaru~
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Final Release, Vibrant Display of Thousand Cherry Blossoms (Bankai, Senbonzakura )Kageyoshi
Type: Supplementary/Attack/Defence
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Long
Chakra: 50
Damage: 90
Description:: This is a much larger version of Senbonzakura Shikai. To activate it, the user drops his sword straight down. The sword phases into the ground, as though it were a pool of water. Chakra ripples expand out, turning the surrounding area dark, and within moments, two rows of a thousand giant blades rise up from the ground. Those thousand swords scatter, and countless mini blades surround the user. No one knows the exact number of blades generated, and no one can predict, control, or even see the movements of these blades without the aid of a 3t Sharingan or Byakugan. The small shards continuously circle the user protecting him from incoming attacks(Forbiden rank Ninjutsu and S rank elemental jutsu) so long as he can see the attack. The user can concentrate the blades into a large mass to shred the enemy to pieces
-Jutsu lasts for 5 turns
-Must remain still to activate this jutsu
-Only a 3t sharingan and Byakugan can control the movments of the blades and control the attack of them
-The user cannot use any Senbonzakura techniques for 5 turns unless it is Sekei
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Annihilate, A Thousand Cherry Blossoms (Senkei Senbonzakura)
Type: Attack/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Long
Chakra: 40(-10 per turn remains active)
Damage: N/A (Sword stabs and slashes apply as normal)
Description: This unites the scattered petals of Senbonzakura(Bankai or Shikai) into complete glowing swords, numbering in the thousands, which form four rows. These rows float just above each other, and circle around the user and his opponent in a continuously moving, column-like array. It abandons defense in favor of a concentrated offense. Though visually menacing, this form is not meant for attack from all sides unless the user is able to control "Bankai, Senbonzakura Kageyoshi"; rather, it concentrates his Bankai or Shikai into fewer blades, thus increasing his attack power. The user can mentally control these swords, or call them to his hands for actual melee combat. When in his hand, they lose their glow, and take the form of the users normal Katana. While they seem solid in this state, the swords can just as easily dissipate back into the multitude of tiny blades they are made up of. Senkei seals the user in with his enemy, allowing neither combatant to move very far from each other, though the area is still large enough for maneuverability. The deadliest aspect of the Senkei form is that it allows for use of all the swords at the same attack level(Meaning each sword is just as dangerous as the next), making it a way to effectively defeat an enemy unaware of the danger of the situation.
- The user must have 3t Sharingan or Byakugan to controll the swords movements
-There is absolutely no way that the user can control each and every sword at once
-The user can only mentally control a maximum of 4 swords at a time
-The user can only call 2 swords to his hand at a time
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Additional effects and Restrictions:
-Must be taught by ~Orochimaru~
-Must be at least Sannin to learn this style
-The user can only use one sword to use this technique per battle
-The user can use a blade shard to get themselves out of a genjutsu so long as they are able to control the shards by cutting themselves
-User must have started Kenjutsu and Ninjutsu training to learn this style
-Although the blades can in fact defend the user must have a way of knowing that there is an incoming attack thus leaving sneak attacks from behind very resourceful against this

‡ Declined ‡
failed to follow resubmission rules
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Feb 27, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

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赤砂の拳 - Akasuna no Ken - Red Sand Fist

TaiKugutsu // Puppet Taijutsu​

Otherwise known as the Human Puppet Fist, the style was said to be developed by Sasori shortly after transforming his body into that of a puppet. The style itself was made to counter those people who decided to get into short range of the puppet user, and allow them to retaliate appropriately. Sasori had developed this style around his own puppet body being able to twist and turn unlike a normal person due to their limitations with their bone structure, whereas the puppet body was capable of extending itself past that point into using strange movements to fight people who want to get in their face.​

Descriptions on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
The Red Sand fist was created with the intent on turning one of the puppeteer's biggest weaknesses into an advantage: close range fighting. This particular style of fighting involves removing the boundaries of which regular people have and turning them into an advantage due to having a much more versatile body made of parts of the puppet. Some uses will involve using the weapons stored into the puppet body to use as extensions of the body, as well as using their own chakra threads to turn the slight disadvantage into the advantage. The user of the Red Sand Fist doesn't always need to use their puppet body to fight.​

(Akasuna no Ken: Nokogirihajō no Shīrudo) - Red Sand Fist: Serrated Shield
Rank: B
Type: Offensive
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 25
Damage Points: 40
Description: The user will open up their puppet arm revealing blades where the "Chakra Shield" technique would take place, and spin them frivalously, cutting into the target.
- Requires a puppet body.

(Akasuna no Ken: Yashi no Dagā) - Red Sand Fist: Palm Daggers
Rank: C
Type: Offensive
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: 30
Description: The user with a puppet arm will thrust their arm into the opponent, dealing an initial impact of damage, and using the puppet arm secrete senbon into them, delivering additional damage.
- Requires a puppet body.

(Akasuna no Ken: Go Shidō) - Red Sand Fist: Misguidance
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 35
Damage Points: -
Description: A battle hardened technique used by the users of the Red Sand fist to aid in a fist fight. The user will use their very own chakra threads in a quick haste when the target is performing an action such as punching, and tapping into their nervous system to ensure a miss from that attack by controlling the action. From there, the user is capable of making sure the target can perform another action, such as twirling them around should they attempt a roundhouse kick.
- Can only be used three times.
- Can only be used on A-Rank or lower Taijutsu-based attacks.​

Additional Effects and Restrictions:
The user with a puppet body naturally grows used to the strange movements in which the style incorporates, which allows them to perform strange movements as if they were double-jointed, in a sense. Alongside this, it allows the user of the style to be much more flexible than those who haven't learnt this style because of the modifications to their body.
Although the style doesn't completely incorporate the use of a puppet body, one is required to use this style to it's fullest extent. This is to help with the flexible movements the techniques have to offer. Additionally, mastery over basic puppetry techniques is required to use this style.​

P a t e n t C e r t i f i c a t e

Alternative, our loyal member, gave on the 1st of August, 2012 a request for a Patent on custom fighting style Akasuna no Ken - Red Sand Fist . I, Scorps of the Custom Fighting Style Bureau, by the power invested in me by Nexus, after reading the submission, have decided that the submitted style satisfies all requirements, and am therefore giving him rightfully earned patent on this style by the following;​

Akasuna no Ken - Red Sand Fist
Powered by Scorps
Copyright 2012, Alternative, NarutoBase.net

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I kinda want to be able to elaborate on this style, creating ultimately a new one which strongly resembles this one. If I can't replace it then I would like to submit this as a new CFS, though if possible I would like to replace this one due to the nature of the new submission being similar.

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換装 Kansō - Requip

Type: Taijutsu, Puppetry

Background: The art of Requip, otherwise known as Ex-quip is the ability to use the structure and frame of the puppet chosen by the practitioner. Developed in Sunagakure by the next generation of puppeteers (the ones after Sasori's generation), the idea was to embody the puppeteer as a living puppet by using it as a coating to themselves. This style also represents as a form to use when against taijutsu specialists, by eliminating the weakness of hand to hand combat in this style. The style is held in a similar respect to Sasori using Hiruko as a body.

Descriptions on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: The idea of Requip is simple: for the puppeteer to embrace the puppet as their own or in other words, wear it. Keeping the Puppetry Technique flowing the entire time from their self, they are able to effectively wear the puppet like it were a suit of armor. The uniqueness from each puppet will give different effects to the practitioner when worn as armor depending on it's build, for example using Salamander would allow the use to have a shield which blocks up to B-Rank techniques as per the description of the actual puppet. As a bonus, it allows the user to retain the ability to use the basic puppetry techniques (Chakra Shield, Endless Rain of Senbon, Poison Smokescreen) through the basic functions the puppet usually has.

While mostly used as a defensive measure, the techniques will involve using the worn puppet to their advantage, which a normal puppeteer would be able to do with a regular puppet.

┇ (Kansō: Kihon Kansō) Requip: Fundamental Requip ┇
Rank: -
Type: Supplementary
Range: -
Chakra Cost: -
Damage Points: -
Description: The most basic and fundamental technique of Requip. The user simply seperates the parts of a puppet and uses it on themself, effectively wearing it as an armor. This takes time to complete.

┇ (Kansō: Shinzō no Kaisei) Requip: Amendment of the Heart ┇
Rank: B
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: 40
Description: Using the puppet as the armor for the person, they can detach the chestplate momentarily and push it into their target with incredible force. Weapons and other objects can help augment the armor to deal additional damage.

Additional Effects and Restrictions:
One of the most profound abilities of the Requip practitioner (when under the use of the Fundamental Requip technique) is the immunity to Strong Fist Taijutsu. When using the skill, the user will take no damage from Taijutsu of C-Rank or lower. S-F Ranked puppets have the immunity increased to B-Rank and below. Additionally, this allows for faster usage of the affirmative techniques given by the puppet itself, such as the Chakra Shield.

The downside to the ability is the level of concentration the technique requires to hold the puppet to one's own body as armor. The struggle of holding the armor to the body means that when the initial technique is being used, this puppet is the only puppet that can be used in battle, as per the three puppet rule.

 Declined 
No on dropping the other one. And I'm not liking this because tbh this goes to break the CW limits and rules. You'd basically have acess to 10 armor CW... Because these are not puppets...they are armor.
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Lord of Kaos.

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Sep 11, 2009
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Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

Shatter-point; Vibration Arts (Shatāpointo; Shindōjutsu)
Type: Nin-Taijutsu
Background: The italic part is for story purposes only it has no effect on abilities; The fighting style was founded by RoH the former Mandalore of the Mandalorian clan. Born with a sort of sixth sense RoH was able to see the weakness of people, fighting styles and armies. Like sort of shatter-points, RoH could see and exploit those weaknesses. When he received his Mandalorian armor and the sensors that came with it he became capable of seeing the shatter-points of physical objects. Using the power of his sensors he became capable of attacking an enemy's shatter-points to break his/her bones. Using this ability RoH could also see constructional weak points and bring down buildings with ease. After a bit of experimentation RoH used the vibration mechanisms of his Mandalorian swords and applied the same principle to the arm and leg components of his armor, boosting his ability to use Shatter-points to his advantage.
Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: "I can see every flaw. All I have to do is pour a little force into the cracks…" RoH. Using his Mandalorian Sensors the user can spot weak points (called shatter-points) in objects and people. Examples of shatter-points would include constructional weaknesses for buildings or hollow parts of bones (parts filled with the bone marrow) for humans. Exploiting these shatter-points the user can break bones with a few hits or bring down buildings. The same logic can be used to break solid defenses such as Earth Jutsu or Metallic CE.
However the true potential of this CFS comes out when used in calibration with the user's Mandalorian Armor. By vibrating the parts of his armor, covering the arms and legs, (using the same mechanism that vibrates his sword) at a material's resonant frequency, (the frequency when the amplitude of the wave{vibration} becomes too much and the object transferring the wave loses it's initial build{such as breaking glass by sound}) the user's hits at shatter-points deal a great amount of damage and can be used to break bones,(by hitting the skin covering the bone's shatter-point{the bone marrow}) bring down buildings, shatter crystal and related CE, break through Wood and earth defenses and take down Metallic CE defenses.
Example Techniques:

Shatter-Point Vibration Mode (basis for most abilities)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A or B
Range: close (self-effecting)
Chakra: 25-30
Damage: n/a
Description: By vibrating the arm and leg parts of his armor a Shatter-Point user can increase his damage quite a bit and break through an opponents defenses. Depending on the frequency of his vibrations, the user can match the resonant frequency (the frequency when the amplitude of the wave{vibration} becomes too much and the object transferring the wave loses it's initial build{such as breaking glass by sound}) of different objects and shatter them with ease. The 6 main categories of the vibration frequency and their effects are as follows (name refers to the resonate frequency of the object the armor vibrates at):
Bone: The user can break the bones of his enemies with a single, well aimed hit, causing pain and immovability of the area hit. (doesn't work on Kayuga's)
Earth/Soil/Rock: All 3 of these solid objects have very similar resonate frequencies. The user can break through C-rank and below Earth(Doton) Jutsu with a single punch or a kick and can break through B-rank defensive as well as C-rank offensive Earth(doton) jutsu with 3 consecutive hits aimed at Shatter-Points.
Wood: This can be used to break through C-rank and below wood Jutsu with a single hit, it can also be used to hit constructional weak-points and bring down Wood buildings.
Crystal and Similar CE: Using this the user can break through C-rank and below Crystal and Similar CE jutsu, using a well aimed hit to a shatter-point.
Metallic CE: Since most common metals share similar resonate frequenies (230-270Hz) the user can use this level of vibration to break through C-rank and below Metallic CE Jutsu with a single hit. It can also be used to hit constructional weak-points and bring down Metal buildings.
Cement or Brick: The user can use this form to bring down cement or brick buildings by hitting constructional weak-points.
*Can only be used once and lasts 5 turns
*Due to the drain it causes the Mandalorian Armor, all other abilities end 1 turn quicker
*The user can only change vibration frequency (so target material) once

Shatter-Point; Vibration Art: Mubyoshi (No-Beat)
Type: Attack
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80 (20 to self)
Description: By using a single punch composed vibrating armor and principles of Karate (moving the punching hand and the non-active hand at the same time as if "connected behind the back through a pulley"), Juijutsu (as if using a sword, by throwing ones body weight into the opponent to cut through a person),Chinese Kenpo (surpassing the limit of the mind with the feeling of sending your hand flying out), and Muay Thai (hit the enemy as if you're punching through him) the user deals a single destructive punch at a Shatter-Point. This attack not only breaks the target but also completely shatters it, scattering small pieces all around. If used on a Shatter-Point on the opponents chest for example, this single punch would break the entire rib-cage and send shrapnel of bone to the hearth and the lungs, killing the enemy.
*The user takes recoil damage from the technique and can only use it once with each arm
*Must have the Shatter-Point Vibration Mode active

Additional effects and Restrictions:
-The user must be a Mandalorian of at least Scout rank and have his motion and infrared sensors active.
-Must have mastered Tai and Ninjutsu (cannon, not NB)
-Must be at least sannin rank
-Doesn't work on the hard bones of the Kayuga
-The user gains the ability to break enemy bones with 2 separate hits to the same bone's Shatter-points
-The user can bring down buildings with 3 precise hits at Shatter-Points
-The user can shatter D-rank wood, crystal, earth, metal and related CE jutsu with a single hit to a Shatter-point
-Note: All breaking and shattering must be within reason, for example the user can'r breakthrough a large plateau even if it's rank is weak enough

 Declined 
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Active member
Aug 18, 2012
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

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Suishin ken | Propulsion Fist

Type: NinTaijutsu
Background: On Shen Woo's days off from missions, he liked to go to were the kids hanged out, and watch them race down the small hills of Kumogakure in their wooden go karts. Even though the laughter of children having fun made him happy, his main reason to come was not to see the kids themselves, but because he was fascinated with the speed of the karts going down hill. It was obvious that the karts would move down hill due to gravity's power, but Shen wanted to learn in detail how it worked scientifically. This lead Shen to visit the library in order to achieve the knowledge he seeked. During his readings he came across an article of the Propulsion System and a key piece of information stood out among the rest. It stated that a source of power, and some means to use this power, can generate force. He noted that this concept could be applied to muscles as well, and from the search to satisfy curiosity, Propulsion Fist was formed.

The concept of this fighting style is based around Locomotion, which requires energy to overcome friction, drag, inertia, and gravity, in order to create movement. Shen applied this concept to the muscles of his arms and legs. He discovered that if he held his fist back to throw a punch and stored his chakra into his muscles while they contract, he could release it all at once exerting a tremendous amount of energy behind the punch that would propel the used limb, with the body following behind, in the direction it was facing in an attempt to deliver a powerful blow to the target. Through trail and era he realized that his concept wouldn't work with normal chakra, due to it not having enough environmental push without expending a huge amount all at once, so he took an elemental approach. In the mastering of his fighting style he saw that blazing fire, blasts of wind, and surging lightning was the best type of chakra in acquiring a "push" against the forces of nature. He then created new moves for his CFS and divided them into 2 categorize based on there properties.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style
Example Techniques
Meaning "Momentum", Ikioi techniques are the signature moves of Suishin ken. When a user holds their fist back to throw a punch, by storing their elemental chakra into your muscles while they contract, you can release it all at once exerting a tremendous amount of energy behind the punch that will propel the used limb forwards in an attempt to deliver a powerful blow to the target. This can be applied to a kick as well, and if aimed towards the sky with enough chakra behind the kick, you can even propel yourself upwards. The speed of these technique is comparable to Jugo's rocket attacks in CM1 and are mainly used with the fire and lightning element. Unlike Jugo, who has a vast amount of chakra due to his clan lineage, Ikioi techniques can only be sustained long enough to reach the end of short range.
Suishin ken: Ikioi bureijingu | Propulsion Fist: Blazing Momentum
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: 40
Description: The user gathers their fire chakra into their arm muscles while they contract as they bring their fist back to ready a punch. They then release their chakra, while throwing their fist, all at once exerting a tremendous amount of energy behind the punch that will propel the used limb forwards in a cloak of fire chakra, in an attempt to deliver a powerful heated blow to the target.
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Meaning "Blitz", Burittsu techniques are the secondary moves of Suishin ken. The same concept of Ikioi applies except that these techniques are sustained while the user stays in place, and they are fired at a rapid pace bringing slight damage to the body. These techniques mainly utilize the wind element and gives up power for speed. The damage of the techniques comes from the wear and tear of the bodies muscles as they contract and relax at a fairly rapid pace. To those without Dojutsu, these techniques look like barely traceable blurs of the users body part. To those with Dojutsu, these techniques would seem like unpredictable fists thrown by a taijutsu specialist. These quick bursts of chakra behind punches cannot be controlled, in the means of directing a punch to a desired location, and are basically jabs or straight kicks.
Suishin ken: Burittsutābin | Propulsion Fist: Blitz Turbine
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60(-15 to user)
Description: The user gathers their wind chakra into their arm muscles while they contract as they bring their fists back to ready their punches. They then release their chakra, while throwing their fist, all at once exerting a short blast of wind behind the punch that speeds up its momentum. The user then rapidly repeats this process with both hands, bombarding the opponent with multiple unpredictable straight jabs.
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(PF Rookie) Has started training in the lower level techniques of Ikioi
(PF Champ) Has started training in the lower level techniques of Burittsu
(PF Heavyweight) Has started training in the Higher techniques of Ikioi & Burittsu
(PF Specialist) Has either created the style or Master all of the styles techniques. They also get the additional effects

Additional effects and Restrictions
  • This style requires the user to be at least Sannin Rank
  • This Style's techniques cannot be use for running speed boosts of any kind
  • Fire, Wind, and Lightning Element must be Mastered in order to learn
  • Specialists of this style get a boost in reaction time, and can also take hits from a strong Fist users without flinching, due to the strength of the muscles after healing from being torn during training process.
‡ Declined ‡
elemental taijutsu's along the lines of this have already been approved
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Shady Doctor

Mar 21, 2012
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

(Rasen no eikyō no āto):Art of spiraling impact

Type: Advanced Taijutsu/Weapons

While studying the different types of Ninjutsu, genjutsu and Taijutsu W24 had read over a review about a technique called Rasengan which was just dense, spiraling chakra. loved the idea of the jutsu and wanted to come up with his own style that used "spiraling chakra". He began practicing over the years and decided to incorporate the spiraling of chakra into a taijutsu style which could help him crush opponents. After many more months of practicing chakra control and taijutsu he invented Rasen no eikyō no āto.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
Rasen no eikyō no āto is an advanced Taijutsu style that incorporates the chakra spiraling aspect of Rasengan into close combat fighting. The basis of the style is to force chakra into body parts such as the knuckles, knees, elbows, feet etc. followed by making that chakra heavier and dense then making it spiral at high rates. By doing this, each blow received by the body part that has the spiraling chakra is capable of ripping apart body parts or solid objects with relative ease. Unlike the Rasengan the spiraling chakra is not visible but it spins at such a high speed that the air around the limbs begin to sort of ripple. A master of this style is even capable of using it with weapons such as staffs, knum chucks, or any othe non sharp weapons. When using this style through a weapon (staff for example) the user makes his chakra spiral at either the tips of the staff or the exact spot they intend to hit the target with in order for it to have the same affects as using the style with his body. This style can even be used for defensive purposes by making the chakra violently spiral in the spot the enemy intends to hit thus ripping whatever comes in contact with that area.

Rasen no eikyō no āto|Art of spiraling impact-
Rip fists

Rank: A
Type: Attack
Chakra cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
The user first pumps chakra into each knuckle on both hand then condenses it to the fullest while spiraling the chakra violently. The chakra on the index and middle fingers knuckles(on the right hand) will spiral clockwise while the chakra on the marriage finger and pinky knuckles will spiral counterclockwise thus giving the user the ability to "grind" whatever the fist comes in contact with. The left hand will do the same thing as the right but spiral in opposite directions.

- Masters of Rasen no eikyō no āto can keep this active for 5 turns. (Ppl without mastery over the style can only keep it up for 2)


Rasen no eikyō no āto|Art of spiraling impact -
Ripping shield

Rank: A
Type: Defense/Attack
Chakra cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
The user focuses condensed chakra in both forearms then begins making it spiral violently. The chakra would begin spiraling so fast that it would seem as if the air around the forearms are being ripped. The user then puts both of his arms in front of his face with the forearms pointed at the enemy. When the enemies fist, leg, feet, or weapon comes in contact with the chakra the said limb or weapon will be shredded into pieces quickly. The chakra on the arms spin fast enough to rip skin, bones and stone alike.

- Can't be used to rip metal, it will only deflect metal.


Rasen no eikyō no āto|Art of spiraling impact-
Rip transfer

Rank: B
Type: Attack/Defense
Chakra cost: 20
Damage Points: 40
The user forces his chakra into any weapon in hand and molds his chakra to spin at any chosen spot on that weapon. The chakra on the weapon will be condensed just like any other Rasen no eikyō no āto technique and will also spiral violently. With the chakra spinning so fast it will seem as if the air around the weapon is being rippled. Depending on the chosen weapon this can be used as both attack and defense. You can attack with the weapon which would rip whatever it comes in contact with or you could block with the exact spot the spiraling is happening which would rip whatever comes in contact with it.

- Can only use this on 2 weapons at a time.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
- Due to extensive use/training with the heavy, dense chakra users of this style are physically quicker and more powerful then average shinobi of there rank. (Physical strength ×2, though you can delete the "×2" part if its too much)
- Must be S-class to use it.
-Requires precise chakra control so Must have mastered something such as basic 5, Nin, Gen, Tai or jyuken.
- People who haven't mastered the style fatigue easily due to not being used to the weight of the chakra.

±± Declined ±±
Look at the blue part...you'd be tearing through your own body if you did that.
(Rasen no eikyō no āto):Art of spiraling impact

Type: Advanced Taijutsu/Weapons

While studying the different types of Ninjutsu, genjutsu and Taijutsu W24 had read over a review about a technique called Rasengan which was just dense, spiraling chakra. W24 loved the idea of the jutsu and wanted to come up with his own style that used "spiraling chakra". He began practicing over the years and decided to incorporate the spiraling of chakra into a taijutsu style which could help him crush opponents. After many more months of practicing chakra control and taijutsu he invented Rasen no eikyō no āto.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
Rasen no eikyō no āto is an advanced Taijutsu style that incorporates the chakra spiraling aspect of Rasengan into close combat fighting. The basis of the style is to coat a body part in a thin layer of chakra followed by forcing chakra outside that coated body part such as the knuckles, knees, elbows, feet etc. followed by making that chakra heavier and dense then making it spiral at high rates. By doing this, each blow received by the body part that has the spiraling chakra is capable of ripping apart body parts or solid objects with relative ease. Unlike the Rasengan the spiraling chakra is not visible but it spins at such a high speed that the air around the limbs begin to sort of ripple. A master of this style is even capable of using it with weapons such as staffs, knum chucks, katanas etc. When using this style through a weapon (staff for example) the user makes his chakra spiral at either the tips of the staff or the exact spot they intend to hit the target with in order for it to have the same affects as using the style with his body. This style can even be used for defensive purposes by making the chakra violently spiral in the spot the enemy intends to hit thus ripping whatever comes in contact with that area.

Rasen no eikyō no āto|Art of spiraling impact-
Rip fists

Rank: A
Type: Attack
Chakra cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
The user first pumps chakra into each knuckle on both hand then condenses it to the fullest while spiraling the chakra violently. The chakra on the index and middle fingers knuckles(on the right hand) will spiral clockwise while the chakra on the marriage finger and pinky knuckles will spiral counterclockwise thus giving the user the ability to "grind" whatever the fist comes in contact with. The left hand will do the same thing as the right but spiral in opposite directions.

- Masters of Rasen no eikyō no āto can keep this active for 5 turns. (Ppl without mastery over the style can only keep it up for 2)


Rasen no eikyō no āto|Art of spiraling impact -
Ripping shield

Rank: A
Type: Defense/Attack
Chakra cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
The user focuses condensed chakra in both forearms then begins making it spiral violently. The chakra would begin spiraling so fast that it would seem as if the air around the forearms are being ripped. The user then puts both of his arms in front of his face with the forearms pointed at the enemy. When the enemies fist, leg, feet, or weapon comes in contact with the chakra the said limb or weapon will be shredded into pieces quickly. The chakra on the arms spin fast enough to rip skin, bones and stone alike.

- Can't be used to rip metal, it will only deflect metal.


Rasen no eikyō no āto|Art of spiraling impact-
Rip transfer

Rank: B
Type: Attack/Defense
Chakra cost: 20
Damage Points: 40
The user forces his chakra into any weapon in hand and molds his chakra to spin at any chosen spot on that weapon. The chakra on the weapon will be condensed just like any other Rasen no eikyō no āto technique and will also spiral violently. With the chakra spinning so fast it will seem as if the air around the weapon is being rippled. Depending on the chosen weapon this can be used as both attack and defense. You can attack with the weapon which would rip whatever it comes in contact with or you could block with the exact spot the spiraling is happening which would rip whatever comes in contact with it.

- Can only use this on 2 weapons at a time.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
- Due to extensive use/training with the heavy, dense chakra users of this style are physically quicker and more powerful then average shinobi of there rank. (Physical strength ×2, though you can delete the "×2" part if its too much)
-Speed +3
- Must be Sannin to use it.
-Requires precise chakra control so Must have Mastered Ninjutsu
- People who haven't mastered the style fatigue easily due to not being used to the weight of the chakra.

‡ Declined ‡
Overpowered benefits in the restrictions section, invisible chakra and unrealistic chakra control levels at you level of training
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Active member
Jul 27, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

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Earth Bending Arts (Doton henahena)

This fighting style is more like an advance Earth Style Ninjutsu. It was said to be taught by the moles, seeing as moles are blind and use their sense of touch and taste to feel around the earth.. One day a blind girl adapted to this nature and was able to use earth with no handseals but instead hand movements, certain body posture , and Earth chakra. She later on became a teacher to teach this earth bending on to those who wished to learn it. Though you dont have to be blind to learn Earth Bending. The hand movements and the body postures make it easier and faster for jutsus to be done

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
Earth Bending is Very rare and only those with the best of the best doton chakra can utilize it. By being a earth bender, you are able to see with your feet by feeling the slightest vibrations on the ground within a mid range radius. You are able to utlilize earth jutsus with hand/leg movements instead of handseals, The earth from this fighting style boost your earth jutsus due to being able to take the next step up from Doton jutsus, to Doton Bending. and Shaping the earth to your advantage. The core of this fighting abilities comes from the users feet, utilizing earth chakra into the ground and by certain movements, you have the earth beneath you at your will. Earth benders can also use 2 Doton jutsus at once due to their mastery of the Earth Bending. Can also control Earth up to a certain range, Due to the constant training in Earth Bending, Every Earth Bender Knows Earth Jutsu Handseals, so they can prepare in advance. Earth Benders can also break through Most Earth jutsus by over powering the opponents chakra inside the earth jutsu and breaking it or manipulating it back at the opponent before it hits.
Example Techniques:

(Doton henahena:Henanhena souzoubutsu) Earth Bending: Bending Creations
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary/Defensive/Offensive
Range: Short/Mid/Long
Chakra Cost:30
Damage Points: 60
Description: The earth benders will put their right foot forward with their left leg in the back of them, launch their arms up with their fist clenched, The bender will then stomp on the ground shaping and creating any tool, earth boulders, earth spears, etc. Imagination is key for this. But normally this is done with Earth boulders. Once the Earth Is made the user will open their hands and thrust their palms forward sending off the Earth that was created. The speed that this is done is is very fast, but ofc noticeable to human eye.

(Doton henehena: Doton gosunkugi) Earth Bending: Multiple Earth Spikes
Description: The user will clench both of their hands together in somewhat similar to a fighting position, They will then shake their hands twice with the 3rd time opening their hands and thrusting their hands forward releasing the earth chakra into the ground. Causing Spikes to protrude from the ground from short range all the way to long range. The spikes can protrude back into the ground by the user slamming their hands downward (not on the ground) forcing the earth spikes to go back into the ground

Additional effects and Restrictions:
-Must have mastered Earth-
-Earth Bending Allows you to see with your feet-
-Increases all earth JUTSUS (not bending) by +5-
-Can Only Break, or Manipulate Earth Jutsus up to B Rank-
-Only Taught by Teno-

‡ Declined ‡
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Active member
Apr 15, 2011
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

Transcendent Inuzuka Arts - Shinkou Inuzuka Jutsu
Type: NinTaijutsu


A unique style said to be the perfected Inuzuka Clan techniques. There was once a man who found fault in the Inuzuka techniques, although he and his ninken could literally become one their merge wasn’t harmonious. Although it was meant to be a hybrid of both ninken and human, in actuality it was far from it. Either merge and become a single entity comprised of two beings that takes the form of a gigantic double headed beast, or be two separate entities who have to mimic each-others attributes. It wasn’t a perfect combination. It wasn’t a true hybrid. After weeks and months of experimentation the man finally reached a form in which he believed was suitable to truly draw out the full capabilities of man and ninken. After achieving the form he went on to create the numerous techniques. Creating his own style that stemmed from the Inuzuka Clan. The perfect Inuzuka clan techniques.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:

The style revolves around achieving a form and then utilizing the techniques granted by the form. The basis of the style, a unique mode in which the user merges with their ninken in a similar way to the Two headed beast transformation technique, however rather than becoming a gargantuan wolf like monster the user becomes the perfect hybrid of man and beast. Of course since the gateway to the style is created by a mode, knowing the benefits and abilities of the mode is the first step to knowing the style itself. The benefits granted by the style can be split into two categories, the change provided by physical traits that the user chooses, and the overall base improvement that is granted by the merge itself, regardless of which physical traits are being sustained. Whether they choose a humanoid form, a wolf form, or a hybrid of both the user gains access to immense sight, hearing and a sense of smell that far exceeds that of a standard Ninken. They gain enhanced strength, agility and speed, similar to that granted by the four legged technique, except the increase is much more potent. They gain the immense predatory instincts of their partner which allows them to fight with a unmatched vigor and passion. As well as access to an animalistic attitude paired with a set of beneficial animalistic abilities. They however retain full use of their chakra system, being able to use jutsu regardless of form, yet still requiring the ability to use hand seals to perform certain techniques. Then the specific power up that changes depending on the form that the user is in. For instance the more giant forms rely more on strength and stability due to their immense bulk; the Ninken/werewolf like forms gain immense speed, stealth, agility, senses that are even further heightened, and an unparalleled level of “animalistic-ness”, while the more humanoid forms rely more on dexterity and intelligence.

The four main forms of the merge are as follows: Ninken - The user morphs into a form that looks exactly like his Ninken, except that thanks to the transformation they exceed his Ninken in every way possible. They also gain a myriad of other benefits naturally granted by their bodily physique; mostly those used for disguise. Giant form; this form is similar to that of the Two headed Transformation Technique, however this version is far superior, the user can be as large as summons like Peins dog, their senses are almost as strong as that of the Ninken form and while their speed takes a deficit, their strength becomes practically unmatched even being able to overpower summons of equal size. “Werewolf” like form; this form is a more exaggerated and far more powerful version of the Four Legged Technique. Human form, the user looks human but still gains all of the Base benefits, thus making them superior to their original self. As aforementioned the user can freely switch between any one of these forms or even create new points along the “line” of these forms, effectively it becomes rather mix and match, having a humanoid body with two giant wolf arms, or even just simply growing a tail, the combinations are endless and are only limited by the users imagination and ingenuity, all of which play a heavy role in the techniques and versatility of the style.

The style itself is heavily focused around destruction, fear, chaos and malice, and as such it isn’t a martial art in the slightest. It’s not used for any self-righteous purposes or sport nor for any kind of enlightenment, rather it’s used solely for the purpose of killing foes. Both the tangible enemies, and the intangible enemies such as the boundary between Man and Ninken. The style has no principles or rubrics, no rules or forms, it simple flows off of instinct and reflex. As the users become more adept at the style the line between man and beast slowly begins to fade. The users sanity slowly begins to become more ephemeral. Not to say that their intellect gradually deteriorates until they revert to a primitive state, but rather having constantly immersed themselves with both the personality of a beast and that of a human, they gain a new perspective. When they’re merged they become something else entirely, and when they’re separated they simply become two separate parts of a whole. In effect both the Ninken and user lose themselves within each-other but in return they gain great power; their strategical intellect; reflexes which are heavily relied on in place of reaction; and their raw strength and speed all dramatically increase. The human however is more subject to change, mostly moral ones. His value for other beings lives undoubtedly decreases, yet for a select few it rises exponentially as their sense of unyielding loyalty to comrades dramatically rises. They gain the stark ideal that if you’re outside of the pack, you’re an enemy, if you’re inside then you’re a friend, no middle ground exists. Thus when fighting they walk the path of carnage as they hold no remorse, their immense malice and blood lust influences their battle performance. Thus causing them to lean towards the fire and lightning natures, the natures commonly associated with destruction and the Wind nature, commonly associated with change or foreboding (The elements which this style utilizes). All of the techniques of the style are dark and malicious, thus the techniques are usually dark coloured or tinted, being shades of red, black or purple. The user slowly becomes inhumane in a sense, but at the same time becomes the perfect Inuzuka. Although that doesn't mean to say that the style is without risk, many partners have crossed their boundaries, they fully merged things that were meant to only be partially merged, such as their chakra systems and subconsciousness. They fell into a berserk state and eventually became intoxicated. The body was incapable of handling the overflow of chakra as well as the fact that two consciousnesses were present within the same body, thus the perfect partners quickly became each others demise. The style itself can be split into four distinct sections.

The Taijutsu aspect where the user utilizes the traits granted from both their Ninken and themselves, to gain access to unique Taijutsu movements similar to the Inuzuka clans techniques yet also more advanced. Thanks to the transformation the users raw physical prowess increases dramatically allowing the user to overpower most foes.

The Ninjutsu aspect where by combining their Ninjutsu with the traits granted by the transformation, they further enhance the Taijutsu techniques through the addition of either normal chakra; fire nature chakra, lightning nature chakra or wind nature chakra. Creating devastating techniques and reinforcing innate abilities. For instance a simple bark could turn into a chakra infused shockwave. Or a Fang over Fang could turn into a powerful elemental drill and so on. All of which are infused with the users pure bloodlust, controlled animosity and rage, inducing a daunting atmosphere.

Senses- The sensory aspect which revolves around utilizing the immense hearing and smelling capabilities granted. It also makes use of the innate ability to “smell” chakra which Ninkens have, however the merge takes them to new heights.

Example of Jutsu
Perfect Transformation
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: The user merges with their ninken; and through it achieve a perfected transformation. If a Inuzuka human was to be at one end of the line, a ninken at the other and the Four Legged mode and Two Headed Transformation technique were to be spaced evenly between on that line. Then this technique would allow the user to be capable of freely jumping from any point on that line to another; as well as creating points of their own; such as becoming a werewolf like hybrid or a humanoid wolf like hybrid. The user can choose whether it is their whole body that makes the transition, or only part of their body such as a limb. This technique effectively completely removes the barrier between man and Ninken; thus by doing that, the perfect hybrid transformation is achieved. In battle the user can easily interchange their body or a limb for a Ninken or Ninken/Human counterpart. The user is also capable of extending their Ninkens limb from other parts of their body, however if it doesn’t correspond to the human version of the Limb then a Human/Ninken Limb cannot be achieved meaning that it couldn’t be giant and be the size of a Two Headed Transformation techniques limb. While in this mode the users senses are enhanced beyond belief, their sense of hearing rivals that of an owl, the users sight increases along with gaining the ability to see within the dark, and their sense of smell exceeds that of a bear while the ability shown by Akumaru in which he “smelt” the opponents chakra is now able to be used as a sensory tool rather than being used mostly as a power gauging tool. The users strength speed and agility are also greatly enhanced, rivaling and in some cases exceeding enhancements gained by Jinchuuriki chakra shrouds. Lastly, the Ninkens and the users chakra systems become intertwined, yet still remain separate, meaning they can use jutsu regardless of what form they’re in. - Rough outline of the technique

Getsuuga : Lunar Fang
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user releases a shockwave of chakra forwards towards the opponent. The shockwave can either be released through a whip of the tail, from the mouth, or through the slash of claw. Depending on the way it’s released the shockwave will take different forms. If released through a howl, it will assume the form of a V shaped spread attack that pans out at a 100 degree angle, shattering through everything that opposes it. If released from the tail it’ll take the form of a large crescent shaped wave that slices through it’s opposition, and if released through the swing of a paw, it’ll assume the shape of four crescent shaped waves that race forwards. The shockwave is usually dark in colour, being a dark violet in colour.

Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user charges in towards the opponent, morphing into a fully ninken like form and moving at extreme speeds into range, leaping towards the opponent and executing the singular version of Sawing Fang, spinning like a buzzsaw and rolling straight into the opponent abdomen at high speeds, causing them to be sent blasting back. However the moment that the opponent is sent blasting back the user unfurls from his ball like shape, substituting both of his arms for a gigantic wolven/human hybrid counterpart. Extending one of his arms towards the opponent while firmly lodging the other into the ground below. Gripping the opponent and dragging them towards their other hand, where they thrust the enemies body into the ground creating a small crater from the impact. Finally the user yanks the hand that was previously lodged into the ground, causing the ground and the opponent to be torn up and flung into the air. Where the opponent finishes up by transforming his whole body into a larger two headed transformation like version, where they perform a Gatsūga upwards into the air causing the opponent to be pummeled by rocks as the user smashes through the debris upwards, drilling into their opponent, sending them flying high into the sky.

Iron Tail
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Self
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: The user grows an abundance of fur almost within a instant, they then infuse their chakra into their fur causing it to grow iron hard. The hardened fur creates the perfect defense, it doesn’t lower maneuverability, and its weight is practically non existent. The fur allows the user to defend from A rank and below Water and prevents the user from being pierced or cut by A rank and below jutsu, the user however remains susceptible to Fire jutsu, and the force of an opposing jutsu. The fur allows the users close range prowess to excel beyond belief, the user is capable of making their fur stand on end forming into jagged edges, which allows their whole body to become a weapon, or allowing their fur to erupt out into a spiky hedgehog like ball if the user should so wish. Weapons like swords and kunai will be hard pressed to pierce or slash through the armour while the users Taijutsu gains a +20 damage boost, while Gatsūga like techniques gain a added +10 damage boost.

Gatsūga Burst
Type: Offensive/Supplementuary
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: 40 / N/A
Description: The user leaps into the air, performing a Gatsūga, after forming the Gatsūga they release a shockwave of explosive chakra from behind them which serves to catapult them forwards at immense speeds. Effectively allowing for a instant acceleration of sorts which allows the user to move in a linear path at speeds that a naked eye can barely track as a blur, while also increasing the damage of the Gatsūga due to the added speed. This technique can be used again to abruptly change direction by releasing the burst from the left side to go right and so on. Alternatively it can be used as an offense by releasing the blast from all over, serving to forcefully send objects within range flying backwards. This can also be used with Sawing Fang.

Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
Description: The user releases their chakra creating several (up to 8) wolves, or ninken/human hybrids of whichever form they choose. The entities are completely comprised of chakra and can be made of either normal chakra or elemental chakra. Much like other animal based techniques the entities serve to hunt down the opponent, dealing lage offensive damage through physical attacks. Alternatively however, the user can use this technique as an activation of sorts, rather than manifesting the technique as a straightforward attack, the user can release the chakra around them as they move. Effectively creating what appears to be after-images by slowly releasing the chakra entities that shadow the users exact movements, often overlapping the user so as to keep up the appearance of an after-image yet striking out at the last moments at an unsuspecting opponent. The shadows mimic the user perfectly, their speed, current form and movements, however slight deviations can be made if the user so wishes. The “shadows” being able to move up to three meters away from the user yet no further and being able to perform actions different from the user if commanded to do so, yet by default they simply follow the user, staying slightly overlapped so as to wait until the right moment to strike out. If used as shadows a maximum of four entities can be created.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
- Must have mastered Inuzuka techniques.
- Must have at least one Ninken.

Additional Effects
- Users of this style gain a +10 boost to Taijutsu and a further +10 boost to Inuzuka Clan Related Techniques
- Users of this style gain enhanced reflexes even when not merged, as well as senses that exceed those of a standard Inuzuka.
- The link between Inuzuka and Ninken is further heightened.
- Ninkens become capable of articulation.

‡ Declined ‡
similar cannon abilities have been shown, and custom modes are not to be submitted in cfs
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Lyanna Stark

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Feb 5, 2010
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Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

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Fire bending- enkou kussets
Type: NinTaijutsu

Upon visiting a distance vilage a young man,an exile.Studied the art of creating flames from ones very own chi or in his case chakra.Intregied by this.He set out to be able to perform this ability.It wasnt untill manny years later he was able to perform it.Although it had taken him many years nearly a decade.The man had done it.He then returned to his old village.Amegakure and showed it to his friends children before passing on happily knowing that he had created a new style of fighting. a powerfull one.

Description on abilities and Inner workings of the style:

The user will breath in and out slowly channeling his katon chakra all throughout his body eventually leading to touching his skin to burn the person or whatever touches it beside his clothes.Then by moving his arms rapidly is able to create fire from the speed and the fact that it needs oxygen which it is not getting from the movement once done the users hands will be encased in fire allowing for the user to perform the fighting style.It is both a mid range and short range fighting style.As the user is able to focus all the katon chakra into two knives in seperate hands.These knives seemingly tangible are infact dense and solid.Leading to the taijutsu part of the style where the user can by the use of multiple kicks and punches hurt the enemy.And burn him wherever he punches.

The user to be able to perform ninjutsu part of the style needs to constantly breath in and out slowly to maintain the body heat required.By punching the air with a inclosed fist the user is able to produce a stream of fire.Which is rather more of a busrt.If the user moves whilst performing this than the flame will follow.The other form is to have their palms exposed.And seemingly slapping the air releasing short bursts of fire.Which are less dense than the closed fist style.

Example techniques:
(Katon kando no jutsu) fire hand no jutsu
The user will by breathing in and out slowly cause their heat to go to their skin.Then by moving rapidly will allow the heat/katon chakra to surge and surface coating the hand in flames.Allowing use the other technqiues in the style aswell as adding a burning touch to their attacks.
~Mastery over katon
~No extreme coldness(icey enviroment)
~Must know fire bending

(kuro-zudo genkotsu katon kussetsu no jutsu) - closed fist fire bending no jutsu
Range:Short - mid
Damage: 80
The user after embedding their hand in katon chakra will either have their fist clenched or closed or palm extended.Both recieve different effects.With hands closed the user is able to maintain a stable flow of fire.Whilst when the palm is extended the user produces more or less semi-automatic bursts of fire.Allowing for a faster attack
~Mastery over fire.
~Must know Fire bending

Additionall effects and restrictions

~Must have mastery of Fire
~Must be of atleast Sanin rank to use or learn

Additional effects
~user doesn't acknowledge damage taken by c rank or below katon techniques due to being surrounded by fire constantlyas such they are adapted to the heat that fire gives off.And have adjusted as such to be able to whithstand the heat.
~user when attacking with hands covered in fire gives burning effect which gives enemy +10 damage per turn

‡ Declined ‡
you need to work on this to develop it further, though theres no reason it isnt approvable once its better worked
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Active member
Nov 29, 2011
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

Voodoo Arts | Būdoū kyō

Type: Ningenjutsu

The origin of the ancient powers of Voodoo, resides in an ancient village long before the Sage of 6 Paths. Deep within a giant dark jungle, that is where the village was located, and inside this village, there was a temple. This temple was known for being the birthplace of Voodoo. Inside this temple you would find a single doll and several tools lying by its side, the users of this ancient art had long passed and the village was in ruin and the world had forgotten all about it. Many years after the destruction of the village, a young shinobi named Gutsy Jiraiya came upon the village and found the temple. During his journey through the jungle, he met up with one of his good friends Cobalt, and having found the tools for voodoo, they studied the use of these mysterious figures and tools. Many years later he and his friend had developed a new and unique art that he believed would revolutionize the art of genjutsu.

Description on the Abilities & Inner Workings of the style:
Voodoo is a unique art which utilizes a rag doll which is prepped before combat. This art requires the user to gather the DNA of the desired victim before being able to perform the ritual. When having gathered the DNA from the victim and having the rag doll in hand, the user will insert the DNA into this doll which will then turn into a doll of the specific opponent, and through the use of this doll the user will be capable of inflicting temporary wounds towards the opponent, as long as the doll exists so do the injuries. This also allows the user to sense the opponent as long as the doll exists. These techniques are a variation of genjutsu which allows the user to put the opponent under an illusion using their own chakra and the opponents DNA, using his abilities to restrain the opponent etc. The user will also be capable of breaking out of genjutsu through this art, by having a rag doll with their own chakra and DNA which he will then inflict damage of some sort to which will break him out of the genjutsu. When the doll disappears, so does the DNA of the opponent, which means all the effects delivered upon the opponent, is no longer in effect. If the opponent manages to break out of the genjutsu, the rag doll will vanish into thin air together with the opponents DNA, which is a huge back side of this art since it can severely hurt yourself and that whenever you perform the ritual the doll and DNA used will disappear and the user will have to gather new DNA.

Example Techniques:

(Būdoū kyō: Mukei Kaihou) – Voodoo Art: Spiritual Release
Rank: C
Type: Defensive
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 20
Damage Points: 40
Description: The user will when being under the influence of foreign chakra, they will have a pre-made doll of themselves made of their own DNA. The user will then proceed to deliver a small amount of pain to him through the use of this doll in any way necessary to break the genjutsu cast upon the person.

(Būdoū kyō: Toko Itami) – Voodoo Art: Endless Pain
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
Description: By holding a doll of your opponent which is combined with their DNA that you have acquired from them, whereas you will create a thin senbon of chakra which you will insert into the doll. When stabbing the doll, that specific body part will become paralyzed for as long as the senbon is inside the body and will cause severe pain.

(Būdoū kyō: Mayami) – Voodoo Art: Agony
Rank: S
Type: Offensive
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 40
Damage Points: 80
Description: After having performed Voodoo Art: Endless Pain, the user manipulates their fire chakra to where the senbon is sticked at the doll. The victim now feels intense pain from the inside of their body where the senbon is at, that body part will be burning from the inside. So much so that any technique that requires concentration or handseal performance will be cancelled and they won't be able to advance or retreat for this one turn. If this technique doesn't get cancelled within the next turn then that body part will be permanently disabled (during the battle) and now burning from the outside.

- Requires Voodoo Art: Endless Pain to be ongoing
- For having this body part permanently disabled (during the battle), the jutsu must not be cancelled for an entire turn
- The user of this jutsu cannot perform technique which require handseals the following turn (unless if the handseals are only one-handed)

Additional effects & restrictions:
- You must have begun training in Genjutsu and Ninjutsu
- You need to be Sannin rank or higher to learn the style
- Can only use two Voodoo techniques per turn
- While performing a technique from this CFS one cannot use regular ninjutsu or genjutsu the same turn
- Loosing concentration on the doll will result in it vanishing and the technique to be cancelled

‡ Declined ‡
this is custom kinjutsu, DNR
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Active member
Sep 7, 2011
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±


Dance of the Metal Shadow

Type: Waiajutsu

Background: This style was born recently when a young ninja from Suna was in battle with a Anbu from Kirigakure. While in the midst of an intense battle the Anbu from Kirigakure used wires tied to shuriken the bind the young Suna ninja. As he done so the wire cut the binded ninja's cheek that made it bleed. As the fight came to it's climax the Sunagakure ninja came to victory and returned the the village. While he was on the training ground the following day, he was thinking back on his fight with the Anbu member and he got an epiphany, he realized that those metal wires can be used as a weapon. The young Ninja was always eager to try new things so he began trying to manipulate wires through chakra control instead of tying them to shuriken and throwing the shuriken. Spending weeks upon weeks at this new style he discovered he began to get extremely skilled with controlling metal wires. He became a master at it and is known to this day as "Metal Shadow".

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: This fighting style revolves around chakra manipulation through very thin but strong metal wires. The user can use the wires to slice, bind, tear, and even set traps on the enemy since the are so hard to see due to their Thinness. The difference between the manipulation of movements between manga characters is that instead of tying them to shuriken and throwing them the user weaves his hands in certain motions while infusing chakra into the wires to control their movements with better ease. One can also add elemental infusions while they use the wires.
-Adding Fire chakra to the wires increases their heat causing great burns if one comes into contact with them due to their conductivity.
-Adding Wind chakra to the wires increases their sharpness and cutting abilities.
-Adding Earth chakra to the wires strengthens them, making it harder for them to break.
-Adding lightning chakra to the wires increases their cutting ability and causes shock damage if contacted with.

Example Techniques:
Rip 'em to Shreds
Type: Attack
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user manipulates his wires to wrap around his opponent very quickly. Once the user has the opponent binded he adds extra chakra to his wires as he holds them to give them a more sharper edge. He then pulls the wires opposite ways with each hand and rips the opponent apart, allowing the wires to easily slice through the target.

Toss an Whack
Type: Attack
Rank: C/B/A
Range: Short/Medium/Long
Chakra: 15/20/30
Damage: 20/40/60
Description: The user manipulates his wires to quickly move forward and bind his target. Once the target is bound by the wires the user faces the opposite direction and swings the opponent in the air, up over the users head and slams down on the ground the same distance away from the user as they were before. The further away the target is from the user, the more damage is down due to the extra height they gain while swinging and the faster momentum.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
-In order to use this style, one must be at least Sannin Rank before they can begin learning this CFS.
-One must under-go 2 training sessions to master this style.
-One must be equipped with a roll of metal wires to use this style.

‡ Declined ‡
Nice idea, but I still dont see how this merits a cfs, try developing it a bit more and adding more uniqueness to this

Dance of the Metal Shadow

Type: Waiajutsu

Background: This style was born recently when a young ninja from Suna was in battle with a Anbu from Kirigakure. While in the midst of an intense battle the Anbu from Kirigakure used wires tied to shuriken the bind the young Suna ninja. As he done so the wire cut the binded ninja's cheek that made it bleed. As the fight came to it's climax the Sunagakure ninja came to victory and returned the the village. While he was on the training ground the following day, he was thinking back on his fight with the Anbu member and he got an epiphany, he realized that those metal wires can be used as a weapon. The young Ninja was always eager to try new things so he began trying to manipulate wires through chakra control instead of tying them to shuriken and throwing the shuriken. Spending weeks upon weeks at this new style he discovered he began to get extremely skilled with controlling metal wires. He became a master at it and is known to this day as "Metal Shadow".

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: This fighting style revolves around chakra manipulation through very thin but strong metal wires. The user can use the wires to slice, bind, tear, and even set traps on the enemy since the are so hard to see due to their Thinness. The difference between the manipulation of movements between manga characters is that instead of tying them to shuriken and throwing them the user weaves his hands with the wires between their fingers in certain motions while infusing chakra into them to control their movements with more speed and precision. One can also add elemental infusions while they use the wires.
-Adding Fire chakra to the wires increases their heat causing great burns if one comes into contact with them due to their conductivity.
-Adding Wind chakra to the wires increases their sharpness and cutting abilities.
-Adding Earth chakra to the wires strengthens them, making it harder for them to break.
-Adding lightning chakra to the wires increases their cutting ability and causes shock damage if contacted with.

Example Techniques:
Rip 'em to Shreds
Type: Attack
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user weaves some hand motions and manipulates his wires to wrap around his opponent very quickly. Once the user has the opponent binded he adds extra chakra to his wires as he holds them to give them a more sharper edge. He then pulls the wires opposite ways with each hand and rips the opponent apart, allowing the wires to easily slice through the target.

Toss an Whack
Type: Attack
Rank: C/B/A
Range: Short/Medium/Long
Chakra: 15/20/30
Damage: 20/40/60
Description: The user manipulates his wires to quickly move forward and bind his target. Once the target is bound by the wires the user faces the opposite direction and swings the opponent in the air, up over the users head and slams down on the ground the same distance away from the user as they were before. The further away the target is from the user, the more damage is down due to the extra height they gain while swinging and the faster momentum.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
-In order to use this style, one must be at least Sannin Rank before they can begin learning this CFS.
-One must under-go 2 training sessions to master this style.
-One must be equipped with a roll of metal wires to use this style.
-An expert of this style can still preform hand signs even when the wires are between his/her fingers.

‡ Declined ‡
still not meriting a cfs, and please explain how the user can form seals while holding the wire
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Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

Quadruple Sword Style—Sutairu*
Type: Kenjutsu and Ninjutsu
Background: Quadruple sword style otherwise known as four sword style is a style developed by a ninja who wanted to surpass samurais. In order to do so he studied the art of Kenjutsu, after years of studying and practice, he was able to match samurai with one/two swords, but that wasn't enough for him, he wanted to be the best ever, in order to do so he decided an art that relied not one nor twos swords but four.
Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
The basis of the art was using four swords, of course controlling four sword simultaneously is a hard and almost impossible task...under normal circumstances that is. In this art special types of swords are used, two swords would be connected though their hilt *by a special chain. The things that made the chain special is that when chakra was focused to them in a specific manner they reacted in that specific manner, for example the user can focus chakra to the chain in a manner that causes the chain to 'harden' by this process if the swords were pointing to the ground when the chakra is focused in said manner, the 'hardening' would cause the swords would be elevated and would be pointing towards the sides, parallel to the ground.

The art has two stages; the first stage was mostly used by novices in the art, they would have to have direct contact with the chains in order to manipulate it, however since chakra can be focused from every part of the body they compensated by using a longer chain that they wrapped around their arms, this lead to the creation of a 'specific' manipulation type, they would channel there chakra through the chains, then they will choose a single place to 'react' for example, the user is being ambushed by two ninjas(let's say the user has one arm for this example), one of the attacking ninja reaches before the second, the user clashes with the ninja in a sword fight with one of his swords, while the clash happens the second attacking ninja reaches, the user can't turn his back on the first ninja, so he focuses chakra through the chains that are in contact with his arms, sends the chakra to the specific area were the hilt of the sword is connected and 'hardens' *the area, this causes the sword to rise and strike the second ninja.

As for the second stage the user is capable of channeling chakra through the sword to the chains, but that isn't all, if the user's sword was away from him on the ground, he could channel his chakra though the ground to the sword to the chain(or from ground to chain if the chain is in contact to the ground) and cause it to react to the chain, the effects would depend on what the user wants, but it can be a simple 'hardening' which causes the swords to rise and possibly strike nearby enemies, or it can be a 'hardening' that causes the swords to move by alternating which sword 'sticks' to the ground .

Example Techniques:*
Rank: C*
Type: Offensive
Range: Short*
Chakra: 15
Damage: 30
Description: The user will focus chakra to the chains and cause the chain to 'harden' *in specific area, this will lead to the rising of the sword in the particular area, the speed of the rising is enough to deliver sufficient damage.

Rank: B
Type: Offensive*
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: Through focusing chakra to the chains, the user will cause the chains to begin to rapidly spin, the rapid rotation of the chains causes the swords themselves to spin, the spinning will cause a faint transparent chakra appear on the tip of the swords, the spinning will lead to the formation of a circular chakra circle, the user will then thrust the sword forwards and cause the circular chakra circle travel towards the opponent.

Additional effects and Restrictions: *
-The chains are unique, there length is variable, but the the 'abilities' are the same regardless of chains. The abilities are:
The rotatory ability; the chains have are connoted to each other through a thin invisible line, the line is tied to the chains and swords, but due to their invisibility people believe that the chains are the method of the art. Anywho the user can cause those lines to rotate this leads to the chains rotation, which lead to the rotation of the sword.
The 'hardening' method which causes a specific area of the chain to 'harden' this will cause the swords connected to the chains to 'rise' or react based on the technique & situation.(I say chains but it is initialized by the line)
-The user must have finished basic Kenjutsu training.
-There are ranks of the users of the art; Baby—>Early Teen—>Late Teen—>Adult, the lower the rank the weaker the user in the art, inversely the higher the rank the stronger the user is in the art.
-The speed in which the swords react is as fast of a sword strike of a master in Kenjutsu.
-Although I only spoke about one arm, the art is used with two, this is what causes the requirement of great chakra control.

‡ Declined ‡
not a bad idea, but not much that cant be done free form or with cj, you need to bulk it out more if you want to make it a cfs
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Active member
Jul 15, 2012
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Fighting Styles Submission±±

(Museifu Gigei) - Anarchy arts

Type: Kenjutsu.

Background: There was once a guy named Yashiro Nanakase, he was a very impatient, angry and powerful guy. One day he was honing his kenjutsu skills on a wooden practice dummy and he was slashing away on the dummy but the dummy never flinched much it just took the slashes and had minor cuts all around it, As Yashiro was slashing away he got very impatient and went on a total rampage on the wooden practice dummy, releasing all his power with every thrust of his blade, after only a few power slashes the dummy was slashed and split in half, and that is when he got the idea that he could use his impatience and insane power to his advantage, he then practiced his new idea by bringing out that rage but still at the same time maintain his focus and trying to keep cool. After coming up with a few great techniques for his new and personally created CFS, he decided to name it the Anarchy Arts.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: Abilities - The anarchy arts gives the user the feeling of raging out on his/
her opponent but at the same time keeping calm as if its just regular fighting. With the anarchy arts being a art of rage, it makes the users movements and speed increase drastically, for being in a rage one doesn't take note of the energy and chakra being used, thus causing the output to be more devastating than usual.

Inner Workings - The user of Anarchy arts has to maintain control of his breathing, for the breathing plays a big role inthis raging CFS, the user has to take a deep breath in before each attack and then breath out while attacking, doing this will result in each attack being absolutely to the greatest extent of the users power and it also helps the user maintain his cool by taking regular breathes while using the Anarchy arts.

Example Techniques:

Anarchy Arts: Art of the raging blade
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user first slashes away from left to right on the targets upperbody, while also maintaining a their breathing between each slash, and with the last slash the user takes in a deep breath and then rotates anti-clockwise, as the users body comes around he holds out his sword on its side and then breathes out while slamming the target against the head with the side/blunt part of his blade.

Anarchy Arts: Dropping blunt force
Rank: B
Type: Offensive
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user starts by running towards his target and once close enough, the user jumps into the air and takes a deep breath, as the user drops down he turns his sword on its side and he then breathes out as he slams the target over the skull with the blunt/side part of his sword.

Additional effects and Restrictions:

- To learn Anarchy arts, one would need to be a master of regular kenjutsu.
- After using Anarchy arts in one turn, the user won't be able to perform kenjutsu techniques above C Rank.
- The user has to maintain his breathing, if the breathing isn't clearly stated in the attack, the technique goes down a single rank, for eg. If the user uses a A-Rank. Technique but doesn't state his breathing correctly the technique becomes B-Ranks.

‡ Declined ‡
I fail to see how this warrants a cfs
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