[ARCHIVE] Custom Elements Bureau - II

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Nov 29, 2011
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Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom Element Japanese Name: Jigoku Kōri

Custom Element English Name: Hell Ice

The Element is based on: Water – Wind – Lightning – Chakra Control

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): Hell Ice is an element comprised of several separate elements. In the manga we have seen that combining Water and Wind natures, you can produce different elements such as ice and snow. Taking this into consideration, it is then possible to use a unique form of induction process ( ) to heat up the ice so that it becomes a very hot glowing and flaming ice, which retains its shape despite the heat (Illustration: ). Hell Ice is ice that has been heated through induction heating. To understand the creation and existence of Hell Ice, we see that it is made of ice and is heated greatly so that it no longer has a cold touch but it burns severely when touching people. As seen in the manga many times before, ice has been seen as a natural element to be found many places in the world as well as being a frequently used element in the manga. To heat it you need to use the induction heat process, which is a very delicate procedure and is comprised of electricity which is a common element to be used by ninja as well as natural occurring lightning. The lightning element induced into the ice that is made will turn it into a super-heated form of ice that glows a bright yellow color as well as becoming ablaze. And despite naming it Hell Ice, it is a purely cosmetic name for the element, since in real life this sort of “element” does not possess its own name, yet is simply referred to as flaming ice, for its unique characteristics.

How it works: The element itself is very simple. You apply Water chakra which is combined with Wind chakra to make up the primary source of the element, ice. Afterwards you apply the lightning chakra which heats the ice to the point where it becomes a glowing ice pick which gives it a very bright yellow look to it, while the entire ice would be encased in flames, giving it, its burning composition while retaining its shape. Essentially it is these three elements that make up Hell Ice.

Hell Ice is a solid construct made of Ice that is actually encased as well as imbued with lightning chakra to make it hot, scolding and even so hot that it may burn through the skin and flesh of a person. And the element is created by simultaneously fusing water, wind and lightning chakra, and is released from either the user’s body or is created from the surrounding ground. So to say the element may be created so that it may rise from the ground on the battle field or can be spewed or created directly from the user’s body. Another feature of this element is that it may be created from existing ice on the battlefield as it is the most essential part of the element itself; this actually makes it easier for the user to perform and create the element. Hell Ice retains its shape and composition as well as its piercing and blunt force, while the lighting that creates the heat that turns the ice into a glowing fire, will cause the ice to become extremely hot. The heat of the Hell Ice depends on the amount of lightning chakra utilized to heat it up, causing it to have different measures of heat. The Hell Ice due to the induction method has become a heated element which causing the ice to have a changed melting point as it moves from the normal 0 degrees to the degree of the new heat it has attained.

Usage Examples:

(???) Hell Ice Release: Burning Snow Storm
Rank: C
Type: Attack
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 15
Damage: 30
Description: The user will shoot out a cluster of needles, which will fly out towards their target with considerable speed. These needles are made of Hell Ice which is a unique element that has a burning ice like feature which can cause severe burns as well as pierce targets of lower density, such as human tissue etc.

(???) Hell Ice Release: Dome of Protection
Rank: A
Type: Defense
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user will make a dome of Hell Ice rise around him, encasing him, leaving no holes for an attack. This dome has a bright glowing feature, while flames can be seen from the ice all around. This will protect the user from outside attacks as well as burn and scorch anything that touches it.

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery over Water, Wind, Lightning & Above average Chakra Control

Is weak to:

Water & variations: The flaming ice no longer retains its cold properties and is rather a flaming cube which will easily be extinguished by water

Lightning & variations: lightning will pierce and cut through the solid form of flaming ice as if it is nothing, effectively destroying the solid form making the fire disperse as well

Steel & other metals: the metals is a strong and resilient material which can withstand the heat and crush the ice with ease

Lava & Stronger fire based elements: The Hell Ice is neutral to the fire element due to its heat induction causing its melting point to move from 0 to the degree of the new heat it has attained. Yet it is still weak to the enormous heat of lava and the likes.

Sound: the sound frequencies would shatter then Hell Ice, destroying it with little to no effort

Crystal & variations: The crystals are extremely strong and can withstand heat of high temperatures as well as having a stronger construct than Hell Ice

Storm & Dust Release: These two elements in general will easily blast through or completely obliterate Hell Ice

Is strong to:

Wind & variations: the wind will only feed the flames and increase the power of the element.

Earth & variations: the ice that is ablaze still retains a strong solid form which can pierce and smash through earth and similar forms, as well as burn it

Wood & Organic material: The combination of ice and fire will burn, slice and crush the plants

Decay & corrosion: Neither of the elemental parts of this unique element corrodes or decays

Dark Release: Dark Release is incapable of absorbing the element due to its construct of ice, as well as the element is weak to water whereas Ice is a stronger construct of water.

Co-creator: Zapkhiel

Students I passed this custom element on to: ? & ?


✗ Declined: Because I can't accept the concept of induction heating for two reasons. One you didn't actually use the correct method of induction heating, it's not just shooting electricity through it, in fact it's the opposite of that as it's shot through a metal that completely surrounds the object and you lack the latter an the latter is practically impossible to create. And two if I would accept that, everyone could start using it for pretty much anything. Your ice has lost completely its essence as being ice, you might as well have stuck something else in there.

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Active member
Nov 29, 2011
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element Japanese name: Sutāraito | スターライト | Sutāraiton

Custom element English name: Starlite

The element is based on: Earth - Fire - Chakra Control

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): , is a wonder material made from an array of ingredients which remained a mystery to scientists and chemists worldwide. Its creator was a former hair dresser who more than likely used some components of his profession to create the material. It was leaked to have exactly 21 ingredients initially then through testing it was discovered to contain a variety of (organic) polymers and co-polymers with both organic and inorganic additives, along with borates (Boron containing oxyanions) and small quantities of ceramics and ingredients relating to ceramics.

That being said, based on the discovered ingredients above this material will be made in the NV by using ones chakra to harvest Boron from the earth. Now Boron is a quite common substance and is not only found in select rocks but can also be found in the sea in the form of boric acid, however, this CE will be in solid form and as such harvesting Boron from the earth rather than water is the obvious way to go. It has been shown to resist up to 10,000 degrees Celsius of heat as well as military grade lasers.

How it works: Now Starlite is a super heat and high energy resistant element created by the user's Doton chakra as well as Katon chakra. How it works is by the user perfectly harnessing the Boron naturally found in the earth with the use of Doton then carefully solidifying it with his Katon chakra. A sort of metaphoric furnace to be exact. This can be done within his own body or through the ground.

The element is as said above, super resistant to heat, . How this is possible is that on a microscopic scale Starlite contains tiny little 'voids' on its surface that trap heat and gas to convey a super high thermal conductivity as well as completely deflect liquids, hence the name 'wonder material'. The element is white with a brown hue almost resembling the texture of concrete, its not nearly as hard though and is quite morph-able through physical means. It can either be created in solid constructs or used to coat objects, ( ) these objects can range from weapons to the user himself to allow him to practically walk through flames and other high heat substances. It barely changes shape or color when met with high energy and heat like substances and doesn't melt as well as get pierced by these high temperature means.

Jutsu Usage Examples:

(????) – Starlite Release: Starlight Armor
Rank: A
Type: Defence
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user will release Starlite chakra through out their entire body, causing their body to turn into a solidified body of Starlite. As a result they become extremely resilient towards heat based elements as well as lightning and water. In this state the user will have a unique color to him, while retaining his own form and still being capable of fighting and performing techniques, yet becoming vulnerable towards earth and solid elements such as metal.

(????) – Starlite Release: Unbreakable Barrier
Rank: A
Type: Offense
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user will perform the serpent hand seal followed by them creating a dome around the opponent which rises in a rotating manner around them with several separate parts, which will come together at the top to form a completely closed dome around the target. This dome also has a floor made of starlite, separating the target from the ground. This starlite is extremely resilient towards water and fire based elements.

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery over Earth & Fire as well as being Kage Ranked and having Advanced Chakra Control

Is weak to:

Earth/Steel: These elements house the sheer blunt power needed to forcefully disassemble Starlite's delicate structure.

Wind: The element has enough precision to slice the element and render it useless by pushing it away through strong gusts or delicate slices.

Acids: Corrosive substances are the bane of Starlite, burning through it with ease.

Ice: With its sharpness ice can pierce and slice the element similar to wind.

Is strong against:

Fire/Heat Related Elements: The primary factor of Starlight, its heat resistance. The element can withstand tremendous amounts of heat and remain intact and unscathed.

Raiton/High Energy Elements: Starlite can can resist the heat and energy created by electricity as well as high energy attacks such as lasers from Nagato and Pein's Asura paths. The element can withstand perforation by these aforementioned means.

Water/Non corrosive liquids: With its micro voids in the surface Starlite can 'bounce' water from its finish in a dreamlike manner leaving the substance dry and the affected water/liquid in globules. Corrosive liquids can destroy it though such as acid as mentioned above.

Co-creator: Zaphkiel

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?


✗ Declined: This is a substance created by a person, with other words it does not appear in nature. It's a substance of which no one knows what its made out of, only speculation and some very vague things. On top of that it's a substance of which it's characteristics are likewise half and half speculation. So you don't have any proof.

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Active member
Jan 5, 2012
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element Japanese name: Dasuto Panteonic
Custom element English name: Pantheonic Dust Release
The element is based on: Earth | Fire | Wind​

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

Pantheonic Dust (Superabsorbent Polymers, commonly shortened to SAPs or Slush Powder, but will however be referred to as Pantheonic Dust henceforth) is a polymer that can absorb and retain extremely large amounts of a liquid relative to it's mass. In essence, it is created by purifying grounded up pieces of earth with a dust or sand-like quality until it is composed of purely crystallized acrylic acid. Acrylic acid is a product of propene, an unsaturated organic compound that is found in nature through natural gas. Being that natural gas (a type of fossil fuel) is created when layers of buried/decomposed plants, gases, and animals (All three of which found within the NV) are exposed to intense heat and pressure over thousands of years, it is safe to assume that natural gas, the primary factor needed to create Pantheonic Dust exists within the Narutoverse.

How it works:

An advanced chakra nature, Pantheonic Dust requires the use of the earth, fire, and wind elements in order to create the crystalline grains. Natural gas from within the earth below is manipulated and heated using wind and fire release respectively to both purify the earth and remove unnecessary gasses so that only the acrylic compound remains, forming the necessary synthesis required; This basically mimics a procedure that would normally be performed within a more controlled environment (Labs, etc). The earth itself is simultaneously ground up into fine, minuscule grains. The resulting product is a whitish, almost crystal clear-like substance (It is used as artificial snow on motion picture and stage productions) that is 99% crystallized acrylic acid and 1% water (Which is just moisture) - It is manipulated and acts much like sand release through the use of the wind element [ ].

Pantheonic Dust is unique in that it is hydrophilic; Each grain is capable of absorbing over 500 times it's own weight in liquid, expanding in the process [ ]. A single grain that is just 4 millimeters in diameter can expand considerably in size and congeal with other grains around it, changing from a crystalline structure to that of a larger, gel-like mesh [ ]. Once the dust absorbs the liquid and congeals, it adopts the color and temperature of said liquid, going from being comprised of 99% acrylic acid and 1% water to 99% of the liquid absorbed and 1% acrylic acid. Because of this and for the purpose of this particular form of release, Pantheonic Dust can only be created or controlled in it's dust/sand-like state, and not after it has absorbed any forms of liquid. It is also for this reason that liquids that have been absorbed and confined within Pantheonic Dust cannot be manipulated any longer by others (For example: If it absorbs a water jutsu from the enemy, the water that has been absorbed cannot be used/manipulated to perform another water technique, as it has basically turned into something different entirely; A gel-like substance).

To reiterate more clearly, the gel that is produced as a reaction to the dust absorbing a liquid cannot be manipulated once formed.

Usage Examples:

(Dasuto Panteonic: Panteon no Ressā Kōchiku) - Pantheonic Dust Release: Lesser Constructs of The Pantheon
Type: Offensive/Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: B
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: The user is able to manifest a plethora of weapons, shields, pillars, etc, out of Pantheonic Dust. The objects that are able to be formed are limited to the user's imagination and follow the same restrictions of the dust itself; Should the user choose to create weapons of Pantheonic Dust that carry momentum toward a target such as projectiles, and should those objects come to absorb a liquid, the dust immediately expands (However still retaining the shape that it was in prior to) into a firm state of gel continuing toward the target. The gel adopts the same temperature as the liquid that has been absorbed, so it has the possibility to burn the target if the liquid was hot or become more dense if the liquid was extremely cold. This interaction with liquid applies to all objects created.
Note: All objects created with this technique follow the same initial restrictions the dust has.
Note: Objects can only be created within reason.

(Dasuto Panteonic: Hekate no Geretsunamisuto) - Pantheonic Dust Release: Hecate's Vile Breath
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user clasps their hands together and holds this hand gesture, focusing their Pantheonic chakra into the ground, calling forth Pantheonic Dust that bursts from the ground and heads toward the target(s) as a large, wide wave of dust in an attempt to engulf them. Should the wave make contact with the target(s), they will suffer direct blunt force damage from the sheer weight and density of the wave, potentially burying them in the dust as well. This dust can also be used as a pre-existing source to perform other Pantheonic Dust techniques should it still be in it's original state.
Note: Can only be used twice per battle.

(Dasuto Pantheonic: Atorasu no taitō) - Pantheonic Dust Release: Rise of Atlas
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user performs a series of three handseals and slams one of their hands onto the ground, giving birth to a giant amalgam of Pantheonic Dust from the ground that can be controlled as long as the user keeps their hands on either the ground or the amalgam. This can be used to defend against incoming jutsu or attack the target.
Note: Can only be used once per battle.

Conditions to be able to use it: Fire Mastery | Wind Mastery | Earth Mastery

Is weak to: Lightning and all other CE variants (Due to Pantheonic Dust being comprised of earth material) | Wind and all other CE variants (Pantheonic Dust can be blown/dispersed away easily) | Acids/Corrosive elements of any kind

Is strong against: Water and all other liquid based CE (Pantheonic Dust carries hydrophilic properties) | Earth (Much like normal sand, Pantheonic Dust is capable of grinding into earth and is able to become dense enough to compete with the hardest of rocks) | Steam and all other variants (Pantheonic Dust simply absorbs the moisture)

Co-creator: Joker

Students I passed this custom element on to: ? & ?


✗ Declined: You start with searching natural gas in the ground, so there it already ends. You also skip the entire phase from acrylic acid to SAP, you just said you grind earth into bits, but that's just sand then. To form SAP it needs to undergo, depending on the method, again a series of reactions with other substances under specific circumstances.

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Active member
Sep 9, 2008
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element Japanese name: Sekon - 陶遁

Custom element English name: White Shard(Ceramic)

The element is based on: Earth+Fire

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

In real life, Ceramics are classified as inorganic and nonmetallic materials that are essential to our daily lifestyle. This category of materials includes things like tile, bricks, plates, glass, and toilets, these materials are brittle, hard, strong in compression, weak in shearing and tension. All these have shown to exist in Naruto so its highly likely Ceramic is omnipresent in the universe. They have strong resistances to acids and caustic substances, and has an enduring ability to retain its state longer than metal.

Ceramics are generally made by taking mixtures of clay, earthen elements, powders, and water and shaping them into desired forms. Once the ceramic has been shaped, they are then hardened by heating to high temperatures. We know that clay exists in the Narutoverse and can be manipulated via chakra as Deidera had.

How it works:

By taking Earth chakra, drawing earthy minerals for creating clay, and then using Fire chakra to heat the minerals to high temperature to harden into creating Ceramic. When created, it produces a white dense material shaped under the user’s desire. The element can be created either from the user’s surrounding by channel Earth and Fire through a surface(mainly ground), extruding from his own body or even turning himself into the element like how some Earth techniques can.

White Shard’s properties include:

Heat resistance

While metals like aluminum has a melting point of around 660°C, ceramics only begins to melt or decompose exceeding 2,000°C.


When shaped as a cutting material,(like ceramic knifes in real life)they can literally for years without needing to be resharpened because it's among the hardest materials on earth and won't give way to the abrasion the way steel does. A ceramic blade can retain its original sharpness up to 15 times longer than steel blades and comparatively weights a lot less than steel.


The hardness of ceramics are much stronger than that of steel.(From rates minerals from 1 to 10, with diamonds at the top of the scale (10) as the hardest substance on earth. Stainless steel, ranks at about 5.5 on the Mohs scale. Well made ceramics scores 8.2 on the scale - about 50% harder than stainless steel). Despite this, ceramic are brittle, lacking flexibility and possess low tensile strength than steel making them susceptible to breaking with enough physical pressure. They also don’t react to corrosive/oils compounds and agents, leading them to be difficult to rust or corrode.

Usage Examples:

Sekon: Shouheki no Jigoku | White Shard Release: Shard Creation
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: By performing Ram hand seal, the user creates ceramic objects, pillars or even weapons shaped by imagination from either surrounding such as ground or the user himself.

Conditions to be able to use it:

Master elemental natures - Earth, Fire

Master Chakra Control - Master Nin/Gen/Tai

Great Chakra Reserves - Sage Rank or higher

Is weak to:

Earth/Steel/Dense materials- Brute physical force can shatter ceramic.

Lightning - While an insulator, concentrated lightning can rip it apart its brittle nature but unfocused electrical currents like Chidori Nagashi are ineffective. Ceramic is also highly derived from Earth element.

Is strong against:

Fire/Heat/Lava - Ceramic ’s melting point exceed that of 2000°C. Even lava only ranges from temperatures 700 to 1,200 °C.

Wind - Possessing hardness only exceeded by diamonds makes them very difficult to cut.

Water/Acids - Like earth, their hardness allows it to withstand water pressure, being waterproof and capable of containing liquid. Ceramics also has no reactions to corrosive compounds and germs alike.

Materials with lower hardness - Softer elements such as Wood, Rubber are susceptible to being cut down by ceramics.

Co-creator: Sauron

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?


✗ Declined: The main problem I have with this one is how is it different from Soapstone? As they seem almost the same. Also what's with that name? How is "White Shard" now even still connected to the element?

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Jan 8, 2009
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element Japanese name: Hakaiton
Custom element English name: Destruction Release
The element is based on: | Fire | Lightning | Chakra Control |
Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): In the manga we have seen one element that was combined with two elements that can be seen used together because of their nature. The clan of users have the ability to use Lightning and Water to create the element Storm Release. These two elements created energy that flow like Water so smooth and having the destructive power of Lightning.

Now this element, Destruction Release; does the opposite in all ways of the Storm Release. It is a custom element that was created by a shinobi and not a clan ability. The style also doesn't move or guild like Storm Release which isn't a true energy element. This style is a pure energy form and controlled to a point just like Fire and Lightning. These two elements can be controlled but we all know these two are the most destructive and hardest to control elements.

Another way these two can exist in the manga is the Tail Beast Bomb. It combines two opposite energies just like Fire and Lightning on a different scale and combines them together creating a new attack or in this case a new element.

How it works: The user combines their Fire and Lightning chakra but there is a ratio(6:3) of it to actually make it combine making them "sync" and putting each other on the same wavelength balancing them out. The element would be a dark brown tint color(picture below shows the color but darker and how the energy looks)

The effects of Destruction Release is that it melt(the element temperature can get up to 2500 F) mostly is what the element suppose to be made for but just like any energy based element it can be used for defense and supplementary. It can be compress to a solid form that can to a point it can burst through walls and what not's which is how it actually got its name combined with the melting and burn. The element doesn't paralysis but numb it can do. The element has a high frequency which allows it solid form to burst through solid objects or push against it.

This Release is mainly used for contacting of a weapon increasing its durability and cutting ability. The Release also allow the user to coat themselves enhancing their taijutsu and defense against taijutsu.

The secondary usage is the user can be used for creating blast type of jutsus or defense type.s

Usage Examples:

Destruction Release: Blast From Hell
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
Description: Destruction chakra is released out of the user's hand, mouth, or feet with various of ways of doing this. The user can for example do a roundhouse kick building up momentum and release the chakra. Or the user can just release it out like a wave of energy from their hand in vertical or horizontal way.

Destruction Release: Hades Enhancement
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: N/A (+15)
Description: The user coats a certain body part or even weapon with their Destruction chakra. This enhances their body part with the effects of the chakra. When enhance with a weapon the user can increase its range and ability to cut and defense with the same effects the chakra.

Destruction Release: Hell's Gate
Rank: B
Type: Defense
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: N/A (+10 if used in conjunction with a taijutsu move)
Description: Destruction chakra is released throughout the body of the user protecting he or she from the jutsu they are being attack with. The chakra would burn away and break through attacks.

Conditions to be able to use it: Completed the following Training sections: Fire and Lightning but with it having above Chakra Control.
Is weak to: | Water | Storm | Earth | Dark(cannon) | Dust |
Is strong against: | Fire | Lightning | Wind | Wood |
Co-creator: -
Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?


✗ Declined: No proof and also not a good explanation. You just combined fire and lightning and then give it all the abilities you want it to have, despite having provided no proof that such an element could be possible nor that it would have those abilities.

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Active member
Sep 25, 2010
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element Japanese name: kuxoton

Custom element English name: Quark Release

The element is based on: Earth + Lightning + Chakra

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): Quark Release consists of an earth substance that is capable of conducting electricity and electrical charges through it, while normally earth is a poor lightning conductor or an insulator. A perfect insulator does not exist, because every insulator contains mobile charges or charge carriers that are capable of carrying current through the substance, all insulators have atoms and molecules within it's formation, unlike metals, free electrons in earth are firmly bound to the atoms and molecules and does not move freely, so a small voltage would not be sufficient to carry an electrical charge within the structure.

However, when a high enough voltage is applied to the earth That is strong enough, Free charge carriers like electrons and ions within the earth are accelerated to a high enough velocity so as to knock electrons from atoms when struck by the electrical energy, producing free electrons that are capable of carrying electrical charges and suddenly turning the earth substance into an electrical conductor, these free electrons in turn are accelerated and in turn strike other atoms, creating more charge carries and producing more free electrons which would make the substance capable of carrying electrical currents within it.

In the narutoverse, earth can be simulated using earth release, while the voltage and electric current needed to make the earth an electrical conductor can be simulated with intense amount of lightning chakra, which can be done within the context of the narutoverse. In the narutoverse, lightning has been seen combined with other elemental affinities, like water release for example, producing a lightning/water combination, in this case, lightning is combined with earth release to make a different combination, proving that Quark Release can very well exist within the narutoverse, if we take the following technique also for an example:

(Doton/Raiton: Denki Iwabashira) - Earth/Lightning Release: Electric Rock Pillar
Rank: B
Type: Offensive, Supplementary
Range: Short - Mid (Short for electric bolts)
Chakra cost: 20
Damage points: 40
Description: The user will make a set of four hand seals and then will place their hand on the ground to create a pillar of earth to rise up from the ground. This pillar is then given a electrical charge that causes electric bolts to be emitted from the pillar up to short range from the pillar, shocking any targets in the vicinity.
This also proves that Quark Release can exist through chakra usage of lightning and earth, although Quark release's abilities are different, both have the same core basics.

How it works: Through the combination of Lightning and Earth chakra, a skilled enough ninja can produce an electrically conducting structure of earth, which has intense flowing electrical currents within it, giving the earth and rock formations a bluish hue mixed along with it's brownish color, then using chakra to mix the two elements together, forming one unique elemental affinity which has characteristics combining the two. The addition of electrical currents within the earth formation would make the earth structures faster than standard earth techniques, while granting it more intense cutting, solidity and paralyzing capabilities. This element can be used in different methods.

Main Release: This version of Quark release can be used on blunt earth structures like rock and earth formations that have a solid structure, this earthly structure will have the ability of absorbing energy and electrical currents, which in turn produce more free electrons which make the earth substance a better electrical and lightning conductor, earth and rocky formations will have a high numbing ability when hitting individuals with blunt force in addition to the earth's solid aspect, this release is mainly used in offensive and defensive type techniques, and usually is composed of large earth/rock structures.

Advanced Release: This version of Quark release can be used on rather extremely small structures of rock/earth formations like dust, an example of this would be a dust storm filled with electrical charges within it's whole formation, although needing an extremely high amount of electrical energy than main release techniques, this variations is used mostly in supplementary techniques and in a few offensive ones.

Overall, releasing Quark release techniques has to be through a medium, either the user's body, or the ground itself. Quark techniques release a loud sound due to rapid electric currents surging within its formation.

Jutsu Usage Examples:

(Kuxoton: Kirigakure no Amatsu) - Quark Release: Imperial Mist
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
Description: After forming a set of 2 handseals, the user uses the advanced release of Quark to spew out of his mouth a storm of dust particles filled with electric charges in a massive area, heading towards the opponent like a mist with electrical charges present within it which would induce paralysis on contact with any individual, seeing past the dust storm is extremely hard, having a brown-bluish color which would very well hinder vision, this storm spans across the battlefield, forming like a mist with electric capabilities.

(Kuxoton: Tentou no Ame) - Quark Release: Rain of The Heavens
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
Description: Using the main release of Quark, the user spews in the air a large rock filled filled with electrical charges at an arc towards an opponent, which would then, reaching a high enough point in the air, break down into a barrage of tendrils and small rocks filled with intense electrical currents, delivering an intense numbing and blunt damage to the opponent's body.

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery of Earth and Lightning Release in addition to large chakra reserves.

Is weak to:

Water Release: Water Release can absorb the electrical current within Quark, which would make Quark Release inferior to water.

Wind Release: When colliding against wind techniques, the wind is capable of cutting through the solid earth particles and overpowering electrical currents.

Is strong against:

Lightning Release and Energy based CEs: When colliding with Quark techniques, the earth substance working as a conductor would absorb the lightning energy, raising the conducting capability of the earth structure, same with heat produced by energy based CEs, which would raise the amount of free electrons in the formation of Quark the more heat is applied to it.

Fire Release: The heat of fire techniques would raise the amount of free electrons roaming within Quark techniques, which would in turn make it a better conductor to lightning and electrical currents.

Earth Release: Quark techniques have a much solid exterior thanks to electrical currents roaming within it and a much higher cutting abilities, making it more powerful than earth techniques.

Co-creator: -

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?


✗ Declined: This CE doesn't make any sense. Earth is weak against lightning and then you plainly say that you're going to blast earth with lightning till it conducts it? Also saying that you can combine elements in the Narutoverse is not something that can be used as proof, you can't combine just about anything with each other and get the desired results. It's the point that your prove that the combination of specific elements results in the desired results.

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Active member
May 31, 2013
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element Japanese name: Tsukuribanashi no Fūton
Custom element English name: Apocryphal Wind
The element is based on: Wind and water as fluids, and chakra control
Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):
In the manga, we have seen technique combinations using the water and wind elements that show how well the elements interact with each other. This can be seen in the usage of the combination technique Typhoon Water Vortex that results from Wind Release: Rasengan using its great rotation strength to absorb the water current created by Water Release: Tearing Torrent. This interaction shows that it is possible for the wind element to draw other fluids such as water into itself and still be able to maintain its rotation and movement.

An important technique that is the foundation of for this element is the previously mentioned Wind Release: Rasengan. While it has been commonly shown through other techniques that the speed, sharpness, and shape of the wind element can be manipulated, the Wind Release: Rasengan is the very best example of being able to manipulate the density of wind. Wind Release: Rasengan by itself exemplifies that it is possible to condense the wind element to different levels to create a concentration of fluid (pure wind in this case) that differs in density from the wind surrounding it. Since density is nothing more than mass per volume, by controlling the amount of the wind concentrated in a specific place, the user can control the density of wind.

The final technique that is needed to prove this element is Hiding in the Mist technique. This technique provides the opposite proof needed for this element, which is proof that it is possible to create a less dense fluid. While most water element techniques are more dense than air, Hiding in the Mist technique releases water into the atmosphere in the form of mist instead of liquid water. Using this concept of releasing less dense water, the user can release water as the least dense fluid which is water vapor. Water vapor has less mass than air due to water being lighter than carbon dioxide and oxygen, allowing to have less density in the same volume.

How it works:
The basis of the element is rather simply in that the user manipulates nothing more than water vapor and wind. The main principle in which the technique works by is the Rayleigh-Taylor instability which is an instability of an interface between two fluids of different densities which occurs when the lighter fluid is pushing the heavier fluid. In order to meet the requirements for this principle, the user creates two fluids. The lighter fluid that the user creates is composed of rotating wind and water vapor. The lighter fluid is mainly composed of water vapor to make it less than the air around it. The more desne fluid is composed of simple rotating condensed wind. The user makes sure to condense more wind mass into the fluid to make it more dense.

When creating this element, the more dense fluid always forms a shell around the less dense fluid. The user will use chakra control to maintain the density of the outer shell that traps the inner fluid and prevents it from escaping, while at the same time increasing the rotation speed of the less dense fluid to accelerate it to great speeds. The less dense fluid uses its intense speed to push on the naturally heavier and more dense fluid that is surrounding it, while the more dense fluid tries to maintain the interface between the two fluids. This creates an instability. Unable to handle to tension, the interface between the two fluids breaks down. A tiny bit of the more dense fluid seeps into the less dense fluid, causing a slight displacement of the less dense fluid which causes it to seep outward. While this initial breakdown of the interface is linear, it soon breaks down into exponential levels. The less dense fluid begins to explode out and plumes outward. The incredible release in potential energy from the exponential increase in disturbance of the interface causes the lighter fluid that is composed of great amounts of water vapor to shoot out with great speed. Rather than a fluid motion as other wind elements use, the wind travels in hairline cracks of wind that continuously emerge from the techniqe that enables this element to have great pressure capabilities. Instead of operating the way normal wind operates, the element utilizes thousands of tiny needles of wind that have great energy which pierce the object over and over again, essentially pecking away at the the object with tiny blades at incredibly high speeds that is faster than normal wind in terms of collisions per second. The element essentially plows through solid objects using many thin blades. But because of this, it does not exactly cut like other wind elements, but peels flesh off at rapid rates. So getting hit with a technique would peel all muscle off the body leaving only the skeleton.

Similar in appearance to the fire element, this element mimics "combustion". Instead of being fluid, it is very explosive and prone to spreading outward. This causes people who look at the element to think that is a fire based element that using combustion of increase in size, and has expansive properties. But in reality, it is simply the breakdown of the interface releasing massive amounts of potential energy and causing the wind to expand out with great speeds. It essentially looks like a miniature bluish-green nebula being reproduced. Also similar to the interaction between the fire and wind elements, the user can combine this element with fluids to increase the power of this element. But this only works if the techniques are heading in the same direction, toward the same target. The use of supplementary techniques in this manner allows this element to gain properties of the fluid with which it was combined, similar to how wind and fire or wind and water can be combined.

Usage Examples:

(Tsukuribanashi no Fūton: Yori Tsukuribanashi no Fūton) - Apocryphal Wind Release: Greater Apocrphyal Technique
Type: Offensive/Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: D-S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 10-40
Description: The user will gather Apocryphal Wind chakra and send it to a desired area. The technique is limited to the user's imagination. It is capable of creating constructs to defend, attack, or for supplementary purposes. The user can compress it such that it gains a somewhat tangible and physical property, similar to "Rasengan". The power of the technique is dependent on the amount of chakra used.

(Tsukuribanashi no Fūton: Hakai no dōmu) - Apocryphal Wind Release: Dome of Destruction
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40 (+20 per turn)
Damage: 80 (+80 per extra turn)
Description: The user will gather Apocryphal Wind chakra and send it in the environment around the enemy. He will materialize it and shape it around the enemy to create a dome, completely covering the enemy in it. With a single hand seal, the user will further manipulate the Apocryphal Winds to create a barrage of sharp tendrils of Winds that can pierce through the enemy continuously.
~ Can be used twice per battle.
~ Lasts three turns

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery of the Wind and Water elements, chakra control
Is weak to:
- Solid earth and other solid earth: solids are not fluid and thus can resist the fluid movement (this does not apply to living organims).
- Ice and Dry Ice: can freeze the water vapor does taking away a lot of the energy.
- Pure lightning based elements (does not count for lightning and wind fused fluids): due to the large amount of generally impure water carrying ions and free metals, this allows lightning to overpower it and makes the wind less efficient at stopping the flow of electrons.
Is strong against:
- Fire based elements: due to the massive amounts of water vapor that the user uses to create the lighter fluid, and the speed the water vapor ejects outward, the element carrying the water vapor can efficiently put out fire.
- All fluid based elements (liquid or gas): the technique uses denser fluids against them by applying the same principles and takes potential energy from the denser fluids and increases the energy in the wind. Lighter fluids simply get pushed away due to higher energy.
- Organic living elements: cells are composed of mostly fluids, thus this element is able to plow through it.
- Molten earthen fluids (such as lava, molten rubber or plastic): the element can cool them down using the water vapor in the wind. The element is still weak to the solid form of such elements.
Co-creator: Akisha
Students I passed this custom element on too:


✗ Declined: I simply do not understand most of this explanation. You say you created two fluids, but one of them is plainly wind and the other wind with water vapor. You would just get more wind with water vapor. What you are explaining to make this work is already shape manipulation, meaning you are already too far. Everything that follows after that I don't get.

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Jan 24, 2013
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

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Custom element Japanese name: Dējiton.

Custom element English name: Digital Release.

The element is based on: Lightning + Advanced Chakra Control.

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

We have seen various forms of technology in the Narutoverse, from security camera's to TV's and VCR's with basic features like recording, rewinding, pausing and playing pre-recorded visual and audial information [SUP] [/SUP], and in one instance, live broadcasting via Satellite [SUP] [/SUP]. This was to establish a meeting between the 5 Daimyo, without the risk of having them to leave their respective Nations and fear attack from the Akatsuki. We have seen a cash register that would most likely be able to display numeric values and can perform simple mathematical equations [SUP] [/SUP], batteries that were used to power the communications systems during the 4th Great Shinobi War [SUP] [/SUP] and even wireless headsets that allow long range communication via transmitting information through electromagnetic waves [SUP] [/SUP] [SUP] [/SUP]. We have even seen several forms of Personal Computers in the Narutoverse, first when Choji was receiving his surgery after his fight with Jirobo, Laptops were used to monitor his vital signs [SUP] [/SUP], then a Desktop Computer in Konoha's Cryptology Team's Office when they were deciphering Jiraiya's message about Pain [SUP] [/SUP], and probably most noticeably, at the end of the series, on the 7th Hokage's desk [SUP] [/SUP] [SUP] [/SUP]. The 7th Hokage's laptop looks very similar to a modern day laptop, which means it most likely comes with similar features, as it obviously has a screen for displaying information, it may also include a microphone, speakers, camera and other various forms of technology that modern computers have. At the very least it can be assumed the Laptop has a Central Processing Unit (CPU) and some form of dedicated internal memory storage, most likely in the form of a hard drive, which is used to store information on the Laptop for various purposes. By looking at the various forms of technology available in the Narutoverse, one can determine that some of these forms of technology, the computers in particular, use forms of digital information or data, such as Binary or ASCII code, to function and achieve their intended purposes.

This Custom Element is based on the concept of recreating the various forms of technology we have seen in the Narutoverse. This is achieved through combining Lightning Release and Advanced Chakra control, the former as the "power source" and general basis of the Element, and the latter as a means of controlling and enhancing Lightning Release's nature, creating a new Custom Element. Digital Release.​

How it works:

Digital Release is a very versatile Element, having a good balance between Offensive, Defensive and Supplementary uses. Digital Release can be used in one of three forms, which are explained in detail below. At it's very core, Digital Release is composed of tiny shapes of Lightning Release, "Pixels", that are created by applying Shape Manipulation to the Lightning Element. On their own, they are imperceptible without Doujutsu or another appropriate method of detection, and while not at all impressive on their own, they can gather together with other Pixels to create almost any shape or form, which, like most Elements, is only limited by the user's imagination. In this regard, Digital Release is akin to sand-based Elements, allowing for a massive level of control over the general form, and applications thereof, of the Element. The main difference between Digital Release and other sand-like Elements being Digital Release's emphasis on variety in usage and general scope, taking full advantage and control over various forms of information or data.

Digital Release can access information the user, or others, have by establishing a direct link to the brain. This is possible through "hacking into" the electrochemical processes used by neurons for signalling one another. When they are active, brain tissue generates electric fields, and when large numbers of neurons show synchronized activity, the electric fields that they generate can be large enough to detect outside the skull. Because these electrochemically generated fields are detectable outside the skull, Digital Release can use this as a point of access, allowing Digital Release direct access to the user's brain, and to a slightly lesser extent, the brains of others through the same non-harmful, but invasive, method. Finally, Digital Release is able to display information because, by it's very nature, the human brain is very much like a "organic computer". 100 billion neurons per human, of which only 15% are active. The human body possesses a gigantic network of information to which they have no access, without external influence. Using Digital Release, this vast, unused space becomes usable, through Digital Release's most basic form, Data Form. Any information the user has can be codified, interpreted, and indexed all through Chakra Control. This opens up a massive number of possibilities, the most basic set of examples including but not limited to the recording, storage, sharing, stealing, transference and deletion of information through Digital Release.

As mentioned in the first section, this Element is based on basic principles found in Lightning Release and Ninjutsu, specifically the basics of Chakra Control and Shape Manipulation. This yields 3 distinctive forms, based on the core forms any Element may take (Basic, Advanced and Specific) each with their own advantages and disadvantages which are all still bound to the same Elemental Strengths and Weaknesses of the Element in general. These forms are as follows;

Data Form - Data Form is Digital Release's Supplementary form, as it has no Offensive or Defensive capabilities. It's represented as non-physical Pixel's of Digital Release Chakra, and is mainly displayed via some form of holographic interface, combining Pixels to create an intangible object. (We have seen this before, Lightning created in a completely supplementary manner, causing no actual physical damage, beyond the impairment of vision. This is performed by Cee of Kumogakure during the Kage Summit Arc [SUP] [/SUP], who released his Lightning Style Chakra in a completely intangible, supplementary manner, creating Lightning Style that had no physical properties, but caused visual impairment as a means of stealthily applying a Genjutsu.) Through Data Form, the user can show many forms of information, as explained in the previous section. Data Form can also be used to create visual holograms of almost anything. This gives the user a wide variety in distraction options, or as a means of generally confusing their target. Because of it's intangible and entirely non-harmful manner, Data Form constructs are also unaffected by all forms of physical attacks, only being dispelled when the Chakra is overpowered by it's Elemental Weaknesses.

Program Form - Program Form is the main Defensive application of Digital Release, but does have Offensive capabilities, harnessing and controlling Lightning's unstable nature while still retaining it's sharpness. This allows the user to gather and combine Pixels to create physical constructs that are not directly harmful upon contact, meaning they can be touched or held without the wielder being harmed, but can be used to cut or slice anything they can come into contact with, if they have an appropriate bladed edge. (Lightning Release has also been shown to achieve a certain level of tangibility, as was displayed when Sasuke used Chidori Spear to cut Killer Bee's tentacle. When he did this, the Spear bent slightly and showed clear signs of resistance, displaying that it was in fact interacting with Bee's tentacle and not simply just cutting through it [SUP] [/SUP] [SUP] [/SUP].) These constructs' shapes and sizes are completely down to the user, accounting for the usual battle-orientated variety found in most Elements, allowing the user to create things like tools, weaponry and other basic shapes with ease. Because these constructs are not composed of the same materials as their realistic counterparts, Program Form constructs are essentially weightless, being composed entirely out of energy and thus will also appear as such, like energy gathered in a specific shape, or form. Program Form constructs can be used with Data Form to create physical constructs with a holographic overlay, making them appear realistic, while not affecting any other aspect of the construct, allowing the user the element of surprise in a wide variety of scenario's.

Virus Form - Virus Form is responsible for the main bulk of Digital Release's Offensive Applications, and was, essentially, a mistake. Upon it's creation, Digital Release encountered a "glitch" which accidentally resulted in the Element becoming extremely unstable as the creator's control over it was lost. The resulting form was described as a "Virus", and it's spread throughout the Element was halted to particular applications, such as projectiles, streams and other forms of ranged combat. Upon contact with physical matter, Virus Form will do what Lightning Release usually does in this same scenario, but at a much quicker pace, essentially "eating" solid matter, breaking it down to nothing. However, this also makes Virus Form highly unstable and uncontrollable, potentially causing problems for the user, which is why it's usage is limited to projectile and long range based combat, as it's unstable nature makes contact with it highly discouraged to both the user and others alike.​

Usage Examples:

(Dējiton: Ākaibu) Digital Release: Archive
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 40 (10 Chakra per turn while active)
Damage: N/A
Description: Through the application of Data Form Digital Release, the user creates a holographic interface that is capable of displaying information such as video or audio. It can transmit this information a considerable distance, capable of relaying orders over great distances, or allowing communication with others, using Archive as the go-between.

(Dējiton: Raizēshon) Digital Release: Materialization
Type: Defensive/ Offensive
Rank: D-Rank - B-Rank
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 10 - 20
Damage: 20 - 40
Description: The user, through the application of Program Form Digital Release, creates tangible constructs. These constructs can be used to block or deflect incomming attacks, used as weapons or tools, and as general multi-purpose tools.

(Dējiton: Dekaizōdo) Digital Release: Deressolution
Type: Offensive
Rank: C-Rank
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 15
Damage: 30
Description:By gathering Virus Form Digital Release Chakra, the user is able to create projectile-type attacks, or release streams of mallicious Digital Release Chakra, that will, upon contact with the target, rapidly break it down through Digital Release's more unstable and destructive nature.

Conditions to be able to use it:

User must have Raiton & Ninjutsu completed.
User must be Kage Rank or higher.​

Is weak to:

Wind: Digital Release, like Lightning Release, can be overpowered by the cutting power and general force exerted by Wind Release.

Other similar cases include Paper Ninjutsu, as it is a good insulator and Wind CE variants, such as Atmospheric Pressure, Divine Wind and almost all other Wind based Elements have these same destructive properties.​

Water: If wet, or otherwise affected by the Water Element, Digital Release will short-circuit, causing Digital Release to malfunction and general be rendered inert, or even explode.

Other similar cases include the Boil and Steam Elements, as they both contain Water Chakra and have a water basis, while CE variants, such as Alcohol, Oobleck, Pure Water, Volcanic Water will produce the same general effect, causing Digital Release to malfunction and otherwise become useless.​

Dark: Being composed entirely out of energy, Dark Release can completely absorb Digital Release.

Other similar cases include Elements and Abilities that can absorb or are stronger than energy based Elements, such as the Preta Path's Chakra Absorption Ability, or CE examples that are especially effective against energy based Elements, like Decay Release.​

Is strong against:

Lightning: Digital Release is powered by Lightning Release. Any Jutsu composed of, or has a similar form to, Lightning Release will be essentially absorbed by Digital Release.

Other similar cases include Storm Release & CE variants, such as Raging Thunder Release.​

Earth: Digital Release still retains the basic nature of Lightning, but is harnessed and controlled in a more stable manner, with the exception of Virus Form, which is the exact opposite, unstable and maliciously breaks down physical matter it comes into contact with. With these natures, Digital Release is able to cut through or break down Earth Release with ease.

Other similar cases include Wood Release, Ice Release, Crystal & Glass-like Elements, Steel Release & Metal Based Elements (Digital Release can cut right through them), Sand, Blast (Able to defuse the detonation process), Lava, Shikotsumyaku, Scorch Release (Can't be dehydrated and is otherwise unaffected by heat) & Magnetism (Interfere's with the magnetic forces).​

Co-creator: .

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?

Credits to Six Pāths for the CE Icon.


✗ Declined: This is not a CE. This became obvious when you said that the core of the CE is that you use shape manipulation. You do that on the level of a jutsu, not on the level of a CE. Then I'm not even going to mention that some these abilities are far beyond the scope of a human even in the Narutoverse. Some things could also be considered to be transgressing on the field of medical ninjutsu. In the end this is something you can try for a CC, but not a CE.

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Sep 10, 2008
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

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Custom element Japanese name: Kyōton

Custom element English name: Mirror Release

The element is based on: Earth + Water+ Lightning + Advanced Chakra Control

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

Water is a big component in the Naruto Universe and can account for many elemental variations such as Ice Release, Storm Release, and even Boil Release. These each utilize, Water chakra along with another elemental chakra to produce a new element. By taking this aspect it's possible to say that Water and Earth could be combined in order to produce a element which follows this trend. With Earth, one can manipulate the various elements in the ground and can even create advanced earth techniques like Lava Release and Crystal Release. Previously approved elements, even show the usage of different metals and rocks that stem from manipulating one's earth chakra. Mirror Release, stems from the idea of Yagura's own Water Release: Water Mirror Technique that was used defensively to counter Naruto and Killer B's attacks using their reflections. Haku's Demonic Crystal Ice Mirrors, is a prime example that an element such as this is possible. By using the ice to create a reflective surface, Haku was able to virtually attack from a variety of angles using the reflections to confuse opponent while using the high speed movement provided by the reflections to move from one mirror to the next. Nagato's Mirrored Sudden Attacker Technique is another example that can show it is possible for the Mirror element to exist. When Team Gai removed the forbidden tags to the Five-Seal Barrier, they were forced to fight mirror images of themselves, having to surpass their limits in order to defeat the clone.

Mirrors are objects that reflects light in such a way that, the reflected light preserves many or most of the detailed physical characteristics of the original light. This is different from other light-reflecting objects that do not preserve much of the original wave signal other than color and diffuse reflected light. The most familiar type of mirror is the plane mirror, which has a flat surface. Curved mirrors are also used, to produce magnified or diminished images or focus light or simply distort the reflected image. Normally, the mirror can be made reflective on one side and non reflective on the other allowing the user to use some techniques as a one-way or two mirror allowing the user to see through the techniques while still maintaining the mirror's reflective properties on the other or both sides.

By using the three above elements along with advanced manipulation of chakra, the user is able to create reflective surfaces and constructs that can be used to produce a variety of techniques, both offensive and defensive.

How it works:

Mirror Release begins using the earth chakra as a basis to form solid element the earth chakra is then infused with lightning chakra during the shape manipulation process to create a crystal-like glass that can be used as a bladed edge if shaped or shattered. This advanced variation of earth release can be made fragile or sturdy depending on the user's needs giving the user some variation when it comes to using the element for attack and defense. This mixture of earth and lightning is supplemented by introducing water chakra, causing the reflective properties of the element to be bolstered significantly creating what is known as a "perfect mirror". As a perfect mirror, the element can essentially reflect and type of wave -light, sound, heat, or other various electromagnetic radiation- without absorbing it or allowing it to pass through it. The derived abilities of this respective element revolve around a mirror's primary function to reflect light; however, the uses of this property vary greatly.

The creation process is primarily done by manipulating the already preexisting earth in the battle field allowing the user an abundant source to preform his various techniques like many Earth Variants. However the user is able to create this process using their own chakra if the need arises allowing the user to form the reflective surfaces on his own body. There are two types of mirrors the user can create utilizing this element. Each one can be used to produce a unique effect and have their own strengths and weaknesses.

Plane Mirror Variation -
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A plane mirror makes an image of objects in front of it; these images appear to be behind the plane in which the mirror lies. A straight line drawn from part of an object to the corresponding part of its image makes a right angle with, and is bisected by, the surface of the plane mirror. The image formed by a plane mirror is always virtual (meaning that the light rays do not actually come from the image), upright, and of the same shape and size as the object it is reflecting. A virtual image is a copy of an object formed at the location from which the light rays appear to come. However, the image is a laterally-inverted "mirror image" of the object. If a person is reflected in a plane mirror, the image of his right hand appears to be the left hand of the image. Plane mirrors are the only type of mirror for which a real object always produces an image that is virtual, erect and of the same size as the object. Using this variation in battle offensively, the user would create various size mirrors that could serve as physical projectiles or weapons as they could be created with sharp edges and be could be used to slice flesh. By manipulating the way the light is reflected, by augmenting the angle of these mirrors the user can create perfect visual illusions that can't be dispelled until the mirror projecting the image is destroyed.

Curved/Distorted Mirror Variation
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A curved mirror is a mirror with a curved reflecting surface. The surface may be either convex (bulging outward) or concave (bulging inward). These mirrors are generally used to create illusions by distorting the light it reflects creating distorted images of the user or opponent. In some applications of this, this element can be used to focus sunlight into a single point if gathered long enough to produce a burning effect that can quickly incinerate a target if they don't find a way to quickly destroy the mirrors. These distorting mirrors have a variety of applications when preforming illusions and produce a sort of natural visual illusion or mirage when used and can be used to confuse a variety of opponents.

Jutsu Usage Examples:

Mirror Release| Funhouse Maze
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40 (If destroyed)
Description: The user encase the opponent in a medium size maze of distorting mirrors that are used to cause great confusion to the opponent. The mirrors continuously reflect the images off one another providing no clear indication of where to go should the opponent run. During the confusion, the user can attack from the opponent's blind spot or destroy the maze, using two handseals causing shards of the element to rain down upon the targets trapped inside.

Mirror Release| Mirror of Yata
Rank: A
Type: Defense/Supplementary
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: The user strecthes his hand out erecting a barrier compromised of his Mirror Element. Using the reflective properties of the mirror, the user can block forms of light, sound, and water. Pushing them back or, reflecting them away from the user.

Mirror Release/Lightning Release | Lightning Bolt Shuriken Technique
Rank: S
Type: Attack
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user will create a few handseals as he manipulates his chakras to create mirrors along the lengths of his forearms (3 on each). By then releasing these small mirrors towards his opponent, the user will fire a couple lightning bolts from his fingers causing them to bounce off the mirrors. Targets caught within this can be ripped apart by the lightning bolts numerous times.

Conditions to be able to use it:

Mastery of the Water, Lightning, and Earth elements.

Is weak to:

Earth Release and Elemental Variations- The element is able to break most of the mirrors, so the user has to be careful as many strong earth techniques can easily shatter the element. Such as metals or anything else much harder then the element.

Wind and Elemental Variations - The Wind Element is able to easily slice through the mirrors and if cut numerous times which is common with wind techniques, prevent them from being used all together.

Is strong against:

Lightning Release and Elemental Variations - The Mirror Release, can reflect lightning in the same way it does Light thus providing the user defensive or supplementary applications when it comes to this element.

Fire Release and Elemental Variations - Mirror Release Techniques are heat resistant and if needed can reflect and/or block the fire all together.

Water Release and Elemental Variations - The Mirror Release can block off most water -based technique if made large enough. This is enough to repel water techniques that touch the surface of the Mirror causing them to reverse on impact or simply roll off the surface of the mirror.

Sound Release - Mirror Release techniques, are able to block off and bounce back incoming soundwaves making it possible for the mirror to block out sound and prevent damage from sound-based attacks.

Co-creator: Daemon

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?


✗ Declined: Kudos for the originality and the attempt without actually making this sound ridiculous, the problem however is that this is an object, not a CE. A mirror is an object consisting out of different layers and an element can't be layered, then it's not an element anymore. So the only way would be something like what you describe as crystal-like glass, but we already have the glass element. Frankly everything you just wrote here could in fact be done with glass, ice and several crystals. That this is an object becomes especially obvious when you say there are only two types of mirrors, that's shape manipulation, those are already jutsu and thus they can be done with other CE. What you did was trying to make an abstraction of a jutsu concept into a CE.

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Active member
Sep 17, 2011
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

1.I removed All Mentions to Phosphorus.
2.I revamped and Worked on the proof and how its created.
3.I also added a more graphical image for better understanding.


✗ Declined: I repeat camphor is found in not just any tree, but in very specific type of trees. So that people use wood in the manga, doesn't really prove anything for your element. Copy pasting stuff from wikipedia, doesn't help either. That it can be gained synthetically from oil, doesn't help your case likewise either as how does that translate into proving that camphor exists? As synthetically means its created in a lab, not present in nature. You have very little proof that camphor exists and practically none where you provide an sensible explanation of how you would be able to create it. Mixing earth and water creates trees, doesn't mean they have camphor in it. Let alone you would be able to get it from the ground. How would that be possible? And wind is strong enough to be equal with earth, so apparently camphor is stronger than earth? And since when are bugs elements?

1. I removed everything relating to synthesizing it from oil as you said, i noted it the specific type of tree which produces it and reworked my strengths and weaknesses as well as taking out any references to bugs.
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Custom element Japanese name: Kanfuru

Custom element English name:Camphor

The element is based on:Earth+fire+Chakra manipulation.

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):Camphor is a waxy,malleable, flammable and fictile element which is transparent in color and gives off a strong distinctive and pleasant smell. In naruto we have seen the presence of gardens, flowers and trees which have been shown to exist. Camphor being found on the CAMPHOR LAUREL which is a specific large evergreen trees which is mainly located and grown in the Asia region which includes japan and the existence of various trees and forests, creates a possibility of it to be created. Furthermore, wood or the usage of wood has been shown in the manga by hashirama and yamato which establishes the possibility that camphor can exist seeing as it is a derivative of wood. [/B]Camphor is also produced through certain oils and in naruto the existense of oil has been solidified, primarily through most toads, Also at Mount Myōboku their is an waterfall full of oil. So their is ample reason for one to believe Camphor can be created/produced.
Camphor is found in the wood of the camphor laurel, which is an evergreen tree found in Asia(Japan,) and also of Dryobalanops aromatica, a giant of the Bornean forests. It also occurs in other related trees in the laurel family. It can also be found in Rosemary leaves, which are bountiful across the earth,as they contain up to 20% camphor.

How it works:
Camphor is a waxy, flammable, white or transparent solid with a strong aromatic odor which can be used for scent aswell when exposed to heat. Camphor is toxic in large doses. It produces symptoms of irritability, disorientation, lethargy, muscle spasms, vomiting, abdominal cramps, convulsions, and seizures. (Only if consumed)

By simultaneously moulding Earth, Water, and Fire, the user can manipulate and form Camphor from his body with precise chakra control. This element can be produced and utilized by 3 ways. By channeling their chakra into the ground from out of existing ground (earth). Camphor once exposed to heat will give off a very aroma scent that is often used as a "soothing" scent, to relax the body. Ward off reptiles, and insects.
Beneficial Properties:

In ancient times, Camphor was used as an embalming agent and preservative. It has also been used for its scent, and in cooking(mostly sweet, and savory dishes). More recently however, Camphor is used as an insecticide, as well as a herbicide. This makes the element extremely useful against something such as the Aburame's bugs, or even something as strong as wood release. Camphor is very readily absorbed through the skin, and almost immediately induces a cooling sensation. For this reason, Camphor is sometimes used in medicines as an antimicrobial agent, as an anesthetic. It is also sometimes used as an anti-itch gel, and small amounts can help to relieve fatigue, pains, swellings, itches, and inflammations. Thus, it can be used by the user in small amounts on himself to help him.

Harmful Properties
Camphor is an extremely flammable and reactive. For this reason, it has also been used in fireworks. Camphor also readily reacts with water. It does not explode on contact with the water, although it becomes explosive while wet or in contact with water. This makes it possible for the user to create clever combinations to trick his opponent, and then to detonate the camphor. In large doses, Camphor is extremely toxic to the body.
Camphor is poisonous when one is exposed to large doses as it can causes various range of symptoms from disorientation, lethargy, muscle spasms, to vomiting.
Kanfururirīsu/Genjutsu: Fūin sa reta kēji | Camphor/Illusionary Arts Release: Sealed Cage
Type: A
Rank: | Supplementary
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Description: The user performs the ox and tiger hand-seals in quick successions and then slams his hand on the ground bringing forth camphor chakra from the earth to rise up and form a cage which is 8 feet tall in height and three meters thick to restrain the opponent, once done the user will do a confirmation handseal applying heat to the cage which gives off a scent that induces the opponent inside a genjutsu. The genjutsu makes the opponent feel very relax and tired tricking their body into thinking its sleep while awake relaxing the opponents body to a very high degree.

Kanfururirīsu: Tsūru no sakusei | Camphor Release: Creation of tools
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C-S
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: The user performs the dog hand-seal and slams his hands together and creates tools and equipments ranging from spears and arrows to hooks and swords to aid them in battle. The strength of the said tools rank from c to s and follow basic elemental strengths and weaknesses.

Conditions to be able to use it:
Earth mastery
Fire mastery
Must be Kage Rank.

Is Weak To:
Fire: Though the scent comes from it being infused with heat, it is very flammable (not explosive) which can be used to backfire against the user

Earth: It can be used to crush the camphor and grind the camphor. Due to its sheer mass and structure.
Lava: Can melt camphor

Fire Variant CE: (I separated this from Fire because most Fire CE are hotter then regular fire. If its hot enough, it can melt the camphor instead of setting it aflame)

Is Strong To:

Water: (Water base CE): Camphor still being a solid, water can not bypass camphor

Lightning:Camphor solidifies and becomes hard when exposed to electric currents.

Co-creator: N/A
Students I passed this custom element on too:


✗ Declined: Because you're perm banned.

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Active member
Apr 22, 2012
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element Japanese name: Girisharaito

Custom element English name: Greek Light

The element is based on: Lightning + Earth + Water

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): Firsly, Greek Light is nothing but hot, high-voltage lightning in semi-solid form. To better vizualize it, take hot magma, and replace the "fire" in it, with lightning. Take the red out, insert yellow. There are various facts available , to prove that the element can be created in Narutoverse. Firstly, the element Magma itself. It is more like fire flowing like water. The fire literally melts the rocks, to form the end result. Also, we have seen "Storm Release" being used in the manga. It mixes the Lightning and Water to give the end result, where the water conducts electricity. We also have many lightning jutsus that do not destroy the earth, but form around them, like "Four Pillar Bind". This proves that lightning doesn't necessarily have to destroy the Earth. Using the concepts mentioned here, we can create a totally new element, called Greek Light. More explanation would be provided in the next section.

How it works:
Creating Greek Light is a difficult process. But with time, the user can improve the speed at which he molds his chakra. To create this chakra, the user will mix his Lightning, Earth and Water chakra in the ratio 7:2:1. The earth provides the matter to this lightning. This is similar to the Earth required in Magma. Water, when mixed with earth provides the necessary semi-solid feature to the element. It also ensures that the lightning does not break the earth into two, but instead, melts it. The final and the main entity in it, is the lightning. The user generates a very high voltage of lightning, much stronger than his usual Lightning techniques. As its votage increases, its temperature also increases when it comes in contact with any solid substances. The element of course retains the ability of its parent to electrocute the object in contact. However, with electrocution, it also starts melting physical objects. In real life, this is proven by "fuse-wires", which melt on supplying with high voltage current.
Although Greek Light is such a dangerous element, it will never harm the user himself, as it is his own chakra. This is similar to any element (like fire) that allows the user to coat their body with that particular element. The element, as mentioned earlier, is yellow in color. It has a thick gluey property that is similar to magma. The technique can be used from one's own body or by channeling his water and lightning chakra into the earth source in proper ratios, to turn it into aquabolt.

Usage Examples:

(Girisharaito : Saigo no bansan) – Greek Light Release: The Last Supper
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user coats his body with Greek Light chakra, and punches his opponent, to deal him damage.

(Girisharaito : Kuraku ero) – Greek Light Release: Darkly Erotic
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user creates various objects made of Greek Light in front of him. It can be used to defend, like shields, or even for offensive purposes like swords. Anything that the user imagines.

(Girisharaito : Arugonkuron) – Greek Light Release: Dragon
Type: Attack
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user forms a handseal and creates a dragon made of Greek Light, to rise from the ground.

Is Weak to
Wind & Variations
Wind is, and has always been the natural enemy of Lightning. It will not conduct electricity, and neither will it let it pass through. And since Greek Light is majorly lightning, wind proves to be stronger against Greek Light as well.

Nothingness will destroy Greek Light, as it has an entity.

Dark Release (Custom)
Cosmic energies have the ability to overcome the defenses of Greek Light.


Water can negate the hotness property of Greek Light, and thereby producing steam on clashing with it.

Is Strong to
Physically strong materials, Organic Substances, Elements with Solid Matter
Earth, Sand, Metals, Wood, Mushroom, Kaguya Bones, Sulphur, Rubber etc.
Greek Light has the property to melt these objects and/or electrocute them, This property allows it to destroy the above listed elements.

Fire & Variations
Greek Light gets more heated and more powerful when it combines with fire.

Greek Light being the advanced version of Lightning, and having higher voltage and power, will destroy lightning easily.

Ice, Glass, Crystal
Greek Light has the ability to destroy these materials, similar to how lightning breaks through glass.

Co-creator: N/A
Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?


✗ Declined: Because this has no real sensible explanation. You just took the workings of other combination elements, switched some elements with other elements and assumed that the result would be the same, only better. And not that it matters, but what does this have to do with Greece?

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Active member
Jul 15, 2011
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

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Custom element Japanese name: Shinhariton 辛璃

Custom element English name: Acrid Crystal Release

The element is based on: Earth • Fire • Chakra

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): Acrid Crystal is derived from the chemical element called Osmium that is found as a trace element in alloys, mostly in platinum ores. Also, Osmium dust can be found in the earth too. This element, Osmium is employed in making fountain pen nibs, electrical contacts, and other applications where extreme durability and hardness are needed. In the manga context, such objects are commonly used. Since there are offices, schools, homes, shops and the likes in the narutoverse, it is reasonable to conclude that they have such pens with Osmium nibs for writing. The presence of electricity, electrical wires, fittings and appliances also suggest that perhaps Osmium was used in making their contacts. It is also possible that due to its extreme durability and hardness, Osmium may have been applied in making metallic weapons and materials for building.

Since I have established a claim that Osmium exists in the narutoverse which is very similar to the real world and that it is possible to use it, I'll shift focus to the CE itself, Acrid Crystal. In actuality this element is Osmium Tetroxide, a compound of Osmium. The aforementioned name is used because it fits more into the RP setting. In the manga, advanced elements like Lava and Steel are formed when Earth and Fire natures are combined. In the case of Lava, the proportion of the fire exceeds that of the earth, allowing it to extract unwanted elements from it via heat whilst melting the later into a semiliquid. However, for Steel, the earth ratio dominates and as such the fire simply heats the earth to a certain point where it hardens and becomes a metal.

Such a variation when only two elements are involved proves that by combining just Earth and Fire in different proportions, one can create unique advanced elements. In the case of Acrid Crystal, the fire nature dominates the earth nature by heating it intensely to a molten state which cools to form a colorless crystalline solid. Sometimes this crystalline solid may possess a pale yellow hue. This new element can be found in the narutoverse. For instance, in real life it is used for staining tissues which makes the latter easier to constrast under a microscope. In the manga, it is widely known that Orochimaru and Kabuto performed many biological experiments. Hence, we can safely assume that this compound (Osmium Tetroxide) must have been handy in their many laboratories as they conducted experiments. Nevertheless, this does not imply that one must be a medical ninja or have some medical knowledge of sorts to create and use Acrid Crystal. That example is cited as a proof that this element can actually exist the narutoverse. For instance, the fact that one may find certain elements and compounds and substances like Iodine or Ammonia or Salt in a medical ninja's laboratory does not mean that such substances do not exist anywhere else.

Furthermore, Guren's Crystal Release stands as a proof that crystalline solids can exist in the narutoverse.

How it works: Acrid Crystal is an earth based element and so it can be created from the ground. The user imbues a desired area of the earth with their earth chakra which serves as an amplifier to the trace osmium in the earth already, thus making that area osmium rich. Simultaneously with that, the user heats up that specific area with their fire chakra to melt it. Then the molten cools rapidly to form a Acrid Crystal. Regardless of this explanation, it will only take an instant to carry out the process. Acrid Crystal can also be created through the same process of concomitantly combining earth and fire chakras and then releasing it from the user's mouth or body.

Acrid Crystal has some interesting properties that prompted me to make it into a CE. It has an acrid (basis for its name) chlorine-like odor which is considered hot, pungent and bitter when inhaled. It is very corrosive and toxic and it has the ability to sublime (i.e it can change directly from solid state to gas state, bypassing the liquid state) albeit at a pace controllable by the user. This sublimation/vaporization produces a vapor from the crystalline solid itself which is a severe irritant to the eyes, skin, and respiratory tract. Exposure to Acrid Crystal vapor damages the eye, leading up to blindness if exposure is severe. Inhalation causes headache, coughing, dizziness, lung damage, and difficult breathing and may be fatal. While contact of
the vapor with skin causes dermatitis, and direct contact with the solid leads to severe irritation and burns.

Although the user can control when the crystal begins to sublime, he cannot actually control the vapor that is released. What this means is that the user only controls the 'when' and not the 'how'. For instance, the Acrid Crystal user creates a solid Shinhariton pillar in front of the target and after 5 seconds the crystal begins to vaporize. The user here controlled when he wanted the crystal to start vaporizing, but has no control over the vapor that is released. Thus, the user only has control over the solid form of Acrid Crystal and can manipulate it and shape it to whatever shape or form he pleases but cannot do same for the gaseous state of the release as he has no control over it. Of course by initiating the vaporization of an Acrid Crystal technique, the technique itself begins to eat/fade away.

By applying shape manipulation, the user can use their Shinhariton chakra to create solid constructs of Acrid Crystal that will vary in size, shape and purpose. The user is however immune to the corrosive effects of his element.

Jutsu Usage Examples:
Corroding Touch
Type: Attack
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user creates two football sized orbs of Acrid Crystal in both hands and fires them at the target. These orbs begin vaporizing immediately they are created. Then when they reach short range of the target, they burst into multiple shards of the crystal, eating through the target as they hit.

Tyrion, The Imp
Type: Supplementary | Defense
Rank: C
Range: Short
Chakra: 15
Damage: N/A (+10 to taijutsu)
Description: The user coats their body in Acrid Crystal, making them a lot more durable in taijutsu combat.

Wonderful Cluster
Type: Attack
Rank: B
Range: Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user forms two hand seals and slams his hand on the ground. This prompts a dome of Acrid Crystal to envelope the target. After one turn, the dome begins to vaporize, filling it with acrid vapor and choking and burning the opponent trapped in it.

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery of Earth and Fire.

Is weak to:
✑ Lightning - Due to its destructive nature and vibrational piercing capabilities, it will shatter Acrid Crystal. Same applies to Lightning based CEs.

✑ Fire - Acrid Crystal, although being hot and corrosive will melt under intense heat. Same applies to Fire based CEs.

Is strong against:

✑ Earth - Acrid Crystal is stronger than earth and can break through it while also corroding it. Same applies to Earth based CEs.

✑ Wind - Acrid Crystal has a tetrahedral molecular structure, and is able to withstand the blunt and sharp effects of wind. Same applies to Wind based CEs.

✑ Water - Acrid Crystal dissolves slowly in water and due to its heat, evaporates the water in the process. Thus, it is neutral to water. Same applies to Water based CEs.

Co-creator: No one

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?

Korra.'s permission to submit a variant of Osmium -


✗ Declined: One of the reasons why the Osmium CE was declined, was because it barely can be found in nature. You are stuck in that exact same problem. So finding osmium in located area would be nearly impossible, also this is not supposed to be the Osmium CE so you wouldn't even be able to do that, even less making it Osmium rich and let alone that that happens in an instant. Seen from the point of view of a shinobi, this would take ages. Your proof is also all small stuff.

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Active member
Apr 15, 2011
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element Japanese name: Sōruiton
Custom element English name: Algae Release

The element is based on: Water + Earth + Advanced Chakra Control.
Algae, like most other organic elements, are created by using the Earth element as a physical base and the Water element as a life-giver. The element follows the basic principles of Wood Release, but where wood primarily favors the characteristics of the Earth element; Algae are more aquatic in nature.

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):
In the manga we’ve seen Hashirama and Shinobi with his cells in their bodies demonstrate the ability to create living trees and wooden structures by combining the Earth and Water elements. The Algae element functions in a similar fashion, combining the same elements in order to create something quite different, yet with the same concept in mind.
The Narutoverse has revealed itself to be very similar to our own world. With the confirmed presence of large bodies of water, diseases and infections that imply the existence of microorganisms and even plants that resemble seaweed; it’s not a great stretch to place Algae in Kishimoto’s universe.

Furthermore, the Three-Tailed Beast had the ability of using it’s water chakra to create Coral from it’s body as a means of attacking. Seeing as how Algae and Coral share a symbiotic relationship in nature, with some Algae living within coral and viceversa, the existence of Coral and its creation through chakra can serve as further proof for the existence and the possible creation of Algae.

How it works:
As mentioned before; the Algae element functions through the combined properties of the elements Earth and Water. Being mostly aquatic in nature; Algae can easily be grown from bodies of water, but like the Wood element; Algae can also be grown from the earth.

The Algae element can be divided into three categories:

The Main Release:
Consists of standard Algae with color(s) depending on the user’s chakra. The Main Release of the Algae element covers structures made of autotrophic Algae that, much like the Wood element, are capable of being grown both from the user’s body and the earth itself, with the added feature of being able to grow in water due to Algae’s aquatic nature. The Main Release possesses immense ‘growing abilities’, being able to feed off of water and earth to amplify its already intense growth-rate. Being largely photosynthetic and asexual in nature; the Main Release has everything it needs on the field and in itself.
A special ability of the Main Release is that it continues to grow even after the techniques that creates it has run out of momentum or been stopped/completed. Algae that hasn’t been destroyed continues to divide itself and spread across the terrain, although at a slower rate. This feature is what gives Algae its terrain-changing properties.

The Alternative Release:
Consists purely of symbiotic species of Algae. The Alternative Release of the Algae element covers all feasible symbiotic relationships and its techniques largely originate from the user’s body. The symbiotic nature of this category, though limiting it creation-wise, also constitutes its greatest strength. Through contact with other organisms; the Alternative Release can be used to transfer and exchange a plethora of Algae-related organisms and properties.

Specific Release:
Consists of the creation of Spores, Algal Blooms and specific Algae species. The user can create spores which can either grow into full blown Algae or be used as their own individual attack. Algal Blooms serve to allow the user the capability of infesting water sources with Algae. The user can also create specific algae, each of which contain personified abilities of their species.
It’s important to note that the Specific Release may sometimes differ from the rest of the element to such an extent that it has a different set of strengths and weaknesses. If this is the case; it will be specifically stated in the individual technique.

Usage Examples:
Sōruiton: Sórui No Sakusei) - Algae Release: Algae Creation
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user creates objects of Algae. The user is capable of creating pillars, shields, walls, ‘forests’ and tools of Algae to attack, defend or act as a supplement. The user is capable of making constructs comprised of intertwining seaweed/kelp like Algae from the main release to rise from the ground or water, emanate from the users body or even to spew from ones mouth. Alternatively the user can spew rather basic spores, which are capable of growing into full grown Algae over the period of a turn. The user is also capable of making basic specific kinds of algae to rise from the ground or water. These Algae exhibiting rudimentary yet slightly enhanced properties of their specific species.

(Sōruiton: Monsutá O Attó) - Algae Release: Swamp Monster
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: Depends
Description: The user creates a large entity comprised of intertwining seaweed/kelp that exhibits a humanoid like appearance. This being can be as large as Great Stone Golem, often gaining the soqruibet of ‘Swamp Monster’ due to its appearance. The Swamp Monster is capable of movement, and can also perform all Algae, Water and Earth techniques known to the user.
-Can only be used once (1) per battle.

(Sōruiton: Mizu No Hana) - Algae Release: Algal Bloom
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: The user by focusing their ‘Algae chakra’ into a water source can create Algal Blooms within the water. The blooms quickly infest the water, making it impossible for anyone who hasn’t learned Algal release to exert manipulation over the water. The Blooms generally drain Ions and Minerals from the water for both storage and growth fueling. Algal techniques grown from an Algal Bloom water source are generally much stronger, the blooms forcefully pumping chakra, stored minerals and water into the Algae at a fast rate so as to augment their strength upon creation.

(Sōruiton: Argua No Gokkan No Hóyó) - Algae Release: Alga’s Frigid Embrace
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: Using the specific method, the user would grow a special type of cold loving Algae which is fully capable of thriving within freezing conditions. This can prove to be exceptionally effective against Ice Release, the Algae being capable of even growing from snow or Ice present on the battlefield, and using the snow as fuel for its growth as if it were water. This can effectively give the user an advantage in extremely cold terrains.

Conditions to be able to use it:
Mastery of the Earth Element.
Mastery of the Water Element.
Advanced Chakra Control.
Strong Willpower.

Is Weak to:

Dust: The Dust elements boasts the unique and devastating capability of being capable of piercing, tearing and shredding matter on a molecular level. Of course the Algae element would also fall victim to this ability, being torn to microscopic shreds. While the regenerative abilities of Algae may attempt to resist this; the overall overwhelming abilities of Dust that were shown to be capable of completely eliminating earthen structures would easily overcome this aspect.

Storm: The Storm element has shown beam-like capabilities which exhibit prominent blasting-like piercing properties. It's the high-powered piercing aspect that grants the Storm element an edge over the Algae element, similar to the Algae element's weakness to Lightning.

Lightning and Custom Piercing Variants: The piercing properties of the Lightning element offers it a significant edge when faced with Algae. Though the organisms are hardly conductive by themselves, the often aquatic and organic features of Algae leaves Lightning with an elemental advantage. The same concept applies to custom variations of the Lightning element with great piercing power.

Cutting Wind and Custom Variants: Like Lightning, the Wind element’s ability to pierce through most materials poses a significant threat to the Algae element. Though many species of Algae weather natural storms with ease, bending far and wide before breaking, the sharp currents of the artificially-produced Wind element has a way of cutting through Algae with ease. The same concept applies to custom variations of the Wind element with great piercing power.

Is Strong Against:

Earth and Non-Metallic Custom Variants: Being capable of growing from earth and using the Earth element as a foundation for its creation, Algae would, much like Mokuton, easily feed off of earth.

Fire and some Custom Variants (Particularly bright ones): Being both autotrophic, photosynthetic and aquatic in nature; Algae have a rather unique relationship with fire-based elements. Though Fire holds a significant advantage over most organic elements, Algae’s ability to undergo rapid growth when exposed to carbon dioxide and light, both of which are byproducts of fire, puts the two at somewhat of a stalemate. The offset to this stalemate lies within Algae’s aquatic nature, being that the element largely favors Water in its creation. When exposed to the Fire element and most of its variations; Algae responds to the drastic increase in heat by forcefully absorbing nearby moisture as to keep itself saturated with water. The few Algae techniques that aren’t autotrophic or photosynthetic remain neutral to fire-based elements because of their aquatic nature, unless otherwise is stated.
Note that superheated variations of the Fire element may bypass this elemental weakness. I.e. Sun Fire.

Ice: Algae naturally displays an immense resistance to cold, being capable of growing on and near Ice and snow. This resistance is personified in the Algae element, thus rather than viewing Ice as Ice; Algae simply views Ice as frozen water, looking upon the Ice as simply another source of food to supply its growth. Furthermore; the reflective properties of most Ice techniques would simply hasten and intensify the photosynthesis-fueled growth of the Algae element.

Water and Custom Variants: Since the Algae element uses Water as a foundation for its creation; Algae would, much like Mokuton, feed off of Water in its attempt to grow, thus making it strong against Water. The same concept applies to custom variations of the Water element with great piercing power.

Lava: The extreme temperatures of the Lava element serve to create an inhospitable environment for Algae. However, much like when pitted against the Fire element, Algae consistently and desperately absorbs moisture from its surroundings so as to remain saturated, thus combating Lava’s heat. Algae then specifically targets the earthen aspect of Lava release, burrowing into it and tearing it apart.

Co-creator: Scaze

Students I passed this custom element on too: ??? & ???


✗ Declined: We already have wood with what is in fact a canon root variation, a root CE and a plant CE. There is really no room anymore for something like this. Fact is to use this you need to twist it in such a way it's not so different anymore from already existing elements.

Custom element Japanese name: Sōruiton
Custom element English name: Algae Release

The element is based on: Water + Earth + Advanced Chakra Control.
Algae, like most other organic elements, is created by using the Earth element as a physical base and the Water element as a life-giver. The element follows the basic principles of Wood Release, but where wood primarily favors the characteristics of the Earth element; Algae are aquatic in nature.

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):
In the manga we’ve seen Hashirama and Shinobi with his cells in their bodies demonstrate the ability to create living trees and wooden structures by combining the Earth and Water elements. The Algae element functions in a similar fashion, combining the same elements in order to create something quite different, yet with the same concept in mind.
The Narutoverse has revealed itself to be very similar to our own world. With the confirmed presence of large bodies of water, diseases and infections that imply the existence of microorganisms and even plants that resemble seaweed; it’s not a great stretch to place Algae in Kishimoto’s universe.

Furthermore, the Three-Tailed Beast had the ability of using it’s water chakra to create Coral from it’s body as a means of attacking. Seeing as how Algae and Coral share a symbiotic relationship in nature, with some Algae living within coral and viceversa, the existence of Coral and its creation through chakra can serve as further proof for the existence and the possible creation of Algae.

How it works:
As mentioned before; the Algae element functions through the combined properties of the elements Earth and Water.

What sets Algae apart from already existing elements is that while Mokuton, Root release and so on all have an identifiable and defined structures, Algae instead has an unstructured form. Essentially, Algae’s countless algal blooms form an amorphous mass of vegetation that has a sludge-esque consistency; and, unlike Mokuton that grows into a rigid or turgid shape, Algae instead flows and oozes as if it were mud. The formless algae that is produced can, in a similar manner to Water techniques, be sculpted by chakra into a variety of structures for attack and defense and condensed to hold a specific form.
The liquidos nature of Algae, in many cases, restricts it to growing from only moisture rich environments - i.e, Water, but can also extend to encompass growth from mist, swamps, or even just soaked earth. Essentially any source that’s damp or saturated enough to give Algae the moisture rich kick-start it needs to thrive on dryer terrestrial grounds as it spreads will work, and allow Algae to perform it’s maximum capacity.

The Algal element forms one, single release, the Main Release:

The Main Release:
Consists of formless, sludge like Algae with color(s) depending on the user’s chakra. The Main Release of the Algae element covers entities made of autotrophic Algae that are capable of being grown both from the user’s body and water sources due to Algae’s aquatic nature. The Main Release possesses immense ‘growing abilities’, being able to feed off of water to amplify its already intense growth-rate. Being largely photosynthetic and asexual in nature; the Main Release has everything it needs on the field and in itself.
A special ability of the Main Release is that it continues to grow even after the techniques that creates it has run out of momentum or been stopped/completed. Algae that hasn't been destroyed continues to divide itself and spread across the terrain (as long as there is sufficient water around), although at a slower rate. This feature is what gives Algae its terrain-changing properties.

In most cases Algae does not form the flora of all its varied and countless species, instead the unique attributes that some Algae species may have can all fall under the umbrella of the Main Release and be exploited through use of specific techniques. Like water, which can be altered to be sticky, flammable, volatile and so on, Algae can be altered through use of techniques to gain abilities attributed to some of its genera and species, (I.e frost resistance and etc), and very rarely it may exhibit physique based changes or growths, such as algal flowers. However Algae does not produce replicas of every single species as Plant or Mushroom release might, instead the sludge forms an umbrella in which the varying abilities of all Algae can be encompassed.

Usage Examples:
Sōruiton: Sórui No Sakusei) - Algae Release: Algae Creation
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user creates objects of Algae. The user is capable of creating pillars, shields, walls, and tools of Algae to attack, defend or act as a supplement. The user is capable of making constructs comprised of condensed sludge like Algae from the main release to rise from the water, emanate from the users body or even to spew from ones mouth.

(Sōruiton: Monsutá O Attó) - Algae Release: Swamp Monster
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: Depends
Description: The user shapes the formless sludge of the Main release into a humanoid familiar. This being can be as large as Great Stone Golem, often gaining the soqruibet of ‘Swamp Monster’ due to its appearance. The Swamp Monster is capable of movement, and can also perform all Algae techniques known to the user.
-Can only be used once (1) per battle.

(Sōruiton: Mizu No Hana) - Algae Release: Algal Bloom
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: The user by focusing their ‘Algae chakra’ into a water source can create Algal Blooms within the water. The blooms quickly infest the water, making it impossible for anyone who hasn’t learned Algal release to exert manipulation over the water. The Blooms generally drain Ions and Minerals from the water for both storage and growth fueling. Algal techniques grown from an Algal Bloom water source are generally much stronger, the blooms forcefully pumping chakra, stored minerals and water into the Algae at a fast rate so as to augment their strength upon creation.

(Sōruiton: Argua No Gokkan No Hóyó) - Algae Release: Alga’s Frigid Embrace
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: Using the specific method, the user would grow a special type of cold loving Algae which is fully capable of thriving within freezing conditions. This can prove to be exceptionally effective against Ice Release, the Algae being capable of even growing from snow or Ice present on the battlefield, and using the snow as fuel for its growth as if it were water. This can effectively give the user an advantage in extremely cold terrains.

Conditions to be able to use it:
Mastery of the Earth Element.
Mastery of the Water Element.
Advanced Chakra Control.

Is Weak to:

Dust: The Dust elements boasts the unique and devastating capability of being capable of piercing, tearing and shredding matter on a molecular level. Of course the Algae element would also fall victim to this ability, being torn to microscopic shreds. While the regenerative abilities of Algae may attempt to resist this; the overall overwhelming abilities of Dust that were shown to be capable of completely eliminating earthen structures would easily overcome this aspect.

Storm: The Storm element has shown beam-like capabilities which exhibit prominent blasting-like piercing properties. It's the high-powered piercing aspect that grants the Storm element an edge over the Algae element, similar to the Algae element's weakness to Lightning.

Lightning and Custom Piercing Variants: The piercing properties of the Lightning element offers it a significant edge when faced with Algae. Though the organisms are hardly conductive by themselves, the often aquatic and organic features of Algae leaves Lightning with an elemental advantage. The same concept applies to custom variations of the Lightning element with great piercing power.

Wind and Custom Variants: Like Lightning, the Wind element’s ability to pierce through most materials poses a significant threat to the Algae element. The same concept applies to custom variations of the Wind element.

Is Strong Against:

Earth: Similar to Wood Release, Algae can infiltrate and break Earth apart from within.

Fire and some Custom Variants: Being both autotrophic, photosynthetic and aquatic in nature; Algae have a rather unique relationship with fire-based elements. Though Fire holds a significant advantage over most organic elements, Algae’s ability to undergo rapid growth when exposed to carbon dioxide and light, both of which are byproducts of fire, puts the two at somewhat of a stalemate. The offset to this stalemate lies within Algae’s aquatic nature, being that the element largely favors Water in its creation. When exposed to the Fire element and most of its variations; Algae responds to the drastic increase in heat by forcefully absorbing nearby moisture as to keep itself saturated with water. Since Algae is very damp, it is virtually impervious to burning.

Note that superheated variations of the Fire element may bypass this elemental weakness. I.e. Sun Fire.

Ice: Algae naturally displays an immense resistance to cold, being capable of growing on and near Ice and snow. This resistance is personified in the Algae element, thus rather than viewing Ice as Ice; Algae simply views Ice as frozen water, looking upon the Ice as simply another source of food to supply its growth. This paired with the fact that it can destroy ice much like it does Earth results in this particular elemental strength.

Water: Since the Algae element uses Water as a foundation for its creation; Algae would, much like Mokuton, feed off of Water in its attempt to grow, thus making it strong against Water.

Lava: The extreme temperatures of the Lava element serve to create an inhospitable environment for Algae. However, much like when pitted against the Fire element, Algae consistently and desperately absorbs moisture from its surroundings so as to remain saturated, thus combating Lava’s heat. Algae also targets the earthen aspect of Lava release, burrowing into it and tearing it apart.

Co-creator: Zero Kelvin

Students I passed this custom element on too: ??? & ???


✗ Declined: I'm seriously not going to approve this. You are saying that a bunch of tiny plants that live under water, and you rarely fight your battles under water, is strong against three of the 5 basic elements, lava and ice.

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Active member
Apr 22, 2012
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

✓ Explained more on Existing Source Usage
✓ Took out cutting ability and explained frost bite
✓ Explained and Changed a bit of Strength and Weakness
✓ It can be detected now.

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Custom element Japanese name: Arugon

Custom element English name: Argon

The element is based on: Wind + Lightening + Chakra Control

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):
The third most abundant gas, making up one percent of the atmosphere. Argon is a colourless, tasteless, odourless gas that is totally inert to other substances, and for this reason it is ideal in light bulbs and tube lights. Now, Narutoverse is not much different from the real-life especially when it comes to obeying the laws of nature or the laws of physics. So prety much everything that happens in the real-world can happen in Naruto-world as well. So it is "safe" to assume that argon is used in light bulbs in their houses considering the fact that we use argon for the same. Also, argon is an inert element that is freely available in the atmosphere. If Naruto-verse is similar to the real world, then argon should be present in the same quantity, which makes it possible to manipulate it more like a wind and/or smoke jutsu.

How it works:
Let me first start by explaining what Argon is all about.

is considered to be a noble or inert gas and does not form true chemical compounds. Argon has a freezing point of -189.2°C, boiling point of -185.7°C, and density of 1.7837 g/l. It is used to fill incandescent and fluorescent light bulbs to prevent oxygen from corroding the hot filament. Argon is also used to form inert atmospheres for arc welding, growing semiconductor crystals and processes that require shielding from other atmospheric gases.
Now when we say argon, we are talking about the isotope 40Ar which makes up 99.6% of natural argon. 40Ar as it is stable. It makes a good atmosphere for working with air-sensitive materials since it is heavier than air. Argon is two-and-one-half times as soluble in water as nitrogen, making it about as soluble as oxygen. Although argon is non-toxic, it is 38% denser than air and is therefore considered a dangerous asphyxiant in closed areas.

Now how exactly does it work:
The user can simply manipulate the Argon gases present in the atmosphere, or combine his wind (which provides the substance) and lightening chakra (to provide it, stability) with his expertise in chakra control to create argon from his body. Argon, in itself is not toxic (it is an asphyxiant). Unlike Wind Element, Argon does not have the cutting ability. However, a compressed Argon technique can cause an equal or slightly more (due to its density) blunt damage to the target. But that's not what Argon is known for. Argon techniques when they come in contact with a target, they will cause frost bite at the area of contact, which is what makes it different from other elements. Argon in a closed area is a asphyxiant. However, a compressed Argon technique can cause frost bite even in an open area.

In terms of jutsu usage, the element is divided into two, depending on the use from an existing source or from the users body:

Existing Source Usage: The user will directly manipulate the argon gases present in the atmosphere. The nature in itself contains only 1% Argon in it. However, by channeling chakra into these Argon molecules one can use them as a source to fuel his/her own Argon techniques. It works in a similar manner to how water jutsus can be created from the moisture in air, and use them as a source to fuel our own water techniques.

Self Source Creation Usage: The user will focus his wind and lightening chakra within himself, exhaling or releasing argon from his body. The seal of confrontation is always associated with such usages.

Argon Release as an elemental release manifests in different forms same as almost any other elemental release on narutoverse:

Compressed Release: The user can manipulate or release argon as a condensed and compressed form of energy like a blast of Argon or shields of argon or any solid construct that would have the cutting or defensive properties of wind element, combined with its own density and unique properties to give a strong form of release.

Gas Release: Argon gas can be released or manipulated and used more like smoke/gas elements which can be manipulated to form an orb, sphere, cubes etc made of pure Argon. Though the gas is not toxic, it does have physical construct that can physically affect anyone. It can also be used to create gaseous projectiles.

Advanced Release: This pertains the ability of the user to channel the chakra within his own body or his opponent's body (with direct contact). It can also be used to channel chakra into other objects which may be living, sentinent, or non living.

Argon techniques when compressed, give off a slight hue, which can be seen with naked eyes if the opponent watches closely

General properties of Argon Gas:

Anti-Decay/Anti-Corossive: Potassium decays to form Argon in the atmosphere. Once formed, it does not undergo any reaction and hence it cannot be decayed/coroded as it is a stable gas.

Density: Argon in gaseous form has a density of 1.7837 g/l. Only chlorine or other noble gases have higher densities in gaseous form.

Anti-Combustion: Being a noble gas, Argon does not undergo any reaction.

Heat Resistance: Being a noble gas, Argon is incredibly resistant to temperature changes.

Health Effects of Argon:

Skin Exposure: Causes frost-bite.

Inhalation: This gas is inert and is classified as a simple asphyxiant. Inhalation in excessive concentrations can result in dizziness, dullness, headache, nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness, and death. Death may result from errors in judgment, confusion, or loss of consciousness which prevent self-rescue. At low oxygen concentrations, unconsciousness and death may occur in seconds without warning.

Symptoms: The first symptoms produced by a simple asphyxiant are rapid respirations and air hunger. Mental alertness is diminished and muscular coordination is impaired. Later judgment becomes faulty and all sensations are depressed. Emotional instability often results and fatigue occurs rapidly. As the asphyxia progresses, there may be nausea and vomiting, prostration and loss of consciousness, and finally convulsions, deep coma and death.

Usage Examples:

(Arugon: Saigo no bansan) – Argon Release: The Last Supper
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: Using the argon gas present in the atmosphere, the user will manipulate it to form a dome around the opponent. The gas would push away all the oxygen in the atmosphere leaving the opponent to suffocate as he sufferes frost-bite and ultimately die x_x

(Arugon: Kuraku ero) – Argon Release: Darkly Erotic
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: Using the Argon chakra within his body, the user will channel it into his sword before releasing it in a cresent wave. The blade of chakra will cut through the opponent, letting argon enter his body and cause frost bites etc.

(Arugon: Arugonkuron) – Argon Release: Argon Clone
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: The user using the principles of shadow clones, creates clones made of argon that are able to perform argon techniques.

(Arugon: Guzo hakai omega) – Argon Release: Iconoclasm Omega
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: The user releases a large amount of argon gas from his mouth as a massive and intense wall of gas in both vertical and horizontal dimentions, making it difficult to avoid.

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery of Wind and Lightening and should have a good chakra control.

Is weak to:
  • Pure Metals and other physically strong materials, Earth Release, Wood Release, Sand.
    Argon even in compressed form cannot break through strong defenses.
  • Water and its variations
    Argon gets dissolved in water.
Is strong against:
  • Wind, Smoke and other gases, Foam
    Argon is much more denser than other gases (except chlorine gas and other noble gases). Hence when it clashes against other gases, it has the power to overcome their defenses.
  • Lightening and its variations
    As Wind provides substance to Argon, it can block the lightening techniques just like Wind
  • Sound and its variations
    Argon when compressed, produces a vacuum like effect which is when asphyxation takes place. This is the reason Sound techniques will have difficulty in propagating through Argon.
  • Heat and its variations
    Argon's gas does not undergo any change even at high temperatures.
  • Fire Release and its variations, Any type of explosive or combustive or reactive materials, Decay Release, Corosion
    Argon is naturally immune to these elements.
  • Mushroom, Caramel, etc.
    Argon has a tissue damaging property (Ex. Frost-Bite)
Co-creator: N/A
Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?

Credits to Lili for the wonderful icon

✗ Declined: I already told you this before. There is only a small amount of Argon present in an extremely large space with you providing no proof to assume there would always be a large quantity present. Using water vapor as proof doesn't work as almost all the water vapor in the atmosphere can be found on the direct surface of the earth as there is where it comes from, but that does not apply to argon. Also only a select few high lvl water users are capable of such a feat. You don't explain either then how you actually create argon, you just say wind + lightning. No idea what the logic is behind that. Then you are trying to hype the strengths way too much for weird reasons. I find it already very questionable in which degree this supposed higher density has an influence as that's very relative, wind however is not classified as just a gas. That you used wind to create this element is completely irrelevant as there is no wind anymore. So your reason to state lightning as strength is void. A vacuum by its very definition means absence of anything. Sound always needs a medium to pass through, hence it can't pass through a vacuum. Argon exists, it counts as a medium, so I really wonder where this comes from. Finally an element that has a comment like "is naturally immune" is obviously never going to be approved.[/COLOR]
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Custom element Japanese name: Arugon

Custom element English name: Argon

The element is based on: Wind + Lightening + Chakra Control

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):
The third most abundant gas, making up one percent of the atmosphere. Argon is a colourless, tasteless, odourless gas that is totally inert to other substances, and for this reason it is ideal in light bulbs and tube lights. Now, Narutoverse is not much different from the real-life especially when it comes to obeying the laws of nature or the laws of physics. So prety much everything that happens in the real-world can happen in Naruto-world as well. So it is "safe" to assume that argon is used in light bulbs in their houses considering the fact that we use argon for the same. Also, argon is an inert element that is freely available in the atmosphere. If Naruto-verse is similar to the real world, then argon should be present in the same quantity, which makes it possible to manipulate it more like a wind and/or smoke jutsu.

How it works:
Let me first start by explaining what Argon is all about.

is considered to be a noble or inert gas and does not form true chemical compounds. Argon has a freezing point of -189.2°C, boiling point of -185.7°C, and density of 1.7837 g/l. It is used to fill incandescent and fluorescent light bulbs to prevent oxygen from corroding the hot filament. Argon is also used to form inert atmospheres for arc welding, growing semiconductor crystals and processes that require shielding from other atmospheric gases.
Now when we say argon, we are talking about the isotope 40Ar which makes up 99.6% of natural argon. 40Ar as it is stable. It makes a good atmosphere for working with air-sensitive materials since it is heavier than air. Argon is two-and-one-half times as soluble in water as nitrogen, making it about as soluble as oxygen. Although argon is non-toxic, it is 38% denser than air and is therefore considered a dangerous asphyxiant in closed areas.

Now how exactly does it work:
The user can simply manipulate the Argon gases present in the atmosphere, or combine his wind (which provides the substance) and lightening chakra (to provide it, stability) with his expertise in chakra control to create argon from his body. Argon is, a gaseous element. Which is why the basic component to produce Argon is wind. The special properties of Argon (i.e strength against decay and fire etc.) is caused due to the addition of lightning. Lightning (electricity) has the property to provide stability to the element, and increasing its half-life. Argon, in itself is not toxic (it is an asphyxiant). Unlike Wind Element, Argon does not have the cutting ability. However, a compressed Argon technique can cause an equal or slightly more (due to its density) blunt damage to the target. But that's not what Argon is known for. Argon techniques when they come in contact with a target, they will cause frost bite at the area of contact, which is what makes it different from other elements. Argon in a closed area is a asphyxiant. However, a compressed Argon technique can cause frost bite even in an open area.

In terms of jutsu usage, argon can be created from the user's body which then can be shape manipulated to form different structures.

Argon Release as an elemental release manifests in different forms same as almost any other elemental release on narutoverse:

Compressed Release: The user can manipulate or release argon as a condensed and compressed form of energy like a blast of Argon or shields of argon or any solid construct that would have the cutting or defensive properties of wind element, combined with its own density and unique properties to give a strong form of release.

Gas Release: Argon gas can be released or manipulated and used more like smoke/gas elements which can be manipulated to form an orb, sphere, cubes etc made of pure Argon. Though the gas is not toxic, it does have physical construct that can physically affect anyone. It can also be used to create gaseous projectiles.

Advanced Release: This pertains the ability of the user to channel the chakra within his own body or his opponent's body (with direct contact). It can also be used to channel chakra into other objects which may be living, sentinent, or non living.

Argon techniques when compressed, give off a slight hue, which can be seen with naked eyes if the opponent watches closely

General properties of Argon Gas:

Anti-Decay/Anti-Corossive: Potassium decays to form Argon in the atmosphere. Once formed, it does not undergo any reaction and hence it cannot be decayed/coroded as it is a stable gas.

Density: Argon in gaseous form has a density of 1.7837 g/l. Only chlorine or other noble gases have higher densities in gaseous form.

Anti-Combustion: Being a noble gas, Argon does not undergo any reaction.

Heat Resistance: Being a noble gas, Argon is incredibly resistant to temperature changes.

Health Effects of Argon:

Skin Exposure: Causes frost-bite.

Inhalation: This gas is inert and is classified as a simple asphyxiant. Inhalation in excessive concentrations can result in dizziness, dullness, headache, nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness, and death. Death may result from errors in judgment, confusion, or loss of consciousness which prevent self-rescue. At low oxygen concentrations, unconsciousness and death may occur in seconds without warning.

Symptoms: The first symptoms produced by a simple asphyxiant are rapid respirations and air hunger. Mental alertness is diminished and muscular coordination is impaired. Later judgment becomes faulty and all sensations are depressed. Emotional instability often results and fatigue occurs rapidly. As the asphyxia progresses, there may be nausea and vomiting, prostration and loss of consciousness, and finally convulsions, deep coma and death.

Usage Examples:

(Arugon: Saigo no bansan) – Argon Release: The Last Supper
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: After releasing the argon gas in the atmosphere, the user will manipulate it to form a dome around the opponent. The gas would push away all the oxygen in the atmosphere leaving the opponent to suffocate as he sufferes frost-bite and ultimately die x_x

(Arugon: Kuraku ero) – Argon Release: Darkly Erotic
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: Using the Argon chakra within his body, the user will channel it into his sword before releasing it in a cresent wave. The blade of chakra will cut through the opponent, letting argon enter his body and cause frost bites etc.

(Arugon: Arugonkuron) – Argon Release: Argon Clone
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: The user using the principles of shadow clones, creates clones made of argon that are able to perform argon techniques.

(Arugon: Guzo hakai omega) – Argon Release: Iconoclasm Omega
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: The user releases a large amount of argon gas from his mouth as a massive and intense wall of gas in both vertical and horizontal dimentions, making it difficult to avoid.

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery of Wind and Lightening and should have a good chakra control.

Is weak to:
  • Pure Metals and other physically strong materials, Earth Release, Wood Release, Sand.
    Argon even in compressed form cannot break through strong defenses.​
  • Water and its variations
    Argon gets dissolved in water.​
Is strong against:
  • Smoke and other gases, Foam
    Argon is much more denser than other gases (except chlorine gas and other noble gases). Hence when it clashes against other gases, it has the power to overcome their defenses. It is similar to how a physical object of greater mass/density can destroy the other object of comparatively lesser mass/density.

    [*]Wind and its variations
    Argon is an advanced element that is made out of wind. Hence it carries some qualities of the wind element itself. Also, argon gas is naturally heavier (and denser) than the average wind. When these two techniques clash, argon gas will easily overthrow the wind (or air in general) in the room, to occupy the space. Similarly, a compressed blast of wind can be overthrown by a compressed blast of Argon.​
  • Heat and its variations
    Argon's gas does not undergo any change even at high temperatures.​
  • Fire Release and its variations, Any type of explosive or combustive or reactive materials, Decay Release, Corosion
    Argon is naturally strong to these elements.​
  • Mushroom, Caramel, etc.
    Argon has a tissue damaging property (Ex. Frost-Bite)​
Co-creator: N/A
Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?

Credits to Lili for the wonderful icon


✗ Declined: I'm pretty sure it's now around the third tie or so that I have to say that unless something is like a few meters away in large quantities, saying that you're going to search the atmosphere is impossible. Also I still do not understand how lightning is supposed to make this possible.

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Active member
Jul 27, 2011
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element Japanese name: Kisenonton

Custom element English name: Xenon Release

The element is based on: Wind | Lightning

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): Xenon is an actual element, it is colorless, heavy, odorless, and is a noble gas. Xenon has been used for many things, from being used for flash lamps to being used for anesthesia. It exists naturally within the earth's atmosphere in moderate amounts. Xenon can be gathered from the surrounding area within the air or be sent from the body with the use of lightning and wind chakra, creating it in all it's likeness. This element Xenon is using Xenon gas manipulated with chakra. Xenon’s main use is to be used to emit blinding flashes. To let off bright flashes of light it must be among other gases and receive a small charge. The other naturally occurring abundant gases in the air, oxygen, nitrogen, etc can all be used to set off a high energy Xenon flash of blinding light

How it works: As said, Xenon gas is manipulated by being drawn in from the atmosphere or created from the body. The wind manipulating xenon gas is heavier and denser than normal air, meant to be dense and pressurized so that it will set off the Xenon gas in bright flashes with the help of a simple charge from the user, allowing him to time xenon flashes. A is incredibly bright, Xenon being used to illuminate fields and even space shuttles. It is very dangerous to ones eyes and can cause permanent damage, especially since a xenon flash can last for 10 seconds or more. Being as it is it is normally used in the form of targeted blasts near the opponents to simultaneously blind and attack, cause distractions, and supplement.

Usage Examples:
Kisenonton: Gurandochariotto No Idaina Furasshu | Xenon Release: Great Flash of the Grand Chariot
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user will gather Xenon gas from the air and focus it around the opponent. The user will channel channel chakra into it and form the xenon gas into an abundance of pockets of Xenon gas, and then give them a charge. The charge triggers xenon flashes, causing violent bursts that deal damage to an opponent while also blinding them. The Xenon flash is strong enough to deal aggressive damage to an opponent's eyes, blinding them even after the flashes are over.

Conditions to be able to use it: Wind | Lightning

Is weak to: Fire/Lava/Scorch/Heat Based Elements: Because Xenon is a gas, fire can burn through it
Earth/Steel: Earth is a strong defense and can protect one from Xenon. Also hiding behind a complete earthen defense can stop the flash from affecting them

Is strong against: Lightning/Storm: Xenon is much like wind in certain aspects, and it can neutralize lightning
Water: Xenon is strong against water as it is more powerful and water cannot block out the light.

Co-creator: LonelyAssassin

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?


✗ Declined: There isn't much of an explanation for pretty much everything. Xenon is only sporadically present in the atmosphere and doesn't seem that important. So your proof is already very shallow. As it's only sporadically present, saying you start searching for it is redundant. Elements like earth/water are pretty much anywhere, so they can easily be used, but xenon isn't. So saying you start searching for it can take hell of a long time till you have found even a moderate amount for a jutsu. On top of that it invalidates this as a CE as a CE shouldn't be something like where you use wind and lightning to find something. You should be able to create based on its own elemental chakra. Lastly the only thing you are going on about is flashes. Something that can already be done with lightning, light and some other elements. On top of that you can't just say it starts flashing, oil is very flammable, but it's not going to set itself aflame. You would need a secondary source for that, thus counting as a combo. In the end you have nothing.

Permission to resubmit:

Custom element Japanese name: Kisenonton

Custom element English name: Xenon Release

The element is based on: Wind | Lightning

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): Xenon is an actual element, it is colorless, heavy, odorless, and is a noble gas. Xenon has been used for many things, from being used for flash lamps to being used for anesthesia , and even in some lasers. It exists naturally within the earth's atmosphere, and even found in some natural springs around the world. While in most cases, being inside camera bulbs which produces the flash. In these cases we seen plenty cases of all these examples above. Naruto of course has an atmosphere, which would apply a sort of real word physics into play. We have seen natural springs (Where pervy sage used to spy on woman, and multiple cases where we seen shinobis relaxing). The use of drugs (Medicine) In naruto has also been seen, including lasers, not only for medical reasons but the asura path himself, which produces lasers. All these are reasons to believe that just like the real word, xenon is also present in NV aswell. All around us, mainly in the atmosphere

How it works: This element is achieved by combining both the wind element, and the lightning element and mold both of them together creating xenon release. Xenon is very advance and special, not only due to it being heavier then normal wind, dealing more blunt damage or slicing damage then usual, but its ability to take a lightning property and incorporate it into wind, which is a bright/flash effect. Xenon can be created two ways naturally. By combining the lighting and wind chakra nature in their body, giving creation to xenon which can be used, expelled from the users body such as from the mouth, hands, etc. Or The user can expel both their wind and lightning chakra into the air creating xenon from the atmosphere which can be used for jutsu purposes, or even for dark places as a flash. Xenon can and is normally used in the same manner such as wind

Usage Examples:

Kisenonton: Gurandochariotto No Idaina Furasshu | Xenon Release: Great Flash of the Grand Chariot
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user will create several handseals while gathering xenon chakra into their lunges. The user will then expel the xenon from their mouth expelling a large stream of xenon from his mouth towards said opponent. This technique can be looked at for periods of time or it will temporarily blind the opponent

Conditions to be able to use it:
-Mastery over Wind
-Mastery over lightning

Is weak to: Fire/Scorch/Heat Based Elements : Because Xenon is a gas, fire can burn through it
Earth/Steel (Elements Harder then earth, such ruby, iron, etc): Earth is a strong defense and can protect one from Xenon.

Is strong against: Lightning/Storm (Lightning based elements): Xenon is much like wind , and it can neutralize lightning
Water (Water based elements: Xenon is strong against water as it is more powerful in force
Wind: Due to xenon being heavier then normal wind, it completely overpowers normal wind, being stronger in force

Co-creator: Xiuhtecuhtli

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?


✗ Declined: How would this even be able to cut anything at all? It's xenon, not wind thus that's not a reason to consider it strong against lightning. I also totally do not get why this would be stronger than water in force. You also do not explain how wind and lightning are supposed to create xenon. Btw that permission link does not work.

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Active member
Jul 27, 2011
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

1.I removed All Mentions to Phosphorus.
2.I revamped and Worked on the proof and how its created.
3.I also added a more graphical image for better understanding.

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Custom element Japanese name: Kanfuru

Custom element English name:Camphor

The element is based on:Earth+fire+Chakra manipulation.

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):Camphor is a waxy,malleable, flammable and fictile element which is transparent in color and gives off a strong distinctive and pleasant smell. In naruto we have seen the presence of gardens, flowers and trees which have been shown to exist. Camphor ibeing on large evergreen trees which is mainly located and grown in the Asia region which includes japan. It is also made from oil which has been shown to exist in naruto, as toads and jiraiya himself has been shown to be able to produce it. Furthermore, wood or the usage of wood has been shown in the manga by hashirama and yamato which establishes the possibility that camphor can exist seeing as it is a derivative of wood. Camphor is also produced through certain oils and in naruto the existense of oil has been solidified, primarily through most toads, Also at Mount Myōboku their is an waterfall full of oil. So their is ample reason for one to believe Camphor can be created/produced.
Camphor is found in Zam Buk, the wood of the camphor laurel, which is a large evergreen tree found in Asia(Japan,india etc) and also of Dryobalanops aromatica, a giant of the Bornean forests. It also occurs in other related trees in the laurel family, notably Ocotea usambarensis.It can also be found in Dry Rosemary leaves, which are bountiful across the earth,as they contain up to 20% camphor. It can also be synthetically produced from oil of turpentine.

How it works:
Camphor is a waxy, flammable, white or transparent solid with a strong aromatic odor which can be used for scent aswell when exposed to heat. Camphor is toxic in large doses. It produces symptoms of irritability, disorientation, lethargy, muscle spasms, vomiting, abdominal cramps, convulsions, and seizures. (Only if consumed)

Camphor is created by the user mixing up their Earth , and Fire Chakra along with precise chakra control. This element can be produced and utilized by 3 ways. By channeling their chakra into the ground from out of existing ground (earth), or even trees (Limited to smaller range jutsus from trees). Camphor once exposed to heat will give off a very aroma scent that is often used as a "soothing" scent, to relax the body. Ward off reptiles, and insects. The scent to camphor can be used to produce "relax" like genjutsu, meaning it can not be anything that has damage points, does any harm to the person inside the genjutsu or anything that warrants them danger. But the main property of the scent is to ward off reptiles and insects

Camphor is poisonous when one is exposed to large doses as it can causes various range of symptoms from disorientation, lethargy, muscle spasms, to vomiting.
Kanfururirīsu/Genjutsu: Fūin sa reta kēji | Camphor/Illusionary Arts Release: Sealed Cage
Type: A
Rank: | Supplementary
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Description: The user performs the ox and tiger hand-seals in quick successions and then slams his hand on the ground bringing forth camphor chakra from the earth to rise up and form a cage which is 8 feet tall in height and three meters thick to restrain the opponent, once done the user will do a confirmation handseal applying heat to the cage which gives off a scent that induces the opponent inside a genjutsu. The genjutsu makes the opponent feel very relax and tired tricking their body into thinking its sleep while awake relaxing the opponents body to a very high degree.

Kanfururirīsu: Tsūru no sakusei | Camphor Release: Creation of tools
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C-S
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: The user performs the dog hand-seal and slams his hands together and creates tools and equipments ranging from spears and arrows to hooks and swords to aid them in battle. The strength of the said tools rank from c to s and follow basic elemental strengths and weaknesses.

Conditions to be able to use it:
Earth mastery
Fire mastery
Must be Kage Rank.

Is Weak To:
Fire: Though the scent comes from it being infused with heat, it is very flammable (not explosive) which can be used to backfire against the user

Lava: Can melt camphor

Fire Variant CE: (I separated this from Fire because most Fire CE are hotter then regular fire. If its hot enough, it can melt the camphor instead of setting it aflame)

Lightning (Lightning base ce): Its still a solid, which lightningcan break down camphor

Is Strong To:

Water: (Water base CE): Camphor still being a solid, water can not bypass camphor

Wind: Wind is not sharp enough, or strong enough to cut camphor, or force it back.

Decay: Camphor is used to prevent decaying/rusting on items, which makes camphor unable to rust and decay.

Bugs:The Scent of heated camphor wards of bugs such as beetles, bees, or any insect based clan.

Insects and animals: Continuous inhalation of camphor to animals and insects such as bees,cockroaches and ants is poisonous.
Co-creator: Teno
Students I passed this custom element on too:? & ?N/A


✗ Declined: I repeat camphor is found in not just any tree, but in very specific type of trees. So that people use wood in the manga, doesn't really prove anything for your element. Copy pasting stuff from wikipedia, doesn't help either. That it can be gained synthetically from oil, doesn't help your case likewise either as how does that translate into proving that camphor exists? As synthetically means its created in a lab, not present in nature. You have very little proof that camphor exists and practically none where you provide an sensible explanation of how you would be able to create it. Mixing earth and water creates trees, doesn't mean they have camphor in it. Let alone you would be able to get it from the ground. How would that be possible? And wind is strong enough to be equal with earth, so apparently camphor is stronger than earth? And since when are bugs elements?

Due to luther being perma banned, and me being the co-creator. I will simply resubmit on his behalf

Custom element Japanese name: Kanfuru

Custom element English name:Camphor

The element is based on:Earth+fire+Chakra manipulation.

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):Camphor is a waxy,malleable, flammable and fictile element which is transparent in color and gives off a strong distinctive and pleasant smell. In naruto we have seen the presence of gardens, flowers and trees which have been shown to exist. Camphor being found on the CAMPHOR LAUREL which is a specific large evergreen trees which is mainly located and grown in the Asia region which includes japan and the existence of various trees and forests, creates a possibility of it to be created. Furthermore, wood or the usage of wood has been shown in the manga by hashirama and yamato which establishes the possibility that camphor can exist seeing as it is a derivative of wood. [/B]Camphor is also produced through certain oils and in naruto the existense of oil has been solidified, primarily through most toads, Also at Mount Myōboku their is an waterfall full of oil. So their is ample reason for one to believe Camphor can be created/produced.
Camphor is found in the wood of the camphor laurel, which is an evergreen tree found in Asia(Japan,) and also of Dryobalanops aromatica, a giant of the Bornean forests. It also occurs in other related trees in the laurel family. It can also be found in Rosemary leaves, which are bountiful across the earth,as they contain up to 20% camphor. During the kazekage rescue arc, we have seen instances where plenty trees, herbs, medicine where present to find a particular herb. Which makes it out to believe that it is very possible that camphor very well can exist.

How it works:
Camphor is a waxy, flammable, white or transparent solid with a strong aromatic odor which can be used for scent aswell when exposed to heat. Camphor is toxic in large doses. It produces symptoms of irritability, disorientation, lethargy, muscle spasms, vomiting, abdominal cramps, convulsions, and seizures. (Only if consumed)

By simultaneously molding Earth, Water, and Fire, the user can manipulate and form Camphor from his body with precise chakra control. This element can be produced and utilized by 3 ways. By channeling their chakra into the ground from out of existing ground (earth). Camphor once exposed to heat will give off a very aroma scent that is often used as a "soothing" scent, to relax the body. Ward off reptiles, and insects.
Beneficial Properties:

In ancient times, Camphor was used as an embalming agent and preservative. It has also been used for its scent, and in cooking(mostly sweet, and savory dishes). More recently however, Camphor is used as an insecticide, as well as a herbicide. This makes the element extremely useful against something such as the Aburame's bugs, or even something as strong as wood release. Camphor is very readily absorbed through the skin, and almost immediately induces a cooling sensation. For this reason, Camphor is sometimes used in medicines as an antimicrobial agent, as an anesthetic. It is also sometimes used as an anti-itch gel, and small amounts can help to relieve fatigue, pains, swellings, itches, and inflammations. Thus, it can be used by the user in small amounts on himself to help him.

Harmful Properties
Camphor is an extremely flammable and reactive. For this reason, it has also been used in fireworks. Camphor also readily reacts with water. It does not explode on contact with the water, although it becomes explosive while wet or in contact with water. This makes it possible for the user to create clever combinations to trick his opponent, and then to detonate the camphor. In large doses, Camphor is extremely toxic to the body.
Camphor is poisonous when one is exposed to large doses as it can causes various range of symptoms from disorientation, lethargy, muscle spasms, to vomiting.
Kanfururirīsu/Genjutsu: Fūin sa reta kēji | Camphor/Illusionary Arts Release: Sealed Cage
Type: A
Rank: | Supplementary
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Description: The user performs the ox and tiger hand-seals in quick successions and then slams his hand on the ground bringing forth camphor chakra from the earth to rise up and form a cage which is 8 feet tall in height and three meters thick to restrain the opponent, once done the user will do a confirmation handseal applying heat to the cage which gives off a scent that induces the opponent inside a genjutsu. The genjutsu makes the opponent feel very relax and tired tricking their body into thinking its sleep while awake relaxing the opponents body to a very high degree.

Kanfururirīsu: Tsūru no sakusei | Camphor Release: Creation of tools
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C-S
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: The user performs the dog hand-seal and slams his hands together and creates tools and equipments ranging from spears and arrows to hooks and swords to aid them in battle. The strength of the said tools rank from c to s and follow basic elemental strengths and weaknesses.

Conditions to be able to use it:
Earth mastery
Fire mastery
Must be Kage Rank.

Is Weak To:
Fire: Though the scent comes from it being infused with heat, it is very flammable (not explosive) which can be used to backfire against the user

Earth: It can be used to crush the camphor and grind the camphor. Due to its sheer mass and structure.
Lava: Can melt camphor

Fire Variant CE: (I separated this from Fire because most Fire CE are hotter then regular fire. If its hot enough, it can melt the camphor instead of setting it aflame)

Is Strong To:

Water: (Water base CE): Camphor still being a solid, water can not bypass camphor

Lightning:Camphor solidifies and becomes hard when exposed to electric currents.

Co-creator: Luther (In the case zise decides to spare mercy on his soul)
Students I passed this custom element on too:


✗ Declined: This is seriously not going to work. You just threw earth, water and fire together. That's it. If that was enough to get CE approved of substances that only appear in very specific circumstances, then CE would be approved continuously. You did not provide any kind of solid explanation as how you would be able to create camphor. Also Camphor is just less dense than water, hence it floats on it, and it easily dissolves in it. I find it also quite an odd comment that a solid solidifies under electric currents...

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Apr 24, 2013
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Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element Japanese name: Getsuton

Custom element english name: Moon Release

The element is based on: Earth|Lightning|Fire + Advanced Chakra Control

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):
The following CE achieved its name from its unique structure and color that resembled the color and structure of the moon's surface. What this element actually controls is the manipulation of the mineraloid known as fulgurites. Fulgurites. derived from the word fulgur which means thunder, are named as such because of how they are formed. Lightning which is one of the most spectacular natural occurrences in the world. When lightning strikes sand an extremely volatile and quick reaction takes place. In just one second the lightning travels through the path of least resistance and fuses the different minerals of the sand together along that path as temperatures exceed well beyond that melting point of sand. In that split second the reaction takes place and then it rapidly cools to form what are known as fulgurite tubes. Fulgurites can be created on the outside of a rock or surface(exogenic) or remain underground until excavated. Due to this relationship with lightning it is often considered to be fossilized lightning as it takes the shape and direction of the current from the lightning. Due to it becoming charged many sand particles remain attached to the fulgurite on the outside. This fact along with the violent reaction gives it a porrus, dull, spongey like appearance; however, on the inside it is made out of a smooth glassy like structure which is actually quite hard. Although not highlighted in Naruto, sand and lightning exist. It has most likely happened in that natural. In the supernatural Gaara has shown the ability to manipulate and create sand while many people have shown the ability to control Raiton. It should be possible to create and control fulgurites.

How it works:
Just like Naruto had to imagine grinding his chakra together the way to visualize Moon Chakra is grinding doton chakra to create sand and then punching through it with Katon and Raiton to create what will be known as Moon Chakra. Katon is needed because Raiton does not really behave like natural lightning persay, so to fuse the charged sand Katon must be used as well to complete the reaction and create the element. What makes this so special is that this element which originates from sand can contend with Raiton by taking advantage of the formation of fulgurite.

Source-Using the ground the user can manipulate the properties of earth so they can create fulgurites out of the ground. The ground itself does not need to be sand. It is also worthy to note that many structures can be created and they do not have to be tube like structures. These structures can be in a form that any Raiton jutsu can take since it depends on the path of conductivity as to which form it takes. Many of its structures will be of complicated nature.

Non Source-The user can knead chakra inside themselves to produce armors/weap
ons/projectiles much like certain earth jutsu.

Special Qualities

Against Raiton-Unlike most solids and sand, this element is strong against Raiton. The reason being is that when lightning strikes this element it will only add to the fulgurite. The user will even be able to petrify anothers lighting attacks by turning it into fulgurite when it collides with Moon chakra.

Speed-The process in which a fulgurite forms is extremely fast in that natural. It only takes one second for the reaction to take place and a few minutes to cool. When the user creates this through chakra the fulgurite follows the path of conductivity. If Raiton is considered the fastest of the basic elements then it would be safe to say the actual formation of fulgurite jutsu are just as fast (albeit slightly slower) even though it is only a solid. The speed and hardness of such attacks makes this such a potent force as it lives up to the moniker or fossilized lightning.

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery over Raiton, Earth, Fire

Example Techniques:

(Getsuton|Ryuuguu)- Moon Release: Palace of the Dragon King
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short – long
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user will slam his hands on the ground and create several dragon shaped fulgurite tubes. The dragon heads not only branch off out of the ground but they branch off of each other as well with great speed and force until the entire battlefield is covered in what could be considered a garden of fulgurite.

(Getsuton|Nedzuyoi Getsuei)- Moon Release: Rooted Moon
Type: Defensive/Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short – Mid
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage: N/A(60 if someone happens to be underground)
Description: The user will stomp his foot and send a multitude of fulgurite tubes that form mid range all around himself mid range. The fulgurite will hold the earth in place and defend from Earth and Raiton jutsu that might originate from underground.

Is weak to:
Wind-Because Fulgurites are porous wind can go through it and break it.
Water-(Viscous liquids) its porous nature also works against it as the pressure from the outside and inside, as water flows through it, will cause it to break down. Sound-same reasons.
Most Hard Minerals

Is strong against:
Earth-Harder than earth
Fire-Heat resistant
Lightning-(If one were to use Raiton it would just produce more fulgurite when it clashes with the moon chakra).
Soft solids like sand etc
Dragon Glass-(Fulgurites are actually harder than dragon glass/obsidian)

Co-creators (if any): Korra

Students i passed on this custom element: N/A


✗ Declined: Because this seems to be crude, natural glass and we already have Glass and Obsidian release. All of them are created nearly the same way, namely heating (silica-rich) sand rapidly. The only difference is that your heat originates from lightning, which causes it to be far more crude and have a weird appearance. However as you use shape manipulation, the difference almost becomes nihil.

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Punk Hazard

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Apr 21, 2011
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Re: Custom Elements Bureau

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Custom element Japanese name: Itoton

Custom element English name: String Release

The element is based on: Wind + Fire + Advanced Chakra Control

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

Graphene is an allotrope of carbon. The fact that carbon exist in the naruto world is fairly proven by the sole existence of trees and plants which use the gas in order to do photosynthesis. This element though, doesn’t use the raw form of carbon. Instead, in the same way that the allotrope of carbon known as diamond can exist as an independent Custom Element from Carbon Release, Graphene can exist as a Custom Element independent from both Diamond Release and Carbon Release. This unique form, will be achieved by creating a very specific arrangement of carbon atoms.

Since there are shinobi who with chakra control can create metals, and there are other mineral custom elements, it is fairly easy to assume that a shinobi will be able to create the very unique shape which itself is needed for the creation of graphene. The heat of fire release will help break the bond of carbon dioxide and use the necessary carbon to create the structure needed for graphene.

With both Carbon, and the ability to control the atomic structure of matter existing and having been demonstrated into the world of Naruto, there is no fact which proves that graphene couldn’t exist. And due to the shape manipulation, the user will be able to create the needed shape for String Release to be born.

With the element being Graphene, String Release is a purely cosmetic name, as it sounds a lot better than Graphene Release.

How it works:

The user will incorporate the usage Katon and Fuuton chakra simultaneously into the surrounding air. Using Fuuton to harness the surrounding air, one will utilize the Katon chakra to break the carbon bonds, allowing them to then use chakra control to manipulate the atoms position. The user will rearrange the shape of carbon atoms and create a third bond which is different from normal carbon and diamond, in a way a more durable and perfect form of carbon. Through this way, graphene is born.

Graphene is an incredibly dense and strong material that measures an atom thick, usually taking the form of a sheet. When created and used within this Custom Element, the sheets are manipulated, and instantly rolled into one another creating a tube, i.e., string, which can vary in length depending on the desire of the user, of course with the pay of larger length having to use more chakra. Graphene itself as a mineral is very unique. The thickness of the string made from the graphene will vary greatly depending on the number of sheets rolled into one another. This will make the string vary from one another, as the fewer sheets used, the less durable the material becomes, but on the other hand, the less visible it is. The complete number and differenced in rank will be given as follows:

D Rank - 5 Sheets of Graphene
C Rank - 10 Sheets of Graphene
B Rank - 20 Sheets of Graphene
A Rank - 40 Sheets of Graphene
S Rank - 80 Sheets of Graphene
Forbidden Rank - 100 Sheets of Graphene

But the durability and ease of creation is not the only positive matter of graphene. Graphene is a great conductor for electricity and heat, being as far as 1.000.000 times better than copper. Graphene is also a very light material being controlled with ease through simple means. And since the body of the user is also made out of Carbon, the user can create graphene strings from his body and connect it with the rest of the carbon which is present into the air all around. The main reason why Graphene can coexist with Carbon is that Graphene itself is a different form of rearranging carbon similar to how diamond and carbon can both coexist. Graphene is different from diamond in that it is not a crystal which needs many years to form. It would simply be created by rearranging the shape. The main idea with graphene is creating a very thin and sharp string which can be controlled into a multitude of ways which would not only have cutting abilities but also restricting.

Due to the strength of the graphene and its low thickness, this makes the strings created from Graphene able to cut through most materials. When harnessed as a weapon, the user can become capable of cutting through flesh, bone, and even steel with ease. The low thickness of graphene makes the strings created incredibly hard to see, being almost invisible to the naked eye, but in return the versatility of the string would not be enough to cut through matter or be great for restrictions. Lower ranking techniques created through graphene are very lightweight and not very thick and slightly visible, only when the sun or other light giving sources reflect on it. Their hardness and sharpness give this element the ability to cut flesh and basic earth structures with high speed.

However, the stronger techniques of the element consists of more sheets being rolled into the string shapes. With more sheets being rolled, the stronger the techniques get, the heavier and thicker they also get. This causes the higher ranking techniques(B-rank and above) to be completely visible and slower, but also are able to make deeper cuts into stronger materials. C-rank and below Graphene techniques are almost invisible to the naked eye. While Dojutsu users and sensors are capable of perceiving them as normal, one can detect the strings through the displacement to the air if they are Sannin rank and above.

The strings, while generally stemming from the user’s fingertips in most techniques, can be created anywhere on the body from thin air. Some of the higher ranking techniques, while created from air as well, can be connected to the ground short range from the user for both offensive and defensive purposes.

Jutsu Usage Examples:

(Itoton: Buraito) - String Release: Villainous String
Description: A basic technique, the user will create a single, long string of Graphene from the tip of their finger. The string is incredibly thin and lightweight, being virtually undetectable to those without a Dojutsu or sensory. Incredibly fast, the string does not have as high cutting power as the higher ranked techniques, but is capable of easily slicing into flesh and stone in slashes. By wrapping the string around an object and then constricting it at high speed, the user can sever the object in half. However, large objects, such as a log cannot be cut in this way and the object must be in short range of the user. If one is Sannin rank and above, they can detect the string by the distortion is does to the air.

(Itoton: Ōbāhīto) - String Release: Overheat
Description:The user will create a visible whip through the palm of their hand or wrist made of condensed Graphene. The whip is extremely strong and sharp, being able to cut through a person’s body if contact is made. Due to how dense it is however, it is not as fast as the weaker ranked techniques.
-Can only be used twice per battle
-Reaches a maximum of 20 meters from the user

(Itoton: Ofu Howaito) - String Release: Off-White
Type: Defensive
Description:The user creates two thick sheets of Graphene that are connected to the ground, condensing the strings together in front of them. One sheet is created to the left of the user and the other to the right. The user will then swing his arms forward, crossing them, causing the sheets to overlap. This creates a shield in front of the user. Unlike the sharp variants of the technique, the sheets are flat, meant for blocking incoming techniques and stop opponents.

Conditions to be able to use it:

Mastery of Wind, Fire and Ninjutsu.

Must be Kage rank and above

Is weak to:

Wind Release - Wind release is capable of slicing through the strings created. Weaker techniques created through String Release can also be blown away due to how light they are.

Water Release - Due to water’s non-solid form, the cutting nature of String Release is useless against it, as water would simply regain its shape and form if cut. By extension, all other liquid-based elements and techniques, such as mist and steam, are unaffected by the strings.

Is strong against:

Lightning Release - Due to graphene being a great conductor, lightning techniques that crash with it is absorbed and maintained within its structure. Lightning would effectively just charge the graphene and give it an electric surge, similar to the way lightning reacts with water.

Earth Release - Graphene is capable of slicing through Doton release. The higher ranked the strings are, the easier and deeper they can cut into earth release. By extension, most solid-based elements and structures are susceptible to being cut and sliced by Itoton.

Most Solid CE’s - Since Graphene itself is very thin and sharper that most elements in the periodic table, it can cut through matter as it has a very low surface area of action, not allowing the durability to be used to it’s full potential.

Decay - Since Graphene is a very strong material, the connection between the atoms is almost in a perfect state, so very hard to break into carbon once again. So normal decaying or even forceful one would not be able to break up graphene easily.

Co-creator: Six Pāths

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?


✗ Declined: The only reason why the diamond CE exists independently from the carbon CE, is because it was approved years before the latter. So the only way to get it approved was to remove diamond from the submission. Your situation is the exact opposite of that, so that argument does not apply here. Secondly graphene is extremely thin, it only has one layer. That's what makes it graphene. The moment you have more than one what you call sheets, it pretty much becomes graphite and graphite falls under the carbon CE. So this entire CE pretty much falls completely and undisputedly under the carbon CE.

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Jul 12, 2009
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element Japanese name: Heruishiton
Custom element English name: Hellstone Release
The element is based on: Earth + Fire + Lightning
Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

Forms of crystal have been shown in the manga itself when it comes to Guren. Guren was able to use the general crystal release. Her crystal release that has no unique properties such as Pyroelectric Crystals more specifically Uvite Crystals. Guren being able to recreate natural crystals with crystal release alludes to that fact that crystals let alone pyroelectric crystals are possible in nature. Guren was able to create a more general form of crystal as she was not able to go in depth and create crystals such as quartz or uvite.

How it works:

The name of the custom element, Hellstone, is purely cosmetic as there is no Japanese name for the word Uvite. Uvite is a crystal that houses pyroelectric properties. Pyroelectricity is the property of certain crystals to carry an electric charge when heated. This is only possible because of the structure of the crystal. Hellstone contains both positive and negative charges within it allowing it to properly produce and maintain an electrical current. By applying heat to the crystals produce charges of electricity. Hellstone has a hardness of 7.5 on the Mohs hardness scale. Uvite has an crimson/black like color to it

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By using earth chakra, the user is able to refine earth and mold it to form a crystal while applying fire and lightning chakra to the crystal. The heat from the fire chakra and the lightning change the structure of the crystal immensely. When heat is applied to the crystal it can produce high voltage The positive and negative points of the crystal allow electricity to run through it. The electricity running throughout the crystal and on its surface allows it to be able to cut through solid objects if applicable. The crystal can exist in two forms: charged and uncharged.

Charged: Charged Hellstone refers to crystals that are already preheated by the user's fire chakra. These crystals themselves carry a scorching amount of eat being able to burn the target on contact. As previously stated in the custom element, this heated crystal becomes able to produce electricity at a steady rate.

Uncharged: Uncharged Hellstone crystals are those do not carry heat with them when made, but has the potential to gain hear. Uncharged Hellstone Crystals are unique because it cannot be charged by heat that was generated by the user. The crystal must absorb heat from surrounding sources in nature such as a natural volcano or when in battle can absorb heat from an opponent's fire jutsu to augment heat and generate the electricity. However this is not limited to fire release only, any element that gives off heat is susceptible to having its heat absorbed by the crystal. However to absorb this heat, Hellstone must be in direct contact with the source of heat.

The properties theseHellstone crystals share with all earthen techniques would be that they are sturdy and can be used in multipurpose situations.

As stated before, Hellstone has the ability to absorb heat and fire chakra from different sources to gain its secondary offensive properties. Uncharged without application of heat these crystals can be used to create spikes, weapons etc(basically anything normal doton can). When charged with heat and electricity is formed, the electricity coats the entire formation of crystal. Hellstone has a vitreous luster meaning that in some applications it is faintly or entirely transparent while maintaining its crimson color. Hellstone smoothness or fracture also varies within its applications. In some cases, Hellstone can have an uneven or rough surface and in others it can be Conchoidal or smooth to the touch.

Usage Examples:

(Heruishiton: ) - ₪ Hellstone: Horns of the Baphomet ₪
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short to Mid
Chakra cost: 40
Damage points: N/A(80 if absorbs heat)
Description: The user focuses Hellstone chakra into the ground before him and erects, at an angle, two uncharged pillars of Hellstone. These crystals curve and are pointed on the ends to imitate demon horns. These horns can be used to stop an incoming attack like doton attack with wide range or a large summoning holding them backward. In the case that the horns are used to intercept a fire release technique, the horns will absorb the fire jutsu as they protrude out. The added heat to the crystals generate an electric coating around the crystal giving them attack power. The horns are able to absorb up to S rank fire techniques.

(Heruishiton: ) - ₪ Hellstone: Scales of the Bahamut ₪
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short to Long
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: 60
Description: The user focuses Hellstone chakra on his body forming crystals that overlap to resemble fish scales. These scales are made of the charged variant of Hellstone. The user launches these electrified scales at the opponent at a rapid speed. The heated crystals soar through the air and easily reach the opponent. On contact the crystal use the coating of lightning to cut deeper into the flesh of the opponent while the hot crystal seers the wound shut. The opponent now has these crystals stuck within their flesh burning away at them. The crystals are present for 2 turns before breaking down and crumbling.

(Heruishton: ) - ₪ Hellstone: Body of the Behemoth ₪
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short(With long range reach)
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: 60
Description: The user focuses Hellstone chakra into his mouth. He then spews out a large 4 legged pyroelectric crystal beast. This creation is the uncharged variant of Hell Stone. The Behemoth is a slow-moving creature that boasts physical B rank damage and strong defense. Due to the properties of uncharged Hell Stone, the Behemoth is able to absorb up to A rank jutsu that radiate heat to charge itself. When charged, the entire Behemoth is covered in a clearly visible electric coating, boosting his physical damage up to A rank.

(Heruishton: ) - ₪ Hellstone: ***** of Babylon ₪
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 20
Damage points: N/A(40 if they absorb heat)
Description: ***** of Babylon is a generic clone technique using Hellstone Release. However, these clones are completely made of Hellstone. These clones are made out of the uncharged variant of Hellstone. When these clones absorb heat, they boast physical damage equivalent to B rank ninjutsu. Much like Mokuton or normal earth release, the clones can be generated from the users' body, from the ground, or preexisting sources of Hellstone. These clones are capable of using Earth, Fire and Lightning release up to B rank. The user can make 4 clones maximum and can make these clones 3 times per battle. When over powered or destroyed, the clones crack then shatter.

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery over Fire, Lightning and Earth

Is weak to:

Lightning Release and its variants: highly concentrated lightning release is capable of surpassing the electrical coating generated by the heated crystal. By piercing through the electrical coating, lightning can then go on to destroy the crystal itself through cutting it or completely destroying it

Dust Release: The destructive force of dust release is capable of destroying the solid object with relative ease.

Wind release: Hell Stone is weak to wind release techniques that involve slicing winds. The slicing wind doesn't only mass through the electrical covering but also slices through the crystal easily.

Is strong against:

Earth release and variants: The electric coating produced by the Pyroelectric crystal allows Shodenki to completely rip through earth release jutsu with ease. This includes elements such as wood release.

Fire release and variants: Hell stone is capable of absorbing an enemies fire chakra through contact with their body or through the fire release techniques they use. By absorbing this fire chakra, the crystal is heated up and starts producing visible electricity. (In the case of lava, the crystal will absorb the heat from the lava technique turning it into a solid mass of rock that the now electrified crystal can easily break.)

Water release and variants: The solid and sturdy structure of the crystal can dissipate the Water jutsu rather easily.

Co-creator: Kirabi
Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?


✗ Declined: There is no charged state. What you describe is an elemental combination, it's the same as saying you create a water jutsu that is charged because you used raiton chakra. Also it wouldn't even work as pyroelectricity is not so much based on heat, but on difference in temperature. Meaning cooling or heating would yield the same result, however considering it would be hot from the get-go, it wouldn't generate anything as there was no change in temperature. They also lose electricity at a steady rate, not the other way around and it's not shooting visible lightning bolts. It's the same principle as an electric fence. You only feel it on contact. Lastly it will absolutely NOT be able to absorb fire chakra. What it does is absorbing heat, something nearly every substance in existence does. When it's too much heat, that's what's called the melting point.

Custom element Japanese name: Heru Ishiton
Custom element English name: Hellstone
The element is based on: Earth + Fire + Lightning
Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

Forms of crystal have been shown in the manga itself when it comes to Guren. Guren was able to use the general crystal release. Her crystal release that has no unique properties such as Pyroelectric Crystals more specifically Uvite Crystals. Guren being able to recreate natural crystals with crystal release alludes to that fact that crystals let alone pyroelectric crystals are possible in nature. Guren was able to create a more general form of crystal as she was not able to go in depth and create crystals such as quartz or uvite.

How it works:

The name of the custom element, Hellstone, is purely cosmetic as there is no Japanese name for the word Uvite. Uvite is a crystal that houses pyroelectric properties. Pyroelectricity is the property of certain crystals to carry an electric charge when heated. This is only possible because of the structure of the crystal. Uvite contains both positive and negative charges within it allowing it to properly produce and maintain an electrical current. By applying heat to the crystals produce charges of electricity. Uvite has a hardness of 7.5 on the Mohs hardness scale. Uvite has an crimson/black like color to it

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By using earth chakra, the user is able to refine earth and mold it to form a crystal while applying fire and lightning chakra to the crystal. The heat from the fire chakra and the lightning change the structure of the crystal immensely.When a temperature change is applied to the crystal it can produce high voltage The positive and negative points of the crystal allow electricity to run through it.

Hellstone is capable of producing an electrical current through the crystal by experiencing a change in temperature of any type. This electrical current however is only felt through direct contact with the crystal making it ideal for close range aspects. That being said elements that cause a change in temperature such as Wind(cooling) or fire (heating) would be ineffective against. However, the electrical current is lost over time at a steady rate before the temperature of the crystal has to be changed again

The properties these Hellstone crystals share with all earthen techniques would be that they are sturdy and can be used in multipurpose situations.

These crystals can be used to create spikes, weapons etc(basically anything normal doton can). WHellstone has a vitreous luster meaning that in some applications it is faintly or entirely transparent while maintaining its crimson color. Hellstone smoothness or fracture also varies within its applications. In some cases, Hellstone can have an uneven or rough surface and in others it can be Conchoidal or smooth to the touch.

Usage Examples:

( ) - ₪ Hellstone: Horns of the Baphomet ₪
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short to Mid
Chakra cost: 40
Damage points: N/A(80 if temperature changes)
Description: The user focuses Hellstone chakra into the ground before him and erects, at an angle, two uncharged pillars of pyroelectric crystals. These crystals curve and are pointed on the ends to imitate demon horns. These horns can be used to stop an incoming attack like doton attack with wide range or a large summoning holding them backward. In the case that the horns are used to intercept a technique that would change the temperature of the hellstone, the horns will gain an elecrtical current as they protrude outward.

( ) - ₪ Hellstone: Body of the Behemoth ₪
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short(With long range reach)
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: 60
Description: The user focuses Hellstone chakra into his mouth. He then spews out a large 4 legged pyroelectric crystal beast. The Behemoth is a slow-moving creature that boasts physical B rank damage and strong defense.

(Heruishton: ) - ₪ Hellstone: ***** of Babylon ₪
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 20
Damage points: N/A(40 if they undergo a temperature change)
Description: ***** of Babylon is a generic clone technique using Hellstone Release. However, these clones are completely made of Hellstone.. When these clones temperature changes, they boast physical damage equivalent to B rank ninjutsu. Much like Mokuton or normal earth release, the clones can be generated from the users' body, from the ground, or preexisting sources of Hellstone. These clones are capable of using Earth, Fire and Lightning release up to B rank. The user can make 4 clones maximum and can make these clones 3 times per battle. When over powered or destroyed, the clones crack then shatter.
Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery over Fire, Lightning and Earth

Is weak to:

Lightning Release and its variants: lightning can then go on to destroy the crystal itself through cutting it or completely destroying it

Dust Release: The destructive force of dust release is capable of destroying the solid object with relative ease.

Water: Pressurized Blasts of water or "crystalline" water techniques flows are not stopped by the structure of hellstone and could cut through or destroy the crystal entirely.

Is strong against:

Earth release and some: Stronger than normal earth release

Fire release and variants, Lava: Fire and variants of it will change the temperature on a Hellstone crystal granting it its pyroelectric capabilities. The crystal is also able to withstand the heat produced by the techniques.

Wind and Variants - Wind and variants of it will change the temperature of a hellstone crystal by cooling it. Cooling the crystal would grant it its pyroelectric capabilities as well as being fortified enough to withstand wind jutsu.

Ice - Will cool the uvite inducing pyroelectricity

Temperature Release: Changes in temperature causes an electrical current to run throughout Hellstone.

Co-creator: Kirabi
Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?


✗ Declined: The explanation and such is all fine, but I still have some issues with the STR and WEAK which I currently find unbalanced in comparison to the element. I mean Dust is an element barely used and then you find it necessary to limit water to pressured blasts. At this point to me you have like 1.2 weaknesses. On the other hand you're going with wind, water and fire variations for strengths. That's out of proportion. Also you really shouldn't be focusing so much on the "temperature" aspect to decide whether something should be a STR or WEAK as for instance ice and wind are barely related to temperature. And I'm just dropping this out, but considering you couldn't find the Japanese name, Uvite is a type of tourmaline and that's already something so specific I'm not going to start differentiating between different types. So this CE might as well be considered tourmaline.

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Six Paths

Active member
Oct 27, 2012
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

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Custom element Japanese name:​

Custom element English name: Entropy

The element is based on: Fire, Lightning, Advanced Chakra control​

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

The Naruto and World and real world have been proven to be similar in many aspects, but the one our attentions is attracted most to, would be the physical laws. We have seen example of how gravity affects matter similarly to our worlds. We have seen how fire feeds on oxygen in order to continue burning, which is another similarity. We have also seen how when a flame is lit for a continuous amounts of time, it will eventually run out of resources and turn off, except for the heat, which will still be present in that closed environment.

This element can be proven in a multitude of ways. When total entropy is reached, there is no more energy to spend. A good example of this is a cup of tea. Now suppose your cup of tea is hot. The tea has a lot of energy compared to the room the tea is in. Over time the heat in the tea will spread into the room. The tea will become colder. This is because the energy (heat) in the tea escapes into the surrounding area. Once the tea has gone cold, there is no more heat that can be spread. The tea has thus reached total entropy. We have seen from these examples how matter and energy, prefers going from one state of order, into disorder when it can. Energy itself, though it’s raw power is eternal and energy can neither vanish nor be created new, it has a fundamental feature which is the fact that under the right circumstances it will spread. This spreading of energy occurs naturally in closed rounds of environments. And even though energy can into right conditions keep itself connected and together, it is states that when energy can, it will surely continue it’s natural effect, that would be spreading. This natural feature of energy is called Entropy.

Seeing how this property of energy exist, the way it can be mimicked and sped up will be through the natural abilities of fire release and lightning release.The very rough, destructive forces of fire release which have a tendency to weaken the link not only in cases of mater, but even energy itself. With the unpredictable violent nature of lightning, which is defined as moving forms of energy, under a very advanced chakra control, the user will be able to create the raw form of entropy. which will be a very bright, slightly blue colored form of energy, which moves in a random matter. Once raw energy comes into contact with it, a very sped up form of entropy will be applied on this form of energy, spreading everything up at very high speeds.

How it works:

Using the very fast dispersion rates of fire release in moments of full release as well as connected with the pure destructive and expansion rates of matter and energy at high temperatures, along with the very fast movements, violent nature and very instant releases of lightning energy, tied together with a very advanced form of chakra control, the user will be able to mimic one of the fundamental features of energy, which is the dispersion. But this is done in a more concentrated, potent and a lot more efficient way, creating a form to that effect, called entropy. This physical appearance of entropy will be a very bright form of energy, with a small blue hue to it very light and free flowing in appearance moving in random patterns similar to how a flame flickers.

Energy itself is a part of the universe which seemed to have existed since the creation of it. Energy seemingly has many properties of how it behaves with other forms of energy, and one of those fundamental features of it, are going from a form of total order to disorder, which involves energy to spread into a closed referenced environment. Energy whenever it can, will be able to spread freely, and this concept of natural energy spreading, is what defines the energy element that is created. Entropy is able to once into contact apply the same effect as energy has naturally, but in a more potent, raw, and efficient version, allowing energy to be spread on equal amounts throughout the whole battlefield. Since the energy needs to be condensed to show its properties, for example a fireball needs to be compressed into the shape of the ball to show it’s feature, Entropy will forcefully spread the heat and flames throughout the whole battlefield in such small traces that the properties vanish and become harmless and not controllable anymore no matter how skilled the shinobi may be. As said before, this only applied to energy itself, as raw matter even though it encompasses energy, the spreading will be virtually impossible because of the dense status the energy is in, to form matter in the first place. So, entropy itself will only be able to work against energy based elements or more simply put against elements which have no solid shape or property, as breaking the matter into energy is virtually impossible for the time being. Entropy can be seen in 3 forms which have the same core concept, but differ from one another based on the potency and compression of the effects which entropy shows in the real world:

Arrow of time: Base Release

This is the most basic form of entropy through which the user will be able to as before, create the raw form of entropy which is very bright in appearance and very light and free flowing moving as it moves through space. This energy will seemingly have no temperature to it and no weight as it can’t be displayed as matter in the first place. Once this flame like energy will come into contact with forms of energy, it will starts to continuously spread the energy at blazingly fast speeds until it reaches an equilibrium with the environment around. The traces of chakra and properties of the energy even though very small, can be seen through a sharingan, but to a normal user when entropy will come into contact with the real attack, the attack will seemingly vanish in a matter of seconds. And considering that Entropy has no real harm to solid bodies, the user can cloak parts of his body with this element without any fear for harm, using it in many versatile manners against enemies.

Maxwells Demon: Advanced Release

Through further chakra control and larger amounts, the user will be able to create a further advanced form of entropy. This advanced form, will be used along with the ability of shape manipulation to mold the bright colored energy into shapes which are just limited by the user’s imagination. The shapes now will seem almost solid with quite a resilience to them in many cases tough enough to rival the harness of earth composites and minerals which are generally used for crafting weapons and armor. The level of entropy in these cases are higher than the base version, with the potency of the tools created being a lot larger than the space they can encompass. Along with the fact that entropy does not harm a user once touched, these shapes can be used in further manners as even normal weapons in combat. The advanced stage can also be reached by further affecting masses of entropy already created from the base release.

Erebus’ Delectation: Destructive Release

The most advanced and destructive form of the element, doesn’t change greatly from the versions above in the level of shape and nature manipulation. But through a further more advanced chakra control and chakra amounts, entropy can reach it;s most dangerous state which can be used for harming enemies at a very quick rate. The advanced form of entropy allows dispersion of energy even within solid objects after being in a close proximity to it, or connecting with it in the first place. The dispersion would energy would be roughly forced out of the solid body at quick rates, and can even work against chakra in living or non-living matter. The connection to the locations of the chakra is also a very important status as the closer the entropic flames are to chakra or chakra channels itself, the faster the rate of dispersion would be. But Chakra isn’t the only energy limit, such can work as well against heat or electric energy.​

The main difference between entropy and similar elements which have the effect of pure destruction such as Destruction Release or Forceful Decay is that entropy does not focus itself on breaking the matter or energy apart in more basic elements and components. Rather it focuses on the dispersion of energy at quick rates. The effects of it would be clearly limited to raw amounts of energy, as matter itself can’t be touched no matter how strong and fast the rate of entropy is. The general idea was the creation of an element mainly defensive based which will be able to disperse amounts of energy in the battlefield making them non applicable to chakra manipulation and control anymore. The idea was creating a more unique versatile element, which need to be used in caution along with other ninja abilities.

Jutsu Usage Examples:

(Entoropi: Mu) - Entropy: Nothingness
Type: Offensive/Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: B-A Rank
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20-30
Damage: 40-60
Description: While charging entropy based chakra inside his body, the user is able to have the Entropic energy, ignite through parts of their body easily. With the flames being very close to the user, he can now use the abilities of the second release to freely shape the energy into whatever the user imagines, unless the amounts of chakra are necessary. At will, the user can make the shapes of entropy seem solid, but also remove any kind of property from them, and due to them being harmless to the touch, he can use them even before close to the body, without any kind of fear.
Note: Can only be used once every 2 Turns
Note: No Fire or Lightning Release higher than A Rank in the next turn.

(Entoropi: Hermaeus Mōra no Purinsu) - Entropy: Hermaeus Mora’s Prince
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C-Rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 15 (-15 Chakra to the enemy every Turn when close, -30 When in contact or pierced)
Damage: N/A
Description: The user will be able to freely control existing or just created Entropy based techniques freely to activate the 3rd and last also the most destructive form of entropy. Due to the form being extremely dangerous, the user needs to maintain a certain amount of distance from the flames and absolutely not contact them, unless there are means to protect his own skin. Simply being in short range from the entropic flames, will forcefully spread the chakra of the user, and if the entropic flames come into contact or pierce, the dispersion will be double as efficient. Though, this technique itself, can only be used on existing or just created form of entropy, which do not display the advanced Release.
Note: Can only be used once every 3 turns.

(Entoropi: Molag Baru no Yorokobi) - Entropy: Molag Bal's Delight
Type: Offensive
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Mid-Long
Chakra: 40 (-40 Chakra when in Short-Range, -80 when pierced)
Damage: N/A
Description: The user will release very huge amounts of entropic flames through his own body or other mediums through which he is into contact with. Once the entropic flames are in the battlefield, the user will forcefully direct them towards the enemy at very high speeds, and at will can turn the flames, from non shaped to shaped forms easily at will, draining the chakra at a very rapid range. The user is able to keep the flames ongoing as long as he continuously feeds them with chakra, creating more amounts of Damage.
Note: Can only be used 3 times.
Note: No Fire or Lightning technique above A Rank in the following 2 turns

Conditions to be able to use it:

Fire Mastery

Lightning Mastery

Large Amounts of chakra control so Ninjutsu and Genjutsu Mastery

Large chakra Amounts so Kage Rank minimum requirement

Is weak to:

☳ Earth Release - Being a solid element, so matter itself, Entropy will not be able to have any effects against Earth in any fashion. Even though solid shapes of entropy can pierce earth, that is mostly due to their strength and resilience, against the solid shape of Earth itself, Entropy can’t prevail.

☳ Water Release - Being an element with not a real solid shape itself, it still is a tangible element and not energy based, so Entropy itself cannot harm or damage water in any form, giving water a solid advantage against it.

☳ Most Solid or Liquid CE - As they are all non energy based, and mostly have structures which surpass both their parent element like earth and water, Entropy will not be able to win in face-offs against those special elements, making it extremely vulnerable to it.

Is strong against:

☳ Fire Release - As fire release is an element totally compressed out of flames and heat, Entropy will be able to shine against it, being able to spread the heat and flames through the battlefield at quick rates, making it extremely strong against the flames.

☳ Lightning Release - Because of the same reasons as fire, lightning is an element mostly compressed out of energy gained either from the vibrations or moving flow of electrons. This form of energy, similar to heat can be spread throughout the whole battlefield in small enough traces to not be noticeable anymore.

☳ Most Energy Based CE - Considering Entropy is an effect which occurs on energy, any form of it, Entropy will be able to prevail against it in a very strong fashion. Any kind of energy can be spread towards the battlefield no matter how strong the connection of this energy, and due to the intense spread it won’t be able to be traced, felt or controlled by the user anymore.


Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?


✗ Declined: This is plainly a scientific abstraction, it does not conform with anything substantial in practice, but to make it understandable it was made into an abstraction. You just gave the entire scientific background, but actually did not give anything about the element itself. You just went from that explanation to a blue energy, that does not exist. This is the same thing as with the potential energy CE. It's made into an abstraction so that it can be understood, but in practice it does not exist as something concrete.

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