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  1. MikuChan

    Konnichi wa mina-san! O_O

    Hello there <.< for those who dont remember me im Saku name uh oh well So...I havnt been on this thread for quite a while but suggested to be more online and i'll try to post more like i used too ^_^' *looks at total posts* oh yeah its been a while O,O anyway, um..yeah...did I mention...
  2. MikuChan

    Hino Mansion <3

    Yes this is another thread thats called our house, mansion etc. O_O
  3. MikuChan

    ~House of Epicness~ O_O

    hello this is the house of epicness O_O only weird things will happen here O_O like britney spears gets married to a goldfish or godzilla might make you a toast! O__O no one will ever know unless you will use your creativity and make this house of epicness to your world!!
  4. MikuChan

    Saku's favorite activity when no one watches

    OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH yea saku looks like a pug O_O (that was 2007)
  5. MikuChan

    Confession to make U_U

    many many people (ok maybe not so many) know me here as SakuChan Gender: Female *sigh* people...for those who saw my pictures, my cosplays, heard my stories..., i must say that im actually a boy U.U i know, i know the most of u might now quetion me why i have a boy friend, simple: i wanted to...
  6. MikuChan

    ~Background story of the Hino Clan~

    ~Birth of the Hino Clan~ Akuma, Sakura Kami: I was born into the Akuma Clan. After I was born, my mom died from blood loss. I got raised by my Dad, he was an evil person. I feared him, his only thoughts were killing people. He tried to raise me to an evil family member but living like this...
  7. MikuChan

    Sakura in letters (first try)

    so i got bored (as usual) so i tried to make some things again. this time i tried making sakura in letters (i can write names and stuff but never tried an anime ^^) __________________________________________________________
  8. MikuChan

    WOW never new tokyo had a real pokemon center!

    so i've been going through internet cuz i was bored and i found this: A REAL POKEMON CENTER IN TOKYO!!!:
  9. MikuChan

    >Hinata spreading over other forums like hell!!!!

    omg im really not sure where this belongs so plz dont hurt me >.< anyway...i am on anoher forums that actually arent related to naruto but still this discussion is really HOT! atm...O.o
  10. MikuChan

    SakuChan's Birthday Party

    ._. i know my b-day is 2morrow (30th january) but i wanna open this now in case some (not looking at anybody) cant come ._. LETS PARTY
  11. MikuChan

    should i quit NB?

    every since im here i only have problems..with everyone....i think i should quit U_U
  12. MikuChan

    Im not emo people!!!!!

    listen ppl im not emo im just a crybaby. ask JESSiiCORE, shes emo but not the F*** me! anyone thinking im emo should go and die! cuz im really sick of this EMO shit! so stopp calling me emo and stop thinking im emo! all i am is: im a noobish lil girl! nothing else!U_U thx for understanding! oh...
  13. MikuChan

    the hottest cupple on nb?

    just tell us who u think is the most hottest cupple on nb^^
  14. MikuChan

    Learn german~german store

    hear u can learn german^^
  15. MikuChan

    SakuChan's and Shigure's wedding

    Our wedding YAY! :3
  16. MikuChan


    ^^ yay XP
  17. MikuChan

    My date not urs^^

    date people here!
  18. MikuChan

    Sakuchans house^^

    come and visit me^^
  19. MikuChan

    Konoha at night

    this is konoha at night... just watch the stars or whatever, and have some romantic fun at night^^
  20. MikuChan

    Candy shop

    it will be in the shopping centre. on 2nd floor! and i got all kinds of sweets!!!!! even german kind! YAY!