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    I am on a guest ACCOUNT wtf

    it seems my other account is on a guest account and i dont have any posts but all of my threads are active and i have 4000 posts there :confused:

    [Photoshop] Hollow Ichigo painting

    WOW i am really a great fan of Ichigos inner hollow, dont know if his name is Hichigo,Shirosaki or w/e but he is my fav character, but he is rarelly shown, cant remember when he was shown in the manga or what he is, certainly he is not a normal hollow. But anyway i ennjoyed painting this and it...

    [Photoshop] Ichigo new painting

    I love it .

    WTF happened with my profile

    Just saw it, its whole green, i cant see my album pictures but there are present, all the customisation options are OK, dont know what the problem is

    [Photoshop] Resistance is futile, bow to the SitH

    Just downloaded some HQ C4D packs and a awesome render of my fav game xd I really like it, cnc would be appreciated ?

    This is a thread

    And this is a post........................ now you continue xd

    The best site to listen music ?

    I have spent like an hour searching for a great site who has all the freaking songs and albums from 70"s till now and only a few have the Listen Now options, so does anybody know a site in which i can browse even the oldest songs and listen them in the same time. Will be raped xd

    [Photoshop] IChigo-Release the power

    Just downloaded new C4ds and i was practicing with them cause i just started using them, and i didnt have and brushes. I really like it xd SO what do you think ??

    [Photoshop] Even newer sig

    Just made this after i posted the Sasuke sig, its the same thing just here a tried a bit harder to get a flow .
  10. _VASTO LORD_

    [Photoshop] New Sasuke sig

    I didnt made a sig for maybe 5 months so its not good, i only had like 3 C4ds on my PC and a few renders so i didnt go to much into details. What do you think ?
  11. _VASTO LORD_

    Bandwidth Exceeded WTF

    UMMMMMmmmmmm Bandwidth Exceeded i cant see the banner :confused:
  12. _VASTO LORD_

    How many rep points do you have ?

    I got on this account 56 and on my other 3000, probably the max xd SO how many ??
  13. _VASTO LORD_

    How do you buy alcohol ?

    SO how, do you pay older guys to buy it for you or how ?? As far as i remember i could walk into a store with 13 years old and buy alcohol with np cause nobody gives a **** about underaged content and we dont even have that law as far as i know xd
  14. _VASTO LORD_

    Would you like the story if Naruto was a avanger not Sasuke

    I was wondering how the story would be if Naruto and Sasuke switched places like . Naruto became just like Garra mad and driven by power and Sasuke was following Naruto just like he does with him. Naruto became a emo boy and Sasuke the main character xd So ??? can you imagine it
  15. _VASTO LORD_

    Sixth Hokage?

    Yea but that also means you are totally retarded with -10 IQ
  16. _VASTO LORD_

    [Photoshop] Naruto sage kyubi eyes

    Trying out to speed paint, took me 30 min max, ignore the line on the hair its a error xD, so comments would be appreciated for everyone but not for you N-G
  17. _VASTO LORD_

    Hey i am back too

    WOW long time no see, was dealing drugs so i was away, so who missed me xd
  18. _VASTO LORD_

    [Photoshop] Coloured album by me

    I have been colourings mangas for about 3 years, and i would say that i am a pro , idk about you . All of my colourings have a title for not riping my work, i know the U.N doesnt fit for a manga colourer but anyway i reg here a while ago xd so what do you think and rep would be appreciated ...
  19. _VASTO LORD_


    Hewo nice to bree heere xd