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  1. Faceplant911

    [Theory] How to obtain ultimate power as a zoan type.

    Zoan types are supposed to be the weakest of the three types of devil fruits (excluding mythical zoan types). I believe that a zoan type who is awakened like chopper should also be able to combine hakis of both the user and animal, creating a kind of double haki, which would be even more...
  2. Faceplant911

    What if Gai were to create a clone and make it open a gate?

    since the effects of techniques go back to the user when the clone dissapears, as soon as it is hit even once, all the damge will revert back to Gai. also, his clones won't have as much power as he did originally.
  3. Faceplant911

    [Discussion] Why Borsalino is the strongest current admiral

    First, I need to list all of the different admirals abilities... Haki, magu magu no mi, pika pika no mi, hie hie no mi, and fujitora's unnamed abilities. Admiral Borsalino is different from the other three admirals in that light doesn't inherently cause damage, while lave burns, ice freezes, and...
  4. Faceplant911

    Imagine this...

    Imagine if a byakugan user was also a puppet master. They could control puppets from ten kilometers off, strike with gentle fist by touching their target with long strings instead of having to get close, and because of their chakra control, it could probably use more than one hundred puppets. If...
  5. Faceplant911

    Who is the dumbest ninja top 3?

    Basically, people who can't make good strategies, have a dumb home life, use the sexy technique, look directly at sharingan even though they know the sharingan's powers, other stuff like that. I think... 1: Tobirama, because he screwed up the world, the leaf village, and trained danzo. 2: Tendo...
  6. Faceplant911

    There is no such thing as an S-jounin

    First off, jounin are B and A ranked ninjas with B and A ranked techniques. If a jounin attains S ranked techniques, they will often get nicknames and unreal ranks like "sannin", or become kage. Most S ranked criminals (akatsuki) are all strong enough to take on multiple normal jounin...
  7. Faceplant911

    I.T. Can't actually work

    Infinite tsukuyomi creates an "unbreakable genjutsu" on a person that should supposedly make them happy for their whole lives. But it also does one other thing. It makes white zetsu's out of the people it traps. If the white zetsu have feelings, which they obviously do, than they will just...
  8. Faceplant911

    Which element is the most OP in all animes?

    Several anime use natural elements in combat often. Which natural element do you think is the most OP? I think lightning, personally.
  9. Faceplant911

    Why did Naruto take a boat to the land of lightning?

    Ninjas are supposed to be able to run on water, and ninjas running on water would also be almost guaranteed to be faster than ninjas in a boat. Finally, guy can't stand boats. So why didn't they just run?
  10. Faceplant911

    The sharingan or The rinnegan

    Sharingan abilities are often "the ultimate form" of their style of jutsu. Also, last I checked, rinnegan can't use izanami or izanagi, and even if it could it would be a waste.
  11. Faceplant911

    Which sasuke battle did you like most?

    My favorite is sasuke vs deidara.
  12. Faceplant911

    Which Zetsu is your favorite?

    Spiral zetsu not only is funny as heck, he also has the most actual character of any of the zetsu's, and makes up some of obito's mask back when obito was awesome.
  13. Faceplant911

    Madara is DOOMED!

    So far, every single god of shinobi has died. Some have even been defeated twice! Hashirama (died of unknown causes?) (Killed Again by Hiruzen) Hiruzen (killed self to defeat.. Guess what? A previously dead Hashirama!) Minato (Killed self to stop an angry fox that can be controlled by a one...
  14. Faceplant911

    Why do people get so offended over stuff that isn't real

    People are offendable. I am one of the nicest people I know, but yesterday I witnessed someone fighting with a dog. I also know that fans will do just about naything for their favorites. Also, the point of even having a forum is so people can share their opinions.
  15. Faceplant911

    How can sasuke do that?

    If sasuke's left eye is a sharinnegan, how does he use susanoo or kagutsuchi? I don't get it.
  16. Faceplant911

    Why is young Minato so cute?

    I mean, look at this!
  17. Faceplant911

    The Ultimate dojutsu theory!

    This is my ultimate dojutsu theory, covering byakugan, sharingan, rinnegan, ancestral dojutsu, and Uzumaki. If you don’t want to read the entire theory, I will have a summary section. Please don’t hate unless you have read the entire theory, however much my ideas might seem stupid. Part 1: 8...
  18. Faceplant911

    Best Pain Pair

    If you were to have two pains as teammates, which ones would they be?
  19. Faceplant911

    It's Almost Done!

    I am in the process of coming up with my ultimate dojutsu theory... Describing everything from Rinnegan to Byakugan to the relationships of Hyuga to the Uzumaki. If you have any ideas about this, please tell me? It is probably going to take two days for me to complete it. It is based on my...
  20. Faceplant911

    Screw Senju DNA!

    Why is everything senju DNA this and Senju cells that? Zetsu, Yamato, and danzo would all be worthless without it. Has anyone ever looked away from the sharingan long enough to see what it's floating in? Obviously, because senju DNA is as OP as ten sharingan by itself! Why doesn't he explode...