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  1. Ultimateone

    Honestly, naruto was nerfed

    many people were saying that sasuke was being nerfed in this fight, which was ridiculous by the way, but it was actually naruto. i won't dwell on the whole he didn't want to even fight sasuke thing, as it has been said enough. naruto was nerfed because he barely has done anything that he hash...
  2. Ultimateone


    do you guys remember that one time people argued whether or not sasuke achieved PS with EMS during the juubito fight? i do. we argued whether or not he achieved it because it was boosted by kurama's chakra. sasuke fans argued that getting more chakra doesn't make the susano evolve, so people had...
  3. Ultimateone


    so, there is a kaguya clan and there is a hogoromo clan, is there a hamura clan as well? in this chapter we can clearly see that the kaguya clan is related to her in just more than their name as we see her use bone techniques. not to mention that their clan symbol and kimimaro himself, have the...
  4. Ultimateone

    8th gate

    i was just thinking, why was the 8th gate made out to be such a special upgrade. i know it was powerful and all, but here me out. the purpose of the 8th gate is to unlock the shackles that the body naturally has. the gates each have different names with different symptoms to the body, like...
  5. Ultimateone

    Naruto's power from sage?

    from the spoilers.Is this suppose to be the power that naruto received from the sage? think about it, he already had the bijuu in him before the sage imparted his gift to him and sasuke. That means that he would have already gained the ability to use all their abilities in the first place. So my...
  6. Ultimateone

    so i guess...

    so i guess that means we won't be hearing about the sages brother? it seems like the story time is over since they have both woken up now, and we only got a few lines about him. it just seems like something that could have been expanded on.