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  1. ShinobiJinchuuriki

    [Question] Permission Groups

    I am sorta new to narutobase (even tho this account was made in 2012 :P) and i would like to join a permission group, but i do not know what it is exactly and if there are any specifications for joining one? :heh:
  2. ShinobiJinchuuriki

    [Question] Signature Problems of a NOOB

    I am new to naruto base (even tho i made this account a year ago :P ) and i would like to create a cool signature for my posts :cool: but i dont know the dimensions and how the process works (says i have to input html, means i have to post it on the internet first, but i dont know how to do dat)...
  3. ShinobiJinchuuriki

    Hokage+Naruto vs Raikage+Bee

    Who would win this fight of konohas Jinchuuriki and Hokage vs hidden clouds Jinchuuriki and Raikage?
  4. ShinobiJinchuuriki

    Flirting level: Naruto XD

    Okay so let's make pick up lines related to Naruto, I will go first You are the shruriken to my rasengan
  5. ShinobiJinchuuriki

    The age limit

    How long do you think naruto would live considering the fact that he survived the war?
  6. ShinobiJinchuuriki

    Naruto Fillers Put to Good Use

    WHat would it be like if all the people that naruto helped from the fillers would join the war as reinforcements?