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  1. Lorizle

    Sakura is Sarada's mother!

    Okay before the bashing starts just think about what we have seen during the war Arc of Shippuden. Sasuke was dead/or dying and Kabuto saved his life by using his own body and chakra. Link: What do we know about Kabuto at this point in this story? He...
  2. Lorizle

    [Discussion] Madara is not on Par with S06P

    It it is really amazing to me that so many people believe Madara to be on Par to or even more powerful than the S06P. I've even read in a few threads/forums, some people referring to him as being the 'Dark' Sage of six Paths! What? Let me just point a few things out to those of us who haven't...
  3. Lorizle

    This is where the Kyuubi's Ying resides!

    This manga page clearly shows that the Kyuubi's chakra is sealed inside of Minato: The Kyuubi's Ying chakra to be exact because as you can see in the above chapter, Minato quotes *My body is so numb, what a heavy chakra* I am reading so many things...
  4. Lorizle

    Do you guys want to see...

    I want to see the face of Sage of six Paths. I also want to see a flash back of his time; how he awoke the Rennigan and also how he sealed the Juubi. It would also be interesting to know what the name of his clan was and also to see how/why he died<-because let's face it, a ninja as skilled as...
  5. Lorizle

    Naruto gets "NEW EYES?"

    I was just re-reading the most recent Naruto manga episode and thought to myself "He most be feeling an intense amount of PAIN right now" Then something *clicked* almost instantaneously! All "powerful eyes" (in this manga) are born from some form of intense Pain! Think about this for a minute...
  6. Lorizle

    [Discussion] Orochimaru will never return?!

    So many people have killed theories of Orochimaru's eventual return. I admit, even I myself have been responsible for the former. However, Kishi really needs to explain in more detail how the hell Oro came back, I mean seriously. Totsuka Blade is no Reaper Death Seal but it is supposed to keep...
  7. Lorizle

    [Theory] Yamato gets a power up!

    What if the Yamato is the one to stop Madara?! I know that may sound a little crazy but, Yamato is still alive. He is also currently connected to the device that is creating Zetsu using Hashirama's DNA. <see bottom right> However this same device is...
  8. Lorizle

    [Predictions] new naruto 587 prediction!!!

    I doubt this will happen. Kabuto will give up the secrets to stopping the Edo Tensie. <-this is the only result I see as "most likely" thing to happen during this fight.
  9. Lorizle

    Kabuto's Snake

    There has been a lot of speculation about the snake that is attached to Kabuto's body. Some think: -It is Orochimaru (LoooooL I 'highly' doubt that, but I guess it's possible) -Some say that it increases his sensory abilities. -Some say that it is just the side effects that Orochimaru's DNA had...
  10. Lorizle

    Minato vs genjutsu

    Please read all the way through to the end! If you don't, then don't bother commenting Thank you. I am a not a fan of either Minato nor Itachi but I am new to the base and as such have been looking at previous threads to try and get a taste of exactly what you guys talk about and also how you...
  11. Lorizle

    So this is why he squints so much.

    LoL so true :D
  12. Lorizle

    Tobi & Madara

    This is my first thread so I hope that I'm doing this right and in the right place. Please forgive me if this isn't the right place. I am aware that for quite a few years now, there has been many speculations as to who and/or what Tobi is. I am not here to start up another long drawn out debate...
  13. Lorizle


    I am new to the NB and just figured out how to do this thread >.< I look forward to some cool debates and info sharing. Hello Naruto Base :D