Recent content by knation

  1. knation

    Madaras Hideout and obito Sharingan collection

    Hell no, not if orochimaru is around. That place is like a goldmine to him
  2. knation

    madara shouldn't have been able to awaken the rinnegan

    Okay so we know that madara was definitely killed at the VOTE. And I also know that he activated izanagi to revive himself. So, if madara died, wouldn't that mean that his cycle of reincarnation ended? If so then that means implanting asura's chakra in himself would've been useless since he...
  3. knation


    Who's susano do you think looks best
  4. knation

    lord uchiha

    As a madara fan, I'll always want him to come back, but what do u guys think? Do u want godara to return or do u want fodara to stay dead?
  5. knation

    naruto anime

    What time does the anime usually come out
  6. knation

    please explain to me

    What the hell was that thing that came out of kaguya
  7. knation

    why did some Akatsuki members join the organization?

    Deidar was forced by itachi, kakuzu agreed, sasori was forc3d by konan, and hidan was forced by kakuzu EDIT:kakuzu joined for the money
  8. knation

    ok is this naruto logic some bullcrap?

    The biggest troll of the series. You know what? I bet u 10 bucks that every time he uses katon, he also uses ninja art: obito's mangekyo intagibility no jutsu just for his mask
  9. knation

    do you think ...

    That the first generation kages were stronger than the current ones. I know that 4/5 of them are featless but if you were to take a wild guess who do you think would've won in a 5 vs 5?
  10. knation

    if mizuki is the weakest person in the series now...

    He was still the average chunnin wasn't he? Guy was only a jounin and he was able to take on juubidara with the eighth gate
  11. knation

    if mizuki is the weakest person in the series now...

    How strong would he be if he had cursed seal v2, toad sage moad, and an infinite eighth gate without the side effects activated all at once? Would he be top 10?
  12. knation

    can someone explain this to me

    Is kaguya and the juubi the same? Or is the juubi just something that the shinju tree created to get its chakra back? Also i read somewhere that the shinju and kaguya are also one in the same, but that doesn't make sense because I thought that kaguya ate the fruit of the tree. Someone please explain
  13. knation

    How Powerful Would This Orochimaru Be?

    He'd no doubt be the strongest sannin thats for sure
  14. knation

    itachi's sickness...

    Did he get it before, during, or after the timeskip
  15. knation

    wait so was that meteorite....

    When madara was first revived, was that meteor that he pulled out of the sky a chibaku tensai or an eternal mangekyo sharingan technique? I ask because when he did it he had rinnegan but he alao had susano activated. What do u guys think?