[CFS] [Satsui no Hado] - Mathias and Oraan


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Aug 18, 2010
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Oraan arrives stepping out into the clearing having been camouflaged into the area, he quickly makes himself known, bows to Akuma Sensei, and then sits meditation style on the ground

Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
Oraan arrives stepping out into the clearing having been camouflaged into the area, he quickly makes himself known, bows to Akuma Sensei, and then sits meditation style on the ground
* Mathias arrives to the appointed training spot very late *

Sorry, I got lost in the path of life.
Akuma sits, meditating. Meditating on the concept of pain and strength...it was a funny one the more he thought about it. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, they always have said. If that's true..the suffering he has endured on his foes would have surely produced a more worthy challenger. Alas, none have managed to show themselves yet. Maybe his strength was too great from all the suffering he endured. The death of his father, his master...the nightmares still haunt him. The screams, the fury, the blood...there was so much of it.. If it wasn't for the fact that he caused it, he would have been surely ran crazy from this.
Maybe they got lost.. it would serve them right, Akuma thought. He was still slightly perplexed as to why he decided to teach his coveted art anyway. And to think it was all due to him....Ryu. His eternal rival, snatched away from him by the hands of his own brother. The sheer nerve of him! Akuma spat, silently cursing his brother for his incompetence. If they ever meet on the field...he will rectify the problem he created by not killing him the first time, only for him to come back and take Ryu away as he prepared his killing blow, the Metsu hadoken... Nevertheless, Ryu didn't pose a great enough challenge for him either way, nearing beating him into submission. Hell, he was half dead when Gouken arrived.

As he's meditating and contemplating whether he should even stay here or leave, he hears two figures arrive, one of them speaking as he walks forward.

Sorry, I got lost in the path of life.

"Sorry, I got lost in the path of life." Sorry. The path of life. Both concepts were foreign to Akuma. Everything happens for a reason, even the judgement of the gods. Only the weak apologize for their actions. Akuma's frown deepened hearing the excuses. The Path of life....akuma wondered if one even existed. If so, what did this path hold? Strength? Power? Dare he think it...love? Akuma started to raise slowly. Whatever was on this path of life paled in comparison to his path to godhood. He could almost feel himself reaching the pinnacle of excellence. Hell, he was practically there already. He stood and opened his eyes surveying the two in front of him. Mathias... he remembered his fight with him not too long ago in the past..a battle that waged on for quite some time... Oraan... To believe he came this far.... Akuma thought back on when he tried to instruct him how to use his own Hadoken, claiming to have seen the art before. There was only one other that knew it and he was long dead now....was it possible Oraan seen it then? Pushing the thought from his head for now, he spoke to them.

Do you know why you're here?


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Aug 18, 2010
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I have a road that I must follow. I don't know whether it is right or wrong, hot or cold, moist or dry; I know only that I must travel it. I do so accepting my fate no matter what it might bring, where it might lead me, or what may become of me. The road is mine and mine alone to travel. For those who stand in my way I bear no mercy, but only malice at trying to prevent me from my task. This place, this training, learning from you how to awaken something deeper within myself that will allow me to continue to walk with my head still on my shoulders, is but a step on the road that I must take. Were it not, I wouldn't be here, and no sensei, neither would you or Mathias.


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Jun 21, 2011
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Akuma sits, meditating. Meditating on the concept of pain and strength...it was a funny one the more he thought about it. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, they always have said. If that's true..the suffering he has endured on his foes would have surely produced a more worthy challenger. Alas, none have managed to show themselves yet. Maybe his strength was too great from all the suffering he endured. The death of his father, his master...the nightmares still haunt him. The screams, the fury, the blood...there was so much of it.. If it wasn't for the fact that he caused it, he would have been surely ran crazy from this.
Maybe they got lost.. it would serve them right, Akuma thought. He was still slightly perplexed as to why he decided to teach his coveted art anyway. And to think it was all due to him....Ryu. His eternal rival, snatched away from him by the hands of his own brother. The sheer nerve of him! Akuma spat, silently cursing his brother for his incompetence. If they ever meet on the field...he will rectify the problem he created by not killing him the first time, only for him to come back and take Ryu away as he prepared his killing blow, the Metsu hadoken... Nevertheless, Ryu didn't pose a great enough challenge for him either way, nearing beating him into submission. Hell, he was half dead when Gouken arrived.

As he's meditating and contemplating whether he should even stay here or leave, he hears two figures arrive, one of them speaking as he walks forward.

Sorry, I got lost in the path of life.

"Sorry, I got lost in the path of life." Sorry. The path of life. Both concepts were foreign to Akuma. Everything happens for a reason, even the judgement of the gods. Only the weak apologize for their actions. Akuma's frown deepened hearing the excuses. The Path of life....akuma wondered if one even existed. If so, what did this path hold? Strength? Power? Dare he think it...love? Akuma started to raise slowly. Whatever was on this path of life paled in comparison to his path to godhood. He could almost feel himself reaching the pinnacle of excellence. Hell, he was practically there already. He stood and opened his eyes surveying the two in front of him. Mathias... he remembered his fight with him not too long ago in the past..a battle that waged on for quite some time... Oraan... To believe he came this far.... Akuma thought back on when he tried to instruct him how to use his own Hadoken, claiming to have seen the art before. There was only one other that knew it and he was long dead now....was it possible Oraan seen it then? Pushing the thought from his head for now, he spoke to them.

Do you know why you're here?
Mathias looked at Akuma's posture as he sat there in a meditative state. "Ha! Acting wise is not the same thing as being wise" Mathias thought to himself. "Why am I here? Well I guess you could say.. I have a certain goal in life". Mathias replied to himself as he hid his true intentions upon speaking.. With a serious and dedicated expression on his face, Mathias replied to Akuma Yes of course.

Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
I have a road that I must follow. I don't know whether it is right or wrong, hot or cold, moist or dry; I know only that I must travel it. I do so accepting my fate no matter what it might bring, where it might lead me, or what may become of me. The road is mine and mine alone to travel. For those who stand in my way I bear no mercy, but only malice at trying to prevent me from my task. This place, this training, learning from you how to awaken something deeper within myself that will allow me to continue to walk with my head still on my shoulders, is but a step on the road that I must take. Were it not, I wouldn't be here, and no sensei, neither would you or Mathias.
Mathias looked at Akuma's posture as he sat there in a meditative state. "Ha! Acting wise is not the same thing as being wise" Mathias thought to himself. "Why am I here? Well I guess you could say.. I have a certain goal in life". Mathias replied to himself as he hid his true intentions upon speaking.. With a serious and dedicated expression on his face, Mathias replied to Akuma Yes of course.
Hmm, a road... Akuma pondered over Oraan's words for a second, absorbing the emotion behind them. He said that it's a road he alone must travel, but wouldn't that mean he needed to gain power his own way. Akuma couldn't lie though..he knew exactly what these words meant. The road is mine and mine alone to travel. Hadn't he himself used those same words to his brother when he set out to become the stronger warrior when he was younger? Hadn't the road led him to the creation of the Satsui no Hado?...He thought about the years he spent on his path to greatness, all the months and years of training, all the hardships he hard to bare, all the burdens...even the losses. All the moments of recovery...healing from injuries....all of it led him down this exact road. He always assumed that it was only him on this road, he never thought someone was a few miles down the road behind him...

As he got lost in his small epiphany, Mathias' voice broke his thoughts, temporarily catching him off-guard: so caught up in his thoughts, he forgot he wasn't alone with just Oraan.

Yes of course.

Akuma raised his eyebrow, looking at him with great interest. Is this pride he was seeing? Did this warrior really dare challenge his might in his own realm? If it had not be for the fact that Akuma summoned him, he would have been slain already.

Oh? Well enlighten us, why are you here?


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Jun 21, 2011
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Hmm, a road... Akuma pondered over Oraan's words for a second, absorbing the emotion behind them. He said that it's a road he alone must travel, but wouldn't that mean he needed to gain power his own way. Akuma couldn't lie though..he knew exactly what these words meant. The road is mine and mine alone to travel. Hadn't he himself used those same words to his brother when he set out to become the stronger warrior when he was younger? Hadn't the road led him to the creation of the Satsui no Hado?...He thought about the years he spent on his path to greatness, all the months and years of training, all the hardships he hard to bare, all the burdens...even the losses. All the moments of recovery...healing from injuries....all of it led him down this exact road. He always assumed that it was only him on this road, he never thought someone was a few miles down the road behind him...

As he got lost in his small epiphany, Mathias' voice broke his thoughts, temporarily catching him off-guard: so caught up in his thoughts, he forgot he wasn't alone with just Oraan.

Yes of course.

Akuma raised his eyebrow, looking at him with great interest. Is this pride he was seeing? Did this warrior really dare challenge his might in his own realm? If it had not be for the fact that Akuma summoned him, he would have been slain already.

Oh? Well enlighten us, why are you here?
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Mathias smirks as he hears Akuma speak. "Who does he think he is?.." Mathias replied. I've come across a rather tall wall that I can not cross over. I am not here to gain power, I'm here to achieve something greater. My true desire is to tap into my dark emotions, which in return, will fuel my power as I allow my thirst for blood takeover. "The blood of a certain someone..." Mathias suddenly rises his hand and creates a rasegan which is unexpectedly consumed by his dark thoughts, causing it to darken as it spirals within his hand. I will not allow anyone to stand in my way, no matter what.

Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
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Mathias smirks as he hears Akuma speak. "Who does he think he is?.." Mathias replied. I've come across a rather tall wall that I can not cross over. I am not here to gain power, I'm here to achieve something greater. My true desire is to tap into my dark emotions, which in return, will fuel my power as I allow my thirst for blood takeover. "The blood of a certain someone..." Mathias suddenly rises his hand and creates a rasegan which is unexpectedly consumed by his dark thoughts, causing it to darken as it spirals within his hand. I will not allow anyone to stand in my way, no matter what.
Akuma never expected them to understand him. They lived a sheltered life, wanting little and having no reasons to have the intense fury he himself harbored. Perhaps the plan he heard of from one called Madara Uchiha had some use to it...placing the world in an eternal genjutsu.. Akuma shook his head and mentally cursed himself once more..How dare he believe a genjutsu could solve problems. He learned long ago that true change can only be achieved through physical means and by the way of his fist will they truly come around. He could see himself inching closer and closer to his goal...the power of a god... He already believed he had amassed that strength already, he just needed an adequate enough foe to practice it upon. Every foe he fought so far paled in comparison to his strength. Hell, he hadn't even used his true strength, lowering his levels just to match those he fought. It was bothersome treue, but how else would he finally find one that could challenge his supreme authority in battle? It was almost futile, he thought. There existed no one to challenge him, no matter how hard he searched... he had long threw away the idea of being excited to find someone. He merely did it now just to finish the task he set for himself...excitement...that was a feeling he hadn't experienced in so long.. how long has it been? Since I fought... Akuma couldn't finish the thought. Opening his eyes, he saw Mathias' expression becoming darker and more determined.

"I've come across a rather tall wall that I can not cross over. I am not here to gain power, I'm here to achieve something greater. My true desire is to tap into my dark emotions, which in return, will fuel my power as I allow my thirst for blood takeover."

Those words sounded so familiar...it harkened Akuma back to a time when he was willing to do anything to acheive power. Forgoing worldly possesions, Akuma gave in that wrath that was always inside of him, allowing himself to become arrogant and angry, having the temper of a very active volcano, erupting at any given moment.

"I will not allow anyone to stand in my way, no matter what."

As Mathias spoke, Akuma could sense his anger rising as he rose his hand, channeling chakra in it. Hmm, the kid has potential, that's for sure but it'll be a long time before - Akuma's thought were interrupted as he watched Mathias chakra manifestation forming, starting as a light blue chakra compressed orb, the Rasengan. However, that wasn't the alarming part: as the chakra continued to spin, the color begin to change, becoming denser and giving off an aura, an aura of pure evil intents. He almost reminded him of the Rasengan formed by Naruto with the aid of the Kyuubi, a dark red spiraling orb of chakra. Impressed, Akuma rose and walked slowly to Mathias, noting Oraan's position as he walked. Coming to stop in front of Mathias, Akuma spoke softly, asking a question aimed at both...

Power...this power...it comes at a great risk.. in order to effectively use it, you must be willing to cast away all earthly possesions you have. You must throw away the illusion that you still have of the world and men being good creatures. You must be ready to embrace the savagery that comes with the intent of murder...you must be willing to kill even your greatest friend, just to obtain a small amount of the heaven's power. Do you think you have what it takes to push your body mentally and physically to it's limit, and then go past it?

Akuma noted the long and quick, fleeting glances they both gave one another at the mention of killing their best friend. He knew the rumors of how close they were, the great bond of friendship they held..Akuma cared little for it. All friendships were to him were chains, anchors holding one back to the ship of weakness. They must be ready to cast off that ship before they are ready to begin. Only through anger at someone they care or once cared about can they awaken this power they so greedily craved...The same power I greedily craved...and still crave...


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Aug 18, 2010
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Oraan glanced at Mathias. They both knew the answer to that question.

I said it once. I shall but only once more. I will accept my fate no matter what it brings.


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Jun 21, 2011
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Akuma never expected them to understand him. They lived a sheltered life, wanting little and having no reasons to have the intense fury he himself harbored. Perhaps the plan he heard of from one called Madara Uchiha had some use to it...placing the world in an eternal genjutsu.. Akuma shook his head and mentally cursed himself once more..How dare he believe a genjutsu could solve problems. He learned long ago that true change can only be achieved through physical means and by the way of his fist will they truly come around. He could see himself inching closer and closer to his goal...the power of a god... He already believed he had amassed that strength already, he just needed an adequate enough foe to practice it upon. Every foe he fought so far paled in comparison to his strength. Hell, he hadn't even used his true strength, lowering his levels just to match those he fought. It was bothersome treue, but how else would he finally find one that could challenge his supreme authority in battle? It was almost futile, he thought. There existed no one to challenge him, no matter how hard he searched... he had long threw away the idea of being excited to find someone. He merely did it now just to finish the task he set for himself...excitement...that was a feeling he hadn't experienced in so long.. how long has it been? Since I fought... Akuma couldn't finish the thought. Opening his eyes, he saw Mathias' expression becoming darker and more determined.

"I've come across a rather tall wall that I can not cross over. I am not here to gain power, I'm here to achieve something greater. My true desire is to tap into my dark emotions, which in return, will fuel my power as I allow my thirst for blood takeover."

Those words sounded so familiar...it harkened Akuma back to a time when he was willing to do anything to acheive power. Forgoing worldly possesions, Akuma gave in that wrath that was always inside of him, allowing himself to become arrogant and angry, having the temper of a very active volcano, erupting at any given moment.

"I will not allow anyone to stand in my way, no matter what."

As Mathias spoke, Akuma could sense his anger rising as he rose his hand, channeling chakra in it. Hmm, the kid has potential, that's for sure but it'll be a long time before - Akuma's thought were interrupted as he watched Mathias chakra manifestation forming, starting as a light blue chakra compressed orb, the Rasengan. However, that wasn't the alarming part: as the chakra continued to spin, the color begin to change, becoming denser and giving off an aura, an aura of pure evil intents. He almost reminded him of the Rasengan formed by Naruto with the aid of the Kyuubi, a dark red spiraling orb of chakra. Impressed, Akuma rose and walked slowly to Mathias, noting Oraan's position as he walked. Coming to stop in front of Mathias, Akuma spoke softly, asking a question aimed at both...

Power...this power...it comes at a great risk.. in order to effectively use it, you must be willing to cast away all earthly possesions you have. You must throw away the illusion that you still have of the world and men being good creatures. You must be ready to embrace the savagery that comes with the intent of murder...you must be willing to kill even your greatest friend, just to obtain a small amount of the heaven's power. Do you think you have what it takes to push your body mentally and physically to it's limit, and then go past it?

Akuma noted the long and quick, fleeting glances they both gave one another at the mention of killing their best friend. He knew the rumors of how close they were, the great bond of friendship they held..Akuma cared little for it. All friendships were to him were chains, anchors holding one back to the ship of weakness. They must be ready to cast off that ship before they are ready to begin. Only through anger at someone they care or once cared about can they awaken this power they so greedily craved...The same power I greedily craved...and still crave...
Oraan glanced at Mathias. They both knew the answer to that question.

I said it once. I shall but only once more. I will accept my fate no matter what it brings.
Mathias turned his view towards Oraan as a smirk was expressed on his face from the mere satisfaction of hearing Akuma's question. If it means even stepping through my own friend, I will do so without hesitation within my mind.

Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
Oraan glanced at Mathias. They both knew the answer to that question.

I said it once. I shall but only once more. I will accept my fate no matter what it brings.
Mathias turned his view towards Oraan as a smirk was expressed on his face from the mere satisfaction of hearing Akuma's question. If it means even stepping through my own friend, I will do so without hesitation within my mind.
Pleased with the answer, Akuma finally broke a smile and it was barely a smile but more of less of the frown he had the entire time he spoke and listened to them. They obviously knew of the consequences of learning the art but did they truly know of the outcome of not being able to control it? He had long lost his true soul to the Satsui no Hado...he barely remembered the times before he started training...even his name was occasionally a blur...Go..Gouki..that was his old name. Of course, he long threw away that forsaken name when he started down his path of excellence. His only goal at this point was complete domination in the field of martial arts and therefore he sought out the greatest, not knowing it was himself at the time. If it meant training others to become great just to have some close to his level, then so be it.

Hmmph...you seem willing to turn to the temptations of evil quite quickly... with a willpower so seemingly low, how do you know that you will not succumb to the complete destructive force that is...Satsui no Hado? Greater men than you have fallen to it's never fulfilling lust for power, making you lose your human aspect as you blindlessly search for this power...greater men such as myself. There is only pain and power down this path. Great pain, greater than any you have known so far...but the power, oh the sheer destruction from the power...If you think you're ready to use this power, then stay. I will not blame you for leaving, it only means your cowardice has shown its true colors.

Akuma looks into the face of Mathias and Oraan, seeing a dee determination etched across them: they're mind had long been made before they arrive. To think that such a strong pair of friends had emerged in Iwa...it almost saddened Akuma to think that only one may survive this deadly relationship they had with one another...

Very well. If you're so intent on becoming a disciple of mine, then tell me everything you know of the art, from the power one gains to the properties of the Hado chakra given off. I don't expect you to the true history of the art so don't even bother speaking on it. Tell me how you think this power is achieved and how far one must be willing to go to use it.


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Jun 21, 2011
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Pleased with the answer, Akuma finally broke a smile and it was barely a smile but more of less of the frown he had the entire time he spoke and listened to them. They obviously knew of the consequences of learning the art but did they truly know of the outcome of not being able to control it? He had long lost his true soul to the Satsui no Hado...he barely remembered the times before he started training...even his name was occasionally a blur...Go..Gouki..that was his old name. Of course, he long threw away that forsaken name when he started down his path of excellence. His only goal at this point was complete domination in the field of martial arts and therefore he sought out the greatest, not knowing it was himself at the time. If it meant training others to become great just to have some close to his level, then so be it.

Hmmph...you seem willing to turn to the temptations of evil quite quickly... with a willpower so seemingly low, how do you know that you will not succumb to the complete destructive force that is...Satsui no Hado? Greater men than you have fallen to it's never fulfilling lust for power, making you lose your human aspect as you blindlessly search for this power...greater men such as myself. There is only pain and power down this path. Great pain, greater than any you have known so far...but the power, oh the sheer destruction from the power...If you think you're ready to use this power, then stay. I will not blame you for leaving, it only means your cowardice has shown its true colors.

Akuma looks into the face of Mathias and Oraan, seeing a dee determination etched across them: they're mind had long been made before they arrive. To think that such a strong pair of friends had emerged in Iwa...it almost saddened Akuma to think that only one may survive this deadly relationship they had with one another...

Very well. If you're so intent on becoming a disciple of mine, then tell me everything you know of the art, from the power one gains to the properties of the Hado chakra given off. I don't expect you to the true history of the art so don't even bother speaking on it. Tell me how you think this power is achieved and how far one must be willing to go to use it.
Mathias looked at Akuma straight in the face upon hearing his question. My willpower low? I control my willpower, I decide how high or low it can be, depending on what I need. "Everything I know about the style?" Mathias thought to himself, as he reminisced on fights up until this point. The style revolves around the manifestation of one's desire or win or evil intentions. This manifestation is displayed by a purple/dark aura that surrounds the user. Once the user has access to this split personality for a lack of a better word, he will gain access to a new type of chakra. This chakra is more more evil and destructive. The actual style revolves around close and medium range fighting. It ranges from taijutsu punches and kicks, to even spinning maneuvers. The dark chakra and also be used to release big scaled destructive blasts or simply enhancing one's fighting. Once the user takes control of this style, his strength, speed, and power will increase drastically. However it comes at a great cost, and that is to leave other emotions aside, replacing them with the desire to win and kill at all costs. The actual power is achieved by finding one's on path in life, reaching deep in their souls and actually discarding them. Allowing them more evil self take over, but not entirely. A grin was seen on Mathias face as he laid the information of the style with a bit of excitement.


Active member
Aug 18, 2010
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I have pledged my life to traveling the road. If it be my fate for my mind to be lost to this art, then I pray my body stay it's course so that I can reach the end. If my death becomes the hands of Mathias, then I know that my path was to befriend him, and then grant him a higher achievement with my death. I would then go to the afterlife knowing that I fulfilled my task at life. I fear not death; nor which place I shall go hereafter.

With that said, Satsui no Hado is a technique that requires and relies on the emotions of the user. These emotions are extreme rage, often bought on by an immense desire to kill. Watching a loved one die, receiving a near fatal or fatal wound are mere triggers for the user of this technique. To be able to master this, and bring about the trigger on your own with a simple past thought of something that wells up malicious intent inside of them. The intent to kill changes the very chakra of the user, and is unique to each user in such a way that it takes on its own color that cannot be duplicated, not unlike a fingerprint.

When the Satsui no Hado takes over you, it overwhelms you completely. It takes over mind, body, and soul, giving you a one track mind, focused on the kill. Everything you do, every step you take, is but one step closer to destroying your opponent; utterly and completely. Within the Satsui no Hado, there are techniques that are used to bring about the full potential. The techniques take on the chakra color pattern specific to the user.

Not only does Satsui no Hado increase the power of the individual, but their speed as well. Most other things about Satsui no Hado are simply hearsay and speculation. The people who have seen the techniques first hand have all died. Killed in combat. By you

That last part was said without any meaning behind it. It was pure fact. Oraan knew it, and so did Akuma and Mathias.
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Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
Mathias looked at Akuma straight in the face upon hearing his question. My willpower low? I control my willpower, I decide how high or low it can be, depending on what I need. "Everything I know about the style?" Mathias thought to himself, as he reminisced on fights up until this point. The style revolves around the manifestation of one's desire or win or evil intentions. This manifestation is displayed by a purple/dark aura that surrounds the user. Once the user has access to this split personality for a lack of a better word, he will gain access to a new type of chakra. This chakra is more more evil and destructive. The actual style revolves around close and medium range fighting. It ranges from taijutsu punches and kicks, to even spinning maneuvers. The dark chakra and also be used to release big scaled destructive blasts or simply enhancing one's fighting. Once the user takes control of this style, his strength, speed, and power will increase drastically. However it comes at a great cost, and that is to leave other emotions aside, replacing them with the desire to win and kill at all costs. The actual power is achieved by finding one's on path in life, reaching deep in their souls and actually discarding them. Allowing them more evil self take over, but not entirely. A grin was seen on Mathias face as he laid the information of the style with a bit of excitement.
I have pledged my life to traveling the road. If it be my fate for my mind to be lost to this art, then I pray my body stay it's course so that I can reach the end. If my death becomes the hands of Mathias, then I know that my path was to befriend him, and then grant him a higher achievement with my death. I would then go to the afterlife knowing that I fulfilled my task at life. I fear not death; nor which place I shall go hereafter.

With that said, Satsui no Hado is a technique that requires and relies on the emotions of the user. These emotions are extreme rage, often bought on by an immense desire to kill. Watching a loved one die, receiving a near fatal or fatal wound are mere triggers for the user of this technique. To be able to master this, and bring about the trigger on your own with a simple past thought of something that wells up malicious intent inside of them. The intent to kill changes the very chakra of the user, and is unique to each user in such a way that it takes on its own color that cannot be duplicated, not unlike a fingerprint.

When the Satsui no Hado takes over you, it overwhelms you completely. It takes over mind, body, and soul, giving you a one track mind, focused on the kill. Everything you do, every step you take, is but one step closer to destroying your opponent; utterly and completely. Within the Satsui no Hado, there are techniques that are used to bring about the full potential. The techniques take on the chakra color pattern specific to the user.

Not only does Satsui no Hado increase the power of the individual, but their speed as well. Most other things about Satsui no Hado are simply hearsay and speculation. The people who have seen the techniques first hand have all died. Killed in combat. By you

That last part was said without any meaning behind it. It was pure fact. Oraan knew it, and so did Akuma and Mathias.
Akuma smiled, or at least smirked. It seemed word of his skill with Dakku Hado has spread deep and far indeed.. He had tried to eliminate all who had witnessed him using the power. The less people who have seen it's power, the less chances there are for someone to devise a plan against it... Akuma thought, though he found the idea of someone figuring out a way to actually beat the Hado's chakra was absurd. The only way that'd be possible was for Senju Hashirama or Uchiha Madara to combine forces and fight him. Hell, he found even that hard to believe as a possible competitor against him.

Very well...it seems you know quite a bit about the art...but theory and practical use vary completely. The only way you can actually know of Hado is by experiencing it firsthand. It can be seen similar to the Sharingan, needing conditions where there is high levels of pressure on you and you experiencing great rage due to this pressure. The easiest way would be to simply insert Hado chakra inside of you and have you try to mimic that feeling. However, that will not do.

As Akuma talks he makes 6 clones and split them up in two groups of three. As the clones spread apart, they move towards Mathias and Oraan, respectively. They surround each in a triangular shape, having them in the middle of each triangle. They then channel their Hado chakra and proceed to deal massive amounts of damage to both Mathias and Oraan through powered taijutsu strikes aimed at the chest and limbs.

Akuma then makes a few handseals, unbeknownst to the two of them. Setting them inside a genjutsu where every strike they throw lands but seems to do no damage. The more they fight, they stronger it seems the clones get, using their rage to power them. A key part of the genjutsu is that each clone begins to look like those who have wronged each of the two students in their life, be it killing one of their parents to being their greatest foe. The point of this is to raise their anger at both themselves and their foes, the anger that will inevitably lead them to unlock the power of the Satsui no Hado. Even by it being a genjutsu, the students anger will get so high that their minds will be clouded from this and their only thoughts will be focused on retaliation and pain towards their wrongdoers.

The clones that are attacking you now serve one purpose..well, two. The first is to beat you with great force. Beat you until you are nearing the point of submission. To the point that you are willing to cast away your humanity to strike back at this foe. The second reason is to entertain me as I watch myself destroy you into pulps..


Active member
Aug 18, 2010
Trait Points
Seeing the clones encircle both him and Mathias, a smirk appears on Oraan's face. He would have a chance to gauge his power against that of 3 Akumas. The exact power might not add up to Akuma's true power as he split them between clones, however the mindset, the moves, the pattern, the entire way he fights; all of these things were something that Oraan desired to have, to master, to incorporate into his own style, and then overcome it. All of these thoughts were conveyed in the eyes and smirk that Oraan now wore.

Oraan's smirk seemed to have triggered something within the clones, as they began to unleash an unrelenting attack upon him. He had no time to think about Mathias, and he didnt even bother as he knew that Mathias could hold his own. Right now was not the time for teamwork....necessarily. Akuma wanted to see how each of them performed on their own. Oraan managed to poof one of the clones by purposefully sacrificing his right arm, causing one of the clones to misjudge where Oraan was going to be, assuming that he would dodge as he did so continuously making guerilla tactics. The loss of the arm however brought about Oraan's downfall. Continuous blows from the remaining two clones seemed to rain down upon him in quick succession. His smirk was now gone. Slowly but surely his body was saying "Enough, just end me, why do you play with me so much" The more Oraan tried to fight the more it seemed like he was making little to no headway. The destruction of the clone seemed to amplify the power and speed of the remaining clones (the genjutsu is cast). As slowly as his body felt like it was being drained, Oraan's mind was raging out of control.

How could there be this big a gap in between us. To kill a clone I had to sacrifice an arm. To kill Akuma himself at this stage means that I would have to sacrifice my life. That was not acceptable. No. I will not die yet, I will not. I WILL NOT DIE HERE.

It was then that he felt it. His mind was literally being ripped away from him. His body felt as if it were no longer his. A surge of power overwhelmed him. It felt good.....no, it felt wonderful. He enjoyed it. It was trying to control him. The clones had now backed him into a position to where he could see Mathias clearly getting beaten up as well.

Stop It......That's Enough........Tell Them To STOP IT.

Oraan couldn't see it but Akuma wore an almost smile on his face.

That's the way, let it all go

At these words, Oraan completely snapped and began screaming. A dark greenish black aura enveloped him.


Last edited:


Active member
Jun 21, 2011
Trait Points
Mathias could literally feel the power exploding from Oraan's body as he tried unsuccessfully to fend off three of Akuma's clones. The fact that Oraan had reached the goal seemed to trigger something within Mathias. A deep seated hatred that Oraan had awoken the Satsui no Hado before him. Always Mathias had exceeded at everything that he did through hard work, and yet here was Oraan, barely trying, and achieved everything that he ever wanted. The path he traveled he made it seem to be a hard one when in fact he came from a royal bloodline within Sunagakure; the Lehnsherrs of the Magnetic Clan. Had he not walked that same road with him. Was he not from his own Royal Bloodline within Iwagakure? What was it that held him back from achieving this goal. Thats when something triggered within Mathias. They had long ago gotten past their deep seated hatred for each other, overcome on the battlefield as others had before them. So why were all of these thoughts spewing within him right now? These dark thoughts are what caused his Rasengan to become a dark redish black color. Had he simply had small bursts of the Satsui no Hado without his knowing? The power that he felt coming from Oraan seemed familiar. Just as when he went into his darker state for those few uncontrolled moments, had he really and truly just been accessing that power sparingly over time? Thinking back, Mathias had always fought against that power, always trying to scale it back as not to cause an immense amount of destruction. Just like Akuma said to Oraan as he released it power.

That's the way, let it all go.
Was that it? Did he simply just have to let it all go? No that wasnt enough. That was Oraan's path. Mathias had to find his own. Letting it all go only brought out tiny burst of the power. He wanted all of it. How had Oraan reached the goal before him? For years people always said that Oraan was the better of the two, yet Mathias was the Prince of the Luciano family. He had always been considered the best in his class, the best in sports, everything until Oraan appeared.

Akuma began to wonder why Mathias was not feeling the pressure of attack the same way Oraan had. It was then that Akuma tried to cast Mathias into another genjutsu, this time attempting to make him see eternal darkness and use his other senses to fight. The genjutsu didnt seem to work as Mathias continued to look around the battlefield as he tried to defend himself. Thats when it occurred to Akuma that Mathias had to be a member of the Nekura Clan. The entire clan was utterly and completely immune to genjutsu. Akuma decided that Mathias could not overcome this obstacle. He would teach Oraan and Oraan alone. And with two words, he gave the command to the others.


The three clones Mathias was fending off suddenly were overcome with dark redish black chakra as they entered the Satsui no Hado. They began to pound into Mathias into oblivion. Aiming at the vital organs of Mathias with the intent to kill him. The pain was overwhelming. It was then that Mathias simply gave up, allowing his death to transpire. But he would not go quietly into that good night.

"I've given everything I've had, and more."

More blows rained on Mathias from the clones. He could feel his consciousness slipping away. He was dying. And that was when Mathias snapped.

"NO. No More. I don't care if I beat Oraan. I dont care if I unlock the Satsui no Hado. I DONT CARE IF I LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The last words of Mathias were said as he was sent backwards from a powerful flying hurricane kick. That kick knocked Mathias unconscious. His body slumped to the floor and the clones then poofed away. Akuma turned away and began to face Oraan who's head was hung low as if to hide tears. He had in the time that Mathias had been fighting, overcome the Satsui no Hado and reverted to his normal state. He activated his Inner Sonar Skill to see if Mathias still had a heartbeat. Hearing none, Oraan turned to face Akuma and bowed.

Sensei, please allow me to......You've got to be kidding me. I dont believe it.

The rocks around Mathias began to stur. Oraan's head raised and began to look past Akuma to where Mathias lay, look of disbelief on his face. A brillant red and black aura protruded from Mathias' body as he slowly clenched his fist, a fist full of earth in both of his hands. Mathias' eyes were pure white as he lifted his head up above the ground.

Not him too.

Had Oraan or Mathias been looking in Akuma's eyes, they would have seen awe and wonder inside of them despite his expressionless face. Never before had he taught two students at the same time. Never before had both students survived, let alone one come back from death.

Mathias rose up onto one of his knees struggling to rise up from the crater made from his fall. He crawled upwards and onto his feet with extreme difficulty, then let out a scream like never before heard by the likes of man.



Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
Seeing the clones encircle both him and Mathias, a smirk appears on Oraan's face. He would have a chance to gauge his power against that of 3 Akumas. The exact power might not add up to Akuma's true power as he split them between clones, however the mindset, the moves, the pattern, the entire way he fights; all of these things were something that Oraan desired to have, to master, to incorporate into his own style, and then overcome it. All of these thoughts were conveyed in the eyes and smirk that Oraan now wore.

Oraan's smirk seemed to have triggered something within the clones, as they began to unleash an unrelenting attack upon him. He had no time to think about Mathias, and he didnt even bother as he knew that Mathias could hold his own. Right now was not the time for teamwork....necessarily. Akuma wanted to see how each of them performed on their own. Oraan managed to poof one of the clones by purposefully sacrificing his right arm, causing one of the clones to misjudge where Oraan was going to be, assuming that he would dodge as he did so continuously making guerilla tactics. The loss of the arm however brought about Oraan's downfall. Continuous blows from the remaining two clones seemed to rain down upon him in quick succession. His smirk was now gone. Slowly but surely his body was saying "Enough, just end me, why do you play with me so much" The more Oraan tried to fight the more it seemed like he was making little to no headway. The destruction of the clone seemed to amplify the power and speed of the remaining clones (the genjutsu is cast). As slowly as his body felt like it was being drained, Oraan's mind was raging out of control.

How could there be this big a gap in between us. To kill a clone I had to sacrifice an arm. To kill Akuma himself at this stage means that I would have to sacrifice my life. That was not acceptable. No. I will not die yet, I will not. I WILL NOT DIE HERE.

It was then that he felt it. His mind was literally being ripped away from him. His body felt as if it were no longer his. A surge of power overwhelmed him. It felt good.....no, it felt wonderful. He enjoyed it. It was trying to control him. The clones had now backed him into a position to where he could see Mathias clearly getting beaten up as well.

Stop It......That's Enough........Tell Them To STOP IT.

Oraan couldn't see it but Akuma wore an almost smile on his face.

That's the way, let it all go

At these words, Oraan completely snapped and began screaming. A dark greenish black aura enveloped him.


Mathias could literally feel the power exploding from Oraan's body as he tried unsuccessfully to fend off three of Akuma's clones. The fact that Oraan had reached the goal seemed to trigger something within Mathias. A deep seated hatred that Oraan had awoken the Satsui no Hado before him. Always Mathias had exceeded at everything that he did through hard work, and yet here was Oraan, barely trying, and achieved everything that he ever wanted. The path he traveled he made it seem to be a hard one when in fact he came from a royal bloodline within Sunagakure; the Lehnsherrs of the Magnetic Clan. Had he not walked that same road with him. Was he not from his own Royal Bloodline within Iwagakure? What was it that held him back from achieving this goal. Thats when something triggered within Mathias. They had long ago gotten past their deep seated hatred for each other, overcome on the battlefield as others had before them. So why were all of these thoughts spewing within him right now? These dark thoughts are what caused his Rasengan to become a dark redish black color. Had he simply had small bursts of the Satsui no Hado without his knowing? The power that he felt coming from Oraan seemed familiar. Just as when he went into his darker state for those few uncontrolled moments, had he really and truly just been accessing that power sparingly over time? Thinking back, Mathias had always fought against that power, always trying to scale it back as not to cause an immense amount of destruction. Just like Akuma said to Oraan as he released it power.

Was that it? Did he simply just have to let it all go? No that wasnt enough. That was Oraan's path. Mathias had to find his own. Letting it all go only brought out tiny burst of the power. He wanted all of it. How had Oraan reached the goal before him? For years people always said that Oraan was the better of the two, yet Mathias was the Prince of the Luciano family. He had always been considered the best in his class, the best in sports, everything until Oraan appeared.

Akuma began to wonder why Mathias was not feeling the pressure of attack the same way Oraan had. It was then that Akuma tried to cast Mathias into another genjutsu, this time attempting to make him see eternal darkness and use his other senses to fight. The genjutsu didnt seem to work as Mathias continued to look around the battlefield as he tried to defend himself. Thats when it occurred to Akuma that Mathias had to be a member of the Nekura Clan. The entire clan was utterly and completely immune to genjutsu. Akuma decided that Mathias could not overcome this obstacle. He would teach Oraan and Oraan alone. And with two words, he gave the command to the others.


The three clones Mathias was fending off suddenly were overcome with dark redish black chakra as they entered the Satsui no Hado. They began to pound into Mathias into oblivion. Aiming at the vital organs of Mathias with the intent to kill him. The pain was overwhelming. It was then that Mathias simply gave up, allowing his death to transpire. But he would not go quietly into that good night.

"I've given everything I've had, and more."

More blows rained on Mathias from the clones. He could feel his consciousness slipping away. He was dying. And that was when Mathias snapped.

"NO. No More. I don't care if I beat Oraan. I dont care if I unlock the Satsui no Hado. I DONT CARE IF I LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The last words of Mathias were said as he was sent backwards from a powerful flying hurricane kick. That kick knocked Mathias unconscious. His body slumped to the floor and the clones then poofed away. Akuma turned away and began to face Oraan who's head was hung low as if to hide tears. He had in the time that Mathias had been fighting, overcome the Satsui no Hado and reverted to his normal state. He activated his Inner Sonar Skill to see if Mathias still had a heartbeat. Hearing none, Oraan turned to face Akuma and bowed.

Sensei, please allow me to......You've got to be kidding me. I dont believe it.

The rocks around Mathias began to stur. Oraan's head raised and began to look past Akuma to where Mathias lay, look of disbelief on his face. A brillant red and black aura protruded from Mathias' body as he slowly clenched his fist, a fist full of earth in both of his hands. Mathias' eyes were pure white as he lifted his head up above the ground.

Not him too.

Had Oraan or Mathias been looking in Akuma's eyes, they would have seen awe and wonder inside of them despite his expressionless face. Never before had he taught two students at the same time. Never before had both students survived, let alone one come back from death.

Mathias rose up onto one of his knees struggling to rise up from the crater made from his fall. He crawled upwards and onto his feet with extreme difficulty, then let out a scream like never before heard by the likes of man.


Due to reasons not mentioned, Mathias has been dropped from Satsui no Hado training. But, awesome reply. :rolleyes:

Akuma watches Oraan's rage hit the breaking point, as dark greenish chakra envelops his body, giving off a rather demonic aura. Satisfied that the first phase of the plan was done, Akuma walked towards Oraan.

Tell me...how do you feel?


Active member
Aug 18, 2010
Trait Points
Oraan raises his hands out in front of him looking at his hands, the greenish black aura surrounding him. The power that he now had. He looked upwards at Akuma sensei and pondered his question for awhile before answering honestly.

I dont.......feel that is. Its as if nothing exists but the need to kill. There are no wounds, no emotions; shock, surprise, rage. I especially thought that I would feel rage.....but there is just nothing.....Nothing but the hunt, the kill, the game and the road.

Thats right...the road. To think that this newfound power had almost made him forget about the road that he had to travel. This is what ailed him to continue. The reason he lived. The reason he existed. Nothing, not even the Hado could make him forget this. But he knew that it would help him take several steps forward along the mile.

Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
Oraan raises his hands out in front of him looking at his hands, the greenish black aura surrounding him. The power that he now had. He looked upwards at Akuma sensei and pondered his question for awhile before answering honestly.

I dont.......feel that is. Its as if nothing exists but the need to kill. There are no wounds, no emotions; shock, surprise, rage. I especially thought that I would feel rage.....but there is just nothing.....Nothing but the hunt, the kill, the game and the road.

Thats right...the road. To think that this newfound power had almost made him forget about the road that he had to travel. This is what ailed him to continue. The reason he lived. The reason he existed. Nothing, not even the Hado could make him forget this. But he knew that it would help him take several steps forward along the mile.
Akuma nods his head slowly, listening to his pupil speak. Oraan was grasping the concept behind Satsui no Hado a lot quicker than Akuma had anticipated. He was slowly making his way down the path of ascension to godhood..

Good, good. You have finally unlocked the power of Satsui no Hado. However, unlocking the power is only the first step. You might feel an increase in power and speed. Those measly leg weights that much of the ninja world is so fascinated with..you know have that speed while using the art. Your anger clouds your mind, causing you to overlook minor injuries. We are now finally ready to move from the path of theory to application, preparing you to use this power in battle correctly.

The first step we will cover involves the tatsumaki. Though not part of the Hado moveset, it is very useful and must be learned in order to advance within the Hado fighting style.

Tatsumaki Zankuukyaku|Hurricane Scythe Kick
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: 60
Description: The user jumps and, while in the air, rotates his or her legs, causing himself to spin in circles, kicking the opponent 3 times with rapid succession. The power behind the strikes increase with each spin, due to the user's momentum increasing. This attack can also be used against a standing target or while already in the air.

I want you to jump and rotate your body striking my clone with your outstretched leg. As you hit him, use your momentum yo continue spinning, striking him once more, and spin even more, hitting again. By spinning powerfully and quickly, you gain more power behind each blow.

Akuma makes a clone that runs towards Oraan with great speed as Akuma watches Oraan intently. Let's see what you got...