[ARCHIVE] Custom Jutsu Submission - II

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Jan 27, 2012
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Moukoton: Fuyu no heishi no taitō Wood Release Rise of the Winter Soldier
Chakra: 40
Description: The user makes the snake handseal and slams his hand on the ground and creates the legendary Winter Soldier wooden golem from the ground. This monster is the size of great stone golem and can also be used in melee attacks. Being that the wood users can create wood style techniques almost anywhere this monster can be made anywhere on the field as long as its from regular earth. The Winter Soldier, being made of wood, once per turn can unleash a barrage of B ranked wooden stakes at the enemy that are short-long range range. Also once per battle the user can rebuild the monster if it is destroyed at the cost of all of his moves in that turn.

-The user due to exhaustion from this cannot use a rank and above wood the turn this is used and the one after it.
-Can only be made and rebuilt once per battle
-If the user rebuilds the monster he cannot make any more moves that turn
-Can only be taught by Peppermint Larry

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Looks of the golem except its all wood

±± Declined ±±
Red parts make it unapprovable.
Moukoton: Fuyu no heishi no taitō Wood Release Rise of the Winter Soldier
Chakra: 40
Description: The user makes the snake handseal and slams his hand on the ground and creates the legendary Winter Soldier wooden golem from the ground. This monster is the size of great stone golem and can also be used in melee attacks. Due to wood style's properties, the golem can be made on either earth or water, but must be made in short range of the user The Winter Soldier, being made of wood, once per turn can unleash a barrage of B ranked wooden stakes at the enemy that are short-long range range.
-The user due to exhaustion from this cannot use a rank and above wood the turn this is used and the one after it.
-Can only be taught by -Broly-
-Lasts 4 turns

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Looks of the golem except its all wood

±± Approved ±±

(Omegaburasutā) Omega Blaster
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short- Mid (initial ball) Short-long (expansion)
Chakra: 40
Damage: *80
Description: The user makes one handseal and gathers highly compressed fire chakra into their hand in the form of an orb similar in size to narutos base rasengan very quickly. Then the user throws the *ball at the opponent and expands the ball at a rapid rate ,creating a large wall of fire that stretches to mid range to the left and the right, rushing at the enemy that can set a wide area on fire and incinerate the opponent*

-Flames stretch to mid range (in terms of left and right) but the distance it goes is long range
-Can only be used 3 times per battle
-Once done the user cannot use S or higher *rank fire the next turn

~ Declined, heard of Great Majestic Fire Annihilation ? *~

(Fuuton: Omegaburasutā)Fuuton: Omega Blaster
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long (initial ball and travel) Short- Long(expansion)
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The focuses his chakra and gathers a transparent highly compressed wind orb into their hand in the form of an orb similar in size to Minato's rasengan very quickly. Then the user releases the ball at the opponent, controlling its flight via chakra, and opens his hand his hand, expanding the ball in an instant ,creating a large tearing rapidly expanding wind orb that will leave a crater in the ground

-Can only be used 3 times per battle
-Once done the user cannot use S or wind this turn or the next excluding this technique
-Once used there must be a 2 turn cooldown

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±± Declined ±±
Don't resubmit.

Broly no nekkuresu: Broly's Necklace
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: This is a golden triangular shaped necklace with a blue stone in the middle of it. Broly was given this necklace at birth, by his father Paragus. While Paragus stated it was of unknown origin Broly simply continued wearing it, not thinking anything more of it. When he put it on it lay dormant until he met his rival Kakarot and uttered his name, releasing his chakra into the necklace. When this occured the necklace gave him special abilities based on what chakra affinity he had whether it be earth, wind, or lightning

Wind: When this is channeled it adds the properties of wind to the users hands and feet, giving them more push to their blows almost as if a small wind gust has been added to them. This makes the opponent stumble when hit as well as knock the opponent backwards 2-3 feet when he is hit, giving a greater chance to knock them down and proceed with more attacks.

Earth: When this is channeled it lightens the users hands and feet similar to lightweight rock technique. This does not increase foot speed as far as running but it does let the user punch and kick faster, equal to that of a taijutsu master .

Lightning: When this is channeled their hands and feet gain the slicing abilities of the element. When this is channeled and the user makes contact with the opponent the opponent recieves 1-2 inch deep gashes on the place hit instead of the usual blunt blows, they will instead feel a sharp painful sting and cutting feeling of their skin being ripped.

-Infusions count as a move per turn
-Can only infuse 3 times before needing a two turn cooldown to use it again
-Infusions last one turn
-Can only be used by -Broly-

±± Declined ±±
Quite unreasonable and a mayhem of existing abilities and traits from different techniques and CWs. Don't resubmit.
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Jun 18, 2009
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

( Koukurage Kuchiyose no Jutsu: ) Box Jellyfish Summoning Jutsu: Samedi of the Crossroads

Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: 80
Description: The user preforms one handseal, summoning Maman Brigitte. She comes forth covering the whole battlefield with a thick mist, throwing off chakra sensing techniques. The mist carries a strong genjutsu, as it is filled with both Samedi and the summoner's chakra, making the opponent hear continuous swearing and filthy jokes coming from a nasaly male voice, without being able to detect it's origin. Anyone trapped within the mist is flooded with images of skulls and top hats, dead spirits, a burning taste and smell of rum and tobacco, all rounded and perverted by Samedi's voice as if mocking them and the ones they lost. Samedi himself is a great box jellyfish the size of a human, light enough to swim through the mist, taking advantage of the confusion of his opponent to strike him from behind. This takes the concept of a living Genjutsu, of a mist, a summon and, genjutsu mixing together. The genjutsu constantly shifts it's chakra signal, making it so that it adapts to any shifts in the opponent's chakra flow, making this a constant genjutsu even if the opponent is able to constantly shift his chakra or body, as long as the opponent is in the mist, mid range from Samedi.
*The thick mist can't be broken or pushed away by anything lower than one rank bellow it's rank, this is because of the consistency of the mist, battling against the power of the wind/scattering agent*
*The mist throws off Natural Chakra gathering, preventing Sage Mode Users from gathering enough to break the Genjutsu*
*Can only be used once*
*Lasts 4 turns*
*The genjutsu strikes mid-range from Maman Baron Samedi, despite the mist covering up to long range*

±± Leaving for someone else ±±

Well in a listed order:
-Add a technique type: Supplementary?
-Remove damage points. Its an illusion
-Why does it throw off natural energy again? Mist properties but how
-Long range is a vague term in such a move, a person wont be able to escape the grasp of this technique because the mist is "long range" therefore it indifferently goes as far as possible. It should have a unitary value of distance (30 m?)
-Effects last as long as the target is within the mist and affects everyone indifferently (if not? why shouldn't it? Its an S rank genjutsu btw conventional methods and reasons wont work due to the strong effects, very unlikely to have that allowed but ill give it a go). And no paralysis type effects are achieved, its a technique that creates false surroundings.
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Nov 29, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Katon: Taka Sentou) Fire Release: Falcon Punch
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user must first perform the following sequence of hand seals Ox - Monkey - Bird - Tiger and they create a fire jutsu that is concentrated in the user's palm and thrust it towards the opponent at high speed. The fire in the user's palm is extremely heated and will burn away flesh on impact, capable of smashing through a persons body.
Note: Someone who mastered Fire release can perform Taka Sentou with just the Tiger hand seal
Note: Can only be used 3 times per battle
Note: Can only be taught by Gutsy Jiraiya

±± Declined ±±
Similar to existing techniques.

(Katon: Joushou Kaen Shushou) Fire Release: Rising Blaze Palm
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user will while underground, channel an immense amount of fire chakra into his palms, and when he is directly beneath the opponent, he will place his palms directly beneath the earth, almost touching the enemy, still not revealing his position. From there he will release all the chakra at once, creating a massive blast of fire which will blast out from the ground with immense force, turning into a massive beam of wide fire blasting into the sky.
Note: Can only be used twice
Note: Can only be used while underground
Note: Can only be taught by Gutsy Jiraiya

±± Declined ±±
If you are underground, you're using Doton. To channel Katon you need to stop using Doton which would simply kill you. Reason? You need Yin/yang to actually manage channeling 2 different energies at the same time.

(Doton: Yochi Kakera) Earth Release: Earth Splinters
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user will perform the Tiger - Ox hand sequence, while focusing their earth chakra into their palm. When the user then punches a surface made of earth, he wil release his chakra into the earth through his palm, making the earth crumble into small needle like earth spikes. These spikes will immediately fly at high speeds towards the enemy in a volley of small earthen spikes to penetrate their body and deal severe wounds.
Note: Can only be taught by Gutsy Jiraiya

±± Declined ±±
Similar to existing techniques.
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Apr 15, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Raiton/Suiton: Yakkaina Jōkyō | Lightning / Water Style: Sticky Situation
Type: Offensive
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 50
Damage: 90 (-30 to the user)
Description: The user will slam their hands on the ground and send a absurd amount of suiton chakra into the ground channeling it beneath a target. They will draw the moisture from underground and create water. Then by performing the ‘Dragon’ hand seal the water will burst from underground from all around the opponent. The water erupting in the form of eight dragon headed shaped water tendrils that are fairly dense and have a sticky quality that enables them to cling to the opponent, as well as a having a high piercing rate. As the water bursts from the ground the user imbues it with a large amount of lightning chakra. The lightning increases the tendrils speed, making it exceedingly difficult for the naked eye to track them. The lightning chakra also allows the tendrils to constantly produce a electrical charge, the charge radiating outwards with a radius of 2m from each tendril, the charge from a single tendril equating to C rank, two combined equating to B rank, four to A rank, and all eight to S rank . Once the tendrils attach to their target, the user can preform the ‘Monkey’ causing the tendrils to implode, if the tendril was completely wrapped around a limb, severe damage would be caused rendering the limb relatively unusable. The tendrils are able to freely and rapidly attack anything within a short range radius of where they originally erupted from. This jutsu requires extreme concentration and takes both a mental, spiritual and physical toll on the user, the user is left with sharp shooting pains surging through his hands for this and the next turn, resulting in his hand-seal speed lowering by 33% and disabling him from effectively using his arms in close combat as well as causing lethargy due to the pain.

- Can only be used 1x
- This jutsu takes up 2/3 Move spots.
- After use, the user will only be able to preform two jutsu's per turn for the next turn.
- Can only be Taught by -Scaze-

±± Declined ±± The core of this technique is still too overpowered. Overpower isn't lack of restrictions or needing tweeks to the description. It refers to what the technique can do. And this one is simply too much.

Removed the 2T byakugan part, changed some things to hopefully make it less OP, made the damage more physical and visible.
Suiton: Yakkaina Jōkyō | Water Style: Sticky Situation
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user will slam their hands on the ground and send a absurd amount of suiton chakra into the ground, channeling it beneath a target. They will draw the moisture from underground and create water. Then by performing the ‘Dragon’ hand seal the water will burst from underground from all around the opponent. The water erupting in the form of eight dragon headed shaped water tendrils that are fairly dense and have a sticky quality that enables them to cling to the opponent, as well as a having a high piercing rate. Once the tendrils attach to their target, the user can preform the ‘Dragonhandseal causing the tendrils to implode, if the tendril was completely wrapped around a limb, severe damage would be caused rendering the limb relatively unusable. The tendrils are able to freely and rapidly attack anything within a short range radius of where they originally erupted from.

- Can only be used 2x
- No suiton jutsu S rank or above for the rest of the turn and the next turn.
- Can only be Taught by -Scaze-

±± Approved ±±

Doton: Sakashima Tatami | Earth Release : Reverse Tatami
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short - Long.
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A (20)
Description: The user releases their chakra out into the earth, manipulating the ground so as to cause a designated area to split into tile like sections as they all flip either simultaneously, or one after the other, the speed of the technique rivaling that of Earth Moving Core. In actuality the tiles spin either clockwise or counterclockwise either vertically or horizontally. If they spin horizontally then the opponent will find themselves facing the opposite direction. If they spin vertically the ground below shifts downwards as they spin which means the opponent will find themselves upside down underground, or possibly on the floor with half of their body trapped underground pressed down by a slab. The size of the slabs created and the position in which they rotate plays a key factor in the result produced. However in most cases the opponent remains unscathed, though in some he may find himself being jabbed at by slabs as they flip causing minor damage. The technique is mainly used to catch the enemy by surprise and possibly leave him in a disadvantageous position, and due to it's speed carries out this role perfectly. When the slabs finish rotating the ground is left looking the same as it was before, though the patch might be missing grass or flowers as they would now be underground.

-Can only be used 3x
-No doton techniques above S rank for the rest of the turn
-Can only be Taught by Scaze

±± Declined ±±
Similar to existing techniques.

(Fuuton: Yari Longinous ) - Wind Release: Spear of Longinous
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: After a short sequence of two handseals, the user releases their chakra out into the battlefield, manipulating the wind allowing them to create a two meter long spear of wind anywhere on the battlefield within a Mid Range radius of themselves and outside of a three meter radius of the opponent. The spear of wind propels itself forwards at high speeds using wind currents, which is a saving grace for the opponent as it creates small drafts of air that a particularly alert opponent should be able to feel and then react to allowing them a small period of time before the Spear hits them. The spear of wind also creates a faint yet barely audible swishing sound as it travels. After creation of the spear, the user can perform a single handseal so as to make it do one of two things; either to branch out into a wall of wind spears that attack the opponent, or explode into multiple wind blades that travel outwards from point of explosion.

- Can only be used 2x
- No Fuuton jutsu above S rank for the next two turns.
- Can only be taught by Scaze

X-Declined-X Explain the highlighted. And the last part, initially it implied that the spear couldn't be detected with naked eye due to the spear being made of air and its fast moving speed. Well as long as its semi-visible its fine, but in the end you cannot burst it into other spears or branches because then you'll have to coompress chakra inside and both compressed air and dense chakra are visible to naked eye. Either remove the last part or make sure that the spear is visible.

(Fuuton: Yari Longinous ) - Wind Release: Spear of Longinous
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: After a short sequence of two handseals, the user releases their chakra out into the battlefield, manipulating the wind allowing them to create a two meter long spear of wind anywhere within mid range of the user and outside of a three meter radius distance of the opponent. The spear of wind propels itself forwards at high speeds using wind currents, which is a saving grace for the opponent as it creates small drafts of air that a particularly alert opponent should be able to feel and then react to allowing them a small period of time before the Spear hits them. The spear of wind also creates a faint yet barely audible swishing sound as it travels and is a bright radiant lime green colour due to being comprised of compressed air and dense chakra making it clearly visible.

- Can only be used 2x
- No Fuuton jutsu above S rank for the next two turns.
- Can only be taught by Scaze

±± Approved ±±
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Oct 21, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Suiton: Gyaku Morutaru) Water Release: Reverse Mortar Eruption.
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Mid - Long
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: 35
Description: The user forms the "Ram" handseal and focuses on the water beneath an opponent. The user slam's both their hand's down onto the water and use's the resulting pulse emitted from their palm's to have the water underneath the opponent shoot up and around them in the form of a large eruption of water (around the targets short range). This can send an opponent flying into the air, will drench them and can even be used to momenteraly obsure their vision.

*Opponent must be stood on a water source.
*Can only be used x3.
*Can only be taught by Rasnall.

±± Declined ±±
Similar to existing techniques.


(Suiton: Fuwafuwa Mira Tengai )Water Release: Light Reflection Dome
Type: Supplementry
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: A further advancement to the original "Light Reflection Mist", the user will expell water from their mouth in the form of thin suiton droplets that spread outwards across the field. Once released, the user manipulates the droplets the same was as before, sharpening and thinning them into a reflective surface and then angling them to have the light from behind the dome reflected around it until it is sent from the other side into the opponents line of sight. This will give the naked eye the view of what is behind the dome, leaving the occupants inside seemingly "invisible".

*Must know to use this.
*Dojutsu users see this differently:
Sharingan and Rinnegan: See the dome of Suiton chakra but can not see through it.
Byakugan: Can make out individuals and their chakra systems, as well as the individual itself if the user focuses past the "dome" and focuses inside it.
*No S rank or above Suiton in the next turn.
*Can only be used x2

±± Approved ±±
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Mar 10, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Ninpou:Kikaku gisou|Ninja art: Projectile camouflage
Type: Supplementary
Description:After throwing a projectile(shuriken,kunai etc),the user then uses his chakra to make the projectile invisible to naked eye.The users chakra coats around the kunai so as to make it invisible,its as if the chakra acts as a mirror to reflect the light.Although its invisible,it still is just a regular projectile.
-Cannot be used on CW
-Doujutsu users can see the chakra coat around the projectile
- Can only be taught by Igneel

±± Declined ±±
Sorry but i was reading the thread and couldn't help noticing this. Don't resbumit. Can lead to a multitude of abuse.

Fuuton/Katon:Mame kaze|Wind/Fire Release:Blistering Wind
Damage:60(+5 per turn due to the blisters)
Description:The user sends a stream of heated air towards their target.This stream would just pass by the target as a hot breeze but after a turn,their skin would get covered in blisters leaving them in a lot of pain.
-Blisters appear on the skin after a turn
-Can only be used 1 time per battle
-Can only be taught by Igneel
-Must have mastery over wind and fire
-No S-rank wind/fire in the same turn

Raiton/Fuuton:Shunkou|Lightning/Wind Release:Flash Cry
Description:Flash cry is an advanced jutsu achieved by wind and lightning manipulation.The user extends his dominant hand towards their target,and a spiralling vortex of wind appears around his hand.Electric sparks is seen eminating from the user.Immediately after the vortex of wind completely forms,a flash is eminated from the users body that blinds everything in range and simultaneously the vortex of wind is launched at the target with amazing speed.This vortex of wind has great cutting power and can even shatter huge boulders.The jutsu got its name based on the fact that the instant after the flash is seen,the cry of the person who got hit by the vortex is heard.
-Can only be used once per battle
-The user can't use lightning and fuuton the next turn
-User can't use any S-rank and above lightning and fuuton for 2 turns
-User takes 30 damage
-User can't use S-rank jutsu's in the same turn

X-Both Declined-X Simulataneous activation of 2 or more natures requires Yin/yang.
Fuuton/Katon:Mame kaze|Wind/Fire Release:Blistering Wind
Damage:60(+5 per turn due to the blisters)
Description:The user channels katon chakra to the air and then channels fuuton chakra to push the katon chakra to the desired location in the form of a hot breeze.This stream would just pass by the target as a hot breeze but after a turn,their skin would experience a burning sensation.After 2 turns,their skin would get covered in blisters leaving them in a lot of pain.
-Target takes the 60 damage only in the next turn
-Blisters appear on the skin 2 turns after the jutsu's use
-Can only be used 1 time per battle
-Can only be taught by Igneel
-Must have mastery over wind and fire
-No S-rank wind/fire in the same turn

±± Declined ±±
You need to bold changes on resubmissions.

Raiton:Shunkou|Lightning Release:Flash Cry
Description:Flash cry is an advanced jutsu achieved by lightning manipulation.The user spreads his palm and extends his dominant hand towards their target.A ball of lightning is seen at the palm of the users hand pointing towards the target. Electric sparks is seen eminating from the user.Immediately as the ball forms,a flash is eminated from the users body that blinds everything in range and simultaneously the lightning ball is launched at the target with amazing speed.This lightning ball has amazing speed as it advance towards the target and can even shatter huge boulders.The jutsu got its name based on the fact that the instant after the flash is seen,the cry of the person who got hit by the lightnin is heard
-Can only be used once per battle
-The user can't use lightning the next turn
-User can't use any S-rank and above lightning for 2 turns
-User takes 30 damage
-User can't use S-rank jutsu's in the same turn
-can only be taught by Igneel

±± Declined ±±
*you need to bold changes on resubmissions

Genjutsu:Fukusuu kai|Illusion Technique:Multiple release
Rank: D-S
Description:The user channels his chakra through the ground or via air to his allies within range to release them from any form of gen they are caught in.This jutsu doesn't free the user if he is caught in a gen.The rank and the chakra depends on the number of allies the chakra is channeled to.
D-rank: 1 person
C-rank: 2 persons
B-rank: 3 persons
A-rank: 4 persons
S-rank: 5 persons

-Can only be 2 times in battle
-No genjutsu in the next turn
-User can't use this to free himself from the gen
-Can only be taught by Igneel

±± Declined ±±
Don't resubmit.
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Nov 11, 2010
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Genjutsu: Burakkuhōru) | Illusionary Arts : Black Hole
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: The user performs a single handseal and seems to dissolve into thin air, and appearing at the same time right in front of the his opponent. In reality, the user disturbs the chakra flow in his opponents brain so that 3 seconds that pass by only seem like an instant, giving the user the opportunity to close the gap between him and his opponent and attack.
Note: Can only be used twice per battle.

±± Declined ±±
Similar to existing Genjutsu
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Feb 27, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Meiton: Yami no kōtingu) - Dark Release: Dark Coating
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: N/A
Description: This technique allows the user to wrap objects in a thin coating of dark chakra. The coating allows said objects to go through the jutsu of the elements weak to dark release. However, this coating is not strong enough to overcome or stop techniques of the elements of disadvantage.
-This coating can't be applied to living beings as it would absorb the natural heat generated by their bodies, resulting in their death.
-The coating must be applied while the user is physically in contact with the said objects and can't apply it from a distance. However, the object can be disconnected/thrown after the coating has been applied.
-Coating bigger areas/objects increases the chakra consumption but doesn't increase the power of the coating, which is why the jutsu can cost more chakra than some S-rank jutsu yet only have the power of an A-rank.
-The coating can only last for three turns.

An image demonstrating how a Dark Release user coats an object with Dark chakra:
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±± Declined ±±
chakra info is wrong. What is the purpose of this technique? kunais thrown through Fire and Lightning attacks without the enemy noticing? If so why is this A-Rank? Its at best a B-Rank ability.
(Meiton: Yami no kōtingu) - Dark Release: Dark Coating
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: N/A
Description: This technique allows the user to wrap objects in a immensely compressed and condensed thin coating of dark chakra. The coating allows said objects to resist the flames and bolts of lightning produced by Katon and Raito Release. However, this coating is not enough to overcome or stop techniques of said elements of disadvantage due to it being too thin.
-This coating can't be applied to living beings as it would absorb the natural heat generated by their bodies, resulting in their death.
-The coating must be applied while the user is physically in contact with the said objects, and can't be applied it from a distance. However, the object can be disconnected/thrown after the coating has been applied.
-The coating can only last for three turns.

Edits: Made it an immensely compressed and condensed layer of chakra to justify its rank.

±± Declined ±±
Regardless of how you want it to be, this is not an A-Rank.
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Active member
Oct 1, 2010
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Updating an old technique. I can't quote it since it's form the old thread, so I'll leave the exact link here.

(Fūinjutsu/Doton: Kanashimi no Maisō) – Sealing Technique/Earth Release: Burial of Sorrow
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short/Mid
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: 60
Description: The user focuses earth chakra into his/her hands and forms a single handseal. This causes a small wave of earth, to rise up and race against the target. When the user wills it, the wave builds up like a wave coming close to shore and becomes a five (5) meter tall wave, which imitates a great Samurai in appearance. Inside the mouth of the Samurai there is a tongue made of energy-based Kanji that’ll try to grab the target, and pull it into the Samurai’s reach. The Kanji has paralyzing properties. When the target is caught, the Samurai will sink into the earth and compress itself, crushing the target alongside itself.
-Can only be used three times per battle.
-Can only be taught by Zero Kelvin.

X-Declined-X what you add can't be added to the technique wihtout making it S-Rank which requires special permission to submit.
Re-attempting to update an old technique. I can't quote it since it's from the old thread, so I'll leave the exact link here.

(Doton: Kanashimi no Maisō) – Earth Release: Burial of Sorrow
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short/Mid
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: 60
Description: The user focuses earth chakra into his/her hands and forms a single handseal. This causes a small wave of rock, to rise up and race against the target. When the user wills it, the wave builds up like a wave coming close to shore and becomes a five (5) meter tall wave, which imitates a great Samurai in appearance. In the Samurai's hand is a sword made of extremely durable rock. If the user wills it, the Samurai can collapse onto the target, burying it beneath a heap of rock.
-Can only be used three times per battle.
-Can only be taught by Zero Kelvin.

±± Approved ±±
Dont forget to notify people to whom you might have allowed the previous version to be used that it no longer exists.
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Active member
Aug 14, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Electrically repel (erekutorikku oshi)
Description:The user will charge lightning chakra around his body and then changed the electrons which are in the lightning and make them the same electrons to that of the attack which he has been targeted by.For example the enemy sends an attack the user will vibrate the lightning particles in his body to make them react with the lightning which is coming towards him and identify the type of electrons which are in the attack.The user will then change his electrons to either positive or negative ones to repel the attack.
-Only usable three times a battle
-Has to be taught by Lysander

Electrically charge (Denkou houmen:Erekutorikku denka)
Description:This defence focuses on the non offensive form of lightning.By removing a large amount of strength and charka the user will coat himself with lightning to form a weaker defence instead of a raw shield of lightning.The lightning formed will appear as small static shield which coats the users body.The user will then change the electrons in the lightning to the same ones in the water which he is being attacked to repel the water.
-Only usable three times a battle
-Has to be taught by Lysander

X-Both Declined-X Use a proper name. Add Lightning Release.

Lightning release:Electrically repel (Denkou houmen:erekutorikku oshi)
Description:The user will charge lightning chakra around his body and then changed the electrons which are in the lightning and make them the same electrons to that of the attack which he has been targeted by.For example the enemy sends an attack the user will vibrate the lightning particles in his body to make them react with the lightning which is coming towards him and identify the type of electrons which are in the attack.The user will then change his electrons to either positive or negative ones to repel the attack.
-Only usable three times a battle
-Can only repel A rank and below lightning.
-Has to be taught by Lysander

Lightning release:Electrically charge (Denkou houmen:Erekutorikku denka)
Description:This defence focuses on the non offensive form of lightning.By removing a large amount of strength and charka the user will coat himself with lightning to form a weaker defence instead of a raw shield of lightning.The lightning formed will appear as small static shield which coats the users body.The user will then change the electrons in the lightning to the same ones in the water which he is being attacked to repel the water.
-Only usable three times a battle
-Has to be taught by Lysander
-Can only repel A rank and below water and the water repelled will fall to the floor when within range.

Added a new note which I made bold and changed both names.

±± Both Declined ±±
If this was the first time that the name thing was noted, I wouldn't mind editting it, but Xylon had pointed out the wrong name before and yet it persists. Denkou Houmen might literally translate into Lightning Release but you know fairly well that in Narutoverse Lightning release/Lightning Style is named RAITON :sy:
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Active member
Jun 26, 2011
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Hyouton: Kyodaina kōri no koi no sakana) Ice Release: Giant Ice Koy Fish
Type: Attack / Defense
Rank: Forbinned
Range: Long
Chakra: 50
Damage: 90 ( 20 to self )
The user will Release a Very Large amount of Chakra into the air after releasing the chakra they will Use Shape Manipulation to shape the chakra into a giant Koy Fish made of Ice the Koy Fish is about 10 times the size of the user due to the size and amount of chakra it takes to perform this jutsu the User is unable to use Genjutsu and Taijutsu while this jutsu is in use and The User can not run due to the Strain on their body that it takes to perform the jutsu... When the Koy Fish is created it can be released in any direction the user choosen but it can not be redirected after its released it attacks the user with great speed or acts as a defense againist anything its capable of blocking

Note: Can only be used once per battle
Note: Can not use any A rank or Above Ice Release Technqiues after using this Technique for 2 turns
Note: Leaves the User unable to perform Genjutsu, Taijutsu or even Run for One Complete Turn
Note: If the Koy Fish is destroyed the user Becomes extremely exhauster
Note: Can only be taught by Kenshin...

X-Declined-X How did you formed it again? Nature transformation or freezing the air?
(Hyouton: Kyodaina kōri no koi no sakana) Ice Release: Giant Ice Koy Fish
Type: Attack / Defense
Rank: Forbinned
Range: Long
Chakra: 50
Damage: 90 ( 20 to self )
The user will Release a Very Large amount of Chakra into the air after releasing the chakra they will Use Shape Manipulation And Nature Transformation to turn the chakra into a giant Koy Fish made of Ice the Koy Fish is about 10 times the size of the user due to the size and amount of chakra it takes to perform this jutsu the User is unable to use Genjutsu and Taijutsu while this jutsu is in use and The User can not run due to the Strain on their body that it takes to perform the jutsu... When the Koy Fish is created it can be released in any direction the user choosen but it can not be redirected after its released it attacks the user with great speed or acts as a defense againist anything its capable of blocking

Note: Can only be used once per battle
Note: Can not use any A rank or Above Ice Release Technqiues after using this Technique for 2 turns
Note: Leaves the User unable to perform Genjutsu, Taijutsu or even Run for One Complete Turn
Note: If the Koy Fish is destroyed the user Becomes extremely exhauster
Note: Can only be taught by Kenshin…

±± Declined ±±
Why would this limit your use of Genjutsu or Taijutsu? :sy: Why is this forbidden rank? This is nothing more than at best an S-Rank. And don't add useless restrictions that make no sense to the techniques. It will eventually only lead to a DNR.

New Submissions

(Hyouton: Gurētoaisuu~ōru) Ice Release: Great Ice Wall
Type: Defense
Rank: S
Range: Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
The user will do a set of Two Handsigns (Dog + Snake) and Release their Chakra in front of them the user will then by using Nature Transformation will change the chakra into Ice creating a Giant wall of Ice The wall stand about 30 meters high and is 15 meters wide and Water if S rank and Below can not effect the the wall due to ices ability to freeze the Water


  • Can only be used Once per battle
  • After the use of This Technique the User can not use any Ice Techniques of S rank and above for the following turn
  • Can only be Taught By Kenshin...
±± Declined ±±
Similar to existing techniques.

Hyouton: Sansei yuki) Ice Release: Acid Snow
Type: Attack
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Long
Chakra: 50
Damage: 90 (-30 from self)
The User Will gather up a large amount of Ice chakra and release it into the air then by using nature Transformation the user will turn the chakra into snow as the snow starts to pour down and comes in contact with the users opponent the Snow will Start to burn the Opponent causing three Degree on them the only downside is that the user gets hit with a few flakes of the snow causing the user great pain and causes them not to be able to move at full speed for 2 turns


  • Can Only be used once per battle
  • The user can not use Genjutsu while the snow is coming down
  • the Snow lasts for 2 turns
  • User moves at half speed while the snow is coming down
  • Snow cuses Damage to the User aswell
  • Can only be taught by Kenshin…
  • User can not use any A rank or above Ice Techniques for the Next Turn
X-Declined-X Do not resubmit. Acid is an element and you havent even explained how you formed snow. And well so far in my knowledge its pretty typical to freeze objects with ions like acid. Snow is entirely different.
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Active member
Aug 9, 2009
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Secret Art of the Yamanaka Clan: Fingers No More - Yamanaka Hidan no Jutsu: Yubi Iie Mada

Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short – Long
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: -
Description: Like the Mind Body Disturbance Technique of the Yamanaka clan. A ninjutsu where one sends their chakra into the subject's nervous system. The user manipulate his chakra to block the enemy from moving his fingers. Prevent the enemy from forming handseals therefore restrict their usage of techniques that require handseals for a short while.
-Lasts for two turns.
-The user can not preform any Yamanaka technique for two turns after the usage of this technique.
-Only a member of the Yamanaka clan can preform this technique.

Art of the Sword: Cutting Flames - Kenjutsu: KokuHisaki

Rank: S
Type: Deffensive
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 40
Damage points: -
Description: When countering elemental shots. The user rapidly swings his blade in high accuracy and chakra running through it and his arm to increase its speed and strength, halving all of the shots send toward him no matter what they are shaped like or their size if possible, leaving enough space for his body to let the shots pass without causing him any harm.
-Can only be used twice per battle.
-No kenjutsu techniques to be used next turn.
-Must have mastered kinjutsu to use this technique, for the user need the full knowledge of the sword's angle in use, speed and power.
-Cannot protect against lightning based techniques.

♆ Puppeteer art: Chakra-Ball Shield - Kugutsu no Jutsu: Chakra-Tama Toku ♆

Rank: S
Type: Defense/Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 45
Damage points:N/A
Description: The user channal a huge amount of chakra out of the suitable puppet compartment that sends a chakra shield unleaching a much stronger version of chakra shield technique. This shield must be done around the user and/or the body the user wants to protect for it can only protect what is close to it. This shield is made to protect whats inside of it serrounding it from every angle, like a ball of protection to the user.
-Can only be used once per battle, and if they were used in a battle, the user can not use Change of Body Stance Technique in that battle.
-Only usable by a puppet master through a puppet with a chakra shield producing.
-The compartment that was used in this jutsu can no longer be used in that battle to create any other chakra shield.

~Declined. Incorrect chakra cost and define to compartment better. A regular one like the one we saw Chiyo use is not enough for a 360 degree shield.~
♆ Puppeteer art: Chakra-Ball Shield - Kugutsu no Jutsu: Chakra-Tama Toku ♆

Rank: S
Type: Defense/Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 40
Damage points:N/A
Description: The user channal a huge amount of chakra out of the suitable puppet compartment that sends a chakra shield unleaching a much stronger version of chakra shield technique. This shield must be done around the user and/or the body the user wants to protect for it can only protect what is close to it. This shield is made to protect whats inside of it serrounding it from every angle, like a ball of protection to the user.
-Can only be used once per battle, and if they were used in a battle, the user can not use Change of Body Stance Technique in that battle.
-Only usable by a puppet master through a puppet with a chakra shield producing.
-The compartment that was used in this jutsu can no longer be used in that battle to create any other chakra shield.

The compartment is the same as every other puppet master's chakra shield compartment. Because making another compartment would be more like making a custom weapon and I want this technique usable through all of the puppets I have that are capable of using it. This technique act more as an advance use of that compartment. Like lets say chidori and chidori nagashi. This technique is a drift off from the original technique that covers a larger field however it have its drawbacks for using it like breaking the compartment.

±± All Declined ±±
Under the Blue Rule
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Active member
Sep 15, 2010
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

New Cycle:

(Raiton:Ākaibu) Lightning Release:Archive
Rank: S
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: 80
Description: Holding a single outstretched hand towards the sky, the user sends a potent amount of their ration chakra into the sky, generating an electric arc. The collision with the winds and the lightning in the air serves to generate an electric storm – Several lightning bolts will then sub-sequentially rain down and bombard the opponent, completely obliterating them, along with the area in their general vicinity. As a result of the electrical breakdown of gases in the atmosphere (caused by the electric arc), a deadly gas will be created. The gas will cover the area around the lightning strikes, and diffuse into the air, ‘rotting’ or more literally, swiftly corroding the lungs of anyone who inhales it. The user is not immune to these gases, but can take precautions to avoid inhalation and remain at a safe range, being wary of the electric breakdown. The electric arc itself is based off of real life science.
*Can only be used twice per battle
*In the following turn, the user is restricted to the use of A Rank and below Raiton.
*The user must wait a full three turns before using this technique a second time around

±± Declined ±±
Don't resubmit

(Katon: Kaen no Metsujin Hōrī Nova) Fire Release: Flame God Slayer's Holy Nova
Rank: S
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: 80
Description: The user will stomp his foot on the ground, forming a large underground passageway, like the Exploding Flame Crater technique. The user will then channel his katon chakra through the tunnel – The chakra will not manifest as ordinary flame, it will instead vastly heat the air within the tunnel, immediately generating thermo-concussive impact because of the heat. The heat blast will then erupt from the ground at the exit point at extremely high pressure – like a powerful geyser – the heat literally flaying the skin off of anyone caught in its range. Having also super-heated the minerals and substances found within the earth as it travelled, the heat will also bring forth and spread volatile chemicals from underground. Thanks to the gases, evasion is difficult, considering that the gases spread through the area within the general vicinity of the geyser. Upon inhalation, the gases will form carboxyhemoglobin within the body and induce hypoxia of the limbs, as well as forming perforations along the eso****us and lungs. The user himself is susceptible to these gases, however, he can take precautions to avoid inhaling the fumes. Because this technique takes on the form of heat rather than lava, the process is far swifter than the Exploding Flame Crater technique - Roughly around three seconds.
*This technique can only be used twice per battle.
*In the following turn, the user is restricted to the use of A Rank and below fire jutsu.
*This technique can only be used once per two turns.

±± Declined ±±
Don't resubmit.

(Sōkyoku Dai Nidaime:Izayoi Bara) Sonata Number Two - Sixteen Day Old Moon Rose
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: 80
Description: This acts as both a Kai and actual Genjutsu - The first part of this jutsu allows the user to skewer an enemy's genjutsu, and turn it against him in the form of a counter offensive Genjutsu. When under the influence of an enemy's Genjutsu, a holy golden light will envelop their body and the user will disappear within a brilliant show of reverberating shock-waves, signifying ones release from the opponent’s illusion. For example, if the user was bound by the bringer of darkness technique, they would be enveloped by the golden light and sub-sequentially broken out of the illusion. In the next phase, the enemy will be enveloped in the same golden light. Once covered in the light, they will hear thousands of loud, high-pitched cries from the irrevocably shattered souls that once died on the battlefield. The high pitched cries are so overbearing, that they manifest in the form of concussive, reverberating shockwaves – The sound of the cries serves to completely impair the thought process, as well as the reverberations completely disabling movement, while continually dealing excessive (mental) damage. The damage is so excessive, that as a sub-sequent result of their hearing being ‘overloaded’ the target person will fall unconscious. Because of the cries, this technique can easily be mistaken as a Sound based technique, however, that is not the case – It is all an illusion. This technique can be used outside of Genjutsu as well – It is not required that it be used as a Kai first, but it can serve that purpose.
*This technique can be used twice per battle.
*In the two turns following the use of this technique, the user cannot utilize any Genjutsu – The user must wait a full three turns before utilizing this jutsu again.
*Knocks the opponent out for one whole turn.
*This technique is capable of countering Genjutsu of equal rank or below (Excluding Tsukuyomi).
*The damage dealt is an illusion - All in the opponent's mind.

±± Declined ±±
This is the same as Lili's Itsy Bitsy Spider genjutsu in essence. Don't resubmit.
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Active member
Apr 3, 2009
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Katon: Shougeki Kokuhyou) - Fire style: Impact of Damnation
Rank: A
Type: Attack
Range: Short – Long
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: 60
Description: This technique can only be executed when the user is about to land on the ground, whether it be from an attack or just landing from a jump. The user releases their fire chakra around the area they are about to land in and moulds it into a circle that is difficult to see by the opponent. They release their chakra at the same time as they land in the circle, which creates an explosive force where massive flames shoot outwards in all directions. The longer the flames travel the weaker they get, so by the time they reach long range, the damage is cut to 1/3 of its original power.
*Can only be used twice per battle.
*The user can not perform any S rank or higher fire style techniques in the next two turns.
*Must have mastered the fire element to use this technique.
*Can only be taught by Genryūsai

±± Declined ±±
In all honesty I don't understand what this technique does. Explain it better.

(Neko Mo-Do Tsugi San) Cat Mode Stage Three
Type: Supplementary
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short
Chakra: 50
Damage: N/A (-30 to the user for each turn it is in use)
Description: When performed, the user cries out as their chakra begins to bubble and boil around them. It slowly starts to compress around them until it explodes and bursts out in a shock wave, taking on the form of a larger chakra cloak of a cat with the user at the centre. The size of this cloak is roughly the same size as Gamabunta if not a little smaller. Like the first and second stage of Neko Mo-do, the user takes on the characteristics of a cat. His senses become stronger then when in Cat Mode 1 or 2 however due to the sure bulk of the chakra cloak, the user's speed decreases so that it is equivalent to 2 ranks below the users current rank. However in place of their speed, Elemental Ninjutsu gains +10 damage and Taijutsu gains +20 damage. Due to the size of the chakra cloak, the user is protected from elemental ninjustu up to B-Rank.
*Can only be used/taught by Genryūsai and must have signed the Cat Contract
*Can only be used once a battle and lasts for 4 turns. After the mode has finished and the user has not won, they automatically lose the battle.
*The chakra cloak can protect the user from B-Rank and below elemental ninjutsu a total of 3 times while it is in use.
NOTE: The cloak is nothing like the Demon Cloaks the Jinchuuriki have; this cloak does not act on its own accord but on the thoughts of the user. The user must know where an attack is coming from for it to be able to defend him/her, they still take damage from the use of the chakra. Also this technique utilises the users own chakra. It does not use any form of Natural Energy that is used to enter the actual Sage Mode.

Additional Note: I realise that the second custom could be classified as a variation of Sage Mode, but I hope that since it doesn't require the use of Natural Energy that it can be considered otherwise. Thank you.
±± Declined ±±
Don't resubmit.
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Active member
Apr 22, 2012
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Genjutsu: Ani wa Kōnan no sutairu) |
Illusionary Arts : Oppan Gangnam Style
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 15
Damage: N/A
Description: The user casts the opponent under a genjutsu where.....

Opponent sees - The user puts on sunglasses and forms two shadow clones and then, both the clones use Henge no Jutsu to transform themselves into 2 different people. Once done, all three start dancing to PSY:Oppan Gangnam Style and they ride their "invisible horse" where the songs n music are given by the people dancing.

In reality - The user can either take this chance to attack or flee the battlefield.
The whole process till the user starts dancing takes 3-4 sec. The entire process goes on until the opponent snaps out of the genjutsu or till either one of them is killed.

Note: Can only be used thrice.
Note: Can only be taught by Flash07

±± Declined ±±
*Don't resubmit. Next time you try something like this, I'll consider you to be mocking the CJ thread.

( Kage Sode ) Shadow wings
Type: Supplementary/Defence
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: The user, by focussing
their shadow chakra, creates wings made from shadow by manipulating his/her own chakra. These wings are created behind the user's back and can be used for flying. The user can manipulate his shadow to create upto 4 wings and can manipulate them to alter the size of the wings so as to gain advantage of the situation (ex. he can make it large to fly high up in the sky at very high speeds or make it smaller like eagles making him 'float' in the air). While the user uses 2 wings to fly, he may also use the other 2 wings to form shadow arms by manipulating it which may be used as a shield to protect the user from frontal attacks by kunais and other small objects. These wings can protect the users back from C-rank and lower water and wind attacks (should be reasonable) and B rank or lower raw chakra. The wings are made of pure shadows and as we know shadows don't have any mass. But when the user's chakra is used, it gains some weight (very light) allowing the user to fly.
Note: Can only be used by a Nara.
Note: Can only be used thrice.
Note: While in this form, the user cannot use any other jutsus.
Note: Can only be taught by Flash07

±± Declined ±±
*Don't resubmit. Made countless times before for almost every element or technique

(Kage Kurōku) Shadow Cloak
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
Description: The user releases his shadow chakra around him which looks like he's wearing a cloak made of shadow. This looks exactly the same as that of kyubi's chakra cloak, except for the fact that it doesn't contain the same properties. Once the user is covered in this cloak, he can extend his arms made of shadow chakra (much like Naruto in his km mode) from his hands and deliver a fast punch to the opponent. These hands can also be used for various other works. The user can also create large shadow legs or whatever they want as an extension to their body. The cloak doesn't have the property to trap anything in its shadow, but can protect the user from C rank or lower water and wind attacks (reasonable attacks) and also B rank and lower raw chakra.

Note: Can only be used by a Nara
Note: Can be used twice.
Note: Cannot perform any other jutsu while in this form.
Note: Can only be taught by Flash07

±± Declined ±±
Don't resubmit. Similar to existing techniques.
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Active member
Dec 2, 2010
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

First jutsu is a mode:

(Chikyū masutā) Earth Master
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/a (After activating all canon earth release techs will do +5 damage)
Description: User will release enormous chakra through his feet and channel it into the ground, with the help of his hard training User can linked his chakra to every mid and large size rock/stone above the ground, those stones/rocks can be manipulate by the user to give any shape and can launch to enemy with very high speed. During this mode, user has layer of dark green chakra around his feet which can be easily visible like dark green flame type. All canon earth release techs will do +5 damage. This mode will be less powerful if the opponent is in long range, since the strength of user's chakra will be less at long range then short or mid range.
Note: Can be activated once in battle.
Note: Lasts for 4 turns only.
Note: Only be activated in rocky field.
Note: Can only be learn by Thor.

±± Declined ±±
Don't resubmit.

(Doton:Yomo) Earth Release: Four Directions
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: User will send multiple of large rocks towards the opponent from all 4 directions, It will be very hard to dodge the stones since there speed will be high due to the Earth Master Mode.
Note: Earth Master mode should be activated.
Note: Can only be used 2 times.
Note: Can only be learn by Thor.

±± Declined ±±
Similar to existing techniques.

(Doton:Bāsuto) Earth Release: Burst
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: User will burst all the stones around the opponent, small pieces of stones will hit the opponent and blocking his vision due to small stones and dirt. This is un-predictable since the Earth Mode is activated and those stones were already linked to user.
Note: Earth Master mode should be activated.
Note: Can only be used 2 times.
Note: Can only be learn by Thor.

±± Declined ±±
Same as above.
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Active member
Jul 18, 2009
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Anyway I could make it less similar to other techniques? Yes, I know you're not supposed to ask for help, but I've worked the technique to an extend in which I cannot think of a way of making it different without changing the purpose of it.

New techniques:

( Fūinjutsu: Chikai to Oni ) - Sealing technique: Oath with the Demon
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 40
Damage points: N/A
Description: Oath with the Demon an advanced sealing technique that has been passed through the military command for ages to prevent information leaks or disobeying among the ranks of ninjas and soldiers. Before learning it, one must know Snake summoning and advanced sealing techniques and be taught to use it by the technique's creator. The technique is rather similar to Twin Snake Double Assassination and Danzō's Juinjutsu as its utilized in similar way to preserve the secrecy of unnamed parties. Before the technique being usable, user must make Dragon - Serpent - Rat hand seals and issue the restrictions for the seal. After that, the seal must be given to someone via bodily contact between the user and the target (such as a kiss or bloods coming in contact together). Through this contact, an user sends a snake shaped seal racing through the target's body until it reaches their heart which it coils itself around. The restrictions that user issued before sending the seal now affect the target, and if he/she breaks any of these restrictions the snake will tighten itself around the target's heart which causes a heart attack. If the target is about to break the restrictions, the seal will only tighten around the heart which causes difficulties of breathing and pain in the target's chest to keep them in line.
  • Requires snake summoning contract and sealing technique training.
  • It takes some time to set up, so it's barely useful in combat.
( Kuchiyose: Saigo-ni no Nāga ) - Summoning technique: Last of Nāga
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 40
Damage points: N/A
Description: User begins by drawing out blood and gathers chakra while performing Hare - Ox - Serpent - Ram hand seals. Once the previous steps have been completed, user must clap his/her hands together to cause several humanoir creatures to emerge from the surface of ground. These three creatures share snakes' tails and have identical clones of the user's upperbody. All of these creatures possess the ability and knowledge to use snake techniques and summon snake summonings. Also each one of them can be assigned with a single element that they can use by the user. The snakes' speed can be compared to Orochimaru's when he had the lower body of a snake and all of them possess vast knowledge of free-form hand to hand combat. Each snake can withstand a force that equals B - rank before being unable to fight. After rendered unable of fighting, the snakes will revert into clouds of smoke and disappear.
  • Can be used only once per battle.
  • Snakes using techniques count as one of the user's three techniques.
  • User cannot maintain clones at the same time with these summonings.
The first technique is meant to be used in Ninja World only to prevent information from spreading.

±± All Declined ±± Posted outside the weekly markers
Custom Weapon: ( Yamai ) - Disease
Rank: S
Type: Weapon
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: N/A
Damage points: N/A
Description: Disease is the name of a custom crossbow that was developed by unknown craftsmen a long time ago. Even so, it's been passed along the generations of craftsmen for generations and each one of them has added their own touch on the weapon. The crossbow left the possession of these craftsmen during Third Shinobi World War when their village in Amegakure was destroyed by the other nations. Only the youngest of the bloodline was able of escaping with the legacy of their family, the crossbow. It's not common knowledge what happened to this child or the crossbow after the war but some sources say that he/she(?) is still alive, carrying on his/her personal vendetta against all nations. The crossbow can be wielded with just one hand and it uses arrows as its ammunition. Most parts of the crossbow are made of metal, but the stock still remains partially wooden and on the handle are carved the words ''Revenge solves everything''. The crossbow utilizes a sophisticated reloading method with crank mechanism and it has another metal apparatus that can be loaded with three arrows and then spun for quicker reload. To ensure that it can be wielded with one hand, it can be loaded with just one hand by pushing the trigger forward when the arrow is placed on the and the crossbow will rig itself like any repeater crossbow. The arrows of the crossbow can be attached with explosive tags.

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 Approved 

( Ninpō: Muchiutsu ) - Ninja Art: Flagellant
Rank: A
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: N/A
Description: Flagellant is an ninjutsu advanced technique that requires the user to mold their chakra to form a rope of sorts. It was named after the method it was meant to replicate, the flagellant. The technique itself is utilized by the user bringing his/her hands together whilst releasing chakra from their palms. The chakra is then extended into a rope by user pulling his/her hands apart to his create a whip made of pure chakra that's approximately two meters in length. As a downside, user cannot perform any hand seals with two hands while holding the whip. When the whip's in use, the user can make the popper of the whip split into multiple smaller threads that are extremely useful when constriction opponent(s). The whip strength of the whip is not decreased when done so. What makes this technique from just every whip is that user can both extend the whip (up to 10 meters) and add elemental attributes into it when elemental chakra is guided into it. Both of these abilities cost additional 10 chakra to user and they do not count as additional moves. The elemental effects are:
  • Fire: Whip eaves a burn on the place it hits and will continually scorch the target(s) who's/re constricted by it.
  • Water: Whip will conduct electricity, allowing user to use this in combination with a lightning release technique.
  • Earth: Whip gains an increase in the mass of it and will hit targets harder along with making it more difficult to escape the grasp of it.
  • Lightning: Whip will have an electrical surge traveling within it and when getting hit by it results a muscle spasm and paralyzes the part it hit. The same effects apply to constriction of an opponent
  • Wind: Whip will create a cut on the place it hits and when constricting an opponent, the whip will suddenly tighten and make it harder for the target to escape.

 Declined  DNR. All of these have been made in individual customs: earth whips, wind whips, water whip is both cannon and custom, lightning whip and fire whip... And then you have the rope or string variations of the same concept, all already done as well.
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Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Re-submitting without allignment

Type: Armor
Rank: S Rank
Range: N/A
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Enigma is an armor created in ancient times, it is fathomed to be created by the war god himself Bishamonten. Bishamonten was rumored to have created this armor from materials unknown to human that are only present in the god realm the armor itself was mistakenly transferred to the human realm and is now possessed by humans. The armor being created in the god realm is stronger than most armors. It has two main functions the first is acting like the materiel in bullet proof vests meaning that projectiles that have an aerodynamic shape like a bullet will be stopped while things that are non-aerodynamic like a knife can penetrate it. The Second function of this armor is that it is chakra adaptent meaning that it will take on the characteristic of the last elemental chakra used thus making the opposing weaker element effects lesser and nullified in some cases.

-It can withstand C rank aerodynamic projectiles for example the kaguya bullets
-The last elemental chakra the user uses will alter the abilities of the armor meaning that if the last element used was fire the user will have resistance to B rank wind elemental attacks if the fire technique was C rank but the maximum rank that it will be able to resist is A rank of the weaker opposing element. The same applies for the remaining elements.
-The armor covers the user's entire body upper and lower, the armor does not obstruct the user's movements at all. The armor is carved to look like it has infinite circles in it, this appearance is always modified when chakra is infused for example when fire chakra is infused it gains a scarlet red color, when water is infused it gains a navy blue color, when wind is infused it gains a mystical silver color, when earth is infused it gains a brownish color, and when lightning is infused it gains a white/blue/yellow color

Dropping for this
Pandemonium (Hyakkiyakou)
Type: Weapon
Rank: S rank
Range: Short*
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: This sword was forged by a great blacksmith, the blacksmith made this sword from carbon fiber and another unknown element that causes the sword to be indestructible and add that to the carbon present it is extremely light yet very strong. The main ability of this sword and what makes it unique is that several techniques can be used through it and it can negate the effects of some techniques.
The technique usable is a slash of wind that will appear when the user slashes the sword it will reach short range and is equivalent to B rank wind.*
The sword can also be used as a lightning negater when wind chakra is infused it will negate C rank lightning techniques as long as they are reasonable for example electro magnetic murder will have a small area of it negated since it is in a wave form.

-Every tech used is counted toward three jutsu limit

Took out one ability from the sword due to scorps post

X-Both Pending-X Leaving to another mod

±± Both Declined ±±
You can only have one Custom Weapon...you are submitting 2*

Summoning Technique: Pikachou (Kunchiyo no Jutsu: Pikachou)
Type: Summoning*
Rank: S Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: *The user after performing the required hand seals will summon pikachou the lightning king of the addax, pickachou unlike most addax has a yellowish color and a bolt like tail pickachou also has a scare as the shape of a lightning bolt on the left side of his body. Pickachou is of size equal to that of Manda. Pickachou is capable of using lightning techs up to the user's rank and is resistant to C rank and below lightning techs. His tail is equipped with an armor that can block B rank and below techniques the summoner can hid behind the tale for protection.

-Can talk mentally with summoner
-Can only be summoned once
-Lasts 4 turns
-must have signed addax contract

X-Declined-X Cant be the size of manda and make it last 3 turns
Resubmitting weapon

Pandemonium (Hyakkiyakou)
Type: Weapon
Rank: S rank
Range: Short*
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: This sword was forged by a great blacksmith, the blacksmith made this sword from carbon fiber and another unknown element that causes the sword to be indestructible and add that to the carbon present it is extremely light yet very strong. The main ability of this sword and what makes it unique is that several techniques can be used through it and it can negate the effects of some techniques.
The technique usable is a slash of wind that will appear when the user slashes the sword it will reach short range and is equivalent to B rank wind.*
The sword can also be used as a lightning negater when wind chakra is infused it will negate C rank lightning techniques as long as they are reasonable for example electro magnetic murder will have a small area of it negated since it is in a wave form.

-Every tech used is counted toward three jutsu limit

Ice release: Ice phasing (Hyouton: Hyouton sou)*
Type: Supplementary*
Rank: A rank
Range: Self*
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: *This technique allows the user after performing three hand seals to phase through ice techniques of his creation of B rank and below for example in 1000 needles the user will no longer have to jump to avoid the needles, the techniques also enables the user to phase through C rank ice techniques created by the user.
-Must be member of Yuki clan.
-Usable four times per battle.
-Can only be used by mangekyo byakugan and those taught by him.

Ice Release: Sticky Ice( Hyouton : Betabeta Hyouton)*
Type: Supplemenatry*
Rank: B rank
Range: Self
Chakra: 20
Damage: n/a
Description: *Now ice release is based on water and wind now in the water element there are techniques that derive from the normal water uses into different categories like (Suiton: Mizuame Nababara) - Water Style: Starch Syrup Capture Field the user will use the characteristics of the chakra used in that technique and cause his ice techniques to be sticky for example ice release technique can be used to trap the opponent and create a medium for ice techniques.
-Usable on a total of five ice techniques.
-when used the user will use the normal technique as he will normally do but the technique will have sticky characteristics.
-Must be member of Yuki clan.
-Can only be used by mangekyo byakugan and those taught by him.

Feel free to edit ^_^

±± All Declined ±±
Under the Blue Rule
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Active member
Oct 28, 2010
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Ototon: Kasshoku Bunsho - Sound Release: The Brown Note
Type: supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 15
Damage: /
Description: First believed to be an urban legend, it took wesobi a long time next to an insane amount of effort and diapers to achieve completion on this technique. The user start by creating high power sound waves in his throat. The frequency is below 20 Hz, meaning that the human ear can’t hear it. Even though the human ear can’t hear it, the opponent his body will still feel the vibrations. The vibrations cause the opponent’s bowels to involuntarily work, and thus making the opponent lose control of their bowel movement. This results in content of the opponent’s bowels leaving his body. To counteract the effect on the user himself, he also focuses high frequency sound waves around his body, to counteract the effect.
Note: Can only be taught by Wesobi
Note: Can only be used once, unless used against members of the Akimichi clan, who eat an enormous amount of food compared to “normal” people. Against them, it can be used twice.
Note: No other sound techniques in the same turn.
Create more sanitary techniques from now on >_>
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Active member
Apr 7, 2010
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Bo no Elendil) - Bow of Elendil
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: 80(-20 if splited)
Description: Bow of Elendil is a 70" metallic chakra bow made of hard lustrous metal alloy of unknown nature but is as hard as diamond with up to 35" draw length. it has a reddish color with body frame like that of a dragon's scales. It also has sharp spikes all over the curves except for the hilt in the middle which serves as the handle. the string is made of a thin metallic spring that draws doton chakra from the users hand thereby forming an arrow made of thick dense earth as the user pulls it. the arrow that it shoots been mainly pure earth chakra is fast and precise and can pierce through B-Rank earth but the arrows are weak to Lightning.
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-the spikes can be used to slash and pierce opponent in close range.
-because of the metallic composition of the bow, it is indestructible
-can fire up to 8 arrows at once but the power is halved for each arrow
-can be combined(coated) with fire, wind and lightning( 10 damage)
-can't use techniques that requires handseals when using this since the wielder won't be able to do hand seals except its elemental combinations which can only come as projectiles.
-Firing 8 arrows at a time strains the user so it wont be useable until after 2 turns.
-when bow is used once, it counts as a move out of the 3 moves.
-can only be wield and only listen to Mist01

X-Pending-X Leaving for another mod.

±± Declined ±±
Arrow = to A-Rank earth with no limit? (to pierce through B-Rank earth it needs to be higher ranked...thus A-Rank...) 8 X B-Rank = 4 A-ranks = 2 S-Ranks in one simple move. NO. It can be combined with other elemental chakrs how? you don't have yin/yang thus you create an earth arrow...how can you create a earth/wind arrow? The handseals restriction is messy

Doton - Pesuku Riritu Obitu : Earth Release - Pesky Little Hobbits
Rank: A
Type: Offensive/Sup
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 35
Damage Point: 60
Description: The user spreads his doton chakra, he then makes up to 10 earth dwarfs(1meter height) emerge from the ground taking the appearance the user wants. The dwarfs however can't use any jutsu but they are very fast and each of them holds a kunai which can be used to stab the opponent.
-useable only 3 times
-they stay on the battle field for 3 turns and unless destroyed

X-Declined-X Incorrect Chakra cost

(Suiton: Seiki no za Pirania) - Water Style: Age of the Piranhas
Rank: Forbidden
Type: Attack
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 60
Damage Points: 100
Description: The user kneads large amount of his chakra into a large water source then creates thousands of normal fish-sized piranhas. piranhas are extinct species of fishes, blind but responds to movement and vibration underwater, they are are canivorous and hunt in packs. Due to the amount of chakra imbued the piranhas materializes anywhere in the water source in a split second devouring the opponent and the user(if he is also in the water source). The user takes +30 damage if he's on the water source since piranhas also hop out the water but to a short distance and can still harm someone standing on the water source.
+++No A-rank and above suiton for the next 3 turns
+++No S-ranks and above after this jutsu and the next turn
+++The user surfer +30 damage(if on the water source) or suicide(if in the water source)
+++Requires a large water source and the opponent(s) being underwater
+++Usable only once per battle
+++Last for 3 turns before they revert back to water
+++Requires Suiton Mastery

X-Declined-X Incorrect Damage points
(Bo no Elendil) - Bow of Elendil
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: 80(-40 if splited)
Description: Bow of Elendil is a 70" metallic chakra bow made of hard lustrous metal alloy of unknown nature but is as hard as diamond with up to 35" draw length. it has a reddish color with body frame like that of a dragon's scales. It also has sharp spikes all over the curves except for the hilt in the middle which serves as the handle. the string is made of a thin metallic spring that draws doton chakra from the users hand thereby forming an arrow made of thick dense earth as the user pulls it. the arrow that it shoots been mainly pure earth chakra (= to A-Rank) is fast and precise and can pierce through B-Rank earth but the arrows
are weak to Lightning.

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-the spikes can be used to slash and pierce opponent in close range.
-because of the metallic composition of the bow, it is indestructible
-can fire up to 2 arrows at once but the power is halved for each arrow
-1 Arrow = A-Rank, 2 Arrows = Each arrow is B-Rank

-can't wave handseals when wielding the bow
-Can't use elemental ninjutsus except earth when wielding the weapon
-Shooting the bow counts as one of the 3 moves per turn, regardless of shooting 2 arrows or only 1.
-Useable only 5 times per battle
-can only be wield and only listen to Mist01

±± Approved ±±

Doton - Pesuku Riritu Obitu : Earth Release - Pesky Little Hobbits
Rank: A
Type: Offensive/Sup
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Point: 60
Description: The user spreads his doton chakra and does 2 hand seals , he then makes up to 10 earth dwarfs(1meter height) emerge from the ground. The dwarfs however can't use any jutsu but they are very fast and each of them holds a kunai which can be used to stab the opponent.
-useable only 3 times
-they stay on the battle field for 3 turns and unless destroyed

±± Approved ±±

(Suiton: Seiki no za Pirania) - Water Style: Age of the Piranhas
Rank: Forbidden
Type: Attack
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 50
Damage Points: 90
Description: The user kneads large amount of his chakra into a large water source then creates thousands of normal fish-sized piranhas. piranhas are extinct species of fishes, blind but responds to movement and vibration underwater, they are are canivorous and hunt in packs. Due to the amount of chakra imbued the piranhas materializes anywhere in the water source in a split second devouring the opponent and the user(if he is also in the water source). The user takes +30 damage if he's on the water source since piranhas also hop out the water but to a short distance and can still harm someone standing on the water source.
+++No A-rank and above suiton for the next 3 turns
+++No S-ranks and above after this jutsu and the next turn
+++The user surfer +30 damage(if on the water source) or suicide(if in the water source)
+++Requires a large water source and the opponent(s) being underwater
+++Usable only once per battle
+++Last for 3 turns before they revert back to water
+++Requires Suiton Mastery

±± Declined ±±
Similar to existing techniques.
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