Why is Itachi so overpowered by people...


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Apr 25, 2008
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Minato<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<ITachi he can t counter tsukyomi prove me wrong ?
step 1) Minato throws kunai
step 2) Itachi evades
step 3) Itachi charges MS for Tsukuyomi or Amaterasu
step 4) Minato teleports with rasengan
step 5) Itachi dead before he realizes Minato teleported


Nov 29, 2011
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Itachi is strong yes but OP, no.First of all,he didn'tkill his clan. He had help from tobi. So all this talk of him killing his entire clan is a lie. Secondly, people say that when he encountered J-man he could have defeated him, uhhhh, no. J-man would have destroyed him with sagemode at that time. Itachi had to rest is sharingan so...yeah.

Now yes, itachi is very smart, but don't pu him up to par with people like minato or shikamaru. The only smart thing he did was killing the uchiha clan so sasuke can kill him and go back as a hero. But that didn't even work.But minato 16 year later plan did. But wait,you may say tobi changed sasuke mind. please,sasuke was brainwashed but it was his choice.

also,during the fight with pein and kabuto itachi would have been on his last leg but because of edo he managed to use attacks that wouldn't drain him. during the fight with sasuke his chakra was drained quickly, why, because he was using good techs, but what good are techs when you are low on chakra.

Now, i know itachi is strong,but I wouldn't put him up to par with naruto and sasuke now.don't even say edo itachi can beat them because I can easily say edo naruto can destroy itachi. itachi is on kage level but when people over hype his failures and accomplishments his power is then stretched.

in part 1when itachi fought kakashi, he won because itachi wasn't an experience fighter with a uchiha,please don't say obito since he didn't have his sharigan until that mission.but once guy came it was a different ball game. and at that time he had his gates. I'll even say itachi and guy are close.

say what you want, but if itachi was as op as you say, he would have stayed in the war and fought,or even have been alive

unlike itachi minato plans worked and are still working (naruto)

i like itachi, he'scool and strong but op , no, naruto is op,sasuke ems is op, tobi is op,minato is op
Minato fan boy. That is all. And probably because he has some of the best weapons and techs of all time. And fyi Itachi would wreck Pervy sage. =/ Just saiyan.


Mar 10, 2012
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Itachi is strong yes but OP, no.First of all,he didn'tkill his clan. He had help from tobi. So all this talk of him killing his entire clan is a lie. Secondly, people say that when he encountered J-man he could have defeated him, uhhhh, no. J-man would have destroyed him with sagemode at that time. Itachi had to rest is sharingan so...yeah.

Now yes, itachi is very smart, but don't pu him up to par with people like minato or shikamaru. The only smart thing he did was killing the uchiha clan so sasuke can kill him and go back as a hero. But that didn't even work.But minato 16 year later plan did. But wait,you may say tobi changed sasuke mind. please,sasuke was brainwashed but it was his choice.

also,during the fight with pein and kabuto itachi would have been on his last leg but because of edo he managed to use attacks that wouldn't drain him. during the fight with sasuke his chakra was drained quickly, why, because he was using good techs, but what good are techs when you are low on chakra.

Now, i know itachi is strong,but I wouldn't put him up to par with naruto and sasuke now.don't even say edo itachi can beat them because I can easily say edo naruto can destroy itachi. itachi is on kage level but when people over hype his failures and accomplishments his power is then stretched.

in part 1when itachi fought kakashi, he won because itachi wasn't an experience fighter with a uchiha,please don't say obito since he didn't have his sharigan until that mission.but once guy came it was a different ball game. and at that time he had his gates. I'll even say itachi and guy are close.

say what you want, but if itachi was as op as you say, he would have stayed in the war and fought,or even have been alive

unlike itachi minato plans worked and are still working (naruto)

i like itachi, he'scool and strong but op , no, naruto is op,sasuke ems is op, tobi is op,minato is op
To quote the 3rd hokage, a shinobi's true strength does not come from jutsu.

everyone wants to claim someone is stronger, but in reality...no one can say for sure unless they actually battle and a victor is declared. for example, pein beat jiriyia, tobi beat konan, and naruto beat pein.

there are a lot of strong ninga but unless there is a level playing field and both ninja fight to the death, no one can say for sure who is the strongest.

everyone is so excited about madara, but he was summoned by edo tensei and injected with senju cells to make him stronger. so he wasn't being injured by the kages' attacks and he wasn't being drained of chakra when he used jutsu. does madara have cool jutsu? yup. but would he be able to use them and in the way he has used them through edo tensei and with the first cells...i highly doubt it.


Apr 12, 2012
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people hype him up just like people hype up minato or nagato truthfully i say itachi is just as good as minato cuz we seen alot more of itachi he fought with sage mode kabuto and won he could have beat tobi just like minato did he could have probly even beat guy and all the poeple there cuz oro was kicking everyones ass and when it comes to oro vs itachi itachi wins everytime with minato he had some good fights to but i never seen enough of him to say he is better then itachi just cuz his plan didnt work does not mean hes dumer then minato and he could have killed saskue but like you said he had plans for him but failed he is very hyped up but not as much as minato and no one in any anime is as hyped or more overrated then nagato

Master Troll

Apr 10, 2012
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Itachi has some OP techniques. He'd most likely beat Jiraiya. He is no where near Naruto's level. Overall, he is powerful but not at the top table.
I like Itachi, he's my favorite character, but he couldn't beat Jiraiya. He said himself, if him and Kisame went against Jiraiya, it'd end in stale mate. So, doubt he could beat him by himself.


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Oct 12, 2011
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Itach def could have wiped out the entire Uchiha clan on his own. Only problem is that he would make A LOT of noise doing so and alert the rest of Konoha. Susanoo+Amateratsu would wipe them all out. There is a reason why it was a silent mission.

I like Itachi, he's my favorite character, but he couldn't beat Jiraiya. He said himself, if him and Kisame went against Jiraiya, it'd end in stale mate. So, doubt he could beat him by himself.
He was trolling Kisame. If you payed attention to the "truth" of Itachi then you would know this. We all know that Kisame and Itachi would pwn Jiraiya if they ever fought at a 2v1. Itachi's main goal was to check on Sasuke and alert Danzo that he was still alive. He wasn't trying to start a war with Konoha so that's why he retreated from Jiraiya.
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Jun 20, 2012
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Are you a Minato Fanboy? of course Itachi killed his own clan, how did Tobi help him? Itachi offered Tobi assistance so that Tobi doesnt attack Konoha AND Sasuke

Itachi would have destroyed Kakashi & Guy with his Tsukuyomi
During his fight with Sasuke, he had an illness, and he didnt want to kill Sasuke, otherwise Itachi would have destroyed Sasuke with his Susano'o

Please make sense next time
he just super flamed you


Feb 20, 2012
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I've seen a LOT of flaws in the post prior to this one but this ^^^^^ has the most....

1. More than 2 people can dodge amaterasu....the 4th raikage only got burned because he wanted sure footing to capture Sasuke....

2. The Sealing blade of Totsuka has no speed feats.....try again..

3. V3 Susanoo??? Itachi hasn't shown perfect Susanoo...stop assuming he can do it...

4. Best Defense.....wrong, that goes to Oro and Neji, the Triple Rashamon (which was destroyed by a 4 tailed TBB) and Neji's Kaiten (which deflects EVERYTHING)....so when We see a Susanoo can deflect a TBB....then that statement can be classified as truth...

5. Smartest person.....no, Shikaku and Shikamaru are both smarter than he is....Minato was even smarter than he is....

Izanami....REally??? REALLY?? I'm not even gonna start on that...because there are quite a few people that Izanami doesn't affect....so you really have to try again....

Ok, I'll got made respect for ITachi, he's proven that he's without a doubt top tier.....His brilliance made him what he was. The way he portrayed himself was great...still defending the village to the very end. Giving the KA Crow to Naruto to stop Sasuke...that was brilliant....

He's not OP, he's an original child prodigy just like Minato was.....an anomoly amongst the ninja in his time...
Oro, better defense?:worshippy: Naw just kidding. WTF can pierce Yata Mirror?
Oct 7, 2011
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LOL you got the Uchiha fan boys all riled up.

Itachi is powerful, but you are right, he is heavily overrated on this forum.

The databook says that jiraiya is on par with itachi , which itachi himself even says, but according to them the databook and the manga are wrong. IMO sasuke has surpassed itachi in terms of power, stamina, feats and recongition. The only thing that itachi has over sasuke is intelligence, but I think sasuke could catch him off guard, his intellegence is underrated to hype itachi up.

The thing that annoys me the most is when fanboys say that itachi could 1v1 nagato, when it took the help of KM naruto and bee, horrible control from kabuto, a cheap sneak attack, and plot to take him down.
Aug 17, 2011
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Itachi is strong yes but OP, no.First of all,he didn'tkill his clan. He had help from tobi. So all this talk of him killing his entire clan is a lie. Secondly, people say that when he encountered J-man he could have defeated him, uhhhh, no. J-man would have destroyed him with sagemode at that time. Itachi had to rest is sharingan so...yeah.

Now yes, itachi is very smart, but don't pu him up to par with people like minato or shikamaru. The only smart thing he did was killing the uchiha clan so sasuke can kill him and go back as a hero. But that didn't even work.But minato 16 year later plan did. But wait,you may say tobi changed sasuke mind. please,sasuke was brainwashed but it was his choice.

also,during the fight with pein and kabuto itachi would have been on his last leg but because of edo he managed to use attacks that wouldn't drain him. during the fight with sasuke his chakra was drained quickly, why, because he was using good techs, but what good are techs when you are low on chakra.

Now, i know itachi is strong,but I wouldn't put him up to par with naruto and sasuke now.don't even say edo itachi can beat them because I can easily say edo naruto can destroy itachi. itachi is on kage level but when people over hype his failures and accomplishments his power is then stretched.

in part 1when itachi fought kakashi, he won because itachi wasn't an experience fighter with a uchiha,please don't say obito since he didn't have his sharigan until that mission.but once guy came it was a different ball game. and at that time he had his gates. I'll even say itachi and guy are close.

say what you want, but if itachi was as op as you say, he would have stayed in the war and fought,or even have been alive

unlike itachi minato plans worked and are still working (naruto)

i like itachi, he'scool and strong but op , no, naruto is op,sasuke ems is op, tobi is op,minato is op

ok ur forgetting that even at this point sasuke can't beat itachi, and why was itachi's chakra so drained? he forced it to make it look like sasuke had a chance and not only that but if he was so drained he wouldn't have been able to use full susano'o before dying from the sickness.

and yeah itachi is just as smart or even more than shikamaru and minato. they're all geniuses and observant.

and ur saying the fight with nagato and kabuto itachi would have been on his last leg?
nagato would of been dead from the first amaterasu if it wasn't for edo regen or when his arm was split by the susano'o and yet he still got stabbed by susano'o and sealed.
and with kabuto he used izanami from the start, kabuto never had him, we just thought he did until the end, and in edo form ur body wouldn't slice in half like that, ur just like a paper mashe like with madara, he wouldn't have been pulverized as badly when tsunade hit him, it'd just be like when orochimaru got hit.

itachi in the beginning didn't have as much chakra and control of his powers as he did in the end. just like how kakashi was stronger in shippuden than he was in the original one, 3 years for everyone to get their crazy power ups.

ur comparing itachi's chakra level to back when he faced jman and kakashi to what he is now.

ya he probably would of got smashed by jman at that stage and kakashi had no chance, guy.. hes strong but he still below kakashi by a lil bit


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May 4, 2012
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i just wanna say all you fanboys that constantly say izami and izangi are stupid as heck. itachi (not edo) never would use any of those techs in a fight no matter how desperate he was because then he would loose an eye n sauske wouldn't b able to get EMS in both eyes and he would go blind! i'm sorry but thats juz the truth so stop stating that! also wen itachi killed his clan he didn't have yata mirror or the blade. he gained them later. i think itachi is awesome but plz use some logic when arguing!

Hashirama Senju 48

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Jun 2, 2012
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Originally Posted by NaruAwesome View Post
Itachi is strong yes but OP, no.First of all,he didn'tkill his clan. He had help from tobi. So all this talk of him killing his entire clan is a lie. Secondly, people say that when he encountered J-man he could have defeated him, uhhhh, no. J-man would have destroyed him with sagemode at that time. Itachi had to rest is sharingan so...yeah.

Now yes, itachi is very smart, but don't pu him up to par with people like minato or shikamaru. The only smart thing he did was killing the uchiha clan so sasuke can kill him and go back as a hero. But that didn't even work.But minato 16 year later plan did. But wait,you may say tobi changed sasuke mind. please,sasuke was brainwashed but it was his choice.

also,during the fight with pein and kabuto itachi would have been on his last leg but because of edo he managed to use attacks that wouldn't drain him. during the fight with sasuke his chakra was drained quickly, why, because he was using good techs, but what good are techs when you are low on chakra.

Now, i know itachi is strong,but I wouldn't put him up to par with naruto and sasuke now.don't even say edo itachi can beat them because I can easily say edo naruto can destroy itachi. itachi is on kage level but when people over hype his failures and accomplishments his power is then stretched.

in part 1when itachi fought kakashi, he won because itachi wasn't an experience fighter with a uchiha,please don't say obito since he didn't have his sharigan until that mission.but once guy came it was a different ball game. and at that time he had his gates. I'll even say itachi and guy are close.

say what you want, but if itachi was as op as you say, he would have stayed in the war and fought,or even have been alive

unlike itachi minato plans worked and are still working (naruto)

i like itachi, he'scool and strong but op , no, naruto is op,sasuke ems is op, tobi is op,minato is op

Lol, you make me laugh with your posts.
you're a total JACKASS saying Itachi cant be compared with Minato/Shikamaru in terms of smartness.
Oh, the only smart thing Itachi did was kill the uchiha? When I read your posts I get the sense that there is an IDIOT speaking. LOL LOL LOL