Raitoninguroddobarē (176)


Active member
Sep 10, 2008
Trait Points
Tiamat did not respond to the man speaking down to her, nor did she show any visible reaction to the changing of the land, folding and turning in order to carry the rest of the villagers away and direct her Sea of Life back into the Hokubu Ocean. Though the technique had performed its task, the mud lost to the Sea was replaced by even greater quantities which continued to ebb from the goddess' legs. Her lack of response was not willing, it was that she could not understand him. Nor would he be able to understand her own words. The lack of such vital connection between a human and their mother could be considered tragic, but Tiamat had not the mind to process the situation in such a manner, and the man himself was not aware of what exactly she was. Moments of silence would pass between them, and Tiamat would resume her original course, continually expunging the Sea of Life from her body as she walked through the land. Though the earth itself shifted to favor the human's cause, it would soon be meaningless.

(Seimei no Umi) – The Sea of Life
Type: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
Rank: Forbidden​
Range: Short – Long​
Chakra: N/A​
Damage: 60 – 300 / N/A​
Description: The Sea of Life is one of Tiamat’s signature skills and is the physical manifestation of her Divine Authority, the ‘Principle of Regression,’ and her position as “Mother.” In essence, the Sea of Life manifests the concept of all life being born from the sea. The Sea of Life of Tiamat is void of chakra and a substance that resembles a black mud that can be released from any part of Tiamat’s body, in any of her evolutionary states. The mud itself is of extraordinarily high density, allowing it to easily engulf and overcome physical obstacles. Passively Tiamat will release the Sea of Life from her lower extremities at a constant rate, with the mud spreading at a rate of 10 meters per turn. After four turns, any landmark Tiamat occupies will become completely filled by the Sea of Life making it highly hazardous for life. It is possible to momentarily impede its spread, operating neutral to all chakra natures and transformations as long as it respects damage interactions. But the mud cannot truly be quelled; lost mud is simply replaced at accelerated rates making it a simple task to overwhelm many organisms within moments. The quantity of mud that Tiamat expels is essentially infinite, allowing it to fill any volume necessary. Should a living being, essentially any organic matter, come into contact with the Sea of Life then they will become subject to the Amino-Geis; the Geis completely binds body and mind to Tiamat’s will and causes the organism to undergo a significant physical transformation. This alters the existence of this being into that of a monster on a genetic level. Instances of this include the former Shogun Takauji Ashikaga, as well as the numerous Lahmu that are invading from the ocean.​

Raitoninguroddobarē Contamination: Minor (1/4)
Coming From: [Here]

Control of Menma would return to @LGeezy after we exit the rift in space-time.
Hei and Menma would exit through the other end of the rift near the old man with Rinnegan eyes. The duo maintaining flight. It was clear to Hei that the man was on their side. From the vast distance Hei was keeping close watch on the events that have transpired. How the man saved the villagers; Hei's villagers. It was a deed Hei would never forget. Knowing full well the danger of This so called Goddess, Hei knew the only way they would have a chance to defeat her was together.

"I don't know your name Gramps, but I thank you. Those people you saved, I've sworn to protect them and when I could not, you did. For that, I own you my gratitude."

Hei would take a small pill form his pouch and crush it between his teeth. His Chakra then Surging as it grows considerably and enhances his ability. The chakra coursing through him Hei would feel ready to face this threat.

(Heishi Piru) Soldier Pills
Type: Supplementary
Description and Background:Soldier pills are a more combat aimed variation of the military ration pill. Upon ingesting the pill, your chakra supply doubles, but burns at a greatly accelerated rate due to the "pressure" involved. Upon ingesting the pill, any ninjutsu you use gains +15 damage and any taijutsu gains +10 for 4 turns. Upon expiration of the effects you must use an extra 10 chakra for every technique afterwards for 5 turns with no enhanced effects due to the fatigue setting in meaning you have to force your techniques more, and thereby adding to the toll it takes on your body. These pills are a basic medicine medical ninjas use in combat and are essentially black small round pills which are swallowed and absorbed through the mucosa in the stomach, made off of various ingredients and medicinal herbs as well as stimulants. Can only be given out to up to 4 times, excluding the user's use.
Description of Side Effects:
-Upon using a second pill in a conflict the additional chakra cost after expiry rises to +30 until healed
-Upon taking a third pill, the medical ninja will suffer cardiac arrest upon expiry of the pill.
-Costs a move per turn to use.
"Menma, Gramps. I noticed something about our foe back when she was still bound in chains. She was struggling, ever so slightly. She wasn't just waiting for the time to expire on whatever technique created those binds. She was fighting it. It appeared as though Menma's attack earlier did nothing but that's not the case. It was the result of the binds that gave that illusion. In reality she was hurt, injured by the assault. It didn't seem like it but I could tell she it got to her. Being this "Goddess of Life" holds some merit. It's likely she has an extremely powerful life force; able to take massive amounts of damage but, she's no immortal. She can be killed."

Hoping his words would reflect some form of reassurance for his allies. Hei would remain on guard his body language showing that he's ready for battle.
Chakra: 3100 x 2 = 6200 - 20 = 6180
Health: 200
Sin looked on as two more arrived, two he reconised from before. He knew they were allies as they had previously tried to attack the goddess and, what followed, a former ally, her skin gave her away. Sin listened to their words. They were sincere. They shared his own thoughts, protect the people. Sin had an idea. There were no 4 of them and well, toe foes. He looked at the first who had arrived. Sin turned to the first to arrive and spoke directly at her.

@Priest "Thank you for coming. To be hones the more help here the better from what i've seen, though, i need to ask you a savour... the one down there... the corrupted one... (zat) can i trust you to deal with her for a a moment... i have a plan but it entails the help of these other two... "

He now turned to the two that had just arrived. He had seen the same thing, she could be hurt. But that wasn't the problem now.

@Serpent @LGeezy "I appreciate your assistance, i see you noticed too. The problem isn't that she can be damaged. It's landing the hit. I have a plan but i'll need the help of the both of you?"

If they should accept Sin would move closer and tell them out of ear shot of the Goddess (The mighty discord) xD

[Wont attack until Goetia/Drackos replies to the weight/earth drop]
Menma floated alongside Sin and Hei watching the the commotion below. His wings of wind gracefully kept him aloft as he witnessed the silver haired goddess decimate his land. The Primordial Tiamat had made landfall in the place he called home. Menma's anger at the thought of everything he was working towards being destroyed in an instant seemed to automatically influence the spread of the Nine Tails chakra throughout his body. His Tailed Beast happily fueling the anger and hatred within the once loving and caring child. Pure chaos was ensuing through the land. With his Sage Mode, Menma could sense the need for his assistance on multiple fronts, but he didn't have time to worry about a couple of people who couldn't fend for themselves. After all why should he care, people were replaceable. He had bigger fish to fry. As Tiamat trudged on, the Sea of Life spreading from her legs and spreading across the land. It was at this point, Menma would recollect a poirtion of his Tailed Beast Chakra and cause it to spread throughout his body as he did so. Once again he had achieved balance between his Sage Mode and Nine Tailed Chakra Mode as he floated alongside his companions on wings made of wind chakra. Tiamat didn't seem to take notice, but he knew from the previous experience out over the Hokubo Ocean the woman would only react against those who meant her harm. Menma anger and excitement seemed to mix, giving him a feeling of euphoria as he listened to the secret plan Sin began to lay out for them.
Menma wasn't one to actually cooperate with others willingly. However as Sin continued to explain, the plan was straightforward and with the right timing it may actually work for them. Menma removed his mask and robe, revealing his shirtless body and his leather studded wrapped arms. He was almost angelic in appearance as his golden body shined in the sky almost as if it was a beacon to the others who had chased Tiamat here.

"Hmph, well Gramps. Your plan ain't half bad, you just better hope we're alive in these next few moments to see it through. " Menma said with a wide evil grin on his face as he stared down below at Tiamat readying himself for the next assault. From his tool pouch, he too would withdrawe and ingest a Solider Pill increasing his already massive chakra reserves several fold. He could hardly wait for his chance to unleash his assault against the woman, hopefully this time without interference from onlookers.

( Kyūbi Chakura Mōdo ) - Nine Tailed Fox Chakra Mode
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 40
Damage points: N/A ( +25 to Ninjutsu and Taijutsu Techniques )
Description: The user accesses the Kyubi chakra that is sealed away in his body after the separating Kyubi's chakra and its will, gaining the ability to access its chakra directly whenever he needs it without interacting with the beast at all. In doing so, he gains a chakra shroud that resembles the Sage of the Six Paths' silhouette. The colour of his eyes changes from blue to orange, instead of red. Also, while the demon fox shroud is red and releases chakra as burning, acidic bubbles, this form's shroud is yellow and releases chakra as flickers of flame, instead. Minato, when using this, is slightly darker. With the Nine-Tails' power under his control, the user's strength is significantly increased, adding +25 to his Ninjutsu and Taijutsu techniques. His speed is greatly increased to the point in which he surpasses A while in his last version of Lightning Release Armor. The user can create chakra arms from the shroud which can aide in the manipulation of various techniques. The chakra arms give the user greater range of attacks as well as greater dexterity and manoeuvrability with his fighting style without the use of shadow clones.
Note: Technique can only be used three times total and last 5 turns when activated.

(Heishi Piru) Soldier Pills
Type: Supplementary
Description and Background:Soldier pills are a more combat aimed variation of the military ration pill. Upon ingesting the pill, your chakra supply doubles, but burns at a greatly accelerated rate due to the "pressure" involved. Upon ingesting the pill, any ninjutsu you use gains +15 damage and any taijutsu gains +10 for 4 turns. Upon expiration of the effects you must use an extra 10 chakra for every technique afterwards for 5 turns with no enhanced effects due to the fatigue setting in meaning you have to force your techniques more, and thereby adding to the toll it takes on your body. These pills are a basic medicine medical ninjas use in combat and are essentially black small round pills which are swallowed and absorbed through the mucosa in the stomach, made off of various ingredients and medicinal herbs as well as stimulants. Can only be given out to up to 4 times, excluding the user's use.
Description of Side Effects:
-Upon using a second pill in a conflict the additional chakra cost after expiry rises to +30 until healed
-Upon taking a third pill, the medical ninja will suffer cardiac arrest upon expiry of the pill.

HP: 160
CP: 2240 - 60 = 2180 x 2 = 4360
SM: 1230 -10 = 1220
NTCM: 1/5
Last edited:


Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points
From//Relenquishing control of Shady's bio.

Arriving, Vayne would reshape one of his tattoos, having it take the form of another Hawk that he and Roxis would hop onto and move in the air, leaving Banri to his own shenanigans. The Nara would sense that Tiamat was in mud, and as such, would wait for her to deal with that before going on the offensive once again. Abzu would follow Vayne's lead awaiting her emergence. Vayne would fly towards @Pervy

Thanks for the wings earlier. You wouldn't happen to know how to deal with that infection she sent towards us?

Vayne would then wave at the other two that were in the area. Thunderbolt was paused for the moment.

(Ninpo: Sōzō no Karada) | Ninja Art: Body of Creation
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: C
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: N/A (-5 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: Using the ability to manipulate Ink, the user will gain the ability to place the ink on their bodies for the sake of future battles. Similar to getting a tattoo, the ink will rest on the user's skin in a variety of shapes and forms, and can often times be confused with Fūinjutsu seals. The ink "tattoos" have a variety of uses and properties, namely the ability to create ink animals directly from the user's body without the need for a scroll, because in essence the user would have turned his body into a living canvas. By channeling chakra into the ink the user can have the tattoos move about on their bodies in order to ensure the perfect orientation. Ninjutsu and Ink manipulation techniques that would require pre-prepared scrolls can be done with Sōzō no Karada by either the user drawing the needed shapes on their body or having the image needed already drawn on before the match. How this works is by first drawing the required shape/kanji onto their body and then coursing chakra through the ink to summon the preferred effect. Due to the ability to move the ink while it is on the skin, a new shape can be created instantly with chakra control and as such the user would only need to drawn a single shape once and then have it re-purposed for anything else. As mentioned before, the main ability of this technique is to allow the user to bring forth small, ink made creatures for the sake of carrying messages, scouting, or general amusement. Meaning, even if they were used to attack they would count as free form techniques with no rank or damage value at all. The creatures able to be created are listed below:

Hawk (鷹, Taka) Can be ridden for reconnaissance or high-speed travel. Smaller variants can be used to carry explosive tags or be used to deliver messages.

Rat (鼠, Nezumi) Can swarm across an area to search for a target much faster than the user would be able to on their own. Being so small, the rats are inconspicuous, also making them suitable for covert message delivery.

Snake (蛇, Hebi) Can be used as ropes to restrain someone. With the ability to soundlessly enter through even the smallest crevice, they can also be used for covert ops.

Tomoe Lion (巴獅子, Tomoe Shishi) Used for travelling on ground, these lions appear vicious on the outside but are actually harmless. If needed they can be used to hold down a target with their powerful jaws.

Fish (魚, Sakana) Made of special, water resistant ink, the fishes are able to travel through bodies of water to deliver messages or very small objects in their mouths.

Note: Must be stated in the user's biography or beginning of the battle.
Note: Up to 3 tattoos can be made in one go.
Note: The technique can be used five times per event, with each contract lasting two turns.(In the case four are made at a single go) Alternatively, the user can create a less amount of constructs and have the additional turns added to the created construct. For example releasing two creations that would last four turns each. Due to the technique lacking any actual damage potential, this extension serves for more story oriented purposes.


Active member
Aug 25, 2010
Trait Points
From//Relenquishing control of Shady's bio.

Arriving, Vayne would reshape one of his tattoos, having it take the form of another Hawk that he and Roxis would hop onto and move in the air, leaving Banri to his own shenanigans. The Nara would sense that Tiamat was in mud, and as such, would wait for her to deal with that before going on the offensive once again. Abzu would follow Vayne's lead awaiting her emergence. Vayne would fly towards @Pervy

Thanks for the wings earlier. You wouldn't happen to know how to deal with that infection she sent towards us?

Vayne would then wave at the other two that were in the area. Thunderbolt was paused for the moment.

(Ninpo: Sōzō no Karada) | Ninja Art: Body of Creation
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: C
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: N/A (-5 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: Using the ability to manipulate Ink, the user will gain the ability to place the ink on their bodies for the sake of future battles. Similar to getting a tattoo, the ink will rest on the user's skin in a variety of shapes and forms, and can often times be confused with Fūinjutsu seals. The ink "tattoos" have a variety of uses and properties, namely the ability to create ink animals directly from the user's body without the need for a scroll, because in essence the user would have turned his body into a living canvas. By channeling chakra into the ink the user can have the tattoos move about on their bodies in order to ensure the perfect orientation. Ninjutsu and Ink manipulation techniques that would require pre-prepared scrolls can be done with Sōzō no Karada by either the user drawing the needed shapes on their body or having the image needed already drawn on before the match. How this works is by first drawing the required shape/kanji onto their body and then coursing chakra through the ink to summon the preferred effect. Due to the ability to move the ink while it is on the skin, a new shape can be created instantly with chakra control and as such the user would only need to drawn a single shape once and then have it re-purposed for anything else. As mentioned before, the main ability of this technique is to allow the user to bring forth small, ink made creatures for the sake of carrying messages, scouting, or general amusement. Meaning, even if they were used to attack they would count as free form techniques with no rank or damage value at all. The creatures able to be created are listed below:

Hawk (鷹, Taka) Can be ridden for reconnaissance or high-speed travel. Smaller variants can be used to carry explosive tags or be used to deliver messages.

Rat (鼠, Nezumi) Can swarm across an area to search for a target much faster than the user would be able to on their own. Being so small, the rats are inconspicuous, also making them suitable for covert message delivery.

Snake (蛇, Hebi) Can be used as ropes to restrain someone. With the ability to soundlessly enter through even the smallest crevice, they can also be used for covert ops.

Tomoe Lion (巴獅子, Tomoe Shishi) Used for travelling on ground, these lions appear vicious on the outside but are actually harmless. If needed they can be used to hold down a target with their powerful jaws.

Fish (魚, Sakana) Made of special, water resistant ink, the fishes are able to travel through bodies of water to deliver messages or very small objects in their mouths.

Note: Must be stated in the user's biography or beginning of the battle.
Note: Up to 3 tattoos can be made in one go.
Note: The technique can be used five times per event, with each contract lasting two turns.(In the case four are made at a single go) Alternatively, the user can create a less amount of constructs and have the additional turns added to the created construct. For example releasing two creations that would last four turns each. Due to the technique lacking any actual damage potential, this extension serves for more story oriented purposes.
Delighted to see another ally join the battle. Hei would wave awkwardly in the background as the man spoke to Sin. upon hearing the question Hei couldn't help but blurt out his idea, however ignorant it my be of the situation.

"Perhaps we could create some type of Fuuinjutsu technique to seal it away as fast as it's created, stopping it's spread?"

Hei would turn to Sin, unsure if it was the right call but he would trust the wisdom of his elder. Knowing the technique will weaken his ally, the benefit of his chakra enhancing Hei's own was for the greater good. Hei would place his arm to his side as a crimson colored chakra fishing rod forms in his hand. Hei would cast the rod outward upon Sin, allowing the hook to pierce into him and attach itself onto his chakra. Then by reeling in the line Hei would absorb the chakra from Sin to enhance his own ability in the form of his Kekkei Genkei.

( Ishi de Sakusei Tsūru ) - Creation Tools At Will
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 40 ( -100 from opponent )
Damage points: 40
Description: Created via modified version of the Creation Tools At Will jutsu, the user is capable of creating a solid special red glowing malleable chakra rod. This rod is capable of being used to pierce through defenses of equal rank and lower to absorb chakra from targets pierced directly by it. This allows him the ability to use their absorbed chakra in the form of an Advanced Element or Kekkei Genkei for a set time.This usage causes minimum damage in order to obtain the chakra and as such, is unable to harm a foe directly. However, the user is capable of using the rod to create varying physical attacks to harm the opponent such as creating an array of rod like projectiles to attack with.
Note: Can be used to pierce a foe and obtain their chakra up to 3 times per opponent, each use lasting for the entirety of the battle.
Note: Can only be used by Urashiki Otsutsuki.
"I thank you for this gift."

This chakra would grant Hei access to Rinnegan abilities he otherwise wouldn't be able. With it, Hei would access the Deva Path and Preta Path respectively.

( Tendō ) - Deva Path
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user activates the Deva Path which grants him the ability to manipulate attractive and repulsive forces allowing it to repel or attract objects or people, mimicking at some extent gravity. The path allows him access to the various gravitational abilities such as Shinra Tensei, Bansho Tennin and Chibaku Tensei.
Note: Can only be used by Rinnegan biographies for the activation of the path and will remain continously activated.
( Gakidō ) - Preta Path
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user activates the Preta Path which grants the ability to absorb any chakra based attack using the Blocking Technique Absorption Seal, the user could absorb an infinite amount of chakra in any form. And the technique can be used in direct physical contact and absorb their chakra from their body or to create a barrier around them to absorb incoming Ninjutsu techniques.
Note: Can only be used by Rinnegan biographies for the activation of the path and will remain continuously activated
Chakra: 6180 + 100 - 120 = 6160
Health: 200
Pill: 2/4


Active member
Mar 12, 2014
Trait Points
Sin waited for a response of any kind but it was as though everything he had said was just ignored or not even heard. If he couldn't communicate with the being how could he reason with it. He would have to try and stop her one way or another. The other attacks had done nothing. One had tried to seal her in another dimension when she was bound but that didn't work. And the large scale attacks barely did anything to her, just how strong was she? He couldn't afford to back away. More mud released from her body. Luckily Sin had give life to the land itself. (see last post) allowing it to act on it's own, leaving him to try and slow her down.

The Land:
The land had been imbued with life, the earth itself had it's own mind as it took it's form but now, it could feel the mass of mud trying to overflow it all completely. It had moved saving the remaining villagers but now it was time for the earth to fight back against the ocean. The land all around the Goddess and her mud would drop 100m down, so no matter how much mud she releases it would all just fill up this area biding him more time. This is 20mx20m. Stopping her for a mere moment. As she's dropped down the earth while in contact with her would also increase her weight by x100 near instantly causing her to be pinned in place. With the power displayed it would seem it wouldn't last very long, just serve as a method to try and slow her down while protecting the land itself. At least if she tried to teleport the added weight would potentially slow her down.

(Doton: Daichidōkaku) - Earth Release: Great Moving Earth Core
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: This technique grants the user the ability to freely lower or raise the terrain within a specific area surrounding them, in a similar manner to its parent technique, albeit on a much larger scale. The user will slam his hands on the ground which he can then lower or raise the ground up to 100 meters in a large section. The rise will be fast enough to pin enemies to the ground, restricting their movements as they struggle to get up and the drop will be fast enough to leave almost all enemies without a footing (albeit not airborne). Because of the large chakra needed to alter such a large area of the terrain, the user will be able to use it only a limited number of times.
Note: Can only be used twice.

(Doton: Chō Kajūgan no Jutsu) - Earth Release: Super Added Weight Rock Technique
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A (+40 if used to add damage)
Description: A more advanced version of the Earth Release: Added Weight Rock Technique, in which the user drastically increases the weight of any object in direct physical contact, but to a much greater extent than that of the original ability. This technique can increase the weight of a target up to 100 times. Under certain circumstances, the technique can be used to increase the force behind attacks.
Note: The weight change lasts 2 turns or until countered.

Sentient earth chakra: 300-80=220

As the land served to stop her, Sin would act on the curse that had been cast on him before, releasing a surge of yang energy through him to cleanse his body and heal all the damage done to him so far. At this point he was hoping the others would follow. He wasn't stupid enough to think he could handle this by himself:

(Yoton: Taiyōnomegumi) - Yang Release: Touch of the Sun
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra cost:70 per use
Damage points: N/A
Description: Through the infusion of Yang natured chakra into others, users can heal others to their original best physical form. It can be used to regrow missing body parts, heal wounds, purge poisons, etc. The target needs to be alive and the bigger the injury, the longer it takes to heal. The limits of the heal, however, are almost none as it can heal 150 damage per turn and can even heal the chakra system or other injuries that are otherwise not possible to be healed. The technique requires time and physical contact and as such isn't very suited to use in a battle when compared to regular Iryo Ninjutsu.
Note: Yang Release masters are able to use on themselves.

The earth shifted once again, plunging the goddess deeper into the crust. The mud currently being expelled by Tiamat was beginning to fill the artificial pit, the makeshift pool getting deeper by the second. She could feel a crushing weight being exerted on her body, forcing her to remain within the confines of the pit. As she struggled to lift even an arm, as the mud continued to rise past her ankles and up her legs, Tiamat's anger grew. In an explosive display of her divine might, Tiamat forcibly releases a large quantity of mud from her body in all directions. The power with which the mud is released causes the makeshift pit to implode, the untouched earth around the artificial cavity being opened up and creating a large crater in the earth. The villagers which had initially escaped Tiamat and her Sea of Life watched from afar as the plot of land which served as their home for generations violently erupted. Smaller clumps and bodies of mud which had reached the outer areas of the land from the spreading Chaos Tide caused the slower villagers to be caught by the Sea of Life, leaving them to the mercy of the Amino-Geis. Standing at the bottom of the newly created crater Tiamat's eyes locked on the one who had set the planet against her. Standing atop the mud that filled the pit, she cried out to the world itself, casting a spell which would infect the circulatory systems of those present within the landmark. Simultaneously, Tiamat conjured a single beam of crimson energy, large enough to strike down the three ninja in the air (Hei, Sin and Vayne) at once. Rippling forth from her eyes, the beam flies towards the trio, scorching them gravely. Failing to recover from being knocked out of the air would mean falling into the Sea of Life, and becoming a slave to the ancient goddess.

(Seimei no Umi: Dai Kōzui) – Sea of Life: The Great Deluge
Type: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 60 – 400 (180)
Description: The Great Deluge is a forcible ejection of the Sea of Life from any point on Tiamat’s body for nearly any purpose. The scale of this release can vary, although it can reach limits upwards, and at times even surpassing, that of Suiton: Daibakufu. The Sea of Life is released as a raging torrent which is intended to smash through any defense and completely overwhelm opponents through sheer physical force alone. Should one be caught within the mud then they will be subject to the Amino-Geis, forcibly converting whoever is caught into a slave of the Primordial Mother of All Life. The mud can be blocked, although it must respect neutrality and damage values, as well as the Principle of Regression.
(Enki Keiyaku) – Amino-Geis (Reference)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: The Amino-Geis is a sort of contract cast upon an organism on the cellular level when exposed to the corrupting influence of the Sea of Life, which harbors the Authority and will of Tiamat. When placed, a transformation begins to occur where the Geis rewrites the organism’s existence on a structural and genetic level. The entirety of the body is remodeled and abandons its current form allowing Tiamat to impose whatever physical form she wishes to impose upon it. The body’s control-center, the mind, is also rewritten, with all traces of humanity and intelligence being replaced by the will of Tiamat. This contract is incomparable to ninja techniques which impose mind control, as they are temporary bindings that can be broken through surges of chakra and other means. Amino-Geis is a type of Divine skill that cannot be broken short of the organism being entirely destroyed or another phenomenon in nature, possessing similar Authority to that of Tiamat’s. In some sense it is similar to Yang Release’s Ring of Hell, allowing for physical modification of another’s body. However, this skill engages in that on a much deeper conceptual level, allowing for genetic material modification on a massive scale that allows for absolute control over mind and body.
(Nammu Duranki: Hajimari no Kyō wo Ageyo) – Nammu Duranki: Yell the Shout of Beginning (Passive)
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: An ability cast through Tiamat’s voice, although not to be confused with Sound Ninjutsu, a spell which hinders the chakra circulatory systems of all enemy targets within the same landmark. Once cast, a powerful curse carried within the spell flushes the bodies of enemy combatants, interfering with their internal chakra flow. Similar to how casting a Genjutsu causes irregular flow in the chakra of a target, the curse of this ability hinders one’s ability to control and manipulate their chakra, affecting the use of techniques requiring it. Those afflicted have the chakra cost of their techniques increased by 50% of their original cost. This does not add additional chakra into the technique being used, simply increasing the strain on one’s reserves. Yell the Shout of Beginning is a passive skill, and stacks with multiple uses and other Dirges. This technique persists for five turns, and the duration refreshes when it is cast again. It can be dispelled through powerful Medical Ninjutsu two ranks higher than it or Yang, or Yin-Yang Release techniques.
(Nammu Duranki: Sōsei no Ri ni Shitagae) – Nammu Duranki: Abide the Laws of Creation
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 90 – 200 (140)
Description: An ability cast through Tiamat’s eyes, a spell which conjures beams of crimson energy. The energy carries a potent curse derived from her Nega-Genesis and Vessel of Omnipotence that afflicts an enemy target upon direct contact. Upon taking hold the curse infests the thermal wounds created on the body by the energy, acting as a virus which breaks down any and all forms of chakra it comes in contact with. Techniques intended to heal, even those as high caliber as Yang Release, will have their potency reduced by 90%. This technique’s curse can only be reversed by something as potent as a surge of Natural Energy exceeding a chakra level of 120 or Yin-Yang Release.

Raitoninguroddobarē Contamination: High (3/4)


Oct 22, 2009
Trait Points
The earth shifted once again, plunging the goddess deeper into the crust. The mud currently being expelled by Tiamat was beginning to fill the artificial pit, the makeshift pool getting deeper by the second. She could feel a crushing weight being exerted on her body, forcing her to remain within the confines of the pit. As she struggled to lift even an arm, as the mud continued to rise past her ankles and up her legs, Tiamat's anger grew. In an explosive display of her divine might, Tiamat forcibly releases a large quantity of mud from her body in all directions. The power with which the mud is released causes the makeshift pit to implode, the untouched earth around the artificial cavity being opened up and creating a large crater in the earth. The villagers which had initially escaped Tiamat and her Sea of Life watched from afar as the plot of land which served as their home for generations violently erupted. Smaller clumps and bodies of mud which had reached the outer areas of the land from the spreading Chaos Tide caused the slower villagers to be caught by the Sea of Life, leaving them to the mercy of the Amino-Geis. Standing at the bottom of the newly created crater Tiamat's eyes locked on the one who had set the planet against her. Standing atop the mud that filled the pit, she cried out to the world itself, casting a spell which would infect the circulatory systems of those present within the landmark. Simultaneously, Tiamat conjured a single beam of crimson energy, large enough to strike down the three ninja in the air (Hei, Sin and Vayne) at once. Rippling forth from her eyes, the beam flies towards the trio, scorching them gravely. Failing to recover from being knocked out of the air would mean falling into the Sea of Life, and becoming a slave to the ancient goddess.

(Seimei no Umi: Dai Kōzui) – Sea of Life: The Great Deluge
Type: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
Rank: Forbidden​
Range: Short – Long​
Chakra: N/A​
Damage: 60 – 400 (180)
Description: The Great Deluge is a forcible ejection of the Sea of Life from any point on Tiamat’s body for nearly any purpose. The scale of this release can vary, although it can reach limits upwards, and at times even surpassing, that of Suiton: Daibakufu. The Sea of Life is released as a raging torrent which is intended to smash through any defense and completely overwhelm opponents through sheer physical force alone. Should one be caught within the mud then they will be subject to the Amino-Geis, forcibly converting whoever is caught into a slave of the Primordial Mother of All Life. The mud can be blocked, although it must respect neutrality and damage values, as well as the Principle of Regression.​
(Enki Keiyaku) – Amino-Geis (Reference)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: Forbidden​
Range: Short – Long​
Chakra: N/A​
Damage: N/A​
Description: The Amino-Geis is a sort of contract cast upon an organism on the cellular level when exposed to the corrupting influence of the Sea of Life, which harbors the Authority and will of Tiamat. When placed, a transformation begins to occur where the Geis rewrites the organism’s existence on a structural and genetic level. The entirety of the body is remodeled and abandons its current form allowing Tiamat to impose whatever physical form she wishes to impose upon it. The body’s control-center, the mind, is also rewritten, with all traces of humanity and intelligence being replaced by the will of Tiamat. This contract is incomparable to ninja techniques which impose mind control, as they are temporary bindings that can be broken through surges of chakra and other means. Amino-Geis is a type of Divine skill that cannot be broken short of the organism being entirely destroyed or another phenomenon in nature, possessing similar Authority to that of Tiamat’s. In some sense it is similar to Yang Release’s Ring of Hell, allowing for physical modification of another’s body. However, this skill engages in that on a much deeper conceptual level, allowing for genetic material modification on a massive scale that allows for absolute control over mind and body.​
(Nammu Duranki: Hajimari no Kyō wo Ageyo) – Nammu Duranki: Yell the Shout of Beginning (Passive)
Type: Offensive
Rank: A​
Range: Short - Long​
Chakra: N/A​
Damage: N/A​
Description: An ability cast through Tiamat’s voice, although not to be confused with Sound Ninjutsu, a spell which hinders the chakra circulatory systems of all enemy targets within the same landmark. Once cast, a powerful curse carried within the spell flushes the bodies of enemy combatants, interfering with their internal chakra flow. Similar to how casting a Genjutsu causes irregular flow in the chakra of a target, the curse of this ability hinders one’s ability to control and manipulate their chakra, affecting the use of techniques requiring it. Those afflicted have the chakra cost of their techniques increased by 50% of their original cost. This does not add additional chakra into the technique being used, simply increasing the strain on one’s reserves. Yell the Shout of Beginning is a passive skill, and stacks with multiple uses and other Dirges. This technique persists for five turns, and the duration refreshes when it is cast again. It can be dispelled through powerful Medical Ninjutsu two ranks higher than it or Yang, or Yin-Yang Release techniques.​
(Nammu Duranki: Sōsei no Ri ni Shitagae) – Nammu Duranki: Abide the Laws of Creation
Type: Offensive
Rank: S​
Range: Short – Long​
Chakra: N/A​
Damage: 90 – 200 (140)
Description: An ability cast through Tiamat’s eyes, a spell which conjures beams of crimson energy. The energy carries a potent curse derived from her Nega-Genesis and Vessel of Omnipotence that afflicts an enemy target upon direct contact. Upon taking hold the curse infests the thermal wounds created on the body by the energy, acting as a virus which breaks down any and all forms of chakra it comes in contact with. Techniques intended to heal, even those as high caliber as Yang Release, will have their potency reduced by 90%. This technique’s curse can only be reversed by something as potent as a surge of Natural Energy exceeding a chakra level of 120 or Yin-Yang Release.​

Raitoninguroddobarē Contamination: High (3/4)
Sin couldn't believe it, he tried, but her power was too much for him alone. He needed everyone's help. He had to rely on them. He took the damage so his new ally could acquire new powers now it was time to protect them. He could perceive the beam being shot at all of them and he knew just how deadly it was. So now it was hit turn to protect them all. He flew forwards to be in front of them all and activated his short range shinra tensei like a shield, tanking the beam head on. He flew straight at it, clashing with it, the beam being pushed back not reaching its target. This would give the other three a chance... now was the time...

As Sin held his shinra tensei blocking the beam from touching his allies he screamed to them all.


That was hit plan all along, to protect and support them all while they all attacked the goddess with everything they had.

( Shinra Tensei ) - Divine Punishment
Type: Supplementary/Defensive/Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40 ( +20 per extra range )
Damage: N/A
Description: Using the Deva Paths abilities to manipulate gravitational forces, the user will repulse and push away anything around him up to a given range, in all directions, producing an omni-repulsion effect. The force and repulsive effect is absolute, affecting both energy and matter alike. The technique itself can be used with different ranges/sizes, depending on how much chakra the user spends for the technique and can even, in its smaller form, be sustained, forming a static defensive field instead of a wave-like effect.
Shōkibo - Small Scale: the user will push away anything around him up to short range. The offensive power in this size is not that high as it hits opponents but can still do severe damage. It isn't, however, fatal, boasting a physical 40 damage. If the user focuses this ability with the help of his hands he can sustain a defensive absolute repulsive field around him. He can't, however, do any technique while he is sustaining it and he can only sustain it for 2 turns. Once used, takes one turn cool down to use gravitational related techniques again.
Chūkibo - Medium Scale: the user will push away anything around him up to mid range. The offensive power in this size is severe, sending opponents flying backwards with enough force to, if not defended properly, leave near fatal physical damage. Although not directly fatal, the technique boasts a physical damage of 80. If the user focuses this ability through one or both hands, he can push away a specific target or technique alone, instead of producing the normal omni-repulsive wave. Once used, takes 2 turns cool down to use gravitational related techniques again.
Ōkibo - Large Scale: the user will push away anything around him up to long range. The offensive power of the technique is devastating and anything in its path that doesn't manage to defend properly is left obliterated. Its fatal if unguarded, boasting a physical damage of 160. Using this techniques poses a great deal of danger to the user as he damages his chakra pathway itself to be able to mold sufficient chakra to perform it. Once used, the user loses the use any gravitational related techniques for the remainder of the fight and is unable to mold chakra for techniques above A-Rank for 5 turns.
Note: The technique is immune to normal Elemental Weaknesses and Strengths and as such can't be blocked or stopped. However, the enemies can still use techniques that prevent or reduce physical damage to their bodies to survive its effects or escape its range through a fast enough technique. This means that in the large scale, while the technique can't be stopped or directly countered, enemies can still manage to survive if the logically counter.
Note: can only be used by Rinnegan bios with the ( Tendō ) - Deva Path active
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Aug 25, 2010
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The beam of chakra would break against the force created by Sin, branching off into several fragmented arcs of energy away from the targeted group. It was a massive display of power indeed, both for the Goddess, and Sin. Hei would take the opportunity to position himself to rise above Sin in a clearing created by his defense. Listening to the words of his comrade. Hei would create a handseal and focus a massive amount of chakra, empowered by his passive Senjutsu and his devils seal, this spear would emit and release from his hands and head right for the goddess.

"Take THIS! Lightning style, False Darkness attack!"

Passively Activated: (Fuuin: Akuma to no dansu) - Sealing Technique: Dance With The Devil
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user will have a seal placed on their body with the Kanji for a specific element. The seal can be passively activated in battle and it’s activation will restrict the user to a certain element (as well as the one’s it’s comprised of. In exchange for limiting the user to certain element(s), the user's techniques of the remaining elements will gain one rank and in the case of S-Ranks and above they will gain +20 damage. In the case of defensive and supplementary techniques, they will become capable of defending against techniques with 20 more damage points (only applies to S-Ranks and above). This counts as a passive boost rather than an active one due to the nature of the seal. To clearly illustrate the seal’s use in battle, if the user restricted themselves to Steel Release, they would still have access to Earth, Fire and any CE combinations of the aforementioned elements (elements that use solely earth, solely fire or Earth and Fire). Alternatively, the user can create the seal in the middle of a battle but this usage can only be used once. This usage is fast enough to be used in the same time-frame as the subsequent technique. Once activated, this technique lasts until canceled.
-Can only be taught by Detective L
-Must be stated in user’s biography and can only be activated once per battle/event
-Alternative use can only be used once per battle
(Raiton: Gian) - Lightning Style: False Darkness
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80 + 40 = 120
Descripton: The user, after performing the Snake handseal, emits lightning in the shape of a spear from their hands or mouth which then pierces the enemy. Kakuzu, the original user, shoots the technique from his Lightning mask's mouth. Its destructive power is great enough to even pierce through rock; meaning it has a high killing potential. The user can increase the number of spears to attack multiple enemies by branching the main spear. This, coupled with the sheer speed of the lightning, makes it a difficult technique to evade. This strong attack can be defended against by an equally strong attack of the same element such as Raikiri.
As Hei did this, he would also issue a mental command to his Zen Sphere, having it attach itself to Sin in order to heal the damage he caused from absorbing his chakra. Slight as it may be.

(Zenyatta Kyutai) Zenyatta Orbs
Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage points: N/A
Description: Special drone Orbs created by a Monk named Zenyatta. These Orbs are created out of an unknown chakra metal and filled with Zenyatta's chakra. The user will have six orbs that hover near the user or that can be warn like a large necklace. The user can freely manipulate these orbs through an attached transceiver connected behind the users ears. They supply their own power source within them via batteries. Depending on the type of orb used, they will create a link to a target glowing yellow for Harmony or purple for Discord. This link will supply a different effect to a target depending on the type of orb used.
Orb of Discord: Amplifies any amount damage the target takes by 30 additional damage. This doesn't cause damage, only increases the amount of damage a target receives.
Orb of Harmony: Slowly restores 15 health to the target per turn when wounded, or reduces the amount of damage they take by 30. Only one effect can be in place at a time.
These orbs can be directed to a target within a mid-ranged area. Once within short range of the target they will connect to the target and remain attached, even if a target moves to long range. They can be countered with B-rank lightning or A-rank technique, causing them to return to their owner. A-rank lightning or S-rank technique can destroy the orbs indefinitely.
-Discord Orbs last 3 turns per use, require a two turn cool down and can only be used three times per battle/event
-Harmony Orbs last 3 turns per use, require a two turn cool down and can only be used three times per battle/event
-A target can only be targeted with a single orb at a time.
-Can only be taught by Serpent
Chakra: 6160 - 90 = 6070
Health: 200
Pill: 3/4
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Sep 10, 2008
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Menma would join in and launch his own series of attacks at the Primordial One. He flew to the left of the group and as he did he gathered his chakra into a disc above his head before throwing a Rasenshuriken towards the woman with all his might. The attack would be powerful enough to rip through any obstacles in its path as it would be made to make contact at the same time as Hei's Lightning Style technique. The Rasenshuriken would explode into a all encompassing vortex of wind chakra once it made contact with Tiamat.

"Wind Style, Rasenshuriken!!"

(Fūton: Rasenshuriken) - Wind Release: Spiraling Shuriken

Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short (up to Long for Naruto)
Chakra: 40+20 = 60
Damage: 80+25+30+10=145 (20 to the user, if CQC)
Description: By manipulating the wind-natured chakra of the Wind Release: Rasengan, Naruto was able to create four large points, causing the Rasengan to take on the appearance of a giant fūma shuriken, with the Rasengan in the centre remaining a perfect sphere. The technique gives off a loud screech-like noise during, and after formation. Others ninjas can learn the technique, but cannot throw it as they lack Naruto's skill with the rasengan to succeed nor can they produce as much damage as Naruto who, adding to the damage boost given to him to the aforementioned modes, gains another +10 damage when using it.

CP: 4360
SM: 1220 - 60 - 15 = 1145
NTCM: 2/5
Solider Pill - 2/4
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Jul 27, 2011
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Hakuryuu riding on his dragon onto the battlefield, still gazing at everything and everyone around. The other people some how managed to make it there before himself but for some odd reason he wasnt in a rush. Looking at the battle take place, he causes his dragon to land on the ground, to the side of all the action. He then starts to do several handseals causing it to rain. The battlefield now cried full of sorrow.

(Suiton: Ukojizai no Jutsu) - Water Style: Rain Tiger at Will Technique
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 15
Damage: N/A
Description: A perception ninjutsu, allowing one to freely manipulate rain infused with the user's own chakra after waving the Bird → Rat → Ox → Monkey → Rat → Snake handseals. The rain falls from rain clouds, formed with the users own chakra. During this technique, the falling raindrops are closely linked to the users senses. When the rain is obstructed by a chakra belonging to someone the existence of the target can be detected. The rain will keep on falling until the user uses the seal to cancel it.


Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points
As Tiamat's attempt was thwarted by Sin, Vayne & Co would quickly take action. Abzu would make way to Tiamat, still partially in shadow form(only feet) and proceed to attack her shadow, aiming a powerful attack that originated from Tiamat's own shadow. It would be in the form of a simple 'strike' to Tiamat's legs, one empowered by GOA and SM, aiming to diminish Tiamat's escape capabilities, although due to Abzu stepping on her shadow, her movement would be once again restricted similar to before. In tandem, Roxis would release a fire attack to the sky, aiming to subvert the use of the rain that originated from Tiamat's subordinate, whilst also serving to set up his next attack. On Vayne's end, he would draw a small hummingbird that would move to strike Tiamat in the back of the head, expertly navigating itself to not collide with any of the thrown attacks, whilst moving so that it would not be directly in Tiamat's line of sight, exploiting the chaos in the field in an attempt to deliver a powerful surprise strike.

(Kage: Phantasos) - Shadow Arts: Phantasos
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: A + 1
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60 +1Rank + 20SM = 100 x2 Crit= 200
Description: A technique based on the very core of the nara clan. It is essentially an advancement and refinement of the basic paralysation technique. A nara commonly takes control of the shadow of the target and inversely prevents their movement or move them around. This shows a direct correlation between the targets shadow and their muscles/body. Phantasos makes use of this correlation in order to grant the nara unprecedented advantage when combating durable target with great physical prowess. Phantasos allows the user to utilise his shadow in order to attack the targets muscle via their own shadow. Essentially the technique works in a modified way of the basic technique. Instead of controlling the target’s muscles to move the target, the user would forcibly move the targets muscle in order to cause damage. For instance, instead of moving the leg muscles in order to move the target, the user would have the muscles constrict on themselves, causing damage to the target’s legs, potentially preventing proper movement for future turns, similar to what the effects of a strong kick to the back of the leg could result in. The technique’s range can be increased similar to other shadow techniques, of course under the condition that the users shadow has enough area to increase it’s range. The technique can be used thrice per battle and four times per event.
(Bugu no Achlys) - Garb of Achlys
Type: Weapon
Rank: Dependant
Range: Dependant
Chakra: 10 per turn | Up to forty for specific abilities
Damage: -
Description: Garb of Achlys, or GOA, is an ancient tool that takes the form of a battered piece of clothing that resembles a cloth, although due to the abilities it has it has been seen in different forms. Once a worthy owner encounters GOA it would form a bond with them and change into a form desirable and suitable for the user. Once this is accomplished the user would be granted several new abilities, all for a cost though. This is due to the parasitic nature of GOA. GOA is a conscious, sentient construct that although is aware of the world around it, does not interact with it in a significant manner, merely just being present. The weapon itself is said to have an unknown number of capabilities, however only a numbered amount of it’s abilities are currently known.

First and foremost, the garb’s connection with user and the user’s capabilities. Through it’s awareness of the world GOA grants Vayne sensory, however it is limited to shadows. Vayne becomes aware of any and all shadows present in the area, no matter how small or faded they may be. However, although he becomes aware of the shadow, distinguishing specific parts of the shadow would require concentration. Normally Vayne would have a basic understanding of what the shadow is, for example he would distinguish that fingers are being held up, but with concentration he would be capable of knowing how many fingers are being held up. This sensory grants Vayne a two times multiplier in regards to sensing. Of course this ability becomes completely useless for constructs that lack a shadow. This ability is always active as long as a piece of GOA is in contact with Vayne. It costs five chakra points per turn. The user is limited to focusing on 3 objects, during which his awareness of the outer world is cut to just being aware.(No sensory multiplier)

The second ability relates to the general function of the garb and it’s bias towards perfection. Due to this GOA can essentially change it’s shape into anything and separate into multiple shapes to match the need’s of it’s bearer. GOA has the ability to alter it’s size, this proves useful when it is owned by different users. The size altering occurs after the user passively sacrifices twenty chakra points, through those GOA could change it’s size, essentially expanding at a rapid rate, allowing it to assume more shapes. Individually, GOA can be treated as a cloth, not offering any defensive or offensive capabilities. However, when more and more of GOA build atop itself it can reach surmountable strength and durability. The power of GOA depends on the amount of additional chakra the user supplies, with the strength corresponding to the 1:2 chakra:damage output. This can be used five times per battle. When hitting thirty chakra points mark, the strength increase only lasts three turns, which upon ending prevent the utilisation of the power increase of equal or higher measure for two turns. Sacrificing forty results in an increase that only lasts two turns, after which a three turn interval must pass before the reutilisation of the power increase ability. In regards to sacrifices lower than thirty, they all last for four turns, after which a turn interval must pass before the utilisation of the technique. The aspect of decreasing the size of GOA would cost five chakra points and can be freely used as it offers no noteworthy advantage to the user. Any offensive/defensive actions done with the expanded cloth would cost a move, barring the turn it expands in.

The third and perhaps the most battle useful ability of GOA is it’s relation to the Nara clan arts and related techniques. The garb implements it’s awareness into the user and clear their mind from any unnecessary thoughts(killing intent and similar/emotion altering techniques) , this allows the user to be more proficient with their usage of nara clan related techniques, allowing them to be able to create and use more complex and concentration requiring techniques. Normal techniques would be performed with more ease, translating to a -5 to chakra requirement for initial usage of the technique. Furthermore, GOA has one more function that greatly aids the user in conflicts. It becomes passively active when a nara or related technique is used(Shadow CFS for examole), GOA would release some of the user’s previously taken chakra into the technique, empowering it as a result. This translates to a rank increase for A ranks and below, while for higher it increases the power by ten. This ability can only come into effect as long as the GOA has taken some chakra beforehand. GOA absorbs five chakra points per turn for this ability and would require twenty chakra points in order to have the ability come into play, however, the user can actively sacrifice chakra, four times per battle, in order to have a higher storage of chakra. The user can sacrifice up to forty chakra points, this can be performed in the same timeframe of a technique, allowing the user to have the boost added to the attack in the same instance it is released. Boosts are restricted to once every two turns.

In regards to the GOA's durability, it depends on the extent of the second abilities usage that was previously mentioned. When the ability is not in use the garb would be as durable as normal clothes, leaving it vulnerable to attacks. However, all parts of the garb must be destroyed in order to render it completely useless. If a portion of the garb was not destroyed then it could be used to return the garb to it's former glory, based on the capabilities/restrictions placed on the second ability.
-Can only be used by a nara.
-If not on the user's person, it can be summoned similar to any other weapon.
( Katon: Kēji Netsu Hōka Keimusho ) - Fire Release: Caged Heat Arson Prison
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Mid - Long range
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user forms 3 handseals and molds fire natured chakra around his target. Causing the fire chakra to manifest as a ring of harmless fire, the user is capable of simultaneously applying pressure and heat inside the sphere for generate an explosion quickly. This explosion covers a short range radius and forms a 5 meter ring around the user with him in the center.
(Inkupo: Kaiga Natsu ) Ink Arts: Painting Summer
Type: Supplementary
Rank: D - S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 10 - 40 (-5 per turn)
Damage: 10 - 80 + 20SM = 100 x2 if crits, so 200
Description: Usually used as a means for teaching others how to paint with ink, Painting Summer allows the user to manipulate their ink in various forms for different reasons such as demonstrating the applications of the ninjutsu. The range of this technique starts from short range as usual, painting the work of art into life such as furniture to sit on due to ink techniques having been known to sustain themselves, small animals for entertainment etc. The vast possibilities are endless, leaving it up to the user’s own imagination.These creations can be no bigger than five meters in height. These creations can be formed for combative purposes if the user needs this, now dealing damage in accordance to it's rank. A rank usage has a limit of thrice per battle while S rank is twice per battle however the former leaves the user unable to use ink based techniques above S rank in the same and next turn while the latter prevents use of ink based techniques above A rank for the same and next turn. A rank has a cooldown of one turn while S has two turns after use. Though this technique can be used with no damaging properties simply for cosmetic use. This is considered freeform and doesn't count as a move. B rank needs a single hand seal, A rank needs two while S rank needs three.

Ańbu Juniør

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Feb 3, 2009
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coming from [X]

The black substance spread across the landscape, and judging from how everyone else avoided it, it seemed that the Inuzuka's decision to stay away from was the right choice. Kōtetsu found that the source of the substance was but a single woman with a peculiar scent, but he couldn't smell her chakra much to his surprise. Ryu would channel chakra to his nose to activate his spectral sense, which he allowed his partner to tune into.

Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: N/A
Description: A High Breed Ninken will be capable of channelling their chakra to their nose, activating a technique that will draw upon their ability to 'smell chakra' and heighten it greatly. Much like synesthesia, while the chakra will be detected by the users sense of smell, it will instead be interpreted visually, with smelt chakra being interpreted as visible colours that will seep and ooze out of techniques and people. Of course as it is detected by smell, sensory of chakra then, will not be limited to the users visual range, but will instead exist independently as an experience-able phenomenon that will be interpreted visually - for instance the user will be able to close their eyes yet will still see colours, smells from behind the user will be interpreted in a way akin to peripheral vision, yet more rear reaching and so on. The stronger or fresher the chakra source - whether it be a person or technique, the more vivid and bright the colour will be. Staler sources of released chakra will take on more bland and faded tones, while those interpreted as dangerous or fatal will take or strong and alarming red, yellow and purple tones. Similarly more active chakra, such as that produced by a ninja performing a technique or an active attack will produce stronger, more block colours, while dormant sources, such as a ninja at rest or passive or dormant techniques will produce more patchy and whispy tones. Elemental affinities will also have their own distinct colours, as will other disciplines of chakra transformation, even pure physical and spiritual energies will have their own hue. Due to the experiential mental connection between the two partners, an Inuzuka will also be able to tune into this sense as he sees fit, with both being able to enhance or dampen this ability as is necessary.
- Colour perception will appear like a filter that overlays onto the normal view of the world.
- Can only be used 3x
- Once activated it lasts until deactivated, draining 10 chakra per turn from the user.
- Can only be taught by Scaze

Sure enough, while Kōtetsu could now visibly perceive the chakra signature of the group of people attacking the woman, she gave off nothing. So then what was the source of her power? Who exactly was she? The Inuzuka looked to the black substance and the entities that had risen from it. Given how everyone else was attacking her he could tell she was an enemy, but he couldn't just attack her without know who, or what she was. Kōtetsu would draw Izanagi from its sheath and imbue lightning chakra into the chokuto's black blade, increasing its vibration frequency and enhancing it's cutting power. He then passively applied a seal to the hilt, binding the enhancement granted by the lightning to it indefinitely. Now prepared to defend himself, Kōtetsu would look to the group fighting the woman.

"Who is she, and what's that black substance?"

Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A (+40 to Kenjutsu/sword-related attacks)
Description: The user channels their lightning chakra into a blade, increasing its vibrating frequency and giving it more cutting power than standard wind techniques.

Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short
Chakra: 15 (-5 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: This seal may only be used on weapons that are in contact with the user. This seal may also be passively applied to the user's weapons or formed onto a weapon the user is holding by expending a move. Only activated when the user is utilizing a jutsu to enhance or otherwise affect said weapon, this seal (which is marked with the kanji for "bind") will activate and drain chakra from the user to fuel said jutsu, even when the user uses another jutsu. It will permanently (or for as long as the user chooses to keep paying chakra) bind the enhancement to the weapon by doing so, as it is constantly being fueled. Each turn the weapon will be able to be used as if the enhancement that was made on it was newly activated, so that they may block and attack with the weapon it was used on without breaking the freeform dodging/blocking rules.
- Only one of these seals may be active at a time on a single weapon
- Only works on weapons

Kotetsu: 3930
Final: 3870
Fujin: 1000​


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Aug 17, 2010
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( Sandāu~ēbu ) - Thunderwave ( Doombringer | Passive )
Type: Tool
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A ( - 5 per turn when used )
Damage: N/A
Description: Thunderwave is a basic chest plate outfitted with a surround sound speaker system, and a microphone. It can be used to play music or make noises more audible than normal similar to a karaoke machine. It is able to produce sound louder than most techniques or the clashing of techniques and can be much louder than the user or opponent can scream. In essence it can act like the (Utsusemi no Jutsu) - Empty Cicada Shell Technique passively at all times being louder and stronger than even that basic technique. It comes pre-loaded with all of the wielder's favorite songs. In battle it can be used to play theme music or it can make the user louder as it has a built in microphone system connected to the speaker system.
The primary use of Thunderwave as mentioned above is the ability to play music with the offshoot of this being the ability to cancel sound waves with sound waves while playing music. This is similar to the Scientific Ninja Tool: Shijima and works like a noise-cancellation speaker. The system can emit a sound wave with the same amplitude but with inverted phase also known as antiphase to the original sound. The waves combine to form a new wave, in a process called interference, and effectively cancel each other out. This effect is called destructive interference and is able to nullify sound techniques in equal rank. The sound can encompass a short - long range area around the user being louder the closer to the user the people who can hear it are and due to this it has a dampening system as to not harm the users ears or cause them any undue problems. It can be fine tuned to look different depending on the wielder's appearance or preference.
Note: Sound techniques can only be canceled once per turn three times per battle.
The first thing that could be recognized when Sado and his group entered into the fray was the loud boisterous music that radiated from them. It couldn't exactly be pinpointed but it sounded like it was coming from the group directly, but also from the areas around them. It belted outward in all directions piercing into people's ears and blasting through the entire landmark even surrounding Tiamat the Mother herself. Sado called out to the clone who was on music duty. It was odd, somehow it snuffed out the sound of most of the other techniques being louder and more forceful than them drowning out the sound and making a loud, bold statement.

Look, man, if all you're going to play is Christian rock, I'm going to need you to pass the aux to someone else.

As he moved forward all of his clones flying in the air Sado caused the two invisible arms to swing down toward the Mother. He was roughly mid-range from her as the two hands imperceptible to anything but Sage Mode, Rinnegan or Yin-Yang Release users whipped toward her center mass before grasping at her body threatening to tear her apart.
Sado all but knew it wouldn't kill her outright but he wasn't trying to kill her he was trying to injure her and push her back so that the others had a chance to attack again. This was going to be a long drawn out thing if the fight with Takauji Ashikaga was any comparison this was something that required teamwork and effort from each individual.
There was no time to be the hero or to play as a lone wolf, however, Sado himself still did have a knack for the theatrics. The music, and the way he spoke played heavily into his nature to showboat. Even while not trying to he made an ordeal out of it all.

(Inton: Namakemono no Ude ) Yin Release: Hands of Sloth ( Sado | Reference )
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short – Mid
Chakra Cost: 100 (110 w/ YY: Hands of Sloth) -50 per turn
Damage: 120 ( +40 Chakra Transfer ) ( +40 Added Weight ) = 200 x2 ( Crit ) = 400
Description: This technique gets its name from one of the deadliest sins, sloth. The user begins by clapping their hands and focusing their Yin Release chakra behind them. The user creates several chakra arms (up to 8) behind them which are spiritual in nature. They do not appear to the naked senses, only Sage Mode users, Rinnegan and other Yin-Yang Release users can detect these hands. The best way to describe this technique is in relation to Madara’s Boader Jail technique. The arms are capable of physically interacting with the world and attacking or defending against physical constructs. However, the user can freely turn them completely intangible if they wish to bypass physical obstacles. The base usage of this technique allows the user to attack or defend covertly by freely manipulating the invisible arms. However, in their second form the user can add the “properties of sloth” to the hands which are dejection, idleness, and sleep. Dejection is a loss of will and focus translated in causing a victim to lose coherent perception of the world around them and weaken their ability to defend against genjutsu. Idleness is a loss of action which is translated to a hampered ability to cast techniques. Sleep is a loss of consciousness which is translated in a comatose state brought about by the sealing of one’s spirit if they are not sufficiently healed. The third and final form of this technique is brought about when the user introduces their Yang Release chakra which essentially makes the hands quasi-sentient and self-sufficient without the user’s mental input.
Note: all Yin Release users can use the base form of this technique. Yin Release masters or Yin-Yang users can use the second form. The final form of this technique can only be used by Yin-Yang users with a Yin affinity.
Note: The properties of sloth are spiritually degenerating properties. The more a victim interacts with the hands the worse they become. When touched by the hands once, the victim enters dejection and becomes unable to deduce A-rank and above genjutsu and unable to break S-rank genjutsu by any means. When touched twice the victim enters idleness and they become unable to perform techniques within a single time-frame. When touched thrice, the victim’s mind is sealed over the course of 2 turns and they enter a genjutsu that renders them a mindless puppet to the user. The properties of sloth can only affect victims if the hands are tangible. Switching between tangibility and intangibility requires a move.
Note: Genjutsu specialists and other Yin-Yang users can resist the properties of sloth through the use of counter genjutsu or Yin Release techniques like Yin State.
Note: This technique can be used once per battle. While in use, the user cannot use any non-elemental ninjutsu, Yang Release, or Yin-Yang Release techniques.
Yo, anyone who can sense it, I suggest you use abilities similar to what I'm doing right now. We fought a creature like this already. It was much weaker, but still a hindrance as it could overpower just about any ability. Focus on tricking it, I suggest; gravity-related techniques, invisible Natural Energy, or senjutsu, and Yin Release. There isn't enough time to explain why these work, but I assume most of you have picked up on the subtle differences between us and them. I'm not a tactician, but it's a start. If you have abilities like those I mentioned use them at every chance you see. If she can see it and react to it, I have a feeling she can overpower it. If someone uses the same technique I am, I'll buff you!

Sado was quick to lift his right hand telling his clone to cut the music for a moment. He needed to explain what he knew, it wasn't much but it was a start. He explained what he found that worked well against the Shogun. Each ability was one that he had suggested to his own allies before. They each attacked in a sly way, making it hard for creatures without chakra to perceive them.
He didn't care if they listened to his advice, honestly, he hoped they did but it didn't matter. He knew other humans were fickle and egotistical. He had given the information he had, if they couldn't work with that then it was on them. In unison, to the invisible arms whipping downward the golem would roar outward rushing toward the woman. Its plan was to grapple and crush her but it all but knew it was too weak to be a threat.
When the invisible hands struck out aimed at the woman's center mass the golem of earth and fire threw its arms forward with the aim to grab the sleek creature's legs with the aim to crush them and her lower body under the sheer weight of its massive frame.

( Doton/Katon: Saruiwa ) - Earth/Fire Release: Monkey Rock ( Reference | Sentient )
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80 ( +40 Chakra Transfer ) ( +40 Added Weight ) = 160
Description: This technique creates a giant stone monkey by accumulating surrounding ground and shaping it into the animal, which is then reinforced with fire. Unlike the Great Stone Golem, the user doesnt have to continuously fuel the technique with their chakra. While the height of the monkey can reach up to 30m, it has a capacity for moving quite fast that belies its hulking stature.
Note: Due to being a dual elemental technique, the user can only use one other jutsu that turn.
Note: This technique does not have any basic elemental weakness.
Doombringer and Jack each grasped at the shoulder of one of their allies. Each of Sado's clones would begin transferring chakra to one of Desmond's clones knowing that the only way to beat the Mother was to show the others that they had to put aside their own differences and work together. This allowed each clone to empower what they planned to do coursing chakra through the clones.

(Chakra Tensõ no Jutsu) Chakra Transfer Technique ( Doombringer | Jack )
Type: Supplementary
Rank: N/A
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A (same as the amount transferred) ( 20 each )
Damage: N/A
This is an advanced ability that ninjas with great chakra control can learn to use and that Bijuu possess innately. The user will release his or hers unmolded chakra onto another ninja, effectively transferring it. The technique has many uses, from restoring an allies chakra to releasing him from a Genjutsu or simply to give him more chakra to mold, allowing him to drastically boost the power of a technique. Tsunade could even use this technique, together with her Creation Rebirth technique to, in conjunction with her summon Katsuyu, heal multiple people at the same time during Pain's attack on Konohagakure. If used to power the use of a technique, the recipient of the chakra can boost one technique by adding +20 chakra to it which increases its damage by +40. To do this, the recipient must mold the technique while the user of Chakra Tenso no Jutsu is transferring chakra into him, meaning that both the transfer and the technique must be done at the same time. The transfer can only be done with direct contact between user and target and restores the targets chakra by up to 100 points per turn. The technique can even be used by ninjas with natural energy passively coursing through their chakra flows, as a medical ninja's near perfect chakra control enables them to filter the unwanted and sometimes harmful energy from entering the recipients chakra system.
Note: Only usable by bios with great chakra control (NB Medical Ninjas, Hyuuga bios, Canon Medical Ninjas). Bios seen using it in the manga can also use it.
Note: Cannot be used to power the users own techniques.
Note: Usable 3 times per battle.
Not having a whole lot to do the extra clone would create a lance of Red Sand and send it toward Tiamat.

He would lace tags into it empowering it further and sending the technique at an angle that avoided other techniques.

(Nirro Suna: Ryokō-sha no Tsūru) Red Sand Release: Tools of the Traveler ( Extra Clone )
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: B - S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 20 - 40
Damage points: 40 - 80 ( +20 Sage Mode ) ( +20 Tags ) = 120
Description: The user can form strong tools out of Red Sand either by creating a source with this jutsu or manipulating an already existing source, these include; kunai, swords, pillars, shields etc. However B rank will need one hand seal, A rank will need two hand seals and S rank will need three hand seals. The tools will be able to repel water and other liquids and the sand is heated significantly giving them a burning property. The heat from the tools are enough to cause third degree burns to human skin on contact and cause deep searing wounds. The user himself doesn't directly touch the tools therefor he is unaffected by the heat of them. The tools can only be created short range from the user if the technique is used to create its own source of red sand. As a defensive mechanism the user is able to produce Red Sand directly from their body in a large enough quantity to push hazardous substances such as liquid, oil, fire, mud, etc away and off of them.
Note: S rank can be used once per turn and four times per battle
(Akai Sabaku no Tagu) - Tags of the Red Desert ( Extra Clone | Passive )
Type: Supplementary
Rank: N/A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A (-5 per tag)
Damage: N/A ( +20 to paper ninjutsu, tag based ninjutsu or Red Sand Techniques )
Description: These tags were created by Korra to use in conjunction with her Paper Ninjutsu and are a replacement for the explosive tags a shinobi usually carries thus making them passive. These tags are red in color with a desert/sand look with 漠 on the middle. The tags contain red sand in them and can be detonated by the user merely through thought. The sand in the tags help give the user a source of red sand throughout the battle field. Each single tag contains enough red sand to support a D rank Red Sand technique. The user can use the red sand from the tags for other Red Sand techniques but only if enough tags go off for example the remainders of a single tag can support a D rank technique. The remainder of two tags can support a C rank etc. If used alongside basic ninjutsu that summons Explosive Tags like Hidden Explosive Tags Technique, or that uses Explosive tags that technique is considered a Red Sand technique and will release Red Sand upon detonation. These tags can also be used alongside Red Sand techniques by funneling them into the formation of a technique empowering a Red Sand technique allowing it to overcome it's usual weaknesses as when it clashes with another technique the tags will detonate releasing more Red Sand and increasing the strength of that technique enough to overcome it's weakness.
Note: Must post this in the user bios to be able to use them or post them in the start of the battle and cannot be utilized alongside other seals to increase tag damage.

Sado's Chakra
Remaining chakra:

Senjutsu chakra:
607 - 20 ( Sage Mode | Wings ) = 587
587 - 50 ( Hands of Sloth ) = 537

Doombringer's chakra:
812 - 10 ( Wings ) = 802
802 - 20 ( Chakra Transfer ) = 782

Jack's chakra:
608 - 20 ( Change into Hell Maintain ) = 588
588 - 20 ( Chakra Transfer ) = 568

Smith's chakra:
Senjutsu chakra:
288 - 20 ( Sage Mode and Wings ) = 268

Extra clone's chakra:
Senjutsu chakra:
288 - 20 ( Sage Mode and Wings ) = 268
268 - 40 ( Tools of the Traveler ) = 228
228 - 10 ( Tags of the Red Desert ) = 218

Monkey Rock:
ELM from LM 175
Note: I get 5 moves due to the number of clones on my side
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Pyro NB

Apr 22, 2015
Trait Points
Coming from x
Doombringer and Jack each grasped at the shoulder of one of their allies. Each of Sado's clones would begin transferring chakra to one of Desmond's clones knowing that the only way to beat the Mother was to show the others that they had to put aside their own differences and work together. This allowed each clone to empower what they planned to do coursing chakra through the clones.

(Chakra Tensõ no Jutsu) Chakra Transfer Technique ( Doombringer | Jack )
Type: Supplementary
Rank: N/A
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A (same as the amount transferred) ( 20 each )
Damage: N/A
This is an advanced ability that ninjas with great chakra control can learn to use and that Bijuu possesses innately. The user will release his or her unmolded chakra onto another ninja, effectively transferring it. The technique has many uses, from restoring an allies chakra to releasing him from a Genjutsu or simply to give him more chakra to mold, allowing him to drastically boost the power of a technique. Tsunade could even use this technique, together with her Creation Rebirth technique to, in conjunction with her summon Katsuyu, heal multiple people at the same time during Pain's attack on Konohagakure. If used to power the use of a technique, the recipient of the chakra can boost one technique by adding +20 chakra to it which increases its damage by +40. To do this, the recipient must mold the technique while the user of Chakra Tenso no Jutsu is transferring chakra into him, meaning that both the transfer and the technique must be done at the same time. The transfer can only be done with direct contact between user and target and restores the targets chakra by up to 100 points per turn. The technique can even be used by ninjas with natural energy passively coursing through their chakra flows, as a medical ninja's near-perfect chakra control enables them to filter the unwanted and sometimes harmful energy from entering the recipient's chakra system.
Note: Only usable by bios with great chakra control (NB Medical Ninjas, Hyuuga bios, Canon Medical Ninjas). Bios seen using it in the manga can also use it.
Note: Cannot be used to power the users own techniques.
Note: Usable 3 times per battle.
Desmond and his crew arrive alongside Sado and his crew and as they proceeded to attack so did Desmond. His clones would each hold their respective auto puppet with their left hand whilst aiming their right towards Tiamat and release two chakra blasts towards her. HIs auto puppets Lyss and Ilya would both raised their hands towards Tiamat and release a volley of chakra bullets towards her. Both clones in unison, Thanks for the boost!!! Desmond flying higher to obtain a different advantage would clap his hands together and release a blast of lighting from them.
Desmond: 1605-10-10-40=1545
D1: 1935-10-10-70=1845
D2: 1550-10-10-70=1460
Lyss: 150-30=120
Ilya: 150-30=120
( Kinrin Tensei Baku ) - Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion x2
Rank: Forbidden
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 70
Damage: 120+30(TCM)+40(Chakra Transfer)=190 (170 with TSB)
Description: While using Tenseigan Chakra Mode, the user focuses a tremendous amount of chakra into one of his Truth-Seeking Balls and grasps it in his hand to create a giant golden sword of pure chakra of comparable size to the sword of an unstabilized Susano'o, capable of easily slicing the large mountains in half with a single swipe. He could also focus it into a single blast, capable of destroying near anything in its path. If the user does not have access to the Truth-Seeking Orbs, he is able to use his Puppet Cursing Technique spheres in their place.
Note: Can only be used with Tenseigan Chakra Mode
Note: Can only be used two times, each time preventing further use for.2 turns.
Note: After using, the user cannot use any Tenseigan based jutsu besides the Chakra Mode for two turns.

( Kinzoku Kugutsu ) - Autonomous Puppets x2
Type: Tool
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30 (40-10(Spec)=30)
Damage: 60 (90)
Description: An advanced type of puppet that makes use of scientific ninja tools to attain a limited degree of autonomy that ergo, enables them to act independently of a puppeteer. To initiate this method, each puppet must first be programmed with a set of specific functions that then makes use of a detection system to prompt them into action. More specifically, the puppets will be able to act whenever foreign chakra enters mid-range of them while deployed in a battle or in the same landmark as them (WSE). Once prompted to act, these puppets are capable of firing several chakra bullets in rapid succession to inflict major damage (A-rank with twice the speed of Jounin-ranked bios). In addition, they are also able to fire chakra bullets nonstop once every three turns, which results in a much higher collective damage output (Forbidden-ranked). But afterward, the puppets are rendered unable to fire any bullets while they undergo a two-turn cooldown.
Note: Puppets are created with up to 150 chakra, able to be used for firing chakra bullets. These bullets are neutral to elemental Jutsu.
Note: Puppeteers are able to have use two autonomous puppets while cyborgs can used up to four.
Note: Can be carried in scrolls if desired.
Note: Must have puppetry as an Advanced Ninjutsu or be a Cyborg.

(Raiton: Chidori Jinrai) – Lightning Release: 1000 birds ThunderClap.
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Mid-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user will cover his hands in with lightning, essentially performing a (Raiton: Chidori) Lightning Release: One Thousand Birds in each hand. Clapping his hands together, the user can unleash that massive amount of lightning chakra into the form of a powerful Thunderbolt directed at the target. The technique is best used if the user has a height advantage in relation to the target. The thunderbolt is strong enough to leave a giant crater and cannot be used while being in Short-range of the target, at the risk of being hit also.
D1 TCM: 3/6
D2 TCM: 3/6
Additional two moves due to clones
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Active member
Mar 12, 2014
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Sin couldn't believe it, he tried, but her power was too much for him alone. He needed everyone's help. He had to rely on them. He took the damage so his new ally could acquire new powers now it was time to protect them. He could perceive the beam being shot at all of them and he knew just how deadly it was. So now it was hit turn to protect them all. He flew forwards to be in front of them all and activated his short range shinra tensei like a shield, tanking the beam head on. He flew straight at it, clashing with it, the beam being pushed back not reaching its target. This would give the other three a chance... now was the time...

As Sin held his shinra tensei blocking the beam from touching his allies he screamed to them all.


That was hit plan all along, to protect and support them all while they all attacked the goddess with everything they had.

( Shinra Tensei ) - Divine Punishment
Type: Supplementary/Defensive/Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40 ( +20 per extra range )
Damage: N/A
Description: Using the Deva Paths abilities to manipulate gravitational forces, the user will repulse and push away anything around him up to a given range, in all directions, producing an omni-repulsion effect. The force and repulsive effect is absolute, affecting both energy and matter alike. The technique itself can be used with different ranges/sizes, depending on how much chakra the user spends for the technique and can even, in its smaller form, be sustained, forming a static defensive field instead of a wave-like effect.
Shōkibo - Small Scale: the user will push away anything around him up to short range. The offensive power in this size is not that high as it hits opponents but can still do severe damage. It isn't, however, fatal, boasting a physical 40 damage. If the user focuses this ability with the help of his hands he can sustain a defensive absolute repulsive field around him. He can't, however, do any technique while he is sustaining it and he can only sustain it for 2 turns. Once used, takes one turn cool down to use gravitational related techniques again.
Chūkibo - Medium Scale: the user will push away anything around him up to mid range. The offensive power in this size is severe, sending opponents flying backwards with enough force to, if not defended properly, leave near fatal physical damage. Although not directly fatal, the technique boasts a physical damage of 80. If the user focuses this ability through one or both hands, he can push away a specific target or technique alone, instead of producing the normal omni-repulsive wave. Once used, takes 2 turns cool down to use gravitational related techniques again.
Ōkibo - Large Scale: the user will push away anything around him up to long range. The offensive power of the technique is devastating and anything in its path that doesn't manage to defend properly is left obliterated. Its fatal if unguarded, boasting a physical damage of 160. Using this techniques poses a great deal of danger to the user as he damages his chakra pathway itself to be able to mold sufficient chakra to perform it. Once used, the user loses the use any gravitational related techniques for the remainder of the fight and is unable to mold chakra for techniques above A-Rank for 5 turns.
Note: The technique is immune to normal Elemental Weaknesses and Strengths and as such can't be blocked or stopped. However, the enemies can still use techniques that prevent or reduce physical damage to their bodies to survive its effects or escape its range through a fast enough technique. This means that in the large scale, while the technique can't be stopped or directly countered, enemies can still manage to survive if the logically counter.
Note: can only be used by Rinnegan bios with the ( Tendō ) - Deva Path active
The beam of chakra would break against the force created by Sin, branching off into several fragmented arcs of energy away from the targeted group. It was a massive display of power indeed, both for the Goddess, and Sin. Hei would take the opportunity to position himself to rise above Sin in a clearing created by his defense. Listening to the words of his comrade. Hei would create a handseal and focus a massive amount of chakra, empowered by his passive Senjutsu and his devils seal, this spear would emit and release from his hands and head right for the goddess.

"Take THIS! Lightning style, False Darkness attack!"

Passively Activated: (Fuuin: Akuma to no dansu) - Sealing Technique: Dance With The Devil
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user will have a seal placed on their body with the Kanji for a specific element. The seal can be passively activated in battle and it’s activation will restrict the user to a certain element (as well as the one’s it’s comprised of. In exchange for limiting the user to certain element(s), the user's techniques of the remaining elements will gain one rank and in the case of S-Ranks and above they will gain +20 damage. In the case of defensive and supplementary techniques, they will become capable of defending against techniques with 20 more damage points (only applies to S-Ranks and above). This counts as a passive boost rather than an active one due to the nature of the seal. To clearly illustrate the seal’s use in battle, if the user restricted themselves to Steel Release, they would still have access to Earth, Fire and any CE combinations of the aforementioned elements (elements that use solely earth, solely fire or Earth and Fire). Alternatively, the user can create the seal in the middle of a battle but this usage can only be used once. This usage is fast enough to be used in the same time-frame as the subsequent technique. Once activated, this technique lasts until canceled.
-Can only be taught by Detective L
-Must be stated in user’s biography and can only be activated once per battle/event
-Alternative use can only be used once per battle
(Raiton: Gian) - Lightning Style: False Darkness
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80 + 40 = 120
Descripton: The user, after performing the Snake handseal, emits lightning in the shape of a spear from their hands or mouth which then pierces the enemy. Kakuzu, the original user, shoots the technique from his Lightning mask's mouth. Its destructive power is great enough to even pierce through rock; meaning it has a high killing potential. The user can increase the number of spears to attack multiple enemies by branching the main spear. This, coupled with the sheer speed of the lightning, makes it a difficult technique to evade. This strong attack can be defended against by an equally strong attack of the same element such as Raikiri.
As Hei did this, he would also issue a mental command to his Zen Sphere, having it attach itself to Sin in order to heal the damage he caused from absorbing his chakra. Slight as it may be.

(Zenyatta Kyutai) Zenyatta Orbs
Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage points: N/A
Description: Special drone Orbs created by a Monk named Zenyatta. These Orbs are created out of an unknown chakra metal and filled with Zenyatta's chakra. The user will have six orbs that hover near the user or that can be warn like a large necklace. The user can freely manipulate these orbs through an attached transceiver connected behind the users ears. They supply their own power source within them via batteries. Depending on the type of orb used, they will create a link to a target glowing yellow for Harmony or purple for Discord. This link will supply a different effect to a target depending on the type of orb used.
Orb of Discord: Amplifies any amount damage the target takes by 30 additional damage. This doesn't cause damage, only increases the amount of damage a target receives.
Orb of Harmony: Slowly restores 15 health to the target per turn when wounded, or reduces the amount of damage they take by 30. Only one effect can be in place at a time.
These orbs can be directed to a target within a mid-ranged area. Once within short range of the target they will connect to the target and remain attached, even if a target moves to long range. They can be countered with B-rank lightning or A-rank technique, causing them to return to their owner. A-rank lightning or S-rank technique can destroy the orbs indefinitely.
-Discord Orbs last 3 turns per use, require a two turn cool down and can only be used three times per battle/event
-Harmony Orbs last 3 turns per use, require a two turn cool down and can only be used three times per battle/event
-A target can only be targeted with a single orb at a time.
-Can only be taught by Serpent
Chakra: 6160 - 90 = 6070
Health: 200
Pill: 3/4
Menma would join in and launch his own series of attacks at the Primordial One. He flew to the left of the group and as he did he gathered his chakra into a disc above his head before throwing a Rasenshuriken towards the woman with all his might. The attack would be powerful enough to rip through any obstacles in its path as it would be made to make contact at the same time as Hei's Lightning Style technique. The Rasenshuriken would explode into a all encompassing vortex of wind chakra once it made contact with Tiamat.

"Wind Style, Rasenshuriken!!"

(Fūton: Rasenshuriken) - Wind Release: Spiraling Shuriken

Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short (up to Long for Naruto)
Chakra: 40+20 = 60
Damage: 80+25+30+10=145 (20 to the user, if CQC)
Description: By manipulating the wind-natured chakra of the Wind Release: Rasengan, Naruto was able to create four large points, causing the Rasengan to take on the appearance of a giant fūma shuriken, with the Rasengan in the centre remaining a perfect sphere. The technique gives off a loud screech-like noise during, and after formation. Others ninjas can learn the technique, but cannot throw it as they lack Naruto's skill with the rasengan to succeed nor can they produce as much damage as Naruto who, adding to the damage boost given to him to the aforementioned modes, gains another +10 damage when using it.

CP: 4360
SM: 1220 - 60 - 15 = 1145
NTCM: 2/5
Solider Pill - 2/4
As Tiamat's attempt was thwarted by Sin, Vayne & Co would quickly take action. Abzu would make way to Tiamat, still partially in shadow form(only feet) and proceed to attack her shadow, aiming a powerful attack that originated from Tiamat's own shadow. It would be in the form of a simple 'strike' to Tiamat's legs, one empowered by GOA and SM, aiming to diminish Tiamat's escape capabilities, although due to Abzu stepping on her shadow, her movement would be once again restricted similar to before. In tandem, Roxis would release a fire attack to the sky, aiming to subvert the use of the rain that originated from Tiamat's subordinate, whilst also serving to set up his next attack. On Vayne's end, he would draw a small hummingbird that would move to strike Tiamat in the back of the head, expertly navigating itself to not collide with any of the thrown attacks, whilst moving so that it would not be directly in Tiamat's line of sight, exploiting the chaos in the field in an attempt to deliver a powerful surprise strike.

(Kage: Phantasos) - Shadow Arts: Phantasos
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: A + 1
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60 +1Rank + 20SM = 100 x2 Crit= 200
Description: A technique based on the very core of the nara clan. It is essentially an advancement and refinement of the basic paralysation technique. A nara commonly takes control of the shadow of the target and inversely prevents their movement or move them around. This shows a direct correlation between the targets shadow and their muscles/body. Phantasos makes use of this correlation in order to grant the nara unprecedented advantage when combating durable target with great physical prowess. Phantasos allows the user to utilise his shadow in order to attack the targets muscle via their own shadow. Essentially the technique works in a modified way of the basic technique. Instead of controlling the target’s muscles to move the target, the user would forcibly move the targets muscle in order to cause damage. For instance, instead of moving the leg muscles in order to move the target, the user would have the muscles constrict on themselves, causing damage to the target’s legs, potentially preventing proper movement for future turns, similar to what the effects of a strong kick to the back of the leg could result in. The technique’s range can be increased similar to other shadow techniques, of course under the condition that the users shadow has enough area to increase it’s range. The technique can be used thrice per battle and four times per event.
(Bugu no Achlys) - Garb of Achlys
Type: Weapon
Rank: Dependant
Range: Dependant
Chakra: 10 per turn | Up to forty for specific abilities
Damage: -
Description: Garb of Achlys, or GOA, is an ancient tool that takes the form of a battered piece of clothing that resembles a cloth, although due to the abilities it has it has been seen in different forms. Once a worthy owner encounters GOA it would form a bond with them and change into a form desirable and suitable for the user. Once this is accomplished the user would be granted several new abilities, all for a cost though. This is due to the parasitic nature of GOA. GOA is a conscious, sentient construct that although is aware of the world around it, does not interact with it in a significant manner, merely just being present. The weapon itself is said to have an unknown number of capabilities, however only a numbered amount of it’s abilities are currently known.

First and foremost, the garb’s connection with user and the user’s capabilities. Through it’s awareness of the world GOA grants Vayne sensory, however it is limited to shadows. Vayne becomes aware of any and all shadows present in the area, no matter how small or faded they may be. However, although he becomes aware of the shadow, distinguishing specific parts of the shadow would require concentration. Normally Vayne would have a basic understanding of what the shadow is, for example he would distinguish that fingers are being held up, but with concentration he would be capable of knowing how many fingers are being held up. This sensory grants Vayne a two times multiplier in regards to sensing. Of course this ability becomes completely useless for constructs that lack a shadow. This ability is always active as long as a piece of GOA is in contact with Vayne. It costs five chakra points per turn. The user is limited to focusing on 3 objects, during which his awareness of the outer world is cut to just being aware.(No sensory multiplier)

The second ability relates to the general function of the garb and it’s bias towards perfection. Due to this GOA can essentially change it’s shape into anything and separate into multiple shapes to match the need’s of it’s bearer. GOA has the ability to alter it’s size, this proves useful when it is owned by different users. The size altering occurs after the user passively sacrifices twenty chakra points, through those GOA could change it’s size, essentially expanding at a rapid rate, allowing it to assume more shapes. Individually, GOA can be treated as a cloth, not offering any defensive or offensive capabilities. However, when more and more of GOA build atop itself it can reach surmountable strength and durability. The power of GOA depends on the amount of additional chakra the user supplies, with the strength corresponding to the 1:2 chakra:damage output. This can be used five times per battle. When hitting thirty chakra points mark, the strength increase only lasts three turns, which upon ending prevent the utilisation of the power increase of equal or higher measure for two turns. Sacrificing forty results in an increase that only lasts two turns, after which a three turn interval must pass before the reutilisation of the power increase ability. In regards to sacrifices lower than thirty, they all last for four turns, after which a turn interval must pass before the utilisation of the technique. The aspect of decreasing the size of GOA would cost five chakra points and can be freely used as it offers no noteworthy advantage to the user. Any offensive/defensive actions done with the expanded cloth would cost a move, barring the turn it expands in.

The third and perhaps the most battle useful ability of GOA is it’s relation to the Nara clan arts and related techniques. The garb implements it’s awareness into the user and clear their mind from any unnecessary thoughts(killing intent and similar/emotion altering techniques) , this allows the user to be more proficient with their usage of nara clan related techniques, allowing them to be able to create and use more complex and concentration requiring techniques. Normal techniques would be performed with more ease, translating to a -5 to chakra requirement for initial usage of the technique. Furthermore, GOA has one more function that greatly aids the user in conflicts. It becomes passively active when a nara or related technique is used(Shadow CFS for examole), GOA would release some of the user’s previously taken chakra into the technique, empowering it as a result. This translates to a rank increase for A ranks and below, while for higher it increases the power by ten. This ability can only come into effect as long as the GOA has taken some chakra beforehand. GOA absorbs five chakra points per turn for this ability and would require twenty chakra points in order to have the ability come into play, however, the user can actively sacrifice chakra, four times per battle, in order to have a higher storage of chakra. The user can sacrifice up to forty chakra points, this can be performed in the same timeframe of a technique, allowing the user to have the boost added to the attack in the same instance it is released. Boosts are restricted to once every two turns.

In regards to the GOA's durability, it depends on the extent of the second abilities usage that was previously mentioned. When the ability is not in use the garb would be as durable as normal clothes, leaving it vulnerable to attacks. However, all parts of the garb must be destroyed in order to render it completely useless. If a portion of the garb was not destroyed then it could be used to return the garb to it's former glory, based on the capabilities/restrictions placed on the second ability.
-Can only be used by a nara.
-If not on the user's person, it can be summoned similar to any other weapon.
( Katon: Kēji Netsu Hōka Keimusho ) - Fire Release: Caged Heat Arson Prison
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Mid - Long range
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user forms 3 handseals and molds fire natured chakra around his target. Causing the fire chakra to manifest as a ring of harmless fire, the user is capable of simultaneously applying pressure and heat inside the sphere for generate an explosion quickly. This explosion covers a short range radius and forms a 5 meter ring around the user with him in the center.
(Inkupo: Kaiga Natsu ) Ink Arts: Painting Summer
Type: Supplementary
Rank: D - S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 10 - 40 (-5 per turn)
Damage: 10 - 80 + 20SM = 100 x2 if crits, so 200
Description: Usually used as a means for teaching others how to paint with ink, Painting Summer allows the user to manipulate their ink in various forms for different reasons such as demonstrating the applications of the ninjutsu. The range of this technique starts from short range as usual, painting the work of art into life such as furniture to sit on due to ink techniques having been known to sustain themselves, small animals for entertainment etc. The vast possibilities are endless, leaving it up to the user’s own imagination.These creations can be no bigger than five meters in height. These creations can be formed for combative purposes if the user needs this, now dealing damage in accordance to it's rank. A rank usage has a limit of thrice per battle while S rank is twice per battle however the former leaves the user unable to use ink based techniques above S rank in the same and next turn while the latter prevents use of ink based techniques above A rank for the same and next turn. A rank has a cooldown of one turn while S has two turns after use. Though this technique can be used with no damaging properties simply for cosmetic use. This is considered freeform and doesn't count as a move. B rank needs a single hand seal, A rank needs two while S rank needs three.
coming from [X]

The black substance spread across the landscape, and judging from how everyone else avoided it, it seemed that the Inuzuka's decision to stay away from was the right choice. Kōtetsu found that the source of the substance was but a single woman with a peculiar scent, but he couldn't smell her chakra much to his surprise. Ryu would channel chakra to his nose to activate his spectral sense, which he allowed his partner to tune into.

Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: N/A
Description: A High Breed Ninken will be capable of channelling their chakra to their nose, activating a technique that will draw upon their ability to 'smell chakra' and heighten it greatly. Much like synesthesia, while the chakra will be detected by the users sense of smell, it will instead be interpreted visually, with smelt chakra being interpreted as visible colours that will seep and ooze out of techniques and people. Of course as it is detected by smell, sensory of chakra then, will not be limited to the users visual range, but will instead exist independently as an experience-able phenomenon that will be interpreted visually - for instance the user will be able to close their eyes yet will still see colours, smells from behind the user will be interpreted in a way akin to peripheral vision, yet more rear reaching and so on. The stronger or fresher the chakra source - whether it be a person or technique, the more vivid and bright the colour will be. Staler sources of released chakra will take on more bland and faded tones, while those interpreted as dangerous or fatal will take or strong and alarming red, yellow and purple tones. Similarly more active chakra, such as that produced by a ninja performing a technique or an active attack will produce stronger, more block colours, while dormant sources, such as a ninja at rest or passive or dormant techniques will produce more patchy and whispy tones. Elemental affinities will also have their own distinct colours, as will other disciplines of chakra transformation, even pure physical and spiritual energies will have their own hue. Due to the experiential mental connection between the two partners, an Inuzuka will also be able to tune into this sense as he sees fit, with both being able to enhance or dampen this ability as is necessary.
- Colour perception will appear like a filter that overlays onto the normal view of the world.
- Can only be used 3x
- Once activated it lasts until deactivated, draining 10 chakra per turn from the user.
- Can only be taught by Scaze

Sure enough, while Kōtetsu could now visibly perceive the chakra signature of the group of people attacking the woman, she gave off nothing. So then what was the source of her power? Who exactly was she? The Inuzuka looked to the black substance and the entities that had risen from it. Given how everyone else was attacking her he could tell she was an enemy, but he couldn't just attack her without know who, or what she was. Kōtetsu would draw Izanagi from its sheath and imbue lightning chakra into the chokuto's black blade, increasing its vibration frequency and enhancing it's cutting power. He then passively applied a seal to the hilt, binding the enhancement granted by the lightning to it indefinitely. Now prepared to defend himself, Kōtetsu would look to the group fighting the woman.

"Who is she, and what's that black substance?"

Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A (+40 to Kenjutsu/sword-related attacks)
Description: The user channels their lightning chakra into a blade, increasing its vibrating frequency and giving it more cutting power than standard wind techniques.

Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short
Chakra: 15 (-5 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: This seal may only be used on weapons that are in contact with the user. This seal may also be passively applied to the user's weapons or formed onto a weapon the user is holding by expending a move. Only activated when the user is utilizing a jutsu to enhance or otherwise affect said weapon, this seal (which is marked with the kanji for "bind") will activate and drain chakra from the user to fuel said jutsu, even when the user uses another jutsu. It will permanently (or for as long as the user chooses to keep paying chakra) bind the enhancement to the weapon by doing so, as it is constantly being fueled. Each turn the weapon will be able to be used as if the enhancement that was made on it was newly activated, so that they may block and attack with the weapon it was used on without breaking the freeform dodging/blocking rules.
- Only one of these seals may be active at a time on a single weapon
- Only works on weapons

Kotetsu: 3930
Final: 3870
Fujin: 1000​
You must be registered for see medias

( Sandāu~ēbu ) - Thunderwave ( Doombringer | Passive )
Type: Tool
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A ( - 5 per turn when used )
Damage: N/A
Description: Thunderwave is a basic chest plate outfitted with a surround sound speaker system, and a microphone. It can be used to play music or make noises more audible than normal similar to a karaoke machine. It is able to produce sound louder than most techniques or the clashing of techniques and can be much louder than the user or opponent can scream. In essence it can act like the (Utsusemi no Jutsu) - Empty Cicada Shell Technique passively at all times being louder and stronger than even that basic technique. It comes pre-loaded with all of the wielder's favorite songs. In battle it can be used to play theme music or it can make the user louder as it has a built in microphone system connected to the speaker system.
The primary use of Thunderwave as mentioned above is the ability to play music with the offshoot of this being the ability to cancel sound waves with sound waves while playing music. This is similar to the Scientific Ninja Tool: Shijima and works like a noise-cancellation speaker. The system can emit a sound wave with the same amplitude but with inverted phase also known as antiphase to the original sound. The waves combine to form a new wave, in a process called interference, and effectively cancel each other out. This effect is called destructive interference and is able to nullify sound techniques in equal rank. The sound can encompass a short - long range area around the user being louder the closer to the user the people who can hear it are and due to this it has a dampening system as to not harm the users ears or cause them any undue problems. It can be fine tuned to look different depending on the wielder's appearance or preference.
Note: Sound techniques can only be canceled once per turn three times per battle.
The first thing that could be recognized when Sado and his group entered into the fray was the loud boisterous music that radiated from them. It couldn't exactly be pinpointed but it sounded like it was coming from the group directly, but also from the areas around them. It belted outward in all directions piercing into people's ears and blasting through the entire landmark even surrounding Tiamat the Mother herself. Sado called out to the clone who was on music duty. It was odd, somehow it snuffed out the sound of most of the other techniques being louder and more forceful than them drowning out the sound and making a loud, bold statement.

Look, man, if all you're going to play is Christian rock, I'm going to need you to pass the aux to someone else.

As he moved forward all of his clones flying in the air Sado caused the two invisible arms to swing down toward the Mother. He was roughly mid-range from her as the two hands imperceptible to anything but Sage Mode, Rinnegan or Yin-Yang Release users whipped toward her center mass before grasping at her body threatening to tear her apart.
Sado all but knew it wouldn't kill her outright but he wasn't trying to kill her he was trying to injure her and push her back so that the others had a chance to attack again. This was going to be a long drawn out thing if the fight with Takauji Ashikaga was any comparison this was something that required teamwork and effort from each individual.
There was no time to be the hero or to play as a lone wolf, however, Sado himself still did have a knack for the theatrics. The music, and the way he spoke played heavily into his nature to showboat. Even while not trying to he made an ordeal out of it all.

(Inton: Namakemono no Ude ) Yin Release: Hands of Sloth ( Sado | Reference )
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short – Mid
Chakra Cost: 100 (110 w/ YY: Hands of Sloth) -50 per turn
Damage: 120 ( +40 Chakra Transfer ) ( +40 Added Weight ) = 200 x2 ( Crit ) = 400
Description: This technique gets its name from one of the deadliest sins, sloth. The user begins by clapping their hands and focusing their Yin Release chakra behind them. The user creates several chakra arms (up to 8) behind them which are spiritual in nature. They do not appear to the naked senses, only Sage Mode users, Rinnegan and other Yin-Yang Release users can detect these hands. The best way to describe this technique is in relation to Madara’s Boader Jail technique. The arms are capable of physically interacting with the world and attacking or defending against physical constructs. However, the user can freely turn them completely intangible if they wish to bypass physical obstacles. The base usage of this technique allows the user to attack or defend covertly by freely manipulating the invisible arms. However, in their second form the user can add the “properties of sloth” to the hands which are dejection, idleness, and sleep. Dejection is a loss of will and focus translated in causing a victim to lose coherent perception of the world around them and weaken their ability to defend against genjutsu. Idleness is a loss of action which is translated to a hampered ability to cast techniques. Sleep is a loss of consciousness which is translated in a comatose state brought about by the sealing of one’s spirit if they are not sufficiently healed. The third and final form of this technique is brought about when the user introduces their Yang Release chakra which essentially makes the hands quasi-sentient and self-sufficient without the user’s mental input.
Note: all Yin Release users can use the base form of this technique. Yin Release masters or Yin-Yang users can use the second form. The final form of this technique can only be used by Yin-Yang users with a Yin affinity.
Note: The properties of sloth are spiritually degenerating properties. The more a victim interacts with the hands the worse they become. When touched by the hands once, the victim enters dejection and becomes unable to deduce A-rank and above genjutsu and unable to break S-rank genjutsu by any means. When touched twice the victim enters idleness and they become unable to perform techniques within a single time-frame. When touched thrice, the victim’s mind is sealed over the course of 2 turns and they enter a genjutsu that renders them a mindless puppet to the user. The properties of sloth can only affect victims if the hands are tangible. Switching between tangibility and intangibility requires a move.
Note: Genjutsu specialists and other Yin-Yang users can resist the properties of sloth through the use of counter genjutsu or Yin Release techniques like Yin State.
Note: This technique can be used once per battle. While in use, the user cannot use any non-elemental ninjutsu, Yang Release, or Yin-Yang Release techniques.
Yo, anyone who can sense it, I suggest you use abilities similar to what I'm doing right now. We fought a creature like this already. It was much weaker, but still a hindrance as it could overpower just about any ability. Focus on tricking it, I suggest; gravity-related techniques, invisible Natural Energy, or senjutsu, and Yin Release. There isn't enough time to explain why these work, but I assume most of you have picked up on the subtle differences between us and them. I'm not a tactician, but it's a start. If you have abilities like those I mentioned use them at every chance you see. If she can see it and react to it, I have a feeling she can overpower it. If someone uses the same technique I am, I'll buff you!

Sado was quick to lift his right hand telling his clone to cut the music for a moment. He needed to explain what he knew, it wasn't much but it was a start. He explained what he found that worked well against the Shogun. Each ability was one that he had suggested to his own allies before. They each attacked in a sly way, making it hard for creatures without chakra to perceive them.
He didn't care if they listened to his advice, honestly, he hoped they did but it didn't matter. He knew other humans were fickle and egotistical. He had given the information he had, if they couldn't work with that then it was on them. In unison, to the invisible arms whipping downward the golem would roar outward rushing toward the woman. Its plan was to grapple and crush her but it all but knew it was too weak to be a threat.
When the invisible hands struck out aimed at the woman's center mass the golem of earth and fire threw its arms forward with the aim to grab the sleek creature's legs with the aim to crush them and her lower body under the sheer weight of its massive frame.

( Doton/Katon: Saruiwa ) - Earth/Fire Release: Monkey Rock ( Reference | Sentient )
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80 ( +40 Chakra Transfer ) ( +40 Added Weight ) = 160
Description: This technique creates a giant stone monkey by accumulating surrounding ground and shaping it into the animal, which is then reinforced with fire. Unlike the Great Stone Golem, the user doesnt have to continuously fuel the technique with their chakra. While the height of the monkey can reach up to 30m, it has a capacity for moving quite fast that belies its hulking stature.
Note: Due to being a dual elemental technique, the user can only use one other jutsu that turn.
Note: This technique does not have any basic elemental weakness.
Doombringer and Jack each grasped at the shoulder of one of their allies. Each of Sado's clones would begin transferring chakra to one of Desmond's clones knowing that the only way to beat the Mother was to show the others that they had to put aside their own differences and work together. This allowed each clone to empower what they planned to do coursing chakra through the clones.

(Chakra Tensõ no Jutsu) Chakra Transfer Technique ( Doombringer | Jack )
Type: Supplementary
Rank: N/A
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A (same as the amount transferred) ( 20 each )
Damage: N/A
This is an advanced ability that ninjas with great chakra control can learn to use and that Bijuu possess innately. The user will release his or hers unmolded chakra onto another ninja, effectively transferring it. The technique has many uses, from restoring an allies chakra to releasing him from a Genjutsu or simply to give him more chakra to mold, allowing him to drastically boost the power of a technique. Tsunade could even use this technique, together with her Creation Rebirth technique to, in conjunction with her summon Katsuyu, heal multiple people at the same time during Pain's attack on Konohagakure. If used to power the use of a technique, the recipient of the chakra can boost one technique by adding +20 chakra to it which increases its damage by +40. To do this, the recipient must mold the technique while the user of Chakra Tenso no Jutsu is transferring chakra into him, meaning that both the transfer and the technique must be done at the same time. The transfer can only be done with direct contact between user and target and restores the targets chakra by up to 100 points per turn. The technique can even be used by ninjas with natural energy passively coursing through their chakra flows, as a medical ninja's near perfect chakra control enables them to filter the unwanted and sometimes harmful energy from entering the recipients chakra system.
Note: Only usable by bios with great chakra control (NB Medical Ninjas, Hyuuga bios, Canon Medical Ninjas). Bios seen using it in the manga can also use it.
Note: Cannot be used to power the users own techniques.
Note: Usable 3 times per battle.
Not having a whole lot to do the extra clone would create a lance of Red Sand and send it toward Tiamat.

He would lace tags into it empowering it further and sending the technique at an angle that avoided other techniques.

(Nirro Suna: Ryokō-sha no Tsūru) Red Sand Release: Tools of the Traveler ( Extra Clone )
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: B - S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 20 - 40
Damage points: 40 - 80 ( +20 Sage Mode ) ( +20 Tags ) = 120
Description: The user can form strong tools out of Red Sand either by creating a source with this jutsu or manipulating an already existing source, these include; kunai, swords, pillars, shields etc. However B rank will need one hand seal, A rank will need two hand seals and S rank will need three hand seals. The tools will be able to repel water and other liquids and the sand is heated significantly giving them a burning property. The heat from the tools are enough to cause third degree burns to human skin on contact and cause deep searing wounds. The user himself doesn't directly touch the tools therefor he is unaffected by the heat of them. The tools can only be created short range from the user if the technique is used to create its own source of red sand. As a defensive mechanism the user is able to produce Red Sand directly from their body in a large enough quantity to push hazardous substances such as liquid, oil, fire, mud, etc away and off of them.
Note: S rank can be used once per turn and four times per battle
(Akai Sabaku no Tagu) - Tags of the Red Desert ( Extra Clone | Passive )
Type: Supplementary
Rank: N/A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A (-5 per tag)
Damage: N/A ( +20 to paper ninjutsu, tag based ninjutsu or Red Sand Techniques )
Description: These tags were created by Korra to use in conjunction with her Paper Ninjutsu and are a replacement for the explosive tags a shinobi usually carries thus making them passive. These tags are red in color with a desert/sand look with 漠 on the middle. The tags contain red sand in them and can be detonated by the user merely through thought. The sand in the tags help give the user a source of red sand throughout the battle field. Each single tag contains enough red sand to support a D rank Red Sand technique. The user can use the red sand from the tags for other Red Sand techniques but only if enough tags go off for example the remainders of a single tag can support a D rank technique. The remainder of two tags can support a C rank etc. If used alongside basic ninjutsu that summons Explosive Tags like Hidden Explosive Tags Technique, or that uses Explosive tags that technique is considered a Red Sand technique and will release Red Sand upon detonation. These tags can also be used alongside Red Sand techniques by funneling them into the formation of a technique empowering a Red Sand technique allowing it to overcome it's usual weaknesses as when it clashes with another technique the tags will detonate releasing more Red Sand and increasing the strength of that technique enough to overcome it's weakness.
Note: Must post this in the user bios to be able to use them or post them in the start of the battle and cannot be utilized alongside other seals to increase tag damage.

Sado's Chakra
Remaining chakra:

Senjutsu chakra:
607 - 20 ( Sage Mode | Wings ) = 587
587 - 50 ( Hands of Sloth ) = 537

Doombringer's chakra:
812 - 10 ( Wings ) = 802
802 - 20 ( Chakra Transfer ) = 782

Jack's chakra:
608 - 20 ( Change into Hell Maintain ) = 588
588 - 20 ( Chakra Transfer ) = 568

Smith's chakra:
Senjutsu chakra:
288 - 20 ( Sage Mode and Wings ) = 268

Extra clone's chakra:
Senjutsu chakra:
288 - 20 ( Sage Mode and Wings ) = 268
268 - 40 ( Tools of the Traveler ) = 228
228 - 10 ( Tags of the Red Desert ) = 218

Monkey Rock:
ELM from LM 175
Note: I get 5 moves due to the number of clones on my side
Coming from x

Desmond and his crew arrive alongside Sado and his crew and as they proceeded to attack so did Desmond. His clones would each hold their respective auto puppet with their left hand whilst aiming their right towards Tiamat and release two chakra blasts towards her. HIs auto puppets Lyss and Ilya would both raised their hands towards Tiamat and release a volley of chakra bullets towards her. Both clones in unison, Thanks for the boost!!! Desmond flying higher to obtain a different advantage would clap his hands together and release a blast of lighting from them.
Desmond: 1605-10-10-40=1545
D1: 1935-10-10-70=1845
D2: 1550-10-10-70=1460
Lyss: 150-30=120
Ilya: 150-30=120
( Kinrin Tensei Baku ) - Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion x2
Rank: Forbidden
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 70
Damage: 120+30(TCM)+40(Chakra Transfer)=190 (170 with TSB)
Description: While using Tenseigan Chakra Mode, the user focuses a tremendous amount of chakra into one of his Truth-Seeking Balls and grasps it in his hand to create a giant golden sword of pure chakra of comparable size to the sword of an unstabilized Susano'o, capable of easily slicing the large mountains in half with a single swipe. He could also focus it into a single blast, capable of destroying near anything in its path. If the user does not have access to the Truth-Seeking Orbs, he is able to use his Puppet Cursing Technique spheres in their place.
Note: Can only be used with Tenseigan Chakra Mode
Note: Can only be used two times, each time preventing further use for.2 turns.
Note: After using, the user cannot use any Tenseigan based jutsu besides the Chakra Mode for two turns.

( Kinzoku Kugutsu ) - Autonomous Puppets x2
Type: Tool
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30 (40-10(Spec)=30)
Damage: 60 (90)
Description: An advanced type of puppet that makes use of scientific ninja tools to attain a limited degree of autonomy that ergo, enables them to act independently of a puppeteer. To initiate this method, each puppet must first be programmed with a set of specific functions that then makes use of a detection system to prompt them into action. More specifically, the puppets will be able to act whenever foreign chakra enters mid-range of them while deployed in a battle or in the same landmark as them (WSE). Once prompted to act, these puppets are capable of firing several chakra bullets in rapid succession to inflict major damage (A-rank with twice the speed of Jounin-ranked bios). In addition, they are also able to fire chakra bullets nonstop once every three turns, which results in a much higher collective damage output (Forbidden-ranked). But afterward, the puppets are rendered unable to fire any bullets while they undergo a two-turn cooldown.
Note: Puppets are created with up to 150 chakra, able to be used for firing chakra bullets. These bullets are neutral to elemental Jutsu.
Note: Puppeteers are able to have use two autonomous puppets while cyborgs can used up to four.
Note: Can be carried in scrolls if desired.
Note: Must have puppetry as an Advanced Ninjutsu or be a Cyborg.

(Raiton: Chidori Jinrai) – Lightning Release: 1000 birds ThunderClap.
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Mid-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user will cover his hands in with lightning, essentially performing a (Raiton: Chidori) Lightning Release: One Thousand Birds in each hand. Clapping his hands together, the user can unleash that massive amount of lightning chakra into the form of a powerful Thunderbolt directed at the target. The technique is best used if the user has a height advantage in relation to the target. The thunderbolt is strong enough to leave a giant crater and cannot be used while being in Short-range of the target, at the risk of being hit also.
D1 TCM: 3/6
D2 TCM: 3/6
Additional two moves due to clones

The resistance displayed by the humans stirred the primal anger within the ancient goddess. Fury welled within her body, her petite frame quivering as the sensations of rage and hatred began to bubble to the surface. She, who had given birth to these creatures, was now the subject of their vitriol. They had turned their back on her. They meant to kill her. Though she was primitive, Tiamat was capable of understanding this much. And for that, she would see humanity burn. Gripped by the power of numerous techniques meant to restrain her, she growls menacingly as the combined assault of the shinobi gathered approaches her. Unable to move, she would be forced to endure the onslaught of Ninjutsu that could surely annihilate even the most potent defences. The vicious combination of physical attacks and chakra-based energy projectiles created an explosion which completely engulfed Tiamat, partially filling the crater her earlier outburst had created. Smoke billowed from the site where each of the shinobi present had launched their most powerful attacks at the goddess, though the mud continued to flow. After moments of silence, the dust dissipated and revealed the vengeful deity, who had not moved an inch in response to the assault. Her expression was that of raw fury, her eyes glowing crimson. Tiamat raises her arms, causing the Sea of Life beneath her feet and around her to rise into the air. Gaining height until she was standing above the shinobi present, approximately 15 meters away from each of them, atop the swirling mass of black mud, the goddess invokes the power of the Amino-Geis flowing throughout the Sea of Life, calling upon ten humanoids with aspects of insects, their limbs being sharpened to points and possessing translucent wings. Immediately, they had their sights locked on the shinobi, with each of them targeting a single ninja and their clones present, except for Hakuryu. With a serene cry which shook the heavens, Tiamat cast a series of virulent spells. The first would directly target the vitality of the humans present, making their bodies more susceptible to outside attack. The second spell would weaken the effectiveness of healing abilities, making use of them as a means to rid their bodies of the curse, as well as general injuries, more difficult. The children of Tiamat rapidly approached each of the ninja, their jaws lined with gnashing teeth, eager to rend their flesh and crush through bone. The creatures had emerged from the Sea of Life level with the height of the other shinobi, allowing Tiamat to unleash the might of Nammu Duranki without killing her children. The beam was launched at a wide angle, becoming progressively larger as it traveled out to the ninja, aimed to smash them all in a single blow.

(Seimei no Umi) – The Sea of Life
Type: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 60 – 300 / N/A
Description: The Sea of Life is one of Tiamat’s signature skills and is the physical manifestation of her Divine Authority, the ‘Principle of Regression,’ and her position as “Mother.” In essence, the Sea of Life manifests the concept of all life being born from the sea. The Sea of Life of Tiamat is void of chakra and a substance that resembles a black mud that can be released from any part of Tiamat’s body, in any of her evolutionary states. The mud itself is of extraordinarily high density, allowing it to easily engulf and overcome physical obstacles. Passively Tiamat will release the Sea of Life from her lower extremities at a constant rate, with the mud spreading at a rate of 10 meters per turn. After four turns, any landmark Tiamat occupies will become completely filled by the Sea of Life making it highly hazardous for life. It is possible to momentarily impede its spread, operating neutral to all chakra natures and transformations as long as it respects damage interactions. But the mud cannot truly be quelled; lost mud is simply replaced at accelerated rates making it a simple task to overwhelm many organisms within moments. The quantity of mud that Tiamat expels is essentially infinite, allowing it to fill any volume necessary.

Should a living being, essentially any organic matter, come into contact with the Sea of Life then they will become subject to the Amino-Geis; the Geis completely binds body and mind to Tiamat’s will and causes the organism to undergo a significant physical transformation. This alters the existence of this being into that of a monster on a genetic level. Instances of this include the former Shogun Takauji Ashikaga, as well as the numerous Lahmu that are invading from the ocean.
(Atarashī Inochi no Tanjō) – Birth of New Life
Type: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: An ability of Tiamat’s which allows her to employ the Sea of Life as a catalyst to create and shape new life from that which has been overtaken by the Sea of Life, a power remarkably similar to the combination of Yin and Yang Release. Unlike other techniques which employ the Sea of Life itself, this does not manipulate any matter of the Sea; instead it is a technique which awakens life within the Sea that has been transformed by the Amino-Geis to act on Tiamat’s behalf. It is a potent technique that can create life on a scale that is proportional to Tiamat’s current evolutionary state. Much like her “New Humanity” technique, the Birth of New Life essentially just reshapes simple living creatures into those of her image. It is a technique that reflects the legend that Tiamat, Mother of Beasts, created the first monsters in an effort to fight against Marduk and the Gods in the first divine battle that determined the course of history. Creatures that are transformed by the Birth of New Life technique move at speeds of twice a Jounin shinobi, resist damage equivalent to 80 or less, and can inflict 80 damage through their physical attacks. Most of these creatures are remarkably simple in design, and become more complex as usage of this technique increases.
(San-Setsu: Dāji no Saigo wa Oka) – Third Verse: Dirge of the Last Mother (Passive)
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: An ability cast through Tiamat’s voice, a spell which weakens the constitution of enemies in battle. When cast, the Dirge directly attacks an enemy’s vitality, causing physical weakness in those affected. Due to the weakening of the body, techniques of physical nature (Taijutsu/Kenjutsu, etc), will decrease in power equivalent to -20 damage or -1 Rank in reduction. Enhancements to physical attributes which aren’t chakra-based, such as Leg Weights, will be less effective, halving the bonus granted as well as their current speed (bonuses are applied according to new values). Dirge of the Last Mother comes with the additional effect of increasing the damage received by enemies, be it by Tiamat’s attacks or by any other enemies and even recoil inflicted upon one’s self. Any and all damage taken will be increased by +20. Damage over time effects are enhanced by +5 per turn. Once cast, the effects of this Dirge will last until the end of the battle. Dirge of the Last Mother is a passive skill that stacks with itself and other Dirges. It can be dispelled through the use of Medical Ninjutsu two ranks higher than it or Yang Release.
(Dai Ni Setsu: Dāji wa Saisho no Hahaoya) – Second Verse: Dirge of the First Mother (Passive)
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: An ability cast through Tiamat’s voice, a spell which reduces the strength of chakra-based techniques. Upon casting the Dirge will target all chakra-based techniques currently on the field, reducing their damage, defensive value, and draining them of chakra equivalent. The drains imposed upon these techniques is equivalent to 1 Rank in amount (-20 damage and -10 chakra). A chakra-based technique that is launched at the time of casting that would normally deal critical damage will have its total damage reduced by 50.0% of the additional damage. In the case of healing techniques, such as Medical and Yang, they are reduced by 50% of their original effectiveness. Techniques cast after the usage of the Dirge will not have the debuff applied to them. Techniques which have their chakra reduced to 0 due to the effect of the Dirge will be entirely neutralized. Dirge of the First Mother is a passive skill that stacks with the effects of other Dirges and Verses. Unlike normal debuffing techniques, the Dirge of the First Mother stacks indefinitely.
(Nammu Duranki: Sōsei no Ri ni Shitagae) – Nammu Duranki: Abide the Laws of Creation
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 90 – 200
Description: An ability cast through Tiamat’s eyes, a spell which conjures beams of crimson energy. The energy carries a potent curse derived from her Nega-Genesis and Vessel of Omnipotence that afflicts an enemy target upon direct contact. Upon taking hold the curse infests the thermal wounds created on the body by the energy, acting as a virus which breaks down any and all forms of chakra it comes in contact with. Techniques intended to heal, even those as high caliber as Yang Release, will have their potency reduced by 90%. This technique’s curse can only be reversed by something as potent as a surge of Natural Energy exceeding a chakra level of 120 or Yin-Yang Release.

Tiamat's Health: 2470

Raitoninguroddobarē Contamination: Extreme (4/4)


Active member
Aug 25, 2010
Trait Points

The resistance displayed by the humans stirred the primal anger within the ancient goddess. Fury welled within her body, her petite frame quivering as the sensations of rage and hatred began to bubble to the surface. She, who had given birth to these creatures, was now the subject of their vitriol. They had turned their back on her. They meant to kill her. Though she was primitive, Tiamat was capable of understanding this much. And for that, she would see humanity burn. Gripped by the power of numerous techniques meant to restrain her, she growls menacingly as the combined assault of the shinobi gathered approaches her. Unable to move, she would be forced to endure the onslaught of Ninjutsu that could surely annihilate even the most potent defences. The vicious combination of physical attacks and chakra-based energy projectiles created an explosion which completely engulfed Tiamat, partially filling the crater her earlier outburst had created. Smoke billowed from the site where each of the shinobi present had launched their most powerful attacks at the goddess, though the mud continued to flow. After moments of silence, the dust dissipated and revealed the vengeful deity, who had not moved an inch in response to the assault. Her expression was that of raw fury, her eyes glowing crimson. Tiamat raises her arms, causing the Sea of Life beneath her feet and around her to rise into the air. Gaining height until she was standing above the shinobi present, approximately 15 meters away from each of them, atop the swirling mass of black mud, the goddess invokes the power of the Amino-Geis flowing throughout the Sea of Life, calling upon ten humanoids with aspects of insects, their limbs being sharpened to points and possessing translucent wings. Immediately, they had their sights locked on the shinobi, with each of them targeting a single ninja and their clones present, except for Hakuryu. With a serene cry which shook the heavens, Tiamat cast a series of virulent spells. The first would directly target the vitality of the humans present, making their bodies more susceptible to outside attack. The second spell would weaken the effectiveness of healing abilities, making use of them as a means to rid their bodies of the curse, as well as general injuries, more difficult. The children of Tiamat rapidly approached each of the ninja, their jaws lined with gnashing teeth, eager to rend their flesh and crush through bone. The creatures had emerged from the Sea of Life level with the height of the other shinobi, allowing Tiamat to unleash the might of Nammu Duranki without killing her children. The beam was launched at a wide angle, becoming progressively larger as it traveled out to the ninja, aimed to smash them all in a single blow.

(Seimei no Umi) – The Sea of Life
Type: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 60 – 300 / N/A
Description: The Sea of Life is one of Tiamat’s signature skills and is the physical manifestation of her Divine Authority, the ‘Principle of Regression,’ and her position as “Mother.” In essence, the Sea of Life manifests the concept of all life being born from the sea. The Sea of Life of Tiamat is void of chakra and a substance that resembles a black mud that can be released from any part of Tiamat’s body, in any of her evolutionary states. The mud itself is of extraordinarily high density, allowing it to easily engulf and overcome physical obstacles. Passively Tiamat will release the Sea of Life from her lower extremities at a constant rate, with the mud spreading at a rate of 10 meters per turn. After four turns, any landmark Tiamat occupies will become completely filled by the Sea of Life making it highly hazardous for life. It is possible to momentarily impede its spread, operating neutral to all chakra natures and transformations as long as it respects damage interactions. But the mud cannot truly be quelled; lost mud is simply replaced at accelerated rates making it a simple task to overwhelm many organisms within moments. The quantity of mud that Tiamat expels is essentially infinite, allowing it to fill any volume necessary.

Should a living being, essentially any organic matter, come into contact with the Sea of Life then they will become subject to the Amino-Geis; the Geis completely binds body and mind to Tiamat’s will and causes the organism to undergo a significant physical transformation. This alters the existence of this being into that of a monster on a genetic level. Instances of this include the former Shogun Takauji Ashikaga, as well as the numerous Lahmu that are invading from the ocean.
(Atarashī Inochi no Tanjō) – Birth of New Life
Type: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: An ability of Tiamat’s which allows her to employ the Sea of Life as a catalyst to create and shape new life from that which has been overtaken by the Sea of Life, a power remarkably similar to the combination of Yin and Yang Release. Unlike other techniques which employ the Sea of Life itself, this does not manipulate any matter of the Sea; instead it is a technique which awakens life within the Sea that has been transformed by the Amino-Geis to act on Tiamat’s behalf. It is a potent technique that can create life on a scale that is proportional to Tiamat’s current evolutionary state. Much like her “New Humanity” technique, the Birth of New Life essentially just reshapes simple living creatures into those of her image. It is a technique that reflects the legend that Tiamat, Mother of Beasts, created the first monsters in an effort to fight against Marduk and the Gods in the first divine battle that determined the course of history. Creatures that are transformed by the Birth of New Life technique move at speeds of twice a Jounin shinobi, resist damage equivalent to 80 or less, and can inflict 80 damage through their physical attacks. Most of these creatures are remarkably simple in design, and become more complex as usage of this technique increases.
(San-Setsu: Dāji no Saigo wa Oka) – Third Verse: Dirge of the Last Mother (Passive)
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: An ability cast through Tiamat’s voice, a spell which weakens the constitution of enemies in battle. When cast, the Dirge directly attacks an enemy’s vitality, causing physical weakness in those affected. Due to the weakening of the body, techniques of physical nature (Taijutsu/Kenjutsu, etc), will decrease in power equivalent to -20 damage or -1 Rank in reduction. Enhancements to physical attributes which aren’t chakra-based, such as Leg Weights, will be less effective, halving the bonus granted as well as their current speed (bonuses are applied according to new values). Dirge of the Last Mother comes with the additional effect of increasing the damage received by enemies, be it by Tiamat’s attacks or by any other enemies and even recoil inflicted upon one’s self. Any and all damage taken will be increased by +20. Damage over time effects are enhanced by +5 per turn. Once cast, the effects of this Dirge will last until the end of the battle. Dirge of the Last Mother is a passive skill that stacks with itself and other Dirges. It can be dispelled through the use of Medical Ninjutsu two ranks higher than it or Yang Release.
(Dai Ni Setsu: Dāji wa Saisho no Hahaoya) – Second Verse: Dirge of the First Mother (Passive)
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: An ability cast through Tiamat’s voice, a spell which reduces the strength of chakra-based techniques. Upon casting the Dirge will target all chakra-based techniques currently on the field, reducing their damage, defensive value, and draining them of chakra equivalent. The drains imposed upon these techniques is equivalent to 1 Rank in amount (-20 damage and -10 chakra). A chakra-based technique that is launched at the time of casting that would normally deal critical damage will have its total damage reduced by 50.0% of the additional damage. In the case of healing techniques, such as Medical and Yang, they are reduced by 50% of their original effectiveness. Techniques cast after the usage of the Dirge will not have the debuff applied to them. Techniques which have their chakra reduced to 0 due to the effect of the Dirge will be entirely neutralized. Dirge of the First Mother is a passive skill that stacks with the effects of other Dirges and Verses. Unlike normal debuffing techniques, the Dirge of the First Mother stacks indefinitely.
(Nammu Duranki: Sōsei no Ri ni Shitagae) – Nammu Duranki: Abide the Laws of Creation
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 90 – 200
Description: An ability cast through Tiamat’s eyes, a spell which conjures beams of crimson energy. The energy carries a potent curse derived from her Nega-Genesis and Vessel of Omnipotence that afflicts an enemy target upon direct contact. Upon taking hold the curse infests the thermal wounds created on the body by the energy, acting as a virus which breaks down any and all forms of chakra it comes in contact with. Techniques intended to heal, even those as high caliber as Yang Release, will have their potency reduced by 90%. This technique’s curse can only be reversed by something as potent as a surge of Natural Energy exceeding a chakra level of 120 or Yin-Yang Release.

Tiamat's Health: 2470

Raitoninguroddobarē Contamination: Extreme (4/4)
To his surprise their attacks would all land, causing massive damage to the surrounding land. It was a glorious display of humanity's might. A gathering of people representing different lands and clans. The vivid lights created by the explosions were beautiful indeed. The smoke would begin to clear, but Hei already knew. He would shake a bit as he hovered near everyone. He could see that Tiamat was still alive. The fact that she could withstand such an assault was a testament of her own might. Could we overcome this, could humanity prevail? The smoke settled and Hei would look upon his allies, seeing the look of shock, as he felt. Mothers eyes would burn red, her expression changing into anger. It became apparent that they were getting to her, and perhaps their attacks did more then can be seen. Multiple insect humanoids would erupt from the black mud below; The Children of Tiamat. They would all begin flying upwards to combat the group that has gathered. Hei would think back to Sin's earlier attack, his ability to alter and manipulate gravitational force. With his chakra augmenting Hei's own, Hei would maneuver himself to the front lines rising his right hand, aimed at all the Children of Tiamat that approached.

"Not on my watch!"

Hei will create a mid level repulsion force aimed downward that will be aimed to smash into the bugs, forcing them back and causing massive damage to them. The force being enhanced with Hei's Senjutsu and his medical pill will cause them to smash against this force like a bugs on a windshield. This will also push back all the sea of life in the area, include that in which Tiamat is currently standing, causing her to fall. Preoccupied with his attack, Hei will still notice Tiamat release another powerful beam with her eyes, and would trust one of his comrades to protect from the attack.

(Shinra Tensei) - Divine Punishment
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary/Defense/Attack
Range: Short
Chakra: 40 (+20 per extra range) 60 + 50% = 90
Damage: N/A 80 + 35 = 115
Description: Using the Deva Paths abilities to manipulate gravitational forces, the user will repulse and push away anything around him up to a given range, in all directions, producing an omni-repulsion effect. The force and repulsive effect is absolute, affecting both energy and matter alike. The technique itself can be used with different ranges/sizes, depending on how much chakra the user spends for the technique and can even, in its smaller form, be sustained, forming a static defensive field instead of a wave-like effect.
Shōkibo - Small Scale: the user will push away anything around him up to short range. The offensive power in this size is not that high as it hits opponents but can still do severe damage. It isn't, however, fatal, boasting a physical 40 damage. If the user focuses this ability with the help of his hands he can sustain a defensive absolute repulsive field around him. He can't, however, do any technique while he is sustaining it and he can only sustain it for 2 turns. Once used, takes one turn cool down to use gravitational related techniques again.
Chūkibo - Medium Scale: the user will push away anything around him up to mid range. The offensive power in this size is severe, sending opponents flying backwards with enough force to, if not defended properly, leave near fatal physical damage. Although not directly fatal, the technique boasts a physical damage of 80. If the user focuses this ability through one or both hands, he can push away a specific target or technique alone, instead of producing the normal omni-repulsive wave. Once used, takes 2 turns cool down to use gravitational related techniques again.
Ōkibo - Large Scale: the user will push away anything around him up to long range. The offensive power of the technique is devastating and anything in its path that doesn't manage to defend properly is left obliterated. Its fatal if unguarded, boasting a physical damage of 160. Using this techniques poses a great deal of danger to the user as he damages his chakra pathway itself to be able to mold sufficient chakra to perform it. Once used, the user loses the use any gravitational related techniques for the remainder of the fight and is unable to mold chakra for techniques above A-Rank for 5 turns.
Note: the technique is immune to normal Elemental Weaknesses and Strengths and as such can't be blocked or stopped. However, the enemies can still use techniques that prevent or reduce physical damage to their bodies to survive its effects or escape its range through a fast enough technique. This means that in the large scale, while the technique can't be stopped or directly countered, enemies can still manage to survive if the logically counter.
Note: can only be used by Rinnegan bios with the (Tendō) - Deva Path active
Chakra: 6070 - 110 = 5960
Health: 200
Pill: 4/4
Last edited:

Pyro NB

Apr 22, 2015
Trait Points
As everyone's attack lands and the smoke dissipated Desmond saw Tiamat still standing, Dam she's durable as hell... Tiamat would begin to raise herself from the ground until she was higher than everyone. That wasn't all though from the mud spawned several combatants but almost immediately back to where they came, Nice. Shortly after saying this, however, Desmond saw Tiamat's eyes begin to glow and a beam released shortly after, Guess it's my turn. With that being said Desmond raised his hand and released a mid-sized gravitational wave pushing the beam back into Tiamat's face.

Almost in unison with this and simultaneously with each other D1 and D2 would each raise their right hand and release a blast of lightning from it. These would hit Tiamat immediately Desmond's thrust slammed her beam back into her face.

Desmond: 1545-10-10-40=1485
D1: 1845-10-10-40=1785
D2: 1460-10-10-40=1400
Lyss: 120
Ilya: 120
( Tensei Suiryoku ) - Reincarnation Thrust
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary/Defense/Attack
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 40 - 160
Description: The user will repulse and push away anything around him up to a given range, in all directions, producing an Omni-repulsion effect. The force and the repulsive effect is absolute, affecting both energy and matter alike. The technique itself can be used with different ranges/sizes, depending on how much chakra the user spends for the technique and can even, in its smaller form, be sustained, forming a static defensive field instead of a wave-like effect.

Shōkibo - Small Scale: the user will push away anything around him up to short-range. The offensive power in this size is not that high as it hits opponents but can still do severe damage. It isn't, however, fatal, boasting a physical 40 damage. If the user focuses this ability with the help of his hands he can sustain a defensive absolute repulsive field around him. He can't, however, do any technique while he is sustaining it and he can only sustain it for 2 turns. Once used, takes one turn cooldown to use gravitational related techniques again.

Chūkibo - Medium Scale: the user will push away anything around him up to mid-range. The offensive power in this size is severe, sending opponents flying backward with enough force to, if not defended properly, leave near-fatal physical damage. Although not directly fatal, the technique boasts physical damage of 80. If the user focuses this ability through one or both hands, he can push away a specific target or technique alone, instead of producing the normal Omni-repulsive wave. Once used, takes 2 turns to cool down to use gravitational related techniques again.

Ōkibo - Large Scale: the user will push away anything around him up to long-range. The offensive power of the technique is devastating and anything in its path that doesn't manage to defend properly is left obliterated. It's fatal if unguarded, boasting physical damage of 160. Using this technique poses a great deal of danger to the user as he damages his chakra pathway itself to be able to mold sufficient chakra to perform it. Once used, the user loses the use of any gravitational related techniques for the remainder of the fight and is unable to mold chakra for techniques above A-Rank for 5 turns.

Note: The technique is immune to normal Elemental Weaknesses and Strengths and as such can't be blocked or stopped. However, the enemies can still use techniques that prevent or reduce physical damage to their bodies to survive its effects or escape its range through a fast enough technique. This means that on a large scale, while the technique can't be stopped or directly countered, enemies can still manage to survive if they logically counter.
Note: Can only be used by Tenseigan Bios.

(Raiton: Chidori Raimei) - Lightning Style: 1000 Birds Thunderstorm x2
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80+30(TCM)=110
Description: The user will channel lightning chakra into his hand, covering it with a massive chidori. The user will then point his palm forwards, unleashing that chakra, creating a massive 120º blast of lightning that spreads from his hand, outwards and forward towards the enemy.


Active member
Aug 17, 2010
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( Sandāu~ēbu ) - Thunderwave ( Doombringer | Passive )
Type: Tool
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A ( - 5 per turn when used )
Damage: N/A
Description: Thunderwave is a basic chest plate outfitted with a surround sound speaker system, and a microphone. It can be used to play music or make noises more audible than normal similar to a karaoke machine. It is able to produce sound louder than most techniques or the clashing of techniques and can be much louder than the user or opponent can scream. In essence it can act like the (Utsusemi no Jutsu) - Empty Cicada Shell Technique passively at all times being louder and stronger than even that basic technique. It comes pre-loaded with all of the wielder's favorite songs. In battle it can be used to play theme music or it can make the user louder as it has a built in microphone system connected to the speaker system.
The primary use of Thunderwave as mentioned above is the ability to play music with the offshoot of this being the ability to cancel sound waves with sound waves while playing music. This is similar to the Scientific Ninja Tool: Shijima and works like a noise-cancellation speaker. The system can emit a sound wave with the same amplitude but with inverted phase also known as antiphase to the original sound. The waves combine to form a new wave, in a process called interference, and effectively cancel each other out. This effect is called destructive interference and is able to nullify sound techniques in equal rank. The sound can encompass a short - long range area around the user being louder the closer to the user the people who can hear it are and due to this it has a dampening system as to not harm the users ears or cause them any undue problems. It can be fine tuned to look different depending on the wielder's appearance or preference.
Note: Sound techniques can only be canceled once per turn three times per battle.
The woman screeched out toward the heavens as Doombringer used that moment as a crescendo to change the music which switched over but still overwhelmed the entire area. As he did that Jack another of Sado's clones would concentrate Yang energy all throughout himself as in a bright wave of white energy he would release a long-range pulse of Yang energy which would permeate into three of his allies altering their bodies Desmond ( Pyro NB ), Hei ( Serpent ) and Sin ( The Pervy Sage ) would each gain a pair of wings, their durability would increase ( -15 ) and the dirges used by the Mother would be negated.
In unison, to this Sado himself would release Yang energy all throughout his own body negating the debuffs brought on by the dirges as three of his clones would fly out and grip three more of his allies, the Extra Clone, would grasp for Vayne, ( Vayne ), Smith would grasp for Menma ( Lgeezy ) and Doombringer would grasp for the new arrival Kōtetsu ( Anbu Junior ).
Each of the clones would clutch at the shoulders of one of their newly found allies as they would force a copious amount of Yang energy deep into their cores undoing any of the damage that had been dealt to their bodies, but also reversing the effects of the dirges allowing them to fight at their full capacity once more. Sado would yell out to everyone who had been cured telling them to attack once more.
He had found himself slipping into a role he wasn't used to. Instead of attacking he had to spend this entire exchange healing or undoing what the Mother had done to his allies' bodies. At least he could trust in those around him to defend him and the rest realizing that Hei and Desmond had both already negated the attacks leaving all of the healed individuals with a chance to counter-attack. Hopefully, someone was able to make up for the individuals he and his clones couldn't get to.

( Yoton: Jigoku no Enjin ) - Yang Release: Ring of Hell ( Jack )
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 80 for touch based version/100 for ranged version
Damage: N/A
Description: By channeling copious amounts of Yang energy, the user is able to infuse others with this, temporarily enhancing their physical attributes. This is achieved in two ways, either by direct touch or proximity. The first is more limited to a single person but has greater benefits; those channeled directly into will be able to reduce 35 damage from physical contact and gain physical alterations to their body that the Yang energy 'breathes' into life, such as twice the height or width of their body, additional arms or legs, etc as long as within reason and used solely for physical purposes. Should the user use the alternative release, then he is able to release Yang energy from his body up to Long range away, affecting all allies in the range. This variant allows the user to augment all allies with the same type of changes, ranging from all gaining wings to more. These changes only last a limited time, however; after 3 turns pass, the grown appendages or changes fall and revert back to normal. Depending on the alteration, one of a few benefits might be obtained.
Note: If additional arms, stronger arms or alterations related to the arm are made, then the target will gain an additional +20 to Taijutsu. If the changes target the head, the user is able to grant a 2x tracking. If leg based alterations are made, then the target will gain either +4 levels to his base speed or +20 damage to leg based tai. If changes target the torso, then an universal durability boost of B rank Ninjutsu immunity is obtained and if wings or similar is created, then the user is able to fly at thrice their speed.
Note: The damage and speed boosts are considered Passive and Base Speed increases. The values listed in the techniques are if the touch based variant is used. If the ranged variant is used, then these benefits are reduced by gained on a lesser scale ( +15 to Tai instead of +20, +2 Speed Levels, 1.5x Tracking, or -15 from all physical clashes).
Note: Touch based variant can only affect up to two people per event. Ranged variant creates a wave of Yang energy that affects up to 3 allies and lasts up to 4 turns.
Note: Can only be used three times in total.
(Yoton: Taiyōnomegumi) - Yang Release: Touch of the Sun ( Sado, Extra Clone, Doombringer, Smith )
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra cost:70 per use
Damage points: N/A
Description: Through the infusion of Yang natured chakra into others, users can heal others to their original best physical form. It can be used to regrow missing body parts, heal wounds, purge poisons, etc. The target needs to be alive and the bigger the injury, the longer it takes to heal. The limits of the heal, however, are almost none as it can heal 150 damage per turn and can even heal the chakra system or other injuries that are otherwise not possible to be healed. The technique requires time and physical contact and as such isn't very suited to use in a battle when compared to regular Iryo Ninjutsu.
Note: Yang Release masters are able to use on themselves.

Sado's Chakra
Remaining chakra:

Senjutsu chakra:
537 - 20 ( Sage Mode | Wings ) = 517
517 - 70 ( Touch of the Sun ) = 447

Doombringer's chakra:
782 - 10 ( Wings ) = 772
772 - 70 ( Touch of the Sun ) = 702

Jack's chakra:
568 - 100 ( Ring of Hell ) = 468

Smith's chakra:
Senjutsu chakra:
268 - 20 ( Sage Mode and Wings ) = 248
248 - 70 ( Touch of the Sun = 178

Extra clone's chakra:
Senjutsu chakra:
218 - 20 ( Sage Mode and Wings ) 198
198 - 70 ( Touch of the Sun ) = 128
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Jul 27, 2011
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To his surprise their attacks would all land, causing massive damage to the surrounding land. It was a glorious display of humanity's might. A gathering of people representing different lands and clans. The vivid lights created by the explosions were beautiful indeed. The smoke would begin to clear, but Hei already knew. He would shake a bit as he hovered near everyone. He could see that Tiamat was still alive. The fact that she could withstand such an assault was a testament of her own might. Could we overcome this, could humanity prevail? The smoke settled and Hei would look upon his allies, seeing the look of shock, as he felt. Mothers eyes would burn red, her expression changing into anger. It became apparent that they were getting to her, and perhaps their attacks did more then can be seen. Multiple insect humanoids would erupt from the black mud below; The Children of Tiamat. They would all begin flying upwards to combat the group that has gathered. Hei would think back to Sin's earlier attack, his ability to alter and manipulate gravitational force. With his chakra augmenting Hei's own, Hei would maneuver himself to the front lines rising his right hand, aimed at all the Children of Tiamat that approached.

"Not on my watch!"

Hei will create a mid level repulsion force aimed downward that will be aimed to smash into the bugs, forcing them back and causing massive damage to them. The force being enhanced with Hei's Senjutsu and his medical pill will cause them to smash against this force like a bugs on a windshield. This will also push back all the sea of life in the area, include that in which Tiamat is currently standing, causing her to fall. Preoccupied with his attack, Hei will still notice Tiamat release another powerful beam with her eyes, and would trust one of his comrades to protect from the attack.

(Shinra Tensei) - Divine Punishment
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary/Defense/Attack
Range: Short
Chakra: 40 (+20 per extra range) 60 + 50% = 90
Damage: N/A 80 + 35 = 115
Description: Using the Deva Paths abilities to manipulate gravitational forces, the user will repulse and push away anything around him up to a given range, in all directions, producing an omni-repulsion effect. The force and repulsive effect is absolute, affecting both energy and matter alike. The technique itself can be used with different ranges/sizes, depending on how much chakra the user spends for the technique and can even, in its smaller form, be sustained, forming a static defensive field instead of a wave-like effect.
Shōkibo - Small Scale: the user will push away anything around him up to short range. The offensive power in this size is not that high as it hits opponents but can still do severe damage. It isn't, however, fatal, boasting a physical 40 damage. If the user focuses this ability with the help of his hands he can sustain a defensive absolute repulsive field around him. He can't, however, do any technique while he is sustaining it and he can only sustain it for 2 turns. Once used, takes one turn cool down to use gravitational related techniques again.
Chūkibo - Medium Scale: the user will push away anything around him up to mid range. The offensive power in this size is severe, sending opponents flying backwards with enough force to, if not defended properly, leave near fatal physical damage. Although not directly fatal, the technique boasts a physical damage of 80. If the user focuses this ability through one or both hands, he can push away a specific target or technique alone, instead of producing the normal omni-repulsive wave. Once used, takes 2 turns cool down to use gravitational related techniques again.
Ōkibo - Large Scale: the user will push away anything around him up to long range. The offensive power of the technique is devastating and anything in its path that doesn't manage to defend properly is left obliterated. Its fatal if unguarded, boasting a physical damage of 160. Using this techniques poses a great deal of danger to the user as he damages his chakra pathway itself to be able to mold sufficient chakra to perform it. Once used, the user loses the use any gravitational related techniques for the remainder of the fight and is unable to mold chakra for techniques above A-Rank for 5 turns.
Note: the technique is immune to normal Elemental Weaknesses and Strengths and as such can't be blocked or stopped. However, the enemies can still use techniques that prevent or reduce physical damage to their bodies to survive its effects or escape its range through a fast enough technique. This means that in the large scale, while the technique can't be stopped or directly countered, enemies can still manage to survive if the logically counter.
Note: can only be used by Rinnegan bios with the (Tendō) - Deva Path active
Chakra: 6070 - 110 = 5960
Health: 200
Pill: 4/4
As everyone's attack lands and the smoke dissipated Desmond saw Tiamat still standing, Dam she's durable as hell... Tiamat would begin to raise herself from the ground until she was higher than everyone. That wasn't all though from the mud spawned several combatants but almost immediately back to where they came, Nice. Shortly after saying this, however, Desmond saw Tiamat's eyes begin to glow and a beam released shortly after, Guess it's my turn. With that being said Desmond raised his hand and released a mid-sized gravitational wave pushing the beam back into Tiamat's face.

Almost in unison with this and simultaneously with each other D1 and D2 would each raise their right hand and release a blast of lightning from it. These would hit Tiamat immediately Desmond's thrust slammed her beam back into her face.

Desmond: 1545-10-10-40=1485
D1: 1845-10-10-40=1785
D2: 1460-10-10-40=1400
Lyss: 120
Ilya: 120
( Tensei Suiryoku ) - Reincarnation Thrust
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary/Defense/Attack
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 40 - 160
Description: The user will repulse and push away anything around him up to a given range, in all directions, producing an Omni-repulsion effect. The force and the repulsive effect is absolute, affecting both energy and matter alike. The technique itself can be used with different ranges/sizes, depending on how much chakra the user spends for the technique and can even, in its smaller form, be sustained, forming a static defensive field instead of a wave-like effect.

Shōkibo - Small Scale: the user will push away anything around him up to short-range. The offensive power in this size is not that high as it hits opponents but can still do severe damage. It isn't, however, fatal, boasting a physical 40 damage. If the user focuses this ability with the help of his hands he can sustain a defensive absolute repulsive field around him. He can't, however, do any technique while he is sustaining it and he can only sustain it for 2 turns. Once used, takes one turn cooldown to use gravitational related techniques again.

Chūkibo - Medium Scale: the user will push away anything around him up to mid-range. The offensive power in this size is severe, sending opponents flying backward with enough force to, if not defended properly, leave near-fatal physical damage. Although not directly fatal, the technique boasts physical damage of 80. If the user focuses this ability through one or both hands, he can push away a specific target or technique alone, instead of producing the normal Omni-repulsive wave. Once used, takes 2 turns to cool down to use gravitational related techniques again.

Ōkibo - Large Scale: the user will push away anything around him up to long-range. The offensive power of the technique is devastating and anything in its path that doesn't manage to defend properly is left obliterated. It's fatal if unguarded, boasting physical damage of 160. Using this technique poses a great deal of danger to the user as he damages his chakra pathway itself to be able to mold sufficient chakra to perform it. Once used, the user loses the use of any gravitational related techniques for the remainder of the fight and is unable to mold chakra for techniques above A-Rank for 5 turns.

Note: The technique is immune to normal Elemental Weaknesses and Strengths and as such can't be blocked or stopped. However, the enemies can still use techniques that prevent or reduce physical damage to their bodies to survive its effects or escape its range through a fast enough technique. This means that on a large scale, while the technique can't be stopped or directly countered, enemies can still manage to survive if they logically counter.
Note: Can only be used by Tenseigan Bios.

(Raiton: Chidori Raimei) - Lightning Style: 1000 Birds Thunderstorm x2
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80+30(TCM)=110
Description: The user will channel lightning chakra into his hand, covering it with a massive chidori. The user will then point his palm forwards, unleashing that chakra, creating a massive 120º blast of lightning that spreads from his hand, outwards and forward towards the enemy.
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( Sandāu~ēbu ) - Thunderwave ( Doombringer | Passive )
Type: Tool
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A ( - 5 per turn when used )
Damage: N/A
Description: Thunderwave is a basic chest plate outfitted with a surround sound speaker system, and a microphone. It can be used to play music or make noises more audible than normal similar to a karaoke machine. It is able to produce sound louder than most techniques or the clashing of techniques and can be much louder than the user or opponent can scream. In essence it can act like the (Utsusemi no Jutsu) - Empty Cicada Shell Technique passively at all times being louder and stronger than even that basic technique. It comes pre-loaded with all of the wielder's favorite songs. In battle it can be used to play theme music or it can make the user louder as it has a built in microphone system connected to the speaker system.
The primary use of Thunderwave as mentioned above is the ability to play music with the offshoot of this being the ability to cancel sound waves with sound waves while playing music. This is similar to the Scientific Ninja Tool: Shijima and works like a noise-cancellation speaker. The system can emit a sound wave with the same amplitude but with inverted phase also known as antiphase to the original sound. The waves combine to form a new wave, in a process called interference, and effectively cancel each other out. This effect is called destructive interference and is able to nullify sound techniques in equal rank. The sound can encompass a short - long range area around the user being louder the closer to the user the people who can hear it are and due to this it has a dampening system as to not harm the users ears or cause them any undue problems. It can be fine tuned to look different depending on the wielder's appearance or preference.
Note: Sound techniques can only be canceled once per turn three times per battle.
The woman screeched out toward the heavens as Doombringer used that moment as a crescendo to change the music which switched over but still overwhelmed the entire area. As he did that Jack another of Sado's clones would concentrate Yang energy all throughout himself as in a bright wave of white energy he would release a long-range pulse of Yang energy which would permeate into three of his allies altering their bodies Desmond ( Pyro NB ), Hei ( Serpent ) and Sin ( The Pervy Sage ) would each gain a pair of wings, their durability would increase ( -15 ) and the dirges used by the Mother would be negated.
In unison, to this Sado himself would release Yang energy all throughout his own body negating the debuffs brought on by the dirges as three of his clones would fly out and grip three more of his allies, the Extra Clone, would grasp for Vayne, ( Vayne ), Smith would grasp for Menma ( Lgeezy ) and Doombringer would grasp for the new arrival Kōtetsu ( Anbu Junior ).
Each of the clones would clutch at the shoulders of one of their newly found allies as they would force a copious amount of Yang energy deep into their cores undoing any of the damage that had been dealt to their bodies, but also reversing the effects of the dirges allowing them to fight at their full capacity once more. Sado would yell out to everyone who had been cured telling them to attack once more.
He had found himself slipping into a role he wasn't used to. Instead of attacking he had to spend this entire exchange healing or undoing what the Mother had done to his allies' bodies. At least he could trust in those around him to defend him and the rest realizing that Hei and Desmond had both already negated the attacks leaving all of the healed individuals with a chance to counter-attack. Hopefully, someone was able to make up for the individuals he and his clones couldn't get to.

( Yoton: Jigoku no Enjin ) - Yang Release: Ring of Hell ( Jack )
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 80 for touch based version/100 for ranged version
Damage: N/A
Description: By channeling copious amounts of Yang energy, the user is able to infuse others with this, temporarily enhancing their physical attributes. This is achieved in two ways, either by direct touch or proximity. The first is more limited to a single person but has greater benefits; those channeled directly into will be able to reduce 35 damage from physical contact and gain physical alterations to their body that the Yang energy 'breathes' into life, such as twice the height or width of their body, additional arms or legs, etc as long as within reason and used solely for physical purposes. Should the user use the alternative release, then he is able to release Yang energy from his body up to Long range away, affecting all allies in the range. This variant allows the user to augment all allies with the same type of changes, ranging from all gaining wings to more. These changes only last a limited time, however; after 3 turns pass, the grown appendages or changes fall and revert back to normal. Depending on the alteration, one of a few benefits might be obtained.
Note: If additional arms, stronger arms or alterations related to the arm are made, then the target will gain an additional +20 to Taijutsu. If the changes target the head, the user is able to grant a 2x tracking. If leg based alterations are made, then the target will gain either +4 levels to his base speed or +20 damage to leg based tai. If changes target the torso, then an universal durability boost of B rank Ninjutsu immunity is obtained and if wings or similar is created, then the user is able to fly at thrice their speed.
Note: The damage and speed boosts are considered Passive and Base Speed increases. The values listed in the techniques are if the touch based variant is used. If the ranged variant is used, then these benefits are reduced by gained on a lesser scale ( +15 to Tai instead of +20, +2 Speed Levels, 1.5x Tracking, or -15 from all physical clashes).
Note: Touch based variant can only affect up to two people per event. Ranged variant creates a wave of Yang energy that affects up to 3 allies and lasts up to 4 turns.
Note: Can only be used three times in total.
(Yoton: Taiyōnomegumi) - Yang Release: Touch of the Sun ( Sado, Extra Clone, Doombringer, Smith )
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra cost:70 per use
Damage points: N/A
Description: Through the infusion of Yang natured chakra into others, users can heal others to their original best physical form. It can be used to regrow missing body parts, heal wounds, purge poisons, etc. The target needs to be alive and the bigger the injury, the longer it takes to heal. The limits of the heal, however, are almost none as it can heal 150 damage per turn and can even heal the chakra system or other injuries that are otherwise not possible to be healed. The technique requires time and physical contact and as such isn't very suited to use in a battle when compared to regular Iryo Ninjutsu.
Note: Yang Release masters are able to use on themselves.

Sado's Chakra
Remaining chakra:

Senjutsu chakra:
537 - 20 ( Sage Mode | Wings ) = 517
517 - 70 ( Touch of the Sun ) = 447

Doombringer's chakra:
782 - 10 ( Wings ) = 772
772 - 70 ( Touch of the Sun ) = 702

Jack's chakra:
568 - 100 ( Ring of Hell ) = 468

Smith's chakra:
Senjutsu chakra:
268 - 20 ( Sage Mode and Wings ) = 248
248 - 70 ( Touch of the Sun = 178

Extra clone's chakra:
Senjutsu chakra:
218 - 20 ( Sage Mode and Wings ) 198
198 - 70 ( Touch of the Sun ) = 128
It was time. Hakuryuu was seeing everybody struggling. He knew that mother was able to hold her own, and can tank stuff. So he decided to act out. Already causing it to rain, he channeled his sound chakra into it. Right as it was done, the rain continued to fall, he activated it. Causing rain across the whole battle field to violently explode. Each rain drop (except within 5 meters of himself) infused with rain. The rain infront of, behind of, above and below would explode non stop, dealing incredible blunt damage, enough to even kill if not , knock them out of commission. Hakuryuu knew this wouldn't hurt the Goddess, and if it did it wouldnt be much. Thus would cause everybody in the area to be targeted. This would also explode on the black substance, causing it to splatter and even rain down causing whoever to be touched by it to be succumbed. Afterwards, Hakuryuu continued to observe the battle field.

(Ototon: Oujou Ganmou) Sound Style: Death Wish
Type: Offensive
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Mid - Long
Chakra: 50
Damage: 90 (-40 to user)
Description: This technique is the parent technique of Sound style: Deaf Wish, being purely offensive, and much more powerful. This technique must be utilized on a rain source, be it pre-existing rain, or chakra infused rain. The user will do two handseals sending their sound chakra into the clouds with the exception of the clouds five meters around the user. This is to protect the user from the full brunt of this technique. By doing this, it will amplify the rain drops with sound chakra. Unlike the child technique where it releases noise and not sound waves, as the rain drops fall from the ground, on the users command the sound that resonate within the rain drops will release powerful and destructive sound waves that has incredible force outwards which deals major blunt damage, enough to cause craters into the ground. Even though the user will not be in the line of attack, due to the force and aggressive nature of the attack, the aftermath of the "detonations" will reach the area the user is in, feeling like wind blunt damage hitting the user as long as the sound waves explode (Minor wind blunt damage) This technique causes a large strain on the users body due to him channeling his sound chakra into the clouds all around him, and then detonating the sound within the rain.

Note: Can only use once
Note: Last for one turn only
Note: Due to the huge strain, the user cant mold S rank or higher jutsus for the next two turns
Note: The user cant use sound for the next two turns
Note: If the user was to leave the 5 meters around him, or be at the edge of the 5 meters, he will take the full brunt of this technique

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Ańbu Juniør

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Feb 3, 2009
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The black substance had now covered the entirety of the land. There was no saving this place anymore, and all the inhabitants had been turned into foul abominations. The man playing the music shared some possible means of attacking the woman, but the Inuzuka possessed none of the abilities he listed. He would have to do it his way. As he thought about what to do the black substance shot upwards like a geyser until she was above them, and a number of humanoid figures emerged from it. Thankfully, they were all repelled by a horned man, which was followed by another man in a black beanie reflecting a read beam launched from above by the woman. In addition to all this, a replica of the man playing the music would grasp the Inuzuka, which he wearily allowed since it had no ill intent. The replica filled his body with an energy he had never felt before, which somehow got rid of the oppressive feeling that was weighing him down.

Kōtetsu would immediately go on the attack now that his power was restored. He would channel wind chakra through Kusanagi and slash it downwards, creating two invisible fields of wind, that spiraled around him and repelled the raindrops from coming near him and the clone. Aiming between the two repulsing waves launched by the other two, and ensuring nobody was behind him, the Inuzuka performed an upward vertical slash, which in turn saw the release of a massive arcing current of slicing wind towards the woman. With her above them, the wind would repel the rain falling down on him and the others. The Inuzuka would also sense the buildup of chakra within the rain as he released his attack, but due to the repulsive force of the not only the wind around him but also the sashes, the rain around them would be blown away before the could explode.

Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage: 80 (+40 Vibrating Lightning Release Sword) (+20 Mythos) =140
Description: The user will run Fuuton chakra through their blade while slashing it downwards to activate this technique. Completing a philosophical trio with Suiretsuen (which is "radial") and Raikosen (which is "linear"), Shippūga creates two "fields" of wind, that spiral around the user; though the wind currents themselves are invisible to the eye, the wind currents are wild where they meet the ground, creating a visible cue at the user's feet that looks like they are standing in a hurricane. The powerful vortex of wind whips up currents that empower Fuuton techniques so that they can neutralize Raiton techniques a rank higher than normal, and once per turn the user can swing their blade and release a massive arcing current of slicing or vacuum wind that reaches up to a mid-range distance, and is capable of forcing back even large summons - the vacuum current is capable of pulling even a large summon forward a mid-range distance; however, doing so diminishes the wind vortex, allowing it to only be used twice, and not on consecutive turns, since the wind must replenish before it can be launched. When one current is used, its "pair" is sent out behind the user, similar to the arms of a hurricane.

*This technique lasts for four turns once activated.
*The wind current can be deployed once per turn, every other turn.
*The modifier to Fuuton techniques is removed once the technique ends.
*Usable once per battle.

The Inuzuka would look to the man the chakra belonged to and wave his free hand, causing the wind to whip wildly about the battlefield in order to blow the clouds away and reveal the sky.

"What do you think you're doing?"

Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Chakra: 30
Damage: NA
Description: Using the wind you can make its current faster and stronger, making all the clouds blow away. Making Rain Jutsu Impossible.
Note: Only lasts for 3 turns.

Kotetsu: 3870
Final: 3785
Fujin: 1000​
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Sep 10, 2008
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( Sandāu~ēbu ) - Thunderwave ( Doombringer | Passive )
Type: Tool
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A ( - 5 per turn when used )
Damage: N/A
Description: Thunderwave is a basic chest plate outfitted with a surround sound speaker system, and a microphone. It can be used to play music or make noises more audible than normal similar to a karaoke machine. It is able to produce sound louder than most techniques or the clashing of techniques and can be much louder than the user or opponent can scream. In essence it can act like the (Utsusemi no Jutsu) - Empty Cicada Shell Technique passively at all times being louder and stronger than even that basic technique. It comes pre-loaded with all of the wielder's favorite songs. In battle it can be used to play theme music or it can make the user louder as it has a built in microphone system connected to the speaker system.
The primary use of Thunderwave as mentioned above is the ability to play music with the offshoot of this being the ability to cancel sound waves with sound waves while playing music. This is similar to the Scientific Ninja Tool: Shijima and works like a noise-cancellation speaker. The system can emit a sound wave with the same amplitude but with inverted phase also known as antiphase to the original sound. The waves combine to form a new wave, in a process called interference, and effectively cancel each other out. This effect is called destructive interference and is able to nullify sound techniques in equal rank. The sound can encompass a short - long range area around the user being louder the closer to the user the people who can hear it are and due to this it has a dampening system as to not harm the users ears or cause them any undue problems. It can be fine tuned to look different depending on the wielder's appearance or preference.
Note: Sound techniques can only be canceled once per turn three times per battle.
The woman screeched out toward the heavens as Doombringer used that moment as a crescendo to change the music which switched over but still overwhelmed the entire area. As he did that Jack another of Sado's clones would concentrate Yang energy all throughout himself as in a bright wave of white energy he would release a long-range pulse of Yang energy which would permeate into three of his allies altering their bodies Desmond ( Pyro NB ), Hei ( Serpent ) and Sin ( The Pervy Sage ) would each gain a pair of wings, their durability would increase ( -15 ) and the dirges used by the Mother would be negated.
In unison, to this Sado himself would release Yang energy all throughout his own body negating the debuffs brought on by the dirges as three of his clones would fly out and grip three more of his allies, the Extra Clone, would grasp for Vayne, ( Vayne ), Smith would grasp for Menma ( Lgeezy ) and Doombringer would grasp for the new arrival Kōtetsu ( Anbu Junior ).
Each of the clones would clutch at the shoulders of one of their newly found allies as they would force a copious amount of Yang energy deep into their cores undoing any of the damage that had been dealt to their bodies, but also reversing the effects of the dirges allowing them to fight at their full capacity once more. Sado would yell out to everyone who had been cured telling them to attack once more.
He had found himself slipping into a role he wasn't used to. Instead of attacking he had to spend this entire exchange healing or undoing what the Mother had done to his allies' bodies. At least he could trust in those around him to defend him and the rest realizing that Hei and Desmond had both already negated the attacks leaving all of the healed individuals with a chance to counter-attack. Hopefully, someone was able to make up for the individuals he and his clones couldn't get to.

( Yoton: Jigoku no Enjin ) - Yang Release: Ring of Hell ( Jack )
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 80 for touch based version/100 for ranged version
Damage: N/A
Description: By channeling copious amounts of Yang energy, the user is able to infuse others with this, temporarily enhancing their physical attributes. This is achieved in two ways, either by direct touch or proximity. The first is more limited to a single person but has greater benefits; those channeled directly into will be able to reduce 35 damage from physical contact and gain physical alterations to their body that the Yang energy 'breathes' into life, such as twice the height or width of their body, additional arms or legs, etc as long as within reason and used solely for physical purposes. Should the user use the alternative release, then he is able to release Yang energy from his body up to Long range away, affecting all allies in the range. This variant allows the user to augment all allies with the same type of changes, ranging from all gaining wings to more. These changes only last a limited time, however; after 3 turns pass, the grown appendages or changes fall and revert back to normal. Depending on the alteration, one of a few benefits might be obtained.
Note: If additional arms, stronger arms or alterations related to the arm are made, then the target will gain an additional +20 to Taijutsu. If the changes target the head, the user is able to grant a 2x tracking. If leg based alterations are made, then the target will gain either +4 levels to his base speed or +20 damage to leg based tai. If changes target the torso, then an universal durability boost of B rank Ninjutsu immunity is obtained and if wings or similar is created, then the user is able to fly at thrice their speed.
Note: The damage and speed boosts are considered Passive and Base Speed increases. The values listed in the techniques are if the touch based variant is used. If the ranged variant is used, then these benefits are reduced by gained on a lesser scale ( +15 to Tai instead of +20, +2 Speed Levels, 1.5x Tracking, or -15 from all physical clashes).
Note: Touch based variant can only affect up to two people per event. Ranged variant creates a wave of Yang energy that affects up to 3 allies and lasts up to 4 turns.
Note: Can only be used three times in total.
(Yoton: Taiyōnomegumi) - Yang Release: Touch of the Sun ( Sado, Extra Clone, Doombringer, Smith )
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra cost:70 per use
Damage points: N/A
Description: Through the infusion of Yang natured chakra into others, users can heal others to their original best physical form. It can be used to regrow missing body parts, heal wounds, purge poisons, etc. The target needs to be alive and the bigger the injury, the longer it takes to heal. The limits of the heal, however, are almost none as it can heal 150 damage per turn and can even heal the chakra system or other injuries that are otherwise not possible to be healed. The technique requires time and physical contact and as such isn't very suited to use in a battle when compared to regular Iryo Ninjutsu.
Note: Yang Release masters are able to use on themselves.

Sado's Chakra
Remaining chakra:

Senjutsu chakra:
537 - 20 ( Sage Mode | Wings ) = 517
517 - 70 ( Touch of the Sun ) = 447

Doombringer's chakra:
782 - 10 ( Wings ) = 772
772 - 70 ( Touch of the Sun ) = 702

Jack's chakra:
568 - 100 ( Ring of Hell ) = 468

Smith's chakra:
Senjutsu chakra:
268 - 20 ( Sage Mode and Wings ) = 248
248 - 70 ( Touch of the Sun = 178

Extra clone's chakra:
Senjutsu chakra:
218 - 20 ( Sage Mode and Wings ) 198
198 - 70 ( Touch of the Sun ) = 128
It was time. Hakuryuu was seeing everybody struggling. He knew that mother was able to hold her own, and can tank stuff. So he decided to act out. Already causing it to rain, he channeled his sound chakra into it. Right as it was done, the rain continued to fall, he activated it. Causing rain across the whole battle field to violently explode. Each rain drop (except within 5 meters of himself) infused with rain. The rain infront of, behind of, above and below would explode non stop, dealing incredible blunt damage, enough to even kill if not , knock them out of commission. Hakuryuu knew this wouldn't hurt the Goddess, and if it did it wouldnt be much. Thus would cause everybody in the area to be targeted. This would also explode on the black substance, causing it to splatter and even rain down causing whoever to be touched by it to be succumbed. Afterwards, Hakuryuu continued to observe the battle field.

(Ototon: Oujou Ganmou) Sound Style: Death Wish
Type: Offensive
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Mid - Long
Chakra: 50
Damage: 90 (-40 to user)
Description: This technique is the parent technique of Sound style: Deaf Wish, being purely offensive, and much more powerful. This technique must be utilized on a rain source, be it pre-existing rain, or chakra infused rain. The user will do two handseals sending their sound chakra into the clouds with the exception of the clouds five meters around the user. This is to protect the user from the full brunt of this technique. By doing this, it will amplify the rain drops with sound chakra. Unlike the child technique where it releases noise and not sound waves, as the rain drops fall from the ground, on the users command the sound that resonate within the rain drops will release powerful and destructive sound waves that has incredible force outwards which deals major blunt damage, enough to cause craters into the ground. Even though the user will not be in the line of attack, due to the force and aggressive nature of the attack, the aftermath of the "detonations" will reach the area the user is in, feeling like wind blunt damage hitting the user as long as the sound waves explode (Minor wind blunt damage) This technique causes a large strain on the users body due to him channeling his sound chakra into the clouds all around him, and then detonating the sound within the rain.

Note: Can only use once
Note: Last for one turn only
Note: Due to the huge strain, the user cant mold S rank or higher jutsus for the next two turns
Note: The user cant use sound for the next two turns
Note: If the user was to leave the 5 meters around him, or be at the edge of the 5 meters, he will take the full brunt of this technique
The black substance had now covered the entirety of the land. There was no saving this place anymore, and all the inhabitants had been turned into foul abominations. The man playing the music shared some possible means of attacking the woman, but the Inuzuka possessed none of the abilities he listed. He would have to do it his way. As he thought about what to do the black substance shot upwards like a geyser until she was above them, and a number of humanoid figures emerged from it. Thankfully, they were all repelled by a horned man, which was followed by another man in a black beanie reflecting a read beam launched from above by the woman. In addition to all this, a replica of the man playing the music would grasp the Inuzuka, which he wearily allowed since it had no ill intent. The replica filled his body with an energy he had never felt before, which somehow got rid of the oppressive feeling that was weighing him down.

Kōtetsu would immediately go on the attack now that his power was restored. He would channel wind chakra through Kusanagi and slash it downwards, creating two invisible fields of wind, that spiraled around him and repelled the raindrops from coming near him and the clone. Aiming between the two repulsing waves launched by the other two, and ensuring nobody was behind him, the Inuzuka performed an upward vertical slash, which in turn saw the release of a massive arcing current of slicing wind towards the woman. At the same time that the attack was launched, a shockwave similar to the first would be released from behind him to create a kind of absolute defense that repelled the rain from not only around him, but the others as well. The Inuzuka would also sense the buildup of chakra within the rain as he released his attack, but due to the repulsive force of the not only the wind around him but also the sashes, the rain around them would be blown away before the could explode.

Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage: 80 (+40 Vibrating Lightning Release Sword) (+20 Mythos) =140
Description: The user will run Fuuton chakra through their blade while slashing it downwards to activate this technique. Completing a philosophical trio with Suiretsuen (which is "radial") and Raikosen (which is "linear"), Shippūga creates two "fields" of wind, that spiral around the user; though the wind currents themselves are invisible to the eye, the wind currents are wild where they meet the ground, creating a visible cue at the user's feet that looks like they are standing in a hurricane. The powerful vortex of wind whips up currents that empower Fuuton techniques so that they can neutralize Raiton techniques a rank higher than normal, and once per turn the user can swing their blade and release a massive arcing current of slicing or vacuum wind that reaches up to a mid-range distance, and is capable of forcing back even large summons - the vacuum current is capable of pulling even a large summon forward a mid-range distance; however, doing so diminishes the wind vortex, allowing it to only be used twice, and not on consecutive turns, since the wind must replenish before it can be launched. When one current is used, its "pair" is sent out behind the user, similar to the arms of a hurricane.

*This technique lasts for four turns once activated.
*The wind current can be deployed once per turn, every other turn.
*The modifier to Fuuton techniques is removed once the technique ends.
*Usable once per battle.

The Inuzuka would look to the man the chakra belonged to and wave his free hand, causing the wind to whip wildly about the battlefield in order to blow the clouds away and reveal the sky.

"What do you think you're doing?"

Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Chakra: 30
Damage: NA
Description: Using the wind you can make its current faster and stronger, making all the clouds blow away. Making Rain Jutsu Impossible.
Note: Only lasts for 3 turns.

Kotetsu: 3870
Final: 3785
Fujin: 1000​
Menma was grasped on the shoulder by Sado's clone who told of of his intentions to remove the Tiamat's curse soon followed by surge of Yang Energy entering into his body. The surge of energy was relieving and it felt as if a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders. Suddenly, a wave of killing intent emanated from a Child of Tiamat. Menma's chakra sensory simultaneously allowed him to sense the massive influx of chakra that would be filling the rain clouds above. Instinctively, Menma preformed a single handseal using his Wind affinity to form his wind chakra into a massive 10-meter wide barrier that was enough to encompass all of Menma's current and new allies who were aiding in the fight against Tiamat. A wide sphere of wind chakra would essentially form a barrier of protection which would be empowered by not only Menma's Tailed Beast chakra, but also his Senjutsu, empowering the wind to the point it was capable of repelling the exploding soundwaves, leaving them protected from the potentially devastating attack.

( Fūton: Fūjinheki) - Wind Release: Swift Wind Wall
Type: Defensive
Rank: A
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60+25+30 = 115
Description: After forming 3 handseals, the user summons a swirling stream of wind, encasing the user and repelling incoming attacks. It can also be expanded around others to them if near the user.

As soon as the explosions ended and the clouds were brushed away by Kotetsu, Menma released the wind barrier and would form six chakra arms which stretched from his abdomen towards Tiamat and the other Child of Tiamat who meant to attack them. While doing so, they would unleash a wide array of chakra blast that would shower Tiamat and her minion, blasting through the Sea of Life she had risen upon and exploding in spectacular fashion, meanwhile the chakra arms would stretched to the point they would punch the Tiamat straight back the the ground. Meanwhile, the other two arms were aimed at her second Child of Tiamat, launching the array of beams as they traveled towards him and would crush him into the ground.

( Bijutsu: Chakra Ude ) - Tailed Beast Skill: Chakra Arm
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 20
Damage points: 40+25+30= 95
Description: This is one of the basic abilities of every jinchuuriki when they are shrouded by chakra. The user will shape their chakra into up to 4 arms of bijuu chakra that they can extend to attack the enemy or even to help him perform techniques or do handseals.
Note: Cannot be used in complete forms
Note: Can be used by Pseudo Jinchuuriki's in their Pseudo Transformations
Note: Naruto can use it in both 9 Tails Chakra Mode and Bijuu Mode, creating 6 arms in each.
Note: Can be used in Chakra Shroud and in Initial Transformations for all other Jinchuurikis.

Bijutsu| Bijuu Junsei Chakra Arashi - [Tailed Beast Skill| Tailed Beast Pure Chakra Storm]
Rank: A
Type: Attack
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60+25+30=115
Description: Based on the same principle as the Tailed Beast Ball, the Tailed Beasts, and, by extension their jinchūriki, can create a wide range of small blasts made of chakra. Created by utilizing only positive black chakra, the user can fire a veritable storm of chakra blasts nearly covering the arena. Taking advantage of the fact that Tailed Beasts are beings of pure chakra, the Tailed Beast Chakra Storm can be fired from practically any part of the body though the mouth and tails are the most commonly shown. The blasts can be fired individually or can be collected into one large blast and then fired - only to detonate in mid-air and become another storm of blasts. This works to keep enemies off guard by hiding the larger blast within smaller ones, only to dramatically increase the storm of chakra once it explodes.
[Usable 2 Times]
[Must be in Incomplete Form or Complete Form]

HP: 160
CP: 4360
SM: 1145 - 30- 20 -30- 10 = 1055
NTCM: 3/5
Pill: 3/4


Active member
Apr 14, 2012
Trait Points
It was time. Hakuryuu was seeing everybody struggling. He knew that mother was able to hold her own, and can tank stuff. So he decided to act out. Already causing it to rain, he channeled his sound chakra into it. Right as it was done, the rain continued to fall, he activated it. Causing rain across the whole battle field to violently explode. Each rain drop (except within 5 meters of himself) infused with rain. The rain infront of, behind of, above and below would explode non stop, dealing incredible blunt damage, enough to even kill if not , knock them out of commission. Hakuryuu knew this wouldn't hurt the Goddess, and if it did it wouldnt be much. Thus would cause everybody in the area to be targeted. This would also explode on the black substance, causing it to splatter and even rain down causing whoever to be touched by it to be succumbed. Afterwards, Hakuryuu continued to observe the battle field.

(Ototon: Oujou Ganmou) Sound Style: Death Wish
Type: Offensive
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Mid - Long
Chakra: 50
Damage: 90 (-40 to user)
Description: This technique is the parent technique of Sound style: Deaf Wish, being purely offensive, and much more powerful. This technique must be utilized on a rain source, be it pre-existing rain, or chakra infused rain. The user will do two handseals sending their sound chakra into the clouds with the exception of the clouds five meters around the user. This is to protect the user from the full brunt of this technique. By doing this, it will amplify the rain drops with sound chakra. Unlike the child technique where it releases noise and not sound waves, as the rain drops fall from the ground, on the users command the sound that resonate within the rain drops will release powerful and destructive sound waves that has incredible force outwards which deals major blunt damage, enough to cause craters into the ground. Even though the user will not be in the line of attack, due to the force and aggressive nature of the attack, the aftermath of the "detonations" will reach the area the user is in, feeling like wind blunt damage hitting the user as long as the sound waves explode (Minor wind blunt damage) This technique causes a large strain on the users body due to him channeling his sound chakra into the clouds all around him, and then detonating the sound within the rain.

Note: Can only use once
Note: Last for one turn only
Note: Due to the huge strain, the user cant mold S rank or higher jutsus for the next two turns
Note: The user cant use sound for the next two turns
Note: If the user was to leave the 5 meters around him, or be at the edge of the 5 meters, he will take the full brunt of this technique
With a full load of chakra and Senchakra as well, Vegeta looks at the battlefield in the next area using his Byakugan. It was time, the wings spread out across his back as he readied himself.His Kage had blessed him with quite a power up to help aid Vegeta in achieving the next level in power, and he wasn't about to waste such a gift. Taking a moment to ponder things thru, Vegeta looks at his companion Boitata, and the Giant Troll that was awaiting orders.

Alright, Boit I think you know the drill... *Geets pauses a second to allow Thunderwave to make his voice boom from end to end of the LM* EVIL PLAN Z, Commence!!, and suddenly a funky guitar riff booms out of his Saiyan armor where the mighty Thunderwave was embedded, echoing thru out the land...

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With a roar only a Viper of his stature could unleash, Boitatá's forked tongue whips in and out showing his excitement for this particular combination. Instantly activating an ability that will enhance his future Katon, Vegeta as ther music kicks in throws his arms out and up with a mighty war cry, unleashing massive reserves of SenKaton that begins to surround him as it grows into a chiseled, humanoid figure with arcing rams horns that adorn its head similar to Boits, and a flowing mane made purely of fire chakra. This Djinn of Fire completely surrounds Geets not at all unlike the Susano'o. Vegeta floats upwards flapping his wings as if flying thru the flames themselves, stopping right between the eyes at the forehead of the beast which he has afforded the properties of the Phoenix Muffler to Boit and "Trolly" as he was quickly becoming known as. Vegeta earrings given to him by a trusted old comrade appear on his ears glimmering from all the Pimp juice used to create them, as the light glistens across the Scouter and his Saiyan armor. Vegeta, Boitatá and Trolly were all at about eye level now with each other in height. Leading them out, the 3 Monsters of Mayhem set to save the world, the irony levels of the act were OVER 9... 9, just slightly above 9. The trio set forth towards the battlefield...


( Sandāu~ēbu ) - Thunderwave
Type: Tool
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A ( - 5 per turn when used )
Damage: N/A
Description: Thunderwave is a basic chest plate outfitted with a surround sound speaker system, and a microphone. It can be used to play music or make noises more audible than normal similar to a karaoke machine. It is able to produce sound louder than most techniques or the clashing of techniques and can be much louder than the user or opponent can scream. In essence it can act like the (Utsusemi no Jutsu) - Empty Cicada Shell Technique passively at all times being louder and stronger than even that basic technique. It comes pre-loaded with all of the wielder's favorite songs. In battle it can be used to play theme music or it can make the user louder as it has a built in microphone system connected to the speaker system.
The primary use of Thunderwave as mentioned above is the ability to play music with the offshoot of this being the ability to cancel sound waves with sound waves while playing music. This is similar to the Scientific Ninja Tool: Shijima and works like a noise-cancellation speaker. The system can emit a sound wave with the same amplitude but with inverted phase also known as antiphase to the original sound. The waves combine to form a new wave, in a process called interference, and effectively cancel each other out. This effect is called destructive interference and is able to nullify sound techniques in equal rank. The sound can encompass a short - long range area around the user being louder the closer to the user the people who can hear it are and due to this it has a dampening system as to not harm the users ears or cause them any undue problems. It can be fine tuned to look different depending on the wielder's appearance or preference.
Note: Sound techniques can only be canceled once per turn three times per battle.
(Katon: Rengoku no Honō ) - Fire Release: Flames of Purgatory
Type: Supplementary
Rank: N/A
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: +10/20/30
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Flames of Purgatory is a technique used to extend the fundamental properties of Katon jutsu. It is considered a passive technique, is instantly activated and can apply to all future fire techniques. The effects of this jutsu are quite simple - the alteration, when applied, will utilise the infusion of additional chakra into the chosen fire technique (10/20/30) to greatly increase the exothermic power of the technique in question. From this the chosen fire technique will be produced in a state that is far hotter than usual. This won't translate into a direct increase in physical damage; what it will result in however is that the affected fire technique will radiate waves of chakra as heat as it travels. The intensity of the heat produced by these chakra waves will be so great that any enemy that stays within the vicinity (short range) of a Purgatory infused fire technique for more than a turn will begin to experience fatigue symptoms, losing (2/5/10) health from the next turn onwards per turn. As a result, it is vital that enemies extinguish the flames of Purgatory infused fire techniques on the turn that they are produced (in which case they will suffer no tangible effects), otherwise their stamina and physicality will be gradually reduced by the waves of heat so intense that prolonged exposure could lead to severe negative effects in accordance to health lost. Naturally, the intensity of the heat waves produced by the flame scales upwards in accordance to the amount of chakra added to the fire techniques creation. The greatest drawback of this technique is the large expenditures of chakra that it's affects require. This technique can be deactivated at will, lasting four turns maximum, with its effects persisting in fire techniques that it is applied to within this period until their very expiration. It can be activated twice. Once this technique ends it cannot be activated for two turns thereafter.
(Katon: Kage no Nidhoggr ) - Fire Release: Ifrit; The Aspect of Fire
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 70 (+30)
Damage Points: N/A (FoP)
Description: The rapid expenditure of masses of fire chakra from all over the body and the performance of three handseals will facilitate the creation of a large (up to ten meters tall), chiseled humanoid figure - complete with arcing rams horns that adorn its head and a flowing mane, comprised purely of fire chakra. This figure will be created around the user, completely surrounding him not at all unlike Suasono'; unlike the Uchiha technique however, this Djinn of chakra will lack any corporeal properties and, as a result, will have no inherent ability to defend the user from attacks or cause damage. The purpose of this humanoid is to instead interact with the users fire techniques. Firstly, this technique will passively apply the effects of 'The Phoenix Feathered' Muffler to both itself, the user, and any being that the users indicates to be part of Ifrit's protection - thus affording immunity to the users own fire techniques, and that which is created by a spawn of their chakra such as a familiar, clone or creation (not enemies). In line with this ability comes Ifrit's capability to directly interact with fire techniques. The user will be capable of directing Ifrit to 'grab' a fire technique produced either by himself, or by his creations, with either it's main body, Ifrit's four arms, or by producing tendril like offshoots from his main body to latch onto the technique in question (tendrils can extend up to long range). Once Ifrit comes into contact with a fire technique, he will be capable of establishing governance over it - freely manipulating its form, shape, size and direction according to the users directions. The only restriction to this being that the overall quantity of flame cannot change, but a ball of flames could be stretched into a thin wall of flames. For instance, if the user were to spew a fireball while Ifrit is active, Ifrit would be capable of taking hold over the fireball with it's body and forcing it to stay in place, or orbit around the user instead of continuing linearly towards the opponent - alternatively, by attaching a tendril to the fireball, Ifrit could direct it to travel in an arc towards the opponent. Essentially, Ifrit increases the flexibility that the user has in regards to his usages of Fire Release - opening up new avenues and levels of versatility to an ability that is traditionally indiscriminate and linear. Finally, Ifrit can absorb the chakra of a fire technique of the users (thereby extinguishing its existence) and, through it's sacrifice, extend its stay on the field. A ranks and below will add two turns, while S ranks can add three.

Ifrit can be created up to two times, with a two turn cooldown between uses (from when it ends.) He can stay on the field for four turns and, on the turn after he ends the user will be incapable of using Fire techniques A rank or above.
Ifrit's abilities also apply to advanced forms of fire such as Fire based KG/CE (Scorch, Blaze etc)

Leaving all my "Have to post/activated" bs here for quick linking:
Vegeta bio
( Hebi Kuchiyose - Boitatá ) Snake Summoning - Boitatá (listed on bio)
Type: Attack/Defense/Supplemental
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: 80
Description: Boitatá, the most proficient of all Snakes in usage of Katon, is a personal summons of Vegeta Valentine. He is comparable in size to Aoda with bull-like horns on his head. From just behind the top of his skull is what looks like quills coming off him in a staggered pattern down his body. His tail is pointed having an ax shape to it with a spear tip in the center. The razor sharp horns as well as heavy blunt/sharp tail can be used for striking and would also carry burning damage from him always molding his Katon. Its eyes are stunning and bright, and he is very strong even by large Snake summons standards. A fierce, powerful, menacing Minister of Death whom thanks to his natural affinity to Katon and burning things, hates nature, especially the forest. He is an avid swimmer moving as fast as he can on land (Kage rank Taijutsu Master). His fangs contain a powerful snake venom, and one bite from him would not only burn someone severely but would also paralyze them as the venom quickly makes it way thru their system, taking 2 turns for total paralysis to set in, lasting for one turn.

- Can communicate with humans and snakes alike
- Uses Katon with no seals, and basic Ninjutsu (only Hiding with Camouflage and Chakra transfer technique)
- Cannot be harmed by B ranks and below
- Can sense with heat/scent/vibration and can also sense things thru their natural energy
- Can access Natural Energy only to use Sage Art: Inorganic Reincarnation, and can use the Chakra Transfer technique to dispel the user from Genjutsu up to A rank

- All abilities cost a move other than sensing
- Must know Snake Sage Mode to summon Boitatá
- Only those allowed by Vegeta may summon Boitatá
- Can be summoned 1x per battle and stays for 4 Turns.
- Cannot be summoned to the field if Manda is present, unless Manda was summoned by an opponent
- No summons for two turns after or at the same time
- Can only use Inorganic Reincarnation once per match.

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( Kanpekinanin Hebi Sennin Modo ) - Perfect Snake Sage Mode (passive)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: N/a
Chakra cost: N/A ( -10 turn to sustain )
Damage Points: Active + 30 damage to all ninjutsu and taijutsu up to S rank
Description: An empowered state of body achieved by blending natural energy with one’s physical and spiritual energy. The mode heightens performance on all levels by adding a new dimension of power to the user’s chakra. The state is a direct result of Senjutsu chakra circulating through the body. To enter this form, a minimum of 10% of the user’s maximum chakra reserve must be moulded into Senjutsu chakra, all subsequent technique employ Senjutsu chakra until the minimum cost (-10/turn) cannot be paid to sustain the mode. The user is resistant to damage, reducing 30 damage from all techniques and can heal (for 10 damage per turn) for the duration of this technique. The user is able to passively sense chakra and his/her perception and reflexes are enhanced. Their ninjutsu and strength increases, empowering taijutsu and other close range physical combat techniques by +30. Additionally, the user is able to break out of Genjutsu, using Genjutsu release technique one rank lower than what he would normally be required to. And similarly, the requirement to break out of user’s Genjutsu using Release or Chakra surge is one rank higher than required. Lastly, the user gains access to snake anatomy, Sage Art: Inorganic Reincarnation and other physical feats granted by Sage mode.
Note: Usable thrice per battle by Perfect Sages only. Must wait 1 turn before using this technique again. Once per battle, the user is able to instantly activate Sage mode, with 10% of their maximum chakra reserve as Senjutsu Chakra.
Note: Perfect Sages can convert a maximum of 40% of their total chakra reserve.
( Yoton: Jigoku no Enjin ) - Yang Release: Ring of Hell
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 80 for touch based version/100 for ranged version
Damage: N/A
Description: By channeling copious amounts of Yang energy, the user is able to infuse others with this, temporarily enhancing their physical attributes. This is achieved in two ways, either by direct touch or proximity. The first is more limited to a single person but has greater benefits; those channeled directly into will be able to reduce 35 damage from physical contact and gain physical alterations to their body that the Yang energy 'breathes' into life, such as twice the height or width of their body, additional arms or legs, etc as long as within reason and used solely for physical purposes. Should the user use the alternative release, then he is able to release Yang energy from his body up to Long range away, affecting all allies in the range. This variant allows the user to augment all allies with the same type of changes, ranging from all gaining wings to more. These changes only last a limited time, however; after 3 turns pass, the grown appendages or changes fall and revert back to normal. Depending on the alteration, one of a few benefits might be obtained.
Note: If additional arms, stronger arms or alterations related to the arm are made, then the target will gain an additional +20 to Taijutsu. If the changes target the head, the user is able to grant a 2x tracking. If leg based alterations are made, then the target will gain either +4 levels to his base speed or +20 damage to leg based tai. If changes target the torso, then an universal durability boost of B rank Ninjutsu immunity is obtained and if wings or similar is created, then the user is able to fly at thrice their speed.
Note: The damage and speed boosts are considered Passive and Base Speed increases. The values listed in the techniques are if the touch based variant is used. If the ranged variant is used, then these benefits are reduced by gained on a lesser scale ( +15 to Tai instead of +20, +2 Speed Levels, 1.5x Tracking, or -15 from all physical clashes).
Note: Touch based variant can only affect up to two people per event. Ranged variant creates a wave of Yang energy that affects up to 3 allies and lasts up to 4 turns.
Note: Can only be used three times in total.
Doton: Kyojin no Aizengaadu - Earth Release: Troll of Eisengard
Rank: Forbidden
Type: Offensive/Suplementary
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 50(+20 per turn active)
Damage points: 90(-30 to user due to chakra strain) +40=130
Description: An advance earth chakra manipulation where the user creates (short range of him) a giant mud troll the same size as the "great stone golem". This mud troll is able to move about up to long range and acts via the user's will. Due to semi-intangibility of mud, the troll is immune to weapons and most physical attacks as they would just pass through it, however is weak to wood, lightning, etc following its elemental weakness towards other elements. The troll regenerates when hit by attacks that aren't enough to destroy it at once as it churns for more mud as it moves on the ground. The troll however can sweep a large area with mud flood and can extend his body. Due to its semi-intangibility, It can't break through most solid matter , however it can be fatal when a human recieves a direct hit. The user however, would be exhausted after the troll is out of play and find it hard to mold earth chakra thus can't use doton for next 2 turns and at the same time he is only able to use 2 moves per turn for next 2 turns
+++Mud flood count as a move out of the 3 moves and is equivalent to A-rank mid range
+++useable only once
+++User recieves +30 damage due to chakra strain
+++No doton for the next 2 turns after troll is out of play.
+++The user can only use two moves for the next two turns after troll is out of play
+++Stays on the field for 3 turns after which it crumbles forming a huge pile of mud. However it can be destroyed before then where, depending on the technique used to destroy it may or may not leave the mud pile behind.
+++No A-rank and above Earth when troll is on the field

(Eien no chūsei kokoro) Lithos Release: Undying Loyalty (Troll of Eisengard)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20 (-10 per turn)
Damage: NA
Description: A technique designed to give the user extra control over their solid based techniques. This jutsu is applied by adding a hand seal at end of one of the user’s matter based ninjutsu. This technique allows the user to coat their technique in a layer of lodestone giving it the properties of Lithos Stone. Essentially, this jutsu will give the technique magnetic properties and allow the user to manipulate one of their technique with the aid of their control over magnetic fields. One of the main uses of this technique comes into play when the duration limit on one of their techniques has ended. Instead of allowing their technique to dissipate or fall apart the user will have used their Lithos chakra to magnetize the techniques allowing it to remain its form and structure. For example, the user can use this on the Stone Golem technique and if it had a duration limit, the moment the duration limit passed, the golem would normally fall apart and become chakraless, but the user will use the control over magnetic fields in order to hold the technique together in the same shape it was initially, using the chakra from the technique enforced by Lodestone to keep the technique going for as long as the user continues to fuel this technique with just chakra every turn.

Note: Can only be use four times with a turn cool down with each use.
Note: This cannot be used with elements that are weak to Lithos Stone.
Note: The user cannot use this technique again while another technique that is on the field is currently affected by it.
(Dōjutsu: Byakugan) Eye Technique: The All Seeing White Eye
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 15 (+5 per turn to keep active)
Damage: N/A
Description: The kekkei genkai intrinsic to both the Hyūga and Ōtsutsuki clans—descendants of Kaguya Ōtsutsuki. Those who possess this dōjutsu have it manifested as eyes with featureless white irides and no visible pupils. And when activated, the pupils become more distinct and the veins near their temples bulge. To activate the dōjutsu, Hyuga but not Ōtsutsuki clan members are initially obliged to use a rather long and specific sequence of handseals: Horse → Tiger → Boar → Hare → Rat → Dog → Horse → Dog → Hare → Rat → Boar → Snake. But once activated, the dōjutsu user is endowed with a range of skills.

To start, an activated Byakugan gives the user a near 360º diameter field of vision bar one blind spot at the back of the neck, above the first thoracic vertebra. Its vision can penetrate through any solid objects or obstructions, and likewise remains unaffected by blinding interferences. But that being said, certain barriers and the like may distort its perception. In addition, it is able to follow high-speed movements, which enables those with this dōjutsu to analyze their foes' actions and better react to them. The Byakugan is also able to see chakra to a higher degree than the Sharingan and ergo, identify where a person's chakra signature originates from. Beyond that, it can discern certain types of clones from the real person. And its ability to see chakra is in fact so acute that those who possess this dōjutsu are even able to see the chakra pathway system and the 361 tenketsu that comprise it. The Hyūga clan has gone so far as to develop their unique Gentle Fist style in order to capitalize on this particular ability.

Note: Hyuga clan bios of at least Sannin rank become able to passively activate their dōjutsu upon one month having passed since Gentle Fist training concluded. Ōtsutsuki bios never need to expend a move in order to activate it.
Note: While traversing the NW, bios with activated Byakugan are able to see up to two 2 adjacent landmarks away while those of sage rank can see as far as three away, but this doesn't extend beyond an ocean landmark.
( Eld no Jū ) The Guns of Eld (Law of Force enhanced)
Type: Weapon
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short - Long ( 50meters)
Chakra: Depends
Damage: Depends
Description: A pair of revolvers once used by a man known as the Last Gunslinger, forged from an unknown indestructible alloy said to be the melted down remnants of the mighty sword Excalibur, wielded by King Arthur Eld during his fateful battle with the Dark wizard Maerlyn and the Crimson Queen. The blacksmith who forged the dual six-shooters was said to have combined his Katon with a special Sage Oil. The revolvers are grey with sandalwood grips and symbols along the barrels. The revolvers are conduits for Fire Release, granting them a number of abilities:

The Guns are extremely durable, nearly indestructible from their unknown alloy, making them resistant to oxidization, rusting, etc. This durability won't allow them to block or otherwise directly interact with Jutsu safely, however they can be incorporated into the user's hand-to-hand combat. There are also enhancements such as the revolvers themselves being able to act as conduits for the user's Katon, and at a reduced cost of 10 Chakra, due to the Katon found within the revolvers. Also, 4x's per battle the Guns may be used to passively extend the range of one Katon technique, this is possible due to the Katon already in the guns being released into the jutsu as a boost. This requires 1 turn cool down between uses and doing so and drains the guns of their Katon Chakra, and requires that the user wait 1 turn before the Guns replenish this independent store, however during this time they can still act as conduits within reason but will not allow the Guns to fire off their special Katon bullets.

-The Guns of Eld, as mentioned just above, can fire special, 2 inch diameter bullets made from Katon. The amount of Chakra naturally present in the alloy is enough to shoot off single rounds from each Gun having properties from both and would cause burning/concussive damage for A rank and below, limbs struck would drop the damage done by the limb hit 10 damage for 1 turn. Once per turn used, the guns can release an S rank combined blast utilizing 1/4 meter diameter in size "bullets" from each gun (combined S rank strength), being hit by this would not only severely burn and knock the target back, it would sear thru flesh and cauterize it in the process from the immense heat. This can be done 3x with 1 turn cool down. They can also fire off a total of 4 bullets per turn free form, doing 5 damage with 20 damage max. All bullets fired move at the speed of a standard Raiton jutsu

Note: Can only be used by Vegeta, and those he teaches. Naturally, this means the Guns of Eld will not work if stolen, as the user must be taught the deciphered symbols on the barrels to use. They also cannot be used against Vegeta by anyone he allows to use them. One could use the Guns without the ability to use Senchakra however would only be able to fire off Katon blasts, nothing related to Senchakra would work for them and would be disregarded during use by the individual. Vegeta begins a series of actions, Boit knew exactly which battle tactics his Master was about to employ. Geets places seals on several kunai that are premark with FTG seals, and one on himself. This connection would allow him to draw these particular kunai towards himself from a certain range. Vegeta Guns of Eld suddenly unholster themselves and begin to hoover in the air 1 meter above both his shoulders. Another seal coats every item he has preventing foreign chakra from over taking them.

(Lithos rirīsu: Shūsei unmei) Lithos Release: Law of Force (listed on bio)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: This is a technique created to give the user more control over specific items or objects. Beforehand the user will coat a specific non-human entity/object/item in a layer of Lithos. These objects of course must not negatively harm magnetic fields when in their presence. By covering the objects beforehand this will allow the user to easily manipulate said object at the start of a battle or once they have summoned the affected tool. This jutsu will essentially allow the user to passively manipulate said object with magnetic fields without them having to physically hold said object. For instance, if the were to coat their sword with this technique then the user will be able to passively float said object and utilize any of its ability without ever having to physically touch said object. Upon arriving to battle or being summoned these objects will be able to float or rather levitate up to five meters in the air due to magnetic fields in place. Another example, would be if the user had a non-human entity such as a puppet. The user would be able to move this puppet around and utilize any of its abilities without having to physically touch the puppet. One important thing to note is that this technique does not exempt the user from having to spend chakra or a move to utilize an ability from the affected tool if it had one. Due to Lithos Stone being a permanent magnet this technique does not require any continuous chakra input and does not hinder the user from using other jutsus.

Note: Must be stated in the user’s biography what objects are affected.
Note: Can only be applied to up to five objects.
(Za Kindachi Kyuui) The Kings Peace
Rank: S
Type: Weapon
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description:[/B] Thousands of years ago, there was a lone some village in the Land of Eki, where all the villagers to a vow of peace. Never to fight even if their own life is endangered, the only exception was the protection of family and loved ones. Kids were taught this from an early age, meditation was also practiced at minimum 4 times a day to keep everyone at one with themselves. Within this village were great craftsmen throughout out all the land, that made tools with the heart for defending. Other bigger Villages and tribes with well over a thousand people wanted these craftsmen and their creations to in attempt to become rulers of the entire land of Eki. The village hidden in Ketsueki, the biggest in all the land and by far the most powerful, came to the lone village destroying everyone's homes and killing the people of the village in search for the craftsmen and what they seen as "weapons". One of the Five craftsmen gave his son a pair of Gold earrings with what appears to have aqua colored diamonds[from chakra being stored within them] after the son put the earring on they became one with him. The intruders eventually found the last craftsman and his family hiding within a tunnel built under their home, each being pulled and executed, the son being the last one pulled from the tunnel, when they tried to kill him a barrier of chakra appeared reflecting their jutsu. This son with the only tools ever found, made by the legendary craftsmen , after 20 years went on to become King of all the land of Eki, finally bringing Peace. The earrings became known as "The Kings Peace", and their abilities are known to Block and/or Reflect nearly anything threatening the holder.

Note: The earrings can activate without the holders awareness but will always cost a move and drain proportional chakra to the technique defended from, preventing the user from molding his chakra at the same time for another technique.
Note: Only works with offensive Ninjutsu techniques (elemental or not) traveling towards the user.
Note: Blocking [right earring] is the ability through which the earrings bring forth a shield of chakra, shy of 50cm from the user, in the path of an incoming technique, just enough to block it from damaging the wearer and Reflection[left earring] is the ability to bring forth a dampening shield of chakra, in the path of an incoming technique, which diverts the attack's path and sends it back towards its origin, albeit weaker by half (B-Rank becomes C-Rank for example).
Note: Each ability can only be used once every 3 turns and can only defend against up to B-Rank. By sacrificing the ability to reuse one of the applications, the user is able to forcefully will the earrings to defend from a technique up to S-Rank. However, in this case, that application becomes unusable for the rest of the match and they need conscious control from the user to perform said defense.
Note: Have to be taught how to use the earrings abilities by Smirk(Stussy)
(Fuuinjutsu: Matomemasu) Sealing Jutsu: Bring Together
Rank: A
Type Supplementary
Range: Short-Mid(length the range of the seals can reach up to draw someone or thing)
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user places seals on different objects(inanimate). These seals are connected via their kanji symbols. The seals are activated to draw each other close together. The seals can be activated one at time or multiples at once. These seals primarily for weapon users that uses multiple weapons and can't get them back since they are to far away to reach but can be used to draw in almost anything to another seal. The seals are activated with a hand seal. The speed that the weapon comes together is Sannin rank running speed

-Can only place four seals which is the max, no more can be placed until one of the seals is removed.
-The user automatically has a seal on themselves(must have this jutsu posted in the beginning of a match or in the bio) so that leaves three other seals to be used.
-Placing a seal, removing a seal and attraction(bringing them together) counts towards the three moves per turn
- Cannot be used with the projectile clone jutsu
Fuuinjutsu/Doton: Dōtoku (Sealing Arts/Earth Style: Morality)
Chakra:30 (Activation) (Then -15 per turn)
Damage:N/A (-40 to all physical techniques if still activated at the time of the strike)
Description: This technique comes in the form of a seal, resembling a tattoo, that is passively inscribed on the user's chest before battle and directly connected to his chakra center via his own chakra once activated. It can also alternatively be applied to the user during battle via sealing tag.. The seal is infused with an abundance of very light and free type of earth chakra, similar to that of "Earth Release: Ultra Light-Weight Rock Technique". Designed to close the gap between Taijutsu/Kenjutsu and Ninjutsu, this seal may be activated at will, whenever the user wishes, due to being so intricately connected to his chakra, but may only be used in combination with a Taijutsu or Kenjutsu technique. Whenever he wills it and performs such a technique, the seal may activate. When it does, the user will become infused with the lightened earth chakra and thus his entire body will be lightened several times over whilst performing certain actions during the technique. Any technique that requires, jumping, dashing, rolling, or any sort of potentially evasive action is now maximized due to the user's now lightened body. His jumps are higher, his dashes and rolls are faster, and things of that nature. Due to this, whenever he uses a jutsu that employs any of these actions, he is able to use them to simultaneously dodge incoming ninjutsu techniques since he is able to do these actions far beyond what a normal ninja would be able to. While the user still is not able to simply leap above things like Majestic Annihlation, he may still dodge any ninjutsu technique that is up to 10 meters in any dimension in its size with the aforementioned ways. While this jutsu may be used in combination with a taijutsu or kenjutsu move in the same timeframe due to it only being activated once these moves are used, it of course takes up a move slot.
-Can be activated twice per battle
-Lasts 3 turns each activation
-Can only be used with Taijutsu or Kenjutsu techniques
Fuinjutsu: Shinsei - Sealing Art: Sacred
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: This is a simple fuin tag that is in the form of a mark around the user's tool, weapon, objects that are metallic in nature. Because most of this metals are prone to be manipulated by someone who has affinity for them, e.g: Kunai made of steel or iron would be able to be manipulated by someone who has the iron or steel kg. Thus the sealing formulae inscribed with the kanji "Sacred" only serve to protect the metallic tool/object by reacting to and sealing foreign chakra meant to infuse the said object. In other words, the seal blocks and absorbs chakra that is designed to take control of the marked weapon. This would however, not stop a normal technique from hitting or affecting the tool if its a technique that is not doing the aforementioned effect, nor would the foreign chakra be sealed. The seal can be applied to each and every metallic tools/object/weapons the user has at the beginning of the battle or/and in the middle of a battle. This can be done in the same timeframe as other techniques and cost a move slot. The seal activates only 1 time to seal an infusion then the sealing formulae vanishes from the tool. This however, only blocks S-rank and below foreign infusion.

Technique can be used once every 2 turns
Usable 3x per battle
Note: Would not apply to weapons created by the weapon clone jutsu.
coming from here

Seeing all with his Byakugan before they even entered the area, Vegeta watched the battle going down and saw who was doing what to whom. Their battle formations easily gave away who was on who's side even without his trusty eyes, but seeing the one loner person adding chakra into the rain aimed for his allies and not the same person the rest were focusing their attacks on, told him this was one of the Mother baddies lil' henchmen. Noting the people helping his comrades stay safe from the previous attacks, With Boit to his right side and Trolly to his left, each short range away respectively, the trio roll up on the scene like the Count of Monte Cristo avoiding any blasts before they arrive. Geets would make sure to include everyone under Ifrits protection, bestowing them with the powers of Phoenix Muffler. Vegeta located right in the center of the Djinn of Flames forehead, activates an ability while making a seal, spewing out towards the sky two giant fireballs that were red, black, and gold in color with the kanji for "Burn" all across them and exponentially hotter than normal able to damg just by being close enough to someone. Simultaneously Ifrit raises two of it's 4 massive arms towards the sky pointing his open palms out, releasing a tendril from each of it's palms like spiderman towards the tail end of the enhanced fireballs. They snatch the fireballs and he claps his hands around the tendrils raising them upwards before slamming them both downwards extremely fast. One on top of the loner man (Teno) and the other to land on top of the woman on the mud making sure none of his allies were in the blast radius. This would cause sever damage to both. Directly after Vegeta summons the scales of the White Snake Sage across his skin which would begin to gather natural energy for him..

Katon/Fuuinjutsu: Kuro Sanshō̄o no Seimei-Sen | Fire Release/Sealing Technique: Lifeblood of the Black Salamander
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 30 (Fire jutsu with this effect applied cost 10 more chakra to create.)
Damage Points: N/A
Description: This technique was developed in response to the chakra draining and chakra absorbitve abilities displayed by certain water and earth techniques. Made in an attempt to achieve a similar effect for fire, the resulting technique was deemed too destructive and was classed as a jutsu too dangerous to be used. Like the chakra draining properties of earth and water, the developed technique was highly effective at targeting chakra in its incorporeal states - however instead of draining or absorbing chakra this technique invoked the most fundamental property of Katon - Burning, and applied it to incorporeal interactions. Under the influence of this technique the flames of produced fire jutsu will be sculpted and recoloured so that the Kanji for 'Burn' will appear embossed and patterned across the surface of the flame. As a result the affected fire techniques will burn away foreign chakra within their proximity. There will be little noticeable change for physical clashes such as fire against earth or water, although a sensor will be capable of discerning that the chakra of the technique clashing against the flame is disappearing even before the techniques physical body fades. Against techniques that fire would not have much interaction with however, such as lightning or sound, or techniques that it would not affect at all - such as incorporeal chakra barriers, the true strength of this technique is displayed. As the flames come into 'contact' (Not physical as it generally cannot directly interact with these techniques, but instead overlapping on the same area or being in the same vicinity/pane) the opposing chakra will be burned away, as under the influence of this technique the users fire natured chakra will adopt a singularly destructive property when it encounters opposing chakra and, true to its nature, will not absorb but will rather burn - flooding out to attack the chakra and erasing the opposition completely. When such a flame encounters the body of a living being such as a Summon or Human, it will burn away at their chakra supply for as long as they remain near the flame (short range), destroying more of their chakra each turn, starting at the amount of chakra used to create the fire technique for the first turn, and increasing by double each turn (i.e, 40 the first, 80 the second, 160 the third and so on) until they have absolutely nothing left - and as such fire techniques under the influence of the Black Salamander serve as the bane to beings that cannot be burned or posses powerful regenerative abilities. Against techniques however, elemental weaknesses and strengths will apply, and the strength of the fire technique will reduce accordingly as it expends the very chakra that comprises it to burn away at enemy techniques. Upon the first use of this technique on a fire jutsu, a crest of ash will appear on the users chest, appearing as a salamander that, like an ouroboros is seen to be devouring its own tail. The Salamander Crest will act as a medium for sustaining this technique, should the crest be destroyed then this technique will also end, likewise, for as long as the crest persists, so too will this jutsu. Should the chakra of a fire technique under the influence of the Black Salamander be absorbed, then then absorbed fire chakra will act as a virus - rapidly burning away at the chakra of its new host until nothing is left. The only counter then, is to produce a full bodied chakra surge equal to or greater than the amount of chakra absorbed. (Starts at double the chakra cost of the technique this time, i.e a technique costing 30 chakra would burn away 60 the first turn, and so on, this time as it is directly within an opponents chakra system and as such can wreak havoc more easily). The chakra burn is easily detectable however as an opponent will feel as if their chakra is 'boiling' (a little like the discomfort that Naruto felt upon his first uses of the Kyuubi chakra), although an infected can still produce techniques as usual, albeit they cannot utilise forbidden ranks.

- Made of ash the crest is virtually immune to any technique that will smash or break it apart as it can simply reform and regenerate, and is counted as a fire/fuuinjutsu combination, A ranked in power, that can only be destroyed by water - which is the natural enemy of fire, or techniques that can completely burn or blast it from existence such as fire or lightning. After four turns the crest will fade, signifying the end of this technique. If Symphony of the Dragon is either active or used afterwards, the Crest of the Black Salamander will combine with the Crest of the Unburnt Dragon, the Salamander wrapping around the Dragon's head and, the two crests will combine, becoming destroyable only by techniques equal to or greater than their now combined strength. When they combine, the crest of the Black Salamander, being weaker, will adopt the turn limit of the Dragon's Crest, if it has two turns left then this crest will also crumble in two turns and so on. While it makes the crest harder to destroy, it also has the drawback of potentially ending the duration of this technique prematurely depending on how, and when the crests are created.
- While this technique is active the user is capable of, once per turn, producing raw blasts of S ranked fire chakra from any point of their body which - incapable of interacting with physical substances, will instead interact with and destroy those made of chakra, for instance if used against earth the blast will phase into the earth, erasing it of all the chakra that fuels it and, by destroying its source of strength will also undermine the earth's corporeality, leaving it to crumble to dust. (Although it does not interact so much on a physical level, it can still be countered by a technique of equal power as the flame will attack the chakra within the technique, and respecting elemental weaknesses and strengths, will falter when overwhelmed or equalized.) The chakra is visible as it takes a translucent gold or black hue, and be can form various shapes and sizes at the users whim, and the user can maintain control over it should they so wish, however they will be limited to non elemental and fire elemental jutsu during this time. This count as one of the user's three moves per turn.
- When this technique ends it cannot be reactivated again for the next two turns, and no fire techniques above S rank can be utilized during this period. It can also only be activated 2x, and the user is immune to have their own chakra devoured by their flames.
- This technique is also capable of working against chakra, or uses of physical/spiritual energy that have a slightly different make-up than usual, such as Senjutsu chakra and Kiyoshi energy. However it cannot target physical or natural energies in their raw, un-combined state; it can do so for spiritual energy however.
- The user can choose to not apply this effect to a created fire technique, and affected fire techniques will appear an imperial black, red and gold in colour.
- As this technique has no effect on its own, its activation is instant and can be performed in the same timeframe as the following technique. The crest will appear upon the creation of the first Black Salamander Fire technique, and this works on ash too.
- When used by an Inuzuka this technique will not adversely affect their Ninken as, accustomed to their presence, this jutsu, while largely indiscriminate, will have the users Ninken labelled as something related to and bound to the user, as a result just as the user is immune to the effects of this technique, so too will Ninken be. (Same for cursed seals as they are a part of the users being)
- Can only be taught by Scaze
(Katon: Gōkakyū Hitoame no Jutsu)Fire Release: Great Fireball Shower
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 70+10+30 110
Damage: 100+30 (+FoP dmg) 130
Kneading his chakra and then converting it to fire, the user will do the Horse → Tiger → Snake → Ram hand seals as he inhales, exhaling into the sky a multitude of great fireballs (up to 8) at the same time which then rain down on the target from above causing severe, widespread damage around the field. These fireballs have explosive and concussive abilities, similar to other fire techniques.
Note: Can only be used by Fire Primary Specialists.
Note: Can only be used twice.
Senpo: Hebi Sēji Hontai) Sage Art: Snake Sage's Body
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Charka Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Snake Sage Mode users discovered the ability to summon the scales of the White Snake Sage. With summoning the scales, they have the ability to absorb natural energy and transfer the energy to the user. The user would summon the scales along their body. The user doesn't have enhance protection but just summons the scales along their body. These scales attach their selves to the user and gather natural energy and transfer the energy per turn at a 10% rate of the user's chakra for the following four turns. The percentage is based on the user's chakra so if the users has 1000 chakra points 10% of that chakra is converted into senjutsu chakra which is 100 so that is what is transferred to the user that turn and the following turns.
-Only summoned by users of Sage Mode
-This technique last four turns or when the user cancels the technique.
-Can only be used once per battle
-No other Sage Mode jutsu in the same turn as this technique is used in.
For ref:
(Katon: Rengoku no Honō ) - Fire Release: Flames of Purgatory
Type: Supplementary
Rank: N/A
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: +10/20/30
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Flames of Purgatory is a technique used to extend the fundamental properties of Katon jutsu. It is considered a passive technique, is instantly activated and can apply to all future fire techniques. The effects of this jutsu are quite simple - the alteration, when applied, will utilise the infusion of additional chakra into the chosen fire technique (10/20/30) to greatly increase the exothermic power of the technique in question. From this the chosen fire technique will be produced in a state that is far hotter than usual. This won't translate into a direct increase in physical damage; what it will result in however is that the affected fire technique will radiate waves of chakra as heat as it travels. The intensity of the heat produced by these chakra waves will be so great that any enemy that stays within the vicinity (short range) of a Purgatory infused fire technique for more than a turn will begin to experience fatigue symptoms, losing (2/5/10) health from the next turn onwards per turn. As a result, it is vital that enemies extinguish the flames of Purgatory infused fire techniques on the turn that they are produced (in which case they will suffer no tangible effects), otherwise their stamina and physicality will be gradually reduced by the waves of heat so intense that prolonged exposure could lead to severe negative effects in accordance to health lost. Naturally, the intensity of the heat waves produced by the flame scales upwards in accordance to the amount of chakra added to the fire techniques creation. The greatest drawback of this technique is the large expenditures of chakra that it's affects require. This technique can be deactivated at will, lasting four turns maximum, with its effects persisting in fire techniques that it is applied to within this period until their very expiration. It can be activated twice. Once this technique ends it cannot be activated for two turns thereafter.
(Katon: Kage no Nidhoggr ) - Fire Release: Ifrit; The Aspect of Fire
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 70 (+30)
Damage Points: N/A (FoP)
Description: The rapid expenditure of masses of fire chakra from all over the body and the performance of three handseals will facilitate the creation of a large (up to ten meters tall), chiseled humanoid figure - complete with arcing rams horns that adorn its head and a flowing mane, comprised purely of fire chakra. This figure will be created around the user, completely surrounding him not at all unlike Suasono'; unlike the Uchiha technique however, this Djinn of chakra will lack any corporeal properties and, as a result, will have no inherent ability to defend the user from attacks or cause damage. The purpose of this humanoid is to instead interact with the users fire techniques. Firstly, this technique will passively apply the effects of 'The Phoenix Feathered' Muffler to both itself, the user, and any being that the users indicates to be part of Ifrit's protection - thus affording immunity to the users own fire techniques, and that which is created by a spawn of their chakra such as a familiar, clone or creation (not enemies). In line with this ability comes Ifrit's capability to directly interact with fire techniques. The user will be capable of directing Ifrit to 'grab' a fire technique produced either by himself, or by his creations, with either it's main body, Ifrit's four arms, or by producing tendril like offshoots from his main body to latch onto the technique in question (tendrils can extend up to long range). Once Ifrit comes into contact with a fire technique, he will be capable of establishing governance over it - freely manipulating its form, shape, size and direction according to the users directions. The only restriction to this being that the overall quantity of flame cannot change, but a ball of flames could be stretched into a thin wall of flames. For instance, if the user were to spew a fireball while Ifrit is active, Ifrit would be capable of taking hold over the fireball with it's body and forcing it to stay in place, or orbit around the user instead of continuing linearly towards the opponent - alternatively, by attaching a tendril to the fireball, Ifrit could direct it to travel in an arc towards the opponent. Essentially, Ifrit increases the flexibility that the user has in regards to his usages of Fire Release - opening up new avenues and levels of versatility to an ability that is traditionally indiscriminate and linear. Finally, Ifrit can absorb the chakra of a fire technique of the users (thereby extinguishing its existence) and, through it's sacrifice, extend its stay on the field. A ranks and below will add two turns, while S ranks can add three.

Ifrit can be created up to two times, with a two turn cooldown between uses (from when it ends.) He can stay on the field for four turns and, on the turn after he ends the user will be incapable of using Fire techniques A rank or above.
Ifrit's abilities also apply to advanced forms of fire such as Fire based KG/CE (Scorch, Blaze etc)

Challenge to Teno
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