Custom Fighting Style Submission

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Mar 10, 2015
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(Fejingueko) - Fading Echoes

Type: Advanced Ninjutsu/Taijutsu
Background: This style was created for the sole purpose of making the users attacks harder to read and to attack from all angles, the user trained himself in secret to create a form that flawlessly encompasses all aspects of Storm release and his iado techniques into one deadly fighting style. This style encorporates storm release based "After images" that share the same likeness as the user and attacks at the same time as the user unsheathes his blade, each "after image" made from this fighting style attacks in different directions from the users real attack to not only confuse the opponent but to make it harder for them to dodge, while the after images do not maintain a physical form so the cannot physically harm the opponent they can however absorb chakra of any ninjutsu or opponent they touch, taking away 10 chakra from the opponents over all reserves. The number of after images made depends on the Rank of the iai technique being used for instance One A rank iai technique spawns 6 after images that all attack in various directions.
Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:

Storm "After images": Each After image made is comprised of the clouds found in storm release with the ability to absorb chakra from whatever it touches and replenishing the users reserves. Each after image copys the technique the user is currently activating but in different directions from the users true attack, each after image completely resembles the user in every way and only show themselves when the user unsheathes his blade to attack. in most cases the "After images" only copys the users arm, weapon, and technique at the time of the attack however the user can create full body after images but will have to be stated in the technique[/B]

Iai: With the use of iai techniques comes the ability to stop an opponents hand sign weaving when in close range, iai techniques can only be performed with a sheath showing explosive speed when performed.[/B]

Example Techniques:

Additional effects and Restrictions:
-Must know storm release to learn this style
- Must know iaido to learn this style
- Must game permission from the creator to learn this style

Declined: The style in theory is cool, but its not really a fighting style per se. This can be achieved through a singular custom. The main part of the CFS seems to be you making after images of storm clouds but it doesnt really correlate to CQC. The idea is there but the execution of that idea is eh.
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Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
New Cycle: 04/06/2018 - 04/13/2019

Submit your Customs only once they've been finalized. The staff will routinely check submissions throughout the cycle.
2. Submissions must be one post per cycle, thus however many Customs you want checked need to be included promptly.
3. Submissions mustn't be edited after being checked by a mod - they'll become invalid and thus declined.
4. Submissions may be declined, at moderator discretion, if a technique is overly lengthy for no reason.
5. Submissions from prior cycles that haven't been checked will be checked soon, please have patience.
6. In regards to your new rankings, be mindful of what you can and can't submit.

The new cycle commences with this post, and concludes precisely one week from the given time-stamp. Sorry for the delay. Anyone that that resubmits a declined custom without making any changes will receive a ban from this thread.


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Aug 25, 2010
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(Karuwaza Kakuu) Aerial Acrobatics
Background: An advanced style formed over millennia, this style of fighting originated among the Otsutsuki Clan. With the clans ability of flight, it was only natural that Aerial combat became common placed. Over time this style formed and became refined.
Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: Unlike standard Taijutsu that requires the user to stay balanced and use their momentum in a linear direction, while remaining hindered by the natural affects of gravity. With the Otsutsuki's flight, the use of momentum is much different, being able to shift and rotate your momentum more freely and doesn't limit the usage of limbs to remain balanced. This style places emphasis on the user's control over their own momentum, not only allowing one to combat in more versatile and unorthodox ways, but also aids in dealing higher levels of attack through increased momentum. This is achieved by focusing the flights mechanics into the strike to increase it's damage output.
Example Techniques:
(Karuwaza Kakuu: ???) Aerial Acrobatics: Aerial Combination
Type: Attack
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage points: 40
Description: While air bound, the user will use their Aerial Acrobatics, strike the opponent with a series of punches and kicks while randomly shifting their momentum around the target. This allows the user to strike from multiple angles all around the opponent, making the strikes difficult to predict.
-Requires Otsutsuki's "Flight Technique" to be active.
-Can only be taught by Serpent

(Karuwaza Kakuu: ???) Aerial Acrobatics: Double Momentum Kick
Type: Attack
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage points: 60
Description: A basic application of Aerial Acrobatics, the user will first fly past there opponent, delivering a strong kick to the gut, then by shifting their momentum mid air, will double back to deliver a second kick in quick succession to the first.
-Requires Otsutsuki's "Flight Technique" to be active.
-Requires a two turn cool down
-Can only be taught by Serpent
Additional effects and Restrictions:
Specializing in this style will allow the user to passively activate the flight technique, OR sustain the flight technique without chakra cost.
- Requires an Otsutsuki bio with access to the flight technique.
- One must be at least Chuunin Rank to learn this style.

Declined: Just fly and use normal tajutsu and you get the same effect. - Daemon
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ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Black Bone Style
The long lost fighting style of the old circles of Chimeras that had access to the two kekkei genkais of meiton and shikotsumyaku finally unveiled as a new dark hero has found its historical arrifacts on the moon isle where inscriptions and tales of its usage descibed a horror that lasted for generations.
Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
The user of the style must have access to the kekkei genkais known as Meiton and Shikotsumyaku as well as completion of the sealing arts. The style combines Meitons unique absorption properties and uses it to absorb chakra enhanced taijutsu and also pure kinetic energy that is transferred on a hit but also absorbs chalra/kinetic energy when the user hits an opponents guard, i.e a simple taijutsu guard or a chakra shield. The user does this through his/hers dark marka in their palms but also through two seals applied beforehand(must be stated in bio). The seals will remain active at all times and are thus considered passive. They drain -5 chakra per turn. These two seals are placed on the users two feet, effectively to cover kicks as an option. Its on the moment of impact where the absorbed energy from an opponents hit or a hit from the user the dark marks will transfer the chakra in towards the users bones and enhance them with dark chakra. This will then play out on an immediate increase in strength towards the users Shiktosumyaku techniques, which are essentially cqc moves. The user gains buffs to their bones the very secound chakra/energy is absorbed and can be used instantly as the user follows up with a Shikotsumyaku technique, and the style itself allows for unique moves as well. The amount of buff a Shikotsumyaku technique pertains is entirely related towards how much energy/chakra the user has absorbed prior to their follow-up technique. The bones techniques will pertain S/W of both dark and Shiktosumyaku as they are covered in the dark chakra. Not only is this a great combination of elements but its visual effects are most spectacular. A user that choses to specialise in this style receives a bonus in the terms of energy conversion of 10 %. Absorption rules and buff transaction are as follows;

All absorbed chakra and damage are directly inserted towards the users follow-up Shikotsumyaku technique. If 40 chakra is absorbed and 20 damage, that is the buff towards the Shikotsumyako will receive 40 chakra and 20 damage.

User absorbs an S ranked chakra enhanced move, 40 chakra points and 20 damage points increases Shikotsumyaku technique to + 40chakra and +20 damage.

User absorbs S ranked non chakra enhanced move, 20 damage points to increase their Shikotsumyaku technique +20 damage.

These two examples are examples how other ranks are implied. Obviously scaling down with each rank. Also, the absorption of chakra is completely depending on what element it is, if it is neutral to dark, it can absorb 50% of the chakra, if strong to dark, 0%, but weak to dark, 100%. Kinetic energy is always absorbed however.

It is important to note that the seals on the users feet are only compatible with this fighting style and not with other custom/cannon absorption/release techniques.
Example Techniques:
Black Bone Punch
Type: Offensive
Rank: S-rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user performs an open palm strike towards a target and saps their chakra into their dark marks. They then instantly form black bones to protrude from the inside of the open palm to penetrate the skin, organs and bones of the target with their black bones. These spikes can re-route in any fashion and strike specific inner organs or otherwise. Since Shikotsumyaku of this rank is harder than steel, this technique will overcome armor as well as attain S/W of dark release up to S rank. The move will increasw damage up to +20 dmg and +40 chakra if the opponent uses any sort of shield or chakra enhanced barrier/defensive manouver made out of chakra that is weak towards dark. If the defense is made of chakra strong towards dark, only the kinetic energy on impact will be converted and thus resulting in a +20 damage boost.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
Users increase their overall tanking abilities to also follow S/W of not only Shikotsumyaku but also Meiton.

Declined: First and foremost, You need advanced Fuuin to place seals on your body, you don't have that(in bold and gold). Second, this seems more like an elongated CJ than a CFS. I see what you were trying to go for but it needs better execution. This seems like a way to use Dark release to power up Dead Bone Pulse techniques than rather a coherent and sound fighting style. And please proofread your submissions in the future. Made it very difficult to read and follow. - Daemon
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Oct 22, 2009
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Type: Tai/Yang/Advanced tech

Background: Genos was 15 years old and still a normal human being. Even in this harsh world, he had a pretty happy and peaceful life with my family until then. But one day, a crazy cyborg attacked our town all of a sudden. He had completely lost his mind... I guess, his brain had been damaged during its transplantation into his cyborg body. He left after destroying everything in the town. The parks, the schools, the buildings, Genos' home... Of course... his family didn't survive. Only Genos was miraculously spared, but as he was just a meek 15-year-old boy back then,he wouldn't have survived long all alone in the ruins of a town if hadn't passed town by chance and found him. Dr. Kuseno is a scientist of justice and was pursuing the cyborg to stop him. Genos begged Dr. Kuseno to transform him into a cyborg and was reborn as a cyborg who fights for justice. he made a promise to Dr. Kuseno to find that cyborg one day and destroy him.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:


The entire style is based around use med with AI technology to make the ultimate cyborg. Advanced tech is used to make the technology sentient and work with the user with it's own AI. Not only this but med allows the user to replicate vital organs using nano technology to work with the rest of his body, allowing him to replace nearly any part of his body, aside from his brain. The main aspect of this would be an energy core at the centre of the users torso, which acts in a way to charge attacks and maintain the functions of all the technology in the users body. This core is self sustaining recharging itself from the kinetic energy of the users body movements as well as their body heat etc. (To be submitted)

With the core serving as the power source for all technology in their body, their chakra can be used for alternate purposes. All items of the cybernetic body are made of chakra metal carrying the users chakra through it as though it was their normal chakra system. Each item acting as an enhancement for the user's movements, strikes and everything else in combat.

Note: Each item listed in workings will be submitted as it's own form of technology.


Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant: . Genos is able to utilise his various enhancements in order to distract opponents and calculate how powerful they are, as well the exact amount of power he'll need for battle. He makes use of a large variety of weaponry and upgrades in battle, and is a very capable fighter in both close quarters and long range fighting. The hydrolics and the likes in the arms and legs of the user serve for faster and harder strikes, meaning that the user's Taijutsu/weapon based attacks will see a passive +20 damage increase.

The user will then use the nano tech to alter their body to form cannons for attacks as seen with Delta's eyes. They will form jets of flame for speed boosts, from their shoulders for example to propel themselves forwards, or simply reform the nano tech that forms their hand for example into a blade that extends from their wrist for weapon strikes. The user will always have access nano bots within their body to produce these extensions and alterations.

Example Techniques:

Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: This is an advanced ninja tool made up of nano technology/Chakra metal infused with Med to create the perfect cyborg body, though on a lesser scale to Delta and Kawaki. This torso contains a core that powers the user's mechanical body which is self recharging, drawing from the users kinetic energy they produce and the heat energy from their body, their movements and even from the sun. This allows for the user to not expend chakra to make use of various technology. The Ai within this is that the nano tech that forms this piece perfectly fits with the users body and is linked to them, acting on it's own while at one with the users. This torso can have various pieces of tech attached to it or within it such as the chakra blades or even have one of the chakra absorption arms fixed into it.

Even with other items attached to the torso, the nano bots will work to enhance them and change the users body at need. A simple example of this would be to create jets from the users shoulders to allow for propulsion. This can be done in a linear manor or the jets can be moved to control the direction to move in arcs, vertically or horizontally. This can be done once per turn taking up one of the users three moves.

Not only does this allow for items such as jets to be made, the user can reshape their body and or arms to form other weapons such as cannons (various other jutsu in the style), weapons such as blades etc or even form shields. Reforming the users body can be done once per turn, equating to up to S rank in strength, depending on the users needs.

Should the users body take damage, they can use the additional nanobots within their body (similar to aburame bugs) to reform their body. Reforming costs one of the users three moves per turn. The defence is considered to be C rank, being immune to C ranks and below and health wise reduces C rank damage from all interactions.
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(Genos: Būsuto Atakku)- Boost Attack
Type: Attack
Rank: S
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 80
Description: A taijutsu technique for cyborgs using the advanced technology within their body to deliver a powerful strike. The user will use the Nano tech within their body to form jets on their limbs that use the generator's within to create a jet propulsion. These flames are made through technology alone containing no chakra. These propulsion give a rapid movement to deliver strikes on a new level. Moving at twice the users base speed due to the propulsion, these strikes have another couple of effects. Through the same principles of the leaf dragon god technique, due to the user swing so hard and so fast, the movements themselves give off a pure pushing force in the process in the direction the user moves. Should it be a direct punch then this pulse would be pushed directly forwards. Should the user do a 360 spin it will be pushing out all around them. Linear movements will release a solid pushing force of S rank up to mid range. If the strike more of a full movement, it will only reach short range around the user. Should the target somehow touch the jets that a propelling the users movements they will take 30 damage from that contact.

Note: Usable 3 times, once per turn, two turns between uses.

Incineration Cannon (焼却砲, Shōkyaku-hō)
Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: Short - long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 80
Genos reforms his body to create a mass of cannons as he charges the power form his core to create an energy based beam launches a concentrated beam to rapidly heat up a target to the point of being able to melt various metals. This is energy created by technology being neutral to all.
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Machine Gun Blow (マシンガンブロー, Mashingan Burō)
Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: Short - long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 80
Description: Genos throws a chain of fast punches propelled by the hydroponics within his body to create a rapid series of solid punches. It is strong enough to shatter a cliff face.
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Additional effects and Restrictions:
- Must be a cyborg
- Must have Med
- Passive +20 to tai and weapon attacks

Med/cyborg can be found in inventory

Declined: For tech based CFS, the tech you want to have included in the CFS must be approved beforehand in the Custom Technology Submission thread, not incorporated into the CFS itself for approval.- Daemon
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Mar 2, 2012
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Knights of the Templar


Weapon and Armour Bukijutsu

Most people don't remember the Templar Order as it once was. In the days when the Chantry was still young, templars were known as the and combed the land in search of all dangers to humanity—whether they came in the form of ninja, abominations, cultists or heretics. It was a dark and terrifying time in the history of Thedas, and one that only ended when the Chantry convinced the Inquisition to unite under the banner of their common faith. This agreement, the Nevarran Accord, was struck in 1:20 Divine.The Inquisition was then divided in two groups: the Seekers of Truth and the Templar Order, with the purpose of the Order becoming that of guardian and warden rather than hunter.
Templars are sworn to protect the world from the dangers of ninjutsu, but they also protect ninja from the outside world, a world that fears these ninjutsu users for very good reasons. It is the templars' place to watch their charges for signs of weakness or corruption and, should they find it, to act without hesitation for the good of all. One of the Order's most important duties occurs during a ninja's Harrowing. During this, a templar watches over the body of the ninja, ready to kill them if demonic possession occurs. In addition, templars are responsible for seeking out ninja newly come into their power and bringing them into the Circle. Inevitably, the Order must also pursue ninja who escape the Circle but typically can track the fugitives using a of blood from their quarry.

In the extreme event that an entire Circle of ninja becomes corrupted, templars also have access to the Right of Annulment which authorizes them to "pacify" or kill all of the ninja in that Circle. This would be used in the event that total chaos was unleashed by the ninja and there is no chance that anyone in the Circle could be saved. The considerable power the Order holds over ninja occasionally leads to charges of tyranny and abuse, since the balance between protection and oppression of the ninja is precarious. Nevertheless, according to the Chantry, this is the price that must be paid for the security the templars offer.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
Knights of the Templar work on a defensive to offensive stance, baring the brunt of an attack, reducing its damage then countering with an attack.
Each templar is given a set of armour and mace, created and forged from chakra metal, able to conduct and be manipulated by elemental chakra. This armour, specifically made and designed for templars is hardy and strong, capable of withstanding severe attacks from chakra. The armour itself can defend the user from chakra based attacks in an advanced way that ordinary ninjutsu cannot. By specifally forging with chakra, this armour allows the user to defend themselves by tanking ninjutsu attacks based upon chakra and not by rank regardless of damage boosting. The reason being that despite how much boosting is put into the attack, the armour can still protect the user from the chakra within.
Templars are the ideal foils for ninja, having been trained specifically to counter and "deny" ninjutsu. This is done by a unique method of reinforcing their armour. When a ninja--or a warrior--seeks to work ninjutsu, they tap into their chakra in order to manipulate their armour. A templar's knowledge and instinct on chakra natures and manipulation are second to none. Channeling chakra through their clothes and armour causes a huge vale of chakra to surround them. From a ninja's perspective it appears to be less countering and more a templar reinforcing themselves in which that ninjutsu cannot hurt them.

Templar ninjutsu flows through the entire being of the user, then shoots out clashing with the incoming technique, both chakra's becoming neutralized. This elemental chakra that protects them then becomes transferred in their mace, causing it to become enveloped in said nature, such as being lit on fire, covered in water, crackling with electricity etc. The warrior then uses this mace to strike at the opponent causing a small range explosion as the mace makes contact releasing the chakra.

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Example Techniques:

Rank: C-S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 10-40
Damage: 20-80
The base technique for Templars, they channel an element through their body which becomes conducted by their armour, causing a large aura of the chosen element to envelop them. The user then braces for the attack, taking the brunt but reducing the attack by X damage depending on rank. Fueling the chakra then into the mace, they then whip the mace forward up to mid range, striking out and creating a small ranged explosion upon contact and detonation.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
With the help of the specific armour as well as the elemental chakra, the user can negate damage based upon damage remaining from an opponents technique rather then usual damage reduction rules.
Those that specialize in the style can passively increase Templar techniques by one rank greater than others up to S rank.
Additionally those that specialize in this style can also apply AE and CE elements to their armour.

Declined: This is a wild one, you want to be coated in an armor that interacts with other techniques based on Chakra amount with no real logic behind it. This seems more like a CW disguised to be a CFS. Tell you what, you get that armor that's mentioned in this CFS approved as a CW then you can come back and make a CFS based around the armor. Right now this is just wild.- Daemon
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Active member
Apr 7, 2010
Trait Points
Mastered Yin, Yang, Med and Adv Fuin in Inventory.

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Madness Wavelength

Iryo Nin |Yin | Yang | Adv Fuin

In the process of trying to create the perfect weapon and a Kishin(demon god), Medusa stumbled upon a rare lab specimen, gotten from the first kishin himself. She further develops this blackblood and integrated it into herself.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style
This fighting style is based on Priest's Black Blood Technique . While the fighting style only uses a synthetic blood for its inner working, with the aid of vitality from Yang energy, the user would even enhance his clotting and healing abilities related to the style. Instead of injecting himself like the custom technique, due to the requirement of the style, the user would have a second version of the synthetic virus infused within him always though this one is further infused with yin and yang chakra. Unlike the old technique, the user gains no perk from the synthetic virus IF its not related to the fighting style or if one does not specialize in it.

Black Blood
Via Yang energy, the synthetic blood would be gifted with life that it is able to act on its own though via the user's will. However, the black blood is immune to any external influence as its conscience is far compared to being real though potent enough for the fighting style. Its malleability and ability to change form at will, makes it so that it is able to seep out from the user's skin or from tissue opening made by the user or others either through a cut, stab or a gash, and morph into solid ranged weapons that can be used to attack within short range(up to mid range for specialists). The black blood can morph into sentient animals, HANDHELD blunt and bladed weapons(swords, axe, hammers, etc) but in these cases, they would remain attached to the user, else they loose their sentiency. However, after every opening of the user's tissue while using this style or an opening caused prior, the black blood's medical chakra and Yang energy contained within the blackblood would passively close them up and heal them back to a normal state though would not have any effect on damage point already received prior.

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Black Vein
Also known as black blood fortification from the original jutsu. This is a defensive aspect of the fighting style where the black blood vessels with an infusion of yin energy while employing the ability of yin energy to change the state of matter, hardens and also in turn hardens the tissue around them into insane level that makes it durable against physical and corrosive attacks. However this is only maintained for short period and used only for the style.

Madness Wavelength
The infusion of yang energy into the black blood would cause for it to infect an opponent upon contact, causing them to be sick and weak progressively. Sentient familiars or weapons made from black blood could release a sustained screeching pulse of yin energy and sealing chakra able to cause specific spiritual properties and sealing effects in the same scale as advanced fuinjutsu (mentioned in cjs).

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Example Techniques
User would cause black blood to seep out from all over his body into the surrounding air and morph them into several shurikens and cause them to hone on the target and attack him. They would change course and chase down the target in as much as they are not completely destroyed.

By fortifying the tissues through Black Vein, the user could harden his arm of feet or torso and use them to tank an attack, potential redirecting the force of the attack towards the object attacking him. This has been seen breaking steel weapons and techniques that are weaker than the rank of this technique.

The user would create a creature only as big as half the size of the user. The creature would be formed from black blood and would remain attached to the user though could retreat back into the blood vessel and even reform on another part of the body. The creature would be made with physical features that could equally benefit the user during a fight and the creature could also be used to attack a target.

Additional effects and Restrictions
Infusion of black blood and its inner working requires one to have graduated from Medical school. One also need to have mastered Fuinjutsu and the use of yin and yang energies.
One can only learn the style when he has attained atleast Jounin rank.
When one specialises in the style, he gains the ability to passively heal a little damage from using a technique from the style. Due to the closure of openings created by the release of black blood, a specialist would heal his already accumulated damage equivalent to half of the chakra of the technique used. Meaning, he would heal 5 DMG if he uses a D-rank technique from the style. Note that this only applies to specialist and thus non specialist's healing would have no effect on already accumulated damage as mentioned prior.

Declined. Not the reason for the decline, but it is important to note. Your Black Blood technique is very out of date. It still makes mentions of Sannin rank, so you should probably update it. That's assuming you haven't since this was submitted, which you very well may have. That said, this is too similar to the Katsuryugan. Manipulating Blood to this degree pretty much is a direct clash with that. Second issue is that there are some insane lines in here. Just because you give something sentience doesn't make it immune to external influence. You can put sentient creations in Genjutsu.

Which brings me to my second issue here. This isn't a CFS at all, actually. This is just a CJ that you're making a CFS to make stronger. These are traits that you're adding to the CJ after it is approved. The Blood in the custom isn't sentient at all. But the CFS makes it. See what I'm saying? If you're going to base a CFS around a specific CJ, then it needs to work in the confines of that CJ. Not vice versa.
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Active member
Mar 2, 2012
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-Theres so many new specialties now that there is very little that would be allowed for specializing in. Things like increased base speed, tracking, etc have all been made. The difference between the specialty that I had put in and the already made specialty, is that it functions inside of battle, not necessarily outside. I didnt want to make something like a +20 to tai because thats even already a speciality as well.


Medical Nintaijutsu

When the Pandaren were subjugated by the Mogu centuries ago, it was the Monks that brought hope to a seemingly dim future. Restricted from using weapons by their slave masters, these pandaren instead focused on harnessing their chakra and learning weaponless combat. When the opportunity for revolution struck, they were well-trained to throw off the yoke of oppression. Whatever their combat role, monks rely mainly on their hands and feet to do the talking, and on strong connection with their inner chakra to power their abilities. Abilities such as Expel Harm and Chakra Wave both heal their allies while at the same time damaging their enemies.
Masters of bare-handed combat, monks never rely solely on the need to have a weapon in their hands to defend against their enemies. Although most widely known to the outside world for their fearsome jabs and flying kicks, they refuse to limit themselves to a single method of combat. Many monks prefer instead to “soak it up” and seem to revel in the intoxicating effect of absorbing blow after blow while their companions press the attack. Other monks specialize in calling upon the restorative power of the mists to balance the good and bad energy within people, returning them to good health and fortune. Monks bring a unique martial arts style to any fight, and harness an exotic form of chakra that’s unfamiliar to those who practice other body arts. They seek spiritual balance in life and in combat, and as dangerous as Monks can be on the battlefield, they’re rarely looking to pick a fight without just cause. They view the world through a different lens, finding power through serenity and inner peace—then expressing it through artful combat techniques and powers that mend life. Perhaps most surprisingly, Monks are also adept at producing powerful brews they consume to aid them in battle.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
While normally most medical ninjutsu isnt suited to close quarters or fast paced combat, practitioners of this style have been able to have heightened reflexes and precision, being able to perform precise and accurate medical techniques in the heat of combat. After relentlesstly studying medical ninjutsu, students learn every aspect about the body from pressure points, effects of various medicines, even learning the fastest and most effective way to recover from their own injuries. Medical Ninja are usually the last to enter combat, however famous medical shinobi such as Tsunade and Sakura have shown that medical ninjutsu has more than just a healing capacity, being able to be used in an offensive way such as Chakra enhanced strength. This style focuses more on the other various aspects of Medical ninjutsu that can greatly enhance taijutsu in other ways than chakra control.
This is how Fistweaving works, by 'weaving' medical chakra while performing taijutsu to ones advantage.
Medical chakra has a variety of uses such as healing and restoring wounds (Mystic Palm Technique), Preventing an opponent from molding chakra by manipulating their tenketsu (Medical Technique: Open Tenketsu) or even by strengthening ones body to prevent damage (Medical Mode).
Fistweaving is that ability to use medical like ninjutsu in taijutsu moves, incorporated with unique martial arts. Performing ninjutsu like Mystic Palm, Anaesthesia, strong medical beam or Open Tenketsu usually require one to very carefully prepare and make precision movements usually to heal a friendly person. However, this offensive type of medical taijutsu doesnt need necessarily the patience that regular medical ninjutsu needs. Using anaesthesia to numb an opponents body part isnt designed to reduce their pain but to disable their movement. Being able to manipulate their tenketsu isnt to allow for greater chakra flow but to slow it down. The ability to incorporate medical ninjutsu into ones arsenal is a great feat, and those that master it can even use it along side their close combat as explained above. After learning and mastering medical ninjutsu, one starts to explore and incorporate it into strikes, learning just how long it takes to gather the right amount of anaesthetic chakra to effectively disable an opponents limb, as well as learning just how long contact is maintained to increase the (turns) it is unusable. While in regular medical training, ninja learn the vital points of the body, where the tenketsu is located etc. When combined with taijutsu training that allows one to learn proper strikes to disable opponents, where to strike for greatest effect etc, one can combine these two forms to deliver devastating taijutsu with additional repercussions to the opponent should a blow land.
One such mastery is the ability to generate medical chakra almost instantly instead of the regular slow gather and concentration that is required for regular medical ninja. Because those that master this style have studied this advanced medical nintaijutsu, they have an increased heightened awareness of their body, even more so than regular medical shinobi. This allows them to have a stronger more durable body that increased the rate of their cell division, through sheer willpower alone.

Example Techniques:
Blackout Kick
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
The user performs a half step turn swinging their leg upwards in a roundhouse motion catching the opponent in the jaw, with the additional effect of their branch. As they connect, the user channels medical chakra through their foot to release a powerful anesthesia to numb the opponents jaw, causing them to be unble to use mouth based ninjutsu for 2 turns until it wears off.

Tiger Palm
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
A basic forward flurry of punches, the user will strike the target in the chest as they side step around them attacking from all angles with an additional effect from their discipline. Channeling medical chakra through their fist, as they strike the chakra is inserted into the opponent internally destroying their muscles instead of externally doing damage.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
-Users of this style must have Medical Ninjutsu mastered
-Masters that specialize in this style of fighting passively heal 5 damage per turn due to the users heightend affinity towards medical ninjutsu, and having a higher rate of recovery after studying medical ninjutsu to such a degree.

Approved with Edits made: Had to remove the passive health recovery boost. Those aren't allowed apparently. Other than that. Nice job. Major improvement from the other cycles. - Daemon
-Adding specialty


Medical Nintaijutsu

When the Pandaren were subjugated by the Mogu centuries ago, it was the Monks that brought hope to a seemingly dim future. Restricted from using weapons by their slave masters, these pandaren instead focused on harnessing their chakra and learning weaponless combat. When the opportunity for revolution struck, they were well-trained to throw off the yoke of oppression. Whatever their combat role, monks rely mainly on their hands and feet to do the talking, and on strong connection with their inner chakra to power their abilities. Abilities such as Expel Harm and Chakra Wave both heal their allies while at the same time damaging their enemies.
Masters of bare-handed combat, monks never rely solely on the need to have a weapon in their hands to defend against their enemies. Although most widely known to the outside world for their fearsome jabs and flying kicks, they refuse to limit themselves to a single method of combat. Many monks prefer instead to “soak it up” and seem to revel in the intoxicating effect of absorbing blow after blow while their companions press the attack. Other monks specialize in calling upon the restorative power of the mists to balance the good and bad energy within people, returning them to good health and fortune. Monks bring a unique martial arts style to any fight, and harness an exotic form of chakra that’s unfamiliar to those who practice other body arts. They seek spiritual balance in life and in combat, and as dangerous as Monks can be on the battlefield, they’re rarely looking to pick a fight without just cause. They view the world through a different lens, finding power through serenity and inner peace—then expressing it through artful combat techniques and powers that mend life. Perhaps most surprisingly, Monks are also adept at producing powerful brews they consume to aid them in battle.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
While normally most medical ninjutsu isnt suited to close quarters or fast paced combat, practitioners of this style have been able to have heightened reflexes and precision, being able to perform precise and accurate medical techniques in the heat of combat. After relentlesstly studying medical ninjutsu, students learn every aspect about the body from pressure points, effects of various medicines, even learning the fastest and most effective way to recover from their own injuries. Medical Ninja are usually the last to enter combat, however famous medical shinobi such as Tsunade and Sakura have shown that medical ninjutsu has more than just a healing capacity, being able to be used in an offensive way such as Chakra enhanced strength. This style focuses more on the other various aspects of Medical ninjutsu that can greatly enhance taijutsu in other ways than chakra control.
This is how Fistweaving works, by 'weaving' medical chakra while performing taijutsu to ones advantage.
Medical chakra has a variety of uses such as healing and restoring wounds (Mystic Palm Technique), Preventing an opponent from molding chakra by manipulating their tenketsu (Medical Technique: Open Tenketsu) or even by strengthening ones body to prevent damage (Medical Mode).
Fistweaving is that ability to use medical like ninjutsu in taijutsu moves, incorporated with unique martial arts. Performing ninjutsu like Mystic Palm, Anaesthesia, strong medical beam or Open Tenketsu usually require one to very carefully prepare and make precision movements usually to heal a friendly person. However, this offensive type of medical taijutsu doesnt need necessarily the patience that regular medical ninjutsu needs. Using anaesthesia to numb an opponents body part isnt designed to reduce their pain but to disable their movement. Being able to manipulate their tenketsu isnt to allow for greater chakra flow but to slow it down. The ability to incorporate medical ninjutsu into ones arsenal is a great feat, and those that master it can even use it along side their close combat as explained above. After learning and mastering medical ninjutsu, one starts to explore and incorporate it into strikes, learning just how long it takes to gather the right amount of anaesthetic chakra to effectively disable an opponents limb, as well as learning just how long contact is maintained to increase the (turns) it is unusable. While in regular medical training, ninja learn the vital points of the body, where the tenketsu is located etc. When combined with taijutsu training that allows one to learn proper strikes to disable opponents, where to strike for greatest effect etc, one can combine these two forms to deliver devastating taijutsu with additional repercussions to the opponent should a blow land.
One such mastery is the ability to generate medical chakra almost instantly instead of the regular slow gather and concentration that is required for regular medical ninja. Because those that master this style have studied this advanced medical nintaijutsu, they have an increased heightened awareness of their body, even more so than regular medical shinobi. This allows them to have a stronger more durable body that increased the rate of their cell division, through sheer willpower alone.

Example Techniques:
Blackout Kick
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
The user performs a half step turn swinging their leg upwards in a roundhouse motion catching the opponent in the jaw, with the additional effect of their branch. As they connect, the user channels medical chakra through their foot to release a powerful anesthesia to numb the opponents jaw, causing them to be unble to use mouth based ninjutsu for 2 turns until it wears off.

Tiger Palm
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
A basic forward flurry of punches, the user will strike the target in the chest as they side step around them attacking from all angles with an additional effect from their discipline. Channeling medical chakra through their fist, as they strike the chakra is inserted into the opponent internally destroying their muscles instead of externally doing damage.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
-Users of this style must have Medical Ninjutsu mastered
-Those that specialize with this style have their taijutsu techniques able to attack the opponents chakra via tenketsu. Not to be confused with sealing or fuuinjutsu by specifically destroying the opponents body, this causes them to lose physical energy, required to be used in the creation of chakra. Staring from D rank at 5%, up to S rank at 25%, each attack successfully landed reduces that amount of the targets total Max chakra, unless tenketsu are medically healed.

Declined: The specialty is sorta like a gentle fist kind of thing. You may need to reduce the percentages for the chakra loss. Reading your CFS, while you can manipulate the tenketsu of your opponent on contact, I can't allow the effects of this specialty to be permanent. Also if you want this specialty it cannot be stacked with other Fistweaver techniques that also effect the opponent's tenketsu by limiting their chakra - Daemon
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Ańbu Juniør

Active member
Feb 3, 2009
Trait Points

- Reworked style Background and Inner Workings.
- Clarified the application of Redirection to differentiate it from Hyuga rotation.
- Removed the second application of the style.
- Reworked example techniques

Gyakuryū Seigyo ♦ Reverse Flow Control
Type: Nintaijutsu

Reverse Flow Control is a martial art created by Kotetsu Inuzuka as he searched for a way to utilize his enhanced senses and his clan’s unique rotation-based techniques in order to counter the enemy’s moves in both close quarters and at long distances.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:

The main idea behind Reverse Flow Control is to utilize the advanced senses of an Inuzuka, and in Kotetsu’s case his ability to sense the strength of an opponent’s technique based on the quantity of chakra it contains. Then, by utilizing Gatsuuga or Gatenga rotations and taking advantage of the rotational forces generated from it, the user will be able to use the force of his enemy’s momentum against them or their techniques by bending the flow of their power, or the path the attack follows. By doing so the user will use their body as a medium to blend with the incoming attack, whether it’s physical or elemental in nature, and either deflect, divide, or redirect it back to the attacker.

Example Techniques:

(Gyakuryū Seigyo: Ōkami No Modoru) Reverse Flow Control: Wolf God’s Return
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: (N/A) 20 if used with chakra)
Damage: 20 (40 if used with chakra)
Description: This technique works by utilizing the Deflection concept of Reverse Flow Control. When an enemy attacks the user, they will rotate their body in a clockwise or counterclockwise manner to dodge or deflect the blow, and as they come around the user will stick the opponent. When used with the aid of chakra, the rotational force created from the user’s spin not only adds more power to their strike but will also create a suction effect that pulls the opponent forward and leave them open to attack by throwing them off balance.

(Gyakuryū Seigyo: Ōkami No Reigi) Reverse Flow Control: Wolf God’s Courtesy
Rank: A
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: By utilizing this concept of Reverse Flow Control an Inuzuka will employ a Gatsuuga variant by rotating in place as they release chakra from the body to create an upright vortex. The rotational force is so powerful that it gathers wind around the user as he spins, and by taking advantage of the created force they generate, the user is able to repel an incoming attack of the same rank back to where it came from.

(Gyakuryū Seigyo: Ōkami No Ōita) Reverse Flow Control: Wolf God’s Great Divide
Rank: A
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The only purely offensive technique of Reverse Flow Control, the Wolf God’s Great Divide works by rapidly rotating in a Gatenga like fashion (buzzsaw wheel) and leaking chakra from all over the body to create a dense ‘shell’ that serves to protect the user as they move towards an incoming technique. By utilizing their speed and the force created from their rotation an Inuzuka can divide an elemental attack of the same rank launched against them by splitting it in half.

Additional effects and Restrictions:

- Users of this style are required to have mastered Inuzuka Clan Techniques, Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, and be of Jounin rank.
- This style can only be used by members of the Inuzuka clan or their Ninken.
- The training one undergoes to master this fighting style doesn't increase their speed, but it grants them an increased reaction time. This is because this style requires its users to move immediately after an opponent has attacked.

Declined: This is a CJ not a CFS - Daemon
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Oct 22, 2009
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Type: Tai/Advanced tech

Background: Genos was 15 years old and still a normal human being. Even in this harsh world, he had a pretty happy and peaceful life with my family until then. But one day, a crazy cyborg attacked our town all of a sudden. He had completely lost his mind... I guess, his brain had been damaged during its transplantation into his cyborg body. He left after destroying everything in the town. The parks, the schools, the buildings, Genos' home... Of course... his family didn't survive. Only Genos was miraculously spared, but as he was just a meek 15-year-old boy back then,he wouldn't have survived long all alone in the ruins of a town if hadn't passed town by chance and found him. Dr. Kuseno is a scientist of justice and was pursuing the cyborg to stop him. Genos begged Dr. Kuseno to transform him into a cyborg and was reborn as a cyborg who fights for justice. he made a promise to Dr. Kuseno to find that cyborg one day and destroy him.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:


The entire style is based around use med with AI technology to make the ultimate cyborg. Advanced tech is used to make the technology sentient and work with the user with it's own AI. Not only this but med allows the user to replicate vital organs using nano technology to work with the rest of his body, allowing him to replace nearly any part of his body, aside from his brain. The main aspect of this would be an energy core at the centre of the users torso, which acts in a way to charge attacks and maintain the functions of all the technology in the users body. This core is self sustaining recharging itself from the kinetic energy of the users body movements as well as their body heat etc. (To be submitted)

With the core serving as the power source for all technology in their body, their chakra can be used for alternate purposes. All items of the cybernetic body are made of chakra metal carrying the users chakra through it as though it was their normal chakra system. Each item acting as an enhancement for the user's movements, strikes and everything else in combat.

Note: Each item listed in workings will be submitted as it's own form of technology.


Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant: . Genos is able to utilise his various enhancements in order to distract opponents and calculate how powerful they are, as well the exact amount of power he'll need for battle. He makes use of a large variety of weaponry and upgrades in battle, and is a very capable fighter in both close quarters and long range fighting. The hydrolics and the likes in the arms and legs of the user serve for faster and harder strikes, meaning that the user's Taijutsu/weapon based attacks will see a passive +20 damage increase.

The user will then use the nano tech to alter their body to form cannons for attacks as seen with Delta's eyes. They will form jets of flame for speed boosts, from their shoulders for example to propel themselves forwards, or simply reform the nano tech that forms their hand for example into a blade that extends from their wrist for weapon strikes. The user will always have access nano bots within their body to produce these extensions and alterations.

Example Techniques:

Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: This is an advanced ninja tool made up of nano technology/Chakra metal infused with Med to create the perfect cyborg body, though on a lesser scale to Delta and Kawaki. This torso contains a core that powers the user's mechanical body which is self recharging, drawing from the users kinetic energy they produce and the heat energy from their body, their movements and even from the sun. This allows for the user to not expend chakra to make use of various technology. The Ai within this is that the nano tech that forms this piece perfectly fits with the users body and is linked to them, acting on it's own while at one with the users. This torso can have various pieces of tech attached to it or within it such as the chakra blades or even have one of the chakra absorption arms fixed into it.

Even with other items attached to the torso, the nano bots will work to enhance them and change the users body at need. A simple example of this would be to create jets from the users shoulders to allow for propulsion. This can be done in a linear manor or the jets can be moved to control the direction to move in arcs, vertically or horizontally. This can be done once per turn taking up one of the users three moves.

Not only does this allow for items such as jets to be made, the user can reshape their body and or arms to form other weapons such as cannons (various other jutsu in the style), weapons such as blades etc or even form shields. Reforming the users body can be done once per turn, equating to up to S rank in strength, depending on the users needs.

Should the users body take damage, they can use the additional nanobots within their body (similar to aburame bugs) to reform their body. Reforming costs one of the users three moves per turn. The defence is considered to be C rank, being immune to C ranks and below and health wise reduces C rank damage from all interactions.
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(Genos: Būsuto Atakku)- Boost Attack
Type: Attack
Rank: S
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 80
Description: A taijutsu technique for cyborgs using the advanced technology within their body to deliver a powerful strike. The user will use the Nano tech within their body to form jets on their limbs that use the generator's within to create a jet propulsion. These flames are made through technology alone containing no chakra. These propulsion give a rapid movement to deliver strikes on a new level. Moving at twice the users base speed due to the propulsion, these strikes have another couple of effects. Through the same principles of the leaf dragon god technique, due to the user swing so hard and so fast, the movements themselves give off a pure pushing force in the process in the direction the user moves. Should it be a direct punch then this pulse would be pushed directly forwards. Should the user do a 360 spin it will be pushing out all around them. Linear movements will release a solid pushing force of S rank up to mid range. If the strike more of a full movement, it will only reach short range around the user. Should the target somehow touch the jets that a propelling the users movements they will take 30 damage from that contact.

Note: Usable 3 times, once per turn, two turns between uses.

Incineration Cannon (焼却砲, Shōkyaku-hō)
Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: Short - long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 80
Genos reforms his body to create a mass of cannons as he charges the power form his core to create an energy based beam launches a concentrated beam to rapidly heat up a target to the point of being able to melt various metals. This is energy created by technology being neutral to all.
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Machine Gun Blow (マシンガンブロー, Mashingan Burō)
Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: Short - long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 80
Description: Genos throws a chain of fast punches propelled by the hydroponics within his body to create a rapid series of solid punches. It is strong enough to shatter a cliff face.
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Additional effects and Restrictions:
- Must be a cyborg
- Must have Med
- Passive +20 to tai and weapon attacks

Med/cyborg can be found in inventory

Declined: For tech based CFS, the tech you want to have included in the CFS must be approved beforehand in the Custom Technology Submission thread, not incorporated into the CFS itself for approval.- Daemon
Custom tech for style approved: Here & Here

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Type: Tai/Advanced tech

Background: Genos was 15 years old and still a normal human being. Even in this harsh world, he had a pretty happy and peaceful life with my family until then. But one day, a crazy cyborg attacked our town all of a sudden. He had completely lost his mind... I guess, his brain had been damaged during its transplantation into his cyborg body. He left after destroying everything in the town. The parks, the schools, the buildings, Genos' home... Of course... his family didn't survive. Only Genos was miraculously spared, but as he was just a meek 15-year-old boy back then,he wouldn't have survived long all alone in the ruins of a town if hadn't passed town by chance and found him. Dr. Kuseno is a scientist of justice and was pursuing the cyborg to stop him. Genos begged Dr. Kuseno to transform him into a cyborg and was reborn as a cyborg who fights for justice. he made a promise to Dr. Kuseno to find that cyborg one day and destroy him.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:


The entire style is based around use med with AI technology to make the ultimate cyborg. Advanced tech is used to make the technology sentient and work with the user with it's own AI. Not only this but med allows the user to replicate vital organs using nano technology to work with the rest of his body, allowing him to replace nearly any part of his body, aside from his brain. The main aspect of this would be an energy core at the centre of the users torso, which acts in a way to charge attacks and maintain the functions of all the technology in the users body. This core is self sustaining recharging itself from the kinetic energy of the users body movements as well as their body heat etc. (To be submitted)

With the core serving as the power source for all technology in their body, their chakra can be used for alternate purposes. All items of the cybernetic body are made of chakra metal carrying the users chakra through it as though it was their normal chakra system. Each item acting as an enhancement for the user's movements, strikes and everything else in combat.

Note: Each item listed in workings will be submitted as it's own form of technology (to be submitted in the CFSJ thread).


Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant: . The user is able to utilise his various enhancements in order to distract opponents and calculate how powerful they are, as well the exact amount of power he'll need for battle. He makes use of a large variety of weaponry and upgrades in battle, and is a very capable fighter in both close quarters and long range fighting. The hydraulics and the likes in the arms and legs of the user serve for faster and harder strikes, meaning that the user's Taijutsu/weapon based attacks will see a passive +20 damage increase.

The user will then use the nano tech to alter their body to form cannons for attacks as seen with Delta's eyes. They will form jets of flame for speed boosts, from their shoulders for example to propel themselves forwards, or simply reform the nano tech that forms their hand for example into a blade that extends from their wrist for weapon strikes. The user will always have access nano bots within their body to produce these extensions and alterations.

Example Techniques:

(Genos: Būsuto Atakku)- Boost Attack
Type: Attack
Rank: S
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 80
Description: A taijutsu technique for cyborgs using the advanced technology within their body to deliver a powerful strike. The user will use the Nano tech within their body to form jets on their limbs that use the generator's within to create a jet propulsion. These flames are made through technology alone containing no chakra. These propulsion give a rapid movement to deliver strikes on a new level. Moving at twice the users base speed due to the propulsion, these strikes have another couple of effects. Through the same principles of the leaf dragon god technique, due to the user swing so hard and so fast, the movements themselves give off a pure pushing force in the process in the direction the user moves. Should it be a direct punch then this pulse would be pushed directly forwards. Should the user do a 360 spin it will be pushing out all around them. Linear movements will release a solid pushing force of S rank up to mid range. If the strike more of a full movement, it will only reach short range around the user. Should the target somehow touch the jets that a propelling the users movements they will take 30 damage from that contact.

Note: Usable 3 times, once per turn, two turns between uses.

Incineration Cannon (焼却砲, Shōkyaku-hō)
Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: Short - long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 80
Genos reforms his body to create a mass of cannons as he charges the power form his core to create an energy based beam launches a concentrated beam to rapidly heat up a target to the point of being able to melt various metals. This is energy created by technology being neutral to all.
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Machine Gun Blow (マシンガンブロー, Mashingan Burō)
Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: Short - long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 80
Description: Genos throws a chain of fast punches propelled by the hydroponics within his body to create a rapid series of solid punches. It is strong enough to shatter a cliff face.
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Additional effects and Restrictions:
- Must be a cyborg
- Must have Med
- Passive +20 to tai and weapon attacks

Med/cyborg can be found in inventory

Approved with Edits Made - Daemon
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Jan 8, 2009
Trait Points
Approved CFS Here

Chainsaw Arts | Chēnsō Gigei
Double D going through the world looking for another way to use taijutsu. He came across different styles and have unique some of them were something he wanted to learn but no one would train him. He keep on thinking of different ways of making a style to use for his taijutsu skills. After three years of looking, he finally came a cross an idea. He knew of a man who could do amazing surgery. He wanted to get the man to do surgery on his arms and legs to install chain saw chains. From this idea, Chainsaw Arts was born.
Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: The user must first undergo surgery to install the chain saw chains into the user's legs. The chains are control by chakra and rotate by chakra. The user can use these chains to increase the attack and defense where the chains are on the legs are increased to attack and defend.
Example Techniques:

Chainsaw Arts: First Gear (Chenso Gigei: Saisho no Gia)
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: 40
Description: This is the first gear which is like a car(first gear, second gear, third gear etc) of Chainsaw Arts. The user channels their chakra into the chains that are located on both legs. The chakra sends the chains into rotation and give the users kicks more powerful and enabling them to cut through flesh and other soft materials quite easily. The user can even use this gear as transportation between villages to get there faster when on a mission then you would on foot. This gear can cut through B rank and below Earth Style techniques.

Chainsaw Arts: Second Gear (Chenso Gigei: Sekandogia)
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
Description: This is the second gear which is like a car(first gear, second gear, third gear etc) of Chainsaw Arts. The user channels a great deal of chakra into the chains located on both legs. The chakra rotates the chains and giving the users kicks even more powerful kicks then Gear 1. This gear is able to cut through B rank and below Wood Style techniques.
-Can only be used five times and must wait one turn to use this again.

Chainsaw Arts: Third Gear (Chenso Gigei: Sādogia)
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: 80
Description: This is the third and final gear which is like a car(first gear, second gear, third gear etc) of Chainsaw Arts. The user channels a large amount of chakra into the chains located on both legs. The chakra sends the chains in rotation giving the users kicks more powerful then Gear 2. This is like a rare gear to see. This gear is able to cut through A rank and below Kaguya techniques.
-Can only use it three times and must wait one turn to use this again.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
-When the user uses this style the user shoes and legs of their pants are cut by the chains so the rest of the battle the user is bare footed.
-Must be a Jounin

Updated the Additional Effects and Restrictions because they didn't make any type of sense and also useless things are posted in there also. Added has to be a Jounin. The extra chakra cost for the chains didn't make sense is the most important thing to take off of this CFS and not have on it.

Update Approved - Daemon
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Active member
Mar 12, 2014
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(Sudarshan Chakra) Chakram of Auspicious Vision
Type: Fūin-Nin-Bukijutsu


Sudarshan Chakra is the invention of a man known as Ashwatthama, a Maharathi who served the Kaurava faction in the Kurukshetra War, one of many legendary battles recorded in the Mahābhārata. A fierce warrior on the battlefield, Ashwatthama was trained in and held mastery over most conventional forms of weaponry. During the Kurukshetra War, he had slain hundreds of men, but on the third to last day of the conflict, his father was killed on the battlefield through deceptive means. Filled with rage, the vengeful Maharathi infiltrated the enemy camp at night and strangled the enemy commander to death. He fought his way out with lethal grace, tearing apart the soldiers of the Pandava army, whose leader had taken his father from him.

The next day, conflict resumed, and Ashwatthama's chariot had been caught in the ground during battle. He dismounted, knowing that trying to free it would be a fruitless effort, and confronted a group of soldiers who had cornered him. He tore one of the wheels from the mount, its thick wooden base being covered with pieces of metal. Swords, knives, lances, axes, maces... he had mastered all these things, but here he was, prepared to fighting legions of men armed with said weapons, with the wheel of a chariot. The rage burning within Ashwatthama continued to fuel his every step, and he flew at all who challenged him with renewed vigor. He swung the wheel furiously at his enemies, whirling it to build momentum and increased rotation, so that the resulting impact would inflict wounds even more grievous. After hours of battle, he was finally defeated, but was kept alive for judgement by the royal council of the Pandavas. His punishment was this; to surrender all his riches and material possessions, and to wander the land with blood and puss oozing from his wounds for all eternity.

And so, Ashwatthama did leave the Pandava Kingdom, never to return. Though the war was over, Ashwatthama's rage never left him. Living in seclusion, Ashwatthama continued to practice with the weapon he discovered during the war. Creating circular discs; chakrams, of numerous size, Ashwatthama recorded his designs and techniques, all self-invented and taught, in a single document. Nobody ever saw the man again after the war's conclusion and his exile from the Pandava Kingdom, but his manuscript containing the fighting art he invented was found, and it inevitably began to spread. Soon, his arts reached the Pandava Kingdom, and it became part of the fighting techniques taught to soldiers. In a way, it was Ashwatthama's own kind of vengeance. Though the man would never again enter the Kingdom's walls, his essence would remain forever.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:

Sudarshan Chakra, fundamentally, revolves around two things. The first is the basic weapon of the style; the chakram, which is a circular throwing weapon. There are two types of chakrams used for this style; the thin disks with a razor sharp edge, made for slicing and slashing (razor chakram), and the thicker chakrams with spiked circumferences akin to a meat tenderiser, which deals blunt force damage and can grind away at targets (jagged chakram). While it was originally conceived of as a projectile weapon, they can be used in a similar manner to brass knuckles, augmenting their close-quarters-combat capability. The second, the component of the style which seeks to enhance utility and ease the physical burden on users, is Lightning Blade Creation. The reason for Fūinjutsu being incorporated in the style is that the shape and size of the chakrams can vary greatly, ranging from ones that can fit around one's hand, to as large as an adult human. While users of the style are free to carry numerous smaller chakrams on their body, it would be particularly difficult to wield those of a larger size on the same level as the aforementioned "human-size" chakram. With the incorporation of Lightning Blade Creation, the user can freely call on any type and quantity of chakram they desire. At any time, the user can carry up to six standard sized chakrams, and a single one that is of nearly equal size to their own body. Because of the nature of the style, which involves wielding these objects by hand, their body is naturally accustomed to their weight and size, meaning that their agility and ease of movement is unhindered by merely carrying the chakrams. Similarly to how Sasuke bound sealing tags to his wrists, through which he could use Lightning Blade Creation to summon an abundance of weaponry, users of the style can imprint the seals on their clothing or armor, or wear specialised tags on their body in order to make use of the technique for this style.

The final aspect of the style is the use of chakra to influence the shape and behaviour of the weapons directly. There are techniques which allow weapon users to alter the size of their tools through their chakra, causing them to grow in size rapidly, such the D-Rank Giant Shuriken Technique. Due to the simplicity of this technique, not requiring handseals or even physical contact with the tool being targeted, it synergises well with the style, allowing the user to freely manipulate their chakrams anytime on the field. In terms of practicality, it allows for the user to increase the impact and range of their attacks by enlarging the size of the chakrams. Outside of merely manipulating the size of the chakrams, the user is also able to influence their movement using chakra, similar in principle and practice to the Manipulating Attack Blades technique. Through this ability, users of the style can manipulate their chakrams mid-travel, allowing them to alter their trajectory and track moving targets. While chakrams can be thrown at a target with nonlinear trajectory, this will make it even more difficult to avoid. This ability can be applied to the smaller and larger chakrams alike. When thrown, the extreme friction generated by the chakrams' rotation causes the air around the weapons to ignite as they travel, lighting the weapons on fire. Combined with the extreme momentum that is generated by the rotation of the chakrams, this can cause localised bursts of kinetic energy in cases where the weapons clash with a target or object. In the case of clashes with other techniques, this allows the chakrams to play on equal ground with other Ninjutsu, within reason.

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Example Techniques:

(Sudarshan Chakra: Vajra) – Chakram of Auspicious Vision: Bolts of Indra
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short – Mid
Chakra: N/A (30)
Damage: 60
Description: Using the chakrams carried on their person, or by summoning various chakrams through the Lightning Blade Creation seal, the user will throw the weapons towards a target. The chakrams can be thrown by physical movement or by manipulating the movement of the weapons using chakra. The razor weapons thrown can consist of either razor or jagged chakram, or both. Alternatively, the user can throw a single large chakram, equivalent in size to that of a fully grown human.

(Sudarshan Chakra: Varunastra) – Chakram of Auspicious Vision: Torrent of Varuna
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A (30)
Damage: 60
Description: Using smaller chakrams in a manner similar to brass knuckles, the user will strike at a target, or deliver a series of punches. By summoning chakrams to their feet momentarily, the user's legs can also deliver chakram blows.​

Additional Effects & Restrictions:

– Must be taught by Goetia

– Requires Jōnin

– Specialists of Sudarshan Chakra gain a passive +20 to their Taijutsu and Bukijutsu, as practitioners become adept at handling weapons of great mass and size without over-encumbering themselves, meaning that their average strength is greater than ordinary ninja


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Submitting this as my third CFS due to Sage and having Yin Release. Both can be found in my inventory.

(Tsuki no Kokyū) Breath of the Moon
Type: Ningen -kenjutsu
Background: Breath of the Moon, started off as a mere conception. Many it’s original students who sought after the immense power this style could craft. They all faded away over time until one faithful night – a nameless man perfected the style. Through his constant application of Yin based chakra into his sword, he finally managed to solve the issues many faced. The ability to cut down an opponent, but on a spiritual level. With his discovery, many flocked to his dojo to seek his knowledge and in turn, learn the style that has come to be known as Breath of the Moon.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: Breath of the Moon, sometimes referred to as Stance of the Moon or Lunar Dancing is a unique sword style. At it’s core, it utilizes the principles of kenjutsu and Yin Release in unison with one another. Those who practice the style are taught with a concept of rather than striking the opponent physically, the user opts to strike the opponent spiritually. This is done utilizing specialized katana’s known as “Tsuki Ken” or Moon Swords. Their blades are made and infused with high amounts of spiritual energy but are given form through the user’s Yin chakra. Once they wield the sword, they are able to utilize the style appropriately.

Delving more into the mechanics, there is little known when relating to a stance for the style. One can simply utilize thrusts, swings from various angles or any form of kenjutsu but at the same time common principles of yin is applied all that once. While performing Breath of the Moon strikes, the blade of the Moon Sword becomes intangible but still visible to the naked eye. It glows a bright white coloration, that when struck with the blade it doesn’t physically cut the person. It rather cuts their spiritual being which in turn damages said part of the opponent. This follows the Spiritual HP Rules instead for when determining the condition of the opponent unless a specific move is applied from the style. The sword is immune to physical strikes, simply bypassing other tangible objects unless it possesses chakra within.

The techniques from this style also naturally drain chakra when interacting. By swinging the sword and utilizing the principals once more, the user is able to easily siphon chakra from incoming attacks in order to stop them. This is due to Yin Release’s ability to interact with chakra easily and remove it from within the source. This also applies a unique ability of the style known as phase change. Taking inspiration from the Yin Release: Change of Heaven technique, the sword forcefully causes the chakra based technique it interacts with to shift into the same Yin energy and sword it at the same time to protect the user. This, however, cannot be down to sentient creatures, with the only exception being elemental/chakra familiars.

Last but not least, the user when striking a sentient target is capable of inducing an illusionary effect on the target [Dependent on the technique], possibly even infused with elemental properties. This can also be applied to the sword, where the user can instead “burn” a person’s spiritual side as opposed to literally burning them.

Example Techniques:

(Ichi no kata: Yamizuki - Yoi no Miya
First Form; Dark Moon – Evening Palace
Type: Offensive, Defensive
Rank: S - Rank
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 50
Damage: 100
Description: Through a stance similar to the Iaido, the user will quickly draw their blade. Using their leading foot, they will pivot into the desired direction, unsheathing their Moon Sword and release an omnidirectional storm of crescent moon projectiles. These projectiles while are composed of the user’s chakra yin chakra, capable of spiritually slashing through techniques and applying phase chakra and absorbing of foreign chakra to techniques of equal or less. Striking a sentient target will inflict high amounts of spiritual damage. An alternative use the user can apply is simply quick drawing in a singular direction, releasing a volley of crescent moons instead.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
Can only be used by those with Yin Release. All the effects found in the inner workings bar the illusionary aspect and elemental aspect are all inherent to each technique used. Master of the style is able to perform the techniques at ½ the amount of chakra needed without negatively affecting its ability. Moon Swords blades are capable of being broken when not intangible, breaking when struck with a B rank and above technique. The user is capable of repairing the sword at the cost of a move and 40 chakra. This style in no shape or form capable of physically harming the opponent, only able to deal with spiritual damage.

Declined: We discussed it on discord - Daemon
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Anbu Kirito

Active member
Jul 1, 2014
Trait Points
Mizu No Kokyu-Ho Kenjutsu
(Water Breathing Kenjutsu)

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Type: TaiKenjutsu

Background: Water Breathing is originally a technique which was first technically developed by monks who wished to increase the amount of time between breaths, so as to help them still themselves and improve focus. It garnered its name from the fact that practitioners could often breathe underwater for extended amounts of time without using chakra. This technique was only later applied to Kenjutsu. By mixing the breathing technique with the relaxing impacts it has on the muscles in the body, it was discovered that a user of Water Breathing could, with the proper form, move around attacks and utilize limp-bodied motions to counter most head-on assaults very effectively. This resulted in a style of attack and defense which actually imitated the movement of water, a somewhat fitting effect, seeing the name of the style's origin. Furthermore, the state of relaxation and focus provided by the technique significantly aided in the precision and speed of striking, as well as a swordsman's reaction time. The first man credited with this Kenjutsu application of Water Breathing was Giyu Tomioka, a swordsman who lived an estimated 400 years ago.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: A Nichirin Katana, despite the style's name, is not actually necessary to practice Water Breathing Kenjutsu. It is the second portion of that name which is most important; the breathing technique. By stilling their breathing, a user is capable of relaxing their muscles to a degree not usually attainable when practicing standard Kenjutsu. With this benefit at their side, a practitioner of Water Breathing's Kenjutsu is characterized by the absorption of blows, the power of momentum, and a whimsy, almost "drunken" flow to their movements. By tensing one's muscles only in the exact moment of a strike through the awareness of one's own body provided by Water Breathing, users can weave one attack into the next without needing to chamber for each individual strike as in standard Kenjutsu. The best way to explain this would be to give the metaphor of a European Knight. A Knight wielding a broadsword may try to cleave his opponent in two with a right-side swing, however he is vulnerable at two major intervals. The first is when he raises his sword to strike, the "chamber", and the second of which is right after he has missed, since he has allowed his momentum to carry his sword through the air, pulling his body along with it. Water Breathing Kenjutsu specifically seeks to avoid these moments by minimizing the amount of techniques which rely on chambering, instead letting each strike "flow" into the next, instead using momentum and brief explosions of muscle tension to generate the power behind their strikes and create a seemingly. Many of the forms of Water Breathing Kenjutsu are in fact directly inspired by the motions made by water as it moves throughout nature, coasting around each object in its path as it gathering power before crashing at the base of a mighty waterfall or in the crest of a wave, the peak of its power. Also like water, the style relies on perpetual movement, since a break in momentum often results in an opening. Finally, users of Water Breathing Kenjutsu are taught to envision openings with the image of a string in mind. This string is drawn from the tip of their sword to their target on the opponent's body, and upon the presenting of an opening, they are taught to react without hesitation or any further thought, simply letting their bodies move towards striking the aforementioned target.

Example Techniques:

Mizu No Kokyu-Ho | Water Breathing
Rank: N/A
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Water Breathing, on a basic level, requires that the user take a deep breath, and maintain that breath without exhaling for a moment. They will then continue to so while allowing every muscle in their bodies to relax. The result of this is absolute focus and the most precise possible control of one's motions. However, this is a difficult state to maintain, and only after tremendous amounts of training can a user can make this instinctive. Furthermore, regardless of their skill with the technique, anybody utilizing Water Breathing cannot use any complex Ninjutsu, meaning that only basic Ninjutsu and elemental Ninjutsu B-Rank and lower can be used while a user is in this state. That said, many who have mastered the technique often say its benefits far outweigh its weaknesses, since entering the state of Water Breathing provides a user with tremendous reaction capabilities and a physical limpness which makes them very nimble and dangerous at close range.
Can only be used twice a fight.
- Increases reaction speeds at close range by 2 times, and enables the use of Water Breathing Kenjutsu style techniques.
- A user will be forced out of Water Breathing if they attempt to use any nonbasic Ninjutsu above B-Rank and will not be able to regain the necessary focus to re-enter the state for 2 turns.

(Mizu No Kokyu-Ho Kenjutsu: Minamono Giri) | Water Breathing Kenjutsu: Water Surface Slash
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 40
Description: Water Surface Slash is the first of the nine forms taught to Water Breathing Kenjutsu users, and is often regarded as the simplest for its singular style of movement. At its simplest, the Water Surface Slash is a horizontal slice, clean and simple. However, there is a hidden complexity to the technique, especially since it also functions as an effective counter for many attacks. First, the user mentally draws the "opening string" from their sword to the part of their opponent that they wish to strike. They then begin a rotation with their sword held limply with their arm extended. This rotation is an incredibly opportune moment to dodge an oncoming attack, as it can be done while moving forwards, or to either side of the user. Furthermore, this rotation builds up tremendous momentum, as following the dodging of whatever attack it is they've evaded, the user will then surge forwards at the end of their spin with a burst of muscle tension, cutting deep into their opponent and recovering immediately afterwards, allowing the momentum to carry them into further movement. As such, this technique is well known for it's capacity to behead opponents because of the nature of its creation.
Must have Water Breathing active.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
The 2x reaction speed enhancement provided by Water Breathing only applies when one chooses to react with a Water Breathing Kenjutsu. It relies on the relaxation of the bodies muscles and a focused state of mind; not improved eyesight.

-Water Breathing Kenjutsu cannot be performed while dual wielding.

-After mastering all forms of the style, a user will have a passive +2 to their base speed, due to the conditioning and control gained over one's bodily functions.

Declined: There is not enough here to warrant this to be it's own special style. You can do most of his freeform. You don't need special breathing to string attacks together effortlessly. Just seems like a grab at some boosts. - Daemon
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ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points

Type: Nin/Tai
Background: The formal father of the awoken created this style in order for the user to harness their spiritual essence to tap into their destructive ways of bending their bones at their will. Al'Card was born when the combined forces of the spiritual Yin's ability to bend matter to take on abnormal properties along with the Kaguya clan's mastery of bending their bones and skin into weaponry. The style was only given to those few who were able to master both of those components and was rumored to have died out along the extinction of the clan itself.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: The user of the style makes proper use of their full body control and their usage of infusing Yin prospects into their own skeleton and skin to take on unnatural attainments for the Dead Bone Pulse release. This means that the user can change their own structure to become a deadlier weapon by turning their bodies into an intangible medium and back to a harder-than-steel solid. This lets the user escape physical techniques but also revert themselves back into a physical medium again at their wish. Their Shikotsumyaku arsenal widens with an arsenal of Yin-infused Dead Bone Pulse one. The user of the style, while intangible, will be able to siphon techniques that are passing through them and steal its chakra for their own gain(75% of the techniques chakra output will be transferred to the users chakra pool). The style isn't limited to an intangible state but can also stretch out to a liquid/gas or even plasma system for their bones and skin.

Example Techniques:
(Arukādo : Rinburesu) - Al'Card: Limbless
Rank: C-Forbidden
Range: N/A
Chakra: 10/50
Damage: N/A
Description: Limbless is the technique in which the user channels Yin chakra into their body and infuse it with Dead Bone Pulse chakra as well to take on an intangible presence. This makes the user unable to attain damage from physical techniques up to the same rank that is used. Everything that is passed through the user gets its chakra siphoned and converted into the users own chakra storage. The user can become tangible again with a mere thought.

Note: Must have learned Al'Card.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
User increases their resistance and healing abilities given by the kekkei genkai by 50%
Users bones becomes immune towards elemental weaknesses passively
All of the users Shikotsumyaku techniques are increased in damage by +20

(Yin Purchase is found in inventory)

Declined: Per Request of the user. - Daemon
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ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Ghoulspine - グールスパイン

Type: Nin/Tai
Background: Ghoulspine was developed by Alucard †epes in hopes of gaining superior control over his already powerful skeletal kekkei genkai - the Shikotsumyaku through the infusion of his mastery of the Yin release. Now in order to do this, he had to undergo the spiritual training brought to him by a.. priest and while doing so he also had to sacrifice one of his specialty slots and become a Yin specialist in order to fully create this style.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
Ghoulspine is a style that revolves around the user passively leveling out their dead bone pulse kekkei genkai into 99% of the Yin aspect and thus let it become.. weird while also grants the user new techniques directly tied to the style which is why it cannot be used simply by the original kekkei genkai. Yin revolves heavily around the spiritual aspect and can turn tangible elements intangible, it can siphon chakra from targets passively and it also lets the user become extremely potent with genjutsu. Mixing the physically strong and potent Shikotsumyaku with Yin might seem quite abstract and it sure is. Moving on to what it lets the user do with their skeleton that regular Shikotsumyaku cannot do is to change the properties of the users bones into a gas, liquid or even plasma at stages where the user wants. But also intangible, meaning it cannot be interacted with by any physical means whatsoever. This is very similar to Obito's Kamui where he teleports parts of his body to another dimension in order to survive brute damage. While, yes, Ghoulspine won't let the user turn their entire body intangle but only their skeleton it will let the user use this material as a means of defense if done right. We've already seen great extents of what shapes the user can create with their skeleton using the kekkei genkai but using the intangible state infused to the users bones can make them quite the force to be reckoned with. To interact with the users bones whilst intangible, an outside source needs to be consisting of either Yin or Yang or Yin/Yang or Sage chakra. Everything else will slip through it. Not to mention, if the user cloaks themselves entirely by their intangible bones, they will become invisible to the naked eye and be unable to be sensed unless the possession of Yin/Yang. This makes the users bones extremely unpredictable but the drawback is that while they are intangible, the bones cannot deal physical harm but rather spiritual in the forms of chakra draining and soul fatigue. It's also worth noting that the users bones are always intangible in techniques that falls under the custom fighting style. When it comes to strengths and weaknesses of Ghoulspine, it erases the natural weaknesses of Shikotsumyaku while retaining its natural strengths much like the typhoon and black lightning releases. Spiritual damage and chakra draining depends on the strength of the technique and its elemental drawback to the Ghoulspine. One thing worth noting is that while the opponent might not see the techniques, when they are created, the user will still grow them out of their body leading to a most bizzare sight if the opponent looks at the user when they are protruding invisible bones.

Example Techniques:
(Gūruspain : Miasuma) - Ghoulspine: Miasma
Rank: C-Forbidden
Range: N/A
Chakra: 10/50
Damage: N/A
Description: Miasma is a round-off technique that lets the user create an arsenal of their liking from their body made of the intangible bones that are passively affected by spiritual forces of Yin which lets them escape reality and become intangible. The user channels up their chakra and creates whatever shape they want and uses it as a projectile, weapon or a supplementary tool in battle. The chakra draining and spiritual damage depends on the chakra input of the technique. C-rank draws 10 chakra from the technique it interacts with. A rank draws 20, S rank draws 30 and forbidden version saps 40 chakra from the clashing technique unless it contains Yin, Yang, Yin/Yang or Sage chakra.

Note: Must have learned Ghoulspine

Additional effects and Restrictions:
The passive damage resistant traits of the Shikotsumyaku kekkei genkai are nulled and replaced by new ones that reflects their now Yin infused skeleton. Shikotsukmyaku itself had a passive damage resistance of 40 when it comes to physical blows. Ghoulspine shares the same damage resistance but to all types of elemental interaction as it cancels out the elemental weaknesses of Shikotsumyaku. If the user specialises in Yin, their health regeneration is increased 100% from the original health regeneration that the kekkei genkai had. If the user specialises in both Yin and the Ghoulspine, it is increased 200%.

(Yin Purchase is found in inventory)

Declined: Intangibility does not mean your techniques are invisible or are allowed to be invisible. Another thing, intangibility means that it can still interact and clash with other intangible sources like Fire and Lightning which are both weaknesses of DBP. So infusing your bones with Yin to make them intangible won't save them from getting destroyed by intangible elements. Also for the sake of the CFS, choose a lane. Do you want to be able to change the phase of your bones or do you want them to be intangible. Both won't be allowed. This CFS has the potential to be way better but as it is now it's not that great. My advice to you is to do Intangibility then focus on what Ghoulspine allows. Will it be a genjutsu based cfs or a chakra siphoning CFS? Not both. - Daemon
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Sage of Snakes
Apr 25, 2011
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Wakuchi | Blood Bewitchment
Type: GenTai
Background: Blood Bewitchment is a GenTai that uses the Ketsuryūgan's ability to cast Genjutsu and its blood-based abilities. It is based ff requiring the user to draw their own blood that then creates numerous effects/reactions from their intended targets using the scent of the blood. The user combines this with taijutsu making it where even if taijutsu attacks miss the opponent would be caught in a genjutsu due to being in the range of the scent of the blood.
Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: The fighting style involves having the user channel their chakra the pours of their arm and having blood being drawn out all over. After that, the user's chakra will convert the blood into a red mist that when opponents are caught into it or even smell the scent of it that would be caught in a variety of Genjutsu. With the combination of Taijutsu, the user will be able to deliver damage as well or just cause opponents to avoid the taijutsu but then get caught in the Genjutsu. Due to Ketsuryūgan users' blood ability, blood loss would not affect the user of this style. The user could also combine this with the Ketsuryūgan basic genjutsu as well.
Example Techniques:

(Wakuchi: Buraddou~itchi ) Blood Bewitchment: Blood Witch

Type: Supplementary
Rank: E
Range: Self (Reaches to Short Range)
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: The basic jutsu of Blood Bewitchment. The user will channel their chakra into their arms and legs pours and cause blood to be drawn to their arms/legs turning them red in color. The blood would cause a red-colored mist to appear that can reach up to 5 meters but it has a light visibility. This jutsu is used to use other Blood Bewitchment jutsu.
Note: Must know Blood Bewitchment
Note: Ketsuryūgan must be activated
Note: Can be activated passively

(Wakuchi: Shikaku Mugen no Kō ) Blood Bewitchment: Aroma of Visual Fantasy
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user will use the blood scent to cause the opponent to be caught in a genjutsu. The genjutsu is a hallucination that hinders the vision of the affected by creating beautiful flower patterns around them. The opponent would then see the flowers attach to them causing them to be frozen in place when in reality the user would deliver a series of punches and kicks to deal damage.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
- Must have mastered Taijutsu and Genjutsu
- Must have Ketsuryūgan

Declined: Do a better job of explaining how the genjutsu takes effect and takes place (more than just "smelling it" or "being in the mist"). How is it actually placed on to the opponent. Also break down the rules on this, would this be considered an elemental gen? would it not? The close quarter combat aspect of the cfs is also pretty shallow. I'm sure you could make a blood mist Genjutsu tech in the CJ thread and it'd work just like this CFS. - Daemon
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ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
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Rift Style

The style was created by the prodigy of storms and spirits, Ghostmother. She used her skills to fuse together Yin and wind to create a substance that let her obtain immense spatial manipulation but it had to be confined to work properly, hence her implication of barriers too.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
Rift release is using the users Yin specialty to apply abnormal properties of an element they possess, in this case the wind element to create a controlled spacial barrier which within the user is given an immersive spacial manoeuvrability. The technique to produce this certain operation field is a technique that is passive and creates the container for techniques.

This is the technique that creates the barrier in which the Rifton user is limited to operate within. While this seems like a drawback, it can still reach really far distances depending on how much chakra the user spends when they create their Room. Within this barrier, the air is converted into a Rift, which the element takes its name from. From here, using hand gestures or seals, the user can manipulate the Rift to do incredibly bizzare but also amazing things. Inside Room, the concentration of the Yin aspect also heavily outweights that of Yang which means that everything that is caught inside a ROOM will be influenced spiritually in some way or another, usually defined by what properties the user wants to give their ROOM. They can have one passive ability inside their ROOM. A trait that is always applied to each different ROOM is that due to Yin's ability to also reflect light, it is invisible to anyone that looks from it outside. Any individuals who are trapped in a ROOM will look like they have disappeared from the face of the earth. Likewise, on the inside there is nothing that makes a trapped individual notice the actual boundary of the barrier even though it could be right behind them/infront of them. Only the user knows where the barrier is and what range it has unless other individuals possesses chakra sensory of non-ocular levels.
  • Spiritual Damage. The Yin energy is pressing into the targets chakra systems and fatigues them mentally. This process becomes worse the longer an individual stays inside the ROOM as it is with most of these unique traits.
  • Spacial Freeze. What this trait does is to make the rift inside the ROOM semi solid. What this does is to slow down any individual trapped in the ROOM. It is by far the densest feeling ROOM when caught inside of it.
  • Chakra Bane. This trait takes on the chakra siphoning properties of Yin. The ROOM becomes chakra colored and combines the tethering powers and the strength of multiple embraces into one, which draws the chakra from individuals that are inside the ROOM. Ultimately, this causes the ineffectiveness of jutsus of certain ranks.
Beside these passive traits, the ROOM gives the user the ability to master the space inside the ROOM as they can manipulate the air inside of it to such an extent that they are given a certain psuedo telekinesis by solidifying the space around a desired object and attract/repulse it in any direction they want. This gives them extremely powerful techniques that they can use inside their ROOM. Depending on what rank the ROOM is, the passive traits of it differ and the strength of the barrier also differ. Rifton is neutral to all elements and can only be countered with elemental techniques of the same rank/damage.

Example Techniques:

† (Rifton: Rūmu) - Rift Release: ROOM †

Type: Supplementary
Rank: A - Forbidden
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 10 – 50
Damage: N/A
Description: The precursor to all of Rifton techniques, the user creates a spherical space around his targets, in which he can manipulate anything he wants in a variety of ways; he cannot perform any of his Rifton techniques outside of this spherical area. The size of the ROOM can vary from a few meters wide to surrounding entire buildings and mountains, although larger ROOMs require more effort to maintain. Despite the ROOM being stationary, it can be "carried around" as a user can create a ROOM around himself but cannot place it anywhere else if that is the case. ROOM has one of these passive traits except the spacial manipulation it gives the user.

1. Spiritual Damage. The Yin energy is pressing into the targets chakra systems and fatigues them mentally. This process becomes worse the longer an individual stays inside the ROOM as it is with most of these unique traits. What's mostly being countered or act upon in this trait is opposing genjutsu/mind altering techniques.
A-rank requires individuals caught to spend 20% more chakra on their spiritual/genjutsu techniques.
S-rank requires individuals caught to spend 40% more chakra on their spiritual/genjutsu techniques.
Forbidden-rank nulls the ability to use spiritual/genjutsu for individuals.

2. Spacial Freeze. What this trait does is to make the rift inside the ROOM semi solid. What this does is to slow down any individual trapped in the ROOM. It is by far the densest feeling ROOM when caught inside of it.
A-rank slows individuals down to the point they lose 3 speed points.
S-rank slows individuals down to 50% of their speed levels.
Forbidden rank nulls the effects of S/T usage and slows down individuals of the same rate as S-rank.

3. Chakra Bane. This trait takes on the chakra siphoning properties of Yin. The ROOM becomes chakra colored and combines the tethering powers and the strength of multiple embraces into one, which draws the chakra from individuals that are inside the ROOM. Ultimately, this causes the ineffectiveness of jutsus of certain ranks.
A-rank depletes 15% chakra from a technique an individual uses, cutting 15% off of its output power.
S-rank depletes 30% chakra from a technique an individual uses, cutting 30% off of its output power.
Forbidden rank nulls the usage of Forbidden techniques and cuts off 30% off out the output power of an individuals technique.

Any forbidden ROOM can only be used once per battle and lasts 5 turns. It also depletes the users ability to use ROOM for 4 turns and thus cuts their ability off to use Rifton as well during that time. S-rank may be used twice per battle and lasts 5 turns while it limits the user from using the ROOM technique for 3 turns. A-rank may be used 4 times per battle and lasts 6 turns. After each usage, the user must wait 2 turns to use ROOM again. The traits mentioned above don't apply to the user whatsoever. A-rank barrier has a diameter of mid-range(15). S-rank has that of long-range(20) and forbidden rank can cover any range up to 100 meters away from the user in all directions.

What makes ROOM so unique is the freedom of spacial manipulation the user may do inside of it, however what they do is cut down into separate techniques.

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† (Rifton: Takuto) - Rift Release: Takt †
Type: Offensive | Defensive | Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: The user uses his ability to levitate an object within his ROOM in a telekinetic manner. To use this technique, the user performs a lifting motion with his index finger (by pointing upwards). This forms a barrier of rift release around a certain object and makes it weightless and gains the ability to move freely to the users will within the ROOM. It can lift anything inside the ROOM despite mass or size as long as it fits inside the ROOM.

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† (Rifton: Shanburuzu) - Rift Release: Shambles †
Type: Offensive | Defensive | Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Within the space created with ROOM, the user can switch the places of any object inside the space. It can range from switching any sort of tangible body with another and thus resulting in switching the anatomy of an individual. While this doesn't deal any damage, it will make them unable to move if used in certain ways or perform handseals if used in other ways.

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Additional effects and Restrictions:n
Completed Yin + Wind + Fūinjutsu

Declined: Why did you just submit a custom element as a CFS? - Daemon
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Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points
-Adding specialty


Medical Nintaijutsu

When the Pandaren were subjugated by the Mogu centuries ago, it was the Monks that brought hope to a seemingly dim future. Restricted from using weapons by their slave masters, these pandaren instead focused on harnessing their chakra and learning weaponless combat. When the opportunity for revolution struck, they were well-trained to throw off the yoke of oppression. Whatever their combat role, monks rely mainly on their hands and feet to do the talking, and on strong connection with their inner chakra to power their abilities. Abilities such as Expel Harm and Chakra Wave both heal their allies while at the same time damaging their enemies.
Masters of bare-handed combat, monks never rely solely on the need to have a weapon in their hands to defend against their enemies. Although most widely known to the outside world for their fearsome jabs and flying kicks, they refuse to limit themselves to a single method of combat. Many monks prefer instead to “soak it up” and seem to revel in the intoxicating effect of absorbing blow after blow while their companions press the attack. Other monks specialize in calling upon the restorative power of the mists to balance the good and bad energy within people, returning them to good health and fortune. Monks bring a unique martial arts style to any fight, and harness an exotic form of chakra that’s unfamiliar to those who practice other body arts. They seek spiritual balance in life and in combat, and as dangerous as Monks can be on the battlefield, they’re rarely looking to pick a fight without just cause. They view the world through a different lens, finding power through serenity and inner peace—then expressing it through artful combat techniques and powers that mend life. Perhaps most surprisingly, Monks are also adept at producing powerful brews they consume to aid them in battle.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
While normally most medical ninjutsu isnt suited to close quarters or fast paced combat, practitioners of this style have been able to have heightened reflexes and precision, being able to perform precise and accurate medical techniques in the heat of combat. After relentlesstly studying medical ninjutsu, students learn every aspect about the body from pressure points, effects of various medicines, even learning the fastest and most effective way to recover from their own injuries. Medical Ninja are usually the last to enter combat, however famous medical shinobi such as Tsunade and Sakura have shown that medical ninjutsu has more than just a healing capacity, being able to be used in an offensive way such as Chakra enhanced strength. This style focuses more on the other various aspects of Medical ninjutsu that can greatly enhance taijutsu in other ways than chakra control.
This is how Fistweaving works, by 'weaving' medical chakra while performing taijutsu to ones advantage.
Medical chakra has a variety of uses such as healing and restoring wounds (Mystic Palm Technique), Preventing an opponent from molding chakra by manipulating their tenketsu (Medical Technique: Open Tenketsu) or even by strengthening ones body to prevent damage (Medical Mode).
Fistweaving is that ability to use medical like ninjutsu in taijutsu moves, incorporated with unique martial arts. Performing ninjutsu like Mystic Palm, Anaesthesia, strong medical beam or Open Tenketsu usually require one to very carefully prepare and make precision movements usually to heal a friendly person. However, this offensive type of medical taijutsu doesnt need necessarily the patience that regular medical ninjutsu needs. Using anaesthesia to numb an opponents body part isnt designed to reduce their pain but to disable their movement. Being able to manipulate their tenketsu isnt to allow for greater chakra flow but to slow it down. The ability to incorporate medical ninjutsu into ones arsenal is a great feat, and those that master it can even use it along side their close combat as explained above. After learning and mastering medical ninjutsu, one starts to explore and incorporate it into strikes, learning just how long it takes to gather the right amount of anaesthetic chakra to effectively disable an opponents limb, as well as learning just how long contact is maintained to increase the (turns) it is unusable. While in regular medical training, ninja learn the vital points of the body, where the tenketsu is located etc. When combined with taijutsu training that allows one to learn proper strikes to disable opponents, where to strike for greatest effect etc, one can combine these two forms to deliver devastating taijutsu with additional repercussions to the opponent should a blow land.
One such mastery is the ability to generate medical chakra almost instantly instead of the regular slow gather and concentration that is required for regular medical ninja. Because those that master this style have studied this advanced medical nintaijutsu, they have an increased heightened awareness of their body, even more so than regular medical shinobi. This allows them to have a stronger more durable body that increased the rate of their cell division, through sheer willpower alone.

Example Techniques:
Blackout Kick
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
The user performs a half step turn swinging their leg upwards in a roundhouse motion catching the opponent in the jaw, with the additional effect of their branch. As they connect, the user channels medical chakra through their foot to release a powerful anesthesia to numb the opponents jaw, causing them to be unble to use mouth based ninjutsu for 2 turns until it wears off.

Tiger Palm
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
A basic forward flurry of punches, the user will strike the target in the chest as they side step around them attacking from all angles with an additional effect from their discipline. Channeling medical chakra through their fist, as they strike the chakra is inserted into the opponent internally destroying their muscles instead of externally doing damage.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
-Users of this style must have Medical Ninjutsu mastered
-Those that specialize with this style have their taijutsu techniques able to attack the opponents chakra via tenketsu. Not to be confused with sealing or fuuinjutsu by specifically destroying the opponents body, this causes them to lose physical energy, required to be used in the creation of chakra. Staring from D rank at 5%, up to S rank at 25%, each attack successfully landed reduces that amount of the targets total Max chakra, unless tenketsu are medically healed.

Declined: The specialty is sorta like a gentle fist kind of thing. You may need to reduce the percentages for the chakra loss. Reading your CFS, while you can manipulate the tenketsu of your opponent on contact, I can't allow the effects of this specialty to be permanent. Also if you want this specialty it cannot be stacked with other Fistweaver techniques that also effect the opponent's tenketsu by limiting their chakra - Daemon

-Adding specialty


Medical Nintaijutsu

When the Pandaren were subjugated by the Mogu centuries ago, it was the Monks that brought hope to a seemingly dim future. Restricted from using weapons by their slave masters, these pandaren instead focused on harnessing their chakra and learning weaponless combat. When the opportunity for revolution struck, they were well-trained to throw off the yoke of oppression. Whatever their combat role, monks rely mainly on their hands and feet to do the talking, and on strong connection with their inner chakra to power their abilities. Abilities such as Expel Harm and Chakra Wave both heal their allies while at the same time damaging their enemies.
Masters of bare-handed combat, monks never rely solely on the need to have a weapon in their hands to defend against their enemies. Although most widely known to the outside world for their fearsome jabs and flying kicks, they refuse to limit themselves to a single method of combat. Many monks prefer instead to “soak it up” and seem to revel in the intoxicating effect of absorbing blow after blow while their companions press the attack. Other monks specialize in calling upon the restorative power of the mists to balance the good and bad energy within people, returning them to good health and fortune. Monks bring a unique martial arts style to any fight, and harness an exotic form of chakra that’s unfamiliar to those who practice other body arts. They seek spiritual balance in life and in combat, and as dangerous as Monks can be on the battlefield, they’re rarely looking to pick a fight without just cause. They view the world through a different lens, finding power through serenity and inner peace—then expressing it through artful combat techniques and powers that mend life. Perhaps most surprisingly, Monks are also adept at producing powerful brews they consume to aid them in battle.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
While normally most medical ninjutsu isnt suited to close quarters or fast paced combat, practitioners of this style have been able to have heightened reflexes and precision, being able to perform precise and accurate medical techniques in the heat of combat. After relentlesstly studying medical ninjutsu, students learn every aspect about the body from pressure points, effects of various medicines, even learning the fastest and most effective way to recover from their own injuries. Medical Ninja are usually the last to enter combat, however famous medical shinobi such as Tsunade and Sakura have shown that medical ninjutsu has more than just a healing capacity, being able to be used in an offensive way such as Chakra enhanced strength. This style focuses more on the other various aspects of Medical ninjutsu that can greatly enhance taijutsu in other ways than chakra control.
This is how Fistweaving works, by 'weaving' medical chakra while performing taijutsu to ones advantage.
Medical chakra has a variety of uses such as healing and restoring wounds (Mystic Palm Technique), Preventing an opponent from molding chakra by manipulating their tenketsu (Medical Technique: Open Tenketsu) or even by strengthening ones body to prevent damage (Medical Mode).
Fistweaving is that ability to use medical like ninjutsu in taijutsu moves, incorporated with unique martial arts. Performing ninjutsu like Mystic Palm, Anaesthesia, strong medical beam or Open Tenketsu usually require one to very carefully prepare and make precision movements usually to heal a friendly person. However, this offensive type of medical taijutsu doesnt need necessarily the patience that regular medical ninjutsu needs. Using anaesthesia to numb an opponents body part isnt designed to reduce their pain but to disable their movement. Being able to manipulate their tenketsu isnt to allow for greater chakra flow but to slow it down. The ability to incorporate medical ninjutsu into ones arsenal is a great feat, and those that master it can even use it along side their close combat as explained above. After learning and mastering medical ninjutsu, one starts to explore and incorporate it into strikes, learning just how long it takes to gather the right amount of anaesthetic chakra to effectively disable an opponents limb, as well as learning just how long contact is maintained to increase the (turns) it is unusable. While in regular medical training, ninja learn the vital points of the body, where the tenketsu is located etc. When combined with taijutsu training that allows one to learn proper strikes to disable opponents, where to strike for greatest effect etc, one can combine these two forms to deliver devastating taijutsu with additional repercussions to the opponent should a blow land.
One such mastery is the ability to generate medical chakra almost instantly instead of the regular slow gather and concentration that is required for regular medical ninja. Because those that master this style have studied this advanced medical nintaijutsu, they have an increased heightened awareness of their body, even more so than regular medical shinobi. This allows them to have a stronger more durable body that increased the rate of their cell division, through sheer willpower alone.

Example Techniques:
Blackout Kick
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
The user performs a half step turn swinging their leg upwards in a roundhouse motion catching the opponent in the jaw, with the additional effect of their branch. As they connect, the user channels medical chakra through their foot to release a powerful anesthesia to numb the opponents jaw, causing them to be unble to use mouth based ninjutsu for 2 turns until it wears off.

Tiger Palm
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
A basic forward flurry of punches, the user will strike the target in the chest as they side step around them attacking from all angles with an additional effect from their discipline. Channeling medical chakra through their fist, as they strike the chakra is inserted into the opponent internally destroying their muscles instead of externally doing damage.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
-Users of this style must have Medical Ninjutsu mastered
-Those that specialize with this style have their tracking speed doubled, giving them a x2 boost to tracking

Declined: Nothing about this style warrants that kind of Boost. -Daemon
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Anbu Kirito

Active member
Jul 1, 2014
Trait Points
Nagareru Arashi No Ken | Flowing Storm Fist

Background: Flowing Storm Fist is a style which originates in Amegakure among the village's most accomplished Rain users. By using the Storm Cloud Shell Technique in conjunction with their Taijutsu and Kenjutsu, they developed a way of controlling Rain through their physical motions, carrying rain along with their momentum then propelling it forwards using chakra to strike the opponent in tandem with their physical body.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: Initially created by those who sought to use the Storm Cloud Shell alongside their own physical attacks, the core of the Flowing Storm Fist is in the momentum created by standard Taijutsu. By moving the body in a rainy environment, the user will passively pick up rain along their body, with each technique activating the Storm Cloud Shell by using this rain. With this shell surrounding them, the user can release Ameton techniques as well as amplify their Taijutsu and Kenjutsu strikes with rain. Furthermore, the cloud hides most Taijutsu maneuvers and any Dojutsu trying to perceive the chakra flow of the user's body will instead see the Ameton chakra surrounding them in a shroud. As such, this style uses the Dojutsu's capabilities to see chakra against them.

Example Techniques:
Nagareru Arashi No Ken: Hari Shotto | Flowing Storm Fist: Needle Shot
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: During a Taijutsu move, the user will manipulate the droplets of rain within their Storm Cloud Shell to harden into miniature spikes, disguised by the shroud around them which proceed to coat the limb being used for the Taijutsu move. This causes piercing damage as the spikes are slammed into the opponent's body, also inflicting the blunt force damage of a normal Taijutsu attack. These spikes retract immediately after impact and cannot be maintained when an attack is not already in progress because it is the momentum of the user's attacking motions which carry the rain.

Nagareru Arashi No Ken: Shibuki No Ha | Flowing Storm Fist: Droplet Blade
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: Either used to amplify a sword strike or as a projectile launched from the sword, by using the Storm Cloud Shell surrounding their blade, the user will fire a cloud inside which is a hidden blade of Rain which cuts deeply into the opponent's body once it makes contact. This ability is especially useful because the sword used as well as the crescent-shaped blade will be disguised by the Storm Cloud Shell surrounding them.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
- Users of the style gain a passive +10 damage to their Ameton techniques while specialists in the style receive a passive +20 damage to their Ameton techniques.
- The Storm Cloud Shell created by Flowing Storm Fist techniques only lasts for a turn. To maintain the Shell, the user must either create it with the original jutsu, or continue to use Flowing Storm Fist techniques.
- While most Dojutsu users will not be able to perceive masses of chakra hidden within the Storm Clouds, Byakugan users can see through the mass into the inside of the cloud, thus allowing them to see through the Shell's deception.
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