[YY] Drackos teaches me how to live


May 28, 2014
Trait Points
Tell me what you know about Yang, and Yin-Yang by extension, in the context of Daoist philosophy. I'll fill in the gaps you don't know. While on its surface it may not seem important to cover this, all of Yin-Yang on AB was derived from Daoism (thanks Reborn). Understanding the Daoist context helps you understand Yang better as a whole, which can help you in the future when it comes to making customs.


Oct 22, 2009
Trait Points
Tell me what you know about Yang, and Yin-Yang by extension, in the context of Daoist philosophy. I'll fill in the gaps you don't know. While on its surface it may not seem important to cover this, all of Yin-Yang on AB was derived from Daoism (thanks Reborn). Understanding the Daoist context helps you understand Yang better as a whole, which can help you in the future when it comes to making customs.
I tried researching and to be honest i had to check something, that Daoist is the same as Taoist, just to make sure i had the right concepts. Anyway, moving on:
- Yin/yang is two halfs, together they make a whole, create balance, So when you split something into two halves – yin/yang, it upsets the equilibrium of wholeness. Both halves are chasing after each other as they seek a new balance with each other.

- Yin - shady side. Examples: Night, Female
- Yang - Sunny side. Examples: Day, Male

- Neither yin nor yang are absolute, as each aspects contains the beginning point for the other aspect. For example, day becomes night and then night becomes day, each rely on each other and so they need each other to become complete

- Yin/yang are ever changing, never remain static, always changing in a way for balance, i mean i found a crazy fact researching this: "As an example: some species of fish have females that transform quickly into males when the population of males isn’t enough"

- Yin yang can be broken down in something, for example, Yang aspect of heat, can then be broken down to yin aspect of warm and yang aspect of burning

- Daoism as a practice enjoys examining patterns, so if YY is one large pattern it can be broken down into two, Yin and yang separately.

- YY is broken down into two:
yin - soul
yang - spirit

Through this balance and the break down, in the RP, from what i understand, Yin/Yang has been the base of all creation and balance. Everything we do as ninja is from the base of Yin/yang even if we don't know how to use it on a mastered level. What i mean is:

Yin: Yin is the soul aspect, creation aspect in the rp and through it has various applications. Controlling the soul aspect is how we create illusions. Yin is the form of creation, the mind, darkness, imagination. It's not just genjutsu that is controlled, through yamanaka they control their very spirit and will, Nara create out of their shadows to give depth. Yin isn't limited to thses though, Yin in the universe is all forms of creation.

Yang: If yin is creation, Yang is spirit, life, sentience, light, vitality. This is why yang is better IMO. We see yang in various forms, for example, basically all healing is yang release. Sentient weapons such as Samehada have been given life through yang. Through this we also have applications through increasing out spirit, more chakra, durability and vitality, basically we become taijutsu monsters reducing damage to us, get alot more chakra/stamina. One example of the taijutsu increase would be how the akamichi use yang to physically enhance their bodies.

When you bring the two together it's literally like being a god in itself. Through yin you imagine, form and create what ever you like, through yang, you can literally give life to that creation. It reminds me of the tale in the Silmarillion in tolkiens works, Alue is the god of creation, the forge, he literally love to create. But he admired what Iluvatar did by creating the elves and wanted to use that power himself, through this, he created the dwarves, a race in his image, this would be yin in my eyes, then he wanted to give them life. Iluvatar got mad and was like nah, but didn't destroy them, made them sleep under the mountains and then give them life once the Elves had had their moment. That would be the yang aspect. Gods with the ability of creation and life.

Always needing balance.
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May 28, 2014
Trait Points
Alright there is a lot to unpack here. So I'll input my own information and then I'll cover some of the mistakes you made. While it seems monotonous and useless to understand Daoism, it helps you grasp a greater understanding of what you can and cannot do with Yang (and subsequently Yin and Yin-Yang). It is also the driving force behind how Reborn created Yin-Yang Release in the RP; he directly drew upon Daoist philosophy to create the limits and bounds for Yin and Yang that weren't really established in Naruto canon. So here's my rudimentary knowledge about the origins of Yin and Yang.

Yin-Yang are primordial energies in the universe. But they are not the beginning. Yin-Yang is preceded by Wuji and Taiji. Wuji is Nothingness. It is the state before the creation of the universe. So before there was everything, there was nothing. Other words used to describe Wuji are boundless and the infinite. In the Infinite, there is nothing. It is just unlimited nothingness. From Nothingness, or Wuji, comes Taiji. Taiji is the state of everything. It is the "Supreme Ultimate." It is the state of total undifferentiated existence, unlimited potential, and totality. Another way to describe it is the state of having no ridgepole.

It can be difficult to grasp exactly what Taiji is. It is easy to understand Wuji because it is just Nothingness. But Taiji is undifferentiated everything. So picture Taiji as just a white sphere. There's no discernible difference in any of it. It is simultaneously "everything" but also "one thing." So this is where Yin and Yang come in. From Taiji comes Yin-Yang. Yin-Yang create the poles that Taiji lacks, and give definition to what lacks definition. Then from Yin-Yang come the the Bagua, which you probably will know as the Eight Trigrams. It is through the Bagua that we gain the 10,000 Things. This in the RP is essentially where Creation of All Things comes from. It is the Bagua translated into the Naruto RP, which is directly derived from Yin and Yang.

So you hit on the basic points pretty solidly. But there are some flaws. You hit well on the idea that neither Yin and Yang are mutually exclusive of each other. There is always some Yin in Yang, and Yang in Yin. This is something we'll be covering in training, as Yang techniques actually do a fairly good job at representing this.

Now you tried to hit on the characteristics of Yin and Yang. Props to you for that. But there are flaws in how you defined them. This is a more accurate definition:

Yin: Cold, draining, imagination, the spiritual, the Moon. These are all traits of Yin, and subsequently Yin Release. You erroneously state that Yang is the "spirit." This is pretty false given that Yin governs the spirit. The spirit is something very metaphysical, and part of what we consider the spiritual. You also stated that Yin is "warm." Yin is definitely cold. But Yin is simultaneously the imagination. So while Yin has the trait of being 'cold,' it isn't exclusively that. It can recreate the effects of heat, fire, etc through the imagination in the RP.

Yang: Hot, life giving, the physical, vitality, the Sun. These are all traits of Yang, and subsequently Yang Release. You got Yang pretty spot on with your descriptions.

Now for the next big question: what do you think is the extent and limit of Yang in the RP? And what do you think (try not to look up an exact definition) is the meaning of sentience?


Oct 22, 2009
Trait Points
Alright there is a lot to unpack here. So I'll input my own information and then I'll cover some of the mistakes you made. While it seems monotonous and useless to understand Daoism, it helps you grasp a greater understanding of what you can and cannot do with Yang (and subsequently Yin and Yin-Yang). It is also the driving force behind how Reborn created Yin-Yang Release in the RP; he directly drew upon Daoist philosophy to create the limits and bounds for Yin and Yang that weren't really established in Naruto canon. So here's my rudimentary knowledge about the origins of Yin and Yang.

Yin-Yang are primordial energies in the universe. But they are not the beginning. Yin-Yang is preceded by Wuji and Taiji. Wuji is Nothingness. It is the state before the creation of the universe. So before there was everything, there was nothing. Other words used to describe Wuji are boundless and the infinite. In the Infinite, there is nothing. It is just unlimited nothingness. From Nothingness, or Wuji, comes Taiji. Taiji is the state of everything. It is the "Supreme Ultimate." It is the state of total undifferentiated existence, unlimited potential, and totality. Another way to describe it is the state of having no ridgepole.

It can be difficult to grasp exactly what Taiji is. It is easy to understand Wuji because it is just Nothingness. But Taiji is undifferentiated everything. So picture Taiji as just a white sphere. There's no discernible difference in any of it. It is simultaneously "everything" but also "one thing." So this is where Yin and Yang come in. From Taiji comes Yin-Yang. Yin-Yang create the poles that Taiji lacks, and give definition to what lacks definition. Then from Yin-Yang come the the Bagua, which you probably will know as the Eight Trigrams. It is through the Bagua that we gain the 10,000 Things. This in the RP is essentially where Creation of All Things comes from. It is the Bagua translated into the Naruto RP, which is directly derived from Yin and Yang.

So you hit on the basic points pretty solidly. But there are some flaws. You hit well on the idea that neither Yin and Yang are mutually exclusive of each other. There is always some Yin in Yang, and Yang in Yin. This is something we'll be covering in training, as Yang techniques actually do a fairly good job at representing this.

Now you tried to hit on the characteristics of Yin and Yang. Props to you for that. But there are flaws in how you defined them. This is a more accurate definition:

Yin: Cold, draining, imagination, the spiritual, the Moon. These are all traits of Yin, and subsequently Yin Release. You erroneously state that Yang is the "spirit." This is pretty false given that Yin governs the spirit. The spirit is something very metaphysical, and part of what we consider the spiritual. You also stated that Yin is "warm." Yin is definitely cold. But Yin is simultaneously the imagination. So while Yin has the trait of being 'cold,' it isn't exclusively that. It can recreate the effects of heat, fire, etc through the imagination in the RP.

Yang: Hot, life giving, the physical, vitality, the Sun. These are all traits of Yang, and subsequently Yang Release. You got Yang pretty spot on with your descriptions.

Now for the next big question: what do you think is the extent and limit of Yang in the RP? And what do you think (try not to look up an exact definition) is the meaning of sentience?

I was trying to learn the phylosophy of creation in a religion i wasn't sure in. It's so in depth but i understand it a lot better now, thanks for that.

One thing i noticed when you explained yin is how it's cold, but it's effects can create warmth. That kinda hit home with the explanation of "There is always a bit of yang in some yin, and yin in yang". Give me a better concept to how it works.

Yang in the rp. Wew that's broad but i don't want to go searching the answers, lets see...

Limits of yang:
- Healing: As seen when Naruto healed Guy sensei, he give life to someone who was sure to die, and i've seen this as one of the cannon techniques, don't know if it's like touch of the sun or something. It can heal anything on someone even the user. I believe the limit in this would be the users chakra when it comes to healing, though i don't think it can bring back the dead. it can heal a form that already exists, but not restore to life.

- Physical: You can use yang to enhance your own physical act tributes, or an allies. Through the cannon techniques such as giving them wings and such, morphing their physical form. I believe the limit of this would be you're manipulating a current form, not creating a new form, as yin would be creation, where as yang is more enhance and life giver.

Is the limit to yang that you can only enhance, heal, give life to etc, something that already exists. As long as you have the chakra to do so you can do all of these things, but the limit is it's not the creation aspect, it's the physical and life expect bending what is already there?

Sentience: Hmmm tough one, but lets give it a shot "The ability for something to think for itself and act on its own"

I feel like i'm not great at this xd


May 28, 2014
Trait Points
When I said it is cold, I meant that as a characteristic of philosophical Yin. Yin as an energy can replicate anything, as it is created from your imagination.

You make a good distinction and try to find the Yin in the Yang technique Ring of Hell. Yang can create physical mass from a living being, and that is where the Yin is. We'll cover this later on when we get to that technique in the training, however.

So sentience is really important to understand. We use this term in the RP a lot and literally 99% of the time we use it incorrectly. Sentience is typically used to describe autonomous familiars that we make. You use this probably a lot with Steel, I know NK did for sure. I did it with my Custom Elements. And many others have done this with practically ever single skill and element available. But these aren't truly sentience. These are autonomous elemental familiars, which are essentially only comparable to robots.

True sentience is how I like to define what Yang creates. We know that Yang creates life and sentience. So why is that any different from what Steel can give to a Steel familiar? Well, the key difference is the definition of sentience itself:

It is the ability to feel, perceive, and experience the subjective. So that's a lot to take in right there. Because this seems to create three levels of understanding to the word. The lowest, what I discussed earlier, is these autonomous familiars we create (typically through elements). But there are two other levels to this, and that leads me to my next question.

Are all living things sentient? Can a non-living thing be sentient in the RP?

Here is a helpful tidbit on the capabilities of Yang in the RP. This is my "cheat sheet" on the skill and it should help you a lot. This may even help you answer my question.

There are a few traits that are unique to Yang itself. Yang energy is very heated, but gives off no heat ( meaning if touched, incredibly hot flames will be felt but if you are near it, you generally won't feel it); It is life energy and encompasses just that, life ( what I mean by this is Yang is able to be used to breath life into form, obviously. Keeping in mind what I said earlier about how all Yang jutsu contain traits of Yin, you are able to use Yang to create living entities or appendages/alterations to the body. This can be best compared to Jugo's clan and how it is able to grow limbs that are enhanced by natural energy, or the Akimichi clan and it's ability to grow/manipulate the size of their body parts or even comparable to the Kaguya who are able to manipulate their skeletal system or even Inorganic Reincarnation which is able to infuse nonliving items with life and sentience like Yang can ); Yang energy is able to cause an imbalance of energy in the body that can have varying effects ( though logically, inserting too much of either Yin or Yang energy into the body will cause an imbalance, only Yang energy is able to affect the opponent in a way that this imbalance can hinder or harm them. This is because Yang requires greater control to handle due to it's highly energized state. This means that with Yang, you can insert high Yang energy and since they don't know how to control it yet, they will have adverse effects on their chakra system. This can present itself as difficulty in using it, inability to utilize certain fields, even things such as rapid aging of the body due to overflowing life energy, aging you to your peak and beyond); heal on a better level than Medjutsu or Hashirama cells ( one of the easier things to understand, Yang due to it's life energy, is able to heal wounds and even life threatening injuries. On the surface, this doesn't seem as useful because for the most part, the RP is a glass cannon one where almost any blow will kill you. But you can use Yang energy in ways to replicate or even make better forms of Medjutsu. You could create Yang energy that filters biological warfare attacks like poisons and things, you could use it to make abilities like the Yin seal of Tsunade's which is terribly named, you could also use it in conjunction with the life filling ability to make perfect clones that are living with their own chakra pools like a pseudo Creation ); and a few more things.


Oct 22, 2009
Trait Points
Wow, your cheat sheet was a great help to read, not gonna lie. Now a few points that stood out, you can age someone with yang release. That's insane, i get there is more to it than just that.

My question is, Yang controls life, we can use it to heal, can it be used in the opposite. Draw life some someone? Undo a form of healing? Reverse a growth. This may sound strange but say could you use yang to reverse aging not just healing?

Now for your questions.

Are all living things sentient? Yes. Look plants, they are living, but to quote you "the ability to feel, perceive, and experience the subjective." Plants can feel through their leaves and such, like flowers turning to face the sun, and they experience, yet we don't see them as like we see animals. I believe sentience is what true life is. You compared our familiars to robots. Ones that store data they are given or a program and act on that function program given, but without the ability to adapt through experience and in a sense grow.

Can a non-living thing be sentient in the RP? How can something that is not alive be sentient? How could it feel or experience the subjective? A golem made of rock, it moves, it can strike, but it can't "think", it can't really "experience" anything, it just acts on the function it's made with, it's not living. To think, experience, grow... that is life, that is yang


May 28, 2014
Trait Points
I doubt you could reverse age someone. When you're infusing life into them, you're speeding up the aging process. When you take life out, you're literally just killing them. It doesn't reverse their growth. At least that's how I would initially interpret it. So while it seems like it makes sense to be able to reverse age someone, when you think more about how it works (since you're adding or removing vitality), it just seems to fall short.

So your answer is a good segue into the first canon Yang technique.

(Yoton: Jigoku ni henkō) - Yang Release: Change into Hell
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra cost: N/A (+50, -10 per turn)
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user is able to use his Yang nature to embue life into an elemental technique, creating a Yang/Element sentient entity that will stay on the field to aid him. The only limit is the size of the technique originally used as an elemental source as the resulting entity will always be half the size. This entity can be interacted with, can act on its own and is made of the element sourced, with all its properties intact. Its strength is based on the original elemental technique used as a source. This doesn't consume time since its actually a skill applied to a technique used at the same time.
Note: Usable 3 times per battle and up to 6 times per event to create one entity with up to 300 chakra points that is able to use jutsu from the source it was created from.
Note: Yang Release masters can apply this technique to advanced fields and CE and advanced elements.

What do you think about this technique?


Oct 22, 2009
Trait Points
I doubt you could reverse age someone. When you're infusing life into them, you're speeding up the aging process. When you take life out, you're literally just killing them. It doesn't reverse their growth. At least that's how I would initially interpret it. So while it seems like it makes sense to be able to reverse age someone, when you think more about how it works (since you're adding or removing vitality), it just seems to fall short.

So your answer is a good segue into the first canon Yang technique.

(Yoton: Jigoku ni henkō) - Yang Release: Change into Hell
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra cost: N/A (+50, -10 per turn)
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user is able to use his Yang nature to embue life into an elemental technique, creating a Yang/Element sentient entity that will stay on the field to aid him. The only limit is the size of the technique originally used as an elemental source as the resulting entity will always be half the size. This entity can be interacted with, can act on its own and is made of the element sourced, with all its properties intact. Its strength is based on the original elemental technique used as a source. This doesn't consume time since its actually a skill applied to a technique used at the same time.
Note: Usable 3 times per battle and up to 6 times per event to create one entity with up to 300 chakra points that is able to use jutsu from the source it was created from.
Note: Yang Release masters can apply this technique to advanced fields and CE and advanced elements.

What do you think about this technique?
Yeah i understand, just trying to reach with the aspects. Better to ask now ^_^

I think this is one of the main reason's i went for Yang if i'm honest. I want to create a sentient army, one that can be used in an rp sense and go through missions to explore life and such. You know in boruto currently with the Akuta's? Go with a theme like that for character development to become a threat in the ninja world. I plan to make soldiers of carbon and have the struggle be the limits....

Anyway the jutsu itself i have a couple of questions about. The -10 per turn, is that from the user? Or is it from the 300 chakra given to the entity?

Can you use the chakra transfer technique to give the entity more chakra?

+50? Is that like, overall this will be 350 chakra per use? 50 for the user of the jutsu, then the 300 to the creation?

Shame it says the entity would be half the size.

If used on something, a creation, that is F rank, that says "lasts 4 turns" and you use this, would that allow the creation to bypass those limits?

If it's used on a creation made of a combo of two elements, can it then use those two elements?


May 28, 2014
Trait Points
The -10 chakra per turn is from the user, since you're the one sustaining the creation. The +50 is referencing an increased chakra cost to the technique used. So if you use Great Stone Golem and imbue it with life, then it would cost 90 chakra (40 base + 50 Yang infusion). It is a little misleading when it says plus, since you'd think of that as a net positive. But instead it is a net negative on chakra drain, since it is increasing the initial cost of the technique by 50, which in most cases will more than double the technique's chakra cost since standard S-Ranks use 40.

Yes, you can use the Chakra Transfer to sustain the creation's pool longer.

No, this does not bypass time limits on the entity formed. This essentially just augments the original technique with this life and ability to use techniques of the field(s) it is created with. So if a Stone Golem lasts for 3 or 4 turns, this augmentation will do nothing to extend that. It will remain alive until either the 4 turns expire or its chakra pool is depleted, whichever comes first.

Yes, elemental combo creations can use techniques from the sources they're formed from (as long as the source is actually present in its body).


Oct 22, 2009
Trait Points
I figured that would be the case, as with all yang techniques the chakra cost will be high.

Interesting, that could be alot of fun.

In understand, guess i'll rework some customs. But atleast the creations can use the element it's mad of.

That's brilliant, thanks for clearing all that up :)


May 28, 2014
Trait Points
(Yoton: Taiyōnomegumi) - Yang Release: Touch of the Sun
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra cost:70 per use
Damage points: N/A
Description: Through the infusion of Yang natured chakra into others, users can heal others to their original best physical form. It can be used to regrow missing body parts, heal wounds, purge poisons, etc. The target needs to be alive and the bigger the injury, the longer it takes to heal. The limits of the heal, however, are almost none as it can heal 150 damage per turn and can even heal the chakra system or other injuries that are otherwise not possible to be healed. The technique requires time and physical contact and as such isn't very suited to use in a battle when compared to regular Iryo Ninjutsu.
Note: Yang Release masters are able to use on themselves.

Next. This was edited slightly recently, and received a buff (or nerf, depending on how you look at it). It's defined slightly better now, but what do you think it's limits are exactly? Obviously it states 150 healed/turn, but in terms of actual physical damage restored what do you think this means?


Oct 22, 2009
Trait Points
(Yoton: Taiyōnomegumi) - Yang Release: Touch of the Sun
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra cost:70 per use
Damage points: N/A
Description: Through the infusion of Yang natured chakra into others, users can heal others to their original best physical form. It can be used to regrow missing body parts, heal wounds, purge poisons, etc. The target needs to be alive and the bigger the injury, the longer it takes to heal. The limits of the heal, however, are almost none as it can heal 150 damage per turn and can even heal the chakra system or other injuries that are otherwise not possible to be healed. The technique requires time and physical contact and as such isn't very suited to use in a battle when compared to regular Iryo Ninjutsu.
Note: Yang Release masters are able to use on themselves.

Next. This was edited slightly recently, and received a buff (or nerf, depending on how you look at it). It's defined slightly better now, but what do you think it's limits are exactly? Obviously it states 150 healed/turn, but in terms of actual physical damage restored what do you think this means?
Well, it says time, with how long it takes, which i get. But how much time are we talking in battle, like a relative scale? If an ally lost an arm, and i used this how long would it take to regrow?

I didn't notice the change if i'm honest. I remember the discussion about it, but would love to hear your thoughts.

Personal limits would be needing contact. As a yang master i'll use this on myself with using oral rebirth to be honest, use kin to gain the new body, then heal my actual health with this, though i believe oral rebirth is getting an update soon?

The limit is the is the contact if you ask me. What i know from the jutsu is this was used to heal might guy, who'd just used the death gate, but his skin didn't instantly heal, he was just saved from death, it took some time, and his legs were never fully right from the damage after right?

I believe the nerf you might see was limit to 150 damage, but that's worded as "per turn", not a one of off heal though, so if you use this on yourself, how many turns does this actually last? O_O WOuld you have to reuse it each turn, or just keep active until you get to max health?


May 28, 2014
Trait Points
So losing an arm probably would take you one turn to regenerate. Use that as a baseline to judge how long it would take to restore other things.

So yeah this technique was used to save Guy, which took significant time and, if we're being realistic didn't actually heal him fully (wheel chair for the rest of his life). So you can't really go by the damage that the 8th gate causes, or Night Guy, since his body was literally turning to dust. The good thing about this technique though is that you don't actually have to sustain contact. You just touch once and the process begins. The problem with that is it is slow, but it's workable.

I'll ask about the per turn thing and how long that lasts. It could be till you get back to max health, but the real limits on it are the speed at which it restores your body at. And as for the changes and my thoughts: before the health per turn wasn't defined. So it technically was unlimited, restricted solely by the speed of the technique itself. Now it is restricted in two aspects.


Oct 22, 2009
Trait Points
So losing an arm probably would take you one turn to regenerate. Use that as a baseline to judge how long it would take to restore other things.

So yeah this technique was used to save Guy, which took significant time and, if we're being realistic didn't actually heal him fully (wheel chair for the rest of his life). So you can't really go by the damage that the 8th gate causes, or Night Guy, since his body was literally turning to dust. The good thing about this technique though is that you don't actually have to sustain contact. You just touch once and the process begins. The problem with that is it is slow, but it's workable.

I'll ask about the per turn thing and how long that lasts. It could be till you get back to max health, but the real limits on it are the speed at which it restores your body at. And as for the changes and my thoughts: before the health per turn wasn't defined. So it technically was unlimited, restricted solely by the speed of the technique itself. Now it is restricted in two aspects.
This is brilliant to be honest, and with the nw as it is, as long as we get back to 40 health, or activate this before we hit 0... we can do a full regen getting back in the action as long as we aren't sealed away etc.

Thanks for checking on that, but yeah i fully understand now.


May 28, 2014
Trait Points
(Yoton: Ken'i) - Yang Release: Power of The Sun
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 100 (50 per turn)
Damage points: N/A (+40 to Taijutsu)
Description: The user will reinforce his own body with Yang natured chakra, empowering his physical abilities to the outermost limits. This allows him to become physically very strong (beyond the normal levels of chakra enhanced strength), increases his resistance to physical damage (decreasing 60 damage from any physical contact), his speed (boosted to 3.5x his normal speed), and grants him a passive healing of all minor wounds at 30 damage per turn. However, by infusing himself with the Yang Nature, he becomes unable to use Yin Release techniques or Yin/Yang Release techniques; he cannot use Genjutsu or non elemental Ninjutsu of any kind (including special fields like Fuuinjutsu).
Note: Can only be used twice per battle and lasts 4 turns per use.

Next! This was initially an extremely weak technique. But now I really think it is in a good place after a few buffs and changes. What do you think?


Oct 22, 2009
Trait Points
(Yoton: Ken'i) - Yang Release: Power of The Sun
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 100 (50 per turn)
Damage points: N/A (+40 to Taijutsu)
Description: The user will reinforce his own body with Yang natured chakra, empowering his physical abilities to the outermost limits. This allows him to become physically very strong (beyond the normal levels of chakra enhanced strength), increases his resistance to physical damage (decreasing 60 damage from any physical contact), his speed (boosted to 3.5x his normal speed), and grants him a passive healing of all minor wounds at 30 damage per turn. However, by infusing himself with the Yang Nature, he becomes unable to use Yin Release techniques or Yin/Yang Release techniques; he cannot use Genjutsu or non elemental Ninjutsu of any kind (including special fields like Fuuinjutsu).
Note: Can only be used twice per battle and lasts 4 turns per use.

Next! This was initially an extremely weak technique. But now I really think it is in a good place after a few buffs and changes. What do you think?
I don't know how it orginally looked but just looking at this now:

- +40 to taijutsu.... the fact that this will stack with another passive or active boost means you could be hitting hella hard. I mean just combine this with your Hamura skin, and you've got +70 to any taijutsu?
- -60 from all physical damage, so why would you be bothered about getting up close anyway?
- 3.5 x normal speed. Did we just gain 5th gate speed without wiping out our body?
- P-passive 30 healing? Wew. So i'm running in, swinging hard, fast as 5th gate, reducing damage by 60, it's like i could be hit by an F rank physical jutsu, only take 30 damage, and it heals in my next turn.
- 8 turns in total of this with no major drawbacks? Wew

- like all yang techniques, the chakra cost is always gonna be the major drawback, for any of them.
- The damage reduction is only to physical techniques, so someone still gonna try sneak you with that nagashi
- This Limits you so you can't use Basic nin, genjutsu, yin, yin/yang, fuuin and fields alike, such as summoning, kinjutsu?

1. Does this act as a surge through the body as it enhances your entire body?
2. The damage reduction, would this stack with passive stuff like Kaguya damage reduction?
3. The speed boost, does this stack with say dropping leg weights?
4. Does this count as a mode? As such can it be used while in sage mode? (I'm assuming no)


May 28, 2014
Trait Points
Yes, the initial activation will act as a surge.

No, this doesn't stack with damage reductions. In this sense, only the highest damage reduction is ever taken. You can only ever have one.

No, like with damage reductions only the highest speed boost is active and counted.

Yup. You can't use Senjutsu while this is active either.

Assuming you have no other questions, now we'll move onto 8 Branched:

(Yoton: Yamata no Orochi) Yang Release: 8 Branched Giant Snake
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 100/110 for Yin-Yang chakra
Damage: 100/120 w/ Elemental or Yin-Yang chakra
Description: This technique sees the creation of the mythical serpent, the Yamata no Orochi. The user begins by gathering their Yang chakra into their arms and creating three branching streams of white chakra from each of them as well as coating both arms in chakra. The user’s arms and streams of chakra will take the form of serpents with flaming amber eyes. Due to the nature of this technique utilizing one’s Yang chakra, these serpents are not simple manifestations of chakra, but actual sentient creatures. The serpents can sense entities like ordinary snakes and they share a telepathic link to the user, allowing them to communicate with each other. They act like chakra arms and can be used for a variety of purposes. In the base form of this technique, the 8 branches are simple ethereal constructs of sentient Yang chakra. In their second form, users can add nature release to the branches to increase their power. In their third and final form, the user can add Yin Release chakra and give the branches physical bodies. The addition of the Yin Release also gives the branches unique venom which drains the physical vitality of the victim. The bite from each snake lowers a victim’s physical speed, reaction, and ability to use high ranked physical techniques.
Note: Form 1 is capable by all users of Yang Release, Form 2 is capable of Yang Release masters and Yin-Yang users. Form 3, also known as Yin-Yang Release: Yamata no Orochi is only capable of Yin-Yang Users with an affinity to Yang Release.
Note: The vitality degenerating venom is capable by all branches of this technique, however there is only enough for 3 usages. The vitality degeneration venom becomes worse with every bite. If a victim is bitten once their base reaction/tracking is reduced by half, twice and their base speed and physical damage is reduced by half, and thrice they will lose the ability to use any form of tai or kenjutsu techniques and will be rendered completely paralyzed 2 turns after the third bite if not healed. The victim will be unable to do anything short of breathing, including using their chakra. Users bitten once also become incapable of using physical elevating techniques such as Sage Mode or EIG.
Note: Medical ninja or other Yang Release users can rid themselves of the poison through means of medical techniques or vitality boosting techniques such as power of the sun.
Note: Technique can only be used once per battle and requires 50 chakra points to maintain (60 above the first form). While this technique is in use, the user cannot use any non-elemental ninjutsu, Yin Release, or Yin-Yang techniques (other than this technique’s advanced variation).

Do your thing.


Oct 22, 2009
Trait Points
You cover your arms in yang chakra create 3 snakes from your yang chakra, all sentient because yang, mental link and sense like normal snakes.

They act like arms, ethereal constructs of yang

In second form you can add nature release to them. This increases the power.

Third form: I can't actually use due to not having Y/Y. But it gives them a physical body and venom which drains physical vitality from them

Form 1 i can use to start with. When i master yang i can use form. Form 3 i can use when i master YY but have to have the yang affinity.

The venom: "bitten once their base reaction/tracking is reduced by half, twice and their base speed and physical damage is reduced by half, and thrice they will lose the ability to use any form of tai or kenjutsu techniques and will be rendered completely paralyzed 2 turns after the third bite if not healed. " - pretty straight forwards but i assume i can't use this until i master YY?

Can buff yourself with yang jutsu or use med to remove the venom.

Like with most yang jutsu, when active, can't use stuff that utilizes yin, so no fuuin, only elemental jutsu etc.

1. serpents can sense entities like ordinary snakes - What would this include in the rp?
2. What are valid ways to block these snakes?
3. Do the 3 snakes as a whole do 100 damage/120 with elements, or is the power devided
4. When it says they are like arms, can you use jutsu through them? What would be the limit of what you could do with them?
5. Would power if the sun buff these snake arms?


May 28, 2014
Trait Points
You cover your arms in yang chakra create 3 snakes from your yang chakra, all sentient because yang, mental link and sense like normal snakes.

They act like arms, ethereal constructs of yang

In second form you can add nature release to them. This increases the power.

Third form: I can't actually use due to not having Y/Y. But it gives them a physical body and venom which drains physical vitality from them

Form 1 i can use to start with. When i master yang i can use form. Form 3 i can use when i master YY but have to have the yang affinity.

The venom: "bitten once their base reaction/tracking is reduced by half, twice and their base speed and physical damage is reduced by half, and thrice they will lose the ability to use any form of tai or kenjutsu techniques and will be rendered completely paralyzed 2 turns after the third bite if not healed. " - pretty straight forwards but i assume i can't use this until i master YY?

Can buff yourself with yang jutsu or use med to remove the venom.

Like with most yang jutsu, when active, can't use stuff that utilizes yin, so no fuuin, only elemental jutsu etc.

1. serpents can sense entities like ordinary snakes - What would this include in the rp?
2. What are valid ways to block these snakes?
3. Do the 3 snakes as a whole do 100 damage/120 with elements, or is the power devided
4. When it says they are like arms, can you use jutsu through them? What would be the limit of what you could do with them?
5. Would power if the sun buff these snake arms?
Snakes can sense heat in the RP. So keep it limited to that. It isn't going to confer enhanced tracking or anything like that for the sentient arms, but it does allow them to be aware of sources of heat.

Well, they interact normally with all techniques. There's nothing inherently special about their clashes. So just compete with their damage as you normally would, and they are easily blocked and countered. There is no inherently deceptive aspect to these snakes.

Yes, as a whole they deal a total of 100/120. However, this strength is divided equally between the snakes when you're using them separately, as would any technique.

They are like arms in the sense that they are extensions of you. They can't perform Jutsu for you, or anything like that. You could use them to defend yourself, pick up tools, etc.

No, Power of the Sun is applied to you. It is a Yang fortification that comes from your body. These snakes cannot use Yang Release themselves, or have Power of the Sun applied to them.