★Naruto Anime Series Review - MY LAST THREAD★

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Jan 26, 2009
Trait Points
Greetings From Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man!

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Ah! At last my last thread. Sh*t took 3 hours of my time to make split into three days so you suckas better appreciate the MEMES. And also a final farewell to you people. Oh wait I forgot my role again one second. *bows down to the mods* Almost forgot you gotta do that before you make a thread or the legends say a woman with red hair and white eyes will delete all your content. Now as you all know the Naruto Manga ended in 2014. Yea 2014 yo. It took them 2 entire years of laughing in their corporate offices to finish this Part 2 Anime and well, now that it’s over let’s reflect back on why exactly we succumbed ourselves to the corporate slavery.
Actually it's stupid and pointless shit like this that gets things deleted. Because the actual on topic content in this thread is very limited.

snipped review
OK. Thanks for sharing your opinion.
Until We Meet Again

And here you went completely of topic. Now I can delete it all and leave the on topic stuff only. Or I can delete the entire thread because it has more irrelevant parts than on topic one and thus really not about the review. But I'm sure you are going to call it review only if it's deleted.

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Now if you don’t give a rats ass about me stop reading now and leave the review is over. Hope you enjoyed it! For those of you wondering why I’m leaving I guess you deserve an answer. You are a person after all not a piece of meat behind a screen LOL So basically a lot of my content here just doesn’t do it for the mods. Granite some of my posts are questionably over sexual (Pervy Sage is gonna Pervy Sage bro) But when it comes to opinions against the Naruto manga in a non-character bashing way. Things just get deleted. And it’s crazy that the most simplistic of jokes can TRIGGER someone to the point they felt it doesn’t belong to exist. Especially when so many people are enjoying the content and it’s causing no rash debates or trolling of any sorts. It’s just gone. Yea that’s part of the reason you know the mods don’t really care for me I suppose. Most don’t even talk to the user base they don’t give a shit about you. I can tell you that right now. Not even one of these mods would piss on you if you were on fire. Not a drop of urine would be used to save your burning carcass LOL

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Another reason really is the user base itself. For one it’s dead. For two it’s all about negativity and drama. People sit on other outlets chatting about this place and saving COUNTLESS screenshots saying things like “You never know when I’m going to need this in the future when I have to game of thrones somebody” I mean this forum is a Game of Thrones meme to the core. Ramsey Bolton and Joffrey Baratheon’s on every thread son it’s a saaaad sight. You just can’t trust anyone. Everyone is a fake. Everyone has an alt. It’s all gone to complete hell.

Talking about size of a white men's penises isn't called good content. I have been trying to convince admins to have a pick of the month review or article by a member and post it on home page. I hope some day they adopt it. But I cannot recommend a review like that, can I? Nor I can let it be up after I notice it. Sorry, but that review needed more balancing and critical take than just a meme and cheap jokes and bashing.

If you really think of yourself as a writer and reviewer you should know adding lots of useless meme doesn't increase quality either. We promote good content but the racist content and meme review doesn't fall in that category even if entertains certain people. And when you add bashing on the site and staff for it you yourself derail your thread.

As for fake people and plotting and what not- I have heard of it multiple times. But, that's more of an issue of private chat groups not the forum. Chat groups kill forums because not only they take the discussions away from forums ( those people would be using forum for it otherwise and it gives activity to forums) people end up having too much of each other and then feel the peer pressure or stress of being popular. It limits interaction within smaller groups and people wanting to fit in and pulling up more shit just to stay in the group or at odds with a bunch wanting to put them down.

On a forum with wider audience and freedom you can more easily ignore the people you don't like and find some others to talk to without stressing over the limited few. And staff can help out moderating attempts to harass you. But it's possible only in moderated sections or groups. When you get in trouble because of un-moderated chats or section staff help too is limited.

Trolling users online is NOT something I want to be remembered for
That I can appreciate.
Now this part you want to read because it is actually important and has to do with the entire NarutoBase. So basically back in I believe it was October I went offline here for 2 weeks. Went out of town to a YouTuber’s place and we sat and chatted about how much we enjoyed the recent Attack on Titan series. As we did so I show him a few comments on NarutoBase about the series and he says I should make this my site to sort of promote and have more people who are subscribed to my YouTube channel (Now deleted) to head on over to this site and it would create an entire user base with just thousands of more people who would be here just to talk about manga and shit. Basically how h3h3 uses Reddit and that’s how he talks to some of his subs. Well things with my YouTube channel didn’t go as planned so I deleted it but I was still thinking about making this place blow up a bit with my second Channel I’m creating so I try to create threads man. I try harded the shit out of it all year you all saw it LOL I made a bunch of stuff and finally I realize all that could have been YOUTUBE CONTENT.
It still can be youtube content or would help you in refining your future content. Some gimmicks may bring you more hits early on but for lasting reputation you need better quality than the jokes that draw shallow audience from the lot. So you will need to balance it out more and work on more refinement.

Besides it's not like youtube is free of trolls. Some of your fans may follow you there. So instead of thinking what others did wrong to you, you better learn to how to avoid reacting and manage them.

Not an argument. Just my take on your post.

That’s all there is to say really. It was fun here and there I guess.
Good luck.
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The Amazing Spider Man

Active member
May 16, 2014
Trait Points
Actually it's stupid and pointless shit like this that gets things deleted. Because the actual on topic content in this thread is very limited.
Not really stupid nor pointless when it's been a true factor with pretty much everything I've done in the Boruto Reviews. I tried to play along with your side of things and it's just not a positive way.

And here you went completely of topic. Now I can delete it all and leave the on topic stuff only. Or I can delete the entire thread because it has more irrelevant shit and on topic one and thus really not about the review. But I'm sure you are going to call it review only if it's deleted.
See that's the Youtube Hero thing that has been coming out of you and a lot of others. Who says that I need to only speak on one thing for the entire thread? This is my last thread not just a review (Hence the title) I'm not sure if you or anyone else who actually believes that this is making Narutobase better by deleting content by a factor of whether you like the topic or not, but I'm out so I could care less. You can delete all the ranting about the base if you want but keep my goodbyes there. People need to see them.

Talking about size of a white men's penises isn't called good content. I have been trying to convince admins to have a pick of the month review or article by a member and post it on home page. I hope some day they adopt it. But I cannot recommend a review like that can I? Nor I can let it be up after I notice it. Sorry but that review needed more balancing and critical take than just a meme and cheap jokes and bashing.
It's a joke I really don't see that being in the class of complete and utter racism. You act like I said something that completely goes against moral standards which I obviously didn't. I've been treating my threads and a lot of my reviews at a more comedic standpoint in the eyes of Chris Rock or a Murphy. It's never been complete bashing or just saying terrible things. I've always gave credit where it's due and voiced my opinion with unbiased standards, something the mods just simply can't do it seems. I'm always gonna be the Meme maker/ ball buster so I guess my content just ain't needed here.

If you really think of yourself as a writer and reviewer you should know adding lots of useless meme doesn't increase quality either. We promote good content but the racist content and meme review doesn't fall in that category even if entertains certain people. And when you add bashing on the site and staff for it you yourself derail your thread.
No actually I have been doing this for years elsewhere and like I said I've been on YouTube for a few months in the past. The community takes the memes as comedic relief, not as bashing or hatefulness in any form. I don't wish any death or anything on anyone at all I do this with a complete mindset of someone who is having a go at bad content. Are there times where I went to far? YES and I said that in the ranting. I became what I hated the most at times I can't deny that, but going as far as to say it's blatant bashing is insane to me and I can not agree with that statement.

As for fake people and plotting and what not- I have heard of it multiple times. But, that's more of an issue of private chat groups not the forum. Chat groups kill forums because not only they take the discussions away from forums ( those people would be using forum for it otherwise and it gives activity to forums) people end up having too much of each other and then feel the peer pressure or stress of being popular. It limits interaction within smaller groups and people wanting to fit in and pulling up more shit just to stay in the group or at odds with a bunch wanting to put them down.

On a forum with wider audience and freedom you can more easily ignore the people you don't like and find some others to talk to without stressing over the limited few. And staff can help out moderating attempts to harass you. But it's possible only in moderated sections or groups. When you get in trouble because of un-moderated chats or section staff help too is limited.
Yes I agree and I feel it's brought this forum down to it's knees. No one is really worth the time to get to know because you're going to be used, called cancer, or be made a thread on and it's really not something I see mentally sane people want to be a part of. Which is exactly why YouTube is a better audience. It's bigger and a lot more stable than a small group of hateful individuals out to get poeple.

It still can be youtube content or would help you in refining your future content. Some gimmicks may bring you more hits early on but for lasting reputation you need better quality than the jokes that draw shallow audience from the lot. So you will need to balance it out more and work on more refinement.
A lot of my threads do focus on comedic relief a bit too much but it just seems like the audience here will not pay attention to something for more than 5 seconds if it isn't some sort of comedic troll of some sorts. And like I said I'm no troll so instead of going that route I just put a few jokes here and there and try to keep the audience at bay. I don't know, in the end it just ain't work out like ya said it could have been a bit more critical.

Besides it's not like youtube is free of trolls. Some of your fans may follow you there. So instead of thinking what others did wrong to you, you better learn to how to avoid reacting and manage them.
Like I said before I have been there and it's a waaaay bigger and broader audience it's actually a much better experience dealing with them there. With people making videos on you it's more of a way that you respond that matters. And as a creator you can just pretty much block away all the racism and bigotry from your channel itself.

Not an argument. Just my take on your post.
Completely understand :)

Good luck.
Don't like luck xd You always lose something in return. Thanks though!
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Jan 26, 2009
Trait Points
Not really stupid nor pointless when it's been a true factor with pretty much everything I've done in the Boruto Reviews. I tried to play along with your side of things and it's just not a positive way.
Yea it was awkward because just because you were still breaking rules. I don't know what to say to people when they expect me to ignore rule breaking just because they are not being mean to me personally at face value. You just said you tried to play along- doesn't that mean you really didn't mean the words you said? Doesn't that make it a fake response? I have volunteered to moderate and I have to do that as long as I'm one.

With me it's not personal and I have mostly ignored you venting. You have been actually on my ignore list for months. :p

It's a joke I really don't see that being in the class of complete and utter racism. You act like I said something that completely goes against moral standards which I obviously didn't. I've been treating my threads and a lot of my reviews at a more comedic standpoint in the eyes of Chris Rock or a Murphy....
It's not utter racism but it's still a bad joke and racist by nature. You really need to take note on it unless you want to limit your audience to certain type. Rest I am just going to disagree on.

Don't like luck xd You always lose something in return. Thanks though!
lol NP.

The Amazing Spider Man

Active member
May 16, 2014
Trait Points
Yea it was awkward because just because you were still breaking rules. I don't know what to say to people when they expect me to ignore rule breaking just because they are not being mean to me personally at face value. You just said you tried to play along- doesn't that mean you really didn't mean the words you said? Doesn't that make it a fake response? I have volunteered to moderate and I have to do that as long as I'm one.

With me it's not personal and I have mostly ignored you venting. You have been actually on my ignore list for months. :p

It's not utter racism but it's still a bad joke and racist by nature. You really need to take note on it unless you want to limit your audience to certain type. Rest I am just going to disagree on.

lol NP.
Nah I never "played along" when it came to trolling I did say I put a lot of comedic content in to keep people's attention. The content itself wasn't trolling. But I understand you did what you thought was right can't disagree with realness. With the racism thing let's just agree to disagree xd

And on the ignore list damn lol I had thought so xd
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