[Discussion] Your opinion on this?


May 29, 2013
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They're telling the truth. It is okay to tell children that if they find themselves not liking girls, that's fine. You're acting like they're forcing kids to **** other people of the same ***.

Objectively wrong, they're also designed for pleasure.
Once again I wasn't talking to you but okay then. They are forcing them, they forced them when they introduced the very thought of it to kids. You obviously don't know how easily kids are influenced so there's no point in showing that to you. Yes yes of course they are designed for pleasure that's why animals make porn....... oh wait thats a human word so that must mean that humans do that let me fill you in on a little certain truth, it's the same idiots that took the time out to say "Gay People are evolved humans" that are entertaining disgusting things like beastiality and *** changes in turn further corrupting the very morale of the world but yet they say " They only want their human rights" yeah that's all they want for now. Tomorrow it will be a Gay school, then a gay church, then a Gay UN, then the whole world will have to be gay otherwise they won't feel they fit in. Well Ill tell them in a way they like it, take all that and shove it up their asses, the world has bigger problems.
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Mar 10, 2014
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Would they have been same if they were not rich ******s and no one treated them like speshul snowflakes instead were in poor country where they had to work for their food??


OT: It's a disgusting video. J*wtube is pushing us, like the media, to accept those disgusting and abnormal things.
I'm glad that the sucide rate of those things are high.

I can't even express how disgusting it is.

Punk Hazard

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Apr 21, 2011
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Once again I wasn't talking to you but okay then.
I'm gonna reply anyways, want to talk to a specific person? VMs and PMs.

They are forcing them, they forced them when they introduced the very thought of it to kids.
You clearly have no idea what the word "forced" means. Children's shows have adults who are firefighters, are they forcing children to become firefighters by putting the idea of a firefighter in their head? I guess a commercial about baby food is forcing children of all ages to mentally regress and eat baby food by putting the idea of eating baby food in their heads, right?

You obviously don't know how easily kids are influenced so there's no point in showing that to you.
Easily influenced yes. But there's a difference between "Hey kid, you should kiss kids of your own gender," and a child expressing to you that they're conflicted about how they're feeling and you walking them through it to feel comfortable about themselves. This is the kind of thinking that results in children with mental issues and severe distress or, worse, children who kill themselves because their parents were too stupid to understand that they didn't need to be heterosexual.

Yes yes of course they are designed for pleasure that's why animals make porn....... oh wait thats a human word so that must mean that humans do that let me fill you in on a little certain truth
Actually, lemme stop you right here and fill you in on a certain truth. And that's the truth that there are animals who have *** for pleasure. Dolphins and pigs are examples of these. The fact that we LITERALLY feel pleasure for *** proves that our sexual organs are built for the capacity of just seeking pleasure. The fact that human beings are capable of feeling their *** drive at any time of the year and not simply during a mating season is proof that the capacity for human sexuality transcends simply reproduction.

it's the same idiots that took the time out to say "Gay People are evolved humans" that are entertaining disgusting things like beastiality and *** changes in turn further corrupting the very morale of the world but yet they say " They only want their human rights" yeah that's all they want for now. Tomorrow it will be a Gay school, then a gay church, then a Gay UN, then the whole world will have to be gay otherwise they won't feel they fit in. Well Ill tell them in a way they like it, take all that and shove it up their asses, the world has bigger problems.
Slippery slope fallacy? You must be a scholar.


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Aug 6, 2014
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I really don't see anything wrong with it. Just people voicing their own voice in the internet.
No. This is far more than just "people voicing their own voice", it's more like enforcing of belief. If all of them were truly comfortable with who they are and they love themselves, what's the point of making a video about it? I guess they can't actually be okay with it without everyone else being okay with it as well, and that's what's wrong with the video, and this rising trend ever since late 2015. I, and everyone else who seems to dislike some aspect of what was shown, reserve our right to disagree and not view this as normal, which really is not. We're not even talking about homophobic ages like the 80s here - literally 2-3 years ago, a guy showing off his pregnancy belly while being completely serious about it would've easily been considered abnormal by established standards of a civilized world that does not encourage certain behavior just because every person is free by human rights.

But, of course, this is 2016 - the year where you can sexually identify as anything, post a video with some music in the background and generic, founded on nothing arguments a la "my feelings cannot be scientifically categorized" and you'll always find support. Science, biology and established through the ages facts? Fuсk those. I am an ____, and nobody can tell me otherwise. It is very complicated, and I don't expect anybody to understand. People who voice their disagreement, no matter how mild or severe, are instantly labeled as homophobes or ones who live in the past.

Why can't you just be whatever you think you are without trying to shove it down everyone's throat and pass it off as completely ordinary? You're a transgender, you like both guys and girls, you don't like any ***... fine, whatever, keep it to yourself and that's that. However, no amount of hormones, testorone, or whatever you take can void the gender you were born as, nor can it make everyone accept it socially and mentally.

In essence - a line must be drawn somewhere. In my opinion, something like this is not progress at all, and the fact that one of the major social sites is trying to publicize it just makes it worst. Like/dislike ratio shows that there are still people who are capable of saying: "wait... this isn't quite right", which is somewhat reassuring.
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Aug 6, 2014
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Yeah, please counter the whole post instead of just a tiny smidgen. Why do I join a forum? To discuss whatever the forum is about. In none of my, or anyone else's posts is someone trying to globally change something that is viewed in a certain way, and no mere forum is capable of doing that. Moreover, the focus is not on me and a special group of people like me. A forum is just a pool of anonymous opinions jumbled together, waiting to fade into nothingness with absolutely zero impact on the world.

I don't even know how to properly address your example, it's honestly just bad and has nothing in common with the video and what it's trying to do.


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Dec 6, 2012
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Hey! You crossed the line!
It's just a prank! It's just a prank BRO! LOOK! there's the camera!

Yeah, please counter the whole post instead of just a tiny smidgen. Why do I join a forum? To discuss.
Why should I encounter a post when I just wanted to make a single post regarding to the video. If I wanted to debate I've made a wall of text in my first response.

I don't even know how to properly address your example, it's honestly just bad and has nothing in common with the video and what it's trying to do.
It's not bad, it's a foolish thing to ask. Nothing more nothing less.

Punk Hazard

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Apr 21, 2011
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No. This is far more than just "people voicing their own voice", it's more like enforcing of belief. If all of them were truly comfortable with who they are and they love themselves, what's the point of making a video about it?
Might be because of the amount of people who have been killed, ostracized, and dropped into severe distress for being gay. Probably because there's people like patrickscott who doesn't think that kids who might be experiencing feelings that aren't heterosexual should be told that it's okay, and that instead should be told that feelings that they can't control and doesn't hurt anyone somehow makes them wrong. People who think that when a child is struggling with their identity, you condemn them for how and what they feel even though it's completely natural and it's fine.

Probably because there are people whose parents disown and treat them like shit because they aren't cis and heterosexual. Probably because there are people whose parents refuse to get them actually adequate help and advice, so they need someone else to look up to.

These videos are for all of the kids who've killed themselves because their own parents and elders continuously tell them that they're unnatural and wrong and vilify them for something that's just as fine as heterosexuality can see that they're not actually so bad in hopes that such a faith doesn't fall on another poor gay kid.

I guess they can't actually be okay with it without everyone else being okay with it as well, and that's what's wrong with the video, and this rising trend ever since late 2015. I, and everyone else who seems to dislike some aspect of what was shown, reserve our right to disagree and not view this as normal, which really is not
Go ahead, you'll still be wrong.

We're not even talking about homophobic ages like the 80s here - literally 2-3 years ago, a guy showing off his pregnancy belly while being completely serious about it would've easily been considered abnormal by established standards of a civilized world that does not encourage certain behavior just because every person is free by human rights.
So because something wouldn't have been seen as okay 2-3 years ago means it's bad now? By this logic, people who were activists for civil rights in segregated America were wrong because 2-3 years before the movement started, whites won't have let blacks near their water fountains or schools, so maybe we should go back those too, right?

But, of course, this is 2016 - the year where you can sexually identify as anything, post a video with some music in the background and generic, founded on nothing arguments a la "my feelings cannot be scientifically categorized" and you'll always find support. Science, biology and established through the ages facts? Fuсk those. I am an ____, and nobody can tell me otherwise. It is very complicated, and I don't expect anybody to understand. People who voice their disagreement, no matter how mild or severe, are instantly labeled as homophobes or ones who live in the past.
You say this like human beings are limited by their nature and biology. Let's ignore the fact that we've reached the scientific progress to alter our biology to be closer to the other *** and could very continue to do so, and people have still defied nature and biology for the sake of our own benefit. Half the basis of technology is getting around what we naturally are incapable of doing.

Why can't you just be whatever you think you are without trying to shove it down everyone's throat and pass it off as completely ordinary? You're a transgender, you like both guys and girls, you don't like any ***... fine, whatever, keep it to yourself and that's that.
Because there are people who will continue to vilify and harass people for being these things. As long as there are people who vilify these people for being these things, then there has to be people who talk about it. The reason they "shove it down your throat" is for all of the people whose lives were ruined because of people shoving their homophobia, bigotry, and intolerance down their throats. So no, until people like you stop denouncing the validity of them, then there will be people who remind them that they are valid

In essence - a line must be drawn somewhere. In my opinion, something like this is not progress at all, and the fact that one of the major social sites is trying to publicize this just makes it worst. Like/dislike ratio shows that there are still people who are capable of saying: "wait... this isn't quite right."
And **** those people.
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Pumpkin Ninja

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Oct 31, 2012
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I'm cool with what they want to do.

However, when others ask them what you are, they don't care about your 'gender', they're asking for your ***. It's not a crime, nor is it immoral to wonder about another person's ***. If it bothers you that much, then maybe you do have an illness like people suggest. People need to show them respect but they need to understand that their uniqueness creates curiosity so there isn't any need to be offended about that curiosity.

Plus, contradicting terms like asexual-pansexual doesn't make sense.

They really care about gender more than anyone else yet they tell us to stop caring, and make up new ones every other day.

Punk Hazard

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Apr 21, 2011
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Plus, contradicting terms like asexual-pansexual doesn't make sense.
Actually, sexuality includes both sexual and romantic attraction. An asexual-pansexual would just be a person who doesn't feel sexual attraction to others, but is capable of feeling romantic attraction to people regardless of ***/gender. I'm pretty sure at least.

Awkward Linguist

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Jun 13, 2012
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Is he legitally prego?

He literally stood up, showed his massive stomach then said he's was pregnant. I can't say if he's a troll or actually serious lol

The way this shit is going in a few years people will claim to be sexually attracted to animals and society will force it down our throats to accept them and before you know it bestiality will become widespread. I can't take any of these people who claim to be pansexual or any other sexual deviations serious.
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