[ARCHIVE] Custom Jutsu Submission - II

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Dec 20, 2012
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Suiton: Kiri no Uso )- Water Release: The Mist's Lie
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C-rank
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 15
Damage: N/A
Description: After the user has created the hidden mist jutsu (D-Rank) to cover the entire terrain as well as the users and opponent position. The user will control the water droplets and reflect the natural light starting from the user and manipulate the light to reflect everywhere around the mist. This will not however blind an opponent, it will actually produce a reflection of the users own image to appear because of how the light is reflecting off of the user and how the water droplets will act like a mirror of reflection. Water and droplets are able to reflect light and create the image. So basically the light which covers the entire mist will create a reflection of the user but is nothing more then a mere image. Since a mist is nothing more then suspended water droplets, this means the user is able to create literally hundreds of images all over the mist which is covered by the mist. This images move along with the users movement and reflects anything around the user, so if the user is sending a projectile weapon the reflection will show this image. This images however possess no attack ability or defensive ability and are meant simply to confuse the opponent and feel out numbered. Since the user is manipulating the natural light to reflect off there body, it will require them to not move while using this jutsu, only basic movements (throwing, spewing, hand seals, etc) would suffice but no running or moving away from the light. If the user moves out of the light area it will have the images disperse from the mist.
-Can only be used three times
-Stays active for only three turns
-Requires the hidden mist jutsu to be performed beforehand
-Declined- I don't think this is possible, due to the lack of light within the mist, the opponent can't see within it, and even people so adept with the mist can barely see what's close to them, the core method is incorrect, in order to reflect light within the mist, some openings must be made in order to get in sun light and manipulate the reflection of that light, and it's a similar method to a cannon technique. This is also a ripoff from one of the cannon rain techniques, in the reflection part.

(Ranton: Bachi no Kami)- Storm Release: Punishment of the Gods
Type: Offense
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user will channel chakra below the opponent. The user will release the storm chakra under the opponent which will moisten the ground slightly, then clouds with electricity charged around them will rise all around the opponent, lifting them into the air. This jutsu can also be done on a water source as well, by using the water as a medium to rise up while sending lightning chakra to infuse with the water creating the storm cloud that will capture the opponent. The set up of the jutsu remains the same though, and so does the length of the performance (which is at a normal pace). The storm clouds begin to form around the opponent and acts as a orb which cuts away oxygen and the pressure of the water in the orb as well as the lightning portion which will shock and paralyze the opponent while inside the orb will prevent them from moving physically whatsoever while being being inflicted with numbing pain. After the opponent is caught in the orb, with one hand seal, the user will then have hundreds of bright blue lasers appear around the orb and direct them to skew the orb with the opponent inside. The lasers won't act to pierce the opponent but it will release a deadly shock from the lasers which can severely harm the opponent. Even if the opponent is not caught in the storm clouds, the electrical property it has will numb the opponent if touched by the clouds of storm and reduce their speed. If they are caught or touched heavily by the clouds then they will be paralyzed completely. The orb can be as large as the user commands it, the most it can go is 15 meter radius, so more then one opponent can be caught or relatively small summons can also be captured within the orb. This jutsu requires constant control and focus, if the user was to release control the jutsu will break apart and be released.
- Can only be used 3x in battle
- Must have mastery of Storm
- Can not use Storm jutsus above S-Rank next turn
-Declined- Other than being a bit OP, i don't like leaving the size up to you to think of and a 15 meter radius is too big, it has to have a definite size, also how would the ground below the opponent be moist? what exactly would it affect the cloud's electric abilities or the opponent? also it's impossible to cut off oxygen like that, the lasers part makes it two moves in my eyes, what pressure? Storm release is a water/lightning energy, it's not a solid element, the technique is a mess >_>

(Ranton: Monusta Gifuto)- Storm Release: A Monster's Gift
Type: Defense-Supplement-Offense
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40 (+10 for every turn active)
Damage: N/A (Depends on the attack)
Description: The user will gather storm chakra from all over there body (or parts of there body) and release it forward to create a storm armor. The armor retains a different color which is red (Similar to ( Ranton Ougi: Rankiryuu ) Storm Release Ultimate Technique: Turbulance) with striking tendrils of lightning running through the armor and around it. The storm armor due to its specific properties, has a very high shocking potential. A simple touch of the armor can numb the area the opponent touched with of the armor, while a longer duration of touching the armor physically or even being smashed by the armor can severely shock the opponent and paralyze them from all over there body. The armor is productive against metal like projectiles and attack due to how lightning will be able to tear through and deflect the projectiles away, rendering them useless. This also includes for earth like material or sticky adhesive mud, that lightning is able to peirce or negate while wearing the armor. The user is able to generate tools from the armor, this can include anything from defensive purposes or attacking purposes. This tools include: threads, hammers, swords, etc. This tools appear out of the armor but can be released forward as a projectile attack which can travel up to long range. This tools however can only be summoned from the armor. This tools have a certain shocking property which can numb the opponent slow them down, as well as produce regular damage towards the opponent (B-Rank). This armor does not have any effect towards the users physical abilities, thus meaning the user will not have an increase of speed nor strength. While sustaining the armor around the users body, the user can only perform basic taijutsu, kenjutsu, genjutsu, lightning, water, ninjutsu (Non-elemental infused chakra), and storm release.
-Lasts 4 turns
-Must have mastery over storm release
-After the armor disperses or is destroyed, the user is unable to use storm release for one turn
-Declined- DNR
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Feb 8, 2012
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Shikotsumyaku: Kumo kakuchō | Dead Bone Pulse: Spider Extension
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: Although the name suggests otherwise, the user is able to manipulate both their chakra & calcium to create 6 legs of considerable length to emerge from the back of the user. The legs extend from the user's spine. They reach up to 6 meters, allowing them to carry the user & strike a target up to the given distance. The user is also able to use the front two limbs to strike targets or defend against certain attacks (Projectiles, weapons & certain jutsu following advantage & size), while the other 4 limbs sustain the user's balance (they can also be used the same way, but causes the user to be left unbalanced if more than 2 legs are off the ground). Due to the length & slender size of the legs, the user is able to reach longer distances in a shorter amount of time & is able to strike a given target at a faster pace (Doujutsu & Taijutsu Masters are able easily follow the movements, while others have moderate difficulty). The legs are attached to the user for as long as they are willing & can break part at any desired time (unless done so by the opponent). Due to a Kaguya's KG, the legs are as strong as steel.
- Can be used 3 times
- Can not use use A Rank or above Kaguya techniques in the same turn
- Taught by Method

 Declined  Describe these legs a bit more. No on the speed boost run as it doesn't make sense. If you make them last then you need to spend chakra to sustain them. But they have to have a time limit. Also, this is mid range and make the legs smaller... 6 meters is too big. 3 or 4 tops is enough for what you want. Also, a minor note is that the whole chakra and calcium thing of your descriptions needs to go. Calcium is a CE and Dead Bone Pulse doesn't work only by manipulating calcium and chakra. Bone is more than simply calcium.
Shikotsumyaku: Kumo kakuchō | Dead Bone Pulse: Spider Extension
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30 (+10 each turn)
Damage: 60
Description: Although the name suggests otherwise, the user is able to manipulate their Skeletal structure to create 6 legs of considerable length to emerge from the back of the user. The legs extend from the user's spine. They reach up to 3 meters, allowing them to carry the user & strike a target up to the given distance.The legs are slender in shape & are each built up by 3 joints, allowing for more flexibility. The user is also able to use the top two limbs to strike targets or defend against certain attacks (Projectiles, weapons & certain jutsu following advantage & size), while the other 4 limbs sustain the user's balance (they can also be used the same way as the top two limbs, but causes the user to be left unbalanced if more than 2 legs are off the ground). The legs are attached to the user for a given amount of time (paying an additional chakra cost of +10 each turn) & can break off from the spine at any desired time (unless done so by the opponent). Due to a Kaguya's KG, the legs are as strong as steel.
- This jutsu lasts 2 turns
- Can be used 3 times
- Can not use use A Rank or above Kaguya techniques in the same turn
- Taught by Method

Doton:Shizen no kaibōgaku - Tsuchi no shokuyoku |Earth Release:Body of Nature - Earthen Appetite
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user first performs three handseals & continues to press both hands against the ground. As chakra fills the ground either underneath or in front of the user it manipulates the earth, causing a large head shaped structure to emerge from the ground. The head travels forward as it emerges, chasing down it's target with it's mouth wide open, & on contact consumes the target whilst sinking back into the ground crushing whatever was caught within the giant's mouth. The mouth can stretch out 3 meters in length & 4 meters in width, being able to swallow multiple opponents or even sizable techniques that it is able to contain (still following strengths & weaknesses of Earth). The face itself can be manipulated to take on a different appearance in an attempt to either taunt of frighten the opponent. The earthen structure must emerge a given distance of at least Short Range (5 meters) in front of the target to allow the mouth to consume it, otherwise a direct approach from below will simply strike the opponent, knocking them into the air. The user of the attack can control the structure to lift themselves without any harm. An image below for Size reference of the head.
- Can be used 3 times
- No Earth jutsu of S Rank or above the following turn
- Head can only travel in 1 direction
- A 2 turn cooldown period once performed
- Taught by Method
You must be registered for see images
-Declined- Only one usage of the technique, not many like that, either appear from below the opponent or in front of them, and no swallowing techniques, it's like it's a different technique.

Shikotsumyaku: Nejire sutemu no odori |Dead Bone Pulse: Dance of the Twisting Stem
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30 (+10 each turn)
Damage: -
Description: A kaguya technique that works the same as those with Hyper-mobility (double jointed). It allows the user to drastically increase their flexibility by channeling chakra across the joints of their entire skeletal structure. This allows the joints to stretch further than normal, granting the user the ability to twist & turn their body in almost any desired position otherwise impossible for an average person. The workings are similar to those of "Drunken Fist" but keeping the user in a controlled state of both body & mind; cautious of their surroundings & well aware of their own actions. The user is able to effectively evade or counter & also deliver devastating strikes in an erratic manner. Due to the unique steel-like bone density of the kaguya clan & the form in which this technique allows the user to maneuver in, they are able to combine those seemingly fluid movements with devastating strikes in quick succession. It may also be used to dislocate certain joints, making it easier for the user to break free from a trapped or uncomfortable position or even perform handseals without the opponent being aware by motioning both arms in a way to avoid their focus, all dependable on both the user & opponent's position (a common example being behind the user's back). The user can maintain this state for a select amount of time, but prolonging this state causes the user to suffer in movement due to the strain left on their body. The user suffers no strain within a period of three turns. The fourth turn the user is unable to perform Ninjutsu of S Rank & above. The fifth turn the user is unable to perform either Ninjutsu or Taijutsu of A Rank & above. After this technique has ended the user is unable to perform Taijutsu or Kaguya techniques of A Rank & above & is somewhat restricted in movement, maneuvering at a slightly slower pace than normal, for one turn. The user can willfully end this technique if ever needed. The user gains no speed boost, but due to the fluid & sudden motions performed, can make it difficult for the opponent to keep clear track of those movements.
- Lasts 5 turns
- Can be used 3 times
- Taught by Method
-Declined- Nice technique, however, 5 turns with 3 usage times is way too much, only 1 usage with 4 turns duration is the maximum of what i'm going to allow, also you need to put damage points, in case you use it for offensive taijutsu strikes.
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Feb 21, 2013
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Genjutsu: Uwabe Sewaninaru) Illusionary Arts: Outside Help
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: This is a very simple but tricky genjutsu. The user will do the Tiger → Rat handseals to initiate the genjutsu. Once the genjutsu is set up the opponent will see the user about to do another handseal but before he could finish in a blink of an eye a mystery shinobi from the same village as the opponent drops down from behind the user out and stabs him straight through the heart with a sword. The opponent will then see the user dire over and fall to the ground lifeless. The mystery shinobi will have a headband from the same official village as the opponent. if the opponent is not in an official village, it will be the village of birth from the biography. The mystery man will be wearing a mask so the opponent will not be able to catch his face, the mystery man will then do a handseal and do the body flicker technique and disappear. While the whole time the opponent is standing idle open for an attack.
Note: Can only be used thrice per battle
Note: Can affect multiple targets
Note: Must way 2 turns before using again
Note: Can only be taught by The JuubiGod
-Declined- DNR

(Raiton: Senbon Hakai) Lightning Release: Senbon Destruction
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user begins by gathering an enormous amount of lightning chakra into their mouth. After doing this, they release the lightning chakra from their mouth while shaping and condensing it into a senbon made of concentrated lightning, equal in size to the ninja tool. The senbon is fired with great force and travels at a high velocity. When it comes into contact with or pierces through another object, all of the lightning is released in an omnidirectional burst that spans up to roughly mid-range all around the senbon, destroying everything around it. The appearance of the burst of lightning is a huge blue sphere.
Note: Reaches up to mid-range in all directions, including downwards
Note: The user receives the full damage of the jutsu if they are caught in the sphere, meaning that it cannot be used in short range without the user being damaged
Note: Can only be used twice per battle
Note: No A-rank or above lightning jutsu in the same turn
Note: Can only be taught by The JuubiGod
-Declined- DNR O__O Fancier version of Chidori Senbon

(Genjutsu: Iwa no Noroi) Illusionary Technique: Curse of Stone
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: The user lifts their hands into the air and then waves them downwards slowly, as if they are pulling something down. If the opponent sees this, they will become trapped in a genjutsu. The genjutsu will make the opponent believe that they are chained to the bottom of a giant stone pillar that appears on their back and they are forced to hold the pillar up or else it will crush them. The opponent's body believes that the illusion is real, putting an enormous amount of pressure on them, causing them to experience and also producing great mental strain. The more the user waves down their hands represents how much the pillar pushes down on the opponent. If the user waves their hands down completely, then the opponent will be forced to collapse onto the ground. If the user only pulls their hands down to the middle of their body, then the opponent will not feel the pillar pushing as much, but it is still very heavy and the opponent will find it hard to walk or run.
Note: Can only be used 3x per battle
Note: Can only be taught by The JuubiGod

 Declined  You cannot perform genjutsu with simple gestures. Its something I don't allow. Handseals. Thats what you need. Btw, wrong chakra info.
(Genjutsu: Iwa no Noroi) Illusionary Technique: Curse of Stone
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user performs a sequence of handseals (Ram → Rat → Tiger → Dragon), trapping the opponent in a genjutsu. The genjutsu will make the opponent believe that they are chained to the bottom of a giant stone pillar that appears on their back and they are forced to hold the pillar up or else it will crush them. The pillar is extremely heavy and thee opponent feels it pushing down on their body. The opponent's body believes that the illusion is real, putting an enormous amount of pressure on them, causing them to experience great mental strain, damaging them. The user can choose how much force the pillar pushes down on the opponent with. They can choose if the opponent will be forced to collapse onto the ground by making the illusionary pillar push down with powerful force and crush them. The user can also make the pillar push down with less force, then the opponent will not feel the pillar pushing as much, but it is still very heavy and the opponent will find it hard to walk or run.
Note: Can only be used 3x per battle
Note: Can only be taught by The JuubiGod
Note: After the jutsu has been performed, the user cannot change the amount of force the pillar pushes down with.
-Declined- It's a mess, i don't know where to begin with >_> first it needs more detail with the chain and rock thing, how will they be chained? would the chain simply "appear" on them? also you keep talking about great mental strain, but i don't see it's that drastic, the whole manipulating the force is a no, you need to have a definite usage, next time i'll decline it for good if i don't find it detailed and reasonable enough.
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Jul 27, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Custom Summon Approved Here:

(Ensui Katatsumuri Kuchiyose: Otomeza) Cone Snail Summoning: Virgo
Type: Summon
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: (N/a)
Description: Virgo is considered the most beautiful and one of the strongest cone snails of them all. She is considered the mother of them all thus making her one of the 2 boss summon. She stands roughly stands 7 feet High, and 7 feet long (The shell is included in the size), only wide enough to carry one person on her shell. Her regular body is gray though you can never see her full body as its attached to the shell, you can tell by her eyes as they stick out from the shell along with her mouth. Her Shell is a deep water blue color with white streaks all down her shell with the virgo symbol (♍) on the side of her shell. She has a very soothing voice said to be as calm as the ocean, allowing her to speak fluent english. The shell takes the shape of a cone and is very sturdy, giving her immunity to A rank and below elemental technique when she withdraws into her shell this being her defense.. The user is able to withdraw into the shell as well, if the timing is right. Just like every cone snail she has a harpoon for a tongue. Allowing her to launch her harpoon (Tongue) towards an opponent with great speed (Only up to mid range). The poison with this cone snail is one of the weaker ones, as it does not harm to the body physically .Once the harpoon attaches inside the opponent the poison inside the harpoon will release causing the opponents body to shut down for 1 whole turn causing the opponent not able to even mold chakra or even open their mouth. Depending where the harpoon is shot it can be lethal (Piercing through the head, or heart). Virgo can then withdraw the harpoon bringing the opponent with it, or release the the body from the harpoon and bring it back in (This is considered her way of fighting).Virgo does not have an elemental affinity but does have something unique to the cone snail family. Once pr summoning she is able to absorb the affinity of one element (Excluding Earth due to it being a harden material) by coiling into her shell while giving her shell a draining property. This not only defends from the technique but turns the shell into that specific element. By doing this, she is eligible to use a jutsu from that elemental affinity

Note: Stays on for 4 Turns max
Note: Can Only Defend Once A Turn & It counts as one of the users 3 turns
Note: Can only attack once a turn & it counts as one of the users 3 turns
Note: Once The Shell is broke, she is no longer able to fight and gets reverse summoned
Note: Can only use the elemental special ability of hers once a battle and it stays active until the snail uses the specific element, then the shell goes back to normal
-Declined- Max B-rank immunity through the shell, no drawing you into it, it's not possible, also no to the absorption ability, and how exactly would the opponent's body "shut down"? Scorps said you need to explain how the poison works in the template of the submission, that's not an explanation.

CFS Approved Here:

(Sakashima Yaiba: Enko Boushi Roze) Reverse Blade Style: Arc Of The Rotating Rose
Type: Attack/Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: This technique is one of the main "Evade >> Strike" technique as this attack is only initiated when the opponent does a frontal, vertical, or horizontal attack with their hands or a weapon. When the opponent comes into range with an attack The user will quickly duck down to avoid the attack with their sword in their dominant hand, and rotate around in a full 360 degree angle lifting up at the last moment while channeling earth chakra into the sword thus causing the sword to be coating in earth chakra, while swinging the sword into the back of the opponents neck causing high moderate pains to the opponent sending them flying to the side.

Note: Can be used thrice pr battle
Note: Can only be used against taijutsu and kenjutsu and up to B rank only
Note: Can use once every 2 turns
Note: Due to the attack on the neck, after the attack has landed the opponent neck will be stiff not allowing him to move his head to the side without feeling minor pains, if the attack lands another time, It will slightly crack the neck causing major pains when moving the head.
-Declined- How would you duck down to evade a vertical strike when it's coming downwards? That whole defensive part of the technique is flawed, as it would depend on the situation, so i can't approve this technique with this mentioned in it.

(Ni Dageki Gokai kaze) Two Strikes Of The Lustful Breeze
Type: Attack
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: This is a unique type of taijutsu as it dwells on the wind elemental property. The user will channel mass amounts of wind chakra into his dominant hand to where wind radiates from the fist. The user will then launch towards the opponent and deal an uppercut to the opponent and once the strike is dealt, all the wind chakra in the users hand violently releases upwards shooting the opponent up into the air. The user will then channel wind chakra into his feet and propels himself off the ground firing upward just above the opponent; the user will then proceed to do a front flip with his dominant leg coated in wind chakra coming down into the opponent’s mid-section launching him back down to the ground with great force enough to cause cracks on the ground from the impact

Note: Can use twice pr battle
Note: No Wind jutsu the same turn as this
Note: Must wait 2 turns before using this again
Note: No Other Taijutsu move in the same turn as this
-Approved- Note that all of the wind strikes cause solid blunt damage not slicing damage.

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Nov 29, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Summoning Contract approval (Post: 3671):

(Erudā Anorion) – Elder Anorion
Type: Summoning
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Elder Anorion is the great Elder of the Storks; he is very small only standing 30 centimeters in height, capable of standing on a person’s shoulder, letting them carry him. He is very small and incredible old, meaning all his feathers are a grey and white color besides a small black kanji on his back saying, Elder. He is not the official leader of the Storks like Lord Saichi, he is simply a person the storks come to for guidance and knowledge. He is known to be the wisest of all the storks and even Lord Saichi comes to him for guidance in how to rule his lands and fight in combat. It is not like Anorion is a fighter, he simply knows a lot about fighting, yet he is normally only on the battlefield for guidance and observation. He guides his fellow fighters, such as a ninja, by staying on their shoulder and observing every motion the opponent may do while he may erect a small barrier around himself and the person he is standing upon. This barrier is invisible to the naked eye, yet anyone with sensory or a dojutsu will easily be able to see it. The barrier is created by his chakra and combining it with the wind currents around him and the ninja in a spherical manner. The barrier in itself detects anyone or anything entering it by the enemy whom will disturb the current of the wind around them causing Anorion to be able to detect anyone or anything entering the spherical area affected by the barrier, meaning he is capable of immediately warning his companion before the strike happens, so that the ninja has ample time to react. The barrier makes Anorion capable of even detecting the enemy’s chakra within the barriers reach. As a result Anorion is capable of knowing if foreign chakra enters the ninjas system, and as such he is capable of with his own chakra to release the ninja from a genjutsu of A-rank and below. The barrier covers a short-ranged reach with the ninja and Anorion as the epicenter, and the barrier stays active for the moment Anorion activates it and to the point where he will vanish from the battlefield. Anorion speaks the language of the storks and may warn the ninja with a simple clattering noise from his beak.
- Anorion stays on the field for 4 turns
- Can be summoned twice per battle
- The barrier erection counts towards the move count
- Releasing the ninja from a genjutsu counts towards the move count
-Declined- No to releasing you from genjutsu and no to the sensing ability as well.

(Shu Saichi) – Lord Saichi
Type: Summoning
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Lord Saichi is the great lord of the Storks, he stands 25 meters in height and his wing span is that of 32 meters from edge to edge. He is a descendant from the Ephippiorhynchus Household, where the previous leaders of the Storks have been born from. His beak is large, mighty and crimson red, as his body is both black and white and creates a unique pattern on his body similar to that of black flames going down through his body. Lord Saichi is the master of weapons and as such he excels in the usage of weaponry. The feathers on the edges of his wings are metal platelet, where the metal has been honed to a fine edge and being extremely light and extremely sharp. This allows Lord Saichi to slice his enemies in two or more pieces if he sees fit in close combat, or as he flies by them with great speed. His chest is covered in a powerful chest plate of metal to protect his vital organs when in combat, making him very resilient. As he is the largest and strongest of the Storks, he is capable of bearing two people on his back as he will not allow any more on his back. He has razor sharp claws coated in fine metal and his beak is strong enough to smash through the surface of the ground to find prey, meaning that he is capable with his beak to smash straight through B-rank and below solid techniques such as earth. Furthermore due to his metal coating and protection he is immune to A-rank and below techniques. His eyes are a bright yellow color, just like the sun, as it resembles his unique ability and mastery over the element of fire, as he is the former Crimson Guard of the Animalia Empire and is now the great lord of Fire and the king of the Storks. He has mastered the element of fire to incredible feats, capable of performing the fire techniques with great ease, and he has mastered it to such an extent that he can perform all fire techniques up to S-rank. He claps his wings together in replacement for hand seals, if needed. Besides having mastery over the fire element, Lord Saichi has developed his own unique ability. His own ability allows him to coat his feathers in fire chakra giving his feathers a super-heated cutting edge, equivalent to that of an S-rank elemental technique.
- Lord Saichi stays on the field for 4 turns
- Any fire technique or his own fire ability counts towards the move count
- He is immune to A-rank and below techniques
- May only be summoned once per battle
- No other summoning while this summoning is on the field
-Declined- No to the immunity overall, everything else is fine, the wing fire coating needs to count as an S-rank "Fire" technique, following the strength and weaknesses.

(Kyōshi no Adrahil) –Adrahil the Teacher
Type: Summoning
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Adrahil is a highly respected stork in the kingdom, as he is one of the oldest storks alive, having taught almost any of the known storks how to fly and use their body anatomy to its fullest. Adrahil is very old, but not as old as the Elders, and he is rather small compared to the mighty warriors, only just being large enough so that a single person may ride on his back. He is roughly 4 meters long and three and a half wide including his wingspan. He has a very calm and collected personality being very wise compared to the others. Adrahil is a very adept flyer and as such he has developed unique abilities of his own, as he has skill within the wind element. Even though he is an adept flyer and has the element of wind in his veins, he is incapable of performing any jutsu of any kind. His unique ability allows him to release bursts of wind from any location on his body, either giving him the ability to increase his maneuverability ten folds, essentially making him capable of avoiding incoming techniques with great precision and speed. He may also use his ability to release bursts of wind, utilizing it as a force so to increase his speed dramatically for a short period of time. His speed when releasing the bursts of wind causes him to move at speeds equivalent to that of a Sage ranked ninja or faster. Due to his speed it is difficult for someone whom does not possess a doujutsu to keep track of his movements while he is moving in a straight line. The wind he releases around him is constant and it makes of sorts of barrier which reduces the air-resistance against him which makes him go faster than he would of. Furthermore the wind he constantly releases makes for a unique defensive ability, as it makes him immune to A-rank and below lightning techniques, as they may not penetrate the constant flow of wind based chakra from his body. Yet the constant flow of wind does not protect him from anything besides lightning. Besides his unique wind based ability, he is also very proficient in the usage of Taijutsu, having learned the way of close combat together with his fellow storks and with several ninjas, and as such he is capable of performing any taijutsu technique which revolves around the usage of legs, as he has no hands, or he may exchange the usage of fists with his wings or beak to be able to perform some more taijutsu techniques.
- Adrahil can stay on the field for 3 turns.
- Adrahil can only be summoned once per Battle.
- The Wind bursts used to maneuver around and avoid attacks while also increasing his speed counts towards the move count.
- The wind bursts can only be used twice per battle
-Declined- DNR, next time don't put drastic abilities on the summon or i will DNR them with no question.
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Active member
Dec 23, 2012
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Banjīsureddo | Bungee Thread
Type: Attack/Defense/Supplementary
Rank: C-Rank
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 15
Damage: N/A
Description: Utilizing preexisting threads formed from the index fingers of both hands, the puppeteer is able to connect two chakra threads together and have it contract in the direction of one of the objects to which the thread is connected. The contraction's point of origin is where the thread ends and only objects of lighter weight (20 kg or less) can be pulled towards the contraction's point of origin. The use of this is multifaceted, as the user can: (1) completely shift the trajectory of projectiles; (2) take advantage of surrounding objects (rocks/tools/tags) and silently coordinate a distraction/pose an unsuspecting risk to an opponent, if the point of contraction happens to be their own person, in a blind spot; (3) disarm an opponent of an item in their possession, if openly exposed.

Note: Must have chakra threads active. To initiate the contraction, the user will make the Boar hand-seal.
The technique lasts until the end of the user's next turn, by which time the thread will automatically contract.
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Dec 7, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Koton:Sentou Yanagi)-Steel Release:Whomping Willow
Chakra:40(-20 per turn to sustain it)
Description:The user will focus his chakra towards his hands and as he does so perform the hand seals:Bird->Ram->Snake.After that he will slam both his hands to the ground and release the chakra into it,creating a tree,namely a willow of black steel from it.The main stem of the tree is about 10 meters high.At it's top there can be up to five large branches and on each of them about a dozen of long,whip like willow branches(up to 5 meters long) also made out of black steel.Th tree can swing the large branches and the whips on them in at high speeds in order to attack the opponent,it can even bend the main stem and attack with it's whole body but type of attack is only short ranged.If the main stem of the tree or one of the (up to) five main branches is destroyed,the user can channel his chakra to the whip-like branches and gain control of them and use them as for example,large snakes made out of steel which can attack the opponent and wrap around him.The user can do this while tree is intact by performing the Bird hand seal to detach the branches(they all detach at once).The user can control the detached branches as long as they are in mid range from him.If the user stops channeling his chakra to the tree it will remain on the battlefield but would be immobile.It can stand on the battlefield and be used by the user for as long as he is channeling chakra to it.
~Note:Can be used three times per battle.
~Note:No Steel release techniques in the same and next turn.
~Note:No above A rank techniques the same turn this is used.
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 Declined  The part I colored needs clrification in terms of what strength it has or what can it do, etc.
(Koton:Sentou Yanagi)-Steel Release:Whomping Willow
Chakra:40(-20 per turn to sustain it)
Description:The user will focus his chakra towards his hands and as he does so perform the hand seals:Bird->Ram->Snake.After that he will slam both his hands to the ground and release the chakra into it,creating a tree,namely a willow of black steel from it.The main stem of the tree is about 10 meters high.At it's top there can be up to five large branches and on each of them about a dozen of long,whip like willow branches(up to 5 meters long) also made out of black steel.Th tree can swing the large branches and the whips on them in at high speeds in order to attack the opponent,it can even bend the main stem and attack with it's whole body but type of attack is only short ranged.If the main stem of the tree or one of the (up to) five main branches is destroyed,the user can channel his chakra to the whip-like branches and gain control of them.The user can control the branches as large vines of steel.He can move them around the battlefield and use them to attack the opponent by wrapping them around him,binding and suffocating him.The user can control the branches up to mid range from him.Each of the branches has B rank steel strength.The user can also manually detach some or all of the whip-like branches from the tree by performing the bird hand seal.If the user stops channeling his chakra to the tree it will remain on the battlefield but would be immobile.It can stand on the battlefield and be used by the user for as long as he is channeling chakra to it.
~Note:Can be used three times per battle.
~Note:No Steel release techniques in the same and next turn.
~Note:No above A rank techniques the same turn this is used.
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 Declined  Each has a b-rank strength? Where as there are how many? >_> No. Also, I don't feel Steel is that malleable and can be given these organic properties. Its becoming weird. It can't also be there for how long you want it. It needs a time limit.

(Koton:Mei Yori Kuro)-Steel Release:Darker than Black
Description:The user will perform a single hand seal and send his chakra towards the opponents feet.From there he will manipulate it so it starts coating the opponents body from the feet upwards in black steel until his whole body is encased in steel.The part that is covered by the steel is left immobile until freed.It takes around 10 seconds to fully coat a person that is two meters tall.If the opponent is in contact with an object made out of steel,the coating is almost instant.If the opponent uses non focused lightning based techniques,he will shock himself too.Chakra enhanced strength users,sage mode users,eight inner gate users...can break the covering with just physical strength.

 Declined  DNR

(Koton:Denkou Sao)-Steel Release:Lightning Rod
Description:The user will focus chakra to his hands and then slam both of his hands to the ground while releasing his chakra into it.He will then create several black steel cables that which will be attached to the ground on one end and merged into a another steel release technique on the other.When the steel technique that is merged with these cables is struck by any lightning technique up to S rank,the cables will conduct a part of the lightning into the ground,lowering the effect and damage of the lightning technique by one rank.For example if the opponent attacks with an S rank lightning attack,the damage the steel technique would take will be that of an A rank lightning technique.

 Declined  DNR.
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Apr 7, 2010
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Pitohui Geijutsu: Pitohui Kawarimi - Pitohui Arts: Pitohui Substitution Technique
Type: Sup
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: After taking a brunt of an attack, A hooded pitohui would subsitute himself with feathers shaped inform of a pitohui which soon burst releasing purple colored neuro-toxin gas into the surrounding atmosphere(Short-range). The hooded pitohui himself upon subtituting himself would have taken flight at extreme speed and would be mid-air making it look like it appeared in mid-air.
-Can only be used by Hooded Pitohuis
-Can only be used 3x per battle
-Must be taught by Priest

 Declined  With abilities that pertain to toxins and similar present and natural to summons, you need to always state, in any technique that uses them, what they do to your enemy. Also, if this is a substitution it needs to obey the substitution rules.

Pitohui Geijutsu: Pitohui Kawarimi - Pitohui Arts: Pitohui Substitution Technique
Type: Sup
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: After taking a brunt of an attack, A hooded pitohui would subsitute himself with feathers shaped inform of a pitohui which soon burst releasing purple colored neuro-toxin gas into the surrounding atmosphere(Short-range). Anyone that inhales the toxin friend or foe, suffers mild muscle paralysis and numbness for one turn. The hooded pitohui himself upon subtituting himself would have taken flight at extreme speed and would be mid-air making it look like it appeared in mid-air.
-Can only be used by Hooded Pitohuis
-Can only be used 1x and counts as a substitution as per the substitution restrictions.
-Must be taught by Priest

 Approved  *

Suiton: Nyuujou - Water Style: Milky
Type: Sup
Rank: B
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: The user makes a single handseal and channels his chakra into water and turn it into a milky form. The water turns milky though not sticky nor its density changes, it merely assumes a white color which is good for blind cover.
-Must be taught by Priest
-Usable 4x per battle

 Declined  How can you change the color of water? *

Doton: Seishin'ijousha Inakamono - Earth Style: Psychotic Boogies
Rank: S
Type: Offensive/Sup
Range: Short/Mid - Long
Chakra: 40 (-20 per turn)
Damage: N/A (up to 80 if all are used)
Description: The user makes 2 handseals and clap his hands together while kneading large amount of chakra into the earth then he raises up to 8 oval shaped balls of mud(size of a normal soccer balls) with smiley faces and mouth. Each has the power of a C-Rank earth technique (in terms of physical impact or possible offensive or defensive uses). They would when the user deems it, start to laugh aloud to annoy the opponent and deaf their ears. The boogies are saturated with the user's chakra and are raised short range of user although they can move up to long range. They have special abilities which while they act through the user's will, they can merge to form a single boogie and can shape into several constructs though still with a sense of humor having mouth like a clown. They are made of mud but they can become dense and harder than steel at will which still gives them lethal capabilities, able to smash/cut/pierce clean through C rank earth jutsu each, however elemental strenght and weakness still holds. Also since they can merge, they have the ability to split back into their initial forms and also, they can assume several shapes while in their splitted forms too. The jutsu leeches the user's chakra to sustain itself and thus they cannot be sustained for long making them crumble at the end of the 3rd turn. The user also because of the chakra expenditure to maintain the jutsu, would make him unable to use any elemental jutsu above S-rank except for doton during the period the jutsu is in play
-Usable 2x per Match
-Last 3 turns
-Boogies are sentient (although they require the user's focus and will to act) and move at immense speed
-No other jutsu above S-rank while boogies are in play except doton
-2 turn rest before re-use

 Approved  Edited
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Cursed Prince

Active member
Apr 21, 2012
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Living Ignition Devil | Ribingu Chakka Akuma
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40(-10 per turn when Ignited)
Damage: 80
Description: The Living Ignition Devil is a weapon entirely composed of evil and foul chakra. The chakra that makes it up is something similar to the chakra that Bijuu's are composed of. This foul form of chakra is sealed underneath the gauntlet wrapped around one of the user's arms. It keeps the chakra contained inside of the arm of that of the user and is made from a metalloid tough enough to defend against ninja tools and swords. Because it has trouble fully containing all of it's chakra, what would seem to be a small angel wing composed of its chakra is visible on the users back. While it doesn't allow him to fly, it does strike fear into the hearts of opponents. This weapon is semi-aware, as it only activates once it is given the mental command to "ignite". By Igniting the chakra inside of the arm and releasing it around the gauntlet, the user is able to utilize some of the chakra to attack, using the gauntlet arm as medium to channel it. The user is able to manipulate and transform the chakra around the arm. Similar to how a bijuu's chakra can transform the host into Incomplete forms, the same concept is applied when transforming the gauntlet, the gauntlets transformation happen just as fast if not faster. The user has a few transformations for it

Devil Trigger | Debirutorigā: This transformation of the gauntlet is one of the strongest, the user will release the chakra and cloak it around the gauntlet. This transforms the gauntlet into a spinning localized tornado of the powerful chakra around the user's arm. It cannot detach or be sent at an opponent, it is a close ranged transformation. It can be used to attack, capable of ripping and slashing through an opponent and most defenses he can put up, as it has the devastating power that of an S rank. It does not actually utilize wind, so it does not push anything away until direct contact is made
~Can only be used twice with a 3 turn cool-down between each use, user cant use another S rank in that turn
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Grand Ignition | Gurando Chakka: The Grand Ignition is a second transformation, that transforms the gauntlet in a near spontaneous burst. Its quickly transformed into what would seem to be a thin, pointy sword composed of the foul chakra. The arm itself is capable of slicing through an opponents swords and shields, freeform of course. Once transformed, it lets loose several other piercing beams of the devils chakra, capable of piercing through an opponent. These are not shout out of the gauntlet, rather "bangs", floating spheres of chakra, surround the transformed gauntlet and can shoot the piercing beams at the opponent, beams that are capable of being guided by the user. Each bang can reach up to mid-range with a power equivalent to that of a B rank, each.
~Can create up to 4 bangs, the overall power is that of an S rank but power is split between each bang. The user can make less than 4 bangs, if he so desires.
~Can only be used twice, with a cool-down of 2 turns before this weapon can be used again.

~Triggers cost a move
~Can only be used/taught by Cursed Prince
~This gauntlet is compatible with the Mandalorian armor, able to function normally even though it covers the Mandalorian it doesn't hinder its abilities, its almost like an extension of the armor.
-Declined- It's a ripoff of how bijuu chakra is used, and there's a CW that had the same idea before, DNR.

Goken/Futon: Kita Kido | Strong Fist/Wind Release: Northern Riot
Type: Offensive
Rank: F
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 50
Damage: 90(-30)
Description: This is a forbidden taijutsu move that is augmented with the power of wind release. The user will rotate wind in a whirling counter clockwise motion around his foot and then strike his foot into the ground harshly, submerging it half way into the ground. The ground cracks and splinters in response to this. The user will then use all of the strength in the legs he's using and lash out in an upwards kick, slicing through the ground and releasing the wind in a burst that follows the momentum and direction of the kick, sending a large scaled slicing whirlwind that uses the debris from the ground to augment its power. It has been known to even cut in half small mountains and open deep chasms in the ground since it also slices through the ground. Since this technique is reliant on the power of the kick it causes great strain in the leg used. The leg is rendered unusable for a turn, the muscles locking together, causing a really bad cramp, and afterward still suffers from discomfort in it, reducing his running speed
~Can only be used twice
~Cannot use S ranked wind or taijutsu in the same turn
~Leg is rendered unusable for 1 turn afterward, his leg then suffers from discomfort and his speed is dropped by 2 ranks for 2 more turns
~Can only be taught by Cursed Prince
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-Declined- This is not a Strong Fist technique, it's only a Forbidden ranked slicing wave of wind, DNR.

Genjutsu: Museigen Kaminari | Illusionary Arts: Unlimited Thunder
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user will perform a swift 2 handseals and then raise one of his hands toward the sky, channeling chakra into the opponents brain and triggering upon him an illusion. Inside of this illusion a thunderbolt drops down upon him with all the speed of real lightning, encasing him in a shocking thunder bolt. Then even more strikes of lightning continue to rain down on the opponent encasing him in a blaze of lightning severely shocking, paralyzing and numbing his body, in the illusion of course. In real life he is simply immobilized from the onslaught of thunderbolts as well as blinded by the endless bright flashes of the lightning strikes.They also feel massive pain. Once the illusion is over the opponent is left feeling as if he were shocked and will likely be on the verge of collapse.
-Can only be used twice
-No more genjutsu for 2 turns
-No S ranks in the same turn
-Spans 2 turns
-Can only be used/taught by Cursed Prince

 Declined  To high a rank for such an effect. And ask yourself this question: how do you defend from this if you are its target? Because I won't approve any virtually unreasonable genjutsu.
Genjutsu: Museigen Kaminari | Illusionary Arts: Unlimited Thunder
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user will perform 2 handseals and then raise one of his hands toward the sky, channeling chakra into the opponents brain and triggering upon him an illusion. Inside of this illusion a thunderbolt drops down upon him with all the speed of real lightning, encasing him in a shocking thunder bolt. Then even more strikes of lightning continue to rain down on the opponent encasing him in a blaze of lightning severely shocking, paralyzing and numbing his body, in the illusion of course. In real life he is simply immobilized from the onslaught of thunderbolts as well as blinded by the endless bright flashes of the lightning strikes. They also feel massive pain. Once the illusion is over the opponent is left feeling as if he were shocked and will likely be on the verge of collapse.
-Can only be used twice
-No more genjutsu for 2 turns
-No S ranks in the same turn
-Spans 2 turns
-Can only be used/taught by Cursed Prince
-Declined- DNR.
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Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Meiton: Mei Fenikkusu) Dark Release: Dark Phoenix
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80(-40 to user if caught in explosion)
Description: After one has absorbed a large amount of chakra through either the use of two Inhaling Maw's or one Ultimate Inhaling Maw the user will release from the marking on his left hand a large amount of dark chakra underneath/beside/in-front of him that he forms into a large dark phoenix that is about 1/4 the size of Gamabunta. As the phoenix forms the user can jump on its back and use it to fly around and attack his opponent by having the dark phoenix release a medium sized blue fireball from it's mouth once per turn. The phoenix itself can withstand one attack from either an A-rank Fire, Wind or Lightning jutsu or one S-rank Raw Chakra jutsu before it begins to glow a bright light blue color and then explodes into a maelstrom of light blue flames that covers everything within short range of it burning it.
~ Can only be taught by Albel
~ Must use either two Inhaling Maw's or one Ultimate Inhaling Maw before hand
~ The Fireball can only be used once per turn and can reach up to long range
~ If the user is within range when the phoenix explodes he will receive damage as well
~ Can only be used twice
-Declined- DNR

What the phoenix would look like.
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(Katon : Tsuba Hi) - Fire Release : Spitfire!
Type: Supplementary/ Offensive
Rank: B Rank
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Cost: 40
Description: The user will spit out 6 small fireballs down in-front of him that are in that shape of birds with their wings open. He will then jump onto the backs of them(3 birds being under each foot) with a protective layer of chakra around his feet to keep the birds from burning them, and then use them to fly around with slightly more speed than running to dodge attacks. Once the user is done flying around he will then kick each foot forwards at his opponent sending the 6 birds flying at him from multiple directions trapping him and then hitting him causing burns in the areas that are hit. The user can also if decided too can have all 6 birds combine together when sent at the opponent to form one large bird that will once collided with the target explode into a maelstrom of flames that wraps over the entire body of the victim, burning him severely.
~ Can only be taught by Albel
-Declined- DNR
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Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Akuma Homura: Inori no Jigoku)Satan’s Flame: Prayer of Hell
Type: Supplementary
Rank: N/A
Range: Short(Self)
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: This is a non-offensive technique of Akuma Homura. It was created by the founder of the Akuma Homura. This move is a mediation technique which allows the user to flow his fire chakra all around his body. Using this method, the chakra not only soothes the muscles of the user, it allows them to flex their joints much easier. This move doesn’t make them faster or add any boosts but it lets the users move more fluent in Taijutsu and Akuma Homura.
-Lasts the whole battle.
-Can only be used by Akuma Homura Users.
-Declined- How can the user move more fluently in Taijutsu? what do you mean by that? better reflexes? otherwise the technique is purely cosmetic. Why would channeling fire chakra soothe the muscles anyway.

(Akuma Homura: Odayaka Na Kaiwa)Satan’s Flame: Gentle Conversation
Type: Offensive
Rank: A- Rank
Range: Short – Mid(Illusion Limit)
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: For this technique, the user will perform 3 handseals and will finish with a motion of clasping their hands. This will cause a stream of chakra to be released in a 360’ radius of the user. In the illusion, the target will see several parts of their body on fire. The flames are actually small embers of blue fire on their skin. This will cause the target to want to remove the fire as its burning the flesh of the target. The user will then appear in front of the target and begin attacking with their finger lite on fire reigniting and making more embers to appear on the target. However in reality the target remains unharmed from the illusion and motionless which gives the user a moment to attack. They will then proceed to channel fire chakra into their palm and grab the target lifting them and slamming directly into the ground, leaving the target severely burnt and wounded.

Can only be used by Satan’s Flame Users.
Illusion Strength is B-Rank.
If illusion is not stopped prior to the palm slamming, the impact and pain is enough to end the illusion
Can be used 3 times per battle.
-Declined- A genjutsu ability is not in the scoop of your CFS.

(Akuma Homura: Hamon no Meiou Haadessu)Satan’s Flame: Excommunication of Hades
Type: Offensive | Supplementary
Rank:A - Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 30(-5 to keep Sabers active)
Damage: 50(If physical contact is made)
Description: Hamon no Meiou Haadessu is a very powerful technique of Akuma Homura. This technique comes in variants, where firstly the bases of this technique is through the creation fire sabers in the palms of each hand of the user. Then from there can be used in three variants:

The first variant of the sabers is through chakra condensing. These sabers are made to the point that they can be used for physical combat. Each saber is solid enough to fight on par with a standard katana. The sabers however are not sharp and can only deal blunt damage to the target, but can still cause severe burns on contact. Each saber looks like the Chakra Saber Technique.

The second variant is focused on creating intangible sabers. These sabers are less condensed than the first variant. They have the ability of passing through the target. When a saber passes through a target it causes the target to not only be from the inner muscles of the point of contact, it also makes impossible to make handseals for several turns if contact is made with their hands.

The final variant is similar to the second, however it is a Genjutsu based attack. When passing through a target,the fire sabre doesn’t do no type of damage or burning but activates a Genjutsu. The illusion is B-ranked in power. They target will imagine they are in a volcano where they are shackled to the ground on a simple platform in the midst of the volcano. A demonic spirt made of blue fire will raise from the lava and grab the target. While holding them the fresh lava will burn the target and cause target to scream in pain not only from the heat but from the crushing grip of the fire spirit. If not broken the illusion lasts 2 turns. In reality the target is immobilized and unable to move.

-Can only be used by Ishiro
-Can only be used 3 times per battle
-Illusion Lasts 2 turns.
-Declined- First of all, I won't accept a technique with 3 different usages, second, the colored is a no go.

Approved CFS:
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Active member
Oct 24, 2011
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Kenjutsu: Shisu Basuto) - Sword Arts: Sheath Burst
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: By concentrating a good amount of chakra into the inside bottom of the scabbard. The user is then able to cause it to 'burst' upwards, resulting in the sword itself to be hurled at great speed out of the sheath. This technique is useful as it provides a faster method for un-sheathing a sword, in which the user can simple catch the sword in the air. Instead of having to manually unsheath it, which more often than not, alerts the opponent of the user's intentions. Albeit the technique does no damage itself, the user can aim the scabbard with their arm before hurling the sword out of it, resulting in throwing the sword directly at their target of choice, which can be used to strike -their face with the base of the handle, or any other within reason motives. The user must have atleast one arm on the scabbard in order to infuse it with chakra.
-Declined- How fast does the sword "fly" out of the scabbard? i'm guessing not so fast because you can catch it in the air? and it should include damage points if you wanna use it as an attack, although, it should be a C-rank tops.

(Fuuton: Shokushu) - Wind Style: Whiplash
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 30 (+5 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: After performing the activation seals which are a total of 3. The user would impart a controlled amount of wind chakra into a selected area of the field, in which they will form a vector arrow composed solely of wind, inside and on the outer layer of the arrow(s), wind is continuously moving at an intense speed torwards the point in which it's edge is pointing. The purpose for this is to be used as a velocity increasing technique, in which should the user step on it, they would be allowed to move torwards the direction the arrow is facing at a higher speed than normal (yet still trackable by taijutsu specialists). The technique is not restricted to the user however, as it can boost the speed of objects and weapons, for lighter materials such as a kunai, it's speed would easily be doubled once in contact with the arrow of wind. The arrows can be created on ground or even in mid air, the direction which they point torwards is also within the user's desire. Only a total of 3 arrows can be formed per usage, they technique is self sustaining, but drains chakra from the user for each turn on the field.
- Usable x4 per battle.
- Must wait a 1 turn cooldown before using again.
- Lasts three turns on the field, unless de-activated.
- Must be taught by Loki
-Declined- If you want this, you have to make it in front of/near you, and one arrow per usage, and also 3 usage times and no lasting on the field, once it has done it's purpose it disappears, also no moving yourself faster, i'm only allowing objects such as kunais or similar.
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Sage of Snakes
Apr 25, 2011
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Contract Approved Here

(Houraieso Kuchiyose: Zetsubō no Mure) - Viperfish Summoning: Swarm of Despair
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short - Long (summoned short range of the user)
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Cost: 40
Description: After the user does the required summoning jutsu hand seals, the user will summon a swarm of 100 regular size viperfish that swarms the opponent and attacks, binds, and bites them. This summoning can be done in a lake or ocean or even be combine with big enough water jutsus like Crashing Wave, Exploding Wave, etc. so that the viperfish will be able to survive in water. If done in conjunction with a water jutsu it only takes a couple a seconds to to combine the viperfish with the water jutsu. The viperfish can only survive 2 turns being outside of water before being desummoned.
Note: Can be used/summoned 3 times a battle with a 2 turn gap between uses.
Note: Viperfish stay on the field for 4 turns and if not summoned inside a water source can only be on the field for 2 turns before be desummoned.
Note: Must know the Viperfish Summoning.

(Suiton/Baipāātsu: Baipā Fūjikome) - Water Release/Viper Arts: Viper Containment
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: A rank
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user will do the Tiger sign and by using a near by water source or spitting water from their mouth they will release a stream of water that is connected to their arm that wraps around the opponent and then pressurizes the water to the point that it makes the opponent hard to move or escape. The will then release multiple ( up to 7) Viperfishes from the sleeve arm ,of which the water is connected to, into the water and has the viperfishes attacks and binds the opponent.
Note: Must have signed the Viperfish contract
Note: Usable 4 times a match
Note: Needs a water source or be spit out of the user's mouth
Note: Must be taught by Blake Belladonna
-Declined- If you want this it will have to count as 2 moves, the water and summoning.

My Orochimaru bio with Snakes

(Hebi Kuchiyose: Milotic) - Snake Summoning: Milotic
Rank: S
Type: Offence/Defense
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Once the user bites their thumb and smears it on his tattoo and slams their hand on the ground they will summon Milotic a snake thats big as Manda. Milotic is a personal snake of Blake Belladonna and is able to use to use Water Ninjutsu up to S rank (counting towards the users move count). Milotic is the fastest snake in the water able to swim at great speeds while in the water and is also able to go into great depth of any ocean. Milotic is able to take no damage from B rank jutsus and below and is unaffected by A rank water jutsus that affect the water she swims in.
Note: Has to be taught by Blake Belladonna
Note: She stays for 4 turns.
Note: Can be summoned once a battle
Note: Must have signed snake contract
-Declined- Reduce the size, no immunity to water techniques, and mention the speed it swims at, same thing to moving on solid ground.

Looks like
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There was no translation for Milotic xD
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Mar 23, 2013
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Kage Repurika baindo no jutsu): Shadow Replica Bind jutsu
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 20 Chakra
Damage: N/a
Description: The user channels his chakra into the shadow of a shuriken he has thrown, to create a replica shadow within the actual shadow of the projectile.
As the shuriken flies in the intended direction it carries along with it the replica shadow at the same speed due to the shadow travelling within a shadow and as
such being able to keep up. The replica shadow can however move independently if needed and once connected to the opponent's shadow gives the user control over the victims
body for a single turn, the opponent mimicking the users movements . If the shuriken used to cast the shadow is deflected or stopped the replica shadow will have to move without
the cover of a shadow reducing its speed considerably.

Note: Can only use at most 2 shuriken
Note: Can only be used by Nara clan members
Note: Must be taught by strawberry
-Declined- There's already a cannon technique that's similar to this, also you can't manipulate capture a person with shadow if it's not somehow connected to your own.

Nara training as of yet at B Rank

(Kage dedoko no jutsu): Shadow Source Jutsu
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short - Mid (shuriken range) Long (jutsu reach)
Chakra: 20 Chakra
Damage: N/a
Description: The user channels his chakra into, upto 3 shuriken, and throws them onto the battlefield. When the shuriken land they form a small circle of shadow at their base half a meter in diameter and they remain linked to the user. The user can use the Shurikens shadows to use moderate Shadow Jutsu they have learned from the location of the shuriken and only able to use one shuriken at a time for this task. If someone steps on the shadows created they can be used like a trap to grasp that foot/limb with the shadows, however the user cannot move during this time.

Note: Cannot use the shuriken shadows for jutsu above A rank.
Note: Must wait one turn before being used to channel shadow jutsu from
Note: Can only use only be used for a max of 2 jutsus
Note: Can only be used by Nara clan members
Note: Must be taught by strawberry
-Declined- No for channeling shadow techniques from the shadow of the shuriken, each shadow technique has different requirements and is done differently depending on the technique used.

(Kage Sairento Hanmā no jutsu): Shadow Silent Hammer Jutsu
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 20 Chakra
Damage: 40 Damage
Description: The user performs the Rat handseal and channels his chakra into his opponents shadow. Manipulating the shadow into a sledge hammer that hits the opponent in the back, damaging he spine and causing the opponent to stagger.

Note: Must be taught be Strawberry
Note: Can only be used by Nara clan members
-Declined- DNR.
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Oct 26, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Genjutsu: Hokousha) - Illusion Techniques: Walkers
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A rank
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A (60 if not broken)
Description: The user forms the Snake then Boar hand seals and sends his chakra into their targets brain. The target is then put in a genjutsu where he sees walkers rise up from the ground all around him and under him. Walkers are humans who died and their brains are still functioning aka Zombies. These walkers can be random dead people coming back to life or if the user knows people that their opponent knew and have passed, they can make those walkers into the people they knew. Walkers rise up from underneath their target and grab his legs and rise up grabbing all parts of their body. They begin to start eating their target. The target also see Walkers around him walking towards him to continue the assault. In reality the user is immobilized and can't move, despite the illusion consisting only of the Zombies. The target is not locked in an illusionary world but rather sees the Zombies added to the normal "reality". If the genjutsu isn't broken, the user will feel a lot of mental anguish and receives damage. This jutsu can effect multiple people.

Note: When effecting multiple people, the walkers are random.
Note: Can only be used 3 times
Note: Can only be taught by Better

 Approved 
correcting some dumb mistakes lol

Genjutsu: Hokousha) - Illusion Techniques: Walkers
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A rank
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A (60 if not broken)
Description: The user forms the Snake then Boar hand seals and sends his chakra into their targets brain. The target is then put in a genjutsu where he sees walkers rise up from the ground all around him and under him. Walkers are humans who died and their brains are still functioning aka Zombies. These walkers can be random dead people coming back to life or if the user knows people that their opponent knew and have passed, they can make those walkers into the people they knew. Walkers rise up from underneath their target and grab his legs and rise up grabbing all parts of their body. They begin to start eating their target. The target also see Walkers around him walking towards him to continue the assault. In reality the target is immobilized and can't move, despite the illusion consisting only of the Zombies. The target is not locked in an illusionary world but rather sees the Zombies added to the normal "reality". If the genjutsu isn't broken, the target will feel a lot of mental anguish and receives damage. This jutsu can effect multiple people.

Note: When effecting multiple people, the walkers are random.
Note: Can only be used 3 times
Note: Can only be taught by Better
-Approved- You should have bolded the colored ~_~"

(Kuchiyose: Hebi Oujou Torappu) - Summoning: Snake Death Trap
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short to Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user summons Kyodalja above the target, crushing whatever is beneath him when he falls to the ground. Although, Unlike it's Toad Variation, the snake user can use most snakes ability to travel underground and slam his hand onto the ground and Kyodalja is summoned on the ground beneath the target and the snake rises up from the ground with his mouth wide open swallowing the target.
Note: Must know Snake Summoning contract and counts as summoning Kyodalja into the field.
Note: Can only be used 4 times
Note: Can only be taught by Better.
-Declined- Lol no >_>
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Apr 14, 2012
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Hachimitsu No Jutsu: ) - Honey Bee Technique: Apamin Swarm
Rank: S
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Long (due to the bees traveling to the opponent)
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: 80
Description: The user summons a multitude of bees from their sleeves that race out towards the opponent stinging them. After stinging the opponent the main part of the Bee's body explodes causing moderate damage to the opponent leaving behind the small stinger and it's venom sac. The venom sac continues to pump into the opponent a powerful neurotoxin called Apamin. In normal bee venom Apamin is a neurotoxin that makes up roughly 2-3% of the venom itself however the bees summoned with this technique have been specifically bred to have much higher concentrations of the peptide in their venom nearly 50-75 percent of the venom is made up of the neurotoxin Apamin. Which in small doses can cause varying problem with the opponent's nervous system and their organs.
Apamin easily passes the blood-brain barrier allowing the neurotoxin to find it's way into organs and the nervous system even effecting the brain to some degree. The first thing the opponent will notice are the local effects: feelings of burning or stinging pain that radiate throughout the stung area/s spreading quickly throughout the entirety of the body as well as swelling of the effected area in noticeable ways. Even if the opponent removes the stinger the neurotoxin will have made it's way into their system. These feelings are almost immediate and happen as soon as the opponent is stung even before the bee itself explodes. After a few moments the severe systemic reactions begin to take hold of the opponent's body swelling of the tongue and throat happen in a few seconds followed by difficulty breathing and talking as well as difficulty forming rational thoughts.
Lastly after the course of two full turns the opponent begins to lose their vision due to optic neuritis swelling of the optic nerves they also begin to have growing chest pain caused by the venom due to atrial fibrillation basically irregular heart palpitations due to the sheer power of the venom. The venom can also cause a cerebral infarction (stroke) or in severe cases an acute myocardial infarction (a mild heart attack).
-If only one bee is successful in stinging the opponent only the first and second set of reactions will happen. If two or more bees sting the opponent there is enough venom for the final reactions to happen.
-The full effects take two turns to happen.
-Can only be used once per battle
-All the bees explode even if they don't sting the opponent
-Must be a member of the Kamizuru clan
-Can only be taught by -Vegeta
-Declined- OP, and the technique is composed of 2 techniques, the explosion and venom, reduce the effects.

(Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Kingu Beegeta) Summoning Technique: King Beegeta
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
King Beegeta is a giant sized bee, a few meters longer/taller than the Giant Bee, and has 4 black stripes in it's mane. Its anatomy slightly differs from normal bees by having a jaw of razor sharp teeth, a deadly stinger capable of piercing thru A rank defenses, and powerful wings capable of pushing back enemies(B-Rank ability up to Mid range), which makes this insect a difficult opponent much like the Giant Bee. It can also spit a massive amount of honey from its mouth to trap and ensnare its victims. Its honey attack is S-Rank and has a Long range reach. It can only be destroyed by S rank jutsu's, or a combined attack of S rank level (within reason). It can also fly up to 4 people on it's back swiftly and can understand basic communication. Once per match, King Beegeta can flaps his wings in a rhythmic manner lulling the enemy into an A-rank Genjutsu where as the enemy see's any and all Bee's on the field converge on them at once, even bypassing their defenses as the Bee's begin stinging them mercilessly from all sides, making the stung area's swell up and causing intense pain and paralyzation. In reality the enemy will first swat at the air frantically spinning around screaming, then is immobilized and would experience mental pain and anguish from the helpless feeling of being attacked by a swarm of manga context sized Bee's
-Can only be summoned once
-All its abilities count as moves
-It's Special Genjutsu attack can only be done once per battle
-Cannot be summoned if Giant Bee is on the field
-Stays on the field for 4 turns
-Must be a member of the Kamizuru clan
-Must be taught the summonings by -Vegeta
-Declined- Too much abilities stacked here, for one, the pushing back enemies is what? wind waves from it's wings? mention the radius of the honey attack, and how does it approach the opponent? in a wave? also no genjutsu ability.

to Kamizuru training

(Genjutsu: Anata mo kunren shite imasu ka?)-Illusionary Arts: Do you even train?
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Medium
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: A very subtle, yet effective Genjutsu where as the user molds their chakra into anothers system after performing the Snake seal making them see a brief image of a very perturbed, very upset face. He wants to know what the enemies deal is, and he looks at the enemy with much loathing. The confidence in his eyes mixed with the utter disgust on his face are too much for the enemy to bear, and they lose confidence in their abilities, second guessing themselves, questioning whether they are making the right decisions or not, and reacting a bit sluggishly. The face they briefly see looks like this...
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-Decreases the enemies ability to accurately land S-rank and above jutsu's for 1 turn
-The enemy cannot effectively use Taijutsu of B rank or higher for 2 turns as they would "over think" the attacks making them rigid and predictable.
-No Genjutsu allowed the following turn
-Must be taught by -Vegeta
-Declined- *sigh* You can't predict how your opponent is going to react to the genjutsu, saying that they are going to doubt themselves and all that is beyond the scope of normal genjutsu techniques. DNR
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Jan 9, 2012
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Katon: Shinku Nesuto)- Fire Release: Crimson Nest
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
The user of this technique will focus huge amounts of katon chakra into a single hand, compressing all the chakra greatly which takes the form of a red glow around their hand. This action causes intense pain to the user due to the strain on the chakra system of their arm from the large amounts of chakra and the compression. Then the user will simply touch the earth and with that fire will blaze through the earth underground and create a huge network of tiny tunnels in all directions. In these tunnels there is contained thousands of small beetles made of pure fire. These beetles are controlled by the user and can perform various tasks for them. When to directed they can burrow up out of the ground to attack the opponent, climbing up their body while biting and burning them from their intense heat.

~The building and compression of the chakra causes intense pain but no lasting damage
~When employed the user cannot use katon techniques above A rank in the same turn or the next
~Directing the beetles actions costs one move in each turn
~The beetles are present for 4 turns if not eliminated
~Can only be taught by xHoudinii

 Declined  If it causes pain, its Forbidden rank as pain = damage. Also, these beettles need various things like defining number, stength, etc. You say thousands of small beetles and they last 4 turns...does that mean you have 4 turns of being able to emerge S-Rank fire damage from anywhere you want to? I don't mind that you can use this, creating said insects of fire underneath the ground and then, for a given amount of time, have the option of releasing them upwards in a cloud of blazing attacking fire beetles that will ravage trhough your opponents flesh and etc. But then the technique ends. You need to make this something you use and be done with it, even if its trigger might be delayed according to your needs.
~I tried to implement the changes suggested and I also reduced the restriction slightly

(Katon: Shinku Nesuto)- Fire Release: Crimson Nest
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
The user of this technique will focus huge amounts of katon chakra into a single hand, compressing all the chakra greatly which takes the form of a red glow around their hand. Then the user will simply touch the earth and with that fire will blaze through the earth underground and create a huge network of tiny tunnels in all directions. In these tunnels there is contained one thousand small beetles made of pure fire. These beetles are controlled by the user and can perform various tasks for them. When to directed they can burrow up out of the ground to attack the opponent, climbing up their body while biting and burning them from their intense heat. The beetles can either be used as two separate A rank attacks which will consume half the beetles each time or a large S rank attack that will use all of the beetles at once. After the two A rank attacks or the one S rank the technique ends as all the beetles are used up.

~When employed the user cannot use katon techniques above S rank in the same turn or the next
~Directing the beetles actions costs one move in each turn
~The beetles are present for 4 turns if not eliminated
~Can only be taught by xHoudinii
-Declined- You didn't do what Scorps said, let me put it this way, you can only use the attack once, you can't use it more than once, also, from where exactly do the beetles come out from? all over the battlefield?
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Aug 25, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Kōton: Kōryū) - Steel Release: Steel Dragon
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: S-Rank
Range: created in short can reach up to long range
Chakra: 40 Chakra
Damage: 80 Damage
Descriptions:The user will slam his hands to the ground and create a giant dragon of black steel in front of him that raises from the ground.The dragon is around the same size of the stone dragon but it also has the ability to exhale dozens of steel needles from it's mouth,three times per battle.
Note: Can be used twice per battle.
Note: Spitting the needles counts as a move in the users turn.
Note: only FeeLPaiN can teach this jutsu

 Declined  Problem here: it can shoot needles 3 times per battle...so it lasts how long? Because Earth Dragon, which you are using as an example, as well as the water dragon, can only be sustained while focus and chakra is spent and no other technique is done. The moment you shift your chakra and focus on something else, it ends and crumbles or disperses itself away.

(Kōton: Hagane sutetchi) - Steel Release: Steel Stitches
Type: offensive/ supplementary
Rank: A-Rank
Range: Short Range
Chakra: 30 Chakra
Damage: 60 Damage
Description: The user will create several very thin black steel threads from their body, namely the legs. He can then send the threads, through the clothes into the ground.They will move underground and emerge beneath the opponent, sewing his feet to the ground with several stitches.
Note:Usable three times per battle.
Note: only FeeLPaiN can teach this jutsu

 Declined  To high rank and is it from your body or from your legs? Also, to sew someting you need a needle... You might wanna clarify that and add a handseal
Resubmitting the two CJs in the quote

(Kōton: Kōryū) - Steel Release: Steel Dragon
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Long(created in short)
Chakra: 40 Chakra (+5 for every turn it stays on field)
Damage: 80 Damage
Descriptions:The user will slam his hands to the ground and create a giant dragon of black steel in front of him that raises from the ground.The dragon is around the same size of the stone dragon but it also has the ability to exhale dozens of steel needles from it's mouth,three times per battle.
Note: Can be used twice per battle.
Note: It can stay for maximum of 3 turns per time used
Note: Spitting the needles counts as a move in the users turn.
Note: only FeeLPaiN can teach this jutsu
-Declined- You do realize that you spend a move each time you make the dragon, then spend another move to make it release the needles, and let's say for those three turns it lasts, if you make another technique then use this one, you would be spending another two moves, think about it for a sec.

(Kōton: Hagane sutetchi) - Steel Release: Steel Stitches
Type: offensive/ supplementary
Rank: B-Rank
Range: Short-Mid Range (made on short range and can reach targets in short:mid range)
Chakra: 20 Chakra
Damage: 40 Damage
Description: The user will create several very thin black steel threads (which form steel needles in their beginnings) from their body, namely the legs. He can then send the threads, through the clothes into the ground.They will move underground and emerge beneath the opponent, sewing his feet to the ground with several stitches.
Note:Usable three times per battle.
Note: only FeeLPaiN can teach this jutsu
-Declined- Rip off from the usage of Kakuzu's dark threads.

new submission:

(Fuuton: Kaze no yūrei) - Wind Release: wind ghost
Type: Offensive
Rank: B-Rank
Range: Short-Long Range
Chakra: 20 Chakra
Damage: 40 Damage
Description: After releasing the gathered fuuton chakra throughout the user's mouth. the released wind will be shaped into a ghost's upper body (of the same size of a mature man) then a second before reaching the target it will turn into a gust of wind strong enough to make a four meters tall tree fall down. the user is able to create up to 2 ghosts in one time
note: if the user makes 2 ghosts each ghost is equal to C-Ranked fuuton jutsu
note: only FeeLPaiN can teach this jutsu
-Approved- ._.
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Sep 17, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Genjutsu: Futtō araibu|Illusionary Technique: Boiling Alive
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage points:60
Descriptions: Boiling was one of the ancient barbaric methods of execution which was practiced mainly in Europe and Asia centuries ago .It was made legal in England around the 1500 to use to punish thieves and murderers but have long been abolished. The user of the technique performs the tiger-monkey and rat hand seals in quick successions and casts his opponent under a Genjutsu where he sees himself being immersed into a large vessel or pot filled with boiling water, the victim emerges feet first into the boiling water and is slowly being burnt and roasted to pieces in the boiling water.However in reality the opponent is unharmed but is frightened and traumatized as a result of the genjutsu.

Note: Can only be used three times a battle.
Note: Must be taught by thunderbolt to use.

 Declined  First, there is no Europe of Asia or England or wtv in narutoverse. Second, this is so horribly written that I can only have the feeling this collides with existing illusions. I'll give you one go to reword it just to make sure.
Thanks for allow me to edit
I removed all references to rl Countries and reworded it clearer.

Genjutsu: Futtō araibu|Illusionary Technique: Boiling Alive
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage points:60
Descriptions:This method of killing was one of the most gruesome and brutal methods of execution used in the ancient times to punish the worst of criminal and offenders, however such practices have been long abolished.The user of the technique performs the tiger-monkey and rat hand seals in quick successions and casts his opponent under a Genjutsu where he sees his body being immersed head first, upside down into a large vessel filled with boiling steaming water,the victims body is gradually and slowly being burnt and roasted until the heat exposes his body muscles causing damage to his arteries and veins.

Note: Can only be used three times a battle.
Note: Must be taught by thunderbolt to use.
-Declined- Reduce it to B-rank.

Genjutsu: Mohō monkī|Illusionary Technique:Mimicking Monkeys
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage points:N/A
Descriptions:This genjutsu was created mainly for the purpose of mockery and to taunt ones opponent with the aim and purpose of leading them into frustration. The user of technique performs the ox hand seal and casts his opponents under a genjutsu which creates an illusion where his sees a group of monkeys, six in number, appear before him and encircle him. The monkeys copies and mimics all his body movements including his voice patterns and facial expressions.

Note: Can only be used three times a battle.
Note: Must be taught by thunderbolt to use.
-Declined- You won't lead someone to frustration with a bunch of monkeys dancing and mimicking his actions >_>

Doton:Dōfū hitsugi|Earth Release: Enclosed Casket
Type: Offensive
Rank: A Rank
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user performs the boar and tiger handseals in quick succesions and slams his two hands on the ground bringing forth a huge casket to rise up from the surface of the earth underneath the opponent and trap him inside.The casket is air tight, and is 5 meters long in height and 10m wide in width making it capable of trapping bigger sized opponents and targets, its main functions and primary uses are to trap the targets and suffocate them due to the lack of oxygen present and airflow present.

Note:Can Only be used Three times in battle
Note:Can only be taught by thunderbolt
-Declined- Similar techniques exist.
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Active member
Mar 26, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

[Meiton: Mune Kurikaeshi Jajjimento] Dark Release: Pillar of Judgement
Type: Offensive
Rank: A-rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
The most powerful of Castiel's dark release techniques, after using Dark release: Inhaling Maw to absorb the physical and spiritual energy of the enemies technique. The user moves his hands around in a semi-circle before positioning his hands on top of one other. One hand has two fingers pointing down while the other has two fingers pointing up. He then releases a torrent of dark energy from his palm (that has the diamonds on it) that will travel around the users body this torrent of dark chakra is formed around the user like a tube, a vertical tube. This tube doesn't touch the users body it's one meter away from the users body so he doesn't take any damage, if the opponent is within range of this technique they will receive massive internal damage and large vertical burn from whichever side the opponent is facing the tube.
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- Must use Dark release: Inhaling Maw before the use of this technique.
- Can only be used twice per-match.
- Have to wait two turns before the use of this technique again.
- Can only be taught by Nathan.

 Declined  Why the internal damage note? Dark Chakra when used offensively is simply external energy like fire. It causes external damage which may be high enough to cause internal damage.

(Meiton: Mune Kurikaeshi Jajjimento) Dark Release: Pillar of Judgement
Type: Offensive
Rank: A-rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
The most powerful of Castiel's dark release techniques, after using Dark release: Inhaling Maw to absorb the physical and spiritual energy of the enemies technique. The user moves his hands around in a semi-circle before positioning his hands on top of one other. One hand has two fingers pointing down while the other has two fingers pointing up. He then releases a torrent of dark energy from his palm (that has the diamonds on it) that will travel around the users body this torrent of dark chakra is formed around the user like a tube, a vertical tube. This tube doesn't touch the users body it's one meter away from the users body so he doesn't take any damage, if the opponent is within range of this technique they will receive massive external damage, that may turn into internal damage if the damage is large enough, as well as a large vertical burn from whichever side the opponent is facing the tube.
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- Must use Dark release: Inhaling Maw before the use of this technique.
- Can only be used twice per-match.
- Have to wait two turns before the use of this technique again.
- Can only be taught by Nathan.
-Declined- Remove the internal damage part, from this kind of a technique, he would only be burned externally.


Yūgana Ken: Tenkei Songu | Graceful Fist: Heaven's Song
Type: Supplementary, Offensive
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: Heaven's song is considered the basic form of the Graceful Fist. The user will gather a large sum of fuuton chakra towards every point of their body and release it forward to create a semi-transparent white aura around the users body (finger tips, limbs, stomach area, etc.). When releasing this style the users take up the properties of fuuton chakra that corresponds with Graceful fist. The user will feel much lighter and fluid when using the style, especially in hand to hand combat where the user will be able to react with ease. This is because Graceful fist allows the user to watch the opponents every move with high level of clarity, this allows the user to counter an opponents attack in hand to hand combat. Due to being much lighter with the wind chakra around their body the user will be able to leap further and move around quicker. The user will also obtain a higher attack potency in battle. The user, whenever they deliver a attack towards the opponent it will cause serious sharp cutting pain because of the attributes the fighting style takes up. The sharp pain is precise and accurate furthermore since the user has high knowledge of the human body, knowing where every muscle and ligament are located they can use this cutting property to cut the muscles because of the sharpness this fighting style grants towards the user. This means the user can rip a muscle of the opponents biceps for example and completely render that arm useless or move with serious pain.
- Can only be used three times per-match.
- Must be a practitioner of Yūgana Ken | Graceful Fist
- Can only be used in conjunction with Graceful Fist techniques.
-Approved- Assuming the wind aura doesn't guard against punches or elemental techniques of any kind.


Yūgana Ken: Mitsukai Yabureme | Graceful Fist: Angel's Tear
Type: Offensive
Rank: A-rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user will gather a large amount of fuuton chakra towards both of their hands create a semi-transparent aura around their hand. The same process is done towards the users knees as well. The user will then dash towards the opponent and attempts to deliver a jumping knee thrust but the moment the opponent begins to react towards the knee thrust, because of the users clarity and reactive ability will then snap that same knee back basically faking the knee thrust and instead delivering a sharp finger slash in a horizontal manner while still in the air, towards the wound of the opponents neck, cutting that area completely which will generate serious pain towards the neck while at the same time the opponent will be unable to move their head around while blood spilling heavily from the area cut . The user will then land on the ground and once again deliver a finger slash but towards the solar plexus cutting it in half, finishing the opponent off.
- Can only be used three times per-match.
- Must wait two turns before using this technique again.
- Must be a practitioner of Yūgana Ken | Graceful Fist
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