Wondong (055)


Active member
Oct 1, 2010
Trait Points

What used to be known as the ‘Forest of Shadow’ is now the host of countless fields, pastures and farms surrounded by enclosures. Wondong was once the proving grounds for many coming-of-age ninja, testing their skills in the dark undergrowth where the sun does not reach. The forest was said to be so dense and the canopy so thick that sunlight could not reach the floor, casting the forest in a perpetual night. A few ninja clans still linger here, though they are so well-integrated into the community as to be almost entirely indistinguishable from them.


Active member
Aug 18, 2012
Trait Points

Great! More farmlands.... Roo says as he enters and travels through Wondong's many fields and pastures. Focused on his goal at hand the Akimichi barely stops for rest nor meals which was unusual of him, but only showed how strong his resolve truly was.

The goal at hand.... ? The next destination!

Negative Knight

Active member
Jun 8, 2012
Trait Points
Coming from here

Dantes was passing through the verdant pastures at leisurely pace when something unprecedented occurred. An earthquake, the likes of which he had never felt, passed through the area and he felt surrounded on all sides by the sound of collapsing buildings. He could hear screams and wails in the distance, of people in agony and trapped under stone. He rushes in the direction of those cries, acting on instinct more than anything else. Perhaps more disquieting than the devastation which now surrounded him was the shudder which passed through his soul at the same instant the earthquake could be felt. Something had entered the Throne. A disturbance rippled through that ethereal dimension accessible only to a select few. His mind races to make sense of what had just occurred as he closes the distance to the wounded. He knew from his study this was not a seismically active region. Could this have been the effect of Ninjutsu? It was hard to imagine any form of Ninjutsu surpassing the staggering immensity of nature, but he could not close his eyes to the possibility. And what of the quake which shook the Throne? It could not be denied that the two events were connected but it begged the question: how could something affect the material world and a separate dimension at the same time? Unless, of course, it affected every dimension. Every mode or plane of existence. And that could only point to one thing. The very fabric of reality was being strained, like the groaning metal of a ship about to give way. Dantes stops short at the realization. He's only recalled to himself by the cries of the wounded, and he quickens his pace to reach them. He lifts as many of them as he can from the rubble, carrying one or two at a time and teleports them to safety. He charges into burning buildings and puts the creature residing in his cloak to work. He transforms it into an enormous hand and uses it to clear the debris and support collapsing structures as people evacuate their demolished homes. When all is said and done, and the fires are extinguished, Dantes perches himself atop a mound of rubble. He removes a cigarette from the pack in his breastpocket and places it between his lips. He flicks open his lighter and uses its flame to light it. After taking a drag, he sighs and mutters something to himself, knowing the words would be lost on the air.

"I picked a hell of day to rejoin the rest of existence, but nobody told me I'd be joining them in oblivion".

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ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

Alucard carried Lilith on his shoulder, her slumber was still deep. These parts of the lands were crowded with monumental forests so thick that darkness enveloped majorities of the land. Adelaides mirror drone was flying fast and dodging branches in ludicrous speeds. He couldn't let it escape his eyes for it would be the last he would see of it.. He activated his Yang enhancements, the minor one, coupled with his notorious bone wings and took flight above the trees and brought himself and his daughter into the light.
(Yoton: Ken'i) - Yang Release: Power of The Sun
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 100 (50 per turn)
Damage points: N/A (+40 to Taijutsu)
Description: The user will reinforce his own body with Yang natured chakra, empowering his physical abilities to the outermost limits. This allows him to become physically very strong (beyond the normal levels of chakra enhanced strength), increases his resistance to physical damage (decreasing 60 damage from any physical contact), his speed (boosted to 3.5x his normal speed), and grants him a passive healing of all minor wounds at 30 damage per turn. However, by infusing himself with the Yang Nature, he becomes unable to use Yin Release techniques or Yin/Yang Release techniques; he cannot use Genjutsu or non elemental Ninjutsu of any kind (including special fields like Fuuinjutsu).
Note: Can only be used twice per battle and lasts 4 turns per use.
( Hone Tsubasa ) - Bone Wings
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user grows large bone wings from their back which can be used to fly or to defend. The user can also flap these wings and release bone spikes once per turn. The wings last for 3 turns.


Jul 11, 2022
Trait Points
Coming from here

Mika and the man landed in an unknown location of Wondong. They both get out the ship with Mika almost tripping. Mika was confused about where they were. He catches himself and looks out to the field. The man stands outside of the shop, him and Mika.

“This is where I will make you into one of us. This is easy but can be hard depending on your intellect. Now we are called the Mandalorian which makes us Mandalories. We are a clan of advanced technology more advanced than what the world has. We are some of the first to advance technology to the point we have now.”

The man continued talking about the clan and what they stand for. Mika stands there listening to everything he had to say. Mika hasn’t been so invested into anything at all until this day. The man walks back into the ship and types on a computer in the ship. He turns around looking at Mika and starts back typing again and presses a button on his ship that a compartment opens up. He walks over to it and a flame ignites. The compartment had different types of tools and a section that held a cluster of pieces of metal. He takes pieces of the metal and different varieties of tools and places them over the flame which has a rack over it. He started hammering the pieces of metal which had a reddish color showing it was extremely hot. A confused look sparks on Mika’s face.

Hours go by as the man has finished hitting all the pieces of metal he needed. He had it cool down and waves over to Mika who walks towards him on the ship. There in front of the man is an armor with a helmet which he states,

“This will be your suit and never take the helmet off unless”

The man starts going down a list of things where he can take the helmet off. Mika changes into the suit. The man added a few things to the suit. He puts a brand on the front right shoulder blade of the suit.

“This will be the symbol of our clan. Where this and the suit with pride and honor. You are part of the Mandalorian clan now. I have sent the information over to the clan so everyone knows you now. Now to break down what this suit can do and how everything functions on it.”

The man starts listing off the functions as a robot spins towards them from outside. He stops talking.

“Oh perfect timing I was just about to start talking about droids and everything else we have to help us on our journeys.”

He starts talking about droids, drones, ships, and weaponry. The droid rolls towards Mika and stops.

“This will be your companion and like I have stated you can always have a different type of droid if you would like to. Now for your ship.”

He walks over to the computer again. A few mins past as they were talking and a ship lands next to his ship.

“This is your ship here. Take good care of her. You can name the ship and even the droid if you would like to. It’s up to your preference. Now I don’t think there is anytbjbg else I have to say. The ship can help you with information you need for the clan and even has a simulator which can help with learning and using everything. It even teaches you about how to repair and create anything you need on your journey. Now I must be off on my own journey.”

He salutes as well as Mika.

“This is the way.”

Mika repeats after him.

“This is the way.”

He steps off the ship and the droid follows after him. The ship closes up as his own ship opens up. Mika walks on it in amazement of the ship. It was all his and he was happy about it. He walked over to the computer and started up a simulation.

230 Chakra Points
75 Health Pool