Will they rehash most of the old characters?


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Jan 9, 2020
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It was expected for the likes of Sasuke and Naruto to bereborn in the new generation - Kawaki and Sarada. After all, their life story has them being rebirthings of older characters themselves.

But now, we have seen Itachi reborn as Eida, Minato reborn as Link (forgot his name, the claws guy), Hidan reborn Daemon, Jiraiya directly brought back as Koji and Konohamaru being used like Kakashi to an extent. It makes me wonder whether Boruto will introduce any genuinely new characters or not. And with the rebirthing, will they rebirth all the popular characters from Naruto?

Supposing they did, would it be a good idea?

For that, let's see how they are rebirthing them.

From what I have gathered, they take the spirit/philosophy/quality and try to rewrite it under new circumstances, almost as if to see if their spirit/quality works under different condition. So far, it has been under opposite circumstances. Eida explores Love as a girl (Itachi was a guy) with the goal of finding true Love instead of simply acting out the best way for those you Love. Her special eyes which give insight (Itachi was said to peer into the soul, by Kabuto) and her power being one that makes opponents unwilling to hurt her (Orochimaru couldn't hurt Itachi since he wanted his body while Fugaku couldn't fight his son) all parallel Itachi. Link has teleporting powers but is an enemy instead of an ally and his intelligence is making entire organisations scared of him (Minato inspired flee on sight orders). The opposite is that Link can only take one target to non prepped places while Minato could take many people to prepped locations. Daemon is word play since Hidan was religious and his power activates automatically while Hidan needed to set up his ritual but they both return damage to opponents. And so on. Surely I don't have to explain Koji.

The question is: Can they keep applying this formula of same effect under opposite setting for other Naruto characters?

Besides that, it may seem cheap to not introduce genuinely new characters. However, it may be fitting as Naruto was always a philosphical/conceptual series and reincarnation is its biggest thing in that field. It can also be said that Kishimoto already told his stort and expressed his art so bringing him back is cheap. However, any single concept isn't fully explored unless tested under different circumstances.

What say you?