Why in my opinion sasaki is nothing but a temporary illusion.

Dirty Deeds

Jun 2, 2014
Trait Points
Recently ive been seeing alot of people saying that they don't want sasaki to disappear , that sasaki is what the pure kaneki wished he could be,"the real kaneki" etc etc but i greatly disagree because that's fake, all of it.

Haise's whole character is defined by living a fake life, with fake goals, and a fake family, the only reason he continues living like that is because he is in denial over who he really is. Haise is not the "true" Kaneki, the true Kaneki is the one who, at the end of chapter 140, understood who he was and what he wanted the most, and he understood that by facing all the trial and all the things that stood in his way. If we take that away from Kaneki, that doesn't make "Haise" the true Kaneki at all, that just reduces him. Hell, the CCG are using him to fight and kill Ghoul. That make no sense with the answer that he arrived at the end of the manga. His life of ghoul hunting when the irony is that he is much like them. The current life he is leading is filled with guilt and uncertainty. I mean, with Shironeki, we could understand that it was like one of the role that Kaneki was playing but with Haise ? His "role" as a ghoul investigator was imposed on him, hell even Shironeki is more of the true "Kaneki" then Haise. Haise is even less real than one of the roles Kaneki acted out before, it was forced on him, and is contradictory with his goals, philosophies, and desires.
It's all a deconstruction of what Kaneki always wanted : He has a family, a mother, a father, and a meaning in his life.
But that's all fake. His ideal self is NOT his true self.
And THAT is why it need to be destroyed. Because his "ideal" life that he wanted the most is not the one he wished for deep inside. He is not happy with himself. His life with the Qs is sort of a mask over the reality of the CCG controlling and taking advantage of him -- and preventing him from even having ownership over his full life of experience.
And that is why now, if we go by the fool's journey, we are at the Tower card.
The Tower is the ego fortress each of us has built around his beautiful inner core. Gray, cold and rock-hard, this fortress seems to protect but is really a prison.

Alas, they're about to get a very rude awakening. Shaken up, torn down, blown asunder. And all a reader can really do to soften the blow is to be assured that it is for the best. Nothing built on a lie, on falsehoods, can remain standing for long. Better for it to come down so that it can be rebuilt on truth-or not rebuilt at all, if that's what seems best. This rude awakening is not going to be pleasant or painless or easy, but it will be for the best in the end.

And, well, if you want my opinion, I think Kaneki is going to come back in the next chapter because : It's the last chapter of volume 3 and because of that Ishida is going to end it on a cliffhanger and the "tower" has already been destroyed. ( )


Active member
Oct 17, 2012
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While I agree that living a lie is pitiful, I disagree with Haise being a complete fake persona of Kaneki. His current life might be based on lies but his relationship with his squad is real. He really loves them as his kids and he's a genuinely kind person who still loves books and even has some of his old habits like saying lies with a fake smile and a hand under his chin. What I'm trying to say is that if they had really changed him completely, then they could have simply turned him into a robot, incapable of feeling emotions or anything like that. To me, Haise is a strong pure Kaneki, he avoids killing or hurting others much like Kaneki originaly did before being tortured. I consider him more of what kaneki would have been, had he been more confident in himself and not tortured by Yamori.

Even when he thinks to himself, he does say that he wouldn't want to forget his squad, this must mean something. Now, I don't say that Haise is Kaneki 100% but saying that he's a complete different person is also a mistake. He did become a CCG member without his consent but other than that, his personality hasn't changed much. He is as cheerful and shy as he used to be before he accepted his ghoul side.

P.S Nice catch the symbolic destruction of the tower.
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Dirty Deeds

Jun 2, 2014
Trait Points
While I agree that living a lie is pitiful, I disagree with Haise being a complete fake persona of Kaneki. His current life might be based on lies but his relationship with his squad is real. He really loves them as his kids and he's a genuinely kind person who still loves books and even has some of his old habits like saying lies with a fake smile and a hand under his chin. What I'm trying to say is that if they had really changed him completely, then they could have simply turned him into a robot, incapable of feeling emotions or anything like that. To me, Haise is a strong pure Kaneki, he avoids killing or hurting others much like Kaneki originaly did before being tortured. I consider him more of what kaneki would be had he been more confident in himself and not tortured by Yamori.

Even when he thinks to himself, he does say that he wouldn't want to forget his squad, this must mean something. Now, I don't say that Haise is Kaneki 100% but saying that he's a complete different person is also a mistake. He did become a CCG member without his consent but other than that, his personality hasn't changed much. He is as cheerful and shy as he used to be before he accepted his ghoul side.

I never said it was a complete different person,i said that its completely fake its just him being in denial of who he really is just because he is afraid of his past, and cant face it, which is why its all gonna come tumbling down hard.

Nothing built on lies can last forever, his personality is basically pre ghoul kaneki at the beginning of Tokyo ghoul without any development whatsoever. kaneki was sometimes cheerful, but he always knew when to put his foot down so to speak haise on the other hand cries over a single comment from urie about being a ghoul. from what we have seen of haise, he isn't a strong person IMO ,and that's not kaneki that we saw at chapter 140 that accepted himself, furthermore what he is doing now isn't what ch 140 kaneki wanted ,also part of the reason why i think haise is so adamant on not facing his past is because I think Haise deep down knows he doesn't want to be Kaneki. Most amnesiacs would want to have their memories return to them. In fact, trying to return one's memories is often a common theme in stories. But, Haise seems extremely reluctant to become Kaneki, even though he has had plenty of opportunities to do so. Currently he is getting the shit kicked out of him because he is unwilling to acknowledge his past self. Everything would be fine if he became Kaneki. I think he is trying to hold on to the fake little life he has built for himself. He can pretend to be almost human. He has people who depend on him. He has people who seem to care about him (or at least pretend to). Haise can pretend to be happy and play house with his squad. This is the closest Kaneki/Haise has been to happy in quite some time. The moment he becomes Kaneki, everything will be lost. Kaneki is not a happy person. Being him comes with tones of emotional baggage. There are few things that happened at the end of TG that he has yet to face as well. He may have eaten his best friend. Yoshimaru, his mentor/father-figure, is dead. Komu and Irimi died despite his efforts to save them. He wasn't able to do anything. Their sacrifice were useless in a lot of ways. Everyone basically told him not to go. I wonder if he created Haise to avoid facing the events that happened at the end of TG.

At the end of the day whether kaneki resembles kaneki or not his whole character revolves around a fake life, a fake family (arima and akira not necessarily Qs squad just his whole life in ccg in general), and the only reason he keeps living like this is because he lost the memories of who he really is and what he really wants. As touka said in chapter 143 kaneki is just "lost".haise is just simply pre ghoul kaneki without any development whatsoever. which is why he will more or less disappear when kaneki's memories return.

EDIT: sorry, wall of text and bad grammar XD
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Active member
Oct 17, 2012
Trait Points
I never said it was a complete different person,i said that its completely fake its just him being in denial of who he really is just because he is afraid of his past, and cant face it, which is why its all gonna come tumbling down hard.

Nothing built on lies can last forever, his personality is basically pre ghoul kaneki at the beginning of Tokyo ghoul without any development whatsoever. kaneki was sometimes cheerful, but he always knew when to put his foot down so to speak haise on the other hand cries over a single comment from urie about being a ghoul. from what we have seen of haise, he isn't a strong person IMO ,and that's not kaneki that we saw at chapter 140 that accepted himself and his life his life with ccg, furthermore what he is doing now isn't what ch 140 kaneki wanted also part of the reason why i think haise is so adamant on not facing his past is because I think Haise deep down knows he doesn't want to be Kaneki. Most amnesiacs would want to have their memories return to them. In fact, trying to return one's memories is often a common theme in stories. But, Haise seems extremely reluctant to become Kaneki, even though he has had plenty of opportunities to do so. Currently he is getting the shit kicked out of him because he is unwilling to acknowledge his past self. Everything would be fine if he became Kaneki. I think he is trying to hold on to the fake little life he has built for himself. He can pretend to be almost human. He has people who depend on him. He has people who seem to care about him (or at least pretend to). Haise can pretend to be happy and play house with his squad. This is the closest Kaneki/Haise has been to happy in quite some time. The moment he becomes Kaneki, everything will be lost. Kaneki is not a happy person. Being him comes with tones of emotional baggage. There are few things that happened at the end of TG that he has yet to face as well. He may have eaten his best friend. Yoshimaru, his mentor/father-figure, is dead. Komu and Irimi died despite his efforts to save them. He wasn't able to do anything. Their sacrifice were useless in a lot of ways. Everyone basically told him not to go. I wonder if he created Haise to avoid facing the events that happened at the end of TG.

At the end of the day whether kaneki resembles kaneki or not his whole character revolves around a fake life, a fake family (arima and akira not necessarily Qs squad just his whole life in ccg in general), and the only reason he keeps living like this is because he lost the memories of who he really is and what he really wants. As touka said in chapter 143 kaneki is just "lost".haise is just simply pre ghoul kaneki without any development whatsoever. which is why he will more or less disappear when kaneki's memories return.

EDIT: sorry, wall of text and bad grammar XD
Yeah I agree with that. I have to say though, for me Kaneki is one of the most tragic characters ever, he nearly never had any chance to choose his life. Living a life that was paved by others can really turn you crazy, I wonder how Kaneki will cope with it now that he's returning.
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