Why do you think madara can escape edo tensei???


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Jul 22, 2011
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Ok, so I know that threads like this exist, but I see many people make the assumption that Madara will escape Edo Tensei, when most evidence points towards him not being able to like a normal edo.

First of all, the most ridiculous thing I read is that people think that since Muu summoned Madara, he won't disappear with the endd of Edo Tensei. This is not true. Sure, Muu summoned Madara, but he did not revive Madara. Two totally different things. Kabuto was the one who used the jutsu to revive Madara, as seen in this page.

So that shows that when Edo Tensei ends, so Madara should as well.

Another thing I hear is that Madara will use some Rinnegan technique to escape Edo tensei. However, no Rinnegan technique has shown anything to allow this to happen. Something that people use when arguing this point is this page:

It shows that Madara thought originally that Nagato, using his Rinnegan, was the one who revived him. However, this actually is a bad argument. He has already been revived, and he can't be "re-revived" while he's already revived. I hope that made sense...

Another thing I hear is that Madara could use Izanagi to escape Edo tensei. What people must understand is that sure, maybe Izanagi or Izanami will make him no longer be under Kabuto's control. But when the jutsu ends, he should still disappear, because he WAS originally revived by Kabuto no matter what. By this logic, Itachi will also disappear when Edo tensei ends, and that should make sense as well. He only escaped Kabuto's control, and not the part of the jutsu where he was revived by Kabuto.

Lastly, if one takes all this into account, people wonder "why would Kishi end edo tensei then if the 5 kage vs. Madara battle will end?". Clearly this would make the Naruto fanbase very angry. However, the last manga chapter makes it seem as though Kabuto will almost most definitely escape Izanami before Itachi gets him to end Edo Tensei. My evidence is this:

It seems as though Kabuto sees himself, his "true" self, in the water. People may contradict me saying that he's going right back to Itachi by running, but I don't see Itachi there, we don't know where he is running to. Basically, it seems as though Kabuto will soon find his true self, and escape Izanami, and thus Edo Tensei will survive.

Overall, I just wanted it to be known that Edo Tensei ending DOES consist of the loss of Madara. However, signs are pointing towards Kabuto escaping Izanami, and since Kishi hopefully isn't planning on recieving a ton of hate for ending the Madara battle, Edo Tensei will most likely not end, which means we can all still enjoy the 5 kage battle.


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Jun 14, 2009
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The most irritating thing is when people think that since Itachi escaped, Madara can too.

People act as though Itachi just said, "Oh, I'm bored of being under Kabuto's control. I'm gonna just be a complete boss and break out of it."

No, Itachi broke free due to a lucky string of events that he didn't count on.

Hipster Madara

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Mar 13, 2010
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i think izanagi might be able to. he doesnt need to make is so he is freed of kabuto's control. he can just make it so he is alive.

im not too sure about this but its plausible. your argument on this point was rather weak, especially compared to your other ones


Active member
Jul 22, 2011
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i think izanagi might be able to. he doesnt need to make is so he is freed of kabuto's control. he can just make it so he is alive.

im not too sure about this but its plausible. your argument on this point was rather weak, especially compared to your other ones
Well, how I see it is that Izanagi would not allow him to revive himself because he is already revived. Izanagi only works to change something that has already happened, and make it so that it didn't happen, this has been explained. Madara already died, and he can't change that anymore because it happened too long ago. So it can't stop him from dying, and there is no other way for him to have been revived, so it HAS to be edo tensei, and so he HAS to disappear if it ends. Izanagi doesn't allow the user to do anything he/she wants, it can only unmake what has been done in the immediate past.

Muu summoned madara so he most likely wont vanish when kabuto ends edo tensei only those he summoned himself most likely wil perish
Did you even READ my thread??? Reread it, and then don't post stupid responses.