Weirwood Forest (032)


Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points
Madara meditates for one final turn before raising, knowing she was almost there.

2375 Chakra Left
+300 Chakra
2675 Chakra

Note: Forgot to account for the Yang chakra bonus.

This post marks the beginning of a mission using the following elements:
-Meet with an associate and catch up on events

Strix had been travelling for a while, and eventually came to the landmark where the message had mentioned. On the horizon she could see plumes of smoke, different from the usual campfire and town settings that dotted the landscape. Making her way over, it wasn't long until she could smell the scent of charcoal, burning wood and earth with smoke mixed in. Moving closer towards the point of interest, she could see curious blue flames and embers dotted about the ground. Looking ahead, there was the giant statue that had been summoned, something she had only read about in books before. The Gedo Statue, summoned by the Rinnegan, and as she cast her eyes back down, sure enough she saw Madara meditating with a circle of ground surrounding him. Walking over, Demise in hand, she surveyed the landscape to take in what might have transpired here. A battle, Madara the victor, fighting against something that could produce blue flames, and the Gedo Statue looking like it had just finished some ritual.

Speaking up, she turned her attention back to Madara.

I got your message and judging by what's around, it looks like you had some kind of party here. It looks like we might need to have a discuss what's been going on. I assume you've heard the news that been going round the markets?

Strix sat down and putting away her gear while pulling out her deck of cards and shuffling them.

Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
Beginning of Mission Element: Officially Form the Akatsuki and create plans ( S Rank ).

Just as he expected, Madara sensed Strix arriving, turning to greet her. Nodding towards her as she spoke, Madara frowned slightly.

"News? No, I've been busy since we last spoke. What's been happening?"


Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points
Beginning of Mission Element: Officially Form the Akatsuki and create plans ( S Rank ).

Just as he expected, Madara sensed Strix arriving, turning to greet her. Nodding towards her as she spoke, Madara frowned slightly.

"News? No, I've been busy since we last spoke. What's been happening?"
With a raised eyebrow, Strix silently wondered what Madara had been up to since their last encounter. Perhaps he was off looking for other cores, people that had found cores or maybe finding ways to power his weapon such as she did.

Drawing a card and placing it down, The Tower, a card with a picture of a castle tower being struck by lightning with arrows raining down upon it. Challenges and trials lay ahead.

Champions of Humanity they call themselves, a worldwide call to action from the Tsumikage. They ask for people to come, step up and defend the world. These champions go to march on the Underworld.

Taking the card and flipping it upside down, The Tower was now reversed. Drawing another card, the next was The High Priestess. A holy symbol of a woman donned in robes representing divine femininity.

The message goes that the Great Mother Cult were the ones responsible for the destruction of Last Bastion on Tobusekai. From this they also managed to open the Gate to the Underworld. It doesnt state how the events are related but perhaps they found something they needed.

Finally drawing the last card, The Wheel Of Fortune, Reversed. Sometimes youre underneath the Wheel.

This may be a dangerous time for the so called Champions. Its one thing to defend on ones own turf, but to enter the Domain of another, they are entirely at a disadvantage. The entrance is located nearby the Tsumi Village lands, just on the outskirts of their border.

Turning the card the right way up, Strix paused looking towards Madara. Sometimes youre on top.

They may end up perishing all down there, and humanity may lose its best fighters. On the other hand, they may defeat the Underworld and come out stronger and more united for it.

Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
With a raised eyebrow, Strix silently wondered what Madara had been up to since their last encounter. Perhaps he was off looking for other cores, people that had found cores or maybe finding ways to power his weapon such as she did.

Drawing a card and placing it down, The Tower, a card with a picture of a castle tower being struck by lightning with arrows raining down upon it. Challenges and trials lay ahead.

Champions of Humanity they call themselves, a worldwide call to action from the Tsumikage. They ask for people to come, step up and defend the world. These champions go to march on the Underworld.

Taking the card and flipping it upside down, The Tower was now reversed. Drawing another card, the next was The High Priestess. A holy symbol of a woman donned in robes representing divine femininity.

The message goes that the Great Mother Cult were the ones responsible for the destruction of Last Bastion on Tobusekai. From this they also managed to open the Gate to the Underworld. It doesnt state how the events are related but perhaps they found something they needed.

Finally drawing the last card, The Wheel Of Fortune, Reversed. Sometimes youre underneath the Wheel.

This may be a dangerous time for the so called Champions. Its one thing to defend on ones own turf, but to enter the Domain of another, they are entirely at a disadvantage. The entrance is located nearby the Tsumi Village lands, just on the outskirts of their border.

Turning the card the right way up, Strix paused looking towards Madara. Sometimes youre on top.

They may end up perishing all down there, and humanity may lose its best fighters. On the other hand, they may defeat the Underworld and come out stronger and more united for it.
Madara watched Strix draw a deck of cards as she began explaining, flipping individual cards. A Tower, a Wheel - Madara didnt know much about what the cards represented but he assumed they were symbolic or chakra attuned in some way. Though the cards were interesting, it was the information she gave him that caught his attention; a group lead by the Tsumikage into the Underworld. It connected with what he had learned regarding Phetra and the Underworld from both Imeroth and Strix herself. Pausing, Madara thought more about his conversation with Imeroth and his urgency to finish collecting the Tailed Beast. Perhaps he knew of the invasion into the Underworld and was trying to speed Madara up?

The meeting was called by the Tsumikage... the last Tsumikage Madara learned of was Mirabelle, who just managed to escape with no other than Isabella Uchiha... the world was a small place, so much connected to one another. Had Mirabelle created the "Champions" with Isabella, did she join their crusade against Phetra? Somehow, they found themselves on opposing sides yet again. At least for now, Madara thought. It was better to have your enemies close where you can keep up with them.

"Hmm, seems people have been busy. I met 2 other Voidlords since our last talk, one having just been here before you arrived" Madara says, looking to the bleeding deer still grazing undisturbed. " These are powerful beings - I saw one kill someone and revive them immediately afterwards as an afterthought. They've.... taken a liken to me, it seems. I don't know why entirely, but they are not our enemies. They too wish to bring peace to the world the Gods are awakening to destroy. It's much like we discussed last time - this world is still in danger, the Demigod you met and the raid on the Underworld being examples. I have a plan on how to stop this, though we will need to do much before that can happen.

I've met one other with a Core, though I sense his Core alongside another far away - in fact, near where you described the raid happening. Perhaps the two are there for some reason. I plan to speak to them soon, and ask their allegiance as well. Though our weapons are powerful, we will need more help if we are to succeed."

Turning towards Akujin, Madara recalls a meeting similar to this when he and Isabella were working together. They joined a criminal organization aimed at destroying villages and running the ninja world in our own image. Though the organization died out, it's power and goal was one to be feared. He understood the importance and symbolism of the group even then and more so now. Turning back to Strix, he spoke again.

"A group's bond is only as strong as it's identity. From henceforth, our alliance and group shall be known as.. the Akatsuki. Our plans are ours alone, keep them secret. Until we know who to trust and how to move forward, we will keep a low profile, though that's hard to do with what must be done.

"Strix, are you prepared to risk your life for the betterment of this world? I have powerful enemies, simply allying with me may paint a target on you as well. If you are, then we will grow Akatsuki to be the true champions of humanity. They can save today, we will save the future."
Madara spoke, attempting to appeal to her. Though the name belonged to his old group of allies, it couldn't have been more fitting now. A new day was beginning and the light would soon be seen by all.


Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points
Madara watched Strix draw a deck of cards as she began explaining, flipping individual cards. A Tower, a Wheel - Madara didnt know much about what the cards represented but he assumed they were symbolic or chakra attuned in some way. Though the cards were interesting, it was the information she gave him that caught his attention; a group lead by the Tsumikage into the Underworld. It connected with what he had learned regarding Phetra and the Underworld from both Imeroth and Strix herself. Pausing, Madara thought more about his conversation with Imeroth and his urgency to finish collecting the Tailed Beast. Perhaps he knew of the invasion into the Underworld and was trying to speed Madara up?

The meeting was called by the Tsumikage... the last Tsumikage Madara learned of was Mirabelle, who just managed to escape with no other than Isabella Uchiha... the world was a small place, so much connected to one another. Had Mirabelle created the "Champions" with Isabella, did she join their crusade against Phetra? Somehow, they found themselves on opposing sides yet again. At least for now, Madara thought. It was better to have your enemies close where you can keep up with them.

"Hmm, seems people have been busy. I met 2 other Voidlords since our last talk, one having just been here before you arrived" Madara says, looking to the bleeding deer still grazing undisturbed. " These are powerful beings - I saw one kill someone and revive them immediately afterwards as an afterthought. They've.... taken a liken to me, it seems. I don't know why entirely, but they are not our enemies. They too wish to bring peace to the world the Gods are awakening to destroy. It's much like we discussed last time - this world is still in danger, the Demigod you met and the raid on the Underworld being examples. I have a plan on how to stop this, though we will need to do much before that can happen.

I've met one other with a Core, though I sense his Core alongside another far away - in fact, near where you described the raid happening. Perhaps the two are there for some reason. I plan to speak to them soon, and ask their allegiance as well. Though our weapons are powerful, we will need more help if we are to succeed."

Turning towards Akujin, Madara recalls a meeting similar to this when he and Isabella were working together. They joined a criminal organization aimed at destroying villages and running the ninja world in our own image. Though the organization died out, it's power and goal was one to be feared. He understood the importance and symbolism of the group even then and more so now. Turning back to Strix, he spoke again.

"A group's bond is only as strong as it's identity. From henceforth, our alliance and group shall be known as.. the Akatsuki. Our plans are ours alone, keep them secret. Until we know who to trust and how to move forward, we will keep a low profile, though that's hard to do with what must be done.

"Strix, are you prepared to risk your life for the betterment of this world? I have powerful enemies, simply allying with me may paint a target on you as well. If you are, then we will grow Akatsuki to be the true champions of humanity. They can save today, we will save the future."
Madara spoke, attempting to appeal to her. Though the name belonged to his old group of allies, it couldn't have been more fitting now. A new day was beginning and the light would soon be seen by all.

As Madara spoke, Strix had images racing through her head of the events that had been unfolding, from the undead racing across the lands of Tobusekai, the announcement of the Underworld Raid, meeting Kotetsu. It had been a series of events that were starting to look more connected as Madara spoke. If Madara had met 2 other voidlords, Strix wondered just how many there were. She had met Phetra and Demetrias, thinking on how Phetra seemed to rule the spirits of the underworld, Demetrias she had no idea what he could do. Though likely to be as powerful as Phetra. If they had taken a liking to Madara, and perhaps Phetra took some sort of liking to Strix, at least she didnt kill Strix on site, then were they allies in a way? More questions in her head.

As Madara spoke of meeting the other two core members, Strix closed her eyes and focused on her deck, pulling two more cards. The Devil and the Hanged Man, very interesting in deed, considering what they represented. Strix would be very curious and excited to meet these other members. As Madara continued, he spoke of forming a group, calling itself the Akatsuki, a secret organization, which considering all that was happening with the Voidlords working together, and now the 'Champions of Humanity' it was likely the best option. Speaking of painting a target on her back, it had already been done, an Ex-Shimogakure member, an outlaw and wanted by the Tsumigakure, additional connections would help her.

Placing a hand to her chest, Strix would summon forth her scythe, Demise, and look at the swirling core that was at the end of the Weapon. Bonded by circumstance and working together, Strix could feel a bond between her weapon and Madara's.
I accept your offer, and pledge myself to the Akatsuki. I will work for our goals, keep our secrets safe and follow your directions.

Strix was finding fulfilment in reading her destiny, and finding Madara had been a boon to finding out just what Fate had in store for her.

While the Champions of Humanity fight the Underworld and the Voidlords scheme, what would you have me do?

Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
As Madara spoke, Strix had images racing through her head of the events that had been unfolding, from the undead racing across the lands of Tobusekai, the announcement of the Underworld Raid, meeting Kotetsu. It had been a series of events that were starting to look more connected as Madara spoke. If Madara had met 2 other voidlords, Strix wondered just how many there were. She had met Phetra and Demetrias, thinking on how Phetra seemed to rule the spirits of the underworld, Demetrias she had no idea what he could do. Though likely to be as powerful as Phetra. If they had taken a liking to Madara, and perhaps Phetra took some sort of liking to Strix, at least she didnt kill Strix on site, then were they allies in a way? More questions in her head.

As Madara spoke of meeting the other two core members, Strix closed her eyes and focused on her deck, pulling two more cards. The Devil and the Hanged Man, very interesting in deed, considering what they represented. Strix would be very curious and excited to meet these other members. As Madara continued, he spoke of forming a group, calling itself the Akatsuki, a secret organization, which considering all that was happening with the Voidlords working together, and now the 'Champions of Humanity' it was likely the best option. Speaking of painting a target on her back, it had already been done, an Ex-Shimogakure member, an outlaw and wanted by the Tsumigakure, additional connections would help her.

Placing a hand to her chest, Strix would summon forth her scythe, Demise, and look at the swirling core that was at the end of the Weapon. Bonded by circumstance and working together, Strix could feel a bond between her weapon and Madara's.
I accept your offer, and pledge myself to the Akatsuki. I will work for our goals, keep our secrets safe and follow your directions.

Strix was finding fulfilment in reading her destiny, and finding Madara had been a boon to finding out just what Fate had in store for her.

While the Champions of Humanity fight the Underworld and the Voidlords scheme, what would you have me do?
Strix pledged her loyalty to the group and its cause, asking for her first assignment. Madara thought for a moment, wondering where to start. There were a lot of Tailed Beast to find and round up, splitting the task would certainly speed things up. But there were also other members to locate. Add in other plans he had to make and things to investigate and he and Akujin didnt have time to spend on it when he could use allies.

"There are 10 cores in total, 8 others besides ours. I can sense them spread out across the world but their locations are known. Some are moving, others seem hidden... the more we have allied with us, the easier our mission will become. At some point, I have to meet each and seek their help.

"The Three-Tails is somewhere roaming, though it potentially may be sealed like the Two-Tails just was. Further time is needed to figure out which it is, though traveling may lead to information regarding it. Chances are it's hiding somewhere near the Water Archipelagos but who knows?

"Then there's the matter of the raid... while I don't intend to go out of my way to discover what happens with them, it is a discovery that must be made soon. Too many things begin to overlap and the less complications, the better for us,"
Madara said, thinking of Susabi and inevitable meeting that was sure to come. Pushing the thought from his mind, he continued.

"In addition to this, I have to keep tabs on someone...something tell's me she will find me first though. Either way, as you see we have a lot to do moving forward. As your first mission, I'll let you decide: Help seek out other Core holders, or search for the 3 Tails?"


Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points
Strix pledged her loyalty to the group and its cause, asking for her first assignment. Madara thought for a moment, wondering where to start. There were a lot of Tailed Beast to find and round up, splitting the task would certainly speed things up. But there were also other members to locate. Add in other plans he had to make and things to investigate and he and Akujin didnt have time to spend on it when he could use allies.

"There are 10 cores in total, 8 others besides ours. I can sense them spread out across the world but their locations are known. Some are moving, others seem hidden... the more we have allied with us, the easier our mission will become. At some point, I have to meet each and seek their help.

"The Three-Tails is somewhere roaming, though it potentially may be sealed like the Two-Tails just was. Further time is needed to figure out which it is, though traveling may lead to information regarding it. Chances are it's hiding somewhere near the Water Archipelagos but who knows?

"Then there's the matter of the raid... while I don't intend to go out of my way to discover what happens with them, it is a discovery that must be made soon. Too many things begin to overlap and the less complications, the better for us,"
Madara said, thinking of Susabi and inevitable meeting that was sure to come. Pushing the thought from his mind, he continued.

"In addition to this, I have to keep tabs on someone...something tell's me she will find me first though. Either way, as you see we have a lot to do moving forward. As your first mission, I'll let you decide: Help seek out other Core holders, or search for the 3 Tails?"
There was a lot of information to consider and Strix to take in, Madara had a lot on his plate. As a member of the Akatsuki and being one to do his bidding, it seemed like they would still have a ways to go before the organization was fully formed. He spoke of 8 other cores, she knew of only the one she met on the Inuzuka male, though if Madara could sense them, it would make more sense for him to seek them out, especially if they were travelling. The Three Tails roaming around the Water Archipelagos was another objective and needed to be sealed, although what for Strix didnt know. She knew that the bijuu were massive fonts of power, perhaps Madara wanted to seal them all within himself? It didnt matter to her, she was here to help realize his dreams or goals. He ended it with a somewhat curious statement on a particular person he was keeping an eye on. Was this person someone powerful, or someone of importance, Strix wondered why that one particular person stood out. He ended it with a preposition asking Strix as to what mission she would like to accept giving her the two options.

Taking the cards on the floor back and shuffling them once again, she drew out three cards.
Strength: all great beasts can be tamed.
Reversed Tower: Transformation and a resistance to change.
and finally, Justice: Cause and effect, a firm and final decision.

Speaking to Madara her decision was made.
Fate deems me to search and take the Three Tails down, leaving the other core holders wandering for now. I will travel east and search for the beast and subdue it. While in the Archipelagos, Ill keep ears open for any news of core holders or any updates about the Champions of Humanity should they return.
What will you be doing?

Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
There was a lot of information to consider and Strix to take in, Madara had a lot on his plate. As a member of the Akatsuki and being one to do his bidding, it seemed like they would still have a ways to go before the organization was fully formed. He spoke of 8 other cores, she knew of only the one she met on the Inuzuka male, though if Madara could sense them, it would make more sense for him to seek them out, especially if they were travelling. The Three Tails roaming around the Water Archipelagos was another objective and needed to be sealed, although what for Strix didnt know. She knew that the bijuu were massive fonts of power, perhaps Madara wanted to seal them all within himself? It didnt matter to her, she was here to help realize his dreams or goals. He ended it with a somewhat curious statement on a particular person he was keeping an eye on. Was this person someone powerful, or someone of importance, Strix wondered why that one particular person stood out. He ended it with a preposition asking Strix as to what mission she would like to accept giving her the two options.

Taking the cards on the floor back and shuffling them once again, she drew out three cards.
Strength: all great beasts can be tamed.
Reversed Tower: Transformation and a resistance to change.
and finally, Justice: Cause and effect, a firm and final decision.

Speaking to Madara her decision was made.
Fate deems me to search and take the Three Tails down, leaving the other core holders wandering for now. I will travel east and search for the beast and subdue it. While in the Archipelagos, Ill keep ears open for any news of core holders or any updates about the Champions of Humanity should they return.
What will you be doing?
It didnt take long for Strix to draw her cards before deciding what she would do. Madara noticed she put a lot of faith into them, using them almost like a guide. Madara didn't understand it but there was much he still didn't know about this world. As she flipped cards over, they seemed to confirm something for her because shortly after the third one, she arose and decided she would seek out the 3 Tails.

"Very well. As I mentioned earlier, the Three-Tails may be sealed inside someone so discovery may not be as easy as the others have. Be on the lookout for it or people who may have heard things. Wherever there is a Bijuu, there lies either confusion or trouble - whether its small mischievous or deadly, trouble is around it. As for myself, I think I will look more into these Cores and recruit more. We still have the communication scrolls so we can contact one another quickly. If need be, send a message through it and I'll find you. While you can, keep a low profile. We need to move as stealthily as possible. I already fear my encounter with Isabella outside of the Tourist district will spread, especially with the trouble she caused.

Either way, we have a lot to prepare for. The Tailed Beast will not be an easy task - my Weapon and eyes prevent it from using it's full powers against me. Once you have managed to knock it out, find a way to contain it. It will reawaken quickly and there's no telling how fast it gathers chakra. I'll move towards you swiftly afterwards."


Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points
It didnt take long for Strix to draw her cards before deciding what she would do. Madara noticed she put a lot of faith into them, using them almost like a guide. Madara didn't understand it but there was much he still didn't know about this world. As she flipped cards over, they seemed to confirm something for her because shortly after the third one, she arose and decided she would seek out the 3 Tails.

"Very well. As I mentioned earlier, the Three-Tails may be sealed inside someone so discovery may not be as easy as the others have. Be on the lookout for it or people who may have heard things. Wherever there is a Bijuu, there lies either confusion or trouble - whether its small mischievous or deadly, trouble is around it. As for myself, I think I will look more into these Cores and recruit more. We still have the communication scrolls so we can contact one another quickly. If need be, send a message through it and I'll find you. While you can, keep a low profile. We need to move as stealthily as possible. I already fear my encounter with Isabella outside of the Tourist district will spread, especially with the trouble she caused.

Either way, we have a lot to prepare for. The Tailed Beast will not be an easy task - my Weapon and eyes prevent it from using it's full powers against me. Once you have managed to knock it out, find a way to contain it. It will reawaken quickly and there's no telling how fast it gathers chakra. I'll move towards you swiftly afterwards."
Collecting her cards and shuffling her back, she slung it over her shoulder and drew her cloak. Adjusting her hat he listened to Madara's instructions as he gave her advice, and informing her of what he would be doing. Moving stealthily, finding information on the Bijuu, which would be sealed within a host. This was going to be a difficult challenge, but there was no going back now, with faith in her Arcana and herself, Strix would follow through, and make sure the job was done.

Understood, Ill make my way towards the area and investigate what I can, while avoiding any unnecessary attention. Ill prepare myself and make sure that this Bijuu is sealed after defeating it. Ill be curious to hear if you have any success finding other Core wielders, it seems like they posses unique abilities and triggers. With that, Ill be off.

Shuffling off, Strix sealed Demise within her chest once again and took a map from her bag marking out where she would stop first. Looking at where would be her first port of call she couldn't help but smile at the coming events.


Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
Strix received her mission and information and promptly set out for work. Madara himself paused for a moment, speaking telepathically with Akujin. They had a lot going on, both domestically and foreign. Allies as well as enemies continued to grow and tensions were rising. He now had to worry about Isabella along with Susabi and now, these so called Champions. Madara shook his head and sighed, beckoning Akujin as the two departed. They had a long way to go.



ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

Undisturbed, chaos avoidant - Alucard and his Edo Tensei continued inlands for tracing the mythological beast they had awoken in the Shard of Evil, half the world away.

What's flocking these powerful entities to this part of the world..

Alucard pinned more extraordinary chakra signatures in the distance with his Tenseigan. None of which he had seen before and as previous, he would decide not to interfere and instead continued on his own. Instead he and his undead companion would travel further inlands. Before leaving, Alucard would meditate shortly and recharge his chakra once again.

(In'yōton, Onmyōton: Chakra no Sōzō) Yin-Yang Release: Chakra Creation
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A (+300 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: A unique ability available only to Yin-Yang masters, Chakra Creation pertains to the ability to focus on ones physical and spiritual energies and draw more from one's essence. This allows the user of the technique to replenish and regenerate a limited amount of chakra. This is done by clapping one's hands and focusing, meditating for a moment.
Note: Must meditate for 1 full turn before ones chakra starts to regenerate



Active member
May 15, 2014
Trait Points
Coming from here X

Vincent would be travelling through an extra large forest and unknown to him this ancestral home of the nara clan Vincent would decide the area had too much beauty to it and needed to be removed gathering his katon again like he did at the university he would knead his charka and performing the required handseals would expel a massive amount of flames to engulf the forest and set all the mighty trees alight. Vincent would leave the scene and find newer pastures to burn.

(Katon: Gōka Mekkyaku) - Fire release: Great Fire Majestic Annihilation
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: A technique where the user makes the horse hand seal and then kneads chakra inside his body which is then converted into fire and expelled from the mouth as a massive wall of intense flames, which covers an expansive range in both vertical and horizontal dimensions, making it extremely difficult to avoid. However, due to its massive width and height, the technique is not one of the fastest seen so far.
