Weirwood Forest (032)

Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
So you can read minds as well? Interesting to say the least. Susabi walked over to the other side of the body while passively activating his Byakugan to scan the body's chakra system for any abnormalities.

(Dōjutsu: Byakugan) Eye Technique: The All Seeing White Eye
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 15 (+5 per turn to keep active)
Damage: N/A
Description: The kekkei genkai intrinsic to both the Hyūga and Ōtsutsuki clans—descendants of Kaguya Ōtsutsuki. Those who possess this dōjutsu have it manifested as eyes with featureless white irides and no visible pupils. And when activated, the pupils become more distinct and the veins near their temples bulge. To activate the dōjutsu, Hyuga but not Ōtsutsuki clan members are initially obliged to use a rather long and specific sequence of handseals: Horse → Tiger → Boar → Hare → Rat → Dog → Horse → Dog → Hare → Rat → Boar → Snake. But once activated, the dōjutsu user is endowed with a range of skills.

To start, an activated Byakugan gives the user a near 360º diameter field of vision bar one blind spot at the back of the neck, above the first thoracic vertebra. Its vision can penetrate through any solid objects or obstructions, and likewise remains unaffected by blinding interferences. But that being said, certain barriers and the like may distort its perception. In addition, it is able to follow high-speed movements, which enables those with this dōjutsu to analyze their foes' actions and better react to them. The Byakugan is also able to see chakra to a higher degree than the Sharingan and ergo, identify where a person's chakra signature originates from. Beyond that, it can discern certain types of clones from the real person. And its ability to see chakra is in fact so acute that those who possess this dōjutsu are even able to see the chakra pathway system and the 361 tenketsu that comprise it. The Hyūga clan has gone so far as to develop their unique Gentle Fist style in order to capitalize on this particular ability.

Note: Hyuga clan bios of at least Sannin rank become able to passively activate their dōjutsu upon one month having passed since Gentle Fist training concluded. Ōtsutsuki bios never need to expend a move in order to activate it.
Note: While traversing the NW, bios with activated Byakugan are able to see up to two 2 adjacent landmarks away while those of sage rank can see as far as three away, but this doesn't extend beyond an ocean landmark.

Nothing alarming about his chakra system. What's the verdict on the information you've gathered?

"The Rinnegan is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural..."
Madara spoke, his hand still placed on the man. Susabi mentioned his chakra system wasn't alarming, so they could easily reason that he hadn't been under control by someone else, eliminating that option. As scenes of the man's life flashed in Madara's mind, he saw glimpses of past events, defeat and torture the man had endured at the hand of someone named Oisha. "So this is where the Red Fever originated..." Madara said, deep in thought trying to connect dots. Releasing his hand from the man, Madara stood and turned towards Susabi.

"He's a member of Tsumigakure, a rival village that battled against Tiamat. He was defeated by one named Hei who then turned him over for a bounty at the Dark Tower, some macabre place in the Sand Deserts. From there, some figure named Oisha revealed the Red Fever was actually a result of facing Tiamat herself, having contaminated those who fought her directly as well as polluting the Hokubu Ocean itself, and spreading the disease far. It almost claimed the life of Harley but she managed to recover, I believe.

"It also seems the dead you heard about have roamed far, rampaging the lands in Tobusekai and elsewhere. He faced off against some of them there, but that's the extent of what matters now. I'll update you on anything else later," Madara said as he deactivated his Rinnegan, turning it back into his EMS. With the technique ended, the Limbo clones rejoined him. "Though, he had a clone traveling to gain some weapons for some reason, do you think it's worth the travel? The clone had just made it there before dispersing."

As he spoke, Madara became aware of several things at once; causing the staff to return to it's sealed state, he could sense the energy/cores of others in movement around the world, some very far in the distance but two near one another. Could they be...Madara didn't know what these things were, Imeroth had failed to mention that but he knew they were needed and could help him in his quest. At some point, he had to encounter them.


Jul 12, 2009
Trait Points
"The Rinnegan is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural..." Madara spoke, his hand still placed on the man. Susabi mentioned his chakra system wasn't alarming, so they could easily reason that he hadn't been under control by someone else, eliminating that option. As scenes of the man's life flashed in Madara's mind, he saw glimpses of past events, defeat and torture the man had endured at the hand of someone named Oisha. "So this is where the Red Fever originated..." Madara said, deep in thought trying to connect dots. Releasing his hand from the man, Madara stood and turned towards Susabi.

"He's a member of Tsumigakure, a rival village that battled against Tiamat. He was defeated by one named Hei who then turned him over for a bounty at the Dark Tower, some macabre place in the Sand Deserts. From there, some figure named Oisha revealed the Red Fever was actually a result of facing Tiamat herself, having contaminated those who fought her directly as well as polluting the Hokubu Ocean itself, and spreading the disease far. It almost claimed the life of Harley but she managed to recover, I believe.

"It also seems the dead you heard about have roamed far, rampaging the lands in Tobusekai and elsewhere. He faced off against some of them there, but that's the extent of what matters now. I'll update you on anything else later," Madara said as he deactivated his Rinnegan, turning it back into his EMS. With the technique ended, the Limbo clones rejoined him. "Though, he had a clone traveling to gain some weapons for some reason, do you think it's worth the travel? The clone had just made it there before dispersing."

As he spoke, Madara became aware of several things at once; causing the staff to return to it's sealed state, he could sense the energy/cores of others in movement around the world, some very far in the distance but two near one another. Could they be...Madara didn't know what these things were, Imeroth had failed to mention that but he knew they were needed and could help him in his quest. At some point, he had to encounter them.
It seems he has had quite the journey, but it still doesn't answer the question why he was on our soil. He sent his clone to gather weapons while he stepped foot on our land. Seems foolish to me. But perhaps we spare him for now. Leave Akujin here with him. We'll go take his weapons. How far is the travel?


Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points
Whilst still being unconscious, a certain artifact kicks into action to expedite the Nara's recovery process.
(Aratana Hajimari) – New Beginnings
Type: Artifact
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: With the arrival of the God Child, the people pray for a blessed and auspicious future. They look forward with open eyes and a clear heart, hopeful for peace one day. It is a small broach with a blue diamond housed within the center of a gold inlaid metallic surface, no more than a few inches wide. Its origins are mysterious, appearing in the hands of those who fought bravely against a foe of primordial origins and only after a new star has been born. Those that hold it are imbued with a great sense of honor and duty, feeling hope for a better tomorrow. The artifact can be used three times in total. When used the user’s chakra reserves will be replenished by 25% and they gain increased travel speed in the Ninja World for five turns, reducing travel time by 25 minutes. While it is active their passive health regeneration in the Ninja World will be increased by 15 health per day, up to a maximum of 60 regenerated health. Note that this healing can only be used outside of combat and is done passively alongside the basic Ninja World Health regeneration. Once it has been used three times the artifact will go dark, becoming useless. Though it might be prudent to hold onto it, even after its purpose has been fulfilled as it might hold other mysteries. This does not count as a battle-based Artifact.
25 Health previously recovered

Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
It seems he has had quite the journey, but it still doesn't answer the question why he was on our soil. He sent his clone to gather weapons while he stepped foot on our land. Seems foolish to me. But perhaps we spare him for now. Leave Akujin here with him. We'll go take his weapons. How far is the travel?
Madara ponders before answering Susabi.

"Something about a desire to visit his ancestral home called him here, foolishly. I believe his village was aware of his plans but did noting to warn him of the dangers he would face. There is no telling what the rest of them may be up to. Perhaps he should be made an example of..."

Madara's words trailed off as Akujin stood over the body, drawing his blade. Madara knew Susabi spoke reason and avoiding conflict when unneeded was wise but this was different in his eyes. Before he mentally ordered Akujin to stab the man, he thought more about the man the Nara was visiting, some being called the Spider. He was there to secure some unique weapons.

"'re right, we should spare this ninja but I intend to make a visit to this Spider to see more about the Undead and if it ultimately connects to the Gods and God Child you met. If this pans out how I expect it to, we may be in for some dangers. Akujin, allow him to live - he will remember this for years to come."

Akujin grunts before kicking the unconscious body roughly before sheathing his blade.

(Kikku) Kick
Type: Offensive
Rank: D
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 20
Description: One of the simplest moves in Taijutsu, the user will simply hit the opponent with a kick from one of his legs. He is free to choose simple variations of the kick and the stronger he is, the more dangerous the technique is.

"I may have to make a detour of my own to gather more intel, I trust you can keep the village safe while I'm away, Susabi. I'll rendezvous with you when I return," Madara said, tossing him a communication scroll before departing.

LLM with Akujin.

Travel Itinerary: #032 -> #029 -> #08 -> #259 -> #260 -> #238 -> #237
Departing #032 Yakukotan at 4:05pm (3/2/19)
#032: 4:05pm - 5:05pm
#029: 5:05pm - 6:05pm
#008: 6:05pm - 7:05pm
#259: 7:05pm - 8:05pm
#260: 8:05pm - 9:05pm
#238: 9:05pm - 10:05pm
Arriving at #237: 10:05pm - 11:05pm
Last edited:


Jul 12, 2009
Trait Points
Watching Akujin and Madara leave, Susabi let the scroll that was tossed at him hit the ground, not making an attempt to catch it. But instead focused his attention on the unconscious body. He knelt down and thrusted his palm on the man's chest causing sealing tags to spread around his body and pump his body full of life giving energy, restoring 20 points of health to the man. A golden barrier is erected around his body for the next 4 turns. This would half restore him over time.

Totsuzenhen'i Yūhatsu: 3-Banme no bakuteriofāji: Tōgō | Mutagenesis: The Third Bacteriophage: Integration
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: A
Range: Short (Self)
Chakra: 50
Damage: N/A
Description: The Third Bacteriophage: Integration is a Mutagenesis technique that takes advantage of Mutagenesis' ability to apply the "virus" to ones own body through the spreading of the "virus" sealing tag. The user begins by striking a part of their body or the body part of a sentient ally. The "virus" sealing tag begins to spread over the targets body, duplicating itself and travelling to most corners of the body. As the "virus" spreads, it injects Yang chakra into the target's body, burning away their Yin chakra causing an imbalance. This influx of Yang chakra serves as beneficial to the targets it is applied to, healing them for a specific amount. This healing, while it heals less than Touch of the Sun, is capable of performing the similar feats such as repairing a damaged chakra system, or regenerating a limb, purging poisons, etc albeit it at a slower rate. The health recovered can be delivered in two ways depending on the situation needed. In the first case, health can be distributed all at once, delivering a total of 80 health at once. In the second scenario, the 80 health can be distributed to the target at a steady rate over the course of four turns, healing 20 damage per turn, for a total of 80. As per the nature of Mutagensis, the imbalance in Yang and Yin chakras within the target's chakra system triggers the sealing effects of the "virus". A golden, spherical barrier is erected from the "virus" sealing tags that encompass the user's immediate area up until short range. This barrier is solid and serves as a defensive scheme for the target to incoming attacks. The strength and duration of the barrier are dependent on how the healing is distributed to the target. If all 80 health is delivered to the target in one go, the golden barrier will only last for that one turn and be able to defend against techniques with equivalent chakra cost or higher. If the 80 health is distributed over the course of four turns, the golden barrier will also last a max of four turns but can be destroyed by techniques with equivalent rank or higher (A or higher) .
Note: The Third Bacteriophage: Integration can only be used three times per battle with three turns of cooldown in between usages. Note: Due to the inherent ability of Mutagenesis, these sealing tags share a telepathic link with the user and can thus communicate with them mentally. This is perfect for alerting the user or keeping tabs on targets affected by this technique.

Go in peace and do not return. No ancestral heritage exists here for you. Susabi said this to the man, hoping his words will reach him as he slowly awakes. Susabi grabbed the scroll that he let hit the floor and left the man there as he regained consciousness. There was work to be done.



Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points
Starting a mission with the following custom element:
Deal with a defeat (4)

The Nara would reopen his eyes to a forest shrouded in darkness, no doubt a mixture between his clouded perception and the time that had elapsed since he had been knocked out into the dirt. Vayne would gingerly turn over, facing the sky with a pained look in his eyes and a headache to match. "Huh, a golden moon... " He'd think to himself as he sighed in annoyance. The last he could remember was facing the man with long hair before feeling an uppercut come at him from out of nowhere and then getting knocked out. Was it the work of the man or creature before him? Or was it the third man's actions? The Nara was out of the loop for the moment, but he did manage to gain some intel due to being knocked out, surprisingly. As it turned out his clone would have been dispersed as a result of him being knocked out, informing him of the series of event that it had been going through. It seemed that the world was moving quick and big things where to be in play soon...

Vayne would sit up, feeling relatively refreshed all things considered. He'd take note of the golden barrier that surrounded him and the tags on his body. He figured that this was likely what had been healing him, but not fond of being under the influence of an unknown technique the Nara would place his hand on his chest and initiate a healing defensive technique. A wolf would emerge and break down the tags, consuming them then healing Vayne back in accordance. Physically the Nara would be in tip top shape, but mentally he was far from it, he could feel it like a bad after taste. Something had been done to him, he was not sure what or how, but he will deal with it in due time.

(Ninjutsu/Iryō Fuinjutsu: Gurattonzu Banketto) Ninja Art / Medical Sealing Style: Gluttons Banquet
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 40+10
Damage Points: N/a
Description: Gluttons Banquet is a very unique style of jutsu that combines the basics of ninja art in terms of molding and creation and sealing arts. The user will touch their body applying a seal while stringing a single handseal creating a wolf like entity in the form of pure raw chakra around the user. Upon doing this the wolf will have a fork and knife. The wolf like entity purpose is to eat all forms of chakra present within short range all around the user excluding directly from the opponents body (User isnt affected by this). The wolf like entity will take a deep breath. Upon doing this, it will break down, and absorb all forms of chakra by inhaling the techniques/chakra, even harden materials (It will simply break down the earth into crumbs). As the jutsus are absorb into the wolf, thats when the seal on the user will kick in. The chakra that the wolf absorbs will be stored inside the users body, being able to replenish their Health equivalent to the chakra damage output of said opponent technique.
Note: The user can only use said technique Twice per battle
Note: User can only absorb S rank techniques once and A and below, once.
Note: Cant use any Fuinjutsu or Basic Ninjutsu in the same turn or the following turn
Note: Cant use any medical jutsu in the following turn

(Iryo Ninjutsu: Hijoushoku ) Medical Technique: Emergency Provisions
Type: Supplementary
Rank: D - Rank
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: A basic application that demonstrates the superior chakra control traits of a medical ninja. Initially trained into understanding the essentials of chakra control - this technique seeks to emphasize on this to a certain degree. Passively activated, the user may use this technique to willingly allow an increment of +10 to be infused into a single technique of their choosing. This of course under normal circumstances would prove to be useless in battle - but in some situations such as with Fuinjutsu, Medical Ninjutsu or other abilities in general this proves to he highly beneficial. This can be used once per technique, capping at +10 chakra. This technique cannot be used in consecutive turns.

Hopping to his feet, the Nara looked around, confirming that he was alone once again. He contemplated going on with his prior plans, hoping to run across those he met before, but as the thought ran across his mind he would recall the intel gained through the clone. It was then that Achlys would break her silence and speak within his psyche, appearing as a large dark mist with overwhelming presence.

“Aurelius Vayne... Is this the extent of your fortitude?” She say goading in a voice that reflected both misery and strength.

“An introduction would have been nice...” He’d comment sarcastically, although if the legends were to be believed her identity was unmistakable. “... I’m still a bit hazy you know.”

“For someone that claims to be the culmination of the ancient ones you seem to be lacking in perception skills.”
She'd chide back, referencing both his prior defeat and current level of respect being shown. You're on quite a streak right now, care to explain?

The Nara thought to himself, it had been quite a sequence of events. A bounty was placed on his head, and a bounty was claimed, sending him to the dungeons of the Dark Tower. From there he would be experimented on by Oisha and be left at death's door while being informed about the downfall of the Nara. It was that event that sent him to Yakukotan in search for answers, yet he found himself defeated once again. “I assume that you were present throughout all of this, so let's just say it's been an eventful period. The reasons for my defeat escape me, but do they matter? My goal here was to explore the past to look for a future path, not to dwell and reminisce.

Achlys would smirk in her misty form and morph to a more humane one, albeit a freakishly tall one adequate of her stature during her previous lifetime. “That’s better.She’d claim as she approached Vayne. “The path you seek is not a simple one, sacrifices will need to be made, some far greater than the others. But first, it should be known that your psyche was invaded by the man you attempted to combat. He most likely gained all of your knowledge based on the information he relayed to the other man that was present here.” Achlys would remain silent for a moment, allowing Vayne to properly digest the implications of such an occurrence. “Furthermore, the dark haired one appears to be headed towards Spider, whereas the second seemed to be off to their own agenda as he was the one that facilitated your recovery, albeit with a warning.”

“I see.” The Nara would solemnly reply as he clasped his hands together and began to think about appropriate countermeasures to be applied. For a while both Vayne and Achlys would remain silent, with the latter observing the Nara with an amused look on her face. The Nara would finally sigh as he came out of his deep thought, breaking the silence. “I foresee some hiccups along the way, but I have a working plan for the near future...” He’d hold the thought for a moment as he looked upon Achlys. “But before that, I have to ask you. Why now? Why did you chose to reveal your presence at this point of time?”

Achlys would laugh at the question as she took a step closer to Vayne, placing her palm on his head. “My reasons? What was it you said? ‘It has been an eventful period’? Let’s go with that, or maybe I am bored. Who knows.” Achlys would goad as she tightened her grip on Vayne’s head. “My reasons will become evident soon enough, but for now your concerns should be towards rapid improvements, one way or another.” She’d loosen her grip as she turns her back to the Nara.

Vayne, while not feeling any particular pain from the grip, would know the symbolism of such a move, something he did not quite appreciate. “You know for a Goddess you sure see-” Before the Nara could rant, Achlys would interrupt. “Kill the boy, Aurelius Vayne. War is almost upon us. Kill the boy and let the man be born.”
Achlys having said her piece would drift away into the darkness within the Nara’s psyche,
unconcerned with the meaningless inquiries he would likely make.

After a few moments Vayne would let out a sigh. “What a drag...” He’d say out loud as he stood up and began to enact his plans. He would opt to deal with Achlys as he traveled, for time was of the essence. The Nara would create a clone to make things easier. with the clone immediately heading off in one direction while he himself headed towards Veskal’s Exchange.

(Kage Bunshin no Jutsu) - Shadow Clone Technique
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 20 (total chakra is divided by the final number of clones plus the user)
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The Kage Bunshin distributes the ninja's chakra evenly among the clones and himself and creates a real copy with form and substance. The clones, a max number of 4, are capable of performing techniques on their own and can even bleed, but will usually disperse after hit by a strong enough force, returning 10% of its individual chakra to the user. Shadow clones can't be distinguished from the original with Sharingan, Byakugan, Rinnegan or normal Chakra Sensing. The clone itself can also utilize any jutsu the original ninja knows. When the clone finally disperses, any new knowledge it has gained is passed back to the original ninja and any additional clones.

Travel Itinerary: #032 -> #029 -> #08 -> #259 -> #260 -> #238 -> #237, with New Beginnings decreasing travel time first 3.
Departing #032 Yakukotan at 4:05pm (3/2/19)
#032: 6:05am - 6:50am
#029: 6:50am - 7:25am
#008: 7:25am - 8:00am
#259: 8:00am - 9:00am
#260: 9:00am - 10:00am
#238: 10:00am -11:00am
Arriving at #237: 11:00am - High Noon!

Clone departing #032 -> #033 -> #07 -> #49 -> #53

#032: 6:05am - 7:05am
#033: 7:05am - 8:05am
#007: 8:05am - 9:05am
#049: 9:05am - 10:05am
Arriving at #53: 10:05am - 11:05am


Active member
Mar 12, 2014
Trait Points
Starting a mission with the following custom element:
Deal with a defeat (4)

The Nara would reopen his eyes to a forest shrouded in darkness, no doubt a mixture between his clouded perception and the time that had elapsed since he had been knocked out into the dirt. Vayne would gingerly turn over, facing the sky with a pained look in his eyes and a headache to match. "Huh, a golden moon... " He'd think to himself as he sighed in annoyance. The last he could remember was facing the man with long hair before feeling an uppercut come at him from out of nowhere and then getting knocked out. Was it the work of the man or creature before him? Or was it the third man's actions? The Nara was out of the loop for the moment, but he did manage to gain some intel due to being knocked out, surprisingly. As it turned out his clone would have been dispersed as a result of him being knocked out, informing him of the series of event that it had been going through. It seemed that the world was moving quick and big things where to be in play soon...

Vayne would sit up, feeling relatively refreshed all things considered. He'd take note of the golden barrier that surrounded him and the tags on his body. He figured that this was likely what had been healing him, but not fond of being under the influence of an unknown technique the Nara would place his hand on his chest and initiate a healing defensive technique. A wolf would emerge and break down the tags, consuming them then healing Vayne back in accordance. Physically the Nara would be in tip top shape, but mentally he was far from it, he could feel it like a bad after taste. Something had been done to him, he was not sure what or how, but he will deal with it in due time.

(Ninjutsu/Iryō Fuinjutsu: Gurattonzu Banketto) Ninja Art / Medical Sealing Style: Gluttons Banquet
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 40+10
Damage Points: N/a
Description: Gluttons Banquet is a very unique style of jutsu that combines the basics of ninja art in terms of molding and creation and sealing arts. The user will touch their body applying a seal while stringing a single handseal creating a wolf like entity in the form of pure raw chakra around the user. Upon doing this the wolf will have a fork and knife. The wolf like entity purpose is to eat all forms of chakra present within short range all around the user excluding directly from the opponents body (User isnt affected by this). The wolf like entity will take a deep breath. Upon doing this, it will break down, and absorb all forms of chakra by inhaling the techniques/chakra, even harden materials (It will simply break down the earth into crumbs). As the jutsus are absorb into the wolf, thats when the seal on the user will kick in. The chakra that the wolf absorbs will be stored inside the users body, being able to replenish their Health equivalent to the chakra damage output of said opponent technique.
Note: The user can only use said technique Twice per battle
Note: User can only absorb S rank techniques once and A and below, once.
Note: Cant use any Fuinjutsu or Basic Ninjutsu in the same turn or the following turn
Note: Cant use any medical jutsu in the following turn

(Iryo Ninjutsu: Hijoushoku ) Medical Technique: Emergency Provisions
Type: Supplementary
Rank: D - Rank
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: A basic application that demonstrates the superior chakra control traits of a medical ninja. Initially trained into understanding the essentials of chakra control - this technique seeks to emphasize on this to a certain degree. Passively activated, the user may use this technique to willingly allow an increment of +10 to be infused into a single technique of their choosing. This of course under normal circumstances would prove to be useless in battle - but in some situations such as with Fuinjutsu, Medical Ninjutsu or other abilities in general this proves to he highly beneficial. This can be used once per technique, capping at +10 chakra. This technique cannot be used in consecutive turns.

Hopping to his feet, the Nara looked around, confirming that he was alone once again. He contemplated going on with his prior plans, hoping to run across those he met before, but as the thought ran across his mind he would recall the intel gained through the clone. It was then that Achlys would break her silence and speak within his psyche, appearing as a large dark mist with overwhelming presence.

“Aurelius Vayne... Is this the extent of your fortitude?” She say goading in a voice that reflected both misery and strength.

“An introduction would have been nice...” He’d comment sarcastically, although if the legends were to be believed her identity was unmistakable. “... I’m still a bit hazy you know.”

“For someone that claims to be the culmination of the ancient ones you seem to be lacking in perception skills.”
She'd chide back, referencing both his prior defeat and current level of respect being shown. You're on quite a streak right now, care to explain?

The Nara thought to himself, it had been quite a sequence of events. A bounty was placed on his head, and a bounty was claimed, sending him to the dungeons of the Dark Tower. From there he would be experimented on by Oisha and be left at death's door while being informed about the downfall of the Nara. It was that event that sent him to Yakukotan in search for answers, yet he found himself defeated once again. “I assume that you were present throughout all of this, so let's just say it's been an eventful period. The reasons for my defeat escape me, but do they matter? My goal here was to explore the past to look for a future path, not to dwell and reminisce.

Achlys would smirk in her misty form and morph to a more humane one, albeit a freakishly tall one adequate of her stature during her previous lifetime. “That’s better.She’d claim as she approached Vayne. “The path you seek is not a simple one, sacrifices will need to be made, some far greater than the others. But first, it should be known that your psyche was invaded by the man you attempted to combat. He most likely gained all of your knowledge based on the information he relayed to the other man that was present here.” Achlys would remain silent for a moment, allowing Vayne to properly digest the implications of such an occurrence. “Furthermore, the dark haired one appears to be headed towards Spider, whereas the second seemed to be off to their own agenda as he was the one that facilitated your recovery, albeit with a warning.”

“I see.” The Nara would solemnly reply as he clasped his hands together and began to think about appropriate countermeasures to be applied. For a while both Vayne and Achlys would remain silent, with the latter observing the Nara with an amused look on her face. The Nara would finally sigh as he came out of his deep thought, breaking the silence. “I foresee some hiccups along the way, but I have a working plan for the near future...” He’d hold the thought for a moment as he looked upon Achlys. “But before that, I have to ask you. Why now? Why did you chose to reveal your presence at this point of time?”

Achlys would laugh at the question as she took a step closer to Vayne, placing her palm on his head. “My reasons? What was it you said? ‘It has been an eventful period’? Let’s go with that, or maybe I am bored. Who knows.” Achlys would goad as she tightened her grip on Vayne’s head. “My reasons will become evident soon enough, but for now your concerns should be towards rapid improvements, one way or another.” She’d loosen her grip as she turns her back to the Nara.

Vayne, while not feeling any particular pain from the grip, would know the symbolism of such a move, something he did not quite appreciate. “You know for a Goddess you sure see-” Before the Nara could rant, Achlys would interrupt. “Kill the boy, Aurelius Vayne. War is almost upon us. Kill the boy and let the man be born.”
Achlys having said her piece would drift away into the darkness within the Nara’s psyche,
unconcerned with the meaningless inquiries he would likely make.

After a few moments Vayne would let out a sigh. “What a drag...” He’d say out loud as he stood up and began to enact his plans. He would opt to deal with Achlys as he traveled, for time was of the essence. The Nara would create a clone to make things easier. with the clone immediately heading off in one direction while he himself headed towards Veskal’s Exchange.

(Kage Bunshin no Jutsu) - Shadow Clone Technique
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 20 (total chakra is divided by the final number of clones plus the user)
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The Kage Bunshin distributes the ninja's chakra evenly among the clones and himself and creates a real copy with form and substance. The clones, a max number of 4, are capable of performing techniques on their own and can even bleed, but will usually disperse after hit by a strong enough force, returning 10% of its individual chakra to the user. Shadow clones can't be distinguished from the original with Sharingan, Byakugan, Rinnegan or normal Chakra Sensing. The clone itself can also utilize any jutsu the original ninja knows. When the clone finally disperses, any new knowledge it has gained is passed back to the original ninja and any additional clones.

Travel Itinerary: #032 -> #029 -> #08 -> #259 -> #260 -> #238 -> #237, with New Beginnings decreasing travel time first 3.
Departing #032 Yakukotan at 4:05pm (3/2/19)
#032: 6:05am - 6:50am
#029: 6:50am - 7:25am
#008: 7:25am - 8:00am
#259: 8:00am - 9:00am
#260: 9:00am - 10:00am
#238: 10:00am -11:00am
Arriving at #237: 11:00am - High Noon!

Clone departing #032 -> #033 -> #07 -> #49 -> #53

#032: 6:05am - 7:05am
#033: 7:05am - 8:05am
#007: 8:05am - 9:05am
#049: 9:05am - 10:05am
Arriving at #53: 10:05am - 11:05am

Your automated travel via Itinerary is invalid;

This time cannot be reduced by Artifacts that reduce travel time. One cannot use Ocean Landmarks while traveling, making it impossible to cross continents using this method.

Because your set path prior to crossing an ocean is less than the five landmarks required to even initiate a Travel Itinerary, your bio won't be moving beyond this landmark. Your clone's travel is valid, however. If you want your main body to resume travel, do so in a new post.
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Active member
Jun 18, 2009
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

Mission Start

Create and unleash The Murk Plague.
Initiate Biological Warfare to instigate a Village's Kage.

Isabella kept pace behind Mirabelle. The woman seemed at ease guiding them through the Fire Country, even though her appearance and clothing didn't seem from around these parts. They were nearing the forest of the Nara, a place filled with deer and stags, closeby more populated areas of the Fire Country. From her intel, the Village Hidden in the Valley was somewhere around these parts, and this would be the perfect Ground Zero for her plan.

Interested in her woman companion, she asked a few questions, as they walked to the centre of the deer sanctuary.

You seem quite at ease around these forested lands. Are you from here, Mirabelle?


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

Mission Start

Create and unleash The Murk Plague.
Initiate Biological Warfare to instigate a Village's Kage.

Isabella kept pace behind Mirabelle. The woman seemed at ease guiding them through the Fire Country, even though her appearance and clothing didn't seem from around these parts. They were nearing the forest of the Nara, a place filled with deer and stags, closeby more populated areas of the Fire Country. From her intel, the Village Hidden in the Valley was somewhere around these parts, and this would be the perfect Ground Zero for her plan.

Interested in her woman companion, she asked a few questions, as they walked to the centre of the deer sanctuary.

You seem quite at ease around these forested lands. Are you from here, Mirabelle?
Coming from: [x]

This post begins a mission utilizing the following elements:

  • Seek and attain knowledge of the Tailed Beasts (3)
  • Train to control portions of the Tailed Beast Power (3)
As Mirabelle and Isabella arrived into the ancestral home of the Shadow Tribe; Isabella would question Mira’s familiarity with the location. She laughed a bit; before turning to the woman behind her. “No…I come from the Eastern Continent, from a country called Owatatsumi. I didn’t properly introduce myself but I’m Mirabelle Nariyuki, former member of the Hayabusa Clan” she said side, the words stinging as she spoke them. Never did she imagine she would have to identify by a different unless she got married or something, but no…she changed it for the sake of the clan and not wanting to associate any possible actions she might do with this new beast sealed within her. As the two strolled into the landmark, there weren’t many people roaming around, mostly the deer the Nara Clan are known to rear. “However, I lived in Chungsu for a couple of years with my late mother and twin sister…but after they died, I became a wondering shinobi, didn’t claim anywhere as home at least until I joined in arms with Tsumigakure” she explained a bit more as she petted one of the deer that came close to her. The animals seemed to be domesticated enough not to fear humans as much – but of course she doesn’t expect all of them to feel the same way.

Anyways, what can you tell me about the Bijuu? I’m looking for ways to possibly learn to tame it…” she said, but within her mind the Nibi would once again chime in unexpectedly. “And how do you intend on doing that, human child?” the creature said, clearly irritated now by her hosts’ claim. “If I have to do this by force, then I will…you aren’t going to take over that’s for sure…” Mirabelle retorted. The Nibi with its massive height would open its eyes, as it began to raise from its former relaxed posture – its eyes narrowing in on Mirabelle. “I don’t think you understand who you’re talking with child…I have no issues killing you and your kind…don’t make the mistake in thinking I won’t” the Nibi threatened her but Mirabelle didn’t take it seriously. “Tch funny coming from you who got caught by a bunch of goons from my clan’s mortal rivals!” she snared back at the beast. The Nibi’s temper rose as well, its giant paw swatting at the barred gate keeping it in like a caged animal. “RELEASE ME AND I’LL SHOW YOU THEN!” it growled, thrashing at the gate. “No, you’ll sit there and we’ll learn to work together. You can keep acting tough, the first sign of your lies came when I wielded that power of yours not too long ago. The blue flames? Was that a mere coincidence?!” she questioned the beast, but it didn’t reply back.

That was for my own safety. If my shitty host died, then id die too…but at least I’d come back unlike you” the beast said. “Hmm…I see, so you are capable of being reasonable huh…” Mirabelle said with a light smile – but the Nibi didn’t return back the sentiment. “Leave” it ordered to her, which Mirabelle gladly did as she returned her mind to the real world. It wasn’t long, only a matter of seconds passed but of course the interaction between her and Nibi was an interesting one to say the least.

Once she did, she would take a moment to sit down on rock, looking out at the lush forestry, wondering what is that drew Isabella here of all places.
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Active member
Jun 18, 2009
Trait Points
Coming from: [x]

This post begins a mission utilizing the following elements:

  • Seek and attain knowledge of the Tailed Beasts (3)
  • Train to control portions of the Tailed Beast Power (3)
As Mirabelle and Isabella arrived into the ancestral home of the Shadow Tribe; Isabella would question Mira’s familiarity with the location. She laughed a bit; before turning to the woman behind her. “No…I come from the Eastern Continent, from a country called Owatatsumi. I didn’t properly introduce myself but I’m Mirabelle Nariyuki, former member of the Hayabusa Clan” she said side, the words stinging as she spoke them. Never did she imagine she would have to identify by a different unless she got married or something, but no…she changed it for the sake of the clan and not wanting to associate any possible actions she might do with this new beast sealed within her. As the two strolled into the landmark, there weren’t many people roaming around, mostly the deer the Nara Clan are known to rear. “However, I lived in Chungsu for a couple of years with my late mother and twin sister…but after they died, I became a wondering shinobi, didn’t claim anywhere as home at least until I joined in arms with Tsumigakure” she explained a bit more as she petted one of the deer that came close to her. The animals seemed to be domesticated enough not to fear humans as much – but of course she doesn’t expect all of them to feel the same way.

Anyways, what can you tell me about the Bijuu? I’m looking for ways to possibly learn to tame it…” she said, but within her mind the Nibi would once again chime in unexpectedly. “And how do you intend on doing that, human child?” the creature said, clearly irritated now by her hosts’ claim. “If I have to do this by force, then I will…you aren’t going to take over that’s for sure…” Mirabelle retorted. The Nibi with its massive height would open its eyes, as it began to raise from its former relaxed posture – its eyes narrowing in on Mirabelle. “I don’t think you understand who you’re talking with child…I have no issues killing you and your kind…don’t make the mistake in thinking I won’t” the Nibi threatened her but Mirabelle didn’t take it seriously. “Tch funny coming from you who got caught by a bunch of goons from my clan’s mortal rivals!” she snared back at the beast. The Nibi’s temper rose as well, its giant paw swatting at the barred gate keeping it in like a caged animal. “RELEASE ME AND I’LL SHOW YOU THEN!” it growled, thrashing at the gate. “No, you’ll sit there and we’ll learn to work together. You can keep acting tough, the first sign of your lies came when I wielded that power of yours not too long ago. The blue flames? Was that a mere coincidence?!” she questioned the beast, but it didn’t reply back.

That was for my own safety. If my shitty host died, then id die too…but at least I’d come back unlike you” the beast said. “Hmm…I see, so you are capable of being reasonable huh…” Mirabelle said with a light smile – but the Nibi didn’t return back the sentiment. “Leave” it ordered to her, which Mirabelle gladly did as she returned her mind to the real world. It wasn’t long, only a matter of seconds passed but of course the interaction between her and Nibi was an interesting one to say the least.

Once she did, she would take a moment to sit down on rock, looking out at the lush forestry, wondering what is that drew Isabella here of all places.
Isabella kept her ear to Mirabella's answer, but her focus was elsewhere. Using her Mushroom Chakra and the basis of the Diagnosis Med Technique, Isabella kept an aura of chakra around her that mixed with her own Chakra Sensory technique. Her target were the sick deer around the forest, even if they didn't showcase many symptoms.

Owatatsumi? I don't think I've ever travelled much to that side of the world. I've been my whole life in the Water Country, even though I was actually born here.

She said, approaching a sick deer laying on the ground. She touched it's snout, her chakra taking a green hue to it, as her chakra spread deeper into the body of the sick animal. Bacterial Infection. The wrong kind of infection. While she did this, she appeared pensive. Hoping to give the sense of nostalgia, she kept on.

It has been quite a while since I came here, can't say I hold a lot of good memories from my childhood. I do wonder what my life would be like if I had been raised by my Uchiha parents. My red hair is a testament to a much deeper bloodline than other Sharingan users, and I was raised by a fellow Red-Haired Uchiha. But I think this knowledge has been lost a long time ago. The world is very diferent from what I remember.

Isabella laughed a bit as the Jinchuuriki mentioned "taming" the Bijuu. The notion was insane, yet it was what every Jinchuuriki wanted the most. She knew now that the Bijuu had emotions and memories, just like any human, despite being a monstrous mass of chakra, yet they were still as chaotic and terrifying as before.

First thing you should do is stop antagonizing the Bijuu. Maybe if you take a moment to talk, you'll understand that it is not easy to be sealed completely inside a human they know nothing about, and in most cases are significantly weaker than they are. You are the cause and core of their life's prison, it is not easy to gain their trust or affection.

We are stopping here.

Isabella stated, as she approached a meek and old deer laying on the ground. It seemed malnourished, even though her eyes were still lively. A ring of necrosis appeared beneath it's jaw, what Isabella had been looking for all this while. Ringworm was fungal species that infected Deer and other animals, using their skin and bodies as hosts to survive. Such small entitity was the key to Isabella's plan.
Last edited:


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Isabella kept her ear to Mirabella's answer, but her focus was elsewhere. Using her Mushroom Chakra and the basis of the Diagnosis Med Technique, Isabella kept an aura of chakra around her that mixed with her own Chakra Sensory technique. Her target were the sick deer around the forest, even if they didn't showcase many symptoms.

Owatatsumi? I don't think I've ever travelled much to that side of the world. I've been my whole life in the Water Country, even though I was actually born here.

She said, approaching a sick deer laying on the ground. She touched it's snout, her chakra taking a green hue to it, as her chakra spread deeper into the body of the sick animal. Bacterial Infection. The wrong kind of infection. While she did this, she appeared pensive. Hoping to give the sense of nostalgia, she kept on.

It has been quite a while since I came here, can't say I hold a lot of good memories from my childhood. I do wonder what my life would be like if I had been raised by my Uchiha parents. My red hair is a testament to a much deeper bloodline than other Sharingan users, and I was raised by a fellow Red-Haired Uchiha. But I think this knowledge has been lost a long time ago. The world is very diferent from what I remember.

Isabella laughed a bit as the Jinchuuriki mentioned "taming" the Bijuu. The notion was insane, yet it was what every Jinchuuriki wanted the most. She knew now that the Bijuu had emotions and memories, just like any human, despite being a monstrous mass of chakra, yet they were still as chaotic and terrifying as before.

First thing you should do is stop antagonizing the Bijuu. Maybe if you take a moment to talk, you'll understand that it is not easy to be sealed completely inside a human they know nothing about, and in most cases are significantly weaker than they are. You are the cause and core of their life's prison, it is not easy to gain their trust or affection.

We are stopping here.

Isabella stated, as she approached a meek and old deer laying on the ground. It seemed malnourished, even though her eyes were still lively. A ring of necrosis appeared beneath it's jaw, what Isabella had been looking for all this while. Ringworm was fungal species that infected Deer and other animals, using their skin and bodies as hosts to survive. Such small entitity was the key to Isabella's plan.
Mirabelle idly watched the blind lady walk around, seemingly doing something to each deer she came into contact with. She wasn’t sure what it was but surely it wasn’t anything harmful, at least that what she thought. Mirabelle would hear her first step on the advice – stop antagonizing the Bijuu and other words. Mirabelle’s eyes widen a bit, realizing that she quite literally just did that…but it was too late. The Nibi was carefully listening as well; curious what the Uchiha had to say about it. However there was a slight flaw in her wording of the situation. “I didn’t ask or wanted to become it’s prison…this beast was forced onto me against my will and you think I was “happy” that I gained it? These beasts took, the strongest of them…took away something that was near and dear to me. The Kyubi killed my family, do you really think I can come to terms with that? Nothing will bring the dead back to life, outside of those…unique Kinjutsu…but in the end that’s unethical and just wrong…” she said folding her arms, as they two of them stopped. Mirabelle noticed her approaching another one of the deer, as she came closer to observe what she was trying to do. “Any information about these ‘s deer that you found interesting?” she wondered – as she passed her hand on the gazelle. The strange deer didn’t seem to mind, it was accustomed to human contact due to the Nara clan interacting and raising the deer themselves.

Mirabelle however would be curious, passing her own medical chakra into the majestic beast, though it was simply to run a diagnosis of the deer’s body. That’s when she found the same problem Isabelle probably noticed “She’s sick…” she said in a low tone, but she wasn’t an animal doctor, she can only tell by the fungal infection that something was wrong with her. “I suppose you are an animal doctor of some sorts?” she questioned but stepped back afterwards. She wished to practice some more with the Bijuu’s power. “I’ll move away for a moment, need to test something out…” she said walking away from Isabella though still close enough to keep an eye on her. She would start to meditate a little bit, focusing on the words and advice Isabella provided.


Active member
Jun 18, 2009
Trait Points
Mirabelle idly watched the blind lady walk around, seemingly doing something to each deer she came into contact with. She wasn’t sure what it was but surely it wasn’t anything harmful, at least that what she thought. Mirabelle would hear her first step on the advice – stop antagonizing the Bijuu and other words. Mirabelle’s eyes widen a bit, realizing that she quite literally just did that…but it was too late. The Nibi was carefully listening as well; curious what the Uchiha had to say about it. However there was a slight flaw in her wording of the situation. “I didn’t ask or wanted to become it’s prison…this beast was forced onto me against my will and you think I was “happy” that I gained it? These beasts took, the strongest of them…took away something that was near and dear to me. The Kyubi killed my family, do you really think I can come to terms with that? Nothing will bring the dead back to life, outside of those…unique Kinjutsu…but in the end that’s unethical and just wrong…” she said folding her arms, as they two of them stopped. Mirabelle noticed her approaching another one of the deer, as she came closer to observe what she was trying to do. “Any information about these ‘s deer that you found interesting?” she wondered – as she passed her hand on the gazelle. The strange deer didn’t seem to mind, it was accustomed to human contact due to the Nara clan interacting and raising the deer themselves.

Mirabelle however would be curious, passing her own medical chakra into the majestic beast, though it was simply to run a diagnosis of the deer’s body. That’s when she found the same problem Isabelle probably noticed “She’s sick…” she said in a low tone, but she wasn’t an animal doctor, she can only tell by the fungal infection that something was wrong with her. “I suppose you are an animal doctor of some sorts?” she questioned but stepped back afterwards. She wished to practice some more with the Bijuu’s power. “I’ll move away for a moment, need to test something out…” she said walking away from Isabella though still close enough to keep an eye on her. She would start to meditate a little bit, focusing on the words and advice Isabella provided.
Regardless of your current predicament, if you acknowledge the fact that neither of you chose it, it might be easier to accept eachother. Though I'm not sure how you intend on having it accept you when you don't even accept yourself, Mirabelle.

Isabella mentioned in passage, more focused on the deer in front of her. She infused her mushroom chakra into the deer, aiming to mutate the already fungal pathogen inside it. By enhancing it, she made it more infectious and aggressive, creating a fast spreading fungus that already had the ability to spread from animal to human. While keeping the infection contained, she limited the spread into a bubble of fungus, as both her Mushroom, Yin and Medical Chakra kept the fungus disease contained. For all efects and purposes, the disease was being contained, and Isabella's own cold and calculating intention was kept constant as always, reveiling nothing of her plan.

(Masshuru-Muton: Chiyu no Ten'on ) Mushroom Style: Bless of Legba
Type: Defensive/Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
Description: User is capable of producing multiple strands of enhanced therapeutic fungus that can act as antibiotics and antagonists of infectious agents such as Germ Release, Nano bugs, etc. It's up to the user's own mastery to balance the aggressiveness of the jutsu, being so that the user is able to range from fungus able to clean several branches of bacteria and germs to actual nano-bugs and even develop heavy allergic reactions on the patient/opponent's skin and body. These battle-oriented strands' effect range from simple redness and boils (similar to a 2nd/3rd degree burn) to actual necrosis of the touched area, varying with the time the user stays infected (3 turns for max effect). The symptoms start to occur a few moments after contact and progress rapidly. The technique is more efficient if used by a person with medical knowledge, such as a med-nin or a med-school Student, able to kill up to techniques up to S rank or generally work faster (Aggressive strands are cut down 1 turn to achieve max effects.). The strands are deployed through direct physical contact with the enemy. The user focuses his chakra through his skin in order to cover it with the desired fungus, either completely or in a specific spot. By doing this, the users skin in that spot gains a slight coloration unique to each user of Mushroom release.
*Activation lasts 2 turns and has a 2 turn cold down once it wears off*

I most certainly am not an animal doctor. I'm no doctor at all. I'm an investigator if anything, and I think this fungus can help me progress with my own elemental mastery.

She then started adding new fungal species, using Bless of Legba to enhance, contain and separate each. A sclerotid fruiting organ of Claviceps Purpurea started growing within the gullet of the deer, carrying with it great concentrations of Ergot Alkaloid. This fungus would be chosen for it's high aggression towards the blood vessels, producing vasoconstriction onto their victyms, that would prevent proper irrigation and create vast patches of gangrene and ruptured blood vessels. Ophiocordyceps was then infused into the fruiting bodies of the Ergot mushrooms, creating a parasitic network of fungal threads that would agressively target the neurologic system and brain, as the fungus replaces the motor system while rotting the brain, killing the target's consciousness and replacing the control of the body movement with it's own. As the spore carrying organs of the Cordyceps started forming, Isabella once again created a new spore-carrying mushroom of the Aspergillus species. These spores are capable of infecting through the air and can be breathed in, or otherwised coughed out to infect more people. They are highly parasitic while within the lungs, creating clots that further infect the target and irritate the pulmonary system into inducing more and greater cough attacks. Finally, she created a large crest of Amanita Muscaria mushrooms, containing highly concentrated Muscimol, a psychoactive toxin that sedates and induces an hypnotic half-dream state, producing no sense of pain, self or reality.

(Masshuru-Muton: Shicchi no Ibo ) Mushroom Style: Warts of Mokele-mbembe
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary/Attack
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Poins: 40
Description: The user creates a large amount of mushrooms throughout the ground/body. The user is able to grow both types of Alternative Release mushrooms described in the CE submission (Releasing Poison or Spores, which will grow into Main Release Fungus) or enhanced versions of any existing mushroom species in nature. Enhanced will mostly translate into stronger and faster acting Medicine or Poison, or stronger light, in Bioluminescent species.They won't have any added characteristic appart from those shown in nature, as such, they're not directly applied in battle, apart from the first 2 mentioned species.
One species per usage, there can't be mixed usages.
*After using this technique, one must wait 3 turns before using it again*
*Description is in the CE submission*

Finally, she infused her Yin Chakra onto her creation. As her mushroom chakra created all the properties of the enhanced mushroom she chose, she permeated the creations with her Yin energy. Different properties were picked apart and mutated together. The dissonant mesh of mushrooms and their toxins started combining. Ringworm pulled it's skin feeding abilities, to infect upon contact with the skin and create ring-shapped wounds of necrosis, carried through Aspergillus spores that can infect through breathing. The spores of this aberration would touch the skin and spread, or be inhaled and spread. The body of the fungus that growns from this spores is composed of Ergot and Cordycepts, that work in tandem to constrict the blood vessels, clot the lungs and replace the nervous system, to control the target. As they spread, small pockets of fruiting organs grow and decay, containing agents from Muscimol and the other mushrooms, that progressively spread the infection and sedate the target. As the infectious disease spread throughout the body at an increadible fast pace, the cordycep fungus takes a hold of the sedated and coughing target and brings it to more populated areas, where it can spread it's spores faster and faster. While only a few hours are needed for the infection to spread and take a hold of the body and kill the brain, the targets are kept coughing and moving for an entire day and night spreading the spores silently through the air. Afterwhich the mushroom creation burst out of the back of the head of the already braindead person, creating a large tumor like mushroom fruit that explodes and spreads a giant spore cloud that infects more people.

(Inton: Ten ni Henkō) – Yin Release: Change into Heaven
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A (+50 chakra cost to applied technique)
Description: The user manipulates a technique of the basic 5 elements with Yin natured energy, allowing the user to change its properties. Fire can become solid, lightning can become tangible. The possibilities are as endless as the user’s own imagination. The end result is a technique neutral to all basic elemental natures. This technique is applied within the same timeframe as the technique it is applied to. The infused chakra increases the technique by an additional ten chakra, of the fifty it costs in total.
Note: Yin Release specialists can apply this technique to advanced fields, CE, and advanced elements.
Note: Using Change into Heaven to transform the inherent nature of an element does not modify its base speed.
Note: Usable 3 times per battle and 6 times per arc.

After doing this, Isabella, allowed the mutated mushroom chakra to do it's thing. The deer, compelled by the mushroom, rose from the ground and started coughing, moving away from them towards more populated areas of the forest. As it coughed upon other deer, it spread the mushroom, which in turn started spreading more of it. While small at first, the infected deers kept on moving and moving, towards more and more populated areas of the Fire Country, until they started to touch upon human villages and small settlements. As it kept spreading throughout the Fire Country, it started touching upon other landmarks, including the actual Village Hidden in the Valley, the land of Madara, the great city of Fuging, tourist attraction and a treasure trove of people to spread the MURK PLAGUE.

Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
Coming from

Akujin had departed swiftly after Madara had communicated the plan to him. His mission was simple, scout the area for the 2 Tails or any trace of it - at least, that's what Madara had said in front of Susabi. Though they worked towards a common goal, Madara didn't trust him much and the second mission of Akujin's was told telepathically.

Retrieving a scroll from his pocket, he messaged Lucifer, one of the men he met not long ago who told them how to find the Sunlight Forge. He had discovered one of the unique cores that powered the Weapons he and Strix wielded and though Madara could sense it's location along with another with it, he had no idea if he had managed to unlock the weapon yet. Akujin sent a message, informing Lucifer of the core's ability to transform into a powerful weapon as well as the fact that another near or with him also wielded one of those cores or weapons. As he sent the message, he then sent a message to Strix, telling her what he learned of Phetra due to her link to the Lady of the Underworld herself. He then told her where to meet him and Madara for a meeting before taking flight again, flying high into the sky as he looked around. What he saw surprised the Tengu.

Decomposing deer, coughing ghastly coughs as they marched forward in a hive like way towards Fuging. The deer, a mess of stretched bloody skin and vessels with organs exposed and decaying, moved unconcerned about their path and with a clear absentminded ness, all the while coughing and spreading some disease. Communicating these messages to Madara, Akujin observed the deer from afar, flying in the direction they were walking away from. It didn't take long before he came across two people in the clearing near where they fought the ninja named Vayne of the Nara clan. Perhaps this had something to do with him, his clan tended to the deer here often.

As he approached, he noticed one of the women had vibrant red hair, a message he relayed to Madara. She kneeled lower than the other one did though Akujin could barely see her face, he could tell from Madara's thoughts that he knew who she was. Lowering himself lower to the earth 10 meters away from the woman and hovering a foot above the ground, Akujin spoke.

"You are a foreigner trespassing in the land of Tekikage Madara Uchiha's, women. Identify yourself and state your business here." he said, motioning High Heaven towards the woman in the back.


Active member
Jun 18, 2009
Trait Points
Coming from

Akujin had departed swiftly after Madara had communicated the plan to him. His mission was simple, scout the area for the 2 Tails or any trace of it - at least, that's what Madara had said in front of Susabi. Though they worked towards a common goal, Madara didn't trust him much and the second mission of Akujin's was told telepathically.

Retrieving a scroll from his pocket, he messaged Lucifer, one of the men he met not long ago who told them how to find the Sunlight Forge. He had discovered one of the unique cores that powered the Weapons he and Strix wielded and though Madara could sense it's location along with another with it, he had no idea if he had managed to unlock the weapon yet. Akujin sent a message, informing Lucifer of the core's ability to transform into a powerful weapon as well as the fact that another near or with him also wielded one of those cores or weapons. As he sent the message, he then sent a message to Strix, telling her what he learned of Phetra due to her link to the Lady of the Underworld herself. He then told her where to meet him and Madara for a meeting before taking flight again, flying high into the sky as he looked around. What he saw surprised the Tengu.

Decomposing deer, coughing ghastly coughs as they marched forward in a hive like way towards Fuging. The deer, a mess of stretched bloody skin and vessels with organs exposed and decaying, moved unconcerned about their path and with a clear absentminded ness, all the while coughing and spreading some disease. Communicating these messages to Madara, Akujin observed the deer from afar, flying in the direction they were walking away from. It didn't take long before he came across two people in the clearing near where they fought the ninja named Vayne of the Nara clan. Perhaps this had something to do with him, his clan tended to the deer here often.

As he approached, he noticed one of the women had vibrant red hair, a message he relayed to Madara. She kneeled lower than the other one did though Akujin could barely see her face, he could tell from Madara's thoughts that he knew who she was. Lowering himself lower to the earth 10 meters away from the woman and hovering a foot above the ground, Akujin spoke.

"You are a foreigner trespassing in the land of Tekikage Madara Uchiha's, women. Identify yourself and state your business here." he said, motioning High Heaven towards the woman in the back.
The abominable Yin and Yang creation moved quickly towards the ground zero. Isabella couldn't sense much of a difference between the Tengu and a real life creature, but the spirituality was diferent, an unnatural creation. She rejected Akujin's authority, yet her spirits were good following the fungal experiment.

She wondered if this creature could be infected as well. That delighted her, as she rose from the ground and looked up, her bright crimson hair shinning in a beacon of light that pierced through the thick folliage of the forest.

You might be too young to know, creature, but you should be knowledgeable enough to know your history.

Her hollowed out eyes dared the Tengu to look at them, as if the Uchiha still had what made all in the world avert their eyes at her gaze. It irked Isabella to have lost her Eyes of the Accursed Sun, but all would be solved soon.

Call the Kage of this land. My name is Isabella Uchiha

End Mission


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
The abominable Yin and Yang creation moved quickly towards the ground zero. Isabella couldn't sense much of a difference between the Tengu and a real life creature, but the spirituality was diferent, an unnatural creation. She rejected Akujin's authority, yet her spirits were good following the fungal experiment.

She wondered if this creature could be infected as well. That delighted her, as she rose from the ground and looked up, her bright crimson hair shinning in a beacon of light that pierced through the thick folliage of the forest.

You might be too young to know, creature, but you should be knowledgeable enough to know your history.

Her hollowed out eyes dared the Tengu to look at them, as if the Uchiha still had what made all in the world avert their eyes at her gaze. It irked Isabella to have lost her Eyes of the Accursed Sun, but all would be solved soon.

Call the Kage of this land. My name is Isabella Uchiha

End Mission
It was honestly rather strange behavior no doubt; but in the end Mirabelle didn’t exactly know what Isabella intended to do with the deer. As she stepped away from her; she allowed the words of Isabella to echo in her mind. “Regardless of your current predicament, if you acknowledge the fact that neither of you chose it, it might be easier to accept each other. Though I'm not sure how you intend on having it accept you when you don't even accept yourself, Mirabelle”. Mirabelle would find herself in a clearing in the forest – as she sat down on the ground and weaved her hand create the gesture. This caused a spark of blue flames to appear in the palm of her hands, as she whimsically toyed with it – shaping the flames into little miniature cats and thunderbirds, two animals she has a close connection with. “So this is the unique power I get from the Nibi huh…” she said as she looked into the skies, she would inhale and exhale for a moment as she reared her head back and unleashed a powerful stream of blue flames into the skies above; passing the trees and into the air as it exploded. The flames would dissipate before landing back into the trees, can’t have her setting the forest on fire after all. It was at that moment that she entered into her subconscious once more. Once she did, she would see the Nibi “asleep” but as she approached closer, the cat was already giving a dismissive wave. “Leave” the Nibi said, not caring to look Mirabelle. The girl sighed, simply sitting on the ground as the water in the shared world reflected back at her. “When I don’t even accept myself huh…she’s right I guess…” she said reflecting one more time on Isabella’s words.

( Aoi Katon ) - Blue Fire Release
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: B - S
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 20 - 40
Damage: 40 - 80
Description: A skill unique to the Two-Tails and it's Jinchuriki, this jutsu allows the user to manipulate Blue Fire in an assortment of ways. Formed after making the appropriate handseals, this allows the user to release blue flames in the form of fireballs, streams of fire, and even blue flame based familiars to attack on the user's command. These Flames carry no properties of Blue Fire beside the basic variant which shares the same traditional properties of normal Fire Release except the weakness to Water.
Note: This can only be used by Matatabi and it's Jinchuriki.
Note: Intangible or Spiritual Blue Flames can only be utilized if their respective skills have been acquired.

The Nibi would open one of it’s eyes, looking at Mirabelle for a moment before it would get out of its relaxed posture; becoming upright to meet Mirabelle. “I see you’re letting the woman’s words get into your head…you’re gullible as ev…” but before the Nibi can continue, Mirabelle would set her hand ablaze one more time and directed the stream at the Nibi. The seal however would block the flames from touching it, the Bijuu clearly startled at these actions. “Just hush…look, I don’t care anymore, ok? Until I die…you’re pretty much stuck with me and I’m stuck with you…instead of being a bunch of childish brats about it, how about we start to work on it together…” she said, watching as the Nibi was already in a striking pose. “You’ve got a lot of nerve human” the Nibi said, snarling but after a moment of silence, the giant feline would calm down and return back to a neutral position. “I don’t trust you, human…but I guess if I intend to continue living as a caged monster…I might as well be of some help…but don’t take that so easily. The moment you show any sign of weakness that allows me to take over…I won’t hesitate” the Nibi gave a fair warning to its host. Mirabelle nodded, as the creature sighed. “Well, I lied when I said I wasn’t sealed in a human before you” it said, Mirabelle’s eyes glancing up at the monster. “So, let’s see how well your body is capable of handling a little bit…extra” the Bijuu said. “What do you mean?” the girl asked but the Nibi didn’t answer.

She would shrug it off, as she returned to world around her. As she did, she would notice something, a creature of some sorts had arrived towards the landmark. It seems to have been seeking information on who she was, call her an intruder. “
Please, we didn’t come here with any harmful intentions. My name is Mirabelle Nariyuki, freelance Shinboi” she said, having denounced her affiliation to Tsumigakure while on exile, though she wasn't aware of the current spreading plague Isabella had created. However a brow of concern to araise when she hear her desiring to meet with the Kage of Fire respectively. Mirabelle didn't know whom it was but seems something important was occuring that she made such a request. The sight however of a one of the damn dead walking dear approached Mirabelle - the jinchuriki would release perform a quick downward slash of her nodachi. This caused several weapons composed of black electricity to appear; immediately stabbing into the creature and pinning it to a tree. This causes the the...contents of the creature to become visble. "What in the world..." she said as she turned to Isabella. "What did you do...?!" she questioned Isabella from the distance.

Raiton: Kaminari no Metsujin no Jutsu - Lightning Release: Lightning God Slayer Technique
Rank: D-S
Type: Attack/Supplementary/Defense
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 10-40 (30)
Damage: 20-80 (60)
Description: Utilizing the user's signature Black Lightning, the user combines shape manipulation with their Black Lightning to form various tools and objects to aid the user in combat. The power of this technique varies depending on the amount of chakra fueled into it but requires more handseals in order to control with C-rank requiring at least one handseal, and the highest amount of four handseals for S-rank. The objects created by this technique may be created anywhere, however, must be at least 5 m away from the opponent.
Can only use S-ranked three times per battle.
No S-Rank or above Lightning on the turn following the use of the S-Rank variant.
Requires one turn cool down between uses.

End of Mission (Ending Prematurely).
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Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
The abominable Yin and Yang creation moved quickly towards the ground zero. Isabella couldn't sense much of a difference between the Tengu and a real life creature, but the spirituality was diferent, an unnatural creation. She rejected Akujin's authority, yet her spirits were good following the fungal experiment.

She wondered if this creature could be infected as well. That delighted her, as she rose from the ground and looked up, her bright crimson hair shinning in a beacon of light that pierced through the thick folliage of the forest.

You might be too young to know, creature, but you should be knowledgeable enough to know your history.

Her hollowed out eyes dared the Tengu to look at them, as if the Uchiha still had what made all in the world avert their eyes at her gaze. It irked Isabella to have lost her Eyes of the Accursed Sun, but all would be solved soon.

Call the Kage of this land. My name is Isabella Uchiha

End Mission
It was honestly rather strange behavior no doubt; but in the end Mirabelle didn’t exactly know what Isabella intended to do with the deer. As she stepped away from her; she allowed the words of Isabella to echo in her mind. “Regardless of your current predicament, if you acknowledge the fact that neither of you chose it, it might be easier to accept each other. Though I'm not sure how you intend on having it accept you when you don't even accept yourself, Mirabelle”. Mirabelle would find herself in a clearing in the forest – as she sat down on the ground and weaved her hand create the gesture. This caused a spark of blue flames to appear in the palm of her hands, as she whimsically toyed with it – shaping the flames into little miniature cats and thunderbirds, two animals she has a close connection with. “So this is the unique power I get from the Nibi huh…” she said as she looked into the skies, she would inhale and exhale for a moment as she reared her head back and unleashed a powerful stream of blue flames into the skies above; passing the trees and into the air as it exploded. The flames would dissipate before landing back into the trees, can’t have her setting the forest on fire after all. It was at that moment that she entered into her subconscious once more. Once she did, she would see the Nibi “asleep” but as she approached closer, the cat was already giving a dismissive wave. “Leave” the Nibi said, not caring to look Mirabelle. The girl sighed, simply sitting on the ground as the water in the shared world reflected back at her. “When I don’t even accept myself huh…she’s right I guess…” she said reflecting one more time on Isabella’s words.

( Aoi Katon ) - Blue Fire Release
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: B - S
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 20 - 40
Damage: 40 - 80
Description: A skill unique to the Two-Tails and it's Jinchuriki, this jutsu allows the user to manipulate Blue Fire in an assortment of ways. Formed after making the appropriate handseals, this allows the user to release blue flames in the form of fireballs, streams of fire, and even blue flame based familiars to attack on the user's command. These Flames carry no properties of Blue Fire beside the basic variant which shares the same traditional properties of normal Fire Release except the weakness to Water.
Note: This can only be used by Matatabi and it's Jinchuriki.
Note: Intangible or Spiritual Blue Flames can only be utilized if their respective skills have been acquired.

The Nibi would open one of it’s eyes, looking at Mirabelle for a moment before it would get out of its relaxed posture; becoming upright to meet Mirabelle. “I see you’re letting the woman’s words get into your head…you’re gullible as ev…” but before the Nibi can continue, Mirabelle would set her hand ablaze one more time and directed the stream at the Nibi. The seal however would block the flames from touching it, the Bijuu clearly startled at these actions. “Just hush…look, I don’t care anymore, ok? Until I die…you’re pretty much stuck with me and I’m stuck with you…instead of being a bunch of childish brats about it, how about we start to work on it together…” she said, watching as the Nibi was already in a striking pose. “You’ve got a lot of nerve human” the Nibi said, snarling but after a moment of silence, the giant feline would calm down and return back to a neutral position. “I don’t trust you, human…but I guess if I intend to continue living as a caged monster…I might as well be of some help…but don’t take that so easily. The moment you show any sign of weakness that allows me to take over…I won’t hesitate” the Nibi gave a fair warning to its host. Mirabelle nodded, as the creature sighed. “Well, I lied when I said I wasn’t sealed in a human before you” it said, Mirabelle’s eyes glancing up at the monster. “So, let’s see how well your body is capable of handling a little bit…extra” the Bijuu said. “What do you mean?” the girl asked but the Nibi didn’t answer.

She would shrug it off, as she returned to world around her. As she did, she would notice something, a creature of some sorts had arrived towards the landmark. It seems to have been seeking information on who she was, call her an intruder. “
Please, we didn’t come here with any harmful intentions. My name is Mirabelle Nariyuki, freelance Shinboi” she said, having denounced her affiliation to Tsumigakure while on exile, though she wasn't aware of the current spreading plague Isabella had created. However a brow of concern to araise when she hear her desiring to meet with the Kage of Fire respectively. Mirabelle didn't know whom it was but seems something important was occuring that she made such a request. The sight however of a one of the damn dead walking dear approached Mirabelle - the jinchuriki would release perform a quick downward slash of her nodachi. This caused several weapons composed of black electricity to appear; immediately stabbing into the creature and pinning it to a tree. This causes the the...contents of the creature to become visble. "What in the world..." she said as she turned to Isabella. "What did you do...?!" she questioned Isabella from the distance.

Raiton: Kaminari no Metsujin no Jutsu - Lightning Release: Lightning God Slayer Technique
Rank: D-S
Type: Attack/Supplementary/Defense
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 10-40 (30)
Damage: 20-80 (60)
Description: Utilizing the user's signature Black Lightning, the user combines shape manipulation with their Black Lightning to form various tools and objects to aid the user in combat. The power of this technique varies depending on the amount of chakra fueled into it but requires more handseals in order to control with C-rank requiring at least one handseal, and the highest amount of four handseals for S-rank. The objects created by this technique may be created anywhere, however, must be at least 5 m away from the opponent.
Can only use S-ranked three times per battle.
No S-Rank or above Lightning on the turn following the use of the S-Rank variant.
Requires one turn cool down between uses.

End of Mission (Ending Prematurely).
Akujin kept High Heaven pointed at the crimson haired woman as she rose speaking. She stared at the Tengu boldly, the sunken empty eyelids watching him. She told him to call Madara, something Akujin laughed at. To come across the Uchiha was already bad luck but to willingly seek him out was laughable, Akujin thought. It wasn't til he heard the name she gave that made him pause. Isabella Uchiha. He had learned the name from his master regarding his past but he did not know much as Madara kept things from even his Creation. He knew it was a troubled name, however, causing him to frown down at the two.

Meanwhile, her companion gave her name as Mirabelle, a name Akujin remembered from Madara's travels through Tobusekai. Scoffing at her response to his demand, Akujin dismisses it. "You claim to have no harmful intentions but you stand at the ground zero of this undead diseased rampage. The two of you together are the only possible source, Nariyuki. I cannot allow you to leave. "

As he spoke, he watched the two while sending a mental message to Madara during all of this. he rose his arm, channeling chakra to his sword before stabbing it into the earth, releasing Corundum into the earth around them and grew a ring of spikes around the two women. The spikes rose swiftly, enhanced by several enhanced barriers to enforce it.

( Kougyokuton: Suteijian Yomi no Seishin) ɸ Corundum style: Stygian Spirits of the Underworld
Rank: D-S
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 10 - 40
Damage Points: 20 - 80 + 40 = 120
Description: The user can create various constructs formed from Corundum in one of three different methods. The first method is from his own body, releasing them from either his hands or his mouth and even feet and joints if necessary. The second is from any other Corundum source and third is from earth itself. These are created by using simply body movements and gestures or a simple handseal. These objects can range from a corundum stone to rings, cliffs, shields, swords, houses, chairs, etc. The user is able to essentially create whatever his mind can imagine. This is ideal is creating quick defenses against incoming attacks and making weapons when needed. The user is also able to use this in an S ranked variant ( always requires a handseal ), the notable difference in this is the speed and power/scale of this one, capable of forming mountains sized pieces of Corundum in moments. S-Rank usage can only be used 3 times per battle, once every 2 turns.

( Ame-no-Ohabari ) ♆ High Heaven
Rank: S
Type: Weapon
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: A weapon of divine right, Ame-no-Ohabari, or Ame no Ohabari, is a legendary Totsuka-no-Tsurugi blade. Based on the fabled blade used by Izanagi to cut Kagutsuchi, what makes this sword so unique is the method of it's creation as well as it's abilities and not just the latter like with most weapons. Formed by the user first drawing Corundum chakra. Corundum itself has a crystalline structure, allowing the user to make blades that are incredibly and unusually sharp, making a blade that is often described as capable of cutting through anything, although that is just stories that has grown from it's use. In actuality, the Corundum blade is as thin as a millimeter. However, this isn't the entirety of the process; when mixing the Corundum chakra to create the blade, the user also applies Divine Wind chakra to the sword as he creates it, causing the incredibly sharp black blade to have Divine Wind properties as well, predominantly showed as an emanating heat wave like manifestation of Divine Wind around the blade, effectively coating it with the properties of the element. Due to this unique composition of the two elements, it effectively negates the weaknesses of the elements, making it neutral to all elemental attacks. This is the most basic ability of the sword itself, called Body of Kagutsuchi, it allows the user to utilize Corundum jutsu (created from the sword) with neutrality to their original weaknesses. In addition to this neutralizing effect, the user is also capable of using the blade to channel energy through it, namely elements and advanced elements such as Fire, Lightning and energy based KG/CE that is formed from any of the energy elements that create Corundum and Divine Wind ( Wind, Lightning, Fire ).

The Ame-no-Ohabari has a second set of active abilities called the Blood of Kagutsuchi. These abilities are that the user is capable of using it as a source for either Corundum or Divine Wind jutsu. However, he is only able to do this once every four turns. Using the sword as a source allows the user to release said elemental attacks with increased damage, boosting it +20 damage as well as utilizing them without handseals if used in conjunction with the sword. The user is also capable of releasing streams of Divine Wind from the sword with power up to A rank, creating what can be likened to Chidori Spear, only made by Divine Wind.

Note: The neutralizing ability of Ame-no-Ohabari, named Body of Kagutsuchi, is it's natural, passive ability; present at all times due to it's composition, it requires no additional chakra to utilize.
Note: Blood of Kagutsuchi requires the user to spend 10 chakra each usage of the elements from the blade. The ability to release streams of Divine Wind also requires 30 chakra to utilize.
Note: A rank streams of Divine Wind can be utilized once every 2 turns.
Note: Counts as a CEJ for both Divine Wind and Corundum CEs as well as the official CW slot.

( Fuuinjutsu: Zōkyō no Bia) - Sealing Arts: Bia's Augmentation
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra cost: +20 to jutsu
Damage points: N/A
Description: A purely defensive and supplementary jutsu, the user creates a barrier around a selected shield, armor or other body used for defensive purposes. This can range from chakra armors to physical shields/barriers to raw chakra bodies around the user and various types of defensive jutsu. The purpose of this barrier is to reinforce the defense of the targeted jutsu by means of the barrier around it. What this does is add additional chakra to the barrier when it's created, increasing the power of the jutsu by 20 damage points by making a thin physical barrier around the jutsu made to act as a second layer around the jutsu to allow it to augment it's effects and defensive aspects. While simple, the barrier acts as a small coating that can only be described as skin tight in relation to how close it is to the jutsu it's applied to.
Note: Can be used 4 times with a 2 turn cool down in between usages.
Note: Because this jutsu's effects are reliant upon another jutsu being used, this can be used in the same timeframe as another.
Note: Cannot be used with Cursed Seal: Soter's Deliverance
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Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Akujin kept High Heaven pointed at the crimson haired woman as she rose speaking. She stared at the Tengu boldly, the sunken empty eyelids watching him. She told him to call Madara, something Akujin laughed at. To come across the Uchiha was already bad luck but to willingly seek him out was laughable, Akujin thought. It wasn't til he heard the name she gave that made him pause. Isabella Uchiha. He had learned the name from his master regarding his past but he did not know much as Madara kept things from even his Creation. He knew it was a troubled name, however, causing him to frown down at the two.

Meanwhile, her companion gave her name as Mirabelle, a name Akujin remembered from Madara's travels through Tobusekai. Scoffing at her response to his demand, Akujin dismisses it. "You claim to have no harmful intentions but you stand at the ground zero of this undead diseased rampage. The two of you together are the only possible source, Nariyuki. I cannot allow you to leave. "

As he spoke, he watched the two while sending a mental message to Madara during all of this. he rose his arm, channeling chakra to his sword before stabbing it into the earth, releasing Corundum into the earth around them and grew a ring of spikes around the two women. The spikes rose swiftly, enhanced by several enhanced barriers to enforce it.

( Kougyokuton: Suteijian Yomi no Seishin) ɸ Corundum style: Stygian Spirits of the Underworld
Rank: D-S
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 10 - 40
Damage Points: 20 - 80 + 40 = 120
Description: The user can create various constructs formed from Corundum in one of three different methods. The first method is from his own body, releasing them from either his hands or his mouth and even feet and joints if necessary. The second is from any other Corundum source and third is from earth itself. These are created by using simply body movements and gestures or a simple handseal. These objects can range from a corundum stone to rings, cliffs, shields, swords, houses, chairs, etc. The user is able to essentially create whatever his mind can imagine. This is ideal is creating quick defenses against incoming attacks and making weapons when needed. The user is also able to use this in an S ranked variant ( always requires a handseal ), the notable difference in this is the speed and power/scale of this one, capable of forming mountains sized pieces of Corundum in moments. S-Rank usage can only be used 3 times per battle, once every 2 turns.

( Ame-no-Ohabari ) ♆ High Heaven
Rank: S
Type: Weapon
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: A weapon of divine right, Ame-no-Ohabari, or Ame no Ohabari, is a legendary Totsuka-no-Tsurugi blade. Based on the fabled blade used by Izanagi to cut Kagutsuchi, what makes this sword so unique is the method of it's creation as well as it's abilities and not just the latter like with most weapons. Formed by the user first drawing Corundum chakra. Corundum itself has a crystalline structure, allowing the user to make blades that are incredibly and unusually sharp, making a blade that is often described as capable of cutting through anything, although that is just stories that has grown from it's use. In actuality, the Corundum blade is as thin as a millimeter. However, this isn't the entirety of the process; when mixing the Corundum chakra to create the blade, the user also applies Divine Wind chakra to the sword as he creates it, causing the incredibly sharp black blade to have Divine Wind properties as well, predominantly showed as an emanating heat wave like manifestation of Divine Wind around the blade, effectively coating it with the properties of the element. Due to this unique composition of the two elements, it effectively negates the weaknesses of the elements, making it neutral to all elemental attacks. This is the most basic ability of the sword itself, called Body of Kagutsuchi, it allows the user to utilize Corundum jutsu (created from the sword) with neutrality to their original weaknesses. In addition to this neutralizing effect, the user is also capable of using the blade to channel energy through it, namely elements and advanced elements such as Fire, Lightning and energy based KG/CE that is formed from any of the energy elements that create Corundum and Divine Wind ( Wind, Lightning, Fire ).

The Ame-no-Ohabari has a second set of active abilities called the Blood of Kagutsuchi. These abilities are that the user is capable of using it as a source for either Corundum or Divine Wind jutsu. However, he is only able to do this once every four turns. Using the sword as a source allows the user to release said elemental attacks with increased damage, boosting it +20 damage as well as utilizing them without handseals if used in conjunction with the sword. The user is also capable of releasing streams of Divine Wind from the sword with power up to A rank, creating what can be likened to Chidori Spear, only made by Divine Wind.

Note: The neutralizing ability of Ame-no-Ohabari, named Body of Kagutsuchi, is it's natural, passive ability; present at all times due to it's composition, it requires no additional chakra to utilize.
Note: Blood of Kagutsuchi requires the user to spend 10 chakra each usage of the elements from the blade. The ability to release streams of Divine Wind also requires 30 chakra to utilize.
Note: A rank streams of Divine Wind can be utilized once every 2 turns.
Note: Counts as a CEJ for both Divine Wind and Corundum CEs as well as the official CW slot.

( Fuuinjutsu: Zōkyō no Bia) - Sealing Arts: Bia's Augmentation
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra cost: +20 to jutsu
Damage points: N/A
Description: A purely defensive and supplementary jutsu, the user creates a barrier around a selected shield, armor or other body used for defensive purposes. This can range from chakra armors to physical shields/barriers to raw chakra bodies around the user and various types of defensive jutsu. The purpose of this barrier is to reinforce the defense of the targeted jutsu by means of the barrier around it. What this does is add additional chakra to the barrier when it's created, increasing the power of the jutsu by 20 damage points by making a thin physical barrier around the jutsu made to act as a second layer around the jutsu to allow it to augment it's effects and defensive aspects. While simple, the barrier acts as a small coating that can only be described as skin tight in relation to how close it is to the jutsu it's applied to.
Note: Can be used 4 times with a 2 turn cool down in between usages.
Note: Because this jutsu's effects are reliant upon another jutsu being used, this can be used in the same timeframe as another.
Note: Cannot be used with Cursed Seal: Soter's Deliverance
Mirabelle heard the creation speak back to her, claiming that she was apart of this sudden pandemic that was currently happening around them. At first, she truly wasn’t aware of what the woman was doing but it became evident that she was up to something now. The results were another plague like disease now being spread across the Land of Fire. Suddenly as the creature motioned its weapon; the ground would immediately begin to shake as a unique looking gem of some sorts rose into a barrier formation surrounding the two ladies. The creation intended on keeping them both there but Mirabelle decided that perhaps this was the literal definition of wrong place wrong time. “I had nothing to do with this woman’s actions, I previously came to visit the institution located Bulanshaat, only to find the university in shambles. That’s where I meet her, she promised me information that I seek if I guided her here…yet this is what she did” she turned to eye Isabella. “If I only I had known ahead of time…” she said as blue flames started to surround her; forming itself into feline familiars. “Tell me, what do you gain out of this? Just more sensless death? Has the Red Fever no taught you anything?!” she question the crimson haired woman as the fire based familiars crept closer towards her, there was a lingering sense of annoyance in Mirabelle's voice. Many of her people who lives in Tsumigakure died because of the Red Fever, and here it was now she was now an attempt at creating yet another pandemic was right before her eyes.

( Aoi Katon ) - Blue Fire Release
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: B - S
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 20 - 40
Damage: 40 - 80 (80)
Description: A skill unique to the Two-Tails and it's Jinchuriki, this jutsu allows the user to manipulate Blue Fire in an assortment of ways. Formed after making the appropriate handseals, this allows the user to release blue flames in the form of fireballs, streams of fire, and even blue flame based familiars to attack on the user's command. These Flames carry no properties of Blue Fire beside the basic variant which shares the same traditional properties of normal Fire Release except the weakness to Water.
Note: This can only be used by Matatabi and it's Jinchuriki.
Note: Intangible or Spiritual Blue Flames can only be utilized if their respective skills have been acquired.


Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
Madara arrived soon after he left the capital, arriving where Akujin held the two women.

"I had to come see with my own eyes. I was told the dead was walking again and lo and behold, Isabella of the Uchiha is back roaming the Land of Fire," Madara chided, taunting his old rival. "Who would have thought you'd find your way here?"

As he spoke, he waved his hand and caused his Staff to appear in hand, as his gunbai was attached to his back. The presence of the staff would alert the dormant Bijuu inside Mirabelle, unknown to Madara. As he watched Isabella, his eyes moved to Mirabelle as well, remembering their previous encounter regarding Vayne.

"And it seems you have returned to finish what your villager started, Mirabelle. I warned him of trespassers, did I not? And to return with Isabella...well, I see where your loyalties lie."

As he spoke, he noticed the blue fire shaped into a feline near her. Blue Fire was a rare skill, known to belong to the 2 Tailed Beast and it's host. There were others with it, but not many. It was almost faith....

"May I ask where that fiery beast came from?"

Chakra: 1455