Weakest akatsuki member.


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Feb 2, 2011
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First of all Lady Chiyo already had intel about Sasori
Sakura had the strenght to crush Sasori's puppets if you combine that

Sasori is done for.... BUT STILL SASORI GAVE THEM A RUN FOR THEIR MONEY.........

put sasori to fight another akatsuki (which is not madara, pain, itachi) and state why he would be beaten and you will find out that Sasori is the 4th-5th
inside the akatsuki out of the 10-11 members
True but I think Kisame Hoshigaki would be able to beat Sasori with his chakra and jutsu.

LeafSpirit 20

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Apr 25, 2011
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hidan, because he's an idiot, and his only skill is being decently good at taijutsu, but he's not even at rock lee's level. avoiding his scythe didn't prove to be particularly hard, so his jutsu isn't that great. he has no skill at long range. yes he's immortal, but it isn't hard to seal people. he got beaten by a chuunin. granted, shikamaru is very, very smart, but he's still a chuunin.
Oh, come on, dont underestimate shikamaru... But still shikamaru coudnt had picked a better scenario, one of the stupidest akastuki, versus one of the smartest leaf shinobi.. Thats why shikamaru won.. But still, lets not forget shikamarus amazing skills against intelligent shinobi as well, like the leaf ninja girl in the sasuke retrival arc in the original naruto, she semmed pretty smart , and strong, but shikamaru outsmarted her with his brain and abilities

xSCx Fresh

Feb 20, 2009
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The weakest Akatsuki member is Hidan.

IMO, I like him, because he stupid and hilarious. Yeah, he's immortal, but he hasn't shown any particular skills and intelligence (swears excessively). I haven't seen him do any kind of ninjitsu or genjutsu. The only things he's good at is blabbering, swinging a scythe, and getting himself decapitated.

Zetsu is not considered a fighting type ninja, but he's an ideal supplemental ninja. White Zetsu is a great sensory type ninja, since he's able to distinct peoples' chakra easily and know their location. For example, he was able to detect Naruto and Bee when they left the training grounds (the spot they were training in was designed so no ordinary sensory ninja was able to detect it). White Zetsu also has the power to create 100,000 clones and leech off peoples' chakra. And with the chakra he stole, White Zetsu can perfectly transform into ninjas he stole it from; he's able to copy the same appearance, voice, and chakra signature of each individual. This makes him an ideal infiltrator and assassin.

On the other hand, Black Zetsu is considered to "be the land". The reason why this is true is because he has the ability to transport himself to any location in the world. Even though he is not able to transport as fast as Madara, it's still a luxury being able to teleport where ever you wanted to. Black and white together make up Zetsu, an ideal supplementary ninja.

Deidara, on the other hand, is an overall better ninja. He's smarter than Hidan, since he possesses a wide variety of attacks and strategies to take down an opponent. He has the ability to manipulate difference kinds of explosives, from homing torpedoes, mines, and even cell-sized bombs that can eradicate your body from the inside out. Since he has the ability to fly, Deidara can do damage from close to far range, unlike Hidan who can only do close range taijutsu. Under dire circumstances, Deidara is also able to escape death and turn it against his opponent. Deidara's fighting prowess can be seen when he fights Gaara and Sasuke. Versatility is what makes a ninja strong.

All in all, Zetsu and Deidara are better ninja than Hidan. Hidan lacks the ninjutsu, intelligence, and versatility Zetsu and Deidara possess. Even though Hidan killed many ninja, ie Asuma, the reason why they were defeated by this guy is because they didn't know his ability. Once you know about Hidan's ability, you can learn how to beat him by attacking him long range, outsmarting him, and trapping him. If you knew about Zetsu and Deidara's abilities, it would still be difficult to deal with them.

The things that make Hidan a ninja is his immortality, religion, and the rockpit he's stuck in.


Active member
Mar 15, 2011
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Hidan is not weak nor is he just stupid. He's reckless because of his immortality; because he has confidence. If he wasn't immortal, then he would have done things differently. Plus his ritual take a long time. Something Kishi did to balance the unfairness of immortality.

I think the weakest is Tobi for obvious reasons. He can go through objects but have a time limit. Before he discovered Izunagi, he would have been killed by Konan. He may have had the potential to do Izunagi, but he wasn't aware of that until the Sasuke vs. Danzo fight.